



Australia: Land of Unique Culture and Enchanting SceneryAustralia, a country that fascinates travelers from around the world, is more than just a land of breathtaking natural beauty. It's a tapestry of rich history, diverse culture, and inviting people.From the moment you step onto Australian soil, you're greeted by the laid-back lifestyle and easygoing attitude of the Aussies. Friendly and approachable, they welcome everyone into their country with open arms. This attitude is perhaps best exemplified by their famous larrikin spirit, a blend of fun-loving irreverence and a stubborn resilience.The culture in Australia is a vibrant mix of Indigenous, European, and Asian influences. The Indigenous population, with their ancient folklore and unique art, have a deep connection to the land that dates back over 50,000 years. European settlers brought their own culture and traditions, which merged with the Indigenous heritage to create a unique Australian identity. Asia has also left its mark on Australian culture, particularly in the areas of food, art, and trade.Australia's landscapes are as diverse as they come. From the red deserts of the Outback to the lush green forests and the Great Barrier Reef r the scenery is nothing short of breathtaking. Add to that the beaches that stretch for miles, the soaring mountains, and the national parks that are home to anabundance of wildlife, and you have a country that is a nature lover's paradise.The cuisine in Australia is just as diverse as its people. From the iconic Australian barbecue to the rich and hearty bush tucker of the Indigenous Australians, there's something for every palate. European settlers have left their mark with dishes like Viennese coffee and Italian pizza, while Asian immigrants have introduced spicy Malaysian satays and fragrant Indian curries.Sports are an integral part of Australian culture. Australians are passionate about their sports teams, whether it's Aussie Rules Football, cricket, or horse racing. And let's not forget about the iconic Olympic Games where Australians have consistently punched above their weight, bringing home medals in a range of sports.So if you're looking for a destination that will captivate your senses with its natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture, then look no further than Australia. It's a country that will welcome you with open arms and make you feel right at home.。

英文版澳大利亚介绍 The Commonwealth of Australia

英文版澳大利亚介绍 The Commonwealth of Australia
Ok, let’s go into the cities of Australia
The first station--Sydney
• Sydney is the biggest city which locates at the southeast in Australia. • The best times to visit are of spring and autumn, especially around March to April or
Go l flag of Aus
ⅠThe city of Australia ⅡThe animals of Australia Ⅲ The farms of Australia Ⅳ Indigenous Australians ⅤThe unexpected views of Australia
Australia impression
People usually use these words to discribe Australia,now,let’s have a look!澳大利亚被誉为人间 天堂,英文可分解为 amazing (叹为观止) unexpected(超乎想象) stylish(时尚之巅) tempting(诱人魅力) relaxing(悠然一刻) adventurous(体验极限) liberating(自由自在) inspiring(灵感无限) attractive(梦萦魂牵)。
Dreamtime or dreaming 梦幻时代
• 、“梦幻时代”——澳洲土著的精神纽结
在数万年的历史中,土著人创造了丰富的文化,也形成了高度发达 和复杂的宗教信仰、社会制度及法规。虽然土著人从来没有建立过任 何形式的政府和政权,但社会秩序却在他们的宗教信仰的基础上得到 了完好的维持。一代代土著人以口头流传的形式把这些信仰和法规继 承和发展下来。白人到来之后,把这种他们无法理解的土著宗教信仰 和建立于宗教信仰之上的社会体制称为“梦幻”(Dreaming),把他 们到来之前的澳洲土著时空称为“梦幻时代”。“梦幻时代”的土著 人相信人生前死后永远结合在一起,把做梦看作为创造万物之时,并 对此加以口述,代代相传,从而保证土著文化的传承和社会的连续。 翻开土著人的历史篇章,梦幻般的神秘色彩几乎无所不在。尽管以家 庭血缘关系为基础而群居的土著人曾有过成百上千个不同的部落,讲 几百种不同的语言,但是他们对有关祖先的传说和梦幻时代的传说却 都深信不疑。

英文版澳大利亚介绍 The Commonwealth of Australia

英文版澳大利亚介绍 The Commonwealth of Australia

Other informations
• 【国庆日】1月26日(1788年) • 【国花】金合欢 • 【国树】桉树 • 【国鸟】琴鸟。它貌似野鸡,常在陆地行走。雄鸟有一条
华美无比的琴形尾,并以尾羽开屏的壮观而闻名。琴鸟的 尾羽与希腊的一种七弦琴极为相似,因故得名。它不仅美 丽动人,还能模仿其它动物的叫声,声音十分宛转动 听。
• 根据澳洲土著人的信仰,祖先神灵曾经借助神秘蟒蛇的躯
体在澳洲大地蜿蜒而行,留下了纵横交错、迷宫一般的足 迹(footmark)。在途中,祖先神灵创造了世间万物,塑 造了今天所有的山川风貌。这就是土著人所信仰的“梦幻 时代”。于是,每一个土著部落都与他们的土地紧密联系 在一起,每一片土地上都设有祭拜祖先的神秘圣地。土著 人的绘画、歌曲和舞蹈,也都反映出他们与土地和祖先的 密切关系。对澳洲土著人来说,起始于世界之初的梦幻时 代的祖先神灵永恒存在,神灵在现代世界仍然活力十足, 并通过土著艺术表现出来。绘画、音乐、舞蹈得以世代相 传,并且永不间断地指导和鼓舞着土著人,即使遭受欧洲 白人的阻隔,也没有失去旺盛的生命力。在今天澳洲各地, 虽然所有的土著部族都经历过不同程度的文化侵扰,他们 的习俗、传统和重要遗址仍旧得以保存,并受到关注、遵 守和尊重。这是因为,梦幻时代创世神灵留传下来的法理、 习俗和行为规范,仍然引领并启示着众多土著后裔的日常 生活。他们靠着这种对梦幻时代的记忆和意识把过去、现 在与将来联系起来。
Dreamtime or dreaming 梦幻时代
• 、“梦幻时代”——澳洲土著的精神纽结
在数万年的历史中,土著人创造了丰富的文化,也形成了高度发达 和复杂的宗教信仰、社会制度及法规。虽然土著人从来没有建立过任 何形式的政府和政权,但社会秩序却在他们的宗教信仰的基础上得到 了完好的维持。一代代土著人以口头流传的形式把这些信仰和法规继 承和发展下来。白人到来之后,把这种他们无法理解的土著宗教信仰 和建立于宗教信仰之上的社会体制称为“梦幻”(Dreaming),把他 们到来之前的澳洲土著时空称为“梦幻时代”。“梦幻时代”的土著 人相信人生前死后永远结合在一起,把做梦看作为创造万物之时,并 对此加以口述,代代相传,从而保证土著文化的传承和社会的连续。 翻开土著人的历史篇章,梦幻般的神秘色彩几乎无所不在。尽管以家 庭血缘关系为基础而群居的土著人曾有过成百上千个不同的部落,讲 几百种不同的语言,但是他们对有关祖先的传说和梦幻时代的传说却 都深信不疑。



澳大利亚中英文对照介绍Australia, also known as the Land Down Under, is a country locatedin the Southern Hemisphere. 澳大利亚,又被称为地球之南,是一个位于南半球的国家。

Known for its vast landscapes, diverse wildlife, and vibrant cities, Australia is a popular destination for tourists from around the world. 因其广阔的景观、多样的野生动物和繁华的城市,澳大利亚是世界各地游客的热门目的地。

From the famous Sydney Opera House to the stunning Great Barrier Reef, Australia offers a wide range of attractions for visitors to enjoy. 从著名的悉尼歌剧院到令人惊叹的大堡礁,澳大利亚为游客提供了广泛的吸引力。

In addition to its natural beauty, Australia is also known for its unique culture and traditions. 除了其自然美景,澳大利亚还以其独特的文化和传统而闻名。

Indigenous Australians have a rich history dating back tens of thousands of years, and their traditions are still celebrated and honored today. 澳大利亚土著居民拥有数万年的丰富历史,他们的传统至今仍在今天得到庆祝和尊敬。

This cultural diversity is reflected in the country's cuisine, art, music, and festivities. 这种文化多样性反映在澳大利亚的美食、艺术、音乐和庆祝活动中。



•鸭嘴兽是澳洲特有的珍贵稀有动物。鸭嘴兽憨 鸭嘴兽是澳洲 澳洲特有的珍贵稀有动物 动物。鸭嘴兽憨
Animals in north Australia Animals in north Australia
Animals in west Australia
•The koala is known as the Australian
bear, but is much closer to being a relative of the kangaroo. They are only fralia. Koalas are 2 to 2 1/2 feet long, tailless, and have thick, soft, grayish fur. They have large furry ears, a curved, black nose, little eyes, and five toes on each foot so it can hold on to things and climb.

What attracts me most is the farm of australia.Since I was in middle school,I have been dreamming that I coud go to australia one day.i wanna buy a small farm , hold some herds ,and devote myself into the quite of countryside.
The first station--Canberra station--Canberra

2022年介绍澳大利亚的英语作文_Introduce Australia 3篇

2022年介绍澳大利亚的英语作文_Introduce Australia 3篇

介绍澳大利亚的英语作文_IntroduceAustralia 3篇导读:关于”介绍澳大利亚“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Introduce Australia。


关于”介绍澳大利亚“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Introduce Australia。


高分英语作文1:Introduce AustraliaAustralia, located in the southern hemisphere, is the largest country in Oceania. It is bordered by the Pacific Ocean in the East and the Indian Ocean in the West. There are a large number of islands around the territory, which are about km long.The population is about 10000. Among them, the earliest are the descendants of the British and Irish people. Most of them come from the United Kingdom for most of the year.The climate is warm and pleasant. Most of the population lives on the southeast coast of Australia Pella is the capital of Australia and Sydney is the largest city. Australia is rich in natural resources and developed lions of tourists come here every year.中文翻译:澳大利亚位于南半球,是大洋洲中面积最大的,东濒太平洋,西濒印度洋,领土周围有大量岛屿,约有公里,人口约万,其中最早的是英国人和爱尔兰人的后裔xx年中大部分时间都是从英国来的移民,气候温暖宜人,大部分人口居住在澳大利亚东南海岸堪培拉是澳大利亚的首都,悉尼是最大的城市。



澳大利亚英文介绍Australia is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.N4 Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia to the northeast and New Zealand to the southeast.For at least 40,000 years before European settlement in the late 18th century, Australia was inhabited by indigenous Australians,[8] who belonged to one or more of roughly 250 language groups.[9][10] After discovery by Dutch explorers in 1606, Australia's eastern half was claimed by Britain in 1770 and initially settled through penal transportation to the colony of New South Wales, formally founded on 7 February 1788[11] (although formal possession of the land had occurred on 26 January 1788). The population grew steadily in subsequent decades; the continent was explored and an additional five self-governing Crown Colonies were established.On 1 January 1901, the six colonies became a federation and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed. Since Federation, Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and is a Commonwealth realm. The population is 22 million, with approximately 60% concentrated in and around the mainland state capitals of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. The nation's capital city is Canberra, in the Australian Capital Territory.A prosperous developed country, Australia is the world's thirteenth largest economy. Australia ranks highly in many international comparisons of national performance such as human development, quality of life, health care, life expectancy, public education, economic freedom and the protection of civil liberties and political rights.[12] Australia is a member of the United Nations, G20, Commonwealth of Nations, ANZUS, OECD, APEC, Pacific Islands Forum and the World Trade Organization.。



Australia is a mysterious and beautiful country, I hope one day to walking down the beach with my lover in Australia, enjoy the beautiful scenery.
The best times to visit are of spring and autumn, especially around March to April or October to November. Sydney is blessed with a temperate climate.
When you are in the Great Barrier Reef ,you can do lots of things . Such as diving in the sea to have a close contact with marine animals fish ,walking with your lover along the inspiring beach
Indigenous Australians
居住在澳大利亚的土著人(也称原住民),仍然 保护着自己的风俗习惯。他们以狩猎为生,“飞 去来器”(boomerang)是他们独特的狩猎武器。 他们很多仍居住在用树枝和泥土搭成的窝棚里, 围一块布或用袋鼠皮蔽体,并喜欢纹身或在身上 涂抹各种颜色。平时仅在颊、肩和胸部涂上一些 黄白颜色,节庆仪式或节日歌舞时彩绘全身。纹 身多为粗线条,有的像雨点,有的似波纹,对经 过成年礼的土著人来说纹身不仅是装饰,而且还 用以吸引异性的爱慕。在狂欢舞会上,人们头戴 五彩装饰,身画彩纹、围着篝火跳集体舞。舞蹈 纯朴,多反映狩猎生活等。



探秘多彩澳大利亚Australia, a land of diverse natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, stands as a unique destination for travelers worldwide. Its vast landscape, encompassing deserts, rainforests, and bustling cities, offers a captivating tapestry of experiences.From the serene beaches of the Gold Coast to the snow-capped peaks of the Australian Alps, the country's natural diversity is matched only by its cultural vibrancy. The Aboriginal culture, with its ancient traditions and stories, is a testament to the land's ancient history. Modern Australia, on the other hand, showcases a blend of global influences, reflected in its cuisine, art, and fashion.The Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef system, is a must-visit for anyone interested in marinelife and underwater adventures. Its vibrant corals and diverse marine fauna provide a stunning showcase ofnature's wonders.Australia is also renowned for its unique wildlife,from kangaroos hopping across the countryside to koalassnoozing in the trees. The country's national parks and conservation areas are rich in biodiversity, offering visitors a chance to encounter these charming creatures in their natural habitats.The cities of Australia, like Sydney and Melbourne, offer a different kind of allure. These modern metropolises are home to world-class museums, restaurants, and entertainment venues, providing a lively urban experience. The Sydney Opera House and Melbourne's Federation Square are icons of Australian culture and architecture.In conclusion, Australia is a land of contrasts, where ancient traditions coexist with modern conveniences, and natural beauty meets urban sophistication. It offers something for every traveler, whether seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion.**探秘多彩澳大利亚**澳大利亚,这片拥有丰富自然美景和文化遗产的土地,对于世界各地的旅行者来说,是一个独特的目的地。



澳大利亚国家介绍英文含翻译1. Geography and Environment:Australia is characterized by a vast and varied landscape, including deserts, rainforests, mountains, and pristine coastlines. The famous Outback refers to the vast, arid interior, while the Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef system, lies off the northeastern coast.澳大利亚以其广阔而多样的地形而闻名,包括沙漠、热带雨林、山脉和原始海岸线。


2. Wildlife:Australia is home to a unique array of wildlife, including iconic marsupials such as kangaroos and koalas. The country is also known for its diverse bird species and reptiles, many of which are found nowhere else in the world.澳大利亚拥有独特的野生动物,包括标志性的有袋动物,如袋鼠和考拉。


3. Culture:Australia has a rich cultural heritage that reflects its Indigenous roots and the influence of immigrants from various parts of the world. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a deep connection to the land, and their art, music, and storytelling traditions are integral to the nation's identity.澳大利亚拥有丰富的文化遗产,反映了其土著根源以及来自世界各地的移民的影响。



The coat of arms of Australia (formally known as Commonwealth Coat of Arms), which was granted by King George V on 19 September 1912, is the official symbol of Australia.
The State’s Essential Situation
Country Name(国名): Australia; officially the Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亚联邦,简称澳大利亚
Country Flag(国旗):
Australia's national flag comprises the Union Jack, the Commonwealth Star, and the Southern Cross.
国徽上方是一个蓝白相间的花环 和一颗象征英联邦国家的七角星; 左边是袋鼠Red Kangaroo, 右边是鸸鹋Emu, 均为澳大利亚所特有的动物, 中间是一个盾,盾面上有六组 图案分别象征这个国家的六个州。 国徽底部的绶带上用英文写着“澳大利亚” 一丛丛黄绿两色的金合欢Golden Wattle(澳大 利亚的国花)花团锦簇,展示了南半球四季常 的迷人景象。

联邦成立时,澳大利亚尚未能确定首都的地点, 1901--1927,墨尔本是澳大利亚的临时首都,联 邦议会在墨尔本举行会议,很多的政府机构均设 在墨尔本,在长达26年的时间里,墨尔本实际上 担当着澳大利亚首都的角色。1908年,即联邦 成立后的第七年,澳大利亚政府决定,在悉尼和 墨尔本之间建造一个新的城市堪培拉,作为新首 都。1927年五月,随着堪培拉临时议会大厦的 启用,澳大利亚政府的办公地点正式从墨尔本迁 往堪培拉。



1.Location and size
-----7.7 million square kilometers ----- The world's smallest continent and sixth largest country by total area, Australia – owing to its size and isolation is often dubbed the 'island continent and variably considered the world's largest island. ----Australia has 34,218 kilometers of coastline (excluding all offshore islands)
it stretch from 10 to 44 south of latitude and 113 east to 154 east of longitude. It is surrounded by the Tasman [tæzmən] Sea(塔斯曼海(在澳大利亚和 新西兰之间) )and the Pacific Ocean to the east, by the Indian Ocean to the west, by the Coral Sea(珊 瑚海), the Arafura Sea(阿拉弗拉海)and Timor Sea(帝汶海)to the north, and the Southern Indian Ocean and the Great Australian Bight(澳大利亚海 湾)to the south. the highest point: Mount Kosciusko(科西阿斯克 山峰)_(2,225 meters high)



australia的介绍英语作文英文回答:Australia, the land Down Under, is a vast country witha rich history and diverse culture. Nestled in the southern hemisphere, it is the sixth largest country in the world by landmass, occupying an entire continent and numerous islands. Its geographical isolation has shaped its unique flora and fauna, making it a biodiversity hotspot and a popular destination for nature enthusiasts.Australia's history is a tapestry woven with thethreads of Indigenous cultures, European colonization, and multicultural immigration. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have inhabited the land for tens of thousands of years, and their traditions, beliefs, and art continue to play a vital role in shaping Australian society. European settlement began in the late 18th century, withthe arrival of British colonists who established a penal colony at Sydney Cove. Over the following centuries,Australia became a self-governing dominion within the British Empire, and in 1901, the six colonies federated to form the Commonwealth of Australia.Today, Australia is a vibrant and prosperous nation with a population of around 26 million people. Its major cities, such as Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth, are cosmopolitan hubs that embrace a diverse range of cultures and lifestyles. The Australian economy is primarily driven by mining, agriculture, and tourism, with a strong focus on innovation and technology. The country is renowned for its high standards of living, comprehensive healthcare system, and world-class education institutions.Australia's natural beauty is one of its most captivating features. From the rugged Outback and the spectacular coastline to the tropical rainforests and ancient rainforests, the country offers a diverse range of landscapes that inspire awe and wonder. The Great Barrier Reef, one of the seven natural wonders of the world, is a living masterpiece of biodiversity that attracts tourists from around the globe. Australia is also home to iconicwildlife such as kangaroos, koalas, wombats, and platypuses, which are found nowhere else on Earth.In summary, Australia is a land of contrasts and anation of many faces. Its rich history, diverse culture, stunning landscapes, and unique wildlife make it a captivating destination that offers something for everyone.中文回答:澳大利亚,这个地处南半球的国家,是世界第六大国,拥有丰富的历史和多元的文化。



澳大利亚英文简介The Commonwealth of Australia (Australia), referred to as Australia. Its territory area of 7686850 square kilometers, surrounded by the sea, is the world's only land covering a continent of the country. Australia, which has many unique flora and fauna and natural landscapes, is a multicultural immigrant country.The term "Australia", originally intended as "the continent of the South", is made up of the Latin terraaustralis (land of the south). Europeans found the continent in the 17th century, mistakenly thought it was a piece of land through the Antarctic, hence the name "Australia".Australia is a highly developed capitalist country, the capital of Canberra. As the second most economically developed country in the southern hemisphere and the 12th largest economy in the world, the world's fourth largest exporter of agricultural products, which is also the world's largest producer of minerals, is called "the country sitting on the tub." At the same time, Australia is also the world's number of sheep and the largest number of sheep export countries, also known as "riding in the sheep backcountry." Australia is highly urbanized and nearlyhalf of the country lives in two major cities in Sydney and Melbourne, where several cities have been rated as one of the most livable places in the world. It is also a sports power, perennial held a number of global sports events. Australia is a founding memberof the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and a member of the United Nations, the G20, the Commonwealth, the Pacific Security Treaty, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Pacific Islands Forum.The word Australia is intended to be the "southern continent", from the Latin terraaustralis (the land of the South). As early as 40,000 years ago, indigenous people would multiply on Australia's land, with a total of 413,000 Australians (20xx census data).In 1606, the ship of the Spanish navigator, Luis Vaezde Torres, passed the strait between Australia and New Guinea. In the same year, Duyfken, the Dutchman William Chancellor, was involved in Australia and was For the first time there are recorded alien people who landed in Australia and named it here for "New Holland".In 1770, the British navigator Captain Cook (Captain James Cook) found the east coast of Australia,。





介绍澳大利亚的英语作文篇一Australia is the sixth largest country in the world.The ground of Australia is two of west Europe.There is large area and lots of resource.Australia is the strongest developed country of economy in south earth.It's also the fourth export country of agriculture in the world.It is the biggest export country of iorn as well.Australia is a typical immgriation country and has varity of cultures.20 percent of Australia are birth in the other countries.Australia is a good country in pc.There are so many times opening international pc activities.介绍澳大利亚的英语作文篇二With an area of eight million square kilometres,Australia is the sixth largest country in the world.The population stands at just twenty million,of whom some 85% live in urban areas,mainly along the coast.Much of Australia is arid and flat.One-third of the country is desert and another third is steppe or semi-desert.Australia's main exports are fossil fuels,minerals,metals,cotton,wool,wine and beef,and its most important trading partners are Japan,China and the US.介绍澳大利亚的英语作文篇三Australian is a wonderful place with climate that suits everybody. It has many natural heritages, but cultural heritages are very limted. The most famous places are the Great Barrier Reef, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Sydney Opera House, as well as other wilderness.People in Australia are very friendly, and are very willing to help anybody in need, but there are exceptions.It is one of the few countries apart from United States of America that is multicultural, meaning that people in Australia can get things from almost any culture. From lebanese bread from the Middle East, to Tofu from Asia, to fish and chips from England. Everything combines in a very harmonic way that there is hardly any conflicts.介绍澳大利亚的英语作文篇四AustraliaAustralia,the largest country in Oceania,lies on the south coast of the Pacific.It covers an area of 7.6 million square kilometers.It has a population of over 10 million.Most of its people live in the east of the country by the sea.Canberra,the capital of Australia,is a beautiful city.Sydney is the biggest city in Australia,which has many places of interest.The Opera House is well known all over the world.The 20xx Olympic Games were held in Sydney.介绍澳大利亚的英语作文篇五Australian is a wonderful place with climate that suits everybody. It has many natural heritages, but cultural heritages are very limted. The most famous places are the Great Barrier Reef, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Sydney Opera House, as well as other wilderness.People in Australia are very friendly, and are very willing to help anybody in need, but there are exceptions.It is one of the few countries apart from United States of America that is multicultural, meaning that people in Australia can get things from almost any culture. From lebanese bread from the Middle East, to Tofu from Asia, to fish and chips from England. Everything combines in a very harmonic way that thereis hardly any conflicts.。

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蓝山 波浪岩 艾尔斯岩 十二门徒石 摇篮山 圣诞岛 心形岛 大堡礁 希勒湖 黄金海岸
Blue Mountain
Wave Rock
Ayers Rock
Twelve Apostles
Cradle Mountain
Christmas Island
Commonwealth of Nations, ANZUS, and the Pacific Islands Forum.
-Blue Mountain -Wave Rock -Ayers Rock -Twelve Apostles -Cradle Mountain -Christmas Island -Heart Reef -Great Barrier Reef -Lake Hillier -Gold Coast
Heart Reef
Great Barrier Reef
Lake Hillier
Gold Coast
Sydney Melbourne Canberra Perth
悉尼 墨尔本 堪培拉 珀斯
Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales, located on the east coast of Australia. With a metropolitan population of over 4 million people , it is the most populous city in the country.
Giant pandas Envoy of friendship
Robert Hagan
Sydney Opera House Jorn Utzon
Australia is a modern country of immigrants, a strong proponent of the Administration and grass dwelling, protecting the environment, so here are each of a city as beautiful as the Garden. The 17,336,000 existing population, the United Kingdom and other European countries the immigrant population accounted for about 95% of the total, the official language is English. Christian residents accounted for 98%, a small number of people believe in Judaism, Islam and Buddhism. 澳大利亚是个现代化的移民国家,政府当局大力提倡栽花种草、保护环境,所以 这里的每一座城市都像花园一样美丽。该国现有人口1733.6万,英国和其他欧洲 国家的移民后裔约占总人口的95%,官方语言为英语。居民中信奉基督教的占 98%,少数人信奉犹太教,伊斯兰教和佛教。
The University of Sydney
The University of Melbourne
Kangaroo Dromaius novaehollandia Koala Myrmccobius fasciatus Cygnus atratus Giant pandas
Penguin Island
Western Australian Maritime Museum
Nambung National Park
Gantheaume Point
-The Australian National University -The University of New South Wales -The University of Queensland -The University of Sydney -The University of Melbourne
袋鼠 鸸鹋 考拉 袋食蚁兽 黑天鹅 大熊猫
Dromaius novaehollandia
Myrmccobius fasciatus
Cygnus atratus
Sydney Opera House
Darling Harbour
Sydney Harbour Bridge, Australia
Sydney Tower
Melbourne Melbourne , the second largest city of Australia , is the capital of Victoria which is known as “Garden State”. St Paul Melbourne Church
澳大利亚是全球土地面积第六大的国家,国土比整个西欧大一半。澳大利亚不仅国土辽阔,而且物产 丰富,是南半球经济最发达的国家,是全球第四大农产品出口国,也是多种矿产出口量全球第一的国 家。澳大利亚拥有很多自己特有的动植物和自然景观。澳大利亚是一个移民国家,奉行多元文化,大 约四分之一的居民出生在澳大利亚以外。澳大利亚也是一个体育强国,是全球多项体育盛事的常年举 办国。澳大利亚有多个城市曾被评为世界上最适宜居住的地方之一。澳大利亚是G20和多个国际组织 的成员,也是最早倡议成立亚太经济合作组织的国家。
Parliament House
Black Mountain Telstra Tower
Lake Burley Griffin
MT Stromlo Observatory
Perth is the capital and largest city of the Australian state of Western Australia and the fourth most populous city in Australia. The Perth metropolitan area has an estimated population of almost 1,700,000.
2020/10/12Fra bibliotek2020/10/12
Great Ocean Road
Phillip Island
Fitzroy Garden
Canberra is the capital city of Australia. With a population of 381,488, it is Australia's largest inland city and the eighth-largest city overall. The city is located at the northern end of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), 280 km south-west of Sydney, and 660 km north-east of Melbourne. A resident of Canberra is known as a “ Canberran ".
Australia ,officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent as well as the island of Tasmania and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area. Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north; the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia to the north-east; and New Zealand to the south-east. A highly developed country, Australia is the world's 13th-largest economy and has the world's fifth-highest per capita income. Australia's military expenditure is the world's 13th-largest. With the second-highest human development index globally, Australia ranks highly in many international comparisons of national performance, such as quality of life, health, education, economic freedom, and the protection of civil liberties and political rights. Australia is a member of the G20, OECD, WTO, APEC, UN,