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分类号:F127 密级:无


区域经济系统协同发展理论研究Study on Theory of Regional Economic Synergistic Development















本论文选取了产业结构、公共政策与服务(政府) 、技术创新、自然资源与环境四个一级指标,17个二级指标,构建了区域经济系统协同发展的评价指标体系,并对吉林省区域经济系统协同发展的状态进行了初步评析。



Regional economic system is a complex system constituted by a number of economic factors. The coordinated development of regional economy system is the objective trend and law of the economic development. Understanding the systemic development trend and law scientifically, grasping the basic principle of coordinated development and promoting principle accurately, and grasping the key link of its collaborative development, is the intrinsic request of accelerating the transformation of economic development, promoting economic growth by stimulation of the orderly transition to autonomous growth, and maintaining stable and rapid economic development. Also ,it is an important way to achieve comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development.

This paper starts from perspective of system science, especially synergetic, studies the development of the of regional economic system, expounds the meaning of the coordinated development of regional economy system, reveals its the basic principle, summarizes its basic conditions and the main features, explores its operating mechanism , and builds its index system. The text is divided into six parts, including the related theories,meaning of coordinated development of regional economy system,its basic principle, its evaluation index system, and state evaluation of coordinated development of regional economy system in Jilin Province.

Under certain conditions, regional economic system makes the association between economic elements dominate the independent development of various elements by regulating the independence movement as well as the correlation movement of various economic factors, so that the association between economic elements dominate the independent development of various elements and cooperate with each other to achieve various economic factors, the development trend of mutual cooperation; Thus tend to dominate the entire system of regional economic development, and change the new structure of the state from the old structure of state; enable economic elements in line with the law of development, the regional internal and external economic mutual benefit and win-win development, regional economic and social comprehensive, coordinated sustainable development.Coordinated development of regional economic system, it is necessary to reflect the synergy between the various economic factors of the regional economic system, but also reflects the synergy formed by the interaction between the various economic elements of various linkages. It is dialectical unity of the various links between competition and cooperation in internal economic factors of regional economic system.

In the process of evolution and development of the regional economic system, the regional economic system will be showing the collaborative development trend, and the situation will not transfer depending on the consciousness, necessarily appear and play an important role firmly under certain conditions. The openness of the regional economic system, the differences of various economic factors within the system, uneven of development, the various economic factors linked to accessibility, etc. are the basic conditions for the joint development of the regional economic system.

The process of regional economic system coordinated development is from primary to senior collaborative, the collaboration principle of economic elements is the primary principle of synergy,
