1.Das Bundeskabinett hat am 24. und 25. Mai 2016 die "Meseberger Erklärung zur Integration" beschlossen und in diesem Rahmen den Nationalen Integrationspreis ins Leben gerufen.
Ein hoher finsterer Hof war da. Neben dem Müllkasten stand er. Und plötzlich sang er schallend los, sang die Wände an. Den Hut nahm er vom Kopf wie ein Leierkastenmann. Von den Wänden kam der Ton wieder. Das war gut. Seine Stimme erfüllte seine Ohren. Er sang mit so lauter Stimme, wie er im Gefängnis nie hätte singen dürfen. Und was er sang, daß es von den Wänden widertönte? »Es braust ein Ruf wie Donnerhall.« Kriegerisch fest und markig. Und dann: »Juvivallerallera« mitten aus einem Lied. Es beachtete ihn keiner. Der Jude nahm ihn am Tor in Empfang: »Ihr habt schön gesungen. Ihr habt wirklich schön gesungen. Ihr könntet Gold mit einer Stimme verdienen, wie Ihr habt.«(455 Wörter)
2019年宁波大学考博英语真题(A卷)(总分:100.00,做题时间:180分钟)一、Use of English(总题数:1,分数:10.00)A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide—the division of the world into the info (information) rich and the info poor. And that (1)________ does exist today. My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago. What was less (2)________ then, however, were the new, positive (3)________ that work against the digital divide. (4)________, there are reasons to be (5)________. There are technological reasons to hope the digital divide will narrow. As the Internet becomes more and more (6)________, it is in the interest of business to universalize access-after all, the more people online, the more potential (7)________ there are. More and more (8)________, afraid their countries will be left(9)________, want to spread Internet access. Within the next decade or two, one to two billion people on the planet will be (10)________ together. As a result, I now believe the digital divide will (11)________ rather than widen in the years ahead. And that is very good news because the Internet may well be the most powerful tool for (12)________ world poverty that we’ve ever had. Of course, the use of the Internet isn't the only way to (13)________ poverty. And the Internet is not the only tool we have. But it has(14)________ potential.To (15)________ advantage of this tool, some poor countries will have to get over their outdated anti-colonial prejudices (16)________ respect to foreign investment. Countries that still think foreign investment is a/an (17)________ of their sovereignty might well study the history of (18)________ (the basic structural foundations of a society) in the United States.When the United States built its industrial infrastructure, it didn’t have the capital to do so. And that is (19)________ America’s Second Wave infrastructure-(20)________ roads, harbors, highways, ports and so on-were built with foreign investment.(分数:10.0)(1).(分数:0.5)A.divide (正确答案)rmationC.worldD.lecture解析:文章第一句开门见山指出目前存在的信息贫富差距(divide),第三句也“this looming danger”指代的就是这种信息差距,因此可以推断第二句介绍的是这种贫富差距仍存在,选A项。
Yet the hope remains5, much like with general paresis, we may soon discover the root causes of these illnesses, and this knowledge may tell us6to treat them. An example of this hope can be seen in the popular notion that a “chemical imbalance” causes depression. This might turn out to be true,7the truth is we don’t know.
之间的关系是______________________,高斯随机过程通过线性系统后是否还是高斯随机过 程?
4. 若平稳随机过程 X(t) 的自相关函数为 Rx ( ) _________________。
a2 cos 3
,则其平均功率 1 2
Sx ( )d =
宁波大学 2020 年博士研究生招生考试初试试题(B 卷)
3. 假 设 两 个 相 互 独 立 的 随 机 变 量 X 、Y 服 从 正 态 分 布 N (m1, s12) 和 N (m2, s22) , 则 随 机 变 量 Z = X + 2Y 服从_________分布。若令W [X,Y ]T ,则W 的协方差矩阵为_________。
+ 2
+ 2
一、概念题(每题 4 分,共 40 分)
sin a sin b
1 2
cos (a
cos (a
- b)
cos a cos b
1 2
cos (a
b) +
cos (a
- b)
宁波大学 2020 年博士研究生招生考试初试试题(B 卷)
科目代码: 2603 总分值: 100 科目名称:
destructively intensive agriculture. The alarming 1 , which is forecast to continue as demand
for food and productive land increases, will add to the risks of conflicts such as those seen in
Sudan and Chad unless 2 actions are implemented, warns the institution behind the report.
“As the ready supply of healthy and productive land dries up and the population grows,
A third of the planet’s land is severely degraded and fertile soil is being lost at the rate of 24bn
tonnes a year, according to a new United Nations-backed study that calls for a shift away from
land and 10 desertification.
A) absorb I) limited
B) abundant J) minimize
C) billed
K) occasionally D) decline L) optimizes
E) diminishes M) rate
F) expansion N) remedial
(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)科目代码:242 总分值:100 科目名称:法语(二外)第 1 页共4 页(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)科目代码:242 总分值:100 科目名称:法语(二外)第 2 页共4 页(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)科目代码:242 总分值:100 科目名称:法语(二外)第 3 页共4 页(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)科目代码:242 总分值:100 科目名称:法语(二外)第 4 页共4 页考试科目: 法语(二外)科目代码:242适用专业: 英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学1.Remplacez les points par les mots convenables :(15%)1.Les Chinois aiment ___ thé.2.Pierre, tu sais, tu es professeur et ___ professeur ne devrait pas agir ainsi.3.D’habitude, les Chinois mangent ___ riz.4.Ces dernières années beaucoup d’étudiants chinois vont faire leurs études ___ Etats-Unis.5.Catherine vous croit bien , V ous êtes son ami et vous ne pouvez pas ___ quitter ___ rien dire.6.---Quoi, tu as bu de l’alcool hier soir ? ---Oui, pourquoi pas ? Le docteur ___ permet ___ ___boire.7.Il n’a ___ voiture ___ vélo, bien sûr, il peut seulement y aller ___ pied.8.---Que penses-tu ___ concert de jazz ?---C’était formidable! Les musiciens sont pour la plupart des noirs américains, j’ai même pris des photos.---Montre-___-___ !9.Tu ne les aimes pas, je ___ sais.10.Catherine joue ___ piano.11.Il faut diminuer son influence ___ l’opinion publique, elle ___ est sûre.ment s’appelle le village près _____on construit la nouvelle gare ?13.V oilà l’homme ___ le fils est notre camarade de classe.14.Est-ce que je dois changer ___ train ?---Non, c’est un train direct.15.Il me donne un livre ___m’intéresse.16.Tu n’a pas ___ bicyclette? Prends ___ ___, voilà la clé, je t’attends ici.17.Il y a des bois ___ tour ___ village.18.Je travaille dix heures ___ jour.2.Choisissez le meilleur terme :(15%)quelle des transformations ci-dessous est correcte ?a. oeil→yeuxb. journal→journalsc. madame→madamesd. travail→travailsquelle des transformations ci-dessous est fausse ?a.supérieur→supérieuseb. ancien→anciennec. long→longued. silencieux→silencieuse3.Je n’ai pas ___ idée de celà.a. la plus petiteb. plus petitec. la moindred. Moindre第 1 页共 4 页考试科目: 法语(二外)科目代码:242适用专业: 英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学4.C’est ___ je m’intéresse.a. à quoib. quec. auqueld. qui5.Il y a des cas ___ il remarque ça.a. queb. auxquelsc. oùd. quand6.Un tas de choses ___ il n’a pas d’abord pensé lui viennent à la tête.a. qu’b. ce à quoic. auxquellesd. dont7.Catherine, parle ___ , s’il te plaît !a. plus hauteb. plus grandec. plus hautd. plus grand8.Fais ___ tu veux.a. ce quib. ce quec. qued. quoi9.Il m’a parlé de la nouvelle route ___ la construction était difficile.a. de laquelleb. dontc. qued. où10.Tes fils restent seuls depuis une semaine, ___ !a. pense-yb. penses-yc. penses à euxd. pense à eux11.De la chambre sort un journaliste ___ beaucoup de gens aiment.a. queb. ce quec. quid. ce qui12.---J’ai quelques questions ___ vous poser.---Non, vous devez y répondre vous-même, ___ ce sont vos devoirs.a. à , puisqueb. à , parce quec. de , puisqued. de , parce que13.Ma camarade me raconte le résultat ___ m’étonne bien.a. ce queb. ce quic. qued. qui14.A l’université ___ est intéressant, et les jeunes étudiantes en sont ___ d’accord.a. tous , toutesb. tout , toutesc. tout , tousd. tous , tout15.Faites attention à ces gens, entre ___ il y a quelqu’un ___ dangereux.a. leur , deb. eux , ∕c. leur , ∕d. eux , de第 2 页共 4 页考试科目: 法语(二外)科目代码:242适用专业: 英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学3. Mettez les verbes entre parenthèses au temps et au mode convenables.(18%)1.J’ai parlé à une femme ___ (porter) un enfant.2.Hier il ___ (pleuvoir) toute la journée.3.J’ai appris que le métro était en panne sur la ligne 4 en ___ (lire) le journal d’aujourd’hui.4.Il ne m’aurais pas connu s’il ___ (ne pas voyager) en Chine.5.Si tu lui disais cela, il ___ (comprendre) tout.6.Il ferma le livre, se leva, ___ (sortir)de la chambre.7.Je crains qu’il ___( nous voir).8.Bien que je vous ___(connaître) depuis longtemps, nous avons peu de choses communes.9.Cette jeune fille se leva et s’assit bientôt à la place que l’enfant ____(quitter).10.Après qu’il ___ (parler), nous restâmes silencieux u n long moment, réfléchissant àcequ’il___(dire).11.Si Pierre me donne la cassette, je ___(t’informer).12.Elle vous téléphonera dès qu’elle ___(rentrer).13.Si nous ___(aller) à la piscine ?---Non, Paul, il fait trop froid aujourd’hui , on reste à la maison.14.___(ouvrir) la porte, tu dois faire circuler l’air.15.Je lui dis pour qu’il ___ (venir) demain.16.Ces revues ___ (se vendre bien) l’année dernière.17.Après __ (arriver) à Paris, je vous enverrai une lettre.4. Comprenez le texte et répondez aux questions :(10%)Le téléviseurAu début, dans les années 60, il était lourd comme un meuble et on le plaçait dans la salle de séjour, très haut, pour le regarder. Puis, peu à peu, il est devenu plus petit, on l’a placé sur un rayon de bibliothèque. Maintenant on pe ut le porter et le promener d’une chambre à l’autre : dans la cuisine ou la chambre à coucher. Avant il était en noir et blanc. Maintenant, qui n’a pas son téléviseur couleur ? D’abord, il y a eu la première chaîne et puis la deuxième. Maintenant on peut r ecevoir plus de dix chaînes.Au début, les programmes ne commençaient que dans la soirée. Maintenant , on peut être plantédevant sa télé 24 heures sur 24.Bien sûr, il y a ceux qui sont ¨pour¨ la télévision et ceux qui sont ¨contre¨ .Certains pense nt qu’elle permet de connaître le monde sans bouger : Grâce à la télévition, on a toutes les informations. En quelques minutes, on passe de Tokyo à New York, on s’arrête à Téhéran ou au Liban.第 3 页共 4 页考试科目: 法语(二外)科目代码:242适用专业: 英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学D’autres pensent que la télévision est inutile : àcause de la télévision, les jeunes ne lisent plus et n’ écrivent plus, les enfants sont incapables de raconter une histoire de façon continue.1.Pourquoi peut-on porter le téléviseur et le promener d’une chambre à l’autre maintenant, mais pasdans les années 60?2.Au debut, quand a-t-on commencé à regarder la télé ? Pourquoi ?ment pensez-vous, est-ce que tous aiment la télévision ?4.Pourquoi certains sont ¨contre¨ la télé ?5.Pourquoi certains sont ¨pour¨ la télévision ?5. Traduisez en chinois :(10%)On présente toujours la personne la plus jeune à la personne plus âgée, un homme à une femme, une jeune fille ou une fille qui n’est plus tout à fait jeune à une femme mariée, même si celle-ci est la plus jeune.Pour faire les présentations, on doit être debout. Les femmes peuvent très bien rester assises pour les présentations, à moins qu’il ne s’agisse d’une dame âgée ou d’un personnage important.Lorsque vous êtes présenté à une femme, attendez qu’elle vous offre la main pour la serrer.6.Traduisez en français :(15%)1.法国西临太平洋,是除俄罗斯外欧洲最大的国家。
2016年宁波大学考博英语真题及详解(A卷)SectionⅠUse of EnglishDirections:Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10points)American cities are(1)_____other cities around the world.In every country,cities reflect the(2)_____of the culture.Cities contain the very(3)_____aspect of a society:opportunities for education,employment,and entertainment.They also contain the very worst parts of a society: violent crime,racial conflict and poverty.American cities are changing,just(4)_____American society.After World War II,the population of(5)_____large American cities decreased;however the population in many Sun Belt cities___(6)____.Los Angeles and Houston are cities(7)_____ population increased.These population shifts to and from the city(8)_____the changing values of American society.During this time,in the(9)_____1940s and early1950s,city residents became wealthier,more prosperous.They had more children.They needed more(10)_____. They moved out their apartments in the city(11)_____their own homes.They bought houses in the(12)_____,areas near a city where people live.These are areas(13)_____many offices or factories.During the1950s the American"dream"was to have a house on the outskirts.Now things are changing.The children of the people who left the cities in the1950s are now (14)_____.They,(15)_____their parents,want to live in the cities.(16)_____continue to move to cities in the Sun Belt.Cities are(17)_____and the population is increasing in such states as Texas,Florida,and California.Others are moving to more(18)_____cities of the North-east and Midwest,such as Boston,Baltimore and Chicago.Many young professionals,doctors,lawyers, and executives are moving back into the city.They prefer the city(19)_____the suburbs because their jobs are there;they are afraid of the fuel shortage;or they just(20)_____the excitement and opportunities which the city offers.A new class is moving into the cities—a wealthier,more mobile class.1.[A]different from[B]similar to[C]better than[D]worse than2.[A]values[B]worth[C]importance[D]expense3.[A]well[B]good[C]better[D]best4.[A]likely[B]as[D]when5.[A]all[B]most[C]few[D]much6.[A]increased[B]changed[C]decreased[D]lowered7.[A]its[B]which[C]where[D]that8.[A]become[B]reflect[C]gain[D]contain9.[A]late[B]later[C]lately[D]latter10.[A]space[B]spots[C]time[D]food11.[A]buying[B]buy[C]to buy[D]bought12.[A]outskirts[B]downtown[C]districts[D]suburbs13.[A]without[B]with[C]within[D]from14.[A]managers[B]adults[C]parents[D]doctors15.[A]likely[B]like[D]unlike16.[A]Some[B]All[C]Several[D]Lots of17.[A]stretching[B]widening[C]expanding[D]prolonging18.[A]organized[B]famous[C]official[D]established19.[A]than[B]better than[C]rather than[D]to20.[A]win[B]enjoy[C]earn[D]acquire【答案与解析】1.B根据文章第二句的提示,在每个国家,城市都反映着各自国家的文化,此句的句意为,美国的城市和世界上其他的城市一样。
宁波大学2020年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(A卷)(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)科目代码:661 总分值:150 科目名称:基础英语Part I Vocabulary (30 points)Directions: There are 30 sentences in this part. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Please write the corresponding letters on the Answer Sheet.1. Kate Chopin exposed the conventions of her time that kept women in a state of near constant ________.A) restoration B) revolution C) repression D) revelation2. The pyramids are an eloquent ________ to the ancient Egyptians’ engineering skills.A) evidence B) testimony C) attribute D) symbol3. Agencies are allowed to charge a fee, usually the _________ of the first week’s rent, if you takeaccommodation they have found for you.A) same B) similarity C) equal D) equivalent4. This is a Babylonian and Assyrian epic in which a hero embarks on an _________ search forimmortality.A) exhausting B) exhaustive C) exhaustible D) exhausted5 The company’s business has _________ because of good management and a suitable marketingpolicy.A) highlighted B) increased C) prevailed D) thrived6. U.S. firms could be at a disadvantage in competing for ________ to Russian markets.A) process B) access C) excess D) success7. During the summer holiday season there are no ________ rooms in this seaside hotel.A) empty B) blank C) vacant D) deserted8. Those ________ lakeside settings with their ever-changing vistas make the lakes and their stunningrural beauty a place to visit time after time.A) idyllic B) latent C) gushing D) unsettling9. There’s always intense media coverage of air crashes and that can really play into people’s fears and_________ their perceptions of how safe it is to fly.A) preoccupy B) misconceive C) initiate D) skew10. In summer, huge areas of the French countryside are regularly _________ by forest fires.A) wrecked B) removed C) impaired D) devastated11. Participants in this sailboat race spent most of it in_________: one sailor, one boat, and a vast ocean.A) separation B) solitude C) privacy D) remoteness12. Finally, she wrote to the board chairman, _________ for intervention in the situation.A) imposing B) imploring C) striving D) alienating13. To_________ his death, national flags all over the country were hoisted at half-mast.A) regret B) lament C) depress D) gratify14. The British have always taken a quiet — sometimes practically unwitting — pleasure in_________foreigners.A) perplexing B) perceiving C) startling D) persevering第0 页共10 页。
招生专业:__________ 研究方向:__________
考生姓名:__________ 准考证号:__________
(1) 英语知识运用、阅读理解A节、B节的答案填涂在答题卡的第一页上,要求
(2) 阅读理解部分C节的答案和作文必须用(蓝)黑色字迹钢笔、圆珠笔在答题
宁波大学2014 年攻读博士学位研究生
考试科目: 考码:专业名称:
第11 页,共11 页。
宁波大学基础英语考研真题试题2009 、2010、2012、2016年—2019年
![宁波大学基础英语考研真题试题2009 、2010、2012、2016年—2019年](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/912bd287f18583d0496459b7.png)
考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第2页共8页12.Piquette must have been seventeen then,although she looked about twenty.I stared at her,astounded that anyone could have changed so much.A.overwhelmed B.greatly surprised C.worried D.frightened13.Hitler’s blood lust and the hateful appetites have impelled him on his Russian adventure.A.ambition B.stomach C.belly D.intestines14.Burne-Wilke’s cabin had the dark,warm,comfortable look of a library den.“I say,Henry,what is your position on shipboard drinking?I have a fair bottle of cherry here.”A.much-contented B.just C.nice D.beautiful15.No one would anticipate that my case would snowball into one of the most famous trials in history.A.evolve B.run C.develop D.roll16.Mr.President,I second the proposal!(A silence;Hancock swats a fly.)A.succeed B.propose C.support D.stand17.The house detective’s gaze moved on to sweep the spacious,well-appointed room.A.clean B.mop C.clear D.examine18.They rise out of the earth,they sweat and starve for a few years,and then they sink back into the nameless mounds of the graveyard.A.work hard B.feel hot C.fall ill D.feel hungry19.Sitting in her chair,she clasped her hands in order to conceal their trembling.A.pretend B.uncover C.prevent D.disguise20.I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.A.imposed B.described C.inscribed D.subscribedSection B.Lexical interpretation.There are ten words or phrases underlined in the following sentences.You are required to use other English words or phrases to explain them with the meanings that best suit those sentences (1×10points).For example:Johnny Carson has much to do to keep up with my quick and witty tongue.Answer:great eloquence1.Quickly the trickle becomes a flood of glistening linseed oil as the beam sinks earthwards,taut and protesting.2.I went back to my room with a heavy heart.I had gravely underestimated the size of my task.3.Here you can find beautiful pots and bowls engraved with delicate and intricate traditional designs,or the simple,everyday kitchenware used in this country.考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第3页共8页4.Barring the catastrophe of nuclear war,it will continue to shape both modern culture and the consciousness of those who inhabit that culture.5.The Nazi regime excels all forms of human wickedness in the efficiency of its cruelty and ferocious aggression.6.It was familiar ground;boy and man,I had been through it often before.But somehow I had never quite sensed its appalling desolation.7.This is a war in which the whole nation is engaged without distinction of race,creed,or party.8.Ever-increasing production,the drive to make bigger and better things,have become aims in themselves,new ideals.Work has become alienated from the working person.9.I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.10.What they had wanted was an America more sensitive to art and culture,less avid for material gain.II.Cloze (20points)Directions:There are twenty blanks in the following passage.You are required to fill the words or phrases in them that best complete the passage to make a smooth and logical reading semantically,syntactically and textually.The words that you use to fill in the blanks can be any that you think are suitable and able to make the passage smooth in meaning and grammar.Radical feminists,however,remained hostile to the temptations of consumer capitalism.Drawing inspiration from the civil rights slogan “The Personal is Political,”movement activists (1)_______as Casey Hayden and Mary King began (2)_______organize women against the male domination (3)_______SNCC (Students for a Democratic Society),and (4)_______groups.Despite the radical community’s support (5)_______equal rights,they asserted,New Left men reflected the establishment culture by assigning women office duties (6)_______other minor tasks.Feminists also complained (7)_______the male-oriented sexual revolution degraded women (8)_______treating them (9)_______playthings and objects (10)_______conquests.While their male colleagues greeted their efforts with ridicule and open hostility,New Left women introduced “rap”sessions to share (11)_______complaints and address gender identity issues.(12)_______1968,200(13)_______feminists organized (14)_______first women’s liberation demonstration.Calling themselves the Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell (WITCH),activists projected (15)_______“sexism”and capitalism’s “objectification”of women’s bodies.They picketed the Miss America Pageant and threw “instruments of torture”such as brassieres考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第4页共8页and high-heeled (16)_______into a “freedom trash can.”Feminists focused (17)_______women’s control of their (18)_______bodies with an agenda (19)_______included the right to legal abortions,distribution of birth control literature,and passage of tougher laws (20)_______rape and spousal abuse.III.Error Detection and Correction (20points)Directions:There are twenty-one errors in the following passage.You may detect and correct either twenty of them or more than that.When you get more than twenty correct answers,your scores will not surpass twenty.Remember to write your answers on the Answer Sheet.As a human beings,you have maintained across time a core sense of self,thanks in good part as memory.Nevertheless,the I that is you is daily modified by what you experience,by what you were learning and coming to know.Five year ago,you were not the same person you are today;ten years hence,you will not precisely the person you now are.As you are age,you steadily accumulate knowledge,some of it formally,some of it informally.Considering some of the things you know in present—about history,about people,about work,about etiquette,about science,about style.Then think about what you garnered that knowledge.Chances is that some of it you acquired formally in school:what you to know about the contribution of Ancient Greece of modern democracy,your understanding of photosynthesis or Euclidean geometry,you ability to differentiate satire from irony.Some things you may have learn through a combination of formally instruction,observation and practice:how to work successful in a group,how to wait on customers efficiently and courteously,how to apply brakes skillfully in traffics,how to cut food with a knife,what clothes to wear to the prom.And some knowledges you probable acquired almost exclusively from extended experience:what acquaintances to trust and not to trust,what writers and musicians appeal or do not appeal to you,what aptitudes your possess or lack for particular fields of study.(1)_______________(2)_______________(3)_______________(4)_______________(5)_______________(6)_______________(7)_______________(8)_______________(9)_______________(10)______________(11)______________(12)______________(13)______________(14)______________(15)______________(16)______________(17)______________(18)______________(19)______________(20)______________(21)______________考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第5页共8页IV.Sentence Paraphrase (10points)Directions:There are five long or difficult sentences underlined in the following passage.You are required to paraphrase them in your own words according to the context.Remember to write your answers on the Answer Sheet.(1)Britain’s merchant navy seldom grabs the headlines these days;it is almost a forgotten industry.Yet shipping is the essential lifeline for the nation’s economy.Ninety-nine per cent of our trade in and out of the country goes by ship—and over half of it in British ships.(2)Shipping is also a significant British success story.It earns over £1000million a year in foreign exchange earnings:without our merchant fleet,the balance of payments would be permanently in deficit,despite North Sea oil.But,today this vital British industry is more in peril than ever before.(3)On almost all the major sea routes of the world,the British fleet risks being elbowed out by stiff foreign competition.The threat comes from two main directions:from the Russians and the Eastern bloc countries (4)who are now in the middle of a massive expansion of their merchant navies,and carving their way into the international shipping trade by severely undercutting Western shipping companies;and from the merchant fleets of the developing nations,(5)who are bent on taking over the lion’s share of the trade between Europe and Africa,Asia and the Far East—routes in which Britain has a big stake.V.Reading Comprehension (30points)Directions:There are three sections in this item with a passage in each section.Section A requires you to read a passage and provide a brief answer to each of the given questions.Section B requires you to read and judge whether the relevant statements are true or false.Section C requires you to read and then write a summary of it.Remember to write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Section A.Read the following passage and provide a brief answer to the questions after the passage (2.5×4points).If someone says to you ‘Our car has broken down’,your reaction may simply be to feel sorry.For the linguist,though,even such a simple utterance calls for quite an elaborate explanation.As far as the meaning and the grammar of the sentence are concerned,a traditional description would try to paraphrase the meanings of the words used;it would analyze the clause pattern (here a simple combination of subject and verb or predicate),and would probably go on to discuss the use of the present perfect tense.Modern linguists have on the whole not been satisfied with the traditional explanation of grammatical structures and word meanings.Indeed much work in modern linguistics has been devoted to constructing rules that would produce our initial sentence,but would exclude sentences like We car has考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第6页共8页broken down or Our car has jumped up as not well-formed.The ultimate goal of this endeavor has been to establish a body of logical rules for generating the sentences of a language that are grammatically correct and semantically acceptable.For the individual words a set of ‘objective’semantic features has been proposed which would guarantee that the words are inserted appropriately into the grammatical structure.Thus the meaning of car would be described with the semantic features ‘inanimate’,‘concrete’,‘movable’and ‘self-propelled’.Assuming that the logical rules and objective semantic features which generate language are stored in our memory,it seems only natural to claim that they are of a mental nature.This approach is therefore also ‘cognitive’in the original sense of the word (i.e.‘related to knowledge’).However,it is not the kind of ‘cognitive linguistics’that our topic is about.To distinguish this approach from what we have in mind when we talk about ‘cognitive linguistics’,we will characterize it as the logical view in cognitive linguistics.As we understand the term,cognitive linguistics is today chiefly represented by the experiential view.Its main claim is that instead of postulating logical rules and objective definitions on the basis of theoretical considerations and introspection,a more practical and empirical path should be pursued.For example,one can ask language users to describe what is going on in their minds when they produce and understand words and sentences.As experiments have shown,people will not only state that a car has a box-like shape,that it has wheels,doors,and windows,that it is driven by an engine and equipped with a steering wheel,an accelerator and brakes,and that it has seats for the driver and the passengers.More likely than not,it will also be mentioned that a car is comfortable and fast,that it offers mobility,independence and perhaps social status.Some people may connect the notion of car with their first love affair,or with injury if they were once involved in an accident.1.What would a traditional linguist do with ‘Our car has broken down’?2.What would a modern linguist do with ‘Our car has broken down’?3.How is the logical view related to ‘cognitive linguistics’?4.What is the claim of the experiential view?Section B.Read the following passage and decide whether the statements after it are true or false (2.5×4points).It is strange and disturbing to watch the straight (i.e.,mainstream)community’s angry,sometimes violent reaction to the hippies.There are many reasons for this.The principal one is appearance.The hippies dress strangely.They dress this way because they have thrown a lot of middle-class notions out of the window and with them the most sensitive middle-class dogma:the neutral appearance.The straight world is a jungle of taboos,fears,and personality games.People in that jungle prey on each other mercilessly.Therefore,to survive in any jungle requires good protective coloring:the camouflage of respectable appearance.The anonymity of middle-class dress is like a flag of truce.It means (whether true or not):“I’m not one of the predators.”It is in the nature of an assurance of harmlessness.Unusual or bright-colored clothing then becomes an alarm,a danger signal to the fearful and their armed truce with the rest of mankind.They see it as a challenge.They are fearful,unsure of themselves,and fear sours into anger.It is but a step to thinking that the anger is “good.”The oldest fallacy in the world is that anything that makes you angry must be mad.考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第7页共8页The sin of the hippies is that they will not play the straight game of camouflage.Their non-participation,in effect,exposes them as another tribe,whose disregard of straight taboos of dress makes them seem to be capable of anything,and therefore a danger.That danger moreover is felt clear up to city hall,that shrine of Squaredom.Why else,I submit,does the Health Department of this city have such a tender solitude about the living conditions of human beings at the Haight when they have ignored the conditions at Hunter’s Point,the Mission and the Fillmore?Many people cannot understand the hippies’rejection of everything that is commonly expected of the individual in regard to employment and life goals:steady lucrative employment,and the accumulation through the years of possessions and money,building (always building)security for the future.It is precisely this security hypochondria,this checking of bank book rather than pulses,this worrying over budgets instead of medicine cabinets,that drive the youth of today away.It is this frantic concern with money that also drives the young into the Haight-Ashbury.They have seen their parents slave for years,wasting away a lifetime to make sure that the house was paid off,that the kids got through school in order to get “good”jobs so that they could join the frantic scramble,later on.The parents’reward for this struggle is that they wind up old and tired,alienated from their children,and just as often each parent from the other.1.The hippies dress strangely because they have defied the dressing values of the middle class.()2.For middle class,to survive in the straight world is to protect themselves by the camouflage of respectable appearance.()3.The hippies belong to another tribe of people because they have a different custom of dresses.()4.The hippies understand their parents struggling their way all their lives and sympathize them.()Section C.Read the following passage and then write a summary of it within 100words (1×10points).The vast majority of books on the English language take British English as their starting point.There are many reasons for this:British English is the old variety,and traditionally British English has enjoyed more prestige,at least in Europe and in former English colonies,than American English.Until not so long ago,American English was considered less educated,less cultured,less beautiful than British English.Teachers in many European countries were not allowed to have an American accent,and high-school students who returned from a year in the United States were sometimes punished with low grades by conservative teachers.This attitude seems mostly to have disappeared even if there are still traces of it.Another reason for the predominance of British English is simply one of publishing traditions:Britain has a long tradition of producing textbooks and dictionaries and of marketing them all over the world,whereas there have been relatively few American textbooks or dictionaries written for audiences worldwide.The result is a curious situation:The majority of the world’s native speakers of English are Americans,about 240million people.They make up the majority of the 400million native speakers,compared with about 57million speakers in Britain.They speak English with American pronunciation,vocabulary,and grammar.Much more American than British English is heard in films and on television,and more American English is used in international business,computing,and science.宁波大学2016年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(A卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学Yet the textbooks for non-native speakers that are used in schools in many countries are still mostly oriented toward British English,sometimes presenting American English as an aberration,often just in the form of a collection of words to learn.There are some useful books on American English,mostly designed for college or university use,that deal with vocabulary,spelling and pronunciation,but they usually give very little information concerning grammar or practical language use in the United States. Nor do they make any attempts to explain why there are differences between the two major varieties.SummaryVI.Writing(50points)Directions:Now in universities or colleges,some BA students want to work and earn money after graduation while other BA students plan to continue their education as MA students.The chief reasons for those BA students who intend to further their study can be either that it is hard to find a good job as BA students or that they love study and make greater contribution for their country.That is,the former read for MA just to get a higher degree so as to find a better job;the latter read for MA just to give a full expression to their academic ability and do research work.What is your purpose to read for MA?Or what kind of BA students do you belong to when you are taking this MA entrance exam?In the following topic of writing,please clarify your purpose to read for MA and give your reasons.You are suggested to make your argument in three major paragraphs with introduction,argumentation and conclusion in about400words.Remember to write your essay on the Answer Sheet.My Purpose to Read for MA科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学I.Vocabulary(30points)This part consists of two sections.Section ADirections:Choose one of the four alternatives which is closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase and mark the corresponding letter.Please write your answers on the Answer Sheet.(1×20points).1.He avowed his commitment to those ideals.A.acknowledgedB.convertedC.conformedD.renounced2.The political dissident was accused of instigating a plot to overthrow the government.A.devisingB.supportingC.fundingD.provoking3.I wish you two would stop bickering.plaining B quarreling C.bargaining D murmuring4.The defendant is facing severe verdict despite the appeal for clemency by his lawyer.A.forgivingB.releaseC.leniencyD.impartiality5.The little boy listened,enthralled by the Captain’s story.A.fascinatedB.swindledC.shockedD.bored6.I was impressed by his expertise on landing craft.A.encouragementB.special skillC.shrewdnessD.eloquence7.Your action is a breach of our university regulations.A.observationB.violationC.creationD.attack8.Subsequent events vindicated his policy.A.predicateB.swingC.dilateD.verify9.Drug smuggling carries a mandatory death penalty in most countries in the world.A.impulsiveB.multicoloredC.obligatoryughable10.Morality,for him,was doing what is expedient.A.undesirableB.unavailable C advantageous D.inappropriate11.“The giant was big”is a tautological statement,to say the least.A.tightB.redundantC.illogicalD.relative科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学III.Error Detection and Correction(20points)Directions:There are twenty errors in the following passage.You should detect and correct all the errors.Please write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Marxist Criticism is a criticism based on the historical,economic,and sociology1 theory of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.According to Marxism,the conscious2of a given class in a given historical moment derives modes of material production.3The set of beliefs,values,attitudes,and ideas that constitute the consciousness of this4 class forms a ideological superstructure,and this ideological superstructure is5 shaped and determined by the material infrastructure and economic base.Hence the6 term"historic materialism."Marxism assumes the ontological priority of matter7 above mind and sees mind as the product of historical forces.There is thus a dialectical8 relationship between the literature work and its socio-historical background.9 Dialectical criticism focuses on the causal connections of the content or form10of the work and the economic,class,social,or ideological factors that shape and11 determines that content and form.Bourgeois writers,for example,inevitably propagate a12 bourgeois ideology that seeks to universalizing the status quo,to see it as natural rather13 than historical.The notion that there is a one-to-one correspondence to the class14 consciousness of the writer,the ideology of the work,and the society-historical15 background out of which it emerges is often labeled vulgarly Marxism,even by16 Marxists themselves.Sophisticated Marxism,however,like Fredric Jameson17 points out,is concerned with"the influence of the given social raw material,not only18on the content,but on the very form of the work themselves....[The dialectical19 interaction of work and background],this fact of sheer interrelationship,is prior of20any of the conceptual categories,such as causality,reflection,or analogy,subsequently evoked to explain it."科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学IV.Reading Comprehension(30points)Directions:There are three sections in this item with a passage in each section. Section A requires you to read a passage and provide a brief answer to each of the given questions.Section B requires you to read and judge whether the relevant statements are true or false.Section C requires you to read and then write a summary of it.Remember to write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Section A.(10points)By the mid-century there emerged a trend in writing that favored a new approach to constructing the novel that abandoned many of the time-honored traditions of form.Indeed,there has been debate about whether many of the works of the times should rightly be considered novels at all.Although not all writers of the period pursued experimental methods,two of them,William Burroughs and Henry Miller,served as exemplary figures.William Burroughs published journals depicting his travels through South America and North Africa.He was heavily influenced by his encounter with foreign languages and associations with strange customs.The impact of his experiences on his writing led to a uniquely detached style.Often it is difficult to determine who is telling the stories,or where the characters have come from.In his most celebrated work Naked Lunch,Burroughs is said to have physically cut up the manuscript and pasted it back together,to further disturb the conventional notion of narration.Although these writing techniques did not boost initial sales of his works,American academia accepts him as an important practitioner of literary theory.Henry Miller wrote about his personal life in a depth that previous authors had avoided.In order to better expose compulsive desires,he used very graphic language to describe the details of his intimate relationships.His books Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer were banned in some states when they were first published.Although there are disagreements about Miller's moral positions,he is acknowledged as an important contributor to mid-twentieth century American fiction.1.What is the main topic of this passage?2.What did the passage preceding this one probably discuss?3.What can we assume about Burroughs'earlier works?4.What is the most difficult aspect of reading the book Naked Lunch?5.What can we infer about the works of the two men?科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).1.According to this passage,Shakespeare’s sonnets might have contained a continuity of love story.2.The speaker of Shakespeare’s sonnets is perfectly happy with both the young noble man and the“dark lady”,according to the passage.3.Shakespeare’s sonnets were dedicated to a“W.H.”,who must be Henry Wriothesley,the Earl ofSouthampton.4.It could be inferred from the passage that most life stories about Shakespeare are conjectures.5.Shakespeare wrote153sonnets,all of which have the feel of autobiographical poems.Section C(10points)Read the following passage and write a summary of it within200words.Knowing that Mrs.Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble,great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death.It was her sister Josephine who told her,in broken sentences;veiled hints that revealed in half concealing.Her husband's friend Richards was there,too,near her.It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intelligence of the railroad disaster was received,with Brently Mallard's name leading the list of"killed."He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth by a second telegram, and had hastened to forestall any less careful,less tender friend in bearing the sad message.She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same,with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance.She wept at once,with sudden,wild abandonment,in her sister's arms.When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone.She would have no one follow her.There stood,facing the open window,a comfortable,roomy armchair.Into this she sank,pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul.She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life.The delicious breath of rain was in the air.In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which someone was singing reached her faintly,and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had met and piled one above the other in the west facing her window.She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair,quite motionless,except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her,as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams.科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学She was young,with a fair,calm face,whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength. But now there was a dull stare in her eyes,whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky.It was not a glance of reflection,but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought.There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it,fearfully.What was it?She did not know;it was too subtle and elusive to name.But she felt it,creeping out of the sky,reaching toward her through the sounds,the scents,the color that filled the air.Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously.She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her,and she was striving to beat it back with her will--as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been.When she abandoned herself a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips.She said it over and over under the breath:"free,free,free!"The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes.They stayed keen and bright.Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body.She did not stop to ask if it were or were not a monstrous joy that held her.A clear and exalted perception enabled her to dismiss the suggestion as trivial.She knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind,tender hands folded in death;the face that had never looked save with love upon her, fixed and gray and dead.But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely.And she opened and spread her arms out to them in welcome.There would be no one to live for during those coming years;she would live for herself.There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature.A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime as she looked upon it in that brief moment of illumination.And yet she had loved him--sometimes.Often she had not.What did it matter!What could love,the unsolved mystery,count for in the face of this possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being!"Free!Body and soul free!"she kept whispering.Josephine was kneeling before the closed door with her lips to the keyhole,imploring for admission."Louise,open the door!I beg;open the door--you will make yourself ill.What are you doing, Louise?For heaven's sake open the door."。
(8分)第2页共2页宁波大学2018年博士研究生招生考试初试试题(B卷)(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)科目代码: 3816 科目名称:细胞生物学第 1 页共1 页入学考试试题(B卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目:细胞生物学科目代码:3816适用专业:水产养殖、渔业资源一、名词解释(每个3分,共30分)1.亲核蛋白(karyophilic protein)2.管家基因(house-keeping genes)3.端粒(telomere)4.接触抑制(contact inhibition)5.分子伴侣(molecular chaperon)6.脂质体(liposome)7.内膜系统(endomembrane system)8.流动镶嵌模型(fluid mosail model)9.原代细胞(primary culture cell)10.细胞连接(cell junction)二、简答题(每个10分,共70分)1.请举出5种用于细胞形态结构观察的研究工具,并指明它们的主要用途。
宁波大学年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(A卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目: 英语教学论科目代码:837 适用专业: 学科教学(英语)1.Traditional language teaching methods and communicative language teaching approach: dichotomyor continuum? (20 points)2.What is communicative competence(CC)? How to develop the learners’CC according to yourteaching or learning experience? (20 points)3.How do you assume the post-method era? Does it indicate we can abandon the language teachingmethods or approaches? (20 points)4.In terms of task-based language teaching and learning, Nunan, Feez(1998), Ellis gave differentaccounts. Please define the concept of TBLT according to Nunan and list some basic principles of. You can also show your own opinions.task-based language teaching according to Feez’s claims(20 points)5.如何理解“强任务”(strong version)和“弱任务”(weak version)。
2.试卷⼀(paper one)和试卷⼆(paper two)答案都做在标准答题卡上,书⾯表达⼀定要⽤⿊⾊签字笔或钢笔写在标准答题卡上指定区域,不要做在试卷上。
Paper OnePart I Listening comprehension(30%)Section ADirections: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversions between two speakers. At the end of each conversion, you will hear a question about what is said. The question willbe read only once. After you hear the question, read the four possible answers markedA, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on theANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following example.You will hear:Woman: I feel faint.Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day.Question: What’s the matter with the womanYou will read:A. She is sick.B. She was bitten by an ant.C. She is hungry.D. She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.Sample AnswerA B DCB. She needs a new purse.C. She’s going to give a birthday party.D. She wants to go shopping with her mom.2. A. She hears noises in her ears day and night.B. She has been overworking for a long time.C. Her right ear, hurt in an accident, is troubling her.D. Her ear rings are giving her trouble day and night.3. A. He’ll go to see Mr. White at 10:30 tomorrow.B. He’d like to make an earlier appointment.C. He’d like to cancel the appointment.D. He’d like to see another dentist.4. A. 8:00 B. 8:15 C. 8:40 D. 8:455. A. In a hotel. B. At a fast food bar.C. In the supermarket.D. In the department store.6. A. To resign right away.B.To work one more day as chairman.C.To think twice before he make the decision.D.To receive further training upon his resignation.7. A. She didn’t do anything in particular.B.She send a wounded person to the ER.C.She had to work in the ER.D.She went skiing.8. A. A customs officer. B. The man’s mother.C. A school headmaster.D. An immigration officer.9. A. It feels as if the room is going around.B.It feels like a kind of unsteadiness.C.It feels as if she is falling down.D.It feels as if she is going around.10. A. John has hidden something in the tree.B.John himself should be blamed.C.John has a dog that barks a lot.D.John is unlucky.11. A. The chemistry homework is difficult.B.The chemistry homework is fun.C.The math homework is difficult.12. A. His backache. B. His broken leg.C. His skin problem.D. His eye condition.13. A. Whooping cough, smallpox and measles.B.Whooping cough, chickenpox and measles.C.Whooping cough, smallpox and German measles.D.Whooping cough, chickenpox and German measles.14. A. Saturday morning. B. Saturday night.C. Saturday afternoon.D. Next weekend.15. A. He’s lost his notebook.B.His handwriting is messy.C.He’ll miss class latter this week.D.He cannot make it for his appointment.Section BDirections: In this section you will hear one conversion and two passages, after each of which, you will hear five questions. After each question, read the four possible answers marked A,B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on theANSWER SHEET.Conversation16. A. He is having a physical checkup.B.He has just undergone an operation.C.He has just recovered from an illness.D.He will be discharged from the hospital this afternoon.17. A. He got an infection in the lungs.B.He had his gallbladder inflamed.C.He was suffering from influenza.D.He had developed a big kidney tone.18. A. A lot better. B. Terribly awful.C. Couldn’t be better.D. Okay, but a bit weak.19. A. To be confined to a wheelchair.B.To stay indoors for a complete recovery.C.To stay in bed and drink a lot of water.D.To move about and enjoy the sunshine.20. A. From 4 pm to 6 pm. B. From 5 pm to 7 pm.C. From 6 pm to 8 pm.Passage One21. A. The link between weight loss and sleep deprivation.B.The link between weight gain and sleep deprivation.C.The link between weight loss and physical exercise.D.The link between weight gain and physical exercise.22. A. More than 68,000. B. More than 60,800.C. More than 60,080.D. More than 60,008.23. A. Sever-hour sleepers gained more weight over time than 5-hour ones.B.Five-hour sleepers gained more weight over time than 7-hour ones.C.Short-sleepers were 15% more likely to become obese.D.Short-sleepers consumed fewer calories than long sleepers.24. A. Overeating among the sleep-deprived.B.Little exercise among the sleep-deprived.C.Lower metabolic rate resulting from less sleep.D.Higher metabolic rate resulting from less sleep.25. A. Exercise every day. B. Take diet pills.C. Go on a diet.D. Sleep more.Passage Two26. A. She is too hard on me.B.She asks too many questions.C.She is always considerate of my feelings.D.She is the meanest mother in the neighborhood.27. A. A university instructor. B. A teaching assistant.C. A phD student.D. A psychiatrist.28. A. They usually say no.B.They usually say yes.C.They usually wait and see.D.They usually refuse to say anything.29. A. They are overconfident.B.Their brains grow too fast.C.They are psychologically dependent.D.Their brains are still immature in some areas.30. A. Be easy on your teen.B.Try to be mean to your teen.D.Don’t care about your teen’s feelings.Part II Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirections: In this section all the statements are incomplete, beneath each of which are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase that can bestcomplete the statement and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWERSHEET.31. A number of black youths have complained of being by the police.A. harassedB. distractedC. sentencedD. released32. He rapidly became with his own power in the team.A. irrigatedB. irradiatedC. streetlightD. torchlight33. Throughout his political career he has always been in the .A. twilightB. spotlightC. streetlightD. torchlight34. We that diet is related to most types of cancer but we don’t have definite proof.A. suspendB. superveneC. superviseD. suspect35. A patient who is dying of incurable cancer of the throat is in terrible pain, which can nolonger be satisfactorily .A. alleviatedB. abolishedC. demolishedD. diminished36. The television station is supported by from foundations and other sources.A. donationsB. pensionsC. advertisements37. More legislation is needed to protect the property rights of the patent.A. integrativeB. intellectualC. intelligent38. Officials are supposed to themselves to the welfare and health of the generalpublic.A. adaptB. confineC. commitD. assess39. You should stop your condition and do something about it.A. drawing onB. touching onC. leaning onD. dwelling on40. The author of the book has shown his remarkably keen into human nature.A. perspectiveB. dimensionC. insightD. reflectionSection BDirections: In this section each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined, beneath which are four words or phrase. Choose the word or phrase which canbest keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for theunderlined part. Then mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.41.The chemical was found to be detrimental to human health.A. toxicB. immuneC. sensitiveD. allergic42.It will be a devastating blow for the patient, if the clinic closes.A. permanentB. desperateC. destructiveD. sudden43.He kept telling us about his operation in the most graphic detail.A. verifiableC. preciseD. ambiguous44.The difficult case tested the ingenuity of even the most skillful physician.A. credibilityB. commitmentC. honestyD. talent45.He left immediately on the pretext that he had to catch a train.A. claimB. clueC. excuseD. talent46.The nurse was filled with remorse of not believing her .A. anguishB. regretC. apologyD. grief47.The doctor tried to find a tactful way of telling her the truth.A. delicateB. communicativeC. skillfulD. considerate48.Whether a person likes a routine office job or not depends largely on temperament.A. dispositionB. qualificationC. temptationD. endorsement49.The doctor ruled out Friday’s surgery for the patient’s unexpected complications.A. confirmedB. facilitatedC. postponedD. cancelled50.It is not easy to remain tranquil when events suddenly change your life.A. cautiousB. motionlessC. calmD. alertDirections: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank, there are four choice marked A, B, C and D listed on the right side. Choose the best answer andmark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Experts say about 1% of young women in the United States are almost starving themselves today. They are suffering from a sickness called anorexia.These young women have an abnormal fear of getting fat. They 51 starve themselves so they weigh at 15% less than their normal weight.The National Institute of Mental Health says one 52 ten cases of anorexia leads to serious medical problems. These patients can die from heart failure or the disease can lead young womento 53 themselves. For example, former gymnast Christy Henrich died at age 22. She weighed only61 pounds.A person with anorexia first develops joint and muscle problems. There is a lack of iron inthe blood. 54 the sickness progresses, a young woman’s breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure rates slow down. The important substance calcium is 55 from the bones, something causing bones to break. Sometimes the brain gets smaller, causing changes in 56 a person thinks and acts. Scientists say many patients have further mental and emotional problems. They have 57 opinions about themselves. They feel helpless. Their attempts to become extremely thin may 58 efforts to take control of their lives. They may become dependent on illegal drugs. Some people also feel the need to continually repeat a(n) 59 . For example, they may repeatedly wash their hands although their hands are clean.Anorexia is a serious eating 60 .If it is not treated on time, it can be fatal.51. A. specifically B. purposely C. particularly D. passionately52. A. from B. of C. at D. in53. A. kill B. starve C. abuse D. worsen54. A. When B. While C. As D. Since55. A. lost B. derived C. generated D. synthesized56. A. what B. why C. how D. which57. A. good B. high C. lower D. poor58. A. represent B. make C. present D. exert59. A. medication B. illusion C. motion D. action60. A. habit B. behavior C. disorder D. patternPart IV Reading Comprehension(30%)Direction:In this part there are six passages, each of which is followed by five questions. For each question there are four possible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the bestanswer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneChildren should avoid using mobile phones for all but essential calls because of possible health effects on young brains. This is one of the expected conclusions of an official government report to be published this week. The report is expected to call for the mobile phone industry to refrain from promoting phone use by children, and to start labeling phones with data on the amount of radiation they emit. The Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones, chaired by former government chief scientist William Stewart, has spent eight months reviewing existing scientific evidence on all aspects of the health effects of using mobile phones. Its report is believed to conclude that because we don’t fully understand the nonthermal effects of radiation on human tissue, the government should adopt a precautionary approach, particularly in relation to children.There is currently no evidence that mobile phones harm users or people living near transmitter masts. But some studies show that cell-phones operating at radiation levels within current safety limits do have some sort of biological effect on the brain.to environmental insults,” he says,“So if phones did prove to be hazardous——which they haven’t yet ——it would be sensible.”In 1998, Tattersall showed that radiation levels similar to those emitted by mobile phones could alter signals from brain cells in slices of rat brain, “What we’ve found is an effect, but we don’t know if it’s hazardous,” he says.Alan Preece of the University of Bristol, who found last year that microwaves increase reaction times in test subjects, agreed that children’s exposure would be greater. “There’s a lot less tissue in the way, and the skill is thinner, so children’s heads are considerably closer,” he says.Stewart’s report is likely to recommend that the current British safety standards on energy emissions from cell-phones should be cut to the level recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, which is one-fifth of the current British limit. “The extra safety factor of five is somewhat arbitrary,” s ays Michael Clark of the National Radiological Protection Board. “But we accept that it’s difficult for the UK to have different standards from an international body.”61. Just because it has not been confirmed yet whether mobile phone emissions can harm humantissue, according to the government report, does not mean that .A. the government should prohibit children from using cell-phonesB. we should put down the phone for the sake of safetyC. the industry can have a right to promote phone useD. children are safe using cell-phones62. Tattersall argues that it is wise to refrain mobile phone use by children in termsof .A. their neural developmentB. their ill-designed cell-phonesC. the frequency of their irrational useD. their ignorance of its possible health effects63. On the issue in question, Preece .A. does not agree with TattersallB. tries to remove the obstacles in the wayC. asks for further investigationD. would stand by Stewart64. What is worrisome at present is that the UK .A. is going to turn deaf ears to the voice of Stesart’s planB. finds it difficult to cut the current safety standards on phone useC. maintains different standards on safety limit from the international onesD. does not even impose safety limit on the mobile phones’ energy emissions65.Which of the following can bi the best candidate for the title of the passageA . Brain Wave B. For Adults OnlyC. Catch Them YoungD. The Answer in the AirPassage TwoAdvances in cosmetic dentistry and plastic surgery have made it possible to correct facial birth defects, repair damaged teeth and tissue, and prevent or greatly delay the onset of tooth decay and gum disease. As a result, more people smile more often and more openly today than ever in the past, and we can expect more smiles in the future.middle-class family members in formal portraits and domestic scenes appear to have their mouths firmly closed. Soldiers in battle, children at play, beggars, old people, and especially villains may have their mouths open; but their smiles are seldom attractive, and more often suggest strain or violence than joy.Smiles convey a wide range of meanings in different eras and cultures, says art historian Angus Trumble, currently curator(馆长)of Yale University’s Center for British Art, in his book A Brief History of the Smile. Compare, for instance, the varying impressions made by the shy dimples(酒窝)of Leonardo’s Mona Lisa; the rosy-cheeked, mustachioed Laughing Cavalier of Frans Hals; and the”Smiley Face”logo perfected(though not invented)in 1963 by American graphic artist Harvey .In some non-Western cultures, Trumble notes, even a warm, open smile does not necessarily indicate pleasure or agreement. It can simply be a polite mask to cover emotions considered too rude or shocking to bi openly displayed.Subtle differences in muscle movement can convey enormous differences in emotion, from the tranquility of bronze Buddhas, to the erotic bliss of couples entwined in stone on Hindu temples,to the fierce smirk(假笑)of a guardian demon at the entrance to a Chinese tomb.Trumble expects the impact of Western medicine and mass media to further increase the pressure on people to grin broadly and laugh openly in public.”Faint smiles are increasingly thought of in scientific and psychological circles as something that falls short of the true smile ,”and therefore suggest insincerity or lack of enthusiasm, he says.With tattooing, boby piercing, and permanent cosmetics already well established as fashion trends, one can imagine tomorrow’s beauty shops adding plastic surgeons and dentists to their staffs. These comer-store cosmeticians would offer style makeovers to reshape our lips, teeth, and jawlines to mimic the signature smile of one’s favorite celebrity.What can you say to that except” Have a nice day”66. Had it not been for cosmetic advances, as inferred from the passage, .A . people would not have been as happy as they are todayB. the rate of facial birth defect would not have declinedC . there would not have been many more open smilesD. we would not have seen smiling faces in public67. According to the passage, it seems that whether there is a smile or not in the portraits orpictures is decided by .A. one’s internal sense of the external worldB . one’s identity or social positionC . one’s times of existenceD . All of the above68. Trumble’s study on smiles shows that .A. an open smile can serve as a cover-upB . the famous portraits radiate varying smilesC. even the human muscles can arouse varying emotionsD. smiles can represent misinterpretations of different eras and cultures69. What Trumble expects to see is .A. the increasing tendency of broad grins and open smiles in publicB . further impact of Western medicine upon non-Western culturesC. a wider range of meanings to be conveyed by smilesD. more of sincerity and enthusiasm in public70 . At the end of the passage, the author implicates .C . future changes in life styleD . the future of smilesPassage ThreeAdolf Hitler survived an assassination attempt in 1944 with the lamp of penicillin made by the Allies, a microbiologist in the UK claims. If the Nazi leader had died from bacterial infection ofhis many wounds, the Second World War might have been over a year earlier, saving millions of lives, says Milton Wainwright of the University of Sheffield, a noted historian of microbiology.In a paper to be published soon in Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Wainwright reveals first-hand evidence that Hitler was treated with penicillin by his personal doctor, Theo Morrell, following an assassination attempt in which a bomb in a suitcase exploded next to Hitler’s desk. Hitler was badly hurt, fleeing the scene with his hair and trousers on fire, a badly bleeding arm and countless wooden splinter wounds from the oak table that probably saved his life.Wainwright found confirmation that Morrell gave Hitler antibiotics as a precaution in a recent translation of Morrell’s own diary. “I happened to be reading it for interest when the word penicillin jumped out at me,” he says. He then set about trying to establish where Morrell might have got the drug.At the time, penicillin was available only to the Allies. German and Czechoslovakian teams had tried without much success to make it, Wainwright says, but the small quantities that weresays Wainwright. available were weak and impure. “It’s generally accepted that it was no good,”He reasons that Morrell would only have risked giving Hitler penicillin to prevent infectionsif he were confident that the antibiotic would cure, not kill the German premier. “My research shows that Morrell, in a very dodgy(危险的) position as Hitler’s doctor, would only have used pure stuff.” And the only reliable penicillin was that made by the Allies. So where did Morrell getitWainwright’s investigations revealed that Allied airmen carried penicillin, so the Germans may have confiscated some from prisoners of war. The other more likely source is from neutral countries such Spain, which received penicillin from Allied countries for humanitarian purposes, perhaps for treating sick children.have proof the Allies were sending it to these countries,” says Wainwright. “I’m saying “Ithis would have got through in diplomatic bags, reaching Hitler’s doctor and the higher echelons(阶层)of the Nazi party. So this was almost certainly pure, Allied penicillin.”“We can never be certain it saved Hitler’s life,” says Wainwright. But he notes that one of Hitler’s henchmen(死党),Reinhard Heydrich, died from blood poisoning after surviving acar-bomb assassination attempt. “Hair from his seat went into his wounds and gave him septicemia,” says Wainwright. Morrell may have been anxious to ensure that Hitler avoided the same fate.71. According to Wainwright, Adolf Hitler .A. might have used biological weapons in the warB. could not have committed suicide as confirmedC. could have died of bacterial infectionD. might have survived a bacterial plague72. Following his assassination in 1944, Adolf Hitler .A. began to exercise precautions against his personal attacksB. was anxious to have penicillin developed in his countryC. received an jinjection of penicillin for blood poisoningD. was suspected of being likely to get infecteds personal doctor .73. As Wainwright reasons, H itler’A. cannot have dared to prescribe German-made penicillin to himB. need not have used pure antibiotic for his suspect infectionC. would have had every reason to assassinate himD. must have tried to produce penicillin74. Wainwright implies that the Third Reich .A. met the fate of collapse as expectedB. butchered millions of lives on the earthC. was severely struck by bacterial plaguesD. did have channels to obtain pure penicillin75.Which of the following can be the best title for the passageA.How Hitler Manage to Survive Assassination AttemptsB.Morrell Loyal to His German PrimierC.Hitler Saved by Allied DrugsD.Penicillin Abused in GermanPassage FourGet ready for a new kind of machine at your local gym: one that doesn’t involve huffing and puffing as you burn off calories. Instead, all you have to do is stand still for 30 seconds while the machine measures your body fat. It could then tell you exactly where you could do with losing afew pounds and even advise you on exercises for your problem areas. If the body fat scanner turns out to be accurate enough, its makers hope it could one day help doctors spot disease.The scanner works by simultaneously building up an accurate 3D image of the body, while measuring the body’s effect on an electromagnetic field. Combining the two measurements allows the researchers to work out the distribution of fat and water within. Neither method is new on itsown, says Henri Tapp, at the Institute of Food Research in Norwich in the UK. “The smart thing is that we’ve put them in one machine.”And it’s not just for gym users. The body fat scanner could be used to study fat deposition as children develop, while patients recover from injury, or during pregnancy. And since it uses radio waves rather than X-rays, Tapp’s device is safe to use repeatedly.Body shape is known to be a risk indicator for heart disease and diabetes. So accurately quantifying fat distribution could help doctors suggest preventive measures to patients before problems arise. At the moment, doctors estimate fat content from knowing body volume and water content. To a good approximation, says Tapp, anything that isn’t fat is water. The amount of water in the body is often measured by giving the subject a drink of water that contains a radioactive tracer. The level of tracer in the patient's urine after three hours reveals the total water volume.To find out a body’s volume, subjects are weighed while totally submerged in water, and thisis subtracted from their normal weight to give the weight of water displaced, and hence the subject’s volume. But it is scarcely practical for seriously ill people.There are other ways to directly measure body fat, such as passing a minuscule current between the wrists and feet. The overall fat content can then be estimated from the body’s resistance. But this method doesn’t take body shape into account ——so a subject with particularly skinny legs might register a higher fat content than the true value. That’s because skinny legs—with a lower cross-sectional area——will present higher resistance to current. So the machine thinks the water content of the body is lower——rating the subject as fatter. Also, the system can only give an overall measurement of fat.Tapp’s method uses similar calculations, but is more sophisticated because it tells you where you are piling on the pounds.76. The new machine is designed .A. to picture the body’s hidden fatB. to identify those at risk for obesityC. to help clinically treat specific casesD. to measure accurately risky obesity-related effects77. The beauty of the device, according to Tapp, is that .A. it performs a dual functionB. it is of great accuracy in measurementC. it has significant implications in clinical practiceD. it contributes to the evolution of human anatomy78.Which of the following, according to the passage, does the machine have the potential tospareA. A minuscule current.B. A radioactive tracer.C. A water tank.D. All of the above.79.In comparison with the techniques mentioned in the passage, the body fat scanner .A. quickens the pace of the patient’s rehabilitationB. is highly appreciated for its safetyC. features its measuring precisionD. is easy to operate in the clinic80.For scanning, all the subject has to do is .A. take up a form of workout in the gymB. turn round the body fat scannerC. lie on the electromagnetic fieldD. sand in the systemPassage FiveThere is currently abroad a new wave of appreciation for breadth of knowledge. Curricula at universalities and colleges and programs in federal agencies extol(赞扬) the virtues of a broad education. For scientists who work in specialized jobs, it is a pleasure to escape in our spare timeto read broadly in fields distant from our own. Some of us have made interdisciplinary study our occupation, which is no surprise, because much of the intellectual action in our society today liesat the interfaces between traditional disciplines. Environmental science is a good example, because it frequently requires us to be conversant in several different sciences and even some unscientific fields.Experiencing this breadth of knowledge is stimulating, but so is delving deeply into a subject. Both are wonderful experiences that are complementary practical and aesthetic(美学的)ways. They are like viewing the marvelous sculpture of knowledge in two different ways. Look at the sculpture from one perspective and you see the piece in its entirety, how its components connect to give it form, balance, and symmetry. From another viewpoint you see its detail, depth, and mass. There is no need to choose between these two perspectives in art. To do so would subtract fromthe totality of the figure.So it is with science. Sometimes we gaze through a subject and are reluctant to stop for too much detail. As chemists, we are fascinated by computer sciences or molecular genetics, but not enough to become an expert. Or we may be interested in an analytical technique but not enough to stay at its cutting edge. At other times, we become immersed in the detail of a subject and see its beauty in an entirely different way than when we browse. It is as if we penetrate the surface of the sculpture and pass through the crystal structure to the molecular level where the code for the entire structure is revealed.Unfortunately, in our zeal for breadth or depth, we often feel that it is necessary to diminishthe value of the other. Specialists are sometimes ridiculed with names such as “nerd”or “technocrats”, generalists are often criticized for being too “soft” or knowing too little about any one thing. Both are ludicrous(可笑的) accusations that deny a part of the reality of。
2009 2010 2011年宁波大学研究生第一学期英语期末考试答案
![2009 2010 2011年宁波大学研究生第一学期英语期末考试答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/20e61794b9d528ea81c779bb.png)
Part1:Vocabulary 2008/2009;2009/2010Section ADue to the destruction of refining capabilities by hurricanes, and an expectedly large decline in commercial oil reserves in recent days, the New York market, for the first time, closed on a price above 80 U.S. dollars per barrel on Sept. 13; and hit a new record in the history of nominal prices. As a matter of fact, oil prices have been rising since 2002 at a pace and with a lasting time rarely seen in "peace" time. So, what exactly is behind this round of price hikes?Firstly, an increasingly short supply of oil in the world is the fundamental cause. According to statistics from the British firm BP, the world has been demanding more oil than can be produced since 1981; and the case is still the same today. Currently, oil production in most countries has already or will soon go down - leaving less of a surplus to use - but at the same time, demand keeps increasing. The supply remains tight and prices keep soaring despite OPEC's decision to increase crude oil production by 500,000 barrels per day as of Nov. 1. With little price elasticity from both demand and supply, any trivial event will send prices skyrocketing.Secondly, short-term speculations on oil futures by large amounts of funding also drive prices up. A Citi report in May 2006 mentioned that U.S. commodity markets hold an average speculation volume of over 120 billion US dollars each month, chiefly coming from natural gas (30.3 billion dollars) and crude oil (30.1 billion dollars). The numerous speculation deals have a massive impact on oil futures prices considering the leverage effect of futures margin deals. With excessive liquidity worldwide, funds behind oil futures speculations will remain the same.Thirdly, the U.S. government's pursuit of a weak dollar policy in recent years has also contributed, to a certain degree, to the hike in oil prices. Almost all oil deals worldwide are priced in US dollars; and the dollar's devaluation puts on the pressure for higher oil prices. To maintain an income and purchasing power, raising prices has become a major strategy of OPEC members. According to studies, when the dollar devalues by 1 percent, it causes an oil price hike of the same degree. In addition, technical, meteorological and political elements also affect prices.It should be noted that although nominal oil prices hit one peak after another, actual prices still remained below historical records; and have a relatively limited impact on the world economy. It appears that the present world economic aggregate is much bigger than that during the oil crisis in the 1970s; but now countries are much stronger in their ability to macro-regulate. Developed countries, in particular, use energies less crazily. Therefore, high oil prices now have a much smaller impact on the world economy than in the past. 注:红色字体为2008/2009学年第1学期期末试卷的blank;绿色字体为2009/2010学年的blank;蓝色字体为重复blank。
宁波大学历年考研专业课初试真题硕士研究生入学考试专业课初试真题(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)科目代码:837 总分值:150 科目名称:英语教学论第 1 页共2 页(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)科目代码:837 总分值:150 科目名称:英语教学论入学考试试题(B卷) (答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目:英语教学论科目代码:837 适用专业: 学科教学(英语)1.In 1963, Edward Anthony proposed three hierarchical levels of language teaching methodology,approach, method and technique. Later on, Richards modified his model into approach, design and procedure. Please analyze the two models of language teaching methodology in three levels. Which one do you prefer? Give your accounts. (Written in English only)(30%)2.Task-based language teaching and total physical response are often used as language teachingmethods, but some linguists claim they are different in terms of approach, method and technique.Please show your ideas on TBLT and TPR: are t hey all methods, all approaches or…? ( Written in English only)(30%)3.According to Finocchiaro and Brumfit, please list at least 8 major features of communicativelanguage teaching. (Written in English only)(20%)4.如何理解广义任务派和狭义任务派。
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Sudan and Chad unless 2 actions are implemented, warns the institution behind the report.
“As the ready supply of healthy and productive land dries up and the population grows,
destructively intensive agriculture. The alarming 1 , which is forecast to continue as demand
for food and productive land increases, will add to the risks of conflicts such as those seen in
“To 4 the losses, the outlook suggests it is in all our interests to step back and rethink how we
are managing the pressures and the competition.” The Global Land Outlook is 5 as the most
multiple harvests and 7 use of agrochemicals have increased yields at the 8 of long-term
sustainability. If the past 20 years, agricultural production has increased threefold and the amount
A third of the planet’s land is severely degraded and fertile soil is being lost at the rate of 24bn
tonnes a year, according to a new United Nations-backed study that calls for a shift away from
competition is 3 for land within countries and globally,” said executive secretary of the UN
Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) at the launch of the Global Land Outlook.
of irrigated land has doubled, notes a paper in the outlook by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of
the European commission. Over time, however, this 9 fertility and can lead to abandonment of
land and 10 desertification.
A) absorb I) limited
B) abundant J) minimize
C) billed
K) occasionally D) decline L) optimizes
E) diminishes M) rate
F) expansion N) remedial
宁波大学 2020 年博士研究生招生考试初试试题(B 卷)
科目代码: 1201 总分值: 1lish
Directions: In this section, there is a passage with10 blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please write down the corresponding letter for each item on the Answer Sheet. (10×1=10
Text 1
Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following text. You may have heard that Coca-Cola once contained an ingredient capable of sparking
G) expense O) ultimately H) intensifying
Section II Reading Comprehension
Directions: Reading the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B,C or D and darken the letter you choose on the ANSWER SHEET. (20×2=40 points)
comprehensive study of its type, mapping the interlinked impacts of urbanization, climate change,
erosion and forest loss. But the biggest factor is the 6 of industrial farming . Heavy tilling,