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1. 申请学校

apply for 申请 business degree 商学院学位 pay your own way 自己支付各种费用 registration 注册

public school 公立学校 private school 私立学校 religious school 教会学校

2. 课程方面:

Term/semester 学期 optional course选修课 required course必修课class permit 听课证

Day course 白天的课 Evening course 晚上的课 prerequisite course预修课程 preliminary course 预备课程

description 描述 catalog 目录 bulletin 公告 such a heavy load 负担很重 drop a course退修课程

Chinese 中文 English 英语 mathematic 数学 history 历史 chemistry 化学 Literature 文学

Chapter章节 experiment试验presentation/speech 课堂发

言 take notes记笔记 make inquiry查询

Make progress取得进步 fall behind退步 improve 提

高 Call on点名learn from向…学习

attend / have a lecture 上课 cut / skip a class 逃课 miss a class 错过了课 Briefing简报

scholarship 荣誉奖学金 assistantship 助教奖学金 teaching assistant 助教 research assistant 助研

barely stay awake 几乎不能保持清醒 complicated 复杂 extra copies 多余的篇子 informative 信息量大

punctual/prompt不迟到 make out/recognize handwriting 辨认笔记

run over time/late不早退,常拖堂be lost/be all at sea /in the dark听不懂

figure out/make sense/catch/follow words听

懂 drop off/doze off打瞌睡

keep watching the clock,keep counting the time 一直看时

间 be based on the lecture/notes考笔记

3. 关于论文/作业:

Paper/essay论文article文章research report论文文章学习报告 mission/assignment 任务

Reading assignment阅读作业 topic话题theory理论 a copy of 一份

Paragraph, typing errors, correct段落打印错误纠

正 Rewrite重写 revise 修订

Proofread, be through with, polish仔细校对完成润

色 intensively 精细地 character 人物角色

quality paper 好纸 get it published 出版 cover a few chapters 涉及了几个章节

selectively 有选择地 chapter by chapter 一章一章地 read through 从头到尾地读 plot 情节


Mid-term exam期中考试 final exam (finals)期末考试 test阶段考试 pop test 事先没有说好的测验 oral test 口试 Quiz随堂考试 credit学分 score 分数 A full mark满分 fail不及

格 pass通过 make up 补考

Draw near/ draw on / in sight

of, nervous, restless go over, review迫近紧张复习

Stay up/burn the midnight oil, put off/postpone, bring sb up t o date熬夜延期赶上功课

two sleepless nights 两天两夜没睡觉 be through with 结束,完成 release 发布(分数)

考试取消 be off / hold up 考试延期/ be off / defer / postpone / put off / suspend

nervous 紧张的 contest 比赛 calm 平静的 contestant 参赛选手

a large audience 一大群观众 talk of the town 镇上谈论的焦点 shaking all over 浑身发抖

not a big deal 不是什么大不了的事情 beyond me 超出我的理解范围

count for 50% of your score 占成绩50% take attendance 点

名elementary 基本intermediate 中等advanced 优秀

take-home exam开卷考试 class discussion 班级讨论 workshop研讨会 seminar研讨会


Strict, punctual, fascinating/interesting严格准时有趣
