unit 5 (British and American Studies)英美文化 教学课件

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Unit 5 Cultural and Social Life
5.1 Historical background & Class Structure
5.1.1 Class Division in Early Times ➢Most members of the middle class were educated and dealt with paper in business or in a profession. ➢Those who did m__a_n_u_a_l labor, especially agricultural labor, were in the working class. 5.1.2 Class Division in Britain Today
Vows for marriage
I, …take you,…to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God’s holy law; and this is my solemn vow.
➢Members of the upper landed class, who controlled most of the agricultural land and enjoyed a lot of privilege, became the nobility, or _a_ri_s_to_c_r_a_cy_. ➢The lower-upper class was mainly composed of small landowners. They were usually called knights or _g_e_n_tr_y. They were mostly well-educated and less conservative.
Unit 5 Cultural and Social Life
5.2 British Families
5.2.2 Family Life ➢The British culture, influenced by Christianity, attaches the utmost importance to family life and the _u_p_ri_s_in_g__o_f _c_h_il_d_re_n_. ➢The typical British Family is _n_u_c_le_a_r_f_a_m_i_ly_, which is composed of husband, wife and unmarried children. ➢Women and children are given special protection in times of war and natural disaster.
Noble Class ➢Different from its counterpart in many other countries, noble class still plays an important role in Britain nowadays.
Unit 5 Cultural and Social Life
Unit 5 Cultural and Social Life
5.2 British Families
5.2.2 Family Life Relationship between spouses
➢ Today, a married woman still takes her husband’s surname, but both spouses have equal _ri_g_h_ts_ and o_b_l_i_g_at_i_o_n_s, although husband is still considered as the primary_b_r_e_a_d_w_i_n_n_er_.
Unit 5 Cultural and Social Life
5.1 Historical background & Class Structure
Middle Class
➢The middle class placed great emphasis on freedom and __e_q_u_a_l_it_y__. Their demand and struggle contributed to the development of _d_e_m_o_c_r_a_c_y_ in Britain.
➢ With the rise of women’s social status and changing conception of sex, both the _d_i_v_o_rc_e__r_a_te_ and _co_h_a_b_i_ta_t_io_n_ number increase remarkably.
➢During and after the First World War, women got paid jobs and gradually gained financial independence , which finally led to changes in women’s s_o_c_i_a_l _st_a_tu_s_.
Unit 5 Cultural and Social Life
5.1 HistoБайду номын сангаасical background & Class Structure
Middle Class
➢After the English bourgeois revolution of the 17th century, the strength of the capitalist developed vigorously. Some of them came from gentry class, most of them were professionals, such as merchants, clergyman and military officers.
2) The noble class plays key political roles in the House of Lords and in local governments.
Why can English noble class retain their influence? I. The English law strictly protected private ownership. II. Primogeniture makes the British noble class never too large for the society to sustain. III. Adherence to traditions in Britain leaves noble class a space to retain limited power
Unit 5 Cultural and Social Life
5.2 British Family
Parents and Children ➢Parents are the legal as well as natural _c_u_s_to_d_i_a_n_ of their children. They are supposed to take care of their children and provide such necessities as food, clothing, shelter, _e_d_u_c_at_i_o_n and medicare for their children.
Unit 5 Cultural and Social Life
5.1 Historical background & Class Structure
5.1.1 Class Division in Early Times
After the Normans conquered England in 1066, the upper class was subdivided into two classes: the _u_p_p_er__la_n_d_e_d_c_l_a_s_s and the l_o_w_e_r_-_u_p_p_e_r _c_la_s_s.
5.1 Historical background & Class Structure
Noble Class 1) They set a respectable example to other people in the society with _d_e_c_en_t_ and _c_iv_i_l_ image.
➢Today, some class distinctions have blurred because high income has moved a great part of working class to the middle class; however, no amount of wealth can move them to the upper class.
Unit 5 Cultural and Social Life
5.1 Historical background & Class Structure
Working Class ➢During the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries, peasants became factory workers and miners, which composed the working class.
Unit 5 Cultural and Social Life
5.2 British Families
5.2.1 Marriage ➢Of all relationships, marriage remains the most important for the majority in Britain. ➢A valid marriage is regarded as a special type of contract between man and Woman. It is considered _h_o_lyand can not be terminated till _d_ea_t_h_.
➢Today, the middle class is the largest and most important class in Britain. Its members tend to be the best educated and most skilled, as well as the largest consuming bloc.
Unit 5 Cultural and Social Life
5.2 British Families
5.2.2 Family Life Relationship between spouses
➢Historically, British families were _p_a_t_ri_a_rc_h_a_l_ in structure. A wife was expected to obey her husband, and barred from the right to own property or sign a contract in her own name.