宫崎骏 英文介绍ppt

Nausicaäof the Valley of the Wind(风之谷) 1984 film Castle in the Sky(天空之城)1986 film My Neighbor Totoro(龙猫)1988 film Kiki‘s Delivery Service(魔女宅急便)1989 film Princess Mononoke(幽灵公主)1997 film Spirited Away(千与千寻)2001 film The Cat Returns(猫的报恩)2002 Film Howl‘s Moving Castle(哈尔的移动城堡)2004 film Ponyo(悬崖上的金鱼姬)2008 film
Miyazaki is a famous Japanese animation director , who was born on January 5,1941 in Tokyo. And began his animation career in 1961. Miyazaki can be a legend in Japanese animation industry. It can be said that without him is the cause of Japanese animation industry will be greatly inferior.
• I can only send you here, the rest of the way you have to go, don't look back.
——Spirited Away
The only beauty thing for man is too old to lose.
• He is like a dream maker . With his brush ,he paints a piece of sky in our mind.

: 世 界 之 约
主演:倍赏千惠子 木村拓哉 美轮明宏
Logo: Two people live together.
The theatre on the eve of war in animation version for background, describe lived in the small town of the three sisters, one of the big sister Sophie is a production of hat brought in, but she was so against the witch, from 18 years old girl into a 90-year-old old woman. Her heart to escape from home, but again entered a magic castle with the move, she and can't and people fell in love but understand magic Hal, figuring out a penetrating field, and other people in the castle and ways to solve the body with magic spells. 这部剧场版动画以战争前夜为背景, 描述住在小镇的三姐妹, 其中的大姐苏菲是位制作帽子的手艺人, 但她却因此得罪了女巫,从18岁的少女变成了90岁的老太婆。 她惊恐地逃出家里,但又进入了一座带有魔法的移动城堡, 她和不能与人相恋但懂魔法的哈尔, 谱出了一段战地恋曲, 并且和城堡里的其他人一起想办法解开身上的魔咒。

主 题 曲 : 波 哥 与 吉 娜
Logo: The so-called smart, that is me la~~
Princess Mononoke (幽灵公主1997) (box office revenue: 17.9 billion yen) Logo: To live strongly! 主 宣传语:坚强的活下去。 题 曲 : 幽 灵 公 主
Each work of Miyazaki has different themes, but all the themes reflect a common meaning, the various dream, the environmental protection and life survival of the role in his animation representing the thinking of the society.
Laputa Castle in the Sky(天空之城 1986) (box office: 500 million 83 million yen, the number of visitors: 774,271 people)
Logo: One day ,a girl floated down from the sky。
主 题 曲 : 永 远 同 在
主 题 曲 Howl‘s Moving Castle(哈尔的移动城堡2004) : 世 Japan domestic box office receipts: Super 20 billion yen (about 1.5 billion Yuan), viewing trips 界 之 breakthrough 1200 million 约 Logo: Two people live together. 宣传语:两个人一起生活。

• Throughout his career, Miyazaki has traveled widely in search of inspiration. Now, he is firmly established as a figure who provides inspiration to others. Skilled animators at the Disney Corporation,with whom Ghibli recently set up a partnership, have acknowledged their debt to Hayao Miyazaki. He has, without a doubt, earned his place in the animators’ hall of fame. • 在其动漫画家生涯里,宫崎骏曾远赴各地旅行寻 找灵感。如今,作为一位启发他人灵感的人,宫 崎骏已确立了其不可动摇的地位。最近迪斯尼公 司与吉卜力工作室建立了合作关系,该公司技术 高超的漫画家对宫崎骏的贡献也感叹不已。毫无 疑问,宫崎骏已在漫画家的名人堂中赢得一席之 地。
Subjects of his works are different, But it
contains dream, environmental protection, life, survival and other information . He was not only resonated [’rɛzə,net] (共鸣) with the global one, but by paying attention to the world, even the United States Kingdom of Disney animation, his animation should be referred as appropriate[ə’proprɪ,et] film distribution [dɪstrɪˈbju:ʃn]rights (excluding Asia).

Feminism(女性主义) Miyazaki has been called a feminist by Studio Ghibli President Toshio Suzuki, in reference to his attitude to female workers. This is evident in the all-female factories of Porco Rosso(红猪) and Princess Mononoke(幽灵公主), as well as the matriarchal(女族长制的) bath-house of Spirited Away. Many of Miyazaki‘s films are populated by strong female protagonists(主人公) that go against gender roles common in Japanese animation andsm(环保主义)
Miyazaki's films often emphasize environmentalism .
In an interview with The New Yorker, Miyazaki claimed that much of modern culture is “thin and shallow(肤浅) and fake", “nature — the mountains and rivers — was being destroyed in the name of economic progress.“
Miyazaki has used traditional animation throughout the animation process, though computer-generated imagery was employed starting with Princess Mononoke to give "a little boost of elegance".
Feminism(女性主义) Miyazaki has been called a feminist by Studio Ghibli President Toshio Suzuki, in reference to his attitude to female workers. This is evident in the all-female factories of Porco Rosso(红猪) and Princess Mononoke(幽灵公主), as well as the matriarchal(女族长制的) bath-house of Spirited Away. Many of Miyazaki‘s films are populated by strong female protagonists(主人公) that go against gender roles common in Japanese animation andsm(环保主义)
Miyazaki's films often emphasize environmentalism .
In an interview with The New Yorker, Miyazaki claimed that much of modern culture is “thin and shallow(肤浅) and fake", “nature — the mountains and rivers — was being destroyed in the name of economic progress.“
Miyazaki has used traditional animation throughout the animation process, though computer-generated imagery was employed starting with Princess Mononoke to give "a little boost of elegance".

However, he found the TV too restrictive, and
therefore more like the creation of full - length
animated film.
• Each of Miyazaki’s work, themes are different, but the dream, environmental protection, life, survival of people are well reflected .
Hello everyone,today I will introduce
Hayao Miyazaki () and his animated movies
中文名:宫崎骏 英文名:Miyazaki Hayao 国籍:日本 出生地:日本东京 出生日期:1941年1月5日 毕业院校:自杉并区立永福小学校、杉 并区立大宫中学校、东京都立豊多摩高 等学校及学习院大学政治经济学部 职业:动画导演、动画师、漫画师
My Neighbor Totoro It is a warm film about childhood, family,and animal.
哈尔的移动城堡 Howl's Moving Castle
Lucky to encounter you.
Howl’s Moving
这是宫崎骏鼎盛时期的作品。一天晚上, 小男孩看见一名少女从天而降,而从他 接住她的那一刻起,他们的冒险开始了。 他们遇到了海盗,军队和政府的秘密特 工,这些人的目的就是天空之中的城 堡—Laputa。

Neighbor Totoro
Sf u r
iuoctGionh ibli
my nei most lovely role under the pen of Hayao Miyazaki is Totoro
gorgeous love
The Wind Rises
The story of a as a pure and
flawless dreaming
the wind begins,what we can do is struggling for life
Hayao Miyazaki and his
colleagues Takahata, 3 Suzuki Toshio
Hayao Miyazaki's works
天空之城(1986) Laputa:Castle in
the sky
The theme song "the city of the sky"was composed by musician Joe Hisaishi,due to its wonderful temperament, the song is famous in the world,was adapted into a variety of versions,has become a popular movie music.
Princess Mononoke

How did it come out?
Miyazaki wrote the script after he decided the film would be based on his friend's tenyear-old daughter, who came to visit his house each summer. Production of Spirited Away began in 2000. During production, Miyazaki based the film's settings at a museum in Tokyo.
Spirited Away
Spirited Away is a 2001 Japanese animated fantasy-adventure film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli. The film tells the story of Chihiro Ogino(狄 野千寻), a sullen(皱着眉头的) ten-year-old girl who, while moving to a new neighborhood, becomes trapped in an alternate reality that is inhabited by spirits and monsters. After her parents are transformed into pigs by a witch, Chihiro takes a job working in the witch's bathhouse to find a way to free herself and her parents and escape back to the human world.

Miyazaki(Hayao Miyazaki ) is a famous Japanese animation director,January 5, 1941 born in Tokyo.He has no substitute in the global animation industry status, Disney called “animation industry Akira Kurosawa", he was received numerous awards.
My Neighbor Totoro,1988film (导演、编剧)
Kiki's Delivery Service,1989 film (导演、编剧、制作人)
Only Yesterday, 1991 film (制作人)
Porco Rosso(Italian), 1992 film (导演、编剧、剪辑)
Theme Song:Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind/主题曲:风之 谷主题曲
风 Or之igi谷na(l N19a8m4Ve)(a原l名lle)y:o风fのth谷eのナウシカ Wind
风之谷 English Name: Warriors of the Wind
“动画界的黑泽明”更是 Wind,1984 film (导演、编剧) 《风之谷》
Castle in the Sky,1986 film (导演、编剧)
Miyazaki(Hayao Miyazaki ) is a famous Japanese animation director,January 5, 1941 born in Tokyo.He has no substitute in the global animation industry status, Disney called “animation industry Akira Kurosawa", he was received numerous awards.
My Neighbor Totoro,1988film (导演、编剧)
Kiki's Delivery Service,1989 film (导演、编剧、制作人)
Only Yesterday, 1991 film (制作人)
Porco Rosso(Italian), 1992 film (导演、编剧、剪辑)
Theme Song:Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind/主题曲:风之 谷主题曲
风 Or之igi谷na(l N19a8m4Ve)(a原l名lle)y:o风fのth谷eのナウシカ Wind
风之谷 English Name: Warriors of the Wind
“动画界的黑泽明”更是 Wind,1984 film (导演、编剧) 《风之谷》
Castle in the Sky,1986 film (导演、编剧)

1985年在德间书店的投资下,宫 崎骏联合高田勋共同创办了吉卜 力工作室,该名字来自二战时候 意大利的一款侦察机,意思是 “撒哈拉沙漠的热风”,由于宫 崎骏父亲曾经是在飞机制造厂工 作,从小宫崎骏就对飞行和天空 充满着向往,这也是吉卜力的由 来之一。也正因为这个宫崎骏在 日后的许多作品中始终贯穿着天 空场景和各式各样飞行器的刻画。
Production:Tokuma 制作:德间书店
Original.& director:Miyazaki 宫崎骏
Producer:Isao Takahata高畑勋; Yasuyoshi Tokuma德间康快;原彻 はら とおる;Ned Lott;Rick Dempsey
Photographer:Mark Henley;Hideshi Kyonen Music:Joe Hisaishi久石让
侧耳倾听(1995) Jpanese Name:耳をすませば Director:こんどう よしふみ近藤喜闻 制作监制、编剧、绘分镜:宫崎骏
片头曲: Take Me Home, Country Roads(汉 译名:乡村路带我回家) 作词、作曲:约翰·丹佛、Bill Danoff、 Taffy Nivert 歌:奥莉薇亚·纽顿-强 片尾曲:乡村路(カントリー・ロー ド)
77万4271人) ▪ 摄影:Nobuo Koyama(director of photography)
原作oPrigrionadl:u佐c山tio哲n郎:▪T高o桥ku千m鹤 a 制作:德间书店 The Wind Rises, 2013 film (导演)

日本本土票房收入:超200亿日元(约合15 亿人民币),观影人次突破1200万人 Original name:ハウルの动く城 Genre: Animation Fantasy 类型:动画 奇幻 Director: Hayao Miyazaki 导演:宫崎骏
Starring: Chieko Baisho the U.S. round out the macro Takuya Kimura
1941年宫崎骏出生于日本东 京。他的家族拥有一座制造 飞机的工厂,他早年也曾醉 心于飞机及飞行。熟悉宫崎 骏电影的人,都很熟悉他影 片中经常出现的常令人叹为 观止的飞行场景,那正是宫 崎骏动画的一大特色。
宫崎骏是日本最受欢迎的 漫画家之一,他曾制作了 多部日本电视动画的经典 巨作。然而,他发现电视 创作太受限制,因而更喜 欢创作正片长度的动画电 影。
主 题 曲 : 更 替 的 四 季
插 曲 /宫崎骏 : Music / Joe Hisaishi: 音乐/久石 让 口 Theme song / Arai from the Mira :主题歌/荒井 红 留 由実 言 Logo: Although there will be unhappy time, I still have spirit。宣传语:虽然会有不开心的时 候,但我还是佷精神。
主 题 曲 : 幽 灵 公 主
Laputa: Castle in the Sky (1986)
This is one of the most beloved Hayao Miyazaki films of all times. One night, a young boy sees a girl floating down from the sky. From the moment he catches her, their adventure begins. Together they will encounter pirates, the army, and secret officials eye as they all search for Laputa, the Castle in the Sky.

excellent animated films. Including Grave of the Fireflies(萤火虫之墓)、Laputa:Castle in the Sky(天空之城) 、 My Neighbor Totoro (龙猫)、Spirited Away(千与千寻)、 Princess Mononoke(幽灵公主)、 Howl’s Moving Castle(哈尔的移动城堡)、The Wind Rises(起风了)……
• Miyazaki has been commented: “There can be no moon in the night sky, but animation world can not be without Hayao Miyazaki.” It can be obviously seen that he is very important to the animation world.
• 宫崎骏的每部作品,题材虽然不同,但却将
• 曾有人如此评价宫崎骏:“夜空中可以没有
Laputa:Castle in the Sky (天空之城)
•Synopsis:The film illustrates a adventure story that Sheeta ,Baruch, pirates,army,and Musika look for the castle in the sky (Laputa).
Hayao Miyazaki (宫崎骏) and his animations
English name: Hayao Miyazaki Nationality: Japan Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan Date of birth: January 5, 1941 Studio: GHIBLI School: Gakushuin University.... Occupation: animation director cartoonist、animator
• Miyazaki has been commented: “There can be no moon in the night sky, but animation world can not be without Hayao Miyazaki.” It can be obviously seen that he is very important to the animation world.
• 宫崎骏的每部作品,题材虽然不同,但却将
• 曾有人如此评价宫崎骏:“夜空中可以没有
Laputa:Castle in the Sky (天空之城)
•Synopsis:The film illustrates a adventure story that Sheeta ,Baruch, pirates,army,and Musika look for the castle in the sky (Laputa).
Hayao Miyazaki (宫崎骏) and his animations
English name: Hayao Miyazaki Nationality: Japan Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan Date of birth: January 5, 1941 Studio: GHIBLI School: Gakushuin University.... Occupation: animation director cartoonist、animator

1985年在德间书店的投资下,宫 崎骏联合高田勋共同创办了吉卜 力工作室,该名字来自二战时候 意大利的一款侦察机,意思是 “撒哈拉沙漠的热风”,由于宫 崎骏父亲曾经是在飞机制造厂工 作,从小宫崎骏就对飞行和天空 充满着向往,这也是吉卜力的由 来之一。也正因为这个宫崎骏在 日后的许多作品中始终贯穿着天 空场景和各式各样飞行器的刻画。
Production:Tokuma 制作:德间书店
Original:Kadono Eiko(awarded Andersen Award) 原作:角野荣子(荣获安徒生大奖) Original.Script.Supervisory:Miyazaki 原作.脚本.监督:宫崎骏 Music:Joe Hisaishi 久石让
Production:Tokuma 制作:德间书店
Original.& director:Miyazaki 宫崎骏
Producer:Isao Takahata高畑勋; Yasuyoshi Tokuma德间康快;原彻 はら とおる;Ned Lott;Rick Dempsey
Photographer:Mark Henley;Hideshi Kyonen Music:Joe Hisaishi久石让
Logo: Although there will be unhappy time, I still have spirit。宣传语:虽然 会有不开心的时候,但我还是佷精神。
Kiki's Delivery Service 主 题 曲
: め ぐ る 季 节
/ 更 替 的 季 节
Only Yesterday
主要作品 His main works
My Neighbor Totoro,1988film (导演、编剧)

Miyazaki is Japan's animation industry can be a legend, can be said that without him the cause of Japanese animation will be much the worse.
Spirited Away(千与千寻)
Box office revenue: 30.4 billion yen (about 2.2 billion yuan)
The film topped Titanic’s sales at the Japanese box office, also won Picture of the Year(最佳影片奖) at the Japanese Academy Awards (日本金像奖)and was the first anime film(动画片) to win an American Academy Award.(美国
Reflecting Miyazaki’s
the protagonists (主人公)
• Valley of the Wind, 1984 film
• 《风之谷》
• Castle in the Sky, 1986 film
• 《天空之城》
Miyazaki’s films often
incorporate( 体现)
recurrent(周期性的 )
Miyazaki is Japan's animation industry can be a legend, can be said that without him the cause of Japanese animation will be much the worse.
Spirited Away(千与千寻)
Box office revenue: 30.4 billion yen (about 2.2 billion yuan)
The film topped Titanic’s sales at the Japanese box office, also won Picture of the Year(最佳影片奖) at the Japanese Academy Awards (日本金像奖)and was the first anime film(动画片) to win an American Academy Award.(美国
Reflecting Miyazaki’s
the protagonists (主人公)
• Valley of the Wind, 1984 film
• 《风之谷》
• Castle in the Sky, 1986 film
• 《天空之城》
Miyazaki’s films often
incorporate( 体现)
recurrent(周期性的 )

In the film we can see, Hayao Miyazaki's thinking is divided into two levels: At the first level, Miyazaki thinks that the relationship between civilization and nature, just as same as the relationship between trees and soil. If the soil is not rooted in the earth, even tall trees can not survive.
have spirit。宣传语:虽然会有不开心的时
宫崎骏是日本最受欢迎的 漫画家之一,他曾制作了 多部日本电视动画的经典 巨作。然而,他发现电视 创作太受限制,因而更喜 欢创作正片长度的动画电 影。
票房收入:21亿7000万日元,观众人数 :264万619人
题 曲 : 更
Original name:原名:魔女の宅急便
English Name: Kiki's Delivery Service 的

My Neighbor Totoro
This strange creature, still living in Japan. • Hayao Miyazaki's mother was very strict, very smart minds. Hayao Miyazaki Mo d y‘ s brother recalled later that he saw the "Sky" the motherin-law could not help but think about his mother pirates. Although not fully grown, but the personality down lifelike. Hayao Miyazaki primary grades one to three in Utsunomiya City primary school, but they returned to Tokyo.
The called handsome is me.
In Early 1930's era Italy, air pirates, bounty hunters and high flyers of all sorts rule the skies. The most cunning and skilled of these pilots is Porco Rosso, a man cursed with the head of a pig after watching the spirits of the pilots killed in the last air battle he fought in rise to the heavens.
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1993年 原 名:海がきこえる 中文名:听到涛声 英文名:The Ocean Waves 1994年 原 名:平成狸合戦ぽんぽこ 中文名:平成狸合战 英文名:Pom Poko 1995年 原 名:耳をすませば 中文名:侧耳倾听 英文名:Whisper of the Heart 1997年 原 名:もののけ姬 中文名:幽灵公主 英文名:Princess Mononoke 1999年 原 名:ホーホケキョ となりの山田くん 中文名:邻居的山田君 英文名:My Neighbors the Yamadas 2001年 原 名:千と千寻の神隠し 中文名:千与千寻之神隐 英文名:Spirited Away 2002年 原 名:猫の恩返し 中文名:猫的报恩 英文名:The Cat Returns 2005年 原 名:ハウルの动く城 中文名:哈尔的移动城堡 英文名:Howl's Moving Castle
Each work of Hayao Miyazaki, subjects are different, But it contains a dream, environmental protection, life, survival and other information . He was the [,dɛdə„keʃən] , not only resonate [‟rɛzə,net] (共鸣) with the global one, but by paying attention to the world, even the United States Kingdom of Disney animation, Hayao Miyazaki‘s animation should be referred as appropriate[ə‟proprɪ,et] film distribution rights (excluding Asia).
Then we are there with our smile and form as usual. And we brush away dust. As we let a coin go out of my hand, it fall without clink. And we cannot catch it never again. I will try to overtake the dawn with you by our bicycles. On your mark. Whenever we start on, we always catch a prevalent cold. On your mark. The reason we don't give up is that we feel we can go up the slope to lead our hope.
Miyazaki (Miyazaki, Miyazaki Hayao) is a famous Japanese animation director, January 5, 1941 Born in Tokyo. Hayao Miyazaki has no substitute [„sʌbstə,tjut] (替代的)in the global animation industry status, Disney called “animation industry Akira Kurosawa”, he was received numerous ['njumərəs] awards . Chinese Name: Hayao Miyazaki English name: Miyazaki Hayao Nationality: Japan Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan Date of birth: January 5, 1941 Occupation: Animation Director School: Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan 宫崎骏(宫崎骏,Miyazaki Hayao)是日本著名动画片导演, 1941年1月5日生于东京。宫崎骏在全球动画界具有无可替代的地 位,迪斯尼称其为“动画界的黑泽明”,更是获奖无数。 中文名: 宫崎骏 外文名: Miyazaki Hayao 国籍: 日本 出生地: 日本东京 出生日期: 1941年1月5日 职业: 动画片导演 毕业院校: 日本东京学习院大学 代表作品: 《风之谷》、《天空之城》、《龙猫》、《千与千寻 的神隐》等
Then we talk out together, like the words shower fall to our blank space in our minds. It is an answer that we do not answer. It is finding a time to see the face of a clock without hands. We are too young to appreciate all r mark. Whenever we start on, we always catch a prevalent cold. On your mark. The reason we don't lose it, is to encourage together to point toward our heart of hopes. Then we are.. On your mark. Whenever we start on, we always catch a prevalent cold. On your mark. The reason we don't give up is that we feel we can go up the slope to lead our hope. On your mark. Whenever we start on, we always catch a prevalent cold. On your mark. The reason we don't lose it, is to encourage together to point toward our heart of hopes. Then, where we will go
Hayao Miyazaki has been commented: "There was no moon in the night sky can be, but Hayao Miyazaki animation world can not do without." He can obviously see the importance of the animation industry 宫崎骏的每部作品,题材虽然不同,但却将梦想、环 保、人生、生存这些令人反思的讯息,融合其中。他这份执 著,不单令全球人产生共鸣,更受到全世界所重视,连美国 动画王国迪斯尼,都要斟介宫崎骏的动画电影发行版权(亚 洲地区除外)。 曾有人如此评价宫崎骏:“夜空中可以没有月亮,但在 动画界不能没有宫崎骏。”足可见他在动画界的重要性
而那枚从手中滑落的铜板 连声音也没有地 就那样静静地滚远消失了
你和我 肩并着肩 想要用自己的力量来奔越过黎明
ON YOUR MARK 但是每当我俩踏上旅程 却又总是被已经可以算是一种流行性感冒的风潮所困扰
ON YOUR MARK 就算是这样 我俩也并没有停下脚步 那是因为每当我们抬头仰望梦的斜面时 都总觉得终有一天我们可以到达顶端的缘故 然后 我们便站在自己内心中小小的空地上 彼此抖干身上那些从人们的言语中落下的雷阵雨 我们并不急着去寻找出答案 然而 又感到这一切好像便已经是答案 这是一种仿佛像是想要用失去指针的时钟 来读出现在的时间般地感觉
而 你和我 对于要马上就去承认这世界便是这般如此而言 实在还算是太年轻了 然后 我俩便用着一如往常的笑容与姿势 拍打身上满布着的尘埃 ON YOUR MARK 但是每当我俩踏上旅程 却又总是被已经可以算是一种流行性感冒的风潮所困扰 ON YOUR MARK 就算是这样 我俩也并没有放弃了希望 那是因为我们总是互相招唤着对方 好一起去朝着梦想的心脏去狙击的缘故 于是 我们俩便.........
1984年 原 名:风の谷のナウツカ 中文名:风之谷 英文名:Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 1986年 原 名:天空の城ラピュタ 中文名:天空之城 英文名:Laputa:Castle in the Sky 1988年 原 名:とないのトトロ 中文名:龙猫 英文名:My Neighbor TOTORO 1988年 原 名:火垂るの墓 中文名:萤火虫之墓 英文名:Grave of the Fire flies 1989年 原 名:魔女の宅急便 中文名:魔女宅急便 英文名:Kiki's Delivery Service 1991年 原 名:おもこびでぼろぼろ 中文名:点点滴滴的回忆 英文名:Only Yesterday 1992年 原 名:红の豚 中文名:红猪 英文名:Porco Rosso
Grave of the Fire flies
We are the birds, we took off again and again in the morning, coughing up of blood