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目的 通过研究肌肽对人乳腺癌细胞 MCF-7 的增殖抑制以及迁移和侵袭抑制现 象,探讨肌肽的可能作用机制。 方法 通过 MTT 实验分别检测实验组及对照组细胞的存活率;细胞平板克隆形成 实验分别检测各分组细胞的克隆形成数;细胞划痕愈合实验、Transwell 迁移和侵 袭实验分别检测各组细胞的迁移和侵袭能力;实时荧光定量 PCR 法检测目的基因 (PTBP1、PKM1、PKM2 和 MTA1) mRNA 的转录水平;Western blot 检测丙酮 酸激酶 PKM1 和 PKM2、肿瘤转移相关蛋白 MTA1 的表达水平。应用 GraphPad PRISM 6.0 软件及 SPSS 23.0 软件进行统计学分析。 结 果 1 MTT 实 验 结 果 显 示 , 不 同 肌 肽 浓 度 ( 12.5mM 、 25mM 、 50mM 和 100mM)处理 24、48 和 72h 后,乳腺癌细胞的存活率随浓度的增大而降低 ( F=4.852 , P<0.05 ) , 具 有 一 定 的 浓 度 依 赖 , 但 是 与 时 间 的 关 系 并 不 显 著 (F=1.825,P>0.05),并且经统计学分析发现时间与肌肽浓度之间并不存在交互 效应(F=1.829,P>0.05)。2 细胞平板克隆形成实验结果显示,人乳腺癌 MCF-7 细胞经肌肽处理后,与对照组相比可以发现细胞克隆集落数明显减少(F=746.5, P<0.05),各组平板克隆集落数分别为:25mM 组克隆集落数为 135.00±6.40, 50mM 组 为 62.00±7.97 , 100mM 组 为 7.4±1.34 , 对 照 组 为 223.60±11.35 。 3 Transwell 迁移实验结果数据显示,对照组和实验组(25mM、50mM 和 100mM) 平均穿过小室膜的细胞数分别为 313.00±23.35、220.60±21.54、132.40±7.77 和 90.80±5.50 个,实验组平均穿膜细胞数量较对照组平均穿膜细胞数显著减少,差 异具有统计学意义(F=177.20,P<0.05)。4 Transwell 侵袭实验结果显示,空白 对照组和实验组(25mM、50mM 和 100mM)平均穿膜细胞数分别为 258.60± 21.93、178.40±11.26、123.40±13.72 和 63.60±13.50 个,经统计分析后发现,各 组间的穿膜细胞数差异明显(F=140.6,P<0.05);与对照组相比较,实验组的穿 膜细胞数均明显减少,且随着肌肽浓度增高,穿膜细胞数随之下降(P<0.05)。5 细胞划痕愈合实验结果显示,空白对照组、25mM 组、50mM 组和 100mM 组细胞 愈合率分别为 0.46±0.02、0.36±0.02、0.27±0.05 和 0.03±0.02,显著抑制乳腺癌 细胞的划痕愈合率(F=99.20,P<0.05)。6 实时荧光定量 PCR 结果显示,乳腺癌 细胞经肽处理 24h 后,PTBP1,PKM2 和 MTA1 mRNA 转录水平明显降低(P 均
SAHA与顺铂联用对口腔鳞癌细胞生长抑制作用的研究申俊;顾亚军;柏景坪【摘要】背景与目的:辛二酰苯胺异羟肟酸(suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid,SAHA)是一类新的极具临床应用潜能的抗肿瘤药物,新近研究发现除其自身的抗肿瘤活性外,SAHA在与众多传统化疗药物的联合应用中也具有增效作用.本研究旨在探讨SAHA与顺铂联合应用对不同口腔鳞癌细胞系生长增殖的抑制作用,初步分析两种药物联合运用于口腔鳞癌治疗领域的可能性.方法:(1)采用MTS法首先检测口腔鳞癌细胞对单独使用SAHA或顺铂时的剂量反应;(2)采用Western blot的方法观察SAHA及顺铂作用于口腔鳞癌细胞后,对细胞组蛋白乙酰化水平的影响;(3)运用MTS及克隆形成实验检测低剂量的SAHA及顺铂联用对口腔鳞癌细胞的毒性作用.结果:随单独用药剂量的增加,2株口腔鳞癌细胞都对SAHA及顺铂呈现出较好的敏感性;低剂量的SAHA(2μmol/L)短时间内(4 h)可以迅速导致Tca8113及KB 细胞组蛋白乙酰化水平的提高;MTS及克隆形成实验都证实低剂量的SAHA(2μmo1/L)和顺铂(4 μ g/mL)联合应用较之两种药物的单独使用,能显著提高药物对口腔鳞癌细胞的生长抑制作用(P<O.01).在联合用药方式上,先后或者同时给予两种药物都能显著提高药物的杀细胞功效,两种方式相比差异无统计学意义(P>O.05).结论:SAHA可以有效增强口腔鳞癌细胞对低剂量顺铂的敏感性.【期刊名称】《中国癌症杂志》【年(卷),期】2010(020)008【总页数】5页(P583-587)【关键词】辛二酰苯异羟肟酸;顺铂;口腔鳞状细胞癌;细胞增殖【作者】申俊;顾亚军;柏景坪【作者单位】杭州口腔医院黏膜科,浙江杭州310006;杭州口腔医院颌面外科,浙江杭州310006;首都医科大学黏膜科,北京,100069【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R730.53以顺铂为代表的铂类化合物由于其显著的抗瘤效应,是治疗口腔鳞状细胞癌(oral squamous cell carcinoma,OSCC)最常用的一类化疗药物。
Colony Formation Assay
![Colony Formation Assay](
软琼脂克隆形成实验(Colony Formation Assay)一、材料低熔点琼脂糖、2糖DMEM培养基、各种稳定细胞系、倒置显微镜和数码相机、水浴锅、0.1%结晶紫溶液、10/15ml的管二、实验方法1. 用小水浴锅用去离子水洗净,调水温到50℃。
)2. 用小三角瓶配制浓度为1.4%和0.8%的琼脂溶液,高压灭菌,然后放到50℃水浴锅中保持不凝固状态;(要用小的三角瓶配置,防止使用过程中琼脂凝固导致实验失败。
)3. 取适量的2 量的止使培养基,置于50℃水浴锅中,平衡10 分钟左右;(最好用多少加多少,节省时间,防止琼脂凝固。
)4. 按照1:1 比例取适量的平衡好的2取适量的平衡和1.4%的琼脂溶液培养基,放到一个干净的50ml离心管中混匀,不要弄出气泡;(注意:此过程需迅速完成,可选用5ml大号枪头,以防琼脂凝固;琼脂在用之前必须保证在50℃水浴锅中,处于溶液状态,不能凝固,因为一旦凝固,将不能进行实验。
)5. 在6 孔板中每孔加入1 ml 步骤4 的混合液,冷却凝固,细胞培养箱中静置晾干待用。
(此过程需要边往孔里加边摇晃,使混合液均匀地铺满6孔板,切忌幅度太大,出现气泡;过程也需迅速凝固,防止凝固或铺板不均匀)6. 取待分析的生长状态良好的细胞计数,稀释成5状态良5个/ml。
取出100状态良细胞液,加到4 ml按1:1 比例的混好的2的混好的好培养基和0.8%的琼脂中;(此步骤需要用胎盼蓝计数,配置成足够的细胞悬液,以备实验使用)7. 取1ml 步骤6 中混匀的细胞悬液,加到铺有下层胶的6 孔板中,每组三个重复;可以做两个细胞浓度;8. 待上层琼脂完全凝固后,再加入0.5-1ml 1再加入层胶的细胞培养基(加入相应抗生素),置于37℃CO2细胞培养箱培养,每三天补加细胞培养基;(注意:应加入20%的胎牛血清)9. 2-3 周后在倒置显微镜下观察并统计集落数;10. 小心吸干上层培养基,向每孔加入400 ul 0.1%结晶紫染色液,染色15-30分钟;11. 用数码相机或显微镜拍照,统计,作图分析。
<br> 目的:探索ERK信号通路在人表皮干细胞增殖分化中的作用。
<br> 方法:分离培养表皮干细胞,使用ERK通路抑制剂PD98059抑制表皮干细胞ERK通路的活性,转染MEK1重组质粒过表达MEK1或者使用PMA激活ERK通路。
通过MTT法检测表皮干细胞的增殖率,克隆形成实验检测表皮干细胞的克隆形成能力,Western blot检测表皮干细胞标志蛋白K19和β1-整合素及分化细胞标志蛋白K10的表达。
<br> 结果与结论:①使用PD98059抑制ERK通路后,表皮干细胞增殖率下降,克隆形成减少,细胞分化加强;②过表达MEK1或者使用PMA激活ERK通路后,表皮干细胞增殖率上升,克隆形成能力增强,细胞分化受到抑制;③这些结果表明ERK通路在表皮干细胞的增殖分化中有重要的作用。
%BACKGROUND:Epidermal stem cel s (ESCs) cultured in vitro can easily become differentiated and aged, but have limited proliferation ability. These characters limit the application and development of ESCs in skin tissue engineering. Increasing understanding of the regulatory mechanism of ESCs proliferation and differentiation would lay the theoretical foundation for the clinical application of ESCs.<br> OBJECTIVE:To identify the role of the ERK pathway in the proliferation and differentiation of ESCs. <br> METHODS:ESCs were isolated and cultured in vitro. The activity of the ERK pathway was blocked by PD98059 and the activation of the ERK pathway was conducted by PMAor transfecting MEK1 recombinant plasmid to enable the overexpression of MEK1. The effect of activation or blockage of the ERK pathway on the proliferation and colony formation ability of ESCs was detected by MTT and colony formation assay, respectively. The expression of ESCs markers K19 andβ1-integrin and differentiated cel marker K10 was detected by western blot. <br> RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:When the activity of the ERK pathway was blocked by PD98059, the proliferation and colony formation abilities of ESCs were inhibited and the differentiation was enhanced. On the contrary, activating the ERK pathway by PMA or upregulation of MEK1 enhanced the proliferation and colony formation abilities of ESCs but inhibited the cel differentiation. These results indicate that the ERK pathway plays an important role in the proliferation and differentiation of ESCs.【期刊名称】《中国组织工程研究》【年(卷),期】2016(020)045【总页数】7页(P6807-6813)【关键词】干细胞;分化;表皮干细胞;MAPK;ERK;增殖;克隆形成;国家自然科学基金【作者】李冰;王军爱【作者单位】解放军第451医院皮肤科,陕西省西安市 710054;69027部队医务室,新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市830002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R394.2文章快速阅读:文题释义:表皮干细胞:是能够产生至少一种以上高度分化子代细胞潜能的细胞,具有终身、无限的自我更新能力。
colony formation步骤及原理
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一、概述二、细菌的裙落形成1. 细菌裙落的定义2. 细菌裙落的形成条件三、细菌的裙落形成实验步骤1. 准备工作a. 实验所需材料b. 实验环境的准备2. 细菌培养a. 细菌的选取b. 培养基的制备c. 培养条件的控制3. 细菌接种a. 接种方法b. 接种量的控制4. 培养条件的控制a. 温度条件b. 湿度条件c. 氧气条件5. 细菌裙落的观察a. 形态观察b. 数量观察四、细菌的裙落形成原理1. 裙体效应2. 化学信号3. 营养竞争五、应用1. 医学上的应用2. 环境保护中的应用3. 科研领域的应用六、结论七、参考文献概述细菌是一类微生物生物的一种,存在于自然界的各个角落中。
细菌培养1. 细菌的选取:在进行实验时,可以根据实验目的选择合适的细菌种类,如需观察特定的细菌种裙,则需要进行相应的细菌的筛选和鉴定。
2. 培养基的制备:根据所选择的细菌种类和研究需求,选用适当的培养基,并按照要求配置制备培养基。
colony formation assay原理
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Colony Formation Assay(细胞克隆形成实验)的原理主要是检测肿瘤细胞株在特定的生境下是否具有生长、克隆形成的能力,以此判断其生长性质是否为恶性。
1. 将一定数量的已稀释的细胞接种于培养板中,同时设置阴性及阳性对照组。
2. 培养一段时间后,细胞从单个细胞开始增殖,形成克隆。
3. 倒置显微镜下观察并计数克隆数。
4. 判断细胞克隆形成的能力,作为评估肿瘤细胞恶性程度的一项指标。
一般分每皿50、100、200个细胞的梯度密度分别接种含10mL 37℃预温培养液的皿中,并轻轻转动,使细胞分散均匀。
置37℃5% CO2及饱和湿度的环境下,静置培养2~3周。
然后去固定液,加适量Giemsa 应用染色液染10~30分钟,然后用流水缓慢洗去染色液,空气干燥。
克隆数克隆形成率= —————×100%接种细胞数平板克隆形成试验方法简单,适用于贴壁生长的细胞。
1. 免疫共沉淀(Co-Immunoprecipitation),这是一种常用的方法,通过将一种蛋白的抗体与另一种蛋白结合,然后使用蛋白
A/G琼脂糖或其他亲和层析介质来沉淀出这两种蛋白的复合物,最后通过Western blot等方法检测是否存在互作。
2. 酵母双杂交(Yeast Two-Hybrid),这是一种体外的方法,利用酵母细胞内的转录因子结合域和激活域的相互作用原理,来检测两种蛋白是否可以相互结合。
3. 荧光共定位(Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer,FRET),这种方法通过在两种蛋白上分别连接荧光蛋白,当这两种蛋白发生互作时,荧光蛋白之间的距离会改变,从而可以通过激发和发射光谱的变化来检测它们之间的互作。
4. 质谱法(Mass Spectrometry),这是一种高通量的方法,通过将蛋白复合物进行分离和鉴定,可以直接检测到蛋白之间的相互作用。
5. 共定位实验(Co-localization Assay),通过荧光共定位
colony formation assay原理
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colony formation assay原理Colony Formation Assay: Understanding the Fundamentals and ApplicationsIntroductionThe colony formation assay, also known as a clonogenic assay or colony forming unit (CFU) assay, is a fundamental technique used in molecular biology and cancer research to evaluate cell survival, proliferation, and transformation. This assay serves as an essential tool for assessing the efficacy of various treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapies. In this article, we will delve into the principles behind the colony formation assay, its applications, and some important considerations when performing the assay.Principles of Colony Formation AssayAt its core, the colony formation assay relies on the ability of single cells to form colonies under specific culture conditions. The principle is based on the fact that only viable and capable cells can divide and proliferate to form visible colonies, while dead or damaged cells cannot. The assay is performed by plating a known number of cells onto a surface, typically a Petri dish or a multi-well plate, containing a suitable growth medium. After a certain incubation period, which can vary from days to weeks depending on the cell type, the cells are fixed, stained, and counted to determine the surviving fraction of cells and the size of the colonies formed.Applications of Colony Formation Assay1. Cell survival and cytotoxicity assessment: The colony formation assay is widely used to measure the cytotoxic effects of various treatments, including drugs, radiation, and other environmental factors, on cells. By comparing the number and size of colonies formed in treated versus untreated samples, researchers can quantify the percentage of surviving cells and assess the effectiveness of the treatment.2. Radiosensitivity testing: The assay plays a crucial role in radiation oncology, where it helps determine the radiosensitivity of different cell lines or patient-derived tumor samples. This information can be valuable in personalizing radiation therapy regimens and predicting patient outcomes.3. Cancer stem cell identification and characterization: The colony formation assay can be employed to identify and isolate cancer stem cells, which are responsible for tumor initiation, progression, and recurrence. These cells exhibit increased colony-forming capacity compared to non-stem cells, making the assay a useful tool for studying their properties and targeting them for therapeutic purposes.4. Drug screening and development: The assay can be utilized in high-throughput formats to screen large libraries of compounds for their potential anticancer activity. By measuring the inhibition of colony formation, researchers can identify promising drug candidates and study their mechanisms of action.5. Genetic manipulation and functional analysis: The colony formation assay can be combined with techniques like gene knockdown, overexpression, or CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing to investigate the roles of specific genes in cell survival, proliferation, and transformation.Considerations When Performing a Colony Formation Assay1. Appropriate cell density: To ensure accurate results, it is crucial to plate the correct number of cells per dish or well. Overcrowding can lead to overlapping colonies, making it difficult to count individual colonies accurately, whereas under-plating may result in insufficient colony formation and reduced sensitivity.2. Optimal incubation time: The duration of incubation should be chosen based on the cell type and the specific experimental question. Generally, slower-growing cells require longer incubation periods, whereas faster-growing cells may form colonies within a shorter timeframe.3. Fixation and staining: Fixation and staining procedures should be optimized for each cell type to preserve colony integrity and enable clear visualization. Common fixation agents include methanol and paraformaldehyde, while stains like crystal violet, Giemsa, or MTT can be used to visualize colonies.4. Data analysis: Accurate quantification of colony formation requires careful manual counting or automated image analysis software. It is essential to distinguish between true colonies consisting of multiple cells and individual cells or debris that may resemble colonies.ConclusionThe colony formation assay is a versatile and powerful tool in molecular biology and cancer research, providing valuable insights into cell survival, proliferation, and transformation. By understanding the principles, applications, and considerations involved in performing the assay, researchers can harness its full potential to advance our knowledge of cellular processes and develop novel therapeutic strategies.。
Colonyformationassay(细胞克隆形成)Colony formation assay OG 1-14-2001These assays are based on the principle that certain proteins when expressed stably cause either cell cycle arrest or cell death, hence a reduction in colony number.1.Plate out SAOS-2 (p53 -/-. pRB -/-), H1299 (p53 -/-. pRB +/+) or U2OS (p53 +/+,pRB +/+) in p60 dishes for transfection next day. The cells should be approximately 60-70 % (SAOS-2), or appr. 40-60 % (H1299, U2OS) confluent, respectively, on the day of transfection. Use 5 ml of medium per p60 dish.2.Transfect the cells. You can either use BES calcium phosphate or Fugene-6 (Roche)– either one works well. Probably Fugene has lower toxicity, though.3.With Fugene-6 transfect as follows:A.Aliquot the DNA’s (2.5 μg) into Falcon 2054 tubes.B.Prepare a master mix in a separate Falcon tube for all the transfections (make enoughfor one more transfection than you need because of pipetting errors). Mix 117.5 μl DMEM(without serum, or antibiotics) with 7.5 μl Fugene-6 per transfection.Incubate 5 min.C. Add the DMEM/ Fugene mixture (125 μl) to each tube with DNA and mix bypiptetting up and down gently. Incubate 15 min at RT.D.Add the DMEM/ Fugene/ DNA mixture to the cells dropwise.E.The transfection mixture can remain on the cells overnight,since it’s not very toxic.Note on DNA to use: The DNA you transfect must have a drug resistance marker, preferably puromycin (it’s faster) but neomycin or hygromcyin may also be used. For this assay, pBabe-puro works quite well as a vector for puromycin selection.4.Th e next day after transfection pass the cells from p60’s into p100 dishes.5.Two days after transfection start the selection by adding the appropriate amount ofselection drug. E.g. add puromycin to a final conc. of 1-1.5 μg/ml (for pBabe-puro).For G418 selection, 500 μg/ml is a good starting point.6.Every 3-4 days the medium should be replaced with fresh medium containing theselection drug. Most of the non-resistant cells are dead after 3-4 days of puromycinselection. However, it takes 2-3 weeks for the drug-resistant cells to form a visible colony.7.The assay should be stopped when the colonies are clearly visible even withoutlooking under the microscope. Stain the colonies with crystal violet and count them if so desired.Notes:-Every assay should as a minimum have one positive and one negative control, i.e. the vector alone versus vector containing something ‘toxic’.-If you try to rescue colony formation with Bcl-2 or dn–p53 it can be done in an equal ratio, i.e. 2.5 μg ‘your construct’ + 2.5 μg B cl-2/ dn p53 vector. Make sure whatever you try to rescue with does not have the same drug resistance marker. Also,when transfecting 5 μg, as in this case, dou ble the amounts of everything (Fugene, DMEM ).。
细胞放射敏感性实验流程英文回答:Radiosensitivity assay is a technique used to evaluate the response of cells to ionizing radiation. It is an important tool in radiation biology and can provide valuable information about the effects of radiation on cells. The assay involves exposing cells to different doses of radiation and measuring their response, such as cell survival or DNA damage. Here is a general outline of the procedure for conducting a radiosensitivity assay:1. Cell culture: Start by culturing the cells of interest in appropriate culture media and conditions. The cells should be in the exponential growth phase and free from contamination.2. Radiation source: Choose a suitable source of ionizing radiation, such as a gamma-ray irradiator or X-ray machine. Ensure that the radiation source is calibrated anddelivers a consistent dose.3. Dose selection: Determine the range of radiation doses to be used in the assay. This can vary depending on the cell type and research objectives. It is common to use a range of doses, including both sub-lethal and lethal doses.4. Irradiation: Expose the cells to the selected doses of radiation. This can be done by placing the cells in a radiation chamber or using specialized irradiation plates. Control groups without radiation exposure should also be included.5. Incubation: After irradiation, incubate the cells for a specific period of time to allow for cellular responses to occur. The duration of incubation can vary depending on the endpoints being measured.6. Cell viability assay: Assess cell survival or viability using appropriate assays, such as colony formation assay or MTT assay. These assays measure theability of cells to form colonies or convert a colorless substrate into a colored product, respectively.7. DNA damage analysis: If the objective is to evaluate DNA damage, perform DNA repair assays or measure DNA fragmentation using techniques like comet assay or TUNEL assay.8. Data analysis: Analyze the obtained data using appropriate statistical methods. Compare the results between different radiation doses and control groups to determine the radiosensitivity of the cells.9. Interpretation: Interpret the results and draw conclusions about the radiosensitivity of the cells. Consider factors such as cell type, radiation dose, and experimental conditions.中文回答:细胞放射敏感性实验是一种评估细胞对电离辐射反应的技术。
肝细胞癌(HCC )近几十年来发病率上升,虽然在临床和实验性癌症治疗方面取得了很大进展,但由于术后肿瘤复发和转移率高,HCC 患者的总体预后较差[1-3]。
因此,更好地了解HCC 发生发展的分子机制对肝癌靶向治疗具有重要意义。
细胞外基质(ECM )由多种大分子组成,包括胶原蛋白、纤维连接蛋白、弹性蛋白、层粘连蛋白、透明质酸和蛋白多糖[4]。
ECM 作为肿瘤微环境中含量最丰富的成分,可以调控肿瘤细胞行为和肿瘤进展,胶原蛋白是ECM 的主要成分,具有促进肿瘤发展的作用,例如IP4HA2promotes occurrence and progression of liver cancer by regulating the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathwaySHANG Ling 1,JIANG Wendi 1,ZHANG Junli 1,WU Wenjuan 1,21Key Laboratory of Cancer Research and Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis,2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,School of Laboratory Medicine,Bengbu Medical College,Bengbu 233030,China摘要:目的探讨脯氨酸4-羟化酶II (P4HA2)在肝癌细胞发生发展中的作用及相关机制。
方法利用GEPIA 、Human Protein Atlas 数据库预测P4HA2在肝癌中的表达情况,利用K-M plotter 在线数据库分析P4HA2的表达情况与肝癌预后的关系,采用qRT-PCR 和Western blot 检测肝癌细胞和正常肝细胞中P4HA2的表达。
微小RNA -125a -5p 对人鼻咽癌细胞增殖的影响及机制万芳竹1,2,3,张浩炯1,2,3,张宗璞41 上海市质子重离子医院放疗科 复旦大学附属肿瘤医院放疗科,上海 201321;2 上海市放射肿瘤学重点实验室;3 上海质子重离子放射治疗工程技术研究中心;4 复旦大学附属华山医院神经外科摘要:目的 探究微小RNA -125a -5p (miR -125a )对人鼻咽癌细胞(HK -1细胞)增殖的影响及机制。
方法 常规培养HK -1细胞及人胚肾细胞永生化细胞系(293T 细胞),将HK -1细胞随机分为对照1组、过表达miR -125a 组(转染miR -125a mimics )、沉默miR -125a 组(转染miR -125a inhibitor );另取部分HK -1细胞随机分为对照2组、miR -125a 过表达组(转染miR -125a mimics )及回补组[转染miR -125a mimics 同时过表达含PDZ 结合基序的转录共激活因子(TAZ )]。
转染48 h 后检测miR -125a 表达验证转染效率。
用RT -qPCR 法检测miR -125a -5p 、TAZ mRNA ;用Western blotting 法检测TAZ 蛋白;CCK -8实验、集落形成实验检测细胞增殖能力;通过预测网站TargetScan (http ://www.tar⁃ /)和miRDB (http :// /)预测miR -125a 与TAZ 的结合位点。
将293T 细胞随机分为4组,WT+miR -ctrl 组共转染TAZ 野生型(TAZ -WT )和miR -125a 空载对照(miR -ctrl )、Mut+miR -ctrl 组共转染TAZ 突变型(TAZ -MUT )和miR -ctrl 、WT+miR -125a 组共转染TAZ -WT 和miR -125a 模仿物(miR -125a )、Mut+miR -125a 组共转染TAZ -MUT 和miR -125a ,用双荧光素酶报告基因实验进一步验证miR -125a 的下游靶点。
方法:通过梯度浓度红杉黄酮处理胃癌细胞系AGS 细胞,再使用PI3K/AKT 信号通路激活剂对细胞进行诱导。
采用CCK-8检测红杉黄酮对AGS 细胞的最佳抑制浓度及时间,使用平板克隆、Transwell 、细胞划痕实验检测细胞的增殖、迁移、侵袭能力变化。
Western blot 检测PI3K/AKT 信号通路关键蛋白p-PI3K 、PI3K 、p-AKT 、AKT 。
结果:红杉黄酮呈浓度依赖抑制AGS 细胞,其半抑制浓度为0.5mmol/L ,最佳处理时间为48h 。
红杉黄酮处理AGS 细胞后,p-PI3K 与p-AKT 表达下调,AGS 细胞增殖减少,迁移、侵袭能力降低;PI3K/AKT 信号通路激活剂处理后,p-PI3K 与p-AKT 表达被部分逆转,增殖、迁移、侵袭能力降低也得到部分改善。
结论:红杉黄酮通过失活PI3K/AKT 信号通路抑制胃癌细胞增殖、迁移、侵袭等恶性行为。
关键词胃癌;红杉黄酮;PI3K ;AKT ;增殖;侵袭;迁移中图分类号:R965.2文献标志码:A文章编号:1009-2501(2023)05-0508-06doi :10.12092/j.issn.1009-2501.2023.05.004胃癌是世界上第四大常见男性癌症,仅次于肺癌、前列腺癌和结肠直肠癌,在女性中排名第五,仅次于乳腺癌、结肠直肠癌、宫颈癌和肺癌。
活性分析软琼脂克隆形成实验评价药物体外抑瘤性与成瘤性*齐乃松1,2,郭建3,王雪1,文海若1**(1.中国食品药品检定研究院国家药物安全评价监测中心,药物非临床安全评价研究北京市重点实验室,北京100176;2.河南省食品药品检验所,郑州450003;3.首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院急诊科,北京100730)摘要 目的:分别采用肿瘤细胞系和转化细胞系摸索软琼脂克隆形成实验的适宜条件,并对冬凌草甲素(oridonin,ORI)的抑瘤性和没食子酸乙酯(ethyl gallate,EG)促瘤性进行评价。
方法:1)摸索实验条件:采用6孔板固态培养法,按不同密度(每孔500~20 000个)将肿瘤细胞系(Hela,K562和HepG2)和转化细胞系(Bhas 42)与软琼脂混合铺板,计数克隆形成率。
2)HepG2细胞分别与质量浓度为0.016、0.08、0.4、2、10、50 μg·mL-1的ORI溶液混合后铺板;Bhas 42细胞预先经质量浓度为0.3、1、3 μg·mL-1的EG溶液处理后,镜下观察细胞达到转化状态后,与软琼脂混合铺板培养。
结果:细胞接种密度为每孔1 000 个左右时,利用肿瘤细胞和转化细胞开展软琼脂克隆形成实验效果较好。
EG随给药浓度增加可显著升高Bhas 42的克隆形成率(P<0.01),但对细胞增殖影响不显著。
关键词:软琼脂克隆形成实验;试验条件;肿瘤细胞系;转化细胞系;成瘤性;抑瘤性;冬凌草甲素;没食子酸乙酯中图分类号:R 917 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0254-1793(2017)03-0444-07doi:10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.03.12Tumor suppression effect and tumorigenicity of drugsevaluated by soft agar colony formation assay*QI Nai-song1,2,GUO Jian3,WANG Xue1,WEN Hai-ruo1**(1.Beijing Key Laboratory,National Center for Safety Evaluation of Drugs,National Institutes for Food and Drug Control,Beijing 100176,China;2.Henan Provincial Institute of Food and Drug Control,Zhengzhou 450003,China;3.Emergency Department,Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University,Beijing 100730,China)Abstract Objective:To zinvestigate the appropriate conditions for soft agar colony formation assay using tumor and transformed cell lines,and evaluate the tumor suppression effect of oridonin(ORI)and the tumorigenicity of * 国家“重大新药创制”科技重大专项(2015ZX09501004-002);中国食品药品检定研究院中青年发展研究基金课题(2014C1);北京市自然科学基金项目(7142127) ** 通信作者 Tel:(010)67876252;E-mail:wenhairuo@ 第一作者 Tel:185********;E-mail:qinaisongcpu@ethyl gallate(EG)respectively.Methods:1)Experimental conditions:tumor cell lines(Hela,K562 and HepG2)and transformed cell line(Bhas 42)were mixed with soft agar on 6-well culturing plates at different density(500-20 000 cells per well),and the colony formation rates were calculated.2)HepG2 cells were mixed with ORI at concentrations of 0.016,0.08,0.4,2,10,50 μg·mL-1;Bhas 42 cells were pretreated with EG at concentrations of 0.3,1,3 μg·mL-1 and subsequently plated with soft agar while the transformation state was observed.The effects of ORI and EG on colony formation rates were examined.3)Effects of ORI and EG on cell cycles were analyzed by flow cytometry.Results:Both tumor cells and transformed cells achieved optimized effects when the cells were plated at the density of 1 000 cell per well.ORI as an antitumor drug significantly reduced the clone formation rate(P<0.01)and exhib ited inhibition effect on proliferation of HepG2 cells.EG was able to increase the clone formation rate in a concentration-dependent pattern,but had no effect on the cell proliferation.Conclusion:In the soft agar colony formation assay,clone formation rate is used to estimate the tumor suppression effect and the tumorigenicity induced by drugs in a simple and sensitive manner.Our colony formation assay results are consistent with the cell cycle analysis data.By combining both methods,drug-induced cell proliferation and tumor suppression/ tumorgenicity could be effectively predicted.Keywords:soft agar colony formation assay;test conditions;tumor cell lines;transformed cell lines;tumorigenicity;tumor suppression effect;oridonin;ethyl gallate软琼脂克隆形成实验采用肿瘤细胞系或转化细胞系,通过观察细胞在软琼脂中的细胞集落形成能力,对其可能发生转化并在动物体内的成瘤性潜能进行评价。
Colony formation assay(细胞克隆形成)
![Colony formation assay(细胞克隆形成)](
Colony formation assay OG 1-14-2001These assays are based on the principle that certain proteins when expressed stably cause either cell cycle arrest or cell death, hence a reduction in colony number.1.Plate out SAOS-2 (p53 -/-. pRB -/-), H1299 (p53 -/-. pRB +/+) or U2OS (p53 +/+,pRB +/+) in p60 dishes for transfection next day. The cells should be approximately 60-70 % (SAOS-2), or appr. 40-60 % (H1299, U2OS) confluent, respectively, on the day of transfection. Use 5 ml of medium per p60 dish.2.Transfect the cells. You can either use BES calcium phosphate or Fugene-6 (Roche)– either one works well. Probably Fugene has lower toxicity, though.3.With Fugene-6 transfect as follows:A.Aliquot the DNA’s (2.5 µg) into Falcon 2054 tubes.B.Prepare a master mix in a separate Falcon tube for all the transfections (make enoughfor one more transfection than you need because of pipetting errors). Mix 117.5 µl DMEM (without serum, or antibiotics) with 7.5 µl Fugene-6 per transfection.Incubate 5 min.C. Add the DMEM/ Fugene mixture (125 µl) to each tube with DNA and mix bypiptetting up and down gently. Incubate 15 min at RT.D.Add the DMEM/ Fugene/ DNA mixture to the cells dropwise.E.The transfection mixture can remain on the cells overnight, since it’s not very toxic.Note on DNA to use: The DNA you transfect must have a drug resistance marker, preferably puromycin (it’s faster) but neomycin or hygromcyin may also be used. For this assay, pBabe-puro works quite well as a vector for puromycin selection.4.Th e next day after transfection pass the cells from p60’s into p100 dishes.5.Two days after transfection start the selection by adding the appropriate amount ofselection drug. E.g. add puromycin to a final conc. of 1-1.5 µg/ml (for pBabe-puro).For G418 selection, 500 µg/ml is a good starting point.6.Every 3-4 days the medium should be replaced with fresh medium containing theselection drug. Most of the non-resistant cells are dead after 3-4 days of puromycinselection. However, it takes 2-3 weeks for the drug-resistant cells to form a visible colony.7.The assay should be stopped when the colonies are clearly visible even withoutlooking under the microscope. Stain the colonies with crystal violet and count them if so desired.Notes:-Every assay should as a minimum have one positive and one negative control, i.e. the vector alone versus vector containing something ‘toxic’.-If you try to rescue colony formation with Bcl-2 or dn–p53 it can be done in an equal ratio, i.e. 2.5 µg ‘your construct’ + 2.5 µg B cl-2/ dn p53 vector. Make sure whatever you try to rescue with does not have the same drug resistance marker. Also, when transfecting 5 µg, as in this case, double the amounts of everything (Fugene, DMEM ).。
肝细胞癌(HCC )是最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,是全球癌症相关死亡的第3大原因,其发病率在全球范围内仍呈上升趋势,严重威胁着人类健康[1]。
HCC 是肝癌中最常见的类型,占所有病例的90%以上。
尽管近几十年来,HCC 的治疗已取得很大进展,患者总生存期和生活质量有所提高,但在大部分国家5年生存率仍不足30%[2,3]。
因此,需要进一步探索HCC 的有效预防和治疗手段。
Dealcoholized red wine inhibits occurrence and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma possibly by inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosisLAN Yu,WANG Kaifeng,LAN Zhixian,ZHOU Heqi,SUN JianState Key Laboratory of Organ Failure Research,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Viral Hepatitis Research,Department of Infectious Diseases,Nanfang Hospital,Southern Medical University,Guangzhou 510515,China摘要:目的探讨脱醇红酒对肝细胞癌(HCC )发生发展的抑制作用,并初步探索其可能的机制。
方法不同浓度的脱醇红酒(0、5、10、25、50和100μL/mL )处理人肝癌细胞(Huh7,HepG2和SK-Hep-1)后,采用CCK-8和克隆形成实验分别检测各组细胞的增值活性和克隆形成能力。
构建裸鼠皮下瘤模型,分为实验组(脱醇红酒,300μL/d )和对照组,干预4周后对比两组肿瘤体积。
构建化学诱导小鼠肝癌模型,分为实验组(脱醇红酒,300μL/d )和对照组,干预6周后对比两组肝脏肿瘤数量、最大肿瘤直径和肝体比。
实验八协同凝集试验(Coagglutination assay)【实验原理】葡萄球菌细胞壁成分中的A蛋白(SPA)能与人及多种哺乳动物(如猪、兔、豚鼠等)血清中的IgG 类抗体的Fc段结合,成为致敏的载体颗粒。
【主要试剂与器材】1.金黄色葡萄球菌Cowan I株。
2.变形杆菌OX l9株18~24h琼脂斜面培养物。
2.于第3、1格分别加1滴接种环变形杆菌OX l9株18~24h琼脂斜面培养物,第2格加1滴生理盐水,分别用牙签混匀,2~3min内观察结果。
“+ ”:弱,液体稍混浊,金黄色葡萄球菌凝集成可见颗粒。
“- ”:不凝集,液体混浊,无凝集颗粒可见。
2.加变形杆菌OX l9株培养物时应先加第3格,再加第1格,以免将SPA菌诊断液带入到SPA菌液中影响试验结果。
tube formation assay方法
![tube formation assay方法](
tube formation assay方法
管形成实验(Tube formation assay)是体外研究血管生成的经典方法,该方法可快速确定参与血管生成的基因或通路。
1. 基质胶、枪头和移液枪需要在4℃冰箱放置过夜。
2. 在96孔板中按照每孔50微升的量加入基质胶,并使用震荡的方法让胶均匀分布,避免产生气泡。
3. 围绕基质胶加入一圈PBS,防止基质胶变干。
4. 在二氧化碳培养箱中放置1小时,当细胞在培养皿中生长至70-80%时,吸去培养液上清。
5. 用1毫升PBS清洗细胞,加入胰蛋白酶细胞消化液(不含EDTA)进行消化,摇晃培养皿确保消化液完全覆盖细胞。
6. 在显微镜下观察细胞状态,放入培养箱消化1分钟,观察到细胞逐渐趋于圆形,需终止消化。
7. 加入完全培养基终止消化,转移至15毫升离心管,设置1000转数,5分钟离心。
8. 加入1毫升完全培养基重悬,吸取200微升于计数板,计数每孔细胞。
9. 按照每孔50微升重悬液加入凝胶好的96孔板中,在二氧化碳培养箱中孵育4-24小时。
10. 在显微镜下观察结果并拍照。
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一般分每皿50、100、200个细胞的梯度密度分别接种含10mL 37℃预温培养液的皿中,并轻轻转动,使细胞分散均匀。
置37℃ 5% CO2及饱和湿度的环境下,静置培养2~3周。
克隆形成率= —————×100%
待上层琼脂凝固后,置入37℃ 5%CO2温箱中培养10~14天。