Unit 8 International Children's Day--介绍各国儿童节日


International Children 世界各国的儿童节

International Children 世界各国的儿童节

非洲西部的国家大都有专门的“儿 童狂欢节”,一般持续一个月。非 洲人能歌善舞,“儿童狂欢节”, 尽管人们的生活条件不相同,所有 孩子都会尽情欢乐,热闹非凡。
From 1949 , the People's Republic of China formally set each year 6 month 1 A day of international children's day. The school usually Will organize for this collective activity, and students are required to dress formally (Spread before school uniforms for white shirt blue line pants )
1949年开始,中华人 民共和国正式定每年6 月1日为国际儿童节。 学校一般会为此组织 相关的集体活动,并 要求学生正式着装(普 及校服前为白衬衣蓝 线裤)。
Translation of the Hong Kong special administrative region under the conventional folk, children's day reserved for the date of April 4. Folk the way how to send toys gifts for children, or to accompany children go out to eat dinner or. Taiwan is still on April 4, as children's day every year.
在日本习俗里,三岁、五岁和七岁是小朋友特别幸运的三个年纪,所以每年的这一天, 会专门为这三个年纪的孩子热闹地庆祝一番。 这一天,小朋友会穿上最好的传统和 服,还会背上一个画了松树、乌龟或鹤等图案的小纸袋,纸袋里装满了父母买的糖果 和玩具。穿戴整齐后,父母会带小朋友上神社,祈求并感谢神明给小朋友带来健康和 快乐。


个人蒙上双眼扮演“瞎子” 的角色,然后去摸他人。当眼 睛被蒙上时,周围一片漆黑, 要用触觉代替视觉是要有点勇 气的。
斗鸡游戏是小孩子们在冬天的一种游戏,这 种游戏能在冬天里暖和身子。
在很多地方,这种游戏也叫“撞拐子”。游 戏规则是一脚独立,另一脚用手扳成三角状, 膝盖朝外,用膝盖去攻击对方,若对方双脚 落地,则赢得战斗。在童年游戏中,这是最 激烈最有男子汉气概的游戏,不过有少数身 材魁梧的女生也喜欢这种游戏,而且杀伤力 惊人。
国际儿童节的设立,和发生在二战期间一次屠杀——利迪策惨案有关。 1942年6月10日,德国法西斯枪杀了捷克利迪策村16岁以上的男性公民140余 人和全部婴儿,并把妇女和90名儿童押往集中营。村里的房舍、建筑物均被烧 毁,好端端的一个村庄就这样被德国法西斯给毁了。第二次世界大战结束后, 世界各地经济萧条,成千上万的工人失业,过着饥寒交迫的生活。儿童的处境 更糟, 有的得了传染病,一批批地死去;有的则被迫当童工,受尽折磨,生 活和生命得不到保障。为了悼念利迪策惨案和全世界所有在战争中死难的儿童, 反对虐杀和毒害儿童,以及保障儿童权利,1949年11月,国际民主妇女联合会 在莫斯科举行理事会议,各国代表愤怒地揭露了帝国主义分子和各国反动派残 杀、毒害儿童的罪行。为了保障世界各国儿童的生存权、保健权和受教育权, 为了改善儿童的生活,会议决定以每年的6月1日为国际儿童节。当时的很多国 家表示赞同,特别是社会主义国家。
老鹰捉小鸡,俗称“黄鹞吃鸡”,又 叫“黄鼠狼吃鸡”,是一种多人参加 的益智娱乐游戏,在户外或有一定空 间的室内进行。这种游戏,对发展学 生灵敏性和协调能力,培养学生合作 练习,合作意识有一定的促进作用。
跳橡皮筋(港澳地区常称跳橡筋绳)是经典 的儿童游戏之一。1960年代至1990年代间 极为流行,尤其深得女孩子喜爱,但进入20 世纪后,随着经济发展和娱乐方式的增多, 跳橡皮筋这种游戏逐渐淡出了孩子们的视线。



六一儿童节的英文篇一:六一儿童节的英语知识六一儿童节的英语知识internationalchildren'sdayTheinternationalchildren'sday(icd)iscelebratedinnumerouscountries, usually(butnotalways)onJune1eachyear. TheicdhaditsoriginintheworldconferenceforthewellbeingofchildreninGene va,Switzerlandin1925.itisnotclearastowhyJune1waschosenastheicd:onethe oryhasitthatthechineseconsul-generalinSanFrancisco(USa)gatheredanumb erofchineseorphanstocelebratethedragonBoatFestivalin1925,whichhappen edtobeonJune1thatyear,andalsocoincidedwiththeconferenceinGeneva. June1hassincebeenobservedastheicdbynumerouscountries,especiallybyco mmunistcountries;inthewesternworldtheicdisusuallycelebratedonotherday softheyear(ifatall),andthereisoftenlittlepublicawarenessaboutthesecelebrat ions.(SeethesectiononGermanybelowforfurtherdiscussions.)consequently thereissometimesamisperceptionthatJune1astheicdwasacommunistinventi on.nonetheless,inrecentyearsevensomegroupswithintheUnitedStatesstarte dobservingtheicdonJune1.六一儿童节手抄报儿歌记忆里永远的童年(儿童节贺诗,也是儿歌)小时候妈妈对我讲长大了你就可以去远方走过很长很长的人生路踏遍万水千山那时候,我就盼呀盼……盼望自己快快长大长大了就可以像大人一样去远方走过很长很长的人生路踏遍万水千山童年童年记忆里永远的童年常常在我的梦里展现它美丽也温馨它纯洁也快乐篇二:六一儿童节【中英双译】六一儿童节(又称儿童节,internationalchildren'sday)定于每年的6月1日,是保障世界各国儿童的生存权、保健权和受教育权,为了改善儿童的生活,为了反对虐杀儿童和毒害儿童的节日。



国际六一儿童节快乐英语International Children's Day is a very important holiday celebrated all over the world. It is celebrated on June 1st every year. On that day, children are honored for their innocence, freedom, and potential.This day was first established in Geneva, Switzerland in 1925. Since then, it has been celebrated by many countries around the world. In China, this day is known as 童年节(tóngnián jié), which means "Childhood Festival."On this day, children participate in various activities such as parades, performances, and games. They also receive gifts from their parents and teachers. Schools and communities organize events to celebrate this day and make it special for the children.The importance of this day lies in the fact that it raises awareness about the rights of children. This day is a reminder that every child deserves love, care, and protection. It also highlights the importance of education and the need to provide children with a safe and nurturing environment to grow and develop.In the current global pandemic, the celebration of International Children's Day has taken on new significance. Children have been especially affected by the pandemic and the restrictions put in place to control its spread. Schools have beenshut down, and many children have had to stay at home for long periods. This has made it difficult for them to continue their education and socialize with their peers.Despite these challenges, children have shown incredible resilience and adaptability. They have found new ways to learn, play, and connect with others using technology and other innovative methods. This year's International Children's Day is an opportunity to celebrate their courage and determination in the face of adversity.In conclusion, International Children's Day is an important holiday that celebrates the innocence, freedom, and potential of children. It is a reminder of the need to protect and nurture every child and provide them with the best possible opportunities for growth and development. This year, let us celebrate this day with extra enthusiasm and support for the children who have been affected by the pandemic. Happy International Children's Day!。



©⽆忧考⽹英语资源频道为⼤家整理的六⼀国际⼉童节英⽂介绍,⼩编在这⾥祝⼤家端午节快乐天天快乐:)The June 1 International Children’s Day2. Children’s Day3. A short touching speech delivered on June 1, 19931. The June 1 International Children’s Day1.1 The June 1 International Children’s DayRegarding the International Children's Day, it is widely celebrated on June 1. Children's Day had its origin in the World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children in Geneva in 1925. The June 1 date has a Chinese-USA origin - and nothing to do with Communism. In 1925, the Chinese consul-general in San Francisco gathered a number of Chinese orphans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. This, of course, coincided with the conference mentioned above. June 1 somehow died out in the USA, only to be revived a couple of years ago. However, each country chooses its own day to commemorate it.The date, June 1st, has been adopted in the US as the official day. More than 30 states actively participate in the June 1st observance. The flag has been adopted by dozens of states and is being manufactured.1.2 International Children's Day flagThe green background symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility; We are surrounded by the ability to grow. All we have to do is reach out and embrace it. The red & yellow, black & white figures represent diversity and tolerance. Our children are the key to peace and tolerance of: race, religion, physical, mental, and social diversity. The star, which is made up of the figures' legs, represents light. We can be a light for the world, if we choose. The five points on the star represent the continents. We are all part of one true race, the human race. The earth figure, which is directly in the center, represents our earthly home and all the blessings on it, which God has given us all to share and respect. The large blue circle engulfing the figures symbolizes peace and God's universal love. It also represents the unity that we can achieve if we reach out to one another in love. Blue symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. The blue figure at the top represents God, who is the author & finisher of all things. God loves all of us equally and we should be striving to imitate that love (which is represented by the figures reaching out to each other)2. Children’s Day2.1 Universal Children's DayObserved on November 20th each year. In 1954, the UN General Assembly recommended that all countries should establish a Universal Children's Day on an "appropriate" day. We are not sure, but perhaps each country did.....at various different dates during the year. The resolution was adopted on November 20, 1954.2.2 International Children's DayThe second Sunday in December. This is a joint initiative between UNICEF and the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. It's a day when broadcasters "tune in to kids".The following paragraphs are a piece of news concering this International Children’s Day.Let's Play! 11 December 2005UNICEF and the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences are asking broadcasters around the world to highlight sport as they celebrate this year’s International Children's Day of Broadcasting (ICDB) on 11 December 2005.The power of sport as a tool for development and peace is the theme of this year’s ICDB, the day when broadcasters throw open their studio doors and the airwaves to young producers and presenters.And, for the first time this year, the International Academy and UNICEF will offer eight regional awards to the broadcasters which best promote the principles, purpose and main themes of ICDB.Each regional winner will be invited to the International Emmy Awards Gala in New York on 21 November 2005 and one will receive the prestigious International Children's Day of Broadcasting Award.With more than 2,000 broadcasters scheduled to take part, the event will focus on how sport and games provide children and young people with opportunities to express themselves and to become agents for change in their own communities.“After 13 successful years, we continue to view ICDB as an innovative way to increase children’s participation in the broadcasting industry” said Dr. Sharad Sapra, UNICEF’s Director of Communication. “We hope regional judging will strengthen the competition and lead to greater commitment from broadcasters towards children on the day itself and during the rest of the year.”Television and radio broadcasters continue to mark the International Children's Day of Broadcasting with distinctive and dynamic programming produced in their own countries.2.3 World Children's DayThis is a day McDonald's uses as a fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House Charities. We are not sure of the date each year or the origin of this day.2.4 Children's Day in JapanChildren's Day ( こどもの⽇ , Kodomo no hi) is one of the holidays in Japan. It is celebrated on May 5 each year, when Japan celebrate their children's growth on that day. Before World War II, it was called as "Tangonosekku" ( 端午の節句 ) and it was a festival for boys. But in 1948, when the festival became an official holiday, it became a holiday for wishing all children's happiness and welfare.Children's Day is commemorated in Japan by flying flags in the shape of carp against the wind, symbolizing a child's determination to thrive against adversities.2.5 Children’s Day in South KoreaSouth Korean Children's Day ( ; Eorininal) was created in 1975 as a change from Boy's Day. It is an official holiday throughout the Republic of Korea. This is celebrated on May 5. Families usually make outings to children's parks, amusement parks, zoos, or other child friendly locations.2.6 Children’s Day in GermanyDuring the Cold War, the Children's Day (Kindertag) was handled quite differently in the two states. So, the date was different (GDR: Juni 1st, FRG: September, 20th), the name was slightly different (GDR: "International Children's Day" ("internationaler Kindertag"), FRG: "World Children's Day" ("Weltkindertag"), and most notably: the customs were different.In the GDR, the holiday was intruduced in 1950, and was from then on a yearly highlight for the children. On this day of the year, one typically received congratulations and presents from one's parents and did special activities in school, such as field trips and the like. In the FRG, Children's Day did not have such meaning to the children, and was even mostly unknown to many people.Since the affiliation in 1990, the date and name used in the FRG have become the official ones for the former GDR as well. This however was not accepted by large parts of the former GDR population, so that still many parents celebrate with their kids on the former date, June 1st, and even Children's Day public events take place on the old date.2.7 Children’s Day in IndiaIn India, the birthday of Jawaharlal Nehru is celebrated as Children's Day every year, on November 14.2.8 Chilaren’s Day in TurkeyApril 23 is the "National Sovereignity and Children's Day" in Turkey. The date commemorates the opening of Turkish National Assembly in 1920 during the Turkish Independence War. The designation of Children's Day came in 1929 upon the recommendation of the Institution of Children's Protection. Since 1986 the Turkish government organizes an international children's festival on April 23.2.9. Children’s Day in ThailandThe second Saturday of January is Children's Day in Thailand.3. A short touching speech delivered on June 1, 1993ANC WOMEN'S LEAGUE ON JUNE 1 - INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S DAY1 June 1993"Where is the New South Africa you all talk about? Show us because we do not see it...!"This was the cry of participants at the International Summit on The Rights of Children in South Africa, held in 1992, Somerset West, Cape Town.There is nothing South African children of would like more than to see the dawn of a new South Africa, where their rights will be protected, and where their childhood restored.As we mark June 1, International Children's Day, we are reminded of how South African children, especially black children, have been denied basic human rights for decades. They have suffered horribly under the brutal apartheid system.The ANC Women's League, on this particular day, would like to thank all organisations working towards promoting awareness, engagement and mobilisation of South African citizens in denouncing violations of children's rights. Equally important are welfare organisations working hard to give shelter, food and clothing to the more deprived children, whose family lives have been broken down by violence, unemployment and other societal evils.The ANC Women's League supports the call for a human rights movement which will make specific provision for the protection and development of children.At the same time, the League would like to bring to attention the plight of young girls whose special needs are threatened by the gender discrimination suffered by their mothers and themselves. Our society needs to end gender discrimination from the earliest years if girls are to be given the opportunity to reach their full potential. Furthermore, girl needs to be protected from all forms of harmful traditional practices that confine them to certain roles which do not allow them to develop to their full potential.Little girls as young as two years have become victims of rape in south Africa. Others are forced into abusive relationships and marriages. Many old men claim that a 13-year-old girl is "old enough" to agree to a relationship with a 60-year-old man. We should also bear in mind that the Organisation of African Unity recently declared June 16 the Day of the African Child. This is a tribute to the millions of South African children traumatised by the effects of apartheid repression, and also the thousands of children who have been active in drawing international and national awareness to their plights.Issued by ANC Women's League, Media Section。

三年级英语第八单元Unit 8 Children’s Day

三年级英语第八单元Unit 8 Children’s Day

三年级英语第八单元Unit 8 Children’s Day文化和语言注释1. 儿童节(Children’s Day),又称国际儿童节(International Children's Day),定于每年的6月1日。





2. let's 也就是let us 这两个字用在一个句子的开头可以表示“我们做什么事情吧!”比如: “我们开车兜风去吧!”这句话英文可以这样说: Let’s go for a drive. 再比如: “我们滑雪去吧!”(Let’s go skiing. ) "我们滑冰去吧!”(Let's go skating.) "我们骑自行车去吧!”(Let's go biking. ) "我们到海边去吧!”(Let's go to the beach.) 等等。

3. Yeah和Yes区别:Y eah是口语,yes是书面语。




比如yeah,I think so.当然yes也可以这么用。

4. 现在进行时应用:现在进行时的构成现在进行时由"be+v.-ing"构成。


现在进行时的应用在实际运用时,现在进行时常用以下几种情况:(1) 当句子中有now时,常表示动作正在进行,这时要用现在进行时。

如:They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球。



儿童节的由来英文介绍The origin of International Children's Day dates back to the aftermath of the First World War, in which many countries suffered economic and social devastation. In particular, many children were left orphaned and homeless, with access to only the most basic necessities of life.It was in this context that Eglantyne Jebb, a British social activist and founder of the Save the Children Fund, proposed the idea of a special day to raise awareness of the needs and rights of children around the world. Jebb drafted a landmark declaration, which called on governments to protect the rights of children "by means of legislation and administrative measures, backed up by education and propaganda".The declaration was adopted by the League of Nations on September 26, 1924, which was the formal beginning of Children's Day. However, the exact date on which Children's Day is celebrated varies from country to country, with some choosing to mark the occasion on June 1, while others have chosen October 1 or November 20.One reason for the variation in dates is that different countries have different cultural and historical traditions, which have influenced the way in which they celebrate Children's Day. For example, in China, Children's Day has been celebrated on June1 since 1949, when it was established as a holiday by the government of the newly established People's Republic of China. In Japan, Children's Day was originally a festival for boys only, called Tango no Sekku, but in 1948 it was renamed Kodomo no Hi to include girls as well.One of the key aims of Children's Day is to promote the importance of providing children with access to quality education, healthcare, and nutrition. This is especially critical in developing countries, where child mortality rates are highest and where access to basic services is often limited.In addition to promoting children's rights, Children's Day is also an opportunity to celebrate the innocence and vitality of childhood. Across the world, children participate in a wide array of activities, from games and sports to cultural and artistic events.In conclusion, the origin of International Children's Day can be traced back to the dark and uncertain years following World War I. Since then, it has become an important symbol of the global commitment to ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential. Whether celebrated on June 1, October 1 or November 20, Children's Day is a time for people of all ages to stand together in solidarity with children around the world.。



儿童节资料英文带翻译June 1st is International Children's Day. It is a festival for children all over the world. Different countries have different ways to celebrate. In China, various activities for children are held. Schools will organize performances, games, and competitions. Parents also give gifts to their children on this day.In 1925, at the world’s conference on child welfare in Geneva, it was agreed that June 1st would be designated as International Children’s Day. This day is celebrated not only in China, but also in many other countries worldwide. Its purpose is to raise awareness of the importance of children and promote their welfare.For children, they look forward to this day every year. They enjoy the excitement and happiness that comes with it. Teachers prepare special classes and activities for students. There are singing and dancing performances, art exhibitions, and food festivals. Children also get the chance to dress up as their favorite characters and participate in fun activities.On this day, many charities and organizations advocate for the rights of children. They may organize events and campaigns to promote child safety, education, and social welfare. These events are important in helping children to get more attention from society and ensuring that their needs are met.In conclusion, International Children’s Day is a time to celebrate the joy and happiness of being a child. It reminds us of the importance of children and the need to promote their welfare. And it is a day that should be celebrated every year by all of us.6月1日是国际儿童节,这是一个属于全世界儿童的节日。

六年级下册英语教案-Unit 8 International Children's Day 第1课时

六年级下册英语教案-Unit 8 International Children's Day 第1课时

六年级下册英语教案-Unit 8 International Children’s Day第1课时∣湘少版课程目标(Learning Objectives)1.了解国际儿童节的由来和意义2.学习一些与儿童相关的英语词汇和表达方式3.练习听、说、读和写四个英语技能,提高学生的综合语言运用能力课程内容(Learning Contents)本课主要内容涵盖以下方面:1.国际儿童节的介绍2.儿童相关英语词汇的学习3.关于儿童节的问答练习4.看图并描述图片的练习5.看图完成简单对话的练习6.综合练习:填空和连词成句教学重点(Teaching Focus)1.把握国际儿童节的由来和意义2.学习并掌握相关英语词汇3.在交流中积极使用所学单词和句型4.通过看图、完成简单对话等练习提高英语语言综合运用能力教学难点(Teaching Difficulties)1.学生在描述图片和完成对话的过程中使用正确的英语表达方式2.学生综合运用所学单词和句型进行填空和连词成句练习教学准备(Teaching Preparation)1.教师制作的国际儿童节的PPT2.与本课相关的单词卡片、图片和教学用书3.学生课堂笔记本4.学生课堂作业本教学过程(Teaching Procedure)1.引入(Introduction)教师用PPT的方式介绍国际儿童节,帮助学生了解这个节日的由来和意义,并提出本课的学习目标。

2.学习新词(Learning New Words)在呈现静态图片的情况下,教师利用图片卡片向学生展示与儿童有关的英文词汇,并快速带过音标和汉语意义。

3.问答练习(Q&A Practice)通过提出一些与儿童节相关的问题,让学生练习用英语进行简单的问答练习。

例如:•What is International Children’s Day?•When is International Children’s Day?•How do people celebrate International Children’s Day in your country?4.看图并描述(Looking and Describing)教师呈现一张涉及儿童节的图片,要求学生观察并用英语对图片进行描述。

小学英语湘少版六年级下册《Unit 8》教学设计

小学英语湘少版六年级下册《Unit 8》教学设计
3. Add-activities
(1)Read it by yourselves for five minutes.
(2)Show time.
a class party, have a party, play games,
have a rest, go to the theatre, go to the museum
4.Free talk: We'll have no lessons. What will you do on that day?
I'll/ We'll…I'm/ We're going to…
(1) Loቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱk at the pictures.
Tomorrow will be International Children’s Day.
We'll have fun tomorrow.
We’re going to play games and have a party.
We’ll have no lessons.
Miss Li will let us enjoy ourselves.
(2) Listen and repeat the words.
(3) Try to make sentences to describe them
For example:
We'll have a class party.
We are going to have a class party.



儿童节英文缩写International Children's Day (国际儿童节) is celebrated world-wide to promote the well-being and rights of children. It is observed on different dates in different countries, with some nations choosing to celebrate it on June 1st, while others celebrate it on different dates throughout the year.In many countries, International Children's Day is abbreviated as "ICD", which is also commonly used in China. However, the abbreviation may differ in other countries and regions. Here are some of the common abbreviations for International Children's Day in different countries:1. China: ICD (国际儿童节)In China, International Children's Day is commonly abbreviated as ICD. It is celebrated on June 1st every year, with children enjoying various activities such asgift-giving, talent shows, sports competitions, and cultural performances.2. United States: ICD or Children's Day (国际儿童节or 儿童节)In the United States, International Children's Day is abbreviated as ICD or simply referred to as "Children's Day." It is not a federal holiday but is observed by some organizations and communities in honor of children's well-being.3. United Kingdom: Universal Children's Day (世界儿童日)In the United Kingdom, International Children's Day is referred to as Universal Children's Day. It is celebrated on November 20th and is recognized by the United Nations as a day devoted to promoting the welfare of children around the world.4. India: Bal Divas (儿童日)In India, International Children's Day is celebrated as Bal Divas. It is observed on November 14th in honor of the birth anniversary of India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, who loved children and worked for their welfare.5. Japan: Kodomo no Hi (儿童节)In Japan, International Children's Day is known as Kodomo no Hi. It is celebrated on May 5th as part of Golden Week, a period of several national holidays. Families fly carp-shaped banners and children enjoy traditional Japanese sweets such as kashiwa-mochi and chimaki.6. Brazil: Dia das Crianças (儿童节)In Brazil, International Children's Day is known as Dia das Crianças. It is celebrated on October 12th, which coincides with the holiday of Our Lady of Aparecida, the patron saint of Brazil. Children receive gifts and enjoy special treats such as candy and hot dogs.In conclusion, International Children's Day is an important day for children all over the world. Though it may be celebrated on different dates and in different ways, the spirit of promoting children's welfare and encouraging their happiness and success remains the same. Celebrating this day and the rights of childrenis a reminder to all that they are truly the future and deserve a healthy and happy childhood.。

儿童节简介Children's Day

儿童节简介Children's Day
Rain’s work
Children’s Day in Brazil
Rain’s work
• Celebrations make children tired.
• If children really live a happy life, every day is Children’s Day.
Rain’s work
Thank you!
注:1、所有图片资料除特别注明外,均来自图片。Rain’s work
• Boys wear He style trousers and girls wear kimonos(和服)
• Traditional food— Chitose sweets(千岁 糖)
Rain’s work
Children’s Day in Spain
• January 5th • A legend about three kings from the
Rain’s work
Children’s Day in Brazil
• August 15th and October 12th • August 15th is also known
as“ National Immunization Day” (全国防疫日) in Brazil • Children under 5 years old should be vaccinated against polio(小 儿麻痹症)
Children’s Day Rain’s work
Related to World War II • A massacre in Lidice, the Czech





The International Children's Day (ICD) is celebrated in numerous countries, usually (but not always) on June 1 each year.每年众多的国家都会庆祝国际⼉童节,但常常(不是总是)不是都在6⽉1⽇那⼀天庆祝。

Origin Origin 起因:The ICD had its origin in the World Conference for the Wellbeingof Children(世界⼉童福利⼤会)in Geneva, Switzerland in 1925. 1925年在瑞⼠⽇内⽡召开的关于⼉童福利的国际会议上,⾸次提出了“国际⼉童节”的概念。

It is not clear as to(关于)why June 1 was chosen as the ICD:one theory has it that the Chinese consul-general总领事 in San Francisco (USA) gathered a number of Chinese orphans to celebrate theDragon Boat Festival(端午节)in 1925, which happened to be on June 1 that year, and also coincided with the conference in Geneva.更多⼉童⽗亲端午节环境⽇英语作⽂/yingyuxuexi/yingyuzuowen/⼉童⽗亲端午节环境⽇英语知识作⽂专题/zhuanti/2008/fd527.htm June 1 has since been observed as the ICD by numerous countries, especially by Communist countries; in the Western world the ICD is usually celebrated on other days of the year (if at all), and there is often little public awareness about these celebrations. Consequently there is sometimes amisperception(错误观点)that June 1 as the ICD was a Communist invention. Nonetheless, in recent years even some groups within the United States started observing the ICD on June. Children's Day in Japan National Children's Day in Japan is known asKodomo no Hi(⽇本⼉童节,每年5⽉5⽇). It is celebrtaed on May5. The family celebrates the festival withKashiwamochi(rice cakes filled with red beans and wrapped with oak leaves) and Chimaki (rice cakes wrapped with bamboo leaves). According to the Kodansha encyclopedia, the origin of the festival was from China in 839. On May 5, Chinese people hang medical herbs from the eaves of the roof in order to repel disease. When the custom came to Japan, people used Shobu (irises) instead since irises were believed to repel evil spirits. Children's Day in India Most schools have cultural programmes for the day, with the students managing it all. All over the country, various cultural, social, and even corporate, institutions conduct competitions for children. Children's Day is a day for children to engage in fun and frolic. Schools celebrate this day by organising cultural programmes. Teachers of the school perform songs and dances for their students. Various competitions like quizzes, fancy dress competitions, elocutions are organised on this day. Children are also treated to a movie and lunch.Television networks have in the recent years started to air special programmes all day long for kids on November 14, making this day a special treat. 各国的⼉童节 1、中国——6⽉1⽇、4⽉4⽇ 中华⼈民共和国定每年6⽉1⽇为国际⼉童节。



Unit8 International Children’s Day. 第1课时授课教师:湖南省湘潭市岳塘区火炬学校许云飞一、教材与年级湘少版小学英语教材、六年级下册。




结构:—What will you do on Children’s Day? —I will /We will ...—What are you going to do? —I am going to ... / We are going to ...学情分析:1. 词汇:本课B部分中出现的短语go to the theatre,go to the museum,play games 已经在以前学过。

A部分对话中出现的have fun,enjoy ourselves等也已学过。

2. 句型:学生在五年级下册册第二单元已学习了“We are going to ... ”结构来表达自己的计划与安排。

“I will ... We will ...”等句型也在六年级上册学习过,学生能熟练运用此句型。

3. 语法:一般将来时。

五、教学目标语言能力:词汇:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写新单词party。

2. 能听懂、会说、会认读短语a class party,have a party,play games,have a rest,go to the theatre,go to the museum,have fun,have no lessons,enjoy ourselves.句型:能运用句型:“We’ll ... ”“We are going to ... ”“I will ... ”表达自己的计划和安排。

学习能力:1. 会用“I/ We will...”结构谈论表达自己的节日计划和安排。





1. International Children's Day - 国际儿童节International Children's Day是一个由联合国确定的国际节日,为了呼吁全世界更好地照顾孩子的福利。


2. Children's Day - 儿童节Children's Day是世界上多个国家庆祝儿童欢乐的日子。


3. Universal Children's Day - 全球儿童日UniversalChildren's Day也是一个由联合国确定的国际节日,旨在提高人们对儿童权利和必要保护的意识。


4. Children's Rights Day - 儿童权利日Children's Rights Day是庆祝儿童权利的特别日子。


5. Youth Day - 青年节Youth Day不仅是庆祝孩子们的日子,还是为了表彰青年在社会生活中所做出的贡献。


6. Kids' Day - 小孩节Kids' Day是庆祝小孩子整个日子的专属活动。


7. Children's Festivals - 儿童节日Children's Festivals是包括音乐,舞蹈,戏剧和其他表演艺术形式的儿童庆祝活动。



Step 2 新课呈现(Presentation)
1.Part C
(2)听读Part C
2.Part D
2.The dialogue
Step 3 趣味练习(Practice)
Let’s have a party
2.句型:能用“We’ll...”“We are going to do...”“I will...”表达自己的计划和安排。
3.能用“What will do?”“What are you going do?”询问他人的计划和安排。
教 学
重 点
难 点
重点:(1)能听懂、会说、认读单词、词组和短语party, a class party, have a party, play games, have fun,have no lessons, enjoy ourselves.
板 书
设 计
教 学
后 记
Step 4 趣味写作(Let’s write)
作 业
布 置
2.写写关于你的儿童节计划。板 Nhomakorabea书设 计
教 学
后 记
课 题
Unit 8 International Children’s Day
2.能听懂会说新词汇fall on, have cakes, wonderful wear a pretty dress。
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