



儿童百科知识大全儿童百科知识大全一、动物类:1. 大象:世界上最大的陆地动物,有长长的象牙和鼻子,喜欢吃树叶和草。

2. 狮子:一种很强壮的大猫,它的雄性有鬃毛,它们生活在非洲草原上,是猎食者之王。

3. 海豚:聪明的海洋动物,喜欢在水中跳跃,有黑白相间的花纹。

4. 北极熊:生活在寒冷的北极地区,有厚厚的白色皮毛,是世界上最大的陆地食肉动物。

5. 蝴蝶:漂亮的昆虫,有不同颜色的翅膀,喜欢吸食花蜜。

6. 斑马:有黑白相间的条纹,生活在非洲大草原上,是草食动物。

二、植物类:1. 玫瑰花:被誉为花中皇后,有不同颜色的花瓣,花香怡人。

2. 橡树:高大的树木,能生长几百年,有坚硬的树干和茂密的树冠。

3. 玉米:是一种谷物,我们平常吃的爆米花就是通过加热玉米粒而制成的。

4. 西瓜:夏天最受欢迎的水果之一,吃起来又甜又爽口。

5. 百合:一种有着纯洁形象的花卉,盛开时芬芳四溢。

6. 枫树:是加拿大的国树,秋天时,树叶变成红色、黄色,非常美丽。

三、科学与技术类:1. 太阳能:太阳的能量,可以转化为电能或热能,是一种清洁能源。

2. 摩擦力:物体之间接触时产生的力,使物体停下或变慢。

3. 可回收垃圾:可以再利用的废弃物,如纸张、玻璃、塑料等。

4. 手机:一种可以与他人远程通话和发短信的小型电子设备。

5. 太空探索:人类用航天器探索宇宙,了解太空的奥秘。

6. 数字化:将传统物品或信息转换为数字形式,便于储存和处理。

四、地理与环境类:1. 世界地图:显示世界各大洲和国家的地理位置和边界。

2. 大洋:已知的世界大洋有太平洋、大西洋、印度洋、南极洲洲际洋和北冰洋。

3. 气候:地球上不同地区的天气特征和温度变化。

4. 水循环:水从地球表面蒸发成为云朵,然后凝结为降雨或雪,并通过河流或湖泊回归到海洋。

5. 环保:保护我们的环境,减少废弃物的产生和污染。

五、人文与历史类:1. 春节:中国的传统节日,庆祝农历新年到来,人们家家户户贴春联、吃年夜饭、放鞭炮等。



1、菠萝属于什么类水果?复果类2、彩虹的顶部是什么颜色的?红3、穿山是用什么捕食的?舌头4、从北半球看,凸出、发光的一面朝左的弯月叫:残月5、从哪个部位可以知道马的年龄?牙齿6、催化剂在化学反应中的作用是:改变化学反应速度7、大熊猫和小熊猫是同一科的吗?不是8、大叶黄杨和小叶黄杨是同一种树吗?不是9、氮在地球上主要以什么形式存在?氮气10、地壳中含量最少的元素是:砹11、地球上的风由于什么原因不能笔直流动?地球自转12、地球有近日点、远日点,我们北半球冬季时地球处于:近日点13、地球与太阳系的其它行星不会相撞,是因为什么原因?太阳的引力作用14、第一个遗传密码在哪年被翻译出? 1961年15. 香港是哪年、哪月、哪日回归祖国的?(1997.7.1)16. 目前,中国的人口大约有多少亿(13亿,2015年大陆13.75亿,包括港澳台14亿)17. 世界上最早、最长的人工河是什么?(京杭运河)18. 我国的第一位封建皇帝是谁?(秦始皇赢政)19. “世界环境日”指的是哪一天?(6月5日)20. 农历五月初五是端午节,各地有包棕子、赛龙舟的习俗,请问这是为了纪念哪位爱国诗人?(屈原)21. 中国的四大发明是什么?(指南针、火药、造纸术、印刷术)22. 我国的五个少数民族自治区是哪五个?(西藏自治区、内蒙古自治区、新疆维吾尔族自治区、宁夏回族自治区、广西壮族自治区)23. NBA是哪个国家的篮球职业联赛的英文缩写?(美国)24. 世界上的四大文明古国是哪四个?(古中国、古埃及、古巴比伦、古印度)25. 世界上国土面积最大的国家?(俄罗斯)26. 布达拉宫是哪个少数民族的著名建筑?(藏族)27. 现在世界人口约60多亿,人口最多的三个国家是什么?(中、印、美)28. 英国的首都是什么?(伦敦)29. 日本首都是什么?(东京)30. 意大利的首都是什么?(罗马)1.电灯是XXX发明的。




01 What Can a Diver See? 潜水员能看见什么?Divers go under the water.What can a diver see?What can a diver see? starfishWhat can a diver see? fish coralWhat can a diver see? a shipwreckWhat can a diver see? a sealWhat can a diver see? another diver02 Look at the Tree 看这棵树See the roots. See the trunk.See the bark. See the branches.See the leaves. See the flowers.Look at the tree.03Hot and Cold 热的和冷的This cake is cold.These muffins are hot. Muffin 玛芬;(涂牛油趁热吃的)英格兰松饼This fruit salad is cold.These vegetables are hot. 蔬菜This milkshake is cold. 奶昔This cocoa is hot. cocoa[‘kəʊkəʊ] 可可饮料These cornflakes are cold. Cornflake ['kɔ:nfleɪk] 玉米片This oatmeal is hot. 燕麦片This sandwich is cold.This pizza is hot. [ˈpi:tsə]比萨饼What is cold? What is hot?04Making a Hat 制作一顶帽子I can make a hat.I use scissors.I use a stapler. 订书机stapler英[ˈsteɪplə(r)]美[ˈsteplɚ]I use colored pencils.I use tape.I can wear my hat!05Where Are They Going? 他们要去哪里?Some people go by train.Some people go by bus.Some people go by ferry. 渡船Some people go by car.Some people go by bicycle.Some people walk.Where are they going? They are going to the game.06What Lives in a Swamp? 沼泽地里有什么?Frogs live in a swamp. 英[swɒmp] 沼泽湿地Bugs live in a swamp.Snakes live in a swamp.Fish live in a swamp.Turtles live in a swamp.Birds live in a swamp.What else lives in a swamp?07 Toys 玩具What are toys made of?These toys are made of wood.These toys are made of plastic.These toys are made of metal.These toys are made of paper.These toys are made of cloth.What is this toy made of?plastic cloth wood08Wheels 轮子This tractor has big wheels.Trucks have big wheels, too.This scooter has little wheels. 英[ˈsku:tə(r)] 小型摩托车滑板车Skateboards have little wheels, too. 英[ˈskeɪtbɔ:d] 滑板Some wheels are big. Some wheels are little. How are wheels the same?09Shopping with Dad 和爸爸一起购物Sam and his dad go to the card store.They buy a card.Sam and his dad go to the bookstore.They buy a book.Sam and his dad go to the grocery store.They buy food for dinner.Sam and his dad go to the flower store.They buy flowers.Sam and his dad go to the bakery.They buy a cake.Sam and his dad go home. It's Mom's birthday!10Plants and Animals Live Here 在这里生存的动植物This is a desert.Plants and animals live here.This is a plain.Plants and animals live here.This is a mountain.Plants and animals live here.This is a forest.Plants and animals live here.This is a wetland.Plants and animals live here.This is a river.Plants and animals live here.11The Baby Shark 小鲨鱼This is a baby shark.It has eyes to help it see.It has a tail to help it swim.It has fins to help it swim.It has gills to help it breathe.It has a mouth to help it eat.It will grow into a big shark.12When the Rain Comes 下雨了When the rain comes, ants look for shelter.When the rain comes, bees look for shelter.When the rain comes, spiders look for shelter.When the rain comes, lizards look for shelter.When the rain comes, birds look for shelter.When the rain comes, butterflies look for shelter.But ducks stay in the rain.13Wood 木头What things are made of wood?My blocks are made of wood.My chair is made of wood. My table is made of wood. My puzzle is made of wood.Where does wood come from?Wood comes from trees.We use the wood from trees to make things.14The Little Panda 熊猫宝宝The little panda is a new baby.The little panda stays with its mother.The little panda climbs.The little panda walks.The little panda lives in the forest.The little panda eats leaves.The little panda is grown-up.15This Is an Island 这是一座岛屿This is an island. There is water all around the island.There is a waterfall on the island.There is a mountain on the island.There is a forest on the island.There is a beach on the island. There is water all around the island. Picture Glossary beach mountain forest waterfall island16Now and Then 现在和过去This is how we cook now.This is how people used to cook.This is how we keep food cold now.This is how people used to keep food cold.This is how we wash our clothes now.This is how people used to wash clothes.This is how we travel now.This is how people used to travel.This is how we see at night now.This is how people used to see at night.Now Then17Making Raisins 制作葡萄干You can make raisins. This is what you need. grapes. jar rack clothPut the grapes on the rack.Put the cloth on the grapes.Put the grapes in the sun.The sun dries the grapes.You made raisins!18My Friend and I 我和我的朋友My friend Rosa likes eggs for breakfast.I like cereal for breakfast.My friend Rosa likes to walk to school.I like to ride my bike to school.My friend Rosa likes math at school.I like reading at school.My friend Rosa likes to play ball at recess.I like to find bugs at recess.My friend Rosa likes painting at school. I like coloring at school.My friend Rosa and I go home together after school.19Bricks, Wood, and Stones 砖、木头和石头This is my house.It's made from bricks.Bricks come from clay.Clay comes from the ground.This is my house.It's made from wood.Wood comes from trees.Trees grow in the ground.This is my house.It's made from stones.Stones come from the ground. Bricks, wood, and stones make strong houses.20Come to My Party 来参加我的聚会I'm having a party. I want to invite people to my party.I want to invite my friend. I call my friend.I want to invite my grandma. I send an e-mail to my grandma.I want to invite my brother. I give a card to my brother.I want to invite my cousin. I write a letter to my cousin.I want to invite my aunt. I call my aunt on Mom's cell phone.I want to invite Dad. I ask Dad myself.21You Can Make a Pom-pom 你能做毛绒球玩具You can make a pom-pom.This is what you need. yarn cards scissorsCut out two rings.Tie yarn around the two rings.Cut the yarn.Tie yarn around the center of your pom-pom. Take out the rings. Play with your pom-pom.22Some Things Float 一些东西能漂浮Some things float.Some things sink.What floats? What sinks?Will this ball float?Yes. This ball floats.Will this toy float?Yes. This toy floats.Will this rock float?No. This rock does not float. It sinks.What will sink?23What Did They Drive? 他们驾驶的是什么?This is my mom and her car.This is may grandmother when she was young.She drove this car long ago.This is my great grandfather when he was young.He drove this car long ago.This is my great great grandfather when he was young.He drove this car long age.This is my great great great grandmother and grandfather. Do you know what they drove?They drove a horse and buggy.24New Clothes 新衣服Dad and I are shopping for new clothes.I said," I want this shirt, please."Dad said, " Another time. Today we need to buy a shirt that will keep you warm."We buy a warm shirt.I said," I want these pants, please."Dad said," Another time. Today we need to buy jeans that will keep you warm."We buy jeans.I said," I want these shoes, please."Dad said," Another time. Today we need to buy shoes that will keep your feet warm."We buy shoes.I said," I want this hat, please." Dad said," Yes. Today you need a hat to keep your head warm."。

national geographic kids 分级介绍 -回复

national geographic kids 分级介绍 -回复

national geographic kids 分级介绍-回复作为一个受欢迎的儿童杂志,国家地理儿童版(National Geographic Kids)以自然科学和地理为主题,以生动有趣的文章和图画,吸引了许多小读者。


第一级别:初级读者(Ages 3-5)初级读者版的国家地理儿童版专为3至5岁的孩子设计。




第二级别:中级读者(Ages 6-9)中级读者版的国家地理儿童版更适合6至9岁的孩子。




第三级别:高级读者(Ages 10+)高级读者版的国家地理儿童版针对年龄在10岁以上的孩子。


























































⽜津树、兰登、RAZ、⼤猫、国家地理…10⼤主流分级读物最全测评(吐⾎篇)⽂ | 丹妈转载⾄ | 丹妈读童书终于可以来交英语分级读物测评的⽂章了,⼀共测评了市⾯上最主流的⼗多套英⽂分级读物。

他们分别是:RAZ国内引进版《ABC time美国⼩学同步阅读》海尼曼分级阅读红⽕箭分级阅读培⽣英语⽜津阅读树⼤猫英语分级I can read 系列国家地理kids我的第⼀套、第⼆套图书馆兰登Step into reading1和2这篇⼲货真是拿出写论⽂的劲头来写,我知道有些同学不喜欢读长⽂,但是这⼗多套英⽂分级,每套⼜有多个系列多册书,是个巨⼤⽆⽐的⼯程量,真的很难⽤精简的话介绍完。


因为孩⼦学英语,哪怕是没有做英语启蒙的,以后学英语肯定也⽤得上的!废话不多说,丹妈按照难度等级把上⾯的10套书做了归纳表格:难度⼤⼩是根据每套书同⼀个级别的难度来判段的,⽐如都是level1 ,海尼曼就⽐国家地理少⼉版简单很多。




《ABCtime美国⼩学同步阅读》RAZ引进版适合年龄:3岁-12岁出版社:现代教育出版社难度等级:★★趣味等级:★★★关键词:适合0基础,主题丰富,分级科学严谨01、这是怎么样⼀套书?如果说英⽂分级读物中,有⼀套书的名⽓可以和⼤名⿍⿍的⽜津阅读树相媲美的话,那肯定就是Raz(全名Reading A-Z)了。




世界知识百科全书1、中国西藏自治区最大的内陆湖,也是世界上海拔最高的咸水湖叫什么?纳木错湖2、欧洲文艺复兴时期提出“日心说”的波兰科学家是谁?哥白尼3、单词“going”中,“ing”表示什么时态?进行时4、歌曲《寂寞沙洲冷》《黄昏》的原唱是我国哪位台湾男歌手?周传雄5、遇到强敌时会以“喷墨”作为逃生方法的是什么海洋动物?乌贼/墨斗鱼6、拥有球星埃托奥,被称为非洲雄狮的是哪支男子足球队?喀麦隆7、在中国春秋战国时期哲学家中,最重视“仁”和“礼”的是哪位圣贤?孔子8、《红处方》是哪位著名女作家的代表作?毕淑敏9、歌词“如果你爱我,你会来找我,你会知道我快不能活”来自范晓萱的哪首歌?《氧气》10、《西游记》中,白龙马是哪个海龙王的三太子?西海龙王11、我们常用哪种日用品来比喻教师“燃烧了自己,照亮了别人”?蜡烛12、歌词“如果你爱我,你会来找我,你会知道我快不能活”来自范晓萱的哪首歌?《氧气》13、孟浩然所作《过故人庄》中“绿树村边合”的下一句是?青山郭外斜14、被称赞为“左脚灵活的可以拉小提琴”的克罗地亚足球运动员是谁?达沃•苏克15、欧洲人至今称为“桌上的网球”的体育项目是?乒乓球16、人称“花中的隐士”指的是什么花?菊花17、由《赛德克巴莱》的导演魏德圣指导范逸臣出演男主角的台湾电影时?《海角七号》18、由西晋陈寿编写的记载魏蜀吴鼎力时期的“纪传体国别史”叫什么?《三国志》19、我是在等待一个女孩,还是在等待沉沦苦海”是出自刘德华哪首歌的歌词?《冰雨》20、唐代诗人杜甫的“三吏”由《石壕吏》《潼关吏》和哪一首诗组成?《新安吏》21、《我是一只鱼》《伤心太平洋》是哪位台湾男歌手的代表作?任贤齐22、曹操的诗《短歌行》中,“何以解忧”的下一句是?唯有杜康23、清朝康熙年间,中俄签订的第一份边界条约是什么条约?《尼布楚条约》24、比喻才能出众的人容易受到别人嫉妒的俗语“木秀于林”的下一句是?风必摧之25、“战国四公子”中,在齐国的是哪一位王公贵族?孟尝君/田文26、电视剧《杨家将》中穆桂英本是哪一个山寨的“寨主之女”?穆柯寨27、我国春秋战国时期著名的道家学派的创立者,是诸子百家中的哪位人物?老子28、扫荡了马超韩遂等西方群雄,巩固了曹操的后方势力,使其在真正意义上统一北方的是哪场战役?潼关之战29、“好莱坞”是美国的电影圣地,那么“宝莱坞”是哪个国家的电影圣地?印度30、我国又称“双十二事变”的历史事件是?西安事变31、经典歌曲《半斤八两》《浪子心声》的原唱是哪位香港老牌男歌手?许冠杰32、歌曲“Un'estate Italiana”《意大利之夏》是哪年世界杯的主题曲?33、我国的传统节日中秋节是农历几月几号?八月十五34、中国男足的口号“冲出亚洲”下一句是?走向世界35、黑心企业将那种化工原料掺入婴幼儿奶粉,会造成婴儿“大头娃娃”肾结石等病症?三聚氰胺36、成名曲有《九百九十九朵玫瑰》《千纸鹤》等歌曲的台湾男歌手是?邰正宵37、有“共和国钢都”的美誉,中国第一钢铁工业城市是辽宁的哪个城市?鞍山38、《管子·小匡》中“士农工商四民者,国之石民也。




国家地理少儿分级系统一般分为G、PG、PG-13和R 四个级别。

G级(General Audience):适合所有观众年龄段观看,不含任何暴力、性、恶心、恐怖情节,内容积极正面,适合全家共同观看的节目。

PG级(Parental Guidance):建议家长指导下观看,可能包含一些轻微的暴力、恶心或恐怖情节,但仍然适合大多数年龄段的观众。

PG-13级(Parents Strongly Cautioned):建议13岁以上观众观看,可能包含一些较为强烈的暴力、恶心、恐怖场景,可能需要家长在场指导。





国家地理儿童百科入门级适合2-8岁,提高级适合4-10岁,流利级适合5-12岁目录:(大小为3.63GB)入门级国家地理儿童百科入门级课文PDF文档(含评估手册PDF文档) 国家地理儿童百科入门级课文MP3音频(含评估手册MP3音频) 国家地理儿童百科入门级课文文本文档国家地理儿童百科入门级练习册PDF文档国家地理儿童百科入门级练习册MP3音频提高级国家地理儿童百科提高级课文PDF文档国家地理儿童百科提高级课文MP3音频(含评估手册MP3音频) 国家地理儿童百科提高级练习册PDF文档国家地理儿童百科提高级练习册MP3音频国家地理儿童百科提高级英文教学指导国家地理儿童百科提高级readme流利级国家地理儿童百科流利级课文PDF文档国家地理儿童百科流利级课文MP3音频(含评估手册MP3音频) 国家地理儿童百科流利级课文文本文档国家地理儿童百科流利级练习册PDF文档国家地理儿童百科流利级练习册MP3音频国家地理儿童百科流利级英文教学指导入门级介绍:内含24本百科读物、24本练习册、1本评估手册、1本家长指南、25张CD、60张单词卡、1张挂图、2张精致明信片、1个证书框、1个精美文具盒、1套彩笔、1套益智立体拼图。

《国家地理儿童百科》(NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC– Windows onLiteracy)是我社引进―国家地理‖的儿童英语系列读物,共三套:入门级—Emergent,提高级—Early和流利级—Fluent。


另外辅助出版内容有明信片2张、生词卡60 张、挂图一幅以及大量拼图。





6. From Field to Florist 从田野到花商
Look at all the flowers. They are for sale in a flower store. A person who sells flowers is called a florist. Where does the florist get all the flowers? In the morning , farmers cut the flowers they will sell at the market. They put the cut flowers in their truck. They take their flowers to the market. At the market the flowers are kept in buckets full of water. The water helps keep the flowers fresh. Florists visit the market. This is where they get the flowers to sell in their stores. The florist gets the flowers ready to sell at the store. Some of the flowers are made up into bunches. People buy flowers at the flower store.
1. This Is My Street 我的街道
This is my street. I live in the house with the blue door. There are many houses on my street. This is my friend Becky’s street. Becky lives in the tall building. She lives in an apartment. There are many apartment buildings on Becky’s street.




















小学英语低段课外读物推荐书目:《外国新童话精选》作者:杨冰梁莹郭海燕出版社: 首都师范大学出版社《体验英语》作者:刘道义出版社:高等教育出版社《童谣〃绕口令〃儿童诗》作者:杨冰梁莹郭海燕出版社: 首都师范大学出版社《Who Wears Glasses?》作者:Ana Galan 出版社:Cartwheel Books《灰姑娘》作者:格林兄弟外语教学与研究出版社改编《汤姆叔叔的小屋》作者:(美)斯托出版社:外语教学与研究出版社《Can you see what I can see? Christmas》作者:Walter Wick 出版社:Cartwheel Books《拉玛娜故事集》作者:Beverly Cleary 出版社:HarperCollins 《三只小猪》作者:(德)格林(Grimm.J.)出版社:外语教学与研究出版社《白雪公主》作者:格林兄弟外语教学与研究出版社改编《丑小鸭》安徒生(Andersen.H.C.) 出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社《Shopping with Dad》作者: Harvey, Matt出版社: BAREFOOT BOOKS 《儿童英汉百科图解词典》作者:加拿大QA国际图书出版公司编著出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社《小学英语随堂故事》作者:许学明出版社:安徽科学技术出版社《朗文小学英语阅读》作者:麦瑟尔德(Methold.K.),出版社:吉林出版集团有限责任公司外语教育出版公司《穿靴子的猫》作者:(英)希思改编:于晓皖出版社:外语教学与研究出版社《阿拉丁和神灯》作者:斯旺改写,郎崧出版社:外语教学与研究出版社《小学英语奇妙故事》作者: 方赏(Funshine.B.),杜方琪出版社:安徽科学技术出版社《小红帽》作者:(英)斯旺改编:易璐出版社:外语教学与研究出版社《大头英语系列》作者:蔡晔出版社:龙门书局《寓言故事精选》作者:杨冰 (作者), 梁莹 (作者), 郭海燕,出版社:首都师范大学出版社《英语小故事随堂读》作者: 薛益谦,陈维出版社:大连出版社《大山叔叔讲故事(起步级)》作者: 大山出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社《熊猫宝宝》作者:(美国)钱(Harley Chan) 出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社《国家地理儿童百科(入门级)》作者: 加德纳(Stewart Gardiner 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社如:《玩具》、《木头》、《新衣服》、《小鲨鱼》、《轮子》等。



国家地理儿童百科提高级配套CD班级里的玩具熊1Where is teddy bear?My class has its own teddy bear. His name is Ted. We think Ted needs abed. We make a bed for Ted.My class has its own teddy bear. His name is Ted. We think Ted needs ahouse. We make a house for Ted.My class has its own teddy bear. His name is Ted. We all take care of Ted.We think Ted needs a hat. The class likes this idea. We make a paper hatfor Ted. We think Ted needs its arm fixed. The cla ss likes this idea. Wefixed Ted’s arm.We think Ted needs a bed. The class likes this idea. We make a bed forTed. We think Ted needs a house. The class likes this idea. We make ahouse for Ted. I think Ted needs to go home on the weekend. The classlikes this idea. I take Ted home with me.国家地理儿童百科提高级配套CD泥浆1Mud, mud, mudMud is soft, mud is wet. A pig likes mud. A pig rolls in the mud.The mud helps keep the pig cool. A frog likes mud. A frogsleeps in the mud. The mud helps a frog hide from its enemies.A water buffalo likes mud. A water buffalo stands in the mud.The mud helps keep bugs away. A rhinoceros likes mud. Arhinoceros has a mud bath. The mud helps protects therhinoceros from the sun. What else likes mud?国家地理儿童百科提高级配套CD长毛哈里1Hairy HarryThesearegrass seeds.Grassseedsgrowintograss. Whatmakesseedsgrow into the plants? Make a hairy Henry and find out. You will need soil,water,jar, shovel old stocking. gloves, grass seeds, scissors. Cut of onepair of stocking. Put the seeds in the top of stocking. Put the soil in thestocking. Make the soil into a head shape. Typeunder of the stocking. Putthe stockingin thejar of water. Keepin thewater to keep it wet. Aftertwo weeks, grass start to grow. Look at the hairy Henry now.国家地理儿童百科提高级配套CD动物园地图1zoo mapRain and Kelly went to the zoo. They looked at the zoo map.They choose which way to go. Rain and Kelly went to see the lions.What did they see on the way? Tigers, seals. Rain and Kelly went tosee the kangaroos. What did they see on the way? Alligators,flamingo, hippos.Rain and Kelly went to see the bears. What did they see on the way?Elephants, monkeys, vulture,zebras. Which animals do you like tosee at zoo? Open the page to see the zoo map. Look at the zoo map.Can you find your way to see these animals? How would you getthere?国家地理儿童百科提高级配套CD青蛙有条黏舌头1A frog has a sicky tongueA frog has a sticky tongue and a frog has big eyes. What elsehas big eyes? A tiger has big eyes and a tiger has whiskers. Whatelse has whiskers? An otter has whiskers and an otter has web feet.What else has web feet? A penguin has web feet and a penguin hada beak. What else has a beak? An ostrich has a beak and an ostrichhas a long neck. What else has a long neck? A giraffe has a longneck and a giraffe has a horn. What else has horn?A goat has a horn and a goat has hairy body. What else has ahairy body? A moth had a body and a moth has wings. What elsehas wings? A bee has wings and a bee has a stripe. What else has astripe? A lion fish has and a lion fish has spines. What else hasspines? A echidna has spines and a echidna has a sticky tongue.What else has a sticky tongue? A frog has a sticky tongue.国家地理儿童百科提高级配套CD天空是什么颜色的1What color is the sky?It is the middle of the night. The sky is black. It is early in themorning. The sun is rising. The sky is orange and yellow. It is noon.The sun is high in the sky. The sky is blue.国家地理儿童百科提高级配套CD水、陆地和空气Water, land and airThis is what the earth looks like from space. Can you see howblue it is? The blue part is water. The earth is mostly water. Peopleneed water to live. Can you see the brown and green parts on theearth? The brown and green parts are land. Only part of earth island. People live on the land. Air is all around the earth. You can’tsee it but it’s there. People breathe the air. Water, land and air are allthings that people need.国家地理儿童百科提高级配套CD学校的现在和过去School today and long ago.My great-great-grandpa lived a long time ago. When he went toschool, he carried his books in his hand. I carry my books in my bag.When my great-great-grandpa went to school, his classroom lookslike this. This is my classroom.Whenmygreat-great-grandpawenttoschool,hesatawoodendesk.Isatonmychairatmydesk.Whenmygreat-great-grandpa went to school, he wrote with chalk, hewroteonaslate.Iwritewithepencil,Iwriteonpaper.Whenmygreat-great-grandpa went to school, he likes his teacher. I like myteacher, too.。



国家地理儿童百科提高级1 I Can Breathe UnderwaterI walk to the edge of the sea.The sand is cool under my feet.The water is cold.I put on my mask.I put the snorkel in my mouth.I go underwater.It works! I can breathe air on land and underwater!2 A frog has a sicky tongue 青蛙有条黏舌头A frog has a sticky tongue and a frog has big eyes. What else has big eyes?A tiger has big eyes and a tiger has whiskers.What else has whiskers?An otter has whiskers and an otter has web feet.What else has web feet?A penguin has web feet and a penguin had a beak. What else has a beak?An ostrich has a beak and an ostrich has a long neck.What else has a long neck?A giraffe has a long neck and a giraffe has a horn. What else has horn?A goat has a horn and a goat has hairy body.What else has a hairy body?A moth had a body and a moth has wings.What else has wings?A bee has wings and a bee has a stripe.What else has a stripe?A lion fish has and a lion fish has spines.What else has spines?A echidna has spines and a echidna has a sticky tongue. What else has a sticky tongue?A frog has a sticky tongue.3 What color is the sky? 天空是什么颜色的 It is the middle of the night.The sky is black.It is early in the morning.The sun is rising.The sky is orange and yellow.It is noon.The sun is high in the sky.The sky is blue.It is late in the afternoon.A storm is coming.The sky is grey.The storm is over.The rain has stopped.What can you see in the sky now?A rainbow.4 Mud, mud, mud 泥浆Mud is soft, mud is wet.A pig likes mud.A pig rolls in the mud.The mud helps keep the pig cool.A frog likes mud.A frog sleeps in the mud.The mud helps a frog hide from its enemies.A water buffalo likes mud.A water buffalo stands in the mud.The mud helps keep bugs away.A rhinoceros likes mud.A rhinoceros has a mud bath.The mud helps protects the rhinoceros from the sun. What else likes mud?5 Cooking DinnerWe are cooking dinner.We are cooking fried rice. Rice.These are the food we need. Soy sauce, eggs , ham.We use the knife to chop the onions and the ham.We use the beater and the bowl to beat the eggs.We use the pan to cook the eggs , the onions and the ham. We use the spoon to stir in the rice and the sauce.The fried rice is ready.We put the fried rice in our bows.We use these tools now.6 Class Teddy BearMy class has its own teddy bear. His name is Ted.We all take care of Ted.We think Ted needs a hat. The class likes this idea.We make a paper hat for Ted.We think Ted needs his arm fixed. The class likes this idea.We fix Ted’s arm.We think Ted needs a bed. The class likes this idea.The class likes this idea.We think Ted needs a house. The class likes this idea.We make a house for Ted.I think Ted needs to go home on the weekend. The class likes this idea.I take Ted home with me.7 Jobs : Making and Helping 工作:制造和服务My mom makes car parts.People buy the cars.My mom makes shoes.People buy the shoes.My dad makes furniture.People buy the furniture.My dad works at the gym.He helps the people get fit.My mom works at the animal hospital.She helps take care of the animals.My dad works at the library.He helps people find books they want.8 A Good Place to Live 一个好居所My town is a good place to live.People keep my town clean.This person cleans the streets.This person takes away the trash.This person cuts the grass in the park.People keep my town safe.This person directs traffic.This person puts out fires.This person fixes pipes under the road.People help each other in my town.This person helps us cross the street.This person helps us find books to read.This person helps sick people.Yes, my town is a good place to live!9 Seeds grow into plants 种子长成植物What will grow from these seeds? pumpkin seeds, bean seeds. Wheat seeds, apple seedsThese seeds will grow into plants.These are pumpkin seeds.Pumpkin seeds grow into pumpkin vines.Pumpkins grow on pumpkin vines.These are bean seeds.Bean seeds grow into bean bushes.Beans grow on bean bushes.These are wheat seeds.Wheat seeds grow into wheat stalks.Wheat grows on wheat stalks.These are apple seeds.Apple seeds grow into apple trees.Apples grow on apple trees.corn seeds, pea seeds, carrot seeds, watermelon seeds What will grow from these seeds?10 Zoo Map 动物园地图Rain and Kelly went to the zoo.They looked at the zoo map.They choose which way to go.Rain and Kelly went to see the lions.What did they see on the way? Tigers, seals.Rain and Kelly went to see the kangaroos.What did they see on the way? Alligators, flamingo, hippos.Rain and Kelly went to see the bears.What did they see on the way? Elephants, monkeys, vulture,zebras. Which animals do you like to see at zoo?Open the page to see the zoo map.Look at the zoo map.Can you find your way to see these animals?How would you get there?Alligator(s) bear(s) elephant(s)flamingo(es) hippo(s) kangaroo(s)lion(s) monkey(s) seal(s)tiger(s) vulture(s) zebra(s)11 Plants on My PlateI am eating the seeds of a plant.These seeds are peas.They are from a pea plant. seedsI am eating the leaves of a plant.These leaves are spinach.They are from a spinach plant. leavesI am eating the stems of a plant.These stems are celery.They are from a celery plant. stemsI am eating the roots of a plant.These roots are carrots.They are from a carrot plant. rootsI am eating the flower buds of a plant.These flower buds are broccoli.They are from a broccoli plant. flower budsWhat part of a plant will you eat today?12 Hairy Harry 长毛哈里These are grass seeds.Grass seeds grow into grass.What makes seeds grow into plants?Make a Hairy Henry and find out!You will need : soil, water, jar, trowel, old stocking, gloves, grass seeds, scissors.Cut off one leg of a pair of old stockings.Put grass seeds in the toe of the stocking.Put soil in the stocking.Make the soil into a head shape.Type the end of the stocking.Put the stocking in a jar of water.Keep adding water to keep the stocking wet.After two weeks, the grass will start to grow.Look at Hairy Henry now!13 Water, land and air 水、陆地和空气This is what the earth looks like from space.Can you see how blue it is?The blue part is water.The earth is mostly water.People need water to live.Can you see the brown and green parts of the earth? The brown and green parts are land.Only part of the earth is land.People live on the land.Air is all around the earth.You can’t see it but it’s there.People breathe the air.Water, land and air are all things people need.14 On the Moon 在月球上On Earth, we can see the moon in the sky.Astronauts have gone to then Moon.They saw what the Moon is like.On the Moon, the sky is always dark and clear. There are no clouds.On the Moon, there is no air or water.There is no wind.Nothing lives on the Moon.On the Moon, the ground is rocky.There are mountains and valleys.On the Moon, you can see Earth in the sky.15 The earth 地球This is the Earth.Some of the Earth is land.Some of the Earth is water.Some of the Earth is flat.Land that is flat is called a plain.Some of the Earth is hilly.Land that is hilly and high is called a mountain. Some of the land is surrounded by water.Land that is hilly and high is called a mountain. Land that is surrounded by water is called an island.Some of the water is surrounded by land. Water that is surrounded by land is called a lake.16 Whats InsideMany foods we eat have a skin.The skin protects the food.This rubbery skin is called a peel.We can’t eat this rubbery peel.What’s inside this peel?There is a banana inside.A banana is soft.We can eat bananas.This hard skin is called a shell.We can’t eat this hard shell.What’s inside this shell?There is a walnut inside.A walnut is crunchy.We can eat walnuts.This soft skin is called a husk.We can’t eat this soft husk.What’s inside this husk?There is corn inside.Corn is chewy.We can eat corn.This tough skin is called a rind.We can’t eat this tough rind.What’s inside this rind?There is watermelon inside. Watermelon is juicy.We can eat watermelon.What other foods have skins?Can we eat these skins?Banana corn walnut watermelon17 The ParkMy family likes the park.There are lots of things to do at the park. Look at the things to do on this map. Jogging pathSkating pathGrassy areaIce cream standFountainPlaygroundLake , Paddle boatsI like the playground at the park.I like the slide and the seesaws.I like the swings, too.My brother likes to skate at he park.He skates on the skating path.He skates around and around.My mom likes to fly a kite at the park.I like to fly a kite, too.We fly our kite in the grassy area.My father likes to jog at the park.He jogs on the jogging path in the park.My dad likes to keep fit.My sister likes the ducks on the lake.My mom likes them, too.They feed bread to the ducks.My family likes to have a picnic in the park. We sit on the grass to have a picnic.What else can you do at the park?18 Class Rules19 Weather Today20 School Today and Long Ago 学校的现在和过去My great-great-grandpa lived a long time ago.When he went to school, he carried his books in his hand.I carry my books in my bag.When my great-great-grandpa went to school, his classroom looks like this.This is my classroom.When my great-great-grandpa went to school, he sat at a wooden desk.I sat on my chair at my desk.When my great-great-grandpa went to school, he wrote with chalk, he wrote on a slate.I write with the pencil, I write on paper.When my great-great-grandpa went to school, he likes his teacher. I like my teacher, too.21 Whats on the Ships22 Popcorn and Candy23 Animal Armor24 People Live in the Desert。



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国家地理儿童百科提高级1 I Can Breathe UnderwaterI walk to the edge of the sea.The sand is cool under my feet.The water is cold.I put on my mask.I put the snorkel in my mouth.I go underwater.It works! I can breathe air on land and underwater!2 A frog has a sicky tongue 青蛙有条黏舌头A frog has a sticky tongue and a frog has big eyes. What else has big eyes?A tiger has big eyes and a tiger has whiskers.What else has whiskers?An otter has whiskers and an otter has web feet.What else has web feet?A penguin has web feet and a penguin had a beak. What else has a beak?An ostrich has a beak and an ostrich has a long neck.What else has a long neck?A giraffe has a long neck and a giraffe has a horn. What else has horn?A goat has a horn and a goat has hairy body.What else has a hairy body?A moth had a body and a moth has wings.What else has wings?A bee has wings and a bee has a stripe.What else has a stripe?A lion fish has and a lion fish has spines.What else has spines?A echidna has spines and a echidna has a sticky tongue. What else has a sticky tongue?A frog has a sticky tongue.3 What color is the sky? 天空是什么颜色的 It is the middle of the night.The sky is black.It is early in the morning.The sun is rising.The sky is orange and yellow.It is noon.The sun is high in the sky.The sky is blue.It is late in the afternoon.A storm is coming.The sky is grey.The storm is over.The rain has stopped.What can you see in the sky now?A rainbow.4 Mud, mud, mud 泥浆Mud is soft, mud is wet.A pig likes mud.A pig rolls in the mud.The mud helps keep the pig cool.A frog likes mud.A frog sleeps in the mud.The mud helps a frog hide from its enemies.A water buffalo likes mud.A water buffalo stands in the mud.The mud helps keep bugs away.A rhinoceros likes mud.A rhinoceros has a mud bath.The mud helps protects the rhinoceros from the sun. What else likes mud?5 Cooking DinnerWe are cooking dinner.We are cooking fried rice. Rice.These are the food we need. Soy sauce, eggs , ham.We use the knife to chop the onions and the ham.We use the beater and the bowl to beat the eggs.We use the pan to cook the eggs , the onions and the ham. We use the spoon to stir in the rice and the sauce.The fried rice is ready.We put the fried rice in our bows.We use these tools now.6 Class Teddy BearMy class has its own teddy bear. His name is Ted.We all take care of Ted.We think Ted needs a hat. The class likes this idea.We make a paper hat for Ted.We think Ted needs his arm fixed. The class likes this idea.We fix Ted’s arm.We think Ted needs a bed. The class likes this idea.The class likes this idea.We think Ted needs a house. The class likes this idea.We make a house for Ted.I think Ted needs to go home on the weekend. The class likes this idea.I take Ted home with me.7 Jobs : Making and Helping 工作:制造和服务My mom makes car parts.People buy the cars.My mom makes shoes.People buy the shoes.My dad makes furniture.People buy the furniture.My dad works at the gym.He helps the people get fit.My mom works at the animal hospital.She helps take care of the animals.My dad works at the library.He helps people find books they want.8 A Good Place to Live 一个好居所My town is a good place to live.People keep my town clean.This person cleans the streets.This person takes away the trash.This person cuts the grass in the park.People keep my town safe.This person directs traffic.This person puts out fires.This person fixes pipes under the road.People help each other in my town.This person helps us cross the street.This person helps us find books to read.This person helps sick people.Yes, my town is a good place to live!9 Seeds grow into plants 种子长成植物What will grow from these seeds? pumpkin seeds, bean seeds. Wheat seeds, apple seedsThese seeds will grow into plants.These are pumpkin seeds.Pumpkin seeds grow into pumpkin vines.Pumpkins grow on pumpkin vines.These are bean seeds.Bean seeds grow into bean bushes.Beans grow on bean bushes.These are wheat seeds.Wheat seeds grow into wheat stalks.Wheat grows on wheat stalks.These are apple seeds.Apple seeds grow into apple trees.Apples grow on apple trees.corn seeds, pea seeds, carrot seeds, watermelon seeds What will grow from these seeds?10 Zoo Map 动物园地图Rain and Kelly went to the zoo.They looked at the zoo map.They choose which way to go.Rain and Kelly went to see the lions.What did they see on the way? Tigers, seals.Rain and Kelly went to see the kangaroos.What did they see on the way? Alligators, flamingo, hippos.Rain and Kelly went to see the bears.What did they see on the way? Elephants, monkeys, vulture,zebras. Which animals do you like to see at zoo?Open the page to see the zoo map.Look at the zoo map.Can you find your way to see these animals?How would you get there?Alligator(s) bear(s) elephant(s)flamingo(es) hippo(s) kangaroo(s)lion(s) monkey(s) seal(s)tiger(s) vulture(s) zebra(s)11 Plants on My PlateI am eating the seeds of a plant.These seeds are peas.They are from a pea plant. seedsI am eating the leaves of a plant.These leaves are spinach.They are from a spinach plant. leavesI am eating the stems of a plant.These stems are celery.They are from a celery plant. stemsI am eating the roots of a plant.These roots are carrots.They are from a carrot plant. rootsI am eating the flower buds of a plant.These flower buds are broccoli.They are from a broccoli plant. flower budsWhat part of a plant will you eat today?12 Hairy Harry 长毛哈里These are grass seeds.Grass seeds grow into grass.What makes seeds grow into plants?Make a Hairy Henry and find out!You will need : soil, water, jar, trowel, old stocking, gloves, grass seeds, scissors.Cut off one leg of a pair of old stockings.Put grass seeds in the toe of the stocking.Put soil in the stocking.Make the soil into a head shape.Type the end of the stocking.Put the stocking in a jar of water.Keep adding water to keep the stocking wet.After two weeks, the grass will start to grow.Look at Hairy Henry now!13 Water, land and air 水、陆地和空气This is what the earth looks like from space.Can you see how blue it is?The blue part is water.The earth is mostly water.People need water to live.Can you see the brown and green parts of the earth? The brown and green parts are land.Only part of the earth is land.People live on the land.Air is all around the earth.You can’t see it but it’s there.People breathe the air.Water, land and air are all things people need.14 On the Moon 在月球上On Earth, we can see the moon in the sky.Astronauts have gone to then Moon.They saw what the Moon is like.On the Moon, the sky is always dark and clear. There are no clouds.On the Moon, there is no air or water.There is no wind.Nothing lives on the Moon.On the Moon, the ground is rocky.There are mountains and valleys.On the Moon, you can see Earth in the sky.15 The earth 地球This is the Earth.Some of the Earth is land.Some of the Earth is water.Some of the Earth is flat.Land that is flat is called a plain.Some of the Earth is hilly.Land that is hilly and high is called a mountain. Some of the land is surrounded by water.Land that is hilly and high is called a mountain. Land that is surrounded by water is called an island.Some of the water is surrounded by land. Water that is surrounded by land is called a lake.16 Whats InsideMany foods we eat have a skin.The skin protects the food.This rubbery skin is called a peel.We can’t eat this rubbery peel.What’s inside this peel?There is a banana inside.A banana is soft.We can eat bananas.This hard skin is called a shell.We can’t eat this hard shell.What’s inside this shell?There is a walnut inside.A walnut is crunchy.We can eat walnuts.This soft skin is called a husk.We can’t eat this soft husk.What’s inside this husk?There is corn inside.Corn is chewy.We can eat corn.This tough skin is called a rind.We can’t eat this tough rind.What’s inside this rind?There is watermelon inside. Watermelon is juicy.We can eat watermelon.What other foods have skins?Can we eat these skins?Banana corn walnut watermelon17 The ParkMy family likes the park.There are lots of things to do at the park. Look at the things to do on this map. Jogging pathSkating pathGrassy areaIce cream standFountainPlaygroundLake , Paddle boatsI like the playground at the park.I like the slide and the seesaws.I like the swings, too.My brother likes to skate at he park.He skates on the skating path.He skates around and around.My mom likes to fly a kite at the park.I like to fly a kite, too.We fly our kite in the grassy area.My father likes to jog at the park.He jogs on the jogging path in the park.My dad likes to keep fit.My sister likes the ducks on the lake.My mom likes them, too.They feed bread to the ducks.My family likes to have a picnic in the park. We sit on the grass to have a picnic.What else can you do at the park?18 Class Rules19 Weather Today20 School Today and Long Ago 学校的现在和过去My great-great-grandpa lived a long time ago.When he went to school, he carried his books in his hand.I carry my books in my bag.When my great-great-grandpa went to school, his classroom looks like this.This is my classroom.When my great-great-grandpa went to school, he sat at a wooden desk.I sat on my chair at my desk.When my great-great-grandpa went to school, he wrote with chalk, he wrote on a slate.I write with the pencil, I write on paper.When my great-great-grandpa went to school, he likes his teacher. I like my teacher, too.21 Whats on the Ships22 Popcorn and Candy23 Animal Armor24 People Live in the Desert。
