


上古史分: 旧石器时代 绳文时代 弥生时代 古坟时代
关于日本列岛上被确认过的人类历史, 大约可追溯到10万年乃至3万年前。 约3万4千年前,从华北地区传来被称 呼为小刀型石器的石器,在列岛全区 被广泛的使用,但在约2万年前由西 伯利亚过来新的称呼为细石刀片的石 器主要在东日本传开。一段时间里, 东日本细石刀片文化与西日本的小刀 型石器文化并存,不久细石刀片也在 西日本传开,约1万5千年前左右,小 刀型石器的踪影急速消失。
就是现在的平成 时代
昭和天皇于昭和64年(1989年)1月7 日驾崩,子明仁继位,驾崩隔日起(1 月8日)改元平成,称为平成时代 (1989年至今)。1993年,由于自民 党未能实现政治改革,羽田派在不信 任案中造反引致大选。在羽田派、武 村正义等人离党竞选下,自民党失去 了国会过半的席位。以羽田派的核心 人物小泽一郎的奔走下,成功拉拢日 本新党的细川护熙。组成非自民非共 产党的细川护熙八党联合内阁。五五 年体制宣告瓦解,宫泽喜一辞去自民 党总裁,由河野洋平接任。
飞鸟时代 奈安时代 平安时代
镰仓幕府 南北朝时代代史分为:
明治时代 大正时代 昭和时代前,中, 后期
1. cultural deposits 文化
2. Political culture 政治
3. Historical culture 历史
4.Japanese food 日本美食



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日 勹,
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J颂 O'N 叨N

_ _
Jomon Period (Before 300 AD) 繩文晇代
切 叩7 0 “七 'WO叩

Yamato Period (300-550 A.O.) 大和峙代
Asuka Period (550-710 A.O.)汛扁峙代
4. Japa n is loc a ted in temperate, mild climate, and have four distinct seasons.
. .,

` : 1 4,比 ,"·61,1 Esm t e I

。(如 1910'1

. ;产 ,.

工 烹

上 蠡 芭 河 心
Ii Superstition
5.The Japanese circle·o·with their thumbs and forefinger, and if you nod, the Japanese will think you will give him money.
Gift giving
采女(?t.l 灼)
l!j e ,i
十二阜(C铮?I二0 1:无).
, . . .址 官' '
.. 双灼 J江 V 水干( 才L、小儿 )
汗衫(分名 )



酒店位于城市北部,靠近比睿山 (Mount Hiei), 毗邻京都国际会议大厦(Kyoto International Conference Hall),到达京都(Kyoto)车站需 半小时车程。可在京都车站搭乘Haruka线到达关 西(Kansai)国际机场,大约需要75-90分钟,也 可乘坐Karasuma地铁线,从京都到国立京都国际 会馆(Kokusaikaikan)终点站,只需步行3分钟 就可到达地铁4-2出口。大多数酒店都提供往返巴 士,在周末和节假日往返于酒店和京都车站。 地址:日本 京都 TAKARAGAIKE SAKYO-KU KYOTO606-8505 JAPAN
Hale Waihona Puke • • • • • • • •
2 当地景点 酒店同时交通便利,到奈良观光很方便,从最近的地铁站乘地铁约67分 钟即可抵达。 酒店之前名为Takaragaike王子酒店。 (0908YY) 3 酒店设施 通过电视机连接因特网、连接笔记本电脑、空调、电视机、卫星电视、 室内付费电影、吹风机、电压 100伏、 4 餐饮设施 酒店提供法国菜,中国菜以及日本餐厅。在花园中,还有"数寄屋" (SUKIYA)格调的日本茶道馆。 5 所在地区情况 到市中心8 公里 距机场(kansai) 110 公里 距机场(itami) 50 公里 到最近的地铁站(kokusaikakan station)步行2 分钟 到最近的车站(jr kyoto station) 8 公里 到最近的公车站步行2 分钟 至最近的会展中心 (kyoto intl conference hall) 1公里



The four seasons are distinct, with hot and humid summers and cold and snowy winters.
Affected by the ocean, Japan has a mild climate with relatively small annual temperature differences.
Meiji Restoration: In 1868, Japan underwent the Meiji Restoration and began to embark on the path of capitalism, rapidly rising to become a world power.
An important city in central Japan, it is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and an important industrial and transportation hub.
Located in Hokkaido, it is the largest city on the island and is known for its unique winter culture and rich outdoor activities.
Japan is an island country in the Pacific Ocean, facing China, North Korea, South Korea, and other countries across the East China Sea, Yellow Sea, Korean Strait, and Sea of Japan to the west.

Japan Introduction 日本的英文介绍 PPT

Japan Introduction 日本的英文介绍 PPT
Tokyo Animation Fair (for short: TAF) 东京动漫展
Tokyo Animation Fair
•Tokyo Animation Fair is the most influential anime conventions in the world.
•You can see cosplayers strut their stuff every where.
by 张莹
Tokyo is the capital of Japan. It is both the largest city in Asia and the second largest city in the world. It’s one of the biggest global economy center.
•The simple court proper stands out on the bluff. In Japan it is in beautiful surroundings, so it becomes the best choice for suiciders.
Okinawa 冲绳
Forth Step
Kiyomizu temple
Kiyomizu temple
•Kiyomizu was built in 1633. It is the testimony of Kyoto’s history. Four seasons have their own characteristics when you stand in the temple you’ll feel completely relaxed and happy with poetic grace.



Fuji is Japan‘s tallest peak, a symbol of the Japanese nation, the Japanese people as the "sacred mountain”
日本“圣岳”——富士山富士山是日本第一 高峰,是日本民族的象征,被日本人民誉为 “圣岳”
茶道是日本文化的代表之 一。它集结了日本文化诸 多的特点和精华,形成了 一个综合的文化体系。
Atomic bombardment (6th Augest,1945) 88,000 died that day

Tea is one of the representative of the Japanese culture. It assembled Japanese culture of many characteristics and essence, forming a comprehensive cultural system
1. Cherry blossoms& Mount Fuji 樱花盛开&富士山
2. Japanese food
Cherry blossom (Sakura)
cherry blossom is a national flower of Japan. In the middle of every march to mid April, is a season that Japanese coming from the south to the north to appreciate it.Every year attracts many tourists .

日本文化的介绍(英语) PPT

日本文化的介绍(英语) PPT
(the remaining Ainu and
They use Japanese, it is greatly influenced by Chinese. Speak in Tokyo is considered as the standard language and promote in the whole country.
Japan's science and technology
Japan is the second largest car exporter.
Economical Comfortable Good quality.
So it has a large word market.
Japanese anime
4. Japan is located in temperate, mild climate, and have four distinct seasons.

Japan began trading with the tang dynasty, and began to learn from the strong country.
50% 45%
Other relijions tition
1. Japanese people don't like the number 4 and 9
2. Japanese don't like even Numbers, The number two

日本旅游 日本介绍 旅游攻略 宣传介绍PPT课件

日本旅游 日本介绍 旅游攻略 宣传介绍PPT课件
心斋桥(Donjon of Osaka)
➢ 心斋桥位于大阪南部地区,自1634年建立,是 大阪最知名的购物区,在弧形天棚下的商店街 里,集中了众多的大型百货店和服装、鞋类、 珠宝、时尚服饰专卖店以及各种风味的餐饮店。
➢ 心斋桥北起心斋桥站,南至难波站,是大阪最 繁华的一条商业步行街。沿路有各种时尚店铺。
• 丰臣秀吉初建的大阪城堡(Osaka Castle)。 • 经过1959年(昭和34年)调查结果,确知丰臣秀吉早期所建的大阪城曾被埋在
天守阁、石垣堀等地下方10米处。 • 天守阁收藏的大阪夏阵图屏风即是描绘当时的情景,由于古代战争将整个城堡
烧毁,才由德川氏重建完成。之后,天守阁等建筑物又被雷电大火破坏殆尽,直 到昭和年间才再次重建。大阪城堡外全长12公里的石墙,总共动用了50万块石 头,这些石块主要产于生驹山、六甲山,从小豆岛及濑户内海各地远渡重洋而 来。 • 1931年重建的天守阁,是仿照丰臣时代的天守阁外观(5层8楼)所造的钢筋水 泥建筑物。高约13米的天守台上矗立着39.8米的天守阁,由展望台上可眺望大 阪市街全景。天守阁的2~7楼是资料馆,7楼并以“大阪城堡之谜”为主题, 解析城堡的传说。
在其展望台入口的3楼,设有画廊及门厅剧场, 可以说从准备登到最高处的起点就有活动可 以参与,从3楼搭乘快速电梯到达35层楼, 只需花上1分钟的时间,再以透明式的自动扶 梯一直抵达39楼,这里则有餐厅酒吧以及纪 念品店,40楼还有一处非常悠闲的咖啡店, 至于最顶楼,则是设计成一处圆形的360度 露天展望台。
寺院的入口有好几个,除了1985年(昭和 60年)重建的南大门以外,还有西门、中之 门、东门,但从这一字并列的寺院配置看来,


名古屋市 (Nagoya)
名古屋市 (Nagoya)
City of Nagoya (Nagoya), is the capital of Aichi, Japan, Japan‘s fourth-largest city, located in central Honshu, Japan, At the same time, as an important port city, Nagoya port is also one of the five international trade port of Japan. Because between Tokyo and Kyoto, the ancient capital, also known as “zhongjing.”(名古屋市(名古 屋),是日本爱知县的首府,日本的第四大城市,位 于本州中部,日本。同时,作为重要的港口城市,名 古屋港也是日本的五大国际贸易港之一。因为东京和 京都之间,古老的首都,也被称为“中京”。
Rich good wild(富良野)
The credit of every beginning may bloom a variety of flowers, the whole rich good wild hills like a vast purple flowers. Opening hours: 9:00 - ticket (8:30 am - 18:00) in late April - September, Hugh, tickets, free of charge
The best scenery
• Osu(大须) • Dome(圆顶球场) • Nagoya TV Tower

英文版日本文化介绍 Japanese culture

英文版日本文化介绍 Japanese culture
Japanese avoidance:
creamy sauces and strong smelling foods
Food & Drink in China
Chinese habits:
•always a cup, a bowl on a small dish, together with the chopsticks and table spoons •cooked food •whole plate of dishes for everyone •accompanied by tea, beer or distilled spirit •required to keep silent
Long term orientation
•See their life as a very short moment in a long history of mankind
•Live their lives guided by virtues and practical good examples
in obtrusive way complain directly
Business Etiquette in Japan
Appointments Appearance Meet & Greet Business cards Business seating order Business dealings Decisions & Contracts Giving gifts
Business Customs in Japan
Overall Situation of Japan


The most traditional Japanese meal is a serving of plain, white rice, along with a main dish (fish or meat), some kind of side dish (often cooked vegetables), soup and pickled vegetables.
(误解) by some that Geisha are
prostitutes(娼妓), but nothing
could be further from the truth
Geisha are refined and cultured
girls and woman who are highly
trained in a variety of traditional
Today in Japanese hotels
and restaurants Geisha still
entertain at banquets and
socialize with guests, and
the role of the Geisha in
Japanese society is always
English to entertain Western
The training involved in becoming a Geisha is very rigorous(严格的), and because of this the numbers of Geisha are declining.
• life • society • art • culture

日本介绍 英文ppt

日本介绍 英文ppt

physical geography
The rivers in Japan are rich in short water energy resources. The longest river in Japan is about 367 kilometers long.The largest lake is Biwa Lake, with an area of 672.8 lans.
service industry
Japan's service sector accounts for three-quarters of the country's economic output.Banking, insurance, real estate agents, retail (department stores), passenger transport, communications, animation and other services will greatly promote the development of Japan.
Culture - Tea Ceremony
Tea ceremony, is China's song dynasty prosperous tea tea at the end of the game, in kamakura period (1185 ~ 1333) spread to Japan, localization, and gradually to the muromachi period, in the middle of the ashikaga shogunate era of political, eshoo Jackson's disciple murata pearl during the study, released the dhamma as can also be obtained from the daily food and drinks tea practice, obtain zen tea blindly.The change of tea soup to "tea soup" is the beginning of the Japanese tea ceremony. Since then, the way of tea soup, as an art of daily life, is also a form of etiquette and social norms, which directly affected the culture and civilization of Japan after the Middle Ages.



• The main islands, sometimes called the "Home Islands", are (from north to south) Hokkaidō, Honshū (the "mainland"), Shikoku and Kyūshū. There are also about 3,000 smaller islands, including Okinawa, and islets, some inhabited and others uninhabited. In total, as of 2006, Japan's territory is 377,923.1 km² , of which 374,834 km²is land and 3,091 km²water. This makes Japan's total area slightly smaller than the U.S. state of Montana, slightly bigger than the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Japan is bigger than Germany, Malaysia, New Zealand and the U.K., and is 1.7 times the (和服)
The kimono is a Japanese traditional garment worn by women, men and children. The word "kimono", which literally means a "thing to wear" (ki "wear" and mono "thing"), has come to denote these full-length robes. The standard plural of the word kimono in English is kimonos,[but the unmarked Japanese plural kimono is also sometimes used. Kimono are T-shaped, straight-lined robes worn so that the hem falls to the ankle, with attached collars and long, wide sleeves. Kimono are wrapped around the body, always with the left side over the right (except when dressing the dead for burial),[and secured by a sash called an obi, which is tied at the back. Kimono are generally worn with traditional footwear and split-toe socksToday, kimono are most often worn by women, and on special occasions. Traditionally, unmarried women wore a style of kimono called furisodewith almost floor-length sleeves, on special occasions. A few older women and even fewer men still wear the kimono on a daily basis. Men wear the kimono most often at weddings, tea ceremonies, and other very special or very formal occasions. Professional sumo wrestlers are often seen in the kimono because they are required to wear traditional Japanese dress whenever appearing in public
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Now anime has become commercially profitable in western countries, as early commercially successful western adaptations of anime, such as Astro Boy, have revealed.Since the 19th century, many Westerners have expressed a particular interest towards Japan. Anime dramatically exposed more Westerners to the culture of Japan. Aside from anime, other facets of Japanese culture increased in popularity. Worldwide, the number of people studying Japanese increased.
1. Cherry blossoms
2. Japanese food
3. attractions景点
4. cartoon
1. Cherry blossoms &flower

cherry blossoms is a national flower of Japan. In the middle of every march to mid April, is Japan from the south to the north of cherry blossoms season .Every year attracts many tourists .
茶道是日本文化的代表之一。 它集结了日本文化诸多的特 点和精华,形成了一个综合 的文化体系。
Fuji lies west of Tokyo.Mt. Fuji, 3776 meters above sealevel.Visitors to Japan always admire Mt. Fuji.

名古屋名古屋 城堡是一种良 好诚意的象征、 名古屋、第一 个游客到达车 站。城堡建于 1612年,它是一 块公园附近的 建筑一个小茶 馆,日本传统的 花园。

Japan is the largest anime power in the world. The animation development modle has distinctive ethnic characteristics. Anime began at the start of the 20th century, when Japanese filmmakers experimented with the animation techniques also pioneered in France, Germany, the United States, and Russia.
There are also some meaningful things in Japan ,espescially for Chinese such as…
1. Cherry blossoms &flower
2. Japanese food
Sashimi 生鱼片
Japanese loves sashimi, the food called sushi covering up with raw fish as a result commonly is the most popular homeland food in Japan.
日本人普遍爱食用生鱼, 因而盖着生鱼片的寿司 是日本国内最流行的食 物。日本料理非常讲究 保持食物的原味,不提源自倡加入过多调料,以清 淡为主
The tea ceremony

The tea ceremony 茶道 普茶 Putin tea
The tea ceremony
Tea is one of the representative of the Japanese culture. It assembled Japanese culture of many characteristics and essence, forming a comprehensive cultural system
日本“圣岳”——富士山富士山是日本第一 高峰,是日本民族的象征,被日本人民誉为 “圣岳”

Nagoya castle 名古屋城堡

Nagoya Castle, is a symbol of Nagoya .Nagoya, the first tourists arrived at the station. Castle was built in 1612, it was a piece of the park buildings around a small teahouse, a traditional Japanese garden.
富士山位於东京 以西。海拔三千 七百七十六公尺. 到日本的观光 客总会赞 叹富士山.
Fuji is Japan's tallest peak is a symbol of the Japanese nation, the Japanese people as the "sacred mountain”