旅游口译词汇大全(doc 9页)

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旅游口译词汇大全(doc 9页)

中国的烹饪Chinese cuisine

基本的烹饪方法basic ways of cooking 分为四个菜系,即北方菜、四川菜、江浙菜和南方菜。To be classified into four major schools, namely, the Northern School, the Sichuan School, the Jiangzhe School and the Southern School.

因为中国的北方气候寒冷,所以各种菜式选用含卡路里较高的用料,以保证足够的热量。Most of the dishes have a high calorie value answering the demands of the cold northern climate

麻辣spicy ad hot 鲜嫩可口tender and juicy

馋涎欲滴(of the mouth) to start watering 美食家gourmet

Asian civilizations are glimmering like beautiful flowers in the garden of world civilization.

在农耕、掘井、开渠、冶炼、天文、医学等领域。In agro-farming, well-digging, canal-building, smelting, astronomy, medical science and other fields.

中国古代的睿智贤哲提倡“四海之内皆兄弟”,“和为贵”、“海纳百川”等四项主张,对中华文明与其他文明间的交流和融合产生着重要影响。Ideas advocated by ancient Chinese philosophers, the wise and able, such as “all men under heaven are brothers”, “harmony is the most precious” and “the ocean accommodates all rivers on earth”, remains highly influential in the exchange and integration among the Chinese civilization and other civilizations.


Dialogue, exchanges and integration among different civilizations, as the natural trend of historical development, are the requisites for the self-improvement and continued development of civilizations.

化解积怨、捐弃前嫌To eliminate one’s feuds to bring about reconciliation. 世界是丰富多彩的,“物之不齐,物之性也”。The world is indeed colorful. As a Chinese saying goes, “it is the law of natur e that objects are different”


It is essential to advocate mutual leaning and integration among civilizations.


Only by discarding the dross and assimilating the essence, fostering strengths to make up for weaknesses and mutual learning will

it be possible to promote common development and progress.

Brief introduction of tourism in China 中国国家旅游局the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA)

世界旅游组织the World Tourism Organization

联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会the World Heritage Committee of the UNESCO

《世界旅游业职业道德规范》the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

世界旅游日(9月27日)World Tourism Day

承认不同的文化特性to recognize cultural identities

在世界各国人民之间分享不同的思想与经历to share ideas and experiences between the peoples of the world

著名的“丝绸之路”文化旅游专线cultural itinerary known as the Silk Road


to ensure that tourism develops in a sustainable, responsible and ethical way

旅游业the tourist/ travel industry/ trade/ sector, tourism

综合性很强的产业 a highly comprehensive industry

作为第三产业的重点as the top priority of the tertiary industry

开发旅游资源to tap tourist resources 客源输出国tourist-generating country 市场促销market promotion 产品开发product development

广阔的发展前景 a bright future for development

推动有条件的地区加快发展旅游业to push areas which have the right conditions to accelerate the development of their tourism industry

旅游业的关联带动作用the locomotive role of the tourism industry
