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跨文化选词填空(checklist 第一题)

Chapter 1 Culture

(1) Culture Identity: refers to one's sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. (文化身份:认为自己归属于某一文化或民族群体的感觉。)

(2) Subculture :refers to a culture that exists within dominant culture, and is often based on economic or social class, ethnicity, race, or geographic region. (亚文化:指存在于主流文化中的文化,其划分通常基于经济地位、社会阶层、民族、种族或地理区域。 )

(3) Co-culture: refers to groups or social communities exhibiting communication characteristics, perceptions, values, beliefs, and practices that are significantly different enough to distinguish them from the other groups, communities, and the dominant culture. (共文化:

指具有独特的交际特征、感知特点、价值观、信仰和行为,区别于其他群体、社团以及主流文化的群体或社团。 )

(4) Subgroup: usually does not involve the same large number of people and is not necessarily thought of as accumulating values and patterns of behavior over generations in the same way as cultures do. (亚群体:相

对于亚文化和共文化群体,亚群体通常规模不大,也不一定有文化群体世代相传积累的价值观念和行为模式。 )

(5) Culture :is the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, hierarchies, religions, notions of time, role, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.

Chapter 2 Communication and Intercultural Communication

(1) Sender/Source: refers to the person who transmits a message. (信息发出者/信息源:信息发出者/信息源指传递信息的人。 )

(2) Channel(sometimes called the medium): is the method used to deliver

a message. (渠道/ 媒介:渠道/ 媒介指发送信息的方法。 )

(3) Receiver: is any person who notices and gives somemeaning to a message. ( 信息接受者:信息接受者指信息接收者是指注意到信息并且赋予信息某些含义的人。)

(4) Intercultural communication: is communication between people whose cultural perception and symbol system are distinct enough to alter the communication event.( 跨文化交际:跨文化交际指的是那些在文化认知和符号系统上存在差异的人们之间的交际。这些差异足以改变整个交际事件。)

Chapter 4 Intercultural Communication Barriers

(1) Ethnocentrism: refers to negatively judging aspects of another culture by the

standards of one 's own culture. (种族或民主中心主义:是指从本国文化的标准出发,消极地审视另一文化。 )

(2) Prejudice: refers to the irrational dislike, suspicion, or hatred of

a particular group, race, religion, or sexual orientation. (偏见:偏见是指对于某一

特定群体、种族、宗教、或性取向的无端地憎恶和怀疑。 )

(3) Racism: is any policy, practice, belief, or attitude that attributes characteristics or status to individuals based on their race. (种族主


(4) Stereotyping: is used to refer to negative or positive judgments made about individuals based on any observable or believed group membership. (文化定势:文化定势指基于明显的或受到认可的群体身份,对目标群体中的个体成员所持有的正面或反面的判断。 )

Chapter 5 Verbal Intercultural Communication

(1) Verbal intercultural communication happens when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other by using language. 来自不同文化背景的人用言语进行的交际即言语跨文化交际

(2) Pidgin is a special language variety that mixes or lends languages for restricted purposes such as trading. 洋泾浜,是一种特殊的语言变体,指为贸易等目的将两种或几种语言混合使用。

(3) Dialect is a form of language peculiar to a group of people, as

distinguished from the literary language of the whole people. 方言是某


(4) Taboo refers to prohibition of a set of behaviors that should be avoided because they are offensive and impolite. 禁忌语指被禁止或避免


Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication

(1) Nonverbal communication: refers to the messages sent without using words. (非言语交际:不运用言语语言传递信息被称为非言语交际。)

(2) Oculesics: is the study of nonverbal communication sent by the eyes. (目光语:对于由眼睛所传达的信息的研究。不同的文化对于交际时眼神的接触有不同的要求。)

(3) Proxemics: is the way we use fixed space and personal space. (时空

行为:时空行为对空间关系的研究。 )

(4) Kinesics: It refers to gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, body positions, body movement, and forms of greeting and their relation to communication. (身势语行为:身势语(也称体态语) ,指手势、面目表情、眼神交流、身体姿势、肢体运动和问候方式以及和他们与交际的关系。 )

(5) Chronemics: It is the study of how people perceive and use time. (时间行为:对于人们如何理解和利用时间的研究。 )

Chapter 7 Cultural Patterns

(1) Members in the culture of high uncertainty avoidance have a lower tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity.

(2) Individuals from high power distance cultures accept power as part of society. As

a result, superiors consider their subordinates to be different from themselves and vice versa.

(3) People from high masculine cultures tend to see same-sex relationships as more
