
花木兰故事英文版3分钟Once upon a time in ancient China, there lived an aging warrior named Hua Mulan who had no sons to carry on his family's legacy. Instead, he had a young daughter named Mulan who was brave, intelligent, and skilled in the arts of combat. When the Hun invaders threatened the kingdom, the emperor issued a decree that each family must send one male to join the imperial army. Mulan's father, too old and frail to fight, was the only man in their household. Fearing for her father's life, Mulan made a daring decision. She disguised herself as a man and took her father's place in the army.Leaving behind her family and the village she knew, Mulan journeyed to the military camp where she underwent grueling training alongside fellow recruits. She proved herself to be a formidable warrior, excelling in combat skills and strategy. Her comrades, unaware of her true identity, grew to respect her for her valor and leadership on the battlefield. Years passed as Mulan fought bravely against the Hun forces, her identity remaining a closely guarded secret.In a climactic battle, Mulan's quick thinking and selflessness turned the tide of the war. She devised a cunning plan that led to the defeatof the Hun army, saving countless lives and securing victory for the empire. Her heroic actions did not go unnoticed, and the emperor himself summoned her to the palace for an audience.It was then that Mulan revealed her true identity as a woman, much to the astonishment of all present. The emperor, moved by her courage and unwavering dedication, bestowed upon her the highest military honors and praised her as a true warrior and savior of the kingdom.Mulan's story became a legendary tale of bravery, sacrifice, and the resilience of the human spirit. Her actions transcended gender norms and inspired generations to come, reminding all that greatness lies not in one's outward appearance, but in the strength of one's character and the depth of one's determination.。

花木兰介绍英语作文1Mulan is a legendary figure whose story has inspired countless people. Born in a humble family, Mulan faced a difficult situation when her father was called to serve in the army due to the war. Despite the traditional expectations for women at that time, Mulan made a courageous decision to disguise herself as a man and join the army in place of her father.During her time in the military, Mulan displayed extraordinary bravery and wisdom. She trained hard, mastered various battle skills, and quickly adapted to the harsh environment of the army. In battles, she was not afraid of the enemy's fierce attacks and always charged forward bravely. Her excellent military strategies and leadership abilities also made her respected and trusted by her comrades-in-arms.After many battles and hardships, Mulan led her troops to victory and finally returned home with glory. Her story not only showcases her personal courage and determination but also reflects the value of family love and loyalty. Mulan's spirit has become a symbol of strength and perseverance, encouraging people to face difficulties bravely and pursue their dreams without fear.2Mulan is a remarkable figure in Chinese history. Her story hasinspired countless people throughout the ages. Mulan was known for her exceptional bravery. When her father was too old and weak to join the army, she stepped up without hesitation, disguising herself as a man and facing the challenges of war. This act alone demonstrated her fearless determination and selfless dedication to her family.She was also highly intelligent and resourceful. During the battles, she was able to come up with ingenious strategies to outwit the enemy. For instance, when the troops were in a difficult situation, Mulan analyzed the terrain and the enemy's movements, and then devised a plan that led to their victory.Mulan's kindness and filial piety were equally outstanding. She took on the burden of going to war not only to protect her family but also out of love and respect for her father. Her actions showed that she placed family above everything else.In conclusion, Mulan's bravery, intelligence, kindness, and filial piety make her an exemplary role model. Her story reminds us of the importance of these qualities in our own lives and encourages us to face difficulties with courage and wisdom.3In ancient China, during a time of frequent wars and turmoil, Hua Mulan found herself in a society where women were often confined to domestic roles. However, the escalating warfare posed a great threat to thesecurity and stability of the nation. Men were conscripted into the army in large numbers, and the frontlines desperately needed more soldiers.In this context, women's social status was severely limited. They were expected to stay at home, manage household affairs, and have no say in matters outside the family. But Hua Mulan, a courageous and determined young woman, defied these conventional expectations.The intensifying battles and the urgent need for defenders of the homeland led her to make a bold decision. She chose to disguise herself as a man and join the army, taking on the arduous task of protecting her country and people. This was an extraordinary act that went against the norms of the time.Hua Mulan's story is not only a tale of bravery but also a powerful statement against the restrictions placed on women. Her actions demonstrated that with courage and determination, one could overcome societal barriers and make significant contributions, regardless of gender.4In Chinese history, there are many traditional female images. However, Mulan stands out distinctively. Take the typical image of a woman who was submissive and confined to the household duties for example. They were expected to be obedient and focus only on domestic affairs. But Mulan broke this stereotype. She bravely took up arms and joined the army in place of her father. This act not only demonstrated herfilial piety but also her courage and determination to challenge the traditional gender roles. Another common female image might be one who was weak and dependent on men. In contrast, Mulan showed her independence and strength. She proved that women could be as capable and brave as men on the battlefield. Mulan's story is not just about heroism; it's a powerful statement against the constraints imposed on women in ancient times. Her uniqueness lies in her defiance of conventions and her pursuit of personal value and honor. Mulan has become an inspiring symbol for generations, encouraging women to break free from the shackles of traditional expectations and strive for their dreams.5Mulan is a remarkable figure whose story has endured through the ages. Her tale is not just a narrative of the past but holds significant inspirations and values for our modern society.Mulan's decision to disguise herself as a man and join the army on behalf of her father showcases extraordinary bravery and a sense of responsibility. In today's world, where challenges are diverse and complex, such courage is essential. For instance, in the face of the global pandemic, countless healthcare workers, like modern-day Mulans, stepped forward fearlessly, risking their own well-being to save the lives of others.Her determination to overcome difficulties and fulfill her duties despite the odds reminds us that we should not shy away from ourresponsibilities. When confronted with academic stress or career setbacks, we can draw strength from Mulan's story and persevere.Mulan's story also emphasizes the importance of breaking gender stereotypes. It encourages both men and women to pursue their dreams and goals without being limited by societal expectations.In conclusion, Mulan's spirit of bravery and responsibility continues to inspire us to be courageous, take on our duties, and strive for a better world.。

花木兰儿童英文演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,。
I am honored to stand here today to talk about the inspiring story of Mulan, the legendary Chinese heroine. Mulan is a character who has been admired and celebrated for centuries, and her story continues to resonate with people of all ages around the world.Mulan was a brave and courageous young woman who disguised herself as a man to take her father's place in the army. She did this out of love for her family and a strong sense of duty and honor. Mulan's story teaches us the importance of courage, determination, and sacrifice. She faced many challenges and obstacles, but she never gave up. Instead, she persevered and ultimately succeeded in her mission to protect her family and her country.One of the most important lessons we can learn from Mulan's story is the value of standing up for what is right, even when it is difficult or risky. Mulan defied traditional gender roles and societal expectations to do what she believed was the right thing. Her actions remind us that we should always follow our hearts and have the courage to pursue our dreams, no matter what others may think.Mulan's story also teaches us the importance of resilience and adaptability. She had to endure grueling training and face the dangers of war, all while maintaining her disguise and concealing her true identity. Despite the many challenges she faced, Mulan remained strong and focused, never losing sight of her goals. Her determination and resilience are qualities that we can all aspire to.Furthermore, Mulan's story highlights the power of love and the strength of family bonds. She was willing to risk her own life to protect her father and bring honor to her family. Her selflessness and devotion serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of cherishing and supporting our loved ones.In conclusion, Mulan's story is a timeless tale of bravery, sacrifice, and the triumph of the human spirit. Her example continues to inspire people of all ages, and her legacywill live on for generations to come. As we reflect on Mulan's remarkable journey, let us be inspired to embrace courage, stand up for what is right, and cherish the bonds of love and family. Thank you.。

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As a famous Chinese heroine, her story spread across China, encouraged the latter women. If you love enough and have courage enough, you can accomplish anything, no matter how impossible it might seem.
The story of Hua Mulan
• 唧唧复唧唧,木兰当户织。不闻机杼声,惟闻女叹息。问女何所思,问女何所忆。女 亦无所思,女亦无所忆。 昨夜见军帖,可汗大点兵,军书十二卷,卷卷有爷名。阿爷无大儿,木兰无长兄,愿 为市鞍马,从此替爷征。 东市买骏马,西市买鞍鞯,南市买辔头,北市买长鞭。旦辞爷娘去,暮宿黄河边,不 闻爷娘唤女声,但闻黄河流水鸣溅溅。旦辞黄河去,暮至黑山头,不闻爷娘唤女声, 但闻燕山胡骑鸣啾啾。 万里赴戎机,关山度若飞。朔气传金柝,寒光照铁衣。将军百战死,壮士十年归。 归来见天子,天子坐明堂。策勋十二转,赏赐百千强。可汗问所欲,木兰不用尚书郎; 愿驰千里足,送儿还故乡。 爷娘闻女来,出郭相扶将;阿姊闻妹来,当户理红妆;小弟闻姊来,磨刀霍霍向猪羊。 开我东阁门,坐我西阁床,脱我战时袍,著我旧时裳(cháng),当窗理云鬓,对镜帖花 黄。出门看火伴,火伴皆惊忙:同行十二年,不知木兰是女郎。 雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离;双兔傍地走,安能辨我是雄雌? •
Mulan fought for many year. In all that time, no one knew that Mulan was a woman.

Long ago, a girl named Mulan lived with her mother and father in a small village in the land of Wei in Northern China. One morning,after returning from her daily visit to the market, Mulan saw a crowd of people outside the village meeting place.
Mulan raced home to her father. "You cannot go, father!"Mulan cried."Your wounds have not healed from the last war.""Daughter," Father replied."Would you have me dishonor our family? I must go." "No.I must,"Mulan said bravely.
Dressed like a soldier, Mulan joined the men assembled at the village meeting place and registered for her family. No one realized Mulan was a girl. She fooled them all and marched off to battle with the others.
After a few weeks at home, Mulan was back in women's clothes. She had forgotten her life as a soldier. One day, Mulan went to answer the door. It was the General.

花木兰故事英文版Once upon a time, in the ancient kingdom of China, there lived a young girl named Mulan. She was a spirited and adventurous girl who loved nothing more than to ride her horse and explore the vast countryside. But Mulan lived in a time when women were not expected to be adventurous or to have any aspirations beyond marriage and motherhood.As the only daughter of a respected warrior, Mulan's father was determined to find a suitable husband for his daughter. But Mulan had no interest in marriage. She dreamed of something greater, something that would allow her to prove her worth and bring honor to her family's name.One day, the emperor's messengers came to Mulan's village to declare that the Huns, a barbaric tribe from the north, had invaded China. The emperor called upon all able-bodied men to join the imperial army and defend the kingdom.Mulan's father, being a warrior himself, was eager to answer the call of duty. But he was also old and frail, and Mulan knew that he would not survive the rigors of war. Determined to protect her father and bring honor to her family's name, Mulan made a bold decision. She would disguise herself as a man and join the army in her father's place.Mulan cut off her long hair, put on a man's clothing, and took on the name "Fa Zhou." She practiced day and night to master the skills of a warrior, including swordplay, archery, and horseback riding. Finally, the day came when the army set out for the front lines. Mulan, disguised as a man, was among them.As they marched north, Mulan proved herself to be a brave and skilled warrior. She fought alongside her comrades, never revealing her true identity. She earned the respect of her fellow soldiers and even caught the eye of her commander, Captain Li Shang.In battle after battle, Mulan distinguished herself as a brave and resourceful warrior. She used her wits and cunning to outsmart the Huns and help turn the tide of the war in China's favor. As the war dragged on, Mulan became more and more aware of the toll it was taking on her comrades. She saw men dying around her, and she knew that she was helping to keep them safe.But as the war neared its end, Mulan's secret was threatened with exposure. One day, while she was tending to a wounded soldier, her fellow soldiers discovered her true identity. Shocked and disbelieving, they threatened to turn her in to the authorities.It was then that Captain Li Shang stepped forward. He had known Mulan's secret for some time but had kept silent out of respect for her bravery and determination. He begged his fellow soldiers to spare Mulan's life and allow her to continue fighting alongside them. Slowly, they relented, and Mulan was allowed to remain in the army.With the war over, the emperor himself praised Mulan for her bravery and heroism. She was offered a high rank in the imperial army, but she declined. Mulan knew that her true calling was not in the army but in serving her family and her people. She returned home to her village, where she was greeted as a hero.In the end, Mulan's sacrifice had brought honor to her family's name, andshe had proven that women were just as capable as men of defending their country and their loved ones. Her story became legendary, inspiring generations of young women to follow in her footsteps and pursue their dreams, no matter what obstacles lay in their path.【参考译文】在很久很久以前,中国古老的王国里,有一位名叫花木兰的年轻女孩。

花木兰英文演讲稿Title: The Legend of Mulan - A Story Beyond TimeLadies and gentlemen, esteemed guests,Today, I stand before you to share a tale that transcends time and borders, a narrative that has inspired generations with its message of courage, loyalty, and the indomitable spirit of humanity. This is the story of Hua Mulan, a heroine whose name resonates through history not only in her native China but across the globe, thanks to her remarkable journey from an ordinary girl to a legendary warrior.In ancient China, during a period marked by constant warfare and upheaval, a young girl named Mulan lived with her aging father and two younger brothers in a small village. Despite being born into a family of scholars, where traditional gender roles dictated women to tend to household affairs while men pursued military glory, Mulan's heart yearned for something more. She was a skilled archer, horseback rider, and strategist, qualities that set her apart in a society that seldom recognized female valor on the battlefield.When the emperor issued a decree demanding one man from each household to serve in the army to defend their homeland against northern invaders, Mulan's world wasturned upside down. Her father, old and frail, volunteered despite his physical limitations, driven by a sense of duty and honor. Unable to bear the thought of losing her father, Mulan made the audacious decision to disguise herself as a man and take his place, risking not just her life but also her very identity.This act of bravery, though born out of love and necessity, set off a chain reaction of trials and tribulations. Mulan's journey was fraught with danger, deception, and self-discovery. On the battlefield, she proved herself to be not just equal but superior to many of her male counterparts, earning the respect and admiration of her comrades. Through guerrilla tactics, cunning strategies, and unwavering resolve, Mulan emerged victorious in countless battles, ultimately leading her troops to triumph over the enemy and securing peace for her country.But Mulan's greatest victory lay not in her martial prowess but in shattering societal norms and challenging the perception of what it meant to be a hero. Her story became a symbol of filial piety, self-sacrifice, and the belief that true strength lies within the heart and mind, regardless of one's gender or appearance. It was only after her true identity was revealed, following a visit from the emperor himself, that herfull impact on Chinese culture and beyond began to unfold.Today, Mulan's legacy endures through various adaptations in literature, film, and art, most famously Disney's animated film "Mulan," which introduced her story to a global audience. Yet, beneath these modern retellings lies a profound truth: Mulan represents the power of individuality, the importance of breaking free from constraints imposed by society, and the enduring human capacity for courage and compassion.In sharing Mulan's story, we are reminded that heroes come in all forms, often defying expectations and defying the odds. We are encouraged to look beyond the surface, recognizing that true strength is multifaceted and can manifest in acts of kindness, intelligence, and the willingness to fight for what is right, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles.Ultimately, Hua Mulan's tale is a testament to the universal values of love, sacrifice, and perseverance, values that continue to inspire us to this day. As we navigate our own challenges and strive towards a future where equality and understanding prevail, let us remember the lessons of Mulan: that courage knows no gender, that greatness lies within us all,and that even in the darkest of times, a spark of light can ignite change.Thank you.。

Mulan is a brave and tenacious female warrior in Chinese history. She disguised herself as a man and went to the front to fight in the place of her father. With her outstanding military skills, she gradually became a heroic figure in the eyes of her comrades. Finally, after the war, she was praised and rewarded by the emperor for her outstanding contributions to the country. She has become an iconic figure in Chinese history and is respected and admired by the people.
花木兰 英文故事

花木兰英文故事花木兰(Hua Mulan)is a legendary heroine from ancient China, who is best known for her bravery and loyalty. The story of Mulan spread far and wide, and she became a symbol of courage, filial piety, and national pride.Here is the story of Hua Mulan in English:Mulan lived during the time of the Northern Wei Dynasty (424-534 AD). Her father was an elderly veteran, and she had no older brothers. When the emperor issued an order to recruit soldiers to fight against the enemy, Mulan's father was once again called to serve. However, he was too old and sick to fight. Seeing her father's dilemma, Mulan decided to take his place and disguise herself as a man to join the army.Mulan bought a horse, saddle, bridle, and whip from the markets and set off on her journey. She traveled through mountains and rivers, enduring the harsh conditions of the military camp. For years, she fought alongside her fellow soldiers, showing exceptional bravery and skill in battle. Her true identity was never discovered, and she became a hero among the troops.After winning the war, Mulan was praised by the emperor, who offered her rich rewards. However, Mulan declined the offer of a government position and asked only for a swift horse to return home. The emperor, impressed by her loyaltyand filial piety, granted her request.When Mulan returned home, her parents were overjoyed to see her alive and well. Her fellow villagers hailed her as a hero, and her story became a legend that was passed down through generations.The story of Hua Mulan has been adapted into various forms, including films, plays, and books. She remains a popular figure in Chinese culture and serves as an inspiration for people worldwide.。

Long ago, a girl named Mulan lived with her mother and father in a small village in the land of Wei in Northern China. One morning,after returning from her daily visit to the market, Mulan saw a crowd of people outside the village meeting place.
"You taught me to handle a sword," Mulan argued."You knowl can fight!" "Enough!" Father said."Go prepare supper. I'm leaving in the morning, and I need to eat well tonight."Mulan walked away from her father, disappointed but determined.
The people were reading a poster that said: Official Decree from the Emperor. We are being attacked from the south. The emperor orders one male from each household to report for military duty at dawn. No exceptions!
Later that night, Mulan cut off her long hair. She washed the powder and rouge off her face.Before dawn, Mulan stole her father's armor and slipped out of the house.

花木兰英语简介简短1.花木兰英文简介带翻译HuaMulanisaheroinewhotooktheplaceofherfatherandjoinedthearm y,describedinafamousChinesepoemknownastheBalladofMulan.Itis unknownwhetherthestoryhasanyfactualbasis.Thepoemwaswrittend uringtheNorthernWeidynasty,andfirstrecordedintheMusicalReco rdsofOldandNewfromSouthernandNorthernDynasties. AccordingthedescriptionoftheBalladofMulan,thekhanofNorthern dynastyorderedtorecruitforthearmytowardoffincursionsbytheRo urannomads.Herfatherneedtoperformobligation.Howere,herfatherissooldthathecouldnotbearsufferingfromthebi tterness,andshehasn'tanelderbrothertogoandfight.SoMulandeci dedtodisguisedherselfintoamantojointhearmyinsteadofherfathe r.Manyyearslater,thebattlewasover.Inviewofhermilitaryexploit, theKhanofNortherndynastyofferedMulanahighofficialposition,b utsheturneddownthepositiontoreturntoherfamily.Shemadeuphers elfaftercomingbackhome.Whenherformercomradesvisitedherathom e,theywereshockedtoseeherdressedasawoman. HuaMulanhasbeenhighlyrespectedasafilialdaughterbytheChinese peopleforhundredsofyears,eventhoughherstorymightbenomorethanalegend.In1998,herstorywasadaptedforananimatedcartooninaDi sneyamusementcenterintheUnitedStates,totheacclaimofallovert heworld.花木兰是中国著名古诗《木兰辞》中描绘的一位代父从军的巾帼英雄,其真实性不详。

花木兰故事英文版Once upon a time in China there was a young girl named Mulan. Mulan was the only child of a widowed father. Despite her father's best efforts to educate her according to the traditional standards of her time, Mulan was disobedient and independent-minded.When she was 16 years old, the Chinese Emperor declared that one man from each family must enlist in the Imperial Army to protect their country from Hull invasion. Mulan heard the call, but she knew that her weak father could not handle the burden of military duty, so she made a decision that would change her life forever.Mulan decided to take her father's place in the Imperial Army. She disguised herself as a man and joined the Imperial Army. For twelve years, Mulan fought bravely and honorably as a soldier in the Imperial Army. She soon earned the respect and admiration of her peers for her courage and skill on the battlefield.Eventually, the Emperor found out about Mulan's true identity and requested an audience with her. Mulan was granted an honorable discharge from the Imperial Army and rewarded with high honors for her valiant service.Mulan returned home to her father and finally received the respect and admiration she deserved. Her bravery and courage on the battlefield became a symbol of strength for generations to come.。

(English):Hua Mulan, a legendary Chinese woman from antiquity, is etched deeply in the hearts of the Chinese people for her bravery, wisdom, and unwavering loyalty. Her tale of taking her father's place in the army, enduring for millennia, continues to be celebrated by generations, with its timeless essence remaining evergreen.Paragraph 2 (Chinese):花木兰生活在南北朝时期的北方,当时战乱频发,朝廷颁布法令,每家须有一名男丁应征入伍。
(English):Living in Northern China during the chaotic Northern and Southern Dynasties period, when wars were rampant and edicts mandated each household provide a male member for conscription, Mulan found herself facing a dire situation.With her father aged and infirm, and her brother too young, she resolutely chose to disguise herself as a man to take her father's place in the army. This act exemplified her profound affection for family and selfless dedication to the nation.Paragraph 3 (Chinese):在军营中,花木兰凭借过人的胆识与武艺,历经重重考验,赢得了战友们的尊重与信任。

花木兰英语故事短文Mulan is a brave and tenacious girl. She was born in a poor family and her father was the only breadwinner. One day, her father was drafted into the army to go to war. At that time, the enemy was very fierce and the army needed more soldiers. Mulan's father was old and his health was not good, so he was worried that he might not survive the war. Mulan saw her father's distress and decided to go to war instead of her father.Mulan put on her father's armor and took his sword to the battlefield. Although she was a woman, she was as brave as a man. She fought bravely on the battlefield and showed outstanding performance. She fought so well that everyone respected her bravery and leadership. During the war, Mulan saved many people's lives and was awarded many honors.After the war, Mulan came back to her family and lived a happy life with her family. Her father was very happy that he could see his daughter become such a brave and outstanding woman. Mulan's story became a famous legend in China and was later made into movies and TV dramas. Her story has become an inspiration to manypeople, showing that a person should not be limited by their gender, but should break through all obstacles and restrictions to achieve their dreams.翻译:花木兰是一个勇敢而坚韧的女孩。

花木兰故事英文版简短Mulan Story (Short Version):Once upon a time in ancient China, there lived a young girl named Mulan. She was strong, brave, and loved her family deeply. However, her family was facing a great challenge, as the emperor had ordered one man from each family to join the army to fight against an invading army.Mulan's father, being old and sick, could not go to war. Worried about her father's safety and wanting to protect her family's honor, Mulan decided to disguise herself as a man and take her father's place in the army.Dressed as a warrior, Mulan trained hard and became a skilled soldier, earning the respect of her comrades. She fought bravely in many battles, always proving her worth and courage.One day, during a fierce battle, Mulan's true identity was revealed when she was injured. The general, who had also grown fond of Mulan, was surprised and impressed by her dedication and bravery.In the end, Mulan's bravery and determination helped the Chinese army defeat the invaders. The emperor himself honored her with many awards and gifts. However, Mulan politely declined the rewards and returned home to her family.When Mulan arrived home, her family was overjoyed to see her safe and sound. Mulan reunited with her father, who was proud of his daughter's bravery. She told them about her journey and thebattles she fought in, inspiring everyone with her incredible tale. Mulan's story became a legendary tale of courage, determination, and true love for one's family. Even today, Mulan is remembered as a heroic figure who proved that women could be just as capable and brave as any man.。

花木兰故事英语版Once upon a time in ancient China, there lived a brave young woman named Mulan. Mulan was the daughter of an honorable warrior, but she did not conform to the traditional role of women in society. Instead of focusing on household chores and marriage, Mulan yearned for adventure and longed to protect her family and country.One day, news arrived that the Emperor needed every family to provide one man to join the army and defend the kingdom against invaders. Mulan"s father, being older and injured, had no choice but to answer the Emperor"s call. Deeply worried for her father"s safety, Mulan made a daring decision. She decided to disguise herself as a man and take his place in the army. With great determination and courage, Mulan trained alongside other soldiers, never revealing her true identity. Despite facing challenges and hardships, she proved herself to be a skilled warrior, excelling in both combat and strategy. Mulan gained the respect and admiration of her fellow soldiers and even her commanding officer, Captain Li Shang.During their mission, Mulan and her comrades faced a powerful enemy force led by the ruthless Shan Yu. Through her quick thinking and bravery, Mulan played a pivotal role indefeating the enemy and saving her fellow soldiers. However, her secret was eventually discovered when she was wounded in battle.To everyone"s surprise, instead of punishing Mulan for breaking the law, the Emperor recognized her extraordinary courage and loyalty. Mulan returned home as a hero, having proved that women are just as capable as men in defending their country. She had not only protected her family but also brought honor to her name and inspired countless others.The story of Mulan teaches us about the importance of determination, bravery, and staying true to oneself. It shows that anyone, regardless of gender or societal expectations, can achieve greatness through their actions and noble intentions. Mulan"s legend continues to inspire people around the world, reminding us of the power of courage and the strength within each individual.。

花木兰简介篇一Mulan (412 years - 502 years), the story of Mulan spread so far, the ancient Chinese heroes, loyalty filial piety, on behalf of the father defeated the invasion of the nation and spread through the ages, the Tang Dynasty emperor chase as Xiaolie general.Mulan story of the spread, should be attributed to the Mulan this folk song, but Mulan#39;s surname, place of origin, history books are not sure.Mulan is a variety of literary and artistic works by the performance of the film, drama, opera and opera.花木兰历史背景篇二During the Northern Wei Dynasty, the northern nomadic people Rouran family continue to harass the south, the Northern Wei regime provides for a man on the front line. But Mulan#39;s father is old and frail and sick, can not go to the battlefield, the younger brother is still young, so, Mulan decided to father for the army, from the beginning of her more than ten years of military life. To go to the border to fight, for many men are hard things, and Mulan both to conceal the identity, but also with the partners to fight the enemy, which is more difficult than the general people of the army! Fortunately, Mulan eventually completed Own mission, in a few decades after the triumphant home. The emperor because of her meritorious, pardoned the crime of bullying, and that she has the ability to serve in the court, served as an official half-time.However, Mulan because the father needs to take care of the refusal, ask the emperor to let himself back Township, to compensate and honor their parents.For thousands of years, Mulan has been a respect for the Chinese women, because she is brave and simple. In 1998, the United States Disney company will Mulan story adapted into a cartoon, by the world#39;s welcome.Mulan poetry was included in the middle school textbooks, was tens of thousands of people chanting generations. Mulan deeds and the image was put on the stage, lingering. Her spirit inspired thousands of Chinese children to defend the country, can be weeping.Historical controversyMulan#39;s surname, place of origin, etc., history books are not sure, therefore, Magnolia dispute on behalf of the past. Where is her hometown in history?Xu Peng in 1962 published in the 97th issue of Chinese space selection in the article Mulan pointed out: on the Mulan#39;s surname and place of origin ... ... Some people say that she is Qiaojun people, some people say that she is Songzhou people, Some people say she is Huangzhou people, some people say she is Shangqiu people.Sui Gong Emperor Yi Ning years, the Turkic side, Mulan disguised as men, on behalf of the father, the battle of the battlefield twelve, repeatedly built meritorious service, no one found that she is a woman, back to the post, the seal for the book. Tang Dynasty chase as general Xiaolie, set the temple to commemorate.Magnolia Temple was built in the Tang Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty Taihe years (AD 1201 - 1208), Dun Wu Wei Wei Guodu Guoli County camp Guozhen wine are supervised Wulin Aso and then rebuilt the hall, Between, and created a magnolia like flowers. To the Yuan Dynasty two years (AD 一叁34), the monument existing Magnolia Temple Hall. Suiyang government Yin Liang thinking of the initiative, fund-raising 2,500 well, rebuilt expansion. Qing Jiaqing eleven years (AD 1807), the monument existing Magnolia Temple Hall, by the temple monk Kennedy, Kennedy Branch and its deity field, Tian Zhen, Tian Song, etc., and fundraising repair temple monument. As the ancient rebuild, Temple Yu covers an area of 10,000 square meters, the temple of more than four hundred acres, living monks more than ten people.Unfortunately, this ancient temple, destroyed in 1943 war. Surviving temple monument two pass. First, the Yuan Dynasty, filial piety general like mind monument, standing in the temple on the eastern side of the door. Monument for the bluestone, through the high 3.6 meters, 1 meter wide, the monument is both before and after the deep relief of the two dragon clouds in the play beads, symmetrical layout, generous shape. Zhuanzhang title filial piety general hall like to distinguish in mind, monument engraved on both sides of the pattern, the top with exaggerated wave temperature of the way, engraved with two dragon opera beads, leading large and realistic, dragon Jane Jane and small, into the clouds, vivid and wonderful The Both sides of the carved peony pattern, lively and lively lines, simple and impressive. Inscription is 31 lines, full 68 words, the book fine, vigorous and vigorous. Turtle seat high 0.7 meters, turtle-shaped straight tail, limbs half song, seems like lying, lifelike. Inscription under the paragraph: Yuan Dynasty Yuan two years, ancestral home to Germany Tang De Li stone, Hou made the author, Caozhou Li Kejun, Li Ying carved stone. This monument by the expert identification, is indeed the real thing of the Yuan Dynasty stone. In 1982, by the provincial bureau funding, but also rebuilt the monument, the top for the car, steeple spine, the tile angle, 一⑦ layer eaves, front and rear garden door, simple and elegant, monument built around the wall. Another pass is the Qing Dynasty, Xiaolie general identification of the name of mind monument, stand in the temple outside the door on the west side. Height 2.14 meters, width 0.78 meters, square seat, monument engraved with deep relief Panlong, seal character title, inscription is the book, return to the government Shangqiu County Xiang Sheng Meng Yuqing author, owned by the government Shangqiu County students Meng Yuhe book Dan, Work Zhang holding jade carving stone. In 1993, Yucheng County held the first session of China Mulan Culture Festival. China#39;s famous historian gathered in Shangqiu, together with the analysis of the Mulan speech content and the remaining records of the monument. Agreed that the hometown of Mulan in Yucheng, has been conclusive no doubt.Historical recordsYuan Hou Hou made filial piety General Temple as a symbol of the monument on the text is still clearly visible.Filial piety General Temple as a symbol of stone, inscriptions with Mulan full poem. The inscription began to say: General Wei, the son of the name of Mulan ... ... Suiyang territory south, east of eighty miles said the profile, that is, the ancient Bo domain, filial piety of the ruins also. To be on April 8 to worship, is the military students. According to Shangqiu County, the eleven records: Mulan surnamed Wei, the son of the child. Khan Khan recruiting, Magnolia#39;s father to win, brother and sister All over the ages, read the eight war, people Mo know the. After the Kay also, the emperor Jia Qi Gong. In addition to the book is not subject, the performance of the song And the proprietress, and the maids, and their servants, and their servants. In accordance with the Shangqiu County Zhili female Volume 11 records: Mulan Wei name, the child also. Khan Khan recruiting, Magnolia#39;s father to win, brother and sister are Juzhi stay. Generous on behalf of the line, take armor arrows. Jumping horse and go, over the years, read the eight war, people Mo know. After the Kay also, the emperor Jia its power. In addition to the book is not subject, Its gifted clothes, the clothes of the old Sang. Peer who hack, then the matter in the DPRK.Magnolia TempleRecall to Que, want to accommodate the palace. Mulan said: #39;Chen no comparable to the ceremony#39; to swear to swear, forcing from, then commit suicide. The emperor know the truth and then want to call her into the harem, but Mulan Ning death from suicide Death, the emperor was shocked, so the pursuit of Mulan generals title. Henan Yucheng still built Magnolia Temple, Temple in the Mulan like, and survived two temple monument, one is the Yuan Dynasty, filial piety, , The second is the Qing Dynasty, filial piety general name correct mind monument, the local folklore and songs also left the story of Mulan army.Sui Dynasty, China appeared a woman disguised as a heroine hero, which is well-known Mulan. Descendants in order to sacrifice her, in its hometown Yucheng County camp Guo town built Mulan Temple. The temple was built in the Tang Dynasty, and after repeated rebuilding expansion. To the Qing Dynasty, an area of more than 10,000 square meters. The original temple has the door, the hall, offering the temple, after the building and the room, monks living room and so on more than one hundred rooms. Inside and outside the wall, planted with tall Tanghuai cypress. Gate aisle, there are statues of the magnolia of the magnolia, according to the statue of flowers Mulan family. There are more than ten generations of celebrities inside and outside the ancestral hall, officials praise the Mulan poetry, calligraphy and painting inscriptions. Tang Dynasty famous poet Du Muhua poem: bow bow for men, the dream had with the thrush. A few days to return to the wine, whisk clouds on the blessing. Qing Dynasty Zhaqi Chang poem reads: Pa bow bow out of the post, roll Zhang camp Guo mind monument. Girl left the flower name, the age of spring breeze was blowing.The original temple destroyed in 1943 war. Now stone two pass. First, the Yuan Dynasty filial piety general temple as proof monument, standing in the temple on the eastern side of the door, 3.6 meters high, wide l meter, in 1982 and rebuilt the monument, the top for the car, steeple, Pick angle, seventeen layers of eaves, front and rear garden door, simple and elegant. First, the Qing Dynasty, filial piety general hall of the fame of the name of the name monument, stand in the temple on the west side of the door, 2.14 meters high, 0.78 meters wide, monument Square team two monument is the main content of the examination of the era of magnanimous, home , Deeds and Magnolia Temple, Magnolia and so on.According to the inscription, return to the government and the Tang Dynasty since the literature analysis, Mulan no surname flowers, but surnamed Wei, named Mulan, was born in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, died in the Sui Dynasty. Hometown in Yucheng Camp Guo North Wei Zhuang (this waste). Northern Zhou Dynasty can be raised soldiers, this is the Mulan father was levy, but he was frail, difficult to apply. And the only one can replace his magnolia brother and young. Helpless, Mulan disguised as men, on behalf of the father from the army. Battle of the battlefield for twelve years, repeated legislation exploits. Since the border back, the Northern Zhou Dynasty has died, met with the Sui Dynasty Emperor. The emperor sealed her for the book, she refused to grant. After returning home, take off the military uniform, put on old clothes, and now the daughter really face. After the court heard the smell, call her people Beijing, want to accept her as Princess, Magnolia to death refused.According to today#39;s people still have research and development, spread through the ages, well-known Mulan poetry, the Department of Mulan according to their own experience written. Tang Dynasty Mulan for the generals, posthumous filial piety, and in its former residence to commemorate the temple.Burial groundMulan Temple was built in the Tang Dynasty, Kim Tae-tai years (1201 years - 1208 years), Dun Wu Wei Wei to the government (now Valley County (now Shangqiu City Yucheng County) camp Guozhen wine supervision Wulin (一叁34), Suiyang government Yin Liang Siwen initiative, fund-raising two thousand five hundred, rebuilt expansion. Qing Jiaqing. Eleven years (1807 years), by the temple monk Kennedy, Kennedy Branch and its field of deed, Tian Zhen, Tian Song, etc., and fund-raising repair temple monument.As the restoration of the past, Temple Yu covers an area of 10,000 square Meters, temple to more than four hundred acres, more than ten people living monks.。

Hua Mulan is a legendary figure in Chinese history and folklore. She is famous for disguising herself as a man to take her father's place in the army in order to defend China from invaders. Mulan is depicted as a brave, determined, and skilled warrior who excelled in combat and earned the respect of her fellow soldiers. She is a symbol of gender equality, courage, and filial piety in Chinese culture. The story of Mulan has been retold and adapted in various forms of literature, theater, and film, and continues to inspire people around the world.
花木兰 英文短文

花木兰英文短文Hua Mulan is a legendary heroine in Chinese culture.用法:作为名词形式,表示中国传统文化中的一个英雄人物,也用于电视剧、电影、故事等文学作品中。
1. Hua Mulan was a brave warrior who disguised herself asa man to fight in the army.花木兰是一个勇敢的战士,她假扮男人入伍参战。
2. The story of Hua Mulan has been adapted into various forms of media such as movies, TV shows, and even an animated Disney film.花木兰的故事被改编成了各种形式的媒体,如电影、电视节目,甚至还有一部迪士尼动画电影。
3. Hua Mulan is a symbol of bravery and resilience in Chinese culture.花木兰是中国文化中勇气和韧性的象征。
4. Hua Mulan's story has inspired many girls and women to be brave and independent.花木兰的故事激励许多女孩和女性勇敢独立。
5. Hua Mulan's legend dates back to ancient China, and it continues to be retold and revered today.花木兰的传说可以追溯到古代中国,并且至今仍在被重复讲述和崇敬。
6. Hua Mulan's bravery and determination have made her an iconic figure in Chinese culture.花木兰的勇气和决心使她成为中国文化中的标志性人物。
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PART 1[Chinese guard is seen walking on The Great Wall. Shan-Yu's falcon swoopsdown and hits the guard on the head knocking his helmet off. The falcon landson top of a flag pole in front of a full moon and lets out a large cry. Onegrappling hook comes over The Great Wall. The guard walks over to the edgeand sees many grappling hooks coming towards him]Guard [yelling]: We're under attack! Light the signal![Guard runs to the tower and up the ladder as Hun Bald Man #1 and Hun LongHair Man appear trying to stop him. Hun Bald Man #1 breaks the ladder withhis sword just as Guard reaches the top. The guard picks up the torch tolight the fire and sees Shan-Yu jump over the edge of the tower and looks athim across from the caldron. The guard throws the torch into the caldronlighting a large fire. Shan-Yu watches as each tower lights their caldronsone by one]Guard [sternly]: Now all of China knows you're here.Shan-Yu [taking the flag and holding it over the fire]: Perfect.[Cut to the palace. The large doors to the central chamber open as General Liwalks in flanked on his left and right by soldiers and approaches the Emperor. He bows, then looks up]General Li: Your Majesty, the Huns have crossed our Northern border.Chi Fu: Impossible! No one can get through The Great Wall. [The Emperormotions forChi Fu's silence]General Li: Shun-Yu is leading them. We'll set up defenses around yourpalace immediately.Emperor [forcefully]: No! Send your troops to protect my people. Chi Fu,Chi Fu: Yes, your highness.Emperor: Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces. Call upreserves and as many new recruits as possible.General Li: Forgive me your Majesty, but I believe my troops can stop him. Emperor: I wont take any chances, General. A single grain of rice can tipthe scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.[Cut to Mulan using her chopsticks to single out a grain of rice on top of themound of rice]Mulan: Quiet and demure...graceful...polite...[picking up some rice with herchopsticks and eating a mouthful] delicate...refined...poised... [She setsdown her chopsticks and writes down a final word on her right arm] punctual.[A cock crows] Aiya. [Calling out] Little brother. Little brother. Lit-ahhh, there you are. Who's the smartest doggie in the world? Come on smartboy, can you help me with my chores today?[Mulan ties a sack of grain around Little Brother's waist. She ties a stickonto Little brother so that end of it is in front of Little Brother's face. She ties the bone on the end of the stick just out of reach. Little Brotherbegins to run after the bone which he cannot reach. Mulan opens the door forLittle Brother and he runs into the door frame, then out the open door. Little brother runs by the chickens and Khan - the family horse][Cut to Mulan's Father, Fa Zhou, kneeling and praying before the Fa family'sancestors] Fa Zhou: Honorable ancestors, please help Mulan impress the matchmaker today. Little Brother [running into the temple and around Fa Zhou scattering grainaround the floor]: Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark.[The chickens follow Little Brother into the temple and begin to feed on thegrain]Fa Zhou: Please, PLEASE, help her.[Mulan steps up to the temple seeing Little Brother on his hind legs trying toget the bone. Mulan bends the stick down so that Little brother can reach thebone. Little brother gnaws on the bone happily. Mulan continues toward thetemple]Mulan [calling out]: Father I brought your--whoop! [Fa Zhou bumps into Mulan. The cup falls to the ground and Fa Zhou catches the teapot with the handle ofhis cane]Fa Zhou: Mulan--Mulan: I brought a spare. [Mulan pulls out a cup from underneath the back ofher dress and begins to pour the tea]Fa Zhou: Mulan--Mulan [hurried]: Remember, the doctor said three cups of tea in the morning--Fa Zhou: Mulan--Mulan: And three at night.Fa Zhou: Mulan, you should already be in town. We're counting on you to up-- Mulan: --uphold the family honor. Don't worry father. I wont let you down. [Mulan covers over the writing on her arm with here sleeve] Wish me luck. [Mulan hurries down the stairs]Fa Zhou [calling out]: Hurry! [to himself] I'm going to...pray some more.[Fa Zhou turns and walks back into the temple][Cut to the town with Fa Li looking worried]Bath Lady [poking out of her building]: Fa Li, is your daughter here yet? The matchmaker is not a patient woman. [She goes back into the building]Fa Li: Of all days to be late. I should have prayed to the ancestors forluck. Grandma Fa [walking in with a Cri-Kee in a cage]: How lucky can they be,they're dead. Besides, I've got all the luck we'll need. [Speaking toCri-Kee] This is your chance to prove yourself. [Cri-Kee chirps approvingly. Grandma Fa covers her eyes steps into a busy street]Fa Li [excitedly]: Grandma No![The traffic barely misses Grandma Fa as she crosses the busy street. But twohorse and carriage collide causing a big accident. She arrives at the otherside of the street, uncovers here eyes and looks at Cri-Kee]Grandma Fa: Yep, this cricket's a lucky one. [Cri-Kee falls over out offright]Fa Li [sighing in relief]: Hai.[Mulan arrives on Khan jumping over the recent accident in the street andjumps off with hay stuck in her hair]Mulan: I'm here. [Seeing a stern look from her mother] What? But Mama I hadto--Fa Li: None of your 'xcuses. Now let's get you cleaned up. [They walktogether into the preparation area][Song: Honor to us all]Bath Lady: [all the while Bath Lady undresses Mulan and pushes her into theBath]This is what you give me to work with?Well, honey, I've seen worse.We're gonna turn this sow's earInto a silk purse. [Bath Lady moves the silk partition aside showing Mulan inthe bath] Mulan [spoken]: It's freezing.Fa Li [spoken]: It would have been warm if you were here on time.Bath Lady [washing Mulan's hair]:We'll have youWashed and driedPrimped and polished till you glow with prideTrust my recipe for instant brideYou'll bring honor to us allFa Li [grabbing a sponge and Mulan's right arm to start cleaning her. Shenotices the writing] [spoken]: Mulan, what's this?Mulan [Drawing her arm back and batting her eyelashes] [spoken]: Ahh, notes,in case I forget something?Grandma Fa [spoken]: Here, hold this [hands the cricket to Fa Li]. We'llneed more luck than I thought. [Mulan looks on with an air of disappointment][Cut to the hair dressers]Hair Dresser 1 [Brushing and combing Mulan's hair much to Mulan's chagrin]:Wait and seeWhen we're throughHair Dresser 2:Boys will gladly go to war for youHair Dresser 1:With good fortuneHair Dresser 2 [Finalizing the hairdo to look exactly like hers]:And a great hairdo Both:You'll bring honor to us allFa Li and others: [Mulan following her Mother passes a xiangqi game andpauses to make an impressive move. Mulan has a smug look on her face when FaLi comes back anddrags Mulan away]A girl can bring her familyGreat honor in one wayBy striking a good matchAnd this could be the dayDresser 1 [Dresser 1, Dresser 2, and Fa Li dress Mulan]:Men want girls with good taste Dresser 2:CalmFa Li:ObedientDresser 1:Who work fast-pacedFa Li:With good breedingDresser 2 [Pulling the dress tight around her waist]:And a tiny waistMulan [expressing her waist being squeezed tight] [spoken]: huh.All Three:You'll bring honor to us allChorus: [Mulan follows Fa Li and sees boy stealing a doll from a girl. Mulangrabs the doll from the boy and returns it to its owner]We all must serve our EmperorWho guards us from the HunsA man by bearing armsA girl by bearing sonsMake-up Lady/Fa Li: [Putting on Mulan's face, powder, lipstick and eye liner][in a 3 person round] When we're through you can't failLike a lotus blossom soft and paleHow could any fellow say "No sale"You'll bring honor to us all[Make-Up Lady holds a mirror so Mulan can see her reflection. Not lookingpleased, Mulan takes her single, short bang and brings it down in front of herforehead and smiles]Fa Li [spoken. Fa Li places a hair comb in Mulan's hair]: There, you'reready. Grandma Fa [spoken]: Not yet! An apple for serenity [putting an apple inMulan's mouth]...A pendant for balance [places a yin-yang pendant under hersash] [sings] Beads of jade for beauty [putting beads around Mulan's neck]You must proudly show it[Grandma Fa raises her chin high with her hand]Now add a cricket just for luck [putting the cage with Cri-Kee under Mulan'ssash in the back. Cri-Kee doesn't look pleased]And even you can't blow itMulan: [Walking to catch up with the other maidens]AncestorsHear my pleaHelp me not to make a fool of meAnd to not uproot my fam'ly treeKeep my father standing tall Maidens and Mulan: [Mulan taking the parasol from Fal Li and running to fallin line with the other 4 maidens]Scarier than the undertakerWe are meeting our matchmakerAll T ownspeople:DestinyGuard our girlsAnd our future as it fast unfurlsPlease look kindly on these cultured pearlsEach a perfect porcelain dollMaiden #1: Please bring honor to usMaiden #2: Please bring honor to usMaiden #3: Please bring honor to usMaiden #4: Please bring honor to usMulan and Maidens: Please bring honor to us all![All Girls and Mulan arrive before the Matchmaker crouched down behind theirparasols. End of song]Matchmaker [looking at her clipboard]: Fa MulanMulan [Jumping up and raising her hand]: Present.Matchmaker: Speaking without permission.Mulan: Oops.Grandma Fa [to Fa Li]: Who spit in her bean curd?[Mulan walks into the Matchmaker's building with the Matchmaker followingbehind and closing the door]Matchmaker [looking over Mulan]: Huh, Hmm, too skinny. [Cri-Kee escapes fromhis cage.Mulan struggles to catch him] Hmph, not good for bearing sons. [Mulan puts Cri-Kee in her mouth when Matchmaker turns around to face her]Recite the final admonition. Mulan [nodding and smiling]: Mmm-Hmm. [T akes out fan and covers her mouth asshe spits out Cri-Kee] PtuMatchmaker: Well...Mulan [with dignity]: Fulfill your duties calmly and re...f--[looking at herarm with smeared writing] spectfully. Reflect before you snack [surprised,Mulan looks at her arm again] act. [now rapidly] This shall bring you honorand glory. [Fanning herself rapidly and sighing in relief] Huh.Matchmaker [snatches the fan and looks at it on both sides looking for notesnot finding any. Mulan smiles big when Matchmaker looks at her. Matchmakergrabs Mulan's right arm pulling her along while smearing the writing andleaving some ink on her hand] Hmmm, this way. Now, pour the tea [Pushing ateapot towards Mulan]. To please your future in-laws you must demonstrate asense of dignity [Matchmaker smears ink around her mouth. Mulan staring atMatchmaker pours some tea onto the table then notices her mistake and poursthe tea into the cup] and refinement. You must also be poised. [Mulannotices Cri-kee in the tea-cup as Matchmaker takes the cup]Mulan [quiet and timid]: Um, pardon me.Matchmaker: And silent! [Matchmaker sniffs the tea]Mulan [reaching and grabbing the teacup]: Could I just take that back...onemoment. [They struggle for the teacup and it turns over on Matchmaker and Cri-keejumps down matchmaker's dress]Matchmaker: Why you clumsy--[Matchmaker feels Cri-Kee in her dress and dancesaround] Wooo, woooo, wooooooo, [Matchmaker knocks over her pot of coals, andsits down on the coals. Matchmaker jumps around screaming] Ahhhhhhhhhhh [Mulan grabs her fan and briskly fans the charred area on Matchmaker's behindcausing it to flame up. Mulan looks surprised about her mistake][Cut to outside Matchmakers building showing Grandma Fa with much noise comingfrom Matchmaker's building]PART 2Grandma Fa [to Fa Li]: I think it's going well, don't you?Matchmaker [running out of the building screaming]: Put it out! Put it out! Put it out! [Mulan takes the teapot, throws the tea on Matchmaker and puts outthe fire. She bows, hands the teapot back to Matchmaker and covers her faceas she walks toward Fa Li and Grandma Fa] [with anger] You are a disgrace! [Matchmaker throws the teapot down smashing it to pieces] You may look like abride, but you will never bring your family honor![The townsfolk who have gathered whisper and walk away][Cut to Mulan walking through the gate with her home leading khan. She lookssorrowful. Fa Zhou sees his daughter and smiles. Mulan sees her father'ssmile. She covers her face with Khan's head and leads him to the watertrough][Song: Reflection]Mulan: Look at me [looking at her reflection in the water trough]I will never pass for a perfect bride [taking off her earrings and beads of jade]Or a perfect daughter [Mulan watches Fa Li relating what happened at theMatchmaker's to Fa Zhou]Can it beI'm not meant to play this part? [Mulan releases Cri-Kee back to the wild]Now I seeThat if I were to trulyTo be myself [Mulan hops along the bridge railing]I would break my family's heart Who is that girl I see [Mulan looks into the pond and sees her ownreflection]Staring straightBack at me? [Mulan puts her hand on the Great Stone Dragon and looks towardthe temple]Why is my reflection someone I don't know? [Cri-Kee rowing across the pond on a lily pad]Somehow I cannot hide [Mulan walking into the family temple]Who I am [Cri-Kee watches Mulan in the temple seeing multiple reflections ofherself in the ancestors' stones]Though I've tried [Mulan bows to the ancestors]When will my reflection showWho I am inside? [Mulan finishes wiping off her make-up seeing her reflectionin the stones]When will my reflection showWho I am inside? [Mulan gets up and heads out the temple][End of song. Mulan sits on a bench under the blossom tree. Fa Zhouapproaches her, clearing his throat. Mulan sees him approaching and turns herhead away. Fa Zhou sits down beside Mulan]Fa Zhou: My, my, what beautiful blossoms we have this year [looking up intothe blossom tree]. But look, this one's late. But, I'll bet that when itblooms, it will be the most beautiful of all. [Mulan and Fa Zhou sharesmiles. Drums start pounding announcing the arrival of Chi Fu and two guardson horseback]Mulan: What is it?[Fa Zhou gets up and walks to the entrance of their house with Mulanfollowing]Fa Li: Mulan, stay inside.[Grandma Fa clears her throat catching Mulan's attention and motions inside. Mulan spies the railing near the wall and climbs up to watch over the roof]Chi Fu: Citizens I bring you a proclamation from the Imperial City: theHuns have invaded China!Townspeople [expressing surprise]: No!Chi Fu: By order of the Emperor, one man from every family must serve in theImperial Army. The Xiao family [a family member steps up, bows to the guardand takes the conscription notice from the guard]. The Yi family.Yi's Son [holding his old father back]: I will serve the Emperor in myfather's place. Chi Fu: The Fa Family.Mulan: No.[Fa Zhou gives his cane to Fa Li and walks toward Chi Fu. Fa Zhou bows beforethe horsemen]Fa Zhou [standing proud]: I am ready to serve the Emperor. [Fa Zhou reachesfor the conscription notice]Mulan [running outside to keep her father from taking the conscriptionnotice]: Father, you can't go.Fa Zhou [turning to see his daughter]: Mulan!Mulan: Please sir, my father has already fought bravely--Chi Fu: Silence! You would do well to teach your daughter to hold her tonguein a man's presence.Fa Zhou [looking away from Mulan]: Mulan, you dishonor me.[Grandma Fa guides Mulan back away]Chi Fu [handing Fa Zhou the conscription notice]: Report tomorrow at the WuShu camp. Fa Zhou: Yes, sir. [Fa Zhou walks back into the homestead refusing to takehis cane from Fa Li]Chi Fu [fading out as we follow Fa Zhou]: The Chu family. The Wen family. The Chang family. The...[Cut to Fa Zhou in his armory at night. Fa Zhou takes out his sword andpractices his stances. Whan he balances on his right leg, his leg injury actsup and he falls. Unbeknownst to her father, Mulan watches in horror. Shebreathes heavily][Cut to dinner. The Fa Zhou, Grandma Fa, Fa Li, and Mulan eat in silence. Thunder can be heard and lightning can be seen through the opaque window. Mulan pours the tea for her family. She slams her teacup down on the tableand stands up]Mulan: You shouldn't have to go.Fa Li: Mulan!Mulan: There are plenty of young men to fight for China.Fa Zhou: It is an honor to protect my country and my family.Mulan [angrily]: So you'll die for honor!Fa Zhou [standing up and angered]: I will DIE doing what's right.Mulan [starts to speak but is cut off]: But if you--Fa Zhou: I know my place, it is time you learned yours.[Mulan looking like she's about to cry, turn away from Fa Zhou and runsoutside into the rain storm and cries][Cut to Mulan sitting at the base of the Great Stone Dragon in the rain. Mulan looks down to see her reflection in the puddle caused by the rain. Shewatches her parents in the bedroom. Fa Li turns away from Fa Zhou and walksout of site. Fa Zhou blows out the light. Mulan gets up and walks to the FaFamily Temple. Mulan's image reflects off the stone tablets as she lightsincense and places it in the hanging encense holder. She bows and prays toher ancestors. Getting up, Mulan hurries down the steps. Cri-Kee sees her andhops down from above and follows her. Mulan goes to her parent's bedroom andtakes the conscription notice replacing it with the hair comb her mother gaveto her. She pauses to give her parents a loving, sorrowful look and hurriesout. Cut to Mulan in the armory. She opens the cabinet with the armor. Using her father's sword, she cuts her hair short and ties it up above herhead. She finishes putting on the armor and ties it in the front. She takesthe sword and places it in the scabbard to her left. Cut to Mulan in thestable doorway. Khan rears back in fright at the sight of Mulan. Mulan goesforward and comforts Khan letting him know her identity. Mulan walks Khan outof the stable, Cri-Kee watches from the ground as she passes by. Mulan takesone sorrowful glanceback at her parents bedroom and rides Khan through thegate and off to camp.] [Cut to the face of a statue in the Fa Family T emple. The eyes glow. Cut toGrandma Fa. She wakes up with a start rising in bed. Cut to Grandma Fawalking into Fa Li and Fa Zhou's bedroom, both are in bed]Grandma Fa: Mulan is gone.Fa Zhou [waking up]: What? It can't be. [Fa Zhou looks at his night standand notices the hair comb in place of his conscription notice. He checks thecabinet and sees his armor is gone. He hurries outside] [calling out] Mulan! [He stumbles while walking because of his leg injury] No.Fa Li [kneeling down beside the fallen Fa Zhou]: You must go after her. Shecould be killed!Fa Zhou [sadly]: If I reveal her, she will be. [Fa Zhou embraces Fa Li]Grandma Fa: Ancestors, hear our prayer: Watch over Mulan.[Cut to the Fa Family Temple. A wind blows out the incense at the base of thecenter stone. The center stone begins to glow as First Ancestor comes tolife]First Ancestor [motioning to a bronze dragon]: Mushu, awaken![Mushu comes to life and falls to the ground flat on his back all beingobscured by smoke]Mushu [rising from the smoke arms stretched out]: I live! So tell me whatmortal needs my protection Great Ancestor. You just say the word and I'mthere.First Ancestor [agitated]: Mushu!Mushu: Hey, let me say something. Anybody who is foolish enough to threatenour family,vengeance will be MINE. Hrrrrr.First Ancestor [sternly to silence Mushu]: Mushu! These are the familyguardians [motioning towards the stone statues on pedestals near the ceiling]. They...Mushu [dejectedly]: Protect the family.First Ancestor [pointing to the empty pedestal]: And you, oh demoted one. Mushu: I...ring the gong.First Ancestor: That's right, now, wake up the ancestors.Mushu: One family reunion coming right up. [ringing the gong] Okay people,people look alive, lets go! C'mon get up. Let's move it, rise and shine. You're way past the beauty sleep thing now trust me!Ancestor 1: I knew it, I knew it. That Mulan was a trouble maker from thestart. Ancestor 3: Don't look at me, she gets it from your side of the family.Ancestor 2: She's just trying to help her father.Ancestor 4 [appearing out of thin air]: But, if she is discovered, Fa Zhouwill be forever shamed. Dishonor will come to the family. Traditional valueswill disintegrate. Ancestor 5: Not to mention they'll lose the farm.Ancestor 1: My children never caused such trouble. They all becameacupuncturists. Ancestor 3: Well, We can't all be acupuncturists.Ancestor 6: No, your great granddaughter had to be cross-dresser![All ancestors argue at once, except First Ancestor]Ancestor 7: Let a guardian bring her back.Ancestor 8 [grabbing Mushu and bringing him next to a guardian]: Yeah, awakenthemost cunning.Ancestor 4 [taking Mushu and holding him next to the stone rabbit guardian]: No, the swiftest.Ancestor 9 [grabbing Mushu and holding him next to the stone monkey guardian]: No, send the wisest.First Ancestor: Silence! We must send the most powerful of all [Motioning tothe Great Stone Dragon as it is seen through the window]Mushu [climbs up the empty guardian post laughing]: Ho, ho, heh, heh. Okay,okay, I get the drift, I'll go. [All Ancestors give a quick look of surpriseand laugh uncontrollably] You all don't think I can do it. Watch this here. [Mushu produces a small flame from his mouth] Ah, ha, Jump back, I'm prettyhot huh. Don't make me have to singe nobody to prove no point.First Ancestor [grabbing Mushu and pulling away from the post]: You had yourchance to protect the Fa family.Ancestor 6: Your mis-guidance led Fa Deng to disaster.Fa Deng [with his decapitated head on his lap]: Yeah, thanks a lot.Mushu: And your point is?First Ancestor: The point is we will be sending a real dragon to retrieveMulan. Mushu: What? But I'm a real dragon.First Ancestor [grabbing Mushu and pulling him away from the guardian post asMushu fights to hold on]: You are not worthy of this spot. Now, awaken theGreat Stone Dragon. [First Ancestor throws Mushu out of the temple]Mushu [looking back into the temple]: So you'll get back to me on the jobthing. [An ancestor throws Mushu's gong and hits Mushu in the face]Mushu [walking with a slouch and banging the gong on the ground]: Just onechance is that too much to ask? I mean, it's not like it'll kill ya.Mushu [rings the gong and looks at the Great Stone Dragon]: Yo rocky, wakeup! You gotta go fetch Mulan. [pauses as nothing happens. Mushu walks overto the side of the statue] C'mon boy, go get her, go on, [throws the gongstick off the screen and whistles] Come on. [Angrily while climbing up theGreat Stone Dragon] Grrr, Grrrr. [speaking in his ear and banging the earwith the gong] Hello, helloooooo. [curtly] Hello [bangs the gong extra hardagainst the ear causing it to break off]. Uh oh. [The Great Stone Dragoncrumbles to the ground, head intact minus the ear]. [knocks on the dragon'shead] Uh, Stoney, Stooooneeey. Oh man, they're gonna kill me!First Ancestor [calling out through the temple window]: Great Stone Dragon,have you awaken?Mushu [holding the head of the Great Stone Dragon up to that First Ancestorcan only see it's head and Mushu's body]: Uhhh, Yes, I just woke up. And Iam the Great Stone Dragon, good morning [Mushu waves]. I will go forth andfetch Mulan. Did, did I mention that I was the Great Stone Dragon?First Ancestor: Go, The fate of the Fa Family rests in your claws.Mushu: Don't even worry about it, I will not lose face. [Mushu falls downthe hill under the weight of the Great Stone Dragon's head and lands on thedragon's pedestal with the head falling on top of him]Mushu [muffled]: Ow, my elbow. Aw, aw, I know I twisted something. [Throwing the head off him] That's just great. Now what? I'm doomed! Andall 'cause miss man decides to take her little drag show on the road.[Cri-Kee enters stage right]Cri-Kee: Chirp, Chirp.Mushu: Go get her? What's the matter with you? After this great stoneHumpty Dumpty mess, I'd have to bring her home with a medal to get back in thetemple. Wait a minute, that's it! I make Mulan a war hero, then they'll bebegging me to come back to work. That's the master plan. Oh, you've gone anddone it now. [Mushu runs off stage right] Cri-Kee [hopping along side of Mushu]: Chirp. Chirp Chirp Chirp.Mushu [pushing Cri-Kee away]: Hey, what makes you think you're coming?Cri-Kee: Chirp, Chirp.Mushu: You're lucky? Ho, ho, heh. Do I look like a sucker to you?Cri-Kee: Chirp. Chirp.Mushu: Whach' you mean loser? How 'bout I pop one of your antenna's off andthrow it across the yard. Then who's a loser, me or you?[Interlude][Cut to Shan-Yu leading his army at a charge on horseback through a forest. He stops and motions stage right. Hun Archer, Hun Strong Guy, Hun Long-HairGuy dismount and walk into the forest. They throw down two Imperial scoutsbefore the rest of the army] Hun Long-Hair Guy: Imperial scouts.[Shan Yu dismounts and walks towards the scouts]Scout #1: Shan-Yu.[He crouches down in front of them]Shan-Yu [adjusting Scout #1's collar]: Nice work, gentlemen. You found theHun army. [motioning to the soldiers on horseback. The Hun army laughs]Scout #2: The Emperor will stop you.Shan-Yu [grabs Scout #2 by the shirt collar and lifts him up to his face]: Stop me? He invited me. By building his wall, he challenged my strength. Well I'm here to play his game [Shan-Yu throws Scout #2 to the ground andpoints his sword at Scout #1 as he gets up and runs] [calling out to thescouts] Go! T ell your emperor to send his strongest armies. [Quietly] I'mready.[The Imperial Scouts run off towards the palace]Shan-Yu [scratching his chin]: How many men does it take to deliver amessage. Archer Guy [drawing back his bow]: One.[End Interlude][Cut to Mulan on a hill outside of the camp. Khan is sitting watching]Last IndexNext? DisneyPART 3Mulan: Okay, okay, how 'bout this? Ahem, [in her manly voice] excuse me,where do I sign in? Hah, I see you have a sword. I have one too. They'revery manly and tough [Mulan bites her lip as she mishandles pulling the swordout of the scabbard and it falls to the ground. Khan rolls on his back inlaughter. Mulan throws her shoe and hits Khan in the head with it quietingKhan]. I'm working on it. Who am I fooling? It's going to take a miracle toget me into the army.[Mushu appears as a giant shadow being cast on a rock with flames on eitherside. Mushu's real appearance remains out of sight]Mushu [in a Southern Baptist Preacher's voice]: Did I hear someone ask for amiracle!? Let me hear you say aye!Mulan [Running and hiding behind a rock]: Ahhhhhh.Mushu: That's close enough.Mulan [from behind a rock]: Ghost.Mushu: Get ready Mulan your serpentine salvation is at hand. For I havebeen sent by your ancestors-- [notices Cri-Kee making a hand shadow of adragon on the rock and stamps him down with his foot] to guide you throughyour masquerade. [bending down to Cri-Kee] C'mon, you're gonna stay you'regonna work. [returning to Mulan] Heed my word, 'cause if the army finds outthat you are a girl, the penalty is death. [big flames shoot up from therocks]Mulan: Who are you?Mushu: Who am I? Who am I? I am the guardian of lost souls. [Mulan smilesbig in anticipation of seeing her guardian] I am the powerful, thepleasurable, the indestructible [coming out from the rocks to show his realsize] Mushu! Oh hah, hah, pretty hot, huh? [Khan stomps on Mushu. Mulanpushes Khan back]Mulan: Ah, my ancestors sent a little lizard to help me?Mushu: Hey, dragon, dragon, not lizard. I don't do that tongue thing [flipsout his tongue to show Mulan what he means].Mulan: You're uh...Mushu: Intimidating? Awe inspiring?Mulan [making a hand gesture to denote his smallness of size]: Tiny.Mushu [with a look of disappointment]: Of course. I'm travel size for yourconvenience. If I was my real size, your cow here [patting Khan on the nose]would die of fright. [Khan tries to bite Mushu] [pointing to the groundspeaking to Khan] Down Bessy. My powers are beyond your mortal imagination. For instance, [leaning in and looking at Mulan's。