一、引言随着社会的进步与经济的发展,尤其在中国加入WTO 之后,跨国、跨种族、跨文化的交流变得越来越广泛与频繁。
有人认为“文化”是一个外来词,很久以前来自于德语“kultur ”,指的是土地的开垦、植物的培育和思维的培养,特别是培养艺术能力、道德素质和天赋。
Culture and Translation
1. Brief Introduction
How do you translate this sentence into English? 您辛苦了! You must be very tired. ???
As 虎 is thought to be the king of animals in traditional Chinese culture, phrases and idioms with虎 abound and it is often changed into “lion” when translated into English:
We Chinese think of pig as a lazy and stupid animal and often say 蠢猪, but English speaking people contribute ugliness, greediness and dirtiness to the pig yet they don’t think the pig is stupid. 蠢得像猪 as stupid as a goose (silly ass) 亚洲四小龙 (referring to four developing regions in Asia ) the four tigers in Asia
3. Cultural Influence on Translation
Green” also means “ full of vigor or vitality” Her grandchildren wished her a green old age. 他的孙儿们祝福她健康长寿。 Though in the green, he may not be equal to the task. 尽管他年富力强,不见得能胜任这项任务。
译作为一种语际交翻流活译动是,人不是类简社单会的从在一跨种语语言言形交式际转换中为进另行一种的语一言种形式特,殊而行是把为一。种翻文化译中是的一语言种代转码换转换, 成这另种一转种文换化将中言的对语应和语非言代言码语。符号从某一种语言转换到另 此有在后时具不 候 有到采鲜半用明个直的一、世译民种经纪法族语济,,特科读色言和学者而,文技无不因化术法为而飞接他服翻速受国务发,所译。展这有是,时或比一交,难如通只以种古和好接人通牺受罗类讯牲的马技原表行对术文达为日的方古。新某式希月些,任腊异文必何,化须文行整特深化个色刻为的地,去都球配理翻是成合解译为上,有,一下把目个文它他的名进的们副行精的对其意神, 实译意同原的 , 蕴样作地尽翻,随球量译翻村保出意译,持来删越原,行改来作此为越内时, 也丝多容不的的能有毫人完逐其不生整字自顾活性逐,。句身及工硬的原作译目作或。学的的习,完在它整不必同性须文,完化为的全译人是者群为中及。了其本所民处族社社会会的、政文治 四、翻译对跨化文、化政传播治的、影经响 济等方面的需要, 已经完全不是一种交流态度, 而是一种攫取和侵占。因此,不同的翻译目的导致跨文化传播不同的效 如恰果到在 好译处介的活编果动码。中, 实只, 作现有为有明主效体的确的跨正译文确者化具传的有播翻较。译好文目化的意,识才, 那能么实他在现对最源为语进有行效解的码时跨就文会化对原传作播以。独特的文化眼光进行文化审视, 从而有利于对源语文化的充分认识和理解, 得以在目的语中进行
【关键词】跨文化翻译、文化差异、跨文化视角、翻译技巧、语言表达、文化因素、文化传播、研究方向1. 引言1.1 跨文化翻译的重要性In today's globalized world, the importance of cross-cultural translation cannot be understated. As society becomes increasingly interconnected, the need for accurate and culturally sensitive translation services is more crucial than ever.Cross-cultural translation plays a vital role in bridging the gapbetween different languages and cultures, facilitating communication and understanding across borders.1.2 研究背景Cross-cultural translation is a rapidly growing field of study that investigates the complexities and challenges of conveying meanings across different cultures. The ability to accurately convey cultural nuances and subtleties in translation is essential for effective communication in a globalized world. The increasing globalization of communication and the growing demand for multicultural exchange have led to a heightened interest in cross-cultural translation.1.3 研究目的Through a comprehensive analysis of the application of cross-cultural perspectives in translation, we hope to provide insights into how translators can effectively navigate cultural nuances and ensure accurate and culturally sensitive translations. By exploring the strategies and techniques used in translation, we seek to highlight the importance of linguistic flexibility and cultural adaptability in achieving successful cross-cultural communication.2. 正文2.1 文化差异对翻译的影响文化差异对翻译的影响是一个非常重要的主题。
Intercultural Communication and Translation of Culture-loaded Words of the West and EastAbstract:As a new marginal discipline, intercultural communication became an important separate discipline in the 1970s. It emerged in America and has been developing quickly and greatly in the western world. While in China, the discipline was first introduced in the 1980s. Nowadays, with the increasing exchange of the West and East, intercultural communication becomes increasingly frequent against the background of economic globalization. So it needs corresponding more translation activities. Against the background of economic globalization, we should be fully aware of intercultural communication, especially the conflicts and exchanges between Western and Eastern, the mixture of both and the work of translation. We should both learn the essence of Western culture and keep up the splendid cultural tradition of China.In the course of the intercultural translation, culture-loaded words contain cultural connotation and mirror cultural characteristics, so they are often considered difficult to translate. This thesis studies approaches of translating culture-loaded words in the broad context of intercultural communication by exploring the relation between culture and translation. This thesis argues that by adopting proper translating approaches, culture-loaded words should achieve both semantic and pragmatic equivalence, or at least pragmatic equivalence.Key words: intercultural communication; translation; culture-loaded words; semantic equivalence; pragmatic equivalenceIntroductionIntercultural communication involves two different cultures, and different culture created a different national language. Culture plays an important role in specific semantic structure and model of language. The vocabulary is the accumulation of cultural information, and the cultural concepts and values of different nation at all levels of culture are "reflected in their vocabulary system, and then form the words with cultural connotation." [1]With special cultural connotation, cultural words are often difficult in cross-cultural communication translation, and even become an obstacle to transmission of information.Influence of culture on translationFrom the perspective of intercultural communication, one of the purposes is to establish the cultural equivalence between the source language and target language. In terms of the translation of cultural terms, the cultural equivalence mainly reflects in the semantic equivalence and pragmatic equivalence. Semantic equivalence is the basis of pragmatic equivalence. Thus, in many cases, equivalent translation is also mainly refers to the semantic equivalence.The author believes that the basic principles of cultural lexicon translation should be done to maximize the semantic and pragmatic equivalence. We should at least ensure the pragmatic equivalence if semantic equivalence can not be achieved. For instance, in Tianjin city of China, there is a century-old snack "Goubuli" steamed buns, and now many tourist cities in the country establish its branches, and the buns are also soldabroad. Its English translation "Dog Won't Leave" is far from its original Chinese name meaning. And there is no semantic equivalent at all, because the Chinese "dog ignore" have no contact with “the dog” and “leave”. However, from the perspective of pragmatic translation, “Dog Won't Leave” is a wonderful translation. Dogs won’t leave buns stands for it will not leave its host either. Undoubtedly, such translation has a strong attraction force for diners in English and America who love dogs like loving friends. Basically, the equivalence in pragmatic effects is achieved.As the source language and target language are different in language and culture, it is almost impossible to achieve totally equivalence in semantic and pragmatic aspect for the source language and target language symbols. Therefore, when translating cultural words, we only try to pursuit of semantic equivalence as far as possible under the premise of ensuring pragmatic equivalence. There are five commonly used methods when translating cultural words:First, shift translation. It refers to unchanged moving all or part of the source language to the target language. For instances, CD, VCD, DVD, DNA, ICU, and many computer terms which are translated into Chinese by the shift frequently appear on Chinese newspapers and magazines. Some expressions with Chinese characteristics like qigong (qigong), taijiquan (shadow boxing), jiaozi (dumplings), qipao (cheongsam), has moved in English and American newspapers.Second, transliteration. Some of the source language culture-specific images are "blank" or "vacant” in the target language. I n this case, we can transplant these unique to the target language using transliteration method. Transliteration is homophonic inChinese words or word combinations in English translation, and these words or word combinations are not meaningful ready-made words in Chinese. For instance: 秀(show), 酷(cool), 黑客(hacker), 艾滋病(AIDS), 色拉(salad), 可口可乐(Coca-cola) and so on.Third, literal translation. Literal translation refers to translation of the "corresponding" phrase and cultural information in the source language. This can preserve cultural identity of the source language as much as possible and broaden the cultural horizons of target language readers. However, it can not be applied mechanically, and it should not mislead the reader of the target language. For instance: olive branch (橄榄树), lonely as a cloud (像一朵孤云), 纸老虎(paper tiger),一国两制(one country with two systems), etc.Four, free translation. It focuses on the translation to convey the original meaning (interpretation), which lay down the language form and literal meaning of the source language. It expresses the cultural information of source language in the target language with cross-cultural "pragmatic equivalence. For instance: the Renaissance (文艺复兴); "辛亥革命"(the 1911 Revolution against Qing Dynasty), etc.Five, Replacement. It refers to the replacement of original words with some similar meaning but different concept meaning in the target language on the basis of keeping communication meaning of the original. That is to replace words with rich cultural connotation in the source language with corresponding word with same cultural connotation in the target language. Such as: to laugh off one's head (笑掉大牙); lead a dog's life (过着牛马不如的生活); 挥金如土(to spend money like water); 力大如牛(asstrong as a horse).ConclusionEnglish and Chinese are two different languages, and both reflect the cultural differences which form the barrier of communication. How to overcome obstacles and achieve cultural equivalence is a difficult problem to solve. Practice shows that in most cases we can find reasonable translation methods which can be accepted by readers in the target language. By means of the necessary modifications, we can at least achieve pragmatic equivalence. The important thing is that the translators should attach great importance to cultural factors in the source language, and consider issues from the purpose of intercultural communication.。
配套的有Chapter 2的翻译。
P28The Value of Cultural Stereotypes文化角色定型的价值Culture dictates how people generally think and interact with each other in society.文化造成人们的普遍怎么认为和在社会中的互动。
A stereotype is really a composite of the cultural mores of a society and in many cases can be narrowed to a specific region.角色定型实在是一个综合的社会文化习俗,而且,在许多情况下它可以被缩小到一特定区域。
To stereotype is to formulate a standardized image of a group that assigns that group a number of characteristics that helps to simplify what would otherwise be a very complex task of identification.角色定型,是制定一个组的标准化形象,分配给该组一些特点,有助于简化原本非常复杂的鉴定任务。
By looking at the cultural components and traits, an accurate model—a stereotype, if you will—of how an individual from a certain culture is likely to act can be constructed.通过观察文化内容和特点,一个准确的模型——一个角色定型,如果你可以——可以从一个特定文化的个体可能如何行动这方面来构造。
两国各自的语言都与其生存环境相关,比喻花钱浪费,大手大脚,英语是spend money like water,而汉语是“挥金如土”。
英语中有许多关于船和水的习语,在汉语中没有完全相对应的习语,如to hold water(指辩论、接口、理论等经得起检验的,站得住脚的),between the devil and the deep blue sea(进退维谷,左右为难)等等。
在汉语的文化氛围中,东风是“春天的风”,而east wind(东风)在英国是从北冰洋刮来的刺骨寒风,给英国民族带来不好的心理反应。
翻译的标准和原则:我国最著名和讨论最多的要数清代翻译家严复与1898年提出的“信、达、雅”(faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance)三字标准,它对后世翻译界产生了深远影响。
如林语堂提出了“忠实、通顺、美”(faithfulness, smoothness, beauty),瞿秋白提出了“忠实、精确”等翻译标准。
当代翻译家刘重德提出了“信、达、切”(faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness), 台湾翻译理论家思果提出了“信、达、贴”(faithfulness, expressiveness and fitness),翻译理论家金隄提出了“信、达、神韵”((faithfulness, expressiveness and charm)傅雷提出了“神似说”(transference of soul and spirit), 钱钟书提出了“化境说”(sublimed adaptation), 等等。
”在西方,第一个对翻译原则进行探讨的翻译理论家为泰特勒(Alexander Fraser Tytler, 1747-1813)他认为:第一,翻译应该完全再现原作的思想(I. That the translation should give a complete transcription of the ideas of the original work.);第二,译文的写作风格和行文方式应该同原文如出一辙(II. That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original.);第三,译文读来应该同原作一样如行云流水(III. That the translation should have all the ease of the original composition.)。
跨文化视角下的翻译策略研究摘要:自从上世纪90 年代将文化研究纳入翻译研究的范畴里以来,从文化角度探讨翻译成为翻译研究的重要转向。
关键词:跨文化翻译策略1 引言21世纪是一个商品社会和市场经济的世纪。
2 跨文化翻译的影响因素分析从跨文化角度解读翻译是全面认识和评价翻译的重要途径。
他们的pinto 牌汽车在当地也没有达到预期的销售,原因时他们的汽车其意思在当地为男性生殖器。
跨国文化的英语作文带翻译Title: Embracing Cross-Cultural Connections through English。
In our interconnected world, the ability to navigate across cultures is increasingly essential. English, as a global lingua franca, plays a pivotal role in facilitating cross-cultural communication. In this essay, we will explore the significance of cross-cultural understanding and how English serves as a bridge between diverse societies.First and foremost, cross-cultural interactions foster empathy and tolerance. When individuals engage with people from different cultural backgrounds, they gain insightsinto alternative worldviews and ways of life. This exposure broadens their perspective, making them more receptive to diversity and less prone to prejudice. Through English, people from diverse linguistic backgrounds can communicate effectively, transcending linguistic barriers and fosteringmutual understanding.Moreover, English proficiency opens doors to a wealth of opportunities in the globalized job market. In multinational corporations, proficiency in English is often a prerequisite for international assignments and collaborations. Employees who are adept in English can seamlessly navigate multicultural work environments, contributing to innovation and productivity. Additionally, English fluency enhances one's employability, as it enables individuals to access a vast array of resources, ranging from online courses to academic literature, furtheringtheir professional development.Furthermore, English serves as a medium for cultural exchange and mutual enrichment. Through literature, film, music, and other forms of artistic expression, individuals can immerse themselves in diverse cultures and gain a deeper appreciation for humanity's rich tapestry. For instance, reading novels by authors from different countries allows readers to vicariously experience life through varied cultural lenses. Similarly, watching foreignfilms with English subtitles enables audiences to explore unfamiliar narratives and aesthetic traditions.It is important to recognize that embracing cross-cultural connections through English requires humility and open-mindedness. Language is deeply intertwined with culture, and nuances in communication can easily be misunderstood without cultural context. Therefore, learners of English must approach language acquisition with a genuine curiosity about different cultures, seeking to learn not only grammar and vocabulary but also cultural norms and values.In conclusion, English serves as a powerful tool for bridging cultural divides and fostering global citizenship. By promoting empathy, facilitating professional opportunities, and facilitating cultural exchange, English empowers individuals to engage with the world in meaningful ways. As we continue to navigate an increasingly interconnected world, let us embrace the richness of diversity and harness the potential of English to build bridges across cultures.中文翻译:标题,通过英语拥抱跨文化交流。
1 跨文化翻译的概念跨文化翻译要求译语要从文化的角度准确地再现原语所要传达的意义、方式及其风格。
2 跨文化翻译的两种策略——归化和异化由于语言是文化的载体,是文化的传播途径,而文化具有独特的民族特征,因此在语言翻译中必须考虑如何处理源文化与目的语文化的差异。
译者可以选择归化或异化的方法,前者是以民族主义为中心,把外国的价值观归化到目的语文化之中,把原文作者请回家来; 后者则以偏离主义为中心,离经叛道地把外国文本中的语言和文化差异表现出来,把读者送到外国去。
《跨文化交际与翻译》language and communication
Case study: Use one of Hofstede's four dimension to explain the following case.
• When my boss came into my office for the first time, I stood up immediately to show my respect. The boss misunderstood my behavior, thought I was going out,and said he would talk with me in a while. I was accustomed to respecting all those in authority. On one occasion, I offered my seat to the Head of the Department of Internal Medicine. He said “Thanks” and sat down. During the conference,he kept turning around and looking at me, which made me feel ill at ease. When the conference was over, he came over and apologized to me,“I thought you were leaving the conference.You don't have to offer me.”
Language most shows a man. Speak, that I may see thee.
---- Ben Johnson
The limits of my language are the limits of my world.
Speaki ng Englis h with a Japane se mind 日本人在达到上学年龄后就要学英语,这些人在学会英语之后就可能用英语进行对外交流,但是他们所使用的英语要受到他们本民族的语言和文化的影响。
翻译基础知识总结1.异化(foreignization) 和归化(domestication)保留原语所包含的文化、形象色彩,叫异化,读者通过这样的译文可以感受到异域文化的东西。
例如,把crocodile tears 译为鳄鱼泪,就是异化的翻译方法;舍弃原语所包含的文化、形象色彩,取而代之用译文的文化色彩,或者牺牲这种文化色彩而只翻译出其意义就是归化,就是让原文“归顺”于译文。
例如把crocodile tears 译为假惺惺的眼泪,就是归化的翻译方法。
2.直译(literal translation) 和意译(free translation) 直译即照着原文直接翻译,例如藏龙卧虎– Hidden dragons and hidden tigers. 意译就是抛弃原文形式而只传达其意义,例如Dutch courage –酒后之勇3.音译(transliteration) 比如:store –士多cheese –汁斯风水–fungshui4.翻译的标准:信达雅faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance “信”指的是忠实于原文的内容和风格(faithful to the content and style of the source text;“达”指的是译文语言流畅自然而不生硬阻滞(the translation or target text should be natural and expressive);“雅”指的是译文译文语言风格尽可能贴近原文风格。
5.词类的转化conversion :名词动词形容词副词根据表达需要,在翻译中,往往需要进行词类的转化,此外,还包括抽象与具体的转化。
6.增添法amplification 比如:增添连接词、范畴词、冠词、介词等等7.省略法omission比如:省略连接词、范畴词、冠词、介词等等8.汉语是意合(parataxis)语言,分句之间的关系是隐性的(covert),英语是形合(hypotaxis) 语言,分句之间关系还是显性的(overt)9.英语的54种基本句型:SV / SVC / SVO / SVOO / SVOC (参考教材15面)10.比较来说,汉语是动态(dynamic) 语言英语是静态( static) 语言;汉语更喜欢使用有灵主语(及人或其他有生命的词作主语animate subject),英语更喜欢无灵主语(inaminate subject),例如:The sight of the photo reminded me of ...(参考教材31面)11.句子层次来说,英译汉常要分division, 汉译英常要合combination.翻译部分题型:一、篇章汉译英(15分):请注意词的处理技巧的恰当运用,以及句子的组合。
二、文化与翻译美国著名翻译理论家尤金·奈达曾在其著作《语言、文化与翻译》(Language Culture and Translation)说过:“The role the Language plays in culture and the influence on the meaning of words and idioms are so common that no one can understand it properly without taking the language cultural background into account”“(语言在文化中的作用以及文化对文字和成语的影响是如此的普遍,如果不熟悉语言文化背景,没有人能够很好地理解其中含义。
《跨文化交际与翻译》power distance
rank difference in an organizations? 5. How does the US government minimize the
Outside of our conscious awareness
• 1. Individualism scale? • 2. relative difference • 3. Which ranks higher on the individualism scale? United States
The four-dimension model
✓ individualism and collectivism ✓ power distance ✓ uncertainty avoidance ✓ masculinity
Power distance
• the extent to which the less powerful members of instituations and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally.
or Netherlands? • 4. no value judgement • 5. Differences between an individualist culture and a
ndividual ➢ Individualist (adj.) culture ➢ Individualism n.
商务跨文化交际“跨文化传播”的概念:什么是跨文化传播学呢?跨文化传播学是由美国人类学家、跨文化研究学者爱德华•霍尔在20世纪50年代建立的一门学科,其英文表达为“Intercultural Communication 或Cross-cultural Communication”,在我国也翻译为“跨文化交际学”或者“跨文化交流学”。
跨文化传播的主要理论见诸于有关文化差异(文化维度)的著作中,特别是吉尔特•••••霍夫斯泰德(Geert Hofstede)、哈里• C. 特兰狄斯(Harry C. Triandis)、方斯•特龙皮纳尔斯(Fons Trompenaars)、沙龙•施瓦兹(ShalomSchwartz)及克里佛德•吉尔兹(Clifford Geertz)等人的著作中。
20世纪50年代,爱德华•霍尔在美国美国政府部门的外派人员培训学院(Foreign Service Institute)任教,对外派出国人员进行跨文化技能培训。
目录1,General Introduction…,2, What Does Cross-Cultural Communication Mean to Business People 3,How to Make Introduction4,How to Deal with Business Cards5,How to Schedule Visiting and Entertaining6,ABC for Gifts Exchanging ,7, Are There Any Differences in Male and Female’s Communication8,How Are Roles Females Playing in International Business?9, What Is the Range of Non-Verbal Communication in Business? … 10,Similar Encoding and Decoding of Non-Verbal Signals11,What Is Culture Conflict?12,What Is Culture Shock,and Acculturation13,What Is It Like at Negotiation Table14,The Device of Stereotyping in Cross—Cultural Communication 15,How Can We Be InternationalHofstede and his Five Cultural Dimensions"Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster." Prof. Geert Hofsted霍夫斯泰德, Emeritus Professor, Maastricht University. Increasing internationalization has led to an appreciation that cultural differences are a key factor in getting things done in business. Working in France, Japan or the USA, for example, requires totally different styles of managing and co-operating.Professor Geert Hofstede has developed a five-dimensional model which explains cultural differences in a unique and powerful manner.Description for each of Hofstede's Dimensions1.Power Distance权利距离Index (PDI) that is the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. This represents inequality (more versus less), but defined from below, not from above. It suggests that a society's level of inequality is endorsed by the followers as much as by the leaders. Power and inequality, of course, are extremely fundamental facts of any society and anybody with some international experience will be aware that 'all societies are unequal, but some are more unequal than others'.2. Individualism (IDV) on the one side versus its opposite, collectivism, that is the degree to which individuals are integrated into groups. On the individualist side we find societies in which the ties between individuals are loose: everyone is expected to look after him/herself and his/her immediate family. On the collectivist side, we find societies in which people from birth onwards are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups, often extended families (with uncles, aunts and grandparents) which continue protecting them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. The word 'collectivism' in this sense has no political meaning: it refers to the group, not to the state. Again, the issue addressed by this dimension is an extremely fundamental one, regarding all societies in the world.3. Masculinity (MAS) versus its opposite, femininity, refers to the distribution of roles between the genders which is another fundamental issue for any society to which a range of solutions are found. The IBM studies revealed that (a) women's values differ less among societies than men's values; (b) men's values from one country to another contain a dimension from very assertive and competitive and maximally different from women's values on the one side, to modest and caring and similar to women's values on the other. The assertive pole has been called 'masculine' and the modest, caring pole 'feminine'. The women in feminine countries have the same modest, caring values as the men; in the masculine countries they are somewhat assertive and competitive, but not as much as the men, so that these countries show a gap between men's values and women's values.4. Uncertainty Avoidance不确定性规避指数Index (UAI) deals with a society's tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity; it ultimately refers to man's search for Truth. It indicates to what extent a culture programs its members to feel either uncomfortable or comfortable in unstructured situations. Unstructured situations are novel, unknown, surprising, different from usual. Uncertainty avoiding cultures try to minimize the possibility of such situations by strict laws and rules, safety and security measures, and on the philosophical and religious level by a belief in absolute Truth; 'there can only be one Truth and we have it'. People in uncertainty avoiding countries are also more emotional, and motivated by inner nervous energy. The opposite type, uncertainty accepting cultures, are more tolerant of opinions different from what they are used to; they try to have as few rules as possible, and on the philosophical and religious level they are relativist and allow many currents to flow side by side. People within these cultures are more phlegmatic and contemplative, and not expected by their environment to express emotions.5. Long-Term Orientation (LTO) versus short-term orientation:长期观和短期观this fifth dimension was found in a study among students in 23 countries around the world, using a questionnaire designed by Chinese scholars. It can be said to deal with Virtue regardless of Truth与真理无关,与传统美德有关. Values associated with Long Term Orientation are thrift节俭,坚忍不拔(中国人)and perseverance and protecting one's 'face'; values associated with Short Term Orientation are respect for tradition, fulfilling social obligations,. Both the positively and the negatively rated values of this dimension are found in the teachings of Confucius, the most influential Chinese philosopher who lived around 500 B.C.; however, the dimension also applies to countries without a Confucian heritage.CHINAGeert Hofstede analysis for China has Long-term Orientation (LTO) thehighest-ranking factor (118), which is true for all Asian cultures. This Dimension indicates a society's time perspective and an attitude of persevering; that is,overcoming obstacles with time, if not with will and strength. (see Asian countries graph below)The Chinese rank lower than any other Asian country in the Individualism (IDV) ranking, at 20 compared to an average of 24. This may be attributed, in part, to the high level of emphasis on a Collectivist society by the Communist rule, as compared to one of Individualism.The low Individualism ranking is manifest in a close and committed member 'group', be that a family, extended family, or extended relationships. Loyalty in a collectivist culture is paramount. The society fosters strong relationships where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of their group.U.S.AThere are only seven (7) countries in the Geert Hofstede research that have Individualism (IDV) as their highest Dimension: USA (91), Australia (90), United Kingdom (89), Netherlands and Canada (80), and Italy (76).The high Individualism (IDV) ranking for the United States indicates a society with a more individualistic attitude and relatively loose bonds with others. The populace is more self-reliant and looks out for themselves and their close family members.The next highest Hofstede Dimension is Masculinity (MAS) with a ranking of 62, compared with a world average of 50. This indicates the country experiences a higher degree of gender differentiation of roles. The male dominates a significant portion of the society and power structure. This situation generates a female population that becomes more assertive and competitive, with women shifting toward the male role model and away from their female role.The United States was included in the group of countries that had the Long Term Orientation (LTO) Dimension added. The LTO is the lowest Dimension for the US at 29, compared to the world average of 45. This low LTO ranking is indicative of the societies' belief in meeting its obligations and tends to reflect an appreciation for cultural traditions.The next lowest ranking Dimension for the United States is Power Distance (PDI) at 40, compared to the world Average of 55. This is indicative of a greater equality between societal levels, including government, organizations, and even within families. This orientation reinforces a cooperative interaction across power levels and creates a more stable cultural environment.IntrinsicThe last Geert Hofstede Dimension for the US is Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI), with a ranking of 46, compared to the world average of 64. A low ranking in theUncertainty Avoidance Dimension is indicative of a society that has fewer rules and does not attempt to control all outcomes and results. It also has a greater level of tolerance for a variety of ideas, thoughts, and beliefs."high context" and "low context"The general terms "high context" and "low context" (popularized by Edward Hall) are used to describe broad-brush cultural differences between societies.High context refers to societies or groups where people have close connections over a long period of time. Many aspects of cultural behavior are not made explicit because most members know what to do and what to think from years of interaction with each other. Your family is probably an example of a high context environment.Low context refers to societies where people tend to have many connections but of shorter duration or for some specific reason. In these societies, cultural behavior and beliefs may need to be spelled out explicitly so that those coming into the cultural environment know how to behave.Monochronic Time VS Polychronic TimeMonochronic TimeA monochronic time system means that things are done one at a time and time is segmented into precise, small units. Under this system time is scheduled, arranged and managed.The United States is considered a monochronic society. This perception of time is learned and rooted in the Industrial Revolution, where "factory life required the labor force to be on hand and in place at an appointed hour". For Americans, time is a precious resource not to be wasted or taken lightly. "We buy time, save time,spend time and make time. Our time can be broken down into years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and even milliseconds. We use time to structure both our daily lives and events that we are planning for the future. We have schedules that we must follow: appointments that we must go to at a certain time, classes that start and end at certain times, work schedules that start and end at certain times, and even our favorite TV shows, that start and end at a certain time.”Monochronic Cultures* United States* Canada* Switzerland* Germany* ScandinaviaPolychronic TimeA polychronic time system is a system where several things can be done at once, and a more fluid approach is taken to scheduling time. Unlike Americans and most northern and western European cultures, Latin American and Arabic cultures use the polychronic system of time.These cultures are much less focused on the preciseness of accounting for each and every moment. As Raymond Cohen notes polychronic cultures are deeply steeped in tradition rather than in tasks -- a clear difference from their monochronic counterparts. Cohen notes that "Traditional societies have all the time in the world. The arbitrary divisions of the clock face have little saliency in cultures grounded in the cycle of the seasons, the invariant pattern of rural life, and the calendar of religious festivities".Instead, their culture is more focused on relationships, rather than watching the clock. They have no problem being “late” for an event if they are with family or friends, because the relationship is what really matters. As a result, polychronic cultures have a much less formal perception of time. They are not ruled by precise calendars and schedules. Rather, “cultures that use the polychronic time system often schedule multiple appointments simultaneously so keeping on schedule is an impossibility.Polychronic Cultures* Saudi Arabia * Egypt * Mexico * Philippines Monochronic People Polychronic Peopledo one thing at a time do many things at onceconcentrate on the job are highly distractible and subject tointerruptionstake time commitments (deadlines, schedules) seriously consider an objective to be achieved,if possibleare low-context and need information are high-context and already haveinformationcommitted to the job are committed to people and humanrelationshipsadhere religiously to plans change plans often and easilyare concerned about not disturbing others; follow rules of privacy and consideration are more concerned with those who are closely related than with privacyshow great respect for private property; borrow and lend things often andseldom borrow or lend easilyemphasize promptness base promptness on the relationshipare accustomed to short-termrelationships have strong tendency to build lifetimerelationshipsGENDRE ROLESGender is a set of characteristics distinguishing between male and female, particularly in the cases of men and women. Depending on the context, the discriminating characteristics vary from sex to social role to gender identity.StereotypesGeneralization of all national cultures. Use this kind of summary to have apre-impression of your customers. But never take any prejudice.Stereotypes make more sense when you consider the cultural roots of the group being stereotyped. For example:NATIONALITY: GERMANSTEROTYPE: The Germans are usually seen as rigid, somewhat humorless and obsessed with order formality. A smile does not come easily and business is taken seriously. They are particularly focused on detail.NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS: Low-contest culture that values precise communication. Focuses on what is being said rather than who is saying it. Monochronic, that is, they are a very linear concept of time and prefer to do one thing at a time. The German culture is one of very high risk-avoidance.NATIONALITY: AMERICANSTEROTYPE: Brash, materialistic. A cowboy culture where individuals are obsessed with time and deadlines. A society played by crime and violence. NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS: American culture is task-driven and places great value on individual achievement and thinking. Monochronic, with a very low risk-avoidance, which allows American to speak without thinking and often act without thinking, sometimes in a violent manner. It is a very masculine culture, which means that society appreciates assertiveness while respecting the goal or material acquisition.NATIONALITY: JAPANESESTEROTYPE: Very group-oriented, quiet, shy, reserved and highly respectful of status and position. Negotiate in groups or teams and avoid criticism of partners or proposals. Japanese will work their whole career at a singly company.NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS: The Japanese culture is collectivist by nature, that is, group achievement and harmony comes before that of individual fulfillment. It is a high power-distance culture where workers do not seek personal decision-making powers. It is high risk-avoidance.NATIONALITY: FRENCHSTEROTYPE : Romantic, fond of good food, food art, and not overly concerned about doing great business, more eager to argue politics and art than to do business.NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS: A highly feminine culture which values interpersonal relationships,putting quality of life before material acquisition and applauds concern for other individuals. Also high-context, which mean that themedium is the message and not overly concerned about precise detail or communication.NATIONALITY: ITALIANSTEROTYPE:Excitable and seem to relish chaos,. Not very detail-oriented when it comes to business, which seems to take forever conclude. They are romantic and seem to shake hands with and kiss visitors forever, very demonstrative and physical.NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS:Italians are poly-chronic which means they prefer to do several takes at one time in no particular order. Their concept of time is nonlinear. It is also a high-context, relationship-driven culture.NATIONALITY: BRITISHSTEROTYPE:Stuffy, prim and proper, Business if done through on "old boy's network".NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS: Low-context, low risk-avoidance, monochromic, mixture of relationship-driven and task-driven cultures.NATIONALITY: CHINESESTEROTYPE:Like the Japanese, they always seem to travel in groups. They are quite, reserved and never lose their temper. But at times they can seem chaotic and unfocused.NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS:The Buddhist philosophy plays an important role in business dealings and the approach to life. It is a collectivist, high-context, poly-choronic culture.NATIONALITY: NIGERIANSTEROTYPE:Gregarious, outgoing and eager to please. Seem never to say "no" and enjoy physical contact but are never on time for anything. Great schemers. NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS:A poly-chronic, high-context,relationship driven society.NATIONALITY: ISRAELISTEROTYPE:The Israelis are brash and rude wheeler-dealers who always seem to have something to say about just about everything.NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS:Poly-chronic, high-context, individualist culture that features low power-distance, i.e. society members insist on having decision.Culture shockCulture shock is the difficulty people have adjusting to a new culture that differs markedly from their own.People go through different phases in getting used to life in a new environment and culture. The process of experiencing and adapting to a new culture is acculturation. It is usually divided into four stages,namely,euphoria (excitement-the honeymoon stage),depression(crisis), adjustment(getting to know the ropes),and acceptance (recovery-getting used to it).It presents the first stage when Thomas writes the first e-mail to his girlfriend:he sees the novelty in everything.All is new and exciting.He likes whatever is happening to him and sees no future problems.In this stage.one may become comfortable with some of the more obvious differences between home culture and the new one such as music,food and clothing,and the fresh appeal of the new experience keeps him/her feeling interested and positive.The second e-mail shows us the second stage:unacceptance of the newculture-the crisis stage.The characteristics of this stage are:a.Novelty wears off.b.Things become boring.difficult and challenging.c.Feeling of depression grows.In this stage,there may be feelings of discontent,impatience,anger,sadness,and feeling incompetence,this happens when a person is trying to adapt to a new culture that is very different from the culture of origin.Transition between the old methods and those of the new country is a difficult process and takes time to complete.During the transition,there can be strong feelings of dissatisfaction to prevent one from the smooth further going of communication with the local people.The third stage is demonstrated quite clearly in Thomas's third e-mail:He began to make sense of the new culture and know not to hope for all the difficulties being smoothed in a short time.Time is sometimes a good medicine to cure the pain in the heart.In this stage,the more interaction with the local people, the more understanding of the host culture will be achieved.He may learn the systems,procedures,language,or nonverbal behaviors of the new environment so that he can cope with it on the basis of some mastery,competence,and comfort.Finally,the fourth stage,when he became more reasonable about the differences of home culture and host culture,as is revealed in the last e-mail Thomas wrote when staying in Japan.In this stage, the person realizes that the culture has good and bad things to offer,and starts to define him/herself and establish goals for living.In reality,the process may not be so simple.When one revives from the first shock,a second one may already be somewhere waiting,sometimes,even before the reviving.Or in some occasions,there would be some problems with the way one has got used to.So the fourth stage not usually means the end of a shock.The four stages go in circles.Moreover,this is also not the only way to describe cultureshock and adjustment of the shock. Other scholars draw it like this:The Adjustement Process in a New Culture P54 (图)These stages are present at different times and each person has their own way of reacting in the stages of culture shock.As a consequence.some stages will be longer and more difficult than others.Many factors,for example,the individual's state of mental health,type of personality,previous experiences,socio-economic conditions,familiarity with the language,family and/or social support systems,and level of education,etc.,contribute to the duration and effects of culture shock.Situation D:Compare the following two different promotional strategies for the same product. The Plymouth Laser and the Mitsubishi Eclipse are identical sports coupes built by Diamondstar Motors, a 50-50 partnership between Chrysler and Mitsubishi. Last year Chrysler’s 3,000 dealers sold 40,000 Lasers while Mitsubishi’s 500dealers sold 50,000 Eclipses! Here’s a case w here the products were more than just similar; they were identical. Yet, the Eclipse far outsold the Laser. Why?Situation A:The head of TCL,Li Dongsheng,once went to France for a meeting on a weekend after he had acquired the color TV business from Thompson. He was annoyed and puzzled by the finding that none of the senior French officials came to that meeting.Question:Why were there no French officials come to the meeting?Discussion:It seems that Mr.Li Dongsheng failed to understand how important weekends are for Europeans.In Europe,weekends are for rest.Nobody works on weekends.Therefore,it is quite.normal that none of the senior French officials came to meet Mr.Li on weekend for business. But the corporate culture of Chinese businessmen is that business does not recognize holidays.It is not surprised that Mr.Li felt annoyed and puzzled when he found there were nobody attending the meeting.To some extent,this story shows us different understanding of time in different cultures.1.Different cultures value time in different ways.Most western cultures value much in the future while most oriental cultures in the past. Accordingly,oriental cultures are more likely to look back in the history while western cultures prefer to look forward or future-oriented .2.In communication.mono-chronic time attaches importance to working on timetable.Everything should be well planned on schedule and to be dealt with one by one.North American,North European and German cultures are typical mono-chronic time oriented cultures.Poly-chronic time weighs the participation of each individual more important than time keeping.Latin American,Mid-eastern,African,Asian,French and Greek cultures are of typical poly-chronic time oriented cultures.3.In a lot of mono-chronic cultured countries,like the Netherlands,Scandinavia and Germany.working life and private life are kept separate and only in unusual circumstances do they expect to talk business outside working hours or in non-work environment.The effects of culture confliction are the fruits of accumulation(累积)-and sometimes they might go unnoticed as they creep in with each minor irritation(ordering the wrong meal at a restaurant because you could not read the menu),each failure of self-expression(unable to ask for directions on the street),and each business setback (another appointment canceled).The symptoms of an individual suffering from culture shock are easy to spot,when you know what you are looking for.。
关键词:跨文化翻译文化语境翻译策略现代语言学创始人索绪尔(ferdinand de saussure)把语言定义为一种“表达思想的符号系统,由语音、词汇、句法、篇章等构成的层阶系统。
”目前最具权威并受到广泛接受和使用的关于文化的定义来自于英国人类学家泰勒(edward tylor):“文化是一种综合体,包括知识,信仰,艺术,道德,法律,风俗以及其余社会上习得的能力与习惯。
”iris varner和linda beamer则认为:“文化是群体成员连贯一致的、后天习得的、群体共享的观念,人们藉此决定事情的轻重缓急,就事情的适宜性表明自己的态度,并决定和支配后续的行为。
”他们在intercultural communication in the global workplace一书中指出,“有效的跨文化沟通的第一步是理解并承认差异。
英国著名的翻译学理论家苏珊·巴斯内特(susan bassnett)曾说“如同在做心脏手术时,人们不能忽略心脏以外的身体的其他部分一样,我们在翻译时也不能冒险将翻译的言语内容与文化分开来处理。
”linda schueler也在how to communicate effectively with native english speakers一书中指出:“不同的文化,具有不完全相同的价值观和理念。
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目 录
一、简述翻译 二、跨文化翻译的方法 三、跨文化交流活动中翻译的
地位和作用 四、翻译对跨文化传播的影响
Hi!My Sweet Dream
Just Fulfill your Dream
Work Harder
一、简述 翻译
有时为了更明确地表达原意,可以同时采用直译加意译法。直译加意译是一种混合体,前半部 分直译,后半部分意译。oshedcrocodiletears鳄鱼流眼泪——假慈悲。
初次介绍某种文化现象,或者只有把历史背景和典故出处说明以后才能充分表达原文的意 义时,必须酌情考虑增加注释,使原文的含义充分表达出来。 mr.trabbhadslicedhishotrollintothreefeatherbeds,andwasslippingbutterinbetweentheblankets,andcoveringitup.(特拉百先生已经把滚热的面包 切成了三层羽绒褥垫,正在往夹层里涂黄油,涂得密密满满。)
2 翻译主体影响文化传播
如果在译介活动中, 作为主体的译者具有较好文化意识, 那么他在对源语进行解码时就会对原作以独特的 文化眼光进行文化审视, 从而有利于对源语文化的充分认识和理解, 得以在目的语中进行恰到好处的编码, 实现 有效的跨文化传播。相反, 如果译者缺乏文化意识或者文化意识不强, 那么在对源语进行解码时, 就很可能忽略 其文化图式或者欠额解码, 在编码时就更加会损害其文化分量, 从而不利于有效跨文化传播。因此, 译者既应该 具有一种较强的双语能力, 更应该具有较强的文化意识和双文化能力。
3、 翻译策略影响文化传播
翻译的策略主要有归化和异化。归化翻译为了遵循目标语言文化当前的主流价值观, 公然对原文采用保守的同化手段, 使其迎合本土典律、出版潮流和政治要求,而异化翻译的 原则是要偏离本土的主流价值观, 保留原文的语音和文化差异。归化翻译策略尽管可以让 目标语读者能较为轻松自然地理解和接受译文, 然而却不利于文化在跨语言中进行有效传 播。例如,傅东华在翻译《飘》时以及罗新璋在翻译《红与黑》时都将外国人名归化成中国 人名, 这倒是有利于国人在阅读时记住这些名字, 但却给人带来错觉: 仿佛故事的主角是中 国人似的。这无疑没有能够达到真正的跨文化交流与传播的目的。相比之下, 异化翻译尽 管给目标语读者带来文化理解上的困难, 但却因其将源语文化图式完全移植到目标语中而 保留完整的异域文化信息,能够帮助目标语读者建立起新的文化图式, 达到实现有效跨文化 传播的目的。
世 界跨文化交流活动源远流长。在有文字可考的历史中,古代巴比伦王国法典中就记载有到国外购买奴隶的规定
。我国古代的丝绸之路见证了中华民族和世界各国人民友好交流的历史。毋庸置疑,无论从质量还是数量来看,当今 时代的跨文化交流活动都是史无前例的。本世界60年代加拿大学者麦克卢汉就提出了“地球村”的概念。此后不到半 个世纪,科学技术飞速发展,交通和通讯技术日新月异,整个地球成为一个名副其实的地球村,越来越多的人生活, 工作或学习在不同文化的人群中。不同文化背景的人聚集在一起,互相学习,了解和交流。在这种背景下,跨文化交 流学(或称为跨文化传播学)应运而生,以解决跨文化交流活动中遇到的一些问题,寻求有效的交流途径,提高交流 的层次和水平。
有时候采用直译法,读者无法接受,这时,只好牺牲原文的某些文化特色,配合上下文进行意 译,尽量保持原作内容的完整性。在具有鲜明的民族特色而不为他国所有或难以接受的表达方式, 必须深刻去理解,把它的精神意蕴翻译出来,此时不能逐字逐句硬译。下面画线的部分都不能直译 ,只能舍弃它的字面意义和形象意义,体现出特有的文化底蕴。
翻译是人类社会在跨语言交际中进行的一种特殊行为。翻译是一种转换 , 这种转换将言语和非言语符号从 某一种语言转换到另一种语言, 因而翻译是一种人类行为。任何行为都是有目的的, 同样, 翻译行为也有其自身 的目的, 它必须为译者及其所处社会的政治、经济和文化服务。比如古罗马对古希腊文化的翻译,他们对原作 随意删改, 丝毫不顾及原作的完整性,完全是为了本民族社会、文化、政治、经济等方面的需要, 已经完全不是 一种交流态度, 而是一种攫取和侵占。因此,不同的翻译目的导致跨文化传播不同的效果。只有明确正确的翻 译目的, 才能实现最为有效的跨文化传播。
代码转换成另一种文化中的对应语言代码。因此,翻译是一种跨文化交流活动,应该接受跨文化交流学的理论 指导。长期以来,翻译经常被视为一种语言艺术,被人们用超越时间的语法规则加以描述和考察。“对等”问 题长时间的困扰着翻译工作者,而翻译研究也始终围绕着一个问题:怎样把原文意思忠实而准确的表达出来, 让译文读者达到和原文读者相同的感受。
直译不是一字对一字的死译,而是按照字面翻译,不作太多的引申和注释。采用直译法一般 可以保留原文的文化特色。对于那些在两种语言中具有民族形象,或虽为某一民族所独有,但比 喻形象生动,容易为译入读者所理解接受,这时直译比较恰当。英语中有一些词语就是从汉语直 译过去的,比如thepapertiger“纸老虎”,toloseone’sface“丢脸”等。有一些英语的比喻对汉语 读者可能比较生疏,但由于在特定的上下文中具有强烈的政治意义,或有明显的西方民族,地方 特色,所以也应采用保留原文表达形式的直译法。比如:blue-collaredworkers蓝领工人 ,sourgrapes酸葡萄。
对于含有特定民族,历史特色的典故或事物,应辅助以补偿性的翻译手段,采用音译加注 的方法。清明chingming,atraditionalchinesefestivaltocommemoratethe deadobservedinlatespring. 气功qigong,asystemofdeepbreathingexercise.