



意大利普洛塞克(Italian Prosecco):适合搭配水果、 甜点等,能够使食物更加甜美可
意大利菜以其丰富的口感和独特的烹 饪技巧而闻名于世,游客可以在当地 品尝到正宗的意大利美食,如披萨、 意面、烤肉和各种甜点。
在意大利,可以品尝到不同地区特色 的美食,如托斯卡纳的烤肉、西西里 的海鲜和威尼斯的鱼肴等,让游客领 略到意大利各地的风味。
1 2
适合搭配海鲜、鱼类等,能够凸显海鲜的鲜美和 口感。
龙须(Pinot Gris)
《意大利美食文化 》ppt课件
• 意大利美食概述 • 意大利主食文化 • 意大利菜系特色 • 意大利烹饪技巧与调味品 • 意大利美食与葡萄酒搭配 • 意大利美食文化体验
意大利菜系起源于古罗马时期的烹饪 技艺,受到古希腊文化和外来食材的 影响,逐渐形成了独特的烹饪风格。
意大利菜系因其独特的口味和丰富的文化内涵,在全球范围内广 受欢迎,成为世界各地餐馆和家庭餐桌上的常客。
意大利菜系在保持传统的基础上不断创新发展,适应不同地区和人 群的需求,为全球美食文化的发展做出了重要贡献。



意式烤鸡是一道将整鸡腌制后用烤箱烤制而 成的传统菜肴,皮脆肉嫩,香味四溢。
意式烤鸡在制作过程中需选用新鲜的鸡肉, 经过腌制(通常使用盐、黑胡椒、橄榄油等 调料),然后放入预热好的烤箱中烤制。烤 制过程中,鸡肉会慢慢变得金黄诱人,皮脆 肉嫩,香味四溢。这道菜肴在意大利各地都 非常受欢迎,是家庭聚会和节日庆典必备的 美食之一。
意大利咖啡的代表,通常由高 压蒸汽通过细磨咖啡豆制成,
将等量的浓缩咖啡与蒸汽和泡 沫的牛奶混合,形成一种奶沫
将浓缩咖啡与热水混合,味道 比浓缩咖啡更柔和,更接近于
意大利菜系注重食材的新鲜、原味和质朴 的烹饪方式,如烤、煮、炖、烩等。意大 利菜系强调食材的搭配和色彩的搭配,注 重菜品的色香味俱佳。此外,意大利菜系 的独特之处还在于其多元化的地域特色, 不同地区的意大利菜有着不同的风味和特 色,反映了当地的气候、物产和人文环境 。
• 意大利美食概述 • 意大利主食与面点 • 意大利传统肉类美食 • 意大利海鲜美食 • 意大利传统汤品 • 意大利饮品与酒文化


Introduction to food
意大利美食典雅高贵,且浓重朴实,讲究原汁原味。Italy cuisine and elegant, and strong and simple, exquisite flavor.意大利菜系非常丰富,菜品成千上万,除了大家耳熟能详的比萨饼和 意大利粉,它的海鲜和甜品都闻名遐迩。Italy cuisine is very rich, thousands of dishes, in
火腿、黄瓜、茄子、 洋葱)烘烙面成,oil dipped embryos placed in pizza pan, add a variety of fillings (such as pork, beef, ham, cucumber, eggplant, onions) bake bake into,
内有干酷番茄酱提味, 上面还要点缀橄榄丝 和鸡蛋丁。there is cheese in tomato sauce to taste and dot the diced olives and eggs on top. 意 大利有2400余家专门 出售这种薄饼的快餐 店,获利甚丰。Italy has more than 2,400 companies specializes in selling the pizza fast food, handsome profit.
ground meat (authentic foie gras and
Bacon),中部配奶油蛋汁酱,and central egg with cream sauce, 以起司与培根腌肉 炒拌,cheese and Bacon Bacon,再加蛋黄,



32La cucina italiana , with its appetizing medleys of aromas, flavors, colors and textures continues to gain magnitude as the western world's favorite cuisine. Italian food is doubly appealing for its healthful nature, for the olive oil, grains, vegetables, herbs, fish, cheese, fruit and wine of the ancientMediterranean diet that is increasingly esteemed as the ideal modern way to eat.By now the pleasures of pasta, pizza, risotto,balsamic vinegar, Parmigiano Reggiano, Mozzarella, gelato and espresso are so familiar to foreigners that they might not realize that Italy doesn't have astereotyped national cuisine. Instead, cooks over the monumental repertory of recipes and dishes that vary from region to region and town to town. It's this local individuality that makes la cucina italiana so original, so diversified, so delightful.Fresh produce is essential to Italian cooks, with their legendary knack for making things look easy. But menus also rely on specialty foods - cheeses, pasta, cured meats and fish, baked goods, olive oil, vinegar, condiments and sauces - crafted by artisan in Italy following age-old techniques. Their excellence can't be duplicated, yet copies abound. The gap in quality between Italy's authentic artisan foods and the widespread fabrications continues to grow. Italians trace their culinary heritage to Romans, Greeks, Etruscans and other early Mediterranean peoples who elaborated the methods of raising, refining and preserving foods. But dining customs acquired local accents in a land divided by mountains and seas into natural enclaves where independent spirits developed during the repeated shifts of ruling powers that fragmented Italy from Roman times to the Risorgimento. Still, despite the different attitudes about eating expressed from the Mediterranean isles to the Alps, Italian foods have points in common. Consider pizza which migrated from Naples to become what must rank as Italy's - and the world's - favorite fast food. Every Italian town has a gelateria making ice cream sherbet and shaved ice granita . And every piazza has a bar or two where tiny cups of densely aromatic espresso are brewed rigorously to command. Pasta is a national institution, and it comes in so many shapes and sizes and carries so many names that there is no way of documenting all the different types. Still, pasta falls into two basic categories: the dried, made from hard wheat semola flour and water, and the fresh, made from soft wheat flour and eggs, often with other ingredients in the dough or filling. Dried pasta prevailed in the south and fresh pasta in the north, in territories similar to those long described as "the Italy of olive oil and the Italy of butter." But barriers fell as spaghetti and maccheroni gained ground to the Alps and beyond and ravioli andtortellini (with their northern partners risotto and polenta) won admirers in the Mezzogiorno. Mean-while, extra virgin olive oil has triumphed every-where as the essence of the Mediterranean diet. Each province of Italy has its salumi - curedmeat products, usually from pork but also from other animals, in the forms of salame, sausages, prosciutto, mortadella, bresaola and more. Italians produce some 450 different cheeses, from the milk of cows, sheep, goats and even water buffalo. The best known isParmigiano Reggiano, used universally for grating but savored at home in bite-sized chunks. Gorgonzola, Grana Padano, Mozzarella, Provolone and Pecorino Romano also have international followings. But most Italian formaggio remains proudly local.The same can be said for breads, which range in type from hefty loaves of unsalted pane toscano to Emilia's tawny coppiette rolls to Alto Adige's dark Schwartzbrot to Turin's stick-like grissini to Sardinia's brittle "music paper" and on to a vast assortment of flatbreads or focacce . The national inventory of pastries, biscuits and cakes is equally awe inspiring.Italian meals may progress through multiple courses, from antipasto to primo and secondo and on to dolce . But even a simple repast would not be complete without vino . Italy makes more wine than any other country in the greatest variety of types and styles. Each of the 20 regions provides distinctive foods and wines, which, needless to say, have an inherent affinity for one another.Today, in a world of ever more uniform tastes, Italians retain their customary loyalty to local foods and wines. This region-by-region review of the cucina begins in the south, in the islands, in those antique Mediterranean lands where the roots of Italy's culinary culture were formed.Sicily This island crossroads of the Mediterranean, endowed as it is with sunshine on fertile volcanic soils, has been the source of many good things to eat. Sicily's exotic array of foods bespeaks the influences of prominent settlers. Greeks, whopasta con le sarde 45baked flatbreads that were fore runners to pizza and focaccia, used the snows of Mount Etna to make gelato, heralding Sicily's reputation as a treasure island of sweets. Italy's first pasta industry was founded near Palermo in the 12th century by Arabs using grain from fields planted earlier by the Romans. Sicilian menus rely on vegetables, herbs, spices, olives and olive oil, capers and fish. A noted first course is pasta con le sarde (noodles with sardines and wild fennel). Vegetable stews called caponata (based on eggplant and tomato) and peperonata (based on peppers) may accompany freshly caught tuna or swordfish. Popular cheeses are Pecorino Romano and Caciocavallo, though creamy soft ricottais used in pasta fillings and pastries. Oranges, lemons, sun-dried and candied fruits and nuts (notably almond paste for marzipan) go into the dazzling array of sweets, led by cassata (a chocolate-coated sponge cake of lavish decor). Sicily is renowned for dessert wines - toasty Marsala and sweet Moscato Passito di Pantelleria and Malvasia delle Lipari. But its growing reputation is for dry table wines.lobster). Near Oristano they dry mullet eggs as thepungent bottarga , to slice thin over pasta or salads. Yet it's said that the real Sardinian cooking is the rustic fare of the hills and the open hearth - roast lamb and kid, suckling pig called porceddu , sausages, savory Pecorino Romano cheese and red wines of the weight of Cannonau. Outsiders, from Phoenicians to Spaniards, who ruled the island for centuries, lent their accents to the foods. Specialties include su farru (mint and barley soup), malloreddus (semolino gnocchi with meat or tomato sauce), favata (fava, beans stewed with pork), sebadas (pastry with Pecorino Romano and bitter honey). Each village has its own styles of bread, though bakers everywhere share a liking for the flat pane carasau and its crisp variation called carta da musica (music paper).SardiniaModern Sardinia is knownfor seaside resorts, wheresummer crowds feast onfish from the island's rockycoasts and sip cool whiteVermentino and Nuragus.The main port of Cagliarioffers a piquant fish stewcalled burrida . Algheroboasts aragosta(rock CalabriaThe ancient Greeks dined sumptuously in Calabria. But the mountainous toe of the Italian boot remained mostly isolated for centuries after, as its foods took on the tasty simplicity of an old country tradition. The diet relies on soups and pastas laden with vegetables, especially eggplants and peppers, which are stewed with pork and tomatoes in what is called mursiellu. Pork prevails in ham and salame, though lamb isequally prized. The Tyrrhenian renders ala longa (baby tuna) and swordfish. Pitta chicculiata is a type of pizza with fish, tomato and capers. Calabrians make delicious pastries and sweets, using grapes, honey, citrus fruit and dried figs, which may be covered with chocolate. Among wines, the ancient Cirò is exported, though the luscious white Greco di Bianco is hard to find beyond its sunny vineyards. mursiellu carta da musica fichi secchi,ammandorlati Basilicata The people of this sparsely populated region share with their southern neighbors a taste for lamb and pork, whose variations include sausage known as luganega (after the region's alternate name of Lucania). Other specialties include pasta tubes known as minuich , lasagne with beans and a stew called ciammotta (with eggplant, peppers, tomatoes and potatoes). Basilicata's cooking is fiery, thanks to liberal lacings of chili pepper, here called diavolicchio . Fichi secchi, ammandorlati (fresh and dried figs and almonds) are popular in the region, which boasts a grandiose red wine in Aglianico del Vulture. 76ApuliaThis long, slender regionwhose tip, the Salentopeninsula, forms the heelof the Italian boot, is notedfor rolling plains, as asource of cereals and thenation's largest volumes ofwine and olive oil. TheApulian diet draws fromland and sea to achieve anenviable balance. Lamb prepared in many ways, such as abbacchio e funghi , (lamb and mushrooms) is the preferred meat, though pastas, soups and vegetables, such as fava beans and artichokes, provide sustenance. Specialties include the pasta shells called orecchiette and cavatieddi (the first served with turnip greens,the second with rocket), tiella (rice and potatoes layered with meat, cheese or fish) and ciceri e tria (noodles with chick peas). The Adriatic and Ionian seas provide cozze (mussels) and ostriche (oysters). Among cheeses, the buttery soft burrata of the town of Andria stands out. Notable wines are the crisp white Locorotondo in addition to the reds and rosés of Salento and Castel del Monte.abbacchio e funghi pizza Margheritabrodetto CampaniaThe ancient Romans, whocalled it Campania Felix,marveled at the fertility ofits volcanic soils, whichtoday supply Naples and itsregion with tomatoes, egg-plants, peppers and fruit ofunmatched flavor. The gulfabounds in fish. Buffalograzed near Salerno, and Capua yields the finest of Mozzarella di Bufala and Provola . The hills provide lamb and pork, as well as Campania's best wines: white Greco and Fiano, and red Taurasi from around Avellino. But Naples, in spite of its noble resources, reigns as a paradise of street food. The primadonna, of the byways is pizza in versions called Marinara (with tomato, garlic and oil) and Margherita (with tomato, basil and Mozzarella). Neapolitans are equally devoted to maccheroni dressed with pummarola (tomato sauce), though even spaghetti were once eaten standing up. The city is justly famous for ices, pastries and seductively sweet espresso. Abruzzi The people of this mountain-ous Adriatic region have long been noted as some of Italy's heartiest eaters - and some of its best cooks. The sea provides the fish for brodetto (a peppery soup), though many Abruzzesi look to the land for nourishment. The vaunted pasta is maccheroni alla chitarra (quadrangular strands formed by the strings of what resembles a guitar), dressed with tomato, olives and diavolino , the pepper that enlivens many a dish. The singular scri p pelle 'nfuss is cheese-coated crepes in broth. Lamb and pork prevail in Abruzzi and Molise, which also share cheeses: Caciocavallo, Pecorino Romano and Scamorza (fresh or grilled). White Trebbiano, goes with fish, though the wine of choice is the supple, and sometimes superb, Montepulciano d'Abruzzo. 9811hilly. The steep slopes provide rich pasturage for sheep and hogs, the sources of most of the region's succulent meat dishes. As in other parts of the Apennines, the porchetta (roast pork), flavored with mountain herbs, is superb. The Molise cook also shows a deft hand with lamb, turning out dishes that are simple but extraordinarily savory, such as agnello alle olive (lamb stewed with black olives) and agnello brodettato (lamb cooked in white wine and served with a sauce thickened with egg yolks and flavored with lemon juice). The region's flocks also supply ewe's milk cheeses that are used in many ways. Ricotta , for example, is combined with raw ham and Provolone to create a stuffing for calcioni , pastry envelopes that are deep-fried and served as part of a frittura mista . Scarmorza is a mellow cow's-milk cheese that is popular throughout the region and is usually toasted over a wood fire or roasted in the oven. Wild greens, like mountain asparagus, are widely consumed and among the regional specialties is a soup made from nettle shoots, collected in the fields in early spring. As in the Abruzzi, peperoncino (hot red pepper) is freely used to spice numerous preparations.MoliseUntil 1963, Molise and theAbruzzi were one region.Although they are nowseparate entities, the cookingin both is extremely similar.Except for a short stretch offlat coastline along theAdriatic and a few narrowriver valleys, Molise isruggedly mountainous orMarches In this peaceful region, cooks draw from sea and hillsides, and with equal ease put the best of both on the table. The Adriatic provides the choicest of sea creatures - of which 13 are required in the broth of Ancona's brodetto - to be complemented by Verdicchio, the paragon of fish wines. Fish or fowl may be cooked in potacchio (with tomato, onion, garlic and rosemary). Special treats are the giant green olives of Ascoli, stuffed with meat and fried, and vincisgrassi , an elaborate lasagne with bechamel cheese and truffles - preferably the white variety, which abound in the Marches. Succulent anatra (duck) and coniglio in porchetta (rabbit roasted with wild fennel and garlic) call for a local red of the class of Rosso Conero. Umbria The green heart of Italy is a compact, landlocked region whose recipes suggest simplicity but whose dishes may be little short of sublime. Umbria makes a major share of dried pasta, though its fresh tagliatelle with ragout can rival the best of Emilia. It produces some of Italy's finest olive oil and most of its black truffles. These come from beds around Norcia, a town whose pork butchers are noted for the art of making salumi peperoncino coniglio in porchetta prosciutto di agnello e dindo affumicato13and the roasting of porchetta (whole pig) in wood-fired ovens, a specialty of the central Apennines. Equally admired are the region's Chianina beef, lamb, poultry and rabbit. Umbrian cured meats, like prosciutto di agnello e dindo affumicato (lamb and turkey "hams" are famous.) The wine of renown is the white Orvieto, though also worth seeking out are the reds of Torgiano, and Sagrantino di Montefalco. LatiumAs a perennial melting pot for foods from far flung places, Rome offers cosmopolitan menus. Yet the Eternal City boasts many a tasty dishes of its own. Tempting arrays of antipasti may be followed by spaghetti alla carbonara (with eggs, bacon and cheese), bucatini alla matriciana (tubes withtomato, salt pork and pungent Pecorino Romano) or the popular fettuccine al burro (egg noodles with butter, cream and Parmigiano Reggiano). Latium's gardens grow the tastiest of peas and artichokes, the latter flattened and fried in the style of the Jewish ghetto as carciofi alla giudea . Seafood of every sort is served, but a localfavorite is cozze alla marinara (mussels steamed with tomato). Meat dishes include tenderabbacchio (milk-fed lamb) and zesty coda alla vaccinara (oxtail stew). Latium's hills provide mainly white wines, led by the versatile Frascati and Marino. Roman meals often end with a glass of sweet sambuca liqueur, sipped with three coffee beans to munch on.Tuscany Tuscan cooking attests to the innate goodness of seasonal produce and splendid extra virgin olive oil. In Florence's region bread baked in wood-fired ovens upstages pasta. Slices of pane toscano may be toasted with garlic and oil as fettunta or bruschetta , crumbled into panzanella (with tomatoes and onions) or spread with chicken liver paste as crostini. Bread sustains the thick vegetable soups called ribollita and pappa al pomodoro (literally tomato pap). Tuscans, who relish vegetables, herbs and wild mushrooms, have a weakness for fagioli , stewed white beans that are indispensable with bistecca alla fiorentina , thick steak from native Chianina beef. Fish excels along the coast, where Livorno's cacciucco is a zesty soup. But in the land of Chianti, Brunello di Montalcino and Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, all red wines, meat rules in roast and grilled pork, poultry and game (ranging from stewed wild boar to pigeon turned on the spit). Pecorino Toscano is the most savory of sheep cheeses. Preferred sweets are Prato's cantuccini, almond biscuits and Siena's panforte, fruit and nut cake, served with sweet vin santo. panzanella antipasti Emilia-Romagna Emilia (to the west of Bologna) and Romagna (to the east) flaunt their differences, but together they share Italy's most luxuriant tables. Pasta - by definition fresh and rolled by hand by a sfogliatrice - triumphs as tagliatelle, tortellini, tortelli, cappelletti and lasagne (to name a few). Pork reigns supreme in Prosciutto di Parma, Modena's zampone, Piacenza's15coppa, Bologna's morta-della and delectable salame.Emilia is the home ofParmigiano Reggiano, kingof cheeses, and the acetobalsamico tradizionale ofModena and Reggio, whichmust be aged at least 12years in wooden barrels tobecome dark and denseand almost too divine to becalled vinegar (imitations,naturally, abound). The perfect foil for Emilia's lavish fare is vivacious red Lambrusco - dry, however, not sweet. Romagnans snack on the flatbread called piadina , stuffed with ham or cheese and washed down with tasty redSangiovese. They also relish fish from theAdriatic, served with dry white Albana diRomagna.LiguriaThe Mediterranean diettakes on touches of geniusalong the Riviera that flanksthe busy port of Genoa.Restaurateurs demand seabass and prawns and themakings of cappon magro , apyramid built with a dozen types of seafood,including oysters and lobsters.Yet Ligurians seem just as fond of ordinary fish in soupscalled buridda and ciuppin and salted anddried cod called bacalà and stoccafisso ,stewed in tasty sauces. Cooks seem to bedeftest with produce from their terracedhillsides: pale golden olive oil, vegetables,nuts and herbs, above all with basil as the base of pesto , the green sauce that glorifies trenette andother pasta. Pansôti are a type of ravioli dressed with salsa di noci (walnut sauce). Meats of choice are rabbit and veal. Farinata is baked chick pea paste sliced and eaten like pizza. Wines to seek out are red Rossese di Dolceacqua, and white Vermentino and Pigato. Piedmont Piedmont's staunchly traditional cooking hits peaks in autumn, the season of game and mushrooms and, above all, the white truffles of Alba, which emit magical aromas when shaved over pasta and risotto. Alba's hills produce majestic Barolo and Barbaresco, as well as Dolcetto and Barbera, reds that flow with fonduta (fondue of Fontina cheese), carne cruda (marinated raw veal), tajarin noodles with truffles, meat-stuffed envelopes called agnolotti, brasato (beef braised with Barolo) and tasty cheese called Toma . Piedmont's capital of Turin is noted for grissini , (yard-long breadsticks) good munched with bagna caôda ("hot bath" of oil, garlic and anchovies into which raw vegetables are dipped). Other delights are bollito misto (boiled meats) and fritto misto or fricia (deep fried meats, vegetables and cheese). Flatlands near the Po are Europe's leading source of rice for risotto, especially prized Carnaroli, cooked with beans in panissa . Piedmont's renowned whites are the dry Gavi and Arneis and the sweet and bubbly Asti Spumante to accompany desserts or torrone , nougat candy. Turin is the world capital of ver-mouth, fortified wine flavored with herbs and spices.grissini prosciutto e melone salsa di noci, pesto1716fegato alla veneziana taleggio, mustard fruit polenta Valle d'AostaItaly's tiniest region is tuckedinto the loftiestangle of the Alps,bordering on France,Switzerland andPiedmont, whoseinfluences can be tasted.Yet the foods of French-speaking Valle d'Aostahave a rarefied character of their own. Thick soups and polenta outrank pasta, though meat is the essence of the hearty cuisine in salami, sausages, hams and stews of beef, pork and venison. Fontina cheese is the base of fondue. Wine, such as Blanc de Morgex and Torrette, are so rare that they have to be sampled locally. Meals conclude with thepassing of the grolla, a pot containing coffee and grappa sipped from numerous spouts.LombardyCooks of Milan's affluentregion produce some ofItaly's most elaboratedishes and most esoterictastes. Milanese adore thesaffron-tinted risotto allamilanese, it's often servedwith ossobuco (a braisedveal shank), as well as such tasty fillers as busecca (tripe soup) and casoeûla (pork stewed with beans and cabbage). The city's panettone Christmas cake is a national best-seller. Pavia is noted for risotto with frogs and snails. At Mantua tortelli envelopes are filled with sweet pumpkin pasta. Cremona offers you mostarda (mustard-flavored candied fruits) with boiled meats. At Bergamo they often serve thepolenta with tiny birds cooked crisp. The Alpine Valtellina is noted for bresaola (air-dried beef) and the buckwheat noodles called pizzoecheri . Lombardy shares with Piedmont the delight of vitello tonnato (sliced veal with tuna and caper sauce). The region's grand tradition of cheeses takes in Gorgonzola, Grana Padano, Taleggio, Stracchino and the Valtellina's Bitto. Wines range from the fine bottle-fermented spumante of Franciacorta and Oltrepò Pavese to Valtellina's dignified aged reds.Veneto Venice, as a seafood haven, exalts razor-shell clams called cannolicchi , granseole (Adriatic crabs) and risotto nero (blackened with cuttle-fish ink). But the Venetians also dine on the earthly likes of risi e bisi (rice and peas), fegato alla veneziana (liver with onions) and Carpaccio . That raw beef dish seems to have originated in the canal city, as did the chocolate covered dessert called tiramisù. The Veneto's rich and varied diet reflects an enviable balance of sources. The plains supply grain, Vialone Nano rice for risotto, corn for polenta and livestock. The Alpine slopes provide game, wild mushrooms, air-dried prosciutto and the cheeses of Asiago and Montasio. Delicacies include pastissada (beef stew with potato gnocchi), Vicenza's bigoli con l'anara (thick spaghetti with duck ragout), Treviso's sopa coada (pigeon and vegetable soup) and Padua's pasta e fasioi (pasta and bean soup). Beyond Verona's renowned Soave, Valpolicella and opulent Amarone, the region's vineyards proliferate in Merlot and Cabernet and the bubbly white Prosecco that delights Venetians.1918frico speck Friuli-Venezia GiuliaIn Italy's northeast corner,the country fare of Friuli(the Alpine area to thenorth) contrasts with themore delicate diet ofVenezia Giulia (theAdriatic coast taking inTrieste). Friulians grill meats and sausages at the open hearth fogolar and savor such curiosities as jota (liquidy polenta with pork and cabbage), frico (crunchy fried cheese), cialzons (sweet-sour pasta packets) and muset con la brovada (pork rind with turnips steeped in grape pressings). The hills render Montasio cheese and the exquisite Prosciutto of San Daniele. Coastal dwellers favor pasta and seafood: prawns, squid, scallops, spider crabs called granzevola and the tangy chowder called boreto alla gradese . Menus also echo the tangs of Austrian and Slavic neighbors with the likes of gulasch and the apple strudel called strucolo . Italy's most admired white wines come from Friuli's hills - Tocai Friulano, Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio and sweet Picolit - though red Merlot, Cabernet and Refosco dal Penducolo Rosso are also eminently drinkable.Trentino-Alto Adige Amid the towering Dolomites of this northern-most region, Italian and Germanic cultures mingle. In Alto Adige (or Südtirol, the German-speaking province of Bolzano), Tyrolean customs prevail in wursts, potatoes, rye bread and soups. In Trentino (the province of Trento to the south), Venetian traditions of pasta, polenta and gnocchi take on Alpine accents with butter, cheese, game and a dazzling array of wild mushrooms. Trentino's best include blood sausages called biroldi and buckwheat cakes called smacafam served with sausage and cheese. Alto Adige makes fine smoked bacon called speck and loaves of deliciously dark Schwarzbrot . Still, in these days of cultural exchange the South Tyroleans may dine on pizza or spaghetti just as readily as the Trentini eat Knödel (liver dumplings) or kraut. Red wines tend to prevail throughout the region. Yet notable whites such as Gewürztraminer, Riesling and Sauvignon as well as the Pinot and Chardonnay used to make first-rate sparkling wines have a way of flourishing in the crisp Alpine air. With those qualities in mind, Trentino-Alto Adige makes an excellent closing argument in any well constructed case for the unmatched diversity of cucina italiana .。



意大利美食英语简单介绍Italian cuisine is well known for its delicious and varied flavors, and is considered one of the most popular and refined cuisines in the world. Here are some of the most famous Italian dishes:1. Pizza - This dish originated in Naples, and is now enjoyed all around the world. The traditional pizza is made with a thin crust, tomato sauce, cheese, and various toppings.2. Pasta - There are many types of pasta, such as spaghetti, fettuccine, and lasagna. They are made from wheat flour and come in many shapes and sizes. Pasta dishes are usually served with a sauce made from tomatoes, cream, or cheese.3. Risotto - This is a creamy rice dish that is often served as a main course. It is usually flavored with parmesan cheese, butter, and wine.4. Bruschetta - This is an appetizer that consists of toasted bread topped with olive oil, garlic, and tomatoes. It is often served with fresh mozzarella cheese and basil.5. Gelato - Gelato is a type of Italian ice cream that is thicker and creamier than regular ice cream. It is made with milk, sugar, and flavorings such as fruit, nuts, or chocolate.Italian cuisine is also known for its use of fresh ingredients and simple preparation methods. Whether you're dining in a fancy restaurant or grabbing a slice of pizza from a street vendor, you're sure to enjoy the rich flavors and aroma of Italian cuisine.。

意大利美食介绍 英文版(课堂PPT)

意大利美食介绍 英文版(课堂PPT)
cooking liquid.
A well prepared risotto may
just be the richest and most
flavorsome dish you may ever
Risotto alla Millanese (米兰烩饭)is one of the most famous Italian rice dish. it is flavored with saffron(藏红花) and resembles Spanish paella(西班牙烩饭) .Because Spain had ruled Milan for over two
of raw materials and strive to maintain the
original taste.
Elaborate and sophisticated cuisine VS simple, straight forward and fresh. You choose!!!
Italian Cuisine
01 Brief Introduction
02 Regional
03 Typical Foods
04 Differences from
French Cuisine 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lacus nulla ac netus nibh aliquet,
From renowned historical
sites and rich culture, to
award winning wines and

意大利饮食文化 中英文

意大利饮食文化 中英文

意大利饮食文化中英文Cover pageSummary一个国家的饮食与它的文化息息相关,不同的国家有着不同的文化,从而也衍生了各具特色的各国饮食。











BODY義大利菜讓人直覺想到義大利麵、餃子和現今最流行的pizza、義大利濃縮咖啡( espresso)以及卡不奇諾咖啡(cappuccino),同時也會讓我們聯想到大量的使用蕃茄、橄欖油以及而義大利菜在運用香料方面也算是鼻祖,大體上義大利菜可分為北方和南方二種品味,南方屬於鄉村菜系,味道較重,大蒜、辣椒用的比例較,然而義大利菜能在世界各地佔得一席之地實非浪得虛名,而它對西餐文化的貢獻更是不可磨滅。


it is the "mother" of the Western name. 意大利 美食典雅高贵,且浓重朴实,讲究原汁原味。意大 利菜系非常丰富,菜品成千上万。源远流长的意 大利餐,对欧美国家的餐饮产生了深厚影响,并发 展出包括法餐、美国餐在内的多种派系,故有 “西餐之母”的美称。
意大利人对西餐文化贡献颇多。公元 1533年,意大利公主凯瑟琳·狄·麦 迪奇下嫁法国王储亨利二世时,带了 30位厨师前往,将新的食物与烹饪方 法引介至法国。法国人则将两国烹饪 上的优点加以融合,并逐步将其发扬 光大,创造出当今最负盛名的西餐代 表——“法国菜”。其次,意大利人 发明餐用叉子,为餐桌上的文化立n cuisine in the elegant and strong, simple, pay attention to authentic. Italian cuisine is very rich, tens of thousands of dishes. A long history of Italian cuisine, catering for Europe and the United States had a profound impact, and develop, including French cuisine, meal, including a variety of factions,
意大利招牌菜 小牛肉片:米兰特产的小牛肉,以芹菜、洋葱、月桂叶等辛香料加白酒煮 至软,放凉后切薄片,淋上以鱿鱼、鱼泥(皆为意国代表鱼种),打成的美 乃滋酱。 鲜肉盘:以威尼斯名家为名,传统吃法是以生牛肉薄片,配蒜味橄榄油、 盐、胡椒、柠檬汁、起司食用。另类版本是用生鱼片。 意式馄钝汤:像小型馄钝的意大利面。内阎主为绞肉、起司、火腿、蔬菜 等,这种吃法是煮成肉汤食用。


Italian cuisine in the elegant and strong, simple, pay attention to authentic. Italian cuisine is very rich, tens of thousands of dishes. A long history of Italian cuisine, catering for Europe and the United States had a profound impact, and develop, including French cuisine, meal, including a variety of factions, it is the "mother"
第二道菜包括 海鲜盘和肉盘。
Seafood and meat dish
Romaine Lettuce
Байду номын сангаас
最后是一杯浓缩咖啡,或者泡沫咖啡, 伴一点杏仁曲奇。
The last is a cup of espresso coffee, or coffee, With a little almond cookies.



Italy noodles also called Italy powder.It is filamentous, granular, hollow-shaped and hollow flowerlike four large classes.Is one of the most famous macaroni, shell powder for powder, bow, screws, Lima bean soup powder with minced fish and tomato sauce powder, the colors of white,red, yellow, green.

意大利美食典雅高贵,且浓重朴实,讲究原汁原味。意大利菜系非常丰富,菜品成千上万。 源远流长的意大利餐,对欧美国家的餐饮产生了深厚影响,并发展出包括法餐、美国餐在内 的多种派系,故有“西餐之母”的美称。
Pizza !
Pizza is the most famous
Italian dish all over the world. Its name comes from Piza ,an old Italian city .It is famous for the Leaning Tower of Piza .
In general Pizza is a mixture
of lots of nourishing and tasty things .So it is a popular food all over the world.
the mother of western food
Spaghetti !
Italian is the mother of the Western.


选用阿拉比卡咖啡豆和罗布斯塔咖啡豆, 比例为3:1。
使用90-95度的热水,在20-30秒内产生 200大气压,提取浓缩咖啡。
在意式浓缩咖啡中,应该闻到浓郁的咖啡香 气。
将一小口意式浓缩咖啡含在口中,感受它的 味道和口感。
喝完咖啡后,应该有一种令人愉悦的感觉, 这是优质意式浓缩咖啡的特点之一。
目 录
• 意大利美食概述 • 意大利面 • 披萨 • 意式浓缩咖啡 • 卡布奇诺 • 其他意大利美食
古罗马人发展出了以谷物、蔬 菜和肉类为主的食物体系,以
意大利受到了阿拉伯和拜占庭文 化的影响,引进了新的食材和烹 饪技巧,如橄榄油、面团和香料 等。
制作卡布奇诺需要先制作浓缩咖啡,使用 高压蒸汽通过细磨咖啡粉提取浓缩咖啡。
将加热的牛奶倒入奶泡管中,使其形成奶 泡和泡沫。
将牛奶加热到60-70摄氏度之间,使其变得 更容易通过奶泡管。
将浓缩咖啡倒入杯中,然后倒入热牛奶, 最后加入奶泡和拉花。



意大利美食简介课件xx年xx月xx日contents •意大利美食概述•意大利面•比萨•意式烤面包•意大利甜品•意大利饮品目录01意大利美食概述1 2 3在古罗马时期,意大利美食就已经发展出了多种多样的烹饪技术和食材,如意大利面、面包、橄榄油等。
















意大利传统美食中英文详细介绍 含图片

意大利传统美食中英文详细介绍 含图片
第二道菜即主菜:是整个正餐的灵魂,主要是海鲜或肉类菜式。 不少主菜菜式都是以烧烤或油炸方式烹调,享用时随意加点桌 上的盐或橄榄油便可食用。
We usually enjoy the dessert after having the main course.
Westerners attach[ə'tæ tʃ] great importance to dessert, and Italian dessert is exceptionally great. We usually enjoy the dessert after having the main course.
Italy enjoys享有 a worldwide[遍及全球地] reputation[声望; 荣誉] pasta, so you can not miss it.
您可以选择意大利蔬菜汤、蟹肉玉米浓汤或面食、局鸡肉面卷、牛 肉面片、意式空心粉。意大利面食饮誉全球,所以您可千万不要错 过这道可口的面点。
Italy food by Lemon *霜降
The first course
rice cooked in soy and vinegar
‘Primo Pratto’ in Italian
The first course mainly refers to soup , spaghetti or rice cooked in soy and vinegar [vɪnɪgə(r)],is in Italian Primo Pratto.
“Because there are too many types of cheese in this country, it can’t be ruled"



surface-chip beef
Italian vegetable soup
chicken noodle Board volume
Italian-style macaroni
crab meat corn soup or pasta
you can choose Italian vegetable soup, crabæ meat corn soup or pasta, chicken noodle Board volume[卷] , surface-chip beef, or Italian-style macaroni.
Because there will be the main course later, the first course are small dishes.
第一道菜主要是指汤( Zuppe )、意粉或烩饭( Risotto ),意 大利文是 Primo Pratto 。
西餐非常注重甜品,而意式甜品极为出色。 甜点通常是在享用 主菜后才点选的。
Last,I would like to tell you a famous saying of the president of France before…
He said…

‘Dierdaocai’-the main course: the soul of the entire(整个的 ) dinner, mainly seafood or meat dishes.
A lot of main course dishes are grilled or fried. Add some salt or olive oil and then you can enjoy it.
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addition to the well-known pizza and Italy powders, seafood and desserts are well-known
throughout the world.源远流长的意大利餐,对欧美国家的餐饮产生了深厚影响,并发展出包 括法餐、美国餐在内的多种派系,故有"西餐之母"之美称。Has a long history of Italy dinner,
Introduction to food
意大利美食典雅高贵,且浓重朴实,讲究原汁原味。Italy cuisine and elegant, and strong and simple, exquisite flavor.意大利菜系非常丰富,菜品成千上万,除了大家耳熟能详的比萨饼和 意大利粉,它的海鲜和甜品都闻名遐迩。Italy cuisine is very rich, thousands of dishes, in
Piz- za
和鸡蛋丁。there is cheese in tomato sauce to taste and dot the diced olives and eggs on top. 意 大利有2400余家专门 出售这种薄饼的快餐
店,获利甚丰。Italy has more than 2,400 companies specializes in selling the pizza fast food, handsome profit.
意大利面好几百多种,Italy face several hundred species,最正宗就是圆圆细长的这 种is the most authentic round and slender this。北部配肉酱汁,North with Bolognese Sauce, 以番茄拌炒绞肉(正宗 用鹅肝及培根)而成,tomato and stir
add egg yolks, Furumi, pine nut sauce, pine nuts, basil, garlic, olive oil and salt and pepper minced together.
意大利面 Spaghetti
萨”,Italy pizza, also known as "pizza", 系将油蘸面胚置于批
restaurants have had a profound impact on Europe and the United States, and includes meals, United States dining, a variety of factions, it is the "mother of Western" of the name.
Thanks for yo中添加多种馅
洋葱)烘烙面成,oil dipped embryos placed in pizza pan, add a variety of fillings (such as pork, beef, ham, cucumber, eggplant, onions) bake bake into,
ground meat (authentic foie gras and
Bacon),中部配奶油蛋汁酱,and central egg with cream sauce, 以起司与培根腌肉 炒拌,cheese and Bacon Bacon,再加蛋黄, 古味则松子酱,以松子、九层塔、大蒜、 橄榄油及盐胡椒搅碎而成。Saute, then