六西格玛黑带认证课程 (CSSBB)




六西格玛黑带SSBB知识体系六西格玛(Six Sigma)是一种全面的质量管理方法,旨在通过数据驱动的方法改善业务流程,降低缺陷和提高效率。

六西格玛黑带(Six Sigma Black Belt)是在六西格玛体系下的一个关键角色,拥有深入了解和熟练运用六西格玛方法的知识和技能。



六西格玛黑带的职责包括:1. 项目规划:确定项目目标和范围,并制定项目计划和时间表。

2. 数据分析:收集和分析相关数据,识别存在的问题和机会。

3. 问题解决:应用六西格玛工具和方法,解决业务流程中的问题。

4. 统计分析:运用统计学原理和方法,在问题解决中提供支持。

5. 项目监控:跟踪项目进展,确保目标的实现并持续改进。

6. 团队培训:指导和培训团队成员,提升他们在六西格玛方面的能力。

二、六西格玛黑带的知识要求为了成为一名合格的六西格玛黑带,需要掌握以下知识和技能:1. 六西格玛方法和工具:了解DMAIC(定义、测量、分析、改进和控制)的步骤和工具,如流程图、因果图、直方图等。

2. 统计学:熟悉基本的统计原理和方法,能够应用统计工具进行数据分析。

3. 过程管理:理解业务流程的重要性,具备识别问题和改进过程的能力。

4. 项目管理:具备项目管理的知识和技能,能够有效地规划和执行项目。

5. 团队合作:善于团队合作,具备良好的沟通和协调能力。



六西格玛黑带的认证通常分为不同级别,如绿带(Green Belt)、黑带(Black Belt)和大师黑带(Master Black Belt)。








北京六西格玛黑带(SSBB)培训内容:第一天:Define--六西格玛定义阶段:发现、确认问题第一讲:6sigma管理综述1、什么是六西格玛? ---六西格玛的系统概念!2、为何需要六西格玛?---企业推行六西格玛的必要性分析3、如何应用六西格玛?---企业推行六西格玛可行性分析4、六西格玛的组织模型---企业推行六西格玛的组织架构分析5、六西格玛的发展复制---我国采用六西格玛的趋势6、六西格玛适合我们吗――从六西格玛的角度看问题第二讲:如何启动和界定一个6 SIGMA项目1、项目小组---如何组建项目团队?2、项目来源---什么是项目,项目从哪里来?3、项目选择标准---如何评选合适的六西格玛项目?4、制作项目计划第三讲:劣质成本分析(企业成本的种类与构成)1、质量损失函数、品质成本与利润的关系2、预防成本、鉴定成本、缺陷成本3、能力值与品质成本的对应关系4、统计学的基本原理与专业术语介绍第四讲:D阶段实用方法分析法与工具1、因果图、因果矩阵的概念、用途及、制作方法和步骤2、柏拉图的概念、用途及、制作方法和步骤3、QFD的概念、用途及、制作方法和步骤4、SIPOC图的方法与运用5、风险分析与SWOT分析的方法与运用6、六西格玛项目报告第五讲:定义阶段的中国企业注意事项1、六西格玛项目选择与筛选2、设置项目指标与目标(如质量、周期、成本等)3、陈述问题,设置括基线和改进目标4、中国企业定义阶段的注意事项与难点第二天:Measure--六西格玛测量阶段:现状测量第六讲:量测阶段的质量概念1、中心极限定理及样本均值的分布2、数据收集整理3、描述性统计4、过程能力分析5、非正态数据的变换(非正态数据的过程能力)6、偏度、峰度、7、正态概率图8、分辨力、稳定性、9、偏倚、偏倚的线性10、精确度、准确度11、重复性和再现性第七讲:MSA测量系统分析:确保所收集数据的真实性1、测量误差的组成2、测量系统分析的方法和步骤3、连续数据测量系统分析方法、离散数据测量系统分析方法、破坏性试验数据测量系统分析方法4、实例5:测量系统分析案例讲解与练习第八讲:六西格玛专用软件MINITAB基础介绍1、MINITAB的作用、视窗、基本操作2、MINITAB统计分析方法和工具第九讲:潜在失效模式及效果分析(FMEA)1、FMEA的定义、用途、背景与类型2、FMEA制作的方法和步骤3、FMEA运用和使用技巧第十讲:M阶段工具的运用1、AQL定义、用途、方法和背景与类型2、检查表定义、用途、方法和背景与类型3、流程分析技术定义、用途、方法和背景与类型4、其他基本统计学的方法与运用5、M阶段工具与方法练习及讲解第十一讲:量测阶段运行案例剖析1、中国工厂如何做量测阶段2、量测阶段注意事项3、中国企业在量测阶段难点和误解第三天:Analyze--六西格玛分析阶段:查找关键原因第十二讲:分析阶段的质量概念与理解1、点估计和区间估计2、假设检验3、多变量分析4、置信区间与假设检验5、相关与回归分析6、样本量计算7、回归分析的方法和运用8、方差分析的方法和运用第十三讲:多变量分析技术1、变异与质量2、多变量图及变量分析●过程能力分析●量具重复性●再现性研究●方差分析第十四讲:置信区间与假设检验1、何谓假设检验?2、假设检验的步骤、种类3、连续数据假设检验方法与工具、离散数据的假设检验立方法与工具第十五讲:DOE实验设计介绍1、试验设计概念、试验因素及水平2、试验类别及选择与试验结果分析3、试验设计分析方法与工具实例:试验设计现场练习及结果分析第十六讲:DOE全因子及分部因子实验设计1、全因子/分布因子设计概述2、主要影响图、交互作用图、方差分析、优化设3、田口方法的运用第十七讲:A阶段工具和方法运用1、层别法定义、用途、方法和运行1、散布图定义、用途、方法和运行3、亲和图定义、用途、方法和运行4、假设检验方法和运用5、回归分析方法和运用6、A阶段案例制作练习及讲解第十八讲:企业实际中A阶段问题分析与解决1、中国企业实际中问题分析方法和工具2、中国企业在分析阶段的难点与问题第四天:Improve--六西格玛改善阶段:改善关健原因,优化相关参数第十九讲:改进阶段质量概念讲解1、试验设计2、单因素试验3、随机化和区组4、交互作用5、田口方法6、离散和集中第二十讲:改进阶段质量概念讲解1、试验设计2、单因素试验3、随机化和区组4、交互作用5、田口方法6、离散和集中第二十一讲:SPC统计过程控制理论1、改善与优化的介绍2、改善思想及改善思路3、改善工具种类及选用4、改善前的准备第二十二讲:I阶段思维方法1、IE定义、IE手法用途、背景与类型和方法2、VE定义、用途、背景与类型和方法3、SDCA定义、用途、背景与类型和方法案例:I阶段案例制作练习及讲解第二十三讲:改进阶段的工具和方法1、检出力和样本量、平衡、重复、顺序、有效性、随机化和区组、交互作用2、单因素试验的设计和分析3、多因素全析因试验的设计和分析4、两水平部分析因试验的设计和分析5、带区组实验设计6、含离散变量的实验设计7、多响应变量实验设计8、响应变量需要做变换的实验设计9、最速上升法10、田口方法11、混料试验12、调优运算第二十四讲:企业实际中改善1、中国企业实际中问题改善方法和工具2、中国企业实际中问题结案方法和工具3、中国企业在改善阶段的难点与问题案例:某企业在改善阶段失败的原因一、第五天:Control--六西格玛控制阶段:改善成果控制与横向扩展第二十五讲:控制阶段质量概念理解1、正态分布2、数据3、控制图4、精益与六西格玛5、容差设计6、六西格玛设计第二十六讲:控制阶段质量概念理解1、正态分布2、数据3、控制图4、精益与六西格玛5、容差设计6、六西格玛设计第二十七讲:控制阶段的工具和方法1、统计过程控制的方法与运用2、质量控制计划的方法与运用3、控制阶段方法和工具4、用于控制的精益生产工具(防错、TPM、标准作业法等)5、精益的概念、战略及实施(价值、价值链、流动、拉动、完美等)6、非正态数据控制图7、标准化控制图第二十八讲:SPC统计过程控制理论1、控制介绍2、统计思想及控制图3、控制图种类及选用4、使用SPC前的准备5、使用SPC的方法第二十九讲:计量型数据SPC1、计量值数据控制图的种类及用途2、计量值数据控制图的制作与应用3、计量值数据控制图的过程能力分析4、四类计量值数据控制图实例:计数型控制图制作练习与讲解第三十讲:计数型数据SPC1、计数值数据控制图的种类及用途2、计数值数据控制图的制作与应用3、计数值数据控制图的过程能力分析4、四类计数值数据控制图实例:计数型控制图制作练习与讲解天行健咨询第三十一讲:CP K过程能力分析1、直方图的作成与过程能力2、过程变异与过程能力3、过程能力指数(短期能力、长期能力、非正态分布数据的过程能力)4、实例:过程能力分析案例讲解与练习第三十二讲:企业实际中六西格玛问题1、中国企业实际中问题2、中国企业实际中应如何做六西格玛3、中国企业推行六西格玛的难点与问题。

六西格玛黑带培训教材(ppt 72页)

六西格玛黑带培训教材(ppt 72页)
• Process Potential – Cp
• Process Performance – Cpu – Cpl – Cpk
What is 城市轨道交通 urban rail transport
The Cp index assesses whether the natural tolerance (6) of a process is within the specification limits.
What is 城市轨道交通 urban rail transport
A Cp of 1.0 indicates that a process is judged to be “capable”, i.e. if the process is centered within its engineering tolerance, 0.27% of parts produced will be beyond specification limits.
Reject Rate
0.270 %
0.007 %
6.8 ppm
2.0 ppb
What is 城市轨道交通 urban rail transport
a) c)
What is 城市轨道交通 urban rail transport
a) Process is highly capable (Cp>2) b) Process is capable (Cp=1 to 2) c) Process is not capable (Cp<1)

2016 ASQ 黑带考试大纲CSSBB

2016 ASQ 黑带考试大纲CSSBB

AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR QUALITYCERTIFIED SIX SIGMA BLACK BELT (CSSBB)BODY OF KNOWLEDGEThe topics in this Body of Knowledge include additional detail in the form of subtext explanations and the cognitive level at which test questions will be written. This information will provide guidance for the candidate preparing to take the exam. The subtext is not intended to limit the subject matter or be all-inclusive of what might be covered in an exam. It is meant to clarify the type of content to be included in the exam. The descriptor in parentheses at the end of each entry refers to the maximum cognitive level at which the topic will be tested. A complete description of cognitive levels is provided at the end of this document.anization-wide Planning and Deployment (Questions 12)A. Organization-wide considerations1.Fundamentals of six sigma and lean methodologiesDefine and describe the value, foundations, philosophy, history, and goals of these approaches,and describe the integration and complementary relationship between them. (Understand)2.Six sigma, lean, and continuous improvement methodologiesDescribe when to use six sigma instead of other problem-solving approaches, and describe theimportance of aligning six sigma objectives with organizational goals. Describe screeningcriteria and how such criteria can be used for the selection of six sigma projects, leaninitiatives, and other continuous improvement methods. (Apply)3.Relationships among business systems and processesDescribe the interactive relationships among business systems, processes, and internal andexternal stakeholders , and the impact those relationships have on business systems.(Understand)4.Strategic planning and deployment for initiativesDefine the importance of strategic planning for six sigma projects and lean initiatives.Demonstrate how hoshin kanri (X-matrix), portfolio analysis, and other tools can be used insupport of strategic deployment of these projects. Use feasibility studies, SWOT analysis(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), PEST analysis (political, economic, social,and technological) and contingency planning and business continuity planning to enhancestrategic planning and deployment. (Apply)B.Leadership1.Roles and responsibilitiesDescribe the roles and responsibilities of executive leadership, champions, sponsors, processowners, master black belts, black belts, and green belts in driving six sigma and lean initiatives.Describe how each group influences project deployment in terms of providing or managingresources, enabling changes in organizational structure, and supporting communications aboutthe purpose and deployment of the initiatives. (Understand)anizational roadblocks and change managementDescribe how an organization’s structure and culture can impact six sigma projects. Identifycommon causes of six sigma failures, including lack of management support and lack ofresources. Apply change management techniques, including stakeholder analysis, readinessassessments, and communication plans to overcome barriers and drive organization-widechange. (Apply)anizational Process Management and Measures (10 Questions)A.Impact on stakeholdersDescribe the impact six sigma projects can have on customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.(Understand)B.BenchmarkingDefine and distinguish between various types of benchmarking, e.g., best practices, competitive,collaborative, breakthrough. Select measures and performance goals for projects resulting frombenchmarking activities. (Apply)C.Business measures1.Performance measuresDefine and describe balanced scorecard, key performance indicators (KPIs), customer loyaltymetrics, and leading and lagging indicators. Explain how to create a line of sight fromperformance measures to organizational strategies. (Analyze)2.Financial measuresDefine and use revenue growth, market share, margin, net present value (NPV), return oninvestment (ROI), and cost-benefit analysis (CBA). Explain the difference between hard costmeasures (from profit and loss statements) and soft cost benefits of cost avoidance andreduction. (Apply)III.Team Management (18 Questions)A. Team formation1.Team types and constraintsDefine and describe various teams, including virtual, cross-functional, and self-directed.Determine what team type will work best for a given a set of constraints, e.g., geography,technology availability, staff schedules, time zones. (Apply)2.Team roles and responsibilitiesDefine and describe various team roles and responsibilities for leader, facilitator, coach, andindividual member. (Understand)3.Team member selection criteriaDescribe various factors that influence the selection of team members, including the ability toinfluence, openness to change, required skills sets, subject matter expertise, and availability.(Apply)4.Team success factorsIdentify and describe the elements necessary for successful teams, e.g., management support,clear goals, ground rules, timelines. (Apply)B.Team facilitation1.Motivational techniquesDescribe and apply techniques to motivate team members. Identify factors that can demotivateteam members and describe techniques to overcome them. (Apply)2.Team stages of developmentIdentify and describe the classic stages of team development: forming, storming, norming,performing, and adjourning. (Apply)3.Team communicationDescribe and explain the elements of an effective communication plan, e.g., audienceidentification, message type, medium, frequency. (Apply)4.Team leadership modelsDescribe and select appropriate leadership approaches (e.g., direct, coach, support, delegate) toensure team success. (Apply)C.Team dynamics1.Group behaviorsIdentify and use various conflict resolution techniques (e.g., coaching, mentoring, intervention)to overcome negative group dynamics, including dominant and reluctant participants,groupthink, rushing to finish, and digressions. (Evaluate)2.Meeting managementSelect and use various meeting management techniques, including using agendas, starting ontime, requiring pre-work by attendees, and ensuring that the right people and resources areavailable. (Apply)3.Team decision-making methodsDefine, select, and use various tools (e.g., consensus, nominal group technique, multi-voting)for decision-making. (Apply)D.Team training1.Needs assessmentIdentify the steps involved to implement an effective training curriculum: identify skills gaps,develop learning objectives, prepare a training plan, and develop training materials.(Understand)2.DeliveryDescribe various techniques used to deliver effective training, including adult learning theory,soft skills, and modes of learning. (Understand)3.EvaluationDescribe various techniques to evaluate training, including evaluation planning, feedbacksurveys, pre-training and post-training testing. (Understand)IV. Define (20 questions)A.Voice of the customer1.Customer identificationIdentify and segment customers and show how a project will impact both internal and externalcustomers. (Apply)2.Customer data collectionIdentify and select appropriate data collection methods (e.g., surveys, focus groups, interviews,observations) to gather voice of the customer data. Ensure the data collection methods used arereviewed for validity and reliability. (Analyze)3.Customer requirementsDefine, select, and apply appropriate tools to determine customer needs and requirements,including critical-to-X (CTX when ‘X’ can be quality, cost, safety, etc.), CTQ tree, qualityfunction deployment (QFD), supplier, input, process, output, customer (SIPOC) and Kanomodel. (Analyze)B.Business case and project charter1.Business caseDescribe business case justification used to support projects. (Understand)2.Problem statementDevelop a project problem statement and evaluate it in relation to baseline performance andimprovement goals. (Evaluate)3.Project scopeDevelop and review project boundaries to ensure that the project has value to the customer.(Analyze)4.Goals and objectivesIdentify SMART (specific, measureable, actionable, relevant and time bound) goals andobjectives on the basis of the project’s problem statement and scope. (Analyze)5.Project performance measurementsIdentify and evaluate performance measurements (e.g., cost, revenue, delivery, schedule,customer satisfaction) that connect critical elements of the process to key outputs. (Analyze)6.Project charter reviewExplain the importance of having periodic project charter reviews with stakeholders.(Understand)C.Project management (PM) toolsIdentify and use the following PM tools to track projects and document their progress. (Evaluate)1.Gantt charts2.Toll-gate reviews3.Work breakdown structure (WBS)4.RACI model(responsible, accountable, consulted and informed)D.Analytical toolsIdentify and use the following analytical tools throughout the DMAIC cycle. (Apply)1.Affinity diagrams2.Tree diagrams3.Matrix diagrams4.Prioritization matrices5.Activity network diagramsV.Measure (25 Questions)A.Process characteristics1.Process flow metricsIdentify and use process flow metrics (e.g., work in progress (WIP), work in queue (WIQ),touch time, takt time, cycle time, throughput) to determine constraints. Describe the impact that“hidden factories” can have on process flow metrics. (Analyze)2.Process analysis toolsSelect, use and evaluate various tools, e.g., value stream maps, process maps, workinstructions, flowcharts, spaghetti diagrams, circle diagrams, gemba walk. (Evaluate)B.Data collection1.Types of dataDefine, classify, and distinguish between qualitative and quantitative data, and continuous anddiscrete data. (Evaluate)2.Measurement scalesDefine and use nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio measurement scales. (Apply)3.SamplingDefine and describe sampling concepts, including representative selection, homogeneity, bias, accuracy, and precision. Determine the appropriate sampling method (e.g., random, stratified, systematic, subgroup, block) to obtain valid representation in various situations. (Evaluate)4.Data collection plans and methodsDevelop and implement data collection plans that include data capture and processing tools,e.g., check sheets, data coding, data cleaning (imputation techniques). Avoid data collectionpitfalls by defining the metrics to be used or collected, ensuring that collectors are trained in the tools and understand how the data will be used, and checking for seasonality effects. (Analyze)C.Measurement systems1.Measurement system analysis (MSA)Use gauge repeatability and reproducibility (R&R) studies and other MSA tools (e.g., bias,correlation, linearity, precision to tolerance, percent agreement) to analyze measurement system capability. (Evaluate)2.Measurement systems across the organizationIdentify how measurement systems can be applied to marketing, sales, engineering, researchand development (R&D), supply chain management, and customer satisfaction data.(Understand)3.MetrologyDefine and describe elements of metrology, including calibration systems, traceability toreference standards, and the control and integrity of measurement devices and standards.(Understand)D.Basic statistics1.Basic statistical termsDefine and distinguish between population parameters and sample statistics, e.g., proportion, mean, standard deviation. (Apply)2.Central limit theoremExplain the central limit theorem and its significance in the application of inferential statistics for confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, and control charts. (Understand)3.Descriptive statisticsCalculate and interpret measures of dispersion and central tendency. (Evaluate)4.Graphical methodsConstruct and interpret diagrams and charts, e.g., box-and-whisker plots, scatter diagrams,histograms, normal probability plots, frequency distributions, cumulative frequencydistributions. (Evaluate)5.Valid statistical conclusionsDistinguish between descriptive and inferential statistical studies. Evaluate how the results of statistical studies are used to draw valid conclusions. (Evaluate)E.Probability1.Basic conceptsDescribe and apply probability concepts, e.g., independence, mutually exclusive events,addition and multiplication rules, conditional probability, complementary probability, jointoccurrence of events. (Apply)2.DistributionsDescribe, interpret, and use various distributions, e.g., normal, Poisson, binomial, chi square,F.Process capability1.Process capability indicesDefine, select, and calculate C p and C pk. (Evaluate)2.Process performance indicesDefine, select, and calculate P p, P pk, C pm, and process sigma. (Evaluate)3.General process capability studiesDescribe and apply elements of designing and conducting process capability studies relative tocharacteristics, specifications, sampling plans, stability and normality. (Evaluate)4.Process capability for attributes dataCalculate the process capability and process sigma level for attributes data. (Apply)5.Process capability for non-normal dataIdentify non-normal data and determine when it is appropriate to use Box-Cox or othertransformation techniques. (Apply)6.Process performance vs. specificationDistinguish between natural process limits and specification limits. Calculate processperformance metrics, e.g., percent defective, parts per million (PPM), defects per millionopportunities (DPMO), defects per unit (DPU), throughput yield, rolled throughput yield(RTY). (Evaluate)7.Short-term and long-term capabilityDescribe and use appropriate assumptions and conventions when only short-term data or onlylong-term data are available. Interpret the relationship between short-term and long-termcapability. (Evaluate)VI.Analyze (22 Questions)A.Measuring and modeling relationships between variables1.Correlation coefficientCalculate and interpret the correlation coefficient and its confidence interval, and describe thedifference between correlation and causation. (Evaluate)2.Linear regressionCalculate and interpret regression analysis, and apply and interpret hypothesis tests forregression statistics. Use the regression model for estimation and prediction, analyze theuncertainty in the estimate, and perform a residuals analysis to validate the model. (Evaluate)3.Multivariate toolsUse and interpret multivariate tools (e.g., factor analysis, discriminant analysis, multipleanalysis of variance (MANOVA)) to investigate sources of variation. (Evaluate)B.Hypothesis testing1.TerminologyDefine and interpret the significance level, power, type I, and type II errors of statistical tests.(Evaluate)2.Statistical vs. practical significanceDefine, compare, and interpret statistical and practical significance. (Evaluate)3.Sample sizeCalculate sample size for common hypothesis tests: equality of means and equality ofproportions. (Apply)4.Point and interval estimatesDefine and distinguish between confidence and prediction intervals. Define and interpret theefficiency and bias of estimators. Calculate tolerance and confidence intervals. (Evaluate)5.Tests for means, variances, and proportionsUse and interpret the results of hypothesis tests for means, variances, and proportions.(Evaluate)6.Analysis of variance (ANOVA)Select, calculate, and interpret the results of ANOVAs. (Evaluate)7.Goodness-of-fit (chi square) testsDefine, select, and interpret the results of these tests. (Evaluate)8.Contingency tablesSelect, develop, and use contingency tables to determine statistical significance. (Evaluate)9.Non-parametric testsUnderstand the importance of the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests and when theyshould be used. (Understand)C.Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)Describe the purpose and elements of FMEA, including risk priority number (RPN), and evaluateFMEA results for processes, products, and services. Distinguish between design FMEA (DFMEA)and process FMEA (PFMEA), and interpret their results. (Evaluate)D.Additional analysis methods1.Gap analysisAnalyze scenarios to identify performance gaps, and compare current and future states usingpredefined metrics. (Analyze)2.Root cause analysisDefine and describe the purpose of root cause analysis, recognize the issues involved inidentifying a root cause, and use various tools (e.g., 5 whys, Pareto charts, fault tree analysis,cause and effect diagrams) to resolve chronic problems. (Analyze)3.Waste analysisIdentify and interpret the seven classic wastes (overproduction, inventory, defects, over-processing, waiting, motion, transportation) and resource under-utilization. (Analyze)VII.Improve (21 Questions)A.Design of experiments (DOE)1.TerminologyDefine basic DOE terms, e.g., independent and dependent variables, factors and levels,response, treatment, error, nested. (Understand)2.Design principlesDefine and apply DOE principles, e.g., power, sample size, balance, repetition, replication,order, efficiency, randomization, blocking, interaction, confounding, resolution. (Apply)3.Planning experimentsPlan and evaluate DOEs by determining the objective, selecting appropriate factors, responses,and measurement methods, and choosing the appropriate design. (Evaluate)4.One-factor experimentsDesign and conduct completely randomized, randomized block, and Latin square designs, and5.Two-level fractional factorial experimentsDesign, analyze, and interpret these types of experiments, and describe how confounding canaffect their use. (Evaluate)6.Full factorial experimentsDesign, conduct, and analyze these types of experiments. (Evaluate)B.Lean methods1.Waste eliminationSelect and apply tools and techniques for eliminating or preventing waste, e.g., pull systems,kanban, 5S, standard work, poka-yoke. (Analyze)2.Cycle-time reductionUse various tools and techniques for reducing cycle time, e.g., continuous flow, single-minuteexchange of die (SMED), heijunka (production leveling). (Analyze)3.KaizenDefine and distinguish between kaizen and kaizen blitz and describe when to use each method.(Apply)4.Other improvement tools and techniquesIdentify and describe how other process improvement methodologies are used, e.g., theory ofconstraints (TOC), overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). (Understand)C.ImplementationDevelop plans for implementing proposed improvements, including conducting pilot tests orsimulations, and evaluate results to select the optimum solution. (Evaluate)VIII.Control (15 Questions)A.Statistical process control (SPC)1.ObjectivesExplain the objectives of SPC, including monitoring and controlling process performance,tracking trends, runs, and reducing variation within a process. (Understand)2.Selection of variablesIdentify and select critical process characteristics for control chart monitoring. (Apply)3.Rational subgroupingDefine and apply the principle of rational subgrouping. (Apply)4.Control chart selectionX−, individual and moving range Select and use control charts in various situations: RX−,s(ImR), p, np, c, u, short-run SPC, and moving average. (Apply)5.Control chart analysisInterpret control charts and distinguish between common and special causes using rules fordetermining statistical control. (Analyze)B.Other controls1.Total productive maintenance (TPM)Define the elements of TPM and describe how it can be used to consistently control theimproved process. (Understand)2.Visual controlsDefine the elements of visual controls (e.g., pictures of correct procedures, color-codedcomponents, indicator lights), and describe how they can help control the improved process.C.Maintain controls1.Measurement system reanalysisReview and evaluate measurement system capability as process capability improves, and ensurethat measurement capability is sufficient for its intended use. (Evaluate)2.Control planDevelop a control plan to maintain the improved process performance, enable continuousimprovement, and transfer responsibility from the project team to the process owner. (Apply)D.Sustain improvements1.Lessons learnedDocument the lessons learned from all phases of a project and identify how improvements canbe replicated and applied to other processes in the organization. (Apply)2.DocumentationDevelop or modify documents including standard operating procedures (SOPs), workinstructions, and control plans to ensure that the improvements are sustained over time. (Apply)3.Training for process owners and staffDevelop and implement training plans to ensure consistent execution of revised processmethods and standards to maintain process improvements. (Apply)4.Ongoing evaluationIdentify and apply tools (e.g., control charts, control plans) for ongoing evaluation of theimproved process, including monitoring leading indicators, lagging indicators, and additionalopportunities for improvement. (Apply)IX.Design For Six Sigma (DFSS) Framework and Methodologies (7 Questions )mon DFSS methodologiesIdentify and describe DMADV(define, measure, analyze, design, and validate) and DMADOV(define, measure, analyze, design, optimize, and validate). (Understand)B.Design for X (DFX)Describe design constraints, including design for cost, design for manufacturability(producibility), design for test, and design for maintainability. (Understand)C.Robust designsDescribe the elements of robust product design, tolerance design, and statistical tolerancing.(Understand)Levels of Cognition - based on Bloom’s Taxonomy – Revised (2001)In addition to content specifics, the subtext for each topic in this BOK also indicates the intended complexity level of the test questions for that topic. These levels are based on “Levels of Cognition” (from Bloom’s Taxonomy – Revised, 2001) and are presented below in rank order, from least complex to most complex. RememberRecall or recognize terms, definitions, facts, ideas, materials, patterns, sequences, methods, principles, etc. UnderstandRead and understand descriptions, communications, reports, tables, diagrams, directions, regulations, etc.ApplyKnow when and how to use ideas, procedures, methods, formulas, principles, theories, etc.AnalyzeBreak down information into its constituent parts and recognize their relationship to one another and how they are organized; identify sublevel factors or salient data from a complex scenario.EvaluateMake judgments about the value of proposed ideas, solutions, etc., by comparing the proposal to specific criteria or standards.CreatePut parts or elements together in such a way as to reveal a pattern or structure not clearly there before; identify which data or information from a complex set is appropriate to examine further or from which supported conclusions can be drawn.。



智慧质量系列应用专题智慧质量•金领职业经理人火石计划精益六西格玛运营黑带 BB 证书班课程时间:十五天 (9:00-12:00 14:00-17:00) 升级版本:3.0 课程对象:本课程适合希望通过精益六西格玛提升部门绩效与企业经营,例如总经理、副总裁、部门总监、部门经理、质量经理、研发/工艺经理、生产经理、物流与采购经理等。

教学模式:录像观赏+工具复制+案例分析+实战模拟+疑难问答+精彩点评 课程思考:“六西格玛”其实是一项以数据为基础,追求几乎完美无暇的管理经营方法。

摩托罗拉公司率先使用了“六个西格玛”理论,联信公司也成功地采用了它,GE 公司董事长兼 首席执行官约翰·韦尔奇更是对这一理论爱不能己,并借此创造了新的神话。

从 1995 年下半年 开始,“六西格玛”运动“像野火一样”燃遍整个 GE,改造着 GE 人所做的一切。

“为什么要 开展 6 西格玛管理?”摩托罗拉的回答是:为了生存。

从 70 年代到 80 年代,摩托罗拉在同日 本的竞争中失掉了收音机和电视机的市场,后来又失掉了 BP 机和半导体的市场。

1985 年,公 司面临倒闭。

一个日本企业在 70 年代并购了摩托罗拉的电视机生产公司。

经过日本人的改造后, 很快投入了生产,并且不良率只有摩托罗拉管理时的 1/20。

他们使用了同样的人员、技术和设 计。



在其 CEO 的领导下, 摩托罗拉开始了 6 西格玛质量之旅。

今天“摩托罗拉”成为世界著名品牌, 1998 年,摩托罗拉公司获得了美国鲍德理奇国家质量管理奖。

他们成功的秘密就是 6 西格玛质 量之旅。

是 6 西格玛管理使摩托罗拉从濒于倒闭发展到当今世界知名的质量与利润领先公司。




cssbb备考攻略摘要:I.引言- 介绍CSSBB 考试的基本信息- 说明备考CSSBB 的重要性II.考试内容概述- 详细介绍CSSBB 考试的四个模块- 描述每个模块所涉及的知识点III.备考策略- 制定学习计划- 推荐学习资源- 强调实践的重要性IV.备考技巧- 提供记忆技巧和建议- 分享应试经验V.总结- 重申备考CSSBB 的重要性- 鼓励考生保持积极心态正文:CSSBB 备考攻略作为一名备考CSSBB 的考生,了解考试的基本信息是至关重要的。

CSSBB(Certified Six Sigma Black Belt)是指六西格玛黑带认证,它是一个全球认可的专业认证,证明了持证者具备六西格玛方法论的深入理解和应用能力。


因此,备考CSSBB 不仅是提升个人能力的途径,也是增加职业竞争力的关键。

要顺利通过CSSBB 考试,首先需要对考试内容有一个全面的了解。

CSSBB 考试共分为四个模块,分别是:1.六西格玛基础:涵盖了六西格玛方法论的基本概念、原则、工具和技术。































六西格玛黑带培训教程引言六西格玛(Six Sigma)是一种以质量管理为目标的方法论,旨在通过减少变异性和缺陷来提高组织的绩效和效率。

作为一种重要的管理工具,六西格玛黑带(Six Sigma Black Belt)培训逐渐成为企业和组织中提升管理者能力和培养项目领导者的重要途径。






六西格玛黑带培训的内容六西格玛黑带培训的内容通常包括以下几个方面:1. 六西格玛基本概念和原理学员需要了解六西格玛的基本概念和原理,包括六西格玛的定义、历史背景、方法论和工具等。


2. 六西格玛工具和技术学员需要学习和掌握六西格玛工具和技术,包括统计分析、流程图、PDCA循环、故障模式效应分析(FMEA)、多变量分析和实验设计等。


3. 项目管理和领导力学员需要学习项目管理和领导力的基本知识和技能,包括项目计划、团队建设、冲突管理和沟通技巧等。


4. 持续改进和管理体系学员需要了解持续改进和管理体系的基本原理和方法,包括质量管理体系、过程改进和变革管理等。























六西格玛黑带(SSBB)课程大纲六西格玛黑带(SSBB)课程大纲:1、六西格玛黑带破冰之旅2、什么是六西格玛3、六西格玛项目选择和评估4、六西格玛的成功实施和展开5、项目团队建设和头脑风暴6、项目管理和风险预防7、客户心声 VOC 和顾客满意度测量8、高级流程 SIPOC 图9、品质成本分析10、项目收益计算11、价值流程图VSM12、测量系统分析13、过程能力分析和计算14、数据收集和分层15、因果分析16、程序分析和动作时间分析17、设备 OEE 分析18、探索性图形分析工具19、FMEA20、管理中常用的几个概率分布21、单样本置信区间和假设检验22、双样本置信区间和假设检验23、样本容量与风险24、离散数据的置信区间和假设检验25、非参数统计26、卡方检验27、多变量分析28、方差分析29、单变量回归分析30、多重回归分析31、回归分析中的错误与策略32、试验设计介紹33、试验结果的分析34、全析因试验设计35、部分析因试验设计36、筛选试验设计37、中心复合试验设计38、Box-Behnken 试验设计39、田口试验设计40、调优运算(EVOP)41、混料实验设计42、谢宁DOE43、防错法44、看板管理和可视管理45、供应链精益管理46、SPC介绍47、计量值数据控制图48、计数值数据控制图49、高级控制图50、控制计划51、标准操作程序52、“6S”和现场管理53、可靠性工具54、某企业的六西格玛策划案例分享1)从企业诊断开始2)三年持续改善项目介绍3)走向世界一流的历程55、著名企业六西格玛导入案例56、六西格玛项目实施案例分享57、回顾展望与考试答辩1)如何策划成功的六西格玛管理战略2)健壮设计与六西格玛的结合--六西格玛设计(DFSS)战略图3)卓越绩效模式与六西格玛的结合--卓越六西格玛体系4)总结与回顾5)讨论和解答详情可关注天行健咨询!!!。



CSSBB of ASQ(美国质量协会黑带认证考试大纲中英文版)CSSBB ExamObjective目的To provide recognized Six Sigma fundamental training and to prepare persons interested in taking the CSSBB examination.本书提供给认可的六西格玛的人的基础培训或有兴趣参加六西格玛黑带认证考试的人们.Certification认证Certification is the independently verified prescribed level of knowledge as defined through a combination of experience, projects and examination.本认证是通过综合规定的经验、项目和考试的知识水平进行独立的考核。

The CSSBBIs a professional who can carry out in responsible manner proven techniques which make up the body of knowledge recognized by those who are experts in Six Sigma.被认证的六西格玛黑带能够以负责任的方式执行被六西格玛专家认可而组成的知识主体的技术。

Eligibility资格CSSBB Participants must register with ASQ headquarters. Eligibility requires two completed projects with signed affidavits or one completed project with signed affidavit and three year work experience within the Six Sigma Body of Knowledge. No education waiver is given.参加认证的六西格玛黑带必须经过ASQ总部的注册。

精品六西格玛绿带 黑带认证课(目录)

精品六西格玛绿带 黑带认证课(目录)

传递价值 成就卓越
通用电气 美国嘉世 约翰.迪尔 强生 丹麦马士基 韩国三星 惠尔浦 艾默生
海尔集团有限公司 武汉海尔冰柜有限公司 武汉海尔空调有限公司 合肥海尔空调有限公司 合肥海尔洗衣机有限公司 青岛商用空调事业部 青岛海尔电子事业部 武汉海尔电热水器有限公司 合肥海尔信息产品有限公司
绩效提升需要员工不断成长,不 断突破自我,六西格玛是企业和员工 共同成功的有效阶梯。扬智管理学院 是国内领先专业从事六西格玛,精益 运营等现代管理理念和技术培训的 机构。已经成功为企业培训六西格玛 和精益运营专业人才3000余名,目 前,这个数目正在不断增加中。这些 学员正在各个领域成为关键人才和 企业高层领导者。
扬智管理学院拥有一套严格的培 训、考核和认证程序;完善的培训认证 体系确保被认证学员的专业素养,拥有 扬智认证的学员在国内外众多标杆企业 中获得充分认可。
传递价值 成就卓越
企业中高层主管、经理、项目负责人、企业内部培训 师及管理人员等
● 学员对六西格玛方法和DMAIC具备全面的理解和认识 ● 掌握六西格玛的方法论和实施路径 ● 掌握DMAIC流程改进方法论及改进工具 ● 获得六西格玛项目定义、项目确定及推广经验 ● 熟练应用MINITAB软件等统计工具,来解决实际业务中的问题 ● 感受六西格玛团队成员职责角色相互间协作 ● 学会向高层领导及相关负责人展示项目,并成功结束项目 ● 学习DFSS、LEAN、变革管理知识
1、封闭式培训(讲师讲授,练习和实践演练),其中实施练习会贯穿整个培训课程,数据的分析将会借助手动计算和Minitab 统计分析软件计算相结合。



Lean Six Sigma GB/BB Certification Instruction精益六西格玛绿带/黑带认证指引1. PURPOSE 目的In order to better promote CIP development in company, to define and regulate the certifying method, condition and related procedure for Lean Six Sigma GB/BB certificate.为了更好的推广持续改善项目在公司的发展,定义、规范公司对精益六西格玛绿带、黑带的认证办法、条件及相关的流程。

2. SCOPE范围3. RESPONSIBILITY 责任3.1 CIP department(持续改善部):3.1.1 To define the certifying method, condition, and related procedure.制定公司精益六西格玛绿带、黑带认证的办法、条件及相关流程。

3.1.2 Select the eligible persons and send to CIP Steering Group for approval.负责选定符合认证条件的候选人,并提交给公司改善推进委员会批准。

3.1.3 Responsible for certificate design and release.负责相关的证书的设计及发放。

3.2 Training department(培训部):3.2.1 Organize related quality tools training according to requirement of CIP department.按持续改善部的要求负责组织相关的品质工具培训。

3.2.2 Responsible for making related certificates.负责相关证书的制作。




该课程遵循D-M-A-I-C (定义,测量,分析,改进,控制)的路径,并结合实际案例研究和现场试验。



















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考试题目共 150题,5小时内完成;合格分数为 70%,相当于答对105题.
