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balsam apple苦瓜bamboo sprout竹笋
Chinese cabbage白菜,青菜Chinese eddo芋艿
cow pea豇豆
dried bamboo shoot笋干eggplant茄子
garlic sprout蒜苗
green pea嫩豌豆
green pepper青椒
hot pepper辣椒
lentil小扁豆lettuce莴苣,生菜lotus roots藕marrow西葫芦marrow bean菜豆mushroom蘑菇mustard芥菜,芥末onion洋葱
red pepper红辣椒romaine我句,生菜salted vegetable咸菜scallion葱shepherd’s purse荠菜
snake gourd丝瓜
Spanish potato番薯
straw mushroom草菇
string bean刀豆
sweet pepper甜椒
water chestnut荸荠
wax gourd冬瓜
蕃薯粉/地瓜粉sweet potato flour
抹荼粉 green tea powder
馬蹄粉 water chestnut flour
葛粉 arrowroot flour
杏仁粉 almond flour/almond mieal
海苔粉 ground seaweed
涼粉/仙草 grass jelly
椰絲/椰茸/椰子粉 desiccated coconut/shredded
白礬 alum
石膏 gypsum
皮屑 grated zest/grated rind
salmon 鲑鱼,三文鱼,大马哈鱼类
cod 鳕鱼
plaice 比目鱼
octopus 章鱼
squid 乌贼
carp 鲤鱼
cod fillets 鳕鱼块
eel 鳗鱼,海鳗鱼
hake 泛指鳕鱼类
mullet 鲻鱼 (mouse注:这个在杭州的同志应该知道钱江鲻鱼,长在钱塘江入海口的一种鱼。
oyster 牡蛎,生蚝
crab 蟹
prawn 大虾,对虾
peeled prawn 虾仁
winkles 食用螺
shrimp 小虾米
cockle 贝肉
lobster 龙虾
sea weed 海带
potato 马铃薯
carrot 胡萝卜,红萝卜
onion 洋葱
aubergine 茄子(mouse注:eggplant是美国的说法)
eggplant 茄子
celery 芹菜
white cabbage 包心菜
cucumber 黄瓜
tomato 番茄,西红柿(mouse注:嗯,这个男人应该多吃点...)radish 小红萝卜(mouse注:我不是很确定,白萝卜应该是什么呢?)
cauliflower 花椰菜,西兰花(mouse注:西兰花对引起胃病的幽门螺旋杆菌有杀灭作用,所以是个好东西)
spring onion 葱
garlic 大蒜(mouse注:a clove of garlic 一瓣大蒜是这么说的)ginger 姜
chinese leaf 生菜
green pepper 青椒
okra 秋葵
chilies 红辣椒
eddoes 小芋头
taro 大芋头
dwarf bean 四季豆
lettuce 莴苣
bean sprout 豆芽
bamboo shoot 笋
pea 豌豆
Chinese watermelon 冬瓜
marrow 西葫芦,长瓜
lemon 柠檬
cherries 樱桃
mango 芒果
lychee 荔枝(mouse注:这两个特别好记,不知道算是舶来词还是英文从中文里引进的)
pineapple 菠萝
kiwi 奇异果,猕猴桃
star fruit 杨桃
coconut 椰子
fig 无花果
chicken breast 鸡胸肉chicken drumstick 鸡小腿chicken leg 鸡大腿
chicken wing 鸡翅膀grounded meat 绞肉
pork steak 没骨头的猪排pork chops 连骨的猪排pork loin 腰部的瘦肉
pork sausage meat 做香肠的绞肉smoked bacon 熏肉
pork fillet 里脊肉片
spare rib pork chops 带骨的瘦肉spare rib of pork 排骨肉
pork rib 猪肋骨
lard 猪油
hock 蹄膀
1肩胛部(Chuck) 2肋脊部(Rib) 3上腰脊肉(Short Loin) 4胸前肉(Br i sket)
5腹肋肉(Short Plate&Flank) 6大腿肉(Round) 7腰内肉(Tender Loin)
8牛小排(Short Rib)9下腰脊肉(Sir Loin)10腱子肉(Shin/Shank)
long rice 长米(mouse注:听说此类米比较硬)
short rice 短米(mouse注:而此类较软)
brown rice 糙米
Thai fragrant rice 泰国香米(mouse注:以我的经验来看,泰国米很软,所以烧的时候水要适当少放)
glutinous rice 糯米(mouse注:啊,这个千万别买来烧饭吃~)strong flour 高筋面粉
plain flour 中筋面粉
self-raising flour 低筋面粉
brown sugar 红糖
custer sugar 白砂糖
icing sugar 糖粉
rock sugar 冰糖
noodle 面条
instant noodele 方便面
soy sauce 酱油(mouse注:酱油分老、生抽。
vinegar 醋
corn starch(corn flour) 玉米淀粉(mouse注:可能是各地英语不同吧,starch倒是在化学课里用的挺多)
maltose 麦芽糖
sesame 芝麻
sesame oil 芝麻油
sesame paste 芝麻酱
oyster sauce 蚝油
pepper 胡椒
beancurd 豆腐(or tofu)
sago 西米
monosodium glutamate 味精(mouse注:晕,连起来还真的是谷氨酸一钠,看到词的前缀mono了没?)
sweet potato 红薯,地瓜,番薯
cashew nut 腰果
chinese red pepper 花椒
Allspice--------------- 香辣椒,多香果,牙买加胡椒
Anise (star anise)----- 大茴香,八角,大料
Aniseed --------------- 大茴香子
Bay leaf--------------- 香叶,月桂树叶
Cayenne pepper--------- 辣椒,牛角椒
Cinnamon -------------- 肉桂
Clove------------------ 丁香
Coriander-------------- 芫荽,香菜,胡芫 (mouse注:芫荽 yuan 二声,sui四声。
Fennel----------------- 茴香
Laurel----------------- 月桂
Mint------------------- 薄荷
Mustard---------------- 芥末
Paprika---------------- 红辣椒粉
Poppy seed ------------ 罂粟种子
Rosemary -------------- 迷迭香
Thyme ----------------- 百里香,麝香草
兰花: Broccoli
红萝卜: Carrot
白萝卜:White Radish
大青椒:Capsicum ( Green Pepper in A.E.)
大红椒:Red Capsicum (Chili Pepper In A.E.)
葱:spring onion
西红柿 tomato 菠萝 pineapple 西瓜watermelon 香蕉banana 柚子 shaddock (pomelo)橙子orange 苹果apple 柠檬lemon 樱桃 cherry 桃子peach 梨 pear 枣Chinese date (去核枣pitted date )椰子coconut 草莓 strawberry 树莓raspberry 蓝莓 blueberry 黑莓 blackberry 葡萄 grape 甘
蔗 sugar cane 芒果 mango 木瓜 pawpaw或者papaya 杏子apricot 油桃 nectarine 柿子persimmon 石榴pomegranate 榴莲 jackfruit 槟榔果 areca nut (西班牙产苦橙)bitter orange 猕猴桃 kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry 金橘cumquat 蟠桃 flat peach 荔枝 litchi 青梅greengage 山楂
果 haw 水蜜桃honey peach 香瓜,甜瓜 musk melon 李子plum 杨梅 waxberry red bayberry 桂圆 longan 沙果 crab apple 杨桃starfruit 枇杷 loquat 柑橘 tangerine 莲雾wax-apple 番石榴 guava
南瓜(倭瓜) pumpkin cushaw 甜玉米 Sweet corn 牛肉beef 猪肉pork 羊肉 mutton 羔羊肉lamb 鸡肉chicken 生菜莴苣lettuce 白菜 Chinese cabbage (celery cabbage)(甘蓝)卷心菜 cabbage 萝卜 radish 胡萝卜 carrot 韭菜leek 木耳agarics 豌豆 pea 马铃薯(土豆) potato 黄瓜 cucumber 苦瓜 balsam pear 秋葵 okra 洋葱 onion 芹菜 celery 芹菜杆celery sticks 地瓜 sweet potato 蘑菇 mushroom 橄榄 olive 菠菜spinach 冬瓜(Chinese)wax gourd 莲藕 lotus root 紫菜 laver 油菜 cole rape 茄子 eggplant 香菜 caraway 枇杷loquat 青椒 green pepper 四季豆青刀豆 garden bean 银耳silvery fungi 腱子肉tendon 肘子 pork joint 茴香fennel (茴香油fennel oil 药用)鲤鱼carp 咸猪肉bacon 金针蘑needle mushroom 扁豆 lentil 槟榔 areca 牛蒡great burdock 水萝卜 summer radish 竹笋 bamboo shoot 艾蒿Chinese mugwort 绿豆mung bean 毛豆green soy bean 瘦肉 lean meat
肥肉speck 黄花菜 day lily (day lily bud)豆芽菜 bean sprout 丝瓜 towel gourd (注:在美国丝瓜或用来做丝瓜茎loofah洗澡的,不是食用的)
海鲜类(sea food):
虾仁 Peeled Prawns 龙虾 lobster 小龙虾 crayfish(退缩者)蟹 crab 蟹足crab claws 小虾(虾米) shrimp 对虾、大虾prawn (烤)鱿鱼(toast)squid 海参 sea cucumber 扇贝scallop 鲍鱼 sea-ear abalone 小贝肉cockles 牡蛎oyster 鱼鳞scale 海蜇jellyfish鳖海龟turtle 蚬蛤 clam 鲅鱼culter 鲳鱼 butterfish 虾籽 shrimp egg 鲢鱼银鲤鱼chub silver carp 黄花鱼 yellow croaker
醋 vinegar 酱油 soy 盐 salt 加碘盐 iodized salt 糖 sugar 白糖 refined sugar 酱 soy sauce 沙拉 salad 辣椒 hot(red)pepper 胡椒(black)pepper 花椒wild pepper Chinese prickly ash powder 色拉油salad oil 调料 fixing sauce seasoning 砂糖 granulated sugar 红糖 brown sugar 冰糖 Rock Sugar 芝麻 Sesame 芝麻酱 Sesame paste 芝麻油 Sesame oil 咖喱粉curry 番茄酱(汁) ketchup redeye 辣根horseradish 葱 shallot (Spring onions)姜ginger 蒜 garlic 料酒 cooking wine 蚝油oyster sauce 枸杞(枇杷,欧查
果) medlar 八角aniseed 酵母粉yeast barm Yellow pepper 黄椒肉桂cinnamon (在美国十分受欢迎,很多事物都有肉桂料) 黄油 butter 香草精vanilla extract(甜点必备) 面粉 flour 洋葱 onion
1.Initiate a meeting 发起会议
I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown. Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben.
Wed like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30. Same time. 十月三十号(周四),老时间,开会。
I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the XX project.
2. Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议
Shall you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me knows.
Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule.
Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon. 期待您的反馈建议!
What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed?
Feel free to give your comments.
Any question, please dont hesitate to let me know.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Your comments and suggestions are welcome!
It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the users behavior.
At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/issue.
3. Give feedback 意见反馈
Please see comments below.
My answers are in blue below.
I add some comments to the document for your reference.
4. Attachment 附件
I enclose the evaluation report for your reference. 我附加了评估报告供您阅读。
Attached please find todays meeting notes.
Attach is the design document, please review it.
For other known issues related to individual features, please see attached release notes.
5. Point listing 列表
Some known issues in this release:1…….2…….
Our team here reviewed the newest SCM policy and has following concerns:1…….2…….
The current status is as following: 1……2……
目前数据如下: 1……2……
Some items need your attention:1…….2…….
6. Raise question 提出问题
For the assignment ABC, I have the following questions:…
7. Proposal 提议
For the next step of platform implementation, I am proposing…
I suggest we can have a weekly project meeting over the phone call in the near future.
Achievo team suggest to adopt option A to solve outstanding issue……
8. Thanks note 感谢信
Thank you so much for the cooperation感谢你的合作!
I really appreciate the effort you all made for this sudden and tight project.
Your kind assistance on this are very much appreciated. 我们对您的协助表示感谢。
9. Apology 道歉
I sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding!
第一次在公司里上班,第一个mail开头是 FYI~
不知道啥意思,看看后面有东西,估计就是让看吧,并且有点尊敬的意思!最后才知道事 For your information~
想了半天,后天查了网络,才知道是LET ME KNOW 的意思。
2 = to/too
2B or not 2B = To be or not to be
4 = for
4ever = forever
ASL = Age/Sex/Location
AFAIC = As Far As I’m Concerned
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AFK = Away From Keyboard
AIAMU = And I’m A Monkey’s Uncle
AISI = As I See It
AKA = Also Known As
AMBW = All My Best Wishes
ANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor AOTS = All Of The Sudden
ASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" Possible
ASAP = As Soon As Possible
ATST = At The Same Time
AWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again
AWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh Again
AYSOS = Are You Stupid Or Something
B4 = Before
B4N = Bye For Now
BBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit
BBIAF = Be Back In A Few
BBL = Be Back Later
BBN = Bye Bye Now
BCNU = Be Seein’ You
BF = Boyfriend
BFD = Big Fing Deal
BFN = Bye For Now
BHOF = Bald Headed Old Fart
BIF = Basis In Fact
BITD = Back In The Day
Biz = Business
BM = Byte Me
BMOTA = Byte Me On The Ass
BNF = Big Name Fan
BOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again BR = Bathroom
BRB = Be Right Back
BRT = Be Right There
BS = Big Smile
BT = Byte This
BTDT = Been There Done That
BTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of Me
BTW = By The Way
BTWBO = Be There With Bells On
BWDIK = But What Do I Know?
BWO = Black, White or Other
Cam = Web Camera
CIAO = Goodbye (in Italian)
CID = Consider It Done
CIO = Check It Out
CIS = CompuServe Information Service
CMF = Count My Fingers
Cof$ = Church of Scientology
CRAFT = Can’t Remember A Fing Thing CRAWS = Can’t Remember Anything Worth A Sh CSL = Can’t Stop Laughing
CTC = Choaking The Chicken
CU = See You
CUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You Later
CWYL = Chat With You Later
CYA = Cover Your Ass
DBEYR = Don’t Believe Everything You Read DD = Due Diligence
DDD = Direct Distance Dial
DETI = Don’t Even Think It
DGT = Don’t Go There
DHYB = Don’t Hold Your Breath
DIIK = Damned If I Known
DILLIGAD = Do I Look Like I Give A d\amn DILLIGAS = Do I Look Like I Give A Sh DKDC = Don’t Know Don’t Care
DL = Download
DLTM = Don’t Lie To Me
DQYDJ = Don’t Quit You’re Day Job
DRIB = Don’t Read If Busy
DS = Dunce Smiley
DYSTSOTT = Did You See The Size Of That Thing E:
EG = Evil Grin
EOM = End Of Message
ESO = Equipment Smarter than Operator
F2F/FTF = Face To Face
FAQ = Frequently Asked Question
FBKS = Failure Between Keyboard and Seat
FE = For Example/Fatal Error
FF&PN = Fresh Fields And Pastures New
FOAF = Friend Of A Friend
FTASB = Faster Than A Speeding Bullet
FT = Faint
FTL = Faster Than Light
FTTB = For The Time Being
FUBAR = Fed Up Beyond All Recognition
FUBB = Fed Up Beyond Belief
FUD = (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation
FWIW = For What It’s Worth
FYA = For Your Amusement
FYI = For Your Information
FYM = For Your Misinformation
G2G = Got To Go
G8T/GR8 = Great
GAL = Get A Life
GDGD = Good,Good
GF = girlfriend
GG = Good Game/Gotta Go
GIGO = Garbage In, Garbage Out GIWIST = Gee, I Wish I’d Said That GL = Good Luck
GLYASDI = God Loves You And So Do I GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike GNBLFY = Got Nothing But Love For You GR&D = Grinning Running And Ducking GRRRR = "Growling"
GSOAS = Go Sit On A Snake
GTG = Got To Go
GTGB = Got To Go, Bye
GTGP = Got To Go Pee
GTH = Go To Hell
GTSY = Glad To See Ya
GYPO = Get Your Pants OffBE A QUEEN.
HAGO = Have A Good One
HAK = Hugs And Kisses
HB = Hurry Back
HD = Hold
HHO1/2K = Ha Ha, Only Half Kidding HHOK = Ha Ha, Only Kidding
HIOOC = Help! I’m Out Of Coffee
Howz = How is
HTH = Hope This (That) Helps
HUA = Heads Up Ace
HUYA = Head Up You’re a
IAC = In Any Case
IAE = In Any Event
IANAC = I Am Not A Crook IANAL = I Am Not A Lawyer IBT = In Between Technology IBTD = I Beg To Differ
IC = I See/In Character IDGAF = I Don’t Give A F IDGI = I Don’t Get It
IDK = I Don’t Know
IDKY = I Don’t Know You IDST = I Didn’t Say That IDTS = I Don’t Think So IFAB = I Found A Bug
IFU = I Fed Up
IGGP = I Gotta Go Pee
IIIO = Intel Inside, Idiot Outside
IIMAD = If It Makes An(y) Difference
IIRC = If I Remember Correctly
IIWM = If It Were Me
ILICISCOMK = I Laughed, I Cried, I Spat/Spilt Coffee/Crumbs/Coke On My Keyboard
ILY = I Love You
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO = In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
INMP = It’s Not My Problem</P< p>
INPO = In No Particular Order
IOH = I’m Outta Here
IOW = In Other Words
IRL = In Real Life
ISS = I Said So
ITM = In The Money
IYKWIM = If You Know What I Mean IYSS = If You Say So
J/C = Just Checking
J/K = Just Kidding!
J/W = Just Wondering
JAFO = Just Another Fing Onlooker K:
KFY = Kiss For You
KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid
KIT = Keep In Touch
KMA = Kiss My Ass
KWIM = Know What I Mean
KX = kiss
KYPO = Keep Your Pants On
L8R = Later
LD = Long Distance
LDTTWA = Let’s Do The Time Warp Again LLTA = Lots And Lots Of Thunderous Applause LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off
LMK = Let Me Know
LOL = Laughing Out Loud/Lots Of Luck(Love) LTIC = Laughing ’Til I Cry
LTNS = Long Time No See
LYL = Love Ya Lots
LYLAS = Love You Like A Sister
M8T = Mate
MHOTY = My Hat’s Off To You
MM = Market Maker
MorF = Male or Female?
MOTD = Message Of The Day
MOTSS = Members Of The Same Sex
MTFBWY = May The Force Be With You
MWBRL = More Will Be Revealed Later
MYOB = Mind Your Own Business
N = And/Know/Now
NAK = Nursing At Keyboard
NAZ = Name, Address, Zip (also means Nasdaq) NBD = No Big Deal
NBIF = No Basis In Fact
NFI = No Fing Idea
NFW = No Fing Way
NIFOC = Nude In Front Of The Computer NM = Never Mind
NMP = Not My Problem
NMU = Nothing Much You
NOYB = None Of Your Business
NP = No Problem
NQOCD = Not Quite Our Class Dear NRG = Energy
NRN = No Reply Necessary
NYCFS = New York City Finger Saluet O:
OAUS = On An Unrelated Subject
OBTW = Oh, By The Way
OIC = Oh, I See
OICU = Oh, I See You
OMDB = Over My Dead Body
OMG = Oh My God/Oh My Gosh
OMIK = Open Mouth, Insert Keyboard
ONNA = Oh No, Not Again
OOC = Out Of Character
OOTB = Out Of The Box/Out Of The Blue
OT = Off Topic
OTOH = On The Other Hand
OWTTE = Or Words To That Effect
OZ = stands for "Australia"
PEBCAK = Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard
PEM = Privacy Enhanced Mail
Pic = Picture
PIMP = Peeing In My Pants
PITA = Pain In The Ass
PLS/PLZ = Please
PMFJI = Pardon Me For Jumping In
PO = Piss Off
POS = Parents Over Shoulder
POV = Point Of View
PPL = People
Pro = Professional
PS = By The Way/Photoshop
TAH = Take A Hike
TANSTAAFL = There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
TARFU = Things Are Really Fed Up
TDTM = Talk Dirty To Me
TEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know It TFN = Thanks For Nothin’
THX/TX/THKS = Thanks
TIA = Thanks In Advance
TIAIL = Think I Am In Love
TIC = Tongue In Cheek
TLA = Three Letter Acronym
TLGO = The List Goes On
TM = Trust Me
TMI = Too Much Information
TMTOWTDI = There’s More Than One Way To Do It TPTB = The Powers That Be
TSR = Totally Stuck in RAM
TTFN = Ta Ta For Now
TTT = That’s The Ticket/To The Top TTUL/TTYL = Talk To You Later TWHAB = This Won’t Hurt A Bit
TY = Thank You
TYVM = Thank You Very Much
U = You
UR = Your
U R = You are
unPC = unPolitically Correct
URYY4M = You Are Too Wise For Me V:
VFM = Values For Money
VG = Very Good
WAG = Wild Ass Guess
WAI = What An Idiot
WB = Welcome Back
WCA = Who Cares Anyway
WDYS = What Did You Say?
WDYT = What Do You Think?
WE = Whatever
WEG = Wicked Evil Grin
WG = Wicked Grin
WGAFF = Who Gives A Flying F WIIFM = What’s In It For Me?
WIT = Wordsmith In Training WITFITS = What in the F is this Sh WOG = Wise Old Guy
Wot/Wut = What
WRT = With Respect To/With Regard To WTF = What The F
WTG = Way To Go!
WTSDS = Where The Sun Don’t Shine WYMM = Will You Marry Me
WYP = What’s Your Problem?
WYRN = What’s Your Real Name?
WYS = Whatever You Say
WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get WYT = Whatever You Think
X U = Kiss You
Y = Why
Ya = You
YA = Yet Another
YAFIYGI = You Asked For It You Got It YDKM = You Don’t Know Me
Yep/Yup = Yes
YGBK = You Gotta Be Kiddin’
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
YNK = You Never Know
YOYO = You’re On Your Own
YR = Yeah, Right
YSYD = Yeah, Sure You Do
YTTT = You Telling The Truth?
YYSSW = Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever</P< p>。