Chinese New Year

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IT Assignment 3
Primary Four English
Chinese New Year
S.T.F.A. Leung Kit Wah Primary School Lesson Plan for IT Assignment 3 1. Topic : Chinese New Year 2. Objectives - At the end of this lesson, students should be able to : 2.1 use the simple past tense to talk about past activities. 2.2 use correct language items to talk about money they possessed. 2.3 talk about Chinese New Year with suitable vocabulary items. 3. Class : Primary 4 4. Pre-requisite : 4.1 Students have learnt some nouns and verbs about Chinese New Year. 4.2 Students have learnt the simple past tense. 5. Teaching method : 5.1 Questioning and answering 5.2 Computer Presentation 5.3 Pair work activity 5.4 Computer exercise
6. Period : Two lessons (70 minutes) 7. Preparation : 7.1 Computers 7.2 Projector 7.3 PowerPoint exercise 7.4 Photocopy the pair exercise worksheet (1 for each) 7.5 Basic knowledge : 7.5.1 Students should know how to get into the computers and operate PowerPoint. 7.5.2 Teacher should know how to operate PowerPoint. 8. Materials : 8.1 Textbook (4B) Task 1 8.2 PowerPoint presentation software 8.3 PowerPoint exercise software 8.4 Photocopies of the pair work exercise 9. Teaching Procedures : 9.1 Motivation stage -9.1.1 Teacher asks students what they did in Chinese New Year.
What did they eat on New Year’s Day?
What did Ann eat on New Year’s Day?
9.2.9 Drilling on the new language items. 9.2.10 Teachers asks students how much lucky money they got. 9.3 Reinforcement stage -9.3.1 Teacher introduces and demonstrates how to conduct the pair work. 9.3.2 Students group in pairs and conduct the pair work. 9.3.3 Teacher introduces the PowerPoint exercise software and demonstrates how to operate it. 9.3.4 Students get into the computers in turns to do the exercise. 10. Pro来自百度文库uced by : P.4 English teacher
9.2 Presentation stage -9.2.1 Teacher introduces what the characters ate on New Year’s Day with the help of the PowerPoint software. 9.2.2 Teacher asks the students whether they ate the same food as the characters did. 9.2.3 Drilling on the new vocabulary items. 9.2.4 Teacher introduces what the characters did on the second day with the help of the PowerPoint software. 9.2.5 Teacher asks the students whether they did the same things as the characters did. 9.2.6 Drilling on the new vocabulary items. 9.2.7 Teacher introduces the different Hong Kong dollar notes with the help of the PowerPoint software. 9.2.8 Teacher introduces the lucky money that the characters got with the help of the PowerPoint software.