四、高质量英文电影片名翻译的策略1. 文化适应:翻译过程中应充分考虑目标语观众的文化背景和审美习惯,对原片名进行适当的调整和改写,以适应目标语市场。
2. 情感传达:通过恰当的词汇和表达方式,将原片名所蕴含的情感和信息准确地传达给目标语观众,激发他们的观影兴趣。
3. 简洁明了:目标语观众往往通过片名快速判断一部电影是否符合自己的兴趣,因此,简洁明了的翻译能更好地吸引他们的注意力。
4. 创新性:在遵循上述原则的基础上,翻译者可以尝试采用创新的翻译方法和策略,使片名更具特色和吸引力。
五、案例分析以电影《The Shawshank Redemption》为例,其原名为“肖申克的救赎”。
在翻译过程中,应关注以下几点:1. 文化信息的传递:通过翻译,将原片名中的文化信息传递给目标语观众,以帮助他们更好地理解电影的内容。
2. 吸引力:通过合理的翻译,使电影片名更具吸引力,激发观众的好奇心和观影欲望。
3. 准确性:确保翻译的准确性,避免因误解原片名而导致的观众对电影内容的误解。
四、英文电影片名翻译的策略与技巧根据目的论的指导,英文电影片名的翻译应采用以下策略与技巧:1. 直译与意译相结合:在保证准确传达原片名信息的基础上,根据目标语观众的文化背景和审美习惯,灵活运用直译和意译的翻译方法。
例如,将《The Shawshank Redemption》(肖申克的救赎)译为“希望之光”,既保留了原片名的精髓,又使目标语观众更容易理解。
2. 简化与增补:对于一些过长或信息冗余的英文片名,可采用简化与增补的翻译方法。
例如,《Jurassic Park》(侏罗纪公园)通过增补“恐龙”这一关键词,使目标语观众更易理解电影的主题。
3. 创新与再创造:在遵循翻译原则的基础上,可对原片名进行适当的创新与再创造。
目的论(Skopos Theory)作为翻译理论的重要组成部分,为电影片名的翻译提供了理论指导。
在电影片名翻译中,这一理论主要体现在以下两个方面:1. 文化传达目的:电影片名是电影的核心信息之一,其翻译需充分传达原片的文化内涵与情感色彩。
2. 市场推广目的:电影片名的翻译还需考虑市场推广的目的。
三、高质量英语电影片名翻译的标准根据目的论,高质量的英语电影片名翻译应遵循以下标准:1. 准确性:译名应准确传达原片的文化内涵与情感色彩,避免因误解而产生歧义。
2. 简洁性:译名应简洁明了,易于记忆与传播,以吸引观众的注意力。
3. 语义等效:译名应与原片在语义上等效,使观众能够从译名中获取到关于电影的基本信息。
4. 符合市场推广需求:译名应考虑市场推广的目的,具有吸引力与传播力。
再如《The Shawshank Redemption》译为《肖申克的救赎》,这个译名不仅准确传达了原片的主题与情感色彩,还具有一定的隐喻性,使观众对电影的内容产生好奇与期待。
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三、英文电影片名翻译的策略1. 直译法直译法是一种常见的翻译策略,它能够直接将原片名中的词汇和语义翻译成目标语。
例如,“The Shawshank Redemption”可以直译为“肖申克的救赎”,这种翻译方式能够准确传达原片名的含义。
2. 意译法意译法是一种根据原文的含义和语境进行翻译的方法。
例如,“Forrest Gump”可以意译为“阿甘正传”,这种翻译方式能够更好地传达原片名的文化内涵和艺术效果。
3. 创意翻译法创意翻译法是一种在翻译过程中加入翻译者个人创意和想象的方法。
例如,“Dead Poets Society”可以翻译为“吟游诗人”,这种翻译方式更具诗意和文化内涵。
四、英文电影片名翻译的注意事项1. 文化差异的考虑在英文电影片名翻译中,翻译者需要考虑到中西方文化差异的因素。
三、英语电影片名翻译的目的在英语电影片名翻译中,目的主要表现在以下几个方面:1. 传达原片信息:电影片名往往蕴含了影片的主题、情节和风格等信息,翻译时需准确传达这些信息。
2. 吸引观众注意:好的片名翻译能够引起观众的注意和兴趣,从而引导他们走进电影院。
3. 跨文化交流:通过翻译,实现不同文化之间的交流与融合,使电影在全球范围内得到传播。
四、目的论在英语电影片名翻译中的应用在目的论的指导下,英语电影片名翻译应遵循以下原则:1. 准确性:准确传达原片名所蕴含的信息和情感,确保观众能够理解影片的主题和内容。
2. 简洁性:片名应简洁明了,易于记忆和传播。
3. 文化适应性:考虑目标语文化的特点和观众的心理需求,进行适当的文化调整。
4. 艺术性:在准确传达信息的基础上,注重翻译的艺术性,使片名更具吸引力。
三、英文电影片名汉译的策略1. 直译法:对于一些含义明确、文化内涵较浅的电影片名,可以采用直译法。
2. 意译法:对于一些抽象、寓意深长的电影片名,可以采用意译法。
3. 创造性翻译:在保持原片名基本含义的前提下,可以运用修辞手法和文化元素,进行创造性的翻译。
四、英文电影片名汉译的技巧1. 简练明了:电影片名的翻译应该简练明了,避免冗长的词汇和复杂的句式。
2. 突出主题:翻译时应该突出电影的主题和情感,使观众对电影有一个初步的判断。
3. 考虑文化差异:在翻译过程中,应该充分考虑中西方文化的差异,避免因文化误解而导致的翻译失误。
4. 运用修辞手法:可以适当运用修辞手法和文化元素,使译文更具艺术性和吸引力。
具体来说,有以下几点:1. 传达原片名的基本信息,如主题、风格等;2. 引起观众的兴趣和好奇心;3. 符合目标语观众的审美习惯和文化背景;4. 便于记忆和传播。
四、英文电影片名翻译的策略和技巧1. 直译与意译相结合在翻译过程中,既要尽量保留原片名的信息,又要符合目标语的语言习惯和文化背景。
2. 考虑文化差异在翻译过程中,要充分考虑文化差异。
例如,“The Shawshank Redemption”中的“Redemption”在中文中可以译为“救赎”,但也要考虑到中文观众对“救赎”的理解可能有所不同,因此可以结合电影内容译为“绿里奇迹”。
3. 创新与独特性在满足基本要求的前提下,翻译者还可以通过创新和独特性的表达方式来吸引观众的注意力。
翻译的目的论(Skopos Theory)为电影片名的翻译提供了理论指导。
三、电影片名翻译的策略和技巧1. 直译法直译法是一种常见的翻译方法,适用于那些含义明确、文化内涵较为相似的电影片名。
2. 意译法意译法是一种更注重传达原片名深层含义的翻译方法。
例如,“The Shawshank Redemption”被译为“肖申克的救赎”,通过意译法传达了电影的救赎主题和情感色彩。
3. 创新法创新法是一种在尊重原片名的基础上进行再创作的翻译方法。
例如,“The Matrix”被译为“黑客帝国”,通过添加注释的方式传达了电影的科技主题和背景。
四、电影片名翻译的注意事项1. 文化差异在翻译过程中,需要考虑到中西方文化的差异。
2. 目标观众群体电影片名的翻译还需要考虑目标观众群体的年龄、性别、职业等特征,以确保译名能够引起他们的兴趣和共鸣。
三、英语电影片名翻译的策略1. 文化适应策略:在翻译过程中,译者需要充分考虑目标语观众的文化背景和语言习惯,使翻译后的片名与目标语文化相融合,避免因文化差异导致的误解或尴尬。
例如,原名为《The Godfather》(教父)的英文电影,在翻译成中文时,其名字被译成了符合中国文化习惯的《教父》,这充分体现了文化适应的策略。
2. 信息简洁策略:片名往往需要在短短几个字内传达出电影的主题和情感色彩。
3. 情感传递策略:电影片名往往蕴含着丰富的情感色彩,因此,在翻译过程中,译者需要充分传达出原名的情感色彩,让观众能够感受到电影所要传达的情感。
例如,《The Notebook》(恋恋笔记本)这一翻译成功地将原名的情感色彩传达给了观众。
四、高质量英语电影片名翻译的要点和技巧1. 精准理解原意:在翻译过程中,译者需要准确理解原名的含义和情感色彩,确保翻译后的片名与原意相符。
2. 注重语言美感:片名作为电影的代表,其语言应具有一定的美感。
因此,高质量的英文电影片名翻译应具备以下要求:1. 准确性:准确传达原片的内容和风格。
2. 流畅性:符合目标语言的语法和表达习惯。
3. 吸引力:引起目标观众的注意和兴趣。
四、从目的论角度探讨高质量翻译策略1. 文化适应性翻译文化差异是英文电影片名翻译中需要重视的问题。
2. 语义等效翻译语义等效翻译是指在翻译过程中,尽可能保持原片名与译名的语义等效性。
例如,电影《The Shawshank Redemption》的中文译名为《肖申克的救赎》,这一译名既保留了原片名的核心意义,又具有一定的象征性。
四、从目的论角度看英文电影片名翻译从目的论的角度出发,英文电影片名的翻译应遵循以下原则:1. 文化适应性:翻译应考虑到目标语文化的背景和习惯,避免因文化差异造成的误解。
2. 市场导向性:翻译的目的应是引导观众走进电影院。
3. 信息传递性:尽管电影片名的翻译需要考虑到文化差异和语言习惯,但基本信息和主题的传递仍是关键。
再如《阿甘正传》的英文原名“Forrest Gump”,在翻译时充分考虑了中文的表达习惯和文化背景,将原名中的核心信息“阿甘”和故事主题“正传”相结合,形成了具有吸引力的中文片名。
三、英语电影片名翻译的目的1. 传达电影主题和情感:电影片名是电影的核心信息之一,应准确传达电影的主题和情感,以吸引观众的兴趣。
2. 跨文化传播:翻译应考虑到目标语受众的文化背景,以实现跨文化传播的效果。
3. 营销推广:优秀的翻译有助于电影的宣传和推广,提高电影的知名度和票房。
四、高质量英语电影片名翻译的策略1. 忠实原文,传达主题:在翻译电影片名时,应尽量保持原名的含义和情感色彩,以传达电影的主题。
2. 考虑文化差异:翻译应考虑到目标语受众的文化背景,避免直译导致的误解和歧义。
3. 简洁明了:翻译应简洁明了,易于理解和记忆。
4. 创新性:在传达主题和情感的基础上,可以通过创新性的翻译方式,使片名更具吸引力。
五、实例分析以《The Shawshank Redemption》这部经典电影为例,其中文译名为《肖申克的救赎》。
二、目的论视角下的翻译目的论(Skopos Theory)是一种重要的翻译理论,认为翻译活动是一种具有明确目的的行为。
三、英文电影片名汉译的策略1. 直译法:在保持原片名信息的前提下,直接进行字面翻译。
如“The Shawshank Redemption”译为“肖申克的救赎”,直译保留了原片名的核心信息,便于观众理解。
2. 意译法:当原片名具有特殊的文化内涵或修辞手法时,可采取意译法。
如“The Notebook”译为“情书”,将原片名的意象转化为更符合中文表达的情感词汇。
3. 音译法:对于一些具有特殊名称或人名的电影,可采用音译法。
五、实例分析以电影“Forrest Gump”为例,其汉译为“阿甘正传”。
再如,“The Matrix”的汉译为“黑客帝国”,这一翻译准确地传达了原片名的科技氛围和悬疑色彩。
四、英文电影片名翻译的策略1. 直译法:对于一些具有明确主题和故事情节的电影,可以采用直译法进行翻译。
例如,“The Shawshank Redemption”被译为“肖申克的救赎”,准确地传达了电影的主题和情感。
2. 意译法:对于一些抽象或富有文化内涵的电影名,采用意译法可以更好地传达原电影的内涵和风格。
例如,“E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial”被译为“外星人ET”,简洁地概括了电影的主要情节。
3. 创新性翻译:有时,为了吸引观众注意力或创造更深刻的印象,可以在保留原片主题和风格的基础上进行创新性的翻译。
如,“The Dark Knight”被译为“蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士”,既保留了原片的主题,又增加了中国元素的元素,使观众更容易接受。
五、英文电影片名翻译的注意事项1. 理解原片文化背景:翻译者需要对原片的文化背景、历史背景等信息有深入的了解,以避免在翻译过程中出现误解或错误解读的情况。
二、符合观众预期的译名1. 维护电影的审美和艺术形象一部电影的片名往往与其内容和风格有密切关联,它既是电影的门面,也是观众对电影的第一印象。
例如,电影《The Shawshank Redemption》的中文片名《刺激1995》通过保留原片名的神秘感和时代感,成功地吸引了观众的注意力。
2. 传递电影的主题和情感片名应该能够准确地传递电影的主题和情感,以提前激发观众的兴趣。
例如,电影《The Notebook》的中文片名《恋恋笔记本》通过直接翻译表达出了电影浪漫而感人的情感。
3. 适应观众的文化背景和语言习惯鉴于片名是观众对电影的第一印象,应该根据观众的文化背景和语言习惯进行适当的调整和改编。
例如,电影《Silver Linings Playbook》的中文片名《乌云背后的幸福线》通过直观地反映电影的情节和主题,更贴近中国观众的审美和口味。
三、市场宣传的考虑1. 突出电影的卖点和特色电影片名翻译应该突出电影的卖点和特色,以吸引观众的关注。
三、英文电影片名汉译的策略1. 直译与意译相结合直译能够保留原片名的语言特色,使观众对原作有更深入的了解。
例如,英文电影名“The Shawshank Redemption”可以翻译为“肖申克的救赎”,既保留了原名的结构特点,又充分传达了电影的主题。
2. 增译与减译增译是指在翻译过程中增加一些原文中没有但中文表达中必要的词汇,以使译文更加完整、流畅。
例如,“Forrest Gump”在中文中翻译为“阿甘正传”,增加了对电影主题的解读和宣传效果。
四、实例分析以经典英文电影“The Dark Knight”(黑暗骑士)为例,该电影的中文片名为“蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士”。
这个翻译成功地将“Dark Knight”翻译为具有神秘、英雄气质的“蝙蝠侠”,并且与主题“黑暗骑士”紧密结合,达到了宣传效果。
三、英语电影片名翻译的目的1. 传达原片的核心信息:电影片名是电影的灵魂和精华,其翻译应准确传达原片的核心信息,使观众在看到片名时就能大致了解电影的主题和内容。
2. 吸引观众的兴趣:好的电影片名翻译应具有吸引力,能够激发观众的好奇心和观影欲望。
3. 符合目标文化的审美习惯:电影片名的翻译应尊重目标文化的审美习惯,避免因文化差异导致的误解或尴尬。
四、高质量英语电影片名翻译的策略1. 直译与意译相结合:在翻译过程中,应兼顾原片的字面意义和深层含义,采用直译与意译相结合的方法,使翻译既保留原片的风格,又符合目标文化的语境。
2. 注重文化背景的传达:在翻译过程中,应注重文化背景的传达,对一些具有特殊文化含义的词汇进行恰当的处理,避免因文化差异导致的误解。
3. 简洁明了:电影片名的翻译应简洁明了,避免冗长复杂的句子,使观众一眼就能看出电影的主题和内容。
五、实例分析以《The Shawshank Redemption》为例,其直译为《肖申克的救赎》。
二、目的论与电影片名翻译目的论(Skopos Theory)是翻译理论中的一种重要理论,它认为翻译的目的决定了翻译的策略和方法。
三、英语电影片名翻译的策略1. 直译法:对于一些具有明确含义和特定文化背景的英文电影片名,可以采用直译法进行翻译。
2. 意译法:对于一些抽象或富有艺术性的英文电影片名,可以采用意译法进行翻译。
例如,“The Shape of Water”译为“水形物语”,通过意译传达了电影的主题和情感色彩。
3. 音译法:对于一些具有特定文化或历史背景的英文电影片名,可以采用音译法进行翻译。
例如,“Harry Potter”译为“哈利·波特”,保留了原名的发音特点,同时也传达了电影的奇幻色彩。
四、英语电影片名翻译的注意事项1. 文化差异:在翻译过程中,需要充分考虑中西方文化的差异,避免因文化误解而导致的翻译错误。
例如,“The Godfather”译为“教父”,而不是“上帝之父”,因为“教父”在中国文化中具有特定的含义。
2. 宣传效果:电影片名的翻译需要具有一定的吸引力,能够引起观众的注意和兴趣。
3. 精准性:在保证翻译质量的前提下,尽可能准确地传达原名的含义和信息,确保观众能够理解并接受电影的内容和主题。
四、高质量的英文电影片名翻译策略和方法1. 准确传达原片主题和情感:在翻译过程中,译者需要充分理解原片的主题和情感,确保翻译后的片名能够准确传达这些信息。
2. 考虑目标观众的文化背景和审美习惯:译者需要了解目标观众的文化背景和审美习惯,以选择合适的翻译方法和语言风格。
3. 注重片名的吸引力和独特性:一个好的电影片名应该具有一定的吸引力和独特性,以吸引观众的注意力。
4. 遵循一定的翻译规范和标准:虽然翻译具有一定的主观性,但也需要遵循一定的规范和标准。
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Movie Title Translation Under the Guidance of SkoposAbstract:With the developing of living standard, the film as a form of spiritual life has been a part of our life. As an integral part of the movie, the movie title translation has become the primary task. The translation of film products has become the international cultural exchange, and it has received more and more attention of scholars in the translation field. For the study of translation of film titles, skopos theory put forward by Hans Vermeer become the core theory of the functional translation theory, which is the suitable guiding method. It not only from the language level pays attention to translation, but also stresses the important role of the translator and culture. This article introduces the research significance English status Chinese translation of movie titles and the general situation of Skopos theory. It is concluded that the skopos theory has his own imperfections, but in the translators know the translation purpose, the translator can effectively guide the good movie title translation work. It can effectively guide the movie title translation work under the condition that the translators know the purpose of translation.Key Words:movie titles; skopos; translation methods浅谈目的论与电影片名翻译摘要:随着物质生活的日益提高,电影作为精神生活的一种形式已经走入人们的日常生活里。
关键词: 电影片名;目的论;翻译方法1 IntroductionAccording to statistics, the annual 100-200 Department China imported films, most of them are English film. Because of the cultural differences between English and Chinese, the translation of film work is not a simple matter. At present, film translation has made some development, but as an important part of film translation, research work in film title translation is still far from enough. Film title translation is an important and creative work, better translation for the film the icing on the cake, play a decisive role in the promotion of the new film in. With the 1995 American blockbuster "the fugitive" (The Fugitive) of the introduction, then English films have entered the China, makes China lit movie craze. Home to the translation of film titles also officially started, subsequent research has gradually increased the translation of film titles. There is also a concern status, it is the mainland, Hongkong, Taiwan translation confusion, showing "a more, a topic multi translation" of the situation. The lack of theoretical guidance, the lack of systematic.The film is useful for both young and old people who love to see and hear the form of art. A good film can attract tens of thousands of spectators, in addition to the profound implications the actor's performance, the picture and blew to express surprise, and attract people`s attention, lead a person to endless aftertastes titles have a direct link. The seemingly simple but the title product author quite challenging, a numeral embody the essence of the whole work.In numerous television advertising posters, titles are very prominently in direct "guide", plays the role of.Whenever possible, the author will use a variety of vocabulary, grammar and rhetoric, the eye-catching title. Film title above on film, but in the movie. With the China opening up the door open, gradually increasing cultural exchanges and learning Chinese and the world, the film is a kind of form of expression. The introduction of foreign films enriched the Chinese film market, in Chinese also popular. Since it is the foreign movie introduction, it must involve the problem of translation. While the film title translation seems to be the priority among priorities of film translation. Film title is the movie's eyes, the translator should will "make the finishing point". Translated titleof outstanding plays a role can not be ignored to promote international cultural exchange.Bao Huinan points out, the film and television film title translation "should conform to the language standard, but also full of artistic charm, not only to be faithful to the original title of the content, but also embody the language features of the original work, and strive to achieve the creation of" art, to emphasize the "popular, popular, colloquial and art", "to be able to afford to a very good guide and promotion effect".2 The Overview of Skopostheorie2.1 The Introduction of SkopostheorieFrom the definition of the concept of translation skopos theory perspective, the action theory and cross-cultural communication theory as the theoretical foundation, holds that translation is a kind of complex behavior for the realization of information culture, cross-cultural communication and not simply to the original text based symbolic conversion. Vermee thinks, "translation means in specific environment, because of the specific purpose of translation, for a specific recipient". From the perspective of translation principle, teleology to skopos rule as the primary principle of translation should follow, process and the translation is translation behavior to achieve the purpose of decision behavior of the whole translation means. According to Skopostheorie, the communicative purpose of the translation is generally determined by the translation initiator, initiator to put forward by translators "translation requirements". However, the translator can not passive ground accept sponsors "translation requirements", if the initiator of the lack of professional knowledge of translation or don't understand, so the communicative purpose of the translation can be combined with the social and cultural background of the target readers, to the translation look, communicative needs and factors such as the initiator of joint consultation to decide. At the same time, the theory also the coherence and fidelity as a law. Among them, the fidelity rule subordinate to the coherence rule, both from belong to objective law. The original and the translation function the same, fidelity rule can no longer apply; if the objective laws require translation need not smooth, so the coherence rule can no longer apply. Reducing the source language status is a significant feature of teleology. The source language text plays an important role in traditional translation theory, also requires the translation to be faithful to the original, and the skopos theory holds that "objective decision means", "the source language is a kind of" the translator needs a lot of information obtained in the translation before, but not the primary basis for the translator.Compared with the traditional "equivalence theory", the skopos theory rather than focus on the translation and the source text equivalence, but stressed that the translation from its expected function embarks, according to the context, choose the best treatment method, so it has high scientific and operable (Chen 20). Teleology is the "full" rather than "peer to peer" text according to different purposes of translation, may produce multiple versions, the original and the translation is not necessarily complete equivalence. As long as the translation meets the purpose of translation, it is sufficient, acceptable. Therefore, in the purpose theory perspective, as the standard of translation, highlights the translator's role, expand the translator's responsibility scope. Skopos theory is a breakthrough of the contemporary western translation theories, has opened up a new train of thought of translation theory, translation practice for the translation practice to provide a new operation method.2.2 About the Skopos Rule2.2.1 Skopos Rule1.Objective principle (Skopos rule) objective principle is the first rule of Skopos theory. That is, translation purpose decided to achieve the desired goal of strategy. The law, translation method and the choice of translation strategies, and the whole process of translation is required by the act of translation purpose decision.2.The principle of coherence (coherence rule) is the translation must meet the intratextual coherence criterion. What is the intratextual coherence refers to the translation allows the recipient to understand, and readable, also have meaning in the target language culture communication and the use of the original communicative environment.3.The principle of fidelity (fidelity rule) the principle of fidelity refers to the author and the original text faithfully. That is to say, between the original translation should achieve intertextual coherence. Intertextual coherence equivalent usually said is faithful to the original text, the translation purpose and the translator determines the extent and form of the faithful to the original.2.2.2 The Relationship Between the RulesIn the process of translation, the Skopos rule requirements if the source text and the target text function is different, so the loyalty principle not apply; if the objective principle requires a translation is not fluent, is not in conformity with the domain coherence, coherence rule does not apply, "faithfulness" belongs to the "coherence rule", but the two must obey "objective principle", this is the relationship between the three, the skopos theory breaks through the study of contemporary western translation theories.2.3 The Purpose of the Translation of Film TitlesTransfer film title translation is the most direct purpose is information, good translation can highlight the original film content, to understand the original audience better expression and convey the theme of information. For example, The Rock translated into "the rock" will enable the audience to predict film want to express the effect of stimulation, the information transfer film. If literally translated into "rock" will let people think is a science film. The film was born in the west, is affected by the capitalist culture from the beginning, playing on the commercial brand. The ultimate purpose of the film should be the production and exchange rather than simply for the film creators appreciation and creation. The film is an art, it should belong to both the art and belongs to the field of aesthetic. At the same time, the film is a commodity, it is highly industrialized production line to produce. Therefore, driven by economic interests, the art attribute and commercial attribute of the film would become less important than. The film thus must first have the economic value and exchange value, production objective is to maximize the economic benefits to producers. The box office income level is the only criteria to decide the film production. USA movie world hegemony is the reason, USA film industry highly commercial, film has become one of the pillar industries USA third industry. At present, Chinese imported sheet film market share has increased.Film translation direction and purpose depends to some extent on the film market highly commercialized and broad space fordevelopment. Of course, a good movie translation is inseparable from the good translation of a film title. Film title as a type of advertising and advertising translation, also has the same purpose, namely, eye-catching, arouse interest, arouse the desire, is one kind has the specific target of commercial activities, restricted by various aspects of business and culture. However, the translation of film titles and not completely equal to advertising translation, the existence of film is not physical goods, with aging, and the length is limited. Movie is just like is the commodity trademark, is Punchline. Good movie has speed, strong advertising effect, can attract large audiences to watch the film, support the film, and then increase the box office income, so as to realize the commercial value of the film. Name of film art, culture, aesthetic value to establish in the film's foundation, has the intense commercial propaganda function. If the movie art and cultural value to meet the psychological requirements of movie audience, so its commercial propaganda function has been achieved. Can say, the movie name commercial value is first to meet a variety of general value of the film, after is to meet a movie audience psychology of the higher level of value. If the movie name value is a bridge, then art, culture, aesthetic value is equivalent to a pier, commercial value is the bridge. Therefore, translation of film name purpose, must not be confined to the translation itself, can not stay in the realization of film art, literature, general common value level, but should try to realize the translation of film names in movie industry operation commercial publicity of great value. Therefore, this should also be present and translation of film title in the next few years should be considered an important aspect. Film title translation purpose is: artistic charm and style reproduction of the original title, comprehensively and fully propaganda film, maximize attract the target country's audience. English film title translation purpose determines the translation is not only a kind of highly creative art activities, is also a great market economic value of commercial activities, the premise of the basic guiding ideology and follow the general principle of the translation, the translation of movie titles should explore their own unique rules and methods.3 The Overview on film title3.1 Characteristics of Film and Film Titles1.The language characteristics.First of all, the movie film title must have the simplicity in language. The movie title is highly enriched the content of the film. Film title is the first channel viewers understand the movie, no matter what kind of type of film, film title is usually only a short span of a few words. "Concise" is a remarkable characteristic of movie titles. So that the audience can guess the movie belong to which kinds of movies, long title not only lose its as the title character, and very difficult to remember the audience. For example, Speed True Lies "speed", "true lies". Secondly, to have the popular movie titles. The film is a kind of mass media, with the majority of the audience for different age, occupation and education level, need to film title must popularization, popularization. Avoid the use of obscure and difficult to understand, hard to remember words, or highly specialized terminology. Must be consistent with the original film content, reflect the theme of "brave heart" Brave Heart The Princess Diaries, "the Princess Diaries". Finally, the movie film title must be vivid and attractive to the audience, to beauty, to attract the audience into the theater. The audience saw the movie on buying desire, want to immediately into the cinema to see. Films such as "Sister Act Cast Away Sister Act", "desert island".2.Cultural characteristics.The film is a cultural product of a kind of special artistic form. The film named, is drawn from the plot, background or hero, title although concise, but the meaning is profound. Some titles from allusions, implied meaning is not clear grasp. And the film content reflects the East-West be totally different natural environment, religion and historical origin, loaded with rich cultural information. The existence of the film must be able to reflect their culture people's way of thinking and cultural values. Different language determines different nationalities in different ways of thinking, behavior and language expression. Some English film title is the legendary stories from their own culture, than the Seven-year Itch translated into Chinese "seven year itch". And movies like "the red shoes" RedShoes, translators have a very China culture and cultural characteristics of the images of "Hong Ling" into the film translation, which has successfully created a new image of the majority culture for Chinese familiar to audiences, can accept.3.Business characteristics.No doubt, the film is a kind of commodity, the ultimate goal is to obtain commercial value and commercial benefits. Of course, make every attempt to attract the audience to the film business is the key to the eye, to occupy the market. A film from start to write, shoot, publicity has to put on the market, businesses have invested huge funds. Therefore, these investments must return from the box office, in order to obtain more profits. Therefore, from some dubbing film title can be seen in the movie title inevitably commercial characteristics. "To do the film is the first to do business, which has become the highest philosophy in contemporary Hollywood." (morning and night, 1999:56). For example, It Happens One Night dubbed the title "one night", Sister Act's "Sister Act" and so on. Practice has proved, to arouse the curiosity of the audience, to win the market, you have to give the film a loud and attractive name. Therefore, whether it is imported or exported to a film, film title translation is undoubtedly must consider its signage and promotional role. In order to cater to the market, the film title translation often jump out of the formerly restricted, out of its advertising function with a show ingenuity name.3.2 The Function of Film TitleLanguage is a special symbol system. British scholar and translation theorist Peter Neumark language functions are divided into 6 types: information function (informative function), the expression function (expressive function), imperative function (vocative function), power (aesthetic function), beauty of phatic function (plastic function), meta language function (Multilingual function). While the German scholars and functionalist translation theorist Christie Nord will be the function of language is divided into 4 types: the indicator function (referential function), the expression function (expressive function), call function (appellative function); phatic function (phatic function). Different people have different classification of languagefunctions of film title text, is also a kind of text (Zhang 20). The film title function is summed up in four: information dissemination function, expressive function, aesthetic function and advertising function. According to the features and functions of film titles, we will function attributed into four kinds: information function (informative function) (cultural function), cultural function, aesthetic function (aesthetic function), call function (appellative function). The film is not only the product of culture, is also a kind of special artistic and commercial products. So the importance of film title is to reflect the cultural exchange, commercial and artistic appreciation value. Specifically, the requirements of film title should have four main functions: information function, expressive function, aesthetic function and appellative function.4 The Methods of Translation of Film Titles under the Guidance of Skopos4.1 The Influence Factors of Film Title TranslationFilm title is the highly generalization of the film, art film title should embody the film, the most important is the embodiment of the commercial value. The art of film of movie titles should be concise requirements of highly generalized. While the film business value decided to a wonderful film also can not ignore the movie box office income. Therefore, the title must be able to maximize attract the audience, the audience to have the desire to watch the movie. English film translation by way of thinking, aesthetic ideas, cultural connotation, affecting the commercial value.4.2 The Supporting ExamplesThe translation skopos theory tells us, the purpose of translation determines the translation methods. Translation and advertisement translation of film names are similar, therefore, in the process of translation, the translator cannot limit and restrict the original title of the movie, but to exert their subjective initiative, in the faithful to the film content and film on the essence, characteristics and the audience to consider the translation language culture requirements, according to the characteristics of different film and the needs of different audiences take flexible methods of film title translation.(1)Transliteration: In the purpose theory, skopos theory emphasizes that translation should note the intended function embarks, according to the context, choose the best treatment method. As long as the translation meets the purpose of translation, it is sufficient, acceptable. In traditional translation, there are many examples of transliteration. Will not lead to misinterpretation of the target language culture, should as far as possible the direct transliteration principle. The reason for using the direct transliteration, is because it has retained the original title of rhymeand rhythm, but also can reflect the characteristics of the film alien. Such as: Rocky: "Rocky" Casablanca: "Casablanca". Titanic "Titanic" Jane Eyre "," Macbeth ", Jane. Love, Troy" Troy "Macbeth".(2)Literal translation: Chinese has more than 100 years of history in translation, many translation theories, translation should be faithful to the original both emphasized, and reflect the original style. In the teleology do follow the principle, in addition to the primary principle -- the principle of goal, but also including the coherence rule and fidelity rule. The principle of fidelity refers to the original and true to the original author. Literal translation method followed the teleology of faithful principle. There are many films, formerly known as itself is the content of the film's highly generalized, better realize its information function, aesthetic function and market function. The theoretical basis of faithfulness in the translation the translator must request the title also as far as possible to literal translation, based on language universals of translation, in a reasonable condition, also is in the target language when conditions permit, can keep the original ideas expressed, and as far as possible should be maintained relative with the original language form translation. This literal titles are often able to inherit the concise original titles, a large amount of information, easy to arouse the curiosity of the characteristics of the audience. Literal translation for the translation of the film, also can be called complete translation. Without prejudice to the plot of the movie, the content and will not cause errors under the premise of Lenovo, with vivid, image of the TL reproduction title. So, is faithful to the original, the original intention of the expression, and can be accepted by the audience. Therefore, the movie film title translation method is a basic strategy. Such as the India film Slumdog Millionaire's Oscar winning film, the title itself is a high level overview of the entire movie. Slumdog and millionaire are two than too think Guoliang and contradictory words, together has greatly aroused the curiosity of the audience. So it will be literally translated as "Slumdog Millionaire" the most appropriate, the translation successfully retained the name rainbow.(3)Free translation:Relationships exist between the three rules of Skopos theory. In the process of translation, the Skopos rule requirements if the source text and thetarget text function is different, so the principle of fidelity is no longer suitable for use, if the objective principle requires a translation is not fluent, is not in conformity with the intratextual coherence, coherence rule is not suitable for use, the principle of fidelity from belongs to the coherence principle, but the two must obey the objective principle. Literal translation can not transfer the movie itself information accurate, literal translation is difficult to reflect the title itself contains rich cultural connotation, such as themes and categories of the film, the film audience will feel difficult to understand. The title is informative text, this text translation requirements when do aims to pass on information, in order to achieve the purpose, the translator to understand the original film content, analysis, style, the plot even style on the basis of the method can flexibly adopt free translation. Therefore, translation of the translation purpose has not changed, or the transmission of information, reflect the film's artistic charm, attract the purpose and audience. As the Oscar winning film the The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, China has repeatedly literally translated as "Benjamin Barton", and the translation for "renew one's youth" will be more popular with viewers. From the information function, "Benjamin Barton" although summarized the movie the original content, but apparently not "rejuvenescent" can directly pointed out that "the specific content of wonders". If from aesthetics perspective, the latter using the Chinese traditional four syllable word, obviously than the former easier to the audience to accept, but also more in line with the Chinese audience's psychology. Of course, "rejuvenescent" than "Benjamin Barton" more box office appeal.(4)Transliteration and Translation:Transfer film title translation is the most direct purpose is information. Good translation to highlight the primary content of the film, the audience a better understanding of the original film express and convey the theme of information. Transliteration and translation combination embodies the teleological principle, follow the principle of faithful transliteration and free translation part part follows the principle of coherence, and follow the principle of goal is the most important.(5)The new nomenclature:Skopos theory holds that translation is a kind of complex behavior for the realization of information culture, cross-culturalcommunication and, rather than simply to the original text based symbolic conversion. Transfer film title translation is the most direct purpose is information. The film is an art, is also a commodity, film translation should reflect its commercial property. There are some movie title translation, if using the method mentioned above, from the hands of the language environment and psychological point of view, cannot give attention to realize three functions of the film. Some cinemas name too simple, too abstract. If the literal translation or transliteration method, as the carrier of information in the title are unable to convey the theme of the movie and the hands to express information. There are some films originally too lengthy and tedious, this type of film title is often used more than one word or phrase in the form of. This time, the meaning will consider renaming the method.5 Conclusion5.1 The Discussion on the Significance of Film Title5.1.1 The Purpose of Movie Title TranslationFor the translation of film titles are common, the original is placed in the core position, in the process of translating batted consideration, in order to achieve the greatest degree of original movie and the "equivalence". Since the advent of the skopos theory, for the translation of film titles have a direction. Skopos theory holds that the first rule is followed by the translation skopos rule, this film title translation from the bondage of the equivalent, the original name of film in the process of translation and the guidance of dominance is greatly reduced, at the same time, is also conducive to play the target language advantage, of course, the translator's subjective initiative, in the process of translation, to make the translation to a more ideal effect.5.1.2 The Various Methods of Translation of Film TitleSkopos theory holds that, any translation behavior has its own purpose, therefore, the purpose of the overall translation action determines the methods and strategies which should be adopted in translation. In the purpose theory of a translation task purpose determines the translation of a text taken strategy. So, the problem of translation methods of the film is solved. Any one can achieve the purpose of translation methods can be adopted, here said the purpose is to better play its commercial value in realizing the movie general value basis, which makes the translation methods of film title diversification. Translation method is no longer limited to literal translation, transliteration method in general, of course, can also according to different audiences, different cultural psychology and language habits and so on are separated from the original movie, free translation, combination of literal translation and free translation, transliteration and free translation with etc..5.1.3 The Commercial Value of Film Title TranslationIn the study of film title translation, not just regard it as a kind of literary。