How to write the IntroductionThe introduction is certainly the most read section of any research paper, and it largely determines the readers or reviewers attitude toward the work. Therefore, it is probably the most delicate part of the writing of a paper. Unfortunately, many people face difficulties when writing the introduction.The purpose of an introduction is to present the motivation behind the research, with the intention of defending it. An introduction also places your paper in a theoretical context and helps the reader to clearly understand your objectives. In addition, the introduction should grab the reader's attention completely. Below, we discuss the major components that should be included in an ideal introduction.Part I ComponentsI. Theme or TopicA broad theme or topic of the study should be stated.II. Academic ImportanceThe academic importance of the paper should be explained.III. Literature ReviewThe available literature should be summarized and previous studies that are most relevant to your research should be cited. In addition, if a previous study is replicated, it should be clearly stated along with an in-text citation.IV. Knowledge GapA discussion of the knowledge gap and inconsistencies found should follow the literature, and the benefits of the study's main contribution should be highlighted.V. Research question and objectivesA clear indication of the research question addressed in the study, specific objectives that guide your research, the context in which the study was conducted, and the units of analysis used in the study should be provided in the introduction.Part II Effective ways of writing each componentThe different parts of the introduction are elaborated in this section. Including these steps will help you to write an effective introduction to your paper.I. Theme or TopicBegin your introduction by clearly identifying your subject area. An overview introduction of the broad theme or topic of your research will help readers to clearly understand your research domain immediately. In the first few sentences of the introduction, use keywords from your title to focus directly on your topic. This places immediate focus on your subject without discussing information that is too general.It is unnecessary for you to give the details of the research questions because details will be presented at the end of the literature review chapter or at the beginning of the methodology chapter.Since your paper will also be read by people outside the domain, writing the paper in a simple, yet effective way is essential for people to understand the relevance of your research. In addition, it is important that you introduce the broad theme or topic of your research in the introduction for the reader to totally understand what the research is about. To achieve this, the following points must be followed.--Avoid the use of technical jargons in the introduction--Do not begin the introduction with the research question or hypothesis.--Define technical terms and constructs (concepts)You may use the following sentence structures to arouse the reader’s interest in the topic of the thesis.--One of the most essential current discussions in Electrical Engineering is.--It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the X,Y, and Z problem.--X is the leading cause of color break up in Liquid Crystal Displays.--In the new global economy, X has become a central issue for .-- In the history of Y, X has been thought of as a key factor in ..Or, You May Begin by Emphasizing Time--In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in ...--Recent developments in the field of x have led to a renewed interest in ...--Recently, researchers have shown an increased interest in ...--The past decade has seen the rapid development of x in many ...II. Academic ImportanceIn this part, you should answer the question: Why your study is worth undertaking. Usually the reasons can be explained in terms of practical and theoretical importance. A paper’s academic value can be determined by the lack of the previous research on the topic, and by highlighting the gaps and inconsistencies in the literature. However, in this part , you need not write a comprehensive review of the field. You may refer to one or more previous studies that motivated you to choose this research topic. More references will be introduced in the literature review part.--Numerous studies have attempted to explain . . . (e.g., Smith, 1996; Kelly, 1998; Johnson, 2002).--Recent evidence suggests that ... (Smith, 1996; Jones, 1999; Johnson, 2001).--Surveys such as those conducted by Smith (1988) show that...--Several attempts have been made to . . . (Smith, 1996; Jones, 1999;Johnson, 2001).III. Literature ReviewA summary of the available literature should be concise and should mostly include recent studies that are directly related to the research. In addition, some studies that should be included must be from the recent past (i.e., studies from the last five years). If the research is a replication of a previous study, a brief introduction to that study along with the citation should be mentioned in this section.A literature review forms the theoretical basis of an article and discusses published information in a particular field. It can be just a summary of the sources, but it usually is an organizational pattern and analysis, and synthesis, i.e., a recap, evaluation. and reorganization of information. Generally, a literature review provides a new interpretation of past studies, combines new interpretations with previous interpretations, or traces the intellectual progression of the field. This can relate the study to previous studies in the field. A literature reviews can be written to provide a theoretical framework and rationale for a research.There are four questions that researchers need to examine when writing a literature review.--Which aspects should be included in a literature review?--How should the information be synthesized in a literature review?--How should the literature review be structured?--What writing style should be used when writing a literature review?1) Which Aspects Should Be Included in a Literature Review?An effective literature review should always include the following components:--A brief discussion of where and how the study or research conforms to the broaderview of the field.--A definition of all the key concepts and constructs used in the paper.--A discussion that focuses and synthesizes previous relevant research findings.--A summary of the existing approaches explaining how previous research-measures constructs the current study measures.--A theoretical support for the hypotheses to be tested.Reviewers will look for these five aspects in the literature review. However, these aspects should not be used as main headings.2) How Should the Information in a Literature Review Be Synthesized?Since a literature review is not a chronological summary of the paper, it is necessary to synthesize existing knowledge. This should be done without plagiarizing or paraphrasing previous studies. This section elaborates on how to synthesize three types of information, namely definitions, lists of attributes or factors, and opposing viewpoints.DefinitionsAll concepts or constructs and technical terms need to be defined in the literature. It is best to define the concept or term immediately after its first mention in the paper. However, these definitions should not be borrowed from previous research; rather a reviewed definition should be provided.General Keyword Meanings/Application of Meanings--The term X has come to refer to...--The term X is generally understood to mean.--The term X has been applied to situations where students .--In broad biological terms, x can be defined as any stimulus that is--While a variety of definitions of the term X have been suggested, this paperuses the definition first suggested by Thomas (1998), who saw it as...--Throughout this paper, the term X refers to...--This article uses the acronym/abbreviation XYZ.In a formal sentence definition, the term being defined is first assigned to a class or group to which it belongs and then distinguished from other terms in the class.-- A star is a celestial body that shines by itself and whose source of energy is nuclear fusion occurring in its core.-- A solar cell is a device which converts the energy of sunlight into electric energy.--Ecology is a scientific study that is concerned with the distribution and abundance of life and the interactions between organisms and their natural environment.Attributes or FactorsGenerally, authors list the different attributes, factors,elements, or issues when discussing a similar topic. These factorssuggest the effectiveness of a particular method or technique.However, these attributes or factors should not be merely listed inthe literature review. Instead, a summary of these factors should beincluded in the literature review.--There are three reasons why language research has become soimportant. These are…--There are generally two outcomes when a patient undergoes X. Theseare…--The disadvantages of the new approach can be discussed under threeheadings, which are…-- Martinez and Rodriguez (1999) listed X,Y and Z as the major causesof infant mortality.--Jamison (2008) suggested three conditions for its acceptance. First,X should be …second, it needs to be…Third, …Opposing ViewpointsSeveral authors studying a similar problem may have opposingviewpoints. A discussion of different viewpoints can help the readers to understandthe current knowledge better.Here is a list of sentence structures used to present differentviewpoints.--However, Smith makes no attempt to differentiate between varianttypes of X.--Jones fails to fully acknowledge the significance of...--The paper appears to be over ambitious in its claims of.. .heauthor overlooks the fact that X contributes to Y.--what Smith fails to do is to draw a distinction between.. .--Smith's paper would have been more convincing if he had included…--Her conclusions would have been much more interesting if she had adopted…--The findings might have been fa more original if the author had used…--One question that needs to be asked, however is whether…--. A serious weakness with this argument, however, is that…--Smith's argument relies heavily on the qualitative analysis of...-- It seems that Jones' understanding of the X framework is questionable.3) How Should the Literature Review Be Structured?To write an effective literature review, following a logical structure is crucial. That is, the different sections and subsections of the literature review should be linked. A few points that would help in better structuring the review are listed below.--Place the specific topic being discussed in a relevant, yet broader context and then focus the discussion on more specific issues.--The headings should be brief and should give a detailed overview of the review. One -word titles should be avoided.--Use relevant diagrams and discuss the comparison between several constructs crucial to the research.--Define the technical terms and concepts clearly.--The text provided should be relevant to the headings under which they are provided.--Provide a brief motivation for the hypotheses of the research.4) What Writing Style Should Be Used when Writing a Literature Review?Literature reviews should generally be easy to read and understand. Simply put, a literature review should be clear for a non-academic person.Try not to use technical jargons, unfamiliar terms and phrases, and undefined technical abbreviations. In addition, having a clear and concise flow in the literature can help readers understand the entire process of the research.5) General Keyword Meanings/Application of Meanings--The term X has come to refer to...--The term X is generally understood to mean.--The term X has been applied to situations where students .--In broad biological terms, x can be defined as any stimulus that isIV. Knowledge GapSince a research aims at expanding the knowledge on a specific topic, a research should also address specific knowledge gaps, inconsistencies and controversies in the literature. In addition, the main contribution of the study should be mentioned in this component, which will contribute to motivate the importance of the study.To define your research or study, you need to find a conflict, a question, an untested population, or an untried method in the existing research of the field you study.--However, a major problem with this type of application is...--To date, there has been little agreement on what . . .--More recently, literature has emerged that offers contradictory findings about...--There is increasing concern that some Xs are being disadvantaged ...--Despite its safety and efficacy, X suffers from several major drawbacks.--One observer has already drawn attention to the paradox in..--In many Xs, a debate is taking place between Ys and Zs concerning ...--So far, however, there has been little discussion about.--However, far too little attention has been paid to…--So far, this method has only been applied to...--Several studies have produced estimates of X (Smith, 2002; Jones,2003), but there is still insufficient data for ...--However, there have been no controlled studies that compare differences in...--One question that needs to be asked, however is whether…-- A serious weakness with this argument, however, is that…-- It seems that Jones' understanding of the X framework is questionable.V. Research question and objectivesThis part is usually placed near the end of the introduction. Briefly describe your study (hypothesis or research question), general experimental design or method, and reasons for using this method if there are alternatives. There are two main parts in this section.1)Be sure to state clearly the purpose or hypothesis that you areinvestigatingIf you’re a new writer, you can use a standard statement, such as “The purpose of this study is to...”or “This study investigates three possible mechanisms to explain the...”as a statement of purpose. Of course, we have more ways to express the focus and aim of the thesis.--This paper focuses on/examines/assesses .--This paper seeks to address the following questions..--The purpose of this paper is to review recent research on the e:--This paper reviews the research conducted on...--The aim of this paper is to determine/examine .I--The aim of this study is to evaluate and validate ...2)Provide a Reason for Your Approach to the Problem StudiedBriefly write how you approached the problem. If you use a new technique or methodology, the introduction should present the advantages of this new approach, compared with previously used methods. This will usually follow your statement of purpose in the last paragraph of the introduction. Do not discuss the actual techniques or protocols used in your study in the introduction. You can provide the details in the methods section .--This study uses the semi-structured approach because ...--Smith et al. (1994) identified several advantages of...--The best method to adopt for this investigation is to...--A case study approach allows...--The questionnaire design is based on...--The X method is one of the more practical ways to...This component should clearly indicate--The research question addressed in the paper;--The specific research objectives that guide the research;--The context in which the study was conducted;--The units of analysis used in the paper.VI. Outlined StructureThis component should only include a brief outline of the flow of the entire paperTo sum up this chapter, the introduction to a research paper should provide the Motivation, Literature Review, Knowledge Gap, and Research Question. Writing the introduction based on these points help ease this otherwise complex task. Similar to the abstract, the introduction is best written toward the end of the writing process. This may help in summarizing the entire paper effectively.Task : Rearrange the following sentences to make into a coherent introductionThe Position of Sentence Connectors in Academic Englishc. B. Feak and J. M. SwalesIntroduction1) ESL writing textbooks have for many years regularly included chapters on sentence connectors (e.g., Herbert, 1965).2) Many commentators have noted that sentence connectors (e.g., however) are an important and useful element in expository and argumentative writing.3) Most reference grammars deal with their grammatical status, classification, meaning, and use.4) However, neither of these studies provides any descriptive evidence of the actual positions of sentence connectors in academic texts.5) Some attention has also been given to the position of sentence connectors in clauses and sentences.6) Quirk and Greenbaum (1973) observe (a) that the normal position is initial; (b) that certain connectors, such as hence and overall " are restricted, or virtually restricted, to initial position"; and (c) that medial positions are rare for most connectors, and final positions even rarer.7) The only attempt known to us to explain differences in position on semantic grounds is an unpublished paper by Salera (1976) discussed in Celce-Murcia and Larsen-Freeman (1983).8) In the present paper, we report on a preliminary study of sentence connector position in a sample of twelve published articles.9) Frequency studies of their occurrence in academic English extend at least as far back as Huddleston (1971).10) The Salera paper deals only with adversatives like however and suggests that initial position reflects something contrary to expectation, while medial position reflects a contrast that is not necessarily unexpected.Part III. Tenses in the IntroductionStage 1: Current KnowledgeUse the present tense when stating or reporting established facts:--Fine motor skills require integrating muscular, skeletal, and neurological functions.When reporting findings from multiple previous studies, use the present perfect tense:--Previous studies have indicated the need to further examine X.Stage 2: Literature Review1) Use the present tense when reporting established facts:--The salt in most oceans is approximately 97% sodium chloride (Ritchie, 199).2) when referring to a single, previous study, use the past tense:--Kurtz (2008) found that instructors allocated equal time to each group.Note that the above sentence has two verbs. The first verb, found, describes what Kurtz did in this 2008 study. The second verb, “alloated,” is in the past tense because it describes what the instructors in this study did at the time the research was conducted. If this verb (called a verb complement were written in the present tense, the statement would be expressing a fact that is true for all instructors everywhere. Consider the next sentence and note the tense of the second verb:--Baggio and Klinsmann (1994) revealed that DNA polymerase performs a vital function in DNA replication in animal cells.In this example, the first verb is written in the past tense, again to explain what this study did. However, the verb complement (the second verb in the sentence) is written in the present tense because the finding of this study was established as a fact and, therefore, true for everyone everywhere.3) Use the present perfec t tense when reporting findings from multiple previous studies:--Several researchers have studied the relationship between classroom lighting and standardized test performance (Jens, 2006;6Kiby et al, 2008; Miner, 2009).Note how the different verb tenses used in the following three sentences slightly change the meanings:--Owen and Shearer (2002) discovered that memory load affects brain activity.--Owen and Shearer (2002) discovered that memory load affected brain activity.--Owen and Shearer (2002) suggested that memory load may affect brain activity.The first sentence uses the present tense affects" to claim this study's finding as a fact. The second sentence uses the past tense to report the finding as being limited to the circumstances of the involved study, and the third sentence uses both a tentative verb “suggested” and a modal verb “may” to describe the implications of the finding.Stage 3: Knowledge Gap1) Repor t facts and currently accepted methods using the present tense:--Little information is available on the risks and benefits of X vs. Y.2) Refer to multiple previous studies using the present perfect tense.--However, few studies have reported the effects of antioxidant seeds on the endocrine system.Stage 4: Problem Statement1) Use the present tense when writing report-focused statements:--The aim of this paper is to determine the principal mechanical parameters of thin film deposited on a circular glass substrate.2) When writing research-focused statements (referring to your own study), use the past tense:--The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not a genetic correlation exists between performance levels at high and low temperatures.Stage 5: Rationale for Study (optional)When expressing expected outcomes or offering future recommendations, use the present tense with conditional modal verbs(such as could, may, and might):--This research may provide an alternative to the common field measurement of soil erosion and runoff.(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。
引言英文作文格式模板范文英文:Introduction is an essential part of an essay, which serves as a hook to grab readers' attention and provide a brief overview of the topic. In this article, I will discuss the format, template, and example of anintroduction in English writing.The format of an introduction usually consists of three parts: the hook, the background, and the thesis statement. The hook is the first sentence that aims to engage readers and make them interested in the topic. It can be a quote, a question, a statistic, or a story. The background provides context and background information about the topic, which helps readers understand the significance and relevance of the issue. The thesis statement is the main argument or point that the essay will make, which should be clear, concise, and specific.The template of an introduction can be as follows:Hook: A sentence or two that grabs readers' attention and makes them interested in the topic.Background: A paragraph that provides context and background information about the topic.Thesis statement: A sentence that states the main argument or point of the essay.For example, let's say the topic is about the benefits of exercise. The introduction can be:Hook: Did you know that regular exercise can improve your physical and mental health?Background: Exercise has been proven to have numerous benefits, such as reducing the risk of chronic diseases, improving mood and cognitive function, and enhancing overall well-being.Thesis statement: Therefore, incorporating exerciseinto our daily routine is essential for maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle.中文:引言是文章的重要组成部分,它作为一个钩子来吸引读者的注意力,并提供关于主题的简要概述。
Sub-moves 1) Indicate a gap 2) Identify a problem 3) Extend previous knowledge
Moves 3 Occupy the niche
Note: 1) the word “outline” means that the content in that sub-move is very brief, no details 2) RQs are not necessary sometimes
Sub-moves 1) Outline aim, purpose 2) Specify RQs 3) Outline the theoretical perspectives 4) Describe methodology & design 5) Indicate scope/delimitation 6) explain contribution and vzation of the thesis
But in the introduction chapter of the dissertation, we usually use the following subtitles, altogether three, namely: 1) Background of the study (corresponding with Moves 1 and 2) 2) Aim and significance of the study (corresponding with Move 3.1---3.6) 3) Organization of the dissertation (corresponding with Move 3.7)
大多数英文科技学术论文都可以使用一种所谓Introduction-Methods-Results and Discussion (IMRAD) 的形式,如下图的沙漏所示,先由普遍到具体问题,再由具体到普遍结论。
The flow of foams is seen in many process, and its use in major industries means that an understanding of foam rheology is of paramount importance.第二波:强调有必要解决存在的问题指出该研究目前存在的问题,可以通过提问的方式或者通过某种方式扩展此领域已有知识和结论。
… ; however, the relationship between emergence and soil temperature has not been investigated previously…In contrast to the extensive literature describing ….., little attention has been paid to…第三波:介绍作者自己的研究内容介绍作者的研究目的和大致的研究内容。
以下是一些常见的introduction句式:1. 直接陈述法:直接明确地提出文章的主题或论点,如"The topic of this essay is the impact of technology on modern society."2. 引用法:引用著名人物的言论或者相关的统计数据来引出主题,如"According to a recent study by UNESCO, approximately 250 million children worldwide are not enrolled in school, highlighting the pressing issue of education inequality."3. 设问法:通过提问来引导读者思考并引出主题,如"Have you ever wondered how our daily choices affect the environment? This essay explores the significance of adopting sustainable lifestyles."4. 类比法:使用类比或比喻来帮助读者理解主题,如"Just as a tree needs strong roots to grow tall and sturdy, a successful business requires a solid foundation of strategic planning and effective management."5. 描述法:通过描述一个场景、事件或情况来引出主题,如"In thebustling streets of New York City, amidst the noise and chaos, stands a symbol of freedom and hope: the Statue of Liberty, which embodies the values that this essay will delve into."以上就是一些常见的introduction句式,具体使用哪种句式取决于你的写作目标和主题内容。
大多数英文科技学术论文都可以使用一种所谓 Introduction-Methods-Results and Discussion (IMRAD) 的形式,如下图的沙漏所示,先由普遍到具体问题,再由具体到普遍结论。
The flow of foams is seen in many process, and its use in major industries means that an understan ding of foam rheology is of paramount importance.第二波:强调有必要解决存在的问题指出该研究目前存在的问题,可以通过提问的方式或者通过某种方式扩展此领域已有知识和结论。
… however, the relationship between emergence and soil temperature has not been investigated p reviously…In contrast to the extensive literature describing ….., little attention has been paid to…第三波:介绍作者自己的研究内容介绍作者的研究目的和大致的研究内容。
Writing an IntroductionElements of the introduction:1.General statements about a field of research, to provide the reader with a setting or context forthe problem to be reported and to claim its importance.2.More specific statements about the aspects of the problem already studied by otherresearchers, laying a foundation of information already known.3.Statements that indicate the need for more investigation, creating a gap for the present study.4.V ery specific statements giving the purpose/objectives of the writer‟s study or outlining itsmain task.5.Optional statements that give a positive value or justification for carrying out the study.6.Statements that describe the structure or organization of the thesis.Organization1.Introduction1.1Background of the study (Setting: 1, 2)Recently, there has been wide interest in …The effect of … has been studied extensively in recent years.1.2Literature Review (3) (if put in Part II, use Purpose and Significance/Implication of thestudy)Most studies have ….Much research has been done on …. Bachman (1990) showed that validity is an important aspect of writing language tests. …However, …/ Although many studies have been done on X, …1.3Purpose of the study (4, 5)The purpose of this thesis is to analyze/investigate/explore/examine, etc.This thesis + describes/presents + the result of ….This thesis will discuss/deal with ….Significance or value:The study may provide an alternative ….The analysis may provide new insights into the teaching of literature in China.1.4Structure of the thesis (6)The thesis contains four parts: Part 1 …. Part 2 is …. Part 3 …. Part 4 …. (Please refer to your outline.)For example:Using Microcomputers in TeachingDuring the past 40 years, the United States has experienced the integration of the computer into life of people. Progress has been made to the point that small, inexpensive computers areavailable for innumerable uses. Many schools have purchased and are purchasing microcomputers for infusion into their directed learning programs.Most individuals seem to agree that the microcomputers will continue to play an important role in education. Gubser (1980) and Hinton (1980) suggested increases in the numbers of computers both in schools and home in the near future. Schmidt (1982) identified three types of microcomputer use in classroom: the object of a course, a support tool, and a means of providing instruction. Foster and Kleene (1982) cite uses of microcomputers in agriculture: drill and practice, simulation and problem solving. The findings of studies examining the use of various forms of computer-assisted instruction have mixed. Studies by Hickey (1968) indicated superior result, but studies by other researchers indicated little or no significant effect. Although much work to analyze data has been done, more studies need to be conducted to ascertain the effects of microcomputer-assisted instruction in teaching various subjects in a variety of learning situations.The purpose of this study was to ascertain the effect of using microcomputer-assisted instruction as compared to a lecture-discussion technique in teaching principles and methods of language acquirement in EFL context to senior students of Education. This topic was identified as being of importance to teachers in providing them the necessary background to teach lessons in this field.The thesis consists of 4 parts. Part 1 is the introduction, which informs the readers of the background and the purpose of the study as well as the organization of the thesis. Part 2 is the literature review, presenting studies done by other scholars both home and abroad. Part III is the core of the thesis, which describes the analysis of the text conducted by the author. Part IV concludes the thesis by discussing the significance of the study and some limitations.1) The beginning sentence(s) (research field/territory)The increasing interest in … has heightened the need for …Of particular interest and complexity are …Recently, there has been a spate of interest in how to …In recent years, applied researchers have become increasingly interested in …The possibility … has generated interest in …Recently, there has been wide interest in …The explication of the r elationship between … is a classic problem of …The well-known … phenomena … have been favorite topics for analysis both in …Knowledge of … has a great importance for …The study of … has become an important aspect of …The theory that … has led to the hope that …The effect of … has been studied extensively in recent years.Many investigators have recently turned to …The relationship between … has been studied by many authors.A central issue in … is the validity.2) Current state (more specific research topic)There is now much evidence to support the hypothesis that …The … properties of … are still not completely understood.A standard procedure for assessing has been …Education core courses are often criticized for …… is a common finding in patients with …An elaborate system of … is found in the …English is rich in related words exhibiting “stress shifts”.There are many situations where …3) Previous relevant research (some major ones)To relate what has been found (or claimed) to who has found it (or claimed it);To provide a specification (in varying degrees of detail) of previous findings, an attribution to the research workers who published those results, and a stance towards the findings themselves. Citation:Types: integral and non-integral: depending on the surface featuresIntegral citation:the name of the researcher occurs in the actual citing sentence as some sentence-element: a subject, passive agent, part of a possessive noun phrase, or an adjunct of reportingFor example:Bachman (1990) showed that validity is an important aspect of writing language tests.Validity as one important aspect of writing language tests was established by Bachman (1990). Bachman‟s theory (1990) claims that …Bachman‟s (1990) theory of language testing ha s general support.According to Bachman (1990), validity …. (adjunct of reporting)Non-integral citation: the name of the research either in parenthesis or elsewhere by a superscript number, or via some other deviceFor example:Previous research has sh own that … (Bachman, 1990).It has been shown that … (Bachman, 1990).It has been established that … 1-3Validity might be an important aspect … (Bachman, 1990).Validity may be an … (but cf. Ellis, 1989).4) Point out the gap—not treated in the previous studies but are very important aspects,including:--- the important aspect that lacked adequate study or that didn‟t draw much attention from other researchers.--- The problem already studied but still unsolved, or with a different opinion or opposite view.---The problem raised by someone but never studied, so the need for further, more profound study.Write just one or two sentences.Use proper signal words to draw readers‟ attention: however, but, few, little, no, unknown, untreated, unavailable, etc.However/But + gap (inadequately studied part) + the research topic of the present studyHowever, no research has been conducted on …But few studies have been done on ….V ery little is known about the impact of microcomputers in the education to disable peopleAlthough, while: little, no, few, many, much, some, etc. used in the main clause.Although/While + Previous work + Gap topic (study not conducted yet)Although some information is available on X, …Although many studies have been done on X, …While much research has been conducted on X, little knowledge is available on Y.5) Purpose of the thesis or studyThis thesis + describes/presents + the result of surveys and interviews conducted in Xinjiang todetermine the distribution of underground water in that area.This paper + will discuss/deal with + the operation of an automatic measurement systemappropriate for laboratory demonstration.Research orientation (investigation, study, experiment, etc.): past or present + research question The purpose of this research/investigation/study/experiment was toReport orientationThe purpose of this study +was+ to investigate the effect on computer-assisted instruction toeducation of the disabled people.The purpose of this investigation was to …The purpose of this report/thesis is to determine whether an automatic measurement system can be applied to population investigation.Significance of the study(1)Comment on the benefits or effects produced from the application of the findings in actualpractice. For example:The study may provide an alternative to the problem of shortage of entertainment facilities in this newly built community.The result of this research could be useful to authorities and educators responsible for planning course of secondary education.(2)Comment on the theoretical implication and significance. For example:Both of the factors under investigation in this study may be of importance in exploring the occurrence of SARS in this season.Results of this study may suggest a need for further research into the impact of psychological factors on this disease.6) The structure or the content of the remainder of the thesis at the end of the introduction.Eg. I have organized the rest of this thesis in the following way …This thesis is structured as follows…The remainder of this thesis is divided into five sections. Section II describes …For exampleThe impact of studying in a second language (L2) medium universityon the development of L2 writingNeomy StorchIntroductionIn the past decade, Australian universities have experienced an exponential growth in the number of internationalstudents. For example, in 2006 the University of Melbourne reported an 88% growth in its international student enrolments since 2000. A report by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs shows that international education is now Australia‟s third largest export industry (Australian Education International, 2008). Most of the international students come from Asia, from countries such as China, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. In response to the growing number of international students and their perceived needs, universities throughout Australia have developed a range of language and academic support programs (see Melles, Millar, Morton, & Fegan, 2005). For example, the university in which this study was conducted offers a free-of-charge diagnostic test to incoming international students. The test results are used to generate recommendations regarding the type of language support, if any, the student is likely to need. A range of support options is available: English for Academic Purposes (EAP) credit subjects, non-credit-bearing workshops and short courses, as well as individual consultations with language tutors who offer an editing type of service. However, neither the test nor the recommended support options are mandatory, and indeed many students do not follow the recommendations because of timetabling constraints (on enrolling in an EAP subject concurrently) and a perceived lack of time to attend workshops and consultations (see Storch & Hill, 2008). Other studies (e.g., Hirsch, 2007) also report low uptake of support options for similar reasons.One of the assumed advantages of studying in an Australian university is that this immersion experience integrated with formal study will lead to improved English language skills. This is a reasonable expectation. Living and studying in the second language (L2) environment provides learners with exposure to rich and authentic language input and with opportunities to produce extensive and meaningful language output. In theories of second language acquisition, exposure to such input (Gass, 2003; Krashen, 1985) and practice in producing language (Swain, 1985; Swain & Lapkin, 1995) are generally accepted as essential conditions for successful second language acquisition. However, output practice is now regarded as more important than input (e.g., Ellis, 2003), particularly for the development of productive skills such as writing (DeKeyser, 1997). Researc hers building on Swain‟s work (e.g., Cumming, 1990; Muranoi, 2007) have argued that the need to produce language pushes learners to process language syntactically; that is, pay attention to the means of expression necessary to convey their intended meaning. For example, Cumming (1990, p. 483) writes: ……Composition writing elicits an attention to form-meaning relations that may prompt learners to refine their linguistic expression – and hence their control over their linguistic knowledge.‟‟However, findings from empirical research on the impact of living and studying in the L2environment on students‟L2 skills are mixed (see reviews in DeKeyser, 2007b; Freed, 1995), depending largely on how progress is measured. Moreover, where improvement in L2 is reported, it is mainly in speaking skills and for programs longer than one semester. DeKeyser (2007b) notes that research on the effects of study abroad on L2 listening, reading and writing skills is extremely scarce.Studies which have investigated the effects of in-country intensive EAP courses that prepare students for further study or for proficiency tests such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) have also produced somewhat mixed results. These studies have tended, in the main, to exam ine the effects of the courses on learners‟ overall L2 proficiency. For example, studies by Read and Hayes (2003) in New Zealand and by Green andWeir (2003) in the United Kingdom reported marginal improvements in English language proficiency following intensive IELTS preparation and EAP courses. In contrast, Elder and O‟Loughlin (2003), in a study conducted in New Zealand and Australia, reported a half band improvement on IELTS following intensive EAP courses. Elder and O‟Loughlin also noted that improvement was greatest on the listening subtest and evident in average gains for the entire cohort but that individual performances varied considerably.Shaw and Liu‟s (1998) study, unlike the studies discussed above, investigated developments in learners‟ L2 writ ing skills. The researchers compared learners‟ writing in terms of a large number of linguistic features before and after a full-time preparatory EAP course (2 – 3 months long) in the United Kingdom. They reported that, although the learners‟ writing showe d no significant changes in linguistic accuracy or complexity,1 the writing did become more formal, employing language associated with written rather than spoken language, such as fewer personal pronouns and contractions.Hinkel‟s (2003) study, on the other hand, found that the writing of ESL learners showed features which create an overall impression of text simplicity even after a long period of living and studying in the US. Hinkel‟s large-scale study compared the writing produced by advanced ESL learners, most of whom had spent four years studying in US community colleges and high schools, with the writing of native-speakers of English beginning their university study. Hinkel found that the ESL learners‟ writing showed a higher frequency of simple syntac tic and lexical constructions (e.g., sentences with be as the main verb, vague nouns such as people) which are often associated with informal discourse. Thus, Hinkel suggests that the in-country experience provides ESL learners with a great deal of exposure to informal conversational discourse and that this may explain the prevalence of informal expressions and constructions in the learners‟ writing.The above two studies focused only on the linguistic features of writing, and as such have considered only one aspect of what is considered ……good academic writing.‟‟ Influential theories of writing, such as genre theory (e.g., Christie, 1998; Hyland, 2003) and a growing volumeof research onL2 writing (see extensive reviewin Silva&Brice, 2004 and the edited volume by Candlin&Hyland, 1999) have stressed that writing is a multi-dimensional, socio-cognitive activity, where the processes involved and the features of the text produced are very much shaped by socio-cultural norms and interpersonal relationships within the context in which the writing takes place. From this perspective, academic writing generally involves cognitive activities such as reading and synthesizing information from a variety of sources, and producing a text which shows evidence of features asso ciated with ……good academic writing‟‟ in an Anglophone context. These features, evident in various writing assessment schemes (see Weigle, 2002), include, for example,a clear introduction and conclusion, the use of a formal register, and correct citations of the work of other authors.The limited research on the effects of studying in an L2 setting on learners‟ L2 writing and the low uptake of support options provided by the university, mentioned earlier, provided the impetus for this study. The focus of the study was on the learners‟ writing, given that most assessment tasks are written assignments and exams. The study sought to investigate what features of academic writing, if any, develop as a result of studying in a degree program in an L2-medium university after one semester (12 weeks) and in the absence of formal language support.Journal of Second Language Writing, 2009 (18)T o summarize:1.Setting: Learning strategies, the central aspects in foreign language teaching, have receivedextensive attention in applied linguistics.2.Previous work: Most studies have ….3.Gap:So far, virtually now published research takes account of the influence of personalstyles …. Despite more recent progress in understanding personality, the general picture remains unclear.4.Present aim: This thesis accordingly explores some of the ways English majors proceed fromthe beginning of English learning in the university to ….5.Justification: The study can provide specific guidance for English teaching and learning…..6.Structure: The thesis develops as follows. After the introduction, it briefly reviews theprevious studies in the field….。
第一层:1) Introducing the general research area including its background, importance, and present level of development……………………………………………………………2) Reviewing previous research in this area……………………………………………………第二层:Indicating the problem that has not been solved by previous research, raising a relevant question …………………………………………………………………………………第三层:Specifying the purpose of your research…………………………………第四层:1) Announcing your major findings ………………………………………2) Outlining the contents of your paper ……………………………………图8.1 引言的结构布局之一值得注意的是,引言中各个层次所占的篇幅可以有很大差别。
如何写好论文的introduction revised
the basis of the previous researches about..., this paper analyzes...from 4 aspects...with the examples from ... Finally, the conclusion is drawn that...
Being clear and accurate
reflect the main content of the dissertation Details such as the literature review, tables and figures should not be included Make sure that it does not give any information or conclusion that is not stated in the dissertation Avoid using over-technical terms or abbreviations you have not explained
good abstract can arouse the readers’ attention to the dissertation and interest in reading it enable the readers to identify the basic content quickly and accurately determine its relevance to their interests decide whether they need to read the entire dissertation
其实是大家把它想简单了,就好比I n t r o d u c t i o n部分,看似简单,其实要写好真的很难。
引言(I n t r o d u c t i o n)作为对论文的内容和结构的概括可以遵循一定的“公式”,也就是说引言(I n t r o d u c t i o n)可以被解构为6个层次的内容,下面就给大家讲解一下。
六个层次“公式”即:背景;现状及分歧;目的;原因;意义;o u t l i n e。
具体写作层次如下:第一层次描述这个所选t o p ic的背景和重要性背景写作的主要目的是引出所选t o p ic以往的研究文献也及该课题以往的研究观点,因此在写作上虽然会比较宏观一些,但一定要紧密联系t o p i c,可以用一两句话带过。
举个例子:“O n e o f t h e m o s t c o m m o n d i l e m m a s f a c i n g m a n y s t u d e n t s i nt h e U n i t e d K i n g d o m i n r e c e n t y e a r s h a s b e e n t h e q u e s t i o n o fw h e t h e r o r n o t t o t a k e a p a r t-t i m e j o b.R i s i n g t u i t i o n f e e s a n d l i v i n g e x p e n s e s m a k e l i f e v e r y d i f f i c u l t f o r s t u d e n t s w h o d o n o t b e n e f i t f ro m t h e f i n a n c i a l s u p p o r t o f t h e i r p a r e n t s o r o t h e rs p o n s o r s.I n o r d e r t o s u r v i v e,t h o u s a n d s o f s t u d e n t s t a k e o u ts e v e r a l l o a n s a n d i n c u r s e r i o u s d e b t i n t h e c o u r s e o f t h e i r y e a r sa t u n i v e r s i t y.H o w e v e r,o t h e r s a t t e m p t t o e a s e t h e f i n a n c i a lb u r d e n o f f u l l-t i m e s t u d y b y f i n d i n g a p a r t-t i m e j o b.”介绍该课题目前的研究现状以及存在的分歧在这一部分不仅要对前人的研究做简要说明,还要总结这些文献的g a p,也就是目前的研究中都存在哪些争议,或者没有涉及到的研究。
Key elements of writing the
introduction section
Background information
Provide necessary background
Introduce the general context and setting of the research, including the field, topic, and key concepts This helps establish a foundation for the reader to understand the research problem and its significance
Motivation for the study
Explain why the research is important or relevant, often by addressing practical implications or theoretical contributions
Research objectives
State the research questions that will be addressed in the
Specify the objectives of the research and how they will
be achieved
Indicate the expected contributions of the research
The Writing Method of Introduction in English
Introduction部分需要明确呈现的三个部分:一是background;二是research gap;三是study purpose。
总的来说,就是从what is known到what is unknown最后推出自己的研究问题。
教你学术论文 毕业论文的写作教程 3.Introduction
IntroductionGenerally speaking, the purpose of an introduction is to introduce the topic of the writing and to create interest on the part of the readers. It can be as short as a sentence or a paragraph and as long as an entire chapter, depending on the length and complexity of the writing. The introduction chapter of your dissertation or thesis is the one in which you provide all of the basic information that the reader will need to understand the dissertation which is to follow. Such things as the background of your research, how you came to research your topic, what your topic is and how it relates to the world around it, and what kind of general principles and methodology you will be using to research your topic and evaluate your hypothesis, are all aspects of what you will cover in the introduction chapter.I General functions of introduction1.introducing the subject:The author is here to supply sufficient background information to relieve the readers who are not well informed in this field of troubles in understanding and evaluating the results of the given study without referring to previous publications on the topic. Since the topic in this section is what the paper is going to deal with, the readers, then, can get a preliminary but overall impression before going on with the full text of the paper.2.limiting the research scope (Establish and Narrow the topic)Only when an introduction clearly defines the limits of the research scope (the limits within which you treat the subject) can readers retrieve the information efficiently provided that the subject is introduced correctly. Your introduction should direct the readers to a specific focus.There are a number of expressions used to limit the scope of work:The problem is within the scope of…The problem under discussion is within the scope of…Studies of these effects covered various aspects of…Our studies with this technique are confined to only one particular aspect…The problem described previously was directed to the example of…, which differs from…The subject is concerned chiefly with the study of…The author has limited his studies to the related aspects of…The approach under study is only applied to…The problem I have referred to falls within the field of…The theory cannot apply to other cases of…The emphasis of this paper is to survey…3.stating the general purposeThe task is to inform the reader of the general purpose of the paper and illustrate the primary objectives of his research. To start writing your introduction chapter, come up with a simple one sentence summary of the goal of your research. The reader will come to the first chapter of your thesis expecting a statement of purpose. This statement should tell the reader what the topic of the research paper is and what you hope to achieve.4.showing the writing arrangementThe logical arrangement of the writing enables the reader to understand the paper more easily when further reading is necessary. The best place for this information can be found at the end of the introduction.It is supposed to give the reader a sense of how the dissertation will be organized. Provide some kind of chapter by chapter breakdown to tell the reader what can be expected so that the reader will be able to scan the paper at first and have a good sense of what ended up happening. Use solid principles of organization throughout your paper, in addition to hitting all the above topics in your introductory paragraph, to make your dissertation as readable as possible.Expressions used to indicate the organization of the information include:This paper is divided into five major sections as follows…Sections one of this paper opens with…Section three develops the second hypotheses on…In this paper, data and results are presented under the major heading of…Section four shows (introduces, reveals, treats, deals with, develops, etc)…The result of… is given in the last section.The fifth section provides an exposition that places the primary emphasis on…In the following, a wide range of test data are reported…II. Structural features of introduction and some idiomatic expressions1.starting with the research background (Literature review)To orient the reader, the pertinent(related)literature(文献) should be reviewed in writing a professional paper. The research background is usually given in the section of introduction accompanied by the recent development in this field. That is to answer the question “what have been done?”You can talk about the background of the project. How did you choose the project? What kind of greater historical context does the research that you are engaged in exist within? You may want to talk about any related experiments or research that specific people have done in the past, including landmark research cases which are related to the topic at hand. This gives the reader a sense of how your research fits into the greater scheme of things, and lets the reader compare what you are about to present to the research which they may or may not already be familiar with from leading figures in the history of the field.Some expressions used to introduce the background of the subject in an introduction are:Over the past several decades,…Somebody reported…The previous work on… has indicated that…Recent experiments by… have suggested…In most studies of…, … has been emphasized with attention being given to…Industrial use of… is becoming increasingly common.There have been a few studies highlighting…It is well known that…2.transiting to the existing problem (investigation needed/gap)Authors usually transit to the main problem to be discussed or weak points remaining in the previous work to be further studied and/or improved. That is to answer the question “what have not been done?”The following are expressions often used to present existing problems:Great progress has been made in this field, but (however, nevertheless, etc.)…Also, the consideration of… alone cannot explain the observed fact that…A part of the explanation could lie in … however,…The study of… gives rise to two main difficulties: one is…, the other is…Despite the recent progress reviewed in…, there is no generally accepted theory concerning…From the above discussion, it appears that at present neither…nor…are known.So far there is not enough convincing evidence showing…The data available in literature failed to prove that…The theory of… did not explain how much modifications arose.No direct outcome was then reported in…Until now, not any experiment in this area has suggested that…Until now, no field experiments of… have been reported.No clear advancement has so far been seen in…The methods we use differs greatly from the one reported ten years ago.3.focusing on the present research (Purpose /value of your research)On the basis of reviewing the previous research, especially unfolding or displaying the weak points of the previous work to be overcome or existing problems to be solved, the author may gradually and naturally turn the reader’s attention to the present research, by stating his primary research objectives, novel ideas, advanced methods, new materials, fresh factors, etc. that is to answer the question “what am I going to do?”Now tell the reader what your hypothesis is, as well as your basic reasons for believing in the hypothesis. How does your knowledge of the reality of the field make you lean towards one hypothesis or another? Explain to the reader how you will be able to prove or disprove the hypothesis that you set out with through the course of your research. Talk about any particular relevant issues that could affect the course of the research, or any basic questions or problems that people might have regarding the topic and how you will go about your research process. Try to anticipate how people will react to your hypothesis and make sure that you are able to start your project on a strong heading. It may be best to have the opening paragraph of your thesis reviewed before you embark on the research process, to make sure that you are on the right track (or at least that the track makes sense to others) before you set off and put a lot of effort into collecting data.Expressions to be used to introduce the present work:In this paper, … is investigated(studied, discussed, presented, etc.)The present work deals mainly with…We repot here … in the presence of…This paper reports on…On the basis of existing literature data, we carried out studies in an effort to…The present study will therefore focus on…The primary goal of this research is…The purpose of this paper is…In this paper, we aim at…III.ways to begin an introductionnarrative: to begin with an anecdote or a brief story that somehow illuminates the thesis, effective in catching the reader’s attention descriptive: to provide an effective lead to the discussion of the subject by explaining ,illustrating or giving a bit of backgroundpreparatory: to begin with an explanation or definition of the subject to prepare for a discussion in detail in the body of the essayinquisitive: pose provocative questions to simulate the reader’s interest corrective: to put a common belief or show how the subject has been misunderstoodstating a problem: begin with the statement of the problem and proceed to discuss the solutiongiving a surprising fact or statistics: to grab the reader’s attentionusing a striking quote: to use surprising quote from a well-known book or person and lead to the discussion of the topic。
一般来说文章的结构通常是按照如Fig.1. 来完成。
Fig. 1. The shape of a research article or thesis.
Fig. 2. An e某ample introduction paragraph.。
句型1:用表示否定意义的词例little,few, no或none of+名词作主语。如:
例 a.Little information/attention/work/
research… b.Few studies/investigations/
researchers/attempts… C.No studies/data/calculations… d.None of these studies/findings/
题名的字数。题名不应过长。国外科技期刊一 般对题名字数有所限制。总的原则是,题名应 确切、简练、醒目,在能准确反映论文特定内 容的前提下,题名词数越少越好.
中英文题名的一致性。同一篇论文,其英文题 名与中文题名内容上应一致,但不等于说词语 要一一对应。在许多情况下,个别非实质性的 词可以省略或变动。例如:工业湿蒸汽的直接 热量计算,the direct measurement of heat transmitted wet steam。英文题名的直译中译 文是“由湿蒸汽所传热量的直接计量”,与中文 题名相比较,二者用词虽有差别,但内容上是 一致的。
c. Although considerable research has been devoted to…, rather less attention has been paid to…
例: Although there is much hope that threedimensional coupled models will lead to better understanding of the factors that control hurricane intensity and to increased reliability of hurricane intensity forecasts, the present generation of models may not have enough horizontal resolution to capture the full intensity of extreme storms.
format of a research paper introduction论文的标准格式
Writing a Research Paper Introduction – Astep-by-step referenceThe introduction is the first chapter of a research paper. It starts from the research proposal stage, but it is critical to understand the difference between the introduction of a research proposal and that of a research paper. At the proposal stage, the introduction is presented in a future tense expressing the intensions and expectations of the researcher, whereas that of the research paper is in the past tense, revealing what actually happened.A research paper Introduction plays an essential role of preparing the reader’s mind to follow the paper as it unveils the problem, the researcher’s intervention, intentions and expectations.Sections of a research paper introductionThe introduction constituents and sequence majorly depend on the type of research and format undertaken.•Background: Reveals an identified and well defined problem, exploring its history and nature with reference to the existing literature. It should indicate the root of the problem, its extent, the affected, previous investigations, etc.;highlighting the research paper introduction in general, and ensuringproper perception of the situation at hand.•Statement of the problem: Is the core of the issue/problem and must be clearly defined. It states exactly what the problem is, justifying that thestudy narrows or bridges the gap between what it is and what it ought to be.•Purpose of the study: Is derived from the statement of the problem. It states why one decides to study the problem and the role of his/her research to solve the problem.•Objectives of the study: These constitute the targets a researcher intends to achieve. They act as a yardstick for the research exercise and must bespecific, measurable and achievable.•Research questions: These are research guiding questions generated from objectives. The researcher needs to answer them as part of theinvestigation.•Hypotheses: These are guiding predictions of the outcome of the study.Basing on research questions, an assumption derived form existing theories,personal observations and experience is made. A hypothesis provides a tentative answer to the problem, allowing for further investigations.Hypotheses are common for descriptive and explanatory research.•Scope of the study: Is expressed in terms of a geographical area, say village, town or city; and in terms of content – showing the extent ofknowledge coverage.•Significance of the study: Shows how meaningful and useful the research is; as well as indicating the beneficiary group(s).•Assumption: Situations under which the research is may not be exact, so for easy of work the researcher may assume what he/she has exactlyconsidered in his/her investigation.•Delimitations:These are advantageous factors affecting one’s research exercise.•Limitations:These are disadvantageous factors affecting one’s research exercise.•Definition of key concepts/terms: Due to ambiguity and varying meanings of words/terms/concepts, the researcher needs to be precise giving exact meaning of what he/she intends to communicate.•Abbreviation: Abbreviations may be misunderstood, so clear full meanings avoid confusion.How to Write a Research Proposal – A successful and winning approach15 November, 2009Research exercises are first planned in research proposals. It determines the research direction, its endurance or failure. A proposal serves as an action plan for research, constituting three chapters; Introduction, Literature review and Methodologies. It is complemented with references, budget and timetable. Students obliged to do research submit research proposals to their supervisors before real research exercises. Supervisors approve the proposals for research exercises to commence. Learning how to write a research proposal is key for research students.A research proposal is presented in a future tense, signifying the target research accomplishments and operation mode. Before doing a custom research paper or term paper writing, planning is a key role.How to write a research proposal in a simpler wayUnderstand the intended topic, your knowledge about the subject, yo ur audience’s interests and their knowledge about the subject. Understand the type of research resources and sources required. If you understand how to write a research proposal, then your research exercise becomes easier. Your essay writing tactics, highly aid your writing skills for a proposal.• Chapter one (Introduction):- this expresses the intensions and expectations of the researcher and plays an essential role of preparing the reader’s mind as it r eveals the problem, researcher’s intentions, why he/she intends to intervene and his/her expectations.The introduction contains;1. background of the study,2. statement of the problem,3. purpose of the study,4. objectives of the study,5. research questions and/or6. hypotheses,37. scope of the study,8. significance of the study,9. assumption,10. delimitations,11. limitations and12. definition of key concepts/terms• Chapter two (Review of relevant literature):- When reviewing literature examine the sources related to the topic of interest. Avoid the literature that is not connected to the area of study. Always paraphrase and cite basing on your objectives and hypotheses. Ensure that the review saves you the burden of repeating completed research, wasting time on failed research and helping you find what the previous researchers have not tackled.Literature review constitutes;1. Literature map: identify the variables and specify the necessary resources, embarking on previous and similar interest researchers.2. Justification of intended research: show why the research is necessary.3. Extent and constraints of previous researchers: what does the researcher need to cover? Note limitations of previous researchers.• Chapter three (Methodologies):- The researcher analyses methods to be used, depending on the type and accuracy of data required.The methodologies constitute the following;1. Research design: gives the necessary type of research. Involving qualitative and quantitative descriptive studies.2. Sampling: the researcher chooses ways to undertake for study samples. Sampling methods may be random, stratified, and purposive and so on.3. Tools and instruments: data collect tools involve questionnaires, interviews; focus discussion groups and so on.4. Procedure: shows how data collection will be administered.5. Data collection: identify the primary and secondary sources.6. Data processing and analysis: focus on raw data, sorting, editing, coding and representing it.How to write a research proposal takes various undertakings from institution to institution. You can further your guidance using research paper samples.Methodology Writing for your Research Paper2 December, 2009Before you carry out your research, you have to analyze the rationale and feasibility of particular methods for a given study. This is normally written in your research proposal, while the explanation for the methods undertaken is written in the research paper methodology. Different kinds of issues require different forms of approach during data collection and processing with in a given research exercise. These are exactly what the researcher handles in his/her methodology writing.While analyzing the methods to employ during the study, you need to;Always remember that the choice of your methodology will highly depend on the purpose of the research and the type of problem under study. The methodology in your proposal is only a suggestion and is written in a future tense, whereas that in your research paper is in past tense revealing how you actually administered your study methodically.The Structure of your Methodology WritingThe methodology constitutes a number of areas covering how you are going to carry out your research exercise. It gives a layout of the specific methods to handle particular situations. The methodology can be outlined as follows:1.Research design: This may be qualitative and descriptive in which the qualityof a situation is studied or analyzed and described accordingly. It may also be quantitative, where the results are numerical in nature.51.Sampling: Samples may be used as a representation of a large population. Asample can be non-probability or probability sampling. These also have a number of subcategories.1.Tools and Instruments: These are used to establish the facts fromrespondents. They may include questionnaires, interviews, observations, recording, focused group discussions, tests and diary.1.Procedure: This reveals the stages to be undertaken while carrying out yourresearch exercise. You need to be systematic in a way following the terms of reference, administering the research exercise, and revealing how the recommendation letter was obtained. This gives the whole plan of the research exercise procedures exhaustively.1.Data collection: Identify the primary and secondary data sources asanticipated. Mention your data sources as may be applied while undertaking the research. Show how you intend to acquire and store data.1.Data processing and analysis: You have to reveal how you are supposed tosort, edit, code and represent your data. Then show how the represented data shall be interpreted. Descriptive methods are necessary for the interpretation, comparison and drawing conclusions.Your methodology will largely depend on the requirements of a given format or will largely depend on the various institutions styles. At this stage of your research proposal you are meant to exhaust the appropriate methods for your research. Try further reading through essay help and various research paper samples.。
英语 论文 introduction
I. Introducing the topic1. Providing background informationAnimals are friends of human beings, and languages of all nations have a great number of words denoting animals. People associate their feelings and emotions, even happenings and natural phenomena with various animals. Many animals have become a kind of symbolism in people’s mind, and this symbolism is reflected in language. For instance, sayings like “as busy as a bee”appear in many languages. However, these sayings do not necessarily coincide from one language to another due to different outlook of life and concept of beauty in different cultures.2. Quoting an authorityResearchers have shown that the words people speak may be far less important than the body language used when delivering verbal message. They estimate that less than 10 percent of the whole message understood by an audience is the actual content. Some 30 percent is attributed to the pitch and tenor of a person’s voice and 60 percent to other forms of non-verbal communication from body language to facial expressions to hand gestures. (Charles Mitchell, 2000)3. Starting with an anecdoteII. Focusing on the issueThe article tries to analyze the features of the subtitles of the movie Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon in terms of time-space constraints, informative function and cultural factors, and then puts forward corresponding strategies for translation, with concrete examples for illustration.In this thesis, the author will discuss the differences of cultural connotations between Chinese and English animal words, and try to investigate the importance of the input of culture in vocabulary teaching.III. Reviewing previous research1. Defining the key termsWhat is language? Different researchers have different concepts. Webster’s New World Dictionary offers several most frequently used scenes of the word “language”, namely: (1) human speech; (2) the ability to communicate by this means; (3) a system of vocal sounds and combination of such sounds to which meaning is attributed, used for the expression or communication of thought and feelings; (4) the written representation of such a system. These definitions give the conceptual meanings of language and its representative forms.The most typically and generally acceptable definition is: Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. This definition is mostly generalized and it distinguishes human language from any other animal s’ languages.A famous Chinese linguist Zhao Shikai defined language from different angles:(1) language is a social action and a carrier of information; (2) language is a system of structure; it contains phonetics, vocabulary and meaning, morphology and syntax; (3) language is a social phenomenon because it is an instrument of human communicationin a society; (4) language is a physiological phenomenon because it is connected with the organs of speech, the nervous system and muscular activities; (5) language is a psychological phenomenon because it is closely related to man’s psychological activities; (6) language is also a physical phenomenon owing to the propagation of speech sounds. These definitions are comparatively complete and all-around. It defines language from different angles like linguistics, sociology, psychology, physics, etc.On the basis of the above-mentioned points, language may be defined as follows: language is a system of symbols based on physiology, psychology and physics. It is a specific social action and a carrier of information used for human communication in a society.2. Providing theoretical backgroundThe relationship between language and culture is not just that between a part and a whole. It is much more complex than that. Language is the carrier and container of culture; language, as a mirror of culture, is strongly influenced and shaped by culture; language and culture is closely related, each influencing and shaping the other. As E. Sapir, an American linguist, points out that a language can’t exist in a “cultural vacuum”, nor can it exist in a vacuum of practices and beliefs inherited from the society. As the carrier of culture, every language has its own system and structure. And every nation has its own living habits, thinking way, language psychology, behavior criterion, sense of worth, and culture tradition.3. Evaluating related researchEuphemism has been used for a long time. It is also widely studied by Chinese and foreign scholars with great interest. In 1932, in a relatively long time in China, advocated by Chen Wangdao in his book An Introduction to Rhetoric, euphemism was studied as a means of rhetorical devices. In 1983, Chen Yuan discussed euphemism in his book Sociolinguistics in great details. From then on, more and more Chinese scholars who study foreign languages began to carry out some researches on this subject and published a large number of papers which made the study of euphemism step into a new stage. In recent years, Liu Chunbao has compiled A Dictionary of English Euphemisms, and it is regarded as an important work on euphemism. In English-speaking countries, American linguist Menken’s The American Language and British linguist Hugh Rawson’s A Dictionary of Euphemisms and Other Doubletalk are both extraordinary works on euphemism.However, it is not difficult to find that most of these works deal with euphemism in a single language. They either treat euphemism as a rhetorical device or discuss the nature of euphemism. Few works or papers are devoted to the comparison of euphemism between two languages and get the corresponding translation strategies. In other words, most of the researches have been done in the linguistic field. As far as the author of this thesis is concerned, the discussion on the translation of euphemism is of great significance in cross-cultural communication. It will help the readers to overcome some barriers in understanding or translating euphemism.4. Formulating the research designThis thesis attempts to offer some strategies for the translation of euphemism inEnglish-Chinese and Chinese-English translation on the basis of Chen Hongwei and Li Yadan’s translation criterion—“similarity in function and correspondence in meaning”. Starting with the discussion on translation and culture, the thesis compares English and Chinese taboo words, and provides specific euphemisms that substitute taboo words with some translation strategies which may be helpful to the English learners and translators.SampleWith the globalization of economy and especially with its accession to the WTO, China is taking an increasingly active part in world business activities. It is therefore necessary and inevitable for domestic enterprises to enter into business contracts with overseas companies or company groups. Considering the importance of a contract, it is very essential to make sure that a contract is correctly made and understood by the contracting parties. This is especially so for an international business contract, where two or more different languages are usually involved.An international business contract is often characterized by a rigid format, a well thought-out content, a complicated structure, and formal language. In order to make the terms clear and the rights and obligations of the two parties specified and controversial interpretations avoided, effective language use is of vital importance. It is often the case that, among other things, a large number of subordinate clauses are used towards such an objective.Sometimes several clauses are used to modify one verb, or one clause will contain another. With regard to the place where a subordinate clause is put, there can be a great difference between English and Chinese. It has thus become a key problem of how to render a subordinate clause, an adverbial clause in particular, from the source language into the target language in the translation of international business contracts. So in what follows, the author proposes to take a relatively detailed look at this problem, basing on relevant translation theories and standards.。
好的论⽂Introduction,应该这样写!超实⽤⼲货分享!(附下载)SCI论⽂写作特辑- 第⼆期 -论⽂写作猛如虎,Introduction就是开门见⼭的⼤⽼虎...Introduction引⾔部分是论⽂写作第⼀关,通过呈现研究课题所折射的研究理论来说服⽬标读者。
值得收藏!(⽂末附PDF下载⽅式)⼀般来说,Introduction的常规写作顺序:1. 确⽴研究领域的重要性2. 早前、当前的研究贡献3. 差距/疑问/难题/评论4. 当前的研究⼯作确⽴研究领域的重要性01 A major current focus in __ is how to ensure sustainability of…__ 当前的⼀个主要重点是如何确保...的可持续性02 Much research in recent years has focused on __近年来的许多研究都集中在 __03 Analysis of change in __ is vital for two important reasons: …__ 变化分析⾄关重要,有两个重要原因:...04 It is of interest to know whether __still hold true.知道__是否仍然正确是很重要的。
05 The past decade has seen the rapid development of X in many ...在过去的⼗年⾥,__见证了许多...的快速发展。
06 The issue of__has received considerable critical attention.__的问题受到了相当多的批判性关注。
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It introduces:
the research by situating it (by giving background), presenting the research problem , and saying how and why this problem will be solved , explaining why the research is being done. which is crucial for the reader to understand the significance of the study.
描述了所研究领域的一般性问题或当 前的研究焦点
(5) provides a transition 提供了总体问题领域到文献综述之间 between the general problem 的一个过渡 area and the literature review (6) provides a brief overview of key research projects in this area. (7) describes a gap in the research (8) describes the paper itself (9) gives details about the methodology (10) announces the findings 概述了此研究领域重要的研究项目
3.How Should I Start?
In order to help you write the
introduction to your own research, the model you build must answer the following three questions:
You may want to start your introduction
by describing the problem you are trying to solve, or the aim of your work, but as you will see when you examine published work, this is not how most research papers begin — and therefore it is not the best way for you to begin.
How do writers normally start the introduction? What type of information should be in my introduction, and in what order? How do writers normally end the introduction?
A good beginning makes a good ending.
1. What is an introduction? 2. What’s the purpose of the introduction? 3. How should I start? 4. The model of introduction. 5. Four components of a model. 6. Vocabulary
Readers will ask the questions:
What topic am I going to learn about? Why is that topic important? Do I know the topic already? What do I know already?
4.The Model of Introduction
(1) establishes the importance of this research topic (2) provides general background information for the reader. (3) in a more detailed way, using research references to support both the background facts and the claim for significance. (4) describes the general problem area or the current research focus of the field. 确立研究主题的重要性
1.What Is an Introduction?
The introduction section shows the
questions that should be answered for the readers once they finish reading the “Introduction”.
Example Analysis
《糖尿病孕妇的临床错误医疗措施》 (文章来源期刊)
Research Mຫໍສະໝຸດ thod,本文研 究方法:个案分析
Background,介绍背景,糖尿病 孕妇及其婴儿患病几率比正常 孕妇高出数倍。 presenting the research problem and saying how and why this problem will be solved:随着科技发展, 降低患病率成为可能,此项 研究也具有必要性 The aim of this paper本文研究目的: 提高糖尿病孕妇母子 健康几率
2.What’s the Purpose of the Introduction?
The introduction comes at the start of a
piece of writing. Without this part, the reader cannot easily understand the more detailed information about the research that comes later in the thesis.