

外研版高中英语必修4 Module 6《Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》课件

外研版高中英语必修4 Module 6《Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》课件
Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World
I. Leading-in
Use yo what they are.
Match the pictures with the descriptions.
The Unexplained Mystery of Pyramid Power
The Unexplained Mystery of Crop Circles
The Unexplained Mystery of The Mayan Prophecy
The Bermuda Triangle
VIII. Assignment
The most recent Meng Fanying, as well as
about 200 people
Another recent A group of soldiers sighting
A third report Li Xiaohe and his family
There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century, although no one has seen one close up. Some people guess that there might be similar creatures in other lakes, but the scientists are sceptical about it. They all think that Lake Tianchi is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures because of its low temperature.



re fra c tio n
O p tic a l illu s io n (visibility 错觉) Low
Easy to hide food
Complicated geologic structure
Turbid water Winding gully Variety of fish
•man-made satellite •Test vehicle(试验 飞行器)
Human beings: Some type of relationship between UFO and uncharted territory in human brains
Aircrafts of high civilized life
Have you ever imaged the appearances of aliens?
natural phenomenon:
Mistake … for …:
• a s tro n o m ic a l phenom ena
•a tm o s p h e ric phenom enon •E a rth q u a k e lig h t • a tm o s p 外星球 h e re tu Exoplanet : rb u le n c e Aircraft
1. The loss of the Titanic
•Sailed for New York from Southampton •Hit an iceberg (North Atlantic) •10th April, 1912
1. A tta c k e d b y a lie n 2. A g h o s t S h ip 3. T h e c u rs e o f th e d ia m o n d -H e a rt o f O c e a n (海洋之心) 4. T h e c o n s p ira c y o f W h ite S ta r L in e (英国白星航运公司)



The mystery of the development process

BC in 1150, is the omega(奥美加) culture to St. Lo Renzo(圣罗伦索) as the center of the prosperous period, including the Maya civilization. In five hundred BC, by CHABAS(恰巴斯) to Guatemala(瓜地马 拉) tropical jungle clearing, founded a strong city, established the Mayan culture.
Mystery of the Maa civilizationSummary of the Maya

Maya was born on 3113 BC, living in Central America ancient Indians, in the year after about 750 years mysteriously disappears. The Maya people mainly lived in today's Peden (佩登 省 ) and Northern Yucatan (北犹加敦) bushes clouds in low-lying areas. Kolumb in 1492 sailed the seas and discovered the new continent of America on which only a backward nation lived, a brilliant and splendid Maya Empire already had had never been heard of since.



1. The crystal skulls is carved in the very basis for understanding the human body skeleton and the optical principle
2. Crystal is one of the highest hard material In the world.It is hardly carved with copper, iron or stone tools.
But, the Titanic sinked because of the iceberg which the movie described.
Or,just a plot! A plot of ship insurance fraud!(船只保 险诈骗阴谋)
1.In 2004, Britain's Robin Gardiner(罗宾·加迪诺) and Andrew Newton (安德鲁·牛顿)told the British television interview that the disclosure of the sinking of the Titanic victims in the event of the 1523 passengers and crew did not die of natural disaster, but a man-made disaster! 2.White star shipping company decided to have damaged the Olympic disguised as the Titanic and arrange of the shipwreck to defraud a large amount of insurance money. 3.The white star shipping company arranged the LifeboatCalifornia No.(加利福尼亚号)to survive all of the people when the Titanic was sinking.But the California No.mistake the Titanic location and signal for help.



1927年,一位英国考古学家17岁的女儿安娜·米歇尔—赫奇斯在英属洪都 拉斯(今伯利兹)的玛雅城市卢班图姆发现了这只水晶头颅。它至少有3600年 的历史,是用一块水晶凿成的。
这个水晶头骨长17厘米,宽和高各是12厘米,重量是5公斤,它是用一大块 完整的水晶,根据一个成年女人头颅的形状雕制而成的。它做工非常细致, 鼻骨是用三块水晶拼成的,两个眼孔处是两块圆形的水晶,它的下颌部分可 以跟头盖骨部分相连,也可以拆开,整个构成异常精巧。雕刻精湛的牙齿, 线条平滑的颧骨,无不显示出制作者对人体解剖学的透彻了解。
– 提高濒死病人的晚期生活质量。
• 典型的濒死体验
– 突然感觉平和宁静,痛苦不复存在。 – ▶脱离肉体,飘然而去,从全新的视角(通常是从上方)看问题。情感上得到
解脱。 – ▶飘向远方,通常到另一房间或大楼,去观察那里的情形。 – ▶常以令人难以置信的速度被拖进黑暗的隧道,但光明就在前面,感觉越发轻
在美洲印第安人中流传着 一个古老传说:古时候有13个水 晶头骨,能说话,会唱歌。这些 水晶头骨里隐藏了有关人类起源 和死亡的资料,能帮助人类解开 宇宙生命之谜。传说还认为,总 有一天人们会找到所有的水晶头 骨,把它们聚集在一起,集人类 大智慧于一体,发挥它们应有的 作用。这个传说在美洲流传了上 千年。一直以来,人们都认为它 只是一个美丽的神话或是天方夜 谭而已,没有人知道传说中的水 晶头骨到底是什么,从传说的内 容来看,它像是一个包罗万象的 信息库,也像是一部无所不知的 天书,但人们对它一无所知,甚 至怀疑它的存在。
• 不管人类是否能够合理地解释濒死体验现象,只
要人们承认濒死体验在人的临终阶段是普遍存在 的,那么就给人类征服死亡的恐惧提供了一个心 理支柱:死亡并不可怕,而且某种意义上,那是 一次奇妙的生命之旅;濒死与死亡都是人类生命 的一个必不可少的组成部分。此外,对于多数人 来说,濒死体验也许是造物主给予他在这个世界 的最后一件礼物。

世界未解之谜(Crop circle)

世界未解之谜(Crop circle)

• 百慕大三角,又称魔鬼三角或丧命地狱,位于北大西洋的马尾
藻海,是由英属百慕大群岛、美属波多黎各及美国佛罗里达州南端所 形成的三角区海域,据称经常发生超自然现象及违反物理定律的事件, 面积约390万平方公里(150万平方英里)。
百慕大三角 伸到佛罗里达州南部的迈阿密,然后通过巴哈马群岛,穿过波多 黎各,到西经40°线附近的圣胡安,再折回百慕大,形成的一个三角 地区,称为百慕大三角区或“魔鬼三角”。在这个地区,已有数以百 计的船只和飞机失事,数以千计的人在此丧生。从1880到1976年间, 约有158次失踪事件,其中大多是发生在1949年以来的30年间,曾发 生失踪97次,至少有2000人在此丧生或失踪。这些奇怪神秘的失踪事 件,主要是在西大西洋的一片叫“马尾藻海”地区,为北纬20°40°、西经35°-75°之间的宽广水域。这儿有世界著名的墨西哥暖 流以每昼夜120-190千米流过,且多漩涡、台风和龙卷风。不仅如此, 这儿海深达4000-5000米,有波多黎各海沟,深7000米以上,最深达 9218米。
• UFO全称为不明飞行物,也称飞碟(unidentified
flying object,简称UFO)是指不明来历、不明空间、不 明结构、不明性质,但又漂浮、飞行在空中的物体。一些 人相信它是来自其他行星的太空船,有些人则认为UFO属 于自然现象。20世纪40年代开始,美国上空发现碟状飞 行物,当时称为“飞碟,这是当代对不明飞行物的兴趣的 开端,后来人们着眼于世界各地的不明飞行物报告,但至 今尚未发现确实可信的证据。许多不明飞行物照片经专家 鉴定为骗局,有的则被认为是球状闪电,但始终有部分发 现根据现存科学知识无法解释。
• • 此外,还有一些巨大的图案在地面上,如:猴子、蜘蛛、蜂鸟等。 令人们费解的是,为什么要绘制如此庞大比例的图形,这些图形只有 从空中才能进行观看。它们有什么重大意义呢?一些人认为它们与天 文学有关,还有人将这些图案与宗教仪式联系在一起。目前,最新的 观点认为这些图案指示着宝贵的水源。但事实上,以上的观点都没有 确切的依据,迄今没有人真正揭晓其中的谜团。



pyramid had shown great magic. For example ,if you had a toothache, just need to sleep off in pyramid, then, you will be restored (康复. vegetables, fruits ,meats can keep fresh in pyramidal (金字 塔形)buildings.
But ,the real trouble just start!
The mummy was displayed in England museum, during the display time ,the guarder(守卫)reported the princess mummy was cry in the night .soon, a guarder of the museum was dead. Because there are so many wonders ,the manager decided to move the mummy into the underground storage room(地下储藏室), however ,the manager dead one week later.
Do you know the name of the ship that the prince last surmount(登 上) ?
His name is Titanic !
There are still many unsolved riddles in the world
Байду номын сангаас
Crop Circles
Many people ignored the magic words in the gravestone rush to the tomb, but they are all dead .In 1976,When Napoleon expedition Egypt ,he was entered the pyramid tomb with ambition. when he came out ,people find that he was agape and tongue-tied, looked pale, he was dead soon.


The tornado (龙卷风说) : From the relevant records, the season crop circles appeared most frequently are spring and summer, some people think that summer weather, constantly changing, the main reason caused the circle is the tornado.
Do you want a chance to travel through time?
Let's read a real story happened there.
In 1990,there was a ballute(热气球式降落伞) suddenly appeared at the area of Cuba(古巴).
Methane Hydrates(沼气泡新观点) :
Many of the late researches and lab experiments have blamed the presence of methane hydrates for the mishaps(灾祸) in the region(地区). This theory states that the enormous eruptions(巨大喷发) of methane bubbles(沼气泡) may produce regions of frothy water around the ship ultimately leading to its rapid sinking(下沉). Likewise, the aircraft falling victim to these bubbles will lose their engines and immediately lose their lift as well, ultimately leading to a swift plummeting(骤然下跌).


The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary area in the Atlantic Ocean. It extends more than one million square kilometers between the island of Bermuda, the coast of southern Florida and the island of Puerto Rico. Drawing an imaginary line to link these three places creates the three sides of a triangle.
The mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle is that the area seems to be extremely dangerous to airplanes and ships. Some people believe that at least fifty ships and twenty planes have disappeared there during the past one hundred years.
bright balls
US biophysicist Dr William Levengood seems to suggest that some sort of microwave energy effect is involved in the circle making process. Crop circle researchers are increasingly being asked to use creative and innovative thought as part of their investigative process. Some current field research uses meditation, lights and musical sounds in an effort to communicate new patterns into the fields as the circles phenomenon has been seen to interact with the human mind.



Photographs by UFO witnesses
Photographs by UFO witnesses
People often call this picture the earliest known UFO photo, this picture is the 1870 Mount Washington in New Hampshire (汉 普郡)(Mount Washington) top shot.
The mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle is that the area seems to be extremely dangerous to airplanes and ships. Some people believe that at least fifty ships and twenty planes have disappeared there during the past one hundred years.
The accident that first suggested the danger of the Bermuda Triangle was the disappearance of five American Navy planes in 1945. The planes carried fourteen people on a training flight. They never returned. And a plane sent to search for them also disappeared. Newspaper reporters and other writers called the planes the Lost Patrs, we see an endless number of reports about aliens and UFO. And most of the reports are about UFO. • The most famous event, in the history of UFO, is the "Roswell Incident" which happened in sixty years ago at Roswell, New Mexico. • According to the Daily Mail(每日邮报) on April 11,2011, recently FBI(美国联邦调查局) revealed thousands of historical confidential paper, among which had a 1950 statement from special agent Guy Hottel, which seemed to provide evidence for the theory that aliens had landed at Roswell, New Mexico.


• The crop circles are a world-wide phenomenon and each year new reports come from an increasing number of countries.
• 1. The magnetic field
Different suspects
• The magnetic field say(磁场说) • The black hole say (黑洞说) • The subsonic wave say(次声说) • The water bridge say (水桥说) • The clear sky swift flow say(清空湍流
The accident that first suggested the danger of the Bermuda Triangle was the disappearance of five American Navy planes in 1945. The planes carried fourteen people on a training flight. They never returned. And a plane sent to search for them also disappeaers called the planes the Lost Patrol.
U.S. experts examined the more than 130 Crop Circles, found that 90% of the cycle near the high-voltage wires (高压线).
• 2. tornado (龙卷风)
most of the Crop circles appear in the spring and summer.



Crystal skull 水晶头骨
In 1926 the crystal carving skull has discovered in Honduras's Maya civilization's former site. Taken off lower part of the jaw and touched from some part all of a sudden, its two eyes will shine. Looking from anatomy point of view, although the mold engraved humanity's cranium already was very precise, the tooth linking close and its delicate degree really make people gasp in admiration. 1926年水晶雕刻头骨发现在洪都拉斯的玛雅文明的旧址。拆下颌 骨的下部从一些角度看,它的两只眼睛会闪闪发光。从解剖学的角 度来看,虽然模具刻人类的头盖骨已经很精确,牙连接紧密,但其精致 程度真的让人叹服。
The World of Mysteries
The Earth is a mysterious place. There is much going on around us every day that goes unexplained. 地球是个神秘的地方。在我们身边每天都有很多不明原因的事情。
On the Easter islands there are more than 1000 huge stone statues, standing and facing the sea, each stone statue highly about the 4-5 M, the weight 20 t, the biggest has 90t likely, approximately built about in the A.D.800-900.Some people thought that is constructed to recall some important persons of tribes . Around islands, there is no abundant stone material and not a great deal of manpower for building.Why built the Stone statues , how they have existed ,still kept being a riddle up to now. 在复活节岛屿有1000多座巨大的石像,站立面向大海,每个石像高度 大约在4-5米,重20 吨,最大的可能有90吨,大约在公元800-900年 被建造。有些人认为是为了召回部落的一些重要人士而建造。周围的岛 屿,也没有丰富的石材,这也不是大量的人力能够建成的石像,他们是 如何存在,仍然保持是一个谜至今。



The Mystery of Pyramid
• Egyptian pyramids • The Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt(埃 及).
• There are many things of the Egyptian pyramids that surprise us . One of them is the structure of it . • Pyramids were constructed wholly of stone which are very big and heavy.
• 1980年9月8日,相当于泰 坦尼克号两倍大小的巨轮德 拜夏尔号装载着15万吨铁矿 石,来到了距离日本冲绳海 岸200海里的地方。这时, 船遇上了飓风。但船长对此 并不担心,他通过广播告诉 人们:他们将晚些时候到达 港口,最多不过几天而已。 岸上的人们在接到了船长发 出的最后一条消息(我们正 在与每小时100公里的狂风 和9米高的巨浪搏斗)后, 德拜夏尔号及全体船员便失 踪了,消失得无影无踪。
海风号失踪八年再现 1981年8 月,一艘名叫海风号的英国游船 在“魔鬼三角”——百慕大海区 突然失踪,当时船上六人骤然不 见了踪影。不料,时过八年,这 艘船在百慕大原海区又奇迹般地 出现了!船上六人安然无恙。这 六个人共同的特点就是当时已失 去了感觉,对已逝去的八年时光 他们毫无觉察,并以为仅仅是过 了一霎间。当调查人员反复告诉 他们已经过去了八年,最后他们 才勉强接受这个事实,当问他们 当时都做了些什么事时,他们无 话以对,因为他们只感觉过了一 会儿,似乎什么也没干。

unexplaied mysteries of the natural world课件2(PPT)3-2

unexplaied mysteries of the natural world课件2(PPT)3-2

A2--Read the passage carefully and Answer the questions(p59) 1 How many sightings of the monster
does the article report?
Three. 2 Who saw the monster clearly, and why? Mr. Li Xiao and his family, because the weather was fine an袭击;象征,暗示; skeptical, attack, indicate;
7.慷慨大量的;吓人的;凶猛的; generous, frightening, fierce;
8.由于,和…有关联;…的象征; 从….产生
due to, be connected/related to, a symbol of, grow out of…;
仅在毫米范围之内,更何况是液态湖泊表面。”之前的观测数据显示该湖泊处于液体状态,并不是干燥的泥潭。泽伯克尔说:“如果你走在湖泊旁看到干燥 后的湖泊,那里的泥水已干燥蒸发,看上去可能非常平坦,但是干燥后的泥潭会出现深深的裂缝。我们可以推算土卫六表面的安大略湖可能是我们从未看到 过的光滑湖泊。土卫六土卫六”土卫六表面存在液体的证据增强了土卫六和地球之间的相似性,土卫六是太阳系唯一具有活跃气候循环的星体,其表面的湖 泊蒸发液体形成云层,然后降雨再返回至表面,形成河流和通道。这使得土卫六成为太阳系最佳支持生命体存在的候选者之一。如果土卫六存在液态湖泊, 那么其表面必然存在着风流。早期的计算机模拟预测土卫六湖泊波浪是地球湖泊波浪的7倍高。泽伯克尔说:“这项最新研究与之前的推测背道而驰,这是一 种特殊的湖泊,很可能其表面较为粗糙,但是我们并未观测到起伏波浪的迹象。虽然我们并不清楚低温状态下甲烷和乙烷的物质特性,但我们推测该湖泊的 液体非常稠密,具有一定的黏性,就像是蜂蜜一样。”研究人员指出土卫六极地存在着交替的季节,能够缓和调节恶劣的气候。但是其季节变更非常慢,土 卫六年的时间;/ ; 相当于地球年的时间。美国亚利桑那州立大学的乔纳森-卢宁(JonathanLunine)说:“这是土卫六极地区域一年 时间内处于静止休眠状态的阶段,总地来讲,土卫六表面湖泊充满液体的证据是确凿的,我们认为安大略湖充满着液体。”泽伯克尔称,我们下一步还必须 深入分析该湖泊的中部,通过一些间接的测量方法和模型进行分析。河道由美欧意联合开发的卡西尼号土星探测器在土星的最大卫星土卫六上发现了一个奇 怪的痕迹,酷似埃及的尼罗河,从其“源头”到土卫六上的“大型海洋”长度达到了近公里,约为英里,是迄今发现的最长“外星河流”,而卡西尼号探测 器上的高分辨率雷达成像系统为科学家们揭示了土卫六存在的“黑暗河流”,而且具有蜿蜒状的光滑性质,暗示其中可能存在某种液体。以往对土卫六的观 测研究显示,土卫六是太阳系中除了地球以外唯一存在辽阔“海洋地貌”的天体,并且有着表面液体循环机制,然而土卫六大气环境确实非常寒冷的,这意 味着即便是有水存在也无法自由流淌。科学家认为土卫六上的液体由液态甲烷、乙烷等碳氢化合物组成。有趣的是,在卡西尼号探测器显示的土卫六河流系 统并不是一个完整通畅的沟渠,而是存在部分的断层线,这个信息暗示了土卫六基岩中存在断裂现象。[]河谷土卫六是人类所发现的唯一一个表面存在稳定 液态物质的星体,只不过

《Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Nature World》PPT(外研版必修4)PPT课件

《Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Nature World》PPT(外研版必修4)PPT课件
The Bigfoot
The Yeti
The Lock Ness Monster
Three Gorges Hanging Coffins
the Yeti
The Bigfoot
the Grey Man the Loch Ness Monster
The Himalayas,2-metre tall, powerful arm and legs, angry, attack
Sighting Witness Place Sighting 1
Sighting 2
Sighting 3
Northwest,America, large footprints, tall hairy ,big arms and legs
Scotland, tall, grey face long claws
Lake Ness, north of Scotland, small head, long tail
Read Part 2 and answer questions 5 and 6. Keys: 5.They think the monster might be a distant
cousin of the Loch Ness Monster. 6.They don’t think a large animal cange
The Monster of Tianchi
Read the beginning of the passage and decide where it comes from. A. A tourist guide


3. mysterious power
some people put Crop circles as a “disaster trailer” in order to spread heresy(异端邪说)。
Loch (Lake) Ness is located in the North of Scotland.

UFO Research
A piece of News
In April 4th, 2011, some secret FBI files have been released detailing how US officials saw a UFO explode over Utah(犹他州) and aliens land near Roswell(罗 斯维尔) in New Mexico.
In recent years, we see an endless number of reports about aliens and UFO. And most of the reports are about UFO.
The most famous event, in the history of UFO, is the "Roswell Incident" which happened in sixty years ago at Roswell, New Mexico.第3页Biblioteka 共28页Phenomenon
The mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle is that the area seems to be extremely dangerous to airplanes and ships. Some people believe that at least fifty ships and twenty planes have disappeared there during the past one hundred years.


5.生物、怪物、海豹,龙; creature, monster, seal, dragon
6.怀疑的;攻击,袭击;象征,暗示; skeptical, attack, indicate;
7.慷慨大量的;吓人的;凶猛的; generous, frightening, fierce;
8.由于,和…有关联;…的象征; 从….产生
A2--Read the passage carefully and Answer the questions(p59) 1 How many sightings of the monster
does the article report? Three.
2 Who saw the monster clearly, and why? Mr. Li Xiao and his family, because the weather was fine and the lake was calm.
Tianchi monster
Para 2
B. the latest sighting of the
Para 3
Tianchi monster C. information about Lake
Para 4
Tianchi D. more information about
Para 5
the Tianchi monster E. another recent sighting of
Tianchi monster
Parag raph4
General idea More details
The monster Sighting 1:b_l_ac_kin color; …jump out like a _se_a_l;
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The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary area in the
Atlantic Ocean. It
extends more than one million square kilometers between the island of Bermuda, the coast of southern Florida and the island of Puerto Rico. Drawing an imaginary line to link these three places creates the three sides of a triangle.
The accident that first suggested
the danger of the Bermuda
Triangle was the disappearance
of five American Navy planes in
1945. The planes carried
fourteen people on a training
flight. They never returned. And a
plane sent to search for them
also disappeared. Newspaper
reporters and other writers called
the planes the Lost Patrol.
a possible link between these balls of light and the formation of crop circles?
exploded into the public mind as the
new phenomenon changed from
simple circular patterns into huge
and complex, geometric formations.
The crop circles are a world-wide
daylight and the objects seem to move with
But, perhaps some purpose and
of the most
could this hint at
evidence comes in the form of video taped footage showing small
Nearly 100 years, as the specter of this monster devices, and disappeared the next, continually claims that it has witnessed. According to those who claim to have seen it describe the people, it's like the snake head and long neck, the general extended water 1 m high, people see more of the huge monster is back, it was said to be two back, it was that is three back; sometimes it suddenly above the surface, water from its rib like abdominal like waterfalls plunge down, it quickly submerged into the lake, the lake set off a while storms.
many theories as to crop circles.
their creation, none Many of these
have been able to lights have been
explain satisfactorily filmed in broad
exactly how the circles are made.
The mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle is that the area seems to be extremely dangerous to airplanes and ships. Some people believe that at least fifty ships and twenty planes have disappeared there during the past one hundred years.
Hale Waihona Puke England, many around ancient sites
such as Stonehenge, Avebury and
Silbury Hill (the largest manmade
mound in Europe).
Although there are
of white light in and around the
• In the UK farmers recall simple
circles appearing on their land for
generations. The British media first
reported on the circles in the early
1980s. By 1990 crop circles had
phenomenon and each year new
reports come from an ever
increasing number of countries.
However, the main concentration of
events are to be found in Southern