



考核方式 学生自评 学生互评 教师总评 笔试 口试
权重 5% 10% 15% 10% 60%
对话口译 语篇口译

不同场合+实际需要 口译能力

一心三用:听、记、译 口译笔记 商务专业术语 快速、准确、灵活地表达
多练 多实践


口译记忆训练 口译笔记训练 人机互动

复述练习(听- 复述 -比对) 交互性练习(口译场景-笔记-比对)
素质目标 1.训练快速反应能力,组织协调能力,培养团队精神。 2.训练说服能力

单元教学设计 A Wish to Invest

Step1. Background Information

Step 2. Modeling
汉英语言特点 口译技巧 商务活动的形式、特点 商务场合的词汇、句型 口译笔记方法 信息重组、复述
团队协作 沟通交流 自主学习 临场应变 跨文化交际 双语表达 商务活动流程 职业道德 职业习惯 责任感、使命感

1. 课程教材: 《中级口译教程》第三版 上海外语教育出版社

授课对象: 商务英语专业学生 与其他课程的关系 前修 承上启下 商务英语听力 商务英语口语 国际商务实务 外贸英语函电等 英语口译实训


诗歌翻译是文学翻译的难点之一。通过案例分析,学习如何在保持 诗意的同时,实现语言的流畅和自然。
1 2 3
商务合同中涉及大量专业术语,翻译的准确性对 合同效力至关重要。通过案例学习,掌握相关术 语的正确译法。
商务合同句式结构严谨,翻译时需保持原文的逻 辑关系。通过案例分析,学习如何处理复杂句式 结构。
• 翻译与口译概述 • 翻译技巧与方法 • 口译技巧与方法 • 翻译与口译实践案例分析 • 翻译与口译行业前景展望
将一种语言文字所表达的内容转换成 另一种语言文字的过程,包括笔译和 口译两种形式。
在文学作品翻译中,理解源语言和目标语言的文化背景至关重要 。通过案例分析,探讨如何准确传达原文的文化内涵。
文学作品的语言风格各异,翻译时需要灵活转换。通过案例学习, 掌握不同风格间的转换技巧。

经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 4 Product Introduction

经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 4 Product Introduction

1. 短语口译
digital camera new product launch modern slim and small easy to carry high-tech smart button LCD Plasma TV
太阳能电池 拍摄模式 环保型 运动感测 有线设备 捕捉 超乎想象 目标用户群 背包旅行者 适合
(3) Be clearly intelligible at all times. (4) Don’t pause too long before
(4) Pronounce the proper names and important statement.
titles especially carefully.
Ⅱ. Performing
2. Sentence Interpreting
1)I’d like to bring your attention to a product which I believe you will find interesting. 2)It works by voice control. 3)We have made several improvements designed to increase speed and reliability. 4)It is high / low / moderate / reasonable in price. 5)It has met with a warm reception and quick sale in most European countries.
3. Field Interpreting
4. Situational Interpreting

经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 2 Business Exhibition共44页文档

经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 2 Business Exhibition共44页文档

Ⅱ. Performing 1. 短语口译
inaugurate attendance turnover preserve tradition comprehensive multi-functional delegation good credibility sound financial capabilities leans to
scientific research institutions foreign invested enterprises private enterprises negotiating against samples commodity inspection insurance consultation flexible influence reputation
科研院所 外资企业 私营企业 看样成交 商检 保险 咨询 灵活的 影响 声誉
Ⅱ. Performing
2. Sentence Interpreting
1)The total area of that the exhibition center is... 2)Please be sure to contact us directly to confirm relevant exhibition information. 3 ) Our exhibition features the latest technology produced by our designers. 4)The scope of our business ranges from... 5)We put his product onto the market, and we find it well-received by our customers. 6)... is one of pioneers having access to the mainland exhibition market. 7)Over... exhibitors from more than... countries participated in our exhibitions. 8)This model really presents what high-tech can bring us. 9)Please let us know whether the quality represented by the sample proves to your satisfaction. 10)I am calling to thank you for your interest and suggestions at the trade show.

经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 5 Hosting Foreign Clients精品教育文档

经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 5 Hosting Foreign Clients精品教育文档

EU-Russia Summit,
which I think was
regarded as fairly
S We...
V took stock of...
C relations (with )+
the situation there
Ⅰ. Preparing Interpretation Skill: Note Taking I-Principles(口译笔译I-原则) (2) 7 Principles on How to Note 1 Noting the idea and not the word
1 Noting the idea and not the word
E.g.: We took stock
of the European
Union’s relations
with Russia and the
Chechnya, in the
light of the recent
abbreviate these words?
production; producer;
product; productivity
2. 2 Indicating tense √ To indicate tense we add ll for the future and d
for the past.
Ⅰ. Preparing
Interpretation Skill: Note Taking I-Principles(口译笔译I-原则) (2) 7 Principles on How to Note



实用英语口译实训教程As a professional interpreter, I've honed my skills through rigorous training. My goal is to bridge the gap between languages with precision and clarity.Each session is crafted to enhance the ability to convey messages accurately. We focus on the nuances of language, ensuring that every word carries the intended meaning.Practical exercises are at the core of our approach. From consecutive interpreting to simultaneous translation, we cover a wide range of scenarios to prepare for real-world situations.Feedback is crucial for growth. After each exercise, we provide constructive criticism to help you refine your skills and overcome any challenges.We also delve into the cultural aspects of communication, understanding that language is more than just words—it's a reflection of the people who speak it.Continuous practice is key to mastering the art of interpretation. Our program is designed to keep you engaged and motivated, pushing you to improve with each passing day.In the end, our aim is to equip you with the tools necessary to excel in any interpreting situation. Whetherit's in a business meeting or an international conference, you'll be ready to make your mark.Remember, the journey to becoming a proficient interpreter is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires dedication, patience, and a passion for languages. Let's embark on this journey together.。

经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 6 Company Profile

经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 6 Company Profile

表示各种各样“说”的动词:say, speak, talk, marks, announce, declare, etc.
. (dot) 这个“.”点的位置不同表示的概念也不一样。
“.d”表示yesterday, “.y”表示last year, “”表示two month ago。Wk表示week,“y”表示
this year, “y2.”表示two year later,“next week”, 可以表示为“wk.”

表示转折but, yet, however, etc.

①表示“好的”状态,right/good, famous/well-known, etc.
②表示“同意”状态,stand up for, support, agree with sb., certain/ affirmative, etc.
Ⅰ. Preparing
Interpretation Skill: Note TakingⅡ- Symbols and
(1) Symbols and alphabet
W 表示工作,职业:work, employ 等。 它是work的第一个字母。所以Wo就可以用来表示worker,而“o”在字母上方表 示工人、雇员等,在字母下方表示工作场所如工厂等。
表示追溯到:come/go back to, originate
表示上升:up/upward/rise, increase, arise, ascend, etc.
表示发射、投放市场、发行:launch, open, start, etc.



英译汉:1.First of all let us take the Chinese language. As the Chinese live a life of theheart, the Chinese language, I say, is also a language of the heart. Now it is awell-known fact that children and uneducated persons among foreigners inChina learn Chinese very easily, much more so than grown-up and educatedpersons. What is the reason of this? The reason, I say, is because children anduneducated persons think and speak with the language of the heart, whereaseducated men, especially men with the modern intellectual education of Europe, think and speak with the language of the head or intellect. In fact, the reasonwhy educated foreigners find it so difficult to learn Chinese, is because they are too educated, too intellectually and scientifically educated. As it is said of theKingdom of Heaven, so it may also be said of the Chinese language:_"Unlessyou become as little children, you cannot learn it. "Next let us take another well-known fact in the life of the Chinese people. The Chinese, it is well-known, have wonderful memories. What is the secret of this? The secret is: the Chinese remember things with the heart and not with the head. The heart with its power of sympathy, acting as glue, can retain things much better than the head or intellect which is hard and dry. It is, for instance, also for this reason that we; all of us, can remember things which we learnt when we were children much better than we can remember things which we learnt in mature life. As children, like the Chinese, we remember things with the heart and not with the head.Let us next take another generally admitted fact in the life of the Chinesepeople_their politeness. The Chinese are, it has often been remarked, a peculiarly polite people. Now what is the essence of true politeness? It is consideration for the feelings of others. The Chinese are polite because, living a life of the heart, they know their own feelings and that makes it easy for them to show consideration for the feelings of others. The politeness of the Chinese, although not elaborate like the politeness of the Japanese, is pleasing because it is, as the French beautifully expressit, la politesse du coeur, the politeness of the heart. The politeness of the Japanese, on the other hand, although elaborate, is not so pleasing, and I have heard some foreigners express their dislike of it, because it is what may be called a rehearsal politeness_a politeness learnt by heart as in a theatrical piece. It is not a spontaneous politeness which comes direct from the heart. In fact the politeness of the Japanese is like a flower without fragrance, whereas the politeness of a really polite Chinese has a perfume like the aroma of a precious ointment_instar unguenti fra-grantis_ which comes from the heart.Last of all, let us take another characteristic of the Chinese people, by calling attention to which the Rev. Arthur Smith has made his reputation, viz. :_want of exactness. Now what is the reason for this want of exactness in the ways of the Chinese people? The reason, I say again, is because the Chinese live a life of the heart. The heart is a very delicate and sensitive balance. It is not like the head or intellect, a hard, stiff, rigid instrument. You cannot with the heart think with the same steadiness, with the same rigid exactness as you can with the head or intellect. At least, it is extremely difficult to do so. In fact, the Chinese pen or pencil which is a soft brush, may be taken as a symbol of the Chinese mind. It is very difficult to write or draw with it, but when you have once mastered the use of it, you will, with it, write and draw with a beauty and grace which you cannot do with a hard steel pen.Now the above are a few simple facts connected with the life of the Chinese people which anyone, even without any knowledge of Chinese, can observe and understand, and by examining these facts, I think, I have made good my hypothesis that the Chinese people live a life of the heart.Now it is because the Chinese live a life of the heart, the life of a child, that they are so primitive in many of their ways. Indeed, it is a remarkable fact that for a people who have lived so long in the world as a great nation, the Chinese people should to this day be so primitive in many of their ways. It is this fact which has made superficial foreign students of China think that the Chinese have made no progress intheir civilisation and that the Chinese civilisation is a stagnant one. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that, as far as pure intellectual life goes, the Chinese are, to a certain extent, a people of arrested development. The Chinese, as you all know, have made little or no progress not only in the physical, but also in the pure abstract sciences such as mathematics, logic and metaphysics. Indeed the very words "science" and "logic" in the European languages have no exact equivalent in the Chinese language. The Chinese, like children who live a life of the heart, have no taste for the abstract sciences, because in these the heart and feelings are not engaged. In fact, for everything which does not engage the heart and feelings, such as tables of statistics, the Chinese have a dislike amounting to aversion. But if tables of statistics and the pure abstract sciences fill the Chinese with aversion, the physical sciences as they are now pursued in Europe, which require you to cut up and mutilate the body of a living animal in order to verify a scientific theory, would inspire the Chinese with repugnance and horror.Key:首先,我们来谈谈中国的语言。

电子教案 实用英语口译实训教程

电子教案 实用英语口译实训教程

• Interpreting numbers
• 1 亿? • 100 mn, 0.1 bn • 150 billion? • 15亿? • E.g. This amount would be enough to service its $
10 billion debt.
• AmE or BrE? • 十亿 • 一百亿 • 一千亿 • 一万亿(avoid using 兆)
one percent • 1/1000——one-thousandth • 14/1000——fourteen-
thousandths • 1/10000——one-ten
thousandths • 2-1/2——two and a half • 4-2/3——four and two-
Ten billion Hundred billion
阿拉伯数字 1 10
100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000
10,000,000,000 100,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000
hundreds of
thousands upon thousand of
hundreds of thousands of
millions of
hundreds of millions of
a decade
a score/four score and seven years
five million



在处理复杂句子时,注意分析 句子结构并理清主谓宾等关系 ,确保理解的准确性和表达的 清晰性。
了解文化背景和积累背景 知识
通过广泛阅读和了解不同文化 背景下的语言表达习惯和思维 方式,积累相关领域的背景知 识和专业术语,提高翻译的准 确性和专业性。
在翻译或口译过程中,灵活运 用直译、意译、增译、减译等 技巧和策略,使译文更加准确 、流畅、自然。
随着全球化的深入发展,翻译与口 译在国际贸易、商务洽谈等领域发 挥着越来越重要的作用。
翻译与口译在政治外交场合中扮演 着重要角色,能够准确传达各方意 愿和立场,促进国际关系的和谐发 展。
古代翻译活动主要集中在宗教、 文学等领域,如佛经翻译、诗歌
翻译与口译行业将逐渐走向专 业化,形成更多细分领域和垂
翻译与口译教育将更加注重与 实践结合,利用先进技术提升 教学效果和学生实践能力。
随着行业发展成熟,将逐渐形 成完善的行业规范和标准,提 升行业整体水平和服务质量。
在翻译过程中,根据需要进行适当的增减和重组,使译文更加符合 目标语的表达习惯。
在保持原文风格的基础上,进行适当的创造性翻译,使译文更加生 动、形象。
识别原文的语言风格,包 括正式、非正式、口语化 、专业化等,以便在译文 中保持相应的风格。

经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 6 Company Profile-PPT精品文档

经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 6 Company Profile-PPT精品文档

Ⅱ. Performing
1. Phrase Interpreting 3. Field Interpreting 2. Sentence Interpreting 4. Situational Interpreting
Ⅲ. Packaging
1. Assessment on Note-taking (2)- symbols and abbreviations 2. Self & Peer assessment on interpreting quality 3. Self & Peer assessment on group’s performance
π G Q A B C ×
希腊字母g读“伽马”,近似government,所以就用g来表示govern, government。 governmental official 可以表示为go。 表示政治:politics, political 希腊字母 π读“派”,近似politics, political。那么politician就可以表示为 πo。 表示效率:efficient, effective。G为效率符号。 表示“通货膨胀”:inflation 因为这个符号酷似一个上升的气球。 表示农业: agriculture agriculture经常用到,所以用首字母代替。 表示商业:business 表示冲突,矛盾:conflict,confrontation “ C ×”中的“×”表示反对,字母“ C ”将反对的概念缩小为 conflict 和 confrontation。
Company Profile
1 2 3 4
Training Objectives Training Steps

经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 11 Business Investment共43页

经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 11 Business Investment共43页
(2)错译 √两不要: 不要惊慌 不要说“对不起,我译错了”,“Sorry, I made a mistake”, 因为这样 不仅会让听众产生理解混乱,还会损坏你个人和译文的信度。 √学会改口(Modification): 重译:对正确的译文采取重音重复 或者以解释的语气和方式,用诸如“I mean”, “or rather”, “就是说”,“更 确切地说”、“不如说”来引出正确译文,注意不要用namely/that is。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
3. Field Interpreting
4. Situational Interpreting
Ⅲ. Packaging
1. Assessment on Coping Skills 2. Self & Peer assessment on interpreting quality 3. Self & Peer assessment on group’s performance
打包 海关报关 重装 调试 投入正常工作 额外费用 日常保养费 订金
Ⅱ. Performing
1. 短语口译
投资 生产线 劳动力成本 竞争力 现存的生产线 产量 一举两得 拆装
pack customs declaration reassemble adjust put into use additional charge daily maintenance down payment
Business Investment
Training Objectives

经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 9 Insurance and Claim

经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 9 Insurance and Claim

√ 无法顺译到底的中文长句,可考虑 采取断句译法。
In the first half of the 20th century / last century, Shanghai was/served as the industrial, trading, financial and commercial center of the country. ∥ It attracted many foreign investors as a mysterious Asian/Oriental metropolis and an adventurers’ paradise.
Ⅰ. Preparing Interpretation Skill: Long Sentences Translation (长句翻译) (5)插入法 √ 即用同位语、插入语或定语从句 来处理一些解释性成分,用破折 号、括号或前后逗号插入译句中。
E.g.: 他才三十岁,正 He is thirty and at the height of his 处 在 篮 球 事 业 和 赚 取 performing and earning power, and last 金 钱 的 鼎 盛 时 期 , 因 week’s announcement of retirement was 此 大 多 数 人 认 为 他 上 premature in most people’s opinions—but it was quite on his willingness, by his own 周宣布退役为时过早, 但 是 根 据 他 的 说 法 , account, not taken hastily.
Ⅰ. Preparing Interpretation Skill: Long Sentences Translation (长句翻译) (3)断句法



2012 伦敦奥运会译前准备之术语准备London Olympics Organizing Committee伦敦奥林匹克组织委员会Olympic Mascot 奥运会吉祥物Wenlock文洛克Mandeville曼德维尔Misha米莎Baron Pierre de Coubertin皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦男爵Stoke Mandeville斯托克·曼德维尔Paralympic残奥运David Follett大卫·弗利特Devon德文郡LOCOG伦敦奥组委burner燃烧器priestess女祭司译前准备之主题知识准备(1)London Olympics in HistoryLondon has hosted the Olympic Games on two past occasions, in 1908 and 1948, with a third scheduled for 2012. The planned 2012 Olympics will make London the first city to have hosted the modern Games of three Olympiads. London is the only city in the United Kingdom to have ever hosted the Olympics; the United States is the only country to have hosted Summer Olympics on more occasions than the UK.跳转到:导航,搜索伦敦已经举办了两届奥运会,1908年,1948年,和即将来临的2012年。



实用英语口译实训教程 第13单元-口译应急技巧

实用英语口译实训教程 第13单元-口译应急技巧

3 口译表达中的应对技巧( Skills of Dealing with Unexpected Situation )
(1)译员在遇到听不清或听不懂却需要翻译的重要词汇时,切忌慌乱或任意 猜测,也不能删减遗漏,因为这样会给现场管理带来失误。此时,译员可以 利用询问、手势、表情或眼神等间接方法示意讲话者做进一步解释,准确理 解后再做出翻译。
(1)现场口译时,译员会出现听不清或听不 懂一个单词、句子或者一段话的情况。
(2)初涉口译现场的译员因为经验不足、 知识和翻译技能有限,再加上现场氛围造成的 心理压力,也会出现听懂但是记不住或者翻译 不出来的尴尬场面。
(3)在某些专业翻译现场,由于没有足够 的时间查字典或资料,也不能在现场仔细推敲 或向有经验的同行求教,译员还有可能在翻译 中出现差错。
(5)口译现场遇到不能或不会准确表达的情况时,为了不影响信息的交流, 口译巧妙地绕开障碍,进行解释性翻译,这样的迂回释义口译帮助译员摆脱 困境,顺利完成口译任务。
(6)由于译员受到的现场关注多而产生的心理压力会导致胆怯情绪,影响 口译的质量,这就要求译员能够调整心态,凭借翻译能力树立自信,做到临 场不慌,从容应对。
2 可采用的补救策略 Recovery Tactics for Wrongly interpreting
3 口译表达中的应对技巧 Skills of Dealing with Unexpected Situation
1 口译中的常见困难( Common Difficulties in Interpreting )
(4)在遇到一时找不到适当的词语来表达说话者的意图时,译员可以利用 填补词来增加思考的时间。
(5)在讲话者言语啰嗦、拖沓或重复、源语模糊、源语文化寓意微妙时, 译员可以适当省略,对信息进行梳理重组,删繁就简,同义合并,合理简化, 传达出原语的主要意思即可。



Topic: Different comments of TV Dating ProgramsIn China's top-rated收视最高TV entertainment show电视综艺节目, If You Are the One is the summit of Chinese television fame电视节目.As we can see that viewers have been disgusted by some of the contestants, however, they continue to watch religiously. In fact, Jiangsu's If You Are the One has been joined on the airwaves电视广播by several competing programs in recent months, including Let's Go on a Date“我们约会吧”in Hunan province and Run for Love“为爱向前冲” in Zhejiang province. Why are people still tuning in收看?“Audiences like the programs because they’re hones t. They show the current reality of Chinese society,” says Yan Mu, one of the founders of , an online dating婚恋网站 service with 21 million registered users注册用户. Young people are so focused on making money and building their careers立业these days, they have little time to devote to dating恋爱 and contestants speak to these difficulties on the shows, he says. “Many people feel pressure from their parents and peers,”Yan adds.“It can be a struggle to find a partner.” Mone y may not buy you love. But on China's reality shows, it can at least get you a date.By the standards of the USA, China's twice-weekly, hour-long hit shows can appear tame. For Chinese viewers, they have proved riveting, turning traditional matchmaking传统相亲模式 on its head and celebrating instant celebrity一夜成名.“In the old shows, people just introduced themselves, and there was little mutual choice互相选择的环节,” says Wang Gang, who produces If You Are the One for Jiangsu Satellite TV. Wang says his show offers confrontation, nerves and suspense. “Our style is new, and the mass audience has got bored of singing and dancing programs. 歌舞类节目”“The Chinese family is unique in the world, as we have a one-child policy,” says Take Me Out《我们约会吧》producer Liu Lei,“but parents attach great importance to carrying on the family name延续家族姓氏, so marriage is a big issue.”Liu insists that the money-worship金钱的崇拜 of some contestants does not reflect mainstream Chinese society中国社会主流, but she concedes,“Many girls really love rich men.”No TV shows can fully reflect social reality, says Yi Hong, a Chinese television scholar at Beijing's Qing Hua University. He prefers If You Are the One because “It's more controversial争议性.” Why so popular?“China's social environment is changing, as people dare to express their private life and love values in public,” he says.在国内收视最高的电视综艺节目中,《非诚勿扰》一跃成为中国最著名的电视节目。



Episode one: reportWe all try to strike that balance between aging gracefully -- and not looking as though we're older than we really are. With age, your skin thins and grows less elastic. As a result, wrinkles, age spots and skin tags become more common. Generally speaking, you can promote healthier skin by bathing in warm -- and not hot -- water. You should also wear sunscreen and not smoke.But even if you've done everything right, there are some body parts that just seem destined to betray your age no matter what you do. We asked our Facebook friends what body part reveals their age. The most common responses? Neck, hands and face. We've put together a list of the six body parts that betray your age first -- with some helpful hints on how to keep yourself from looking too old, too fast. What do you think? Let us know in comments.1. Hands: Always exposed to the elements, your hands probably give away your age more than any other body part.2. Face: Freckles may look adorable when you're a kid but dark spots on your face as you grow older are just, well, unattractive.3. Eyelids: As you grow older, your eyelids will stretch and the muscles supporting them will grow weaker.4. Neck: Your neck often looks older before anything else because its skin is thinner than that on your face. Preventative measures such as the use of the same products you put on your face are a good idea.5. Elbows: Unfortunately, there's not a lot that can be done about the loose skin developing on your elbows. You can try using a moisturizer or cream -- or wearing long-sleeved shirts.6. Hair: Not only does your hair become thinner and grayer with age, but it also becomes more dry and brittle. Experts say you can add moisture to your hair by using certain oils. You can also give your strands some TLC by scrapping harsh chemicals and trying protein-rich hair treatments instead.Episode two: education英国高等教育统计局(HESA)的最新数据表明,去年全体毕业生中,得到一级荣誉学位和二级甲等荣誉学位的毕业生比例为68%,欧盟国家以外的留学生中比例为52%,而中国留学生中比例仅为42%。

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TV Dating ProgramsWith the rapid evolution of the society and the change of people’s perceptions,TV dating shows produced by some of China's provincial satellite TV stations have become very popular. Following the success of Jiangsu Satellite TV's "If You Are the One", some other TV stations have been making their own dating programs such as "Rendezvous" "One in a hundred" "My Destiny With You" .These programs have generated debate among the viewers. Some audience think that these programs may have a bad effect on young people. It challenges our traditional view of love and marriage, and people are no longer implicit or subtle talking about love.Character, disposition, and quality give way to material things and appearance in choosing a mate. Even worse, many candidates as well as TV programs are just sensational, without showing their true selves. Even though they succeed in dating a partner, there is great possibility that they may be incompatible.Despite their high ratings, TV dating shows have also raised much concern over their negative impact on the society. Firstly, it reflects the progress of the society, the improvement of people’s living standard, and , to some extent, the development of the economy. Secondly, it provides the singled with more chances to find their lifelong partner. Thirdly, it takes courage for the candidates to participate, and the process can increase their confidence, enlarge their social circle, enrich the life experience, and perhaps bring more opportunities besides dating.In my opinion, the popularity of the TV dating programs can be employed as an opportunity to advocate positive values of love and marriage. After all, most people disapprove of the idea of money worship.Medical Diet in ChinaMedical diet is the diet of therapeutic function which is produced by cooking and processing the drugs and foods. It is the product of combination of Chinese traditional medical knowledge and cooking experiences. Medical diet originated in the Spring and Autumn Period, and some materials about it were collected and arranged by doctors in Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor, then it was gradually developed into the health practices with rich content, affirmative effect and far-reaching impact today.Chinese medicated diet is not a simple combination of food and Chinese drugs, but a special highly finished diet made from Chinese drugs, food and condiments under the theoretical guidance of diet preparation based on differentiation of symptoms and signs of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It has not only the efficiency of medicine but also the delicacy of food, and can be used to prevent and cure diseases, build up one's health and prolong one's life.Chinese medicated diet has begun to go abroad. medicated cans, health-care drinks and medicated wine made from traditional Chinese medicine have been sold at the international market. Medicated diet dining- halls have been set up in some countries. Personnel of academic, industrial and commercial circles abroad have paid close attention to Chinese medited diet-a special food, hoping to develop academic exchanges and technical and economic cooperation in this respect. Chinese medicateddiet will make contributions to the health of the people all over the world.The characteristics of Chinese medicated diet are as follows:First,Laying Stress on the Whole, Selecting Medicated Diet on the Basis of Differential Diagnosis.Second,Suitable for both Prevention and Treatment, Outstanding in Effect.Third.,Good in Taste, Convenient for TakingToady with wide and rapid spread of the western medicine in china, people gradually come to realize that these two different medical systems both have their own advantages and defects. The best way is to combine and to assimilate these two systems in theory and practice.Peking opera of ChinaPeking opera of China is a national treasure with a history of 200 years.Peking opera is a synthesis of stylized action, singing, dialogue and mime, acrobatic fighting and dancing to represent a story or depict different characters and their feelings of gladness, anger, sorrow, happiness, surprise, fear and sadness. In Peking opera there are four main types of roles: sheng (male) dan (young female), jing( painted face,male), and chou (clown, male or female). The characters may be loyal or treacherous, beautiful or ugly, good or bad, their images being vividly manifested. The repertoire of Peking opera is mainly engaged in fairy tales of preceding dynasties, important historical events, emperors, ministers and generals, geniuses and great beauties, from the ancient times to Yao, Shun, Yu, the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period and the dynasties of Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing.The music of Peking opera is that of the "plate and cavity style".Its melody with harmonious rhythms is graceful and pleasing to the ears. The melody may be classified into two groups: "Xipi" and "erhong", guiding pattern, original pattern, slow pattern, quick pattern, desultary pattern being their chief patterns. The costumes in it are graceful, magnificent, elegant and brilliant, most of which are made in handicraft embroidery. As the traditional Chinese pattern are adopted, the costumes are of a high aesthetic value.The types of facial make-ups in Peking opera are rich and various, depicting different characters and remarkable images, therefore they are highly appreciated. Moreover there are numerous fixed editions of facial make-up.Since Mei Lanfang, the grand master of Peking opera, visited Japan in 1919, Peking opera has become more and more popular with people all over the world, and it has made an excellent contribution to cultural exchange between China and the West, to friendly association and to improvement of solidarity.An introduction to Foshan,Guangdong ProvinceFoshan city, located in the center of the Pearl River Delta, is connected to Guangzhou and adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao. It covers a total area of 3,848.48 square km and with a population of 5.6 million.Today, Foshan is one of the most important cities in the Pearl River Delta region that enjoys the most rapid economic development, the largest economic aggregate andstrongest comprehensive economic power.It has profound historic and cultural backgrounds as well as a business tradition. Foshan, which originated in the Jin Dynasty (265-420), is one of China’s most historic and cultural hubs, boasting a long history, a profound cultural background and business tradition.The city’s long-standing history has also cultivated many unique Lingnan (South China) traditional cultures. Foshan is also the hometown of Bruce Lee and Huang Feihong, the great Chinese Gongfu masters.Moreover, t he origin of China’s food culture and the birthplace of China’s Canton Opera.There also has a flourishing trade and commerce sector and well-developed logistics industries.Predominant industries have established many professional markets, which have great industry influences and rank in the top of the country. For example,the specific market of building ceramics, textile, non-ferrous metal, furniture and flowers all play important roles in the country. Through these professional markets,the predominant products have spread across the entire Pearl River Delta -- and the world. Moreover, the specific expositions of ceramics, furniture and flowers of Foshan also represent the highest level in the given industries all over the country.In the next several years, the goverment will invest more than US$192.9 billion to build 10 important projects, totaling 103 sub-projects.It will accelerate the construction of five networks -- roads, fast subways, electric power, natural gas and information -- as well as human facilities, including a new gymnasium, news center and new libraries to further improve the various auxiliary facilities of a batch of industrial parks.Many preferential policies, including a reduction in industrial land utilization prices, will be launched, providing more development space for investors and operators.。
