航海英语(maritime english)
【参考文献】[1]Krashen,S.D.The Input Hypothesis[M].NewYork:Longman.Inc,1985.[2]Swain,M.Three Functions of Output in Second Language Learning[A].In Cook,G .&Seidl hofer,B(eds.).Principle&PracticeinApplied Linguistics[C].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press,1999:125-144.[3]郝大海.社会调查研究方法[M].中国人民大学出版社,2004.[4]王冬艳,沈进.从语言输入输出理论看大学校园英语文化建设[J].青海师专学报,2008(5).[5]贺智慧.大学英语教学与高职校园文化建设研究[J].外语翻译,2014 (7).[6]魏红华,祖林,张秋爽.关于高等院校英语文化氛围的调查[J].济南职业学院学报,2007(2).●构建专业英语之数字化学习平台———以航海英语为例张小兰(安徽交通职业技术学院水运工程系安徽合肥230051)【摘要】随着全球经济的进一步一体化,专业英语做为交际纽带的功能也越来越凸显。
航海英语如何学好知识1. Start with the basicsThe first step in learning marine English is to start with the basics. This includes familiarizing yourself with nautical terms, phrases, and abbreviations commonly used in the maritime industry. Some common nautical terms you should be familiar with include port (left side of the ship when facing forward), starboard (right side of the ship when facing forward), bow (front of the ship), and stern (back of the ship). Additionally, you should be able to understand and use abbreviations such as ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival), ETD (Estimated Time of Departure), and SOLAS (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea).2. Practice speaking and listeningOne of the best ways to improve your marine English skills is to practice speaking and listening. This can be done by engaging in conversations with your colleagues, listening to marine English podcasts or radio broadcasts, and watching videos related to the maritime industry. By immersing yourself in the language, you will be able to improve your pronunciation, listening comprehension, and communication skills.3. Take a marine English courseIf you are serious about learning marine English, you may want to consider enrolling in a marine English course. These courses are designed to help students improve their language skills in a maritime context and cover topics such as safety procedures, communication protocols, and technical vocabulary. Many maritime training institutions offer marine English courses, both online and in-person, so you can choose the option that best suits your needs and schedule.4. Read marine English publicationsAnother effective way to learn marine English is to read publications related to the maritime industry. This includes books, magazines, and websites that focus on topics such as navigation, ship operations, and maritime regulations. By reading these publications, you will be exposed to a wide range of technical vocabulary and terminology, which will help you improve your language skills and expand your knowledge of the maritime industry.5. Use online resourcesThere are a number of online resources available to help you learn marine English, such as vocabulary lists, quizzes, and interactive exercises. These resources can be especially helpful for self-study, as they allow you to practice your language skills at your own pace and convenience. Some popular online resources for learning marine English include Maritime English Online, MarEng Plus, and BIMCO's Shipping-Knowledge.6. Practice writingIn addition to speaking and listening, it is important to practice writing in marine English. This can be done by writing emails, reports, or technical documents related to the maritime industry. By practicing your writing skills, you will improve your grammar, vocabulary, and communication skills, which are essential for effective communication in a maritime context.7. Seek feedbackFinally, to improve your marine English skills, it is important to seek feedback from others. This can be done by asking your colleagues, instructors, or mentors to review your language skills and provide constructive criticism. By receiving feedback, you will be able to identify areas for improvement and work on enhancing your language skills further.In conclusion, learning marine English is essential for anyone working in the maritime industry. By starting with the basics, practicing speaking and listening, taking a marine English course, reading marine English publications, using online resources, practicing writing, and seeking feedback, you can improve your language skills and excel in your maritime career. Remember that learning a new language takes time and effort, so be patient and persistent in your language learning journey. With dedication and practice, you will be able to master marine English and enhance your communication skills in the maritime industry.。
航海专业 英语听力与会话标准版
航海英语听力与会话(标准版)Maritime English for Listening and Conversation对本课程总体的说明教学目的本课程为航海技术海洋船舶驾驶专业的主干课程。
航海英语考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the meaning of the term "Abeam" in navigation?A. At a right angle to the bow or sternB. Directly in front of the vesselC. At the side of the vesselD. Behind the vessel答案:A2. Which of the following is NOT a type of maritime distress signal?A. SOSB. MaydayC. Pan-panD. All clear答案:D3. What does the term "Dead in the water" refer to?A. A vessel that is sinkingB. A vessel that is stationary in the waterC. A vessel that is moving at full speedD. A vessel that is turning around答案:B4. The term "Leeway" refers to:A. The angle between the direction of the wind and the direction the vessel is headingB. The distance a vessel has traveledC. The speed of the vessel through the waterD. The deviation of the vessel's course due to the wind and current答案:D5. What is the meaning of the term "Port" when used as a direction?A. Left side of the vesselB. Right side of the vesselC. Forward of the vesselD. A type of wine答案:A6. The term "Set" in navigation refers to:A. The direction of the windB. The direction of the currentC. The speed of the vesselD. The name of the vessel答案:B7. What is the meaning of "Bearing" in navigation?A. The weight of the vesselB. The direction of the vessel's movementC. The angle between the vessel's heading and a landmark or another vesselD. The distance from the vessel to a landmark or another vessel答案:C8. The term "Helm" refers to:A. The wheel used to steer the vesselB. The main mast of the vesselC. The captain of the vesselD. The bottom of the vessel答案:A9. What does the term "Tack" mean in sailing?A. To turn the vessel's bow into the windB. To turn the vessel's stern into the windC. To change the vessel's course by turning the stern through the windD. To change the vessel's course by turning the bow away from the wind答案:A10. The term "Clearing" in maritime communication refers to:A. The process of leaving a portB. The process of entering a portC. The process of cleaning the vesselD. The process of repairing the vessel答案:A二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. The international maritime signal flag for the letter "A" is __________.答案:Alpha2. The term "Berth" can refer to a __________ or a sleeping accommodation on a ship.答案:parking space3. The direction from which the wind is blowing is known as the __________.答案:windward4. A vessel that is "Under tow" is being moved by __________.答案:another vessel5. The term "Freeboard" refers to the distance between the__________ and the waterline.答案:deck6. The term "Gale" is used to describe a wind of force__________ on the Beaufort scale.答案:8 or higher7. The term "Haul" in sailing means to __________ thevessel's course.答案:change8. The term "Knot" is used to measure __________.答案:speed9. The term "List" refers to a vessel's inclination to__________.答案:one side10. The term "Pilot" in navigation can refer to a person who __________ a vessel in or out of a port.答案:guides三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. Explain the difference between "Port" and "Starboard".答案:"Port" refers to the left side of the vessel when facing the bow, while "Starboard" refers to the right side.2. What is the purpose of a "Fathometer" on a ship?答案:A fathometer is used to measure the depth of the water beneath the vessel.3. Describe the function of a "Binnacle" on a ship.答案:A binnacle。
航海英语考试内容总结航海英语考试内容总结ISM规则属于SOLAS公约的chapterIX"InternationalSafetyManagement(ISM)Code"ISM宗旨ThepurposeofthisCodeistoprovideaninternationalstandardforthesafemanageme ntandoperationofshipsandforpollutionprevention."Company"meanstheowneroftheshiporanyotherorganizationorpersonsuchast hemanager,orthebareboatcharterer,whohasassumedtheresponsibilityforoperat ionoftheshipfromtheshipownerandwho,onassumingsuchresponsibility,hasagree dtotakeoveralldutiesandresponsibilityimposedbytheCode.船长Master`sresponsibilityandauthority.1implementingthesafetyandenvironmental-protectionpolicyoftheCompany;.2motivatingthecrewintheobservationofthatpolicy;.3issuingappropriate ordersandinstructionsinaclearandsimplemanner;.4verifyingthatspecifiedrequirementsareobserved;5reviewingthesafetym anagementsystemandreportingitsdeficienciestotheshore-basedmanagement.themasterhastheoverridingauthorityandtheresponsibilitytomakedecision swithrespecttosafety1properlyqualifiedforcommand;.2fullyconversantwiththeCompany"ssafetymanagementsystem;andpollutionpreventionandtorequesttheCompany"sassistanceasmaybeneces saryandthemaster"sdutiescanbesafelyperformed相关证书DOC"DocumentofCompliance"meansadocumentissuedtoaCompanywhichcomplieswith therequirementsofthisCode.SMC"SafetyManagementCertificate"meansadocumentissuedtoashipwhichsign ifiesthattheCompanyanditsshipboardmanagementoperateinaccordancewiththeap provedsafetymanagementsystemSMM“SafetyManagementMenue”(SafeOperationofShipsandMarineEnvironmentalProtection)安全管理系统SMS"Safetymanagementsystem"meansastructuredanddocumentedsystemenabli ngCompanypersonneltoimplementeffectivelytheCompanysafetyandenvironmental protectionpolicy.NC不合格项Non-conformity"纠正措施meansanobservedsituationwhereobjectiveevidenceindicatesthenon-fulfilmentofaspecifiedrequirement.EmergencyResponseFire,explosion,floodi ng,grounding,stranding,sinking,foundering,listing,capsizing,robbery,pira cy,injury,manoverboard,collision,contact,wavedamage,shortlanded,overland ed,disableandadrift,breakingapart,pollution应急种类PlansandmanualsPlansSOPEP(ShipboardOilPollutionEmergencyPlan),SAPEP,Firecontrolplan ,Musterlist,contingencyplanManualsHowtooperatemachines,etc.ProceduresonArrivalorDeparturefromaF oreignPorts.海事公约IntroductiontotheMaritimeLawsSOLASConvention(TheinternationalConventionfortheSafetyofLifeatSea)范围Theregulationsrelatingtolifesavingappliancesandarrangements作用areintendedtoensurethatintheeventofacatastrophe(disaster)atsea,passenger sandcrewhavethegreatestchancesofsurvival.Improveddesignandequipment,betterfireprotection,satellitecommunicati ons,rescueplanesandhelicoptersandtrainedpersonnelalsocontributetoimprove dsafetyatsea.MARPOL73/78(Theprotocolof1978totheinternationalconventionthepreventionofpollutionf romships,1973《经1978年议定书修订的1973年国际防止船舶造成污染公约》)STCWConvention(ItstandsfortheInternationalConventiononStandardofTrai ning,Certification,andWatchkeepingforSeafarers,1978,asamendedin1995《1978年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约》1995年修正案)MLC06(MaritimeLabourConvention201*)及各大公章节TitanicInApril12th,1912Titanicallidedwithice-mountainsandfounderdeatCapeRace,Newfoundland.1503peoplelosttheirlivesint hisdisaster.原因1.TheTitanicdidnothaveenoughlifeboatsforallpassengers.2.passengerswerela ckingofbasiclifesavingknowledgeinthisdisaster.3.theradioofficerhadgoneof fdutywhentheTitanicdistressmessagesweresent.4.TheseatemperaturewhenS.STitanicsankwasbelowfreezi ngpointandmanypeoplediedinthewaterfromhypothermia(lostbodytemperature).五险一金fivemajorpremiumsandARewardingFund养老保险,endowmentinsurance.Pension.Todepositmoneyinaspecialaccountwhichwewillbea bletousethoseperiodicallyafterretirement.---医疗保险,hospitalizationinsurance.Todepositmoneyinaspecialaccountwhichwewillbeabl etousethosewhenwearehosptialized.---失业保险,insuranceforunemployment.Todepositmoneyinaspecialaccountwhichwewillbeabl etousethoseperiodicallyafterretirementandweareabletouseitunderunemployme nt.---工伤保险,insuranceforoccupationalinjury.Togetpremiumsafterinjuriesfromthejob.---生育保险,insuranceforbearingchildren.AccumulationFundforHousingShipowners船东orbareboatcharterers光租船东Personswhoownsshipsoraresublettheship(s)byactualshipowner(s).Functionsfo rSeafarersPayallwagesandotherincomesforshipmastersandseafarersonboardthe shipsinaccordancewiththelegaldocumentsvoyagecontracts.ManagementCompanie sPersonswhoowncompanieswithresourcesofseafarers.FunctionsforSeafarers--Assisttheseafarersforjobhunting.(Interviewbytheshipowner,employment) --Claimforanydamagesfrominjuries.(Fromshipowners,insurancecompanies,P&Iclubs,etc.)--Employlawyersorattorney.(Hearinginacourt,orarbitrations)--Counterclaimforseafarers.(unemployed,illtreated,dis-promoted,) --Promotionsandrenewalsofcertificatesforseafarers.--Pension(death,injury,robbery)大型船舶有限公司:中国远洋运输公司COSCO,中国海运集团公司Chinashipping扩展阅读:航海英语习题归纳航海英语习题归纳201*年6月(航海十班。
航海英语学习计划初中1. IntroductionMaritime English is essential for anyone working in the maritime industry, as it is the global language used for communication between ships, ports, and maritime organizations. This learning plan is designed to help middle school students develop their maritime English skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, in preparation for future careers in the maritime industry.2. ObjectivesThe objectives of this learning plan are:- To improve students' listening and speaking skills in maritime English.- To enhance students' reading and writing skills in maritime English.- To increase students' knowledge of maritime terminology and communication practices. - To prepare students for future careers in the maritime industry.3. Listening and Speaking SkillsTo improve students' listening and speaking skills in maritime English, the following activities will be implemented:- Listening to maritime radio communications: Students will listen to recordings of real-life maritime radio communications to familiarize themselves with the language used in ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication.- Role-playing exercises: Students will engage in role-playing exercises to practice using maritime English in common situations, such as making announcements, giving instructions, and handling emergencies.- Vocabulary building: Students will learn and practice using common maritime terminology, such as nautical terms, weather-related terms, and communication phrases.- Speaking activities: Students will engage in speaking activities, such as giving presentations on maritime topics, participating in group discussions, and conducting interviews with industry professionals.4. Reading and Writing SkillsTo enhance students' reading and writing skills in maritime English, the following activities will be implemented:- Reading comprehension exercises: Students will read and analyze texts related to the maritime industry, such as maritime law, regulations, and safety procedures, to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary.- Writing assignments: Students will be given writing assignments to practice writing in different formats, such as emails, reports, and log entries, using correct maritime English.- Vocabulary building: Students will expand their maritime vocabulary through reading and writing activities, including learning new terms and phrases and practicing using them in context.- Research projects: Students will conduct research projects on various maritime topics, such as the history of maritime trade, global shipping routes, and environmental issues in the maritime industry, and present their findings in written reports.5. Knowledge of Maritime Terminology and Communication PracticesTo increase students' knowledge of maritime terminology and communication practices, the following activities will be implemented:- Study of maritime vocabulary and phrases: Students will learn and practice using common maritime terminology and communication phrases, such as the International Maritime Signal Flags, marine navigational aids, and maritime distress signals.- Simulation exercises: Students will participate in simulation exercises to practice communication procedures in different maritime scenarios, such as navigating through hazardous waters, responding to distress calls, and coordinating with port authorities.- Case studies: Students will analyze real-life case studies of maritime incidents and accidents to understand the importance of effective communication and decision-making in the maritime industry.- Guest speakers: Industry professionals, such as maritime pilots, harbor masters, and shipping company representatives, will be invited to share their experiences and insights on maritime communication practices with the students.6. Career PreparationTo prepare students for future careers in the maritime industry, the following activities will be implemented:- Career exploration: Students will learn about the different career opportunities in the maritime industry, such as deck officers, engineers, maritime lawyers, and maritime educators, through guest speakers, career fairs, and field trips to maritime facilities.- Internship opportunities: Students will have the opportunity to participate in internships at maritime companies or organizations to gain hands-on experience in the industry and apply their maritime English skills in a real-world context.- Resume building and interview skills: Students will learn how to create resumes and cover letters tailored to maritime industry positions and practice interview skills to prepare for future job applications.- Networking opportunities: Students will be encouraged to connect with industry professionals and alumni through networking events, mentorship programs, and online platforms to expand their knowledge and potential career opportunities.7. ConclusionBy implementing this learning plan, middle school students will be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the maritime industry and communicate effectively in maritime English. This plan will not only prepare students for future careers in the maritime industry but also instill a deeper understanding and appreciation for the global importance of maritime communication and navigation.。
航海英语听力与会话Maritime English for Listening and Conversation第1章普通英语一、口述题1. Please say something about yourself.a) Your name, age, rank, working experiences, hobbies.b) Your daily work.c) Your spare time activities.My name is … , I am … years old. I come from FJ(福建) province of China. Now I am a senior student in Xiamen Jimei University. My hobbies are playing cards and listening music.Because I am a student ,so my main task is study.In my spare , I play cards and listen music, sometimes I play football or basketball.2. Please say something about your family.a) Members of your family.b) Their occupations.C) Their hobbies and characteristics.There are three members in my family, they are my parents and I.My father is a worker,my mother is a teacher and I am a student.My father likes to play cards and my mother likes to listen music. Both of my parents are kindly.3. Your favorite port you have called at.a) A simple introduction of the port.c) Reasons why you like it.d) Anything special about it.My favorite port I have called at is Shanghai. Shanghai port is the largest port in our country and Shanghai is a beautiful city. The NangJing road is widely, there are many shops. If you call the port, I think, you will go to Out Shore(上海外滩). At the Out Shore, you can look the WangPU river and visit WangPu park.5. Please say something about your responsibilities on board.a) Your position on board.b) your daily work on board.c) Your duties on board.I am the third officer working in the deck department.As we know, the third officer is responsible to the master for the proper performance of hisassigned bridge watch-standing and navigational duties.On board, my first daily work is watch-keeping from 8 to 12 and from 20 to 24. my second daily work is in charge of the maintance of the fire-fighting equipment and life-saving equipment. The third , I am also responsible for fire and boat drills, I have to design a muster list and make crew to know the best escape route clearly.6. Please say something about your hometown.a) The geographical position, population, and features of your hometown.b) The environment and customs of your hometown.c) The specialties of your hometown.My hometown is in JIANGSU(江苏), the south of CHANGJIANG(长江)river of China. The population in my hometown is about 500,000. There are many rivers in my hometown.The environment of my hometown is very beautiful .The people of my hometown are kind-hearted. E.g. sometimes they will invite a new friend to their home to have dinner with their families.There many specialties in my hometown,for example,the silk from Suzhou,Biluochun Tea,and so on.7.Please say something about your most interesting experience on board.a)When and where did it happen?b)What happened?c)Why do you think it most interesting?8.How do you like your career as a seafarer?a)What you like about your careerb)What you dislike about your career.c)Main responsibilities as a Captain.9.List some effective ways to manage a multinational crew.a)Difficulties in managing a multinational crew.b)Some effective waysc)Your experience(if any)10.Describe the favorite port you have called at.a)Your experience of calling at the portb)Reasons you like it best二、问答题1. What is your favorite TV program?My favorite TV program is sport’s new.2. What is your favorite web site?My favorite Web site is Yahoo.3. What is your favorite day of the week? Why?My favorite day of the week is today, because today is my birthday.4 . What is your favorite kind of movie?My favorite kind of movie is loving story.5. What is your favorite kind of music?My favorite kind of music is popular music.6. What is your favorite magazine?My favorite magazine is Reader.7. What is the population of your hometown?The population of my hometown is 123456.8. What is the population of your country?The population of my country is about 1.4 billion.9. W hat is the best thing about your hometown?The best thing about my hometown is the clear rivers.10. What is the worst thing about your hometown?The worst thing about my hometown is the bad weather.11. What’s your hometown like?My hometown is very beautiful.12 What sports do you like to watch on TV?I like to watch basketball on TV.13. What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?I think the football is the most popular sport in the world.14. Which ports do you often call at?We often call at Xiamen port.15. What do you think is the most important thing on board?I think the most important thing on board is safety.16. What’s your captain’s nationality.Our captain’s nationality is China.17. what’s your date of birth?My date of birth is on 6th, August, 1987.18. what’s your seaman’s book number?My seaman’s book number is 123456789.19. where are you from?I am from China.20.What is your daily timetable?I usually get up at six o’clock and sleep at 10 o’clock.21.What do you like most about your job?I like most is that i can visit many countries.22.What is your favorite food?My favorite food is dumplings.23.What is your favorite music?My favorite music is popular music, such as “Today”.24.What do you usually do during your shore leave?I usually stay at home with my family during my shore leave.25.What do you expect about your future?I want to be a captain in the future.第3章进出港业务一、口述题5. Describe the procedures of pilot-age.a) The preparations from the bridge.b) The preparations from the engine room.c) The preparations from the deck.At the bridge, the OOW should turn on the radar and notify the captain. The quartermaster should change the autopilot to manual pilot under the officer. To communicate with the pilot station by VHF and report the ship’s ETA or ETD.The engine room should stand by the main engine under the bridge order; check the bridge telegraph and rudder indicator with the bridge.The deck hands should prepare pilot ladder, prepare a hand rope and a lifebuoy. In the evening,a light should be needed.6.Describe the normal procedure for calling a pilot station.a) Information Exchange with pilot station.b) Expression the purpose of calling and get instructions from pilot station.c) Summary.7.Please briefly explain why it is important to exchange information with the pilot.a) The information to be exchanged.b) The importance of information exchange procedure.c) Summary.8.Please say something about the main duties of a maritime pilot.a) The main roles he plays.b) The qualities he should posses.c) Proper ways to keep proper cooperation between the pilot and the captain.9.Please give detailed description cooperation between the pilot and the captain.a) The general practice of requesting for a pilotb) Preparatory work to be done before pilot’s boardingc) Factors to be paid attention to during pilotage.二、问答题16. What ship’s particulars will pilot station usually ask for?The ship’s length, draft, tonnages and so on.17. What should be reported to the pilot station?The ship’s position, ETA, length, draft.18. What should be confirmed from the pilot station?The time and the position that the pilot comes on board.19. What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board?A pilot ladder, a hand rope and a lifebuoy should be prepared before the pilot comes on board.20. What flag should be hoist when a vessel requires a pilot?The “Golf” letter flag.21. What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’s embarkation?Lifebuoy should be brought close to the pilot ladder.22. What flag should be hoist when the pilot has arrived on board?Th e “Hotel” letter flag.23. List the main items to be updated on the pilot card.Ship’s draft and so on.24. Who should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder?The third officer.25. How can a ship get in touch with a port authority before her arrival?By VHF.26. What should an officer report to the pilot station before her arrival?ETA/ETD the ship’s draft and so on.27. What kind of information is usually provided by pilot station?The position and the time to take the pilot.第4章靠离泊作业一、口述题1. Describe the procedures before arrival at a port.a)The preparations from the bridge.b)The preparations from the engine room.c) The preparations from the deck.At the bridge, the OOW should turn on the radar and notify the captain. The quartermaster should change the autopilot to manual pilot under the officer’s command. To communicate with the port by VHF and report the ship’s ETA, if needs, require a pilot.The engine room should stand by the main engine under the bridge order; check the bridge telegraph and rudder indicator with the bridge.The deck hands should prepare pilot ladder, open the hatch covers, standby anchor and fore and aft.2. Describe the procedures before leaving a port.a) The preparations from the bridge.b)The preparations from the engine room.c) The preparations from the deck.At the bridge, the OOW should turn on the radar, open the doors and windows and notify the captain. The quartermaster should turn the steering gear and set it on manual pilot under the officer’s command. To communicate with the port by VHF and report the ship’s ETD, if needs , require a pilot. Test the whistle and the main engine.The engine room should stand by the main engine under the bridge order, check the bridge telegraph, clock and rudder indicator with the bridge.The deck hands should prepare pilot ladder, close the hatch covers, standby anchor and station on fore and aft.3. Describe the responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship is at anchor?a) Regular operations for anchor watch.b) Emergency handing in case of dragging.c) Conclusion.As an officer on watch at anchor, he should check the anchor position regularly; he should keep proper look-out too.In case , if the watch officer finds the ship is dragging anckor, he must drop another anchor or slack away chains and notify the captain as soon as possible.When the ship is at anchor, the officer on watch should keep sharp look out at all time.4.Describe the normal procedure for berthing and unberthing.a)Preparation workb)Duty of officersc)Importance of keeping communication with bridge5.Describe the measures to be taken to ensure safety of the ship while at anchor or berth.a)master’s arrangementsb)Master’s supervision duties二、问答题1. When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stoppers?The clutch is on.2. Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters?NO, I wouldn’t, because the water is too deep.3. Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?The water around the ship may be frozen and we can’t heave up the anchor.4. What is your call sign of your ship?My ship’s call sign is ABCD.5. What is the ship’s nationality?My ship’s nationality is china.6. What is your IMO number of your ship?The IMO number of my ship is 12345.7. What type of your vessel?My vessel is a container ship.8. How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?By VHF on channel 16 or working channel9. When the vessel enters the VTS area, what is requested to report?The ship’s name, call sign, the purpose.10. If you are ordered:“Stand by both engines!”how should you reply and report?I will reply: Stand by both engines! And report: Both engines are stand by!12. What does the abbreviation ETD stands for?It stands for “Expected time of departure”.13. Why must you consider ship’s speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers? The anchor chain may be broken if the ship’s speed is too high or the sea is too deep.14. Can you list at least three mooring lines?Head line, spring line, aft line, breast line.15.You are about to enter a fairway and want to relay your intention to the ing a standard message marker and a phrase, what should you say?第5章装卸作业一、口述题1. Describe the procedures of cargo stowage.a) The acquisition of information about the cargo to be carried.b) The principles and considerations on navigation safety.c) The modification of stowage plan.We should know what name, IMO-Class and the package of the dangerous cargoes. These also should be noticed to stevedores. The chief officer also asks how many tons of dangerous cargoes will be carried.Before loading or discharging dangerous cargoes, the officers should tell stevedores how to stow or leave the cargoes, where they are stowed and how to segregation them. Hoisted letter B flag and approved by the harbor master. Near the spot, notice NO SMOKING. The carrier should take care of the dangerous cargoes. Control the temperature and ventilate during the voyage. When a vessel carrying dangerous cargoes, The chief officer should make a stowage plan according to the IMDG. If any modification of stowage plans, this must be noticed to the chief officer and be approved by the chief officer.2. Describe the procedures of carrying dangerous cargo on board.a) The acquisition of information about the dangerous cargo.b) Precaution on loading and discharging.c) Maintenance during the voyage.We should know what name, IMO-Class and package of the dangerous cargoes. These also should be noticed to stevedores. The chief officer should make a stowage plan according to the IMDG.Before loading or discharging dangerous cargoes, the officers should tell stevedores how to stow or leave the cargoes, where they are stowed and how to segregation them. Hoisted letter B flag and approved by the harbor master. Near the spot, notice NO SMOKING.When a vessel carrying dangerous cargoes, the carrier should take care of the dangerous cargoes. Control the temperature and ventilation during the voyage.3. Describe the precaution before entering an enclosed space.a) The potential dangers in an enclosed space.b) The normal procedures.c) The important precautions.The potential dangers in an enclosed space are lack of oxide and having dangerous gas. The person who enters an enclosed space may loss his life or cause poison or other dangers.When you want to enter an enclosed space, the first you should ventilate the space, the second you should notice chief officer or others, the third you should test the mount of the oxide and dangerous gas in the enclosed space. If any doubt, you should put on self-breath appliances.The important precautions are ventilation, another crew standby.4. Describe how to ensure a proper stowage for general cargo.a) General factors to be taken into account in cargo stowage.b) Special considerations for cargo stowage.The term stowage factor means the cargo’s volume been divided by its weight. It is veryimportant. From it, we can calculate how many cargoes can be carried. For example, if one ship’s capacity is 12000 cubic meters and a kind of cargo’s stowage factor is 1.5 cubic meters per ton, we calculate that ship can carry the cargo 8000 tons in weight. Of course, the ship’s net dead weight is equal or bigger 8000 tons.When we use cargo’s stowage factor to calculate s ship’s capacity, we must consider the broken space and ship’s net dead weight. We also should consider that how many holds the ship has and the kinds of cargo. As us usually, we arrange these cargo, which has small stowage factor, in low hold, and those cargo, which has big stowage factor, in the tween-deck.5. Describe the procedures in handling cargo damage.a)Descriptions on different cargo damages.b)The general procedures for handling cargo damages.c)Special attention paid to the handling of damages.The cargo damages can be divided into original and working damaged. If the damaged is found before loading or discharging, it is known as original damaged, and if the damaged is found during loading or discharging, it is known as working. Except for original damaged before discharging, others is not been responsible by the carrier.According to the charter party, the damaged cargo must be surveyed on the spot. When you handle cargo damaged, you had better submit the case to the cargo survey and call him aboard to ascertain the extent of the damaged cargo, so as to determine who will be held responsible. The chief can only sign a list that conforms to the cargo survey’s report.6. Describe the preparation of the ship’s holds.a) Its main purposesb) The general procedures to followc) Possible preparations to be made before an inspection.7. Describe the preparation of the ship’s holds.a) The acquisition of information about the dangerous cargob) Precautions on loading and dischargingc) Upkeep during the voyage8. Describe the preparation of the ship’s holds.a) The acquisition of information about the dangerous cargob) Special consideration for cargo stowagec)The modification of stowage plan二、问答题1. What is the loading capacity of your vessel?It express how much cargo can be carried in our vessel2. What cargo handling gear and equipment does your vessel have?Our vessel has three cranes and two union purchases.3. Please list some cargo papers?Bill of lading, manifest, stowage plan, loading list, and so on.4. Please describe the general nature of general cargo.The general cargo is usually packed and in different kinds. Each is small.5. Please describe the general nature of bulk cargo?The bulk cargo is usually unpacked and the ship carries one of bulk cargo in a voyage.6. What kind of cargo is canvas (吊货帆布袋)sling suitable for lifting?General cargo, e.g. bags of grain, rice, coffee7. What kind of cargo is chain sling (吊货链)suitable for lifting?Heavy slender articles e.g. iron rails, logs.8. What kind of cargo is net sling (吊货网)suitable for lifting?Small packages, mail9. What does the abbreviation SWL stand for?SWL stand for safe working load.10. What does “shifting cargo”mean?Remove cargo from one place to another on a vessel.11. What does “Union purchase”mean?Use two derricks together to load or discharge cargoes.12. What preparations shall be done before loading cargo?Open hatch covers. In night prepare hatch lights.13. What does the abbreviation COW stand for?COW stands for crude oil washing.14. How many classes of dangerous goods are there according to the IMDG Code? Can you list some?There are nine classes of dangerous goods according to the IMDG Code. They are Explosives, Gases, Inflammable liquids, Inflammable solids, Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides, Poisonous and infectious substances, Radioactive substances, Corrosive substances and Miscellaneous dangerous substances.15. What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo?If the cargo is easy to flame, for example, if one liquid’s closed cup flash is less 61-centigrade, we will class it as flammable cargo—inflammable liquids.16. What does “compatibility of goods(相容性货物)”mean?If different kinds can be stowed together and no damage, we will say they are compatibility. 17. What can be used to remove spillage(地脚货,溢出量)?Empty bags or hold to remove spillage.18. What shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space?Whether the enclosed space has enough oxide and no dangerous gas.19. What must you wear when you enter an enclosed space?Self-breath appliance.20. What’s the first step in handling the cargo damage caused by the stevedores?Put the damaged cargo aside.21. Can you list some ways of correcting listing?Yes, ballast water; de-ballast water, shifting cargo or liquid.22. What is your maximum permitted draft?My maximum draft is12m.23. Would a cargo with a high “flash point” be of more concern to you than one with a low “flash point”?No, it wouldn’t24. Before you enter into an “enclosed space”, what safety precautions should you take?We should know if there is enough oxygen and the air contains toxic gas.25. Could you please describe the nature of general cargo?OK, the general cargo is usually packed and in different kinds. Each is small.26. Could you please say something about bulk cargo?The bulk cargo is usually unpacked and the ship carries one of bulk cargo in a voyage.27. Can you list any dry bulk cargoes and tell how they are handled?Yes, I can, for example the rice, they would be handled by conveyor belt.28.Where heavier loads should be placed?The heavier loads should be placed in the lower holds.29.What kind of cargo gears and equipment are there on board the ship you have served on? We have derrick onboard the ship.30.What does a confined space refer to?The space is enclosed and not ventilated.31.What precautions should be taken before entering the enclosed space?The enclosed space should be ventilated.32.Could you give any description on cargo papers?We can know the kind and quantity of cargo.第6章航行一、口述题1. Describe the bridge shift change.a) The conditions, which must be satisfied before taking over a bridge watch.b) The procedures for shift change.c) Special attention for shift changeShifting change is very important for the safety of a ship. When an officer goes to the bridge for taking over for duty, he must know the present course, speed, position, and must be informed the situation of other vessels which are near.The relieving officer should go to the bridge 15 minutes advance. Firstly, he should get habit to the sighting, especially in the night. Secondly, he should ask the relieved officer something, such as ship’s course, speed, and position. Thirdly, he should go into the chart room to check the conditions. At night he should read and sign the night order.The change of coin must be clearly stated and logged including the actual time that it took place. The relieving officer must sign the night order book to indicate understanding of the master’s orders.2.Describe the duties of watch-keeping when underway.a) General rules as to watch keeping.b) Items to be checked and monitored each watch.c) Special attention for bridge watch keeping.When you are on watch keeping, you will be responsible to the master for the proper performance of his assigned bridge watch standing and navigational duties. When the ship is underway ,the chief officer will be on duty during 4 to 8 and 16-20; the second officer will be on duty during 0-4 and 12-16; the third officer will be on duty during 8-12 and 20-24.At each watch, the officers on watch should check the ship’s positions at least 4 times, changethe steering gear from auto-pilot to manual-pilot 1time. They also check ship’s course, speed, and the weather condition, navigational equipments conditions.The officers duty’s spot is at the bridge, they should keep sharp look-out at all time. They can do nothing expect look-out and take proper avoiding actions. Usually they should patrol the whole ship once a watch at night for avoids fire or other unmoral things happened.3. Describe advantage various tools or technologies for proper lookout.a) The features of radar observation.b) The advantages of visual lookout.c) The correct uses of various tools or technologies.Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper lookout by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision,The features of radar observation are as follows: (1) limitations of the radar equipment, small vessels, ice and other floating objects may not by detected by radar at an adequate range;; (2) imposed by the radar range scale in use; Weather and other sources of interference; (3) the more exact assessment of the visibility that may be possible when radar is used to determine the range of vessels or other objects in the vicinity.The advantages of visual lookout are as follows: (1) It is the based means of looking –out; (2) the situation can be readily apparent, and so on.There are many tools and technologies to be used in look-out, for example, when you use a radar, you should switch the radar standby first, then you should proper adjust it, include range, tuning, gain, contrast, anti-clutter sea, anti-clutter rain. You can detect the bearing and distance ofa object with radar.4. Describe the differences between navigating in a narrow channel and in traffic separation scheme.a) The rules in navigating in a narrow channel.b) The rules in navigating in a traffic separation scheme.c) The major differences in terms of technical navigation.If you are a driven power vessel and you are proceeding along the course of a narrow channel, you shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel, which lies on your starboard side as, is safe and practicable. You shall avoid cross a channel and anchor in a channel.If you are a driven power vessel and you are using a traffic separation scheme, you shall proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general direction of traffic flow for that lane You shall avoid cross lane and anchor in lane, traffic line or separation zone.In traffic separation scheme, there are traffic line or separation zone, but in narrow channel not.6. List some position fixing methods used in coastal water.a) Alter course to avoid collisionb) Reduce speed to increase CPAc) Change heading&speed7. Brief the relieving officer on what is going on in the open sea .a) Own ship’s datab) Traffic condition in own ship’s domainc) Weather, current etc.8. Give some examples on the importance of keeping watch on VHF.a) Necessity of keeping a proper lookoutb) Obtain navigational warning in timec) Aid to collision avoidance.9. Describe the proper way of using VHFa) How to operate VHF?b) General rules of using VHF.c) Rules of using VHF channel 16.When you operate VHF, you should comply with the radio regulations. If you want to speak, you should push the button, and if you want to listen, you should release the button.The general rules of using VHF are as follows: (1) calling on channel 16 for the purpose other than distress urgency and very brief safety communication; (2) communication not related to safety and navigation on port operation channels and non-essential transmissions will never been permitted to broadcasted on channel 16; (3) the important messages should be repeated; (4) the first 3 should be listening every half an hour.10. Please describe the Captain’s duties for preventing collision.a) General introduction of the rules to follow to prevent collision at sea.b) Responsibilities of the captain in preventing collision.c) Experience or Lessons learn in collision accident or collision preventing.111213二、问答题1. Why is record keeping a necessary part of watch keeping?Watch keeping is very important.2. What does VHF stand for?Very high frequency.3. How should the relieving officer behave in case a bridge maneuver already took place but has not been over?He should continue maneuvering until finish it.4. How many objects do you need to get a position using “horizontal sextant angles”?At least, two position lines are needed5. What should the master expect from the OOW on arriving at the bridge?The ship’s situation, speed, course and other safety conditions.6. How do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port?From the “Guide to Port Entry”.7. Why is it important to sound fog signals?In fog, the visibility is poor, by sounding fog signals; you will hear other vessels or be heard by other vessels vicinity.8. When would you sound the general alarm?When our ship is on fire, or spilling oil, or being drilling.9. When should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handling or complicated navigation? Please list some.Poor Visibility, failure to make a landfall or navigational sighting at the expected time, anytime。
《航海英语船长版带注解》一、基本航海术语1. 航海(Navigation)在广阔的海洋中,驾驶船只从一个地方驶向另一个地方的活动。
2. 船长(Captain)船舶的指挥官,负责船舶的航行安全、船员管理以及与港口、海事机构的沟通协调。
3. 航线(Route)船舶从起点到终点所经过的预定路径。
4. 罗经(Compass)导航仪器,用于确定船舶航向。
5. 航海通告(Notice to Mariners)关于海上航行安全、航线变更、助航设施更新等信息的公告。
二、日常航海英语用语1. Stand the helm!(准备操舵!)船长在下达转向指令前,提醒舵手做好操舵准备。
2. Check the engine!(检查发动机!)船长要求轮机员检查发动机运行状况。
3. Maintain full speed ahead!(全速前进!)船长要求船舶以最大速度前进。
4. Reduce speed to slow ahead!(减速至慢速前进!)船长要求船舶降低速度。
5. Secure all hatches and doors!(关闭所有舱口和门!)船长要求船员关闭船舶上的舱口和门,以防海水侵入。
航海英语试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "port" refers to which side of the ship?A. Left sideB. Right sideC. SternD. Bow答案:A2. What does the acronym "AIS" stand for in maritime communication?A. Automatic Identification SystemB. Advanced Information SystemC. Automatic Information SystemD. Advanced Identification System答案:A3. Which of the following is not a type of navigational buoy?A. Can buoyB. Cone buoyC. Barrel buoyD. Anchor buoy答案:D4. What is the standard speed for a ship to proceed at when entering or leaving a port?A. 5 knotsB. 10 knotsC. 15 knotsD. 20 knots答案:A5. Which of the following is not a maritime distress signal?A. SOSB. MaydayC. Pan-panD. Help答案:D6. What is the minimum safe distance a ship should maintain from a submarine when passing?A. 500 metersB. 1000 metersC. 1500 metersD. 2000 meters答案:B7. What does the term "deadweight" refer to in shipping?A. The weight of the ship without cargoB. The maximum weight the ship can carryC. The weight of the cargo onlyD. The weight of the ship with cargo答案:B8. Which of the following is not a type of maritime document?A. Bill of ladingB. Certificate of registryC. PassportD. Cargo manifest答案:C9. What is the international maritime signal flag for "I require a pilot"?A. AlphaB. BravoC. DeltaD. Echo答案:A10. What is the standard time zone for all maritime navigation?A. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)B. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)C. Eastern Standard Time (EST)D. Pacific Standard Time (PST)答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The international maritime distress frequency is _______ MHz.答案:21822. The term "freeboard" refers to the distance between the _______ and the waterline.答案:deck3. A ship's _______ is the part of the ship that extends vertically from the waterline to the deck.答案:hull4. The _______ is the officer in charge of the navigation and safety of the ship.答案:captain5. The _______ is a device used to measure the depth of water under the ship.答案:sounder6. The _______ is a maritime signal flag that indicates the need for medical assistance.答案:Alpha7. The _______ is the part of the ship that is used for loading and unloading cargo.答案:cargo hold8. The _______ is a maritime signal flag that indicates the need for a tugboat.答案:Bravo9. The _______ is the part of the ship that is used for steering.答案:rudder10. The _______ is a maritime signal flag that indicates the need for a pilot.答案:Delta三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. Explain the function of a radar in maritime navigation.答案:Radar is a system that uses radio waves to determinethe range, angle, or velocity of objects. It is used in maritime navigation to detect and locate other vessels, land, and obstacles, as well as to navigate in poor visibility conditions.2. Describe the importance of maintaining a proper lookout while at sea.答案:Maintaining a proper lookout is crucial for the safe navigation of a ship. It involves continuously monitoring the surrounding environment to detect any potential hazards or changes in conditions, such as other vessels, weather patterns, or navigational markers. This helps in avoiding collisions, grounding, or other maritime accidents.3. What are the responsibilities of a ship's officer in charge of navigation?答案:The officer in charge of navigation is responsible for planning the ship's route, overseeing the operation of navigational equipment, ensuring compliance with maritime regulations, monitoring weather conditions, and making decisions to ensure the safe and efficient passage of the ship.4. Explain the significance of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in global shipping.答案:The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for regulating shipping. It develops and maintains a comprehensive regulatory framework to ensure the safety and security of shipping, the prevention of marine pollution, and the facilitation of international maritime traffic. The IMO'swork is essential for promoting cooperation among nations, setting global standards, and addressing maritime issues that affect the entire world.。
航海英语的重要性1500字作文英文回答:The significance of maritime English cannot be overstated in today's globalized world. Maritime English is the lingua franca of the shipping industry, facilitating communication among seafarers, ship owners, and port authorities of diverse nationalities. It is essential for ensuring the smooth and safe operation of international maritime trade, which accounts for approximately 90% of global trade volume.From a safety perspective, maritime English enables the effective exchange of information in emergency situations, reducing the risk of accidents and saving lives. It allows seafarers to swiftly convey details of their vessel's position, nature of distress, and required assistance, ensuring timely and appropriate response from rescue teams.Moreover, maritime English fosters mutual understandingand cooperation among seafarers from different cultural backgrounds. By providing a common language, it breaks down communication barriers and enhances teamwork, which is critical for the safe and efficient operation of vessels. It also facilitates the exchange of ideas and best practices, contributing to the continuous improvement of maritime safety standards.From a commercial standpoint, maritime English is vital for the efficient negotiation and execution of contracts, insurance policies, and other legal documents related to shipping operations. It ensures that all parties involved have a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities, reducing the potential for disputes and legal complications.Furthermore, maritime English enables seafarers to access essential information, such as navigational charts, weather forecasts, and port regulations. By being able to read and comprehend these materials, seafarers can make informed decisions regarding their vessel's route, speed, and other operational matters, enhancing safety andefficiency.In addition to its practical applications, maritime English has a significant impact on the global economy. The shipping industry is a major employer, providing jobs for millions of people worldwide. Maritime English proficiency opens up career opportunities for individuals seeking employment in this crucial sector.To ensure the continued safety and efficiency of maritime trade, it is imperative that all seafarers acquire a high level of maritime English proficiency. This can be achieved through formal training programs, self-study, or on-the-job experience.中文回答:海事英语在当今全球化世界中的重要性怎么夸大都不过分。
第六章 34-54,第七章第九节 93-98,第八章99-110,第十章 128-144,第十一章 145-163,第十三章 174-192 第一节第二节各类证书的内容、展期与更新各类报表(海事、海关、检疫、边防等)航海图书资料( 16)第二章航海图书资料(1-16)第一节第二节第三节第1组航路指南进港指南航海出版物(灯标表、天文表、海员手册、大洋航路图等) 1. __D____ are published for the correction of AdmiraltyCharts. A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of Signals C.Mariner's Handbook D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners 英版《航海通告》出版用于英版海图的改正。
2.___C___ gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system including textual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types of marks;lateral;cardinal,isolated danger;safe water and special marks. A.Ocean Passages for the World(NP136) B.Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011 C.IALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735)D.The Mariners Handbook(NP100)国际航标协会海上浮标系统给出有关包括文字和图表解释的方位标和侧标(五种航标:侧标,方位标,安全水域,特殊标志)的描述。
【关键词】航海英语;目标达成度;教学评价【Abstract】Maritime English is a compulsory course of professional direction in marine fishery science and technology. In order to evaluate the learning effect of students in marine fishery science and technology (distant fishing direction) and teacher s’ classroom teaching quality, the achievement degree of learning objectives was used to evaluate the teaching quality of maritime english. According to the evaluation results, the quality of classroom teaching and the mastery of various knowledge points were preliminarily analyzed. Targeted measures should be taken to strengthen the teaching of practical links in order to improve students’ comprehensive application ability.【Key words】Maritime English; objective achievement scale; teaching evaluation【基金项目】上海海洋大学重点建设课程项目、教育部海洋渔业科学与技术复合应用型农林人才培养模式改革试点项目、上海市属高校应用型本科试点专业建设项目(海洋渔业科学与技术)、上海海洋大学专业基础课程教学改革与创新(2017-M09)、海洋渔业科学与技术专业力学基础课程改革与创新。
航海英语的重要性1500字作文The importance of maritime English cannot be overstated. It is a specialized form of English that is essential for communication and safety at sea. Whether it's fornavigating through international waters, communicating with port authorities, or coordinating with other vessels, maritime English plays a crucial role in ensuring smoothand efficient operations at sea.First and foremost, maritime English is vital for the safety of all personnel on board a vessel. Clear and effective communication is essential for avoiding accidents and responding to emergencies. In the event of a distress call or a collision, the ability to communicate clearly and accurately in English can make the difference between life and death. Without a common language for communication, misunderstandings and errors can occur, leading todisastrous consequences.Moreover, maritime English is also essential forcomplying with international regulations and standards. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has established English as the official language for communication at sea. This means that all maritime personnel, regardless of their native language, must be proficient in maritime English in order to work on international waters. From completing official forms and reports to understanding and following navigational instructions, a solid grasp of maritimeEnglish is essential for compliance and safety.In addition, maritime English is crucial for effective collaboration and teamwork on board a vessel. The abilityto communicate clearly and accurately with fellow crew members, as well as with other vessels and port authorities, is essential for ensuring smooth and efficient operations. Whether it's for coordinating maneuvers, handling cargo, or responding to changing weather conditions, effective communication in English is essential for the safe and efficient operation of a vessel.Furthermore, maritime English is also important for career advancement and professional development in themaritime industry. Proficiency in maritime English can open up opportunities for advancement and specialization, as well as for pursuing further education and training. Whether it's for pursuing a career as a captain, a maritime instructor, or a maritime lawyer, a strong command of maritime English is essential for success in the industry.Moreover, the importance of maritime English extends beyond the professional realm. It also plays a crucial role in promoting cultural exchange and understanding among seafarers from different countries and backgrounds. By providing a common language for communication, maritime English helps to bridge cultural and linguistic barriers, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation among seafarers from diverse backgrounds.In conclusion, the importance of maritime English cannot be overstated. From ensuring safety at sea to promoting international compliance and cooperation, maritime English plays a crucial role in the maritime industry. It is essential for the safety of personnel, compliance with regulations, efficient operations, careeradvancement, and cultural exchange. As such, it is crucial for maritime personnel to prioritize the development and maintenance of their maritime English skills in order to ensure safe and successful operations at sea.。
最新航海英语 中英版
第三节航海出版物(灯标表、天文表、海员手册、大洋航路图等)neap英音:[ni:p]美音:[nip]名词n. 小潮形容词 a. 小潮的不及物动词vi. 渐趋向小潮及物动词vt. 由于小潮使搁浅topography英音:[tə'pɔgrəfi]美音:[tə'pɑgrəfɪ]名词n. 1. 地志;地形图2. 地形;地形学;地形测demolish英音:[di'mɔliʃ]美音:[dɪ'mɑlɪʃ] 及物动词vt. 毁坏,破坏;拆除destroy英音:[dis'trɔi]美音:[dɪ'strɔɪ] 及物动词vt. 毁a坏,破坏ruin英音:['ruin]美音:['ruɪn]及物动词vt. 使毁灭;毁坏spoil英音:[spɔil]美音:[spɔɪl] 及物动词vt. 损坏;糟蹋;搞糟0001. __D____ are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts.[7]下列哪项出版物用来改正英版海图A.Admiralty Sailing Directions 英版航路指南B.Admiralty List of Signals 英版信号表C.Mariner's Handbook航海员手册D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners英版航海通告0002. ___C___ gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system including textual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types of marks;lateral;cardinal,isolated danger;safe water and special marks.下列哪项出版物用文字及图式详细地介绍了方位标及侧面标系统(包括5种标志:侧面标、方位标、孤立危险物标、安全水域标及特殊标)。
Basic design 基本设计Cargo handling 货物装卸Concept design 概念设计Contract design 合同设计Endurance 续航力,全功率工作时间Freeboard 干舷Maneuverability 操纵性Sea keeping performance 耐波性能Stability 稳性Subdivision 分舱Tonnage 吨位Preliminary 初步设计Design spiral 设计螺旋循环方式Bidder 投标人Iterative process 迭代过程Naval architecture 造船学Feasibility study 可靠性研究Beam 船宽,梁Depth 船深Draft 吃水Fullness 丰满度Cargo cubic 货舱舱容,载货容积Deadweight 总载重量(吨)Talking paper 讨论文件Light-ship 空船A faired set of lines 经过光顺处理的一套型线Hull form 船形,船体外形Frame 船肋骨,框架,桁架Fresh water 淡水Living and utility spaces 居住与公用舱室Outfit 舾装Trial 实船试验Major ship 大型船舶Detail design 详细设计Ship fitter 船舶装配工Welder 焊工Metal worker 金属工Machinery vendor 机械(主机)卖方Outfitter 舾装工Pipe fitter 管装工Artisan 技工Shipyard 船厂Breakbulk 件杂货Containerized 集装箱化Liner trade 定期班轮营运业Tanker 油轮Bulk carrier 散装货船Offshore drilling 离岸钻井Drilling rig 钻架Pipe laying barge (海底)铺管驳船Fleets of vessels 船队Outboard profile 侧视图Inboard profile 纵剖面图General arrangement 总布置Hold 船舱Crew quarters 船员居住舱Commissary spaces 补给库舱室,粮食库Lines 型线Plan views 设计图Midship section 舯横剖面Elevations 高度,高程,船型线图的侧面图、立视图、纵剖线图,海拔Sections 剖面,横剖面Main shafting 主轴系Power and lighting system 动力与照明系统Diagram 图,原理图,设计图,流程图Ventilation and air conditioning diagram 通风与空调敷设设计图Normal operating condition 常规(正常)运作状况Capacity plan 舱容图Curves of form 各船型曲线Floodable length curve 可浸长度曲线Trim 纵倾Damage stability 破损稳性Naval architect 造船师Naval architecture 造船工程Categorize 分类Aerostatic 空气静力学的Self-induced 自身诱导的Cushion of air 气垫Lift fan 升力风扇Skirt (气垫船)围裙Air cushion vehicle 气垫船Amphibious 两栖的Rigid side walls 刚性侧壁Captured-air-bubble vehicle 束缚气泡减阻船Supper cavitating propeller 超空泡螺旋桨Ferry 渡轮,渡口,渡运航线Cross-channel automobile ferries 横越海峡车客渡轮Polar-exploration craft 极地考察船Landing craft 登陆艇Riverine warfare vessel 内河舰艇Hydrodynamic 水动力学的Flow pattern 流型,流线谱airfoil 气翼,翼剖面,机面,方向舵hydrofoil 水翼Surface piercing 穿透水面的Strut 支柱,支撑构形Planning hull 滑行船体V-section V型剖面Deep V hull 深V型船体Rough sea 汹涌的海浪Buoyant 浮力的Displacement 排水量Common carrier 通用运输船Trawling 拖网Cruising range 航程Seaworthiness 适航性Bulk oil carrier 散装油轮Tanker 油轮Supertanker 超级油轮LCC(Large Crude Carrier) 大型原油轮(载重10~20万吨)VLCC(Very Large Crude Carrier) 巨型(原)油轮(载重量>20万吨) ULCC(Ultra Large Crude Carrier) 超级大型(原)油轮(载重量>40万吨) SWATH(Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) 小水线面双体船Multihull vessel 多体船Catamaran 双体船Trimaran 三体船Launch 发射,下水Launching equipment (向水中)投放设备Configuration 安排,构型,配置Submersible 潜器Endurance 续航力Payload 有效载荷Merchant ship 商船Survivability 生存力Babitability 适居性Commercial ship 营利用船Freight rate 运费率Life-cycle cost 生命周期成本Acquisition cost 购置(获取)成本Pleasure ship 游乐用船Naval ship 军船Liner 定期航班船Tugboat 拖船Hostile sea 凶险的波浪Oil-rig 钻油架Roll-on/roll-off(Ro/Ro) 滚装Aircraft carrier 航空母舰Guided-missile cruiser 导弹巡洋舰Destroyer 驱逐舰At-sea replenishment 海上补给Reenlistment 重征服役Icebreaker 破冰船Coast Guard cutte (美国)海岸警备队快艇Principal dimensions 主尺度Perpendicular (船艏、艉)柱,垂直的,正交的Forward/after perpendicular 艏/艉柱Length between Perpendicular 两柱间长Stem 船艏Summer load water line 夏季载重水线Rudder post 舵柱Pintle 销,枢轴Dock 泊靠Length overall 总长Overhang 外悬Stern 艉Rake 倾斜Bulbous bow 球状船艏,球鼻艏Trim 纵倾Amidships 舯Breadth moulded 型宽Breadth extreme 最大宽,计算宽度Shell plating 船壳板Fender 护舷Quay (横)码头,停泊所Depth 船深Rounded gunwale 修圆的舷边Sheer (甲板)航弧Sheer forward 艏舷弧Sheer aft 艉舷弧Deck line at side 甲板边线Camber 梁拱Drainage 排(泄)水Rise of floor 底升Bilge 舭,舱底Flat of keel 平板龙骨Rivet 铆接,铆钉Girder 桁梁,桁架Bevel 折角Bar 型材,材Tumble home (船侧)内倾Seakeeping 适航性Base line 基线Trim by the stern/bow 艉/艏倾Bar keel 棒龙骨,方龙骨,矩形龙骨Draught(=draft) 吃水,草图,设计图,牵引力Imperial unit 英制单位Metric unit 公制单位Hog 中拱Sag 中垂Dry dock 干船坞Freeboard 干舷Weather deck 露天甲板Seaworthiness 适航性Load Line Regulations 载重线公约、规范Sheer profile 纵剖线Accommodation 居住(舱室)Bilge radius 舭半径Reserve buoyancy 储备浮力Heel 横倾Superstructure 上层建筑Deckhouse 舱面定,甲板室Surmount 顶上覆盖,越过Middle line plane 中线面Sheer plane 纵剖面Water plane 水线面Keel 龙骨Transverse section 横剖面Orthogonal 正交的,矩形的Body plan 横剖面图By convention 按照惯例,按约定Half breadth plan 半宽图Lines plan 型线图Sheer drawing 剖面图Load waterplane 载重水线面Slice 一部分,薄片Intersection 交点,交叉,横断(切)Fore/aft perpendicular 艏/艉柱Vicinity 邻近,附近Length between perpendiculars 垂线间长Maximum beam amidships 舯最大宽Tumble home 内倾Flare 外飘,外张Rake 倾斜,倾斜度,倾斜角Conspicuous 显著的,值得注意的Funnel 烟囱Deck camber 甲板梁拱Concave 凹,凹的,拱形(的)Mast 桅杆Stem contour 艏柱型线Heel 横倾Yaw 艏摇Drift 漂移,偏航Bonjean curve 邦戎曲线Conceive 设想,想像Impression 模槽,型腔,印痕,印象Appendage 附体Abaft 朝向船尾Rudder 舵Bilge 舭Circumscribe 外接,外切Rectangle 矩形Yacht 快艇Midship section coefficient 舯横剖面系数Block coefficient 方形系数Longitudinal prismatic coefficient 纵向棱形系数Vertical prismatic coefficient 垂向棱形系数Cross-sectional area 横剖面面积Lloyd’s Rules 劳埃德(船级社)规范Adopt 采用Principal dimensions 主尺度Length overall 总长Port 左舷Starboard 右舷Freeboard 干舷Beam 船身最大宽,横梁Girder 桁,梁Chine 舭,舷,脊Soft chine 圆舭Hard chine 尖舭Transom(stern) 方尾Cruiser stern 巡洋舰尾Ship form 船型Lines plan 型线图Orthogonal 正交的body section 横剖图division 站,划分,分隔base, base line 基线water line 水线sheer profile 纵剖图buttock 后体纵剖线bow line 前体纵剖线fair 光顺offsets 型值lift offsets 量取型值(to) run the waterlines 绘制水线Batten 压条,板条Drawing office 绘图室Scale 缩尺,尺度,尺Mould loft 放样间Shipyard 船厂Full scale 全尺度Loft floor 放样台Contracted scale 缩尺Mark out 划线,划记号Pin 钉,销Moulded line 型线In strake 内列板Out strake 外列板In way of…在。
Navigation Technology 航海技术
Navigation Technology航海技术Occupational Training courses 专业培训( Training of four subjects四门课程) Familiarization and basic safety 基本安全Proficiency in Medical First- Aid 精通急救Advanced Fire-Fighting 高级消防Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats 精通艇筏Seaman Training 水手专业培训( Training of four subjects四门课程) Maritime English for seaman 水手英语Seaman’s professional work 水手业务●Seaman technology 水手工艺●Seaman watchkeeping 水手值班Radar operation and Simulator training 雷达模拟器培训( Training of tow subjects两门课程) Radar observation 雷达观测Radar plotting and ARPA 雷达标绘GMDSS Operator training GMDSS通用操作员(Training of four subjects四门课程) GMDSS Communication Business GMDSS通信业务GMDSS Communication equipment GMDSS通信设备GMDSS English service GMDSS通信英语● GMDSS Communication equipment operation GMDSS设备实操● GMDSS English Listening & Speaking GMDSS通信英语听力与会话Major subjects Assessment of competency 大证评估( seven project s七个项目)●Chart work 海图作业●Sea route planning 航线设计●Fixing position of vessel 船舶定位● Navigational Instruments 航海仪器● Measurement compass error 测罗经差● Cargo handling and stowage 积载固系● Maritime English Listening & Speaking 英语听说Major subjects 大证科目( seven subjects七门课程) Maritime English 航海英语Navigation 航海学Maritime Transport of Cargo 海上货物运输Marine Meteorology and Oceanography 航海气象与海洋学Watch-keeping and Collision Avoidance of Ship船舶值班与避碰Ship Structure and Deck Equipment 船舶结构与设备Vessel Safety and Management 船舶管理Navigation Technology 航海技术专业培训中心各类船员培训项目Training programs available in Shanghai Seafarers Training Center海员职务晋升Position promotion courses海员专业培训Occupational Training courses海员业务知识培训Continuing training by short courses海员特殊训练Special training courses。
shapes and sound signal 航海英语
Shapes and Sound Signals in MaritimeEnglish: A Guide to Safe NavigationIn the vast and often unpredictable world of maritime navigation, the importance of effective communicationcannot be overstated. Shapes and sound signals play acrucial role in this communication, especially in environments where visual and auditory cues are the primary means of communication. Maritime English, being the international language of the sea, ensures that thesesignals are understood and interpreted consistently across borders and cultures.Shapes, whether they are the distinctive outlines of buoys or the strategic arrangements of lights on ships, convey critical information to mariners. For instance, the shape of a buoy can indicate whether it marks a safe channel, a danger zone, or an area with special regulations. Similarly, the arrangement and color of lights on a shipcan communicate its identity, size, and direction of travel. In Maritime English, these shapes are described using precise terminology that ensures accurate understanding and rapid response.Sound signals, on the other hand, are equally important in maritime navigation. They range from the distinctivehorn blasts of ships to the more subtle vibrations transmitted through water by submarines. These sounds can communicate a wide range of information, including warnings of approaching danger, requests for assistance, ordirections for navigation. Maritime English has a rich vocabulary to describe these sounds, allowing mariners to interpret them quickly and respond appropriately.In addition to being an essential tool for communication, Maritime English is also critical for safety. The precise use of terminology to describe shapes and sound signals ensures that mariners can quickly and accurately assess potential hazards and make informed decisions about their navigation. This is particularly important in emergency situations, where every second counts.Moreover, Maritime English is not just about communication; it is about building trust and confidence among mariners from different cultures and backgrounds. By speaking a common language, mariners can overcome languagebarriers and work together more effectively to ensure the safety of their voyages.In conclusion, shapes and sound signals are integral to maritime navigation, and Maritime English is the key to unlocking their full potential. By mastering the precise terminology and understanding the cultural nuances of this unique language, mariners can ensure safer, more efficient voyages in a globalized and interconnected world.**航海英语中的形状与声音信号:安全航行的指南** 在广阔而常常不可预测的航海领域中,有效沟通的重要性不言而喻。
航海英语302 翻译版
航海英语302烟囱是套管用于排气管的发动机1.——is a casing used for exhaust pipe from the engines.A.The funnel烟囱B.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线装置在塑料圆顶,用来预测天气.2.——is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线厨房是制作美味食物的地方.3.——is where delicious food is cooked.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galley厨房D.The satellite antenna食堂是全体船员用餐的地方4.——is where the crew eat their meals.A.The funnelB.The messroom食堂C.The galleyD.The satellite antenna锚是用来固定停泊的船只在海底, 使其不可移动.5.——is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it stationary.A.The bulbous bowB.The anchor 锚C.The bow thrusterD.The propeller船鼻首是圆形水下部件, 位于船前部, 目的是制造更少的水摩擦力, 使船只可以更易于移动. 6.——is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship. The purpose is to create less friction with water so that the ship moves more easily.A.The bulbous bow 球鼻艏B.The anchorC.The bow thrusterD.The propeller船首推进器装置在船的前方, 位于水下,从而缓和泊位或往斜方向操纵时速度减慢。