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( ) 1. Please call me Mary___256-7893.

A. in

B. at

C. to

D. of

( ) 2.What’s your name? _____me Jack.

A. Make

B. Name

C. Ask

D. Call

( ) 3.How do you spell______.

A. they

B. them

C. Its

D. their

( ) 4.Anna is not my sister. _____my cousin.

A. He

B. He’s

C. She

D. She’s

( ) 5. Thanks _____your last letter.

A. of

B. for

C. from

D. to

( ) 6. What are those? ---___________

A. They are apples trees.

B. They are apple trees

C. Those are apple trees

D. Those are apples trees ( ) 7. There is ___ “n” in the word pencil.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

( ) 8. ____she ___a pen?

A. Does, has

B. Is ,there

C. Does, have

D. Do ,have ( ) 9. What’s your cat’s name? ___name is Kitty.

A. It’s


C. It is

D. It

( )10. I don’t know____. But I know ______name.

A. her,her

B. him, him

C. his, his

D. you, you ( )11.What’s this? _____a book

A. It

B. That

C. It’s

D. That’s

( )12. Is this a computer? Yes,_____.

A. this is

B. this’s

C. it’s

D. it is

( )13. --What’s seven _____two. --Nine.

A. in

B. and

C. are

D. at

( )14. Han Mei , _____is Susan.

A. the

B. this

C. it

D. you

( )15. --What’s your name? --____Alice Green.

A. It’s

B. It is

C. My name is

D. Name is


1.Excuse me! ________ this your eraser?

2.What ________ those? ________ they birds?

3.This ________ his ruler. Where ________ my ruler?

4.I ________ in Class Three. ________ you in Class Three,too?

5.________ these her English books?

6.Those ________ their apples. Where ________ his apples?

7.She ________ eleven. How old ________ that boy?

8.He ________ my friend. ________ your friend a boy or a girl?

9.________ those maps? No,they ________ not. They ________ pictures.

10.These ________ your bananas. Here you ________.


1. g__ __l

2. r__l__r

3. c__mp__ter

4. w__ __ch

5. ph__ __e FIRST NAME







This is Jim. His family name is Green.

His phone number is 2450888.


( )1.Good afternoon, class. A.Thank you.

( )2.What’s his name? B.Good afternoon, teacher.

( )3.What’s your phone number? C.It’s 2450432.

( )4.Sit down, please. D.His name is John.

( )5.Is that your backpack? E.Hi, I’m Jim.

( )6.Hello, I’m Kate. F.It’s red.

( )7.What’s this in English? G.Yes, it is.

( )8.What color is your pen? H.No, it isn’t. It’s her backpack. ( )9.How do you spell it? .I.It’s a w atch.

( )10.Is this her pencil case? J.K-E-Y, key.


1. This is an ID card. (画线部分提问)

_______ ________?

2. Is this his backpack? (肯定和否定回答)

_______, ________ _______/ ________, _________ _________

3. It’s Lucy’s dictionary. (改为否定句)

It _______ _______Lucy’s dictionary.

4. Is that her nice watch? (改为肯定句)
