Preface and Content




s e c t i o n2--1-4科技英语阅读与翻译1 Monograph专著1. The general definition of a monographScientific treatises of book length but otherwise variable format prepared by acknowledged experts onspecialized topics for the benefit of others who have specialized in. or who wish to obtain a specialist'sappreciation of, these topics.2. The value of monographs for scientific researchesThe value of monographs lies in the coherence and comprehensiveness of the information and knowledge theycontain, which is important to the specialized researchers to whom they are directed and, therefore, to theadvancement of science and engineering generally.3. The qualities of the authors of monographsThe authors of monographs should have exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge, and must be able tocollect, collate, analyze, integrate, and synthesize all relevant contributions to the archival literature of thescientific and engineering journals and to add original material as required.4. The differences between monographs and books of conference proceedings Monographs generally are written by specialists for the benefit of other specialists. Textbooks are pedagogicalworks which, even if written on fairly narrow subjects, are designed to serve broader and more juniorreaderships than specialized research communities.5. The differences between monographs and books of conference proceedings Conference papers commonly take the form of premature announcements of new scientific discoveries.Conference proceedings generally have a short shelf life.6. The main components of a monographThe author, title and subtitle, date of publication, dust cover or blurb, content pages, bibliography and index,illustrations, preface and introduction.7. An indication of the book’s su ccessThe number of editions is an indication of the book’s success.8. The function of the blurbIt gives the reader a rapid overview of the contents and approach. It might also say what the book contains andfor whom it is written.2 Academic Journal学术期刊1. The general definition of an academic journalAn academic journal is a peer-reviewed periodical in which scholarship relating to a particular academicdiscipline is published.2. The significance of peer-review processThe peer-review process is considered critical to establishing a reliable body of research and knowledge.3. The definition of review articlesReview articles, also called “reviews of progress”, are checks on the research published in journals.4. One difference between original research articles and review articlesUnlike original research articles, review articles tend to be solicited submissions, sometimes planned years inadvance.5. The places where science journals are authoritatively rankedNatural science journals are categorized and ranked in the Science Citation Index, and social science journalsin the Social Science Citation Index.6. The possible quantitative factors to reflect an academic journal’s prestigeThe number of later articles citing articles already published in the journal, the overall number of citations,how quickly articles are cited, and the average “half-life” of articles.7. The financial resources of humanities and social science academic journals Subsidies by universities or professional organizations and advertising fees by advertisers.8. The role of internet in the production of, and access to, academic journalsThe Internet has revolutionized the production of, and access to, academic journals, with their contentsavailable online via services subscribed to by academic libraries or even in a way of open access.33 Organization of a Scientific Paper科技论文的篇章结构1. In most scientific journals, scientific papers include the following sections Summary or Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments.2. The content of Summary or AbstractIt gives a brief background to the topic, describes concisely the major findings of the paper, and relates thesefindings to the field of study.3. The Introduction section deals with the following two pointsIt describes first the accepted state of knowledge in a specialized field; then it focuses more specifically on aparticular aspect, usually describing a finding or set of findings that led directly to the work described in thepaper.4. The purpose of Materials and MethodsIts purpose is to describe the materials used in the experiments and the methods by which the experimentswere carried out.5. The two ways of organizing ResultsIn some papers, the results are presented without extensive discussion, which is reserved for the followingsection. In other papers, results are given, and then they are interpreted, perhaps taken together with otherfindings not in the paper, so as to give the logical basis for later experiments.6. The purposes of the Discussion sectionThe data in the paper are interpreted; the findings of the paper are related to other findings in the field; thisserves to show how the findings contribute to knowledge, or correct the errors of previous work; some of thelogical arguments are often provided when it is necessary to clarify why later experiments were earned out.7. The reason for combining the Results and DiscussionBecause the data need extensive discussion to allow the reader to follow the train of logic developed in thecourse of the research.8. The difference between the abstracts in Science and those in NatureIn Science, the abstract is self-contained; in Nature, the abstract also serves as a brief introduction to the paper.4 Reading a Scientific Paper科技论文的阅读方法1. The order to understand the major points of the work, you should first read The Abstract.2. Reading the Title and the Abstract serves three purposesFirst, it clarifies whether you in fact know enough background to appreciate the paper. Second, it refreshesyour memory about the topic. Third, it helps you integrate the new information into your previous knowledgeabout the topic.3. When reading in a familiar field, you can skim or even skipThe Introduction.4. The three typical codewordsData not shown, unpublished data, preliminary data.5. The poorly written papers are often related to three types of writersThose who are poor writers; those who do not enjoy writing, and do not take the time or effort to ensure thatthe prose is dear and logical; those who are so familiar with the material that it is difficult to step back and seeit from the point of view of a reader not familiar with the topic.6. The three characteristics of “bad writing”First, the logical connections are often left out. Second, papers are often cluttered with a great deal of jargon.Third, the authors often do not provide a clear roadmap through the paper.7. In better writing, the side issues are dealt with in the following waysThey are relegated to Figure legends or Materials and Methods or clearly identified as side issues, so as not todistract the reader.8. Another problem faced by the readers is that when they seek to understand just the experiment was,they may findThe authors refer back to previous papers; these refer in turn to previous papers m a long chain.。


植物生理学的任务是研究和了解植 物在各种环境条件下,进行生命活动的 规律和机理,并将这些研究成果应用于 一切利用植物生产的事业中。
(一)植物生理学的定义、内容和任 务
植物生理学(Plant physiology) 定义:植物生理学是研究植物生命活动 规律及其与环境相互关系的一门科学。
植物生命活动: (1)生长发育和形态建成 (2)物质和能量转化 (3)信息传递和信号转导
定义:信号转导是指单个细胞水平上, 信号和受体结合后,通过信号转导系统, 产生生理反应。
细胞生理 代谢生理 生长发育生理 逆境生理 分子生理和生产应用
植物的物质生产和光能利用 水分代谢、矿质营养、光合作用
植物体内物质和能量转化 呼吸作用、有机物的转化和运输
植物学和化学是主要基础课,学习植物生理 学要从复习这两门课程,打下良好的基础入 手。 生物化学、微生物学和遗传学对植物生理学 的发展起了推动和促进作用,以至许多方面 已成为植物生理学的部分内容。 在学习中,不要去死记某些概念或过程,应 着重分析思考和有关方面的联系,去加强记 忆,深入理解。 重视实践环节,强调理论联系实际。
春化和光周期现象的发现及研究 对栽培、引种、育种有重要指导作用。
植物根源信号转导的研究 为节水灌溉 提供了新思路。
组织培养技术的发展 实现“细胞全能性”预言,为发展花药 育种、原生质体培养、细胞杂交融合、 基因导入等育种新方法提供了基础。为 快速繁殖、脱出病毒植物性药物的工业 化生产提供了可靠的途径等等。
Of Plant Physiology)
恩格斯指出:科学的产生和发展一 开始就是由生产决定的。植物生理学 的产生和发展也是由生产实践的需要 所决定。




























高中英语语法名词专项练习题含答案解析1. The _______ of the book is very interesting.A. prefaceB. authorC. contentD. cover答案:C。

解析:content 是“内容”的意思。

2. I have a lot of _______ to do before the deadline.A. homeworksB. worksC. taskesD. tasks答案:D。

解析:task 的复数形式是tasks。

3. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contributions to the field of _______.A, scienceB, sciencesC, scientificD, scientists答案:A。

解析:“科学”应该用science 表示,而不是其他选项。

4.The teacher asked us to write a 500-word essay on any topic we choose; but he gave us no other_______ about what he wanted.A.guidelinesB.directionsC.instructionsD.orders答案: A 。

解析: “指导方针”应该使用guidelines 表示,而不是directions、instructions 或orders。

5.I need some new _______. These ones are worn out.A.jeansB.pantsC.trousersD.slacks答案: A 。

解析: jeans 是裤子的一种类型,其他选项并没有包含这个信息。

6.She has been studying French for many years and now she speaks it with great__________.A.fluencyB.accentC.dialectD.tone答案:A 。


Flat 平的
Cathode 阴极
Slot 槽
PCI (peripheral component Interconnect)外部控制器接口
Bank 库、储存器
Kernel 内核
Extension 扩展、扩充
Kernel 内核、内核程序
Slash 斜杠
Grant 授予
Feature 特点、特性
Illustrate 说明
Giant 巨大的、特大的
Evolved 使发展、使进步
Variety 多样的、种类
Router 路由器
Implement 执行、工具
Protocol 协议
Preset 预先布置、设定
Measurement 测量
block 区块,区段 块、区块、语句块
boolean 布林值(真假值,true 或 false) 布尔值
border 边框、框线 边框
brace(curly brace) 大括弧、大括号 花括弧、花括号
bracket(square brakcet) 中括弧、中括号 方括弧、方括号
copy (n) 复件, 副本
cover 涵盖 覆盖
create 创建、建立、产生、生成 创建
creation 产生、生成 创建
cursor 游标 光标
custom 订制、自定 定制
data 资料 数据
database 资料库 数据库
database schema 数据库结构纲目
call 呼叫、叫用 调用
callback 回呼 回调
call operator call(函式呼叫)运算子调用操作符

section2 1-4科技英语阅读与翻译

section2  1-4科技英语阅读与翻译

1 Monograph专著1. The general definition of a monographScientific treatises of book length but otherwise variable format prepared by acknowledged experts onspecialized topics for the benefit of others who have specialized in. or who wish to obtain a specialist'sappreciation of, these topics.2. The value of monographs for scientific researchesThe value of monographs lies in the coherence and comprehensiveness of the information and knowledge theycontain, which is important to the specialized researchers to whom they are directed and, therefore, to theadvancement of science and engineering generally.3. The qualities of the authors of monographsThe authors of monographs should have exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge, and must be able tocollect, collate, analyze, integrate, and synthesize all relevant contributions to the archival literature of thescientific and engineering journals and to add original material as required.4. The differences between monographs and books of conference proceedingsMonographs generally are written by specialists for the benefit of other specialists. Textbooks are pedagogicalworks which, even if written on fairly narrow subjects, are designed to serve broader and more juniorreaderships than specialized research communities.5. The differences between monographs and books of conference proceedingsConference papers commonly take the form of premature announcements of new scientific discoveries.Conference proceedings generally have a short shelf life.6. The main components of a monographThe author, title and subtitle, date of publication, dust cover or blurb, content pages, bibliography and index,illustrations, preface and introduction.7. An indication of the book’s successThe number of editions is an indic ation of the book’s success.8. The function of the blurbIt gives the reader a rapid overview of the contents and approach. It might also say what the book contains andfor whom it is written.2 Academic Journal学术期刊1. The general definition of an academic journalAn academic journal is a peer-reviewed periodical in which scholarship relating to a particular academicdiscipline is published.2. The significance of peer-review processThe peer-review process is considered critical to establishing a reliable body of research and knowledge.3. The definition of review articlesReview articles, also called “reviews of progress”, are checks on the research published in journals.4. One difference between original research articles and review articlesUnlike original research articles, review articles tend to be solicited submissions, sometimes planned years inadvance.5. The places where science journals are authoritatively rankedNatural science journals are categorized and ranked in the Science Citation Index, and social science journalsin the Social Science Citation Index.6. The possible quantitative factors to reflect an academic journal’s prestigeThe number of later articles citing articles already published in the journal, the overall number of citations,how quickly articles are cited, and the average “half-life” of articles.7. The financial resources of humanities and social science academic journalsSubsidies by universities or professional organizations and advertising fees by advertisers.8. The role of internet in the production of, and access to, academic journalsThe Internet has revolutionized the production of, and access to, academic journals, with their contentsavailable online via services subscribed to by academic libraries or even in a way of open access. 33 Organization of a Scientific Paper科技论文的篇章结构1. In most scientific journals, scientific papers include the following sectionsSummary or Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments.2. The content of Summary or AbstractIt gives a brief background to the topic, describes concisely the major findings of the paper, and relates thesefindings to the field of study.3. The Introduction section deals with the following two pointsIt describes first the accepted state of knowledge in a specialized field; then it focuses more specifically on aparticular aspect, usually describing a finding or set of findings that led directly to the work described in thepaper.4. The purpose of Materials and MethodsIts purpose is to describe the materials used in the experiments and the methods by which the experimentswere carried out.5. The two ways of organizing ResultsIn some papers, the results are presented without extensive discussion, which is reserved for thefollowingsection. In other papers, results are given, and then they are interpreted, perhaps taken together with otherfindings not in the paper, so as to give the logical basis for later experiments.6. The purposes of the Discussion sectionThe data in the paper are interpreted; the findings of the paper are related to other findings in the field; thisserves to show how the findings contribute to knowledge, or correct the errors of previous work; some of thelogical arguments are often provided when it is necessary to clarify why later experiments were earned out.7. The reason for combining the Results and DiscussionBecause the data need extensive discussion to allow the reader to follow the train of logic developed in thecourse of the research.8. The difference between the abstracts in Science and those in NatureIn Science, the abstract is self-contained; in Nature, the abstract also serves as a brief introduction to the paper.4 Reading a Scientific Paper科技论文的阅读方法1. The order to understand the major points of the work, you should first readThe Abstract.2. Reading the Title and the Abstract serves three purposesFirst, it clarifies whether you in fact know enough background to appreciate the paper. Second, it refreshesyour memory about the topic. Third, it helps you integrate the new information into your previous knowledgeabout the topic.3. When reading in a familiar field, you can skim or even skipThe Introduction.4. The three typical codewordsData not shown, unpublished data, preliminary data.5. The poorly written papers are often related to three types of writersThose who are poor writers; those who do not enjoy writing, and do not take the time or effort to ensure thatthe prose is dear and logical; those who are so familiar with the material that it is difficult to step back and seeit from the point of view of a reader not familiar with the topic.6. The three characteristics of “bad writing”First, the logical connections are often left out. Second, papers are often cluttered with a great deal of jargon.Third, the authors often do not provide a clear roadmap through the paper.7. In better writing, the side issues are dealt with in the following waysThey are relegated to Figure legends or Materials and Methods or clearly identified as side issues, so as not todistract the reader.8. Another problem faced by the readers is that when they seek to understand just the experiment was,they may findThe authors refer back to previous papers; these refer in turn to previous papers m a long chain.。



介绍,指南,手册的英语单词全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The World of Introductions, Guides, and Manuals: A Student's Lexical JourneyAs students, we are constantly surrounded by a plethora of informative materials, ranging from textbooks and course materials to instructional guides and manuals. These resources serve as invaluable companions on our academic journey, providing us with the knowledge and guidance we need to navigate through various subjects and tasks. Among the numerous words we encounter in these materials, several stand out as essential vocabulary related to introductions, guides, and manuals.Let's begin with the word "introduction." This term holds a profound significance, as it serves as the gateway to any new topic, concept, or subject matter. An introduction is a preliminary section that provides an overview or background information, setting the stage for what is to come. It piques our interest,sparks our curiosity, and prepares us mentally for the content that follows.Closely related to introductions are "prefaces" and "forewords." A preface is typically written by the author of a book or manual, offering insight into their motivations, the work's purpose, and perhaps even acknowledging individuals who contributed to its creation. On the other hand, a foreword is an introductory section written by someone other than the author, often an expert or authority in the field, lending credibility and providing a different perspective on the work.Moving on, we encounter the term "guide." A guide is a comprehensive resource that provides detailed instructions, explanations, or directions to assist us in understanding or accomplishing a specific task or objective. Guides can take various forms, such as user guides, study guides, or travel guides, each tailored to a particular domain or purpose.Within the realm of guides, we find the ubiquitous "manual."A manual is a technical handbook or set of instructions that explains the operation, maintenance, or assembly of a product, device, or system. Manuals are invaluable resources for students, particularly in fields like engineering, computer science, or anydiscipline that involves hands-on work with specialized equipment or software.Another essential term is "tutorial." Tutorials arestep-by-step guides or interactive lessons designed to teach or demonstrate a particular skill, process, or concept. They often incorporate visual aids, examples, and practical exercises to facilitate learning and ensure a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.As we delve deeper into the world of instructional materials, we encounter the term "handbook." A handbook is a concise reference book that provides essential information, guidelines, or instructions on a specific subject or area of study. Handbooks are typically compact and easy to carry, making them convenient resources for quick reference or on-the-go learning.Moreover, we must not overlook the significance of "glossaries" and "indexes." A glossary is an alphabetical list of terms or words found in a text, accompanied by their definitions or explanations. It serves as a valuable tool for clarifying unfamiliar terminology and ensuring a thorough comprehension of the subject matter. On the other hand, an index is an alphabetical list of topics, names, or subjects found in a book ordocument, along with their respective page numbers, enabling efficient navigation and easy access to specific information.In our digital age, we also encounter "online tutorials" and "e-manuals." These are electronic versions of traditional tutorials and manuals, often interactive and multimedia-rich, designed to provide guidance and instructions in a virtual format. They offer the convenience of accessibility from various devices and the ability to update content seamlessly.Finally, we must acknowledge the significance of "appendices" and "addenda." An appendix is supplementary material added at the end of a book, manual, or document, providing additional information, data, or resources that support or complement the main content. Addenda, on the other hand, are additions or supplements to a work, often published separately but intended to be incorporated or appended to the original material.As students, our journey through the realms of knowledge is facilitated by these various introductory, guiding, and instructional materials. Each term holds a distinct meaning and purpose, contributing to our understanding and mastery of the subjects we study. From the initial spark of curiosity ignited by an introduction to the comprehensive guidance provided bymanuals and tutorials, these words represent the invaluable tools that empower us to learn, grow, and excel in our academic pursuits.篇2Words Associated with Introductions, Guides, and ManualsAs students, we encounter various types of introductory materials, guides, and manuals throughout our academic journey. These resources play a crucial role in helping us navigate new subjects, understand complex concepts, and acquire essential skills. In this essay, I will explore a range of English words commonly used in the context of introductions, guides, and manuals, shedding light on their meanings and applications.Let's begin with the word "introduction" itself. An introduction serves as an initial overview or preliminary information about a topic, subject, or concept. It aims to provide a concise yet informative entry point, piquing the reader's interest and preparing them for further exploration. Introductions are often found at the beginning of books, essays, or presentations, setting the stage for what is to follow.Closely related to introductions are "overviews" and "preambles." An overview offers a comprehensive summary or a broad perspective on a particular topic, highlighting the key points or essential elements. It provides a bird's-eye view, allowing readers to grasp the overall scope and significance of the subject matter. A preamble, on the other hand, is a brief introductory statement or explanation that precedes the main content, typically providing context or background information.Moving on to guides, we encounter words like "manual," "handbook," and "guidebook." A manual is a comprehensive instructional book or document that provides detailed information and step-by-step guidance on how to operate, use, or maintain something. Manuals are often associated with technical products, machinery, or software, ensuring that users can effectively utilize and troubleshoot these items. Similarly, a handbook is a concise reference book or compendium that covers a particular subject or field, offering essential information, rules, or principles. Guidebooks, as the name suggests, are informative books designed to assist travelers or visitors in exploring a specific location, providing useful tips, maps, and insights.Another important term in this realm is "tutorial." A tutorial is a practical guide or set of instructions that aims to teach or demonstrate a specific skill, technique, or process. Tutorials often break down complex tasks into manageable steps, making them easier for learners to follow and master. They can take various forms, such as written guides, video tutorials, or interactive online resources.When it comes to more specialized fields, we encounter terms like "primer" and "vade mecum." A primer is a introductory book or course that provides a basic understanding or foundational knowledge of a subject. It serves as a starting point for those new to a particular discipline or topic. A vade mecum, on the other hand, is a concise reference book or manual that is intended to be carried or consulted for quick and convenient access to essential information.In the digital age, we also have "user guides" and "FAQs" (Frequently Asked Questions). User guides are instructional manuals or documents that accompany software, applications, or electronic devices, explaining their features, functions, and proper usage. FAQs, as the name implies, are compilations of commonly asked questions and their corresponding answers,providing quick and easily accessible information to address common queries or issues.Another relevant term is "glossary," which refers to an alphabetical list of terms or words found in a specific field or context, along with their definitions or explanations. Glossaries are often included in textbooks, manuals, or reference materials to facilitate understanding and clarify specialized terminology.In the realm of technical writing, we encounter words like "specification" and "documentation." A specification is a detailed set of requirements, guidelines, or characteristics that define the design, functionality, or performance of a product, system, or process. Documentation, on the other hand, refers to the written or illustrated materials that provide instructions, descriptions, or explanations related to a particular subject, product, or process. Documentation can take various forms, such as user manuals, technical reports, or reference guides.It's worth noting that many of these terms can overlap or be used interchangeably in certain contexts. For instance, a manual can also be referred to as a guide or handbook, depending on the specific application or field.In conclusion, the English language offers a rich vocabulary to describe and categorize the various resources and materialsdesigned to introduce, guide, and instruct us on a wide range of topics and subjects. From introductions and overviews to manuals, handbooks, and tutorials, these words help us navigate the wealth of information available and acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for personal growth and academic success. As students, understanding and utilizing this terminology effectively can enhance our ability to seek out and leverage the appropriate resources, ultimately enriching our learning experiences.篇3English Words for Intros, Guides & ManualsHey there, fellow students! Are you tired of feeling lost when your teacher starts talking about introductions, guides, and manuals? Don't worry; I've got your back! In this article, we'll dive into the world of English words related to these topics, making you sound like a pro in no time.Let's start with the basics: introductions. When you're introducing something or someone, you'll want to use words like "present," "introduce," or "acquaint." For example, "Allow me to present our guest speaker for today" or "I'd like to introduce you to my friend, Jane."Now, what if you need to give a brief overview or summary before diving into the main content? That's where words like "preface," "foreword," and "prologue" come into play. A preface is typically written by the author, while a foreword is often contributed by someone else. A prologue, on the other hand, is a section that sets the scene for a story or novel.Moving on to guides and manuals, you'll likely encounter words like "handbook," "manual," "guide," and "tutorial." A handbook is a concise reference book covering a particular subject, while a manual is a comprehensive set of instructions or information about something. A guide is a book or document that provides information and advice on a specific topic, and a tutorial is a set of instructions designed to help someone learn a particular skill or subject.Now, let's talk about some more specific terms related to guides and manuals:Table of Contents: This is a list of the main sections or chapters in a book or document, along with their corresponding page numbers. It's like a roadmap that helps you navigate through the content easily.Index: An index is an alphabetical list of keywords or topics with their corresponding page numbers, typically found at theend of a book or manual. It's a handy tool for quickly locating specific information.Glossary: A glossary is a list of specialized terms or jargon with their definitions, often included in technical or academic works. It's like a mini-dictionary for the subject at hand.Appendix: An appendix is supplementary material or additional information added at the end of a book or document. It might include charts, tables, or other data that supports the main content.Bibliography: A bibliography is a list of sources, such as books, articles, or websites, that were used or consulted during the writing process. It's essential for academic works and research papers.Now, let's move on to some verbs you might encounter when dealing with guides and manuals:Consult: To refer to or seek information or advice from a book, manual, or other source.Reference: To look up or refer to a specific piece of information in a book, manual, or other source.Cite: To quote or refer to a specific source, such as a book, article, or website, in your work.Enumerate: To list or specify items or details one by one, often in a numbered or ordered format.Illustrate: To provide examples, diagrams, or visual aids to clarify or explain a concept or idea.Remember, these words are just the tip of the iceberg! As you continue your studies and explore different subjects, you'll encounter even more specialized vocabulary related to introductions, guides, and manuals.So, there you have it, folks! With this arsenal of English words at your disposal, you'll be able to navigate through introductions, guides, and manuals like a pro. Impress your teachers, ace those assignments, and never feel lost again! Happy learning!。



英语口语对话文本:逛逛书店1. What are the titles, and who are the publishers ?书名和出版社是什么?title :这里是书名的意思,除此之外有“冠军;标题;头衔;权利;字幕”的意思。

这里提一下,当“标题”讲的时候,与之向应的“副标题”是subtitlepublisher :出版社publish :出版Eg:这本书是何时出版的?When did this book published?2. The new series of Bookworm sells well.新的《书虫》系列卖的很好。

Series :系列,连续 a series of 一系列的某物卖得好:主语(物)+ sell eg:Jeans of this color sells well.这种颜色的牛仔裤卖的很好。

3. The paperback second edition also has become a bestseller.平装本的第二版也成为了畅销书。

paperback :平装本 hardback :精装本edition :版本 second edition 第二版bestseller :畅销书4. There are also lots of used book shops online.网上也有很多二手书书店。

used book shops :二手书店于此对应:新书 new bookused :二手的 used bike 二手自行车5. I am sorry that the book you ordered is out of stock.很抱歉你订的书当前缺货。

out of stock :缺货 in stock 有存货order :预定6. This book is selling at a discount at present这本书当前打折出售。

sell at a discount :打折出售discount store :打折店at a discount of 70% :打七折也能够说 30% off7. The preface and the appendix is not so well, but the content of the book is wonderful .虽然这本书的前言和附录不是很好,但是内容很精彩。



Volume II Notice General Notice Monograpgs:Formulated Preparation: General Monographs Formulated Preparation: Special Monographs Blood Products Immunological products Radio Pharmaceutical Preparations Surgical Materials Infrared Reference Spectra Appendixes Contens of the Appendices Supplementary Chapters Index
三、Explanation for Drug Monograph 1.[Description] :关于溶解度(Solubility) 2、[Identification] 在本标题下列出的实验法,并不必须完全充分地确定该药品 实质的方法,只是提供一种证实供试品符合包装物标签的方 法,在其他某些专论中可能列出另外系列的鉴别试验。利用 这一系列或其他系列试验方法来证实供试品的化学实质都是 合理的。 除非另有规定,鉴别试验在 15-25℃ 之间操作。当从制剂 中提取供试品做红外光谱时,经常不太可能与规定的参与光 谱绝对一致,但要达到很相似。(Close Resemble)
Introduction of BP and USP Chapter One Introduction of BP § 1.《英国药典》简介 一、The general introduction of BP

1、The backgrand of BP (1)British Pharmacopoeia(BP)为较早刊行的国家药 典之一,影响较大,至今尚为部分国际间医药商 贸的标准依据。 (2)The Special Terms: BP; BPC; BMC; TMA; EPC UV; IR; HPLC; GC; TLC; NMR; MS



Informationauthor Kenneth M.Vigiltitle Clean Water: An Introduction to Water Quality andWater Pollution Controlimprint Oregon State University PressContent page Preface and Acknowledgments Ix Introduction 1 1.The Water Environment 6The Hydrologic Cycle 7Natural Conditions That Influence Water Quality 9-Geology 9-Climate 10-Vegetation 10-Morphology 11-Location 12Human Activities that Affect Water Quality 12-Rivers and Streams 13-Lakes and Ponds 13-Wetlands 15-Bays and Estuaries 16-Oceans and Seas 18-Groundwater 19-Atmospheric Water 20Summary 21Additional reading 22 2.Water Chemistry and microbiology 23The Water Molecule 25 Dissolved Oxygen and temperature 26 pH 30Organic Substances 31Inorganic Substances 34Solids 35-Nutrients 35Toxics 40Microorganisms 42Summary 44Additional Reading 44 3.Sources of Water pollution 46Stromwater Runoff 47Domestic Discharges 48-Septic Systems 49-Sewage treatment plants 49Industrial Discharges 52Accidental Spills 53Water Control Structures 55Summary 57Additional Reading 57 4.Preventing Water Pollution 59Prevention 61Natural Water Pollution Control Processes 63Stormwater treatment 66Domestic treatment 70-Septic Systems 70-Sewage treatment plants 71Industrial Treatment 75Spill Prevention and Cleanup 77Summary 79Additional Reading 80 5.Water Quality Regulations 81Federal Regulations 82-Clean Water Act 82-Safe Drinking Water Act 85-National Environmental policy Act 88-Endangered Species Act 90-Hazardous Waste Regulations 91State Regulations 93-National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System 93-Water Quality Standards 95-Water Quality Certification 98-Wetlands Protection 99-State Environmental Policy Act 101 Local Regulations 101 -Construction Related Ordinances 102-Special District Ordinances 103 Summary 104 Additional Reading 104 6.The Watershed Approach 106Watershed Characteristics 110 Activities Affecting Water Quality 111 Alternatives for Addressing Concerns 112 Monitoring the Watershed 114 Summary 116 Additional Reading 116 7.Drinking Water 118Drinking Water Sources 119 Drinking Water Treatments 120 Drinking Water Concerns 123 -Watershed Disturbances 123 -Groundwater Contamination 125 -Microbial Contamination 126 -Chlorinated organics 127 -Copper and Lead 128 Drinking Water Standards 129 Summary 132 Additional Reading 132 8.Getting Personal about Clean Water 134Water Quality at home 135 -Use Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products 135 -Use Household Water Wisely 136 -Use Household Energy Wisely 138 -Compost your lawn Clippings, Yard Debris, and Food139 Wastes140 -Recycle and reuse Household Goods instead of Throwing Them in the Trash-Follow Good Car Maintenance Practices 142 -Use Your Automobile Less and Use it More Selectively 142143 -Be Mindful of your use of Pesticudes, Herbicides, andFertilizers in home Landscaping144 -Educate and Involve Your Children, and Set GoodExample-Be Mindful of Runoff from Your Property 145Public Involvement 145 Environmental Organizations 148 Internet Resources 149 Summary 154 Additional Reading 155 Glossary 156 Index 176。



“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain.
5.To expect a miracle in life
Instead of looking out your office window to see a hundred skyscrapers staring back at you, you will get the chance to see the world in all its natural beauty. See the deserts of Africa or the jungles of the Amazon with your own eyes instead of looking at a still image in a book. 你将有机会看到世界是多么自然美丽,而不 只是透过办公室窗口看到与你面面相觑的上 百座摩天大楼。亲眼看一看非洲的沙漠或亚 马逊丛林,那不是书本上的呆板图片比得上 的。
4.To escape from a monotonous lifestyle
Tourism can bring us out of plain and bored life ,and give us wonderful surprises and pleasure. Travel can help us to experience something unfamiliar, and inspired our curiosity to the world. And the curiosity arises our interests to life. So we can escape from a boring lifestyle by travel, and I believe when we come back from a travel we will feel refreshed, energetic and have more passion to life and work.



21024(2-2-52) ≈10308 The smallest normalized positive machine number: 2-1024(1+2-52) ≈10-308
If ︱x︱< 10-308 , then result in underflow, fl(x) is set to zero; If ︱x︱>10308, then result in overflow, the computation will halt.
(Collection of machine numbers)
reference books
(Errors and Operations)

什么是算法和计算量? 什么是算法和计算量? (Algorithm and Calculated Quantities )

Calculated Quantities
cij = ∑ a ik b kj i = 1,
k =1
,m; j = 1,
( ((anx + an−1)x + an−2)x + + a1)x + a0
The Number of Operations of AB is
N= (m ×n ×s )flop
计算机数系(Collection of machine numbers)
Basic Concepts in Numeric Analysis 算法与计算量
(Algorithm and Calculated Quantities)
2.<应用计算方法教程>, 张晓丹,郑连存等编,机械出版 社,2008,6 3. 《科学和工程计算基础》,施妙根、顾丽珍 编著,清华大学 出版社。1999



怎么写书评(How to write a Book Review)Teaching you how to write a book review to write a piece of work or an article, not only encourages the author, but also guides the reader to read the work. But writing reviews doesn't mean anything in 32 words. Today, let's talk about how to write a Book review.Book reviews have dual meanings, both literal and behavioral.Book review is the value judgment of the content and form of books; it also refers to the behavior of value judgment and comment on books.The book is different from the book.The main task of reading is not on the books to make value judgments, but after reading some books record personal feeling, thought, enlightenment; psychological activities to readers as the center, not to read the object in writing as the center; it is usually just around the reading object a point and express off almost can not consider the overall situation of books, even can only regard the reading object as a primer, and then talk about their feelings, out of the discussion, express their feelings.Book review is the result of the value judgment of books.Any book that does not involve the evaluation of a book can not be called book reviews. Like taking sheep dance to talk about "book is looking for sympathy, is in a position marker in the sphere of influence, it is not what the absolute value judgment.On well rated bad, that you can put your feelings expressed and defined you clearly marked, or more precisely you can induce a total shock to maximum range." are confusing personal reading notes and book reviews, regardless of good or bad, but also to talk about the "comment"?Generally speaking, book reviews can be divided into five types:Introduction to book reviews. This book review is relatively short, the main content is simply to introduce the basic content of a book, often with advertising colors.Two. Book reviews. This book review is to introduce the main content of a book, but also to its characteristics, style, the main achievements and defects to the son of concise comments, has a certain nature of reading guidance.Three, professional book reviews. This review is from a professional point of view on the object to write, the length to be relatively long, on the content of the book review, analysis and mining to deep, with particular emphasis on the pros and cons of the book in theory, has a certain academic. For example, "" only on gemology, from a professional point of view to write.Four. Analytical book reviews. This book reviews professional appraisal more academic value, sometimes it to a problem in the evaluation object to investigate, sometimes it to a point on the object and when it is to refute, the assessment object for the primer ascending away, talk about some personal opinions.Five, book. This is a prose book, it reviews the contents of the book, the book also reviews editor or binding, more love to talk about its author or related stories, not long, but less restraint, lively and vivid, having substance in speech, in addition has the function of book reviews, also has high literary value.Book reviews serve the basic functions of readers: content introduction, type definition, and guidance booksReview on the reader, first of all is the information of its features, that is to provide reference for readers to choose books, which requires the introduction of the basic contents of the book to the reader; secondly it is intermediary function, which allows readers to read behavior before the implementation, there is a psychological preparation to make reading targeted this requires it, point out the essence of books; the last is its guidance function, this function can be divided into two aspects, one is for the reader, to read books for reference value judgment, two is recommend good books to readers, which naturally requires that it must accurately reflect the book the contents of the object, and the selection of book reviews in numerous publications in the.As for the review of the form and the standard, I think there is no hard and fast rules; as long as the reader recognition of your book, feel useful or interesting.; no one reads the book is a failure, no one cares about the book fail.After reading these,Do you have a completely new concept of criticism? It's better to act right now and write a Book Review for your favorite work!How to write a Book ReviewLev Tolstoy said, "the ideal book is the key to wisdom."." In order to make ideal books become the key to open people's wisdom, it is often necessary to use the book review for more people to understand it, love it, and make friends with it. China's famous educator and writer Mr. Ye Shengtao in "reading" to more children to review a paper made image summary, he said: "one of the appropriate review articles published, good books is like long wings, fly to the readers of the windows of the soul, waiting for the window welcome. Newspapers have an obligation to make good reading wings."What is book review? Read a book or an article, and write your own feelings and opinions, which is a Book review". So, how to write a book review?First of all, we should carefully read the preface and postscript of a book". Preface and postscript are important parts of a book. After reading the preface and postscript, we can know the content of the book roughly. Some of the books of the "order" is written by the author, the book mainly talks about the purpose and process, some book "preface" is the author please others (probably an expert) to write, is the main content and characteristics of the book introduction or appraisal. The prefaces of some books are in fact the nature of preface, and some of them are similar to those of postscript. The order isgenerally placed before the text of a book, the individual on the body, such as the Han Dynasty historian Sima Qian as his masterpiece "historical records" wrote the preface, on the "historical records" at the end of. Preface and postscript are the guide of reading the door of the door, and the book review must not be read.Secondly, we should learn to write content summary. The Tang Dynasty prose writer Han Yu said: "remember to mention its will, the speaker will compile the Xuan hook." It means that the book that records the things must have grasped its essentials, and the book that expounds the truth must explore its purport." We should learn to understand the basic ideas and spiritual essence of the original works deeply, and concisely summarize the main content and the gist of the book in our own words. It is not possible to write a review of the original content from A to Z repeat, learn to write a summary, is to grasp the theme, theme of quasi grasp, review is "targeted", not to the right questions. Therefore, the practice of writing content summary, for exercise, improve their comprehensive, generalization ability is very helpful.Thirdly, we should contact reality. Read a book, feeling, harvest may be many, this must seize the book to make you the most touched place, combined with what they think, experience, write their true feelings and enlightenment. For example, Jiangxi Normal University high school student Wu Lan wrote "I love" Hongyan "one article," by the Shanxi national middle school Chinese teaching communication "book review essay prize. From the connection between "I" and "Hongyan", this article is closely linked with a "love" word to write. The first to write"Red Rock" is "their love to see a book", and then described: "is this book to love the reason my strength, the courage of life", the author about his unhappy childhood, analyzed the main hero "several red rock" in the book, Xu Yunfeng Huaziliang, Jiang Jie, and other kids in his mind the image caused by the vibration, recalled the mother asked, finally summarized the book "how to Hongyan" to help her from much of life to love life, the book written sense intertwined, eloquence.Finally, be independent. The ancients said: "no learning without doubt, no question without broad product."." Zhu Xi, a scholar in the Song Dynasty, said, "there is no doubt that there is no doubt that there is doubt in reading." Reading should be more thinking, good at asking, in the correct understanding of the original meaning of the original, on the basis of their views and books in the views of analysis, comparison, and then put forward questions, to publish their own new ideas.For example, there is a high school language textbook written by Comrade Guo Moruo "three hundred years Jiashen Festival", this is a novel, Wenmao prose. Inner Mongolia Ulanhot Ding Shaohua students reading a book review, the old Guo mentioned Li Zicheng killed Li Yan's move, made a deep and concrete analysis, put forward different views, he believes that Li Zicheng killed Li Yan made a double fault. In order to demonstrate the central argument, and made all sorts of "ideas", and then one by one to be demonstrated, both pointed out that Li Zicheng believed the cow Venus calumny, and killed a rash to kill people, "this is especially so since the error and covered with a layer of tragedy", the Li Zicheng kill Li Yanis "impolicy, this conclusion is short-sighted.". This review argument Ding Shaohua's new and different, argument is not perfection. The reasoning process of the facts and truth, centering on the topic of reasoning, judgment, reasoning to. Although the individual points of the article is debatable, the thought foundation of Li Zicheng and listen to him to kill Li Yan class boundaries also lack the necessary analysis, the author put forward his own different views of courage and argumentation ability, is really commendable.Write a review in the independent opinion, Chen Xi, so most avoid foot ".We read a book, want to give some opinions on this book, and put these views into the article, this is book review.What do book reviews comment on? All the works and writers concerned can be evaluated. General comment from the following aspects: the works of the ideological significance, artistic features and social value analysis and evaluation; to the writer's creation experience, character and knowledge were summarized and reviewed; can the reader's reading guidance; the works of the pros and cons from various angles of discussion can be combined with the work; the comments on aesthetic issues etc.. Comments on what to determine, the next is how to evaluate. Novice reviewers had better write on, so I mainly introduce the comment on writing. Write a general can have such three steps: Introduction - Evaluation - recommendation.First say "Introduction"". "Introduction" is refers to the narrative comment of the book as concise and comprehensivesummary, let the readers have a general understanding of the contents of the book.。





接下来是我为大家整理的关于用英语介绍成都(导游词),便利大家阅读与鉴赏!用英语介绍成都导游词1The Tang stele standing in the pavilion inside the gate of Wuhou Temple, also known as three unique steles, is one of the oldest steles in Chengdu. When it comes to its reputation and influence in later generations, this monument is second to none in Chengdu.Sanjue stele the original name of the Tang stele is the stele of the ancestral hall of marquis Wu of Zhuge, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, which was established in the fourth year of Yuanhe (809) of emperor Xianzong of the Tang Dynasty. The height, width and thickness of the body and cap are 367cm, 95cm and 25cm respectively. The cloud pattern carving of the stele cap has the artistic characteristics of stone carving in the Tang Dynasty. The stone is gorge stone. There are 22 lines of inscriptions, each of which is about 50 words in regular script.Pei Du, the author of the inscription, was a famous politician in the middle and late Tang Dynasty. In the second year of Yuanhe (807) in Chengdu, Wu Yuanheng, the Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty, was appointed governor of Sichuan Province in Jiannan, and Pei Du was accompanied by his staff. Pei dujiu wanted to write an article to praise Zhuge Liang. After visiting Wuhou Temple in Chengdu, he wrote this inscription with admiration. The content of the inscription is divided into preface and inscription. At the beginning of the preface, Pei Du praised Zhuge Liang as a rare feudal statesman who had the talent of founding a country, the skill of governing people, the integrity of serving the kingand the way of establishing himself. Feidu said that when there was chaos in the late Han Dynasty and there were disputes among the heroes, the scholars rushed to offer advice for fear of failure. Zhuge Liang was alone in Longzhong, and he was in charge of music. Once Liu Bei looked at it three times, Zhuge Liang decided the opportunity by one word in Longzhong Dui, and established the grand plan of tripartite confrontation.Fei Du praised Zhuge Liang for abolishing the bad government in the late Han Dynasty, enforcing the law fairly, appointing people on the basis of merit, ruling the country and stressing martial arts. He believed that under the painstaking governance of Zhuge Liang, the humble [Shu Han] government was unified and the morality was popular. He became a rich country and had a strong army capable of fighting. Fei Du refutes Cui Hao and others evaluation of Zhuge Liang and thinks that we cant judge the hero by success or failure. If God gives Zhuge Liang some more time, he will accomplish the great cause of unifying the country. The inscription is in parallel style, with 64 sentences in four characters. It compares Zhuge Liang with Yiyin, Jiang Shang, Xiao He and Zhang Liang, and praises his immortal achievements. Finally, the inscription praises Zhuge Liangs merits and virtues, which are as high as mountains and flowing water. They exist between heaven and earth and in the hearts of the people in Shu.Inscriptions: in the past, I was the first lord. I thought of opening up the territory of Xinjiang. I was busy and depended on it. Heroes had no help. So I got Marquis Wu and settled the land of Shu first. Moral City, etiquette. Warm things like spring, people like God. Work without complaint, use with ethics. Rou Sheng manluo, Pu Dun Weibin, photos of Weiwei living in Huairen. The Central Plains food, unexpected not, in order to win, allow to reach its extreme. Heaven did not regret the disaster, the public life is not fruit, Han Zuo its death, will fall in the star. The flag against the drum, still go Sima, dead and can do, when the small world.His father was still in the Zhou Dynasty, a Heng was in charge of theShang Dynasty, and he was also in charge of Yan Dynasty. He was born in the Han Dynasty and Xiao Zhang was in charge of the Han Dynasty. Whine: the intrigue works hard, and the ambition is suppressed. I feel the pain of banishment, or cry or die. There are many different paths. Based on loyalty and forgiveness, who is not happy? If you are not sincere, you will be loyal. The ancient cypress is dense, and the temple is deep. It does not offer sacrifices to the gods, but beg for the present. If there is a light, it will not run fast. The wind of Shu, the heart of Shu people, Jingjiang Qingbo, Yulei juncen, into the sea, the sky, know Gongde sound. In the fourth year of Yuanhe, he was born in Jichou on February 29.Liu gongchuo, the elixir of calligraphy, is the elder brother of Liu Gongquan, the founder of Liuti in regular script. Later generations praised Tang steles for their vigorous writing, beautiful words and precise meaning, and vigorous and strict calligraphy. In addition, Lu Jian, the engraver, is very strict in the cutting technique, so the stele has the reputation of three unique. For example, Ronghua, governor of Sichuan in the Ming Dynasty, wrote a postscript on the front of the stele, saying that feiwen and Liushu were two unique records of sincerity, which could be compared with Zhuges merits and virtues. After that, people used to call it three unique steles.For more than a thousand years, the Tang stele has been damaged with the passage of time, but the erosion is not large. Up to now, most of the inscriptions are still neat and basically intact. Due to the stone quality, climate and other reasons, there are few ancient steles preserved in Chengdu, which is the only complete Tang Dynasty stele in Chengdu.Among the 53 existing steles in Wuhou Temple in Chengdu, the most famous one is the Tang stele, which is known as three unique steles. The inscription, standing in 809 A.D., is 3-67 meters high, 0-95 meters wide and 0-25 meters thick; The inscription was written by Pei Du, a former censor and prime minister. It was written by Liu gongchuo, a former Minister of the Ministry of official and the Ministry of militaryaffairs, and also the brother of Liu Gongquan, a famous calligrapher. It was carved by Lu Jian, a famous craftsman in Sichuan at that time. The article, calligraphy and engraving are all excellent, so it is called three unique steles. However, the original name of the stele of the ancestral hall of Zhuge Marquis Wu, the Prime Minister of Shu, is often ignored.用英语介绍成都导游词2Wuhou Temple is a memorial hall for Zhuge Liang, the Prime Minister of Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms. Zhuge Liang was granted the title of Marquis of Wuxiang before he died. After he died, he was named as Marquis of Wuxiang.Wuhou Temple in Chengdu is the only temple in China where monarchs and ministers are worshipped together. It was built in 223 AD and Liu Bei was buried in Huiling. According to the Han system, there must be a temple beside the mausoleum, so after Liu Bei was buried in Huiling, the original temple for Liu Bei was built by the Shu Han Dynasty at that time. (the original temple is the temple for worshiping the emperor beside the mausoleum of the emperor. In Tang and Song Dynasties, people generally called Liu Beis original temple the former master temple. )(because there are three main buildings in Chengdu Wuhou Temple, two of which have appeared after Liu Beis death, so Liu Beis burial in Huiling is the beginning of Chengdu Wuhou Temple. )In the northern and Southern Dynasties, people built Wuhou Temple not far from Huiling and Xianzhu temple. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, Wuhou Temple had become a famous historic site and tourist attraction. Du Fu left a description of where to find the ancestral hall of prime minister, where to find the cypress outside Jinguan city. In the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Chun, the king of Shu, thought that the monarch and the minister should be integrated, so he combined the Wuhou Temple with the former masters temple, which was called Han zhaolie Temple. In the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty, the temple was destroyed by war. The Wuhou Temple we see today was rebuilt on the old site in the11th year of Kangxi (1672 A.D.).Although the government has always called it the Han zhaolie Temple, a plaque of Han zhaolie Temple is also hung at the gate. But people are still used to call it Wuhou Temple. Why? In a poem written by Zou Lu during the period of the Republic of China, the reason is explained: the great book on the gate, zhaolie temple, is the temple of marquis Wu. The reason is that the prime minister has made great achievements in the past. In other words, because of his great historical achievements, Zhuge Liang has more prestige in the hearts of the people than Liu Bei, so people cant care about the etiquette of the monarch and his ministers.From the brief introduction to the left side of the gate and the schematic plan, we can see that the temple of marquis Wu is hidden in the dense green cypresses. The hall sits in the north and south, and is arranged on a central axis. It has five layers: the gate, the second gate, the hall of Liu Bei, the hall of passage, and the hall of Zhuge Liang. On the west side is the mausoleum of Liu Bei Huiling. There are 47 clay statues of historical figures of Shu Han in Qing Dynasty, more than 50 steles, more than 60 plaques and couplets, and more than 10 tripods, stoves, bells and drums. Therefore, to be exact, Wuhou Temple should be called the memorial hall of Shu Han monarchs and ministers. It is a museum for the study of Shu Han history.用英语介绍成都导游词3Ladies and gentlemen, this is Zhuge Liang hall. The lintels and pillars of the hall are covered with plaques and couplets left by predecessors. One of the most famous is a couplet hanging in the middle of Zhuge Liangs palace, which says, if you can work hard, youll lose your mind. From ancient times, you know that soldiers are not belligerent; if you dont judge the situation, youll be lenient and strict. Later, you have to think deeply about how to govern Shu.. Lianwen was written by Zhao fan,a native of Jianchuan, Yunnan Province in the late Qing Dynasty.The Shanglian said that Zhuge Liang was able to use the tactics of attacking the heart in fighting, such as making Meng Huos heart full of admiration when he was in the southern expedition. In this way, he praised Zhuge Liang as a militarist who really knew how to fight with troops, not a warlike one.The second couplet praises Zhuge Liang for his ability to judge the situation and formulate a lenient and strict law, which has achieved good results, and reminds those who later govern Sichuan to learn from it. This couplet makes an objective evaluation of Zhuge Liangs use of troops and administration, and puts forward two enlightening questions of attacking the heart and judging the situation. It is the top grade of the couplets on the plaque of Wuhou Temple and one of the famous couplets in China.In the hall of Zhuge Liang, there are statues of Zhuge Liang, his son and grandson. Zhuge Liang is like a man on a platform in the middle of the shrine. He has a feather fan and a silk scarf. He is wearing a golden robe. He is concerned about the country and the people, and has a deep and farsighted look, which shows the demeanor of a generation of Confucians. Zhuge Liang (181-234), who was born in Yinan, Shandong Province, was an outstanding statesman and militarist in Chinese history.When he was young, he lived in seclusion in Longzhong, Xiangfan. Because of his intelligence, hard work and ambition, he got the reputation of Wolong. At the request of Liu Bei, he went out of the mountain to help Liu Bei and founded Shu Han. After Liu Beis death, he was entrusted with the important task of assisting his son, Liu Chan, to govern Shu for more than 20 years. He practiced enlightenment, gave strict rewards and punishments, selected talents and appointed talents, built water conservancy, developed production, marched south to central China, and attacked Qishan in the north. With loyalty, diligence, honesty and intelligence, he gained stability and prosperity in Shu. Chen Shou, ahistorian, commented that the state of Shu at that time had clear politics, honest and upright people, open fields, rich warehouses, and peaceful scenes everywhere. Due to overwork, he died in wuzhangyuan army at the age of 54. He was buried at the foot of Dingjun mountain in Mianxian County, Shaanxi Province.Zhuge Liang has done a lot of good things in his life, such as being diligent, loving the people and being beneficial to social progress. After his death, people miss him very much and respect him very much for his spirit of devoting himself to his life. As a result, people built one Wuhou Temple after another to commemorate him, and worshipped him as a model of loyal officials, virtuous prime minister and the embodiment of wisdom.Zhuge Zhan, the son of Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Shang, the grandson of Zhuge Liang, led the Wei army to fight a decisive battle in Mianzhu when the Shu Han Dynasty was faced with survival. Finally, they died for their country because they were outnumbered.There is a bronze drum in Zhuge Liang hall, which is a cultural relic in the fifth and sixth centuries. Bronze drum, originally a cooking utensil of southwest ethnic minorities in ancient times, has appeared as early as the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. Later, the bronze drum gradually evolved into a kind of musical instrument and ritual instrument, which was used in assembly and celebration, and also a symbol of wealth and power. It is said that Zhuge Liang used this kind of bronze drum during his southern expedition. It was used for cooking in the daytime and for alarming in the evening. Therefore, it is also called Zhuge drum.In the wing rooms on both sides outside the hall, there are woodcut poems on display. In the west chamber, there are 12 pieces of calligraphy by Mao Zedong, Dong Biwu, Zhang Aiping, Fang Yi, Zhou Gucheng, Chu Tunan, Liang Shuming, etc., while in the East chamber, there arewood carvings of Longzhong DUI and Chushi Biao.Sanyi Temple:After leaving Zhuge Liang hall, there is Sanyi temple. Sanyi Temple got its name from offering sacrifices to Liu, Guan and Zhang, who were the three members of Taoyuan. The temple was built in the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, with four entrances and five halls. Now only worship hall, main hall, into a courtyard layout. Sanyi temple was originally located in Tidu street in the center of the city. Due to the need of urban construction, it was moved here in 1997. In the relocation project, in strict accordance with the national regulations on cultural relics, the original building components were removed by serial number and transported to the new site to be built according to the serial number to restore the original appearance.The restored Sanyi temple is towering, and its architectural form is the same as that of Liubei hall. The roof is a single eaves hard hill type, covered by green simple tiles. The structure is a wood stone structure, with a beam lifting wooden frame, and the columns and column bases are made of stone. There are 40 round columns carved from the whole stone, with a diameter of 0.5m. There are 24 stone pillars engraved with 12 couplets in gold. In the main hall, clay statues of Liu, Guan and Zhang are restored, and ten stone line drawings of the story of the three kingdoms are added to the two walls of the gallery. The painting is taken from the Ming Dynasty version of the romance of the Three Kingdoms. The contents of these paintings are: three marriages in Taoyuan, three heroes fighting against Lu Bu, Zhang Fei whipping the governor post, Liu Bei recruiting relatives, Guan Gong scraping bone to cure poison and so on.Tomb of Liu Bei:From Sanyi temple to the west, cross the small bridge, pass Guihebuilding and Qinting, and enter the Red Wall Road surrounded by green bamboo. At the end of the road is Liu Beis tomb. The earth mound of Liu Beis tomb is 12 meters high and covered with green shade. There is a 180 meter long brick wall surrounding the mausoleum. There are steles and halls in front of the mausoleum.After Liu Bei failed to defeat Wu, he retired to Baidi city and died in April 223. In May, Zhuge Liang Fuling pivot back to Chengdu, August burial, tomb known as Huiling.. Huiling is a tomb for husband and wife. At the same time, Mrs. Gan, the mother of empress Liu Chan, was buried. Twenty years later, another wife of Liu Bei, empress Mu Wu, died and was also buried here. This tomb is more than 1700 years ago. No theft has been found. The situation in the tomb is unknown.There is a story in Youyang Zazu written by Duan Chengshi in the Tang Dynasty: a group of tomb robbers entered Liu Beis Huiling mausoleum on a dark night. When they entered the tomb, they saw that the lights were shining inside. Liu Bei was playing chess with one man and ten warriors stood by one side. Scared out of their wits, the thieves knelt down one after another to beg for mercy. Liu Bei waved to the guards to give them jade belts and Qiongjiang. They drank the jade paste, tied the jade belt, and climbed out of the hole in panic. Looking back, the hole was naturally sealed. The jade belt became a big snake, wrapped around their waist, and the jade paste became glue and stuck to their mouth. It is said that no one dares to touch Liu Beis tomb any more.Out of Liu Beis tomb, we come to the newly built exhibition area of Three Kingdoms culture. The exhibition area consists of exhibition hall and external environment. The external environment is composed of gods and beasts Tianlu, dispelling evil spirits, remnant pillars of the Han Palace, soldiers fighting for the country, stone inscriptions on the remnant wall, Linjiang immortal by Yang Shen, and preface of stone inscriptions. The exhibition hall is divided into five exhibition areas, which are war situation, a glimpse of agriculture and mulberry, folk customs, art andforest, and the lingering charm of Liufeng. There are hundreds of cultural relics, materials and pictures on display. The content is rich and colorful, the artistic technique is vivid and intuitive, and it is a combination of knowledge and appreciation, so it is worth looking at.After seeing the exhibition, you can also visit the listening Oriole hall by the way. Its a small courtyard. The bonsai in it is worth watching. The temporary exhibitions also have cultural taste.用英语介绍成都导游词4My friends, today we are going to visit Jinli, the closest place to romance. The tour time is about 2 hours. Please pay attention to personal and property safety during the tour. Now, please check the tour bus license plate and Xiao Zhangs mobile phone number again. If you have anything, please contact me in time. Jinli is Jinguan City, which later became the synonym of Chengdu. Li Shangyin, a famous poet, once wrote: when he was in Jinli temple, his father became more than a hater.Jinli is restored by Wuhou Temple Museum in Chengdu. As a part of Wuhou Temple, it covers an area of more than 30000 square meters, with a construction area of more than 14000 square meters and a total length of 550 meters. It is a famous Pedestrian Commercial Street in Chengdu.The layout of the ancient street is rigorous and orderly, with bars and entertainment area, Sichuan famous food and beverage area, mansion and inn area, as well as the exhibition and sales area of special tourist crafts in a well-organized way. Jinli was officially opened to the outside world in October 2022. The second phase of Jinli, an extension of Jinli, boldly introduced water flow into Jinli cycle, forming a new landscape of water bank Jinli, and opened its business in January 2022. So far, Jinli ancient street, one of Chengdus cultural business cards, has been upgraded in an all-round way. Worship Wuhou and soak Jinli has become one of the most appealing slogans of Chengdu tourism. In 2022, Jinli was selected as oneof the commercial pedestrian streets in the top ten cities in China. It is as famous as Wangfujing in Beijing, Jianghan Road in Wuhan, Jiefangbei in Chongqing and Heping Road in Tianjin. It is known as the first street in Xishu and the riverside map of Qingming Festival in Chengdu. In 2022, Jinli was awarded national cultural industry demonstration base by the Ministry of culture.It is said that Jinli used to be one of the oldest and most commercial streets in the history of Western Shu. It was famous throughout the country as early as the Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms periods. Todays Jinli, relying on the temple of marquis Wu, takes the spirit of Qin, Han and three kingdoms as its soul, the appearance of Ming and Qing customs as its appearance, and the folk customs and folk customs of Western Sichuan as its content, which expands the extension of the Three Kingdoms culture. This street concentrates the essence of Chengdu life: there are teahouses, taverns, restaurants, bars, theatrical stands, snacks, handicrafts and local specialties, which fully display the unique charm of the Three Kingdoms culture and Sichuan folk customs.Compared with many domestic man-made landscapes, Jinli is completely grass-roots, local and homely. The shops sell chopsticks, tea, lanterns, silk quilts and local specialties. In the restaurant, Zhang Feis beef, three cannons and Feichang powder are all aimed at the taste. They are not fancy, but they are economical. There are also handicrafts, such as making a clay figurine, turning a sugar painting, and buying a piece of paper-cut. All these are childlike things, which are both nostalgic and enjoyable. The colorful lanterns and covers on the street are popular, and the picture is lively. And the most eye-catching ones on the street are those Chengdu fans who are warmly admired. They are eating melon seeds, playing cards and drinking foreign wine in the bar, but they are speaking soft Chengdu dialect.Chengdu people are playing and leisurely strolling in Jinli. Nostalgic people have an outlet for their feelings, and those who love to eat satisfytheir appetite. Jinli presents the most real and warm scene in the world.Jinli has a lot of local products which are hard to buy in Chengdu. For example, zhangfei beef, produced in Langzhong, Sichuan Province, is black in appearance and not very good in appearance. However, it is the natural color of beef inside. It is made of top-grade beef mixed with special spices and has a unique taste. Tangma cake, produced in Chongzhou, Sichuan Province, is yellow but not burnt, sweet but not greasy, crisp skin and crispy heart, sweet and dregs. In addition, there are three cannons, beef bean curd, Sanhe mud, sugar and oil fruit, urinating beef balls, stinky tofu, oil tea, beef coke cake, buckwheat noodles, bowl chicken and other snacks. Jinli is known as the closest place to romance in the city for its elegant pace of life. It is the spiritual post of urban leisure people and the charming block for experiencing fashion and leisure.Well, having said so much, we have to rely on our personal experience to have a deeper feeling about Jinli. The rest of the time is up to you! Well gather here in two hours. Hope you have a good time!用英语介绍成都导游词5Chengdu is a famous entertainment city. With the changes of the times, it also has a rapid development, and gradually become a modern city. However, in this city, there is still an ancient street Jinli.Jinli is located in Wuhou District of Chengdu, next to Wuhou Temple. Koi is also the name of a kind of fish. The reason why Jinli is named Jinli is that the fish ponds in the old street are full of Koi. Whether its day or night, it has its unique charm. You will involuntarily follow the crowd into the depths of Jinli to experience the beauty of this old street.When you come to Jinli during the day, you need to experience the quiet. The weather in Jinli is generally colder. During the day, I walkslowly on the street, feeling the cool breeze and the charm of the ancient street. The carp in the fish pond also swim slowly. Sprinkle a handful of fish food, and the fish will come to grab food immediately. The strong one immediately grabs the front, the weak one is pressed down, and the lucky one grabs the food from the mouth of other weaker fish... You will laugh when you see this scene.The night in Jinli is also beautiful. At this time, you have to feel the excitement. Looking east and looking west, this is the unified action of people on the street, because there are so many interesting and delicious things on the street! The lights are bright everywhere, especially at the Lantern Festival, there are all kinds of colorful lights at the door, which are extremely beautiful! There are not a few people who fall down because they are absorbed in watching the lights. All kinds of ancient dramas will also be performed on the stage in Jinli, which adds color to the word ancient.Over the years, Chengdu has changed with each passing day. Only this old street still tells the past. Its ancient charm will make people all over the world remember it, a resounding name - Jinli!用英语介绍成都导游词。



中国文学作品英译T【《太平广记》】Extensive Records Compiled in theTaiping Years;The Extensive Anthologies of Taiping Period【《太阳照在桑乾河上》】The Sun Shines Over River Sanggan【台阁体】secretariat style【《谈艺录》】Notes on Literature and Art【《唐诗三百首》】Three hundred Tang Poems【唐宋八大家】Eight Great Men of Letters of theTang and Song Dynasties (Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Ouyang Xiu, Wang Ansh, Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Zhe, and Zeng Gong)【《桃花扇》】The Peach Blossom Fan【《桃花源记》】The Story of the Peach BlossomValley【《陶庵梦忆》】Recollections of Taoan's PastDreams【特写】feature article【《天安门诗抄》】The Tian'anmen Poems【田园诗】bucolic poem; pastoral poem; idyll【田园浪漫小说】pastoral romance【《铁道游击队》】Railway Guerrillas【通俗小说】popular novel【通讯】correspondence【童话】nursery tales【童谣】children's folk rhymes【颓废主义】DecadenceW【《万首唐人绝句》】Ten Thousand Quatrains from theTang【《望江亭》】River-Watching Pavilion【唯美主义】Aestheticism【唯物史观】materialistic conception ofhistory【《围城》】A Town Besieged【为艺术而艺术】art for art sake【为人生而艺术】art for life's sake【《伪自由书》】False Liberty【文笔】style of writing【文化遗产】cultural heritage【文人墨客】poets and literary men【《文心雕龙》】Carving a Dragon at the Core ofLiterature【《文选》】The selections of RefinedLiterature【文学革命】literature revolution【文学批评史】history of literary critiques【文学社会学】sociology in literature【文学史】history of literature【文学思想史】history of literary thought【文学心理学】psychology in literature【文学研究会】the Society for Literary Research【文学遗产】literary heritage【文艺创作】literary and artistic creation【文艺队伍】ranks of writers and artists【文艺革命】revolution in literature and art【文艺工作者】literary and art workers【文艺民俗学】folklore in literature【文艺批评】literary and art criticism【文言】classical Chinese【文言文】writings in classical Chinese【《文苑英华》】Wenyuan Yinghua; Best LiteraryWorks【问题小说】problem novel【五经】The Five Classics【五言诗】a poem with five characters in aline【无产阶级文学】proletarican literature【无产阶级小说】proletarian novel【无题诗】untitled poems【吴中四杰】Four Outstanding Men of Wu ( thefour renowned young poets of the early Ming, namely , Gao Qi, Zhang Yu, Yu Ben and Jang Ji )【武侠小说】chivalry novel and novelettes;gongfu novel【《雾》】FogX【西方马克思主义文艺批评】Western Marxist criticism【《西湖佳话》】Memorable Stories of the West Lake【《西厢记》】West Chamber; The Western Chamber【《西游记》】Pilgrimage to the West; Monkey;Story of a Journey to the West; Records of a Journey to the West【戏剧冲突】dramatic conflict【戏剧性手法】the dramatic method【《闲情偶寄》】Sketches of Idle Pleasure【险韵】obscure rhymes【现代文学】contemporary literature【现代戏剧】modern drama【现代主义与后现代主义】modernism and post-modernism【现实主义小说】realistic novel【乡村小说】rural novel【乡土文学】local literature; nativeliterature【象征派诗】Symoblist poetry【《湘西散记》】Recollections of West Hunan【小剧场运动】little theater movement【小品文】familiar essay; essay【小说美学】aesthetics of fiction【《小说月刊》】The Short Story Monthly【小小说】short-short story【消遣小说】light fiction【《笑府》】Treasury of Jokes【笑话】joke【《笑林广记》】Jest Books【楔子】prologue in some modern novels【写光明】writing about the bright【写黑暗】writing about the dark【心理描写】inside description【心理现实主义】psychological realism【心理小说】psychological novel【《新儿女英雄传》】New Story of Heroic Sons andDaughters【新青年】New Youth【新月社】the Crescent Moon Society【形象思维】thinking in terms of images【《醒世恒言》】Lasting Words to Awaken the World;The Common Saying Moralizing People 【《醒世烟缘传》】Marriage that Awakens the World【性的描写】sextual description【性格喜剧】comedy of humours【《性格组合论》】On the Composition of Character【修辞手段】figures of speech【绣像小说】illustrated fiction【叙事诗】narrative poem【叙事小说】narrative novel【序跋】preface and postscript【序幕】prologue; prelude【宣传鼓动剧】agitprop【宣传文学】porpaganda literature【宣传小说】propaganda novel【渲染】apply colours to a drawing; playup【悬念】audience involvement in a film orplay; reader involvement in a piece ofliterature【学院戏剧】academic dramaY【延安文艺座谈会】the Yan'an Forum on Literature andArt【演义】historical novel; historicalrommance【《艳阳天》】Radiant Skies【《阳春白雪》】The Spring Snow【《野草》】Wild Grass【《野叟曝言》】A Rustic's Idle Talk【《易经》】The Book of Changes【艺术标准】artistic criterion【艺术成就】artistic merit【艺术的起源】origin of art【艺术鉴赏】virtuosity【艺术借鉴】reference in art【艺术效果】effect of art【艺术性】artistic quality【艺术至上论】art eorart【《艺文类聚》】Yi Wen Lei Ju; Classified Excerptsfrom Ancient Writers; A Categorized Collection of Literary Writing【意识流】stream of consciousness【印象主义批评】impressionistic criticism【因材施教】individualized method ofinstruction; case by case【《永乐大典》】Yong Le Da Dian ; GreatEncyclopaedia of the Yongle Reign; The Great Encyclopaedia in the Reign of Emperor Yongle【用民族风格表现新的内容】presenting new ideological contentwith a national style 【语义重叠】multiple meaning【《喻世明言》】Illustrious Words to Instruct theWorld【寓教于乐】delight and instruction【寓言故事】fable【元曲】Yuan verse【元杂剧】Yuan-Dynasty zaju plays【原型批评】archetypal criticism【圆形人物】round character【鸳鸯蝴蝶派】Mandarin Duck and ButterflySchool; Love Birds and Butterfly School 【乐府】folk rhyme; folk songs and balladsin the Han style【《乐府诗集》】The Collection of Folk Songs andBallads in the Han Style【《岳阳楼记》】On Yueyang Tower【《阅微草堂笔记》】Jottings from the Thatched Abodeof Close ObservationsZ【杂剧】zaju (poetic drama set to music,flourishing in the Yuan Dynasty, usu. consisting of four acts called zhe, with a character having the singing role ineach zhe )【《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》】Talks at the Yan'an Forum ofLiterature and Art 【《再别康桥》】Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again【《战国策》】Strategies of the Warring StatesPeriod;Intrigues of the Warring States【章回小说】Traditional Chinese novels (witheach chapter headed by a couplet givingthe list of its content)【《朝华夕拾》】Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk【《浙西六家词》】The Ci Poetry by Six Poets fromthe Westen Part of Zhejiang Province 【真相大白的情节或场面】recognition plot or scene【侦探小说】detective story【正面人物】positive character【《正气歌》】A Song of the Moral Sense【政治标准】political criterion【政治和艺术的统一】unity of politics and art【政治小说】political novel【志怪小说】mythical stories【中国诗歌会】the China Poetry Society【《中国俗文学史》】History of Chinese PopularLiterature【《中国通俗小说书目》】A Bibliography of Popular ChineseFiction【《中国文学批评史》】History of Chinese LiteraryCriticism【中国文学艺术界联合会】All China Federation of Literaryand Art Circles【《中国小说史略》】A Short History of Chinese Fiction【中国左翼作家联盟】China League of Left-Wing Writers【中国作家协会】Association of Chinese Writers【中华全国文学工作者协会】All-China Federation of Writers【《中庸》】The Doctrine of the Mean【主情文学】literature of sensibility【主题明确】(with) a clear-cut theme【竹枝词】1. ancient folk songs with love astheir main theme2. occasional poems in the classical style devoted to local topics【《庄子》】Zhuang Zi; Book of Master Zhuang【《资治通鉴》】Comprehensive Mirror for AidGovernment【《子不语》】What the Master Would Not Talk of【《子夜》】Midnight【自我隐退的作者】self-eff【自叙体形式】ich-form【自由恋爱】free love【自由诗】free verse【姊妹篇】companion piece【《组织部来了个年轻人》】A Young Newcomer in theOrganization Department 【《醉翁亭记》】Record of the Old Tippler'sPavalion【《左传》】Zuo Zhuan; Zuo Commentary; MasterZuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 【作品基调】mood and ambience【作品评价】evaluation of literary works【作品欣赏】appreciation of literature works【《左传》】Zuo Zhuan; Zuo Commentary; MasterZuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 【作品基调】mood and ambience【作品评价】evaluation of literary works【作品欣赏】appreciation of literature works。



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第一章遇见·美Encounter Beauty1、Which of the following works does not associate with the category of beauty?(D)A、Peacock Dance;B、Swan Lake;C、Mona Lisa;D、Tao Te Ching2、Who is the author of the artwork "Water Lilies" that Mrs. Wang shows off to her friends in the TV series "Thirty and Yourself?(B)A、Van Gogh;B、Monet;C、Da Vinci;D、Picasso3、The first person to put forward the concept of "aesthetic education" is (A)A、Schiller;B、Baumgar;C、Mattis;D、Paul Gauguin4、Aesthetic education is a kind of special education based on ( ) theory, through the edification and infection of beautiful things, to cultivate the ability of the educated to appreciate the beauty, accept the beauty and create the beauty, improve the aesthetic quality, form the aesthetic attitude, learn the aesthetic survival, and finally achieve the cultivation of a complete personality and enhance the realm of life.(C)A、philosophy;B、Psychology;C、aesthetic;D、art5、The term "aesthetic" that we use today was first coined by Baumgar in 1750. (正确)6、Mr. Lu Xun once said, "There are not many illiterates in China today, but there are many aesthetic illiterates." (错误)7、Aesthetic education is a kind of education based on aesthetic theory, which is to cultivate the ability of the educated to appreciate, accept and create aesthetics through the education of beautiful things, improve the aesthetic quality, form the aesthetic attitude, learn the aesthetic existence, and finally reach the perfect personality.(正确)8、Art is a kind of tolerance to life; beauty is a kind of self-awakening and redemption. If you know how to appreciate art and how to salute beauty, you will also know tolerance, compassion and redemption. (正确)9、In the study of aesthetics, how to better understand the theory of aesthetics?(ABC)A、Aesthetic must be back to life itself;B、Relate their own aesthetic experienceC、Relating oneself to aesthetic practice;D、Create your own aesthetics10、Mr. Wu Guanzhong once said, "There are not many illiterates in China today, but there are many aesthetic illiterates." Wu Guanzhong is contemporary ( ABC)A、the painter;B、writer;C、art educator;D、the thinker第二章美从何处寻——美之回眸Looking back at Beauty1、In the first chapter of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, "the Tao can be the Tao and the Unusual Tao; The name can be named, very famous. The beginning of nameless heaven and earth, the famous mother of all things." What is the aesthetic idea behind it?(C)A、the common track of human activities ;B、the general law of the movement of the universeC、the aesthetic category of being and nothing, void and realityD、the identification mark of specific things2、The book known as "the first line of books under heaven" is (B )A、Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival;B、Orchid Pavilion Preface;C、 Book of SongsD、Plantain in Snow3、In 1906, Wang Guowei pointed out in his ___B_____:A perfect person must be prepared for the three gains of truth, beauty and goodness.To achieve this ideal state, we can start with education.A、JingAn anthology;B、On the Purpose of Education;C、Yin Oracular InscriptionsD、The Notes and Comments on Ci Poetry4、The founder of Confucianism is (C)A 、Mencius;B、 Laozi;C、Confucius;D、Zhuangzi5、(A) 's view of beauty and ugliness emphasizes the difference and relativity of aesthetics, the contradiction, opposition and transformation between beauty and ugliness, and emphasizes the aesthetic taste of inaction of nature.A、Lao Tzu;B、Zhuangzi;C、Mencius;D、Confucius6、The highest aesthetic rule of traditional Chinese painting is vivid charm(正确)7、Zhuangzi regarded nature as the essence of beauty. He opposed excessive carving and affectation, and believed that "Tao follows nature" and the aesthetic experience of returning to heaven and earth and nature was the deep and real aesthetic appreciation. (错误)8、The core of Confucius's aesthetic thought is the unity of beauty and goodness, as well as the unity of form and content. (正确)9、Which of the following works reflects the perfect unity of beauty and goodness?(ABC)A、Orchid Pavilion Preface;B、Riverside Scene at Qingming FestivalC、Shao;D、Wu10、Which of the following poems by Tao Yuanming can be seen as his natural aesthetic tendency of "unity of man and nature"?(ABC)A、"Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, you can see the southern mountains leisurely."B、There is truth in it, but it is forgotten."C、"Long time in a cage, return to nature."D、 "Poetry is everywhere and things are always there."第三章行美而旨远——书法之美The beauty of Calligraphy1、The typography we use today evolved from ( A )A、regular script;B、official script;C、cursive script;D、Xiaozhuan2、Duan ink tone, She inkstone, Taohe inkstone and Dengni inkstone are known as the four famous ink stones in China. One of the most famous is(A).A、Duan ink tone;B、She inkstone;C、Taohe inkstone;D、Dengni inkstone3、Before the Han Dynasty, the inscriptions on bronze and stone were just the generative stage of calligraphy. At that time,the calligraphy style was the inscriptions on bronzes and small seal script . The calligraphers of this period are undoubtedly represented by (D).A、Liu Gongquan;B、Ouyang Xiu;C、Zhao Mengfu;D、Li Si4、The Ci poetry of the Five Dynasties is a key bridge between the poem of Tang Dynasty and the Ci poetry of Song Dynasty, and the key person is (A).A、Li Yu;B、Li Bai;C、Du Fu;D、Bai Juyi5、 Ci poetry was born in the early and prosperous (D)Dynasty.A、Qin;B、Han;C、Yuan;D、Tang6、Ci poetry is one type of the Chinese ancient poetry. (正确)7、By the late Song Dynasty and the Five Dynasties,Ci poetry had made great achievements. (错误)8、Since Wen Tingyun in the late Tang Dynasty, Ci has formed its own unique tradition in theme and style, so it is called "Yanke".(正确)9、which are known as the Four Treasures of the Study, such as (ABCD)A、Chinese brush;B、 ink stic;C、 Paper;D、ink stone10、In the late Western Zhou Dynasty, Chinese characters evolved into big seal characters. The characteristics of Big seal script are as follows (BC )A、complicate;B、Lineation;C、Regularization;D、thick and heavy第四章莫道不消魂——诗词之美The beauty of Poetry1、It is evident that "__C_____" is one of the important and eternal subjects of poetry.A、war;B、family;C、love ;D、friendship2、___D____ is the most important representative writer of Chu Ci and one of the most respected great patriotic poets in Chinese history.A、Li Bai;B、Confucius ;C、Song Yu;D、Qu Yuan3、As far as the writing technique is concerned, the Tang poetry combined ___A_____.A、realism and romanticism ;B、liberalism and romanticism;C、surrealism and realismD、realism and liberalism4、____C____, as well as Wang Wei, was a representative writer of idyllic style of poetry school in the Tang Dynasty.A、Du Fu;B、Zhang Ruoxu;C、Meng Haoran;D 、Li Bai5、The purpose of Chinese characters is to carry (B).A、emotion;B、information;C、culture;D 、history6、In terms of graphic design, (D) can be said to be one of the greatest and most successful designs in the history of human society.A、Seal cutting;B、Chinese ink painting;C、calligraphy;D、Chinese characters7、Analyzing from semiotics principle, Chinese character is a kind of symbol and special plane graphic design. (正确)8、The poems of the Tang Dynasty are numerous and rich, and there are many famous poets. In more than 500 years of history of the Tang Dynasty, about 48900 poems were handed down and remain widely known today. So many works also made more than 2300 poets famous in history. (错误)9、The entire poem The Dale of Singing Birds integrates _ABCD_ so naturally and the scene of quietness in motion is described so vividly that the reader feels as if he were participating in and enjoying the scene himself.A、the mountains;B、the moon;C、the birds;D 、the people10、Specifically speaking, the book of songs describes the following aspects:_ABCD___A、The history of the Zhou clan,these poems mainly praise the merits of the ancestors of the Zhou clan, but objectively and vividly record some important segments of the history of the Zhou clan.B、It’s to describe the scenes of hunting, animal husbandry and agricultural production in ancient times.C、It’s the description of war and wagging.D、It’s to accuse the rulers of cruel exploitation of the people.第五章一茗一世界——茶艺之美The beauty of the Tea Art1、After Japan, Europe was the next to discover tea as a drink. The Portuguese were the first to seek and obtain trade with China for tea.(A)A、Portuguese;B、Spainish;C、Italian;D、Greeks2、Chinese ___C____ is the oldest and most popular type of tea,it has been enjoyed in Chinafor several thousand years.A、white tea;B、oolong tea;C、green tea;D 、black tea3、It is generally acknowledged that dark tea originated in the ___A____ century in Anhua City, Hunan Province.A、16th;B、17th;C、18th;D、15th4、In ancient China, people associated (A ) drinking with character building and laid stress on the cultural charm in tea appreciation and philosophical realization.A、tea;B、coffee;C、chocolate;D、milk5、There are diversified Chinese teas and each has its unique flavor that requires a unique way of (A).A、brewing;B 、tasting;C、viewing;D、appreciate6、The art of coffee in China is closely bound up with the habit of tea drinking. (错误)7、The true aroma, taste, and quality of the tea can not be displayed only through correct brewing and tasting. (正确)8、Tea is the mediator between secular life and religious realm. The relationship between Taoism and tea is in complete harmony. And there is another saying: Meditation Practice Is Embodied By Drinking Tea, And Drinking Tea Is A Way To Practicing Meditation".(错误)9、Attention is also paid to environment, atmosphere, music, infusing techniques and interpersonal relationships. Philosophy, ethics and morality and aesthetic taste are blended into tea activity.(ABC)A、philosophy;B、ethics and morality;C、aesthetic taste;D、religion ideas10、Tea art is the art of the skill of ( C) and (D) tea.A、looking;B、doing;C、making;D、drinking。

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Compiled by Statistical Society for
Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of China




《2010 中国对外贸易百强企业》收录了最新排名的中国外贸500强企业、200强出口企业及百强民营企业名录(注:按照2009年中国海关进出口统计数据排序)。



The year 1990 saw the initial edition of China's Top 100 Enterprises of Foreign Trade, which aims to highlight the 100 leading enterprises with comparative strength and outstanding performance of foreign trade,based on the industrial ranking of annual import and export volumn. It will help promote the leading role of the enterprises listed hereby, hence raising its reputation both at home and abroad. The ranking, conducted on an anual basis, has been launched by Chinese Ministry of Commerce until 2008, after which is done by the Statistical Society for Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of China.
Thanks to its impartiality, authoritativeness, and continuity, this journal has won wide recognition from the international industrial and commercial circles as well as the press media over the past 20 years, as an effective means to know more about China's foreign trade news and expand economic and trade cooperation. And its recipients include not only the state ministries, provincial commercial departments, chambers of commerce of different industries, but also our diplomatic missions abroad, foreign diplomatic corps in China, and multinational corporation's China offices, etc.
China's Top 500 Enterprises of Foreign Trade, 2010 edition includes a namelist of China's top 500 enterprises of foreign trade, a list of China's top 200 export enterprises as well as a list of China's top 100 private enterprises, with the statistics based on the data of China’s import and export volumn in 2009 provided by General Administration of Customs, China. With regard to the ranking and publishing work, great support has been lent by Chinese Ministry of Commerce, regional commercial departments and related national enterprises, who deserve our hearfelt thanks.
Due to time constraint, there is still some room for improvement for this journal, where your constructive comment is highly appreciated.
Statistical Society for Foreign Economic Relations
and Trade of China
July 2010
China’s Top 500 Foreign Trade Enterprises Ranked by
Import and Export Value, 2009 1-36
Basic Information of China’s Top 500 Foreign Trade Enterprises, 2009 37-203
China’s Top 500 Foreign Trade Enterprises by Region,2009 204-241
China’s Top 200 Foreign Trade Enterprises Ranked by Export Value,2009 242-255 ■2009年中国民营进出口额前100家企业排名
China’s Top 100 Private Foreign Trade Enterprises Ranked by
Import and Export Value, 2009 256-262
China’s Top 100 Private Foreign Trade Enterprises Ranked by
Export Value,2009 263-269。
