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Scene recognition for mine rescue robot localizationbasedon vision

Abstract:A new scene recognition system was presented based on fuzzylogicand hiddenMarkov model(HMM) that can be appliedin mine rescue robotlocalization duringemergencies.The system uses monocular camerato acquire omni-directional images of themine environmentwhere therobotlocates. By adopting center-surrounddifference method, thesalient local image regions areextracted from the images asnatural landmarks. These landmarksare organized byusingHMMto representthescenewhere the robot is, andfuzzy logicstrategy i susedto match the scene and landmark. By thisway, the localiz ationproblem, which isthe scene recognition problemin the system, canbe converted into theevaluation problem of HMM.The contributions of these skillsmake the systemhave the ability to deal with changes in scale, 2Drotationand viewpoint.The results of experiments also prove that thesystem has higherratioof recognitionand localizationinboth staticand dynamic mine environments.

Keywords:robotlocation;scenerecognition;salient image; matching strategy;fuzzy logic; hiddenMarkov model


Search and rescueindisaster area in the domainof robot is a burgeoningand challenging subject[1]. Minerescue robot wasdeveloped to enter mines duringemergencies to locate possible escape routes for thosetrapped insideand determine whether it is sa fe for human to enter or not. Localizationis a fundamental problemin this field. Localization methods based oncamera can be mainlyclassified into geometric, topologicalor hybrid ones[2]. Withits feasibility and effectiveness,scenerecognition becomes one ofthe important technologies of topological locali zation.

Currently mostscenerecognitionmethods are basedo nglobal image features andhave two distinct stages: training offlineand matchingonline.

During the training stage, robotcollects the images of the environment where it works andprocessestheimages to extra ctglobal features that representthe scene. Some approaches were used toanalyze the data-set of image directlyand some prim ary features were found,suchas thePCA method [3].However,thePCA methodis noteffectivein distinguishingthe classes of features. Another typeof approach uses appearancefeaturesincludingcolor, texture andedge density to represent the image.For example,ZHOU et al[4] used multidimensional histograms to describe global appearancefeatures.This methodissimple butsensitive to scale and illuminationchanges. In fact,all kinds of globalimage features are sufferedfrom the changeof environment.
