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content in Word. Analyze merits and defects of these activities. Take part in meetings every
other week to discuss difficulties
we met and bring up constructive measures to solve these
the desired messages;
Computer Skill: Collect and analyze data with Excel, confident with other Microsoft
Office applications, email and the web;
I worked as a team player on the student team belonging to Market Research Section in
Beijing New Oriental School last year (Jan. 2008-Sep. 2008). New Oriental Education &
3、互动 +主动,用户黏着度高 视频直播营销具有互动性, 直播者可对观看者的提问进行当时回
复,从而提高节目造势,有较高争议率的节目点击率也高调飙升,网 友还会对此类有趣节目进行转贴在自己博客或者其它论坛中, 让视频 直播广告进行“病毒式传播” ,让直播视频范围式传播出去,不费企 业任何推广费用,这是传统电视广告不能具备的。 4 、效果可测
内容最大价值。 (三)具备电视无法比拟的互联网互动,主动,传播,成本等方面优 势。
1、目标精准 做为最兴的方式, 与传统网站营销推广方式不同点在于能够精准
找到企业想找的那群潜在用户。 2、成本低廉 网络网站推广视频营销投入的成本与传统的广告价格差极大, 低
廉的价格带来非常高的性价比。例如 ,电视广告投入几十万几千万实 属正常。相比之下,几千块甚至只有一个好创意几个好员工,则可制 作出一个网络视频短片, 免费放到视频网站传播。 随着互联网视频广 告的影响力越来越大,但公司为此付出的资金却不会有多大的增长。 2010 年互联网视频广告支出仅为电视广告费用的 3.3% 。
call. Input and save the data in Excel in an organized way. Participate in lectures and
campaigns held by our competitors and record information such as date, place, lecturer and
including sports and hobbies.
My current recreational and leisure activities are as follows:
Reading: I am fond of reading detective novels,
thrillers (e.g. Alfred Hitchcock ’s);
Movies and TV play series: I ama moviegoer and recently I saw Schindler ’s List, which
is directed by Steven Spielberg. My favorite TV play series are American sitcoms (e.g.
Technology Group focuses on foreign language education and training. The group was listed
on the New York Stock Exchange on September 7, 2006, the first private education company
spirits and the ability to work well under pressure.
3)What factors have influenced your career choice?
Subjective factors:
1) Personality: Cautious, patient, responsible; sensitive and accurate with numbers;
七、网络视频直播活动内容· ····························5 八、人员安排··········································9 九、试播数据反馈· ····································9 十、网络视频直播前期所需设备· ·······················10
随着互联网和科技的发展,传统的推广方式已经不能满足现有企 业多元化推广的需要。当今的企业已由商品、经销商店铺、生产厂房 等实体基础设施和数据中心、电脑、路由器和宽带等 IT 基础架构融 合为一体,现代多媒体营销推广方式将给我们的经营内容带来全新的 变革!
而网络视频直播是一种多媒体网络平台,是将音视频信号采集成 数字信号,并经过网络传输的一种流媒体应用。随着 Intnet 技术的 不断发展,网络已成为发展速度最快而且越来越占据主要地位的媒体。 而随着人们获取信息的要求的提高, 人们目前已不局限于只通过网络 了解文字信息, 更多的用户希望通过网络获取音视频信息, 网络视频 直播便应运而生。 网络视频直播是指人们可以通过网络收看到远端正 在进行的现场音视频实况,比如赛事、会议、教学、手术等等。网络 视频直播的核心思想是利用既有的局域网、 城域网甚至是万维网络条 件实现对音视频信号的实时传输,并且能够在远端实现流畅的收看 !
在视频直播过程中,可以看到大量的用户数据,并清晰看到人均 停留时间。
Байду номын сангаас 5 、受众广泛
截止 2016 年 12 月,中国网民规模达 7.31 亿,其中手机网民规 模 6.95 亿,互联网普及率 53.2%,如此高的网络普及率为网络视频
直播打下了良好的受众基础。 6 、获取方式多样 台式电脑、笔记本、平板电脑、智能手机等都可以实现视频直播
信息获取。 (四)加快网络传递速度,推进产品电商对外宣传的力度。
例如,小米 5 上市通过斗鱼 TV 平台进行现场互动直播小米 5 发 布会,使得第一时间让更多人了解小米 5 的功能和特性。 主持人通过 直播后台挑选高质量粉丝的弹幕和主持人进行现场互动, 体现直播互 动的交流性。
一、网络视频直播概述· ·····································1 二、网络视频直播优势 ······································1 三、网络视频直播受众观众分析· ······························4 四、网络视频直播活动品牌· ································5 五、网络视频直播背景· ·····································5 六、网络视频直播意义· ·····································5
to achieve this feat in China.
Main goal of our team: Collect and analyze useful data from activities of other education
and training companies and then transfer the data into information, which will make
Dancing: I am learning ballroom dance as an elective course;
Sports: I always go jogging and rope skipping to keep fit;
Drawing: I enjoy doodling and I
location of teaching building, the date of courses, new training projects, etc. Obtain the
data and information by visiting their official website or consulting directly through phone
look at challenges as opportunities; a quick learner;
2) Ability: Good interpersonal skills, leadership potentials, strong team spirits,
ability to work well under pressure, ability to work efficiently and pay attention to detail;
网络直播平台如果能把握未来趋势,将来自然容易占领行业优势 地位。未来可能出现的趋势包括: 名人化、商业化、移动化、短视频。
(一)在吸取和延续了互联网优势的同时, 利用视讯方式进行网上现 场直播,结合直观、快速、内容丰富、交互性强、地域不受限制、受 众可划分等特点,加强活动现场的推广效果。 (二)可随时为读者和粉丝提供重播、 点播,延长直播时间发挥直播
Results and learning: Last summer holiday I received an
individual prize for excellent
performance of the last half year
’s hard work. This experience cultivates my strong team
considerable contribution to managers
’ decisions.
My duties and responsibilities:
Collect data from activities of our competitors (e.g.
New Channel International Education Group Ltd.), including the number of students, the
3) Skills: Language Skill: Understand most articles in English, engage in an extended
conversation with English-speaking foreigners, write a report or essay that communicates
’m very good at facsimile. You can find my graffito
on my sketch paper or the blank places of my textbooks.
2)What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity?
直播观众由 80 后和 90 后为主,现阶段已发展为 00 后开始逐渐 加入这一群体,网络直播中这一群体主要以青年亚文化为主,以“叛 逆”色彩为主的青年一代, 而收视网络直播年龄段高的这部分受众人 群恰好为“ 66 结婚网”隐性服务人群。
wen1) Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities,