
Vocabulary of Contract Law1. Introduction to Contract1. Contract:合同2. Signature: 签名3. Loan:贷款4. Guarantee: 保证书5. Liable: 有义务的、应负责的6 Debt:债务7 Default:不履行、拖欠8. Promise:诺言、许诺9. Remedy:赔偿、补救10. Duty:责任11. Offer and Acceptance:要约和承诺12. Violate:违犯、违反13. Breach:违背、违反14. Consideration:对价15. Subject Matter:标的16. Performance:履行17. Ownership:所有权18. Real property:不动产19. Partnership:合伙20. Corporation:公司21 Executory Contract:未履行合同22 Executed Contract:已履行合同23. Express Contract:明示合同24. Implied-in-fact Contracts:默示合同25. Valid, V oid and V oidable Contracts:有效、无效和可撤销合同26. Legality:合法性、正当性27. Fraud:欺诈28. Misrepresentation: 错误表述29. Duress:胁迫2. Formation of Contract1. Offer: 要约2. Terms: 条件3. Article: 条款、物品4. Offerer: 要约人5. Offeree: 受要约人6. Firm: 公司、商号7. Commitment: 托付、承担义务8. Binding of offer: 要约的约束力9. Revocation of offer: 要约的撤销10. Contract is concluded: 合同成立11. Revoke: 撤销12. Dispatch:派遣,发出13. Irrevocable: 不可撤销的14. Termination of offer: 要约终止15. Invitation offer: 要约邀请16. Counteroffer: 反要约17. Acceptance: 承诺18. Legal systems: 法系19. Common law: 普通法20. Mailbox rule: 投邮主义21. Receipt rule: 到达主义22. Consideration: 对价23. Civil law: 民法24. Detriment: 损害3. Obligations of Seller and the Buyer1. Delivery of the goods: 货物交付2. Constructive delivery: 推定交付3. The Turning Over of Documents: 移交文件4. Claim damages: 要求损害赔偿5. Third party: 第三人6. Industrial property: 工业产权7. Intellectual property: 知识产权8. Net weight: 净重9. Taking Delivery: 接收交付(的货物)10. Excuses for Non-performance: 未履行的免责事由11. Impediment: 阻碍、障碍4. Remedies for Breach of Contract1. Remedy: 补救2. Breach of contract:违反合同、违约3. Specific performance:特别履行、实际履行4. Fundamental breach:根本违约5. Resort to:寻求6. Nonconformity:不一致、不相符7. Substitute goods:替代货物8. Avoidance:撤销9. Price Reduction:减少价金10. Proportionate part:相应部分11. Offset:弥补、抵消12. Discretion:自由裁量权13. Legal action:诉讼14. Excess Quantity:超出的数量15. Damages:损害赔偿16. Anticipatory breach of contract:预期违约17. Innocent party:无辜当事人18. Entitle:赋予(权利)。

一、关于合同(agreement/contract)的一些动、名词开始commence (commencement) 完成consummate (consummation)终止terminate (termination) 中止suspend (suspension)履行perform (performance), carry out, implement (implementation)拒绝履行repudiate (repudiation)取消cancel (cancellation)撤销rescind (rescission), revoke (revocation)补偿indemnify (indemnity)转让assign (assignment), grant保证warrant (warranty), guarantee (guarantee)Inaction 不作为action 作为其中indemnify是bug:我第一次看到的时候非常纯真地问:“领导领导,我有个愚蠢的问题,为什么不用compensate?”领导哈哈哈大笑三声:“你个土鳖!合同里没见过用compensate的。
二、关于一些“人”当事人party, contractor(合同当事人;承包人)买方buyer, vendee(通常用于不动产)卖方seller, vendor(通常用于不动产)债权人creditor 债务人debtor 主债务人principle debtor保证人guarantor 被保证人guarantee出租人lessor 承租人lessee发包人主承包人general contractor 分包人subcontractor转让人grantor, assignor 受让人grantee, assignee许可人licensor 被许可人licensee继承人successor 被继承人deceased,decedent清算人liquidator 破产财产管理人receiver受益人beneficiary代理人、法律事务代理人attorney 事实代理人attorney in fact关联公司affiliate 子公司subsidiary托运人shipper consignor 承运人carrier公证人notary public 仲裁员arbitrator法官、审判员judge 证人testis, witness胜诉当事人prevailing, prevailing party这些“人”基本都是由动词变过来的,多以er/or和ee结尾,相对来说还是比较好记。

Common English Contract Vocabulary1.Parties: The individuals or entities entering into the contract.2.Term: The duration or length of time the contract is valid.3.Consideration: The value exchanged by the parties, often in the form of goods,services, or money.4.Breach: Violation of the terms and conditions of the contract.5.Indemnification: Compensation for damages or losses.6.Confidentiality: Protection of sensitive information shared during the contract.7.Termination: The ending of the contract before the expiration of its term.8.Force Majeure: Unforeseeable circumstances that prevent a party from fulfillingtheir obligations.9.Jurisdiction: The legal authority or control under which the contract falls.10.Arbitration: Resolving disputes outside the court system, usually through aneutral third party.11.Severability: The ability to enforce the remaining provisions of a contract even ifone part is deemed invalid.12.Amendment: Changes made to the original contract after it has been signed.13.Representations and Warranties: Statements made by one party to the otherregarding certain facts or conditions.erning Law: The specific laws that will govern the interpretation andenforcement of the contract.15.Assignment: Transfer of rights or responsibilities from one party to another.16.Liability: Legal responsibility for one’s actions or omissions.17.Remedies: The actions available to parties in case of a breach of contract.18.Confidentiality Agreement: A separate agreement that specifies the protectionof confidential information.19.Consideration: Something of value exchanged by the parties, usually money.20.Counterparty: The other party involved in the contract.These are just a few common terms used in English contract law. Familiarizing yourself with these terms will help you better understand and navigate contract documents and agreements.。

2024版英语合同术语1. Agreement - 合同2. Parties - 双方3. Contractor - 承包商4. Subcontractor - 分包商5. Principal - 主要方6. Counterparty - 对方7. Assignee - 受让人8. Assignor - 转让人9. Beneficiary - 受益人10. Executor - 执行人11. Witness - 见证人12. Guarantor - 保证人13. Indemnifier - 赔偿方14. Licensor - 许可方15. Licensee - 被许可方16. Vendor - 卖方17. Purchaser - 买方18. Lessee - 承租人19. Lessor - 出租人20. Employer - 雇主21. Employee - 雇员22. Consultant - 顾问23. Contractor - 承包商24. Commission - 佣金25. Consideration - 合同对价26. Term - 期限27. Duration - 持续时间28. Renewal - 续期29. Termination - 终止30. Expiration - 到期31. Breach - 违约32. Force Majeure - 不可抗力33. Liquidated Damages - 约定赔偿金34. Penalty - 罚款35. Warranty - 保证36. Representation - 陈述37. Indemnification - 赔偿38. Confidentiality - 保密39. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) - 保密协议40. Intellectual Property - 知识产权41. Copyright - 版权42. Trademark - 商标43. Patent - 专利44. Trade Secret - 商业秘密45. Good Faith - 善意46. Fair Dealing - 公平交易47. Frustration of Purpose - 目的落空48. Merger Clause - 合并条款49. Entire Agreement - 完整协议50. Severability - 可分割性51. Governing Law - 管辖法律52. Jurisdiction - 管辖权53. Dispute Resolution - 争议解决54. Arbitration - 仲裁55. Mediation - 调解56. Venue - 地点57. Notice - 通知58. Amendment - 修改59. Modification - 变更60. Cessation - 停止61. Assignment - 转让62. Novation - 更新63. Affiliate - 关联方64. Third Party Beneficiary - 第三方受益人65. Joint Venture - 合资企业66. Partnership - 合伙67. Incorporation by Reference - 引用并入68. Exhibit - 附件69. Schedule - 附表70. Appendix - 附录71. Annex - 附件72. Recital - 序言73. Condition Precedent - 先决条件74. Effective Date - 生效日期75. Commencement Date - 开始日期76. Performance Bond - 履约保证77. Letter of Credit - 信用证78. Escrow - 托管79. Quorum - 法定人数80. Proxy - 代理81. Voting Rights - 投票权82. Shareholder - 股东83. Equity - 股权84. Dilution - 稀释85. Option - 期权86. Stock - 股份87. Preferred Stock - 优先股88. Common Stock - 普通股。

合同英文单词1. Introduction当我们谈论合同时,无论是与商业合作、雇佣关系还是其他法律关系有关的合同,英文单词都是必不可少的一部分。
2. Common Contract Terms以下是一些常见的合同术语及其英文对应单词:•Agreement: 协议/合同•Contract: 合同•Party: 当事方•Offer: 出价/提议•Acceptance: 接受•Consideration: 对价/报酬•Mutual: 相互的•Termination: 终止/解除•Breach: 违约•Indemnification: 赔偿/保障•Confidentiality: 保密/机密性•Jurisdiction: 管辖权/司法管辖权•Arbitration: 仲裁/仲裁程序3. Types of Contracts合同可分为多种不同类型,每种类型都有其特定的法律要求和术语。
以下是一些常见的合同类型及其英文对应单词:•Sale Contract: 销售合同•Employment Contract: 雇佣合同•Lease Agreement: 租赁协议•Partnership Agreement: 合伙协议•Non-Disclosure Agreement: 保密协议•Service Agreement: 服务协议•Franchise Agreement: 加盟协议•Loan Agreement: 贷款协议•Agency Agreement: 代理协议•Licensing Agreement: 许可协议4. Key Contract Clauses合同的组成部分通常包括各种条款和条件。
以下是一些关键合同条款及其英文对应单词:•Scope of Work: 工作范围•Term: 期限•Payment Terms: 付款条件•Governing Law: 适用法律•Force Majeure: 不可抗力•Confidentiality Clause: 保密条款•Liability Limitation: 责任限制•Dispute Resolution: 纠纷解决•Jurisdiction Clause: 管辖条款•Entire Agreement: 整个协议•Amendment: 修改/修订5. Legal Terminology合同文件中经常出现一些法律术语,理解这些术语是处理合同事务的重要一步。

法律英语合同法常用单词Essential Vocabulary in Contract Law for Legal English.Contract law, being a crucial aspect of legal practice, is rich in terminology and vocabulary. This article delves into some of the commonly used words and phrases in the field of contract law, particularly focusing on the aspect of requirements and essentials.1. Contract: A legally binding agreement between two or more parties that is enforceable by law.2. Offer: A proposal made by one party to another with the intention of creating a legal relationship.3. Acceptance: The act of agreeing to the terms of an offer, thereby concluding the contract.4. Consideration: Something of value given by one party to another in exchange for a promise or an obligation underthe contract.5. Intention to Create Legal Relations: The requirement that the parties must have had the intention to be bound by legal obligations when entering into the contract.6. Capacity to Contract: The legal ability of a person to enter into a contract, which is typically affected by factors such as age, mental capacity, and legal status.7. Legality of Object: The requirement that the object or purpose of the contract must not be illegal or contrary to public policy.8. Certainty of Terms: The requirement that the terms of the contract must be clear and precise, so that the parties can understand their obligations and rights.9. Free Consent: The principle that contracts should be formed through free and informed consent, without any undue influence or coercion.10. Breach of Contract: The failure by a party to perform its obligations under the contract, giving rise to legal remedies for the aggrieved party.11. Liquidated Damages: A pre-agreed amount of money payable by a party in case of a breach, as compensation for the loss suffered by the other party.12. Force Majeure: Events or circumstances that are beyond the control of the parties and render performance of the contract impossible or impracticable.13. Fraud: Deceitful conduct by one party that induces the other party to enter into the contract, vitiating the contract's validity.14. Misrepresentation: False statements or concealments of material facts made by one party to another, inducing the latter to enter into the contract.15. Duress: The situation where a party is forced to enter into a contract through threats or coercion.16. Unconscionability: A contract term or conditionthat is so unfair or one-sided that it is unreasonable to enforce it.17. Void Contract: A contract that is null and void from its inception, meaning it never had any legal effect.18. Voidable Contract: A contract that can be annulled or set aside by the aggrieved party within a reasonable time.19. Rescission: The termination of a contract by the court, resulting in the restoration of the parties to their pre-contractual positions.20. Performance: The act of fulfilling the obligations under a contract in accordance with its terms.Contract law is an intricate field, and the vocabulary used within it reflects its complexity. The above words and phrases provide a solid foundation for understanding thebasic terminology and concepts of contract law. However, it is important to note that contract law can varysignificantly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and hence, local laws and legal practices should always be consulted when dealing with specific cases or matters.。

1.assignment of contract--合同转让Subject:[Contract;Civil Procedure]2.fail to establish--不能成立Subject:[Contract]3.cannot be established--不能成立Subject:[Contract]4.breach--不履行Subject:[Contract]5.non-performance--不履行Subject:[Contract]6.standard form of contract--标准格式合同Subject:[Contract]7.default--不履行Subject:[Contract]8.warranty--保证条款Subject:[Contract;Insurance]9.faulty performance--有缺陷的履行Subject:[Contract]10.subject to a contract--在不抵触合同的情况下Subject:[Contract]11.technology transfer contract--技术转让合同Subject:[Contract]12.increased pro rata--按比例增加Subject:[Contract]13.including but are not limited to--包括但不限于Subject:[Contract;General]14.confidentiality agreement--保密协议Subject:[Contract;General]15.Suretyship Contract--保证合同Subject:[Contract]16.formalities for change of registration--变更登记手续Subject:[Civil Procedure;Contract;General]17.document evidencing the(registration)change--变更(登记)证明文件Subject:[Contract;Civil Procedure;General]18.change of company nature--变更公司形式Subject:[Contract;Corporate;Civil Procedure;General]19.the amount of the subject matter--标的额Subject:[Contract;General]20.subject matter--标的物Subject:[General;Contract]21.agreement on relocation and compensation--补偿安置协议Subject:[Contract]22.supplementary agreement--补充协议Subject:[Contract]23.lease without fixed term--不定期租赁Subject:[Contract]24.irrevocable written contract--不可撤销的书面合同Subject:[Contract]25.without being subject to the preceding paragraph--不受前款规定的限制Subject:[Contract;General]26.mode of acceptance--承诺方式Subject:[Contract]27.representation and warranty--陈述和保证Subject:[Contract]28.prima facie evidence--初步证据Subject:[Contract]29.contract on grant of the right to use State land--出让国有土地使用权合同Subject:[Real Estate;Contract]30.lease--出租Subject:[Contract;General]31.lessor--出租人Subject:[Contract;General]32.ancillary contract--从合同Subject:[Contract]33.accessory contract--从合同Subject:[Contract]34.representative action--代表诉讼Subject:[Contract]35.loan commitment--贷款承诺Subject:[Contract;Corporate;General]36.secured loan--担保贷款Subject:[Contract]37.electronic information screens--电子信息屏Subject:[Contract]38.mortgage security--抵押担保Subject:[Contract]39.culpa in contrahendo--缔约过失责任Subject:[Contract]40.multimedia terminals--多媒体终端Subject:[Contract]41.multi-modal transport contract--多式联运合同Subject:[Contract]42.cost sharing agreement--费用分享协议Subject:[Contract]43.collateral condition--附带条件Subject:[Contract]44.term of service--服务期Subject:[Contract]45.standard clauses--格式条款Subject:[Contract]46.an arm's length price--公平成交价Subject:[Corporate;Contract]47.inter-company agreement--公司间协议Subject:[Contract;Corporate]48.supply and sale contract--供销合同Subject:[Contract]49.impartiality--公正性Subject:[Contract]50.fixed term--固定期限Subject:[Contract]51.fixed-term labor contract--固定期限劳动合同Subject:[Contract;Labor and Social Security]52.employment agreement--雇佣协议Subject:[Contract]53.voyage charter party--航次租船合同Subject:[Contract]54.contract consideration--合同对价Subject:[Contract]55.the place of contract performance--合同履行地Subject:[Contract]56.contracting energy management--合同能源管理Subject:[Contract]57.contractual dispute--合同争议Subject:[Contract]58.the equity joint venture contract--合营合同Subject:[Foreign Investment;Corporate;Contract]59.the contract of an equity joint venture enterprise--合营企业合同Subject:[Contract;Corporate;Foreign Investment]60.the cooperative joint venture contract--合作合同Subject:[Foreign Investment;Corporate;Contract]61.cooperative joint venture enterprise--合作企业Subject:[Contract;Corporate;Foreign Investment]62.contract of a cooperative joint venture enterprise--合作企业合同Subject:[Contract;Corporate;Foreign Investment]63.simple contract--简单合同Subject:[Contract]64.construction project contract--建设工程合同Subject:[Contract]65.construction engineering industry--建设工程行业Subject:[Contract]66.trade practice--交易习惯Subject:[Contract]67.home address--家庭住址Subject:[Contract]68.home service company--家政服务公司Subject:[Contract]69.dissolution of a contract--解除合同Subject:[Contract]70.rescind--解除(合同)Subject:[Contract]71.business address--经营地址Subject:[Contract]72.non-disclosure agreement--禁止披露协议Subject:[Contract]73.spot rate--即期汇率Subject:[Contract]74.technological innovation--技术革新Subject:[Contract]75.collective contract--集体合同Subject:[Contract;Labor and Social Security]76.collective labor agreement--集体劳动协议Subject:[Contract;Labor and Social Security]77.collective consultation--集体协商Subject:[Contract;Labor and Social Security]78.collective consultation mechanism--集体协商机制Subject:[Contract]79.identity certificate number--居民身份证号码Subject:[Contract]80.verbal agreement--口头协议Subject:[Contract]81.oral agreement--口头协议Subject:[Contract]bor contract--劳动合同Subject:[Labor and Social Security;Contract]83.amendment to a labor contract--劳动合同变更书Subject:[Contract]bor Contract Law--劳动合同法Subject:[Contract]85.model labor contract--劳动合同范本Subject:[Contract]bor dispute--劳动争议Subject:[Contract]87.co-creditor--连带债权人Subject:[Contract]88.perform a labor contract--履行劳动合同Subject:[Contract]89.seller--卖方Subject:[Contract;General]90.buyer--买方Subject:[Contract;General]91.purchaser--买方Subject:[Contract;General]92.purchase and sale contract--买卖合同Subject:[Contract]93.liability exemption--免责Subject:[Contract]94.expressly marked price--明码标价Subject:[Contract]95.employment contract--聘用合同Subject:[Contract]96.signature or seal--签章Subject:[Contract]97.signature or seal--签字或盖章Subject:[Contract]98.contract for financial lease--融资租赁合同Subject:[Contract]99.pending agreement--尚未完成的协议Subject:[Contract;General]100.living expense--生活费Subject:[Contract]101.specific performance--实际履行Subject:[Contract]102.substantial change--实质性变更Subject:[Contract]103.bilateral contract--双边合同Subject:[Contract]104.written labor contract--书面劳动合同Subject:[Contract]105.non-fixed term--无固定期限Subject:[Contract]106.unconscionability--显失公平Subject:[Contract]107.duress--胁迫Subject:[Contract]108.contract to repair--修理合同Subject:[Contract]109.renew a contract--续订合同Subject:[Contract]110.formal contract--要式合同Subject:[Contract]111.offer--要约Subject:[Contract;General]112.overall computation and installment payment--一次总算、分期支付Subject:[Contract]113.meeting of minds--意思表示一致Subject:[Contract]114.with a term to expire upon completion of a certain job--以完成一定工作任务为期限Subject:[Contract]115.employment contract--用工合同Subject:[Contract]116.certificate number--证件号码Subject:[Contract]117.dispute review--(建设工程)争议评审Subject:[Contract]118.dispute review team--争议评审组Subject:[Contract]119.prevention and treatment of occupational diseases--职业病防治Subject:[Contract]120.suspension of performance--中断履行Subject:[Contract]121.intermediary service agency--中介服务机构Subject:[Contract]122.transfer agreement--转让协议Subject:[Contract]123.professional technical training--专业技术培训Subject:[Contract]124.registered address--注册地址Subject:[Contract]125.main responsible person--主要负责人Subject:[Contract]126.hotline--咨询电话Subject:[Contract]127.maximum amount mortgage--最高额抵押Subject:[Contract]128.ratification of a contract--追认合同Subject:[Contract]129.lease term--租赁期Subject:[Contract]。

合同法常用法律词汇合同法常用法律词汇acceptance 承诺affirm 维持原判appeal 上诉as is 以现状为准assumpsit 损害赔偿之诉bad faith 恶意basis of bargain 交易基础battle of forms 格式之争boiler plate clause 锅板条款bona fide 善意breach of contract 违反合同cause of action 诉因caveat emptor 买者自慎之concuring opinion 对流条件condition 条件consideration 对价mutuality of consideration 对价的互惠illusory consideration 空洞的对价past cnsideration 过去的对价consequential loss 间接损失construction 书面解释constructive conditions 推定条件couteroffer 反要约course of dealing 交易过程damages 损害赔偿金compensatory damages 补偿金exemplary damages 惩罚性赔偿金liquidated damages 约定的赔偿金punitive damages 惩罚性赔偿金defendant 被告dictum 附带意见discretion 裁量权dismissed 驳回dissenting 异议duress 胁迫equity 衡平法exculpatory clause 免责条款expectation interest 期待利益fiduciary duty 信托义务fiduciary relation 信托关系forfeitture 没收foreseeability 可预见性franchise 特许经营权fraud 欺诈。

2024版合同术语英语1. Agreement - 合同2. Parties - 双方3. Contractor - 承包商4. Subcontractor - 分包商5. Principal - 主要方6. Counterparty - 相对方7. Affiliate - 关联方8. Signatory - 签署人9. Executor - 执行人10. Assignee - 受让人11. Beneficiary - 受益人12. Witness - 见证人13. Guarantor - 担保人14. Surety - 保证人15. Consignor - 托运人16. Consignee - 收货人17. Vendor - 卖方18. Purchaser - 买方19. Lessor - 出租人20. Lessee - 承租人21. Employer - 雇主22. Employee - 雇员23. Independent Contractor - 独立承包商24. Joint Venture - 合资企业25. Partnership - 合伙26. Shareholder - 股东27. Director - 董事28. Officer - 高级职员29. Agent - 代理人30. Broker - 经纪人31. Consultant - 顾问32. Licensee - 被许可人33. Licensor - 许可人34. Manufacturer - 制造商35. Distributor - 分销商36. Supplier - 供应商37. Manufacturer's Representative - 制造商代表38. End User - 最终用户39. Third Party - 第三方40. Intermediary - 中间人41. Bidder - 竞标者42. Contractor - 承包商43. Subcontractor - 分包商44. Contractor - 承包商45. Contractor - 承包商46. Contractor - 承包商47. Contractor - 承包商48. Contractor - 承包商49. Contractor - 承包商50. Contractor - 承包商Terms and Conditions1. Effective Date - 生效日期2. Term - 期限3. Renewal - 续签4. Expiration - 到期5. Termination - 终止6. Amendment - 修改7. Assignment - 转让8. Modification - 修改9. Waiver - 放弃10. Breach - 违约11. Force Majeure - 不可抗力12. Indemnification - 赔偿13. Confidentiality - 保密14. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) - 保密协议15. Non-Compete Clause - 竞业禁止条款16. Liquidated Damages - 约定赔偿金17. Penalty - 罚款18. Dispute Resolution - 争议解决19. Arbitration - 仲裁20. Mediation - 调解21. Jurisdiction - 管辖权22. Venue - 地点23. Governing Law - 适用法律24. Entire Agreement - 完整协议25. Severability - 可分割性26. Merger Clause - 合并条款27. Integration - 整合28. Counterparts - 副本29. Notice - 通知30. Good Faith - 善意31. Fair Dealing - 公平交易32. Representations and Warranties - 陈述和保证33. Cure Period - 补救期34. Suspension - 暂停35. Acceleration - 加速36. Forgiveness - 宽恕37. Restitution - 恢复原状38. Set-Off - 抵销39. Escrow -。

英文合同专业术语解析1. Agreement:合同,指双方或多方达成的一致意见,具有法律约束力。
2. Party:当事人,指参与合同的一方,可以是个人或法人。
3. Terms and Conditions:条款和条件,指合同中规定的双方应遵守的具体规则。
4. Offer:要约,指一方向另一方提出的合同内容,包括承诺和条件。
5. Acceptance:承诺,指受要约方完全同意要约内容的行为。
6. Consideration:对价,指合同各方为履行合同所承担的义务和付出的代价。
7. Breach of Contract:违约,指合同当事人未履行合同规定的行为。
8. Damages:损害赔偿,指违约方因违约行为给守约方造成的损失。
9. Termination:终止,指合同提前结束,双方不再履行合同义务。
10. Arbitration:仲裁,指双方因合同争议无法协商解决时,提交第三方进行裁决的方式。
11. Jurisdiction:管辖权,指法院对某一合同争议进行审理的权利。
12. Warranty:保证,指一方对某一事实或行为的真实性、合法性所作的承诺。
13. Indemnity:赔偿,指一方承诺在特定情况下对另一方承担的经济损失进行补偿。
14. Force Majeure:不可抗力,指无法预见、无法避免且无法克服的客观情况,导致合同无法履行。
15. Governing Law:适用法律,指合同争议应适用的法律体系。
当然,让我们继续深入探讨英文合同中的其他专业术语:16. Liquidated Damages:预定损害赔偿,指合同中预先约定的,若一方违约,则应支付给对方的固定金额作为赔偿。
17. Confidentiality Clause:保密条款,合同中规定当事人对于合同内容以及对方商业秘密保密的条款。
18. Expiration Date:到期日,指合同规定的有效期结束的日期。
19. Assignment:转让,指合同一方将其在合同中的权利和义务转让给第三方的行为。

国际合同专业术语1. “Force Majeure”(不可抗力)。
这就像老天爷突然捣乱一样,比如说地震、洪水这些天灾,要是影响了合同的履行,就可以说是“Force Majeure”。
我有个朋友做外贸生意,结果遇上了飓风,货物运输不了,这时候就可以拿“Force Majeure”来说事儿了。
2. “Indemnity”(赔偿)。
3. “Jurisdiction”(管辖权)。
4. “Liability”(责任)。
5. “Material Breach”(重大违约)。
就像你订了一批很重要的货,结果对方给你的全是次品,这就是“Material Breach”。
6. “Option”(选择权)。
7. “Performance Bond”(履约保证金)。

2024版合同英语词汇1. Agreement - 协议2. Contract - 合同3. Party - 当事人4. Counterparty - 对方5. Principal - 本人6. Obligation - 义务7. Liability - 责任8. Term - 条款9. Condition - 条件10. Covenant - 承诺11. Clause - 条款12. Provision - 规定13. Article - 条款14. Recital - 序言15. Preamble - 前言16. Signature - 签名17. Effective Date - 生效日期18. Expiration Date - 到期日期19. Duration - 期限20. Renewal - 续签21. Termination - 解除22. Breach - 违约23. Remedy - 补救措施24. Liquidated Damages - 约定赔偿金25. Indemnification - 赔偿26. Waiver - 放弃27. Assignment - 转让28. Non-Transferable - 不可转让的29. Non-Assignability - 不可转让性30. Confidentiality - 保密31. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) - 保密协议32. Intellectual Property - 知识产权33. License - 许可34. Warranty - 保证35. Representation - 陈述36. Cap On Liability - 责任上限37. Force Majeure - 不可抗力38. Dispute Resolution - 争议解决39. Arbitration - 仲裁40. Mediation - 调解41. Jurisdiction - 管辖权42. Governing Law - 适用法律43. Venue - 地点44. Escrow - 托管45. Performance Bond - 履约保证46. Escrow Agreement - 托管协议47. Good Faith - 善意48. Material Breach - 重大违约49. Non-Compete Clause - 竞业禁止条款50. Non-Solicitation Clause - 非招揽条款。

英语合同范本词汇有哪些1. "Agreement"(协议、合同)2. "Contract"(合同)3. "Party"(方、当事人)4. "Parties"(各方、当事人双方或多方)5. "Term"(条款、期限)6. "Terms and Conditions"(条款和条件)7. "Clause"(条款)8. "Obligation"(义务、责任)9. "Liability"(责任、债务)10. "Compensation"(赔偿、补偿)11. "Indemnity"(赔偿、保障)12. "Warranty"(保证、担保)13. "Representation"(陈述、声明)14. "Confidentiality"(保密性、机密性)15. "Intellectual Property"(知识产权)16. "Breach"(违反、违约)17. "Default"(违约、失责)18. "Remedy"(补救措施)19. "Arbitration"(仲裁)20. "Jurisdiction"(管辖权)21. "Force Majeure"(不可抗力)22. "Notice"(通知)23. "Consent"(同意、准许)24. "Assignment"(转让、分配)25. "Amendment"(修改、修订)这些词汇在合同中经常出现,理解它们的含义对于准确解读和起草合同非常重要。

合同法词汇大全2010-02-03 15:35:19 来源:法律英语浏览:154次打印本页签约词汇:———————————————————————————————————————————————买方buyer卖方seller项目名称Project name地址address电话phone传真fax联系人contact person本合同由买卖双方签订,根据本合同条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售以下产品。
This contract is made by and between the buyers and sellers,whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned. Commodities according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.1. 详细货物清单Detail supply list2. 合同价格Contract value序号item 型号model 尺寸size,dimension 数量amount,unit 单价unit price 总价total price 备注remark 货物,运费freight,transportation 合同总额(含安装费与税金)Contract amount incl. V AT & installation3. 付款条件payment conditions,payment terms4. 交货地点delivery place5. 发货期delivery time6. 安装条款installation clause7. 验收条款inspection clause8. 保证条款guarantee clause9. 不可抗拒条款Force Majeure Clause10. 违约条款Breach clause11. 其他条款Miscellaneous clause12. 买卖双方信息buyer and seller information此合同一式二份,由双方各持一正本。

合同法英语术语串讲合同:contract意思表示:intention合意:mutual agreement原则:平等,自愿,公平,诚实信用Principles: legally equal status, voluntarily, fairness, good faith具有法律约束力:legally binding合同的订立:entry into a contract合同的缔结:conclusion of a contract合同条款:clause, terms要约:offer要约邀请:invitation to offer要约人:offeror受要约人:offeree要约生效:effectiveness of offer要约撤销:withdrawal of offer要约撤回:revocation of offer要约失效:extinguishment of offer承诺:acceptance合同的成立:establishment of a contract实质变更:substantial modification格式条款:standard terms无效:void合同的效力:validity of a contract合同的履行:performance of a contract 债权人:obligee债务人:obligor同时履行:simultaneous performance 先履行:consecutive performance中止履行:suspension of performance 拒绝履行:reject performance部分履行:partial performance代位权:subrogation撤销权:cancellation right抗辩:defence合同的变更:modification of contract 合同的转让:assignment of contract合同终止:termination of a contract合同的解除:rescind a contract不可抗力:force majure迟延履行:delayed performance不能履行:impossible to perform抵消:set-off提存:lodge免除:release/exemption混同:merger违约责任:liability of breach of contract预期违约:anticipatory breach继续履行:continue to perform (obligations) 补救措施:remedy赔偿损失:make compensation金钱之债:monetary specific performance非金钱之债:non-monetary specific performance违约金:liquidated damages/breach-of-contract damages定金:deposit损害赔偿金:damages诉讼时效:time limit for action买卖合同:sales contracts / sell and purchase contracts所有权转移:transfer of ownership交付:delivery供用电、水、气、热力合同:contracts forsupply and use of electricity, water, gas and heat赠与合同:donation contracts借款合同:loan contracts租赁合同:lease contracts融资租赁合同:financial leasing contracts承揽合同:contracts for work建设工程合同:contracts for construction project运输合同:contracts for transportation技术合同:contracts for technology保管合同:contracts for storage仓储合同:contracts for warehousing委托合同:commission contracts行纪合同:brokerage contracts居间合同:intermediation contracts。

一、合同法1. Contract - 合同2. Offer - 出价3. Acceptance - 接受4. Consideration - 对价5. Breach of contract - 违约6. Damages - 赔偿7. Termination - 终止8. Force majeure - 不可抗力9. Arbitration - 仲裁10. Jurisdiction - 管辖权二、刑法1. Crime - 犯罪2. Offense - 罪行3. Guilty - 有罪4. Innocent - 无辜5. Evidence - 证据6. Attorney - 律师7. Bail - 保释金8. Trial - 审判9. Verdict - 裁决10. Sentence - 判决三、知识产权法1. Copyright - 版权2. Patent - 专利3. Trademark - 商标4. Infringement - 侵权5. Royalties - 版权费6. Intellectual property - 知识产权7. Fair use - 合理使用8. Injunction - 禁令9. License - 许可10. Trade secret - 商业秘密四、劳动法1. Employee - 雇员2. Employer - 雇主3. Labor contract - 劳动合同4. Minimum wage - 最低工资5. Overtime pay - 加班费6. Discrimination - 歧视7. Harassment - 骚扰8. Unemployment benefits - 失业救济金9. Collective bargaining - 集体谈判10. Work injury compensation - 劳动争议五、国际法1. Treaty - 条约2. Diplomacy - 外交3. Sovereignty - 主权4. United Nations - 联合国5. International Court of Justice - 国际法庭6. Human rights - 人权7. Humanitarian law - 人道主义法律8. Peacekeeping - 维和9. Sanctions - 制裁10. War crime - 战争罪六、民事诉讼1. Plaintiff - 原告2. Defendant - 被告3. Complaint - 控诉4. Pleading - 辩词5. Judgment - 判决书6. Appeal - 上诉7. Discovery - 调查8. Subpoena - 传票9. Mediation - 调解10. Settlement - 和解总结:了解法律英语词汇不仅有助于提高法律专业的英语水平,也为国际法律领域的合作和交流提供了便利。

英文合同常用词汇表大全常用词汇:1. Parties: 双方2. Basic Information: 基本信息3. Identity: 身份4. Rights: 权利5. Obligations: 义务6. Performance: 履行方式7. Term: 期限8. Breach: 违约9. Liability: 责任10. Compliance: 遵守11. Applicable Law: 相关法律12. Effectiveness: 法律效力13. Enforceability: 可执行性14. Other provisions: 其他条款Sample clauses:1. Parties: This Agreement is entered into by and between ABC and XYZ, collectively referred to as the "Parties".2. Basic Information: The Parties agree to provide and enter into this Agreement for the purpose of [insert purpose].3. Identity: Mr. X, the designated representative of ABC, has the authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of ABC, and Mr. Y, the designated representative of XYZ, has the authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of XYZ.4. Rights and Obligations: ABC shall be responsible for [insert responsibilities or rights] while XYZ shall be responsible for [insert responsibilities or rights].5. Performance: The Parties shall perform their respective obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the terms set forth herein.6. Term: This Agreement shall commence on the date of execution and shall continue for [insert term].7. Breach: In the event of a breach of this Agreement by either Party, the non-breaching Party shall have the right to [insert remedies or termination clause].8. Liability: The Parties acknowledge that any breach of this Agreement may result in damages and losses to thenon-breaching Party, and the breaching Party shall be responsible for any damages and losses resulting from such breach.9. Compliance: The Parties agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in connection with the performance of this Agreement.10. Applicable Law: This Agreement shall be subject to and governed by the laws of [insert jurisdiction], and any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of [insert arbitration organization].11. Effectiveness: This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and assigns.12. Enforceability: If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.13. Other provisions: This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except in writing signed by both Parties. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, agreements, and understandings, whether written or oral.以上为样例条款,需要根据实际需要进行调整。