

Toehold on success


Liuwei the 23-year-old armless peanist from beijing who won China’s Got Talent, has also caught the attention of foreigh media. The following aricle is what The Associated Press had to say about this talented young man.

A musician who lost both arms in a childhood accident and plays the piano with his toes has won China’s Got Talent, performing his version of British singer James Blunt’s wistful love song You’re bearutiful to packed audence at the shanghai Stadium.

Al three judges on the show last Sunday praised 23-year-old Liuwei for his determination,urging him to keep on pursuing his dreams, and the Bejinger said he sould try quipping: “At leat I have a pair of perfect legs.”

For winning the Chines version of the show which helped make Britain’s Susan Bolye a singing star,Liu will be invited to play as aguest performer with Taiwanese singer Jolin Tsai. He also has the chance of

a performing coutract.

Liu’s arms were amputated after he suffered an electrical shock while playing hide and seek when he was 10. at age 18, he decided to purse a career in music, using his feet to play the piano,much as he uses them to navigate on the computer, eat dres and brush his teeth.

Liu said it had been his “destiny”to perform on the show.

“for people like me, there were only two options,” he added. “One was to abandon all dreams, which would have led to a quick, hopeless death.”

“The other was to struggle without arms to libe an outstanding life.”


Amputate 切除


Quip 说妙语
