Statement at the 2003 session of the United Nations Disarmament Commission

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T he C om pre he nsive N ucle a r T e st Ban
Is a limited nuclear test way or explosive power, until the comprehensive nuclear test ban, to limit development of nuclear weapons, promote nuclear disarmament and nuclear nonproliferation( 不扩散) of the important measures. Is a study led by a comprehensive ban treaty organization, to promote comprehensive prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons and promoting nuclear disarmament process, so as to promote international peace and security of the treaty.
Example: A good education
良好的教育为成功奠定基础。 The mushroom development
will pave the way for improving our economy.
Structure of the text

Part 2(para.3-5):Faced with military confrontation and some non-traditional security threats,we need to create a favorable international security environment to promote a sound development for disarmament and arms control.
you opinion,what role does China play in the international social?

commission edit entries.(联合国裁军 委员会) The UN Disarmament Commission is the specialized agencies of the UN ‘ s review Disarmament issues, belonging to the United Nations general assembly (属于联合国大会). According to the commission in May 1978, the first disarmament to establish special general assembly resolution, its predecessor w as established in 1952 the disarmament commission. Its job is to review the various probቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱems in the field of disarmament and put forward the proposal.
The full report isn't ready yet,but you can see the interim report. 正式报告尚未写好,但是你可以看看这份临时报告。 Little seems to have happened in the interim. 在此期间,没发生过任何事情。
N e w S e curity conce pt
The new security concept also called ‛ nontraditional security concept ‚(非传统安全观), is the ‛cold war‚ began to appear some of the l a t e is d i ff e re nt fr o m th e ‛ o ld s e c u ri ty concept‚ or ‛traditional security concept‚ a general designation of the new security concept, refers to ‛old security concept‚ or ‛traditional security concept ‚ relatively new security concept. 与旧传统安全观相对的各种新型安全 观。
Analysis of the text

This is a speech made by Hu Xiaodi at the 2003 Session of United Nations Disarmament Commission held on March 31,2003 in New York. As the header of the Chinese Delegation , he put forward some corresponding proposals and measures about promoting a sound development for disarmament and arms control on behalf of China,which can arouse the Commission’s
Structure of the text

Part 1(para.1-2):The spokesman express his congratulations to the chairman for taking up the position of chairman of the current session and his gratitude to what contribution chairperson of last session made.

adj. intended to last for a short period of time until sb./sth. more permanent is found. 中间的,暂时的,临时的 n. the time between one even,process,or period and another 中间时期,过渡时期,暂时 phrase:in the interim 在此期间,与此同时
Structure of the text

Part 3(para.6-27):The speech point the two issues on this year’s agenda--‚ways and means to achieve nuclear disarmament‛ and‚practical confidencebuilding measures in the field of conventional arms‛. Therefore,China put forward some corresponding measures and make great efforts with UNDC and other countries.
Unit 4
Statement at the 2003 session of the United Nations Disarmament Commission
B y G roup F our
watching this video,what have you learned from it?
A.The new security concept, at present, the new security concept of great influence in the world, including ‚comprehensive security‛, ?(综合安全观) ‚ common security ‛(共同安全观),‚ cooperative security‛(合作安全观) three. B. China is the core content of the new security concept(中
T he United Nations disarmament
M ultila te ra l disa rm a m e nt(多边
It is all arms including armed police mutual disarmament and further streamlining (精简兵政)measure, provides the high active treatment(提供现 役军人的待遇).

(doing)sth.(P72,Paragraph11,Line5) with the aim or hope of doing sth. 为了,指望
i t h
v i e w
t o
Example: He is studying hard with a view to going university. 他为了上大学而努力学习。 Exercise:
Structure of the text
4(para.28-29)The expectation of the final document can take his statement as a basis and cooperation with all other parties for the success of this session.

studies hard with a view to serving the people better in future.

the way (Pape72,Paragragh18,Linefour)
paves the way to
T he C onfe re nce on D isa rm a m e nt in G e ne va (日内瓦裁军谈判会议)
The conference on disarmament issues include: nuclear disarmament, it is prohibited to produce fissile material( 核聚变材料) , prevention of an arms race in outer space, and non-nuclear state security and other issues. Ne ar l y hal f a cent ur y, the CD and it s predecessor after negotiations have reached The Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (不扩散条 约)On the Biological Weapons Convention(禁 止 生 物 武 器 公 ) , The Chemi cal Weapons Convention(近视化学武器公约) and a series of important international treaties.