

journalist n. 新闻工作者,新闻记者;记日志者

journal n. 日报,日志,日记;定期刊物,期刊,杂志;[会计]分类账

involve vt. 包含;使参与,牵涉;围绕,缠绕;使专心于

involvement n. 牵连,参与;加入;财政困难;牵连的事务,复杂的情况

involve sb in doing 使某人参与

involve oneself in doing 使自己从事......

be/get involved in 参与

Running your own business usually involves working long hours.


Parents should involve themselves in their children’s activities.


These changes will involves everyone on the staff.


More than thirty software firms were involved in the project.


editor n. 编辑,编者;校订者;[计]编辑软件,编辑程序

edit vt. 编辑;剪辑(影片,录音);校订;主编

n. 编辑

edition n. 版次,版本;(报纸、杂志的)一份;(广播、电视节目的)一期;(书、报、杂志等的)一版印刷总数

photograph n. 照片,相片

vt.& vi. 为…拍照;拍照,摄影;成为拍照对象,在照片上显得photographer n. 摄影师;摄影家;照相师

photography n. 摄影,摄影术;一组照片

take a photograph of 拍一张照片

unforgettable adj. 难忘的;铭刻肺腑的

an unforgettable experience 一次难忘的经历

admirable adj. 令人钦佩的;极好的,绝妙的;值得赞扬的;可贵

admire vt. 欣赏;赞赏;称赞;<美口>想要

admiration n. 钦佩,赞美;引人赞美的人或物;怀着对…的赞美

admire sb for sth 因...钦佩某人

thank/blame/punish/ask/excuse/forgive/praise sb for sth


I admire you for your success in business.我钦佩你在事业上的成功。

admire oneself in the mirror 顾影自怜;对镜自怜

assist n. 帮助;援助;机器助手;辅助装置

vt. 帮助;援助;帮助某人做某事;搀扶(某人)上下车

vi. 援助;出席;参加

assistance n. 帮助,援助;〈古〉出席,出席者;辅助设备

assistant n. 助手,助理;[化学](染色的)助剂;辅助物;店员,伙计

adj. 助理的;辅助的;有帮助的;副的

an assistant 一个助理

assist sb in/with sth 帮助某人做某事

assist sb in doing 帮助某人做某事

It is helpful to assist young people in learning about future careers.


You will be employed to assist in/sth the development of new equipment.


submit (submitted,submitting) vi. 顺从,服从;甘受,忍受

vt. 使服从,使顺从;提交,呈送;[法]主张,建议

submit to 向…呈交[递送]…;顺从[屈从,服从]…;使(自己)听命于[听从]…;徇submit an application/an essay/a report 提交申请/论文/报告

He submitted an essay to his tutor.


They refused to submit to the pressure.


eager adj. 急切;渴望的;热心的;热切的,热情洋溢的

be eager to do/for/that... 渴望做某事

We are eager to succeed.

=We are eager for success. 我们渴望成功。

Eager to see her parents ,she set out for home as soon as the school holiday began. 她渴望见到她的父母,学校放假一开始她就动身回家了。

concentrate vt.& vi. 集中;专心于;注意;聚集

vt. 浓缩,(使)浓缩;[采矿]汰选;选矿,精选,富集

vi. 凝缩,浓缩,提纯

n. 浓缩物

adj. 集中起来的,经过浓缩的

concentrate on one’s attention on

concentrate on one’s mind(s) on

concentrate on one’s effort(s) on

concentrate on one’s thought(s) on

concentrate on one’s eyes on

focus...on 使眼睛注视,集中

fix...on 集中

be buried in 沉思,专心于;被埋葬在…

be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心致志于; 出神; 只顾

be devoted in 致力于

We should concentrate our minds on our studies.


You should concentrate on improving your spoken English before you go to American. 在你去美国之前,你应该集中精力提高你的英语口语。

update vt. 更新,使现代化;校正,修正

n. 现代化;更新的信息;更新的行为或事例

He has updated his microblog.


up-to-date 最新的

out-of-date 老式的,过时的,落伍的

assess vt. 评定;估价;对(财产、收入等)进行估价(作为征税根据);确定(损害赔偿


assessment n. 评估;评价;(应偿付金额的)估定;(为征税对财产所作的)估价Psychologists will assess the child’s behaviors.


inform vt. 通知;使活跃,使充满;预示

vi. 通知;告发

information n. 消息;信息,数据;通知;知识

inform sb of sth 通知某人某事

remind/suspect/cure/convince/accuse/warn/rob sb of sth


a well-informed person 什么都知道的人,顺风耳

keep sb informed 随时向(某人)报告

They informed the man of the message by telephone that he got the job.


We regret to inform you that your application was rejected.


I promised to keep Mary informed of how things were going in the pany.


interviewee 被接见者; 被访问者

interviewer 面试者; 采访者; 会见者

examinee 受审查者,投考者,应试者

examiner 主考者; 检察官; 检查员,审查人

employee 雇工,雇员,职工

employer 雇主,老板; 雇佣者

interview n. 采访;面试;接见;会谈

vt.& vi. 面试

vt. 采访;访问;会见;(私下)提问

interview sb 采访某人

have an interview with sb 采访某人

meanwhile=meantime 其时,其间; 同时,其间

in the meanwhile=in the meantime=at the same time 同时

The flight will be announced soon.Meanwhile,please remain seated.


After graduation he got a job.Meanwhile,his good friends went to college.


depend on 依赖;相信;信赖;随…而定

dependent adj. 依赖的;依靠的;取决于…的;有瘾的

n. 受抚养人;受赡养者;依赖他人者;扈从,侍从

dependence n. 依赖,依靠;信任,信赖;[物]依存关系;依靠之物

independent adj. 自主的;不相关连的;无党派的;不相干的人所做的(或提供的) n. 独立自主的人;无党派人士

independence n. 独立,自主;足够维持闭居生活的收入;独立心;自恃心

Whether they will have a picnic on weekends depends on the weather that day. 他们周末是否去野餐取决于那天的天气。

—Will you go fishing this afternoon?

—Well,it all depends on the weather./That all depends./I can’t agree more. -今天下午你去钓鱼吗?


You can depend on him to e here on time.


You can depend on it that he can e here on time.


Whether he can go or not,depends on his parents wishes.


case n. (实)例,事例;情况,状况;诉讼(事件),案件,判例;容器(箱,盒)

vt. 把…装入箱(或盒等)内;加盖于;包围,围住;[俚语](尤指盗窃前)探察,侦查,窥测

当先行词有 case、situation、point、position、scene、sport、spot、activity、platform、stage表示处境情况地点时,定语从句关系词用where

in that case 如果那样 in this case 如果这样

in case+句子万一,以免

in case of +名词/代词/短语万一,以免

in no case 绝不

in any case 无论如何

As is often the case with sb/sth 就像某人/某物那样。

Take a raincoat with you in case it rains.带上雨衣以防下雨。

As is often the case with birds,young people will leave home when growing up. 就像鸟一样,年轻人长大后就会离开家。

I can think of many cases where students obviously know a lot of English words and expressions and expressions but couldn’t write a good essay.


accuse v. 指控;指责,谴责

accuse sb of = charge sb with 控告某人

The people accused him of murder.


deliberately adv. 故意地;深思熟虑地;从容不迫地

= on purpose

so as to do(放在句中) = in order to do(既可以放在句首,也可放在句中)

so that = in order to do

so that,in order that表示目的状语从句时,后面的从句要有can,may,could情态动词。We must work hard so as to learn English well.

in order to


To learn English well,we must work hard.


We must work hard in order that we can learn English well.

so that


Would you be so kind as to lend me your bicycle?


Please be quick so as not to be late.


deny doing = deny that 否认做某事

Do you deny having stolen the bicycle?


Do you deny that you have stolen the bicycle?


It can’t be denied that he is guilty.


demand vt. 需要;要求,请求;[法]召唤;询问,盘问

n. 需求;需要;要求,请求;销路

vi. 需要;请求;查问

demand,request,require + that(从句用虚拟语气)

demand要求/decide决定/agree同意/refuse拒绝/hope希望只能接to do 不能接sb demand to do 要求做

demand that sb (shoud) do 要求某人做某事

demand +名词

demand sth of sb 向(某人)要求(某物);

in (great) demand (很大)需求

a big demand for 很大的需求

Some children demand too much of their parents.


They demanded to be told everything.


They demanded that they should be told everything.


This kind of work demands great patient.


There is much demand for these goods.



一坚持 insist

二命令 order mand

三建议 suggest advise remend

四要求 ask,demand,request,require


beyond one’s imagination/description

imagine doing

technical adj. 技术(性)的,工艺的,学术(上)的,专门(技术)的,艺术的;[法]根据法律的,法律上的;[商]人造的,用工业方法制造的,由市场内部因素


technically adv. 技术上;学术上;专业上;严格说来

technique n. 技术;技巧;技能;技艺

technology n. 科技(总称);工业技术;工艺学;[总称]术语

gifted adj. 有天赋的;有才华的

be gifted in= have a gift in 有......的天赋

He has a gift for music.=He is gifted in music. 他有音乐天赋。

crime n. 罪恶;罪行,犯罪

v. 指控犯罪;判定犯罪;处罚军事犯criminal n. 罪犯,犯人

adj. 犯罪的;刑事的;可耻的

ahead of...

ahead of time = in advance 提前

go ahead v. 前进

vt.& vi. 先走 ;走在前面; 发生;进行

高中英语 必修五 Unit4 Making the news 语言点

必修五Unit4 Making the news 1.assist sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事 assist sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事 assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事 你常常帮助妈妈做家务吗? (1)Do you often assist your mother with the housework? (2)Do you often assist your mother to do the housework? (3)Do you often assist your mother in doing the housework? 2.accuse sb. of sth =charge sb. with sth. .指控某人某事 inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事 [短语归纳] rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人的某物 warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事 rid sb. of sth. 使某人摆脱某事 remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某物 3. in case+句子假使;以防万一 in case of+名词假如发生;万一发生 in this/that case 假使这样/那样的话 4. meet/satisfy one's demands 满足某人的需求 demand that ... (should) do sth.要求…… The teacher demanded that the students (should) go to school on time. 这位老师要求学生们准时到校。 5.approve of (sb./one's) doing sth. 赞同/同意(某人)做某事 approve sth. 核准(批准)某事 They won't approve of your going there. 6. concentrate on (doing) sth. 专心(做)某事 concentrate one's mind/attention/energy on集中注意力于;致力于;专心于=fix/focus one's attention on 7.be senior to…比……年长 8. have a good “nose”for sth. 探查发现某事物的能力 As a reporter, Jane has a nose for a story. 作为记者,简善于发现题材。 [短语归纳] have an eye for对……有鉴赏能力 have a good ear for对…会欣赏 have a gift for有…方面的天赋


Section_ⅢGrammar—_倒装 语法图解 探究发现 ①Here comes my list of dos and don'ts ... ②Never will Zhou Yang (ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper. ③They have a good knowledge of English but little do they know about German. ④Only then did I realize I was wrong. ⑤Only by shouting was he able to make himself heard. ⑥Only when you have seen what he or she does can you cover a story by yourself. ⑦Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. ⑧So fast did he run that I couldn't follow him. [我的发现] (1)倒装句有两种情况:一种为完全倒装;一种为部分倒装。例句①为完全倒装;其余为部分倒装。 (2)否定副词(如never, neither, nor, little, hardly等)位于句首时,句子常用部分倒装。例句 ②③就属于这类情况。 (3)only后接状语(可为单个副词、介词短语,也可以为从句)位于句首时,句子常用部分倒装。如例句④⑤⑥⑦。


Unit 4Making the news 学习目标 要点词汇 delighted, assist, eager, acquire, inform , demand, accurate, approve, 小词简 析要点短语 accuse of, in the process of, concentrate on, defend against, have a nose for, depend on, ahead of 要点句型 1. so as to 指引目的状语 2. ... case +定语从句 知识解说 要点词汇 delighted 【原句回放】 We’ re delighted you ’ reocomingworkwith us. 你来与我们一同工作,我们很快乐。 【点拨】 delighted adj. 感觉惊喜的,感觉快乐的,用于表示人的心里感觉。 常用搭配: be delighted to do sth. 快乐做某事 be delighted at/ by 因 ......而快乐 be delighted that 因 ......而快乐 She was delighted to hear the twitter of the birds somewhere near her window. 她很快乐地听着窗外鸟儿的鸣喊声。 The mother was delighted at the recovery of her baby. 那位母亲由于她的婴儿恢复了健康而特别快乐。 We’ re delighted that you be here ’soonll. 你不久就来这里了,我们真快乐。 【拓展】delight vt. 使(某人)快乐,使(某人)惊喜 n.快乐,快乐,令人快乐的人或事。 delightful adj. 令人欢乐的 常用短语: take delight in (doing) sth.喜爱,以......为乐 to one’ s delight令人快乐的是 with/ in delight快乐地 He delighted the audience with his humourous words.他风趣的语言让观众们很快乐。 Jack is a delightful young man.杰克是个讨人喜爱的年青人。 Carl takes great delight in teasing his classmates. 卡尔以讥笑他的同学为乐。 She won the game easily, to the delight of all her fans. 使她全部粉丝快乐的是,她很简单地博得了竞赛。 Hearing class was over, the boys rushed out of the classroom in/with delight. 听见下课了,男孩们快乐地冲出教室。 assist 【原句回放】 You’ ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you ...你会发现你的同事们会热情地帮助你 ...... 【点拨】 assist vt., vi. 帮助,增援;促使 assist 较正式用语,一般表示“辅助”,经常暗指供给帮助的一方所做的事比较简单


Unit 4 Making the news 重点单词详解 occupation n. 职业;占有 【帮你记忆】 occupy( v. 占领)去y+-ation(名词后缀,表示"动作;状态;结果") 【经典例句】 He is a lawyer by occupation. 他的职业是律师。 【考点剖析】 1)辨析occupation和job, work, profession:occupation 意为"职业",是较为正式的用语; job 作"职业"讲时,是可数名词,可指一个单独的任务,也可指工作职位,较口语化; work"工作",不可数名词,较口语化; profession意为"专业",一般指受过特殊训练和良好教育的职业。2)其动词形式occupy的固定搭配:occupy oneself (in/with) 忙着,如: He occupied himself (in)writing a mystery story. 他忙着撰写一篇侦探小说。 reporter n. 记者;新闻通讯员 【帮你记忆】 report(报告)+-er(人) 【经典例句】 All the reporters rushed to the scene of the accident. 所有的人急着都赶到出事现场。

【考点剖析】辨析reporter和journalist: reporter专指替报纸、杂志广播电视收集消息及撰写报道的人。journalist泛指新闻从业人员。 photograph n. &v. 照片;给......照相 【帮你记忆】 photo(照片)+-graph(记录的方式或工具) 【经典例句】 We photographed the school team. 我们给校队照了个相。 【考点剖析】 photograph经常略写为:photo;其复数形式:photos。和photo相关的词组: take a photo (自己来)拍照 have a photo taken with sb. 和某人照张相 acquire vt. 获得;取得;学到 【帮你记忆】 acquire(获得)→require(命令) 【经典例句】 His knowledge of the sea was acquired through his experience as a sailor. 他的海洋知识是从他当水手的经历中获得的。 【考点剖析】辨析acquire,gain, get和obtain: acquire通常是指通过个人的工作、技艺或行动等而获得、取得或得到; gain指通过努力或有意识的行为来获得某些有益的东西; get是"得到"的普通用词,较为不正式; obtain是指通过计划或努力得到或买到。

高英Unit 4精华笔记

Unit 4 Text 1 1. dispatch be dispatched to do sth = be send to do sth 被派遣做某事 2. constitute = form/ make up 3. in existence 现存的,现有的 The temple is the oldest one in existence in China . 4 .the name/date/title escapes me 忘记 ① I recognized her face but her name escapes me. ② Nothing escaped his attention. 5. methodical / methodically 有条理的、有条理地 He does things methodically. 6. as it happens 恰巧、正好 ① As it happens, we have got a room vacant. ② I saw him yesterday as it happens. 7. It is left sb to do sth 把…事留给某人来做 It is left dad to get the packing done. 8. artistry 9. char 10. corpse/corps 11. technically speaking= in technical terms 12.be branded with 留下…的烙印 Each cow was branded with the ranch’s logo. 13. cart Don’t put the cart before the horse.不要本末倒置 14.fireball 火球 15.thermal 热的、热能的 16.ledge 壁架 17.ditch 沟渠 18. unearthly 19. for good=for good and all=forever 20. otherwise He reminded me of what I should otherwise have forgotten. 21. (VP) the true measure of the event lies not in what remains but in all that has disappeared. 22.A lies not in sth but in sth 不在于…而在于… 23. rubble 24. wreckage 25.be dotted with 布满、分布 The lake was dotted with sailboats. 26. absence in the absence of 缺失缺乏 ~any evidence, the police had to let him go. 27. in a flash 瞬间


高中英语学习资料 madeofjingetieji WORDS & EXPRESSIONS assist 【境显现】下面句子,并着assist的意思及用法。 1.They had no maps to assist them. 2.The information will assist the police in / with their search. 3.She offered to assist in / with the marketing of the product. 4.You will be required to assist Mrs. Smith in preparing a report. 5.The program assists young people to find work. 【自我】assist 作,意“帮助,助,救援”,常用搭配:assist sb(.句 1);assist (sb.) ________ sth.(句 2 和句 3); assist sb. in doing sth.(句 4); assist sb. to do sth.(句 5)。 【拓展】 assistant n. 助手,助理,售 assistance n. 帮助,救援,支持 【即学即】依照括号内的提示全下面句子(每空一)。 1. We’ ll do the job more quickly ________ ________ ________ ________ ( 若是你帮我的忙). 2. Julia said she was going to ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (帮 助杰克准他的言) on Sunday. 3. My colleague is willing to ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (助我做个 目) . depend on 【】 depend on 意:①依靠,依(常用搭配: depend on sth. / sb. for sth.; depend on sb. to do sth.);②相信,信;③取决于,⋯⋯而定(后可接名或从句)。如: I don ’twant to depend too much on my parents. Children depend on their parents for food and clothing. I ’m depending on you to tell me everything. You can depend on Jane — she always keeps her promises. Whether or not we go to Spain for our holiday depends on the cost. Choosing the right bike depends on what you want to use it for. 【即学即】翻下面句子。 1.Rose’s a woman who can be depended on. _____________________________________________________ 2.We depend on the radio for news. _____________________________________________________ 3.How much is produced depends on how hard we work. _____________________________________________________ accuse ... of ... 【】 accuse ... of ...意“因⋯⋯指控或指”,of 后跟名或The man was accused of robbery. Mr. Smith accused his wife of lying. 【拓展】accuse 与 charge 都可作“指控” ,但与二者搭配的介不同样。-ing形式。如: charge 常用于

人教版必修五 Unit 4 词汇讲解+写作训练(无答案)


keep sb. informed (of ...) 使某人随时了解(……) (2)information n.[U] 通知;消息;情报;信息 ①It was considerate of Michael to inform us his delay in case we got worried. ②The boss asked his secretary to keep him well (inform) of the programme's progress. ③Please inform us we could rent a house — not too expensive but convenient. 单句改错 ④Besides, they often get some useful informations from the Internet. (2017·全国卷Ⅱ) 3.case n.情况;病例;案例 in case +句子假使;以防万一 in case of +n/短语假如发生;万一发生 in any case 无论如何 in no case 决不(位于句首时,需部分倒装) in this/that case 假使这样/那样的话 as is often the case 这是常有的事 句型转换 ①Anybody should in no case be allowed to stay here.(改为倒装句) →In no case to stay here. ②It is often the case that he is ready to help others. (改为定语从句) →, he is ready to help others. 一句多译 以防下雪,你最好别出去。 ④You'd better not go out the snow. ⑤You'd better not go out it snows. 4.demand n.要求;需求v t.强烈要求 (1)be in (great) demand(迫切)需求 meet/satisfy one's demands 满足某人的需求 (2)demand sth. of/from sb. 向某人要求某物 demand of sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 demand to do sth. 要求做某事 demand that ... (should) do sth. 要求…… (3)demanding adj. 高要求的;要求严格的 ①The robots are quite popular; they are great demand in this city. ②The manager promised that they would try to meet their customers' (demand).


必修五英语笔记整理unit4 journalist n. 新闻工作者,新闻记者;记日志者 journal n. 日报,日志,日记;定期刊物,期刊,杂志;[会计]分类账 involve vt. 包含;使参与,牵涉;围绕,缠绕;使专心于 involvement n. 牵连,参与;加入;财政困难;牵连的事务,复杂的情况 involve sb in doing 使某人参与 involve oneself in doing 使自己从事...... be/get involved in 参与 Running your own business usually involves working long hours. 经营自己的生意通常需要长时间的工作。 Parents should involve themselves in their children’s activities. 父母应该参与孩子的活动。 These changes will involves everyone on the staff. 这些变化将涉及到所有员工。 More than thirty software firms were involved in the project. 有三十多家软件公司参与了这个项目。 editor n. 编辑,编者;校订者;[计]编辑软件,编辑程序 edit vt. 编辑;剪辑(影片,录音);校订;主编 n. 编辑 edition n. 版次,版本;(报纸、杂志的)一份;(广播、电视节目的)一期;(书、报、杂志等的)一版印刷总数 photograph n. 照片,相片 vt.& vi. 为…拍照;拍照,摄影;成为拍照对象,在照片上显得 photographer n. 摄影师;摄影家;照相师 photography n. 摄影,摄影术;一组照片 take a photograph of 拍一张照片 unforgettable adj. 难忘的;铭刻肺腑的 an unforgettable experience 一次难忘的经历 admirable adj. 令人钦佩的;极好的,绝妙的;值得赞扬的;可贵 admire vt. 欣赏;赞赏;称赞;<美口>想要 admiration n. 钦佩,赞美;引人赞美的人或物;怀着对…的赞美 admire sb for sth 因...钦佩某人 thank/blame/punish/ask/excuse/forgive/praise sb for sth 谢谢/责任/惩罚/请/请原谅/赞扬某人某事 I admire you for your success in business.我钦佩你在事业上的成功。 admire oneself in the mirror 顾影自怜;对镜自怜


Unit 1 Great scientists 1. put forward 提出put forward a theory 反义词组:put back 2. conclude vt.&vi. 结束;推断出(---s, ---d, concluding) He concluded his speech with some amusing remarks.他说了一些有趣的话结束了他的演说。conclude a meeting 结束会议 The book concluded with a happy ending. 这本书以大团圆为结束。 The police concluded that he was the criminal.警察认定他是罪犯。 draw a conclusion 得出结论 3.defeat vt. 打败(---s, ---ed, ---ing); n. 失败 Our team defeated their team by 5-0. 我们队5-0 击败他们队。 Lack of money defeated my plan. 资金短缺使我们的计划受挫。 Our team has suffered another defeat. 我们队再次败北。 4. attend vt.照顾;护理;出席(---s,---ed, ---ing) attend the meeting 开会attend the classes 上学attend sb. 护理某人 5. expose vt. 暴露;揭露(---s, ---d, exposing) Don’t expose your skin to direct sunlight.不要让你的皮肤直接暴晒于阳光下。 The bicycle was exposed to the wind and rain. 自行车经受了风吹雨淋。 6.cure vt. &n. 治愈 This medicine will cure your headache. 这种药能治好你的头痛。 An effective cure for cancer has not yet been found.对付癌症的有效方法目前尚未发现。 cure sb. of the cold治愈某人感冒 7.challenge n. 挑战vt. 向……挑战 give a challenge挑战 I accepted his challenge to run a race. 我接受他提出的向我赛跑的挑战。 He challenged me to play chess. 他向我挑战下棋。 8.suspect vt. 怀疑(---s,---ed, ---ing)n. 嫌疑犯 suspect sb. of sth. 怀疑某人做了 She suspected him of taking her money.她怀疑他拿了她的钱。 Do you suspect me? 你怀疑我吗? She suspected (that) he was lying. 她认为他在说谎。 9. blame vt.责备(---s, ---d. ---blaming)n. 过失 He blamed me for carelessness.他责备我粗心。 Do you blame him for the accident?=Do you blame the accident on him? 你是否将这个意外事件归罪于他呢? Y ou are to blame. Who is to blame for the failure? 10. pollute vt. 污染The water was polluted by the rubbish.水被垃圾污染了。 11.handle n. 柄(---s); vt. 处理(---s, ---d, handling) Wash your hands before you handle the food. 处理食物之前要洗手。 A clerk must know how to handle difficult customers.一个店员必须知道如何处理棘手的顾客。 12.link vt.&n. 联系(---s,---ed, ---ing)a link between A and B A和B的关系A is linked to B. A和B是有联系的。 13.announce vt. 宣布;宣告(---s,---d, announcing) A warm sunshine announces the coming of spring.= A warm sunshine announces that spring is coming.温暖的阳光显示春天即将到来。 He announced the news to the public.他把消息公布于众。 The news was announced to the public.这个消息被公布于众。 14. contribute vt. &vi.捐献(---s,---d, contributing) He contributed a lot of money to the charity. 他把很多钱捐给了慈善事业。 Exercise contributes to good health.练习有助于身体健康。 15. apart from 除了……之外 Apart from math, she is good at English. 除了数学,她还擅长英语。 Apart form a few faults, the essay is good. 除了几个错误,整篇文章非常好。 16. be strict with sb. in sth. 在某方面对某人严格要求 Y ou must be strict with yourself in studies. 17. make sense 讲得通 The sentence makes no sense.=The sentence doesn’t make sense. 这个句子讲不通。 make sense of = understand Can you make sense of what I said? 你理解我的话? 18. spin (spun, spun) vt. & vi.使旋转 She was spinning cotton into thread.她正在纺线。 19. reject vt. (---s,---ed, ---ing) 拒绝比refuse强硬近义词:refuse, turn down He rejected my offer. 他拒绝了我的建议。My offer was rejected.我的建议被拒绝。 Unit 2. The United Kingdom 1. consist vi. 组成(---s,---ed, ---ing) The club consists of more than 200 members. =The club is made up of more than 200 members. =More than 200 members make up the club.这个俱乐部由200 多个成员组成。 2. divide … into… 把……分成 Let’s divide the cake into three. The class is divided into five groups. 3. break away (from) 挣脱(束缚) The thief broke away from the policeman who had been holding his arm.那个贼挣脱了一直抓着他胳膊的警察。 4.to one’s credit 为……带来荣誉 To his credit, he won the prize. 他非常光荣,赢得了哪项奖品。 I have 1000 dollars to my credit. 我名下存款有1000 美元。 5. attract vt. 吸引(---s,---ed, ---ing) The concert attracted a great number of people.音乐会吸引了很多人。 I tried to attract his attention, but failed. 我努力吸引他的注意力,但失败了。 What do you think attracts people to big cities? 你认为把人吸引到大城市的原因是什么? 6. leave out 省去;遗漏


高二英语必修五知识点难点大全 高二英语必修五知识点难点大全 高中学习方法其实很简单,但是这个方法要一直保持下去,才能在最终考试时看到成效,如果对某一科目感兴趣或者有天赋异禀,那么学习成绩会有明显提高,若是学习动力比较足或是受到了一些积极的影响或刺激,分数也会大幅度上涨。下面就是给大家带来的高二英语必修五知识点,希望对大家有所帮助! 高二英语必修五知识点1 一、不定式做主语: 1、不定式做主语一般表示具体的某次动作。===动名词doing 表示习惯的,经常的动作。 e.g: To finish the building in a month is difficult. To do such things is foolish. To see is to believe. (对等) 注: 1). 不定式作主语时,谓语用单数 2). 当主语较长,谓语较短时,常用it做形式主语,而将不定式放到谓语的后面。 it做形式主语,不定式放在谓语动词之后常用于下列结构中: (1)It is/was +adj.+of sb. to do… (2) It is +adj.+for sb.+to do… It is easy / difficult / hard / foolish / unwise / right / wrong

/ unnecessary (3) it is +a +名词+ to do... It is a pity / a pleasure / a pleasant thing / one’s duty / an honor / a shame / a crime / no easy job… to do It takes (sb.) some time / courage / patience …to do… It requires courage / patience / hard work… to do… 注意: probable 和possible 均可作表语,但possible可以用不定式作真实主语,而probable不能用不定式作真实主语。 It is probable for him to come to the meeting.(错) It is possible for him to come to the meeting. It is possible / probable that he will come to the meeting. 二、不定式做表语 主语是以aim duty hope idea intention plan job suggestion wish purpose task 等为中心词的名词词组或以what 引导的名词性从句表示,后面的不定式说明其内容, 不定式作表语常表示将来或现在的动作或状态。 eg :My idea is to climb the mountain from the north. Your mistake was not to write that letter. What I would suggest is to start work at once. 三、动词不定式作宾语 以不定式结构为宾语的动词有: ask, agree, care, choose, demand, decide, expect, fail, help,


全国通用2023高中英语必修二Unit4HistoryandTraditions重点归纳笔记 单选题 1、It took the workers ______ the factory a long time to adapt themselves ______ the new rules. A.belonging to; forB.belongs to; to C.belonged to; forD.belonging to; to 答案:D 考查非谓语动词和固定短语。句意:这家工厂的工人花了很长时间才适应了这些新规定。分析句子结构可知, 已有谓语动词took,空处需填非谓语动词做定语,workers和belong to为逻辑主谓关系,需用现在分词形式, 排除B项和C项;adapt oneself to为固定短语,意为“适应”。故选D。 2、With much heat __________ from the sun, the panels __________ it into energy __________the building. A.capturing; dominate; poweredB.capturing; convert; powered C.captured; dominate; poweringD.captured; convert; powering 答案:D 考查过去分词、现在分词和固定搭配。句意:利用从太阳捕获的大量热量,电池板将其转化为能源,为建筑提 供动力。分析句子可知,第一空作宾补,表示与宾语heat之间的被动关系,所以应填其过去分词形式captured;第二空填谓语动词,句子描述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时,convert...into...为固定搭配,表示“将......转换为......”,符合语境,dominate“统治,支配”,不合语境;第三空填现在分词powering作后置定语,表示“提供动力”,修饰名词energy,表示与其逻辑主语energy之间的主动关系。故选D项。 3、Only a(n) ________ of people are interested in that political issue. A.flockB.amountC.handfulD.bagful 答案:C 考查固定短语。句意:只有少数人对那个政治问题感兴趣。A. flock(鸟或羊等动物)群,一大群人;B. amount 数量;C. handful一把;少数,少量;D. bagful满口袋。 a handful of 少量的,一小部分。根据空前的“only”可 知只有少数的人对政治感兴趣。故选C。 4、After completing and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope ________. A.providingB.providedC.having providedD.to provide

人教版高中英语必修五Unit Four News Media

高中英语学习材料 (灿若寒星*制作整理) Unit Four News Media 课程标准中的内容标准: 本单元的话题是“新闻”,内容涉及新闻工作者应该具备的素质和新闻采访的基本程序等。语言技能和语言知识主要是围绕“新闻”这一中心话题进行设计的。 教学细目: 1、(情感目标)通过阅读,了解“新闻”,通过一个跃跃欲试的新手和他的经验丰富的资 深记者上司之间的谈话引导学生了解新闻工作者应该具备的素质,新闻 采访的基本程序以及采访时应该注意的要点。 2、(交际)通过听说学习与约会相关的表达。 3、(词汇)通过阅读、师生互动掌握本单元的教学目的和要求中的词汇。 4、(写作)通过阅读和书面训练,学习并掌握有关交际功能“约会”的习惯用语。 5、(语法)通过书面训练,进一步深入理解倒装。 学习领域与主题内容及要求目标层次 人 教版必修五 Unit Four News Media 理解掌握运用 1.1.1. 话题:The basic procedures of making the news; newspaper and TV programs √ 1.1. 2.功能(通过听和说,能在生活中 运用下列英语进行交际): 约会(Making appointments): A Shall we make an appointment? When are you free? √

Is it possible to …? Where is the best place? What if…? When do you think is convenient for you? How/ What about…? Which day would suit you best? Where would you like to meet? What time would be most convenient? Please, can you tell me…? B I shall be busy at… and … but I can be free at… Maybe we can meet at… Perhaps we could … I would like to arrange… I suggest that we meet… I may be able to see you at… That will/ won’t be convenient because… I can/can’t do that because… I look forward to seeing you. √1.1.3 Understanding vocabulary(理解 词汇)(通过听、看、阅读,能理解下 列词汇含义。学生只需认识,不作为测 试的内容考查。)photography, unforgettable, assignment, interviewee, accusation, deny, demanding, scoop, concise, scoop, imaginative, idiomatic,


Unit 1 1. put forward 提出 He put forward a new plan. 2. expert adj. 专家的,内行的,经验丰富的 n. 专家,内行,经验丰富的人 a medical expert She is (an)expert at/in/on teaching small children. 3. attend v. 参加,出席,到场;看护,照料 Will you attend the meeting? Please let us know if you are unable to attend. She has a good doctor attending (on/to) her. 4. expose v. (使)暴露+to… Keep indoors and don’t expose your skin to the sun. exposed adj. 暴露于危险的,无遮蔽的 As a doctor, she was exposed to many danger. 5. cure v. 治愈,治疗 n. 疗法+for… expose sb. of sth. When I left the hospital, I was completely cured. The medicine will cure you of your cough. 6. every time , each time , the first time 相当于conj. 直接加从句 I make fun of her every time I see her. 7. challenge v. 向…挑战,邀请…比赛+to(可以是介词,也可是不定式) n. 挑战 I challenged him to a game of tennis. I challenged you to race me across the lake. face a challenge 8. absorb v. 吸收;使专心,使全神贯注+in The walls of the house absorb heat during the day. I was absorbed in a book and didn’t hear you call me. 9. suspect v. 怀疑 n. 嫌疑犯 We suspected that he was the murder even before we were told. They suspect him of murder. They suspect him of giving false evidence. 10. enquiry n. 询问,打听,调查=inquiry +into We made some enquiries into her movements. 11.foresee v. 预知,预见,预料 We should have foreseen this months ago. 12. investigation n. 调查,侦查+into investigate v. 调查,侦查 The police are investigating this crime. 13. be to blame (for sth.) 应对…承担责任,该为…受责备 The children were not to blame for the accident.
