
在网上收集的一份较全的资料,仅供参考!一、各国重要作品主要译本1、·俄国·《战争与和平》-- 草婴,短期无法超越。
《战争与和平》-- 刘辽逸,人民文学版。
《安娜·卡列尼娜》草婴上海文艺《复活》-- 汝龙《复活》-- 草婴,这两个译本都是经典。
《前夜》-- 丽尼《贵族之家》-- 丽尼《父与子》-- 巴金《卡拉玛左夫兄弟》-- 耿济之《罪与罚》-- 岳麟上海译文《罪与罚》-- 朱海观王汶人民文学《白痴》-- 南江《被欺凌与被侮辱的》-- 南江《被侮辱和被损害的》(陀斯妥耶夫斯基)荃麟《童年在人间我的大学》-- 刘辽逸楼适夷陆风-人民文学出版社《童年在人间我的大学》-- 高惠群安东顾生根上海译文《童年在人间我的大学》-- 聂刚正译林出版社《高尔基短篇小说选》-- 瞿秋白巴金耿济之伊信《猎人笔记》-- 丰子恺《猎人笔记》-- 冯春,未知如何。
《樱桃园》契诃夫焦菊隐上海译文出版社《当代英雄》-- 翟松年《静静的顿河》-- 金人《普希金诗集》--戈宝权中国社会科学出版社《普希金诗选》-- 查良铮《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》普希金智量人民文学出版社普希金文集第五卷雪垠轩注:这部书的名家译本众多,各有千秋。
《家庭的戏剧》-- 巴金《死魂灵》-- 满涛《死魂灵》果戈里鲁迅人民文学出版社《一个人的遭遇》-- 草婴《一个人的遭遇》肖洛霍夫马龙闪等新华出版社肖洛霍夫中短篇小说选《悬崖》(冈察洛夫)李林《阿列霞》(库普林)李林《阿列霞》-- 蓝英年《日瓦戈医生》-- 蓝英年张秉衡《钢铁是怎样炼成的》-- 梅益《谁之罪》-- 楼适夷《苦难的历程》-- 王士燮《往事与随想》-- 巴金,上海译文79年版。

法德作家作品中英文贵族时代法国傅华萨( Jean Froissart )《闻见录》( Chronicles )《罗兰之歌》( The Song Of Roland ) 维永( Francois Montaigne )《诗集》( Poems)蒙田( Michel de Montaigne )《随笔集》( Essays)拉伯雷( Francois Rabelais )《巨人传》( Gargantua andPantagrue )玛格丽特德纳瓦尔(Marguerite de Navarre )《七日谈》( The Heptameron )《杜贝莱》(Joachim Du Bellay )悔恨集》( The Regrets)赛弗( Maurice Sceve)《德丽亚》( Delie)龙萨( Pierre de Ronsard )《颂诗》、《挽歌》、《十四行诗》( Odes ,Elegies,Sonnets)柯门斯( Philippe de Conmmynes )《回忆录》( Memoirs )欧比涅( Agrippa d ' Aubign)e《悲歌集》( Les Tragiques )卡涅尔( Robert Garnier )《马克安东尼》(Mark A ntony )《犹太姑娘》( The Jewesses)高乃依( Pierre Corneille )熙德》( The Cid ) 波利耶克特》( Polyeucte)《尼高梅德》( Nicomede) 《贺拉斯》( Horace ) 《西拿》( Cinna ) 《罗多古娜》( Rodogune ) 拉罗什富科( Francois de La Rochefoucauld )《箴言录》( Maxims )拉封丹(Jean de La Fontaine )《寓言诗》( Fables)莫里哀( Moliere )《恨世者》( The Misanthrope )《答尔丢夫》( Tartuffe ) 《太太学堂》( The School for Wives )《女博士》( The Learned Ladies )《唐璜》( Don Juan )《丈夫学堂》( School for Husbands )《可笑的女才子》( Ridiculous Precieuses )《贵人迷》( The Would Gentleman )《吝啬鬼》( The Miser )《没病找病》( The Iiser )帕斯卡尔( Blaise Pascal)《思想录》( Pensees)博叙埃( Jacques-Benigne Bossuet)《追悼词》( Funerary Orations )布瓦洛( Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux )《诗艺》( The Art of Poetry )《经台吟》( Lutrin )拉辛( Jean Racine)《菲德拉》( Phaedra )《安德罗玛克》( Andromache )《布里塔尼居斯》( Britannicus )《阿达莉》( A thaliah )马里沃( Pierre Carlet de Marivaux )《喜剧七部》( Seven Comedies)卢梭( Jean-Jacques Rousseau)《忏悔录》( The Confessions)《爱弥尔》( Emile )《新爱洛绮丝》( La Nouvelle Heloise ) 伏尔泰( Voltaire )《查第格》( Zadig )《老实人》( Candide ) 《英国书信》( Letterson England )《里斯本地震》( The Lisbon Earthquake ) 普雷沃( Abbe Prevost )《曼侬莱斯戈》(Manon Lescaut)拉法耶特夫人( Madame de La Fayette )《克莱芙王妃》( The Princess of Cleves)塞巴斯蒂安-罗克尼科拉斯(Sebastien-Roch Nicolas de Chamfort )《完美文明的产物》 ( Products of the Perfected Civilization )狄德罗( Denis Diderot )《拉摩的侄儿》( Rameau' s Nephew)拉克洛( Choderlos de Laclos )《危险的交往》( Dangerous Liaisons )德国伊拉斯漠( Erasmus )《愚人颂》( In Praise of Folly )歌德( Johann Wolfgang von Goethe )《浮士德》( Faust)《诗与真》( Dichtung und Wahrheit )《埃格蒙特》( Egmont )《亲和力》( Elective Affinities )《少年维特之烦恼》( The Sorrows of Young Werther )《诗集》( Poems)《威廉迈斯特的学习时代》(Wilhelm Meister ' s Apprenticeship )《威廉迈斯特的漫游时代》(Wilhelm Meister ' s Years of Wandering )《意大利游记》( Italian Journey )《诗剧》和《赫尔曼与窦绿苔》( Verse Plays and Hermann and Dorothea )《罗马哀歌》、《威尼斯铭语》、《西东合集》( Roman Elegies, VenetianEpigrams, West-Eastern Divan )席勒( Friedrich Schiller )《强盗》( The Robbers )《玛丽斯图亚特》(Mary Stuart )《华伦斯坦》( Wallenstein )《唐卡洛斯》(Don Carlos )《论素朴诗和感伤诗》( On the Naive and Sentimental in Literature ) 莱辛( Gotthold Lessing )《拉奥孔》( Laocoon )《智者纳旦》( Nathan the Wise ) 荷尔德林( Friedrich Holderlin )《赞美诗与片段》( Hymns and Fragments )《诗选》( Selected Poems) 克莱斯特( Heinrich vonKleist )《戏剧五部》( Five Plays)《故事集》( Sto ries )民主时代法国贡斯当( Benjamin Constant )《阿道尔夫》( Adolphe )《红色笔记》( The Red Notebook )夏多布里昂( Francois-Auguste-Rene de Chateaubriand )《阿达拉》( Atala )《勒内》( Rene)《基督教真谛》( The Genius of Christianity ) 拉马丁( Alphonse de Lamartine )《沉思集》( Meditations )维尼( Alfred de Vigny )《查特顿》( Chatterton )《诗集》( Poems)雨果( Victor Hugo )《光与影:诗选集》( The Distance, The Shadows: Selected Poems)悲惨世界》( Les Miserables )《巴黎圣母院》( Notre-Dame of Paris )《论莎士比亚》( William Shakespeare )《海上劳工》( The Toilers of Sea )《撒旦的末日》( The End of Satan )《上帝》( God )缪塞( Alfred de Musset )《诗集》( Poems)《罗朗札齐奥》( Lorenzaccio )奈瓦尔( Gerard de Nerval )《幻影》( The Chimeras )《西尔葳》( Sylvie)《奥蕾丽亚》( Aurelia )戈蒂耶( Theophile Gautier )《莫班小姐》( Mademoiselle de Maupin ) 《珐琅与雕玉》( Enamels and Cameos)巴尔扎克( Honore de Balzac )《金目少女》( The Girl with the Golden Eyes )《路易朗裴》(Louis Lambert )《驴皮记》( The Wild A ss's Skin)《高老头》( Old Goriot )《贝姨》( Cousin Bette)《娼妓的奢华与穷因》( A Harlot High and Low)《欧也妮葛朗台》(Eugenie Grandet)《于许勒弥鲁蔼》(Ursule Mirouet )司汤达( Stendhal)《论爱情》( On Love )《红与黑》( The Red and the Blank )《巴马修道院》 ( The Charterhouse of Parma )福楼拜( Gustave Flaubert )《包法利夫人》( Madame Bovary )《情感教育》( Sentimental Education )《萨朗波》( Salammbo )《淳朴的心》( A Sinple Soul )乔治桑(George Sand)《魔沼》( The Haunted Pool )波德莱尔( Charles Baudelaire )《恶之花》( Flowers of Evil )《巴黎的忧郁》( Paris Spleen)马拉梅( Stephane Mallarme )《诗与散文选集》 ( Selected Poetry and Prose )魏尔兰( Paul Verlaine )《诗选》( Selected Poems)兰波( Arthur Rimbaud )《全集》( Complete Works )科尔比埃尔( Tristan Corbiere )《黄色的爱》( Les Amours jaunes ) 拉弗格( Jules Laforgue )《作品选》( Selected Poems)莫泊桑( Guy De Maupassant )《短篇小说选集》( Selected Short Stories) 左拉( Emile Zola )《萌芽》( Germinal )《小酒店》( L' Assommoi)r《娜娜》( Nana )德国诺瓦利斯( Novalis [Friedrich von Hardenburg] 《夜颂》( Hymns to the Night )《格言》( Aphorisms )雅可布与威廉格林(Jacob and WilhelmGrimm )格林童话》( Fairy Tales )《(Immen 《(The 默里克(Eduard Morike)《诗选》(Selected Poems)《莫扎特在去布拉格途中XMozart on His Way to Pragug)施托姆(Theodor Storm)《诗集》(Poems)凯勒(Gottfried Keller)《绿衣亨利》(Green Henry)《故事集》(Tales) 霍夫曼(E.T.W.Hoffmanii) 《魔鬼的长生不老药》(The Devil's Elixir) 《故事集》(Tales)戈特赫尔夫(Jeremias Gotthelf)施蒂弗特(Adalbert Stifter)《晚来的夏天》( Indian Summer )《故事集》( Tales)施莱格尔( Friedrich Schlegel )《批评》与《格言》( Criticism and Aphorisms ) 毕希纳( Georg Buchner )《丹东之死》( Danton ' s Deat)h《沃伊采克》( Woyzeck )海涅( Heinrich Heine )《诗歌全集》( Complete Poems) 瓦格纳( Richard Wagner ) 《尼伯龙根的指环》( The Ring of the Nibelung ) 尼采( Friedrich Nietzsche )《悲剧的诞生》( The Borth of Tragedy )《在善与恶的彼岸》 ( Beyond Good And Evil )《论道德的谱系》( On the Genealogy of Morals )《权力意志》( The Will to Power ) 冯塔纳( Theodor Fontane )《埃菲布利斯特》(Effi Briest )格奥尔格( Stefan George)《诗选》( Selected Poems)。

英语名言警句带翻译英语名言警句带翻译1. 任何一样东西,你渴望拥有它,它就盛开。
——普鲁斯特《追忆似水年华》Anything that you want to have is in full bloom. Once you have it, it withers2. 一个人并不是生来要给打败的,你尽可以把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他。
——海明威《老人与海》A person is not born to be defeated. You can eliminate him as much as you can, but you cant defeat him3. 人应该支配习惯,而决不能让习惯支配人。
——奥斯特洛夫斯基《钢铁是怎样练成的》People should control habits, but never let them control people4. 人与人之间,最可痛心的事莫过于在你认为理应获得善意和友谊的地方,却遭受了烦扰和损害。
——拉伯雷《巨人传》Between people, the most painful thing is that you should get goodwill and friendship in the place, but suffered harassment and damage5. 不要憎恨你的敌人,那会影响你的判断力。
——马里奥·普佐《教父》Dont hate your enemy, it will affect your judgment6. 世界上有这样一些幸福的人,他们把自己的痛苦化作他人的幸福,他们挥泪埋葬了自己在尘世间的希望,它却变成了种子,长出鲜花和香膏,为孤苦伶仃的苦命人医治创伤。
——斯托夫人《汤姆叔叔的小屋》There are some happy people in the world who turn their pain into the happiness of others. They bury their hope in the world with tears, but it turns into seeds and grows flowers and balms to heal the wounds of the lonely and miserable people7. 我从来不是那样的人,不能耐心地拾起一地碎片,把它们凑合在一起,然后对自己说,这个修补好了的东西,跟新的完全一样。

下面这40部遗产性英语片是专门强荐给那些读不进书的人儿,均是英文听力+阅读助力极好的强片,要是不看,比较地道的纯正听力+口语语感从何而来?? 读也不读,看又不看,听也不听,正确语境的认知,以及低失误率的大词汇量,高多信息化的阅读理解和真实的生活阅历就永远是句空话empty talk!!1. Big Fish II《大鱼老爸2》;American Beauty 《美国丽人》;Pretty Friends 《漂亮朋友/ 丽人行》2. Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》;The Sound of Music 《音乐之声》;Dances with Wolves 《与狼共舞》3. A Walk in clouds 《云中漫步》;Gone With the Wind 《飘/乱世佳人》;Jane Eyre 《简·爱》4. Independent Day 《独立日》;Superman I-II 《超人》+《超人归来》;King Kong《金刚》5. Mission: Impossible I-II-III《不可能完成的任务/碟中谍1,2,3》; 或者 James Bond 007 《007》全集6. Congo 《刚果惊魂》;Jurassic Park I-II-III 《侏罗纪公园1,2,3》;Man in Black II 《黑衣特战警》7. The Pearl Harbor 《珍珠港》;The Rocks 《石破天惊》;Fair Game《对抗性游戏》;RainMan《雨人》8. Titanic《泰坦尼克》;Broken Arrow《断剑》;Air Force One 《空军一号》;The Fugitive 《亡命天涯》9. Silence of the Lamb 《沉默的羔羊》;Lion King《狮子王》;Sleepless Seatle《西雅图不眠人》;10.Shawshank's Redemption 《肖申克的救赎》; Seven Sins 《七宗罪》;Pretty Women 《漂亮女人》11. Brave Heart 《勇敢的心》; Wild Geese 《野鹅敢死队》; Serpent 《蛇》;Last Assassin《最后刺客》12. North by Northwest 《西北偏北》;Cassandra Crossing 《卡桑德拉大桥》;Roma Holiday 《罗马假日》13. King Solomon's Mine《所罗门王的宝藏》;National Treasure 《国家宝藏》;Vertical Limit 《垂直极限》14. Golden Pond 《金色池塘》;Speed 《生死时速》I-II-III; Topgun 《壮志凌云》;Seawolf 《海狼》;15. Bathing Beauties 《出水芙蓉》;Ring III《美版--午夜凶铃》;Kramer V.S. Kramer 《克莱默夫妇之争》16. Victory 《胜利大逃亡》;Escape to Athena 《逃往雅典娜》;Robotcop I-II-III 《机器战警123》Garrison's Gorillas [TV-Series] /《加里森敢死队》;The Bridges of Madison County 《廊桥遗梦》;The Waterloo Bridge 《魂断蓝桥》。
世界名著及作者英文名表达《安娜·卡列尼娜》ANNA KARENINA------列夫·托尔斯泰Tolstoy,Leo《环绕地球80天》AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS ------儒勒·凡尔纳Verne,Jules《忏悔录》A CONFESSION------列夫·托尔斯泰Tolstoy,Leo《双城记》A TALE OF TWO CITIES------查尔斯·狄更斯Dickens, Charles《茶花女》CAMILLE------小仲马Dumas, Alexandre, fils《罪与罚》CRIME AND PUNISHMENT------费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基Dostoevsky, Fyodor《大卫·科波菲尔》DAVID COPPERFIELD------查尔斯·狄更斯Dickens, Charles《堂·吉诃德》DON QUIXOTE------米盖尔·台·塞万提斯Cervantes, Miguel de《欧也妮·葛朗台》EUGENIE GRANDET------奥诺瑞·德·巴尔扎克Balzac,Honore de《高老头》FATHER GORIOT------奥诺瑞·德·巴尔扎克Balzac,Honore de《巨人传》GARGANTUA AND PANTAGRUEL------拉伯雷Rabelais, Francis《远大前程》GREAT EXPECTATIONS------查尔斯·狄更斯Dickens, Charles《格列佛游记》GULLIVER'S TRAVELS------琼纳森·斯威夫特Swift,Jonathan《简·爱》JANE EYRE------夏洛蒂·勃朗特Bronte,Charlotte《悲惨世界》LES MISERABLES------维克多·雨果Hugo,Victor《包法利夫人》MADAME BOVARY------居斯塔夫·福楼拜Flaubert,Gustave《福尔摩斯回忆录》MEMOIRS OF SHERLOCK HOLMES ------阿瑟·柯南道尔Doyle,Sir Arthur Conan《雾都孤儿》OLIVER TWIST------查尔斯·狄更斯Dickens, Charles《傲慢与偏见》PRIDE AND PREJUDICE------简·奥斯丁Austen,Jane《复活》RESURRECTION------列夫·托尔斯泰Tolstoy,Leo《鲁滨逊漂流记》ROBINSON CRUSOE------丹尼尔·笛福Defoe, Daniel《德伯家的苔丝》TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES------托马斯·哈代Hardy,Thomas《基督山伯爵》THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO------大仲马Dumas, Alexandre, pere《巴黎圣母院》THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME------维克多·雨果Hugo, Victor《汤姆·索耶历险记》THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER ------马克·吐温Twain,Mark《十日谈》THE DECAMERON------乔万尼·卜伽丘Boccaccio,Giovanni《神秘岛》THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND------儒勒·凡尔纳Verne,Jules《万尼亚舅舅》UNCLE VANYA------契诃夫Chekhov,Anton Pavlovich《浮士德》FAUSTUS------歌德Johann,Wolfgang,von,Goethe《红与黑》BLACK AND RED------司汤达Stendhal《战争与和平》WAR AND PEACE------列夫·托尔斯泰Tolstoy,Leo《呼啸山庄》WUTHERING HEIGHTS------艾米莉·勃朗特Bronte,Emily《三个火枪手》THE THREE MUSKETEERS------大仲马Dumas, Alexandre, pere《哈姆雷特》HAMLET------威廉·莎士比亚Shakespeare,William《罗密欧与朱丽叶》ROMEO AND JULIET------威廉·莎士比亚Shakespeare,William《奥赛罗》OTHELLO,MOOR OF VENICE------威廉·莎士比亚Shakespeare,William《仲夏夜之梦》A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM ------威廉·莎士比亚Shakespeare,William《威尼斯商人》THE MERCHANT OF VENICE------威廉·莎士比亚Shakespeare,William《灰姑娘》CINDERELLA------格林兄弟Grimm Brothers《小红帽》LITTLE RED -CAP------格林兄弟Grimm Brothers《白雪公主》LITTLE SNOW-WHITE------格林兄弟Grimm Brothers《皇帝的新装》THE EMPEROR'S NEW SUIT------汉斯·C·安徒生Andersen, Hans C.《青蛙王子》THE FROG KING,OR IRON HENRY------格林兄弟Grimm Brothers《卖火柴的小女孩》THE LITTLE MATCH-SELLER------汉斯·C·安徒生Andersen, Hans C.《小美人鱼》THE LITTLE MERMAID------汉斯·C·安徒生Andersen, Hans C.《丑小鸭》THE UGLY DUCKLING------汉斯·C·安徒生Andersen, Hans C.《汤姆叔叔的小屋》Uncle Tom's Cabin----比彻·斯托夫人(Harriet Beecher Stowe)《嘉丽妹妹》英文名:Sister Carrie---德莱塞(Dreiser)《名利场》英文名“Vanity Fair----(英)萨克雷William Makepeace Thackeray《理智与情感》【英文名:】Sense And Sensibility----(英)简·奥斯丁Austen,Jane《金银岛》Treasure Island------罗伯特.路易斯.斯蒂文森(Robert Louis Stevenson)《老人与海》----(美)海明威(Hemingway,E.)艰难时世Hard Times----(英)查尔斯·狄更斯Dickens, Charles。

国家开放大学《外国文学》形考作业1-4参考答案形考作业1一.选择题(已知作品选择作者,每题2分,共10分)1、《诗学》a. 萨福b. 亚里士多德c. 柏拉图d. 埃斯库罗斯2、《被缚的普罗米修斯》a. 品达罗斯b. 埃斯库罗斯c. 伊索d. 索福克勒斯3、《埃涅阿斯纪》a. 米南德b. 欧里庇得斯c. 维吉尔d. 普劳图斯4、《麦克白》a. 彼特拉克b. 贺拉斯c. 莎士比亚d. 但丁5、《十日谈》a. 拉伯雷b. 薄伽丘c. 洛卜·德·维伽d. 托马斯·摩尔二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)6、欧洲文学史上最古老的文学是古代(希腊罗马)文学。

《巨人传》的读后感英文The book "Giant" by Edna Ferber is a masterpiece in the world of literature, and after reading it, I was left with a feeling of overwhelming emotion. I found myself fully invested in the characters and their experiences, being transported back to an era that felt both distant and familiar.The story is set during the early 1900s in Texas, where we meet the Benedicts, a wealthy and powerful family that owns a ranch. The family is led by Jordan "Bick" Benedict, who is a symbol of the traditional values and customs of the time. Bick represents the old aristocratic South, while his new wife, Leslie Lynnton, is from the North and represents modern values and a different way of life. Their struggles to reconcile their different views and backgrounds are the central focus of the book.Ferber brilliantly captures the essence of the era in which the story is set, providing a realistic portrayal of the social and political circumstances of the time. Through the characters' experiences, she portrays the different struggles and battles of the early 20th century, including racism, sexism, classism, and the struggles of the working class.As the story unfolds, we see the complexity of the characters, their internal struggles, and their gradual development. The character of Bick is particularly fascinating as he is conflicted between his traditional values and his growing awareness of the problems facing society. Leslie, on the other hand, is a symbol of change and a voice of reason in the midst of an outdated society. Her character provides a refreshing perspective and is a beacon of hope in theface of injustice and oppression.One of the most poignant aspects of the novel is the thread of racial injustice that runs throughout the story. Ferber takes readers on a journey through the changing attitudes towards race in the U.S, highlighting the impact of racism on both white and African-American communities. We witness the struggles of the working-class Mexicans and the harsh treatment of the African-American characters. The novel presents a sobering reminder of the reality of racial injustice and discrimination, and the immense social and political changes necessary to overcome it.In conclusion, "Giant" is a masterpiece that captures the essence of a critical period in US history. The novel speaks to the challenges faced by individuals and communities in times of social and economic upheaval. The story is both insightful and captivating, taking readers on a journey of self-discovery and societal evolution.I would recommend this book to anyone who loves historical fiction or is interested in the diverse and complex history of the U.S.Another prominent theme in "Giant" is the struggle for women's rights and societal expectations of gender roles. Leslie is repeatedly met with disapproval for her unconventional behavior and independent actions, as it goes against the traditional role of women in society. Throughout the novel, she actively challenges the gender norms of the time by asserting her independence and working towards achieving her own goals.Furthermore, the novel explores the class divide between the wealthy ranch owners and the working-class Mexicans who work on the ranch. Ferber depicts the tensions and conflicts that arisefrom this social and economic divide, shedding light on the exploitation and mistreatment of the working class.The character of Jett Rink, a poor cowboy who strikes oil and becomes wealthy, also highlights the impact of economic success on social mobility and class dynamics. Despite his newfound wealth, Jett is repeatedly met with discrimination and rejection from the established wealthy elite, highlighting the barriers to upward social mobility and the rigid class system of the time. Overall, "Giant" is a novel that explores a wide range of social, economic, and political issues through its complex characters and intricate plot. It is a powerful reminder of the progress that has been made towards social justice and equity over time, while also highlighting the work that still needs to be done to address these issues in the present day. Through its portrayal of the struggles and triumphs of its characters, "Giant" remains a timeless and impactful piece of literature.。

世界名著及作者英文名表达Prepared on 22 November 2020娜·卡列尼娜》 ANNA KARENINA------列夫·托尔斯泰 Tolstoy,Leo《环绕地球80天》 AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS ------儒勒·凡尔纳 Verne,Jules《忏悔录》 A CONFESSION------列夫·托尔斯泰 Tolstoy,Leo《双城记》 A TALE OF TWO CITIES------查尔斯·狄更斯 Dickens, Charles《茶花女》 CAMILLE------小仲马 Dumas, Alexandre, fils《罪与罚》CRIME AND PUNISHMENT------费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基 Dostoevsky, Fyodor《大卫·科波菲尔》DAVID COPPERFIELD------查尔斯·狄更斯 Dickens, Charles《堂·吉诃德》DON QUIXOTE------米盖尔·台·塞万提斯 Cervantes, Miguel de《欧也妮·葛朗台》EUGENIE GRANDET------奥诺瑞·德·巴尔扎克 Balzac,Honore de《高老头》FATHER GORIOT------奥诺瑞·德·巴尔扎克 Balzac,Honore de《巨人传》GARGANTUA AND PANTAGRUEL------拉伯雷 Rabelais, Francis《远大前程》GREAT EXPECTATIONS------查尔斯·狄更斯 Dickens, Charles《格列佛游记》GULLIVER’S TRAVELS------琼纳森·斯威夫特 Swift,Jonathan《简·爱》JANE EYRE------夏洛蒂·勃朗特 Bronte,Charlotte《悲惨世界》LES MISERABLES------维克多·雨果 Hugo,Victor《包法利夫人》MADAME BOVARY------居斯塔夫·福楼拜 Flaubert,Gustave《福尔摩斯回忆录》 MEMOIRS OF SHERLOCK HOLMES ------阿瑟·柯南道尔 Doyle,Sir Arthur Conan《雾都孤儿》OLIVER TWIST------查尔斯·狄更斯 Dickens, Charles《傲慢与偏见》PRIDE AND PREJUDICE------简·奥斯丁 Austen,Jane《复活》RESURRECTION------列夫·托尔斯泰 Tolstoy,Leo《鲁滨逊漂流记》 ROBINSON CRUSOE------丹尼尔·笛福 Defoe, Daniel《德伯家的苔丝》TESS OF THE D’URBERVILLES------托马斯·哈代 Hardy,Thomas《基督山伯爵》THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO------大仲马 Dumas, Alexandre, pere《巴黎圣母院》THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME------维克多·雨果 Hugo, Victor《汤姆·索耶历险记》THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER ------马克·吐温 Twain,Mark《十日谈》THE DECAMERON------乔万尼·卜伽丘 Boccaccio,Giovanni《神秘岛》THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND------儒勒·凡尔纳 Verne,Jules《万尼亚舅舅》UNCLE VANYA------契诃夫 Chekhov,Anton Pavlovich《浮士德》FAUSTUS------歌德 Johann,Wolfgang, von,Goethe《红与黑》BLACK AND RED------司汤达 Stendhal《战争与和平》WAR AND PEACE------列夫·托尔斯泰 Tolstoy,Leo《呼啸山庄》WUTHERING HEIGHTS------艾米莉·勃朗特 Bronte,Emily《三个火枪手》THE THREE MUSKETEERS------大仲马 Dumas, Alexandre, pere《哈姆雷特》HAMLET------威廉·莎士比亚 Shakespeare,William《罗密欧与朱丽叶》ROMEO AND JULIET------威廉·莎士比亚 Shakespeare,William《奥赛罗》OTHELLO,MOOR OF VENICE------威廉·莎士比亚 Shakespeare,William《仲夏夜之梦》A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM------威廉·莎士比亚 Shakespeare,William《威尼斯商人》THE MERCHANT OF VENICE------威廉·莎士比亚 Shakespeare,William《灰姑娘》CINDERELLA------格林兄弟 Grimm Brothers《小红帽》LITTLE RED - CAP------格林兄弟 Grimm Brothers《白雪公主》LITTLE SNOW-WHITE------格林兄弟 Grimm Brothers《皇帝的新装》THE EMPEROR’S NEW SUIT------汉斯·C·安徒生 Andersen, Hans C.《青蛙王子》THE FROG KING,OR IRON HENRY ------格林兄弟 Grimm Brothers《卖火柴的小女孩》THE LITTLE MATCH-SELLER ------汉斯·C·安徒生 Andersen, Hans C.《小美人鱼》THE LITTLE MERMAID------汉斯·C·安徒生 Andersen, Hans C.《丑小鸭》THE UGLY DUCKLING------汉斯·C·安徒生 Andersen, Hans C.。

巨人传英文读后感3000字A tense final exam is over, the winter vacation began, our dream of the big reading also began, a "giant three biography" was placed in front of me, open and appreciate this great biography.The author tells the story of Beethoven, Michelangelo, Tolstoy three people, they are a musician, one is a sculptor, one is a novelist, in the face of suffering they never give up, they believe- - - - -persistence is victory! Beethoven is a great musician, he created a lot of beautiful music, but unfortunately deaf, his ears day and night, internal organs are suffering from severe pain, hearing is more and more weak, in several years, he hid the family, even his beloved friend didn't say, he avoided meeting, make his disabled not found by others, he alone with this terrible secret. In the theatre, he had to sit close to the band to understand the actors, and he could not hear the instruments and the high notes of the singing. If his seat was a little farther away, his soft voice could be barely heard, and he was so miserable when he was yelling loudly. In part of his works, can show the strange is not all works with melancholy mood, there are many music reflects the younginnocence, Beethoven in sadness created music is beautiful, it is the music brought him hope, full of confidence in life, left many beautiful movement for later generations. Tolstoy is a famous French writer, in his novel describes the small and great, describes his pain and his harmony in pain, his- - - - "war and peace" of Pierre and Andre is a spiritual relief, he makes people feel the end of life and the beginning of the riots, Tolstoy as he did in the beginning, stay in a wave of the stage. Romain Rolland's Three Legend of the Giant reflects the misery of people who dare to realize their ideals in the decadent society, they succeed in their efforts, bring them hope, make them continue to struggle! Close "giant three", the heart can not help but praise, perhaps is to insist to let them succeed!At the beginning of the 20th century, feeling the European bourgeoisie, young French writer Roman. Roland once wanted to inspire people to change the reality with "heroes", and has created many biographies of celebrities, among which Beethoven, Michelangelo and Tolstoy are known as the Biography of the "Three Heroes" of the world, also known as the "Three Biography of giants" or "Biography of Celebrities".Whether it is the music master Beethoven, the greatsculptor Michelangelo, or the literary leader Tolstoy, behind the shining light, it is a lonely person, the spiritual loneliness, like walking in the boundless desert, they are constantly exploring. It is a great sorrow. The spiritual pain made them determined, and the internal explosive power of both repression and wanting to break through the shackles of the pursuit of freedom made their unparalleled artistic talent. How can great works of art arise without this absolute spiritual loneliness. Music, sculpture, and literature will be mediocre, and the so-called art can no longer be called art.Beethoven's loneliness moved people, he tried to find a breakthrough in the lonely journey, hoping to cut a small hole, he used music to communicate with the outside world. Michelangelo, his footsteps are so hurried, his hands are always constantly touching the pieces of smooth marble, and then, under the gaze of fanatical eyes, cut the cold marble chisel into a beautiful statue. Tolstoy he has a prominent status, amorous family, but he is indeed a lonely man, in the spirit of the desert in order to create an oasis and efforts to cultivate pedestrians. He is always eager for the love between people, concession, wide brush smile, plain, clean, this is a platonic beauty.The ancients said: "so the day will fall in the people also, must first suffer, strain, hungry its skin, empty its body, line, so tempted endure, zeng yi, it cannot" confirmed the three giants lonely life journey, however, they have created the glory of human art, their works spread through the ages.Gorky once said: " Books are the ladder of human progress."I think it is just like this, in this happy summer vacation, I read the" Legend of the giants " this book, let me feel benefit a lot. Beethoven in the book left a deep impression on me: Beethoven was forced to learn the piano by his father at the age of six, watching other children playing happily in the square, Beethoven is very envious, but he has been attracted by the music to like playing the piano, his world is only music and piano. Since Beethoven, from the age of six, he has been practicing the piano for more than ten years. This spirit of perseverance is worth learning from us.At this time, I can not help but think of myself now, I am a do things like to give up halfway or exposed ten cold people, learn to play erhu after a few days to finger pain and want to read 20 books in a year, the result of a year has passed, even three books did not read; alas! Is really "three days fishing, two days drying net" ah! I was so ashamed to think of it.At this time, I can not help but think of myself now, I am a do things like to give up halfway or exposed ten cold people, learn to play erhu after a few days to finger pain and want to read 20 books in a year, the result of a year has passed, even three books did not read; alas! Is really "three days fishing, two days drying net" ah! I was so ashamed to think of it.At this time, I can not help but think of myself now, I am a do things like to give up halfway or exposed ten cold people, learn to play erhu after a few days to finger pain and want to read 20 books in a year, the result of a year has passed, even three books did not read; alas! Is really "three days fishing, two days drying net" ah! I was so ashamed to think of it.In 1530, he was 36, while studying for medicine, but in only two months, he received a bachelor's degree and became a physician. In 1535 he went to Paris to study medicine, soon receiving his master's and doctorate. In 1537, he also bravely dissected the body of a hanged prisoner. This pursuit of science was very bold at the time, because it would anger the Catholic Church. Rabelais is most praised for his long work "The Legend of the Giant". In 1532, the first of the giants was published, and a year later, signed Nisiere. After its publication, it was warmly welcomed by the urban bourgeoisie and thelower class of society, but also received extreme hatred from the church and the nobles, and was declared banned by the courts. In 1545, under the protection of the King's license, Rabore published the third book of the Giant Biography under his real name. But the king soon died, the novel was listed as forbidden, the publisher was burned, and Rabelle was forced to flee. He was not allowed to return to France until 1550. On his return, Rabre held a religious post, spending his spare time treating the poor. Then he went to the school to teach. While teaching at the school, he completed the fourth and fifth books of "The Giant Legend". The novel took twenty years around the creation."The Giant" swept the rage, with sales in two.Rabelre died in Paris on April 9,1553. On his death, he said with a smile, " Pull the curtain, the play is done."一段紧张的期末考试结束了,寒假开始了,我们梦寐以求的大阅读也开始了,一本《巨人三传》摆在了我的面前,翻开并欣赏着这部伟大的传记。

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二、故事梗概1. 背景设置故事发生在20世纪初的美国中西部农村,主要描述了一个以特鲁尔家族为中心的农民社区。
2. 主要角色卡尔·特鲁尔 (Carl Tiflin) - 故事的主人公,一个年轻的男孩,短时间内经历了成长和心智的变化。
比利·巴克林 (Billy Buck) - 特鲁尔家族的雇佣工人,与卡尔有着深厚的友谊。
巨人 - 物理巨人,被特鲁尔一家当做宠物养着。
3. 故事情节故事以一连串的小故事的形式展现,主要围绕着巨人和特鲁尔家族展开。
三、主题分析1. 动物性的冲突小说通过描绘特鲁尔家对巨人的训练与控制的困难,反映了人类与动物之间的本能和野心之间的冲突。
2. 人性的成长通过卡尔与巨人的友谊,小说表达了人类在与动物的关系中成长和转变的过程。
3. 农村社会的变革《巨人传》描绘了20世纪初美国农村社会的大变革。
各版本名著书籍 经典英译本


• Sur la route qui mène au château de Vincennes, Pantagruel rencontre un jeune homme qui se nomme Panurge et qui s'exprime successivement en allemand, en un jargon imaginaire, en italien, en écossais, en basque, en un jargon imaginaire, en hollandais, en espagnol, en danois, en hébreu, en grec, en un langage imaginaire, en latin pour finie en français, sa langue maternelle. • Ebloui par son esprit et son éloquence, Pantagruel l'héberge et en fait son ami.
Gargantua et Pantagruel
François Rabelais
Le premier livre - Pantagruel
• Les horribles et épouvantables faits et prouesses du très renommé Pantagruel Roi des Dipsodes, fils du Grand Géant Gargantua
• Dans le prologue, • Rabelais fait allusion à un roman d’aventures, commençant par exposer toute la généalogie de Pantagruel qu’il rattache à une race de géants nés après le meurtre d’Abel par Caïn. • Puis Rabelais raconte comment Gargantua à l’âge de « Quatre cent quatre vingt quarante et quarante ans » eut de sa femme Badebec un garçon d’une taille extraordinaire, né au cours d’une terrible sécheresse, circonstance qui le destinait à devenir les roi des Dipsodes (les Altérés).

马润琳 陈蕾 李雨璐 刘琪 王艳妮
内容介绍 书评及版本
《巨人传》共有五部,第一部介绍的是卡刚杜亚( Gargantua),二到五部介绍的是庞大固埃(Pantagruel) 。这两个来源于法文的单词在英语中也有其释义,可以简 单的理解为巨大、硕大无朋。而整书从第三部开始,又引
理事。1958年开始发表作品。1983年加入中国作家协会。著有 《法国文学的理性批判精神——从拉伯雷到萨特》,《巴尔扎 克——一个伟大的寻梦者》;译著有《冰岛渔夫》、《冰岛渔 夫·菊子夫人》、《巴尔扎克传》、《名人传》、《莫班小姐 》
• 《巨人传》(1532-1564)的原名 是《卡冈都亚和庞大固埃》,分为 五部,叙述卡冈都亚和他的儿子庞
。1532年首先出版的《庞大固埃》 是全书的第二部。1534年出版的《 卡冈都亚》是第一部。第三部出版 于1546年,第四部在1548年发表了 前11章,1552年正式出版。第五部 在拉伯雷去世后于1564年出版。
• • • • • •
1981年《巨人传》,成钰亭译,上海译文出版社 1983年《巨人传》,鲍文蔚译,人民文学出版社 2002年《巨人传》,杨松河译,译林出版社 2005年《巨人传》,郭素芳译,哈尔滨出版社 2007年《巨人传》,陈筱卿译,中国书籍出版社 2008年《巨人传》,蔡春露译,长江文艺出版社

《巨人传》英文读后感Giant's Biography is a highly acclaimed literary work by Chinese author Mo Yan. The book depicts the life of a giant named Wang Cao in the turbulent period of Chinese history from the late Qing dynasty to the founding of the People's Republic of China. Through the portrayal of Wang Cao's life, Mo Yan explores the theme of the struggle between individuals and society, between desires and responsibilities, as well as the changes in traditional Chinese values and the emergence of modernity.The protagonist Wang Cao is born into a poor family and possesses extraordinary physical strength, which makes him a target of ridicule and disdain by others in his village. However, Wang Cao's strength also enables him to stand up against injustice and protect the weak, making him a revered figure in his community. His determination and unyielding spirit eventually earn him the nickname of "Giant," a title that he embraces with pride and purpose.As Giant grows older, he becomes increasingly aware of the injustices and inequalities in society. He struggles against the corrupt officials, the brutal warlords, and the invading Japanese army, all in a bid to protect the weak and powerless. Through his encounters with various characters, Giant learns the harsh realities of life and the importance of responsibility, while also experiencing love, friendship, and sacrifice. His love for his family and his wife, Xiao Mei, becomes the driving force behind his actions, as he strives to create a better future for himself and his loved ones.What makes Giant's Biography stand out is its vivid and realistic portrayal of historical events and social conditions in China during the early 20th century. Mo Yan's meticulous research and attention to detail give readers a firsthand insight into the struggles faced by ordinary people during this tumultuous period. The book is also notable for its use of magical realism elements, which add a touch of fantasy to otherwise bleak and tragic circumstances.Another noteworthy aspect of Giant's Biography is its exploration of traditional Chinese values and how they are challenged by modernity. As the world around him changes, Giant is confronted with new technologies, new ideas, and new ways of thinking. Mo Yan shows how the clash between tradition and modernity forces people to make difficult choices and confront their own values.In conclusion, Giant's Biography is a poignant and insightful read that offers readers a glimpse into the complexities of Chinese society during a critical moment in its history. Mo Yan's use of magical realism, coupled with his thorough research, make this book a unique and engaging literary work. The protagonist's struggle between personal desires and social responsibility is a universal theme that resonates with readers and is a testament to Mo Yan's storytelling prowess. Overall, I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in Chinese history, culture, and literature.。

读《巨人传》的读后感英文,600字Reading “The Giant Story” was a captivating experience. It is a complicated tale, weaving multiple storylines together. Weaving together themes of culture and identity, this story has something for everyone.The main protagonist is a young man named Oscar who is struggling to define himself - both within the restrictions of his own traditions, and what it means to be like other, more privileged cultures. He struggles to reconcile these two forces that are constantly competing for his attention, making him question who he is and what he stands for.Oscar’s journey is a compelling one, as he begins to explore new worlds. He meets a variety of people, some who are similar to him and some who are dramatically different. Through these interactions we learn about the complexities of culture and tradition, and how they can make us reassess our own beliefs and values.The book is full of colorful characters that Oscar encounters throughout his travels. From dragons to dwarves, each has their own influences and add a unique flavor to the story. The pacing of the story is steady, jumping between several settings over the course of the book, but the characters and plot were still able to keep the reader engaged.Overall, The Giant Story is an entertaining and insightful read. It manages to mash up various genres in a way that enhances the overall narrative, while still creating an interesting and engagingplotline. The characters were given depth and complexity, while the world-building and writing was incredibly vivid. It's definitely a book I recommend reading if you are looking for a unique story.。

《巨人传》的英文读后感500字《Giants’ Tale》is a thrilling novel written by Ninni Holmqvist. It tells the story of two brothers, Isak and Aksel, who are sent to a remote mountain to fulfill their grandfather’s last wish. When they arrive, they find themselves in a world of adventure and danger, filled with mythical creatures and deadly secrets.Reading this book was an amazing experience for me. I was instantly captivated by the mysterious atmosphere of the novel and the vivid characters. The complex relationships between the brothers and their difficulties in understanding each other provide an interesting plot line. Holmqvist does a great job at slowly unraveling this complex web of emotions so that by the end readers can see how all the pieces fit together.The story is also full of magical moments, like when the brothers explore a fantastical mountain. As they uncover more and more secrets, it’s like a journey of self-discovery. They learn more about their own strengths and weaknesses, and how they can come together to overcome any obstacle.The writing style in “Giants’ Tale” is beautiful. Holmqvist’s words paint vivid pictures of the locations and characters, creating a world that is both familiar and unknown. Her prose is rich, yet concise. She knows exactly how much information to share, so readers feel immersed without feeling overwhelmed.Overall, this novel is a wonderfully written story that captures the imagination and engages readers of all ages. It’s a powerful tale with compelling characters, a captivating setting, and a greatmessage about family. “Giants’ Tale” is a great read for anyone looking for a unique and thrilling adventure.。

读《巨人传》的读书笔记英文,600字Book Summary of Titan: A Story about the Power of an Ancient MythTitan is a short story written by author A.E. van Vogt. It tells the story of an ancient myth and the power it holds over a small town. The legend of the titans is passed down through generations, each person believing in a different version of the truth.The protagonist of the story, Jack West, is a young boy who discovers that the titans of old are real and that they still have control over the people of his town. He meets a mysterious creature called a Sarru, who gives him magical powers and sets him off to discover the truth about the titans. Along his journey, Jack learns more about the titans and their influence over his town.Jack eventually discovers that there are two sides to the story, one where the titans were benevolent rulers and another where they were cruel oppressors. He also realizes that the same power that had been used to enslave his people could be used to free them. Jack then uses his newfound powers to help save his town from the titans.In the end, Jack defeats the titans and sets his people free. While the book does not provide a definitive answer as to whether the titans were good or bad, it does leave readers with the thought-provoking theme of how power can be both beneficial and destructive depending on how it is used. Titan is a great read for anyone looking for an interesting exploration of an ancient myth and its relevance in today's world.。