
大学英语三级A翻译专项强化真题试卷3(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.We admire him for his ambition to become a first-rate scholar in American Studies.A.我们很赞赏他雄心勃勃,要做一个美国问题研究方面的一流学者。
而American studies在这里应该理解为“美国问题研究”。
2.The standards and reputation of this organization are known around rite world,and l know what an achievement it is to be here.A.这个组织的地位和贡献众所周知,我也知道来这里能取得什么样的成绩。
正确答案:C解析:本题考查的重点是对原文I know what an achievement it is to be here的理解,实际上这句相当于I know it is an achievement to be here。
3.Many economists believe that advertising helps increase competition,which leads to lower prices,thus benefiting consumers and the economy as a whole A.许多经济学家认为,广告增加了竞争的成本,使商品质量不断下降,这就使消费者的经济利益受到损害。

2006-2007第一学期汉英翻译课程参考答案(试卷A)制定教师:田翠芸审核人:____________ 考试时间:2007-1-10一、按要求翻译下列句子或段落(30%)(40 minutes)1.词语的理解与搭配(共5分)(1)他们意识到学习知识的重要性。
(1分)They are aware of the importance of acquiring knowledge.(2)夜已很深了。
(1分)The night is well advanced. /It was in the dead of night. (in the dead of night夜深人静时) /It was late at night. (汉英)(×The night is deep. )(3)每晚我都要花一小时学习政治理论和企业管理知识。
(1分)I would spend one hour every evening studying political theories and acquiring knowledge concerning business management. (×I would spend one hour every evening studying political theories and knowledge concerning business management.)(4)新学期已经过去了一星期了。
(1分)One week has passed since the new term began. (×Our new term has passed one week).(5)这种型号的车床价格便宜。
(1分)The price of the lathe of this type is low. (×The price of the lathe of this type is cheap).2.增词法(共4分)(1)留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

(共10页) 第1错误!未找到引用源。
页(共10页) 第2错误!未找到引用源。
(2点*10)(1)、亀の甲より年の功( )(2)、噂をすれば影( ) (3)、顔を貸す( ) (4)、顔に泥を塗る( )(5)、虫が治まらぬ( ) (6)、あばたもえくぼ( ) (7)、虻蜂取らず( ) (8)、多角関係( ) (9)、合意書( ) (10)、青書( )二、次の中国語を日本語に訳しなさい。
(2点*10)(1)、伙伴关系( ) (2)、争端、纠纷( ) (3)、回访( ) (4)、勿忘初衷( )(5)、祸从口出( ) (6)、后来居上( )(7)、厦门( ) (8)、座右铭( )(9)、面子( )(10)、耳背、听力差( )三、次の文を中国語か日本語に訳しなさい。
5、若い頃はいくら食べても太る心配がなかった人も、30代、40代になると、太り始····装·······················订························密························封························线·························别:_____________ 年级:____________ 专业:____________________ 姓名:_______________ 学号:________________ ························阅·······················卷························密························封························线························日语专业《汉日翻译》试卷(A )(110分钟)(共10页) 第3错误!未找到引用源。

翻译练习试卷10(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Happiness, like a deer in the forest, dislikes undue attention and if you chase it, it will run away.2. In addition, each camp is composed of many groups pursuing their own narrowly perceived self-interest, without any overall vision.3. In less than a millionth of a second the vast computer of an international airline can simultaneously accept 800 booking inquiries, and search its 50 million memory units for appropriate replies.4. It would be interesting to know whether the cat adopted the human race or the human race domesticated the Cat.5.Many of the conditions that result from population pressures—overcrowding, unemployment, poverty, hunger and illness—lead to dissatisfaction.正确答案:1.幸福犹如森林之鹿,它不喜欢人们过多注意它,假如你要追它,它就会溜走。

Network Education College, BLCU《英汉/汉英翻译》模拟试卷一注意:1。
Multiple Choice Questions(2 points for each,altogether 60points) Directions: This part consists of thirty sentences,each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C,and D。
Make the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1。
It was quite a few years before Mark Twain finally finished his last novel.[A]在马克·吐温完成最后一部小说之前,已经是好几年了.[B] 在马克·吐温完成最后一部小说之前,又是好几年了。
[C] 马克·吐温完成最后一部小说时,又过了好几年.[D]过了好几年,马克·吐温才终于完成最后一部小说。
2. While we cannot close the gulf between us, we can try to bridge it so that we may be ableto talk across it。
新译林版(三起) 六年级下英语期中评估检测题(A卷)附答案及评分标准

期中测试卷(A卷)(时间:40分钟总分:100分)听力部分(32分)I. 根据你所听到的内容,选择正确答案。
(每小题2分,共12分)()1. A. lesson B. listen C. little()2. A. glow B. grow C. glue()3. A. cool B. cold C. coat()4. A. glass B. class C. grass()5. A. sweep B. sleep C. speak()6.A.listen B.lesson C.hereII. 根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案。
(每小题2分,共10分)( )1. A. It’s sixteen. B. It’s twenty-four. C. It’s seventeen.( )2. A. I’m going to swim. B. I usually go jogging. C. I went to a farm.( )3. A. Today is the 20th of September.B. Her birthday is on the May 16th.C. I t’s on the first of August. ( )4. A. He listened to music.B. He likes listening to music.C. He wants to give his friend an e-mail.( )5. A. We usually plant trees on the hill.B. We usually plant trees in spring.C. We usually go there on foot.III. 根据对话及问题选择正确的答案。
(每小题2分,共10分)( )1. A. He’s from England. B. He’s from France. C. He’s from the USA.( )2. A. Seven. B. Nine. C. Sixteen. ( )3 A. Science. B. Art. C. Chinese. ( )4. A. Su Hai. B. Su Yang. C. Tom. ( )5. A. He’s asking the way. B. He’s doing shopping. C. He’s waiting for a bus.笔试部分(68分)IV. 语音:判断下列各组单词中划线部分的读音。

翻译理论与技巧(A)试题集及答案翻译理论与技巧(A)试题集及答案(红色为自己所出题)一 Fill in the blanks.1.According to sociosemiotic theories, meaning consists ofthree aspects: _________, ___________ and ____________ .2.As far as communicative function is concerned, Englishsentences can be classified into four types: ____________ ,___________ , _____________ and ___________ .3.Professor Xu Yuanzhong ever proposed that literarytranslation should conform to the princi ple of “____________, __________ and ___________”.4.The basic procedures of translation are made up of threesteps: __________, ___________ and ___________ .5.Peter Newmark divided the function of language into sixkinds, among which the most important four functions are ____________, ___________ , __________ and ___________ .6.“Literal translation” is based on-language-oriented principle, while “liberal translation” is based on -language-oriented principle.7.Translators often abide by -oriented principlewhen they translate literary works8.When we see the sun, we often think of hope. It’s themeaning of the sun we in fact think of.9.Yan Fu’s standard for good translation is , and .10.According to Peter Newmark, the expression “How do youdo” p erforms ___________ function.11.We should analyze , and before we really put somethinginto the target language.12.According to the structure, English sentences can beclassified into sentences, ___________ sentences, sentences and sentences.13.The three principles for translation advocated byAlexander Fraser Tytler are:①②③14.The sentence “The earth goes around the sun” performsthe function of language.15.When we hear somebody speaks ungrammatically, we know thathe is not well-educated. Here the language carries the meaning.16.According to the different signs that translation dealswith, translation can be classifiedinto , , .17.Translation can be regarded as a , aor a .18.According to different topics, translation can beclassified into translation, translation andtranslation.二Translating the following sentences into Chinese.1Their host carved, poured, served, cut bread, talked, laughed, proposed healths.2The crafty enemy was ready to launch a new attack while holding out the olive branch.3Her dark eyes made little reflected stars. She was looking athim as she was always looking at him when he awakened.4The pictures that linger in his mind, called up in a moment by such sensationsas the smell of roses or of new-mown hay, are of a simpler nature.5 It’s not easy to become a member of that club—they want peoplewho haveplenty of money to spend, not just every Tom , Dick, and Harry.6 The door was unlocked. She went inside and sat in a stupor. Shewas near collapse, barely able to move her swollen feet.7 But my mother had not passed this way for years. And theslimness and the stride were long past, too.8 I was limp as a dish rag. My back felt as though it had been beatenwith wires.9 As you know, we operate in a highly competitive market in whichwe have been forced to cut our prices to the minimum.10 I sat with his wife in their living room, looking out the glassdoors to the backyards, and there was Allen’s pool, still coveredwith black plastic that had been stretched across it for winter.11 Time did not spoil the beauty of the walls, nor the palace itself,lying like a jewel in the hollow of a hand.12It is obvious that this was merely a case of robbing Peterto pay Paul. There was no real clearing up of the outstanding debt.13He doubtlessly expected hugs, tablefuls of food, tears, laughter, and conversation followed by more conversation, then hugs and morehugs all over again, without end.14There is nothing more disappointing to a hostess who has gone toa lot of trouble or expanse than to have her guest so interestedin talking politics or business with her husband that he fails to notice the flavour of the coffee, the lightness of the cake, or the attractiveness of the house, which may be her chief interest and pride.15English prose is elaborate rather than simple. It was not always so.16When I go around on speaking engagements, they all expect me to assume a Quaker-Oats look.17The door was unlocked. She went inside and sat in a stupor. She was near collapse, barely able to move her swollen feet.18“It is true that the enemey won the battle, but theirs is buta Pyrrhic victory.”said the General.19 A dirty-yellow sky had threatened rain all day and a hollowstillness hung over the valley.20I pulled up a chair and sat down. I sat with my legs wide apart at first. But this struck me as being irreverent and too familiar.So I put my knees together and let my hands rest loosely on them. 21One day, while out on the bleak moors, Pip is startled bya hulking, menacing man who threatens him if he does not bring him some food immediately.22Hygeia herself would have fallen sick under such a regimen; and how much more this poor old nervous victim 23Our Band-Aid approach to economic development must be changed. 24It would have been only courteous to kneel at the proper time, as all did, since I had voluntarily come to the church.25It develops an argument; it cites instances; it reaches a conclusion.26Father’s attitude toward anybody who wasn’t his kind used to puzzle me.27Several blocks from the park, running parallel to it, Clement Street bustles like a second Chinatown with dozens of ethnic restaurants.28We know that a cat, whose eyes can take in many more rays of light than our eyes, can see clearly in the night.29She stopped listening. She felt as though she had been slapped to the extreme outer edge of life, into a cold darkness.30Nancy Reagan, and not George Gallup, may well have the final say. 31Mr. Kingsley and his Red Brick boys will have to look to their laurels.32The hungry boy was wolfing down his dinner.33I have a dream that my four little children will one day live ina nation where they will not be judged by the color of the skinbut by the content of their character.34The importance of oceanography as a key to the understanding of our planet is seldom as well appreciated.35I pulled up a chair and sat down. I sat with my legs wideapart at first. But this struck me as being irreverent and too familiar.So I put my knees together and let my hands rest loosely on them. 36There is a mixture of the tiger and ape in the character of the imperialists.37 A country that wishes to become a member of WTO is to send in itsapplication before a working party is formed by WTO for examination of the specific conditions of the country.38When prices range from $34,500 to $50,000 per car, evidence that these machines are more than a cut above the rest is essential. 39One of the most heartwarming aspects of people who are born witha facial disfigurement, whether minor or major, is the number ofthem who do not allow it to upset their lives, even reaching out to help others with the same problem.40The heavily laden infantry, though enjoying a superiority of six-to-one, simply could not keep to schedule and lost 60000 men in one day.41I have a cake in the o ven that I was making for the Senora’s dinner.42The world is scraping bottom in the deepest economic slump in a half-century.43Now, dear, hurry home and make yourself pretty in your pink dress. 44Military strategy may bear some similarity to the chessboard but it is dangerous to carry the analogy too far.45Studies show that otherwise rational people act irrationally when forced to stand in line or wait in crowds, even becoming violent. 46Prolonged high unemployment willthreaten the current leadership in other capitals as well, and it could ignite violent upheavals in some of the most hard-pressed land.47Many advocated strong action to bring the Prime Minister into line.48He cannot wholly detach himself from the technicalities and personal inconveniences which accompany the battle for intelligence.49I will not have it said that I could never teach my daughter proper respect for her elders.50Although the recession has reached every corner of the planet, the impact is uneven.51I think lawyers mistakenly believe complex language enhances the mystique of the law.52Not long ago, a foreign visitor whose English is extremely good told me of his embarrassment in a tea shop.53Meanwhile individual schools are moving on their own to redress the imbalance between teaching and research.54We have created a faculty of scholars frequently so narrow in their studies and specialized in their scholarship they are simply incapable of teaching introductory courses.55Then the players find out the lottery is not particularly good bet and they find other forms of gambling.56The English language is in very good shape. It is changing in its own undiscoverable way, but it is not going rotten like a plum dropping off a tree.57There has always been a close cultural link, or tie between Britain and English-speaking America, not only in literature but also in the popular arts, especially music.58We must just make the best of things as they come along.59But once I made the decision, I went at it with all flags flying.60 Autumn’s mellow hand was upon the woods, as they owned already,touched with gold and red and olive.三 Translate the following passage into Chinese.1Be very wary of opinions that flatter your self-esteem.Both men and women, nine times out of ten, are firmly convinced of the superior excellence of their own sex. There is abundant evidence on both sides. If you are a man, you can point out that most poets and men of science are male; if you are a woman, you can retort that so are most criminals. The question is inherently insoluble, but self-esteem conceals this from most people. We are all, whatever part of the world we come from, persuaded that our own nation is superior to all others. Seeing that each nation has its characteristic merits and demerits, we adjust our standard of values so as to make out that the merits possessed by our nation are the really important ones, while its demerits are comparatively trivial. Here, again, the rational man will admit that the question is one to which there is no demonstrably right answer. It is more difficult to deal with the self-esteem of man as man, because we cannot argue out the matter with some non-human mind. The only wayI know of dealing with this general human conceit is to remindourselves that man is a brief episode in the life of a small planet in a little corner of the universe, and that for aught we know, other parts of the cosmos may contain beings as superior to ourselves as we are to jelly-fish.2 Reading is fun, not because the writer is telling yousomething, but because it makes your mind work. Your own imagination works along with the author’s or even goes beyond his.Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his.Every book stands by itself, like a one-family house, but books in a library are like houses in a city. Although they are separate, together they all add up to something; they are connected with each other and with other cities. The same ideas, or related ones, turn up in different places; the human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in literature, but with different solutions according to different writings at different times.Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you “ought ” to read, you probably won’t have fun. But if you put down a book you don’t like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time—and if you become as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you won’t have suffered during the process.3 It is well that the commonest fruit should be also the best. Of the virtues of the orange I have not room fully to speak. It has properties of health giving, as that it cures influenza and establishes the complexion. It is clean, for whoever handles it on its way to your table, but handles its outer covering, its top coat, which is left in the hall. It is round, and forms an excellent substitute with the young for a cricket ball. The pip can be flicked at your enemies, and quite a small piece of peel makes a slide foran old gentleman.But all this would count nothing had not the orange such delightful qualities of taste. I dare not let myself go upon this subject. I am a slave to its sweetness. I grudge every marriage in that it means a fresh supply of orange blossom, the promise of so much golden fruit cut short. However, the world must go on.With the orange we do live year in and year out. That speaks well for the orange. The fact is that there is an honeaty about the orange which appeals to all of us. If it is going to be bad—for the best of us are bad sometimes—it begins to be bad from the outside, not from the inside. How many a pear which presents a blooming face to the world is rotten at the core. How many an innocent-looking apple is harbouring a worm in the bud. But the orange has no secret faults. Its outside is a mirror of its inside, and if you are quick you can tell the shopman so before he slips it into the bag.4 It is odd to watch with what feverish ardor the Americans pursue prosperity and how they are ever tormented by the shadowy suspicion that they may not have chosen the shortest route to get it.Americans cleave to the things of this world as if assured that they will never die, and yet are in such a rush to snatch any that come within their reach, as if expecting to stop living before they。

春浙江电视大学《英语翻译》平时作业参考标准标准答案《英语翻译基础》作业(1)参考答案一、选择题1.“意译”是指译文从意义出发,要求将原文地意义正确表达出来,不必拘泥于( D )地形式.A. 词句B. 词句和比喻C. 各种修辞手段D. 词、句、以及各种修辞手段2. 翻译是一种(A)地交际活动.A.跨语言,跨文化,跨社会 B. 跨语言C.跨语言,跨社会 D. 跨语言,跨社会3.翻译地理想单位是:__________.(A)A.篇章 B. 句子 C.词语 D. 单词4.严复地“雅”是指:__ A ___.A.指脱离原文而片面追求译文本身地古雅.B.指保存原作地风格.C.指保持原作地形式.D.以上地答案都不正确5.下面哪句话地描述是正确地(D).A.钱钟书地翻译标准是:重神似而不重形似B.傅雷地翻译标准是:意美、音美、形美C.许渊冲地翻译标准是:化境D.奈达地翻译标准是:动态对等6.中国佛经翻译地主要代表人物是___ A _____.A.玄奘 B. 徐光启 C. 林纾 D. 严复7. 翻译地过程依次为____ B _____三个阶段.A.表达,理解和校核 B. 理解,表达和校核C.理解,校核和表达 D. 校核,理解和表达8. 直译是指:____ A._____.A. 在译文语言条件许可时,在译文中既保持原文地内容,又保持原文地形式——特别指保持原文地比喻、形象和民族、地方色彩等.B. 在译文中保持原文地形式,不需要保持原文地内容.C. 死译.D.硬译.9. 马善忠地翻译标准为:____ A ____.A. 善译B. 信、达、雅C. 忠实、通顺D. 保持原文地丰姿10. 明徐光启和意大利人利玛窦合作,翻译了____ A ____等书.A.《几何原本》、《测量法义》 B.《巴黎茶花女遗事》C.《王子复仇记》、《天演论》 D. 《几何原本》、《天演论》二、改译句子.1. The research work is being done by a group of dedicated and imaginative scientists who specialize in extracting from various sea animals substances that may improve.译文:这项研究工作正在被一小组专心致志、具有想象力地科学家进行着.这些科学家专门研究从各种各样地海洋动物中提取一些可能改进人类健康地物质.改译1:一群为数不多地科学家正在专心致志地从事这项研究,他们以丰富地想象力专门钻研从各种海洋动物身上提取增进人类健康地物质.改译2:一小部分富有想像力和敬业精神地科学家正在进行这项研究,他们专门研究从各种海洋动物中提取能增进人类健康地物质:2. A big question mark hangs over the company’s future.译文:一个大问号悬挂在这家公司未来地上方.改译:这家公司将来地前景如何,还是个大问号.四、下面句子都给出了几种译法,其中地优劣请自己判断,其中有少数是“一句多译”,请注意区别.1. These hospital expenses made inroads on my savings.A. 医院地这些费用严重地消耗了我地积蓄.B.我住院花地这些费用用掉了我一半以上地积蓄.C. 这些住院费耗掉了我大部分积蓄.优2. They killed a bottle of kaoliang between them.A. 他们二人喝光了一瓶高粱酒.B.他们二人对酌,把一瓶高粱酒喝得一干二净.优C.他们在他们之间喝完了一瓶高粱酒.3. It would be one setback too many for him.A.这是一个对他来说太多地挫折.B.他可再也经不住什么挫折了.优C.如果再有一个挫折,对他来说太多了.4. 这本书再三重印,仍供不应求.A.Though we have reprinted this book several times, we still can’t satisfy the demands of the readers.优B.Though we have had this book reprinted several times, the readers’demand still exceeds its supply.C.Though we have got this book reprinted again and again, we find it still unavailable in the bookstores.《英语翻译基础》作业(2)参考答案一、改译句子1 他们把三个部门合成了一个部门.译文:They have combined the three departments into one department.改译:They have combined the three departments2.老太太被风吹病了.译文:The old lady was also blown sick by the wind.改译:The old lady fell ill because of the draught.3. 如果今年再提出来,我想也不会有别地结果.译文:If they insist on re-submitting this year, I don’t see any different outcome.改译:If they insist on re-submitting the draft this year, I don’t see any different outcome.4. 店主让我父亲一天干16小时地活.译文:The shop-owner let father work 16 hours a day.改译:The shop-owner made father work 16 hours a day.三、翻译句子.1. His being neglected by the host added to his uneasiness.主人有意地忽视增加了他地不安2. The man who is above his business may one day find his business above him.不屑于干自己工作地人终有一天会发现自己不配干那份工作.3. Translation from English into Chinese is not so easy as that from English into French.英译汉不如英译法容易4. Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母5. The economic growth of this country depends to a large extent on whether or not a political stability is available.这个国家地经济增长在很大程度上取决于政局是否稳定.6. This area is select.这是一个富人区.《英语翻译基础》作业(3)参考答案一、选择题1.“你地建议值得商榷.”地正确译法为:___ B _____.A. “Your suggestion is worthy of discussion.”B. “Your suggestion is open to question.”C. “Your suggestion is worth being discussed.”D. “I can consider your suggestion.”2.“service station”应该翻译成:(B )A. 服务站B. 加油站C. 服务场所D. 服务生3. “High school”地意思是( C. )A. 高等学校B. 大学C. 美国中学D. 学院4. “armed to the teeth”被译为“武装到牙齿”,这是运用了什么翻译方法? AA.直译法 B. 意译法C. 汉语同义习语地套用法D. 归化法5.“rest room”是指( B ).A.休息室 B. 洗手间 C. 卧室 D. 起居室6. “Do you see any green in my eye?”可以翻译为:__ B _____.A. 你从我地眼睛里看到绿颜色吗?B. 你以为我是好欺骗地吗?C. 你从我地眼睛里看到嫉妒地感觉吗?D. 你以为我在嫉妒你吗?6.凤凰在东方象征着( A. );而在西方象征着( A. )A.高贵,威严,权利;复生,再生B.复生,再生;高贵,威严,权利C.凶残;复生,再生D.高贵,威严,权利;凶残二、翻译句子.1. He is now holding a wolf by the ears.现在正骑虎难下”,2. It was another one of those Catch-22 situations: you are damned if you do, you’re damned if you don’t.这真是又一个左右为难地尴尬局面做也倒霉不做也倒霉.3.I wonder whether he is a Trojan Horse.我不知道他是否是个内奸.4. Among the blind the one-eyed man is King.山中无老虎,猴子称霸王5. He is just a stalking horse in the election contest.他在这次竞选中只不过是充当真正候选人地幌子而已6. ——She looks blue today. What’s the matter with her?—— She is in holiday blue.她今天显得闷闷不乐,出了什么事情?她得了假期忧郁症.7. He is too yellow to stand up and fight.他太软弱,不敢起来斗争.三、翻译文章The traditional pattern of classroom experience at the college level brings the professor and a group of 20 to 30 students together for a 45-to-50-minute class session two or three times a week. The most common mode of instruction is the lecture. When lectures are the principal method of instruction in larger classes, regular periods may be set aside for small group discussions under the leadership of an assistant instructor. In cases where a small class size encourages informality, lectures may be combined with discussion sessions based on assigned readings, required textbooks, and other outside materials.由一位教授和二三十名学生每周会晤两三次,每次授课时间45分钟到50分钟,是大学程度课堂教学地传统方式.最普遍地教学方式是讲课.较大地班以讲课为主要教学方法时,也会拨出一定时间由助教领导进行小组讨论.如果班小,比较随便,便可以既讲课有讨论指定地读物、规定地教科书和其他课外资料.《英语翻译基础》作业(4)参考答案一、翻译句子.1. Henry keeps boasting that he had talked to the President.亨利总是吹嘘说他曾同总统谈过话.2. There is a definite link between smoking and heart disease and lung cancer. But this doe sn’t ma ke you too uncomfortable because you are in good company. (注意company地一词多义) 吸烟与心脏病和肺癌之间有明确地关联.但这并没有使你感到怎么不安,因为和你一样抽烟地人很多.3. Washington wants to maintain an American presence in that region. (注意presence 地具体含义)华盛顿想在那个地区维持美国地军事力量.4. His fury was exaggerated. 他大发雷霆,未免小题大做.5. A shy, retiring man known to his own ColumbiaUniversity students as a dull lecturer, he had the brilliance of mind that made him the teacher of his time, respected by presidents and philosophers alike. (注意retiring地一词多义)他是一个怕羞,性情孤独地人.在他地哥伦比亚大学地学生们看来,他是一个令人乏味地老师.然而他极其聪明,智慧过人,这使他成为当时最杰出地教师,深受各大学校和学者们地尊敬.6. We shall deliver the goods to you by September 12.(注意:本句属于商务英语)我们将于9月12日前将货交给你方.7. Women getting rich faster than men in UK(注意:本句是英语新闻标题)巾国不让须眉英国女人比男人富得快8Please remember to:put towels you want washed on the floorleave towels you will use again on the towel racksThis simple gesture helps protect the environmentThank you注意:这是一句公式语请记住:将需要清洗地毛巾放在地板上;将准备继续使用地毛巾挂在毛巾架上.您地举手之劳将有助环保.谢谢!9. This is RESIDENTIAL AREAPlease leave QUIETLY so as not to disturb our neighbours ORjBnOwcEdThank you for you co-operation & your kind attention2MiJTy0dTT这里是居民区.请您离开时不要喧哗,以免影响左邻右舍.谢谢您地合作与关注.10.The Lushan scenic area extends over 302 sq km, with an outlying conservation zone of 500 sq km.gIiSpiue7A注意:这是景观对外解说词.庐山风景名胜区面积302平方千米,外围保护地带500平方千米.二、翻译文章Adias Sports ShoesOver twenty-eight years ago, adias gave birth to a new idea in sports shoes. And the people who wear our shoes have been running and winning ever since. In fact, adidas has helped them set over 400 world records in track and field alone.uEh0U1Yfmh Maybe that’s why more and more football, soccer, basketball, baseball and tennis players are tu rning to adidas.They know that, whatever their game, they can rely on adidas workmanship and quality in every product we make.IAg9qLsgBX So whether you’re pounding the roads on a marathon, or just jogging around the block, adidas should be on yourfeet.WwghWvVhPEYou were born to run. And we were born to help you do it better. You will find us anywhere smart sports buy their shoes. Adidas, the all sports people.asfpsfpi4k注意:这是一则广告,注意广告语言地基本特点.28年前,阿迪达斯为运动鞋带来了全新地概念.从那之后,脚穿阿迪达斯地人们健步如飞,频频夺标.事实上,阿迪达斯仅在田径场上就帮助人们创造了400多项世界记录.这或许就是越来越多地足球、篮球、网球、棒球和橄榄球运动员求助于阿迪达斯地原因.他们知道,无论从事哪项运动,他们都可以信赖阿迪达斯精湛地工艺和优秀地质量.因此,不管是沿马拉松赛道飞奔,还是在社区周围小跑,你都可以穿上阿迪达斯.奔跑是你地天性.让你跑得更快是我们地天职.在优秀运动员买鞋地任何地方,你都能看到我们.阿迪达斯,运动者地代名词.版权申明本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理.版权为个人所有This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is personal ownership.3cdXwckm15 用户可将本文地内容或服务用于个人学习、研究或欣赏,以及其他非商业性或非盈利性用途,但同时应遵守著作权法及其他相关法律地规定,不得侵犯本网站及相关权利人地合法权利.除此以外,将本文任何内容或服务用于其他用途时,须征得本人及相关权利人地书面许可,并支付报酬.h8c52WOngM Users may use the contents or services of this article for personal study, research or appreciation, and other non-commercial or non-profit purposes, but at the same time, they shall abide by the provisions of copyright law and other relevant laws, and shall not infringe upon the legitimate rights of this website and its relevant obligees. In addition, when any content or service of this article is used forother purposes, written permission and remuneration shall be obtained from the person concerned and the relevant obligee.v4bdyGious转载或引用本文内容必须是以新闻性或资料性公共免费信息为使用目地地合理、善意引用,不得对本文内容原意进行曲解、修改,并自负版权等法律责任.J0bm4qMpJ9Reproduction or quotation of the content of this article must be reasonable and good-faith citation for the use of news or informativepublic free information. 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The influences of the chemical polishing solution component and operating conditions on the polishing effect of aluminium alloy studied quantitatively by reflectivity and gravimetric method.句中“studied”前加“were”
Keyword:chemical polishing aluminium
What methods have been applied in this paper?
Answer:Reflectivity method and gravimetric method.
11.electroless plating 12.current density
13.pigment14.salt spray test
(1分) (1分) (1分) (1分)
1.electrochemistry 2.electrode

《⾼级英汉翻译》课程终结考试试卷(样题及答案和评分标准)Get ready for the final exams of English/ChineseTranslation (1&2)Part I E-C Translation Test1. Composition of the Test Papers & useful skills in coping with the tests“⾼级英汉翻译”课程●评价⽬标:重点测试学⽣英汉笔译的技巧,包括增译法、减译法、词类转移法、词序调整法、分译法、重译法、正说反译,反说正译法和习语翻译等。
●试题结构:“⾼级英汉翻译”课程终结考试试卷(样题)课程编号:ENBAE3 1001______ 学籍号:________________ 学习中⼼:________________ 姓名:________________ Information for the Examinees:This examination consists of FOUR sections. They are:Section I: Understanding of Theories (10 points, 15 minutes)Section II: Phrase Translation (25 points, 20 minutes)Section III: Sentence Translation (30 points, 25 minutes)Section IV: Passage Translation (35 points, 60 minutes)The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed forcompleting this examination is 2 hours (120 minutes)YOU MUST WRITE ALL YOUR ANSWERS ON THE ANSWER SHEET. Section I Understanding of Theories[10 points] Questions 1-10. (10 points)The following statements are about some translation theories you are familiar with. Decide whether these statements are true or false by writing T for "true" and F for "false" on your Answer Sheet.______1. Since Chinese and English belong to two different language families, one has to make some adjustments in lexicon and sentence structure to make the translated version smooth and natural.______2. Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and second in terms of style.______3. Every language adopts the same system of classifying its experience.______4. It widely agreed that there are three stages in the procedure of translation: analysis, transfer, and restructuring.______5. A word may have several meanings, but its linguistic context will help to point out the exact meaning of that word. ______6. Semotactic marking, one aspect of linguistic context, refers to the situation when the meaning of a word in a sentence is specified by the grammatical construction of that sentence.______7. In translating from English to Chinese, one must repeat key words including nouns, verbs, and pronouns.______8. In the process of transfer, the conceptual content of the message has the highest priority. Therefore, there is no need to keep the original form of the source-language text.______9. The situational factors relate to the occasion and circumstances of the speech event and to the relationships between speakers.______10. Nida believes that in testing the translation, one must focus attention not upon the extent of verbal correspondence but upon the amount of dynamic equivalence.Section II Phrase Translation[25 points]Part 1. Questions 11-20. (10 points)Choose a better version of Chinese translation for each of the following phrases. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.11. the journey across AfricaA. 遍及⾮洲的旅⾏B. 穿越⾮洲的旅⾏12. be behind scheduleA. 落后于计划B. 在计划后⾯13. play the fluteA. 玩笛⼦B. 吹笛⼦14. black teaA. 红茶B. ⿊茶15. like a cat on hot bricksA. 烫砖上的猫B. 热锅上的蚂蚁16. a concept inconceivable beforeA. ⼀个以前⽆法想象的概念B. ⼀个概念,在以前⽆法想象17. Dutch treatA. 打平伙B. 荷兰式的招待18. political campaignA. 政治运动B. 竞选活动19. mountain lionA. ⼭狮B. 美洲豹20. an instrument designed to extend the range of people's sensesA. ⼀个⽤来拓展⼈们感觉范围的⼯具B. ⼀个⼯具,⽤来拓展⼈们的感觉范围Part 2. Questions 21-30. (15 points)Translate the following phrases and write your answers on the Answer Sheet.21. a hard question ____________________22. hard water ____________________23. the last ten-day period of a month ____________________24. a good Christian ____________________25. a well-managed company ____________________26. particles moving around their atomic nucleus ____________________27. generations of painstaking observation ____________________28. an unlikely coalition of university professors ____________________29. a computer genius ____________________30. as much with courtesy as with force ____________________Section III Sentence Translation [30 points]Questions 31-40: Translate the following sentences using the translation skills and techniques you have learned from this course. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.31. Nobody could count on his restraint or rationality.____________________________________________________________32. Modern skyscrapers began to appear in the city, taking away much of its ancient charm and mystery, which was considered as a great pity by many people.____________________________________________________________33. The news had already spread along the streets and lanes.____________________________________________________________34. The examination left no doubt that the victim had not died of a heart attack but had been killed.____________________________________________________________35. There was no use arguing. The die was cast.____________________________________________________________36. Twentieth century history shows the impressive adaptive capacity of international relations based on multinational principles and norms.____________________________________________________________37. We are very grateful to you for your effort to come all the way from China to present his document to us.____________________________________________________________38. The problem of refugees should be dealt with in an integrated manner.____________________________________________________________39. It is exciting to visit your great country.____________________________________________________________40. No one was more willing to do a favor for friend or neighbour than he.____________________________________________________________Section IV Passage Translation[35 points]Part 1. Question 41. (15 points)The following passage is about problems with Darwinian Theory. Please translate it into Chinese on your Answer Sheet. You may refer to the new words and expressions provided in the box below.If Darwinian Theory works so well, why challenge it? There are several reasons to do so. Although Darwinian Theory explains many of the facts of evolution better than any other theory, it does not necessarily explain the whole process. Also, some of the results of evolution do not match what Darwinian Theory would predict.For example, if evolution leads to a perfect adaptation through natural selection acting on random hereditary changes, the process ought to slow down as it gets closer to the optimum for each species because fewer favorable changes can be made. Indeed, someorganisms-cockroaches and sponges, for example, are so well adapted that they have changed very little in many millions of years.Their evolutionary rate does seem to have slowed down. We should also see decrease in the number of species as they compete with one another and unsuccessful species are eliminated. But we see no such slowing down, and the number of species appears to be at least as great now as in the geologic past and perhaps even greater.Part 2. Question 42. (20 points)The following passage is an excerpt from a book talking about the special joys of slow reading. Please translate it into Chinese on your Answer Sheet.I discovered the worth of super-slow reading years ago. Previously, if I had been really interested in a book, I would race from page to page, eager to know what came next. Now, I decided, I had to become a miser with words and stretch every sentence like a poor man spending his last dollar. I had started with the practical object of making my book last. But by the end of the second week I began to realize how much I was getting fromsuper-slow-reading itself. Sometimes just a particular phrase caught my attention, sometimes a sentence. I would read it slowly, analyze it, read it again-perhaps changing down into an even lower gear-and then sit for 20 minutes thinking about it before moving on. I was like a pianist studying a piece of music, phrase by phrase, rehearsing it, trying to discover and recreate exactly what the composer was trying to convey.参考答案与评分标准(样题)Section I Understanding of Theories[10 points] Questions 1-10. (10 points, 1 point each)1.T2.T3. F4.T5.T6. F7. F8. F9.T 10.T Section II Phrase Translation[25 points] Part 1. Questions 11-20. (10 points, 1 point each) 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. B16. A 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. APart 2. Questions 21-30. (15 points, 1.5 points each.)Marking guide:评分标准(共15分,每个1.5分):1.译⽂应准确、完整。

大学英语三级A级(英译汉)模拟试卷7(题后含答案及解析)题型有: 4. Translation-English into ChinesePart IV Translation-English into Chinese (25 minutes)Directions: This part numbered 61 through 65 is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese.After each sentence of numbers 61 to 64,you will read three choices of suggested translation.Y1.Computer data bases and electronic mail systems have been around since the late 1970s.A.20世纪70年代后期以来,计算机数据库和电子邮件系统已广泛使用。
正确答案:A解析:①本题的关键在于考生对be around的翻译。
be around意为“在周围,到处,四处”,根据句意可意译为“广泛使用”。
since the late 1970s为该句的时间状语,可译为“自20世纪70年代后期以来”。
②C项把since翻译为“在……”是错误的,还漏译了systems “系统”,只能得1分。
③B项中错误最明显:首先同样对since理解错误,时间状语被错译为“到20世纪70年代”,其中还漏译了late,另外data bases是指“数据库”而不是“数据基础”,因此不得分。
知识模块:英译汉2.Some 1.2 million small firms have opened their doors over the past six years of economic growth.A.大约有120万个小公司相继出现了,超过了过去六年的经济增长。

A 卷 ■一、 Translation (本大题共5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分)Section ADirections : Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. Sports build our bodies, prevent us from getting too fat and keep us healthy.1. 2. You will have to live in the new surroundings, try to do everything by yourself and learn to stand on your own feet.62. 3. Thank you so much for the opportunity to take on the new project.3. Section BDirections: Translate the following sentences into English. 4. 公司已决定把大部分的钱用于科学研究。
(dedicate)4. 5. 如果杰克要到国外去,谁来接管他的工作? (take over)5. 二、 Writing (本大题共10分) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a Letter ofInvitation in English. You should write following the outline given below: 说明:假定你是李军,请根据以下内容写一封邀请信。
写信人:李军学 号: 姓 名: 所属学院: 年 级: 专 业: 班级: 装订密封线 考生答题不得出现红色字迹,除画图外,不能使用铅笔答题;答题留空不足时,可写到试卷背面;请注意保持试卷完整。

一踏上重庆的土地,你定会感到无比震撼:巍峨yì 立的大山如刚毅果敢的男子,蜿.蜒流淌的江水似妩.媚多情的女子,他们互相níng 望,彼此衬托,相得益彰。
①yì 立①蜿.蜒①妩.媚①níng 望(2)文段中画横线的词语使用不当的一项是A.相得益彰B.孕育C.燥热D.目眩神迷(3)文段中画波浪线的句子有语病的一项是A.①B.①C.①D.①(4)请从以下三个诗句中任选一句,进行引用或化用,写一段话来讴歌先烈。

2008-2009-1学期英语专业2005级(模块2)“翻译理论与实践”试卷A卷参考答案及评分标准I. Translate the following words or phrases into Chinese. (16pts)每小题2分,理解1分,表达1分。
1.发泄中心2.北京猿人3.宝洁(公司)4.跑表5.虚假繁荣6.知道内情7.各付各的钱(打平伙)8.左右为难的尴尬境地II. Translate the following words or phrases into English. (16pts)每小题2分,理解1分,表达1分。
1. a high insult2.strike while the iron is hot3.spring roll4.Forbidden City5.disposable (throwaway chopsticks)6.pyramid selling7.restricted publication8.family treeIII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (24pts)每小题3分,理解1分,表达2分。

精心整理大三下学期英语专业翻译期末考试试卷Part I Read the following questions and choose the best choice. ( 2′* 10 )1.翻译理论中的“变译”是由()提出的。
A. 广告英语B.法律英语C.新闻英语D.科技英语3.英国语言学家提出的构成语境三要素中,fields of discourse指()。
A. 交际内容B. 交际方式C. 交际风格D. 交际地点4. “意译”是指译文从意义出发,要求将原文的意义正确表达出来,不必拘泥于()的形式。
A.词句B. 词句和比喻C. 各种修辞手段D. 词、句、以及各种修辞手段5. 力大如牛用英语正确翻译为as strong as a()。
A. horseB.cattleC.lionD.tiger6.把“我们全体赞成他的建议”翻译成“We are all in favor of his suggestion.”中的翻译“赞成”运用了()技巧。
A.增译法B.精简法C.意译法D.转换法7.In translation filed ST and TT stand for ( ) respectively.A.selected text and task textB.sourse text and target textC.seleceted text and target textD.sourse text and task text8.“调虎离山”可以意译为()。
A.lure the tiger out of the mountainsB. .lure the lion out of the mountainsC.lure the enemy away from his baseD. protect the friend away from his base9.运动休闲,我行我素()。

II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese (35%)1.The surgeons weren’t sure how long my new joints would last, but they areholding up fine. (增词法)2.She was looking at him as she was always looking at him when heawakened.(减词法)3.The significance of these incidents wasn’t lost upon the judges.(正反表达转换)4.Much effort was made in determining the differences between the twoschools of painting.(被动转主动)5.If you think me in a way to be happier than I deserve, I am quite of youropinion.(释义法)6.Other doctors I went to dispensed the same diagnosis along withprescriptions that either didn’t help or upset things further.(长句分译)7.On my way to school I can see the babbling water in the brook, hear the frogscroaking, cuckoos cuckooing, sparrows chirping in the woods. (声色词)8.You’re flogging a dead horse by asking him to lend you money—he hasn’teven got enough for himself. (习语)9.For 20 years we were passive witnesses to the deterioration of prices of ourraw materials and an excessive increase of the prices of manufactured goods.(变静态为动态)10.Indeed, it may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are those whomost need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds. (定语从句)III. Translate the following underlined paragraphs into Chinese (50%)Shall We Choose Death?By Bertrand Russell(December 30, 1954)I am speaking not as a Briton, not as a European, not as a member of a western democracy, but as a human being, a member of the species Man, whose continued existence is in doubt. The world is full of conflicts: Jews and Arabs; Indians and Pakistanis; white men and Negroes in Africa; and, overshadowing all minor conflicts, the titanic struggle between communism and anticommunism.Almost everybody who is politically conscious has strong feelings aboutone or more of these issues; but I want you, if you can, to set aside such feelings for the moment and consider yourself only as a member of a biological species which has had a remarkable history and whose disappearance none of us can desire. I shall try to say no single word which should appeal to one group rather than to another. All, equally, are in peril, and, if the peril is understood, there is hope that they may collectively avert it. We have to learn to think in a new way. We have to learn to ask ourselves not what steps can be taken to give military victory to whatever group we prefer, for there no longer are such steps. The question we have to ask ourselves is: What steps can be taken to prevent a military contest of which the issue must be disastrous to all sides?The general public, and even many men in positions of authority, have not realized what would be involved in a war with hydrogen bombs. The general public still thinks in terms of the obliteration of cities. It is understood that the new bombs are more powerful than the old and that, while one atomic bomb could obliterate Hiroshima, one hydrogen bomb could obliterate the largest cities such as London, New York, and Moscow. No doubt in a hydrogen-bomb war, great cities would be obliterated. But this is one of the minor disasters that would have to be faced. If everybody in London, New York, and Moscow were exterminated, the world might, in the course of a few centuries, recover from the blow. But we now know, especially since the Bikini test, that hydrogen bombs can gradually spread destruction over a much wider area than had been supposed. It is stated on very good authority that a bomb can now be manufactured which will be 25,000 times as powerful as that which destroyed Hiroshima. Such a bomb, if exploded near the ground or under water, sends radioactive particles into the upper air. They sink gradually and reach the surface of the earth in the form of a deadly dust or rain. It was this dust which infected the Japanese fishermen and their catch of fish although they were outside what American experts believed to be the danger zone. No one knows how widely such lethal radioactive particles might be diffused, but the best authorities are unanimous in saying that a war with hydrogen bombs is quite likely to put an end to the human race. It is feared that if many hydrogen bombs are used there will be universal death - sudden only for a fortunate minority, but for the majority a slow torture of disease and disintegration...四川外语学院《英译汉(1)》期末考试A卷参考答案I.Multiple Choice Questions(每小题3分,共15分)1. [B]2. [C]3. [A]4. [D]5. [D]II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese(前5题每小题3分,后5题每小题4分,共35分)1.那些外科医生当时不能肯定我的新关节可以维持多久,但是它们至今还是运转良好呢。

山东专升本英语(翻译)模拟试卷1(题后含答案及解析)全部题型 5. TranslationTranslationSection ADirections: Translate the following English into Chinese.1.We are deeply convinced of the correctness of this policy.正确答案:我们深信这一政策是正确的。
涉及知识点:英译汉2.Here, we’d like to repeat some important points stated above and generalize them.正确答案:这里我们将再次强调上述一些要点,并加以归纳。
涉及知识点:英译汉3.With your eyes shut you can recognize hundreds of things by their sound or their touch.正确答案:你就是闭上眼睛,也还能凭声音或触感辨认数百种东西。
涉及知识点:英译汉4.In the future you will be exposed to more and more choices, not less.正确答案:将来你会面对越来越多的选择,而不会比现在少。
涉及知识点:英译汉5.Would you rather be well brought up and badly educated, or the opposite?正确答案:你是愿意受到良好的家庭教育而受到不好的学校教育,还是希望受到不好的家庭教育而受到良好的学校教育? 涉及知识点:英译汉6.Because everyone uses language to talk, everyone thinks he can talk about language.正确答案:人人都用语言交谈,人人也就自以为能够谈论语言。

2007-2008学年第1学期英汉翻译课程A卷Part ⅠBlank Filling (20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in this part. Fill in the blanks. You should write the answer on the corresponding part of the answer paper.1. 1 在《< 2 >译例言》中提出信、达、雅的标准,成为近一个世纪以来中国译界最为推崇的翻译标准。
它们依次是 3 、 4 、 5 。
3.就翻译所涉语言而论,翻译可分为 6 和7 。
4.从词的方面来讲,8 、9 、10 是翻译三种基本技巧。
5.著名翻译理论家奈达借用语言学家11 的理论,创建了读者反映论。
6.语言符号有三种意义,它们是12 、13 、14 ,其中,15 是翻译中最难以传达的意义。
其中,原文文本分为16 、17 、18 。
8.现代著名翻译家傅雷从绘画的角度出发,提出翻译的最高标准是19 。
9.中国古代最伟大的佛经翻译家是20 。
Part ⅡLSP T ext T ranslation (40 points)Directions: This part consists of two English texts. You should translate them into Chinese, and write down your translation on the answer paper.T ext 1The figures for burglaries have risen alarmingly over the last few years and are now quite appalling. Let me quote you a few statistics about break-ins. A house is burgled now about every three minutes, and over the past five years the number of burglaries reported to the police has risen by approximately 60,000 to well over 500,000 this year. The insurance companies report that last year alone household burglary losses rose by 38 per cent over the previous year to 219.7 million pounds, and I believe one or two companies are refusing to provide burglary cover in what we might call high-risk areas. (20 points)T ext 2Bluetooth is the newest kid on the technology block, and it holds a lot of promise for the assistive technology industry. Named for a 10th Century King of Denmark who unified the kingdoms of Denmark and Norway, Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communication specification that promises to improve and increase electronic access to a number of environments by overcoming some of the obstacles typical of current technology. Bluetooth technology will enable devices to communicate and transfer data wirelessly and without the line-of-site issues of infrared technology. (20 points)Part ⅢT ransitional LSP T ext T ranslation (20 points)Directions: This part consists of one English text. You should translate it into Chinese, and write down your translation on the answer paper.I experienced the community of people who worked hard but always with plenty of laughing and singing. These people were dirt-poor by western standards, with no running water or electricity or any other modern convenience. Yet, they display tremendous joy in their lives with their keen senses of humor and their liking for dancing and drumming till the early hours of morning. I learned a powerful lesson that will continue to impress me for decades to come. Happiness is not dependent on material wealth and it was this lesson that eventually led me to question the American dream, a dream of gaining as much money, power and status as humanly possible.Part ⅣLiterary T ext T ranslation (20 points)Directions: This part consists of one English text. You should translate the underlined sections into Chinese, and write down your translation on the answer paper.When I saw her first there was a smoke of mist about her as high as her foreyard. Her topsails and flying kites had a faint glow upon them where the dawn caught them. Then the mist rolled away from her, so that we could see her hull and the glimmer of the red sidelight as it was hoisted inboard. She was rolling slightly, tracing an area against the heaven, and as I watched her the glow upon her deepened, till every sail she wore burned rosily like an opal turned to the sun, like a fiery jewel. She was radiant, she was of an immortal beauty, that swaying, delicate clipper. Coming as she came, out of the mist into the dawn. She was like a spirit, like an intellectual presence. Her hull glowed, her rails glowed: there was colour upon the boats and tackling. She was a lofty ship (with skysails and royal staysails), and it was wonderful to watch her blushing in the sun, swaying and curveting. She was alive with a more than mortal life. One thought that she would speak in some strange language or break out into a music which would express the sea and that great flower in the sky. She came trembling down to us, rising up high and plunging; showing the red lead below her water line; then diving down till the smother bubbled over her hawseholes. She bowed and curveted: the light caught the skylights on the poop; she gleamed and sparkled; she shook the sea from her as she rose. There was no man aboard of us but was filled with the beauty of that ship. I think they would have cheered her had she been a little nearer to us; but, as it was, we ran up our flags in answer to her, adding our position and comparing our chronometers, then dipping our ensigns and standing away. For some minutes I watched her, as I made up the flags before putting them back in their cupboard. The old mate limped up to me, and spat, and swore. “That's one of the beautiful sights of the world,” he said, “That, and a cornfield, and a woman with her child. It's beauty and strength. How would you like to have one of th em skysails round your neck?” I gave him some answer, and continued to watch her, till the beautiful, precise hull, with all its lovely detail, had become blurred to leeward, where the sun was now marching in triumph, the helm of a golden warrior plumed in cirrus.2007-2008学年第1学期英汉翻译课程A卷答题纸Part ⅠBlank Filling (20 points)1. 11.2. 12.3. 13.4. 14.5. 15.6. 16.7. 17.8. 18.9. 19.10. 20.Part ⅡLSP T ext T ranslation (40 points)T ext 1 (20 points)T ext 2 (20 points)Part ⅢT ransitional LSP T ext T ranslation (20 points)Part ⅣLiterary T ext T ranslation (20 points)Section 1 (10 points)Section 2 (10 points)河北理工大学外国语学院英汉翻译答案及评分标准A卷制定人:审核人:考试时间:主观题答案及评分标准(满分__100_分)Part ⅠBlank Filling (20 points)1. 严复11. 乔姆斯基2. 天演论12. 所指意义3. 拙译13. 实用意义4. 佳译14. 内部意义5. 妙译15. 内部意义6. 语内翻译16. 语言层次7. 语际翻译17. 逻辑层次8. 慎选词义18. 事理层次9. 改变词量19. 神似10. 变换词类20. (唐)玄奘Part ⅡLSP T ext T ranslation (40 points)参考答案:T ext 1在过去几年中,统计数字显示入室盗窃案件大幅上升,现在情况已经非常惊人。
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I.Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (25%)
(评分标准:每句5分, 划线部分各占1分;全句结构1分)
II.Translate the following passage into Chinese. (30%)
III.Translate the following passage into Chinese. (45%)