2. 外贸英语函电考核大纲

课程名称:外贸英语函电课程代码:EE3003计划学时: 52 学分: 3课程性质:必修、考试面向专业:国际贸易专业、国际物流专业课程负责人:陈科生课程授课老师:陈科生、贺锋,闫彩霞一.考核大纲说明《外贸英语函电》主要考核学生以下方面:了解撰写外贸英语函电的基本要求,懂得外贸英语函电的构成、构式和文体特点,掌握外经贸业务中的常用术语及习惯表达法,正确理解并能熟练草拟、翻译(双向)主要业务环节中的往来英语函电。

营销师考证(三级)考前复习——函电部分题1 询价函我方收到贵方2000年2月2日函及随函所附有关五种机械的图纸。
Dear Sirs,(注意此处用逗号)We are very pleased to receive your letter of Feb.2,2000 and the enclosed drawings of five types of machines. (5种机械的图纸)We would greatly appreciate it if you could supply us with the necessary information about the details of the machines’ prices, discounts, term of payment and the earliest delivery time.(合同条款)Meanwhile, if the quotation is favorable and the quality proves high, we’d invite your representative to come over to discuss the matter with us.We are looking forward to your reply.Yours faithfully,(此处的逗号勿忘)题2 询价函本公司有意大量购买各型号钢螺钉(steel screws),欲知每公斤运抵英国利物浦的成本加运费价格(CFR)。

二、考试要求1. 掌握国际商务的基本概念、原理和规则;2. 熟悉国际商务环境,包括政治、经济、文化等方面的情况;3. 具备国际商务组织、贸易、投资、技术转让等方面的实际操作能力;4. 能够运用相关理论和方法分析解决国际商务实际问题。
三、考试内容1. 国际商务环境分析:包括政治、经济、文化等方面的基本情况,以及国际商务环境的变化对国际商务活动的影响;2. 国际商务组织:包括国际商务组织的类型、特点、组织结构、运作方式等方面的内容;3. 国际贸易:包括国际贸易的基本概念、贸易政策、贸易规则、贸易方式等方面的内容;4. 国际金融:包括国际金融市场、国际金融组织、国际货币体系等方面的内容;5. 国际投资:包括国际投资的概念、投资环境、投资方式、投资风险等方面的内容;6. 国际技术转让:包括技术转让的概念、方式、风险、知识产权等方面的内容。
五、备考建议1. 全面掌握国际商务的基本概念和原理,熟悉相关的规则和操作程序;2. 关注国际商务环境的变化,了解相关政策和规则的变化对国际商务活动的影响;3. 注重实际操作能力的培养,多进行案例分析和模拟操作;4. 加强对国际贸易、国际金融、国际投资等领域的深入学习和理解;5. 注重平时的积累和总结,提高解题速度和准确性。

国际商务英语函电国际商务英语函电--International Business Correspondence Chapter 1A Genneral Enquiry and Its Reply Dear Sirs,Your firm has been recommended to us by the Haier Electrics Company,with whom we have done business for many years.We are intrested in your slectric typewriters for use in offices and shall be glad if you will send us acopy of your illustrated catalogue and cuurent price list.We are awaiting your prompt reply.Yours sincerely Susan Bloc Manager(A Reply)Dear Ms.Bloc,We welcome you for your enquiry of Feb.1 and thank you for your interest in our commodities.We are enclosing some copies of our illustrated catalogues and aprice list giving the details you asked for.We trust that you will agree that our products and price appeal to the most selective buyer.And we also allow aproper discount according to the quantity ordered.Thank you again for your interest in our products.We are loking forward to your order and you may be assured that it will receive our prompt and careful attention.Yours trul y,Li Ming Export Manager Useful Expressions 1.As we are in the market for.,we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotations.我方意欲购买.,如能报最优价,不胜感激。

EstablishingBusiness Relations句型1信息来源: 我们从………处得知………通过………..我们了解到………1、We learn your company from the Internet that you are one of the leading manufacturers in this line.我们从网上了解到贵公司是这一行业的主要生产商之一。
2、We owe your name and address from the Journal of Commerce.我们从《商业日报》得知贵公司的名称和地址。
3、Having had /obtained the name and address of your company from ABC trading Company ,we know that you deal in textiles.通过ABC贸易公司的介绍,我们得知贵公司的名称和地址,并获悉你方经营纺织品。
•We owe your name and address to the Chamber of Commerce in your country who has informed us that you are in the market for silk product.•承蒙贵国商会的介绍,我们得知贵公司想要购买丝绸制品。
•We owe your name and address to the Chamber of Commerce in your country, through whom we learned that you are in the market for silk product.我们从中国企业名录获得的你方地址。
•We have obtained your address in the China Business Directory.•我们从这里的中国商会得知,贵方生产丝制产品。


函电期末复习资料PARTIWe take pleasure in informing you that the captioned L/C / Letter of credit No.3524 issued by the Bank of New Wales has duly arrived/has just been received.We have received with thanks/pleasure your L/C No.451 for US$...Your L/C No.87 has been duly received with thanks.Thank you for your L/C No.2168 for the amount of $56,000 covering 1000 metric tons of Groundnut Kernels F.A.Q 2005 crop.Thanks for your credit N0.12 covering 3,000 dozen pyjamas.PARTIIOn checking, we find some discrepancies. Please make the following amendments:Upon perusal, we found some points that don’t conform to the terms in the S/C, and would therefore request you to make the following amendments:On examining the L/C carefully,/On going though the clauses, we regretfully find that serveral/certain points are not in conformity with the stipulations in our Contract No…. Please/ Kindly make amendments as follows:PART III…… should be….., instead of …….………is to be….., instead of …….……Should be …. rather than………………should be … not ………..should read “………” (quotation)是……. should be amended to “…………”…….. should be added to “…… ….”The amount both in figures and in words should respectively be/read: “$5000 and Say US Dollars five thousand Only”.Delete …… and replace them by ……Delete …... from …… and put in …Increase …… from …… to ……Reduce … to …Add the wording “………” to ……Add the clause “………………. ”Amend the clause “………” to read “ ……… ”Amend …… to allow/as allowing ……Am end …… to read “……”Amend “CIF” to read “CFR”.Add the clause “The Sellers are allowed to load 5% more or less based on the original unit price and to negotiate in excess of the credit amount.”商议垫付Amend “ 90% of the invoice value” to read “full invoice value”.Amend the clause “Partial shipments and transshipment are prohibited” to read “Partial shipments are allowed. Transshipment is prohibited.”Please amend the credit to allow shipment / as allowing transshipment.PARTIVWe look forward to/are awaiting your early amendments.We look forward to receiving the relevant amendment at an early date and thank you in advance for your cooperation.We hope the L/C amendments will reach us as early as possible.As the stipulated time of shipment is drawing near, please make the requested amendments to the L/C as soon as possible so that we can effect shipment in time.We hope you’ll send us your amendment advice without any delay so as to enable us to effect shipment in time.Patterns conerned with packing:Packing instructions (requirements)Sales packing Packing list Export packingDesignated packing Inner/outer packingLarge/small packingFaulty/ improper /insecure /packingAdequate/suitable /appropriateThis is to inform you th at …This is to advise that …This is to acknowledge….This is to announce that …This is to certify that… 兹This is to introduce ourselves to…用……包装”be wrapped/packed in ………用……装, 每件装多少”in …… of …… eachin …… , each containing …. .i n ……, each consisting of……Our cotton prints are packed in cases lined with 6-ply kraft paper and water proof/damp-resistant plastic sheets, each consisting of 30 pcs(50 yards per piece) in one design with 5 color ways equally assorted.Each pair of Nylon socks is packed in a decorative polybag , 12 pairs to a box, 50 boxes to a carton, 500 cartons in a 20’ FCL container.…to …and…to…The green tea under the captioned contract should be packed in international standard tea boxes of 5 grams each , 24 boxes to a carton, 50 cartons on a pallet, 20 pallets in an 40’FCL container.The quality of your Ginseng wine is fine, but its packing is rather poor.Bottles are subjected/susceptible to breakage and paper boxes are very thin.Please put each bottle in a foam plastic casing and then in a thicker paper box for future orders, otherwise , we shall be compelled to give up this business.Each TV-set is to be wrapped/packed in a plastic-film bag fixed with hard fermented plastic padding, and then put in a carton. Outside, it is to be strengthened by nylon straps.reinforced/strengthened/secured 箍Barcode hangtag desiccantSilicon gelPatterns conerned with INSURANCEinsurance agent/brokerinsurance amountinsurance certificate/policyinsurance endorsement 批单insurance premiuminsurance claiminsurance companyinsurance coverageinsurance ridermarine insurance CICto effect insuranceto arrange insuranceto cover insuranceto provide insuranceto take out insurance/cover按照110%的发票金额For 110% of the invoice cost.For/at 110% of the invoice value/costFor/at 10% over/above the invoice value.For/at invoice value plus 10%.① cover WPA/FPA/All Risks and War Risk with an insurance company.Insure WPA/FPA/against All Risks and against War Risk with an company.LossWith Particular Average WPAFree from Particular Average FPA单独海损部分损失(PA GA )② cover/effect insurance FPA/WPA/against All Risks on the goods.③cover/ insure the goods FPA/WPA/ against All Risks“To be covered by …… for 110% of the invoicevalue against……as per and subject to……”To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value WPA and against Breakage as per and subject to relevant Ocean Marine Cargo Clauseof the China Insurance Clause of January 1st, 1981. {If other /broader/widercoverage or an additional insurance amount is required, the Buyers must havethe consent of the sellers before shipment, and the additional/extra premiumis to be borne by the Buyers.Patterns conerned with INSURANCE① 某年某月装运 During / In + 月份 + 年份(先写月,后写年)如:During January 2005 In October 2003During July/August 2003 in two lotsBefore 15 May 2005 Before April 25,2006By the end of November 2005Per/by steamer/vessel during April 2007② 转船/分装with transshipment at/via ……to be transshipped at ……In May 2003 with transshipment at CopenhagenDuring March/ April in two equal monthly shipments, to betransshipped at Hong Kong.During October/November/December 2002, with partial shipments and transshipment allowed.During December 2004, allowing partial shipments and transshipmentTo be effected on or before May 31, allowing partial shipments and transshipmentTo be effected/made not later than 31st January, 2004, allowing partial shipments and transshipmentTransshipment not allowed/ not permitted/ prohibited③ 分批装运说明分几批、是否等量、相隔时间、何时开始In …… equal weekly/monthly/quarterly installments, beginning from…….Shipments/lots/consignments/cargoesstart/commence/begin fre.g. In three equal monthly installments beginning from Junein four equal monthly installments beginning from September with transshipments at Hong kong.During January/February 2005 in two about equal lots.分两批大约平均装运During March/June in four equal monthly lotsIn three shipments of 20 tons each, commencing from OctoberIn three shipments of 100 tons each during June, July and August During January 2003, in one or two lots preferably by direct steamerTo be effected not later than Feb. 28th 2005 in 3 equal lots of 100 tons each starting from Sept. 2004 , each every two months with transshipment prohibited.lodge a claim against/with sb on … for sth…file a claim against sb for sth.Raise/ Put in/register/make a claim against sb for sth.to claim ( a compensation of ) …from sb for sth.claim on sb for sthe.g. We reserve the right to claim compensation from you for any damage.We claimed on the shipping company for the recovery of the loss.make/lodge/lay/file a complaint against sb ..Make/lodge/lay/file a complaint against sb.with a department about sth .Lodge a claim against/with sb on… for …MakeRegisterFileRaisePut incomplain to sb of sth.They complained to us of poor packing .The buyers complained to the seller of the excessive moisture contained in the minerals.单价 Unit Price表达方式: At …… per … CIF….完整的单价包括:①货币的缩写字母、货币的符号②金额③数量单位④贸易术语如: At HK$ 3.5 per yard CIFC2% SingaporeAt US$58 per unit CIF New YorkAt FF5 per dozen CFR NingboAt CA$30.0 per carton CIF Vancouver总值 Total ValueTotal Value: Say ………………… OnlyUS$23,263.68 (Say Total US Dollars Twenty-three Thousand Two Hundred And Sixty-three And Cents/Points Sixty-eight Only.)支付条款 Terms of PaymentTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight By sight L/CBy 100% confirmed, irrevocable, without recourse, transferable and divisible L/C in favor of the Sellers, available/payable by draft at sight upon/against presentation of shipping documents, to reach the Sellers 30 days/a month before/preceding/prior to the date/month/time of shipment and to remain valid for negotiation in China till the 15th day after the final date of shipment.词组翻译:Revolving L/c non-negotiable sea waybillStand-by L/C in quadruplicate color assortmentoffer without engagement meet one’s commitmentsbook a repeat order documents of titleIssuing bank/opening/establishingAdvising/informing/notifying bankConfirming bank Draw a 60 days’draft on…Draw a 60 d/s bill on…Chambers of commerceChinese commercial counsellor’s 0fficeEnter into an agency agreementIn compliance with your requestArouse/evoke one’s interestConclude/strike a bargainFinancial standingSharp en one’s competitive edgeTake the liberty of …Be lined with 内衬…By separate airmailBy express airmailIn this connectionEnquiry agencyFor safety’s sakebe specialized instraight B/Lproforma invoicein strict confidencefinancial and credit standingunder separate covercover note 暂保单offer without engagementcontractual obligationbook a repeat orderin receipt ofreceive one’s attentioncover one’s requirementsout of stock particular /genereal averageavailable from stock out of stockin your favor meet with great favorcompare favorably with on the understanding thatcommand a ready market in strict/full/exact conformity withsee one’s way to draw on sb. for sth.in every respect draw a 60 days’ draft on … for …Blank Endorsement / bearer endorsementfull endorsement / order endorsementpartial shipments compromise proposalintegrity and ability 资信in consideration ofexpedite the relevant L/ceffect shipment illustrated/classified catalogueset forth a 60 d/s bill payment by installmentin question firm offer Outstanding order back orderrepeat order free sample Non-negotiable documents cash against delivery at your earliest conveniencerescind the contract refund the storage chargesin advance/in anticipation go through the necessary formalitiesthe deadline for booking shipping spaceby return airmail find a ready market forin question with the least possible delayfor one’s records/fileserve as a precedentpay by installmentsenjoy priority inat regular intervalscome into one’s possession adhere to customary practiceillustrated catalogue pro-rata shipmentsa 60 d/s bill Confirmed L/Cparticular average financial standingbearer endorsement Non-negotiabledocumentsrepeat ordershipping documentsset forth by speed courier service for one’s records/filetacit understanding 默契 pro-rata shipments a 60 d/s billfinancial and credit standing in exact accordance withenjoy favorable reception book one’s ordernet price clean B/L wooden casesmarket economy Combined bill of ladingto meet one’s requirements to enquire for Invoice value irrevocable L/C documents against payment issuing bank opening bank shipping advice insurance policy fulfill contract履行合同 insurance premium保险费 validity形式发票截止时期舱位倒签提单贷记通知索款通知冒昧特快邮寄精湛的工艺适合海运的包装商务参赞处带插图的目录形式发票卸货港平安险装运单据即期汇票惯例成本运费价申请出口许可证中性包装共同海损资信状况特快邮寄循环信用证领事发票进口许可证支付条款截止时期海关发票保兑行形式发票销售确认书答应某人的要求支付款项提货在规定的时间内与---完全一致适中价格一式两份尽可能提前按照当时的兑换率仓至仓条款为自己的利益;自负盈亏按照相同的意思一式五份 in quintuplicate 没有库存out of stock唛头shipping mark 定金down payment启航 set sail信汇 mail transfer 实盘irrevocable offer /firm offer还盘 counter offer 即装 for prompt shipment试订Trail order 代理行,往来行correspondent保兑行 confirming bank 装箱单packing list签订合同sign a contract 以…为条件 subject to目的港 port of destination 稳定需求steady demand商业发票commercial invoice运费已付freight prepaid与。
国际商务函电Chapter one

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考核能力要求 1.能够遵循正确、具体、清晰、完整、礼貌、体贴、简洁等外贸英语函电写作原则, 掌握常用信函格式和标准信函结构; 2.能够掌握国际贸易术语、专业句型习惯表达方法,熟悉外贸合同、信用证条款,了 解外贸英语函电语言的发展状况; 3.能够熟练处理建立业务联系、询盘、报盘、还盘、订货、成交、付款、信用证、包 装、装运、保险、投诉与索赔、代理等外贸英语函电各项环节的具体业务,运用书面 英语与客户有效交流,实现不同交易环节的业务目的; 4.能够利用巧妙的写作技巧,在贸易谈判中有礼、有据、有利,立足长远,促成交易, 实现利润最大化。 考试形式 学生最终成绩由平时成绩、期末考试成绩二部分组成。平时成绩由学生的出勤、课堂 表现、作业组成。期末考试采取闭卷笔试形式。 成绩测评方法 总评成绩采用百分制按如下比例评定:平时成绩(出勤=10分、课堂表现=10分、作业 =30分)占总评成绩的50%;期末考试成绩占总评成绩的50%。
International Business Correspondences (English for Business Communication)
主讲教师:杜顺 主讲教师: E-mail: dushun@
communication---an Chapter 1 Written communication--an overview Chapter 2 Establishment of Business Relations Chapter 3 Inquiries and replies Chapter 4 Making Quotations & Offers Chapter 5 Counteroffers & Declining Orders Chapter 6 Acceptance & Orders
第一篇:国际商务函电复习题1.We learn from your Chamber of Commerce that you are in the market for ChineseTeapots.我们从贵国商会获悉你方想要购买中国茶具。
2.We hope you'll take this opportunity to expand your export.我们希望你方能够利用这一良机扩大出口3.We are airmailing you under separate cover our latest pricelist and catalogue. 现另航寄送我公司最新的价目表和目录4.从贵国驻我国大使馆商务参赞处获悉,你们是一家信誉良好的纺织品进口商。
6.在我国对优质食糖有大量的需求7.Dear sir or MadamWe have refer to your bank by Messrs.Smith Co place done about/vegavding cvedit appciated give which/that with contidenceWe are glad to inform you that you “panda”brand color TV sets have found a good market here 欣告近来你“熊猫”牌彩色电视机在我方市场很畅销We sill appveciate it if you can us the latest prilelist and sample books for our vefevence 如能寄来最新价目单和样本供我方参考,不胜感激Only the goods fine in quality but can intevest our customer只有质优价廉的产品才能吸引我方客户The offer is firm, subject to your confirmation reaching us before March本报盘为实盘,以你方的确认于三月五日前到达我方条件Relative samples and quotations were sent to you by separate airmail yesterday. 有关样品及报价已于昨日另航你方In view of your being our old customers,we agree to supply the goods at your price. 鉴于你是我们的老客户,我们同意按你方的价格供货We are offeving-the cavpioned goods without engagement as follows –关于标题商品,我们现报无约束力的发盘如下:If you have no dispute after receiving the sample it soon so that we can arrange production收到样品后,如无异议,请尽快确认以便我们安排生产We are acknowledging/in offering shipment inform you sales cost reduce market send,give ,showA reasonable reduction in price will at trace more cusstorner to order价格上的合理减让将会吸引更多的客户订购As your price is too high. We have to cancle the deal由于你方价格过高,我们不得不取消这笔交易It is hope that you can see your望设法按老价格接受我方订单,因为现价将使我们无利可图We veqvet that we can’t accept your counter-offer as our quotation for buttons is in line with the current market抱歉不能接受你们的还盘,因我方纽扣的报价与当前的市场行情相符As the price of raw matevids has been rising we regert that we can’t meet your requirement of a further price reduction由于原料价格不断上涨,歉难满足你方再次降价的要求There is every indication that the market will decline soon please further consider out counter-offer种种迹象表明近期行情将会下跌,望重新考虑我方还盘。

研究生presentation 及seminar 的机会更是占很大的比重,有些甚至占学期成绩很大比例。
通常论文由篇首(Preliminaries),本文(Texts)以及参考资料(References)三部分构成;而这三大部分各自内容如下:(一) 篇首:封面(Title)序言(Preface)谢词(Acknowledge)提要(Summary)目录(Tables and Appendixes)(二) 本文:引言(Introduction)主体,含篇(Part)、章(Chapter)、节(Section) 、以及注释(Footnotes)(三)参考资料:参考书目(References or Bibliography)附录资料(Appendix)。
构思为确定写作大纲或Proposal 的先前步骤,大纲是论文、报告的骨干,Proposal 是研究的架构、流程及范围的说明书。

2. Types of packing
1) outer packing also known as transport packing, is done mainly to keep the goods safe and sound during transportation. 2) inner packing also known as small packing or sales packing, is done mainly to push sales. It can be realized in various forms and with different materials as long as it is nice to look at, easy to handle and helpful to the sales.
Sales Function Promotional Function
2. Secondary Functions
Service Function Guarantee Function
3 Tertiary Functions
1) Additional Function Particularly relate to the extent to which the packaging materials or packaging containers may be reused once the package contents have been used. The most significant example is the recycling of paper, paperboard and cardboard packaging as waste paper.

⏹第一、词汇互译(20个10分)⏹第二、选择(30分)⏹第三、介词填空(10分)⏹第四、句子互译(25分)⏹第五、信函填词(10分)⏹第六、情景写作(15分)一.词汇部分1.询盘enquiry 具体询盘Specific enquiry 一般询盘General enquiry对某产品询盘make an enquiry for sth给某人发某产品的盘make sb. an offer for sth接受/谢绝报盘to accept/decline an offer2. 实盘firm offer实盘是发盘人在一定期限愿按所提条件达成交易的肯定表示。
实盘的表达法:The offer is firm(good/open/valid) for 3 days.发盘有效期为3天。
The offer is firm(good/open/valid) until October 5.发盘10月5号之前有效。
The offer is firm subject to your reply by 5 p.m., our time, Friday, October 3.10月3日星期五我方当地时间下午5点前收到你方答复为准。
3. 虚盘non-firm offer:是发盘人所作的非承诺性的表示。
虚盘的表达:Subject to our final confirmation以我方最后确认为准Subject to the goods being unsold以货物未售为有效Subject to prior sales以先售为条件quotation & offer前者一般只包括price, commodity, quantity而后者还包括specification, packing, shipment, payment。
所以前者称为报价,而后者称为报盘4. 产品目录Product catalogue5. 价格单Price list/sheet6.保留/参考/免费样品retained sample/ sample for reference/free sample ; sample free of charge7.图文并茂的目录illustrated catalogueif you are interested, we will send you a sample and illustrated catalogue free of charge.8. 商会Chamber of Commerce9.向…开汇票Draw a draft on sb.10.即期汇票Sight draft11.60天远期汇票Draft at 60 days’ sight12.分期付款payment by installment13.货到付款cash on delivery (COD)14.预付款Pay in advance15.下订金Down payment16.进/出口许可证Import/export license17.申请出口许可证apply for an Export License18.不可议付的单据non-negotiable documents19.财务状况/资信financial standing/credit and reputation20.没有库存out of stock21.有库存in stock22.适中的/合适的/可行的价格at moderate/reasonable/workable price23.物美价廉high quality, low price24.一式两份in duplicate25.一式三份In triplicate26.一式……份in…copies27.单独海损particular average28.共同海损General average29.水渍险With particular average (WPA)30.一切/战争险All Risks/ War Risk31.仓至仓条款warehouse to warehouse clause(W/W clause)32.执行订单Fulfill/execute/honor an order33.未完成订单backlog/back order34.适合海运的包装packing suitable for sea voyage/ocean transportation35.推销promote the sale of…Promotion36.提单Bill of Lading37.倒签提单antidated B/L38.特快邮寄express mail39.另函邮寄Under separate cover/ by separate mail40.唛头shipping markThe shipping mark is always at the seller’s option.41.截止时期deadline/due time/ expire二.句子部分1、We shall appreciate it if you will do…如你能做某事,我方将不胜感激。

Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations一、填空business negotiate expand step establish relationsA letter to business is a piece of writing to find and witha new partner. It is the first for a company to its business.(A letter to establish business relations is a piece of writing to find and negotiate with a new business partner. It is the first step for a company to expand its business.)二、连线搭配quotation/make offers 1、交易会enclose 2、出口商extend 3、附上exporter 4、扩展fair 5、报价(53421)三、汉译英1. 我们从驻伦敦的商务参赞处得知,你公司有兴趣与我们进行交易。
We've come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Chinese Embassy in London.2. 为了使你们对我们可供出口的各类纺织品有一个总的概念,随信寄上样本和价格单各一份,供你们查阅。
To give you a general idea of our various kinds of Textiles available for export, we are enclosing a samples book and a price list for your reference.3. 本地的中国银行国外部推荐你公司有兴趣与一家中国公司建立贸易关系,以推销你们的轻工业产品。

《国际商务函电》教学大纲课程名称:国际商务函电课程代号:11333040 学时数:48 学分数:3适用专业:日语一、本课程的地位、任务和作用本课程为日语专业高年级专业方向课。

)Competitive prices for a trial order can lead to a high market share with enormous profits in future.试订的有竞争力的价格经常会导致高市场份额并在将来产生巨大的利润1.EV A recycle saves your cost 10% to 15% according to mixing but they are easily broken.EV A边角料根据材料混合节约成本10%至15%,但鞋子容易坏most skilled craftsmen:最熟练的技工excellent value for money.:物有所值OBM order:原始品牌代工订单OEM:贴牌加工ODM:设计代工Trial:试订repeat order :返单,续订的订单duplicate order:复制订单敬启者:感谢您5月21日的询盘。
谨启迈克﹒怀特Dear Sirs,Thank you for your inquiry of May 21. in reply, we would like to make the following offer, subject to our final confirmation. Commodity:Swivel Chairs of Art. No. 110 and Art. No. 111 Colors: Black, Brown and GoldPrice : Art. No. 110 per piec USD100 CIF San FranciscoArt. No. 111 per piec USD95 CIF San FranciscoPlease note that commissions are not allowed but a 5% discount applies to orders exceeding 1,000 pieces each.Under separate cover, we have sent you sample books, our catalogue and price list.We trust the above will be acceptable to you and look forward to your order with keen interest.Best regards,Mike WhitePlease note that confirmation samples are to be in our possession latest Nov 27, 2010 and production samples to be in our possession latest 20 Dec.2010.请注意,确认样品应不迟于2010年11月27日抵我方,大货船样应不迟于2010年12月20日抵达我方。

外贸英语函电课程提纲(2013 ---2014 学年第 2 学期)级别:2011 学院:国际教育学院专业:双学位国际经济与贸易班级:1班、2班一、【课程信息】课程名称:外贸英语函电课程代码:周学时:3学分:3考试性质:考查二、【教师信息】:授课教师电话E-mail 办公室答疑时间忻艺珂12 210周三7、8节(请预约)上课时间与地点周三1、2节14033周四1、2节(仅双周)2102三、【课程描述(课程简介)】:《外贸英语函电》课程的目标是:经过48个学时的教学,使学生掌握一定的商务函电基础知识和技能,熟悉各种商务函电的组成结构,掌握各种信件、电报和传真的写作方法,同时要求学生了解各种函电的写作风格,以及特殊的表现形式。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
一.英译汉1. counter-signature 会签2. We are sending you our S/C Number 200 in duplicate.现特此寄上我方销售确认书第200号一式两份,其中一份请在签退后退回供我方存档。
3. Enclosed is our sales confirmation Number 35 in duplicate. Please sign a copy and return for our file.随函附上我方销售确认书35号一式两份。
4. Documentary L/C 跟单信用证5. Extension of L/C 信用证延期6. It appears that the stipulations in the L/C are not in agreement with the contract.We are cabling you this afternoon, asking you to amend the L/C to read:TRANSHIPMENT AND PARTSHIPMENTS ALLOWED7. The price fixed at a reasonable level. 价格固定在一个合理的水平。
8. The price has advanced considerably. 价格大幅上涨。
9. be not in a position to make any further reduction. 不能再次降价。
10. If it were not for the friendship between us, we would not have made affirm offer at such a low price. 如果不是为了我们之间的友谊,我们就不会以如此低的价格来确认报价。
11. As the market is weak at present, your quotation is unworkable.由于目前市场疲软,你方报价是行不通的。
12. shipping advice装船通知13. partial shipment分批装运14. initial orders初始订单15. Please quote your lowest price C.I.F. Singapore for each of the following items, inclusive of our 3% commission.请就下列每项货物向我方报成本加运费、保险费到新加坡的最低价格,其中包括我们百分之三的佣金。
16. It is stipulated by the contract that the seller should fax the shipping advice to the buyer upon making the consignment on board.根据合同规定,卖家需在装货入船前给买家发装船通知。
17. liquid funds流动资金18. D/A承兑交单19. CIF成本加保险费、运费20. Please quote your lowest price. 请报你方最低价21. remittance汇款22. date of delivery交货日期23. We accept your payment by sight draft, which will not be taken as precedent.我方接受你方即期汇款的付款方式,这并不是先例24. confirm supply of……at the prices stated in…… 确保……供应量,按……所述价格25. subject to 缴纳二.汉译英敬启者:兹告售货确认书2567和2568号项下货物将于近期备妥。
你方可能记得,我方在前信中提到过有关开证的下列事项:1. 载明详细内容的信用证应在装运月期前一个月到达我方。
2. 开证时,请确保信用证中的规定与我方的合同相符。
Dear Sirs,We inform you that the goods under S/C No.2576 and 2568 will be ready for shipment. The goods should be shipped during May/June as stipulated in S/C. We sent you a fax two weeks ago requiring you to open the relative L/C without any delay reading.However, much to our disappointment that we have not received any reply up to the time of writing.You may remember clearly that we identified in our previous letter the following of L/C:1. The L/C in details should reach us one month earlier than the time of shipment.2. You ensure that the L/C should be strictly conform to the stipulation of our contractThe time of shipment is drawing near and we have to point out that we shall not in a position to make the shipment in due course unless your L/C reaches us before the end of this month.Yours faithfully,1、下列不属于装运期的规定方法是(D )A.明确规定具体装运期限B.规定在收到信用证后若干天装运C.笼统规定近期装运D.规定在交货期若干天前装运2、在定程租船方式下,我国对装卸费的收取采用较为普遍的办法AA.船方不负担装卸费 C.船方只负担装货费而不负责卸货费B.船方负担装卸费 D.船方只负担卸货费而不负责装货费3、就卖方承担的费用而言,费用从高到低的排列应该是(B )A FOB.CFR.CIFB CIF.CFR.FOBC FOB.CIF. CFBD CIF.FOB.CFR4、上海出口一台设备海运至新加坡,中方办理出关手续,外方办理进关手续,外商支付运费、保险费,适用的贸易术语是( A )A FOB上海B CIF新加坡C CFR 新加坡D CIF上海5、上下不超过5%6、海运加内河航运D7、(D )does not have the normally accepted meaning, but means loss in the insurancebusiness.A.Partial lossB. Total lossC. CoverageD. Average8、Contracts must be renewed oe week (D )their expiration.A.onB. AgainstC. The moment ofD.before9、We find that there is no stipulation of transshipment( D )in the relative L/C.A.allowingB.which allowsC.which allowedD.being allowed10、Please see that your written confirmation (A) by the end of this month,otherwise we will befree from the obligation for this offer.A.reaches usB.will reach usC.reach usD.resched usFor letters making offer1. Expressing your thanks for the inquiry,if any(如果有对方的询盘,首先要向对对方的询盘表示感谢)。
We thank you for your inquiry of….and are pleased to quote as follows.Thank you for your inquiry and your interest in our products.Many thanks for your inquiry of…2. Making an offer. (Stating all the details of the goods and the main terms of transaction as requested)具体说明商品的名称,质量和规格,对价格,贸易术语,折扣,付款方式,包装和交货日期等做出详细规定。
We are enclosing our latest catalog and price last giving the details you asked for.Packing charges are included in the price , and we can make delivery whenever you wish.Please note our standard terms and conditions on the reverse side of the quotation.3. Indicating the period for which the offer is a firm offer, or remarking to the effect that the offer is made without engagement.写明发盘的有效期In view of our long-standing business relationship, we make you the following counter-offer. This offer is subject to your acceptance within 7daysThis offer is firm, subject to your reply reaching us before 5pm. September 28, our time. 4.Making favorable comments on the goods and the prices or drawing the customer’s attention to other products likely to interest the buyer(it is not necessary the case however) 表达与对方合作的愿望We are confident that you will find our products the finest on the market and considerably better than those of our competitors.The samples we sent will convince you of the excellent quality of our products.This is the best offer we can make and we believe that none of our competitors can be equal these terms.5.Expressing your hope for an order表达早日收到回复的愿望We are sure that these goods will meet your requirements, and we look forward to your first order.May we expect a trial from you while prices are greatly in your favor?We trust you will find our quotation satisfactory and look forward to receiving your order.Applying for L/C1. Asking a bank for the opening of an L/CPlease open an irrevocable letter of credit in the favor of………..We shall be very glad if you wil l arrange to issue an irrevocable L/C for the amount of … in favor of …2. Stating details of information in L/CThe L/C should state that transshipment is prohibited.Partial shipments are permitted because we can not supply all the goods you ordered at one time.Payment will be made against shipping documents.3. Enclosing the application form and expecting an early opening L/C.We enclose the application form for the L/C and would be glad if you can open the L/C as soon as possible.Please open the L/C as soon as possible.Advising the seller of the establishment of the L/C1. Referring to the goods, relative order or contract.We refer to your Contract Number…2. Stating that you have instructed a Bank to open a L/C, indicating the details of the L/C.We are glad to inform you that L/C Number …for the amount of … has been established in your favor through the…BankWe have opened an L/C in your favour through the......(bank)for an amount of......We have arranged with our bank to issue an L/C in your favor.3. Expecting an early shipment.Upon receipt of the above-mentioned L/C, please arrange shipment immediately as per the contracted date.Please advise us when the goods have been shipped.最后一个题请自行百度,题目是如何分析询盘并转化成订单,用中文作答,尽量不要与其他同学完全一样.下面答案仅供参考.1,你得分辨询盘的信息:是不是有针对性,询盘够不够专业。