

海豚英语介绍 dolphin presentation PPT课件

海豚英语介绍 dolphin presentation PPT课件
• finding mines • rescuing lost or
trapped humans
Relationships with humans
The documentary the cove
The Cove
82nd Academy Awards (2010) – Best Documentary Feature
Relationships with humans
Friends of humans
Dolphins are friends of human beings, they are happy to be with people. Assist fiationships with humans
• 1 Brief introduction of dolphin • 2 Relationships with humans • 3 The documentary the cove
Brief introduction of dolphin
Dolphins are marine mammals closely related to whales and porpoises. There are almost forty species of dolphin in 17 genera.
Dolphins can establish strong social bonds;
Brief introduction of dolphin
Dolphins are acoustic creatures. That`s their primary sense. The best sonar the man has , is a toy compared to the dolphins`.



Saving deeds
On 1964, a Japanese fishing boat on the wild waters near the island sank 10 crew on board, 6 people drowned, the remaining 4 dolphin's help, swim back to shore. In 1966, a Bulgarian cargo ship's crew, accidentally fell into the sea, is in danger, a group of dolphins came up, the shipwrecked crew out of the water to be rescued. In January 1981, a liner in the Java Sea voyage, sudden fire. A couple in order to escape, the 3 children in the sea. Say artful also, a group of dolphins swim over, the 3 children up, until being rescued. The couple were killed in the fire.
Intrine animal.whales are smaller, a total of nearly 62 species, distributed in the oceans of the world. Body length of 1.2 to 10 meters, body weight 23 ~ 225 kg.
Dolphins are in surface for air sea animal, every time in the water for twenty or thirty minutes, when people see the dolphins at sea from the surface of the water spring, the dolphins in the air.At the same time, Dolphin Habitat is shallow, little swam in the sea.

Dolphin PPT

Dolphin  PPT

There are no bones in a dolphin's flukes, just tough connective tissue. The dolphin uses its flukes for swimming and its flippers for steering. Most dolphins have a boneless dorsal fin in the middle of their back that works somewhat like the rudder on a boat. Like the flukes, the dorsal fin does not contain any bones.
How deep do dolphins dive?
It's hard to say how deep oceanic dolphins can dive because most of the 32 species have not been studied. Bottlenose dolphins are shallow divers and typically don't go deeper than 150 feet. In the Indian River Lagoon the deepest waters are only 10 to 12 feet deep.
In the group of toothed whales, there are several subgroups:
oceanic doer dolphins :5 species sperm whales :3 species beaked whales :19 species beluga and narwhal :2 species



Dolphins occasionally leap above the water surface, and sometimes perform acrobatic figures. Scientists are not certain about the purpose of the acrobatics. Possibilities include locating schools of fish by looking at abovewater signs like feeding birds, communicating with other dolphins, dislodging parasites or simple amusement.
Friends of humans
Dolphins are friends of human beings, they are happy to be with people. Assist fishermen fishing; Have many reports about dolphins to save people; One report in 1959,even said that dolphins drove sharks away, then saved the victims of the passengers.
Social behavior
*Dolphins are social living in pods of up to a dozen individuals. In places with a high abundance of food, forming a super grouping may exceed 1,000 dolphins.

Dolphin 海豚

Dolphin  海豚

Thank you! you!
• The Scottish(苏格兰的) dolphins are Scottish(苏格兰的)
some of the world‘s largest dolphins and world‘ can be a good metre longer than those living off(以为食料) Florida(佛罗里达) off(以为食料) Florida(佛罗里达) in the USA for example. They are also generally fatter than other bottlenoses, probably(大概) probably(大概) because it can get so cold, particularly(特别地) during particularly(特别地) Scottish winters.
• Generally(通常), bottlenoses dolphins (宽 Generally(通常),
吻海豚) are dark bluish(带蓝色的)-grey bluish(带蓝色的)or brownish(呈褐色的)-grey on top with a brownish(呈褐色的)lighter belly(腹部). They have quite belly(腹部). chunky(厚实的) chunky(厚实的) bodies and a thick tail stock(尾架). stock(尾架).
• Of all the species(种类) of dolphin, species(种类)
bottlenosesshow the biggest range(范围) range(范围) in size between individuals(个体). Some individuals(个体). adults can be almost double the length (长度) of others! It‘s quite possible for It‘ two to be a very different size, shape and colour from one another, even if they live in the same school, so if they come from separate(单独的) separate(单独的) populations, they are likely to(可能) be even more different. to(可能)



海豚简介英文带翻译Introduction to Dolphins。

Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals that belong to the family Delphinidae. They are found in oceans and seas all over the world, and are known for theirplayful behavior and unique communication skills.Physical Characteristics。

Dolphins are streamlined and muscular, with a fusiform body shape that allows them to swim quickly and efficiently through the water. They have a dorsal fin on their backthat helps them maintain balance, and a horizontal tail fin called a fluke that propels them forward. Dolphins have a blowhole on the top of their head that allows them to breathe air, and they can hold their breath for several minutes when diving.Behavior and Communication。

Dolphins are social animals and are known for their playful behavior, often riding the waves and jumping out of the water. They also communicate with each other using a complex system of clicks, whistles, and body language. This communication allows them to work together to hunt for food and protect each other from predators.Diet。



Protecting the environment is to protect human beings themselves 。If one day in
the woods, no birds sing, there were no fish in the water flight ,The interdependence〔互相依赖) of human
Dolphins' babies are born in the water. They can grow up to three and a half meters long. Dolopins use sound to help them find their way, look for their food and talk with each other. Sound is just like their eyes and mouths.
a matter of great problem to mankind.
and animal nature will be gone forever.The disappearance of a species〔种) will
disappear forever, so there is no way to
the disappearance of the animals return to the embrace〔拥抱) of nature.So to save endangered〔濒临灭绝的) rare animals is
Dolபைடு நூலகம்hin
In the vast〔浩瀚的) ocean,there are many creatures〔动物) with great intellectual〔智力) and physical ability. Dolphin is one of those great creatures, whose ability to think and move at a surprising rate puzzle those who study their behaviors.(海豚是一种拥有在一个令人惊奇的水平下思 考和移动的能力并使那些研究它们表现的人迷惑的生物。 ) Dolphins possess〔拥有) something that makes them different from all the other sea creatures. It is not strength or speed but the size of their brains. Dolphin' s brain is almost the same size as that found in the human head. They live for a long time.


• What can we do to protect them?
• In my opinion, the most important and basic thing is that we stop buy every things made by dolphins and Legislation protect dolphin 。 What's more,Please rememder do not throw rubbish here and there casually,especially into the ocean.
・Making dolphins safe is everyone's responsibility. ・Let's love and care for cute dolphins under the same blue sky.
• For example,the water pollution which result in destroying their home. Many country kills dolphin for money!Such as, make dog food and dolphin meat for personal gain.
Made by Wang Zheng, Zhou Haifei, Zhang Xiang,wang Liangqi
Brief introductionke fish, have a slender and long mouth, 466 sharp teeth in the upper and lower jaws, and a slender body, usually about 2 .482 meters long. Their back is streamlined and their dorsal fins are sickle-shaped. The back is gray-black, the abdomen is white, near the head. The abdomen has a pair of pectoral fins, weighing between 100 and 20 kilograms. Although it kisses very long, it has so many teeth in its mouth that it can't chew food. Eat only small fish, shrimp, cuttlefish, etc.

Unit 3 More practice (a frendly dolphin)ppt课件

Unit 3 More practice  (a frendly dolphin)ppt课件

Read the pasage together and then find some sentences to match the pictures.
I began to swim back, but the beach was too far away.
Suddenly another creature appeared next to me in the water. It was a dolphin!
Read the pasage together and then find some sentences to match the pictures.
I swam really far past the rocks and out to the sea.
Then I saw something moving towards me. It was huge and grey, with a large fin.
Sharks are dangerous and frightening(令人害怕的), they will
hurt or kill people. Dolphins are friendly, they will help
and save people’s lives(生命).
LLisoteonk, aputttthheepsiectupriecstbuerloews iannthde dcoersreccrtiobredeir.tWornitee tbhye nounmeb.ers 1-6 in the boxes.
3. How did he feel?
He was really scared. 4. What did he do?

幼儿小学英语—海洋动物 Sea animalsppt课件

幼儿小学英语—海洋动物 Sea animalsppt课件
What’s this?
Dolphin 海豚
What’s this?
Crab 螃蟹
螃蟹(páng xiè):动物界,节肢动物门,甲壳 纲、十足目、爬行亚目。螃蟹是甲壳类动物 (crustacean),它们的身体被硬壳保护着。螃 蟹靠鳃呼吸。在生物分类学上,螃蟹与虾、龙虾、 寄居蟹算是同类的动物。绝大多数种类的螃蟹生 活在海里或靠近海洋,也有一些的螃蟹栖于淡水 或住在陆地。它们靠母蟹来生小螃蟹,每次母蟹 都会产很多的卵,数量可达数百万粒以上。螃蟹 是依靠地磁场来判断方向的。中国食蟹的历史悠 久,《逸周书·五会解》、《周礼·天官·疱人》中 均有记载。
螃蟹. 吃面条
Hale Waihona Puke 9What’s this?
Sea turtle 海龟



海豚简介英文介绍带中文Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals that belong to the family Delphinidae. They are known for their playful and friendly nature, making them one of the most beloved creatures of the ocean. Dolphins are found in oceans and seas all around the world, with different species inhabiting different regions.Dolphins have a streamlined body shape, which allows them to swim swiftly through the water. They have smooth, rubbery skin that is usually gray in color, although some species can be found with different patterns and shades. Their bodies are perfectly designed for life in the water, with a dorsal fin on their back to help with stability and a powerful tail fluke to propel them forward.One of the most fascinating traits of dolphins is their communication and social behavior. They use a variety of clicks, whistles, and body movements to communicate with each other and navigate their surroundings. Dolphins are highly social animals and live in groups called pods. These pods can consist of a few individuals to hundreds, depending on the species.Within the pod, dolphins engage in activities such as hunting, playing, and taking care of their young.Dolphins are carnivorous and have a diverse diet that includes fish, squid, and crustaceans. They are known for their impressive hunting techniques, such as herding schools of fish and swimming in coordinated patterns to corral their prey. Dolphins are also known to display cooperative hunting behavior, where they work together as a team to catch their food.In terms of reproduction, dolphins are viviparous, which means they give live birth. The gestation period for dolphins varies depending on the species but usually lasts between 9 to 17 months. After birth, the mother dolphin takes great care of her calf, nursing and protecting it until it becomes independent.Unfortunately, dolphins face various threats in their natural habitats, including pollution, habitat destruction, and fishing nets. Conservation efforts are being made worldwide to protect and preserve these amazing creatures. Many countries have established protected areas and regulations to help ensure the survival of dolphins and their ecosystems.海豚是一种高度智能的海洋哺乳动物,属于海豚科。



• • • • • • /dolphins/threats-to-dolphins.html http://www.dauphinlibre.be/menace2.htm /marineed_threatstodolphins.php /17963/threats.html /view/2098.htm#4 /wiki/Dolphin
Group mates: Lily, Anne, Amily, Jessica
Brief introduction (species, habitat, eating, reproduction and sexuality) Behaviors( sleeping, pod activity, displays) Threats Conclusion
Natural threats
Predators(sharks, larger dolphin species such as killer whales杀人鲸) A wide variety of diseases and parasites.
Human threats
Fishing • Dolphins find less food available. • Dolphins cannot see or easily detect fishing nets. Some swim into the nets, become entangled, and drown.
Pod activities
Dolphins live in small pods of up to 12 dolphins. Act as a union to avoid threats from predators.



海豚外貌英文介绍Dolphins are one of the most iconic and beloved ocean mammals. They have a sleek and streamlined body that is perfectly adapted for a life in marine habitats. The average size for dolphins is around 8 feet long and 200-400 pounds. Dolphins have a streamlined, bulbous nose that is called a 'beak' and their mouths are filled with sharp teeth for catching prey.Their bodies are covered in a thick layer of skin that has a smooth, silky feeling to the touch, while their backs bear a unique grayish-colored pattern that can help to identify them from other creatures in the ocean.Their eyes are large and have eyelids that are capable of closing, while their ears are small and hidden behind the eyes. Dolphins can be found in different colors, from black and white to shades of gray and blue.The most distinguishing feature of dolphins is their flukes and dorsal fin, which act as a rudder to help steer them through the water. Dolphins are also able to stay underwater for extended periods of time, thanks to their strong respiratory system.Dolphins also display behaviors that show their intelligence, such as the recognition of individual faces and the use of sounds to communicate. They are social creatures and can often be seen in large pods, swimming and playing together. All in all, dolphins are an amazing and unique species that have captured the hearts and imaginations of people around the world.。



关于海豚的中英文介绍外教Let me introduce you to dolphins, one of the most fascinating creatures of the sea.让我来介绍一下海豚,它是海洋中最迷人的生物之一。

Dolphins are mammals and are found all over the world, living in both saltwater and freshwater habitats.海豚是哺乳动物,分布在全球各地,生活在咸淡水栖息地中。

They are highly intelligent and social animals, often living in groups called pods.它们非常聪明和社交化,通常生活在称为“群体”的团体中。

Dolphins are known for their playful behavior and acrobatic abilities, such as jumping out of the water and somersaulting.海豚因其活泼的行为和杂技表演而闻名,例如跳出水面和翻滚。

They communicate with each other through a series of clicks, whistles, and body language.它们通过一系列的“点击”声、哨声和身体语言来彼此交流。

There are over 40 different species of dolphins, ranging in sizefrom 3 feet to over 30 feet long.海豚有超过40个不同的物种,大小从3英尺到30英尺以上不等。

They are apex predators and feed on a variety of marine creatures such as small fish, squid, and shrimp.它们是顶级捕食者,以各种海洋生物为食,如小鱼、鱿鱼和虾。



Play is an important part of dolphin culture. Dolphins play with seaweed and play-fight with other dolphins. At times they harass other local creatures, like seabirds and turtles.
*Dolphins can establish strong social bonds; they will stay with injured or ill individuals, even helping them to breathe by bringing them to the surface if needed.
Social behavior
*Dolphins are social living in pods of up to a dozen individuals. In places with a high abundance of food, forming a super grouping may exceed 1,000 dolphins.
Friends of humans
Dolphins are friends of human beings, they are happy to be with people. Assist fishermen fishing; Have many reports about dolphins to save people; One report in 1959,even said that dolphins drove sharks away, then saved the victims of the passengers.



DolphinDolphins are a species of small toothed whales. They are considered mammals because they are born with hair, have lungs (breath air), give live birth, nurse their young, are warm blooded and have larger, more developed brains than other animals. Dolphins are considered to be highly intelligent.BirthFemale dolphin are sexually mature at 8 years of age. They give birth every 2 - 3 years. This can happen any time of the year, but usually takes place in the Spring and Summer. SleepSince the dolphin are air breathers and must be aware of their surroundings at all times, they let half of their brain sleep at one time. They must remain at the surface of the water. First, they close one eye and allow one side of the brain to sleep, then they switch sides. The dolphin remains motionless during this time.EatingDolphins use 94 sharp teeth to eat fish and crustaceans. They consume 14 pounds of fish and crustaceans a day, and 20 pounds or more in colder months.Swimming and BreathingThe dolphin usually cruises at 7 miles per hour, but is capable of short burst of 30 miles per hour or more. They are able to dive to a depth of 1000 feet and can slow their heart rate, which allows them to stay under for up to 8 minutes at a time. Dolphin prefer to make shallow dives and take a breath every 2 or 3 minutes. They are able to leap from the water in a jump that reaches 20 feet.EcholocationEcholocation is a term used to describe the way dolphin use sonar or sounds to identify each other, food availability, and obstacles under the water. The dolphin makes clicking sounds, which rebound off of solid objects and echo back to the dolphin. When the rebounding click returns, the dolphin can identify what the object is and how far away it is by the amount of time it takes to return and the quality of the returned sound. This allows dolphin to communicate with one another at night and in murky water.DisplaysDolphin have a large range of displays. They appear playful as they leap from the water, one after the other, and roll about the waters surface.The coveThe Cove is a 2009 American documentary film that describes the annual killing of dolphins in a National Park at Taiji, Wakayama, in Japan from an ocean conservationists point of view.[2][3] The film highlights the fact that the number of dolphins killed in the Taiji dolphin hunting drive is several times greater than the number of whales killed in the Antarctic, and reports that 23,000 dolphins are killed in Japan every year。

海洋王国 海豚PPT模板

海洋王国 海豚PPT模板

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The documentary the cove
The documentary the cove
The Faroe Islands of Denmark
The documentary the cove
Thanks !
Relationships with humans
Friends of humans
Dolphins are friends of human beings, they are happy to be with people. Assist fishermen fishing;
Brief introduction of dolphin
Dolphins are often regarded as one of Earth's most intelligent animals.
Brief introduction of dolphin
Dolphins are social living in pods of up to a dozen individuals.
Relationships with humans
• finding mines • rescuing lost or
trapped humans
Relationships with humans
The documentary the cove
nose dolphin
Chinese White Dolphin
common dolphin
Brief introduction of dolphin
• They are found worldwide, mostly in the shallower seas of the continental shelves, and are carnivores, eating mostly fish and squid.
Relationships with humans
Dolphins have long played a role in human culture. Dolphins are common in Greek mythology and there are many coins from ancient Greece which feature a man or boy or deity riding on the back of a dolphin.
The Cove
82nd Academy Awards (2010) – Best Documentary Feature
The documentary the cove
Taiji, Japan , Filming locations
The documentary the cove
Dolphins can establish strong social bonds;
Brief introduction of dolphin
Dolphins are acoustic creatures. That`s their primary sense. The best sonar the man has , is a toy compared to the dolphins`.
• 1 Brief introduction of dolphin • 2 Relationships with humans • 3 The documentary the cove
Brief introduction of dolphin
Dolphins are marine mammals closely related to whales and porpoises. There are almost forty species of dolphin in 17 genera.