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underground cabling Copper potential Target market
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Research approach of the first stage( 2001)
Project Evaluation
Underground cabling construction survey
ICA (China) attaches high importance on the the copper potential from underground cabling and the effective way to access it, SINOTRUST was entrusted to do market research on it to build ICA’s market strategy
Two research phase was conducted by SINOTRUST(in 2001 and 2002 separately) :
Phase I:feasibility to push underground cabling,copper potential , design – making chain& key factors, target market
Meanwhile, overhead line is still the major part in urban power supplying lines, underground cable takes only 10% of it. It is no doubt that to accelerate the the urban underground cabling brings huge potential for copper consumption
Desk research
Experts focus group
In-depth interview on 6key cities
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Telephone survey on 24 cities

Forecast of underground cabling in China

Key factors and effective pushing method

Condition and coverage of underground cabling in target cities
Experts attended : • State Power Group • Beijing Urban Construction Group • State Academy Power Science • Association of China Power Enterprises • Beijing City Construction Planning Institute • Beijing Power Supply Bureau • Planning & Designing Institute of Construction Ministry

Responds:chief of power supply bureau and planning committee

Targeting Area:shenzhen、qingdao、zh uhai、tianjin、wuhan 、xi’an 、chen gdu、n anjing

Responds:chief of technique and operating department in local power supply bureaus

The current situation of China's urban construction of cable, the ty pical cases of influence factor, decision-making mechanism, characteristic difference, cable construction
❖ I: Background 11]
[5 --
❖ II: Executive Summary [12--23]
❖ III: Acceptable Investment Quantity For - 1-
Power Supply Bureau
Part one:project background
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Research goal of the first stage( 2001)
Feasibility of pushing the underground cabling Situation & feature of underground cabling Decision chain and decision factor pushing the
Background Review of Research Phase I Objective and Method of Research Phase II
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As high quality conductor, copper always performs a very important role in cable field. In recent years, copper cable occupies 90% in the new-constructed underground cable by China’s urban power supply bureau
Phase II: Effective way to push the underground cabling, market strategy in target market
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Research results retrospect of the first stage(2001)
Research goal Research approach Main conclusion