体外诊断医疗器械指令 IVDD 98_79_ec 下的CE认证欧盟公告机构(认证机构)名单,地址和授权范围

National Standards Authority of Ireland(NSAI) 1Swift Square,Northwood,SantryDublin9Ireland 0050Devices for self-testing EC declaration ofconformityFull quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IIIAnnex IVAnnex VIIProducts referred in Annex II,list AProducts referred in Annex II,list BFull quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VIIBSIKitemark House,Maylands Avenue, Hemel Hempstead,Hertfordshire HP24SQ United Kingdom 0086*IVD0100-Reagents and reagent products,includingrelated calibrators and control materials,for determiningthe following blood groups-*IVD0101-ABO system-*IVD0102-Rhesus(C,c,D,E,e)-*IVD0103-Anti-Kell*IVD0200-Reagents and reagent products,includingrelated calibrators and control materials,for thedetection,confirmation and quantification in humanspecimens of markers of-*IVD0201-HIV infection(HIV1and2)-*IVD0202-HTLV I and II-*IVD0203-Hepatitis B,C and DFull quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VAnnex VII*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices forself-diagnosis,including related calibrators and controlmaterials,for determining,detection,quantification,diagnosing,evaluatingFull quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationEC verificationAnnex IVAnnex VAnnex VIAnnex VIIName and address of the notifiedbodies ID Responsible for the following products/Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for thefollowing proceduresor modulesAnnexes orarticles of thedirectivesLimitations(English only)-*IVD0301-Anti-Duffy and anti-Kidd-*IVD0302-Irregular anti-erythrocytic antibodies -*IVD0303-Congenital infections:rubella, toxoplasmosis-*IVD0304-Hereditary disease:phenylketonuria -*IVD0305-Human infections:cytomegalovirus, chlamydia-*IVD0306-HLA tissue groups:DR,A,B Production quality assurance*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices for self-diagnosis,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining,detection,quantification, diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD0307-Tumoral marker:PSA Full quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VII*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices for self-diagnosis,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining,detection,quantification, diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD0308-Risk of trisomy21(incl.software)-*IVD0309-Device for self-diagnosis:device for the measurement of blood sugar Full quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationEC verificationProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VAnnex VIAnnex VII*IVD0400-Devices for self-testing-*IVD0401-Clinical chemistry-*IVD0402-Haematology-*IVD0403-Immunology-*IVD0405-Pregnancy and ovulation -*IVD0406-Specimen receptacles EC declaration ofconformityFull quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationEC verificationProduction qualityAnnex IIIAnnex IVAnnex VAnnex VIAnnex VIIName and address of the notifiedbodies ID Responsible for the following products/Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for thefollowing proceduresor modulesAnnexes orarticles of thedirectivesLimitations(English only)assurance *MDS7206-IVDs in sterile condition*MDS7208-IVDs utilising nanomaterials*MDS7209-IVDs utilising biological active coatingand/or material*MDS7210-IVDs utilising material of human originLLOYD'S REGISTER QUALITY ASSURANCE LTD(0088)Hiramford Middlemarch Office Village Siskin DriveCoventry CV34FJUnited Kingdom 0088*IVD0100-Reagents and reagent products,includingrelated calibrators and control materials,for determiningthe following blood groups-*IVD0101-ABO system-*IVD0102-Rhesus(C,c,D,E,e)-*IVD0103-Anti-Kell*IVD0200-Reagents and reagent products,includingrelated calibrators and control materials,for thedetection,confirmation and quantification in humanspecimens of markers of-*IVD0201-HIV infection(HIV1and2)-*IVD0202-HTLV I and II-*IVD0203-Hepatitis B,C and D*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices forself-diagnosis,including related calibrators and controlmaterials,for determining,detection,quantification,diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD0301-Anti-Duffy and anti-Kidd-*IVD0302-Irregular anti-erythrocytic antibodies-*IVD0303-Congenital infections:rubella,toxoplasmosisFull quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VIIName and address of the notifiedbodies ID Responsible for the following products/Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for thefollowing proceduresor modulesAnnexes orarticles of thedirectivesLimitations(English only)-*IVD0304-Hereditary disease:phenylketonuria-*IVD0305-Human infections:cytomegalovirus, chlamydia-*IVD0306-HLA tissue groups:DR,A,B-*IVD0307-Tumoral marker:PSA-*IVD0308-Risk of trisomy21(incl.software)-*IVD0309-Device for self-diagnosis:device for the measurement of blood sugar*IVD0400-Devices for self-testing-*IVD0401-Clinical chemistry-*IVD0402-Haematology-*IVD0403-Immunology-*IVD0404-Molecular biology-*IVD0405-Pregnancy and ovulation -*IVD0406-Specimen receptacles EC declaration ofconformityFull quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IIIAnnex IVAnnex VII*MDS7206-IVDs in sterile condition*MDS7209-IVDs utilising biological active coating and/or material*MDS7210-IVDs utilising material of human originSGS United Kingdom LimitedUnit202B,Worle Parkway,Weston-super-Mare,Somerset,BS226WA United Kingdom 0120*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices forself-diagnosis,including related calibrators and controlmaterials,for determining,detection,quantification,diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD0301-Anti-Duffy and anti-Kidd-*IVD0302-Irregular anti-erythrocytic antibodies-*IVD0303-Congenital infections:rubella,Full quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VIIName and address of the notifiedbodies ID Responsible for the following products/Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for thefollowing proceduresor modulesAnnexes orarticles of thedirectivesLimitations(English only)toxoplasmosis-*IVD 0304-Hereditary disease:phenylketonuria -*IVD 0305-Human infections:cytomegalovirus,chlamydia-*IVD 0306-HLA tissue groups:DR,A,B -*IVD 0307-Tumoral marker:PSA-*IVD 0308-Risk of trisomy 21(incl.software)-*IVD 0309-Device for self-diagnosis:device for themeasurement of blood sugar *IVD 0400-Devices for self-testing -*IVD 0401-Clinical chemistry -*IVD 0402-Haematology -*IVD 0403-Immunology-*IVD 0405-Pregnancy and ovulation -*IVD 0406-Specimen receptacles EC declaration ofconformityFull quality assurance systemProduction quality assuranceAnnex III Annex IV Annex VII*MDS 7206-IVDs in sterile conditionEC declaration of confirmity Annex III Full quality assurance system Annex IV Production quality assurance Annex VII*MDS 7207-IVDs utilising micromechanicsEC declaration of confirmity Annex III Full quality assurance system Annex IV Production quality assurance Annex VII*MDS 7208-IVDs utilising nanomaterialsEC declaration of confirmity Annex III Full quality assurance system Annex IV Production quality assurance Annex VIIName and address of the notifiedbodiesIDResponsible for the following products /Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for the following procedures or modules Annexes or articles of thedirectivesLimitations (English only)*MDS7209-IVDs utilising biological active coating and/or material EC declaration of confirmity Annex III Full quality assurance system Annex IV Production quality assurance Annex VII*MDS7210-IVDs utilising material of human origin EC declaration of confirmity AnnexIII Full quality assurance systemAnnex IV Production qualityassurance Annex VIITÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH Ridlerstraße6580339MÜNCHENGermany 0123*IVD0100-Reagents and reagent products,includingrelated calibrators and control materials,for determiningthe following blood groups-*IVD0101-ABO system-*IVD0102-Rhesus(C,c,D,E,e)-*IVD0103-Anti-Kell*IVD0200-Reagents and reagent products,includingrelated calibrators and control materials,for thedetection,confirmation and quantification in humanspecimens of markers of-*IVD0201-HIV infection(HIV1and2)-*IVD0202-HTLV I and II-*IVD0203-Hepatitis B,C and DFull quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VAnnex VII*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices forself-diagnosis,including related calibrators and controlmaterials,for determining,detection,quantification,diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD0301-Anti-Duffy and anti-Kidd-*IVD0302-Irregular anti-erythrocytic antibodiesFull quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationEC verificationProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VAnnex VIAnnex VIIName and address of the notifiedbodies ID Responsible for the following products/Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for thefollowing proceduresor modulesAnnexes orarticles of thedirectivesLimitations(English only)-*IVD 0303-Congenital infections:rubella,toxoplasmosis*IVD 0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices for self-diagnosis,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining,detection,quantification,diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD 0304-Hereditary disease:phenylketonuriaFull quality assurance systemProduction quality assuranceAnnex IV Annex VII*IVD 0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices for self-diagnosis,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining,detection,quantification,diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD 0305-Human infections:cytomegalovirus,chlamydia-*IVD 0306-HLA tissue groups:DR,A,B -*IVD 0307-Tumoral marker:PSAFull quality assurance system EC type-examination EC verificationProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IV Annex V Annex VI Annex VII*IVD 0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices for self-diagnosis,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining,detection,quantification,diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD 0308-Risk of trisomy 21(incl.software)Full quality assurance systemProduction quality assuranceAnnex IV Annex VII*IVD 0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices for self-diagnosis,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining,detection,quantification,diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD 0309-Device for self-diagnosis:device for the measurement of blood sugar Full quality assurance systemEC type-examination EC verification Production quality assurance Annex IV Annex V Annex VI Annex VII*IVD 0400-Devices for self-testingEC declaration ofAnnex IIIName and address of the notifiedbodiesIDResponsible for the following products /Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for the following procedures or modules Annexes or articles of thedirectivesLimitations (English only)-*IVD0401-Clinical chemistry-*IVD0402-Haematology-*IVD0403-Immunology-*IVD0404-Molecular biology-*IVD0405-Pregnancy and ovulation -*IVD0406-Specimen receptacles conformityFull quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationEC verificationProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VAnnex VIAnnex VII*MDS7206-IVDs in sterile condition*MDS7207-IVDs utilising micromechanics*MDS7208-IVDs utilising nanomaterials*MDS7209-IVDs utilising biological active coating and/or material*MDS7210-IVDs utilising material of human originDEKRA Certification GmbH Handwerkstraße1570565STUTTGART Germany 0124*IVD0400-Devices for self-testing-*IVD0401-Clinical chemistry-*IVD0402-Haematology-*IVD0403-Immunology-*IVD0404-Molecular biology-*IVD0405-Pregnancy and ovulation-*IVD0406-Specimen receptaclesEC declaration ofconformityFull quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IIIAnnex IVAnnex VII*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices forself-diagnosis,including related calibrators and controlmaterials,for determining,detection,quantification,diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD0309-Device for self-diagnosis:device for themeasurement of blood sugarFull quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VIIName and address of the notifiedbodies ID Responsible for the following products/Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for thefollowing proceduresor modulesAnnexes orarticles of thedirectivesLimitations(English only)*MDS7206-IVDs in sterile conditionTÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH Tillystraße290431NürnbergGermany 0197*IVD0100-Reagents and reagent products,includingrelated calibrators and control materials,for determiningthe following blood groups-*IVD0101-ABO system-*IVD0102-Rhesus(C,c,D,E,e)-*IVD0103-Anti-Kell*IVD0200-Reagents and reagent products,includingrelated calibrators and control materials,for thedetection,confirmation and quantification in humanspecimens of markers of-*IVD0201-HIV infection(HIV1and2)-*IVD0202-HTLV I and II-*IVD0203-Hepatitis B,C and DFull quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VAnnex VII*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices forself-diagnosis,including related calibrators and controlmaterials,for determining,detection,quantification,diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD0301-Anti-Duffy and anti-Kidd-*IVD0302-Irregular anti-erythrocytic antibodies-*IVD0303-Congenital infections:rubella,toxoplasmosis-*IVD0304-Hereditary disease:phenylketonuria-*IVD0305-Human infections:cytomegalovirus,chlamydia-*IVD0306-HLA tissue groups:DR,A,B-*IVD0307-Tumoral marker:PSAFull quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationEC verificationProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VAnnex VIAnnex VIIName and address of the notifiedbodies ID Responsible for the following products/Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for thefollowing proceduresor modulesAnnexes orarticles of thedirectivesLimitations(English only)-*IVD0308-Risk of trisomy21(incl.software)-*IVD0309-Device for self-diagnosis:device for the measurement of blood sugar*IVD0400-Devices for self-testing-*IVD0401-Clinical chemistry-*IVD0402-Haematology-*IVD0403-Immunology-*IVD0404-Molecular biology-*IVD0405-Pregnancy and ovulation -*IVD0406-Specimen receptacles EC declaration ofconformityFull quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationEC verificationProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IIIAnnex IVAnnex VAnnex VIAnnex VII*MDS7206-IVDs in sterile condition*MDS7207-IVDs utilising micromechanics*MDS7208-IVDs utilising nanomaterials*MDS7209-IVDs utilising biological active coating and/or material*MDS7210-IVDs utilising material of human originAGENCIA ESPAÑOLA DE MEDICAMENTOS Y PRODUCTOS SANITARIOS MINISTERIO DE SANIDAD Y CONSUMOPaseo del Prado,18-2028014MADRIDSpain 0318All devices for self-testing EC declaration ofconformityFull quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationEC verificationProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IIIAnnex IVAnnex VAnnex VIAnnex VII Reagents and reagent products,including related Full quality assurance Annex IVName and address of the notifiedbodies ID Responsible for the following products/Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for thefollowing proceduresor modulesAnnexes orarticles of thedirectivesLimitations(English only)calibrators and control materials,for controlling the following blood groups:ABO system,Rhesus(C,c,D, E,e),anti-KellReagents and reagent products,including related calibrators and control materials,for the detection, confirmation and quantification in human specimens of markers of HIV infection(HIV1and2),HTLV I and II, and hepatitis B,C and DReagents and reagent products,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining the following blood groups:anti-Duffy and anti-Kidd Reagents and reagent products,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining irregular anti-erythrocytic antibodiesReagents and reagent products,including related calibrators and control materials,for the detection and quantification in human samples of the following congenital infections:rubella,toxoplasmosis Reagents and reagent products,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining the following hereditary disease:phenylketonuria Reagents and reagent products,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining the following human infections:cytomegalovirus,chlamydia Reagents and reagent products,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining the following HLA tissue groups:DR,A,BReagents and reagent products,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining the systemEC type-examinationEC verificationProduction qualityassuranceAnnex VAnnex VIAnnex VIIName and address of the notifiedbodies ID Responsible for the following products/Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for thefollowing proceduresor modulesAnnexes orarticles of thedirectivesLimitations(English only)following tumoral marker:PSAReagents and reagent products,including related calibrators,control materials and software,designed specifically for evaluating the risk of trisomy21KEMA Quality B.V. Utrechtseweg310,Postbus5185 6802ED ARNHEM Netherlands 0344All devices for self-testing EC declaration ofconformityFull quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IIIAnnex IVAnnex VIIAll devices referred in Annex II Full quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VIITÜV AUSTRIA SERVICES GMBH Krugerstrasse161015WIENAustria 0408Devices for self-testing EC declaration ofconformityFull quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationEC verificationProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IIIAnnex IVAnnex VAnnex VIAnnex VIIProducts referred in Annex II,list A Full quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VAnnex VIIName and address of the notifiedbodies ID Responsible for the following products/Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for thefollowing proceduresor modulesAnnexes orarticles of thedirectivesLimitations(English only)Products referred in Annex II,list B Full quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationEC verificationProduction qualityassurance Annex IV Annex V Annex VI Annex VIILaboratoire national d'essais/G-MED 1,rue Gaston Boissier75724PARIS Cedex15France 0459*IVD0100-Reagents and reagent products,includingrelated calibrators and control materials,for determiningthe following blood groups-*IVD0101-ABO system-*IVD0102-Rhesus(C,c,D,E,e)-*IVD0103-Anti-Kell*IVD0200-Reagents and reagent products,includingrelated calibrators and control materials,for thedetection,confirmation and quantification in humanspecimens of markers of-*IVD0201-HIV infection(HIV1and2)-*IVD0202-HTLV I and II-*IVD0203-Hepatitis B,C and D*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices forself-diagnosis,including related calibrators and controlmaterials,for determining,detection,quantification,diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD0301-Anti-Duffy and anti-Kidd-*IVD0302-Irregular anti-erythrocytic antibodies-*IVD0303-Congenital infections:rubella,toxoplasmosisEC declaration ofconformityFull quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationEC verificationProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IIIAnnex IVAnnex VAnnex VIAnnex VIIName and address of the notifiedbodies ID Responsible for the following products/Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for thefollowing proceduresor modulesAnnexes orarticles of thedirectivesLimitations(English only)-*IVD0304-Hereditary disease:phenylketonuria-*IVD0305-Human infections:cytomegalovirus, chlamydia-*IVD0306-HLA tissue groups:DR,A,B-*IVD0307-Tumoral marker:PSA-*IVD0308-Risk of trisomy21(incl.software)-*IVD0309-Device for self-diagnosis:device for the measurement of blood sugar*IVD0400-Devices for self-testing-*IVD0401-Clinical chemistry-*IVD0402-Haematology-*IVD0403-Immunology-*IVD0404-Molecular biology-*IVD0405-Pregnancy and ovulation-*IVD0406-Specimen receptacles*MDS7206-IVDs in sterile condition*MDS7207-IVDs utilising micromechanics*MDS7208-IVDs utilising nanomaterials*MDS7209-IVDs utilising biological active coating and/or material*MDS7210-IVDs utilising material of human originAMTAC CERTIFICATION SERVICES LTD Davy Avenue,KnowlhillMilton Keynes MK58NLUnited Kingdom 0473All self-test devices which have existing notified body(NB)certification via their original manufacturerEC declaration ofconformityFull quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationAnnex IIIAnnex IVAnnex VAnnex VIName and address of the notifiedbodies ID Responsible for the following products/Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for thefollowing proceduresor modulesAnnexes orarticles of thedirectivesLimitations(English only)EC verificationProduction qualityassuranceAnnex VIIAll Annex II list A devices which have existing notified body(NB)certification via their original manufacturer All Annex II list B devices which have existing notified body(NB)certification via their original manufacturer Full quality assurancesystemEC type-examinationEC verificationProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VAnnex VIAnnex VIIMDC MEDICAL DEVICE CERTIFICATION GMBHKriegerstrasse670191STUTTGARTGermany 0483*IVD0100-Reagents and reagent products,includingrelated calibrators and control materials,for determiningthe following blood groups-*IVD0101-ABO systemFull quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VII*IVD0100-Reagents and reagent products,includingrelated calibrators and control materials,for determiningthe following blood groups-*IVD0102-Rhesus(C,c,D,E,e)Full quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VII*IVD0100-Reagents and reagent products,includingrelated calibrators and control materials,for determiningthe following blood groups-*IVD0103-Anti-KellFull quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VII*IVD0200-Reagents and reagent products,includingrelated calibrators and control materials,for thedetection,confirmation and quantification in humanspecimens of markers of-*IVD0201-HIV infection(HIV1and2)Full quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VII *IVD0200-Reagents and reagent products,including Full quality assurance Annex IVName and address of the notifiedbodies ID Responsible for the following products/Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for thefollowing proceduresor modulesAnnexes orarticles of thedirectivesLimitations(English only)related calibrators and control materials,for the detection,confirmation and quantification in human specimens of markers of-*IVD0203-Hepatitis B,C and D systemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex VII*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices for self-diagnosis,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining,detection,quantification, diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD0301-Anti-Duffy and anti-Kidd Full quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VII*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices for self-diagnosis,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining,detection,quantification, diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD0302-Irregular anti-erythrocytic antibodies Full quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VII*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices for self-diagnosis,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining,detection,quantification, diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD0303-Congenital infections:rubella, toxoplasmosis Full quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VIItoxoplasmosis excluded*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices for self-diagnosis,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining,detection,quantification, diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD0305-Human infections:cytomegalovirus, chlamydia Full quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VII*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices for self-diagnosis,including related calibrators and control Full quality assurancesystemAnnex IVAnnex VIIName and address of the notifiedbodies ID Responsible for the following products/Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for thefollowing proceduresor modulesAnnexes orarticles of thedirectivesLimitations(English only)materials,for determining,detection,quantification, diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD0306-HLA tissue groups:DR,A,B Production quality assurance*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices for self-diagnosis,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining,detection,quantification, diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD0307-Tumoral marker:PSA Full quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VII*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices for self-diagnosis,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining,detection,quantification, diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD0308-Risk of trisomy21(incl.software)Full quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VII*IVD0300-Reagents,reagent products and devices for self-diagnosis,including related calibrators and control materials,for determining,detection,quantification, diagnosing,evaluating-*IVD0309-Device for self-diagnosis:device for the measurement of blood sugar Full quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IVAnnex VII*IVD0400-Devices for self-testing -*IVD0401-Clinical chemistry EC declaration ofconformityFull quality assurancesystemProduction qualityassuranceAnnex IIIAnnex IVAnnex VII*IVD0400-Devices for self-testing -*IVD0402-Haematology EC declaration ofconformityFull quality assuranceAnnex IIIAnnex IVName and address of the notifiedbodies ID Responsible for the following products/Horizontal technical competenceResponsible for thefollowing proceduresor modulesAnnexes orarticles of thedirectivesLimitations(English only)。

截止2000年1月,欧盟发布的实行CE标志的指令如下,现将适用产品、指令文号等分别列表:Active Implantable Medical Device (AIMD)(有源植入医疗器械指令)90/385/EECMedical Device (MDD)(医疗器械指令)93/42/EECIn Vitro Diagnostic Device (IVDD) (体外诊断医疗器械指令)98/79/EC当一个医疗器械产品同时受多个指令覆盖时,该产品只有在全部符合有关指令的规定后,才能加贴CE标志。
医疗器械指令附录九中详定18条规则,按医疗产品的危险程度,将产品分为Ⅰ类、Ⅱa类、Ⅱb 类、Ⅲ类。
规则1~4、所有非创伤性器械均属于I类,除非他们:1、用于储存体液(血袋例外) II a类;2、用于Ila类或更高类型的有源医疗器械类II a类;3、改变体液成分II a/II b类;4、一些伤口敷料II a/II b类;5、规则5、侵入人体孔径的医疗器械;6、暂时使用(牙科压缩材料、检查手套) I类;7、短期使用(导管、隐形眼镜) II a类;8、长期使用(正常牙线) II b类;9、规则6-8、外科创伤性器械;10、再使用的外科器械(钳子,斧子) I类;11、暂时或短期使用(缝合针。
98-79-EEC 协调标准列表——体外诊断试剂协调标准列表

Commission communication in the framework of the implementation of Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 1998 on in-vitro diagnostic medical devices(Text with EEA relevance)(Publication of titles and references of harmonised standards under the Directive)(2009/C 293/04)Cenelec: Avenue Marnix 17, 1000 Brussels, BELGIUM, tel. +32 25196871, fax: +32 25196919 (http://www.cenelec.eu).ETSI: 650, route des Lucioles, 06921 Sophia Antipolis, FRANCE, tel. +33 492944200, fax: +33 493654716 (http://www.etsi.eu).Note 1: Generally the date of cessation of presumption of conformity will be the date of withdrawal (dow), set by the European Standardisation Organisation, but attention of users of thesestandards is drawn to the fact that in certain exceptional cases this can be otherwise.Note 2.1: The new (or amended) standard has the same scope as the superseded standard. On the date stated, the superseded standard ceases to give presumption of conformity with the essentialrequirements of the Directive.Note 2.2: The new standard has a broader scope than the superseded standard. On the date stated the superseded standard ceases to give presumption of conformity with the essential requirements ofthe Directive.Note 2.3: The new standard has a narrower scope than the superseded standard. On the date stated the (partially) superseded standard ceases to give presumption of conformity with the essentialrequirements of the Directive for those products that fall within the scope of the newstandard. Presumption of conformity with the essential requirements of the Directive forproducts that still fall within the scope of the (partially) superseded standard, but that do notfall within the scope of the new standard, is unaffected.Note 3: In case of amendments, the referenced standard is EN CCCCC:YYYY, its previous amendments, if any, and the new, quoted amendment. The superseded standard (column 3) therefore consists ofEN CCCCC:YYYY and its previous amendments, if any, but without the new quoted amendment.On the date stated, the superseded standard ceases to give presumption of conformity with theessential requirements of the Directive.NOTE:— Any information concerning the availability of the standards can be obtained either from the European Standardisation Organisations or from the national standardisation bodies of which the list is annexed to the Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (1) amended by the Directive 98/48/EC (2).— Publication of the references in the Official Journal of the European Union does not imply that the standards are available in all the Community languages.— This list replaces all the previous lists published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The Commission ensures the updating of this list.— More information about harmonised standards on the Internet at http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/ newapproach/standardization/harmstds/(1) OJ L 204, 21.7.1998, p. 37.(2) OJ L 217, 5.8.1998, p. 18.。

欧洲议会和欧洲联盟理事会关于体外诊断医疗器械的98/79/EC指令1998年10月27日欧洲议会和欧洲联盟理事会考虑到建立欧洲经济共同体的条约,特别是该条约第100a条;考虑到欧洲联盟委员会提交的议案;考虑到经济与社会委员会的意见;依照《欧洲经济共同体条约》第189b条规定的程序采取行动;鉴于为顺利建立欧洲经济共同体内部市场应采取必要的措施;鉴于内部市场是一个确保商品、人员、服务和资本自由流通的无内部边界的区域;鉴于成员国有关体外诊断医疗器械的安全性、健康保护和实施特性及核准程序的现行法律、法规和行政条款在内容和适用范围上是不同的;鉴于这些差异的存在形成了贸易壁垒;鉴于一项以欧洲联盟委员会的名义对各国立法所作的对比调查证明需要建立协调规则;鉴于对各国立法进行协调是消除此类自由贸易壁垒以及防止产生新的壁垒的唯一手段;鉴于这一目标无法由各成员国单独通过其他途径圆满地实现;鉴于本指令只规定为确保其适用的体外诊断医疗器械在最安全的条件下自由流通所需的此类要求;鉴于协调条款必须与成员国为管理直接或间接同此类器械有关的公共卫生和医疗保险计划资金筹措而采取的措施相区别;鉴于协调条款只要符合欧洲共同体法律就不影响成员国实施这些措施的能力;鉴于体外诊断医疗器械应向患者、使用者及第三方提供高水平的健康保护并达到制造商原先赋予它们的性能水准;鉴于因此,维持或提高各成员国所达到的健康保护水平是本指令的主要目的之一;鉴于按照理事会1985年5月7日关于技术协调与标准新方法的决议中所确定的原则,对有关产品的设计、制造和包装所制定的规则必须限于满足基本要求所必需的条款;鉴于因为这些要求是基本的,因此它们应当取代各国相应的条款;鉴于考虑到在设计时的技术和实际情况以及与高水平的健康保护与安全性相适应的技术、经济因素,在确定基本要求时,包括确定最大限度降低和减小危险的要求时,应当谨慎;鉴于大部分医疗器械已在理事会1990年6月20日关于使有源植入式医疗器械的法律趋于一致的90/385/EEC指令和理事会1993年6月14日关于体外医疗诊断器械除外的医疗器械的93/42/EEC指令中所涉及;鉴于本指令试图将协调扩展到体外诊断医疗器械,鉴于为了统一共同体规则,本指令在很大程度上是以上述两个指令的条款为基础的;鉴于预定用于研究而没有任何医疗目的的仪表、装置、器具、材料或其他物品,包括软件,均不被视为应进行性能评定的器械;鉴于虽然本指令并不适用于经过国际上认证的标准物质和用于外部质量评定计划的物质,但使用者用来确定或验证器械性能所需的校准和控制材料属于体外诊断医疗器械;鉴于考虑到辅助性原则,对于在卫生机构实验室内生产的并在该环境内使用的试剂以及不是以商业交易为目的的试剂,不属于本指令适用范围;鉴于,尽管如此,制造后预定用在专业和商业场合作医疗分析而非供出售的器械必须执行本指令条款;鉴于专门为体外诊断检查设计的机械实验室设备属于本指令适用范围,以及鉴于为了协调有关指令,对于欧洲议会及欧洲联盟理事会1998年6月22日关于使成员国有关机械设备的法律趋于一致的98/37/EC指令应作适当修改,以使其与本指令保持一致;鉴于本指令应当包括有关发射电离辐射的器械的设计和制造方面的要求;鉴于本指令并不影响欧洲联盟理事会1996年5月17日有关对保护工人和公众的健康免遭电离辐射危险的基本安全标准做出规定的96/29/Euratom指令得到实施;鉴于电磁兼容性问题已构成本指令基本要求的一个组成部分,因而理事会1989年5月2日关于使各成员国有关电磁兼容性的法律趋于一致的89/336/EEC指令不适用;鉴于为了有助于证明符合基本要求并能给予验证,需要协调标准来防止与医疗器械的设计、制造和包装有关的危险;鉴于此类协调标准是由私法机构制定的,因此它们应当保持其非强制性文本的地位;鉴于到目前为止,欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)和欧洲电工标准化委员会(CENELEC)已根据它们与欧洲联盟委员会之间于1984年11月13日签署的合作总指导原则被认可为批准协调标准的主管机构;鉴于在本指令中,协调标准是受欧洲联盟委员会的委托,由CEN或CENELEC或者由这两个机构共同按照1998年6月22日欧洲议会与欧洲联盟理事会关于在技术标准和法规领域提供信息程序的98/34/EC指令,依据上述总指导原则而批准的技术规范(欧洲协调文件标准);鉴于作为总原则的例外,制定通用技术规范时考虑了某些成员国目前的作法,在选择主要用于评定供血和器官捐赠的安全器械方面,应由公共当局来批准这类规范;鉴于这些特定规范应当用共同的技术规范来取代是适宜的;鉴于这些共同的技术规范可用于性能评定和再评定;鉴于来自各有关方面的科学专家可能参与制定通用技术规范和分析其他特殊或一般的问题;鉴于本指令所适用的产品制造还包括医疗器械的包装,因为此种包装与本指令的安全和性能方面有关;鉴于某些器械由于其性能随时间下降造成使用寿命有限,而这种性能下降是与它们的物理或化学特性,包括消毒和包装的完整性有关;鉴于制造商应当确定和注明器械将按预定用途运行的期限;鉴于标签上应当注明器械或其某个组成部分能够完全安全使用的有效日期;鉴于理事会在1993年7月22日关于用于技术协调指令的不同阶段合格评定程序模式及加贴和使用CE合格标志规则的93/465/EEC决定中,规定了协调的合格评定程序;鉴于对体外诊断医疗器械需要进行验证并且要求它们符合90/385/EEC指令及93/42/EEC指令,从而证明对这些模式增加细节是合理的;鉴于主要从合格评定程序考虑,有必要将体外诊断医疗器械分为两类主要产品;鉴于大部分此类器械对患者不会构成直接的危险,并且它们是由经过培训的专业人员使用的,而且获得的结果通常能采用其他手段予以确认,所以合格评定程序一般可由制造商单独负责进行;鉴于考虑到各成员国现有的法规及通报是按照98/34/EC指令规定的程序收到的,因此只有对那些在医疗工作中规定必须正确运行,并且其故障会对健康造成严重损害的器械才要求指定机构进行干预;鉴于在要求指定机构对其进行干预的体外诊断医疗器械中,用于输血和预防爱滋病及某些类型肝炎的批量产品从其设计制造目的出发,要求通过合格评定来保证最佳的安全性和可靠性水平;鉴于考虑到健康保护领域的技术进步和发展,要求不断更新需经第三方合格评定的体外诊断医疗器械清单;鉴于必须按照理事会1987年7月13日批准的关于委员会实施权程序的87/373/EEC决定中规定的程序Ⅲ(a)采取更新措施;鉴于欧洲议会、欧洲联盟理事会和欧洲联盟委员会已于1994年12月20日就按照《欧洲共同体条约》第189b条中规定的程序通过的法案实施措施达成了临时协议;鉴于医疗器械通常应加贴CE标志,表明其符合本指令的条款,能够在欧洲共同体内自由流通并按其预定用途投入使用;鉴于当要求指定机构干预时,制造商将能够从欧洲联盟委员会公布的机构名单中自行选择;鉴于虽然成员国没有义务确定此类指定机构,但它们必须保证被批准的指定机构遵守本指令规定的评定准则;鉴于指定机构的负责人和工作人员不得本人或通过中间人从接受评定和验证的企业获得任何利益,从而有损其独立性;鉴于负责市场监督的主管当局应能与制造商或其在欧洲共同体内的授权代表取得联系,以便采取必要的保护措施,尤其是在紧急情况下;鉴于为了统一实施本指令,特别是在市场监督方面,成员国之间进行信息合作和交流是必不可少的;鉴于为此有必要建立并管理一个数据库,这个数据库应包括有关制造商及其授权代表,投放市场的器械、证书的发放、中止或吊销,以及预警程序等方面的数据;鉴于建立一个有害事故报告(预警程序)体系是对市场监督,包括新器械性能进行监督的有效方法;鉴于从预警程序以及外部质量评定方案获得的信息有利于对器械分类做出决定;鉴于制造商必须向主管当局通报投放市场的“新产品”所用的技术和分析的物质或其他参数等情况;鉴于这种做法特别适用于基因甄别所使用的高密度DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)探查器械(通常称之为微片技术);鉴于当某个成员国认为,对于某个规定的产品或一批产品,为了保护健康和安全和/或保证履行对公众健康的责任,必须按照《欧洲共同体条约》第36条禁止或限制获得该产品或者对其规定特殊条件,该成员国可以采取任何必要的和合理的过渡措施;鉴于在此类情况下,欧洲联盟委员会可同有关方面和成员国磋商,如果各国的措施被证明是合理的,则应按照87/373/EEC决定中规定的程序Ⅲa 通过必要的欧洲共同体措施;鉴于本指令涉及到使用人体的组织、细胞或物质制造的体外诊断医疗器械;鉴于它并不涉及使用人体的物质制造的其他医疗器械;鉴于为了尽快地制定欧洲共同体法律,这方面的工作将继续进行下去;鉴于考虑到在采集和使用来自人体的物质的过程中必需保护人的完整性,实施欧洲联盟理事会公约中关于生物学和医学应用方面保护人权和人的尊严所规定的原则是合适的;鉴于各国有关伦理学的法规继续适用;鉴于为了使医疗器械指令保持一致,对本指令的某些条款需要作相应的修改;鉴于必须尽快就使用人体物质制造的医疗器械进行立法;兹通过本指令:第1条适用范围、定义1.本指令适用于体外诊断医疗器械及其附件。
IVDD 98 79 EC 中文版

欧洲议会和欧洲联盟理事会关于体外诊断医疗器械的98/79/EC指令欧洲议会和欧洲联盟理事会考虑到建立欧洲经济共同体的条约,特别是该条约第100a条;考虑到欧洲联盟委员会提交的议案;考虑到经济与社会委员会的意见;依照《欧洲经济共同体条约》第189b条规定的程序采取行动;鉴于为顺利建立欧洲经济共同体内部市场应采取必要的措施;鉴于内部市场是一个确保商品、人员、服务和资本自由流通的无内部边界的区域;鉴于成员国有关体外诊断医疗器械的安全性、健康保护和实施特性及核准程序的现行法律、法规和行政条款在内容和适用范围上是不同的;鉴于这些差异的存在形成了贸易壁垒;鉴于一项以欧洲联盟委员会的名义对各国立法所作的对比调查证明需要建立协调规则;鉴于对各国立法进行协调是消除此类自由贸易壁垒以及防止产生新的壁垒的唯一手段;鉴于这一目标无法由各成员国单独通过其他途径圆满地实现;鉴于本指令只规定为确保其适用的体外诊断医疗器械在最安全的条件下自由流通所需的此类要求;鉴于协调条款必须与成员国为管理直接或间接同此类器械有关的公共卫生和医疗保险计划资金筹措而采取的措施相区别;鉴于协调条款只要符合欧洲共同体法律就不影响成员国实施这些措施的能力;鉴于体外诊断医疗器械应向患者、使用者及第三方提供高水平的健康保护并达到制造商原先赋予它们的性能水准;鉴于因此,维持或提高各成员国所达到的健康保护水平是本指令的主要目的之一;鉴于按照理事会1985年5月7日关于技术协调与标准新方法的决议中所确定的原则,对有关产品的设计、制造和包装所制定的规则必须限于满足基本要求所必需的条款;鉴于因为这些要求是基本的,因此它们应当取代各国相应的条款;鉴于考虑到在设计时的技术和实际情况以及与高水平的健康保护与安全性相适应的技术、经济因素,在确定基本要求时,包括确定最大限度降低和减小危险的要求时,应当谨慎;鉴于大部分医疗器械已在理事会1990年6月20日关于使有源植入式医疗器械的法律趋于一致的90/385/EEC指令和理事会1993年6月14日关于体外医疗诊断器械除外的医疗器械的93/42/EEC指令中所涉及;鉴于本指令试图将协调扩展到体外诊断医疗器械,鉴于为了统一共同体规则,本指令在很大程度上是以上述两个指令的条款为基础的;鉴于预定用于研究而没有任何医疗目的的仪表、装置、器具、材料或其他物品,包括软件,均不被视为应进行性能评定的器械;鉴于虽然本指令并不适用于经过国际上认证的标准物质和用于外部质量评定计划的物质,但使用者用来确定或验证器械性能所需的校准和控制材料属于体外诊断医疗器械;鉴于考虑到辅助性原则,对于在卫生机构实验室内生产的并在该环境内使用的试剂以及不是以商业交易为目的的试剂,不属于本指令适用范围;鉴于,尽管如此,制造后预定用在专业和商业场合作医疗分析而非供出售的器械必须执行本指令条款;鉴于专门为体外诊断检查设计的机械实验室设备属于本指令适用范围,以及鉴于为了协调有关指令,对于欧洲议会及欧洲联盟理事会1998年6月22日关于使成员国有关机械设备的法律趋于一致的98/37/EC指令应作适当修改,以使其与本指令保持一致;鉴于本指令应当包括有关发射电离辐射的器械的设计和制造方面的要求;鉴于本指令并不影响欧洲联盟理事会1996年5月17日有关对保护工人和公众的健康免遭电离辐射危险的基本安全标准做出规定的96/29/Euratom指令得到实施;鉴于电磁兼容性问题已构成本指令基本要求的一个组成部分,因而理事会1989年5月2日关于使各成员国有关电磁兼容性的法律趋于一致的89/336/EEC指令不适用;鉴于为了有助于证明符合基本要求并能给予验证,需要协调标准来防止与医疗器械的设计、制造和包装有关的危险;鉴于此类协调标准是由私法机构制定的,因此它们应当保持其非强制性文本的地位;鉴于到目前为止,欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)和欧洲电工标准化委员会(CENELEC)已根据它们与欧洲联盟委员会之间于1984年11月13日签署的合作总指导原则被认可为批准协调标准的主管机构;鉴于在本指令中,协调标准是受欧洲联盟委员会的委托,由CEN或CENELEC或者由这两个机构共同按照1998年6月22日欧洲议会与欧洲联盟理事会关于在技术标准和法规领域提供信息程序的98/34/EC指令,依据上述总指导原则而批准的技术规范(欧洲协调文件标准);鉴于作为总原则的例外,制定通用技术规范时考虑了某些成员国目前的作法,在选择主要用于评定供血和器官捐赠的安全器械方面,应由公共当局来批准这类规范;鉴于这些特定规范应当用共同的技术规范来取代是适宜的;鉴于这些共同的技术规范可用于性能评定和再评定;鉴于来自各有关方面的科学专家可能参与制定通用技术规范和分析其他特殊或一般的问题;鉴于本指令所适用的产品制造还包括医疗器械的包装,因为此种包装与本指令的安全和性能方面有关;鉴于某些器械由于其性能随时间下降造成使用寿命有限,而这种性能下降是与它们的物理或化学特性,包括消毒和包装的完整性有关;鉴于制造商应当确定和注明器械将按预定用途运行的期限;鉴于标签上应当注明器械或其某个组成部分能够完全安全使用的有效日期;鉴于理事会在1993年7月22日关于用于技术协调指令的不同阶段合格评定程序模式及加贴和使用CE合格标志规则的93/465/EEC决定中,规定了协调的合格评定程序;鉴于对体外诊断医疗器械需要进行验证并且要求它们符合90/385/EEC指令及93/42/EEC指令,从而证明对这些模式增加细节是合理的;鉴于主要从合格评定程序考虑,有必要将体外诊断医疗器械分为两类主要产品;鉴于大部分此类器械对患者不会构成直接的危险,并且它们是由经过培训的专业人员使用的,而且获得的结果通常能采用其他手段予以确认,所以合格评定程序一般可由制造商单独负责进行;鉴于考虑到各成员国现有的法规及通报是按照98/34/EC指令规定的程序收到的,因此只有对那些在医疗工作中规定必须正确运行,并且其故障会对健康造成严重损害的器械才要求指定机构进行干预;鉴于在要求指定机构对其进行干预的体外诊断医疗器械中,用于输血和预防爱滋病及某些类型肝炎的批量产品从其设计制造目的出发,要求通过合格评定来保证最佳的安全性和可靠性水平;鉴于考虑到健康保护领域的技术进步和发展,要求不断更新需经第三方合格评定的体外诊断医疗器械清单;鉴于必须按照理事会1987年7月13日批准的关于委员会实施权程序的87/373/EEC决定中规定的程序Ⅲ(a)采取更新措施;鉴于欧洲议会、欧洲联盟理事会和欧洲联盟委员会已于1994年12月20日就按照《欧洲共同体条约》第189b条中规定的程序通过的法案实施措施达成了临时协议;鉴于医疗器械通常应加贴CE标志,表明其符合本指令的条款,能够在欧洲共同体内自由流通并按其预定用途投入使用;鉴于当要求指定机构干预时,制造商将能够从欧洲联盟委员会公布的机构名单中自行选择;鉴于虽然成员国没有义务确定此类指定机构,但它们必须保证被批准的指定机构遵守本指令规定的评定准则;鉴于指定机构的负责人和工作人员不得本人或通过中间人从接受评定和验证的企业获得任何利益,从而有损其独立性;鉴于负责市场监督的主管当局应能与制造商或其在欧洲共同体内的授权代表取得联系,以便采取必要的保护措施,尤其是在紧急情况下;鉴于为了统一实施本指令,特别是在市场监督方面,成员国之间进行信息合作和交流是必不可少的;鉴于为此有必要建立并管理一个数据库,这个数据库应包括有关制造商及其授权代表,投放市场的器械、证书的发放、中止或吊销,以及预警程序等方面的数据;鉴于建立一个有害事故报告(预警程序)体系是对市场监督,包括新器械性能进行监督的有效方法;鉴于从预警程序以及外部质量评定方案获得的信息有利于对器械分类做出决定;鉴于制造商必须向主管当局通报投放市场的“新产品”所用的技术和分析的物质或其他参数等情况;鉴于这种做法特别适用于基因甄别所使用的高密度DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)探查器械(通常称之为微片技术);鉴于当某个成员国认为,对于某个规定的产品或一批产品,为了保护健康和安全和/或保证履行对公众健康的责任,必须按照《欧洲共同体条约》第36条禁止或限制获得该产品或者对其规定特殊条件,该成员国可以采取任何必要的和合理的过渡措施;鉴于在此类情况下,欧洲联盟委员会可同有关方面和成员国磋商,如果各国的措施被证明是合理的,则应按照87/373/EEC决定中规定的程序Ⅲa通过必要的欧洲共同体措施;鉴于本指令涉及到使用人体的组织、细胞或物质制造的体外诊断医疗器械;鉴于它并不涉及使用人体的物质制造的其他医疗器械;鉴于为了尽快地制定欧洲共同体法律,这方面的工作将继续进行下去;鉴于考虑到在采集和使用来自人体的物质的过程中必需保护人的完整性,实施欧洲联盟理事会公约中关于生物学和医学应用方面保护人权和人的尊严所规定的原则是合适的;鉴于各国有关伦理学的法规继续适用;鉴于为了使医疗器械指令保持一致,对本指令的某些条款需要作相应的修改;鉴于必须尽快就使用人体物质制造的医疗器械进行立法;兹通过本指令:第1条 适用范围、定义1.本指令适用于体外诊断医疗器械及其附件。

截止2000年1月,欧盟发布的实行CE标志的指令如下,现将适用产品、指令文号、发布日期、施行日期等分别列表:Directive Title (名称)CE Ref.(主要指令编号)Entry Into Force(开始日和强制日)Active Implantable MedicalDevice (AIMD)(有源植入医疗器械指令)90/385/EEC 1.1.1993~1.1.1995Medical Device (MDD)(医疗器械指令)93/42/EEC 1.1.1995~15.6.1998/4/3 In Vitro Diagnostic Device(IVDD)(体外诊断医疗器械指令)98/79/EC 7.6.2000~12.7.2003当一个医疗器械产品同时受多个指令覆盖时,该产品只有在全部符合有关指令的规定后,才能加贴CE标志。
医疗器械指令附录九中详定18条规则,按医疗产品的危险程度,将产品分为Ⅰ类、Ⅱa类、Ⅱb 类、Ⅲ类。
规则1~4、所有非创伤性器械均属于I类,除非他们:用于储存体液(血袋例外) II a类于Ila类或更高类型的有源医疗器械类 II a类改变体液成分 II a/II b类一些伤口敷料 II a/II b类规则5、侵入人体孔径的医疗器械暂时使用(牙科压缩材料、检查手套) I类短期使用(导管、隐形眼镜) II a类长期使用(正常牙线) II b类规则6-8、外科创伤性器械再使用的外科器械(钳子,斧子) I类暂时或短期使用(缝合针。
In Vitro Diagnostics

In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) Compliance and What It Means In Practice体外诊断的规范性及其在实践中的意义by Sari Mannonen and Seppo RiikonenIn vitro diagnostics (IVD) is the analysis of medical samples, such as blood, tissues, or urine, that are taken from patients or healthy individuals.体外诊断就是将取自于病人或健康个体的医学样品,如血液、组织或尿液,进行分析。
After a medical examination, one of the first steps is often to take a blood sample and send it to the laboratory to carry out a number of tests.体检之后,第一个步骤通常是采集血样,再把它(血样)送到实验室进行大量的测试。
These are IVD tests because many were originally performed in a test tube—“in vitro” is Latin for “in glass.”因为许多这些体外诊断测试最初都是在试管里进行的,所以“体外”这个词的拉丁文意思是“在玻璃里”。
IVD tests are used to make a correct diagnosis for proper treatment (evidence-based medicine), but are also used extensively to follow up the treatment.体外诊断检测过去不仅常用在寻找合适治疗方法作出正确诊断上,还广泛应用于跟踪治疗。

《体外诊断试剂法规》(21 CFR Part 809)、《体外诊断试剂注册和上市报告指南》等文件对体外诊断试剂的注册、标识、报告、质量管理等方面做出了详细规定,确保体外诊断试剂符合美国法律法规的要求。

体外诊断IVD D指令(CE认证主要步骤)2010-01-11 08:47欧洲委员会于1998年10月27日正式通过98/79/EC体外诊断医疗器材指令(In Vitro Diagnos tic Medical Devices Directi ve,以下简称IVD D指令),并公告于1998 年12月7日的第L331号欧盟公报上。
根据公报的内容,欧盟各成员国必须于2000年6月7日之前完成执行本指令所需要的相关法规命令修制定与公告,自2003年12月起,所有在欧盟各成员国销售的体外诊断医疗器材(In Vitro Diagnos tic Medical Devices,以下简称IVD)均须依照本指令完成符合性评价程序,贴上CE标记,才能在欧盟上市。
国内的体外诊断医疗断器材生产厂家也意识到此点,但这个市场是有门槛的,这个门槛就是C E认证。
体外诊断医疗器械法规 -回复

体外诊断医疗器械法规-回复体外诊断医疗器械(In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device,IVD)法规是一项管理和监督体外诊断医疗器械的法律法规体系,旨在确保体外诊断医疗器械的质量、安全和有效性。
欧洲联盟对体外诊断医疗器械的管理和监督制度建立在三个主要文件上:体外诊断医疗器械指令(Directive 98/79/EC)、体外诊断医疗器械法规(Regulation (EU) 2017/746)和技术文档指南(MEDDEV 2.1/3)。

98/79/EC指令,关于体外诊断医疗设备(IVD MDs)requires in Annex III, section 3,indent 11 and section 6.1, in Annex IV, section 3.2 c) and in Annex V, section 3,生产商在他的技术文档里提供证据,表明该IVD MD象所声明的一样表现,是否这些声明是由技术,分析或诊断支持。
若一个性能评估研究是必要的,合适的,来支持该IVD MD的性能声明,本标准描述生产商如何可以满足他的责任来引导一个科学性的性能评估研究。
评估计划适合于该IVD MD的属性和预期用途,同时考虑到在科学文献和标准中给出的不同的推荐建议。
考虑到IVD MD的由指令98/79/EC指定的宽广的范围,并考虑到,到目前为止,没有统一的应用文档,这就是本标准的目的,表述一个性能评估的通用元素。
所描述的许多项目的适应性由IVD MD 复杂程度所决定。
特别是这些CTS会应用到附录II 的列表A中的体外诊断器中,及附录II的列表B中。
生产商因此应在指令98/79/EC 条款5“参考标准”中,考虑这些CTS。
范围本欧盟标准针对IVD MD的性能评估,包括自我测试的IVD MD。
这不针对某些IVD MD的特殊评估计划或特别使用。
当一个生产商维持一个质量系统,本标准解决了设计验证和设计变化的顺应性,如EN ISO 9001,EN46001和EN928所描述,尤其考虑到IVD MD的性质和使用。

考虑到欧洲国会和理事会1998年10月27日体外诊断医疗器械指令 98/79/EC,特别是其第5(3)条第二段,鉴于:(1)指令98/79/EC 陈述了体外诊断医疗器械上市时必须满足基本要求,并把与协调标准保持一致作为与相关基本要求一致的前提。
给委员会Erkki LIIKANEN委员会委员附录CTS-体外诊断医疗器械通用技术规范1.范围这些通用技术规范适用于附录2,列表A中列出的器械:——试剂和试剂产品,包括相关的校准和控制材料,用于决定以下血型:ABO系统,凝血(C,c,D,E,e)和抗Kell型。
Medical Device医疗器械相关文本译文

Medical DeviceA medical device is a product which is used for medical purposes in patients ,in diagnosis ,therapy or surgery .Whereas medical products(also called pharmaceuticals)achieve their principal action by pharmacological ,metabolic or immunological means .Medical devices are include in the category :Medical technology .Examples included tongue dangerous medical thermometers ,blood sugar meters ,total artificial hearts ,fibrin scaffolds ,stents and X-ray machines .The global market of medical devices reached roughly 209 billion US Dollar in 2006 and is expected to grow with an average annual rate of 6-9% through 2010.医疗器械医疗器械是一个用于医疗目的的患者,在诊断,治疗或手术,而医疗产品(也称为药品),药理,代谢或免疫手段实现其主要的行动医疗器械包括类别产品。
DefinitionsEuropean Union legal framework and definitionBased on the “New Approach ”,rules relating to the safety and performance of medical devices were harmonized in the EU in the 1990s.The “New Approach”,defined in a European Council Resolution of May 1985,represents an innovative way of technical harmonization .it aims to remove technical barriers to trade and dispel the consequent uncertainty for economic operators allowing for the free movement of goods inside the EU .The core legal framework consists of 3 directives:Directive 90/385/EEC ,regarding active implantable medical devices;Directive 93/42/EEC regarding medical devices;Directive 98/79/EC regarding in vitro diagnostic medical devicesThey aim at ensuring a high level of protection or human health and safety and the good functioning of the Single ,Market .These 3 main directives have been supplemented over time by several modifying and implementing directives, including the last technical revision brought about by Directive 2007/47/EC.定义欧洲联盟的法律框架和定义基于“新方法”,医疗器械的安全性和性能有关的规则1990s.这个“新方法”的定义在欧洲议会的决议一九八五年五月在欧盟统一的,统一的技术创新方式它旨在消除技术性贸易壁垒,并允许在欧盟内部货物的自由流动的经济运营商消除由此产生的不确定性。

MDREU_2017_745欧盟医疗器械最新法规(中英对照版)公报中文版立法L117第60卷2017年5月5日内容I 立法法案法规★欧洲议会和理事会于2017年4月5日签发的关于医疗器械第2017/745号法规,修订了第2001/83/EC号指令,第178/2002号(EU)法规和第1223/2009号(EU)法规,并废除了理事会第90/385/EEC号和第93/42/EEC号指令(1) (1)★欧洲议会和理事会于2017年4月5日签发的关于体外诊断医疗器械第2017/746号(EU)法规并废除了第98/79/EC号指令和理事会第2010/227/EU号决议 (176)________________(1)EEA相关性文本。
Council Directive 90/385/EEC (3) and Council Directive 93/42/EEC (4) constitute the Union regulatoryframework for medical devices, other than in vitro diagnostic medical devices. However, a fundamentalrevision of those Directives is needed to establish a robust, transparent, predictable andregulatory framework for medical devices which ensures a high level of safety and health whilst supporting innovation.(2)本法规旨在确保区域内医疗器械市场的平稳运作,在为患者和使用者提供高水平健康保护的基础上,同时考虑到活跃于本行业的中小型企业利益。
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This document is meant purely as a documentation tool and the institutions do not assume any liability for its contents►B DIRECTIVE98/79/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof27October1998on in vitro diagnostic medical devices(OJ L331,7.12.1998,p.1)Corrected by:►C1Corrigendum,OJ L22,29.1.1999,p.75(98/79)DIRECTIVE98/79/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENTAND OF THE COUNCILof27October1998on in vitro diagnostic medical devicesTHE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EURO-PEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,and in particular Article100a thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission(1),Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee(2), Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article189b of the Treaty(3),(1)Whereas measures should be adopted for the smooth operation ofthe internal market;whereas the internal market is an area without internal frontiers in which the free movement of goods, persons,services and capital is ensured;(2)Whereas the content and scope of the laws,regulations andadministrative provisions in force in the Member States with regard to the safety,health protection and performance,charac-teristics and authorisation procedures for in vitro diagnostic medical devices are different;whereas the existence of such disparities creates barriers to trade,and whereas the need to establish harmonised rules has been confirmed by a comparative survey of national legislations carried out on behalf of the Commission;(3)Whereas the harmonisation of national legislation is the onlymeans of removing such barriers to free trade and of preventing new barriers from arising;whereas this objective cannot be achieved in a satisfactory manner by other means by the indi-vidual Member States;whereas this Directive lays down only such requirements as are necessary and sufficient to ensure,under the best safety conditions,free movement of the in vitro diag-nostic medical devices to which it applies;(4)Whereas the harmonised provisions must be distinguished frommeasures adopted by the Member States to manage the funding of public health and sickness insurance schemes relating directly or indirectly to such devices;whereas,therefore,the harmonised provisions do not affect the ability of the Member States to implement such measures provided that they comply with Community law;(5)Whereas in vitro diagnostic medical devices should providepatients,users and third parties with a high level of health protec-tion and attain the performance levels originally attributed to them by the manufacturer;whereas,therefore,maintenance or improvement of the level of health protection attained in the Member States is one of the main objectives of this Directive;(6)Whereas,in accordance with the principles set out in the Councilresolution of7May1985on a new approach to technical harmo-nisation and standards(4),rules regarding the design,manufac-ture and packaging of relevant products must be confined to the provisions required to meet the essential requirements;whereas,(1)OJ C172,7.7.1995,p.21and OJ C87,18.3.1997,p.9.(2)OJ C18,22.1.1996,p.12.(3)Opinion of the European Parliament of12March1996(OJ C96,1.4.1996,p.31),Council common position of23March1998(OJ C178,10.6.1998,p.7)and Decision of the European Parliament of18June1998(OJ C210,6.7.1998).Council Decision of5October1998.(4)OJ C136,4.6.1985,p.1.because they are essential,such requirements should replace the corresponding national provisions;whereas the essential require-ments,including requirements to minimise and reduce risks, should be applied with discretion,taking into account the tech-nology and practice at the time of design and technical and economic considerations compatible with a high level of protec-tion of health and safety;(7)Whereas the major part of medical devices are covered byCouncil Directive90/385/EEC of20June1990on the approx-imation of laws relating to active implantable medical devices(1) and Council Directive93/42/EEC of14June1993concerning medical devices(2)with the exclusion of in vitro diagnostic medical devices;whereas this Directive seeks to extend the harmonisation to in vitro diagnostic medical devices and whereas, in the interest of uniform Community rules,this Directive is based largely on the provisions of the said two Directives; (8)Whereas instruments,apparatus,appliances,materials or otherarticles,including software,which are intended to be used for research purposes,without any medical objective,are not regarded as devices for performance evaluation;(9)Whereas,although internationally certified reference materialsand materials used for external quality assessment schemes are not covered by this Directive,calibrators and control materials needed by the user to establish or verify performances of devices are in vitro diagnostic medical devices;(10)Whereas,having regard to the principle of subsidiarity,reagentswhich are produced within health-institution laboratories for use in that environment and are not subject to commercialtransactions are not covered by this Directive;(11)Whereas,however,devices that are manufactured and intended tobe used in a professional and commercial context for purposes of medical analysis without being marketed are subject to this Directive;(12)Whereas mechanical laboratory equipment especially designedfor in vitro diagnostic examinations falls within the scope of this Directive and whereas,therefore,in order to harmonise the rele-vant directives,Directive98/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of22June1998on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to machinery(3),should be appropriately amended to bring it into line with this Directive;(13)Whereas this Directive should include requirements regarding thedesign and manufacture of devices emitting ionizing radiation;whereas this Directive does not affect the application of Council Directive96/29/Euratom of13May1996laying down basic safety standards for the protection of the health of workers and the general public against the dangers arising from ionising radia-tion(4);(14)Whereas,since electromagnetic compatibility aspects form anintegral part of the essential requirements of this Directive, Council Directive89/336/EEC of2May1989on the approx-imation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromag-netic compatibility(5)does not apply;(15)Whereas,in order to ease the task of proving conformity with theessential requirements and to enable conformity to be verified,it is desirable to have harmonised standards in respect of the(1)OJ L189,20.7.1990,p.17.Directive as last amended by Directive93/68/EEC(OJ L220,30.8.1993,p.1).(2)OJ L169,12.7.1993,p.1.(3)OJ L207,23.7.1998,p.1.(4)OJ L159,29.6.1996,p.1.(5)OJ L139,23.5.1989,p.19.Directive as last amended by Directive93/68/EEC(OJ L220,30.8.1993,p.1).prevention of risks associated with the design,manufacture and packaging of medical devices;whereas such harmonised stan-dards are drawn up by private-law bodies and should retain their status as non-mandatory texts;whereas,to this end,the European Committee for Standardisation(CEN)and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation(Cenelec)are recognised as the competent bodies for the adoption ofharmo-nised standards in accordance with the general guidelines on cooperation between the Commission and those two bodies signed on13November1984;(16)Whereas,for the purpose of this Directive,a harmonised standardis a technical specification(European standard of harmonisation document)adopted,on a mandate from the Commission,by CEN or Cenelec or by both of those bodies in accordance with Directive98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of22June1998laying down a procedure for the provi-sion of information in the field of technical standards and regula-tions(1),and pursuant to the abovementioned general guidelines;(17)Whereas,by way of exception to the general principles,thedrawing up of common technical specifications takes account ofa current practice in some Member States whereby for selecteddevices mainly used for the evaluation of the safety of blood supply and of organ donation,such specifications are adopted by the public authorities;whereas it is appropriate that these partic-ular specifications should be replaced by common technical spec-ifications;whereas these common technical specifications can be used for performance evaluation and reevaluation;(18)Whereas scientific experts from various interested parties couldbe involved in the drafting of common technical specifications and in the examination of other specific or general questions;(19)Whereas manufacturing,as covered by this Directive,alsoincludes the packaging of the medical device,insofar as such packaging is related to the safety and performance aspects of this device;(20)Whereas certain devices have a limited life owing to the declinein their performance over time,which is related,for example,to the deterioriation in their physical or chemical properties, including the sterility or integrity of the packaging;whereas the manufacturer should determine and indicate the period during which the device will perform as intended;whereas the labelling should indicate the date until which the device or one of its components can be used with complete safety;(21)Whereas,in Decision93/465/EEC of22July1993concerningthe modules for the various phases of the conformity assessment procedures and the rules for the affixing and use of the CE conformity marking,which are intended to be used in the tech-nical harmonisation directives(2),the Council laid down harmo-nised conformity assessment procedures;whereas the details added to these modules are justified by the nature of the verifica-tion required for in vitro diagnostic medical devices and by the need for consistency with Directives90/385/EEC and93/ 42/EEC;(22)Whereas it is necessary,essentially for the purpose of theconformity assessment procedures,to group in vitro diagnostic medical devices into two main product classes;whereas,since the large majority of such devices do not constitute a direct risk to patients and are used by competently trained professionals,and the results obtained can often be confirmed by other means,the conformity assessment procedures can be carried out,as a general rule,under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer;whereas,(1)OJ L204,21.7.1998,p.37.Directive as last amended by Directive98/48/EC(OJ L217,5.8.1998,p.18).(2)OJ L220,30.8.1993,p.23.taking account of existing national regulations and of notifica-tions received following the procedure laid down in Directive 98/34/EC,the intervention of notified bodies is needed only for defined devices,the correct performance of which is essential to medical practice and the failure of which can cause a serious risk to health;(23)Whereas,among the in vitro diagnostic medical devices forwhich intervention of a notified body is required,the groups of products used in blood transfusion and the prevention of AIDS and certain types of hepatitis require a conformity assessment guaranteeing,with a view to their design and manufacture,an optimum level of safety and reliability;(24)Whereas the list of in vitro diagnostic medical devices to besubjected to third-party conformity assessment needs updating, taking account of technological progress and of developments in the field of health protection;whereas such updating measures must be taken in line with procedure III(a)as laid down in Council Decision87/373/EEC of13July1987laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission(1);(25)Whereas an agreement on a modus vivendi between the EuropeanParliament,the Council and the Commission concerning the implementing measures for acts adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article189b of the Treaty was reached on20December1994(2);(26)Whereas medical devices should,as a general rule,bear the CEmarking indicating their conformity with the provisions of this Directive to enable them to move freely within the Community and to be put into service in accordance with their intended purpose;(27)Whereas manufacturers will be able,when the intervention of anotified body is required,to choose from a list of bodies published by the Commission;whereas,although Member States do not have an obligation to designate such notified bodies,they must ensure that bodies designated as notified bodies comply with the assessment criteria laid down in this Directive; (28)Whereas the director and staff of the notified bodies should not,themselves or through an intermediary,have any interest in the establishments subject to assessment and verification which is likely to compromise their independence;(29)Whereas the competent authorities in charge of market surveil-lance should be able,particularly in emergencies,to contact the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community,in order to take any protection measures that should prove necessary;whereas cooperation and exchange of informa-tion between Member States are necessary with a view to uniform application of this Directive,in particular for the purpose of market surveillance;whereas to that end it is necessary to establish and manage a database containing data on manufac-turers and their authorised representatives,on devices placed on the market,on certificates issued,suspended or withdrawn,and on the vigilance procedure;whereas a system of adverse incident reporting(vigilance procedure)constitutes a useful tool for surveillance of the market,including the performance of new devices;whereas information obtained from the vigilance proce-dure as well as from external quality assessment schemes is useful for decision-making on classification of devices; (30)Whereas it is essential that manufacturers notify the competentauthorities of the placing on the market of‘new products'with regard both to the technology used and the substances to be(1)OJ L197,18.7.1987,p.33.(2)OJ C102,4.4.1996,p.1.analysed or other parameters;whereas this is true in particular of high-density DNA probe devices(known as micro-chips)used in genetic screening;(31)Whereas,when a Member State considers that,as regards a givenproduct or group of products,it is necessary,in order to protect health and safety and/or ensure compliance with the imperatives of public health,in accordance with Article36of the Treaty,to prohibit or restrict their availability or to subject it to special conditions,it may take any transitional measures that are neces-sary and justified;whereas,in such cases,the Commission consults the interested parties and the Member States and,if the national measures are justified,adopts the necessary Community measures,in accordance with procedure III(a)as laid down in Decision87/373/EEC;(32)Whereas this Directive covers in vitro diagnostic medical devicesmanufactured from tissues,cells or substances of human origin;whereas it does not refer to the other medical devices manufac-tured using substances of human origin;whereas,therefore,work will have to continue in this connection in order to produce Community legislation as soon as possible;(33)Whereas,in view of the need to protect the integrity of thehuman person during the sampling,collection and use of substances derived from the human body,it is appropriate to apply the principles laid down in the Convention of the Council of Europe for the protection of human rights and dignity of the human being with regard to the application of biology and medi-cine;whereas,furthermore,national regulations relating to ethics continue to apply;(34)Whereas,in the interests of overall consistency between direct-ives on medical devices,some of the provisions of this Directive should be incorporated into Directive93/42/EEC,which needs to be amended accordingly;(35)Whereas it is necessary to draw up as quickly as possible thelegislation which is lacking on medical devices manufactured using substances of human origin,HAVE ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:Article1Scope,definitions1.This Directive shall apply to in vitro diagnostic medical devices and their accessories.For the purposes of this Directive,accessories shall be treated as in vitro diagnostic medical devices in their own right. Both in vitro diagnostic medical devices and accessories shall herein-after be termed devices.2.For the purposes of this Directive,the following definitions shall apply:(a)‘medical device'means any instrument,apparatus,appliance,material or other article,whether used alone or in combination, including the software necessary for its proper application,intended by the manufacturer to be used for human beings for the purpose of:—diagnosis,prevention,monitoring,treatment or alleviation of disease,—diagnosis,monitoring,treatment,alleviation or compensation for an injury or handicap,—investigation,replacement or modification of the anatomy or ofa physiological process,—control of conception,and which does not achieve its principal intended action in or on the human body by pharmacological,immunological or metabolic means,but which may be assisted in its function by such means;(b)‘in vitro diagnostic medical device'means any medical devicewhich is a reagent,reagent product,calibrator,control material,kit, instrument,apparatus,equipment,or system,whether used alone or in combination,intended by the manufacturer to be used in vitro for the examination of specimens,including blood and tissue donations, derived from the human body,solely or principally for the purpose of providing information:—concerning a physiological or pathological state,or—concerning a congenital abnormality,or—to determine the safety and compatibility with potential recipi-ents,or—to monitor therapeutic measures.Specimen receptacles are considered to be in vitro diagnostic medical devices.‘Specimen receptacles'are those devices,whether vacuum-type or not,specifically intended by their manufacturers for the primary containment and preservation of specimens derived from the human body for the purpose of in vitro diagnostic examination.Products for general laboratory use are not in vitro diagnostic medical devices unless such products,in view of their characteris-tics,are specifically intended by their manufacturer to be used for in vitro diagnostic examination;(c)‘accessory'means an article which,whilst not being an in vitrodiagnostic medical device,is intended specifically by its manufac-turer to be used together with a device to enable that device to be used in accordance with its intended purpose.For the purposes of this definition,invasive sampling devices or those which are directly applied to the human body for the purpose of obtaining a specimen within the meaning of Directive93/42/EEC shall not be considered to be accessories to in vitro diagnostic medical devices;(d)‘device for self-testing'means any device intended by the manufac-turer to be able to be used by lay persons in a home environment;(e)‘device for performance evaluation'means any device intended bythe manufacturer to be subject to one or more performance evalu-ation studies in laboratories for medical analyses or in other appro-priate environments outside his own premises;(f)‘manufacturer'means the natural or legal person with responsibilityfor the design,manufacture,packaging and labelling of a device before it is placed on the market under his own name,regardless of whether these operations are carried out by that person himself or on his behalf by a third party.The obligations of this Directive to be met by manufacturers also apply to the natural or legal person who assembles,packages, processes,fully refurbishes and/or labels one or more ready-made products and/or assigns to them their intended purpose as devices with a view to their being placed on the market under his own name.This subparagraph does not apply to the person who,while not a manufacturer within the meaning of the first subparagraph, assembles or adapts devicesalready on the market to their intended purpose for an individual patient;(g)‘authorised representative'means any natural or legal person estab-lished in the Community who,explicitly designated by the manu-facturer,acts and may be addressed by authorities and bodies in the Community instead of the manufacturer with regard to the latter’s obligations under this Directive;(h)‘intended purpose'means the use for which the device is intendedaccording to the data supplied by the manufacturer on the labelling, in the instructions for use and/or in promotional materials; (i)‘placing on the market'means the first making available in returnfor payment or free of charge of a device other than a device intended for performance evaluation with a view to distribution and/or use on the Community market,regardless of whether it is new or fully refurbished;(j)‘putting into service'means the stage at which a device has been made available to the final user as being ready for use on the Community market for the first time for its intended purpose.3.For the purposes of this Directive,calibration and control mate-rials refer to any substance,material or article intended by their manu-facturer either to establish measurement relationships or to verify the performance characteristics of a device in conjunction with the intended use of that device.4.For the purposes of this Directive,the removal,collection and use of tissues,cells and substances of human origin shall be governed,in relation to ethics,by the principles laid down in the Convention of the Council of Europe for the protection of human rights and dignity of the human being with regard to the application of biology and medicine and by any Member States regulations on this matter.5.This Directive shall not apply to devices manufactured and used only within the same health institution and on the premises of their manufacture or used on premises in the immediate vicinity without having been transferred to another legal entity.This does not affect the right of Member State to subject such activities to appropriate protec-tion requirements.6.This Directive shall not affect national laws which provide for the supply of devices by a medical prescription.7.This Directive is a specific directive within the meaning of Article 2(2)of Directive89/336/EEC,which shall cease to apply to devices which have complied with this Directive.Article2Placing on the market and putting into service Member States shall take all necessary steps to ensure that devices may be placed on the market and/or put into service only if they comply with the requirements laid down in this Directive when duly supplied and properly installed,maintained and used in accordance with their intended purpose.This involves the obligation of Member States to monitor the security and quality of these devices.This Article applies also to devices made available for performance evaluation.Article3Essential requirementsDevices must meet the essential requirements set out in Annex I which apply to them,taking account of the intended purpose of the devices concerned.Article4Free movement1.Member States shall not create any obstacle to the placing on the market or the putting into service within their territory of devices bearing the CE marking provided for in Article16if these devices have undergone conformity assessment in accordance with Article9.2.Member States shall not create any obstacle to devices intended for performance evaluation being made available for that purpose to the laboratories or other institutions listed in the statement referred to in Annex VIII if they meet the conditions laid down in Article9(4)and Annex VIII.3.At trade fairs,exhibitions,demonstrations,scientific or technical gatherings,etc.Member States shall not create any obstacle to the showing of devices which do not conform to this Directive,provided that such devices are not used on specimens taken from the participants and that a visible sign clearly indicates that such devicescannot be marketed or put into service until they have been made to comply.4.Member States may require the information to be supplied pursuant to Annex I,part B,section8to be in their official language(s) when a device reaches the final user.Provided that safe and correct use of the device is ensured,Member States may authorise the information referred to in the first subpara-graph to be in one or more other official Community language(s). In the application of this provision,Member States shall take into account the principle of proportionality and,in particular:(a)whether the information can be supplied by harmonised symbols orrecognised codes or other measures;(b)the type of user anticipated for the device.5.Where the devices are subject to other directives concerning other aspects which also provide for the affixing of the CE marking,the latter shall indicate that the devices also fulfil the provisions of the other directives.However,should one or more of these directives allow the manufac-turer,during a transitional period,to choose which arrangements to apply,the CE marking shall indicate that the devices fulfil the provi-sions only of those directives applied by the manufacturer.In this case, the particulars of these directives,as published in the Official Journal of the European Communities,must be given in the documents,notices or instructions required by the directives and accompanying such devices.Article5Reference to standards1.Member States shall presume compliance with the essential requirements referred to in Article3in respect of devices which are in conformity with the relevant national standards transposing the harmo-nised standards the reference numbers of which have been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities;Member States shall publish the reference numbers of such national standards.2.If a Member State or the Commission considers that the harmo-nised standards do not entirely meet the essential requirements referred to in Article3,the measures to be taken by the Member States with regard to these standards and the publication referred to in paragraph1 of this Article shall be adopted by the procedure defined in Article6(2).3.Member States shall presume compliance with the essential requirements referred to in Article3in respect of devices designed and manufactured in conformity with common technical specifications drawn up for the devices in List A of Annex II and,where necessary, the devices in List B of Annex II.These specifications shall establish appropriate performance evaluation and re-evaluation criteria,batch release criteria,reference methods and reference materials.The common technical specifications shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure mentioned in Article7(2)and be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.Manufacturers shall as a general rule be required to comply with the common technical specifications;if for duly justified reasons manufac-turers do not comply with those specifications they must adopt solutions of a level at least equivalent thereto.Where,in this Directive,reference is made to harmonised standards, this is also meant to refer to the common technical specifications.Article6Committee on Standards and Technical Regulations1.The Commission shall be assisted by the committee set up by Article5of Directive98/34/EC.2.The representative of the Commission shall submit to the committee a draft of the measures to be taken.The committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft within a time limit which the chairman。