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1. -Do you want to be a r______ for a TV station? -Yes, I do.

2. I am a policeman. My job is very interesting but kind of d______.

3. The girls are shop a______ at a book store.

4. My aunt works in a hospital, but she isn't a doctor. She is a n______.

5. He counts a lot of money every day. He is a bank c______.

6 .He is a policeman and ______ are afraid of him. (thief)

7.Look! My brother is swimming at the swimming p______.

8.I often take some photos with the c______.

9.Tim is on duty(值日)today. Look! He is c______the classroom.. 10.Their mother doesn’t come. They are w______ for her.

11. We can borrow many books from our school l_________.

12. The w_______ is sunny. Let’s go swimming.

13. It’s r______ .We can’t go out.

14. It’s ______ (wind) today.

15. . It’s ______ (sun) today.


1. . -What does he do?


A. He's very well

B. He's eleven

C. He's in Mr Li's office

D. He's a policeman

2.______ the first photo, I ______ at the mall.

A. On; shop

B. On; shopping

C. In; am shoping

D. In; am shopping

3. Do you want ______ to the movies with us this evening?

A. go

B. to go

C. goes

D. going

4. --What’s the weather like there? -- It’s _______

A. snowy and cold

B. snowing and hot

C. snow and cold

D. snowing and sun

5. Listen! She ________ in the classroom.

A. sing

B. sings

C. singing

D. is singing

6. . I’m writing ___ my friend.

A. to

B. for

C. at

D. on

7. We’re talking ___ the Music Festival.

A. with

B. to

C. about

D. of

8. Two ______ are at the police office.

A. policeman

B. policemans

C. policemen

D. policewomans

9. Let ___ help ___.

A. they, you

B. us, his

C. me, them

D. we, you

10. My father ______ young.

A. is looking

B. look

C. looks

D. looking

11. —___________is Judy doing?—She is ___________.

A. What; run

B. Who; running

C. What; running

D. Where; running12.________they__________ soccer ? Yes, I think so.

A. Are;play

B. Are;playing

C. Is;playing

D. Do;playing 13.Bob’s singing ___________ song. It’s ___________ American song.

A. a;a

B. a;an

C. an;a

D. an;the

14.Please come and work _____us ____ a reporter.

A.to;l for

B. for; to

C. for ;as

D.to ;as

15. Where does your mother work? _____

A S he is a teacher.

B She works in a TV station.

B.She likes working D She likes her job.

16. Tom often _____TV on Sundays. Today is Sunday .He _____ TV now.

A is watching; is watching

B watches;watches

C. watches; is watching

D.is watching;watches

17.When ____you _____go to the movies ? Let’s go at six o’clock

A.are; wanting B . do; want C. are; want to D. do ;want to

18._____ Tom _____ watching TV ? Yes, he does.

A.Is; like

B. Does ; like

C.Is ; liking

D. Does; liking

19.__________? Not bad

A What’s it going B. How’s it going C Where’s it going .D. How it is going

20.______ winter it is very cold_____ Moscow.

A On; on .B. On ; in C. In; in D. In; on


A young man and an old man __1__ in the park. The old man __2__ behind the young man. He is tired, so he __3__ to have a rest. There is a chair in front of the young man. The old man see the chair. He wants __4__ on the chair. He walks
