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On the right below are some common colloquial responses, i.e. phrases often used in particular, informal situations. Of course, different people respond in different ways, but the phrases below are very common. Try to remember them.

1.Can I bring some friends to the party? The more the merrier.

2.How did you know I had a boyfriend? A little bird told me.(=I can’t tell you who

told me about it. It’s a secret.)

3.Fancy a cuppa?(=What about a cup of tea?) I could do with one.(=I’d love one.)

4.You mustn’t tell a soul. My lips are sealed.

5.Did you manage to catch the train? By the skin of my teeth.

6.I’ve got some gossip. I’ m all ears.(=Tell me. I’m listen ing.)

7.I really can’t afford to eat here. Don’t worry. It’s on me!(=I’ll pay for it.)

8.I’ll get these drinks. It’s my round.(=I’ll buy everything.)

9.Do you know where the cinema is? Sorry, haven’t got a clue.(=I know nothing

about it.)

10.I think I’ll stay in actually. OK, suit yourself.(=OK, do whatever you

want to do.)

11.Can you lend me a tenner? You must be joking!(=It’s impossible.)

12.I’ve got an exam tomorrow. Rather you than me!(I’m glad you’ve got

one. Fortunately I haven’t got.)

13.I’ll pay you back ,really I will. I’ll believe it when I see it!

14.That’s the joke.Don’t you think it’s funny? I don’t get it.(=I don’t understand.)

15.I’ve eaten too much. I feel sick. Serves you right.

16.England is so expensive! You can say that again!(=I agree with you.)

17.I don’t know how you can drive around London. There’s nothing to it.(=It’s easy. Anyone

can do it.)

18.We bumped into John’s teacher in Venice! It’s a small world.

19.Who do you think is to blame, It’s six of one and half a

the boss or the workers? dozen of the other.

20. People say you’re very generous. Flattery will get you nowhere.

21. Where shall put your case? Dump it anywhere.

22. I like your new car. Care for a spin?

23. I thought you we re going to accept the offer. I’m having second thoughts.

24. Bobby’s in trouble at school. Well,boys will be boys.

25. I’m afraid this is the only job I can offer you. Beggars can’t be choosers.

26. I didn’t get the job. Well,you can’t win them all.

注:1、The more the merrier.是这一情境中的习惯说法,不宜说成The more the better.

2、By the skin of my teeth.意为“勉强、刚好”怎样。

3、It’s my round.=I’ll buy rounds.buy rounds意为“为所有人买单”。在英国,朋友们在一起饮酒时,第一杯可由别人付帐,但饮第二杯、第三杯时应自己主动去买。

4、tenner,fiver,quid,grand都是英国口语中表示英镑(纸币)数量和单位的名词。a tenner=₤10, a fiver=₤5, a quid=₤1, a grand=₤100。

5、Serves you right.相当于You did it yourself.意为“活该”。

6、It’s six of one and half a dozen of the other.指责任均摊。

7、Care for a spin?意为“要不要试一下?”

8、I’m having second thoughts.意为“我正在进一步考虑。”

9、Well,boys will be boys.意为“男孩毕竟是男孩。”


Do this quiz to find out what you know about what to say when to English people.

1.Your friend had an interview. What do you ask her after?

2.You’re pouring your friend a drink and want to know how much he wants. What do you say?

3.You don’t wa nt much hair cut off. What do you say to the hairdresser?

4.You decide you don’t want to buy something the assistant has shown you. What do you say?

5.How do you ask about a place to meet? In one word.

6.The phone line goes dead in the middle of the conversation/call. What do you say when you call your friend back?

7.You need to find some information that a caller needs. What do you say to mean they have to wait a moment?

8.You have to change an appointment for the 4th time! What do you say to this person?(not just “sorry”)

9.You are speaking to a friend on the telephone and you want to signal that you’d like to end the conversation. What do you say?

10. You are on a crowded train. You see an empty seat beside another passenger. You want to find out if someone else is sitting there. What do you say?

11.You are in a shop. You don’t intend to buy anything, you just want to look. The shop assistant says, “Can I help you?” What do you say?

12.Someone you don’t know very well asks you, “Do you mind if I smoke? You don’t like smoking but you don’t want to offend them. What do you say?

The answers: 1.How did it go? 2.Say when./How much would you like? 3.Just a trim.

4.It’s the wrong size./I think I’ll leave it./I’ll think about it.(make some kind excuse)


6.It’s a bad line./Sorry about that. We must have got cut off.

7.Hold on a moment, please./Could you bear with me a moment?

8.Sorry to mess you around like this.

9.Oh, the line is noisy./Oh, I feel a bit tired.(You may tell a white lie.)

10.Excuse me, is this seat free (taken, occupied)? 11.I’m just looking around. Thank you.

12.I’d rather you didn’t if you don’t mind.


The following common phrases are associated with particular situations. Think out briefly who would say it and in what circumstances.

1.Mind the doors!/Mind your head!/Mind the gap!
