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Improving sentences: (15 minutes)

1.Flying for the first time, the roar of the jet engines frightened the baby, and he

started crying as the plane roared down the runway.

A.the roar of the jet engines frightened the baby, and he

B. the roar of the jet engines frightening the baby, and he

C. the roar of the jet engines had frightened the baby, and he

D. the baby was frightened by the roar of the jet engines and

E. the baby was frightened by the roar of the jet engines, but he

2.Exposed to the extremely long and severe cold spell, frost soon killed the buds of the

plum trees and they did not produce fruit last season.

A.frost soon killed the buds of the plum trees and they did not produce fruit last


B. soon the buds of the plum trees killed by frost, and therefore not producing fruit

last season

C. the buds of the plum trees were soon killed by frost, they did produce fruit last


D. fruit was not produce by the plum trees last season because their buds had been

killed by frost

E.the buds of the plum trees were soon killed by frost, and the trees did not

produce fruit last season.

3.Environmental scientists are very concerned about dangerous fluorocarbons, found

in pressurized aerosol cans which quicken the erosion of the ozone layer.

A.about dangerous fluorocarbons, found in pressurized aerosol cans which quicken

the erosion of the ozone layer

B.that, while emitting dangerous fluorocarbons, pressurized aerosol cans quicken

the erosion of the ozone layer.

C.about the erosion of the ozone layer caused by pressurized aerosol cans emitting

dangerous fluorocarbons

D. that pressurized aerosol cans emit dangerous fluorocarbons, which quicken the

erosion of the ozone layer

E.When, quickening the erosion of the ozone layer, pressurized aerosol cans emit

dangerous fluorocarbons

4.The plaque was presented to the actor that was engraved with gold letters.

A.The plaque was presented to the actor that was engraved with gold letters

B.The plaque that was presented to the actor engraved with gold letters

C.The plaque was presented to the actor who was engraved with gold letters

D.The plaque, engraved with gold letters, and presented to the actor

E.The plaque presented to the actor was engraved with gold letters

5.Driving to Las Vegas freezing rain made the road slippery and hazardous.

A.Driving to Las Vegas,

B.While we drove to Las Vegas

C.En route to Las Vegas

D.To drive to Las Vegas

E.We drove to Las Vegas

6.By investigating the empty space between planets, it is hoped by astronomers to

achieve greater insight into the composition of stars and planetary systems.

A.it is hoped by astronomers to achieve greater insight

B.it is hoped that astronomers’ insight will be more greatly achieved

C.the insight of astronomers will be achieved more greatly, hopefully

D.the hope is for astronomers to achieve greater insight

E.astronomers hope to achieve greater insight

7.Acting on information from an anonymous informant, a cache of stolen cars and

guns were seized by the police during an attack on a local nightclub early yesterday morning.

A. a cache of stolen cars and guns were seized by the police

B. a cache of stolen cars and guns was seized by the police

C.there was a cache of stolen cars and guns were seized by the police

D.the police would seize a cache of stolen cars and guns

E.the police seized a cache of stolen cars and guns

8.Nominated for vice president of the United States in 1884-1888, and frontier

feminist, is Marietta Stow, endorsing protection of widows’ rights and racial equality.

A.and frontier feminist, is Marietta Stow, endorsing protection

B.thus frontier feminist Marietta Stow is endorsing protection

C.Marietta Stow, a frontier feminist, endorsed protection

D.which is Marietta Stow, who had endorsed the protecting

E. a frontier feminist, Marietta Stow, who endorsed protection

9.While trimming her forsythia bush, an overgrown mass of vegetation that had just

begun to flower, an annoyed bumblebee stung poor Mrs. Bennett on the nose.

A.an annoyed bumblebee stung poor Mrs. Bennett on the nose

B.there was an annoyed bumblebee that stung poor Mrs. Bennett on her nose

C.poor Mrs. Bennett’s nose was stung by an annoyed bumblebee

D.poor Mrs. Bennett was stung on the nose by an annoyed bumblebee

E.poor Mrs. Bennett was stung on her nose from an annoyed bumblebee

10.After listening to the sonata’s first moveme nt, which sounded like confusion of every

bad tune I had ever heard, the second movement astonished me with its delicacy and originality.

A.the second movement astonished me with its delicacy and originality

B.to my astonishment, the second movement had delicacy and originality

C.the second movement was astonishingly delicate and original

D.I was astonished by the delicacy and originality of the second movement

E.the delicacy and originality of the second movement astonished me
