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2.内容:You are a producer of “green food”——that is to say your food is certain to be healthy and safe for people’s health .It is also free of chemical fertilizers and grown away from industrial areas and dirty water supplies .This is the food you want to sell .The problem is people don’t know about your food and how good it is .You know that every weekend people leave the cities and go to the countryside to buy food like yours .Your food is ,however, more expensive than other food which is not safe .

3.要求:(1) 全英授课





1.Lead in

“Class begins.First , let’s have a quick review of last class .Great !We learned a story of a famous scientist ,Yuan Longping.Can anyone tell me the achievement of him?Well done!I believe you have all understand the main idea of the passage, and we need to admire and honor him for what he did .Actually he deserves it .Today we will learn more issues related to farming .”,

2 .Presentation

Step1 Listen and read

“Guys,please open your book.Ready? Ok,now we have a short passage and please listen to the tape and think about this question :what is the problem ?You need to talk in groups after listening and then choose one member to explain it .Ok time is up.Each group ,please share your ideas.Good job !You all point out the real problem. Now please read this passage as soon as possible .”

Step 2 Speak

“All right guys,now I need some volunteers to read this sentence in the passage .Yes!Lily,Bob and Jane,please.,uh…Guys, did you notice something strange? You three,repeat your sentence .How about this time ?Yeah,the way they read are totally different .Why is that ?Let me tell you.There are regulations when you read a long sentence .You need to stop in some places in a long sentence .”

“ So how to read a long sentence with correct pauses ?Here ,boys and girls,tell me what this is .Yeah a clause .And this ?V ery good, a phrase. Now you need to listen to the tape again,and please pay more attention to the pauses,especially when you hear the clauses and phrases.Ready ?let’s start !”

“Can you conclude the regulation ?Wonderful !we should stop for a little while ,when we see a clause or phrase .You need to see them as a whole and you can’t separate them.Same regulations are also suitable inside a clause. Listen to me .”

Step 3 Listen again

Guys, now let’s listen to the passage again .You need to listen carefully and recognize them when pauses “appear”,Feel the speed and rhythm when you listen. Then try to read after the speaker ,imitating her tone .Make sure you won’t feel suffocated ,will you ?

3 .Practice

“Please finish the exercise on your workbook.You will hear some sentences and you need to judge the pause points . please mark the word if it is time to stop .Remember to use the regulations we learned just now .Finished ? All right ,let’s check the answer ,wonderful !I believe you have all mastered this knowledge .Now read it together !”


Step1 discussion

“Ok everyone,just now we learned the dilemma of the producer .Now you can discuss with your elbow partners :what can we do to help him ?I need at least two suggestions . Attention :the sentences of your suggestions should be as long as possible .You’d better write down .After that,please read your suggestions in the front .”

Step 2 dubbing competition

“All right guys !Let’s watch a movie .During the first time ,you can watch it and listen to it , but the second time it will be silent.I’ll hand out some pieces of paper with dialogue,you need to
