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中图分类号: TP391
Research On Influence of Atmospheric Turbulence Parameters on Image Degradation
析。采用包含湍流内外尺度影响的波结构函数、折射率谱以及成像系统退化函数的改进的 Kolmogorov 谱湍流退化模型,该
(长春理工大学 光电工程学院,长春 130022)
摘 要:对远处目标进行观测时,大气湍流是影响成像质量的主要因素,使得观测到的目标图像是严重抖动和模糊的。研
ZOU Hao,LI Qingyao,ZHAO Qun,WANG Jianying,LIU Zhichao,YANG Jinghua
(School of Optoelectronic Engineering,Changchun University of Science and Technology,Changchun 130022)
第 41 卷第 4 期 2018 年 8 月
长春理工大学学报 (自然科学版)
Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition)
Vol.41 No.4 Aug.2018
图像质量的下降,会造成有价值信息的丢失。 在遥感、天文观测、交通监控等一些情况下所获得的 退化图像,如果信息丢失就会造成巨大的损失,所以 有效复原退化图像是至关重要的。其中目标通过大 气湍流成像必然会受到大气湍流的影响。在成像过 程中,大气湍流随机地干扰图像成像,使成像焦平面
产生像点强度分布扩散、峰值降低、图像模糊和位置 偏移等气动光学效应,给目标识别带来了很大的困 难。大气湍流退化图像的复原是一个世界性难题, 它的研究富有挑战性。近 50 年来,人们对湍流的认 识越来越深入,最突出的是发现了湍流是多尺度有 结构的不规则运动[1,2]。这为大气湍流的仿真研究
Abstract:When observing distant targets,atmospheric turbulence is the main factor affecting the imaging quality,making the observed target images are severely shaking and fuzzy. In this paper,the effects of several atmospheric parameters on image degradation are studied. The main parameters of atmospheric turbulence affecting image degradation are summarized and the characteristics of the turbulent image are analyzed. The newmodel is derived from the wave structure function and refractive index profiles considering turbulence internal and external scale and thin lens imaging degradation function. Compared with the model derived from Kolmogorov spectrum, more complete transcendent constraints is introduced in the new model,and the model is more similar to the physical characteristics of atmospheric turbulence. The degradation model is used to simulate the atmospheric turbulence related parameters,the image degradation is theoretically described,and the main atmospheric parameters of image degradation are summarized. It is of great significance for the study of the recuperation algorithm of further turbulence correlation parameters and the image correction of turbulence degradation. The results of the experiment show that the atmospheric coherent length and greenwood frequency are the main parameters of atmospheric turbulence affecting image degradation. Key words:atmospheric turbulence;image degradation;atmosphere coherent length;Greenwood frequency