



华东交通大学专升本考试真题2005年一选择题(24分))0[ )( ) 0( )( ) 1[ )( ) 1( )(). (1sin1∞+∞+∞+∞+-=,;,;,;,的定义域是函数、d c b a x y.3 )( 3 )( 23)( 23 )(). ())2(( )0( 1)( 2d c b a f f x x x x f ;;;则,设、--=≠-=.)( )( 1 )( 0 )(). (1sinlim 3 ∞+∞+=∞→不存在也不趋于;;;、d c b a xx x.1 )( )( 1 )( )(). (0)( arccos )( 4d dx c b dx a x x f x x f ;;;处的微分是在点则,若、--==.3 )( 2 )( 1 )( 0 )( ).(0)( ))()()(()( 5d c b a x f c b a c b a c x b x a x x f ;;;的实根个数为则方程为常数,,,其中,设、='<<---=.12)( 3)( 2 )( 2 )(). ()( )( 6432xd xc x b a x f x x f ;;;则,的一个原函数为设、='.)( )( )( )( )()( )( )(). (])([7x f d c x f c dx x f b x f a dx x f ;;;、+''='⎰⎰.)( )( )( )( ).( 8无关条件必要但非充分条件;充分但非必要条件;充分必要条件;极值的数为零是函数在该点有可导函数在某一点的导、d c b a二、计算题(48分)xx x x 3sintan sin lim1-→求、;y xx y '-+=求,设、 11arctan 2 ;dx xx x ⎰+sin coscos 3求、;dx ex⎰44求、;.0)( 21)0( sin)(cos 522的根求方程,且,若、=-=='x f f x x f三、应用题(20分).2)0 0()1ln( 12积所围成的平面图形的面处的切线与抛物线,在点求由曲线、-=+=xy x y比值为多少?的与半径此时高?为何值时所用铁板最少问高为,底面半径为罐,立方米的圆柱形封闭油制作一个容积为不考虑厚度用薄铁片、 .1000)( 2r h r h r四、证明题(8分)).()() ( )()()()( ] [)( )(x g x f b a a g a f x g x f b a x g x f >='>'内有,则在,且上可导,,在区间、若函数2006年一、计算下列极限(每小题5分,共20分).1. x x x x sin 2cos 1lim-→;2. xx x 3tan ln 7tan ln lim 0→;3. 12lim 23+∞→⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++x x x x ;4. 62d sin lim2xt t xx ⎰→.二、求导数(每小题5分,共20分).1. 设xxy sin =,求xy d d ;2. 设方程1e 2e =+-y x xy 确定)(x y y =,求xy d d ;3. 设⎩⎨⎧+=+=tt y t x arctan)1ln(2,求22d d x y ;4. 设34)1()2(1-++=x x x y ,求xy d d .三、计算下列积分(每小题6分,共12分).1. 计算x x x d log232⎰;2. 设函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧>≤=,,,,0 30 e 2)(2x x x x f x求x x f d )1(32⎰--.四、求函数7186223---=x x x y 的单调区间、极值点;该函数曲线的凹凸区间、拐点(12分) .五、求由曲线2x y =与直线x y 2=所围平面图形面积及该图形绕x 轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积(10分).六、设)(x f 在] [b a ,上连续,证明x x b a f x x f baba d )(d )( ⎰⎰-+=(6分).七、求过点)2 1 1(,,且垂直于直线⎩⎨⎧=---=++-09230142z y x z y x 的平面方程并求原点)0 0 0(,,到该平面的距离(10分).八、确定b a ,取值,使⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧>-≤+=-,,,,0 320 e e)(x x x b a x f x x 在点0=x 可导(10分).2007年一、计算下列极限(每小题6分,共24分). 1. )2332(lim 22+---+-∞→x xx x x ;2. nnnn 511)3321(lim ++∞→;3. nn nn ++++∞→ 321lim;4. )1ln(d cos lim22x x tt xx +⎰→ .二、求导数(每小题6分,共24分). 1. 设xx y 2=,求xy d d ;2. 设321++=x x y ,求)(n y ;3. 设⎩⎨⎧==t b y ta x 2sin 2cos ,求22d d xy ;4. 已知)(x y y =为由方程1e e 3=+-y x xy 确定的隐函数,求0d d =x xy .三、计算下列积分(每小题7分,共21分).1. 计算⎰x x x d 3sin ;2. 计算⎰π+ 0 d cos21x x ;3. 计算⎰∞+- 02d ex x x.四、设)(x f 在] [b a ,上连续,在) (b a ,内可导且0)()(==b f a f ,证明:至少存在) (b a ,∈ξ,使0)(2008)(=+'ξξf f (8分).五、求由曲线2x y =、直线0=y 及2=x 所围平面图形面积及该图形绕y 轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积(10分).六、设2)3(122++=x x y ,求(1)该函数的单调区间、极值点;(2)该函数曲线的凹凸区间、拐点;(3)该曲线的渐近线(13分)..2008年一、填空题(每小题2分,共20分). 1. 极限_____sin lim=∞→xx x ;2. 设x x y arctan =,则________d =y ;3. 积分________d cossin 2=⎰x xx ;4. 设⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥-<+=,,,,0 cos 0 sin )(x x x a x x f 要使)(x f 在点0=x 处连续,则_____=a ;5. 积分____d sin 4=⎰ππ-x x x ;6. 设2x 为)(x f 的一个原函数,则_____)(=x f ;7. 设)3 1(,为曲线23bx ax y +=的拐点,则_____ ____==b a ,; 8. 0=x 是函数xx xsin e 111++_______间断点(请填:跳跃、可去、无穷、振荡之一); 9. 积分____d tan4 0 2=⎰πx x ;10. 曲线1=xy 在点)1 1(,处的切线方程为______________. 二、选择题(每小题2分,共10分).1. 当0→x 时,1sin 1--x x 是2x 的( ).A. 高阶无穷小B. 同阶不等价无穷小C. 低阶无穷小D. 等价无穷小2. ) ()1(lim 2=+→x x x .A. 1B. eC. e 2D. 2e 3. 一切初等函数在其定义区间内都是( ). A. 可导 B. 连续 C. 可微 D. 可积 4.) (d 12=⎰x x .A. 1-B. 0C. 31 D. 15.) (d )(=''⎰x x f x .A. C x f +)(B. C x f x f +-')()(C. C x f x f x +-')()(D. C x xf +)( 三、计算题(每小题5分,共30分). 1. 求xx x cos 1)1ln(lim2-+→;2. 求xt t xx d cos lim2⎰→;3. 设)12(sin 2+=x x y ,求y ';4. 求x x x d ln ⎰;5. 求x x d 1111⎰++;6. 设x y 2e =,求)(n y .四、求函数353151)(x x x f -=的单调区间和极值(8分).五、设⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧>=<=.0 ln 0 00 1sin )(2x x x x x x x x f ,,,,,问)(x f 在0=x 处是否连续(6分)?六、证明不等式)0()1ln(1><+<+x x x xx (8分).七、求由方程y x x y e 12-+=所确定的隐函数)(x y y =的导数0d d =x xy (8分).八、求由曲线x y =,xy 1=,2=x 及0=y 所围平面图形面积及该图形绕x 轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积(10分).2009年一、填空题(每小题4分,共28分).1. 极限______tan 1sinlim2=→xxx x ;2. 极限______)81(lim =+∞→xx x;3. 定积分______d 223=⎰-x x ;4. 函数2e x y =的极值点为______;5. 设函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥<=,,,,0 0 1sin )(x A x xx x f 在点0=x 处连续,则_____=A ; 6. 函数x y 4e =的n 阶导数______)(=n y;7. 函数3x y =当01.0 2=∆=x x ,时的微分为_______. 二、计算题(每小题8分,共48分).1. 设)(x f 在2=x 处连续,且3)2(=f ,求]4421)[(lim 22---→xx x f x ;2. 求xx xxxx sin 2eelim 0----→;3. 求⎰x xx d ln ;4. 求x xd 1e2ln 0⎰-;5. 求函数32)5()(-=x x x f 的单调区间; 6. 求曲线y x x y2=在点)1 1(,处的切线方程. 三、已知t t x f xtd e )2()(2⎰--=,求)(x f 在]2 0[,上的最大值(12分).四、求曲线x y 22=在点)1 21(,处法线与该曲线所围成平面图形的面积(12分).参考答案2005年. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. c d a c a b c b ;;;;;;;一、 sin cos ln 212 4. 2 3. 112. 21 1. 2;;;;二、C x x x e x++++-.1 .6 22 5. 2=+x e ;. )()()( .125002. 291. 3用单调性证,设四、,;三、x g x f x F rh r -===π2006年一、1. 2;2. 1;3. 2e ;4. 31.二、1.yxx ye2e+-;2.3224)1)(2(tt t+-;3. )sin ln (cos sin xx x x xx+;4.)1324)1(21()1()2(234--+++-++x x x x x x .三、1.C x x x +-352352ln 259log53;2. 3e210--.四、单调增区间为) 3[ ]1 (∞+--∞,、,,单调减区间为]3 1[,-;极大值点为1-=x ,极小值点为3=x ;凸区间为]1 (,-∞,凹区间为) [1∞+,,拐点为)29 1(-,五、面积为34,体积为1564π.六、提示:设t b a x -+=,利用换元积分法.七、 .23036 )2( 0361079 )1(,=-++z y x八、21 25-=-=b a ,.2007年 一、1. 25-;2. 356;3.32;4. 1-.二、1. )1(ln 22+x xx;2.11)32(!)2(+-+-n n x n ;3.t ab 2csc32;4.)4ln 3(41-.三、1. C x x x ++-3sin 913cos 3;2. 22;3.41.四、提示:设)()(2008x f ex F x=,利用罗尔定理.五、面积为38,体积为π8.六、(1) 单调增区间为)3 3( )3 (,,,---∞,单调减区间为) 3(∞+,,极大值点为3=x ;(2) 凸区间为)6 3( )3 (,,,---∞,凹区间为) 6(∞+,,拐点为)982 6(,; (3) 水平渐近线为2=y ,垂直渐近线为3=x .2008年一、1. 0;2. x xx x d )1(arctan 2++;3. C x +sec ;4. 1-;5. 0;6. x 2;7. 29 23,-;8. 跳跃;9. 41π-;10. 02=-+y x 二、1. B ;2. D ;3. B ;4. C ;5. C. 三、1. 2;2. 1;3.)24sin(2)12(sin 212+++x x x x;4. C xx x +-2241ln 21;5. ]2ln )21ln(12[2++--;6. xn2e 2.四、单调增区间为) 1( )1 (∞+--∞,、,,单调减区间为)1 1(,-,极小值为152)1(-=f ,极大值为152) 1(=-f .五、连续.六、提示:设)1ln()(t t f +=,利用拉格朗日中值定理或设xx x x g x x x f +-+=-+=1)1ln()( )1ln()(,,利用用单调性七、e -. 八、面积为2ln 21+,体积为65π.2009年一、1. 0;2. 8e ;3. 0;4. 0=x ;5. 0;6. x n 4e 4;7. 12.0. 二、1.43;2. 2;3.C x +2)(ln 21;4. 22π-;5. 单增区间为) 2[ )0 (∞+-∞,,,,单减区间为]2 0[,;6. 02=-+y x . 三、2e 21-+. 四、316.。



历届专升本真题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 计算机科学中,以下哪个术语代表计算机程序的执行顺序?A. 算法B. 程序C. 编译D. 运行2. 在经济学中,下列哪项不是市场经济的基本特征?A. 自由竞争B. 价格机制C. 计划调节D. 供求关系3. 英语语法中,动词的过去式通常用来表示:A. 将来的动作或状态B. 现在的动作或状态C. 过去的动作或状态D. 完成的动作或状态4. 在数学中,下列哪个选项是二次方程的一般形式?A. \( ax + b = 0 \)B. \( ax^2 + bx + c = 0 \)C. \( ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = 0 \)D. \( ax + by = c \)5. 物理学中,物体的惯性是指:A. 物体保持静止或匀速直线运动的倾向B. 物体受到外力时产生的加速度C. 物体抵抗外力改变其运动状态的能力D. 物体在运动中所具有的能量二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)6. 根据牛顿第三定律,作用力与反作用力大小________,方向________。

7. 在化学中,水的化学式是________。

8. 英语中,现在完成时表示过去发生的动作对________有影响。

9. 计算机编程中,循环结构用于重复执行一段代码,直到满足某个________。

10. 经济学中的边际成本是指每增加一个单位产品所增加的________。

三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)11. 简述操作系统的主要功能。

12. 解释什么是边际效用递减规律。

四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)13. 论述市场经济和计划经济的区别及其各自的优势和劣势。

14. 论述信息技术在现代社会中的重要性。

五、计算题(每题15分,共15分)15. 给定一个二次方程 \( ax^2 + bx + c = 0 \),其中 \( a = 2 \),\( b = 5 \),\( c = -3 \),求该方程的根。



第一章 复习题 1. 计算下列极限: (1)2)1( 321limn n n -+⋅⋅⋅+++∞→;解 211lim 212)1(lim )1( 321lim 22=-=-=-+⋅⋅⋅+++∞→∞→∞→n n n nn n n n n n . (2)35)3)(2)(1(limn n n n n +++∞→;解 515)3)(2)(1(lim3=+++∞→n n n n n (分子与分母的次数相同, 极限为最高次项系数之比).或 51)31)(21)(11(lim 515)3)(2)(1(lim3=+++=+++∞→∞→n n n n n n n n n . (3))1311(lim 31x x x ---→; 解 112lim)1)(1()2)(1(lim )1)(1(31lim )1311(lim 212122131-=+++-=++-+--=++--++=---→→→→x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x . (4)xx x 1sin lim 20→; 解 01sin lim 20=→x x x (当x →0时, x 2是无穷小, 而x1sin 是有界变量).(5)xxx arctan lim∞→.解 0arctan 1lim arctan lim =⋅=∞→∞→x x x x x x (当x →∞时, x1是无穷小, 而arctan x 是有界变量).(6)145lim1---→x xx x ;解 )45)(1(44lim )45)(1()45)(45(lim 145lim111x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x +---=+--+---=---→→→ 214154454lim1=+-⋅=+-=→xx x .(7))(lim 22x x x x x --++∞→.解 )())((lim)(lim 22222222x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x -++-++--+=--++∞→+∞→1)1111(2lim)(2lim22=-++=-++=+∞→+∞→xx x x x x xx x .(8)xxx sin lnlim 0→; 解 01ln )sin lim ln(sin lnlim 00===→→x xxx x x .(9)2)11(lim xx x+∞→;解[]e e xxx x xx ==+=+∞→∞→21212)11(lim )11(lim(10))1(lim 2x x x x -++∞→;解 )1()1)(1(lim )1(lim 2222x x x x x x x x x x x x ++++-+=-++∞→+∞→ 211111lim 1lim22=++=++=+∞→+∞→x x x x x x . (11)1)1232(lim +∞→++x x x x ;解 2121211)1221(lim )1221(lim )1232(lim ++∞→+∞→+∞→++=++=++x x x x x x x x x x21212)1221()1221(lim ++++=+∞→x x x x e x x x x x =++⋅++=∞→+∞→21212)1221(lim )1221(lim .(12)30sin tan lim x x x x -→; 解 xx x x x x x x x x x x x cos )cos 1(sin lim )1cos 1(sin lim sin tan lim 303030-=-=-→→→ 21)2(2lim cos 2sin 2sin lim320320=⋅=⋅=→→x x x x x x x x x (提示: 用等价无穷小换) . 2. 证明: 当x →0时, arctan x ~x ;证明 因为1tan lim arctan lim 00==→→y y x xy x (提示: 令y =arctan x , 则当x →0时, y →0),所以当x →0时, arctan x ~x .3. 下列函数在指出的点处间断, 说明这些间断点属于哪一类, 如果是可去间断点, 则补充或改变函数的定义使它连续:(1)23122+--=x x x y , x =1, x =2;(2)x xy tan =, x =k , 2ππ+=k x (k =0, ±1, ±2, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅);解 (1))1)(2()1)(1(23122---+=+--=x x x x x x x y . 因为函数在x =2和x =1处无定义, 所以x =2和x =1是函数的间断点.因为∞=+--=→→231lim lim 2222x x x y x x , 所以x =2是函数的第二类间断点;因为2)2()1(limlim 11-=-+=→→x x y x x , 所以x =1是函数的第一类间断点, 并且是可去间断点. 在x =1处, 令y =-2, 则函数在x =1处成为连续的. (2)函数在点x =k π(k ∈Z)和2ππ+=k x (k ∈Z)处无定义, 因而这些点都是函数的间断点. 因∞=→xxk x tan limπ(k ≠0), 故x =k π(k ≠0)是第二类间断点;因为1tan lim0=→xxx ,0tan lim2=+→x x k x ππ(k ∈Z), 所以x =0和2ππ+=k x (k ∈Z) 是第一类间断点且是可去间断点.令y |x =0=1, 则函数在x =0处成为连续的; 令2 ππ+=k x 时, y =0, 则函数在2ππ+=k x 处成为连续的. 4. 设函数⎩⎨⎧≥+<=0)(x x a x e x f x 应当如何选择数a , 使得f (x )成为在(-∞, +∞)内的连续函数?解 要使函数f (x )在(-∞, +∞)内连续, 只须f (x )在x =0处连续, 即只须 a f x f x f x x ===+→-→)0()(lim )(lim 0.因为1lim )(lim 0==-→-→x x x e x f , a x a x f x x =+=+→+→)(lim )(lim 00, 所以只须取a =1.5. 证明方程x =a sin x +b , 其中a >0, b >0, 至少有一个正根, 并且它不超过a +b . 证明 设f (x )=a sin x +b -x , 则f (x )是[0, a +b ]上的连续函数. f (0)=b , f (a +b )=a sin (a +b )+b -(a +b )=a [sin(a +b )-1]≤0.若f (a +b )=0, 则说明x =a +b 就是方程x =a sin x +b 的一个不超过a +b 的根;若f (a +b )<0, 则f (0)f (a +b )<0, 由零点定理, 至少存在一点ξ∈(0, a +b ), 使f (ξ)=0, 这说明x =ξ 也是方程x =a sin x +b 的一个不超过a +b 的根. 总之, 方程x =a sin x +b 至少有一个正根, 并且它不超过a +b .6. 证明()11 2111lim 222=++⋅⋅⋅++++∞→nn n n n . 证明 因为()11 211122222+≤++⋅⋅⋅++++≤+n n n n n n n n n , 且 1111lim lim 2=+=+∞→∞→nn n n n n , 1111lim 1lim 22=+=+∞→∞→n n n n n , 所以()11 2111lim 222=++⋅⋅⋅++++∞→nn n n n . 7. 已知f (x )=⎩⎨⎧≥<0 0sin x x x x , 求f '(x ) .解 当x <0时, f (x )=sin x , f '(x )=cos x ; 当x >0时, f (x )=x , f '(x )=1;因为 f -'(0)=10sin lim )0()(lim00=-=--→-→xx x f x f x x , f +'(0)=10lim )0()(lim00=-=-+→+→x x x f x f x x , 所以f '(0)=1, 从而 f '(x )=⎩⎨⎧≥<0 10cos x x x .8*、证明: 函数xx y 1sin 1=在区间(0, 1]上无界, 但这函数不是当x →0+时的无穷大.证明 函数xx y 1sin 1=在区间(0, 1]上无界. 这是因为∀M >0, 在(0, 1]中总可以找到点x k , 使y (x k )>M . 例如当221ππ+=k x k (k =0, 1, 2, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅)时, 有22)(ππ+=k x y k ,当k 充分大时, y (x k )>M .当x →0+ 时, 函数xx y 1sin 1=不是无穷大. 这是因为∀M >0, 对所有的δ>0, 总可以找到这样的点x k , 使0<x k <δ, 但y (x k )<M . 例如可取 πk x k 21=(k =0, 1, 2, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅), 当k 充分大时, x k <δ, 但y (x k )=2k πsin2k π=0<M .第二章 复习题1. 求下列函数的导数:(1) y =ln(1+x 2);解 222212211)1(11x xx x x x y +=⋅+='+⋅+='.(2) y =sin 2x ;解 y '=2sin x ⋅(sin x )'=2sin x ⋅cos x =sin 2x .(3)22x a y -=;解[]22212222121222122)2()(21)()(21)(x a x x x a x a x a x a y --=-⋅-='-⋅-='-='--.(4)xx y ln 1ln 1+-=;解 22)ln 1(2)ln 1(1)ln 1()ln 1(1x x x x x x x y +-=+--+-='.(5)xxy 2sin =; 解 222sin 2cos 212sin 22cos xx x x x x x x y -=⋅-⋅⋅='.(6)x y arcsin =; 解 2222121)(11)()(11x x x x x x y -=⋅-='⋅-='.(7))ln(22x a x y ++=; 解 ])(211[1)(12222222222'+++⋅++='++⋅++='x a x a x a x x a x x a x y 2222221)]2(211[1x a x x a x a x +=++⋅++=. (8)x x y +-=11arcsin .解 )1(2)1(1)1()1()1(1111)11(11112x x x x x x x x x x x x y -+-=+--+-⋅+--='+-⋅+--='.(9)xx y -+=11arctan ; 解 222211)1()1()1()11(11)11()11(11x x x x xx x x x x y +=-++-⋅-++='-+⋅-++='. (10)x x x y tan ln cos 2tan ln ⋅-=; 解 )(tan tan 1cos tan ln sin )2(tan 2tan 1'⋅⋅-⋅+'⋅='x x x x x x x yx x x x x x x x x tan ln sin sec tan 1cos tan ln sin 212sec 2tan 122⋅=⋅⋅-⋅+⋅⋅.(11))1ln(2x x e e y ++=;解 xx x x x x x x x x x e e e e e e e e e e e y 2222221)122(11)1(11+=++⋅++='++⋅++='.2. 求下列函数的n 阶导数的一般表达式: (1) y =sin 2 x ;解y '=2sin x cos x =sin2x ,)22sin(22cos 2π+==''x x y , )222sin(2)22cos(222ππ⋅+=+='''x x y ,)232sin(2)222cos(233)4(ππ⋅+=⋅+=x x y ,⋅ ⋅ ⋅,]2)1(2sin[21)(π⋅-+=-n x y n n .(2) y =x ln x ;解 1ln +='x y , 11-==''x xy ,y '''=(-1)x -2, y (4)=(-1)(-2)x -3, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅,y (n )=(-1)(-2)(-3)⋅ ⋅ ⋅(-n +2)x -n +1112)!2()1()!2()1(-----=--=n n n n x n x n . (3) y =x e x .解 y '=e x +xe x ,y ''=e x +e x +xe x =2e x +xe x , y '''=2e x +e x +xe x =3e x +xe x , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅,y (n )=ne x +xe x =e x (n +x ) .3. 求方程y =1+xe y 所确定的隐函数的二阶导数22dx y d . 解 方程两边求导数得 y '=e y +x e y y ',ye y e xe e y yy y y -=--=-='2)1(11,3222)2()3()2()3()2()()2(y y e y y y e y y e y y e y y y y y --=-'-=-'---'=''. 4. 求参数方程⎩⎨⎧-=+=t t y t x arctan )1ln(2所确定的函数的三阶导数33dx y d : 解t t t t t t t dx dy 2112111])1[ln()arctan (222=++-='+'-=, t t t t t dx y d 4112)21(2222+=+'=,3422338112)41(t t t t t t dx y d -=+'+=. 5. 注水入深8m 上顶直径8m 的正圆锥形容器中, 其速率为4m 2/min . 当水深为5m 时, 其表面上升的速度为多少?解 水深为h 时, 水面半径为h r 21=, 水面面积为π241h S =,水的体积为3212413131h h h hS V ππ=⋅==,dt dh h dt dV ⋅⋅=2312π, dtdV h dt dh ⋅=24π.已知h =5(m ),4=dtdV (m 3/min), 因此 πππ2516425442=⋅=⋅=dt dV h dt dh (m/min).6. 求下列函数的微分: (1)21arcsin x y -=;解 dx x x x dx x x dx x dx y dy 22221||)12()1(11)1(arcsin --=--⋅--='-='=.(2) y =tan 2(1+2x 2);解 dy =d tan 2(1+2x 2)=2tan(1+2x 2)d tan(1+2x 2)=2tan(1+2x 2)⋅sec 2(1+2x 2)d (1+2x 2) =2tan(1+2x 2)⋅sec 2(1+2x 2)⋅4x dx =8x ⋅tan(1+2x 2)⋅sec 2(1+2x 2)dx .(3)2211arctan xx y +-=;解 )11()11(1111arctan 2222222x x d x x x x d dy +-+-+=+-= dx x x dx x x x x x xx 4222222214)1()1(2)1(2)11(11+-=+--+-⋅+-+=. 7. 讨论函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=≠=0001sin )(x x xx x f 在x =0处的连续性与可导性.解 因为f (0)=0, )0(01sin lim )(lim 00f xx x f x x ===→→, 所以f (x )在x =0处连续; 因为极限xx x x x f x f x x x 1sin lim 01sin lim)0()(lim 000→→→=-=-不存在, 所以f (x )在x =0处不导数. 第三章 复习题1. 验证罗尔定理对函数y =ln sin x 在区间]65 ,6[ππ上的正确性.解 因为y =ln sin x 在区间]65 ,6[ππ上连续, 在)65 ,6(ππ内可导, 且)65()6(ππy y =, 所以由罗尔定理知, 至少存在一点)65 ,6(ππξ∈, 使得y '(ξ)=cot ξ=0. 由y '(x )=cot x =0得)65 ,6(2πππ∈. 因此确有)65 ,6(2πππξ∈=, 使y '(ξ)=cot ξ=0. 2. 证明: 若函数.f (x )在(-∞, +∞)内满足关系式f '(x )=f (x ), 且f (0)=1则f (x )=e x . 证明 令xe xf x )()(=ϕ, 则在(-∞, +∞)内有0)()()()()(2222≡-=-'='xx x x e e x f e x f e e x f e x f x ϕ,所以在(-∞, +∞)内ϕ(x )为常数.因此ϕ(x )=ϕ(0)=1, 从而f (x )=e x . 3. 用洛必达法则求下列极限: (1)xe e xx x sin lim 0-→-; 解 2cos lim sin lim 00=+=--→-→xe e x e e xx x x x x .(2)22)2(sin ln limx x x -→ππ;解 812csc lim 41)2()2(2cot lim )2(sin ln lim 22222-=---=-⋅-=-→→→x x x x xx x x πππππ.(3)xx x x cos sec )1ln(lim 20-+→;解 x x xx x x x x x x x 22022020cos 1lim cos 1)1ln(cos lim cos sec )1ln(lim -=-+=-+→→→(注: cos x ⋅ln(1+x 2)~x 2) 1sin lim )sin (cos 22lim 00==--=→→xxx x x x x .4. 证明不等式 :当x >0时, 221)1ln(1x x x x +>+++;解 设221)1ln(1)(x x x x x f +-+++=, 则f (x )在[0, +∞)内是连续的. 因为0)1ln(1)11(11)1ln()(22222>++=+-++⋅++⋅+++='x x x x x x x x x x x x f ,所以f (x )在(0, +∞)内是单调增加的, 从而当x >0时f (x )>f (0)=0, 即 01)1ln(122>+-+++x x x x , 也就是 221)1ln(1x x x x +>+++. 5. 判定曲线y =x arctan x 的凹凸性: 解 21arctan x x x y ++=',22)1(2x y +=''.因为在(-∞, +∞)内, y ''>0, 所以曲线y =x arctg x 在(-∞, +∞)内是凹的.6. 求下列函数图形的拐点及凹或凸的区间:(1) y =xe -x ;解 y '=e -x -x e -x , y ''=-e -x -e -x +x e -x =e -x (x -2). 令y ''=0, 得x =2.因为当x <2时, y ''<0; 当x >2时, y ''>0, 所以曲线在(-∞, 2]内是凸的, 在[2, +∞)内是凹的, 拐点为(2, 2e -2). (2) y =ln(x 2+1);解 122+='x xy , 22222)1()1)(1(2)1(22)1(2++--=+⋅-+=''x x x x x x x y . 令y ''=0, 得x 1=-1, x 2=1. 列表得可见曲线在(-∞, -1]和[1, +∞)内是凸的, 在[-1, 1]内是凹的, 拐点为(-1, ln2)和(1, ln2).7. 设f (x )在[0, a ]上连续, 在(0, a )内可导, 且f (a )=0, 证明存在一点ξ∈(0, a ), 使f (ξ)+ξf '(ξ)=0.证明 设F (x )=xf (x ), 则F (x )在[0, a ]上连续, 在(0, a )内可导, 且F (0)=F (a )=0. 由罗尔定理, 在(0, a )内至少有一个点ξ , 使F (ξ )=0. 而F (x )=f (x )+x f '(x ), 所以f (ξ)+ξf '(ξ)=0. 8. 求数列}{n n 的最大项. 解 令xxx x x f 1)(==(x >0), 则x x x f ln 1)(ln =,)ln 1(1ln 11)()(1222x x x x x x f x f -=-='⋅,)ln 1()(21x x x fx -='-.令f '(x )=0, 得唯一驻点x =e .因为当0<x <e 时, f '(x )>0; 当x >e 时, f '(x )<0, 所以唯一驻点x =e 为最大值点.因此所求最大项为333}3 ,2max{=. 第四、五、六章 复习题 1. 求下列不定积分: (1)⎰dx e x x 3;解 C e C e e dx e dx e xx x xxx++=+==⎰⎰13ln 3)3ln()3()3(3. (2)⎰+++dx x x x 1133224; 解 C x x dx x x dx x x x ++=++=+++⎰⎰arctan )113(1133322224. (3)⎰dt tt sin ;解⎰⎰+-==C t t d t dt tt cos 2sin 2sin .(4)⎰-+dx e e xx 1;解 ⎰-+dx e e xx 1C e de e dx e e xx xx x +=+=+=⎰⎰arctan 11122. (5)⎰--dx xx 2491;解dx xx dx xdx xx ⎰⎰⎰---=--22249491491)49(49181)32()32(1121222x d x x d x --+-=⎰⎰C x x +-+=2494132arcsin 21. (6)⎰-+dx x x )2)(1(1;解C x x C x x dx x x dx x x ++-=++--=+--=-+⎰⎰|12|ln 31|1|ln |2|(ln 31)1121(31)2)(1(1. (7)⎰-12x x dx ;解C x C t dt tdt t t t tx x x dx +=+==⋅⋅=-⎰⎰⎰1arccos tan sec tan sec 1sec 12令.或C x x d x dx xx x x dx +=--=-=-⎰⎰⎰1arccos 111111112222.(8)⎰-dx xx 92; 解⎰⎰⎰=-=-tdt t d tt t x dx x x 222tan 3)sec 3(sec 39sec 9sec 39令 C x x C t t dt t+--=+-=-=⎰3arccos 393tan 3)1cos 1(322.(9) ⎰-xdx e x cos ; 解 因为⎰⎰⎰⎰------+=-==xdx e x e xde x e x d e xdx e x x x x x x sin sin sin sin sin cos ⎰⎰-----+-=-=x x x x x xde x e x e x d e x e cos cos sin cos sin ⎰-----=xdx e x e x e x x x cos cos sin ,所以 C x x e C x e x e xdx e x x x x +-=+-=----⎰)cos (sin 21)cos sin (21cos .(10)⎰dx x 2)(arcsin ;解 ⎰⎰-⋅⋅-=dx xx x x x dx x 22211arcsin 2)(arcsin )(arcsin⎰-+=221arcsin 2)(arcsin x xd x x ⎰--+=dx x x x x 2arcsin 12)(arcsin 22 C x x x x x +--+=2arcsin 12)(arcsin 22. (11)⎰xdx e x 2sin . 解 ⎰⎰⎰-=-=xdx e e dx x e xdx e x x x x 2cos 2121)2cos 1(21sin 2, 而 dx x e x e xde xdx e x x x x ⎰⎰⎰+==2sin 22cos 2cos 2cos⎰⎰-+=+=xdx e x e x e de x x e x x x x x 2cos 42sin 22cos 2sin 22cos ,C x x e xdx e x x ++=⎰)2sin 22(cos 512cos ,所以 C x x e e xdx e x x x ++-=⎰)2sin 22(cos 10121sin 2(12)dx x x )1(12+⎰;解 C x x dx x x x dx x x ++-=+-=+⎰⎰)1ln(21||ln )11()1(1222.2. 一曲线通过点(e 2, 3), 且在任一点处的切线的斜率等于该点横坐标的倒数, 求该曲线的方程.解 设该曲线的方程为y =f (x ), 则由题意得xx f y 1)(='=',所以 C x dx xy +==⎰||ln 1.又因为曲线通过点(e 2, 3), 所以有=3-2=1 3=f (e 2)=ln|e 2|+C =2+C , C =3-2=1. 于是所求曲线的方程为 y =ln|x |+1.3. 设f (x )在[a , b ]上连续, 在(a , b )内可导且f '(x )≤0, ⎰-=xa dt t f ax x F )(1)(. 证明在(a , b )内有F '(x )≤0.证明 根据积分中值定理, 存在ξ∈[a , x ], 使))(()(a x f dt t f xa -=⎰ξ. 于是有 ))(()(1)(1)(1)()(1)(22a x f a x x f a x x f a x dt t f a x x F xa----=-+--='⎰ξ)]()([1ξf x f ax --=. 由f '(x )≤0可知f (x )在[a , b ]上是单调减少的, 而a ≤ξ≤x , 所以f (x )-f (ξ)≤0. 又在(a , b )内, x -a >0, 所以在(a , b )内0)]()([1)(≤--='ξf x f ax x F . 4. 计算下列定积分:(1)⎰-πθθ03)sin 1(d ; 解⎰⎰⎰⎰-+=+=-πππππθθθθθθθθ02002003cos )cos 1(cos sin )sin 1(d d d d34)cos 31(cos 03-=-+=πθθππ.(2)dx x ⎰-2022;解dt t tdt t t x dx x ⎰⎰⎰+=⋅=-202022)2cos 1(cos 2cos 2sin 22ππ令 2)2sin 21(20ππ=+=t t .6. 求由摆线x =a (t -sin t ), y =a (1-cos t )的一拱(0≤t ≤2π)与横轴 所围成的图形的面积.解:所求的面积为 ⎰⎰⎰-=--==aa a dt t a dt t a t a ydx A 20222020)cos 1()cos 1()cos 1(ππ22023)2cos 1cos 21(a dt t t a a=++-=⎰.7. 证明 由平面图形0≤a ≤x ≤b , 0≤y ≤f (x )绕y 轴旋转所成的旋转体的体积为⎰=badx x xf V )(2π.证明 如图, 在x 处取一宽为dx 的小曲边梯形, 小曲边梯形绕y 轴旋转所得的旋转体的体积近似为2πx ⋅f (x )dx , 这就是体积元素, 即 dV =2πx ⋅f (x )dx ,于是平面图形绕y 轴旋转所成的旋转体的体积为 ⎰⎰==babadx x xf dx x xf V )(2)(2ππ.8. 利用题7的结论, 计算曲线y =sin x (0≤x ≤π)和x 轴所围成的图形绕y 轴旋转所得旋转体的体积. 解 2002)sin cos (2cos 2sin 2πππππππ=+-=-==⎰⎰x x x x xd xdx x V .9. 求心形线ρ=a (1+cos θ )的全长. 解 用极坐标的弧长公式. θθθθθρθρππd a a d s ⎰⎰-++='+=0222022)sin ()cos 1(2)()(2a d a82cos 40==⎰πθθ.第七章 复习题 1、设m =3i +5j +8k , n =2i -4j -7k 和p =5i +j -4k . 求向量a =4m +3n -p 在x 轴上的投影及在y 轴上的分向量.解 因为a =4m +3n -p =4(3i +5j +8k )+3(2i -4j -7k )-(5i +j -4k )=13i +7j +15k , 所以a =4m +3n -p 在x 轴上的投影为13, 在y 轴上的分向量7j .2. 设a =3i -j -2k , b =i +2j -k , 求(1)a ⋅b 及a ⨯b ; (2)(-2a )⋅3b 及a ⨯2b ; (3)a 、b 夹角的余弦.解 (1)a ⋅b =3⨯1+(-1)⨯2+(-2)⨯(-1)=3,k j i kj i b a 75121 213++=---=⨯.(2)(-2a )⋅3b =-6a ⋅b = -6⨯3=-18,a ⨯2b =2(a ⨯b )=2(5i +j +7k )=10i +2j +14k .(3)21236143||||||) ,cos(^==⋅=b a b a b a . 3. 设a 、b 、c 为单位向量, 且满足a +b +c =0, 求a ⋅b +b ⋅c +c ⋅a . 解 因为a +b +c =0, 所以(a +b +c )⋅(a +b +c )=0, 即 a ⋅a +b ⋅b +c ⋅c +2a ⋅b +2a ⋅c +2c ⋅a =0,于是 23)111(21)(21-=++-=⋅+⋅+⋅-=⋅+⋅+⋅c c b b a a a c c b b a .4、设已知向量a =2i -3j +k , b =i -j +3k 和c =i -2j , 计算: (1)(a ⋅b )c -(a ⋅c )b ; (2)(a +b )⨯(b +c ); (3)(a ⨯b )⋅c .解 (1)a ⋅b =2⨯1+(-3)⨯(-1)+1⨯3=8, a ⋅c =2⨯1+(-3)⨯(-2)=8, (a ⋅b )c -(a ⋅c )b =8c -8b =8(c -b )=8[(i -2j )-(i -j +3k )]=-8j -24k . (2)a +b =3i -4j +4k , b +c =2i -3j +3k , k j kj i c b b a --=--=+⨯+332443)()(.(3)k j i kj i b a +--=--=⨯58311132,(a ⨯b )⋅c =-8⨯1+(-5)⨯(-2)+1⨯0=2.5、一平面过点(1, 0, -1)且平行于向量a =(2, 1, 1)和b =(1, -1, 0), 试求这平面方程. 解 所求平面的法线向量可取为 k j i kj i b a n 3011112-+=-=⨯=,所求平面的方程为(x -1)+(y -0)-3(z +1)=0, 即x +y -3z -4=0.6、用对称式方程及参数方程表示直线⎩⎨⎧=++=+-421z y x z y x .解 平面x -y +z =1和2x +y +z =4的法线向量为n 1=(1, -1, 1), n 2=(2, 1, 1), 所求直线的方向向量为k j i kj i n n s 3211211121++-=-=⨯=.在方程组⎩⎨⎧=++=+-421z y x z y x 中, 令y =0, 得⎩⎨⎧=+=+421z x z x , 解得x =3, z =-2. 于是点(3, 0, -2)为所求直线上的点.所求直线的对称式方程为32123+==--z y x ;参数方程为x =3-2t , y =t , z =-2+3t .7、求直线⎩⎨⎧=---=+-0923042z y x z y x 在平面4x -y +z =1上的投影直线的方程.解 过直线⎩⎨⎧=---=+-0923042z y x z y x 的平面束方程为(2+3λ)x +(-4-λ)y +(1-2λ)z -9λ=0.为在平面束中找出与已知平面垂直的平面, 令(4 -1, 1)⋅(2+3λ, -4-λ, 1-2λ)=0, 即4⋅(2+3λ)+(-1)⋅(-4-λ)+1⋅(1-2λ)=0.解之得1113-=λ. 将1113-=λ代入平面束方程中, 得17x +31y -37z -117=0.故投影直线的方程为⎩⎨⎧=--+=+-011737311714z y x z y x .8、设3||=a , |b |=1, 6) ,(^π=b a , 求向量a +b 与a -b 的夹角.解 |a +b |2=(a +b )⋅(a +b )=|a |2+|b |2+2a ⋅b =|a |2+|b |2+2|a |⋅|b |cos(a ,^ b )76cos 3213=++=π,|a -b |2=(a -b )⋅(a -b )=|a |2+|b |2-2a ⋅b =|a |2+|b |2-2|a |⋅|b |cos(a ,^ b )16cos 3213=-+=π.设向量a +b 与a -b 的夹角为θ, 则721713||||||||||||)()(cos 22=⋅-=-⋅+-=-⋅+-⋅+=b a b a b a b a b a b a b a θ, 72arccos =θ.。



大专毕业升本试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项是大专毕业生升本的途径?A. 参加全国统一高考B. 参加成人高考C. 参加自学考试D. 参加专升本考试答案:D2. 专升本考试通常在每年的什么时间举行?A. 3月B. 6月C. 9月D. 12月答案:B3. 专升本考试中,英语科目的满分是多少分?A. 100分B. 150分C. 200分D. 300分答案:B4. 以下哪个科目不是专升本考试的必考科目?A. 数学B. 英语C. 物理D. 政治答案:C5. 大专毕业生升本后,通常需要再读几年才能获得本科学位?A. 1年B. 2年C. 3年D. 4年答案:B6. 专升本考试的报名流程包括哪些步骤?A. 网上报名B. 现场确认C. 缴纳报名费D. 以上都是答案:D7. 专升本考试的录取分数线是如何确定的?A. 由教育部统一划定B. 由各高校自行划定C. 由考生所在省份教育部门划定D. 由考生所在学校划定答案:B8. 专升本考试的合格标准是什么?A. 总分达到60分B. 总分达到录取分数线C. 每科成绩均达到60分D. 每科成绩均达到录取分数线答案:B9. 专升本考试的复习资料通常包括哪些?A. 历年真题B. 模拟试题C. 考试大纲D. 以上都是答案:D10. 专升本考试的报名资格是什么?A. 大专在读生B. 大专毕业生C. 本科在读生D. 本科毕业生答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 大专毕业生升本的考试通常称为________考试。

答案:专升本2. 专升本考试的报名时间通常在考试前的________个月。

答案:33. 专升本考试的报名费一般为________元人民币。

答案:1004. 专升本考试的考试科目一般包括________和________。

答案:公共课、专业课5. 专升本考试的录取结果通常在考试后的________个月公布。

答案:1三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 请简述专升本考试的报名流程。



数据库专升本一、单项选择题(每小题2 分,共 40分)1、数据库的3级结构从内到外的三个层次是( )。

A、外模式、模式、内模式B、内模式、模式、外模式C、模式、外模式、内模式D、内模式、外模式、模式【答案】B2、数据库管理技术经历了若干阶段,其中人工管理阶段和文件系统阶段相比,文件系统的一个显著优势是( )A、数据可以长期保存B、数据共享性很强C、数据独立性很强D、数据整体结构化【答案】A3、关于网状数据库,以下说法正确的是( )A、只有一个节点可以无双亲B、一个节点可以有多于一个的双亲C、两个节点之间只能有一种联系D、每个节点有且只有一个双亲【答案】B4、下列关于NUL的说法错误的是______。



A、GROUP BYB、ORDER BYC、WHERED、HAVING【答案】D6、下列选项中,不.属于关系模型三个重要组成部分的是()A、数据结构B、数据操纵C、数据安全性定义D、数据完整性规则【答案】C7、数据库一般使用()以上的关系。

A、1NFB、3NFC、BCNFD、4NF【答案】B8、在MySQL中,设有表department1(d_no,d_name),其中d_no是该表的唯一索引,那么先执行replace into department1(d_no,d_name)values('0004','英语系')语句,再执行insert intodepartment1(d_no,d_name) values('0004','数学系')语句,出现的结果为______。






























1. 专升本概述,华东交通大学的专升本是指在已获得专科学历的学生,通过参加华东交通大学组织的专升本考试,成功通过后可以获得本科学历。

2. 专升本考试科目,专升本考试科目一般包括英语、数学、专业课等。


3. 报名条件,一般来说,报考华东交通大学专升本需要具备以下条件,已获得专科学历,具备相应的学分要求;年龄限制通常为35岁以下;身体健康,符合招生要求。

4. 招生计划和录取方式,华东交通大学每年根据学校的招生计划,确定专升本的招生名额。


5. 专升本学制和学费,专升本学制一般为2-3年,具体根据不


6. 专升本学位授予,专升本毕业生经过学校的学位评定,可以

























江西专升本统考英语历年真题(2003-2012) 5

江西专升本统考英语历年真题(2003-2012) 5

2003年江西省“专升本”英语统一考试试卷(120分钟)Part ⅠListening comprehension (20 points)(略)Part ⅡReading Comprehension (30 points)Directions:In this section there are four passages. Each of them is followed by some questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A),B),C),and D). You should decide on the best choice andmark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Questions 21-25 are based on the following passage.By far the most common snake in Britain is the adder (奎蛇). In Scotland, in fact, there are no other snakes at all. The adder is also the only British snake with a poisonous bite. It can be found almost anywhere, but prefers sunny hillsides and rough open country, including high ground. In Ireland there are no snakes at all.Most people regard snake bites as a fatal (致命的) misfortune, but not all bites are serious, and very few are fatal. Sometimes attempts at emergency treatment turn out to be more dangerous than the bite itself, with amateurs (外行人) heroically, but mistakenly, trying do-it-yourself surgery (手术) and other unnecessary measures.All snakes have small teeth, so that all snakes can bite, but only the bite of the adder presents any danger. British snakes are shy animals and far more frightened of you than you could possibly be of them. The adder will attack only if it feels threatened, as can happen if you take it by surprise and step on it accidentally, or if you try to catch it or pick it up, which it dislikes intensely. If it hears you coming, it will normally get out of the wa6y as quickly as it can, but adders cannot move very rapidly and may attack before moving if you are very close.The effect of a bite varies considerably. It depends upon several things, one of which is the body-weight of the person bitten. The bigger the person, the less harmful the bite is likely to be, which is why children suffer far more seriously from snake bites than adults. A healthy person will also have better resistance against the poison.Very few people actually die from snake bites in Britain, and though these bites can make some people very ill, there are probably just as many cases of bites having little or no effect, as there are of serious illness.21. Adders are most likely to be found _______.A) in wider parts of Britain and IrelandB) in Scotland but nowhere elseC) on wild land through BritainD) in the countryside in England22. If you are with someone who is bitten by an adder, you should ______.A) try to catch the snakeB) not treat the bite yourselfC) not worry too much about the victimD) operate him as soon as possible23. We are told that adders _______.A) normally friendly towards peopleB) unlikely to bite except in self-defenseC) likely to attack people whenever they see themD) not afraid of human beings24. If an adder hears you approaching, it will usually ______.A) move out of your pathB) take no notice of you at allC) disappear very quicklyD) wait until you are close and then attack25. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A) Adders are more likely to attack children than adults.B) The adder prefers to bite a person with a heavy body.C)The danger of adder bites is different from person to person.D)In most cases adder bites are more serious than other illnesses.Questions 26-30 are based on the following passages.Only the government can ensure that the American people have clean air and pure water. Congress must pass laws to stop manufacturers from polluting the air and water with the waste from their factories.Unless anti-pollution standards are enforced for all, companies that care about a clean environment will go out of business. For example, if Automobile Company X spends money to put an air-pollution control device on their automobiles, th eir cars will be more expensive than the cars produced by another company. People who don’t have the extra money or who don’t care about pollution will not buy the more expensive cars. Automobile Company X will gobankrupt (破产); that is, it won’t make enou gh money to pay its workers and to buy materials. It will then go out of business. Of course, no automobile company will make itself go bankrupt on purpose, and the pollution of the land and air and water will go on.But if the government says that all automobile manufacturers must make cars with air-pollution control devices, the cost of all manufacturers will be equal. So the government cannot let companies decide whether or not they want to stop pollution. The government must force manufacturers to clean up the environment by setting anti-pollution standards for everyone.26. If a company cares about a clean environment while others don’t, it will have to _______.A) change the anti-pollution standards for its productsB) sell its products at a more expensive priceC) buy materials at a higher priceD) pay more money to its workers27. The writer gives the example of Automobile Company X to show that _______.A) manufacturers will not take care of pollution control on their own willB) few manufacturers are aware of the importance of air-pollution controlC) air-pollution control devices are more expensive than other devicesD) people like to buy cars that are equipped with pollution control devices28. According to the writer, anti-pollution standards ensure that ______.A) no manufacturer will go bankrupt for spending money on pollution controlB) less money will be spent in buying pollution control devicesC) manufacturers know how to control pollution more effectivelyD)all manufacturers have to take measures to control pollution29. The purpose of this passage is _______.A) to describe how a company can go bankruptB) to emphasize the urgent need of cleaning up the environmentC) to stress the importance of the government’s role In preventing pollutio nD) to tell how difficult it is to keep the environment free from air-pollution30. What can be inferred from thin passage?A) Companies have not been given an equal chance to develop their business.B) A company will go bankrupt if its cars have to be installed with pollution control devices.C) The US government has not set up standards on pollution control for car producers.D) It is necessary to persuade producers to take effective pollution control measure.Questions 31-35 are based on the following passages.Large-scale production in a large market brings advantages: mass production helps to reduce the manufacturing costs of consumer goods and the single market also makes it easier to specialize. Together, these two considerations improve businesses’ chance of making profit.Within the single market, the Community (欧共体) is making clearly strict European industrial standards which help European industry compete with imported products and conquer new markets, as well as making high-quality products available to the consumer.The European commission’s competition policy serves to ensure that the common interest prevails over individual business interests. At the same time, it is flexible enough to allow co-operation between small firms.Business are being encouraged to operate outside the country in which they are based by measures designed to ensure that they are no longer taxed twice for doing so. The days when taxes are an obstacle to Europe-wide business operation will soon be gone.In addition to cre ating a favorable business environment, the community’s industrial policy is also concerned with developing specific strategies. The objective is to carry out long-term plans to develop industries such as the electronics industry, information technology, biotechnology (生物技术) and textiles. These measures, at national and community level, will influence the quality of products, the technology used to manufacture them, the training the workforce receives, and the development of new outlets. In short, a whole range of instruments will be created to protect the future of European technology.These projects will require extra funding at Community level for training, research and development and communications networks. The extra Community funding will be used as rationally as possible in a way which maximizes the benefit to European industry.31. The European Community has found ______.A) a single market to carry out mass productionB) the Community market to produce high quality goodsC) a large market to increase business with other countriesD) a new market to make it easier to get profits32. We can infer from the passage that the community’s general policy ______.A) helps the small firms to do business flexiblyB) encourages big firms to conquer the small onesC) emphasizes the interest of the Community as a wholeD) brings the customer more imported goods33. One of the main changes in the market in Europe is that _______.A) there are more home produced goods that imported goods on the marketB) companies only have to pay one tax when operating in a member countryC) there are no more Europe-wide business operationsD) small companies are allowed to combine into larger ones34. The European Community has adopted some special measures to _______.A) make long-term development of industries possibleB) place some industries before other industriesC) open new markets in other countriesD) enable new technology to be used in manufacturing35. which of the following is likely to be the title of the passage?A) Advantages of a Single Large-scale MarketB) Development of European IndustriesC) Imports and Exports of European CommunityD) Policies of European CommunityPart Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)Directions: In this section there are 45 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there four choices markedA),B),C),and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.36. He climbed up into the tree and ____ all the fruit within reach.A) picked B) fetched C) took D) held37. Ask her to come and see me when she _____ her work.A) will finish B) finishes C) has finished D) had finished38. Owing to the thick fog, Flight 675 had to be _____.A) taken off B) put off C) given off D) set off39. By the time we got home, I _____all about the man’s rudeness.A) had forgotten B) forgot C) was forgetting D) should have forgotten40. This place, originally a small town, has been _____ a modern capital city.A) transported to B) transformed into C) transmitted from D) transferred to41. Most people don’t want to get _____ in police investigation.A) put B) treated C) fitted D) involved42. This book will be of great ______ to you in your studies.A) effect B) value C) appreciation D) sincerity43. Talk between the two sides ______ no results and they decided not to continue.A) settled B) dragged C) protested D) yielded44. The criminal escaped from prison but was ______ caught again.A) frightfully B) rarely C) casually D) subsequently45. His unhappiness is a ______ of his mistaken marriage.A) contrast B) replacement C) reflection D) detection46. He planned to steal the money but his ______ was soon discovered.A) prospect B) suspension C)scheme D) resource47. When he was ten years old, the Second World War ______.A) broke off B) broke out C) broke up D) broke down48. Ten years ago, he was ______ by a woman, who has always been regarding him as her own son.A) adopted B) adapted C) adjusted D) admitted49. Education, as well as one’s social experience, can ______ change in one’s belief.A) turn to B) bring out C)bring over D) turn on50. We must take his hard work ______ when discussing his achievements.A) in mind B) into account C) for granted D) for sure51. The committee ______ a conclusion after four days of heated discussion.A) achieved B) attained C) arrived D) reached52. Were you ______ in the heavy shower yesterday?A) arrested B) spread C) offended D) caught53. Barbara _______ in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen times.A) assisted B) consisted C) persisted D)insisted54. They have developed a technique which is ______ to those used in most factories.A) advanced B) advantageous C) improved D) superior55. On his way home, he was injured in a car ______.A) blow B) crash C) shock D) hit56. For maintenance, please _______ page 17 of the operation manual.A)find out B) rest on C) point at D) refer to57. We arranged to meet at the station but she didn’t ______.A) turn in B) turn up C) turn over D) turn out58. The teacher demanded that her students ______ on time for every class.A) were B)be C)to be D) must be59. ________ you are free tonight, why not drop in and play chess with me?A) For B) Unless C) Since D) Though60.The roof ______ under the weight of the heavy snow last night.A) settled B) dropped C) squeezed D) collapsed61. One of the techniques in reading a passage is to read it _____ a whole.A) as B) for C) to D) in62. The company would need another ten thousand dollars ______ they could buy some nes equipment.A) in which B) at which C) by which D) with which63. It’s important that he ______ the final examination next week.A) pass B) would pass C) passes D) will pass64. _______ by her child, the mother entered a supermarket to buy some soft drink.A) Having followed B) Having been following C) Following D) Followed65. It was not until she came back from Tokyo last night ______ she gave me the telephone call.A) and B) when C) since D) that66. I remember ______ the book last month. It was very interesting.A) read B) reading C) to read D) to have read67. ______ I sympathize with you, I am afraid there is little I can do to help you.A) When B) If C) Though D) Because68. The reason I plan to go is ______ my wife will be disappointed if I don’t.A) when B) why C) which D) that69. The Brown are now in Seattle. But we should keep ______ with them.A) touch B) at touch C) in touch D)on touch70. Tokyo has a larger population than ______ in the world.A) any city B) any cities C) any other city D) all the cities71. If I ______ the answer, I would have let you know about it.A) knew B) had known C) would know D) would have known72. ______ the interruption, he was able to finish his exercise before the class was over.A) Instead of B) In case of C) In spite of D) In sight of73. Decisions have been made to cut ______ company expenses to a desirable level.A) down B) off C) out D) away74. If we had accepted the plan he proposed, we ______ so much difficulty at present.A) would not have had B) could not have had C) could not have D) would not have75. James Cook, ______ , also discovered the Hawaiian Islands.A) exploring the South Sea B) explored South SeaC) who explored the South Sea D) that he explored the South Sea76. Your information has made the ______ of the problem possible.A) solution B) possession C) resolution D) instruction77. Her educational ______ contributed greatly to her promotion.A) situation B) environment C) background D) surroundings78. Who else except a millionaire () could ______ to use such an expensive car?A) offer B) afford C) provide D) devote79. I want to the tailor’s to ______ the other day.A) make a suit B) have a suit be made C) have made a suit D) have a suit made80. It is a long time ______ I saw him last.A) that B) when C) since D)asPart ⅣCloze (20 points)Directions:In this part there is a passage with 20 blanks in it. On the right side of each blank there are four choices marked A),B),C),and D). You are required to identify the ONE choice that best fits into the blank. Thenmark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Swimming has become an important sports activity because it is a form of exercise that promotes health. 81 activities except long distance walking offer 82 a general health to the body. It is an important competitive sport for 83 people train hard and practice carefully, developing strength and patience 84 they do so. It is 85 an ideal pastime (业余活动). Girl and boys enjoy their trips to river or lake; the adult enjoys 86 in the sea on a holiday ; and even the aged and weak can swim when other 87 of pastime and exercise are 88 their energy. Then too, the 89 swimmer may well be the means of helping to save life. In fact, swimming has so many 90 as an activity that one can91 it is an ideal sport.A swimmer is not 92 to be a member of a team; he does not need expensive equipment; and even the weather need 93 affect him. He can swim 94 for exercise and enjoyment or he can swim with 95 for social pleasure; and he can swim 96 his own speed for his own distance, in whatever way 97 him best, from youth until old 98 . Today swimming also opened the door to other fields of activity, for many swimmers now 99 their holidays in underwater exploration (探险) . They 100 below the surface and thus open up to themselves a whole new world.81. A) Few B) None C) Many D) Some82. A) that B) such C) so D) as83. A)that B) it C) what D) which84. A) until B) if C) as D) unless85. A) also B) yet C) however D) still86. A) traveling B) sailing C) boating D) swimming87. A) cases B) forms C) courses D) facilities88. A) beyond B) without C) against D) past89. A) real B) pleasant C) skillful D)careful90. A) advantages B)interests C) effects D) functions91. A) prove B) mean C) say D)tell92. A) ordered B) wished C)expected D)encouraged93. A) also B) not C) ever D)either94. A) together B)along C)lonely D)alone95. A)others B)other C) another D) one96. A) in B) at C) for D)to97. A)fixes B)pleases C) suits D)helps98. A)time B)period C)age D) stage99. A) waste B) engage C) take D) spend100. A) jump B) throw C) charge D) divePart ⅤWriting (10 points)Directions:you are required to write a letter to invite a friend to celebrate New Year’s Day. The letter should include the following:1.The date to hold the party2.The place3.The length of time for the party to last4.The arrangement of the party5.The other guestsRemember to use the right letter form. And you should write no less than 100 English words in theComposition Sheet.2004年江西省专升本英语统一考试试题Part I Listening comprehension (20 points)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Example: You will hear:You will read:A)The coach will not arrive today.B)The coach met with a terrible accident.C)The coach will probably arrive at 9:15.D)The coach may arrive today, but the woman is not sure.From the dialogue we know that the coach is delayed two hours after 7:15. The best answer, then is C) “The coach will probably arrive at 9:15”.Therefore,should choose answer C) on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center.Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [D]1. A) It’s hard. B) It is easy.C) It is interesting. D) It is exciting2. A) In a coffee bar. B) In a restaurant.C) In a hotel. D) At the woman’s home.3. A) Going out for the meal. B) Staying at home to rest.C) Cooking the meal at home. D) Buying something to cook4. A) $70. B) $140 C) $90 D) $1205. A) She is from England. B) She is from USAC) She is from Canada D) She is from Australian.6. A) It’s rainy B) It’s sunny C) It’s cloudy D) It’s windy7. A) The birthday party has been put off till next weekB) The man invites the woman to the birthday party.C) The woman will not go to the birthday party.D) They will go to the birthday party together.8. A) It is safer to drive a car than to go by air.B) He will fly rather than drive to New York.C) Driving New York is more comfortable.D) He will either drive or fly to New York.9. A) He visited this place sometime ago.B) He is interested in paying this visit.C) He knows something about this company.D) He also wants to visit the company’s branch.10. A) Teacher and student. B) Shopkeeper and customer.C) Classmates. D) Friends.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question you must chose the answer from the choices markedA),B),C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Question11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. A) It is always busy.B) The cars run on the left.C) It is often dangerous.D) There are many accidents.12. A) You will not find the right bus station.B) You will probably take the wrong bus.C) You will lose your way in the streets.D) You will never get to your destination.13. A) They are more comfortable than other buses.B) They run much faster than other buses.C) You can have a wider seat on the upper floor.D) You can see the streets better on the upper floor.Questions14 to16 are based on the passage you have just heard.14. A) A little boy wished to be a train driver.B) A little boy succeeded in becoming a train driver.C) A little boy was taught to drive a train by his uncle.D) A little boy could drive a train easily.15. A) Because he lived in a small town far away from school.B) Because his uncle could teach him at home.C) Because he had no arms when he was born.D) Because he spent all his time watching trains going and coming.16. A) Angry. B) Afraid. C) Surprised. D) Happy.Questions 17 to20 are based on passage you have just heard.17. A) He had lost his return ticket.B) He only had enough money for a ticket.C) He had to borrow some money from his friend.D) He had to save some money for his food on board.18. A) He did not feel very well. B) He didn’t know the time for meals.C) He had no money for meals. D) He didn’t like the meals on the ship.19. A) He left the dining room without paying the bill.B) He put a little money on the table and left.C) He told the waiter he had no money to pay the bill.D) He went to see the waiter to ask for the bill.20. A) The meals were free on board. B) He had to pay for what he ate.C) He could pay the bill sometime later. D) His meal had already been paid.Part II Reading Comprehension (30 Points)Directions: In this section there are four passages. Each of them is folded by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.America put more people in prison in the 1990s than in any decade in its history. That started a debate over the wisdom of spending billons of dollars to keep nearly 2 million people locked up. According to statistics, the United States ends 1999 with 1,983,084 men and women in prisons. That shows an increase nearly 840,000 prisoners during the 1990s and makes the United States the country with the highest prison population in the world. With the cost of housing a prisoner at about $20,000 a year, the cost in 1999 keeping all these prisoners behind bar is about $39 billion.Some experts argue that the money is well spent, saying the cost of keeping prisoners behind back doesn’t seem much in comparison to the cost of crime to society. They also point out that the rise in the prisoner population in the 1990s coincided with (与……相一致) a steady drop in the US crime rates. It is reported that serious crime has decreased for seven years continuously. “There are a noticeable number of people who don’t do crimes because they don’t want to go to prison,” they say.21. There is a heated debate among American experts because _______.A) America has put 2million people in prison.B) the cost for housing a prisoner keeps risingC) billions of dollars has been spent on prisonersD) the prisoner population is the largest in the world22. From the first paragraph, we learn that ______.A) the number of prisoners in America is increasingB) America has the largest prison in the worldC) crime in America is getting much more seriousD) it is easy for a person to be locked up in America23. In 1999 the government spent about $39 billion to __________.A) improve the prison conditionsB) keep men and women in prisonC) build houses for prisonersD) maintain the prisons24. Some experts argue that it is necessary to spend the money because ______.A) crime will cost even more money to societyB) the government can well afford the moneyC) the number of prisoners is not really largeD) prisoner population decreased in the 1990s25. The author’s attitude towards the government’s policy is ______.A) negative B) positive C) doubtful D) unknownQuestions 26-30 are based on the following passage.8848. net is a company that focuses heavily on e-commerce. Enter the homepage (主页) of 8848. net, and you can purchase your various goods via the Internet.The sales of 8848. net last month were 12.5 million yuan, equal to the turnover (营业额) of a middle-sized supermarket. The success of indicates that e-commerce is reaching the public, challenging traditional shopping malls. Convenience has become the most important element in any commercial interaction. That's what online shopping offers.What 8848. net offers are 120 000 online goods, including books, software, computers, and electrical appliances. A Wangfujing department store in Beijing doesn't have so many items. What's more, there are about 4 million Internet fans in China. That means 8848. net is running 4 million chain stores. Traditional huge warehouses and personnel no longer seem to be necessary.More products and better services are provided, along with lower prices. It is said that is now preparing to offer more up-to-date consumer goods, such as digital cameras, MP3 devices and IT (Information Technology) household appliances.8848’s product information is the most complete available on China's e-commerce networks. There are 200 000 pages of information on the firm's goods. Compared to the customers who sometimes find it impossible to choose among products because of the lack of information about online goods, the customers of 8848. net are satisfied. If a customer wants to purchase a book, he can easily find more than 20 related book reviews by experts and ordinary readers. That helps the customer to make a decision.26. From the passage, we can learn that e-commerce (Line1, Para.1) means_____.A) making use of a supermarketB) buying and selling on the InternetC) communication through D) purchasing goods in a department store27. The successful sales of 8848. net show that_________ .A) commercial interaction is becoming more and more importantB) the net company is turning into a middle-sized supermarketC) online shopping has replaced the traditional shoppingD) people are starting to like online shopping28. The biggest advantage of online shopping lies in its________.A) price B) variety C) convenience D) size29. works best in helping customers to________.A) complain about bad services B) bargain for a lower priceC) select fashionable products D) make purchasing decision30. The author's purpose in writing this passage is to_______.A) advertise B) describe e-commerceC) attract advertisers for D) compare online and traditional shoppingQuestions 31-35 are based on the following passage.Why is it that the most connected we get, the most disconnected we felt? Every advance in communications technology is a setback (挫折) to the intimacy of human interaction. With email and instant, messaging all over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reading anyone. If my mother has a question, I just leave the answer on her phone.As almost every contact between human beings gets automated (自动的), the more people feel they are strangers to each other. You can’t even call a person to get the phone number of another person anywhere. Telephone assistance is almost always fully automated.。
















二、单项选择(每题2分,共30分)1、若某物品的现行价格高于均衡价格,则该物品()A、在现行价格下存在供给量大于需求量B、在现行价格下存在供给量等于需求量C、在现行价格下存在供给量小于需求量D、以上论断全对2、如果生产者的生产成本增加,则等成本线将()A、向左平移B、向右平移C、不变D、不能确定3、生产可能性曲线上的任何一点表示()A、一国可以利用的资源稀缺B、资源没有得到充分利用C、资源得到充分利用D、一国可以利用的资源富有4、下列那一项会导致一国生产可能性曲线向外移动()A、股市持续走强B、消费品生产增加,资本品生产减少C、通货膨胀D、有用资源被发觉或技术进步5、需求量和价格之所以成反方向变化,是因为()A、替代效应和收入效应的共同作用B、收入效应的作用C、替代效应的作用D、以上均不正确6、生产者预期某物品将来价格要下降,则对该物品当前供给会()A、减少B、不变C、增加D、上述三种都有可能7、随着产量的增加,短期固定成本()A、增加B、不变C、减少D、先增加后减少8-1112、完全垄断市场上()A、只有一家企业B、有众多的企业C、有少数几家大型的企业 C、以上都有可能13、在两种物品价格和支出确定条件下,能够买到的两种物品的数量的最大组合曲线,成为()A、无差异曲线B、消费者预算线C、消费者均衡D、等产量线14、下列市场哪个属于寡头市场结构()A、农产品市场B、零售市场C、铜铁市场D、电力市场15、最需要进行广告宣传的市场是()A、完全竞争市场B、完全垄断市场C、寡头垄断市场D、垄断竞争市场三、多项选择(每题2分,共10分,多选少选都不得分)、1、下列关于机会成本的说法中,正确的是()A、机会成本不同于实际成本,是一种观念上的成本。



江西省专升本⾼等数学真题试卷(赣北某⾼校)2008-20162008年专升本《⾼等数学》试卷⼀、填空题:(每题3分,共15分)1.设函数=≠+=00)1()(2x kx x x f x 在0=x 处连续,则参数________=k2.过曲线2x y =上的点)1,1(的切线⽅程为________。

3.设x y arccos =,则________0='=x y4.设1)(='x f ,且0)0(=f ,则?=________)(dx x f 5.设y e x z +=2,则z 的全微分________=dz ⼆、选择题(每题3分,共15分)1.设)(x f y =的定义域为]1,0(,x x ln 1)(-=?,则复合函数)]([x f ?的定义域为()A )1,0(B ),1[eC ],1(eD ),0(+∞ 2.设23231)(x x x f -=,则)(x f 的单调递增区间是() A )0,(-∞ B )4,0( C ),4(+∞ D )0,(-∞和),4(+∞ 3.函数a x x f +=)((a 为常数),在点0=x 处() A 连续且可导 B 不连续且不可导 C 连续但不可导 D 可导但不连续 4.设函数3)(x x f =,则=?-?+→?xx f x x f x )()2(lim()A 26xB 32xC 0D 23x5.幂级数nn x ∑∞=-1)21B ]3,1(-C )3,1(-D )3,1[- 三、计算下列各题(每⼩题7分,共42分)1.3sin limx xx x -→ 2.?xdx x sin3.已知==?ta y udua x tsin sin 0(a 为⾮零常数),求y ' 4.求直线2=+y x 和曲线2x y =及x 轴所围平⾯区域的⾯积。

5.计算⼆重积分??D ydxdy ,其中D 是由2y x =,2x y =所围平⾯区域。

6.求微分⽅程xxy y x ln +='的通解。



华东交通大学专升本考试真题2005年一选择题(24分))0[ )( ) 0( )( ) 1[ )( ) 1( )(). (1sin 1∞+∞+∞+∞+-= d c b a x y .3 )( 3 )( 23)( 23)(). ())2(( )0( 1)( 2d c b a f f x x xx f --=≠-=.)( )( 1 )( 0 )(). (1sin lim 3 ∞+∞+=∞→ d c b a x x x .1 )( )( 1 )( )(). (0)( arccos )( 4d dx c b dx a x x f x x f --==.3 )( 2 )( 1 )( 0 )( ).(0)())()()(()( 5d c b a x f c b a c b a c x b x a x x f ='<<---=.12 )( 3 )( 2 )( 2 )(). ()( )( 6432x d x c x b a x f x x f ='.)( )( )( )( )( )( )( )(). (])([ 7x f d c x f c dx x f b x f a dx x f +''='⎰⎰.)( )()( )( ).( 8 d c b a 二、计算题(48分) ;xxx x 30sin tan sin lim 1-→ ;y x xy '-+= 11arctan 2;dx x x x⎰+sin cos cos 3 ;dx e x ⎰40 4 .0)( 21)0( sin )(cos 522 =-=='x f f x x f 三、应用题(20分).2)0 0()1ln( 12 -=+=x y x y . 1000)( 2r h r h r 四、证明题(8分)).()() ()()()()( ] [)( )(x g x f b a a g a f x g x f b a x g x f >='>' 2006年一、计算下列极限(每小题5分,共20分).1. ; xx x x sin 2cos 1lim 0-→2. ; xx x 3tan ln 7tan ln lim 0→3. ;12lim 23+∞→⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++x x x x 4. .6 0 20d sin lim 2x t t x x ⎰→二、求导数(每小题5分,共20分).1. 设,求; x x y sin =xy d d 2. 设方程确定,求;1e 2e =+-y x xy )(x y y =xy d d 3. 设,求; ⎩⎨⎧+=+=t t y t x arctan )1ln(222d d x y 4. 设,求.34)1()2(1-++=x x x y xy d d三、计算下列积分(每小题6分,共12分).1. 计算; x x x d log 232⎰2. 设函数 求.⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧>≤= 0 30 e 2)(2x x x x f x x x f d )1(32 ⎰--四、求函数的单调区间、极值点;该函数曲线的凹凸区间、拐7186223---=x x x y 点(12分) .五、求由曲线与直线所围平面图形面积及该图形绕轴旋转一周所得旋2x y =x y 2=x 转体的体积(10分).六、设在上连续,证明(6分).)(x f ] [b a x x b a f x x f b a ba d )(d )( ⎰⎰-+=七、求过点且垂直于直线的平面方程并求原点)2 1 1( ⎩⎨⎧=---=++-09230142z y x z y x 到该平面的距离(10分).)0 0 0( 八、确定取值,使在点可导(10分).b a ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧>-≤+=-  0 320 e e )(x x x b a x f x x 0=x2007年一、计算下列极限(每小题6分,共24分).1. ; )2332(lim 22+---+-∞→x x x x x 2. ;n nn n 5113321(lim ++∞→3. ; n n n n ++++∞→ 321lim 4. .)1ln(d cos lim 0 202x x t t x x +⎰→ 二、求导数(每小题6分,共24分).1. 设,求; x x y 2=xy d d 2. 设,求; 321++=x x y )(n y 3. 设,求;⎩⎨⎧==t b y t a x 2sin 2cos 22d d xy4. 已知为由方程确定的隐函数,求.)(x y y =1e e 3=+-y x xy 0d d =x x y三、计算下列积分(每小题7分,共21分).1. 计算; ⎰x x x d 3sin 2. 计算;⎰π+ 0 d cos21x x 3. 计算.⎰∞+- 0 2d e x x x 四、设在上连续,在内可导且,证明:至少存在)(x f ] [b a ) (b a 0)()(==b f a f ,使(8分).) (b a ∈ξ0)(2008)(=+'ξξf f 五、求由曲线、直线及所围平面图形面积及该图形绕轴旋转一周2x y =0=y 2=x y 所得旋转体的体积(10分).六、设,求(1)该函数的单调区间、极值点;(2)该函数曲线的凹凸区间、2)3(122++=x x y 拐点;(3)该曲线的渐近线(13分)..2008年一、填空题(每小题2分,共20分).1. 极限;_____sin lim =∞→xx x 2. 设,则;x x y arctan =________d =y 3. 积分;________d cos sin 2=⎰x xx 4. 设 要使在点处连续,则;⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥-<+=  0 cos 0 sin )(x x x a x x f )(x f 0=x _____=a 5. 积分;____d sin 4=⎰ππ-x x x 6. 设为的一个原函数,则;2x )(x f _____)(=x f 7. 设为曲线的拐点,则;)3 1( 23bx ax y +=_____ ____==b a 8. 是函数_______间断点(请填:跳跃、可去、无穷、振荡0=x x x x sin e 111++之一);9. 积分;____d tan 40 2=⎰πx x 10. 曲线在点处的切线方程为______________.1=xy )1 1( 二、选择题(每小题2分,共10分).1. 当时,是的().0→x 1sin 1--x x 2x A. 高阶无穷小 B. 同阶不等价无穷小 C. 低阶无穷小 D. 等价无穷小2. .) ()1(lim 2=+→x x x A. B. C. D. 1e e 22e 3. 一切初等函数在其定义区间内都是(). A. 可导B. 连续C. 可微D. 可积4. .) (d 1 0 2=⎰x x A. B. C. D. 1-03115. .) (d )(=''⎰x x f xA. B. C. D. C x f +)(C x f x f +-')()(C x f x f x +-')()(Cx xf +)(三、计算题(每小题5分,共30分).1. 求; xx x cos 1)1ln(lim 20-+→2. 求;x t t x x d cos lim 0 20⎰→3. 设,求;)12(sin 2+=x x y y '4. 求; x x x d ln ⎰5. 求; x x d 11110 ⎰++6. 设,求.x y 2e =)(n y 四、求函数的单调区间和极值(8分).353151)(x x x f -=五、设问在处是否连续(6分)?⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧>=<=.0 ln 0 00 1sin )(2x x x x x x x x f )(x f 0=x 六、证明不等式(8分).)0()1ln(1><+<+x x x xx 七、求由方程所确定的隐函数的导数(8分).y x x y e 12-+=)(x y y =0d d =x x y八、求由曲线,,及所围平面图形面积及该图形绕轴旋转一x y =xy 1=2=x 0=y x 周所得旋转体的体积(10分).2009年一、填空题(每小题4分,共28分).1. 极限;______tan 1sinlim 20=→x x x x 2. 极限;______)81(lim =+∞→x x x3. 定积分;______d 22 3=⎰-x x 4. 函数的极值点为______;2e x y =5. 设函数在点处连续,则;⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥<=  0 0 1sin )(x A x x x x f 0=x _____=A 6. 函数的阶导数;x y 4e =n ______)(=n y7. 函数当时的微分为_______.3x y =01.0 2=∆=x x 二、计算题(每小题8分,共48分).1. 设在处连续,且,求;)(x f 2=x 3)2(=f ]4421)[(lim 22---→x x x f x 2. 求;xx x x x x sin 2e e lim 0----→3. 求;⎰x x x d ln4. 求;x x d 1e 2ln 0 ⎰-5. 求函数的单调区间;32)5()(-=x x x f 6. 求曲线在点处的切线方程.y x x y 2=)1 1( 三、已知,求在上的最大值(12分).t t x f x t d e )2()(20 ⎰--=)(x f ]2 0[ 四、求曲线在点处法线与该曲线所围成平面图形的面积(12分).x y 22=)1 21(参考答案2005年.8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. c d a c a b c b sin cos ln 212 4. 2 3. 11 2. 21 1. 2 C x x x e x ++++-.1 .6 22 5. 2=+x e .)()()( .12 500 2. 29 1. 3 x g x f x F r h r -===π2006年一、1. 2;2. 1;3. ;4..2e 31二、1. ;2. ;3. ;y x x y e 2e +-3224)1)(2(t t t +-sin ln (cos sin x x x x x x +4..1324)1(21()1()2(234--+++-++x x x x x x 三、1. ;2. .C x x x +-352352ln 259log 533e 210--四、单调增区间为,单调减区间为;极大值点为,极) 3[ ]1 (∞+--∞ ]3 1[ -1-=x 小值点为;凸区间为,凹区间为,拐点为3=x ]1 ( -∞) [1∞+ )29 1(- 五、面积为,体积为.341564π六、提示:设,利用换元积分法.t b a x -+=七、 .23036 )2( 0361079 )1( =-++z y x 八、.21 25-=-=b a 2007年一、1. ;2. ;3. ;4. . 25-356321-二、1. ;2. ;3. ;4. .)1(ln 22+x x x 11)32(!)2(+-+-n n x n t ab 2csc 32)4ln 3(41-三、1. ;2. ;3. . C x x x ++-3sin 913cos 32241 四、提示:设,利用罗尔定理.)()(2008x f ex F x =五、面积为,体积为.38π8六、(1) 单调增区间为,单调减区间为,极大值点为;)3 3( )3 ( ---∞) 3(∞+ 3=x(2) 凸区间为,凹区间为,拐点为;)6 3( )3 ( ---∞) 6(∞+ 982 6( (3) 水平渐近线为,垂直渐近线为.2=y 3=x 2008年一、1. ;2. ;3. ;4. ;5. ;0x xx x d )1(arctan 2++C x +sec 1-06. ;7. ;8. 跳跃;9. ;10. x 229 23- 41π-02=-+y x 二、1. B ;2. D ;3. B ;4. C ;5. C.三、1. 2;2. 1;3. ;4. ;)24sin(2)12(sin 212+++x x x xC x x x +-2241ln 21 5. ;6. .]2ln )21ln(12[2++--x n 2e 2四、单调增区间为,单调减区间为,极小值为) 1( )1 (∞+--∞ )1 1( -,极大值为.152)1(-=f 152) 1(=-f 五、连续.六、提示:设,利用拉格朗日中值定理)1ln()(t t f +=或设,利用用单调性x x x x g x x x f +-+=-+=1)1ln()( )1ln()( 七、.e -八、面积为,体积为.2ln 21+65π2009年一、1. ;2. ;3. ;4. ;5. ;6. ;7. .08e 00=x 0x n 4e 412.0二、1. ;2. ;3. ;4. ;432C x +2)(ln 2122π-5. 单增区间为,单减区间为;6. .) 2[ )0 (∞+-∞ ]2 0[ 02=-+y x 三、.2e 21-+四、.316。


























专转本的考试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 专转本考试中,下列哪项不是考试科目?A. 语文B. 数学C. 英语D. 体育答案:D2. 专转本考试的总分是多少?A. 100分B. 200分C. 300分D. 400分答案:C3. 专转本考试的报名费是多少?A. 100元B. 200元C. 300元D. 400元答案:B4. 专转本考试的合格分数线是多少?A. 60分B. 70分C. 80分D. 90分答案:A5. 专转本考试的考试时间通常安排在每年的什么时候?A. 春季B. 夏季C. 秋季D. 冬季答案:B6. 专转本考试的报名流程包括哪些步骤?A. 网上预报名B. 现场确认C. 缴纳报名费D. 以上都是答案:D7. 专转本考试的考试形式是什么?A. 笔试B. 面试C. 笔试+面试D. 以上都不是答案:C8. 专转本考试的考试内容主要涉及哪些方面?A. 专业知识B. 公共基础知识C. 时事政治D. 以上都是答案:D9. 专转本考试的考试地点通常设在哪里?A. 报名所在地B. 考试中心C. 指定的大学D. 以上都是答案:D10. 专转本考试的成绩查询通常在考试结束后多久可以进行?A. 一周内B. 两周内C. 一个月内D. 两个月内答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 专转本考试的报名条件包括哪些?A. 具有大专毕业证书B. 年龄不超过30岁C. 身体健康D. 以上都是答案:D2. 专转本考试的考试科目通常包括哪些?A. 语文B. 数学C. 英语D. 以上都是答案:D3. 专转本考试的报名材料通常需要哪些?A. 身份证复印件B. 毕业证书复印件C. 近期免冠照片D. 以上都是答案:D4. 专转本考试的考试形式可能包括哪些?A. 笔试B. 面试C. 实践操作D. 以上都是答案:D5. 专转本考试的合格标准通常包括哪些?A. 总分达到合格分数线B. 单科成绩不低于最低分数线C. 面试成绩合格D. 以上都是答案:D三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 专转本考试的报名费是固定的,不会因地区而异。



sin x tan x sin 3cos x 3、 求 dx ; cos x sin x 2、 设y arctan

4、 求

dx ;
1 5、若f (cos 2 x) sin 2 x,且f (0) , 求方程f ( x) 0的根. 2 三、应用题(20 分) 1、求由曲线 y ln(1 x) 在点(0, 0) 处的切线与抛物线 y x 2 2 所围成的平面图形的面 积. 2、用薄铁片 ( 不考虑厚度 )制作一个容积为1000 立方米的圆柱形封闭油 罐, 底面半径为 r, 高为h.问r为何值时所用铁板最少 ? 此时高h与半径r的 比值为多少?
2 d y 3. 设 x ln(1 t ) ,求 2 ; y t arctan t dx 2
4. 设 y
x 1 ( x 2) ( x 1)
2 3
dy . dx
三、计算下列积分(每小题 6 分,共 12 分). 1. 计算 x 3 log 2 xdx ;
2005 年
一选择题(24 分)
1、函数y sin x 1的定义域是 (
( a ) (1 , ); (b) [1 , ); (c) (0, ); ( d ) [0, ) 1 x ( x 0) , 则f ( f ( 2)) ( ). x 3 3 ( a ) ; (b) ; (c) 3; ( d ) 3. 2 2 1 3、lim x sin ( ). x x ( a ) 0;(b) 1 ; (c) ;( d ) 不存在也不趋于 . 2、设f ( x) 4、 若f ( x) arccos x, 则f ( x) 在点x 0处的微分是 ( ( a ) dx; (b) 1 ; (c) dx; ( d ) 1. 5、设f ( x) ( x a )( x b)( x c)(a b c), 其中a, b, c为常数, 则方程f ( x) 0的实根个数为 ( ). ( a ) 0; (b) 1 ; (c) 2; ( d ) 3. 6、设f ( x)的一个原函数为 x 2, 则f ( x) ( ( a ) 2; (b) 2 x; (c) 7、[ f ( x) dx ] ( ( a ) f ( x); (b) x x ; (d ) . 3 12 ).





























交通类专升本真题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》,驾驶机动车上路行驶,应当携带哪些证件?A. 驾驶证B. 行驶证C. 驾驶证和行驶证D. 驾驶证或行驶证2. 在高速公路上行驶时,遇到紧急情况需要停车,以下哪项做法是正确的?A. 立即停车B. 减速后停车C. 靠边停车并开启危险报警闪光灯D. 继续行驶至服务区停车3. 驾驶机动车时,以下哪种行为是被禁止的?A. 系安全带B. 饮酒后驾驶C. 保持安全距离D. 遵守交通信号4. 根据《道路交通安全法》,在城市道路上行驶的机动车,最高时速不得超过多少公里?A. 40公里B. 50公里C. 60公里D. 70公里5. 驾驶机动车在夜间行驶时,以下哪项灯光使用是正确的?A. 使用远光灯B. 使用近光灯C. 交替使用远近光灯D. 不使用任何灯光6. 驾驶机动车在雨天行驶时,以下哪项措施是正确的?A. 加速行驶B. 减速行驶C. 保持正常速度行驶D. 停车等待雨停7. 在交通信号灯控制的路口,遇到红灯时,以下哪项行为是正确的?A. 直接通过B. 停车等待C. 绕过信号灯行驶D. 减速通过8. 驾驶机动车在高速公路上行驶时,以下哪项行为是正确的?A. 随意变更车道B. 保持安全车距C. 超速行驶D. 紧急制动9. 在交通拥堵的情况下,驾驶机动车应当如何行驶?A. 强行穿插B. 保持安全距离C. 跟随前车过近D. 随意变道10. 驾驶机动车在雾天行驶时,以下哪项措施是正确的?A. 加速行驶B. 减速行驶C. 停车等待雾散D. 随意变道二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 驾驶机动车时,可以使用手机进行通话。

()2. 驾驶机动车在高速公路上行驶,可以随意停车。

()3. 驾驶机动车在夜间行驶时,应当使用近光灯。

()4. 驾驶机动车在雨天行驶时,应当减速行驶。

()5. 驾驶机动车在雾天行驶时,应当使用雾灯。

()6. 驾驶机动车在交通拥堵时,应当保持安全距离。



铁道专升本考试题库及答案一、单项选择题1. 铁路运输的主要特点是()。

A. 高速B. 重载C. 快捷D. 安全答案:B2. 铁路线路由()组成。

A. 钢轨、轨枕、道床B. 钢轨、轨枕、道岔C. 钢轨、轨枕、轨道电路D. 钢轨、轨枕、信号设备答案:A3. 铁路信号系统的主要功能是()。

A. 提供列车运行信息B. 确保列车安全运行C. 控制列车速度D. 调度列车运行答案:B4. 铁路车辆的基本组成部分包括()。

A. 车体、转向架、轮对B. 车体、转向架、制动系统C. 车体、转向架、动力系统D. 车体、转向架、电气系统答案:B5. 铁路运输中,列车的运行速度通常受到()的限制。

A. 车辆性能B. 线路条件C. 信号系统D. 天气条件答案:B二、多项选择题6. 铁路运输的优点包括()。

A. 运输量大B. 运输成本低C. 运输速度快D. 灵活性高答案:A, B7. 铁路线路的维护工作主要包括()。

A. 钢轨更换B. 道床整理C. 道岔维修D. 信号设备检查答案:A, B, C, D8. 铁路车辆的分类包括()。

A. 客车B. 货车C. 机车D. 动车组答案:A, B, C, D9. 铁路信号系统包括()。

A. 信号机B. 轨道电路C. 转辙机D. 联锁系统答案:A, B, C, D10. 铁路运输中,列车的调度工作包括()。

A. 列车运行计划的制定B. 列车运行的监控C. 列车运行的调整D. 列车运行的安全检查答案:A, B, C, D三、判断题11. 铁路运输是一种全天候的运输方式。

()答案:√12. 铁路运输的灵活性高于公路运输。

()答案:×13. 铁路运输的能耗低于公路运输。

()答案:√14. 铁路运输的安全性高于航空运输。

()答案:×15. 铁路运输的建设成本高于公路运输。

()答案:√四、简答题16. 简述铁路运输的主要优点。


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华东交通大学专升本考试真题20XX 年一选择题(24分))0[ )( ) 0( )( ) 1[ )( ) 1( )(). (1sin 1∞+∞+∞+∞+-=,;,;,;,的定义域是函数、d c b a x y.3 )( 3 )( 23)( 23 )( ). ())2(( )0( 1)( 2d c b a f f x x xx f ;;;则,设、--=≠-=. )( )( 1 )( 0 )( ). (1sin lim 3 ∞+∞+=∞→不存在也不趋于;;;、d c b a x x x .1 )( )( 1 )( )(). (0)( arccos )( 4d dx c b dx a x x f x x f ;;;处的微分是在点则,若、--==.3 )( 2 )( 1 )( 0 )( ). (0)( ))()()(()( 5d c b a x f c b a c b a c x b x a x x f ;;;的实根个数为则方程为常数,,,其中,设、='<<---= .12)( 3 )( 2 )( 2 )( ). ()( )( 6432x d x c x b a x f x x f ;;;则,的一个原函数为设、='.)( )( )( )( )( )( )( )(). (])([ 7x f d c x f c dx x f b x f a dx x f ;;;、+''='⎰⎰.)( )( )( )( ). ( 8无关条件必要但非充分条件;充分但非必要条件;充分必要条件;极值的数为零是函数在该点有可导函数在某一点的导、d c b a二、计算题(48分)xxx x 30sin tan sin lim1-→求、;y x xy '-+=求,设、 11arctan 2 ;dx xx x⎰+sin cos cos 3求、;dx ex⎰44求、;.0)( 21)0( sin )(cos 522的根求方程,且,若、=-=='x f f x x f三、应用题(20分).2)0 0()1ln( 12积所围成的平面图形的面处的切线与抛物线,在点求由曲线、-=+=x y x y比值为多少?的与半径此时高?为何值时所用铁板最少问高为,底面半径为罐,立方米的圆柱形封闭油制作一个容积为不考虑厚度用薄铁片、 . 1000)( 2r h r h r 四、证明题(8分)).()() ()()()()( ] [)( )(x g x f b a a g a f x g x f b a x g x f >='>'内有,则在,且上可导,,在区间、若函数20XX 年一、计算下列极限(每小题5分,共20分).1. x x xx sin 2cos 1lim 0-→;2. xxx 3tan ln 7tan ln lim0→;3. 12lim 23+∞→⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++x x x x ;4. 62d sin lim2xtt xx ⎰→.二、求导数(每小题5分,共20分).1. 设xxy sin =,求xyd d ; 2. 设方程1e 2e =+-y x xy 确定)(x y y =,求xy d d ; 3. 设⎩⎨⎧+=+=tt y t x arctan)1ln(2,求22d d x y ;4. 设34)1()2(1-++=x x x y ,求xyd d . 三、计算下列积分(每小题6分,共12分). 1. 计算x x x d log 232⎰;2. 设函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧>≤=,,,,0 30 e 2)(2x x x x f x 求x x f d )1(32⎰--.四、求函数7186223---=x x x y 的单调区间、极值点;该函数曲线的凹凸区间、拐点(12分) .五、求由曲线2x y =与直线x y 2=所围平面图形面积及该图形绕x 轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积(10分).六、设)(x f 在] [b a ,上连续,证明x x b a f x x f babad )(d )( ⎰⎰-+=(6分).七、求过点)2 1 1(,,且垂直于直线⎩⎨⎧=---=++-09230142z y x z y x 的平面方程并求原点 )0 0 0(,,到该平面的距离(10分).八、确定b a ,取值,使⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧>-≤+=-,,,,0 320 e e )(x x x b a x f xx 在点0=x 可导(10分).20XX 年一、计算下列极限(每小题6分,共24分). 1. )2332(lim 22+---+-∞→x x x x x ;2. nnn n 511)3321(lim ++∞→; 3. nn nn ++++∞→ 321lim;4. )1ln(d cos lim22x x t t xx +⎰→ .二、求导数(每小题6分,共24分). 1. 设xx y 2=,求xyd d ; 2. 设321++=x x y ,求)(n y ; 3. 设⎩⎨⎧==t b y ta x 2sin 2cos ,求22d d xy ;4. 已知)(x y y =为由方程1e e 3=+-y x xy 确定的隐函数,求0d d =x xy .三、计算下列积分(每小题7分,共21分).1. 计算⎰x x x d 3sin ; 2. 计算⎰π+ 0 d cos21x x ; 3. 计算⎰∞+- 02d e x x x .四、设)(x f 在] [b a ,上连续,在) (b a ,内可导且0)()(==b f a f ,证明:至少存在) (b a ,∈ξ,使0)(2008)(=+'ξξf f (8分).五、求由曲线2x y =、直线0=y 及2=x 所围平面图形面积及该图形绕y 轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积(10分).六、设2)3(122++=x xy ,求(1)该函数的单调区间、极值点;(2)该函数曲线的凹凸区间、拐点;(3)该曲线的渐近线(13分)..20XX 年一、填空题(每小题2分,共20分). 1. 极限_____sin lim=∞→xxx ;2. 设x x y arctan =,则________d =y ;3. 积分________d cos sin 2=⎰x xx; 4. 设⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥-<+=,,,,0 cos 0 sin )(x x x a x x f 要使)(x f 在点0=x 处连续,则_____=a ;5. 积分____d sin 4=⎰ππ-x x x ;6. 设2x 为)(x f 的一个原函数,则_____)(=x f ;7. 设)3 1(,为曲线23bx ax y +=的拐点,则_____ ____==b a ,; 8. 0=x 是函数xxxsin e 111++_______间断点(请填:跳跃、可去、无穷、振荡 之一); 9. 积分____d tan 40 2=⎰πx x ;10. 曲线1=xy 在点)1 1(,处的切线方程为______________. 二、选择题(每小题2分,共10分).1. 当0→x 时,1sin 1--x x 是2x 的( ).A. 高阶无穷小B. 同阶不等价无穷小C. 低阶无穷小D. 等价无穷小 2. ) ()1(lim 2=+→xx x .A. 1B. eC. e 2D. 2e 3. 一切初等函数在其定义区间内都是( ). A. 可导 B. 连续 C. 可微 D. 可积 4.) (d 12=⎰x x .A. 1-B. 0C. 31D. 1 5.) (d )(=''⎰x x f x .A. C x f +)(B. C x f x f +-')()(C. C x f x f x +-')()(D. C x xf +)( 三、计算题(每小题5分,共30分).1. 求xx x cos 1)1ln(lim 20-+→;2. 求xt t xx d cos lim20⎰→;3. 设)12(sin 2+=x x y ,求y '; 4. 求x x x d ln ⎰; 5. 求x x d 11110 ⎰++;6. 设x y 2e =,求)(n y .四、求函数353151)(x x x f -=的单调区间和极值(8分). 五、设⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧>=<=.0 ln 0 00 1sin )(2x x x x x x x x f ,,,,,问)(x f 在0=x 处是否连续(6分)? 六、证明不等式)0()1ln(1><+<+x x x xx(8分). 七、求由方程y x x y e 12-+=所确定的隐函数)(x y y =的导数0d d =x xy (8分).八、求由曲线x y =,xy 1=,2=x 及0=y 所围平面图形面积及该图形绕x 轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积(10分).20XX 年一、填空题(每小题4分,共28分).1. 极限______tan 1sinlim2=→xx x x ;2. 极限______)81(lim =+∞→xx x;3. 定积分______d 223=⎰-x x ;4. 函数2e x y =的极值点为______;5. 设函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥<=,,,,0 0 1sin )(x A x xx x f 在点0=x 处连续,则_____=A ; 6. 函数x y 4e =的n 阶导数______)(=n y;7. 函数3x y =当01.0 2=∆=x x ,时的微分为_______. 二、计算题(每小题8分,共48分).1. 设)(x f 在2=x 处连续,且3)2(=f ,求]4421)[(lim 22---→x x x f x ; 2. 求x x xx x x sin 2e e lim 0----→;3. 求⎰x xxd ln ; 4. 求x x d 1e 2ln 0⎰-;5. 求函数32)5()(-=x x x f 的单调区间; 6. 求曲线y x x y2=在点)1 1(,处的切线方程. 三、已知t t x f x t d e )2()(2⎰--=,求)(x f 在]2 0[,上的最大值(12分).四、求曲线x y 22=在点)1 21(,处法线与该曲线所围成平面图形的面积(12分).参考答案20XX 年 . 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. c d a c a b c b ;;;;;;;一、sin cos ln 212 4. 2 3. 11 2. 21 1. 2;;;;二、C x x x e x ++++-.1 .6 22 5. 2=+x e ;. )()()( .12 500 2. 29 1. 3用单调性证,设四、,;三、x g x f x F r h r -===π20XX 年一、1. 2;2. 1;3. 2e ;4.31. 二、1. yx x ye 2e +-;2.3224)1)(2(t t t +-;3. )sin ln (cos sin xxx x xx+; 4.)1324)1(21()1()2(234--+++-++x x x x x x . 三、1. C x x x +-352352ln 259log 53;2. 3e 210--.四、单调增区间为) 3[ ]1 (∞+--∞,、,,单调减区间为]3 1[,-;极大值点为1-=x ,极小值点为3=x ;凸区间为]1 (,-∞,凹区间为) [1∞+,,拐点为)29 1(-,五、面积为34,体积为1564π.六、提示:设t b a x -+=,利用换元积分法.七、 .23036)2( 0361079 )1(,=-++z y x八、21 25-=-=b a ,.20XX 年一、1. 25-;2. 356;3. 32;4. 1-.二、1. )1(ln 22+x x x;2.11)32(!)2(+-+-n n x n ;3.t ab 2csc 32;4. )4ln 3(41-. 三、1. C x x x ++-3sin 913cos 3;2. 22;3. 41. 四、提示:设)()(2008x f ex F x=,利用罗尔定理.五、面积为38,体积为π8. 六、(1)单调增区间为)3 3( )3 (,,,---∞,单调减区间为) 3(∞+,,极大值点为3=x ;(2)凸区间为)6 3( )3 (,,,---∞,凹区间为) 6(∞+,,拐点为)982 6(,; (3)水平渐近线为2=y ,垂直渐近线为3=x .20XX 年一、1. 0;2. x x xx d )1(arctan 2++;3. C x +sec ;4. 1-;5. 0; 6. x 2;7. 29 23,-;8. 跳跃;9. 41π-;10. 02=-+y x 二、1. B ;2. D ;3. B ;4. C ;5. C.三、1. 2;2. 1;3. )24sin(2)12(sin 212+++x x x x;4. C x x x +-2241ln 21;5. ]2ln )21ln(12[2++--;6. x n 2e 2.四、单调增区间为) 1( )1 (∞+--∞,、,,单调减区间为)1 1(,-,极小值为152)1(-=f ,极大值为152) 1(=-f . 五、连续.六、提示:设)1ln()(t t f +=,利用拉格朗日中值定理或设xxx x g x x x f +-+=-+=1)1ln()( )1ln()(,,利用用单调性 七、e -. 八、面积为2ln 21+,体积为65π.20XX 年一、1. 0;2. 8e ;3. 0;4. 0=x ;5. 0;6. x n 4e 4;7. 12.0. 二、1.43;2. 2;3. C x +2)(ln 21;4. 22π-; 5. 单增区间为) 2[ )0 (∞+-∞,,,,单减区间为]2 0[,;6. 02=-+y x . 三、2e 21-+. 四、316.。
