







标签:生猪屠宰危害控制点安检记录0 引言HACCP(危害分析和关键控制点)体系是国际上通用的以控制食品安全卫生的一种先进的、科学的、经济的、预防性的管理体系。




1 我国猪肉的供给背景概述当今我市的养猪的规模化、现在化逐步的发展,兽药及饲料添加剂在动物食品生产中得到了广泛应用,表面上在降低了养猪的成本,减少了喂养期,提高了猪肉产品产量。





2 国内猪肉生产过程中存在的问题2.1 猪肉安全问题的分析猪肉产品的安全不但由种猪的优良、饲料的组成,猪的身体健康情况、养猪场所的卫生环境,另外猪的加工、屠宰、道路运输及其制品的贮藏方发也对其产生不良影响。



黑龙江龙湘食品有限公司食品安全计划书(HACCP)食品安全计划颁布令本公司根据有关法律法规和政府规章的要求,依据GB/T 22000-20006idt ISO22000:2005《食品安全管理体系-食品链中各类组织的要求》和CNCA/CTS 0006-2008《食品安全管理体系-肉制品生产企业要求》,结合本公司实际制定了《食品安全计划》。





总经理:罗新民食品安全计划书目录食品安全计划颁布令 (2)黑龙江龙湘食品有限公司食品安全计划书目录 (3)文件修订页 (4)黑龙江龙湘食品有限公司简介 (5)前言 (6)最高管理层授权书 (7)食品安全小组组织机构及其职责 (8)产品、包装物、添加剂描述 (9)工艺流程图 (11)肉制品工艺操作规程 (12)肉制品危害分析评估及危害分析工作 (13)危害分析工作单 (16)HACCP 计划中关键限值得确定依据 (21)文件修订页为适应本公司操作要求,与实际工作相结合,本计划书于2013年5月进行全面修订,6月1日起执行。







生猪屠宰HACCP计划书1、公布令 (2)2、工厂概况 (3)3、组织结构图 (4)4、食品安全小组人员职责及简介 (5)5、产品特性描述 (6)6、生猪屠宰分割加工工艺流程图 (8)7、生猪屠宰外来杂质分析及操纵措施 (9)8、生猪屠宰分割工序及操纵措施描述 (10)9、生猪屠宰分割与原料有关的危害 (15)10、生猪屠宰分割与加工过程有关的危害 (15)11、危害分析、操纵措施识别与评价表 (16)12、生猪屠宰分割加工关键操纵点分布图 (22)14、生猪屠宰分割加工HACCP 计划表 (23)15、生猪屠宰分割加工OPRP 计划表 (24)16、关键操纵点CCP监控管理规定 (26)17、关键限值的建立 (28)18、验证程序 (31)发布令为贯彻落实“消费者的安全与健康高于一切、双汇品牌形象与信誉高于一切”的质量、食品安全方针。

河南双汇投资进展股份有限公司广东分公司根据IS022000:2005、《出口食品生产企业备案管理规定》(总局令第142号)与国家有关卫生标准,结合食品法典委员会批准的新版法典《HACCP 体系及其应用准则》,制定了《生猪屠宰HACCP计划》,确保生猪屠宰分割冷鲜、冷冻肉产品安全,向消费者提供安全、放心食品。


总经理:李永 2012年07月01日工厂概况河南双汇投资进展股份有限公司广东分公司是河南双汇投资进展股份有限公司按照异地标准化建设兴建的以生猪屠宰加工与肉制品深加工为主的食品生产企业,位于广东省清新县清新路107国道,工厂共投资3.0亿元,现有员工2600人,厂房布局合理,符合我国《出口食品生产企业安全卫生要求》。


广东分公司积极应用先进的管理体系及管理模式,并不断提升管理水平,为确保产品安全、卫生、稳固、可靠,本公司根据美国农业部食品安全检查署《减少致病菌、HACCP体系最终法规》,国际食品法典委员会《HACCP 体系及应用准则》及国家GB12694-1990《肉类加工厂卫生规范》、《出口肉类屠宰加工企业注册卫生规范》、《出口食品生产企业安全卫生要求》、ISO22000:2005《食品安全管理体系-食品链中各类组织的要求》、GB/T27301-2008 《食品安全管理体系肉及肉制品生产企业要求》等有关食品生产的法规条款,根据本厂的产品——猪肉产品的生产加工特点,制定了各自的危害分析及关键操纵点、HACCP计划,本厂现已将这一体系应用于生产质量管理中。



HACCP与养猪场的危害分析和关键控制点1、HACCP含义HACCP是“Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point”英文缩写,即危害分析和关键控制点。






2 食品安全与食品安全危害2.1食品安全是指食品无毒、无害,符合应当有的营养要求,对人体健康不造成任何急性、亚急性或者慢性危害。



3 危害分析3.1危害分析:收集、分析和评估影响食品安全的危害的信息。


4 实施危害分析4.1对饲料进行分析,目的在于分析由饲料本身及储存、使用带来的危害。






生猪屠宰项目计划方案1. 项目背景生猪屠宰项目是一个将生猪从饲养到屠宰的全过程管理项目。



2. 项目目标- 建立高效的生猪屠宰流程,提高屠宰效率;- 保证猪肉的安全和质量,满足市场需求;- 优化生猪屠宰的资源利用,减少环境负荷;- 降低生猪屠宰过程的劳动强度,提高工作效率;- 实现生猪屠宰过程的自动化和信息化管理。

3. 项目实施计划3.1 项目启动阶段- 进行项目立项,制定项目方案和计划;- 成立项目团队,明确各成员的职责和角色;- 调研市场需求,了解竞争对手情况;- 编制项目预算和时间计划;- 编制项目沟通和风险管理计划。

3.2 系统设计和开发阶段- 进行生猪屠宰流程的设计,包括检疫、麻醉、屠宰等过程;- 设计生猪屠宰的生产线和设备布局;- 开发生猪屠宰管理系统,包括屠宰过程的监控和信息化管理;- 完成生猪屠宰管理系统和设备的集成测试。

3.3 试运行和调试阶段- 进行生猪屠宰系统的试运行,检验是否满足生产需求;- 对生猪屠宰系统进行调试和优化,确保其稳定性和可靠性;- 培训相关员工,使其熟悉生猪屠宰系统的操作和管理;- 进行生猪屠宰系统的第三方评估,确保其符合相关的标准和法规。

3.4 正式运营和维护阶段- 将生猪屠宰系统投入正式运营;- 监测屠宰过程,确保猪肉的质量和安全;- 定期进行设备的维护和保养,确保其正常运行;- 收集和分析生猪屠宰数据,进行生产效益评估和优化;- 不断改进和升级生猪屠宰系统,适应市场需求的变化。

4. 项目风险管理- 技术风险:生猪屠宰系统的开发和集成可能面临技术难题,需要建立科学有效的技术解决方案,并及时调整项目计划。

- 市场风险:市场需求可能发生变化,需要密切关注市场动态,调整项目的目标和策略。

- 安全风险:生猪屠宰过程的安全问题可能对项目造成负面影响,需要建立监控系统和紧急应急措施,保证生猪屠宰的安全。


能源设 备部值 班人员
毛不净,打花皮现 象,通知设备部值 班人员。
2.因打毛过度伤 到肌肉的不做出 口
审核生产质量报告 单,监控纠偏。
2.能源设备部部长 每日审核生产值班 记录表。
3.在每年的内审中 对生猪质量状况进 行审查。
2.生产质 量报告 单
质检员、 能源设 备部值 班人员
1.觉察温度和时 间消灭偏差时,由 能源设备部准时 调整。
2.质检员觉察有 烫老打坏、脱毛不 净现象时,通知能 源设备部值班人
1.品管部部长每日 审核生产质量报告 单,监控纠偏。
2.能源设备部部长 每日审核生产值班 记录表。
3.在每年的内审中 对生产质量状况进
1.品管部部长每日 检查生产质量报告 单
2.能源设备部部长 每日审核冷库生产 值班表
1.生产质 量报告 单。
2.温度记 录表。
CCPlO速 冻
生物性危害:细 菌生殖
把握冷库温 度和速冻的 时间
冷库温 度计 计时器 猪胴体
1,能源设 备部定时 检查温度ito 2.质检 员定时检 查计时器
用金属检 测仪检测 产品,发 现杂质剔 除
1.金属 检测仪 操作人 员。
2.品控 部质检 员。
1.金属检测仪检 测产品觉察有金 属杂质时,将该产 品单独存放并做 标识,每班次集中 处理;
2.金属检测仪出 现故障时,应马上 报能源设备部维
1.生产过程中操作 人员每1小时对金 属检测仪进展精度 检测;







二、管理目标1. 提高屠宰环节的规范性:通过加强对生猪屠宰企业的管理,推动屠宰环节的规范化操作,确保生猪肉的质量和安全。

2. 加强监管力度:建立完善的监管机制,加大对生猪屠宰企业的监督检查力度,严惩违规行为,促进整个行业的规范发展。

3. 提高消费者信任度:通过规范的管理,增加消费者对生猪肉的信任,提高消费者的满意度。

三、管理措施1. 加强对生猪屠宰企业的准入条件和资质审核:加强对生猪屠宰企业的准入条件和资质审核,确保屠宰企业具备一定的生产能力和资质。


2. 建立生猪屠宰企业的定点屠宰制度:明确生猪屠宰企业的定点屠宰范围,确保只有经过认可的企业才能进行屠宰作业。


3. 建立与生猪养殖场的配套监管机制:加强对生猪养殖场的监督管理,确保生猪养殖环节的规范化操作。


4. 强化对生猪屠宰企业的食品安全监管:加强对生猪屠宰企业的食品安全监管,确保屠宰操作的卫生安全和产品质量。


5. 加强对生猪肉销售环节的监管:对于销售生猪肉的批发市场、零售店和餐饮企业等,加强监管力度,确保生猪肉的来源可追溯和质量安全。





NM/HACCP-2014 A/0《HACCP计划书》覆盖的范围是:产品——猪、鸡、鸭配合饲料、猪浓缩饲料;过程——原料接收、生产、贮存;生产场所——山东省潍坊市昌乐县城南街道南寨村西200米。


任命姜芳女士为本公司HACCP小组组长;授予以下职权:1 具体完成食品安全管理体系的建立、保持和验证、评审工作;2 负责食品安全管理体系研究、危害分析及关键控制点的确定;3 制订、修改、监督实施并验证HACCP计划;4 组织编写操作性前提方案文件及其他管理体系文件;5 负责组织食品安全管理体系的培训;6负责食品安全管理体系运行保持的监督检查工作。

7 负责向总公司HACCP小组上报本公司HACCP体系运行情况总结报告。

任命高立永徐青吴云峰马海娟吕文龙曹绪波为HACCP小组组员,履行以下职责1 负责HACCP小组日常管理工作。

2 负责组织编写HACCP体系文件实施总结报告。

3 负责组织本公司内HACCP体系实施有效性的检查验证。

4 负责对HACCP计划执行结果向组长定期反馈。

5 负责本公司HACCP体系运行情况的验证。

6 负责调查分析不符合HACCP体系要求的原因。

7 负责组织制订HACCP体系文件。

8 负责纠偏行动计划的验证。

总经理:赵君日期:2014年04月01日食品安全(HACCP)小组成员信息及职责姓名部门职务学历/专业小组职务职责姜芳品管技术研究生(动物营养) 组长承担管理职责,策划和组织小组的活动,公司的体系培训;组织制定、修改、监督实施及验证HACCP计划,确保体系有效运行;协调内部沟通,文件控制;配方管理,HACCP系统支持性材料的提供;配方的申请、接收及传递,监督生产严格按工艺流程、卫生规定执行。



H A C C P基础上的猪屠宰加工食品安全The document was prepared on January 2, 2021HACCP基础上的猪屠宰加工食品安全有一个流传下来的故事:《扁鹊的医术》。









HACCP是英文“hazard analysis and critical control point”缩写,即“危害分析与关键控制点”,是目前世界上最权威的食品安全质量控制体系之一。





➢ 水质检测(报告、次数) ➢ 供水、饮水设备的清洗、消毒、维护、监控 ➢ 各类猪只的饮水的监控 ➢ 纠偏措施 ➢ 验证措施
• 违禁药品清单 • 兽药的采购与验收 • 兽药的贮存 • 兽药的发放 • 兽药的使用 • 过期或失效兽药的处置
3 、生猪饲养兽药使用规则
➢ 兴奋剂:克仑特罗、沙丁胺醇、西马特罗及 其盐、酯及制剂
• 投入品安全管理 • 饲养过程安全管理 • 产出品安全管理
安全 千 万 不 要 想 当 然 务实
•人 • 种猪 • 物品 • 环境
• 基础 健康---健康合格证
• 岗位 能不能信任---资质
➢ 林丹(丙体六六六) ➢ 毒杀芬(氯化烯) ➢ 呋喃丹(克百威) ➢ 杀虫脒(杀死螨) ➢ 双甲脒 ➢ 酒石酸锑钾 ➢ 锥虫砷胺 ➢ 孔雀石绿 ➢ 五氯酚酸钠
➢ 各种汞制剂:氯化亚汞、硝酸亚汞、醋酸亚 汞、吡啶基醋酸汞
➢ 性激素类:甲基睾丸酮、丙酸睾酮、苯丙酸 诺龙、苯甲酸雌二醇及其盐、酯及制剂
• 岗位职责 工作范围和责任
• 培训 培训计划与内容
要 常 锻 炼 身 体
➢ 定岗定编 ➢ 入职资质 ➢ 岗位描述 ➢ 定性并定量 ➢ 能为体系建立和保持人力资源保证
• 引种 供种场资质 供种场所在地区为非疫区 种猪本身的健康素质 运辆工具 运输路线 隔离场所与隔离时间 并入生产种猪群的要求
1.4 封锁、隔离措施
➢ 疫情一经确定对疫点立即采取封锁隔离措施。 ➢ 疫点停止动物(包括病死动物)转运。 ➢ 对疫点所有相关人员进行封锁,不准随意外出,严禁人员流动。 ➢ 进出疫点车辆等运输工具要严格控制并消毒。



GENERIC HACCP MODELFORPORK SLAUGHTERDeveloped:June 18-20, 1996Kansas City, MissouriSubmitted toUSDA, Food Safety and Inspection Serviceby theInternational Meat and Poultry HACCP AllianceonSeptember 9, 1996TABLE OF CONTENTSPAGE Introduction (2)Seven Principles of HACCP (3)Specifics About this Generic Model (4)Using this Generic Model to Develop and Implement a HACCP Program (6)Process Category Description (9)Product Categories and Ingredients (10)Flow Chart (11)Hazard Analysis Worksheet (14)HACCP Worksheet (24)Examples of Record-Keeping Forms (29)Appendix 1 (21 CFR Part 110) (34)Appendix 2 (Process Categories) (44)Appendix 3 (Overview of Hazards) (46)Appendix 4 (NACMCF Decision Tree) (48)Appendix 5 (References) (50)GENERIC HACCP MODELFORPORK SLAUGHTERIntroduction:Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a systematic, scientific approach to process control. It is designed to prevent the occurrence of problems by ensuring that controls are applied at any point in a food production system where hazardous or critical situations could occur. Hazards can include biological (pathological and microbiological for beef slaughter), chemical or physical contamination of food products.The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) published a final rule in July 1996 mandating that HACCP be implemented as the system of process control in all USDA inspected meat and poultry plants. As part of its effort to assist establishments in the preparation of plant-specific HACCP plans, FSIS determined that a generic model for each process defined in the regulation will be made available for use by the industry.In May 1996, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) awarded Contract Number 53-3A94-6-04 to the International Meat and Poultry HACCP Alliance for the development of ten generic HACCP models. The ten models developed were:1. Not Heat Treated, Shelf-Stable (dried products, those controlled by water activity, pH, freezedried, dehydrated, etc.)2. Heat Treated, Shelf-Stable (rendered products, lard, etc.)3. Heat Treated Not Fully Cooked, Not Shelf-Stable (ready to cook poultry, cold smoked andproducts smoked for trichinae, partially cooked battered, breaded, char-marked, batter set, and low temperature rendered products, etc.)4. Products with Secondary Inhibitors, Not Shelf-Stable (products that are fermented, dried,salted, brine treated, etc., but are not shelf-stable)5. Irradiation (includes all forms of approved irradiation procedures for poultry and pork)6. Fully Cooked, Not Shelf Stable (products which have received a lethal kill step through aheating process, but must be kept refrigerated. This includes products such as fully cookedhams, cooked beef, roast beef, etc.).7. Beef Slaughter8. Pork Slaughter9. Poultry Slaughter10. Raw Products - not ground (all raw products which are not ground in their final form. Thisincludes beef trimmings, tenderized cuts, steaks, roasts, chops, poultry parts, etc.)USDA developed three additional models:1. Raw, Ground2. Thermally Processed/Commercially Sterile3. Mechanically Separated Species/Deboned PoultryThis document contains the generic HACCP model for the process category titled:In order to develop this model, a literature review and an epidemiological assessment of the products selected were performed to present an overview of the microbiological characteristics and profile of the product. This information then was reviewed by a team of industry, academic, public health officials,and consumer representatives. The team met in a workshop in Kansas City, Missouri on June 18-20, 1996. Subsequent to the workshop, this generic HACCP model was reviewed by small business establishments for clarity and usability, and it was submitted to an expert peer review panel for technical review.Generic HACCP plans serve as useful guidelines; however, it is impossible for a generic model for to be developed without it being too general. Therefore, it is incumbent on each plant’s HACCP Team to tailor this model to fit products in each plant, based on the knowledge about the process. Several points should be considered when using this model to develop specific HACCP plans.All plants shall have Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs). Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) (FDA, 21 CFR 110; Appendix 1) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) may be in place as the foundation of the HACCP program. Good Manufacturing Practices are minimum sanitary and processing requirements applicable to all companies processing food. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are step-by-step directions for completing important plant procedures. SOPs should specifically describe the method for conducting and controlling the procedure. SOPs should be evaluated regularly (i.e., daily) to confirm proper and consistent application, and modified as necessary to ensure control.Each generic model can be used as a starting point for the development of your plant-specific plan reflecting your plant environment and the specific processes conducted. The generic model is not intended to be used “as is” for your plant-specific HACCP plans.The generic models designed for use in developing a plant-specific HACCP plan are defined according to process category. In order to select the model or models that will be most useful for the activities performed in your plant, the following steps should be taken.If a model for a slaughter operation is required, select the model for the appropriate species. If a model for a processed product or products is required, make a list of all products produced in the plant. Examine the list and group all like products according to common processing steps and equipment used. Compare these to the list of Process Models in Appendix 2. After reviewing and grouping the products produced, you will know the number of models that are needed to assist in developing your plant-specific plans.If an establishment is a combination plant, i.e. conducting both slaughter and processing activities, the two models can be merged into a plant-specific plan. In this case, over-lapping critical control points (CCPs) can be combined as long as all significant hazards are addressed.Seven Principles of HACCP:The following seven principles of HACCP were adopted by the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria of Foods (NACMCF, 1992):1. Conduct a hazard analysis. Prepare a list of steps in the process where significant hazardsoccur and describe the preventive measures.Three types of hazards:(B)— primarily concerned with pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella,, Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium perfringens,Clostridium botulinum, Listeria monocytogenes, and Escherichia coli O157:H7;also should consider Trichinella sprialis, and other parasites, as well as potentialpathological concerns.(C)— toxic substances or compounds that may be unsafe for consumption;etc.(P)— foreign objects which may injure the consumer; i.e., rocks, stones,2. Identify the critical control points (CCPs) in the process. A critical control point is definedas a point, step or procedure at which control can be applied and a food safety hazard canbe prevented, eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level.3. Establish critical limits for preventive measures associated with each identified CCP. Acritical limit is defined as a criterion that must be met for each preventive measureassociated with a CCP. Each CCP will have one or more preventive measures that must beproperly controlled to assure prevention, elimination, or reduction of hazards to acceptablelevels. Each preventive measure has associated with it critical limits that serve asboundaries of safety for each CCP.4. Establish CCP monitoring requirements. Establish procedures for using the results ofmonitoring to adjust the process and maintain control.5. Establish corrective action(s) to be taken when monitoring indicates that there is a deviationfrom an established critical limit.6. Establish effective record-keeping procedures that document the HACCP system.7. Establish procedures for verification that the HACCP system is working correctly. Specifics about this Generic Model:. The productPork Heads (snout, tongue, cheek meat, ears, pate, brains, and lips); Pluck (heart, liver, and kidney); and Viscera (stomach, large intestines, small intestines, uteri and rectum).2. Items Addressed. This model does not address certain aspects of product safety, such as Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs). Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) may be in place as the foundation of HACCP. The following is a list of recommended pre-requisite programs prior to the implementation of HACCP:a. Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (required by FSIS)b. Good Manufacturing Practicesc. Pest Controld. Preventive maintenance and calibration of equipmente. Potable water supply (including ice used in or on the product)f. Purchasing specifications for raw materials and related letters of guaranteeg. Temperature control programs for refrigerated rooms and vehiclesh. Training/education of employees regarding employee hygiene, HACCP policy andresponsibility.i. Recall procedures, including tracking ability of raw materials (including animals) andfinished product through distribution (labeling and coding).3. Critical Control Points. The Critical Control Points in this model were established by the team members of the workshop. Some products or processes may require fewer or more CCPs depending on the individual operation.4. Product Flow. In the product flow, the general processes were included; however, order of flow varies. The product flow of every HACCP plan should be specific and accurately reflect the processes involved at each plant.5. Safety vs. Quality. Several parameters have been discussed to ensure a safe product. Only parameters relating to product safety were discussed. Quality issues were not addressed in this model.6. Critical Limits. Critical limits selected must be based on the best information available to provide a safe product and yet be realistic and attainable. Processors must keep in mind that any product which does not meet a critical limit must have a Corrective Action taken on the product before being released from the plant.7. Process Authority. Reference may have been made about a “Process Authority” in this model. A Process Authority may be an in-plant employee who has had specialized training, an outside consultant, or other professional.8. Record-keeping. Record-keeping is an important part of the HACCP plan. Lack of accurate, current records may be cause for withholding or suspending inspection from a plant.9. Chain of Custody. Chain of custody refers to the point at which a plant gains control of the meat. This is particularly important to know the history of incoming meat products. Requiring a HACCP plan from the supplier will in effect, extend the chain of custody to the supplier.10. Sampling Procedures. Each plant must establish a sampling plan to verify critical control points (biological, chemical and physical) in the operation. The procedures will be based on prior knowledge about the problem areas and not necessarily on random testing. A Process Authority may help establish these sampling procedures which are most likely to identify a problem if it exists.USING THIS GENERIC MODEL TO DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT A HACCP PROGRAMGetting Started: The plant should establish a HACCP team which includes at least one HACCP trained individual, and then develop a flow chart for each product (or process category). In addition, a training program should be completed for all employees. It is important for all employees to have ownership in the HACCP plan and to participate in its development as appropriate. It also is important that the employees be given the authority to stop production if the process becomes out of control. This empowerment is critical to make the HACCP program a successful one. Once HACCP is established, it must be continually evaluated, upgraded, and modified. Experience in working a HACCP plan will be helpful in continual improvement in the plan. In effect, the HACCP program is a long-term commitment to improving the safety of the product by controlling the process.The NACMCF has 12 steps (five preliminary steps listed below and the seven principles previously listed) in developing a HACCP plan.PRELIMINARY STEPS:1) Assemble the HACCP team.2) Describe the food and its method of distribution.3) Identify the intended use and consumers of the food.4) Develop a flow diagram which describes the process.5) Verify the flow diagram.Then apply the seven principles beginning with conducting a hazard analysis.The following steps should be considered when developing an effective HACCP system.Before developing the HACCP system it is important to ensure that an adequate sanitation system (sanitation standard operating procedures - SSOPs) is in place for compliance with FSIS regulation. GMPs and SOPs are also important because they establish basic operational parameters for the production of safe food.Assembling the HACCP Team: An important step in developing a plan is to gain management commitment and assemble a HACCP team. Top management must be fully committed to product safety through HACCP to make the program effective. After commitment is obtained, the HACCP team should be assembled. The team should consist of individual(s) from all aspects of production and should include at least one HACCP trained individual.Product Description. The description should include the products within the process, their distribution, intended use, and potential consumers. This step will help ensure that all areas of concern are addressed. If a particular area on the example form is not applicable to your process, then eliminateis included in this model.Flow Diagram. The HACCP team should develop and verify a flow diagram for production of the product(s). A simple flow diagram which includes every step of production is necessary. The flow diagram should be verified for accuracy and completeness by physically walking through each step in the diagram on the plant floor. The purpose of the flow diagram is to provide a clear, simple description of the steps in the process which are directly under the control of the facility. This model.Hazard Analysis. A hazard has been defined as any biological (B), chemical (C) or physical (P) property that may cause a food to be unsafe for human consumption. The hazard analysis is one of the most critical steps in the development of a HACCP plan. The HACCP team must conduct a hazardanalysis and identify steps in the process where significant hazards can occur. The significant hazards must be “of such a nature that their prevention, elimination, reduction or control to acceptable levels is essential to the production of safe food.” (NACMCF, 1992) The team should focus on risk and severity as criteria for determining whether a hazard is significant or not. Risk, as defined by the National Advisory Committee, is “likelihood of occurrence.” “The estimate of risk is usually based on a combination of experience, epidemiological data, and information in the technical literature.”(NACMCF, 1992). Severity is the potential magnitude of the consequences to the consumer if the hazard is not adequately controlled. Hazards that are not significant or not likely to occur will not require further consideration in the HACCP plan.Appendix 3 provides a list of example food safety hazards as identified in the Pathogen Reduction; Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Systems regulation (USDA, 1996).The hazard analysis and identification of associated preventive measures accomplishes the following: Identifies hazards of significance and associated preventive measures.The analysis can be used to modify a process or product to further assure or improve foodsafety.The analysis provides a basis for determining CCPs, principle 2.Critical Control Point (CCP): A CCP is any point, step, or procedure at which control can be applied so that a food safety hazard can be prevented, eliminated, reduced, or controlled to acceptable levels. Information developed during the hazard analysis should enable the HACCP team to identify which steps in the process are CCPs. A decision tree, such as the NACMCF Decision Tree (Appendix 4) may be useful in determining if a particular step is a CCP for an identified hazard.The CCPs discussed in this generic model should be considered as examples. Different facilities preparing the same product can differ in the risk of hazards and the points, steps, or procedures which are considered CCPs. This can be due to differences in each facility layout, equipment, selection of ingredients, or the production process that is being used. Plant-specific HACCP plans may include additional or fewer CCPs than this model based on their individual process.Critical Limit: A critical limit is a criterion that must be met for each preventive measure associated with a CCP. Therefore, there is a direct relationship between the CCP and its critical limits that serve as boundaries of safety. Critical limits may be derived from sources such as regulatory standards and guidelines, scientific literature, experimental studies, and advice from experts. The HACCP worksheet provided in this model summarizes the critical limits for each CCP. Critical limits must be based on the best information available at the time to provide a safe product and yet must be realistic and attainable. Establishments must keep in mind that any product which does not meet the critical limit must have a Corrective Action taken. Corrective actions may be as simple as re-processing or re-packaging or may require destroying the product.Monitoring: Monitoring is a planned sequence of observations or measurements to assess whether a CCP is under control and produces an accurate record for future use in verification. Monitoring serves three purposes:1) Monitoring is essential to food safety management in that it tracks the systems operation.2) Monitoring is used to determine when there is a loss of control and a deviation occurs at aCCP, exceeding the critical limit. Corrective action must then be taken.3) Monitoring provides written documentation for use in verifying the HACCP plan. Because of the potential serious consequences of a critical defect, monitoring procedures must be effective. Continuous monitoring is possible with many types of equipment, and it should be used when possible.Individuals monitoring CCPs must:1) Be trained in the technique used to monitor each preventive measure;2) Fully understand the purpose and importance of monitoring;3) Have ready access to the monitoring activity;4) Be unbiased in monitoring and reporting; and5) Accurately report the monitoring activity.All records associated with monitoring must be signed or initialed, dated, and the time recorded by the person conducting the monitoring activity.Corrective Actions: Corrective actions are procedures to be followed when a deviation occurs. Because of variations in CCPs for different products and the diversity of possible deviations, specific corrective action plans must be developed for each CCP. The actions must demonstrate that the CCP has been brought under control and that the product is handled appropriately.Record-Keeping: Record keeping is a critical aspect of the HACCP system. Records must be accurate and reflect the process, the deviations, the corrective actions, etc. Lack of accurate, current records may be cause for withholding or suspension of inspection from the plant.It is also important that all HACCP records dealing with CCPs and corrective actions taken, be reviewed on a daily basis by an individual who did not produce the records and who has completed a course in HACCP, or the responsible establishment official who must sign or initial, date and record the time all records are reviewed. The HACCP plan and associated records must be on file at the meat and/or poultry establishment.Example forms have been included in this model. It may be beneficial to combine forms as possible to reduce the amount of paperwork.Verification: Verification consists of the use of methods, procedures or tests in addition to those used in monitoring to determine that the HACCP system is in compliance with the HACCP plan and whether the HACCP plan needs modification. There are three processes involved.1) The scientific or technical process to verify that critical limits at CCPs are satisfactory —review of critical limits to verify that the limits are adequate to control hazards that are likelyto occur.2) Process verification to ensure that the facility’s HACCP plan is functioning effectively.3) Documented periodic reassessment, independent of quality audits or other verificationprocedures, that must be performed to ensure the accuracy of the HACCP plan. Sanitation SOPs: According to USDA’s Pathogen Reduction/HACCP regulation (USDA, 1996), effective establishment sanitation is essential for food safety and to successfully implement HACCP. There are direct and substantial links between inadequate sanitation and the contamination of meat and poultry products by pathogenic bacteria. Sanitation SOPs are necessary because they clearly define each establishment’s responsibility to consistently follow effective sanitation procedures and substantially minimize the risk of direct product contamination and adulteration.Microbial testing for indicator organisms can be used to validate CCP effectiveness, and to establishin-plant trend analysis. Microbial testing should be part of a sanitation program in order to validate effectiveness. Microbial testing does not indicate that the product is safe, but it is used to verify that the process was in control.Pork Slaughter PROCESS CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONPORK SLAUGHTERWORKSHOP LOCATION:Kansas City, MOCOMMON NAME:(1) Pork Carcass (Skin-on)(2) Pork (Skinned) Hot Boned Meat(3) Heads (snout, tongue, cheek meat, ears,pate/forehead, brains, and lips)(4) Pluck (heart, liver, and kidneys)(5) Viscera (stomach, large intestine, smallintestine, uteri, and rectum)HOW IS IT TO BE USED:Whole carcass for fabrication (including hotboned meat)TYPE OF PACKAGE:Pork carcass and Pork Hot Boned Meat — No packageHead, Pluck, and Viscera — BoxedLENGTH OF SHELF-LIFE, AT WHATTEMPERATURE?The shelf-life should be 14-21 daysdepending on the temperature (<40°F) andstorage conditions. The head, pluck andviscera should be frozen at -20° as soon aspossible. Products should be distributedwithin 90 days of slaughter.LABELING INSTRUCTIONS:Not applicable for carcass or hot boned meat; mark of inspection.“Keep Frozen” on frozen head, pluck and viscera.IS SPECIAL DISTRIBUTION CONTROL NEEDED?Maintain refrigerated or frozen storage conditions.Pork SlaughterPRODUCT CATEGORIES AND INGREDIENTSPRODUCT CATEGORY:Pork SlaughterWORKSHOP LOCATION:Kansas City, MOMEAT AND MEAT BYPRODUCTS NON-MEATINGREDIENTSBINDERS/EXTENDERSLive Hogs N/A N/ASPICES/FLAVORINGS RESTRICTEDINGREDIENTS PRESERVATIVES/ ACIDIFIERSN/A N/A N/A OTHERPackaging material for boxedproducts.Pork Slaughter Flow Chart(Skin on Carcass)Animal ReceivingAnimal I.D.Holding(Including suspect holding pens, ante mortem inspection, etc.)Stunning/ShacklingSticking/BleedingScaldingDehairingGambrellingSingeing/Polishing/Shaving(Including toenail removal)Pre-eviscerationWashBungingHead DroppingHead Removal*Midline & BrisketOpening Pull Leaf Fat/ Expose KidneyFinal TrimGrade StandFinal washChilling*The majority of industry operations remove the head following evisceration or splitting. In these situations the head removal step should be followed by an antibacterial intervention and the step be designated as a CCP.Pork Slaughter ModelPork Slaughter Flow Chart(Skinned Hot Boned Pork)(Include bladder &reproductive organremoval.)(Approved AntibacterialIntervention)*The majority of industry operations remove the head following evisceration or splitting. In these situations the head removal step should be followed by an antibacterial intervention and the step be designated as a CCP.Flow Chart for Heads(Disassembly)Flow Chart for Pluck Flow Chart for VisceraHazard Analysis Worksheet:The Hazard Analysis Worksheet format used in this model is an example format. Alternative forms can be used for the hazard analysis.This worksheet should be used in two steps.The first step, is to review each process step listed in the Process Flow Diagram and identify all potential hazards that can be introduced or enhanced at this step. Chemical, physical, and biological hazards should all be addressed. It is recommended that you list all potential hazards for each process step before moving to column two.. The significant hazards must be essential to the production of safe food.” (NACMCF, 1992) The team should focus on risk and severity as criteria for determining whether a hazard is significant or not. Risk, as defined by the National Advisory Committee, is “likelihood of occurrence.” “The estimate of risk is usually based on a combination of experience, epidemiological data, and information in the technical literature.”(NACMCF, 1992). Severity is the potential magnitude of the consequences to the consumer if the hazard is not adequately controlled. Hazards that are not significant or not likely to occur will not require further consideration in the HACCP plan.It is important that you justify your decision for determining if a hazard is or is not significant. This will help you document your rationale for making decisions and is a useful tool when you re-validate or revise your HACCP plan.The fifth column, addresses preventive measures. For each significant hazard, identify preventive measures, if they exist. A preventive measure is a physical, chemical, or other means which can be used to control an identified food safety hazard.It is recommended that you complete columns 1 through 5, before starting on column 6. Column six asks, “Is this step a critical control point (CCP)?” A CCP is any point, step, or procedure at which control can be applied so that a food safety hazard can be prevented, eliminated, reduced, or controlled to acceptable levels. Information developed during the hazard analysis should enable the HACCP team to identify which steps in the process are CCPs. A decision tree, such as the NACMCF Decision Tree (Appendix 4) may be useful in determining if a particular step is a CCP for an identified hazard. The hazards identified during the development of this model were subjected to a decision tree by the team members. CCPs must be carefully developed and documented and must be for product safety only. Different facilities preparing the same product can differ in the risk of hazards and the points, steps, or procedures which are CCPs.The CCPs identified in this model are for illustrative purposes only. Individual plant process will determine the CCPs identified for plant-specific plans. Remember that Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures are essential prerequisites to HACCP.。


























台湾 HACCP计划书制作指导手册-冷藏冷冻猪肉

台湾 HACCP计划书制作指导手册-冷藏冷冻猪肉

冷藏冷凍豬肉(豬屠宰場、分切場) HACCP計劃書製作指導手冊Tmdf-haccp1補助機構:臺灣區雜糧發展基金會計劃名稱:冷藏冷凍豬肉HACCP系統模式之建立計劃主辦機構:中央畜產會冷藏冷凍豬肉HACCP計劃書製作指導手冊目錄頁數壹、前言 2貳、肉品工廠建立HACCP系統的十二個步驟 3一、成立HACCP小組 3二、產品描述 4三、確定產品之預定用法及消費對象 4四、建立加工流程圖 4五、確認加工流程圖 4六、分析危害 4七、確定重要管制點 5八、設定管制界限 5九、設定監控程序 5十、設定矯正措施 6十一、執行記錄及文件整理應用 6十二、進行查核及確認 7參、冷藏冷凍豬肉HACCP模式範例9參考文獻 27撰稿、翻譯、編輯:邱錦英、吳銘芸單位:中央畜產會家畜組冷藏冷凍豬肉HACCP模式壹、前言HACCP系統是一種有組織、有系統、有條理及有計劃的『廠商自主管理』食品加工制程的科學方法。

以食品的危害分析(Hazard Analysis;HA)與重要管制點(CCP;Critical Control Point) 的設定作為主軸﹐經由規畫(Plan)、實施(Do)、查核(Check)、行動(Action)的循環管理規則﹐進行系列的質量保證(Quality Assurance;QA)作業。

完善的HACCP系統﹐須有:←標準衛生作業程序(Sanitation Standard Operation Procedures;SSOPs)﹐↑工廠良好作業規範(Good Manufacturing Practices;GMP)﹐及→標準作業程序(Standard Operating Procedures;SOPs)作為建立 HACCP計劃的基礎。

HACCP的七個原則(Seven Principle of HACCP )﹐依據美國食品微生物標準諮詢委員會(National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria of Foods;NACMCF﹐1992)的說明為:1.進行危害分析(Conduct a hazard analysis):2.確定加工過程中的重要管制點(Identify the critical control points inthe process):3.設定重要管制點之管制界限(Establish critical limits for preventivemeasures associated with each identified CCP):4.設定監控程序(Establish CCP monitoring requirements)5.設定矯正措施(Establish corrective action(s) to be taken whenmonitoring indicates that there is a deviation from an established critical limit.)6.執行記錄及文件整理應用(Establish effective record-keeping proceduresthat document the HACCP system.)7.進行查核與確認(Establish procedures for verification that the HACCPsystem is working correctly.)肉品工廠導入HACCP系統之初﹐應有的預備動作:1.先成立HACCP小組﹐至少專門針對某一項個別的產品進行建立HACCP系統。





二、管理目标1. 建立完善的生猪养殖宰杀全程追溯体系,确保养殖环境卫生、饲料质量安全、疫病防控2. 规范定点屠宰场的经营管理,提供良好的宰杀环境、设备和技术保障3. 加强对定点屠宰场的监督检查,确保其符合相关法律法规和标准要求三、具体措施和方法1. 生猪养殖管理措施(1)加强养殖场环境和设施的卫生管理,定期清洗消毒,避免疫病传播。



2. 定点屠宰场管理措施(1)设立合理的定点屠宰场规模和布局,保证生猪屠宰的区域覆盖率。




3. 监督检查措施(1)建立定期检查制度,对定点屠宰场进行定期检查,确保其符合相关法律法规和标准要求。



四、预期效果1. 生猪养殖环节的阳性率明显下降,疫病防控工作取得成效。

2. 定点屠宰场设施和设备得到有效管理和维护,屠宰技术和操作规范得到提升。

3. 定点屠宰场质量安全事故发生率下降,消费者对猪肉产品的满意度提高。

五、落实措施1. 加强组织领导,由相关部门成立专门的管理小组,负责本方案的实施和落实。

2. 制定具体的工作计划和时间表,确保各项措施有序进行。

3. 加强宣传和培训,向养殖户和定点屠宰场宣传方案内容,并对相关责任人进行培训。

4. 建立定期评估机制,对方案的实施效果进行评估,及时调整措施和方法。



HACCP体系在中国肉类行业的建立和应用研究Studies on the Establishment and Application of Hazard Analysis andCritical Control Point (HACCP)System in the Meat Industry in China刘先德,段启甲,韩小松,冯学平,黄斌,佘锐萍摘要我国是世界肉类食品生产和消费大国,到2004年,我国肉类产量占世界总产量25,750万吨的28.1%。



危害分析与关键控制点(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, HACCP)体系是一种科学、合理、针对性很强且对食品安全进行过程控制的预防性管理体系,已经被世界各国食品行业广泛应用。














二、前5年(基础夯实期)# (一)学习与培训(第1 2年)1. 我自己呢,打算每年参加至少两次专业的生猪屠宰检疫培训课程。



2. 回到单位,我要组织咱们检疫小团队每个月来一次内部学习会。


3. 每季度邀请一位业内的专家来给我们做讲座,讲讲那些国外先进的检疫理念和技术,咱也得跟上国际步伐不是。

# (二)设备与设施升级(第3 5年)1. 在第3年,我得和领导好好商量商量,争取换一批新的检疫检测设备。



2. 到了第4年,把咱们的屠宰检疫工作室重新装修一下。



3. 第5年呢,要建立一个小型的应急物资储备库。



三、中10年(提升发展期)# (一)检疫流程优化(第6 8年)1. 在第6年,重新梳理咱们的生猪屠宰检疫流程。



2. 第7年,引入信息化管理系统。



3. 到了第8年,和周边的生猪养殖基地建立更紧密的联系。



1.HACCP体系在生猪屠宰加工中的应用 [J], 黄岳新
2.浅谈HACCP系统在生猪屠宰加工中的应用 [J], 线洪臣
3.HACCP体系在生猪屠宰加工中的应用 [J], 金羽
4.HACCP体系在生猪屠宰加工企业中的应用 [J], 张成林
5.HACCP在生猪屠宰加工中应用的研究 [J], 郑云庭;王勇;董宜军

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生猪屠宰HACCP计划书1目录1、发布令 (2)2、工厂概况 (3)3、组织结构图 (4)4、食品安全小组人员职责及简介 (5)5、产品特性描述 (6)6、生猪屠宰分割加工工艺流程图 (8)7、生猪屠宰外来杂质分析及控制措施 (9)8、生猪屠宰分割工序及控制措施描述 (10)9、生猪屠宰分割与原料相关的危害 (15)10、生猪屠宰分割与加工过程相关的危害 (15)11、危害分析、控制措施识别与评价表 (16)12、生猪屠宰分割加工关键控制点分布图 (22)14、生猪屠宰分割加工HACCP 计划表 (23)15、生猪屠宰分割加工OPRP 计划表 (24)16、关键控制点CCP监控管理规定 (26)17、关键限值的建立 (28)18、验证程序 (31)2发布令为贯彻落实“消费者的安全与健康高于一切、某品牌形象和信誉高于一切”的质量、食品安全方针。





广东分公司积极应用先进的管理体系及管理模式,并不断提升管理水平,为确保产品安全、卫生、稳定、可靠,本公司依据美国农业部食品安全检查署《减少致病菌、HACCP体系最终法规》,国际食品法典委员会《HACCP 体系及应用准则》及国家GB12694-1990《肉类加工厂卫生规范》、《出口肉类屠宰加工企业注册卫生规范》、《出口食品生产企业安全卫生要求》、ISO22000:2005《食品安全管理体系-食品链中各类组织的要求》、GB/T27301-2008 《食品安全管理体系肉及肉制品生产企业要求》等有关食品生产的法规条款,根据本厂的产品——猪肉产品的生产加工特点,制定了各自的危害分析及关键控制点、HACCP计划,本厂现已将这一体系应用于生产质量管理中。


工厂名称:某投资发展股份有限公司工厂电话:工厂传真:网址:4组织机构图项目经理管理者代表副总经理副总经理56产品特性描述一、原料猪、包装材料、运输方式、成品鲜冻猪肉描述1、原料猪描述2、包装材料描述2.1内包装袋2.2纸箱72.3塑料周转盒子3、终产品特性:鲜、冻猪肉8生猪屠宰HACCP 计划书9 猪屠宰分割加工工艺流程图(烫褪工艺)生猪屠宰HACCP计划书生猪屠宰外来杂质分析及控制措施生猪屠宰分割工序及控制措施描述(烫褪工艺)101112131415生猪屠宰分割与原料相关的危害1 生物的危害1.1致病菌:炭疽杆菌、猪丹毒杆菌、巴氏杆菌、沙门氏菌、大肠杆菌等。



2 化学的危害农残、兽药、重金属。

3 物理的危害断注射针头、设备磨损碎片等金属物。

生猪屠宰分割与加工过程相关的危害1 生物的危害1.1车间内环境中的微生物引起的危害。



2 化学的危害清洁剂、消毒剂的残留对产品的危害。

3 物理的危害断锯齿、断刀尖、塑料、螺丝、锈渣、漆皮、涂料皮等的混入对产品的危害。

16危害分析、控制措施识别与评价表(烫褪工艺)1718192021L3、L2、L1分别表示可能性为:经常发生(包括频繁发生)、偶然发生、很少发生(包括不可能发生)P3、P2、P1分别表示风险值为:重大的、中度的、可容许的/可忽22生猪屠宰分割加工CCP点分布图(烫褪工艺)23生猪屠宰分割加工HACCP计划表公司名称:某投资发展股份有限公司广东分公司公司地址:中国·广东·清远24生猪屠宰分割加工OPRP控制计划表公司名称:某投资发展股份有限公司广东分公司公司地址:中国·广东·清远产品描述:冷鲜、冷冻猪肉产品销售和贮存方法:批发,鲜品0-4℃存放、冻品-18℃冷藏2526关键控制点(CCP)管理规定1 目的1.1确定CCP关键限值,满足有关规定要求。


2 范围适用于HACCP计划中关键控制点的监控、偏离关键限值的纠正和产品的处理。

3 职责3.1屠宰、分割车间具体负责HACCP计划的实施。



4 内容4.1 CCP关键限值的确定为保证关键限值的有效性,现确定各CCP关键限值、操作限值如下表:274.2 CCP的监控4.2.1通常是连续监控,如不能连续监控,其监控频率或数量必须足以保证CCP处于受控状态,对各个CCP的监控频率见HACCP计划表。


CCP1品管员和化验员负责监控,官方兽医进行验证;CCP2由品管员负责在线监督逐头采集检验,技术化验员负责抽样检测验证; CCP3由操作工负责监控,品管员每小时审核监控与纠正记录,由品管员监督操作工对CCP偏离操作限值时进行纠偏。










293.2加工过程中金属物的来源及尺寸3.2.1屠宰加工过程5.2.1.1刀具:由于屠宰加工过程中,除撬胸骨外,刀具与骨头等硬物质不接触,不会因刀尖断裂而造成金属物危害的产生。劈半锯:屠宰生产过程中,劈半与胴体运行不同步时有可能造成锯条卡在骨缝中锯条断裂,锯齿落入胴体中。由于生产过程中操作规范的有效执行,减少了锯条断裂情况发生。采用美国产锯条,锯齿经过特殊处理,其性能远高于锯带的性能,使锯条断裂时减少了锯齿断裂的可能性,即使锯齿断裂也是从锯带处整齿断裂,锯齿尺寸为:高度2.5 mm,长度3.0 mm。从前期锯条消耗情况来看,其中因断裂更换4条,无一例断齿现象,且断面吻合良好。去头钳、去蹄钳:钳片的硬度远大于柱销硬度,外力作用时,柱销断裂保护钳片(柱销直径为ф12mm),不会产生物理性危害。



前期生产过程中刀尖断裂 1次,长度为4 mm,当时在肉块内检出,未带入下道环节。





3.4通过以上的分析及统计,从而找出所有有可能产生金属物掺杂的最小尺寸为1.5 mm,同时依据美国FDA和金检机的性能,因此设定X光机检测操作限值FeΦ、SUSΦ≤1.2mm,SUS(ywr)≤0.55*5mm以保证产品质量,保证消费者的安全。

验证程序1 目的通过验证,以确定屠宰HACCP计划是否有效和被严格执行,食品安全管理体系是否符合有关法律法规规定。

2 范围本验证程序适用于以下五个方面的验证:2.1对HACCP计划的确认。





3 内容3.1对HACCP计划的确认3.1.1由HACCP小组成员对HACCP计划危害分析、危害控制措施、关键控制点、关键限值、监控程序、纠偏行动、关键控制点验证程序等的科学依据进行确认。

