有关西方文化论文范文一:释义学的比较文学[摘要] 比较文学与外国文学的学科合并带来了许多问题,其中最为突出的是关于学科范围的纷争。
在面对他者本文时,调动他者文化对他者本文进行阐释属于外国文学研究;而充分调动前结构中的传统文化阐释他者本文,从而跨入阐释学的横向地带,在问答逻辑中达到视域融合是比较文学的学科特征.[关键词] 学科界限;前结构;视域融合1998年,比较文学与世界文学作为一个新的学科在中国高等院校中文系诞生了,成为中国语言文学的二级学科。
2000年,《外国文学研究》杂志设置了“学科建设研讨专题”的专栏,对“‘比较文学与世界文学’学科的有关问题开展了讨论”[1];2002年,在中国外国文学学会第七届年会期间,几位学者就“学科建设与教学研究” 进行了座谈[2];2003年,第二界“北大-复旦比较文学学术论坛”对学科合并及带来的问题进行了深入的探讨[3];2004年,在首届中国比较文学高层论坛中,学者们继续就此话题进行讨论[4]。
《你的第一本哲学书》,托马斯.内格尔(美),宝树 译,当代中国出版社。 《哲学的邀请》,费尔南多.萨瓦特尔(西班牙),林 经纬译,北京大学出版社。 《苏菲的世界》,乔斯坦·贾德 (挪威),萧宝森译, 作家出版社。 《西方哲学简史》,赵敦华,北京大学出版社。 《西方哲学史》,邓晓芒,赵林,高等教育出版社。
年至今》 《从黎明到衰落:西方文化生活五百年 1500年至今》,雅 从黎明到衰落 西方文化生活五百年 年至今 巴尔赞( ),林华译 世界知识出版社, 林华译, 克·巴尔赞(美),林华译,世界知识出版社,2002。 巴尔赞 。 古典主义时期的大师》 余丁著,安徽美术出版社, 《古典主义时期的大师》,余丁著,安徽美术出版社, 2004。 。 帕斯卡尔思想录》 帕斯卡尔( 何兆武译, 《帕斯卡尔思想录》,帕斯卡尔(法)著,何兆武译,陕 西师大出版社, 西师大出版社,2003。 。 第一周波——西方自由主义的文化革命 从文艺复兴宗 西方自由主义的文化革命(从文艺复兴宗 《第一周波 西方自由主义的文化革命 教改革到对旧神学批判的经验主义和理性主义)》 教改革到对旧神学批判的经验主义和理性主义 》 ,马林 韬著,社会科学文献出版社, 韬著,社会科学文献出版社,2005。 。
沃尔夫林( 《文艺复兴与巴洛克》,海因里希·沃尔夫林(瑞士)著, 文艺复兴与巴洛克》 海因里希 沃尔夫林 瑞士) 沈莹译,上海人民出版社, 沈莹译,上海人民出版社,2007。 。 意大利文艺复兴的起源与模式》 朱龙华著, 《意大利文艺复兴的起源与模式》,朱龙华著,人民出 版社,2004。 版社, 。 欧洲风化史:文艺复兴时代》 爱德华·傅克斯 傅克斯( 《欧洲风化史:文艺复兴时代》,爱德华 傅克斯(德) 侯焕闳译,辽宁教育出版社, 著,侯焕闳译,辽宁教育出版社,2006。 。 欧洲文艺复兴史》丛书(已出版宗教卷、哲学卷、 《欧洲文艺复兴史》丛书(已出版宗教卷、哲学卷、艺 术卷、教育卷、科学技术卷、城市和社会生活卷), ),人 术卷、教育卷、科学技术卷、城市和社会生活卷),人 民出版社, 民出版社,2008。 。
二、起源与发展1. 古希腊文化的影响古希腊文化是西方文化的重要起源之一。
2. 罗马帝国的传承罗马帝国继承并发展了古希腊文化,形成了独特的罗马文化。
3. 基督教的兴起基督教的兴起标志着西方文化的新阶段。
4. 文艺复兴与启蒙运动文艺复兴和启蒙运动是西方文化发展的重要阶段。
三、西方文化的特点1. 个人主义西方文化强调个体的独立性和自由意志,鼓励个人追求幸福和成功。
2. 科学与技术的重视西方文化崇尚科学与技术的发展,注重实证主义和理性思维,推动了现代科学的进步。
3. 民主与法治西方文化倡导民主政治和法治社会,注重个人权利和平等,推动了现代民主制度的发展。
4. 艺术与文学的创新西方文化在艺术与文学领域具有创新精神,不断探索新的表达形式和艺术风格。
四、西方文化对全球的影响1. 语言和文学英语作为西方文化的代表语言,成为国际交流和商务的重要工具。
2. 科学与技术西方文化的科学与技术成果对全球产生了广泛影响,如工业革命、电子技术、计算机科学等。
3. 政治与法律西方文化的民主制度和法治观念对全球政治和法律体系的发展产生了重要影响。
4. 艺术与娱乐西方音乐、电影、时尚等艺术与娱乐形式在全球范围内受到广泛欢迎,成为全球流行文化的一部分。
On the Embodiment of Humanism in William Shakespeare’s DramaA Midsummer Night’s DreamName: Zhao Yujie Student Number: 08081031Abstract: This paper gives a brief introduction of humanism, and also displays a concise content of Shakespeare’s drama A Midsummer Night’s Dream .It shows the main thesis of the comedy and at the end of the paper, a conclusion is drawn on the embodiment of humanism in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.Key Words: Humanism, Individual freedom, Compassion, LoveⅠHumanismHumanism is the core spirit during the Renaissance. It is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. Affirming the dignity of each human being, it supports the maximization of individual liberty and opportunity consonant with social and planetary responsibility. It advocates the extension of participatory democracy and the expansion of the open society, standing for human rights and social justice. Humanism maintains there is no evidence a supernatural power ever needed or wanted anything from people, ever communicated to them, or ever interfered with the laws of nature to assist or harm anyone. Humanism thus derives the goals of life from human need and interest rather than from theological or ideological abstractions, and asserts that humanity must take responsibility for its own destiny.Humanism's focus, then, is on using human efforts to meet human needs and wants in this world. History shows that those efforts are most effective when they involve both compassion and the scientific method - which includes reliance on reason, evidence, and free inquiry. Humanism is a democratic and ethical life stance which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. It stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethics based on human and other natural values in a spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities.Ⅱ Brief introduction of the playA Midsummer Night's Dream is romantic comedy written by William Shakespeare in the 1590s. It is one of Shakespeare’ most popular playand is widely performed across the world. It portrays the adventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of amateur actors in a moonlit forest, and their interactions with the fairies who inhabit it and Duke of the Athenians. The play is one of Shakespeare's most popular and is widely performed across the world.The play features three interlocking plots, connected by a celebration of the wedding of Duke Theseus of Athens and the Amazonian queen Hippolyta.In the opening scene, Hermia refuses to comply with her father Egeus's wish for her to marry his chosen man, Demetrius. In response, Egeus quotes before Theseus an ancient Athenian law whereby a daughter must marry the suitor chosen by her father, or else face death or lifelong chastity worshipping Diana as a nun. Hermia and her lover Lysander therefore decide to elope by escaping through the forest at night. Hermia informs her best friend Helena, but Helena has recently been rejected by Demetrius and decides to win back his favor by revealing the plan to him. Demetrius, followed doggedly by Helena, chases Hermia, who, in turn, chases Lysander, from whom she becomes separated.Meanwhile, Oberon, king of the fairies, and his queen, Titania, arrive in the same forest to attend Theseus and Hippolyta's wedding. Having seen Demetrius act cruelly toward Helena, Oberon orders Puck to spread some of the juice on the eyelids of the young Athenian man. Instead, Puck puts the juice on the eyes of Lysander, who then falls in love with Helena. When Oberon finds this out, he makes Puck apply the juice to Demetrius. Due to Puck's errors, Hermia's two lovers temporarily turn against her in favor of Helena.Oberon realizes Puck’s mistake and orders Puck to remove the magical enchantment from Lysander but allow it to remain on Demetrius, so that Demetrius may reciprocate Helena's love. Then Theseus and Hippolyta arrive on the scene, during an early morning hunt. They wake the lovers and in the end, all of them find their true love and marry each other.Ⅲ Embodiment of humanism in this dramaA Midsummer Night’s Dream mocks many aspects of human behavior. In this comedy, Shakespeare explores the complex nature of human heart, uses dramatic irony to heighten the sense of comedy and humor; he portrays human relationships in several different lights in order to illustrate the changing and complex sides of human emotions, thus to demonstrate the humanism.As it is said that humanism's focus is on using human efforts to meet human needs and wants in this world .This point can be best explained in this drama. In this comedy, Hermia’s and Lysander’s needs and wants are love. They want to marry the person they love, so when Hermia’s father forces her to marry Demetrius, Lysander and she realize that they can not give up to the authority, they hold that every human being has the right to pursue his or her true love. So they decide to fly from Athens. Their behavior is the reflection of humanism. Their courage show that the humanism has taken shape in people’s minds at that time. They use their own right to fight with the feudalism, they want to control their lives and make their own choices. So will I grow, so live, so die, my soul consents not to give sovereignty,” sa ys by Hermia, Lysander says “Why should not I then prosecute my right?”These typical questions indicate that they have realized the individuality and they come to know the importance of human rights.And also Helena is another typical example who does not conform to destiny. She knows Demetrius does not love her, but she still tries her best to seek love, and never say die.Humanism is a rational philosophy motivated by compassion. We can find some proofs to prove this idea. When Oberon sees Demetrius’indifferent attitude toward Helena’s deep love for him, Oberon shows mercy to her, so he asks Puck-the so –called Robin Goodfellow to drop a kind of juice on Demetrius’ eyes, so that Demetrius can fall in love with Helena. Oberon’s act, is inspired by compassion in his mind, this is one part of the humanism. He hopes that every one can realize their own dreams, so he wants to help Helena to satisfy her needs.Realizing that every one has his or her value is one of the main characters of humanism’s belief. In the drama, Quince, Bottom, Flute and so on are planning for the performance they are going to do during the Duke’s wedding. It is not hard to find that their selection of roles in that performance depends on their personality; what’s more, it shows that no matter how low their statuses are, they are important, not only to the play, but also to the society.All in all, humanism can be seen from many aspects of this comedy, the leading roles’ behaviors in pursuit of love, freedom, peace, etc. are the reflection of humanism.。
西方文化课题研究论文(五篇)内容提要:1、论中美文化差异的表现2、论中西方文化比较下公民意识教育路径3、西方文化渗透对青少年的影响4、西方文化教育强化方法研究5、小议西方文化的东方转向全文总字数:21058 字篇一:论中美文化差异的表现论中美文化差异的表现文化核心维度的构成1.文化显性维度探讨文化,离不开语言,美国杰出的语言学家Sapir(1921)[3]在《Language:AnIntroductiontotheStudyofSpeech》一书中写道:“文化可以解释为社会所做的和所想的,而语言则是思想的具体表达方式”,他认为语言是一种非本能的、后天形成的“文化”功能,是人类所特有的、非本能地使用自发创作的符号沟通思想,表达情感和愿望的交际手段。
In my opinion, the Ancient Greek Culture is one of the most shining parts in the western culture. It can be looked on as the start of the western civilization and the end of the barbarous age.Without the Greek Culture as the foundation, the development of the western countries can’t be so outstanding in the world.When we talk about the Ancient Greece, its democracy, economy, and colorful culture always occur to our minds.DemocracyAs early as the 6th century BC, the archon solon tried to reduce the power of the old aristocrats by establishing the jury system for legal judgments in order to restrict the rights of nobility. Then Cleisthenes carried out the legislative reform, by establishing the boule which was composed of five hundred representatives selected from each of ten demes. We should feel surprised at the high standard of the democracy. Even today, the democracy system is still in use.In America, the President Selection through the Senate and House of representatives just can’t be a better e xample of the great influence of the Greek democracy. The strength of the democracy system can reflect the power of people to some degree. What’s more, it makes a great contribution to the development of western politics.EconomyAs it’s known to all, good politics may have a positive effect on the economy. In the Ancient Greece, it proved to be true The economy of increasing prosperity .In this period, the use of iron tools instead of bronze ones leaded the further economic development .So the society was restructured, along class lines,based on the property ownership . City-states come into being, in this way, the civilization of Ancient Greece continued.CultureIt’s generally acknowledged that the Greek Culture is the most precious treasure left not only for Europe but also for the whole world.It falls into four categories, namely the Greek mythology and religion, the Greek art and science, the Greek literature, and the Greek philosophy.i.Greek mythologyAre you familiar with these names, such as Zeus, Athena, Apollo. They are the names of some major gods in the Greek mythology. According to Karl Marx, the Greek mythology is not only a treasure house, but also the soil for Greek art.So it’s certain that the religious tales became fully developed myths and thus contributed a lot to the later development of Greek art.In the Greek mythology, we can find numerous characteristics in the gods and goddesses. Sometimes we may find many tales reflected the feature and life of human beings.ii.Greek art and scienceWe can’t ignore the Greek art and science achievements because they are so amazing. Towards us, they’re so important in fully understanding the Greek Culture. The Greek art is made up of three main parts, they’re architecture, sculpture, and painting.You can find noble simplicity and calm grandeur from the greatest building in Athens, the Parthenon. In addition, you can also find the kindred art of vase decoration which will make you astonished.Then what about the science? As we know, the Greeks did three biggest things: astronomy, philosophy, and democracy. We can draw a conclusion that the geography, astronomy, and mathematics achievements were all remarkable.In this period, there’re some prestigious scholars. Pytheasapplied his solid scientific training primarily to geography. Hipparchus, he perfected measuring instruments and calculated the movements of stars .Another ever greater achievements are in mathematics and physics. The best known mathematician was Euclid who established the science of plan geometry. The other familiar name is Archimedes who discovered the principle of floatation and lever. His famous words “Give me a piece to stand, I will move the earth” impressed me most.iii.Greek literature and historyThe Greek literature is well-established for its epic, lyrical poetry, and drama. The most out-standing epics are Odyssey and Iliad written by Homer. The Trojan War takes up the most part. So we can see the epics related with the history. The person who is “the father of history” na med Herodotus. With his book Histories, which deals with the Persian Wars.Thanks to their works, we can fully witness what has happened during this time.iv.Greek philosophyWhen we talk about “Platonic Love”, we can think of the famous Plato, besides his teacher Socrates.Socrates had a reputation for irony and a sense of humor. And in my view, the Republic is his representative. In this work, Plato built up an ideal kingdom for us, his thoughts made much influence on the followers.Have you heard abou t “I love my teacher, but I love science more”. This is from Aristotle, he was regarded as the greatest thinker and most learned person of ancient times. His works cover wide ranging areas including philosophy, psychology, logic, rhetoric, literary, etc. His thoughts were completely different from Plato. He was a materialist. He indeed made great contribution to the Greek philosophy.Owing to this class: “Western Culture Introduction”, it makes megain a good knowledge of Greek Culture. We marvel at so many wonderful achievements made by the people in the old times. Meanwhile, I believe we can benefit a lot from the Greek Culture, and treasure it forever.。
命运三女神(the Fates)掌管着大地上所有食用五谷之人的命运,Clotho 负责纺织生命之线,Lachesis 决定生命线的长度,Atropos 负责切断生命之线。
关键词万圣节亡灵节文化习俗正文万圣节(all saints" day)在每年的11月1日,是西方传统节日。
2011--2012学年第二学期旅游学院期末考试卷《西方文化概论》学号: 201121060106 姓名: 单藉锐班级: 国际经济与贸易成绩:评语:文艺复兴的成就与作用我以前对西方文化基本上没什么了解,西方文化概论课使我对西方文化有了更加深入和全面的认识。
My Understanding of Western Culture西方文化论文
My Understanding of Western CultureWhat is culture? Maybe different person have different ideas. As I check in the Oxford English Dictionary , it says : the beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people in a particular society. In other word,western culture means Western’ beliefs or ways of life.As far as I am concerned,culture, as a product generated by man's long-term creation, is a social phenomenon. Meanwhile, it is also a historical appearance distilled throughout social history. Therefore, it is of great importance to understand the difference between Chinese culture and western culture.Western culture is divided into three periods,including: the period of a ncient Greek and Rome, the medieval Christian culture, Modern western culture. To be exact, culture refers to the history, geography, traditional convention, lifestyle, literature and art, code of conduct, way of thinking, value of one country or one ethnic group. Chinese culture differs from western culture in so many aspects as wholeness and individuality, speech, value, moral standard, social relationship, social etiquette, social custom, etc. As we know, there are many differences between western culture and Chinese culture. We can see differences when we pay attention to the way words are used.Western world’s culture during The second half of the twentieth century was marked by Diversity. Although many trends represented Acontinuation of prewar modern development, new directions have led some observers to speak of A “postmodern” cultural world.For another, they are always anxious for knowledge. Facing anything new, modesty is always their choice. In the contrary to them, our Chinese sometimes think too much of ourselves. In the 1980s, styles emerged that have been referred to as postmodern. Postmodernism tends to move away from the futurism or “cutting edge” qualities of modernism. It favors tradition, that elevating traditional craftsmanship to the level of fine art. They gained respect as artists.It has become clear to many people that, like it or not and ready or not, the conditions of the world are such that we are all increasingly coming into contact with those who are different from ourselves.(diverse workforce, mixing nationalities, ethnicities, races)—Global Village.People find that behavior and attitudes that proved necessary for obtaining goals in their own culture are no longer useful (esp.those moving across cultures)Familiar behaviors that marked well-adjusted persons in their own culture may even be seen as indicative of ill-mannered.We can learn a lot from the western culture. On a personal level, every one should have some knowledge of it. If you study the western culture, you will find that how different the way you think and do with something is from the westerners. You can not only get anotherperspective to treat different situations, but also enrich your personal knowledge. What’s more, you might even find that how many weak points in your character. Then some supplements might be added and you will have a more sound soul which will help you succeed in the future. However, it is not only necessary for individuals to do so.The richer countries are pouring large sums of money into space research programs which are of no benefit to human beings while in underdeveloped countries thousands of people are dying of hunger. Besides, many scientists time and energy are wasted,which could have been devoted to improving our living condition. Whats more, many astronauts have died complete1y uselessly in space vehicles which have been faulty. One very significant part of culture is the set of values we hold, or those things which we are taught to want and those things we are taught are right. For example, one of the primary values held by Americans is monetary or economic success. They are brought up to believe that economic success is something worth striving for.They were young people who had not enjoyed the fruit of life yet.Different form the easterners.As the westerners like to treat their parents as friends, they often show their emotion and tell their opinions quite straight-out while the Chinese prefer not to say but just hide in heart.Apart from human wastage,there is the wastage of resources whichare finite and essential if man is to survive. I think it’s high time we stopped these meaningless programs. Westerners stress rules and principles. For example, if a manage make a mistake or break the rule of company in western country, the boss will punish him or her no matter how close their relationship is, because they believe that relationship is one thing, rule is another thing, they should make decision according to the rules.As a popular saying goes, to say is one thing and to do is another. How can we learn from the western culture? At first, we should have a clear concept that culture has a broader meaning today. It covers literature, custom, knowledge, history and so on. The Western individualism has much to do with its colonial history, which dates back to the period when colonists had to fig ht for their own, and they couldn’t survive the harsh environments without extraordinary bravery, perseverance and optimism, etc. I believe it is those pioneers’ characters that form the unique individualism today. Time has also left its imprint on the individualism, as the term keeps refreshing its meaning. Nowadays, the new individualism refers to the pursuit of freedom and personal happiness, the sacredness of human life and properties as well as a lot of personal traits. Besides, Western is famous for its multicultural society where each element exists in harmony with one another whilst keeping their own traits distinct. All these contribute to the individualism.No one can predictwhat will happen in the future. Supposing that we didn’t look squarely a t other countries’ culture and get their valuable experience, China is sure to be washed by modern age. Hope all the Chinese could have clear awareness.In the process of communication, American people are more used to expressing their affirmative and confirmed opinion or thoughts. In other words, American speak more directly. For instance, in western countries, if a man loves a woman, he always say:"I love you"directly to his lover to express his affection for her. Another example if a westerner want to borrow money from his friend, he will get to the point directly and he is lack of money recently and would like to borrow some money.Given the final analysis conducted above,western culture does has big different from Chinese culture .So,we should have a full understand of this difference.It is high time we kept a closer eye on this issue than at any other time in the past.。
The relationship of art and society, can use a metaphor to illustrate -----
the society is the source of art, and art is the social source out of a living water.
The importance of art to a society
4.Art is a great tool for learning. Art can be found in almost everywhere where there is a school. Art is fun and acts as an interactive tool for reluctant learners and younger students. they can learn to appreciate art for what it can do for them. People can learn a lot because art is almost as effective as written things.
The importance of art to a society
7.Art can show the passage of time. During parts of history, writing was not used by certain civilizations because they did not know how to use it.However, people were still able to communicate through means of art. They used art to represent things in life. This is why we understand so much about the past.
痛苦产生美,崇高来源於痛苦,柏克正是这样为崇高下定义的:“任何东西只要以任何一种方式引起痛苦和危险的观念(the idea of pain and danger),那它就是崇高的来源”。
西方文化简史 论文
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Introduction to Western Class with Teacher Ron1st Term AY 2011 - 2012HUST – Rongcheng CampusChristmas DayWritten byLeah2010-1Chapter/Question:Chapter 4 –why the Christmas Day is important?As we all know that Christmas Day is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated generally on December 25th as a religious day by many people around the world. In fact, there is not record that show what is the exact date for Jesus Christ’s birth. The Ch ristmas Day is fixed on December 25th by people themselves later. The night before the Christmas Day is the Christmas Eve. And it is very popular around the world.When it comes to the customs of Christmas Day, we all know a little or more customs about it. For example, people decorate the Christmas trees and send cards to their friends, relatives and family members. With popularity of the customs in Northern Europe, the myth of Father Christmas appeared. Father Christmas is also Santa Claus. Father Christmas has become the human face of Christmas. Pictures will be seen everywhere of the old man with long white beard, red coat, and bag of toys. On Christmas Eve, Father Christmas travels through the sky on a sled pulled by reindeer. he lands on the roof of people's homes , enters through the chimney and leaves wonderful gifts for all the little children.As for the food, it served varies greatly from country to country. In England and countries influenced by its traditions, a standard Christmas meal includes turkey or goose, meat, gravy, potatoes, vegetables, sometimes bread and cider. Special desserts are also prepared, such as Christmas pudding, mince piesand fruit cake. In other countries, they have different special food foe the dinner. Besides a special Christmas family meal is traditionally an important part of the holiday's celebration. People have a Christmas dinner with all the members of the family for Christmas Eve. Wherever they are, they will try their best to get together to have a dinner which is like the Chinese New Y ear. A number of nations have issued commemorative stamps at Christmastide. Postal customers will often use these stamps to mail Christmas cards,and they are popular with philatelists.In China, people also celebrate the Christmas Day. It can be seen as a holiday in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. In addition, it can be seen as a day for lovers to have a date. Moreover Chinese people have a special way to celebrate that is sending apples to people on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is ‘pingan ye’in Chinese. And the apples stand for the ‘pingan’ which is safety. All in all, Christmas Day as a holiday is accepted by more and more people in the world.When people celebrate the Christmas Day, some people may think why we celebrate it. There is one reason, we all know, that to celebrate the birth of Jesus. At the beginning, Christmas Day’s main purpose is for the religion. In their mind, Jesus is very important foe them. They love him and respect him. Therefore they give much attention to Christmas Day.But now for many people, the importance of Christmas is not only to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Christmas day now bring many benefits to people now. We can from three sides to see the importance of Christmas day.Firstly Christmas give a chance for members of family to get together. At that time, they can communicate with each other. According to some surveys, communication is good for people’s hea lth. So Christmas day is good for health. Secondly Christmas is typically the largest annual economic stimulus for many nations around the world. Christmas day can promote the development of economy. To prepare Christmas day well, many people will buy a lot of things to spend holiday which make sales increase dramatically in almost all retail areas and shops introduce new products as people purchase gifts, decorations, and supplies. Then Christmas day means holiday. People can spare time from busy things staying with their family and traveling. Students can enjoy the holiday and workers can relax themselves. Even the president also can put down nation affairs. Finally Christmas day also have good effect on the arts and media. During the Christmas day, people can watch a lot of movies about Christmas day. Many stories came from the Christmas day. Besides there are many songs related to Christmas day, such us messiah and jingle bell. If we must say the importance of Christmas day, I think, we can not list all of it. In other words, Christmas day’s effect seep into many aspects of the society.In my view, Christmas day is the holiday that I am familiar with compared with Easter day and other holiday. Because of the globalization, communication about culture happens to countries frequently. The result of it is that many Chinese people in their own ways to celebrate the Christmas day. As for me, Christmas day is like the common days, because I do not do something special. But for loves in campus, this is a good chance to enhance the relationship between them. So you will see many couples girl and boy stay together. It is very interesting and admiring. Though I do not have people to stay with me, I still feel happy. The atmosphere of Christmas day makes everyone feel excited. After all it is a happy thing.As English major, every year, in our school, English major will hold a party about Christmas day. All students can take part in, appreciate the performance. Meanwhile the Christmas day just is a way to show the western culture. All the students have more chance to contact with western culture. Thus I can know the culture through celebrating holidays. In a world I think Christmas day is important not only for western people but also for me, because I enjoy the feeling and atmosphere of Christmas day.。