



湖南省长沙市2019-2020学年高一上学期政治期末考试试卷(II)卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、单选题 (共23题;共46分)1. (2分) (2017高三上·石门月考) “轻奢消费”通俗地说就是“可以负担得起的奢侈品”。




这说明()①轻奢消费有助于释放消费,促进生产发展和转型升级②轻奢消费符合勤俭节约的美德,但会助长攀比消费③收入是消费的前提和基础,轻奢消费是一种适度消费④生产决定消费,轻奢消费反映了轻奢一族对品牌的强烈向往A . ①④B . ②③C . ②④D . ①③2. (2分) (2017高三上·江苏月考) 2017年4月,中国联通、中国国航等多家试点央企开始按照完善治理、强化激励、突出主业、提高效率的要求推进混合所有制改革。

这一改革措施()①能让企业承担社会责任,防范金融风险②能增强国有资本控制力、提高市场竞争力③说明国家财政在民生方面的支出将减少④能激发民间资本的主动性,优化资源配置A . ①③B . ①④C . ②③D . ②④3. (2分) (2017高二下·曹妃甸期中) 某国去年商品价格总额为20万亿元,流通中所需要的货币量为4万亿元。

假如货币流通速度不变,今年商品价格总额30万亿元,不考虑其他因素,理论上今年流通中所需的货币量为()A . 5万亿元B . 6万亿元C . 7.5万亿元D . 10万亿元4. (2分) (2017高一上·应县期中) 在其他条件不变的情况下,下列图示中正确反映相关因素与价格关系的是()A . ①②B . ③④C . ①③D . ②④5. (2分) (2017高二下·绍兴期中) “一个杯子到底能卖多少钱?”第1种:卖产品本身的使用价值,只能卖3元/个。



湖南省长沙麓山国际学校2019-2020学年高二寒假网上检测试卷(二)试题总分:150分考试时间:120分钟一、选择题(共12小题,每小题5分;共60分)1. 从12个同类产品(其中10个是正品,2个是次品)中任意抽取3个,下列选项是必然事件的是()A. 3个都是正品B. 至少有1个是次品C. 3个都是次品D. 至少有1个是正品2. 某校从高一年级学生中随机抽取部分学生,将他们的模块测试成绩分成6组:[40,50),[50,60),[60,70),[70,80),[80,90),[90,100)加以统计,得到如图所示的频率分布直方图.已知高一年级共有学生600名,据此估计,该模块测试成绩不少于60分的学生人数为()A. 588B. 480C. 450D. 1203. 函数f(x)的定义域为a,b,其导函数fʹ(x)在(a,b)内的图象如图,则函数f(x)在开区间(a,b)内有极小值点()A. 1 个B. 2 个C. 3 个D. 4 个4. 设复数 z 1=4+2i ,z 2=1−3i ,则复数z 12−z 2 的虚部是 ( )A. 4B. 1 C . √17 D. −125. 给出下列函数:① y =(sinx )ʹ+(cosx )ʹ,② y =(sinx )ʹ+cosx ,③ y =sinx +(cosx )ʹ,④ y =(sinx )ʹ(cosx )ʹ,其中值域不是 [−√2,√2] 的函数个数为 ( )A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 46.已知点P ,Q 为圆C :x 2+y 2=25上的任意两点,且|PQ |<6,若PQ 中点组成的区域为M ,在圆C 内任取一点,则该点落在区域M 上的概率为( ) A .B .C .D .7. 已知函数 f (x )=x −tsinx (0<t ≤1),若 f (log 2m )>−f (−1),则实数 m 的取值范围是 ( )A. (0,2)B. (0,1)C. (2,+∞)D. (1,+∞)8. 椭圆 x 225+y 216=1 上一点 P 到其一个焦点的距离为 3,则点 P 到另一个焦点的距离为 ( )A. 2B. 3C. 5D. 79. 已知:OA ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(1,2,3),OB ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(2,1,2),OP ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(1,1,2),点 Q 在 OP 上运动,则当 QA ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⋅QB ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ 取得最小值时,点 Q 的坐标为 ( )A. (12,34,13) B. (12,23,34)C. (43,43,83)D. (43,43,73)10. 下列四个结论中正确的个数是( )①若am2<bm2,则a<b;②已知变量x和y满足关系y=−0.1x+1,若变量y与z正相关,则x与z负相关.③“已知直线m,n和平面α,β,若m⊥n,m⊥α,n∥β,则a⊥β”为真命题;④m=3是直线(m+3)x+my−2=0与直线mx−6y+5=0互相垂直的充要条件.A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 411. 已知“若点P(x0,y0)在双曲线C:x2a2−y2b2=1(a>0,b>0)上,则C在点P处的切线方程为C:xx0a2−yy0b2=1”,现已知双曲线C:x24−y212=1和点Q(1,t)(t≠±√3),过点Q作双曲线C的两条切线,切点分别为M,N,则直线MN过定点( )A. (0,2√3)B. (0,−2√3)C. (4,0)D. (−4,0)12. 定义在R上的可导函数f(x)满足f(1)=1,且2f'(x)>1,当x∈[﹣,]时,不等式的解集为()A.(,)B.(﹣,)C.(0,)D.(﹣,)二、填空题(共4小题,每小题5分;共20分)13.已知P,Q为抛物线f(x)=上两点,点P,Q的横坐标分别为4,﹣2,过P、Q分别作抛物线的切线,两切线交于点A,则点A 的纵坐标为.14. 已知复数z=m+3i1+mi(m>0,i为虚数单位),若z=z,则实数m的值为.15. 已知函数 f (x )=x 3−2x +e x −1e x,其中 e 是自然对数的底数.若 f (a −1)+f (2a 2)≤0.则实数 a 的取值范围是 .16. 已知斜率为 12 的直线 l 与抛物线 y 2=2px (p >0) 交于位于 x 轴上方的不同两点 A , B ,记直线 OA , OB 的斜率分别为 k 1 , k 2,则 k 1+k 2 的取值范围 是 .三、解答题(共6小题,其中第17题10分,其余各题12分;共70分)17. 国内某知名连锁店分店开张营业期间,在固定的时间段内消费达到一定标准的顾客可进行一次抽奖活动,随着抽奖活动的有效开展,参加抽奖活动的人数越来越多,该分店经理对开业前 7 天参加抽奖活动的人数进行统计,y 表示开业第 x 天参加抽奖活动的人数,得到统计表格如下:x 1234567y58810141517经过进一步统计分析,发现 y 与 x 具有线性相关关系.参考公式:b ̀=i ni=1i −nxy ∑x 2n −nx2,à=y −b ̀x ,∑x i 27i=1=140,∑x i 7i=1y i =364. (1)若从这 7 天随机抽取两天,求至少有 1 天参加抽奖人数超过 10 的概率; (2)请根据上表提供的数据,用最小二乘法求出 y 关于 x 的线性回归方程 ỳ=b̀x +à,并估计若该活动持续 10 天,共有多少名顾客参加抽奖.18. 如图,在三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1中,AA1C1C是边长为4的正方形.平面ABC⊥平面AA1C1C,AB=3,BC=5.(Ⅰ)求证:AA1⊥平面ABC;(Ⅱ)求证二面角A1﹣BC1﹣B1的余弦值;(Ⅲ)证明:在线段BC1上存在点D,使得AD⊥A1B,并求的值.19.在平面直角坐标系xOy中,F是抛物线C:y2=2px(p>0)的焦点,M是抛物线C上的任意一点,当M位于第一象限内时,△OFM外接圆的圆心到抛物线C准线的距离为.(1)求抛物线C的方程;(2)过K(﹣1,0)的直线l交抛物线C于A,B两点,且,点G为x轴上一点,且|GA|=|GB|,求点G的横坐标x0的取值范围.20. 设函数f(x)=x2﹣2x+1+alnx(a∈R).(1)讨论函数f(x)的单调性;(2)若函数f(x)有两个极值点x1、x2,且x1<x2,证明:f(x2)>.21. 已知椭圆C:x2a2+y2b2=1的右焦点为(1,0),且经过点A(0,1).(1)求椭圆C的方程;(2)设O为原点,直线l:y=kx+t(t≠±1)与椭圆C交于两个不同点P,Q,直线AP与x轴交于点M,直线AQ与x轴交于点N,若∣OM∣⋅∣ON∣=2,求证:直线l经过定点.22. 已知函数f(x)=e x+x2−x,g(x)=x2+ax+b,a,b∈R.(1)当a=1时,求函数F(x)=f(x)−g(x)单调区间;(2)若曲线y=f(x)点(0,1)处的切线l与曲线y=g(x)切于点(1,c),求a,b,c的值;(3)若f(x)≥g(x)恒成立,求a+b的最大值.参考答案第一部分1. D 【解析】D 解析:因为有10正品,2个次品,所以任意抽取3个,有3中情况:3个都是正品;2个正品,1个次品;1个正品,2个次品.只有D包含了这3种情况.2. B3. A 【解析】设y=fʹ(x)的图象与工轴的交点(除原点外)依次为x1、x2、x3,则当x∈(a,x1)时,fʹ(x)>0,函数yʹ=(x)是增函数;当x∈(x1,x2)时,fʹ(x)<0,函数y=f(x)是减函数;当x∈(x2,x3)时,fʹ(x)≥0,函数y=f(x)是增函数;当x∈(x3,b)时,fʹ(x)<0,函数y=f(x)是减函数.所以当x=x2时,取得极小值,再无其他极小值点.4. A5. C6解:当|PQ|=6时,圆心到线段PQ的距离d=,此时M位于半径是4的圆上,∴若|PQ|<6,则PQ中点组成的区域为M为半径为4的圆与半径为5的圆组成的圆环,即16<x2+y2<25,PQ中点组成的区域为M如图所示,那么在C内部任取一点落在M内的概率为,故选:B.7. C 【解析】因为函数f(x)=x−tsinx(0<t≤1),所以函数fʹ(x)=1−tcosx≥0恒成立,故函数f(x)为增函数,又由f(−x)=−x−tsin(−x)=−(x−tsinx)=−f(x),故函数 f (x ) 为奇函数, 若 f (log 2m )>−f (−1)=f (1), 则 log 2m >1, 解得:m ∈(2,+∞) . 8. D9. C【解析】提示:设 OQ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =λOP ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(λ,λ,2λ),则 QA ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =OA ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ −OQ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(1−λ,2−λ,3−2λ),QB ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =OB ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ −OQ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(2−λ,1−λ,2−2λ),QA ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⋅QB ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =6(λ−43)2−23,当 λ=43时,QA ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⋅QB ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ 取得最小值. 10. B【解析】对于①,若 am 2<bm 2,可知,m 2>0,则 a <b ,故正确;对于②,因为变量 x 和 y 满足关系 y =−0.1x +1,一次项系数为 −0.1<0,所以 x 与 y 负相关;变量 y 与 z 正相关,设 y =kz (k >0),所以 kz =−0.1x +1,得到 z =−0.1kx +1k ,一次项系数小于 0,所以 z 与 x 负相关,故正确;对于③,若 m ⊥n ,m ⊥α,n ∥β,则 α,β 的位置关系不定,故错;对于④,当 m =0 时,直线 (m +3)x +my −2=0 与直线 mx −6y +5=0 也互相垂直,故错.11. C 设 M (x 1,y 1),N (x 2,y 2),则切点分别为 M ,N 的切线方程为x 1x 4−y 1y 12=1,x 2x4−y 2y 12=1.因为点Q(1,t)在两条切线上,所以x14−y1t12=1,x24−y2t12=1.所以M,N两点均在直线x 4−ty12=1上,即直线MN的方程为x4−ty12=1,显然直线过点(4,0).12.D 解:令g(x)=f(x)﹣,则g′(x)=f′(x)>0,∴g(x)在定义域R上是增函数,且g(1)=f(1)=0,∴g(2cos x)=f(2cos x)﹣cos x=f(2cos x)﹣cos x,令2cos x>1,则g(2cos x)>0,即f(2cos x)>+cos x,又∵x∈[﹣,],且2cos x >1∴x∈(﹣,),故选:D.第二部分13.﹣4 解:因为点P,Q的横坐标分别为4,﹣2,代入抛物线方程得P,Q的纵坐标分别为8,2.由x2=2y,则y=x2,所以y′=x,过点P,Q的抛物线的切线的斜率分别为4,﹣2,所以过点P,Q的抛物线的切线方程分别为y=4x﹣8,y=﹣2x﹣2 联立方程组解得x=1,y =﹣4故点A的纵坐标为﹣4.故答案为:﹣4.14. √3【解析】因为z=m+3i1+mi =(m+3i)(1−mi)1+m2=4m1+m2+3−m21+m2i,且z=z,所以3−m2=0,解得m=±√3.又因为m>0,所以m=√3.15. [−1,12]16. (2,+∞)【解析】设直线l:y=12x+m,(m>0),A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2),则:{y =12x +m y 2=2px得:x 2+(4m −8p )x +4m 2=0.Δ=64p 2−64mp >0所以 p >m >0 . x 1+x 2=8p −4m , x 1x 2=4m 2 . k 1+k 2=y 1x 1+y2x 2=x 1x 2+m (x 1+x 2)x 1x 2=2p m>2 .第三部分17. (1) 若从这 7 天随机抽取两天,有 C 72=21 种情况,两天人数均少于 10,有 3 种情况,所以至少有 1 天参加抽奖人数超过 10 的概率为 1−321=67.(2) x =4,y =11,b ̀=∑x i ni=1y i −nx y ∑x i 2n i=1−nx2=364−7×4×11140−7×42=2,à=y −b ̀x =11−4×2=3, 所以 ỳ=2x +3,所以估计若该活动持续 10 天,共有 77+19+21+23=140 名顾客参加抽奖.18.(I )证明:∵AA 1C 1C 是正方形,∴AA 1⊥AC .又∵平面ABC ⊥平面AA 1C 1C ,平面ABC ∩平面AA 1C 1C =AC ,∴AA 1⊥平面ABC . (II )解:由AC =4,BC =5,AB =3.∴AC 2+AB 2=BC 2,∴AB ⊥AC .建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系,则A 1(0,0,4),B (0,3,0),B 1(0,3,4),C 1(4,0,4),∴,,. 设平面A 1BC 1的法向量为,平面B 1BC 1的法向量为=(x 2,y 2,z 2). 则,令y 1=4,解得x 1=0,z 1=3,∴.,令x2=3,解得y2=4,z2=0,∴.===.∴二面角A1﹣BC1﹣B1的余弦值为.(III)设点D的竖坐标为t,(0<t<4),在平面BCC1B1中作DE⊥BC于E,可得D ,∴=,=(0,3,﹣4),∵,∴,∴,解得t=.∴.19.解:(1)F是抛物线C:y2=2px(p>0)的焦点(,0),根据题意,点Q在FO的垂直平分线上,所以点Q到准线x=﹣的距离为,所以C:y2=4x.(2)设,①设直线l:x=my﹣1代入到y2=4x中得y2﹣4my+4=0,所以y1+y2=4m,y1y2=4,②由①②可得4m2==λ++2,由2≤λ≤3可得y=λ++2递增,即有4m2∈[,],又AB中点(2m2﹣1,2m),所以直线AB的垂直平分线的方程为y﹣2m=﹣m(x﹣2m2+1),令y=0,可得.20.解:(1)∵f′(x)=,(x>0),∴△=4﹣8a=4(1﹣2a),①a≥时,有△≤0,∴f′(x)>0在(0,+∞)上恒成立,∴f(x)在(0,+∞)递增,②0<a<时,有△>0,令f′(x)=0,解得:x1=(x1>0),x2=,令f′(x)>0,解得:0<x<或x>,令f′(x)<0,解得:<x<,∴f(x)在(0,),(,+∞)递增,在(,)递减;③a≤0时,有△>0,且②中的x1=≤0,令f′(x)>0,解得:x>,令f′(x)<0,解得:0<x<,∴f(x)在(0,)递减,在(,+∞)递增;(2)∵x2为极值点,∴f′(x2)=0,即2﹣2x2+a=0,解得:a=2x2﹣2,由(1)中②可知<x2<1,∴f(x2)=﹣2x2+1+(2x2﹣2)lnx2,(<x2<1),令g(t)=t2﹣2t+1+(2t﹣2t2)lnt,(<t<1),∴g′(t)=2(1﹣2t)lnt,当t∈(,1)时,g′(t)>0,∴g(t)在(,1)上递增,∴g(t)>g()=,∴f(x2)=g(x2)>.21. (1) 由题意得,b 2=1,c =1.所以 a 2=b 2+c 2=2.所以椭圆 C 的方程为 x 22+y 2=1.(2) 设 P (x 1,y 1),Q (x 2,y 2),则直线 AP 的方程为 y =y 1−1x 1x +1.令 y =0,得点 M 的横坐标 x M =−x 1y 1−1.又 y 1=kx 1+t ,从而 ∣OM ∣=∣x M ∣=∣x 1kx 1+t−1∣.同理,∣ON ∣=x 2kx 2+t−1.由 {y =kx +t,x 22+y 2=1,得 (1+2k 2)x 2+4ktx +2t 2−2=0.则 x 1+x 2=−4kt1+2k 2,x 1x 2=2t 2−21+2k 2.所以∣OM ∣⋅∣ON ∣=∣x 1kx 1+t−1∣⋅∣x 2kx 2+t−1∣=∣x 1x 2k 2x 1x 2+k (t−1)(x 1+x 2)+(t−1)2∣=∣2t 2−21+2k 2k 2⋅2t 2−21+2k 2+k (t−1)⋅(−4kt1+2k 2)+(t−1)2∣=2∣1+t1−t ∣.又 ∣OM ∣⋅∣ON ∣=2,所以 2∣1+t 1−t∣=2.解得 t =0,所以直线 l 经过定点 (0,0).22. (1) F (x )=e x −2x −b ,则 F ʹ(x )=e x −2,令 F ʹ(x )=e x −2>0,得 x >ln2, 所以 F (x ) 在 (ln2,+∞) 上单调递增.令 F ʹ(x )=e x −2<0,得 x <ln2, 所以 F (x ) 在 (−∞,ln2) 上单调递减.(2) 因为 f ʹ(x )=e x +2x −1,所以 f ʹ(0)=0,所以 l 的方程为 y =1.依题意,−a2=1,c =1.于是 l 与抛物线 g (x )=x 2−2x +b 切于点 (1,1),由 12−2+b =1 得 b =2.所以 a =−2,b =2,c =1.(3) 设 ℎ(x )=f (x )−g (x )=e x −(a +1)x −b ,则 ℎ(x )≥0 恒成立.易得 ℎʹ(x )=e x −(a +1).(1)当 a +1≤0 时,因为 ℎʹ(x )>0,所以此时 ℎ(x ) 在 (−∞,+∞) 上单调递增.①若a+1=0,则当b≤0时满足条件,此时a+b≤−1;,此时ℎ(x0)=e x0−(a+1)x0−b<1−②若a+1<0,取x0<0且x0<1−ba+1(a+1)1−b−b=0,a+1所以ℎ(x)≥0不恒成立,不满足条件;(2)当a+1>0时,令ℎʹ(x)=0,得x=ln(a+1).由ℎʹ(x)>0,得x>ln(a+1);由ℎʹ(x)<0,得x<ln(a+1).所以ℎ(x)在(−∞,ln(a+1))上单调递减,在(ln(a+1),+∞)上单调递增.要使得“ℎ(x)=e x−(a+1)x−b≥0恒成立”,必须有“当x=ln(a+1)时,ℎ(x)min= (a+1)−(a+1)ln(a+1)−b≥0”成立.所以b≤(a+1)−(a+1)ln(a+1).则a+b≤2(a+1)−(a+1)ln(a+1)−1.令G(x)=2x−xlnx−1,x>0,则Gʹ(x)= 1−lnx.令Gʹ(x)=0,得x=e.由Gʹ(x)>0,得0<x<e;由Gʹ(x)<0,得x>e.所以G(x)在(0,e)上单调递增,在(e,+∞)上单调递减,所以,当x=e时,G(x)max= e−1.从而,当a=e−1,b=0时,a+b的最大值为e−1.综上,a+b的最大值为e−1.。

湖南省长郡 麓山国际实验学校2013—2014学年九年级政治第二次限时训练试题 (word版含答案)

湖南省长郡 麓山国际实验学校2013—2014学年九年级政治第二次限时训练试题 (word版含答案)

长郡·麓山国际实验学校2013—2014—1学年九年级第二次限时训练政治试卷总分:100分时量:60分钟一、单项选择题(每小题3分,总计36分)1、下列现象能体现我国社会主义初级阶段的主要矛盾的是 ( )①在许多的大医院,老百姓仅排队挂号都要几天或几周才能拿到号,老百姓看病难②许多上班族抱怨上班坐公交车太拥挤,乘车真难③许多老年人退休后去上老年大学④日本不顾中方反对上演”购买”钓鱼岛闹剧,侵犯我国领土A. ①②③④B. ①②④C. ①②③D. ①②2、2012年10月16日,浙江省诸暨慈善总会日前收到1000万元捐款,捐款者叫何国苗。



在河南,一家人住厂里,回诸暨后,全家挤30平方米老房,对于他的行为 ( )①他做到了法律要求他做的事情②奉献精神是社会责任感的集中体现③他的回报大多是精神上的④承担责任,不能讲代价与回报A.①② B.②③ C.①③ D. ②④3、2012年7月17日,长沙与中央企业合作发展暨重大项目推介会在北京盛大举行。



对此我们的认识是 ( )①我市要加快对外开放步伐,加大招商引资力度②我市的发展主要依靠引进外资③我市坚持以经济建设为中心,大力发展生产力④我市意识到改革开放是立国之本A.①② B.②③ C.①③ D.②④4、“微笑天使西藏行——西藏百名唇腭裂儿童手术康复计划”大型公益活动近日启动,100名患有唇腭裂的西藏贫困家庭儿童将到湖南接受免费修复手术,重展美丽笑容。

下列说法不能正确反映材料的是()A.这有利于维护民族之间的团结B.说明我省重视对少数民族的援助C.说明我国形成了你中有我,我中有你的民族亲缘关系D.这样能巩固我国形成的新型民族关系5、“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平院士的科研再次给我们带来惊喜,超级稻创造了亩产926.6公斤的记录,超级稻的出现再次证明了()A.当今的竞争归根到底是科技的竞争、人才的竞争B.我国的粮食问题得到了彻底解决C.科技是第一生产力D.人口问题归根到底就是发展问题6、 2012年8月20日,安徽合肥市中级人民法院对被告人原重庆市市委书记薄熙来之妻薄谷开来,从犯张晓军故意杀人案作出一审判决,认定薄谷开来犯故意杀人罪,判处死刑,缓期2年执行,剥夺政治权利终身;张晓军犯故意杀人罪,判处有期徒刑9年。




说明国家根本属性是A阶级性 B 广泛性 C 真实性 D 社会性2、我国是人民民主专政的社会主义国家,人民民主专政的本质是A广泛性 B真实性 C依法治国D人民当家作主3、全国各地开展“扫黑除恶”专项行动,表明A 我国当前的阶级斗争日趋激烈B 国家在行使专政职能C 国家在加强社会主义经济建设D 国家在加强社会主义文化建设4、在我国,既是公民基本的民主权利,又是公民参与管理国家和管理社会的基础和标志的是A 生存权和劳动权B 言论、集会等政治自由C 监督权D 选举权和被选举权5、小明今年十六周岁,他可以参与的政治生活有①就学生交通安全问题,向公安机关提出建议②向居委会反映社会环境卫生问题③参加市人大代表的选举④参加教育局举办的教育收费听证会A ①②④B ①③④C ①②③D ②③④6、伏尔泰说:“我不同意你的意见,但是我誓死捍卫你说话的权利。

”从政治生活的角度看,这句话表明公民享有A选举权 B 言论自由 C 人身自由 D 监督权7、2018年3月1日起,《互联网用户账号名称管理规定》开始实施,微信、微博、QQ、论坛等账号将被划上9条“底线”,让我们的网络空间更清朗。

这说明①公民要在法律范围内行使自由权利②公民的一切权利都受法律保护③公民要坚持权利与义务相统一的原则④国家制定法律来限制公民的言论自由A ①②B ①③ C②③ D ③④8、下列不属于我国公民应该履行的政治性义务的是A 维护国家统一和民族团结B 遵守宪法和法律C 维护国家安全、荣誉和利益D 管理国家和社会事务9、邓小平同志指出,越是高干子弟,越是高级干部,越是名人,他们的违法事件越要抓紧查处。

这说明A 公民在法律面前一律平等B 高级干部、名人,比普通人更容易发生违法行为C 司法机关应该格外关注高级干部、名人的违法事件D 特权思想、特权行为在我国客观存在10、海军气象工程师李文波坚守南沙岛礁20多年。



⾼⾼寒假阶段性检测(⾼) ——英语试题命题⾼:时量:90分钟满分:100分第⾼部分阅读理解(共两⾼节,满分40分)第⾼节(共15⾼题;每⾼题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短⽂,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。

AOne of the latest trends(趋势)in American Childcare is Chinese au pairs. Au Pair in Stamford, Conn., for example, has got increasing numbers of request for Chinese au pairs from zero to around 4, 000 since 2004. And that’s true all across the country.“I thought it would be very useful for him to learn Chinese at an early age,” Joseph Stocke, the managing director of a company, says of his 2-year old son. “I would at least like to give him the chance to use the language in the future.” After only six months of being cared by 25-year-old woman from China, the boy can already understand basic Chinese daily expressions, his dad says.Li Drake, a Chinese native raising two children in Minnesota with an American husband, had another reason for looking for an au pair from China: She didn’t want her children to miss out on their roots. “Because I am Chinese, my husband and I wanted the children to keep exposed to (接触) the language and culture. ” she says.“Staying with a native speaker is better for children than simply sitting in a classroom, ” says Suzanne Flynn, a professor in language education of Children. “But parents must unders tand that just one year with au pair is unlikely to produce wonders. Complete mastery demands continued learning until the age of 10 or 12. ”The popularity if au pairs from China has been strengthened by the increasing numbers of American parents who want their children to learn Chinese. It is expected that American demand for au pairs will continue to rise in the next few years.1.What does the term “au pair” in the text mean?A.A mother raising her children on her own.B.A child learning a foreign language at homeC.A professor in language education of childrenD.A young foreign woman taking care of children.2.Li Drake has her children study Chinese because she wants them .A.to live in China some dayB.to speak the language at homeC.to catch up wit other childrenD.to learn about the Chinese culture3.What can we infer from the text?A.Learning Chinese is becoming popular In A merica,cated women do better in looking after childrenC.Chinese au pairs need to improve their English skills.D.Children can learn a foreign language well in six months.BOctober 15th is Global Handwashing Day. Activities are planned in more than twenty countries to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with soap.Experts say people around the world wash their hands but very few use soap at so-called extremely important moments. These include after using the toilet, after cleaning a baby and before touching food.Global Handwashing Day is the idea of the Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing with Soap. The goal, they say, is to create a culture of handwashing with soap. The organizers say all soaps are equally effective at removing disease-causing germs(细菌). They say the correct way to wash is to wet your hands with a smallamount of water and cover them with soap. Rub it into all areas, including under the fingernails. Then, wash well under running water. Finally, dry your hands with a clean cloth.The Partnership says soap is important because it increases the time that people spend washing. Soap also helps to break up the dirt that holds most of the germs. And it usually leaves a pleasant smell, which increases the chances that people will wash again.It also says that washing hands with soap before eating and after using the toilet could save more lives than any medicine. It could help reduce cases of diarrhea( 痢疾), which is the second leading cause of child deaths, killing more than one and a half million children a year, by almost half.Parents and caretakers play an important role in teaching children to wash their hands. Handwashing can become a lifelong healthy habit if you start teaching it at an early age. Building handwashing skills takes time. At first, your child will need regular reminders of how and when to wash hands. It is especially important to remind children to wash their hands after using the bathroom, before eating, after touching pets, after playing outside, and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing their nose. But once handwashing becomes a habit and a regular part of your child’s day, they will practice it throughout their lives. You can find ways to make it fun, like making up your own handwashing song or turning it into a game.4.What does the author intend to tell us in the passage?A.To keep healthy by washing hands.B.To wash hands with soap.C.To take action to wash hands.D.To wash hands often.5.Which of the following is the right way to wash hands?a . Washing hands well under running water .b.Covering hands with soap.c.Drying hands.d.Rubbing hands with soap.e.Wetting hands.A.a-c-b-e-dB.e-d-a-b-cC.a-c-b-d-eD.e-b-d-a-c6.According to the paragraph 5, diarrhea is a diseaseA.kills half of the kids in the developing countries a yearB.causes the greatest number of child deathsC.can be prevented to some degree by washing hands with soapD.can't be cured without washing hands7.According to the last paragraph, which of the following is not true?Parental help is a key factor to cultivate the children’s habit of handwashing.Kids can develop the habit of handwashing automatically.Handwashing for kids can be fun.Handwashing correctly is not easy for kids.CTo some, it's a dream job—eating delicious meals for free and then writing about them. But for some food critics, their eyes aren't the only thing that gets wide with yet another feast.Karen Fernau, a food writer for The Arizona Republic, said when she first started her job, she began to gain weight. "I always looked forward to lunch before this job, then all of a sudden lunch was all day every day," she says. Nine years later, keeping her weight steady and her health intact (完好⽂损的) is a daily battle. If she knows she will be going to a tasting at a bakery or eating a four-course meal, she usually eats fruits or salads throughout the day. Now she is always keeping track of what's in the food she eats and she says most people don't even look at or consider it.At one tasting task alone, she says, upward of 1,000 calories is often added to her day. That's about half of the recommended total calories per day for the average adult.But even though she's thought of a special eating method, Fernau says sticking to it is a daily battle. And food editors, writers and critics across the country couldn't agree more. "When I'm at home or not eating for work, it's healthy food to the extreme," says Phil Vettle, who's been a restaurant critic for the Chicago Tribune for 19 years.Vettle, who eats dinner at four restaurants each week, says unlike most professions, he has no right to choose. "If I'm going out to eat, I can't choose the healthiest thing on the menu. I have to eat when they're bringing me.” While Vettle exercises when he can, Joe Yonan, a food editor at The Washington Post, has strengthened his exercise habits since he started the job two years ago. Yonan says he realized early on that he was gaining weight and immediately hired a personal trainer to meet with three times a week, on top of his cardio ( 有氧的) training three to five times a week.Still, it's a struggle that many Americans might envy. After all, it's one thing to get your calories fromlobster(龙虾)tails or a delicate(可⽂的)chocolate cookie and quite another to get them from sodas and fast-food burgers.8.What does the underlined sentence mean in Para.1?A.The food critics are always impressed by the delicious food in the restaurant.B.The food critics are shocked to learn they have to have one more feast.C.There is a wide variety of choices for the food critics to choose from.D.The food critics eat delicious food, which also tends to result in gaining weight.9.What can we learn about the job of being a food critic?A.They enjoy free and delicious dishes and make comments on them.B.They only work for local magazines and newspapers .C.Once they become food critics, they tend to stay in the job.D.Their excellent sense of taste makes them qualified for the job.10.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.No matter whether the food is expensive or not, the gaining of calories is the same.B.The calories that lobster tails and chocolate cookies contain are less harmful.C.Americans envy those food critics since they enjoy delicate and tasty food.D.Everybody should take the calories in their food carefully.11 . What's the main idea of the passage ?A.A job offering free meals may not be as desirable as it sounds to be.B.Dishes in the restaurant usually contain too many calories.C.Eating fruits and vegetables every day is the best way to lose weight.D.Food writers work hard to maintain their health and weight.DIf you’ve done a lot of traveling, you’ve probably noticed that the bookstores at airports all look pretty similar. They’ve all got familiar logos, the walls of inviting plane snacks, and the towers of new hardcover books. Chances are you’ve wanted to grab one of those books for the plane ride and, if you’ve got a long flight. However, those hardcover books are a little pricey. Is it worth it to buy, for the sake of relieving the midair boredom?Yes it is—because of a cool program that these bookstores have in place. These similar airport stores are all owned by the company Paradies Lagardère, and all of those stores take part in what’s called the “Read and Return program.” It’s exactly what it sounds like. Whenever you buy one of those books, you’ve got six months to finish it and bring it back to the same, or another, Paradies Lagardère location. When you do that, you get half your money for the original purchase back. Awesome, right?!So, if you’re going on a trip, buy that book you’ve been dying to read, and read it on the plane or over the course of the trip. When you go back to the airport for the return trip, bring the book back with you and get half the money back. That money’s now yours again, to use however you want. Your boredom on the flight back is cured. And it gets better: the book you gave back will be re-sold for half price!There are two things you do need to make sure of. You have to bring back the receipt to get your money back, and I just use it as a bookmark! Also, the book needs to be in decent condition. But if it’s not, they’ll still take the book back, and donate it! But other than that, this program couldn’t be easier. In a way, it’s like a buy- one-get-one-half-off deal for books. Or get two books for the price of one-and-a-half.12.Why do all the bookstores at the airports look the same?A.Because they all have familiar logos and delicious snakes.B.Because they are all located at airports.C.Because they sell almost the same books.D.Because they belong to a parent company.13.What is the best of way of keeping the receipt according to the author?A.Putting it in your wallet.B. Using it as a bookmarkC. Attach it to your book.D. Leaving it to the cashier.14.Which of the following is true?A.You can't get your half money back if the book is stained with coffee.B.Reading books is a great way to improve yourself according to the passage.C.If you brought a book for 20$ and returned it, the next person would get 10$ back when returning it.D.If you purchased a book at the airport of Los Angles, you could return it at the airport of New York.15.What is the author's attitude toward the program?Positive B. Critical C. Neutral D. Indifferent第⾼节(共5⾼题,每⾼题2分,满分10分)根据短⾼内容,从短⾼后的选项中选出能填⾼空⾼处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。



湖南省长沙市2019-2020年度高三第二次模拟政治试卷D卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、单选题 (共12题;共24分)1. (2分) (2016高三上·晋中期中) 在工业4.0时代,消费者可以直接向智能工厂定制商品,与工业3.0的流水线只能大批量生产所不同的是,它可以实现小批量、多批次生产,最小的批量可以达到一件。



①是个性化的产品与服务的生产模式,将实现创新型国家建设目标②缩短了生产周期、流通环节和时间,加快了资金的周转③有利于企业更灵活应对市场变化,满足消费者的多样需求④提高了社会劳动生产率,降低了商品的价值和价格A . ①②B . ①④C . ②③D . ③④2. (2分) (2017高三上·黄陵期末) 据人社部2017年7月通报的数据显示,全国共有11个地区调整了最低工资标准,平均调增幅度10.8%,6个地区发布了工资指导线,基准线平均在8%左右。

上调最低工资标准()①体现了按劳分配的基本原则②客观上有利于倒逼企业转型升级③基础是国家经济发展水平的提高④是再分配更加强调公平的体现A . ①②B . ②③C . ①④D . ③④3. (2分)(2016·昆明模拟) 贸易摩擦是世界贸易中产生的现象,2015年美国等发达国家发起对中国新能源产品的反倾销、反补贴调查,限制该类中国产品的进口。

下列有利于缓解贸易摩擦的措施有()①鼓励企业海外投资办厂②人民币贬值③加大对出口企业的补贴和支持力度④企业主动适应国际惯例,规范自己的贸易行为A . ①②B . ③④C . ②③D . ①④4. (2分)漫画《观念影响人生》告诉我们()A . 思维与存在的关系问题贯穿于哲学发展的始终B . 思维与存在的关系问题是人们在生活实践中遇到的和无法回避的问题C . 思维与存在的关系问题是划分哲学基本派别的标准D . 思维与存在的关系问题决定各种哲学的性质5. (2分) (2016高二下·任城期中) “一定的文化由一定的经济和政治决定,但文化对经济和政治又有一定的影响和作用。

















麓山国际实验学校2015—2016—1初三第二次限时训练政治试卷总分:100 时量:60 分钟一、单项选择题(在下列各题的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题意的。





”这说明()①她坚持正义,积极承担社会责任②她用行为诠释了真正的人生价值③她承担了责任却没有获得相应的回报④她的行为是亲社会行为A、①③④B、①②③C、②③④ D 、①②④3、对右边漫画所反映的现象,认识正确的是()A.他们自觉遵守“先来后到”的公共规则B.他们没有履行扶弱助残的道德义务C.我们已形成了学习型社会D.手机信息化降低了人们的道德水平4、2015年6月27日,中国外交部长王毅在第四届世界和平论坛的演讲中表示,中国积极履行了国际责任与义务。


















A HM370 154B MH370 154C HM370 153D MH370 1532、2013年12月4日,全国法制宣传日的主题是A “弘扬法制精神,增强宪法观念”B “增强法制观念,推进依法治国”C “大力弘扬法治精神,共筑伟大中国梦”D “加强法制建设,实现全面小康”3、2014年1月25日21时20分,第三次进入澳大利亚网球公开赛女单决赛的中国选手2:0战胜斯洛伐克选手齐布尔科娃,成为41年来首位超过30岁的澳网女单冠军,同时也成为首位获得澳网单打冠军的亚洲球手。

A 李娜B 陈燮霞C 郭晶晶D 吴敏霞4、“水滴石穿非一日之功”“不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海”。

这说明磨砺坚强意志①是一个漫长、持久的过程②要从细微之处做起,从小事做起③是常人难以做到的事④需要我们自觉努力并持之以恒A ①③④B ①②③C ①②④D ②③④5、全面深化改革必须立足于我国的最大实际,即A 社会主义初级阶段B 人口多的重要国情C 发展不平衡的小康D 人们收入差距悬殊6、2013年10月13日是重阳节,也是我国新修订的《老年人权益保障法》施行后第一个法定老年节。


这A 能够从根本上解决我国面临的养老问题B 有利于进一步弘扬孝亲敬长的传统美德C 是弘扬社会主义核心价值观的最佳方式D 可延缓我国进入人口老龄化社会的步伐7、中国科学技术发展战略研究院最新发布的《国家创新指数报告2013》指出,我国创新基础仍比较薄弱。

为改变这一情况,下列建议你认同的有①大力实施科教兴国、人才强国、创新驱动发展战略②加强科技创新和教育创新,把科技创新摆在国家发展全局的核心位置③把提高创新能力作为立国之本④加大科技投入力度,努力提高科技进步贡献率A ①③④B ①②④C ①②③D ②③④8、由于沉迷网络游戏,身为出纳员的李某利用公司财务管理漏洞,动用1000多万元公款购买网络游戏装备,还将600多万元公款借给不知真实姓名的网友。



2019-2020学年长沙麓山国际实验学校高三英语第二次联考试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ACovid-19 has brought a great deal of trouble for all of us since March 2020. During this time, mobile phones have been the solution for the boredom and restlessness caused from staying indoors. The most downloaded apps on play store 2020 are;TikTokTikTok was the most downloaded app. With over 111.9 million downloads, TikTok has seen a huge growth in 2020, twice more than what it got in 2019. 20% of its total downloads were fromIndiaand around 9. 3% of the total downloads were in theUS.ZoomZoom was the second most installed app in the overall downloads category. With nearly 94. 6 million installs, Zoom is the most used app for online meetings and virtual classrooms. 17% of its downloads were in theUSandIndia. Offices and educational institutes were shut down and to continue working and studying from home, people relied heavily on Zoom for video conferencing and calling.WhatsAppWhatsApp ranked third in overall downloads with more than 100 million downloads. It is one of the most popular and widely used chat applications; WhatsApp also supports communication between international phone networks.FacebookIt ranked fourth in the overall downloaded list. Facebook is the world’s most popular social networking application. Facebook builds technologies that give people the power to connect with friends and family, find communities and grow businesses.1. What do we know about TikTok?A. It is an India-based app.B. It has most users inAmerica.C. It is used for growing business.D. It has doubled its download than in 2019.2. Which app is the best to turn to for online education?A. TikTok.B. Zoom.C. WhatsApp.D. Facebook.3. What function does Facebook probably serve?A. Communication.B. Training.C. Teaching.D. PaymentBLas Vegascity inNevadais built in a desert. The city may be known to the outside world for its partying. But officials have found that there are 21 square kilometers of useless grass. The grass is never laid on, played on or even stepped on. The grass is only there to look nice.Now, the city is asking theNevadastate legislature to ban useless grass. It is trying to become the first place inAmericato ban that kind of grass often seen between streets, in housing developments and in office parks.It is estimated that useless grass makes up 40% of all the grass inLas Vegasand it needs a lot of water to survive. Grass needs four times more water than dry climate plants like cactus. By tearing out the grass, the city could reduce yearly water usage by 15%.In 2003, the Southern Nevada Water Authority banned developers from planting grass in front of new homes. It also offered homeowners $ 30 for each square meter of grass they tear out. But fewer people are now using the program. Water usage has increased in southernNevadaby 9% since 2019. And last year,Las Vegaswent a record 240 days without major rainfall. The Colorado River provides much ofNevada's drinking water. The river could lose more water as climate change affects it.Water officials in other dry cities said water usage needs to be reduced. But they fear the reaction to reforms like the ones inLas Vegasif their communities do not accept them. Cynthia Campbell is the water resources adviser for the city ofPhoenixinArizona. “There might come a point when city restrictions get too severe for some residents. They'll say that is the point of no return for them,”Campbellsaid. “For some people, it's a pool. For some people, it's grass.”4. Why doesLas Vegascity try to ban useless grass?A. To protect the local people.B. To beautify the city.C. To reduce water usage.D. To reduce waste.5. What program was carried out inLas Vegasin 2003?A. Allowing planting grass before new houses.B. Encouraging the residents to tear out grass.C. Praising those who signed on the program.D. Awarding those who reduced water usage.6. What is implied inCampbell's words in the last paragraph?A. Many residents won't follow the ban.B. Reaction to the reform will vary personally.C. Other measures should be taken to protect wetter.D. Water officials should take many factors into account.7. What is the best title for the text?s VegasPlans to Ban Useless GrassB. A Method Is Adopted to SaveLas VegasC. Choices between Beauty and PracticeD. Grass Is Important but Useless inLas VegasCIf you think you’d like to live on Mars, you may have that possibility by 2023. A Dutch company called Mars One will soon advertise for people interested in colonizing (开拓) Mars. Ifyou have all the necessary skills, you could be one of the first colonists. Are you ready for the challenge?You won’t have to pay for the mission to Mars. Mars One has already received money from some donors and is hoping to get more from TV viewers who will become interested in the show where all applicants have a debate for the rare chances.The main responsibility of the first colonists is to create an artificial environment on Mars where there is no air to breathe and no land to farm. Scientists know it’s quite possible because something similar has already been done inAntarctica.Another problem is that space travel to Mars takes nearly a year to get to Mars and the colonists will live the rest of their lives there. When a human lives in an environment without gravity or with low gravity for a long time, the systems in the body weaken. Luckily, spinning (旋转) the spaceship can create artificial gravity, and artificial gravity can ease these problems. It will also be difficult for Mars colonists to be far from home, living in small spaces, and seeing the same people over and over. Colonists with depression could put the mission in danger. Fortunately, a few years ago, a joint Russian and European project called the Mars500 Mission studied people’s reactions in a Mars-like environment. It is viewed as a great success because scientists were able to see howpeople handle emotional and physical stresses.Recent studies show that seven percent of people would want to go on such an adventure.Mars One will soon start accepting its first colonists. Are you interested?8. What do we know about the applicants to Mars from the first two paragraphs?A. They will land on Mars in 2023.B. They can get money from donors.C. They will compete in a TV show.D. They do not need special skills.9. What will the first colonists do to solve the basic living problems on Mars?A. Create earth-like conditions.B. Build labs inAntarctica.C. Spin the spaceship.D. Start the Mars500Mission.10. What can the life of the first colonists be like according to the passage?A. Difficult and dangerous.B. Different but adaptable.C. Challenging and unbearable .D. Acceptable but depressing.11. What’s the best title for the text?A. Mars: our final destination?B. Ready to be Mars’ colonists?C. Space travel: a thrilling adventure?D. Are you a qualified Mars astronaut?DSince I was born and brought up in a rural town, I have a great interest in nature. Using the chance of studying abroad in my second year at college, I decided to go toCanadajust because I wanted to see the beautiful phenomena there So after I finished the study program, I went toYellowknifein theNorthwest Territories.I clearly remember the sixth night inYellowknife. Suddenly my host mother came to my room around 8 p.m. and told me to change clothes and go outside quickly carrying her camera.The northern lights were flickering (闪烁) in the sky! I was shocked and just stood there with my mouth open.I forgot to take pictures of the mysterious lights.Since that night, whenever it was sunny, I went outside at night and looked at the sky. It was so cold that I lost all feeling in myhands and feet.As I took pictures of the northern lights, I came to find a characteristic movement of the lights. They first appear in the north part of the sky and then they gradually come down to the south part of the sky. After that, suddenly, they come in the middle of the north and south only for a while, which is the time when the best northern lights can be seen. Since it is only a few seconds for the northern lights to come down to the middle of the sky, it is very hard to get good pictures.The stronger the sun acts, the better and stronger the northern lights flicker in the sky. That’s because they come about from the collisions (碰撞) between atmospheric gases and the solar wind. Much more solar wind comes to the earth when the sun is active, whichleads to the best northern lights. And the color1 s of the northern lights depend on the height of the collisions and the kinds of gases.12. Why did the host mother ask the author to go out?A. She wanted to take a picture of him.B. She wanted to take a walk with him.C. She wanted to tell him something important.D. She wanted him to see the northern lights.13. The author forgot to take pictures after going out because ______.A. the host mother didn’t remind him to take the cameraB. he was shocked by the wonderful sightC. the lights flickering in the sky disappeared too soonD. he lost all feeling in his hands and feet14. When is the best time to see the northern lights?A. When they appear in the north part of the sky.B. When they come down to the south part of the sky.C. When they are between the north and south.D. When they rise in the east part of the sky.15. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?A. Waysto take good pictures.B. The relationship between the sun and the northern lights.C.The color1 s of the northern lights.D. The time of the best northern lights.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

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如果人民币汇率延续上述趋势,不考虑其他因素,以下能正确反映赴美旅游变化的曲线图是()A. B. C. D.5、根据下图某公司的有关情况作出判断,其中正确的是()①该公司股东转让出资必须征得其他股东的同意②财务不必向社会公开③应当有2人以上200人以下为发起人④股东以其认购的股份为限对公司承担责任A ③④ B. ①② C. ②④ D. ①③6、下列对股票和债券认识正确的是()①股票和债券都是有价证券,都是能获得一定收益的金融资产②都承诺在一定时期内支付约定利息并到期偿还本金③债券以定期收取利息为条件,其安全性比股票大④股票具有明确的付息期限,其收益比债券大A.①②B. ③④C. ①③D. ②④7、中共十七大报告指出,“初次分配和再分配都要处理好效率和公平的关系,再分配更加注重公平”。

下列选项中具有缩小收入差距功能的再分配措施有()①提高企业最低工资标准②个人工薪所得实行超额累进税率③扩大财产性收入④完善最低生活保障制度A.①②B. ①③C. ②③D. ②④8、党的十九届四中全会提出,要加强普惠性、基础性、兜底性民生建设,保障群众基本生活。

这主要体现了新发展理念中的()A. 绿色发展B. 协调发展C. 开放发展D. 共享发展9、随着收入水平的提高,人们对“健康”看得越来越重,于是“绿色食品”“环保家电”等如雨后春笋般涌现出来。

这说明()①消费具有反作用,能够拉动经济的增长和生产的发展②消费能够提高劳动力的质量,提高劳动者的生产积极性③消费热点的出现,能够带动相关产业的出现和成长④消费决定生产,没有消费就没有生产的发展A.①④B. ②③C. ①③D. ③④10.近年来中国制造、中国创造、中国建造共同发力,继续改变着中国的面貌。



下列观点中有利于增强公有制经济主体地位的有()①巩固和完善农村基本经营制度,保障农民财产权益,壮大集体经济②保证公有资产在全国各地方各行业社会总资产中占优势③完善国有资产管理体制,推动国有资本做强做优做大④丰富集体经济形式,探索集体土地所有权流转A.①②B.①③C. ②④D. ③④11、国家财政是周家治理的基础和重要支柱,在社会经济生活中发挥着巨大的作用。

下列能体现国家财政具有促进资源合理配置作用的是()①保障家庭经济困难学生完成学业,促进教育公平②加强财政支农力度,提高农业综合生产能力③降低企业设备投资的税收负担,扩大投资需求④加大对西部地区支持的力度,促进区域经济发展A.①②B. ③④C. ②④D. ①③12、社会主义市场经济同社会主义基本制度结合在一起的。



()A. 坚持公有制的主体地位B. 坚持共同富裕C. 实行科学宏观调控D. 坚持市场和计划相结合13、现代经济的新特点在于,市场那只“看不见的手”能够魔术般地转移利润抑或分配利润,将生产企业的利润“分给”非生产性服务企业,将实体经济领域的利润“转到”虚拟经济领域,有可能形成‘虚拟化陷阱”。


人们之所以注重商品的质量,是因为()①商品的使用价值是价值的物质承担者②商品质量关系到人民群众的切身利益③商品的使用价值能够决定商品的价值量④高质量的商品的使用价值大于价值A.①③B. ①②C. ②④D. ③④★15、近年来,奇瑞汽车大力发展海外市场,阿尔及利亚工厂、埃及KD合作项目取得突破,奇瑞巴西CAOA合资公司新产品布局效果显现,从最初“走出去”卖产品到“走进去”扎根发展,再到如令“走上去”打造品牌,奇瑞成为中国品牌新名片,材料获明企业()A.转变经济发展方式,形成技术品牌优势B.充分利用国际资源,引进国外先进技术C.深化国际分工协作,主导国际市场发展D.融入全球经济发展,推进贸易强国建设16、物价牵动民生,有网友呼吁无座火车应半价,他们认为,持站票没有享受与座票同等的服务,因此站票和座票一个价不公平。


双方对站票是否半价各执一词的依据是()①商品的价格由服务决定,服务好价格就高②商品的价格由价值决定,必须反映其价值③商品的价格受供求关系影响,但不会偏离其价值④商品的价格由需求决定,需求旺盛价格就高A.①②B. ②③C.①④D.③④17、现代众筹指通过互联网方式发布筹款项目并募集资金,只要是网友喜欢的项目,都可以通过众筹方式获得项目启动的第一笔资金,为更多小本经营或创业的人提供了发展机会。

这种互联网思维给广大劳动者的启示是()A. 依靠技术、科学管理培养创新意识,提升创新能力B. 改变就业观念,依靠互联网自主创业,实现人生价值C. 通过“互联网+”,人人是老板,创业成功率高D. 创业者可以充分利用互联网轻松筹集到更多的创业资金★18、2019年3月15日,十三届全国人大二次会议通过《中华人民共和国外商投资法》,该法清晰地体现了“一视同仁、公平竞争”的原则。










这里所说的股票投资风险来源于()①企业盈亏的不确定性②股票交易次数的不确定性③股东人数的不确定性④股票价格波动的不确定性A.①②B.②③C.③④ D. ①④25、永续债(无固定期限资本债券)在国际上是商业银行补充资本的常用工具。


下列对发行永续债的传导效应理解正确的是()①增强商业银行信贷投放能力②拓宽商业银行资本补充渠道③提升商业银行服务实体经济的能力④优化商业银行资本结构A.①-②-③-④B.②-④-①-③C.③-①-②-④D. ④-①-②-③二、简答题:本大题共4小题,共50分。




