
一、武汉理工大学管理科学与工程考试科目招生院系:管理学院招生专业:管理科学与工程(120100)研究方向:01(全日制)数据决策与管理工程02(全日制)公共安全与应急管理03(全日制)信息管理与知识管理04(全日制)金融工程与金融管理05(全日制)创新工程与管理06(全日制)公共安全与应急管理(安全预警与应急联动技术湖北省协同创新中心)07(全日制)数据科学与管理决策(安全预警与应急联动技术湖北省协同创新中心)考试科目:01、03、04、05、07方向①101 思想政治理论②201 英语一③303 数学三④923 管理经济学、881 运筹学、927 系统分析与设计(选一)02、06方向①101 思想政治理论②201 英语一③303 数学三④830 安全系统工程、885 应急管理原理(选一)(二)复试内容复试内容包括:专业课笔试、专业课面试(含英语听说能力)。
管理科学与工程笔试科目:企业管理综合(三)录取总成绩计算方法学术型硕士录取总成绩=[(初试统考科目成绩之和)/3.5] ×40%+[(初试自命题科目成绩)/1.5]×10%+复试成绩×50%复试成绩=综合素质和能力考核成绩*40%+专业素质和能力考核成绩*50%+外语听说能力考核成绩*10%。


一、武汉理工大学外国语言文学考试科目招生院系:外国语学院招生专业:外国语言文学(050200)(学硕)研究方向:01(全日制)英语语言文学02(全日制)外国语言学及应用语言学03(全日制)法语语言文学04(全日制)日语语言文学考试科目:01、02方向①101 思想政治理论②242 德语、243 法语、244 俄语一、245 日语一(选一)③619 基础英语④816 英美文学、815 英语语言学(选一)03方向①101 思想政治理论②242 德语、244 俄语一、245 日语一、246 英语(选一)③635 法语综合④911 法语文学与文化04方向①101 思想政治理论②242 德语、243 法语、244 俄语一、246 英语(选一)③636 综合日语④912 日语语言学和文学二、武汉理工大学外国语言文学分数线2、体检:2018年3月30日(周五)上午8:00-11:00。

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单位代码:10497 地址:武汉市洪山区珞狮路122号邮政编码:430070
单位代码:10497 地址:武汉市洪山区珞狮路122号邮政编码:430070
单位代码:10497 地址:武汉市洪山区珞狮路122号邮政编码:430070
单位代码:10497 地址:武汉市洪山区珞狮路122号邮政编码:430070。

根据教育部《2020年全国硕士研究生招生工作管理规定》(教学〔2019〕6号)《教育部办公厅关于做好2020年全国硕士研究生复试工作的通知》(教学厅[2020]4号)等有关文件和学校有关规定,结合学院 2020年实际情况,制定本学院2020年硕士研究生招生复试录取工作实施细则,具体如下:一、组织领导学院招生工作领导小组,全面负责本学院硕士研究生招生复试录取工作。
组长:甘文平、马建平副组长:蔡梅、薛睿组员:马文丽、但海剑、商丹、白炎媛、王雪松、刘思二、招生指标序号专业代码专业名称(或方向)学习形式(全日制/非全日制)拟招生指标(人)1050200外国语言学及应用语言学/英美文学全日制26法语语言文学全日制1日语语言文学全日制22055101英语笔译全日制/非全日制35/11 3055102英语口译全日制/非全日制15/4注:以上拟招生指标不含“接收推荐免试研究生计划”“少数民族高层次骨干人才计划”“退役大学生士兵计划”和“单独考试”,实际录取人数以复试后公布的拟录取结果为准。
三、复试资格根据学校发布的《武汉理工大学 2020 年硕士研究生招生复试录取工作方案》,详见“武汉理工大学研究生教育信息网”,以下两类考生可进入我院复试:(一)第一志愿报考我院相关专业且达到该专业学校复试线要求的考生;(二)获得我院 2020年“具有突出创新能力”的考生,且第一志愿报考我院相关专业,初试成绩达到该专业国家初试合格线的考生。




二、研究方向1.汉译英 2. 英译汉三、学制、学习年限及学分要求全日制专业学位硕士研究生学制2年,学习年限一般为2年,最长不超过4年。
1. 课程实践:一般在校内实验中心完成,主要进行专业课程实践和技能训练。



武汉理工大学研究生英语口语复习资料总结(版权所有者资环研1201班)1、The differences between Chinese and American educationGood morning teacher:They think that Chinese education can efface students’creativity and enthusiasm for learning. In my opinion, the case can appear because Chinese education is different from American education.First of all, Chinese support all-rounder education. They think that their children who were in very young can not lose in starting line. Hence, when children should be spoiled, children would have been forced to learn piano, dance, drawing, and English. Children lose their simplicity, the curiosity about interest and childhood joy. Children are only arranged to do what parents want them to do.However, American supports professional skills. They think that it is good their children have a personal strength. In elementary school, children can learn how to play; in middle school, children can found their personal strength; and to senior high school, children must be sure their roads. In college, children can develop their profession.In addition to basic education, most people’s opinion are that Chinese education is for foundation education, and American education is for the cultivation of students’creativity, but it can let students learn more.Chinese education focuses on the knowledge to accumulate and indoctrinate, on how use and manage the knowledge they learned in school is not taught. Reversely, American care more about how students use knowledge in society.Most important, their education style is different. Chinese education style can be called “Exam-oriented Education”. At school, the class cadence is always dominated by the teacher. What’s more, the score can determine students’everything, including you are good or bad. American education style can be called “Quality-oriented Education”. It cultivates the creativity and ability of students so that they can meet the needs of society in the future.Comparing between countries can make us have a clear opinion about what we should improve. It is essential for our Chinese to adopt some good education methods from other countries. It helps to educate our children to be a person with high IQ and EQ.2、The real purpose of educationThe purpose of education is one of the main focuses of the society. Some of societies think that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit, while some other societies think that formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free. And I think our education should not only teach the younger generation common sense of the world but also sharp their critical mind and creation ability, find their gifts and fulfill them to make contributions.However, the purpose of education is not only making students know something but also making them have critical sense. Based the common sense of world, student would have the courage to doubt the authority and speak out their own opinions.In addition, for ordinary people, their felling of happiness comes from their affectionand sentiment but not reasoning and logos. To cultivate Imagination and enthusiasm, the ability of creation; they must can grasp the afflatus and break the tradition. Nevertheless, the means of education may have its own problems. The school today overemphasis the things which are known to be true and the students pay too much attention on memory those things. And those things distort the real purpose of education. We must do our best to change these situations and give the younger generation a health environment for studying.Time is changing and developing. Our means of education must according to the development of the society in order to re-shape the younger generation meet the purpose of education. The younger generation of our society must not only have basic sense of the traditional things but also the ability of creation.3、Successful result of the educationThe successful result of the education is not about having good grades. But it's about having open-mind with the people around you during the process of your education, about how much you have learned from others. Learn to find our gifts, to solve the problem by ourselves , to fulfill our talent to make great contributions , to make the change, to help others with what we learn.It' better to teach a man fishing than to give him the fish.Show him how to walk rather than taking him to the destination.4、Ebook VS Paper bookWhat do you think is better for reading an ebook or a traditional paper book, and what do you see as differences between them ?the advantages of ebooks are that1. you do not have to pay for most of them2. you can have almost every position you want (that is hard to find in local library or book store)3. you can send it to your friendthe advantages of paper book1. you do not use your eyes sight as mush as while reading e-books2. Reading book with a cup of tea is like an art /like sacret custom. It has its charm.I like to smell new bought book and take care of it while reading.I prefer ebook because I can bring them wherever I want in my cellphone. To be frank,I can save me a lot of money to buy books.5、The sports I likeMy best favorite sport is basketball. Everybody likes playing basketball in university.I love playing basketball, too. It’s my favorite. I go to play it in our school gym as long as I have time, My P.E teacher told me that playing basketball would make me tall and strong and he encourages me to play it more often. I play harder than before. My P.E teacher teaches me how to play it better. I made progress. I have my own way to play it.Basketball is a very good sport. It can strength our bodies. It is a good way to relax, release our pressure too. My favorite basketball player is Kobe Bean Bryant, it is because him that I begin to play basketball and I gradually love to play basketball, he is a great basketball player and he has tenacious perseverance. His ball skill is somiraculous, and now he is in the L.A. Lakers, and being the key figure to shoulder a responsibility. I like him so much.Since basketball is so interesting, let’s play basketball together, ok? I am sure it will make our college life wonderful and encourages us to perform well in every field.6、World car Free DayOn world car free day-September the 22nd, people are advocated to use environmentally friendly transportations such as buses, underground, bikes, or on their bare foot, instead of driving private cars which do great harm to the increasingly worsening global warming, air pollution , traffic accidents, etc.There is no doubt that the intention of this activity is very good, however, the implementing is below expectation. At the very beginning, people were interested in it and took part in it, but as time went on, participants became less and less. And now, the condition becomes even worse.Some people say that world car free day is indeed a wonderful activity; but on the other hand, it is quite unrealistic. For it can not arouse more people’s attention and can not change people’s habits of driving. It can not change the deteriorated environmental condition in one day in such a stupid way. To cater to this activity, some cities even forbid cars in certain areas, which make the jam worse in the surrounding areas.However, we should know clearly the main purpose of the world car free day. We do not prohibit cars, which sounds impossible for people in 21st century. We just want to recall people’s attention on environmental and traffic problems. To make life better and faster, we invented cars, but as a result, we become slower because of traffic jam and our life becomes worse because of the air pollution, sound pollution, global warming. The world car free day is an opportunity for people to remind the necessity of reducing private car driving. At least, people can walk or ride bicycles if the destination is not far. This is the solid foundation to alleviate the aftermaths of private cars. People realize the root of their problems, and then they can solve it probably. I do believe our world will become a better place because of the implement of world car free day.7、Tiger mother and cat motherAs we all know, education plays an important role in the development of human. So educational style is a good topic which is worth thinking about. Recently, the educational styles of tiger mother and cat mother are so hot in society.Chuan army stands for the style of tiger mother , Chang Zhitao stands for the style of cat mother . They use two different absolutely educational ways, but their children are all excellent and outstanding.The style of tiger mother is similar to Chinese parents’style in which they treat their children. She is so strict with her two daughters, Sophia and Louisa in every aspect of lives. She makes a lot of requirements for them, for example, watching TV or playing computer games is not allowed, as well as getting any grade less than an A. Even a Chinese child like me is so surprised to know those requirements from a mother. However, the educational style of “cat mother”is kind and democratic. He prefer to respecting the choices which are made by his daughter, Chang Shuai. In addition,communicating with Chang Shuai and knowing about what she is thinking are necessary in life. Not like tiger mother, “cat mother”gives much freedom to his daughter, he encourages Chang Shuai to join in various society activities and he doesn’t force Chang to study hard and better. I think just because he trusts his daughter that she can do well, he choose kinder and tolerant educational style.I was raised with the style of cat mother. My mother can listen to my thoughts and respect my choice. I feel very happy and relaxed. Of course, in the future, I will pick the style of cat mother for my children. According to my points, Freedom is so vital to children. They can do whatever they like, apparently, the things they do must be beneficial to the growth of them. What’s more, Teaching them lots of human principle in a relax atmosphere and encouraging them to think things by themselves are so necessary. I do think parents should give much more freedom to their children! 1-StudyA: Good morning\afternoon teachers,we are very happy for today’s oral test. Today, our team’s topic is “study”. As is well-known, study is very important, and it plays a very significant role in modern world.B: Everything that makes our society more advanceable, is depended upon the study. We read more books and fewer mistakes would be made by us. For that, we can learn more mistake examples from books so that we will make few mistakes in the future.C: Personally speaking, study can make a full man, can cultivate a man, and can make a man move forward. We read all kinds of books that contribute to perfect our knowledge structure and form critical thinking. So we should read books of various fields to make us be a full man. That also can learn more about our world in all aspects. In my opinion, a full man should have a positive world view and adopt an active philosophy of life, which are usually based on a knowledge culture.D: Studies can make people happy, wise, increase knowledge. If we read all kinds of books, in that way, we are able to taste what might not happen to us in real life, and then ask ourselves what we should do in that situation.D: What’s more, we should choose some book to read, but not read all the books. Some useful books should be read carefully and taken notes. Different books have different functions, and reading different books can bring different knowledge which we lack.1-EducationA: Good morning\afternoon teachers,we are very happy for today’s oral test. Today, our team’s topic is “education”.As a developed country of the world, the American not only leading in the science and the economy, American scientists also have received a disproportionately high number of the Nobel prizes awarded in the physical and life sciences. Its educational system stands apart from the rest of the world. American’s success regard to many reasons , and now we talk about it.B: I think the American education operates with a free market spirit in a much less regulated, more laissez-faire climate. Its curricular organization is less structured, allowed the students themselves the freedom to make their own educational choices. This aspect of the American system is its strength, I believe.C: I think the subject is one point. Most American institutions of higher universities teach in a student-sensitive manner and offer a great variety of courses that will attract as many students as possible.D: Although American education is a laissez-faire curricular organization, it’s also strict. Sometimes students r play too much or is too relax, they are not able to stay in the universities for the higher grades, contribute to the students work hard.A: I think another reason lies in the American’s organization which other countries can copy, but they will not find it easy. Every year not only the states poured money into community colleges, it also attract a wide range of patrons from state governments to religious bodies, from fee-paying students to generous philanthropists which brought a lot of money in construction of university.The challenges in a university could be:Time management ;cultural customs ;get involved in new environment ;academic burden ;learn new skills ;peer pressure ;join different societies ;weather and food ;local accent ;read and write in academic english.;love.第二章1:do you agree that "money talks"?what are the things that money can buy and cannot buy?money talks means that rich people or organizations can get or do what they want.I do not agree with it.we can't live without money ,but it doesn't mean money is everything.I think money is just a tool we need to survive.we should control money ,not by it .we human are the masters of it .money serve for ue. No matter how much money you give ,a person with high quality can't do what you want if it is illegal or immoral.The standard of people's life do not have something to do with you have ,but about happiness and so on.For example ,money can buy beautiful houses ,but it can't buy an exact home or the happiness that you stay with families ;it can buy expensive cars ,but it can't buy the people you love to sit beside you ;it can buy friends ,but it can't buy a true friendship ;it can buy medical treatment ,but it can't buy time and health ;it can buy books ;but it can't buy knowledge and so on.It brings you food ,but not appetite ;medicine ,but not health; acquaintances ,but not friends ;servants ,but not loyalty ;days of joy ,but not peace of happiness.Yes, I can’t agree more .The attitude toward about money.The grandparents: they have experienced the most difficult times in china. So they are very frugal, they spend one cents as two cents. And they will be willing to spend money only when it must be. Most of them like to hide the cash at home. They don’t think put the money in the bank is safe. Often they are willing to put all of their money to their children, although this is not a large sum of money. And I believe this is their greatest love to the younger generation.Parents:most of them are frugal. They only spend money in the things what they think it’s worth. And they put most of the wage in the bank. Ma ybe to them, theyregard the more and more in the bank card as a kind of assurance of life. And one day, when there is a need. Parents will take out all their life saving with no hesitation. For example, they will help their son to buy a house for he married, or they will spend the money for their children to study abroad.Ourselves:most of us don’t know the difficult of making money. We spend money on anything we want. Even someone spend one yuan as one jiao . they are moonlight group. Whenever and wherever if they have money in their pocket, they will spend it over immediately. They shout the slogans” money will come and go, enjoy the life is the most important.”But the majority of us are not like that. We get the money, but we save a part of it in the bank. More time, we will use it do something we like. Such as traveling, shopping, investing and so on. We don’t agree save all of the money in the bank is a good way. We believe use our own money to enjoy our own life is the more meaningful thing. When it comes to moneyWhen it comes to money ,most of us may be get nervous ,even quarrel with each other .For myself, I am reluctant to borrow money from my friends even I am badly in need of money ,cause it is difficult to open mouse to ask others to borrow money, however I may borrow money from my intimate friends who I can tell everything in some cases ,I think we should make it clear on money ,like the saying ,I have ,I return its not difficult.May be somebody will say borrowing money have a bad effect on friendship ,indeed ,it is true for me ,about a mouth ago ,one of my classmate wanted to borrow money from me ,after he said night hundred, I felt may be there is something wrong with my ear ,when he said the second time ,I told him I could not lend so much money to you ,finally I lend six hundred to him from the relationship between friends ,a few weeks later ,I beg him to return my money , the words he said make me feel uncomfortable ,actually , he said he did not have money at all, then I enquired him what did you do with the money ,he just did not want to tell me anything ,besides ,he said he had his trouble that he was reluctant to mention ,so I quarrel with each other . obviously the friendship between us went bad . I would not like to let same thing again borrow money is about credit ,but for me friendship is more important than money ,if time could come back ,I would not lend money to him The financial management of college studentBasically, my income comes from three parts. One is from my parents, one is from the part-time jobs and the last is from the postgraduate Studentship. I have been a tutor for three years in summer and winter holiday .What's more. I have done some sales work for a period of time..The habit of my financial management include keep a detail overhead and income record, I make it by software on my mobilphone downloaded from Internet. At the beginning of every month, I would have a shop plan. My overhead is partly for recently and emergency use .In addition, I usually buy some books and learning materials. If there are still some left. I will have it deposited to the bank. I also have a strong interest in economical. I always want to buy some stocksand funds, but because of the shortage of money and energy, I still did not put it into practice.For college students, do their own financial planning, revenue and reducing expenditure is equally important. Today, many college students feel that they do not have enough money to spend, the most positive solution is to find ways to increase revenue to compensate for insufficient funds embarrassment. Work-study program is the most common college students "open source" approach to help teachers to do research, to be the tutor and the company or business part-time work ... These are to help students to increase revenue.Just open source is not enough, the key is to learn how to take care and plan their own money, to learn to throttle job. Bank financial planner recommends Students throttle may wish to start from the accounting. Many college students part-time, feel that they have income to spend money to start lavish dinner party, entertainment consumption expenditure soared, to the end of the month or the end at hand is still very tight even need to borrow money from the "transitional". Financial planner, said many college students is not no money to spend, but do not spend money, write down every day of your spending over time to see which is the unnecessary expenses, you can try to save those who can spend from time spent expenditures. If the money is deposited into banks, but also get a small fortune in interest.You can also try to do a small investment, stock, fund, is scheduled to vote and so on. Under a certain economic base, you can also be involved in real estate.Money, start from the housing commission and the housing charter, commissioned rental profit model can rely on to operate the property, which requires your experience, then there should have confidence and action, is not very high capital requirements, what need to be addressed is the landlord.You can also use the following sentences about financial management1.Managing budgets has long been a headache for freshmen, according to experts.2.Mostly supported by their family, college students find it challenging to deal with their finances and the surveillance of their patrons.3.Before college, everything is taken care of by parents and family. Now, without an appreciation for budget control, they are running out of money before they even know it.4.Learning to spend and save money is the most pressing lesson for freshmen to gain independence5.Experiencing the anxiety and pressure of bad financing is good for students to learn,6.Taking control of money is my first step into adulthood课本第三章:RetailRetail environmengts that appeal to all senses ——not just taste ,smell and touch ,but also a sense of well-being,community and the commen sense of many solutions in place现在的零售环境迎合各种感觉的需要:不光是味觉、嗅觉和触觉,而且包括康乐感、群体感以及在一个地方能解决许多问题的那种注重实际的感觉。

口笔译 25 人.复试笔试科目: 汉英笔译 考试范围:考查考生的英语基本功,汉英笔译的基本技巧和能力。要求翻译有关我国国情、 经济发展、文化背景以及风土人情等方面的文章。要求译文表达准确,流畅,能恰当使用翻
译策略和技巧。翻译速度每小时 300 汉字左右。 复试口试科目: 英汉会议口译 (英语笔译与英语口译相同)
同等学力加试科目: ①英汉写作 ②英汉互译 (英语笔译与英语口译相同)
总体要求: [1]掌握政治、经济、文化,特别是语言、时政、历史、英美国情等的专业知识。
汉 [2]能够按照《百科知识考点精编与真题解析》一书对写作的具体要求,独立完成公文写作、应用文
语 写作及话题作文;掌握议论文写作要领,注重论点、论证、论据三者之间的关系。
答题技巧: 名词解释 (1)名词解释一般答 100 字左右,在 A4 纸上约 3 行,每行 30-40 字。 (2)名词解释三段论答题法: 定义——〉背景、特征、概念类比——〉总结/评价。 第一,回答出名词本身的含义。一般都可以在书本找到。 第二,从名词的提出的背景、它的特征、相似概念比较等方面进行简述。 第三,总结,可以做一下简短的个人评价。 (3)温馨提示: 第一,名词解释一般位于试卷的第一部分,很多考上刚上考场非常的兴奋,一兴奋就容易下 笔如流水,一不小心就把名词解释当成了简答题。结果后面的题目答题时间非常紧张。 第二,育明考研咨询师提醒大家,在回答名词解释的时候以 150-200 字为佳。按照每个人写 字的速度,一般需要 5 分钟左右。
百 [3]掌握独立/组合词条式的定义法,能够使用简明、规范、包含符合要求的信息点的语言阐述概念;
科 强化逻辑意识,ຫໍສະໝຸດ 重卷面书写。育明教育从 2006 年开始办学,校长是北京外国语大学夏教授,北京总部负责人是北京大 学政管院博士,主打专业课一对一辅导。

湖北大学翻硕教材2020年湖北大学翻译硕士考研参考书及答题技巧参考书:1.《新编英语教程》,修订版,第5册,李观仪,上海外语教育出版社,20032.《新编英语教程》,修订版,第6册,李观仪,上海外语教育出版社,20043.《实用翻译教程(英汉互译)》,冯庆华,上海外语教育出版社, 20104.近三年的《政府工作报告》中英文版5.《应用文写作》,夏晓鸣,复旦大学出版社,20106.《新编英美概况》,最新修订版,来安方,河南人民出版社,20087.《中国文化读本》,叶朗,外语教学与研究出版社,20088.《汉语写作与百科知识》,李国正,首都师范大学出版社,20199.《翻译硕士MTI常考词汇》,李国正,首都师范大学出版社, 2020答题技巧:简答题(1)名师解析:简答题一般来说位于试题的第二部分,基本考察对某些重要问题的掌握程度。

主要用书: 肖秀荣精讲精练、肖秀荣1000题、肖秀荣形势与政策、肖秀荣4套卷和8套卷,徐涛小黄书背诵版。
总结: 政治大题背肖秀荣4套卷,选择题刷1000题,有时间的话可以买市面上各种试卷刷选择题。
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