
高考英语词汇量测试题完整版___: ___Code from ___: [BBX968T-XBB8968-NNJ668-MM9N]1.Every year。
many species of ___(C)2.The large river turned into a small stream due to lack of rain。
(B)3.Do you mean to imply that I am a bad person。
(D)4.It is a good idea to invest one's money in a safe stock。
(C)5.___ is only available to students。
(A)6.The moral standard of the people has ___(B)7.One must conduct a great deal of research before writing an article。
(D)8.___(C)9.Adjusting to a new culture and language can be difficult.10.___ consequence of the criminal act was two years in jail.11.e can provide you with all the detailed n you need about our program.12.___ is a loyal friend of mine whom I can trust with all of my secrets.13.It depresses me to see how much food we waste every day.14.There was not ___ the crime.15.___'t have much money to give。
高考英语总复习单元检测必修三 Unit 4 Space Exploration

必修三 Unit4 Space Exploration 基础知识检测一、词形转换1.宇航员;太空人n. astronaut2.有智慧的;聪明的adj. intelligent3.智慧n. intelligence4.边境;国界;边远地区n. frontier5.宇宙;天地万物n. universe6.全体的;普遍的adj. universal7.人造卫星;卫星n. satellite8.发射;发行n.&vt. launch9.巨大的;巨人adj.&n. giant10.持续存在的;不断发展的adj. ongoing11.航天器;宇宙飞船n. spacecraft12.回收利用;再利用v t. recycle13.可回收的adj. recyclable14.肌肉;实力;影响力n. muscle15.短缺;缺乏n.&vt. lack16.缺乏的adj. lacking 17.太阳的;太阳能adj. solar18.足够的;充足的adj. sufficient19.足够;充足n. sufficiency20.设施;设备n. facility21.全球的;总体的adj. global22.论证;争辩;争论v t.&vi. argue23.争论;争吵;论点n. argument24.肤浅的;浅的adj. shallow25.监视器;监视n. monitor26.资源;财力;物力n. resource27.源头;来源n. sourc e28.有限的adj. limited29.神秘事物;谜n. mystery30.神秘的adj. mysterious二、词块积累1.maintain a good mental health 保持心理健康unch a rocket 发射火箭unch/deliver a speech 发表演讲4.carry out 实行;执行5.on board 在船上6.(a) lack of 缺乏7.for lack of 因缺乏8.be lacking in/be short of 缺少某物9.be keen on sth 热衷于10.result in/bring about/lead to 导致11.attach great significance to 认为...重要12.space equipment 太空设备13.future space exploration 未来太空探索14.argue with sb on/about/over sth 与某人争辩15.argue/ talk/ persuade sb. into/ out of doing sth说服某人(不)做某事16.be limited/ restricted to... 受限制于...17.set a limit for 对...规定限度三、句子积累1.Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand.神秘感激发好奇心,而好奇心则是人们探索未知事物的前提。
Unit 2 词汇测试-高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册

Unit 2 词汇测试
2. 发现;查明
= = = =
15.nanobot 16.人工的;人造的人工智能17.克隆18.预测预测n.
21.反对adj. 22.因此;由此=
= = = =
28.强调n. v. 强调(短语三个)
29.luxury 奢侈品30.与...保持联系31.职业;事业32.可能性;前景怀疑
33.抵制v. n. 反抗(短语)
34.段落photograph telegraph
geography biography autobiography
36.精确的n. 38.图书管理员图书馆39.C hristian 40.Sydney Melbourne
41.the Amish。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版高中英语新教材必修一单词自测卷Welcome Unit:英译汉1. exchange /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/2. lecture /ˈlektʃə(r)/3. registration /ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃn /4. register/ ˈredʒɪstə(r) /5. sex /seks/6. female /ˈfi:meɪl/7. male / meɪl/8. nationality /ˌnæʃəˈnæləti/9. nation / ˈneɪʃn/10. designer /dɪˈzaɪnə(r)/11. design / dɪˈzaɪn /12. campus / ˈkæmpəs /13. formal / ˈfɔ:ml /14. anxious / ˈæŋkʃəs /15. annoyed /əˈnɔɪd/16. annoy /əˈnɔɪ/17. frightened /ˈfraɪtnd/18. senior /ˈsi:niə(r)/senior high school19. at last20. ou tgoing / ˈaʊtgəʊɪŋ /21. impression /ɪmˈpreʃn/make an impression22. impress /ɪmˈpres/23. what if24. guy / gaɪ /25. concentrate / ˈkɒnsntreɪt /26. experiment /ɪkˈsperɪmənt/27. leave...alone28. awkward / ˈɔ:kwəd /29. junior / ˈdʒu:niə(r)/junior high school30. explore / ɪkˈsplɔ:(r)/31. confident /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/32. confidence /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/33. forward / ˈfɔ:wəd /look forward to34. take notes35. flash /[flæʃ/flash card36. organise /'ɔ:(r)gənaɪz/37. organisation /ˌɔ:gənaɪˈzeɪʃn/38. goal / [gəʊl /39. strategy /ˈstrætədʒi/40. partner / ˈpɑ:tnə(r)/41. curious /ˈkjʊəriəs/42. company / ˈkʌmpəni/43. personality / ˌpɜ:səˈnæləti /44. style / staɪl/45. revise / rɪˈvaɪz/Welcome Unit:汉译英1.交换; 交流; 交易2.讲座;讲课;演讲;教训3.登记;注册;挂号4. vt.& vi. 登记;注册5.性别6.女(性)的; 雌性的7.男(性)的; 雄性的8.国籍; 民族9.国家; 民族; 国民10.设计师; 设计者11.设计;筹划12.校园; 校区13.正式的;正规的14.焦虑的; 不安的;渴望的15.恼怒的;生气的16.使恼怒;打扰17.受惊吓的;害怕的18.较高的; 年长的;较年长者(美国)高中19.终于; 最后20.爱交际的;外向的;开朗的21.印象;感想留下好印象22.使钦佩;给…留下深刻印象23.如果…会怎么样呢?24.小伙子;男人;家伙25.集中(注意力);专心于26.实验;试验27.不打扰..., 不惊动...28.令人尴尬的; 难对付的29.地位(或职位、级别)低下的职位较低者; (体育运动中)青少年(美国)初级中学30.探索;勘探31.自信的;有把握的32.信心; 信任;自信心33.向前;前进盼望;期待34.记笔记35.闪光; 信号;闪耀;发出信号教学卡片;识字卡36. 组建;成立37.组织; 团体; 机构38.目标; 球门; 射门39.策略;策划40.同伴; 配偶;合伙人41.好奇的; 求知欲强的42.公司;商行; 陪伴43.性格;个性44.方式; 作风45.修改; 修订;复习高中英语新教材必修一单词自测卷Unit 1:英译汉1. teenage / ˈti:neɪdʒ/2. teenager / ˈti:neɪdʒə(r)/3. ballet /ˈbæleɪ/4. volunteer /ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)/5. debate /dɪ 'beɪt/6. prefer / prɪˈfɜ:(r)/prefer…to …7. content / 'kɒntent /8. movement / ˈmu:vmənt /9. greenhouse / ˈgri:nhaʊs/10. clean up11. suitable /ˈsu:təbl/suitable for12. actually / ˈæktʃuəli/13. challenge /ˈtʃæləndʒ/14. title /ˈtaɪtl/15. topic / ˈtɒpɪk/16. freshman / ˈfreʃmən /17. confuse /kən'fju:z/18. confusing /kənˈfju:zɪŋ/19. confused /kənˈfju:zd/20. fluent/'flu:ənt/ 21. graduate /'ɡrædʒʊeɪt/22. recommend /ˌrekəˈmend/23. sign up ( for sth)24. advanced / ədˈvɑ:nst/25. advance / ədˈvɑ:ns /26. literature / ˈlɪtrətʃə(r)/27.extra-curricular / 'ekstrə kə'rɪkjələ(r)/28. extra /'ekstrə/29. obviously / ˈɒbviəsli/30. quit / kwɪt/31. improve /ɪm'pru:v/32. responsible /rɪˈspɒnsəbl/be responsible for33. responsibility /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/34. solution / səˈlu:ʃn/35. schedule /ˈʃedju:l // ˈskedʒul /36. editor /ˈedɪtə(r)/37. plate /pleɪt/38. adventure /ədˈventʃə(r)/39. expert /'ekspɜːt/40. youth /ju:θ/41. behaviour /bɪˈheɪvjə(r)/42. generation /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn/43. attract /ə'trækt/be attracted to44. focus / ˈfəʊkəs /45. addicted /əˈdɪktɪd/addicted to46. addict /ˈædɪkt/47. adult /ˈædʌlt/48. Chicago / ʃɪ'kɑ:gəʊ/49.Seoul /səʊl/Unit 1:汉译英1.十几岁的(指13至19岁); 青少年的2.(13至19岁的)青少年3. 芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧4. 志愿者5. 辩论;争论6. 更喜欢喜欢……多于……7. 内容; [pl] 目录; 主题8. 动作;运动; 活动9. 温室;暖房10. 打扫(或清除)干净11. 适合的;适用的对……适合的12. 事实上; 的确13.挑战;艰巨任务14.(书、诗歌等的)名称;标题;职称;头衔15.话题; 标题16.(中学)九年级学生;(大学)一年级新生17.使糊涂;使迷惑18.难以理解的;不清楚的19.人感到糊涂的;迷惑的20.(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的21.毕业;获得学位; 毕业生22.建议;推荐;介绍23.报名(参加课程)24.高级的;高等的;先进的25.前进;发展; 促进26.文学; 文学作品27.课外的; 课程以外的28.额外的;附加的29.显然地;明显地30. 停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等)31.改进;改善32.负责的;有责任的对……负责任33.责任;义务34.解决办法; 答案35.工作计划;日程安排; 安排;预定36.主编;编辑;编者37.盘子,碟子38.冒险; 奇遇39. 专家;行家; 熟练的;内行的;专家的40.青年时期; 青春41.行为; 举止42.一代(人)43.吸引;引起…的注意或兴趣喜爱44.集中(精力、注意力等);(使)调节焦距n. 中心;重点;焦点45.有瘾的;上瘾的;入迷的对…很入迷46.对…入迷的人;吸毒成瘾的人47.成年人; 成年的;成熟的高中英语新教材必修一单词自测卷Unit 2:英译汉1. castle / ˈkɑ:sl/2. apply / əˈplaɪ/3. visa /ˈvi:zə/4. rent / rent/5. pack /pæk/6. amazing / əˈmeɪzɪŋ /7. amazed / əˈmeɪzd /8. arrangement /əˈreɪndʒmənt/9. extremely / ɪkˈstri:mli /10. source /sɔ:s/11. narrow /ˈnærəʊ/12. flat / flæt /13. powerful / ˈpaʊəfl /14. empire /ˈempaɪə(r)/15. emperor / ˈempərə(r)/16. site / saɪt /17. take control of18. official /ə'fɪʃl/19. recognise/ˈrekəgnaɪz/20. type / taɪp/21. flight /flaɪt/ 22. accommodation / əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn/23. unique / juˈni:k /24. path / pɑ:θ/25. destination / ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn/26. other than27. admire / ədˈmaɪə(r)/28. architecture / ˈɑ:kɪtektʃə(r) /29. architect / ˈɑ:kɪtekt /30. brochure/ˈbrəʊʃə(r)/31. package /ˈpækɪdʒ/package tour32. contact /ˈkɒntækt /33. transport / ˈtrænspɔ:t/34. hike / haɪk /35. make up36. soldier /ˈsəʊldʒə(r)/37. economy /ɪˈkɒnəmi/38. economic / ˌi:kəˈnɒmɪk/39. credit / ˈkredɪt/credit card40. detail / ˈdi:teɪl /41. check in42. check out43. request /rɪ'kwest/44. view / vju:/45. sight /saɪt/46. statue /ˈstætʃu:/47. tomb / tu:m /48. unearth / ʌnˈɜ:θ/49. comment / ˈkɒment / Unit 2:汉译英1.城堡;堡垒2.申请;请求;应用; 涂3.签证4.租用;出租;租金5.收拾(行李);包装6.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的7.(感到)惊奇的;惊喜的8.安排;筹备9.极其; 非常10.来源;出处11.狭窄的;(使)变窄12.平坦的; 扁平的;公寓13.强有力的;有影响力的14.帝国15.皇帝16.地点;位置;现场17.控制; 接管18.官方的;正式的; 公务的官员;要员19.辨别出; 承认; 认可20.打字21.空中航行; 航班;航程22. 住处;停留处;膳宿23.唯一的;独特的; 特有的24.小路; 路线;道路25.目的地;终点26.除…以外27.钦佩;赞赏; 欣赏28.建筑设计;建筑学29.建筑设计师30.资料(或广告)手册31.包裹; 包装盒包价旅游32.联络;联系33. 交通运输系统;运输;运送34.徒步旅行;去…远足35. 构成;形成36.士兵; 军人37.经济; 节约38. 经济(上)的; 经济学的39. 借款;信用; 称赞; 学分信用卡40.细节;详情;细微之处41. (在旅馆、机场等)登记42.结账离开(旅馆等)43.要求;请求44.视野;景色;看法45.景象; 视野; 视力46.雕塑;雕像47.坟墓48.挖掘;发掘49.议论;评论高中英语新教材必修一单词自测卷Unit 3:英译汉1. fitness /ˈfɪtnəs/2. soccer / ˈsɒkə(r)/3. stadium / ˈsteɪdiəm/4. boxing / ˈbɒksɪŋ /5. badminton / ˈbædmɪntən/6. marathon / ˈmærəθən/7. event / ɪˈvent/8. come along9. ski / ski:/10. host /həʊst/11. track /træk/track and field12. gym / dʒɪm /13. gymnastics / dʒɪmˈnæstɪks /14. work out15. sweat / swet /16. make it17. legend / ˈledʒənd /18. athlete /ˈæθli:t/19. master / ˈmɑ:stə(r)/20. set an example21. honour /'ɒnə(r)/22. glory / ˈglɔ:ri / 23. medal / ˈmedl/24. championship /ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp /25. champion / ˈtʃæmpiən/26. determination /dɪˌtɜ:mɪˈneɪʃn/27.apart / əˈpɑ:t /28. injure / ˈɪndʒə(r)/29. injured / ˈɪndʒəd /30. injury / ˈɪndʒəri /31. captain / ˈkæptɪn /32. lose heart33. strength / streŋθ/34. failure / ˈfeɪljə(r) /35. give up36. compete / kəmˈpi:t /37. make sense38. pretend /prɪˈtend/39. even if/though40. million / ˈmɪljən /41. cheat / tʃi:t /42. audience / ˈɔːdiəns /43. positive / ˈpɒzətɪv /44. slim / slɪm /45. diet / ˈdaɪət /46. make a difference47. rather / ˈrɑ:ðə(r) /48. push -up /' pʊʃʌp /49. cut out50. now and then51. compare…with/to…52. jog / dʒɒg /53. stress /stres/54. error / ˈerə(r) /Unit 3:汉译英1.健康; 健壮;适合2.足球3.体育场; 运动场4.拳击(运动)5.羽毛球运动6.马拉松赛跑7.比赛项目;大事;公开活动8.跟随;到达;进步;赶快9.滑雪的10.主办;主持11.跑道;足迹;铁路轨道田径12.健身房; 体育馆13.体操(训练)14.锻炼;计算出;解决15.使出汗;出汗弄湿;汗水16.获得成功;准时到达17.传奇故事(或人物);传说18.运动员;运动健儿19.高手; 主人;精通;掌握20.树立榜样21.荣誉;尊重;荣幸22.荣誉;光荣;赞美23.奖章; 勋章24.锦标赛; 冠军赛;冠军称号25.冠军; 优胜者26.决心;决定27.分离;分开;成碎片28.使受伤;损害29.受伤的;有伤的30. n. 伤害;损伤31.队长;船长;机长32.丧失信心;泄气34.力量;体力35.失败;失败的人(或事物)36.放弃;投降37. vi. 竞争;对抗38. 有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚39.假装;装扮40.即使;虽然41. —百万42.作弊;舞弊欺骗;蒙骗;骗子43.观众;听众44.积极的;乐观的;肯定的45.苗条的;单薄的46.节食47.有作用或影响48.相当;有点儿49.俯卧撑50. 停止做(或使用、食用);剪下51.有时;偶尔52.与…比较53.慢跑54.压力;紧张;重音;强调55.错误;差错高中英语新教材必修一单词自测卷Unit 4:英译汉1. disaster / dɪˈzɑ:stə(r) /2. tornado /tɔ:ˈneɪdəʊ /3. drought / draʊt /4. landslide / ˈlændslaɪd /5. slide / slaɪd /6. tsunami / tsu:ˈnɑ:mi /7. flood / flʌd /8. volcanic eruption /vɔlˈkænɪk ɪˈrʌpʃən/9. magnitude / ˈmægnɪtju:d /10. rescue / ˈreskju: /11. damage / ˈdæmɪdʒ /12. destroy/dɪ'strɔɪ/13. evacuate / ɪˈvækjueɪt /14. helicopter / ˈhelɪkɒptə(r)/15. death / de/16. affect /ə'fekt/17.shelter/'ʃeltə/18. crack /kræk/19. as if20. ruin /'ru:ɪn/in ruins21. percent / pəˈsent /22. brick /brɪk/23. metal /'metl/24. shock /ʃɒk/25. electricity / ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti / 26. trap /træp/27. bury / ˈberi /28. breathe / bri:ð /29. revive / rɪˈvaɪv /30. revival / rɪˈvaɪvl/31. effort /'efət /32. unify / ˈju:nɪfaɪ /33. wisdom / ˈwɪzdəm /34. context/ ˈkɒntekst /35. suffer / ˈsʌfə(r) /suffer from36. volcano / vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ /37. erupt / ɪˈrʌpt /38. supply / səˈplaɪ /39. typhoon / taɪˈfu:n /40. in the open air41. hurricane / ˈhʌrɪkən /42. survive / səˈvaɪv/43. power / ˈpaʊə(r) /44. tap / tæp/45. pipe/ paɪp/46. whistle / ˈwɪsl47. emergency/ iˈmɜ:dʒənsi /48. calm / kɑ:m /48. aid / eɪd /49. kit / kɪt /first aid kit50. on hand51. crash / kræʃ/55.sweep /swi:p/sweep away56. wave / weɪv /57. strike / straɪk /58. deliver/ dɪˈlɪvə(r) /59. summary /ˈsʌməri /60. effect / ɪˈfekt /61. length/ leŋθ/Unit 4:汉译英1.灾难;灾害2.龙卷风;旋风3.旱灾;久旱4.(山地或悬崖的)崩塌;滑坡5. (使)滑行;滑动6.海啸7.洪水;大量;淹没;大量涌入8.火山喷发9.震级;重大10.营救;救援11.损害;破坏;损失12.摧毁;毁灭13.疏散;撤出;撤离14.直升机15.n. 死;死亡16.影响;侵袭;深深打动17避难处;居所;庇护18.裂纹;裂缝;(使)破裂19.似乎;好像;仿佛20.破坏;毁坏严重受损;破败不堪21.百分之....22.砖;砖块23.金属24.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克25.电;电能26.使落入险境;使陷入圈套27.埋葬;安葬28.呼吸29.复活;(使)苏醒30.振兴;复苏31.努力;艰难的尝试;尽力32.统一;(使)成一体33.智慧;才智34.上下文;语境;背景35.遭受;蒙受因…而痛苦;患有(疾病等)36.火山37.(火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出38.供应(量);补给;[pl.] 补给品39.台风40.露天;在户外41.(尤指大西洋的)飓风42.幸存;艰难度过43.电力供应;力量;控制力44.轻叩;轻敲;轻拍;水龙头45.管子;管道46.吹口哨;发出笛声47.突发事件;紧急情况48.镇静的;沉着的;使平静;使镇静48.援助;帮助;救援物资49.成套工具;成套设备急救箱50.现有(尤指帮助)51.碰撞;撞击55.打扫;清扫;消灭;彻底消除56.海浪;波浪;挥手;招手57.侵袭;突击;击打;罢工;罢课58.递送;传达;发表59.总结;概括;概要60.影响;结果;效果61.长;长度高中英语新教材必修一单词自测卷Unit 5:英译汉1. billion / ˈbɪljən /2. native / ˈneɪtɪv /3. attitude / ˈætɪtju:d /4. refe rence / ˈrefrəns /5. refer/rɪˈfɜ:(r) /refer to6. system / ˈsɪstəm /7. civiliz ation /ˌsɪvəlaɪˈzeɪʃn /8. despite / dɪˈspaɪt /9. ups and downs10. factor / ˈfæktə(r)/11. base /beɪs/12. based /beist/13. date back to14. bone / bəʊn /15. shell /ʃel /16. symbol / ˈsɪmbl /17. carve / kɑ:v /18. dynasty /ˈdɪnəsti; ' dai-/19. variety /vəˈraɪətɪ/ 20. major / ˈmeɪdʒə(r) /21. no matter where, who, what, etc.22. dialect /'daɪəlekt/23. means /mi:nz/24. classic / ˈklæsɪk /25. regard / rɪˈgɑ:d /26. character /'kærəktə(r)/27. calligraphy / kəˈlɪɡrəfi /28. global /'gləʊbəl/29. affair / əˈfeə(r) /30.appreciate /ə'pri:ʃieɪt /31. specific /spəˈsɪfɪk/32. struggle / ˈstrʌgl /33. tongue / tʌŋ /34. point of view35. semester / sɪˈmestə(r) /36. gas /ɡæs/37. petrol /'petrəl/38.subway/'sʌbweɪ/39. apartment /ə'pɑ:tmənt/ (=flat)40. pants / pænts /41. beg /beg/42. equal /'i:kwəl /43. gap /gæp/44. demand/ dɪˈmɑ:nd /45. vocabulary / və'kæbjʊlərɪ /46. description /dɪˈskrɪpʃn/47. relate / rɪˈleɪt /Unit 5:汉译英1.十亿2.本地的;土著的;本地人3.态度;看法4.指称关系;参考5.提到;参考;查阅;求助于指的是;描述;提到;查阅6.体系;制度;系统7.文明;文明世界8.即使;尽管9.浮沉;兴衰;荣辱10.因素;要素11.以...为据点;以....为基础底部;根据;基础12.以(某事)为基础的;13.追溯到14.骨头;骨(质)15.壳;壳状物16.符号;象征17.雕刻18.王朝;朝代19.(植物、语言等的)变体;异体;多样化20.主要的;重要的;大的;主修课程;主修学生;主修;专门研究21.不论…;不管…22.地方话;方言23.方式;方法;途径24.传统的;最优秀的;典型的;经典作品;名著25.尊重;关注;把...视为;看待26.文字;符号;角色;品质;特点27.书法;书法艺术28.全球的;全世界的29.公共事务[复数];事件;关系30.欣赏;重视;感激;领会;增值31.特定的;明确的;具体的32.斗争;奋斗;努力;难事33.舌头;语言34.观点;看法35.学期36.汽油;气体;燃气37.汽油38.地铁39.公寓套房(=flat)40.内裤;短裤41.恳求;祈求;哀求42.同等的人;相等物;相同的;同样的;等于;;和…相等;比得上43.间隔;开口;差距44.要求;需求;查问45.词汇46.描写(文字);形容n.47.联系;讲述与…相关;涉及;谈到。

高考英语词汇量测试题1.Many species of animals are becoming every year due to pollution caused by man.A.idleB.solarC.extinctD.temporary2.The large river turned into a small due to lack of rainA.steamB.streamC.screamD.dream3.Do you mean to that I am a bad person?A.applyB.replyC.supplyD.imply4.It is a good idea to one’s money in a safe stock.A.reciteB.purchaseC. investD.account5.The in the bookstore is only available to students.A.discountB.recreationedyD.blank6.The standard of the people have dropped by a great degree in recent times.A.oralB.moralC.significantD.charming7.One must conduct a great deal of before writing an article.A.searchB.sourceC. resourceD.research8.Please us with a song or danceA. defineB.cheatC.entertainD.bless9.It is difficult to to a new culture and language.A.enterB.adjustC.generateD.disclose10.The of the criminal act was two years in jailA.consequenceB.stressC.basisD.affects11.George can explain to you whatever information you need in about our program.A .fancy B.detail C.tone D.promotion12.Ben is a friend of mine;Ican trust him with all of my secrets.A.loyalB.royalC.pleasantD.awful13.It really me to see how much food we waste every day.mandsB.depresses C arises D.recommends14.There was not enough to prove him guilty of crimeA.giftB.evidenceC.conflictD.police15.Though he didn’t have much money to give,he was very with his money.A.curiousB.magnificentC.generousD.delicious16.A boy who is filled with always works hardA.burdenB.ambitionC.remedyD.variety17.He doesn’t work in the office any longer; he from his job several years ago.A.quitB.retiredC.avoidedD.accomplished18.Her letter us how and when she expected to arrive.A.fadedB.blessedrmedD.managed19.I gave him my old testbooks and received a dictionary in .A.exchangeB.preparationC.proposalD.method20.The film which has been to light is no longer usable.A.providedB.expressedplainedD.exposed21.A person who is can’t write his own name.A.idleB.ignorantC.awaremon22.We were all anxious about the of the missing fisherman.A. secretB. acheC.fate D reward23.It is the business of the police to detect and of the law courts to punish criminals.A.crimesB.puzzlesC.lossesD.faults24.The coat does not with the hat.A.resembleB.matchC.appreciateD.allow25.A large number of houses were burn to .A.victimsB.misfortuneC.ashesD.noises26.Before we judge a person’s act, we must know all the .A.circumstancesB.expensesC.puzzlesD.faults27.There are many in our society such as churches,schools,hospitals,and prisons.A.institutionsB.foundationsC. journalsD.regions28.He gave his friend the of using his private car.A.referenceB.securityC.privilegeD.expense29. are better than words when people are in trouble.A.FavourB.VisionsC.PhrasesD.Deeds30.The air conditioner soon the temperature of the room.A.loweredB.improvedC.reservedD.deserved31.She did her best to fufil her as a mother.A.patienceB.roleC.traditionD.crop32.In the elementary school there is often a prize for good .A.conductB.defectC.servantD.threat33.The doctor him that his child would recover from the illness.A.refusedB.assistedC.contrastedD.assured34.A.dog a keen sense of smellA.embracesB.symbolizesC.behavesD.possesses35.The trip to Alaska was quite a(n) for her.A.spotB.modeC.adventureD.medium36.A deaf and blind man shows by facial expressions and gestures.A.advantagesB.professionC.emotionsD.dignity37.Soldiers usually have to bear hard ship during the war.A.gayB.bitterC.catchyD.cautious38.This clock is for one year.A.urged B situated C.determined D.guaranteed39.There is some beautiful scenery in our .A.atmosphereB.neighborhoodC.fashionD.scheme40.He this sentence from a speech by the PresidentA.inventedB.attachedC.quotedD.relate41.She for joy when she won the award.A.piledB.struggledC.reducedD.wept42.Leave me alone! Mind your own .A.affairsB.virtueC.advantageD.bravery43.Parents try to their children of bad habitsA.cureB.chargemandD.represent44.He has himself that his method is the bestA.convincedB.estimatedC.attemptedD.interrupted45.The poet has fame all his life, but has never experienced itA.acquiredB.pursuedC.seizedD.distributed46.Birds do not learn to build their nests but build them by .A.theoryB.principleC.passionD.instinct47.As we the man, we saw that he was blindA.declareB.approachedC.paveD.establish48.All the teachers in the children’s gameA.discussedB.requestedC.wantedD.participated49.The child a bad temper at an early ageA.existedB.exhibitedC.expressedD.experienced50.It would be to speak ill of one’s parents in publicA.poisonousB.previousC.ridiculousD.enthusiastic51.The teacher had good reasons to the student of cheating in the exem.A.respectB.respondC.suspectD.expect52.Being new to the area, we really the welcome given to us by our new neighbors.A.appreciatedB.dedicatedC.summonedD.depart53.Garbage and dirt attract ,so please be careful and keep your area clean.ndscapeB.insectsC.conceptD.alien54.Because of his vast experience, Ben was leader of the group .A.concentratedB.appointedC.relievedD. supported55.Parents should teach their childen to be towards elders.A.courteousB.awkwardC.stubbornD.normal56.He has signed a two-year of employment with the firm.A.contrastB.contactC.contractD.consume57.Don’t the dog when he is feeding;otherwise he might bite you.A.abandonB.botherC.defineD.approve.58.The twins look so much alike that it is difficult to between them.A.analyzeB.determineC.abuseD.distinguish59.I don’t understand why most secretaries are .A.preciseB.toughC.jealousD.female60.Science has to our lives in many waysA.recoveredB.contributedC.affectedD. infected61.Despite his twenty-four years, he was not yet_____ enough to realize that what he was doing was wrong. A. developed B. aged C. matureD. ripe62.As he has been well trained, this young man is _____ to be a teacher.A.delightedB. possibleC. qualifiedD. unable63. The landlady had a few _____ rooms to rent for the students.A. blankB. vacantC. hollowD. fresh64. The essay is due next Friday. I have done a rough_______ but haven’t written it up yet.A. droughtB. draftC. drainageD. drama65. The girl wanted a job and asked if there were any______ positions in the factory.A. vacantB. unusedC. freeD. unemployed66. I wonder why her application was rejected though she had got so many admirable ________A. contributionsB. responsibilitiesC. talentsD. qualification67. These new books are very welcome_____ to the school library.A. additionB. arrivalC. attitudeD. audience68. The only ____of the plan is costs too muchA. drawbackB. mistakeC. faultD. error69. This year’s fall in profits was not unexpected _______, it is very disappointing.A. BesidesB. NeverthelessC. PersonallyD. Generally70. His long service with the company was _______ with a presentA. admitted B .acknowledged C. attributed D. accepted71. Those who have passed the examination will be awarded a ________A. passportB. certificateC. nodD. licence72.One of the multinationals is expected to make a take-over _______for the engineer company.A. betB. bidC. payD. competition.73. Missiles are now more______than ever . It can hit a target with 2000 miles.A. exactB. accurateC. correctD. definite74. A completely new situation will ____when the examination system comes into existence.A. ariseB. riseC. raiseD. arouse75. The rise in violent crime is one of more worrying ____of the current situation.A. aspectsB. methodsC. approachesD. appointments76. You may be my sister, but that doesn’t mean you have any _____ on me.A. justiceB. extensionC. intervalsD. claims77.The coming of the railway in the 1830s ____ our society and economic life.A. transformedB. transportedC. transferredD. transmitted78. The government is trying to do something to _____better understandingbetween the two countries.A. raisedB. promoteC. heightenD. increase79.Many company are eager to sign a contract with Amanda, who has the potential to_____ a super star.A. remainB. growC. makeD. turn80. My parents tried their best to laugh ___ my fears for the coming examination.A. fromB. awayC. againstD. into81. Recently more and more farmers have _____the government rather than nature forhelpA. appealed toB. centered onC. attend toD. live up to82. But not all pretended deeds have to fall short of their normal function in order to_____their communicative purpose. A. serve B. succeed C.complete D. accomplish83. When the drummer was taken ill, the band got someone to ____until he got better.A. stand byB. stand forC. stand inD. stand out84. True friends always stick with each other through_______A. black and whiteB. good and badC. thick and thinD. young and old85. The Olympic mascots are the Olympic flame , the fish , the panda , the Tibetenantelope and the swallow, _______a close group of friends. A. determining B.representing C. purchasing D. responding86. All things_____ into consideration, the planned trip will have to be called off.A. takenB. madeC. wentD. put87. Niagara is a great tourist____ , drawing millions of visitors every year.A. attractionB. attentionC. appointmentD. arrangement88. ---It is not how much you read but what you read that________. ---I can’tagree more.A. calculatesB. countsC. accountsD. assumes89. John’s thefts from the bank where he worked______ when the bank examinersmade an inspection.A. came to lightB. came into beingC. caught outD. found out90. According to the weather report, a strong typhoon with heavy rain is ____ to moveon shore in Guangdong on Sunday. A. about B. due C. eager D.sure.91.Who is ______ your sister’s wedding?A. providingB. supplyingC. catering forD. entertaining92. It seems difficult to _____ “hurt” from “injure” in meaning.A. judgeB. tellC. divideD. separate93. -----So how is your new roommates?-----She really _____. She is always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, she always makes rude remarks.A. turns me overB. turns me downC. turns me offD. turns me out94. -----Would you like to go to Paris with us next year? -----I’d like to , but mymother_____ that I’m too young.A. is againstB. opposesC. objectsD. explains.95.His private actions are in direct______ with his publicly expressed opinions .A. conversationB. contradictionC. conventionD. contributio n96..If you want to know the train schedule, please _____ at the booking office.A. acquireB. inquireC. requestD. require97.---You must take great pains to learn all these subjects well .---I will, No efforts will be ___in the study of them.A. takenB. sharedC. spentD. spared98. Success is _____on how hard you workA. independentB. dependableC. dependentD. reliable99. The soldier was ____ of running away when the enemy attacked.A. scoldedB. chargedC. accusedD. punished100. I am sure David will be able to find the library -----he has a pretty good ____ of direction.A. ideaB. feelingC. experienceD. sense101. ----Julia said she sent you a birthday car yesterday. Have you got it?----- Oh, really ! I haven’t ______ my mailbox yet.A. examinedB. reviewedC. testedD. checked102. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his_______A. abilityB. forceC. strengthD. mind103.He is such a man who is always ___ fault with other peopleA. puttingB. seekingC. findingD. looking for104. My_____ of this weekend’s activity is going out with some good friends.A. ideaB. opinionC. mindD. thought105.----- Why didn’t you buy the camera you had longed for? ------ I had planned to .But I was $ 50 _______A. fewerB. lessC. cheapD. short106. He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his_____ was seen at its best when he worked with others. A. temper B. appearance C.talent D. character107. At times , worrying is a normal , _____ response to a difficult event or situation— a loved one being injured in an accident, for example.A. effectiveB. individualC. inevitableD. unfavorable108.Whether he will be elected as chairman is still_________A. debatedB. disturbedC. disputedD. argued109. ----Have you finished the report?----Oh, sorry. It was so noisy in the office that I couldn’t _____ down to write anything.A. settleB. putC. sitD. lie110.I lost my wallet last week, but _____ I didn’t have any money or credit cards in it at that time.A. luckilyB. hopefullyC. gladlyD. normally111.----Why was our foreign expert unhappy yesterday?----News about the terrorist explosions in London______ an attack of homesickness.A. set upB. set outC. set aboutD. set off112.---Do you have any blouses in yellow?----Sorry, we don’t. What about this green color? It____ well with almost anything.A. goesB. putsC. doesD. gets113.This is a kind of bamboo, which_____ green grass in appearance.A. likesB. appearsC. resemblesD. shapes114. The early ___ of patients with cancer cells treatment matters a lot.A. discoveryB. identificationC. conclusionD. exposure115. My father is a laid-off worker with a total income around 300 yuan per month, which ____only the most basic needs of our family. A. offers B. supportsC. presentsD. covers.116.---Does the newly published detective book sell well?----No, it will only _____ a limited public.A. attached toB. appeal toC. refer toD. bring up117. She ____ in a school for 3 years before she became a graduate student twomonths ago . That means it ____ 2 months since she _____ a teacher.A. had worked , is, becameB. would work, was, isC. has worked , has been , becameD. had worked, is, was118.He was extremely successful in his _____ to write music that would please ordinary people.A. admirationB. ambitionC. motivationD. reputation119._____for money for drug, the crazy young man robbed the women passing the dark narrow lane. A. Be desperate B. Desperate C. DesperatedD. Being desperated120.----Do I have to make a reservation? -----You don’t have to, but you probably_____A. shouldB. wouldC. couldD. might121.----Thank you very much for the beautiful book, Mr Smith . It was very nice of you to remember my birthday.----It was _____ I could do. I hope you enjoy it.A. the littleB. the leastC. the lessD. a little122.Some school authorities ____ a teacher’s achievement or his ability by the number of his students who pass public examination. A. assess B. assignC. estimateD. calculate123.American companies are evolving from massproduction manufacturing to ____ enterprises.A. moveableB. changingC. flexibleD. varying124. The service is entirely_____ , not compulsory.A. voluntaryB. selectiveC. chosenD. reluctant125. Floods cause billions of dollars worth of property damage_________.A. relativelyB. actuallyC. annuallyD. comparatively126.As we know, plain glass is _______A. transparentB. apparentC. basicD. initial127.The newcomer was _____ a very old man , but in reality he is only a little over fifty.A. apparentlyB. evidentlyC. obviouslyD. surely128.Mr Henry kept ______ and complete records of all his business expenses.A. preciseB. efficientC. guiltyD. evident129. In that car accident , he was a completely__ bystander, but he was imprisoned for two weeks.A. harmlessB. innocentC. guiltyD. harmful130.It would be very rude to ______ on her appearance.A. remarkB. criticizeC. speakD. observe.131.We should be ______ of the comfort of old people.A. thoughtfulB. considerateC. considerableD. skeptical132. If you want this pain killer, you will have to ask the doctor for a______.A. receiptB. recipeC. descriptionD. prescription参考答案:1-15 CBDCA BDCBA BABBC 16-30 BBCAD BCABC AACDA31-45 BADDC CBDBC DAAAB 46-60 DBDCC CABBA CBDDB61-75 CCBBA CAABB BBBAA 76-90 DABCB AACCB AABAB91-105 CBCCB BDCCD DCCAD 106-120 DCAAA DACBD BDDDA121-132 BACAC AAABA AD11。

选必四Unit5Launch Your Career基础知识检测一、词形转换1.把…分类(加以归类)vt.__________2.目录n.__________3.参与,参加vi.__________4.参与者n.__________5.参与n.__________6.把…视作,认为;解释v.__________7.会计师n.__________8.说明;占一定比例__________9.控告v.__________10.控告n.__________11.12.把...奉献给v.__________13.投入的adj.__________14.献身;奉献n.__________15.关怀,照料,处理(短语)__________16.参与者n.__________17.出席n.__________18.贪婪,贪心n.__________19.贪婪的,贪心的adj.__________20.在...之前(短语)__________21.优先事项;首要的事n.__________22.优先处理v.__________23.获得,购得v.__________24.获得,并购n.__________二、词块积累1.开启职业生涯____________________2.更深入理解____________________3.开启职业生涯,追寻美好未来_______________________________4.光阴似箭!____________________5.时间如白驹过隙转瞬即逝。

必修一Unit2 Travelling Around 基础知识检测一、词形转换1.申请vi.& vt.应用;涂vt. ________2.申请人n. ________3.申请(书)n. ________4.令人惊奇的adj. ________5.惊奇的;惊喜的adj. ________6.惊奇,惊异n. ________7.安排;筹备n.________8.筹备;安排;整理vt. ________9.极其;非常adv. ________10.极度的adj. ________11.狭窄的adj. (使)变窄vi.& vt. ________12.狭窄地;勉强地;差一点adv. ________13.辨别出;承认;认可vt. ________14.认出;认识;识别n.________15.类型;种类n.打字vi.& vt. ________ 16.打字员n. ________17.打字机n.________18.钦佩;赞赏vt. ________19.羡慕n.________20.可钦佩的,极佳的adj. ________21.(令人)赞赏的,羡慕的adj. ________22.钦佩者;崇拜者n.________23.建筑设计;建筑学n.________24.建筑设计师n.________25.运输系统n.运输;运送vt. ________26.运输;客运;运输工具n.________27.经济;节约n.________28.经济(上)的;经济学的adj. ________29.经济的;节约的;实惠的adj. ________二、词块积累1.申请________ 2.四处走动;(新闻或消息)传开________ 3.狭窄、平坦的土地________ 4.控制;接管________ 5.浏览________ 6.短途飞行________ 7.在去……的路上________ 8.除……以外________ 9.官方语言________ 10.由……制成________ 11.构成;形成________ 12.(在旅馆、机场等)登记________ 13.结账离开(旅馆等) ________ 14.迫不及待做……________ 15.热带雨林特有的动物________ 16.收到某人的来信________ 17.多于;超过________ 18.根据……________三、句子积累1.旅行,对年轻人来说,是教育的一部分; 在长者,是经验的一部分。

Unit 1 a(an)--action一、英汉互译1.放弃;遗弃;丢弃(信仰等)_____________2.上船(飞机、车等)(adv.)在船(飞机、车等)上(prep.)_____________3.缺席,不在(n.)_____________4.吸收;使全神贯注_____________5.丰富的,充裕的_____________6.(使)加速;促进(v.)_____________7.陪伴;为......伴奏;伴随(v.)_____________8.账户;描写;报道(n.)_____________9.积累;积聚(v.)_____________10.指责;指控;控告(v.)_____________11.成就,功绩_____________12.承认;(公开)感谢_____________13.行动;作用(n.)_____________14.在国内外(n.)_____________15.全神贯注于_____________16.说明、解释......的原因_____________17.结识某人_____________18.abnormal _____________19.abstract adj. _____________20.absurd _____________21.academic adj. _____________22.access n. _____________ v. _____________二、在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式1.The lost boy was found at last in an _________________(abandon) farm.2.Students of all _____________ (able) will get together and study for two weeks.3.I felt a great sense of _____________ (achieve) when I reached the top of the mountain.4.My parents thought it was _____________ (normal) for a boy to be interested in ballet.5.How did it come about that you were absent ______________ school this morning?6._____________ (accurate) is more important than speed in her new job.7.Children, when _____________ (accompany) by their parents, are allowed to enter thestadium.8.The theory he put forward at the meeting was entirely at fault and was therefore_____________ (acceptable).9.Learning that you are about _____________ (pay) a visit to a Chinese friend and confusedabout the Chinese customs, I am writing to inform you of some relevant details.10.I don’t consider it good for a person to be afraid of _____________ (abuse).三、根据汉语意思用适当的词组填空1.Many divorced fathers only _______________________________ (有......的机会) theirchildren at weekends.2.I’d like to buy a house --- modern, comfortable, and _______________________________(最重要的是), in a quiet neighbourhood.3.Tom _______________________________ (全神贯注于) playing the piano and didn’tnotice my coming.4.It is said that body language _______________________________ (占据比例) 55 percent ofa first impression while what you says just 7 percent.5.I found her letter _______________________________ (偶然) as I was looking throughmy files.6.The government must _______________________________ (采取行动) now to stop therise in violent crime.ually they _______________________________ (习惯于) not talking at meals.8.The professor ____________ (already) ____________________________ (被控告) stealinghis students’ ideas and publishing them.四、句型转换1.The case was dismissed for lack of any definite proof.The case was dismissed _________ _________ _________ _________ any definite proof. 2.She acknowledged that she was defeated.She acknowledged that _________ _________ _________.3.Jack was so absorbed in painting that he didn’t notice evening approaching.So absorbed _________ _________ _________ _________ that he didn’t notice evening approaching.4.If you take inflation (通货膨胀) into consideration, we actually spend less now.Inflation _________ _________ _________ , we actually spend less now.5.This machine isn’t working. Have you called the technician to make some adjustments?This machine isn’t _________ _________. Have you called the technician to make some adjustments?五、根据提示翻译句子1.他能说一口流利的英语。

2024届高三英语词汇3500过关检测The English language is a vast and complex system, with a seemingly endless array of vocabulary words to master. For students preparing to take the 2024 High School English Vocabulary 3500 Passing Test, the task of memorizing and comprehending such a large number of terms can seem daunting. However, with a strategic and dedicated approach, it is certainly an achievable goal.One of the key strategies for success on this exam is to start preparing early. The 3500 vocabulary words covered on the test represent a significant amount of material, and attempting to cram it all in at the last minute is unlikely to be effective. Instead, students should begin their study regimen well in advance, gradually working through the vocabulary list and ensuring they have a solid understanding of each term.An effective way to approach this task is to break down the 3500 words into manageable chunks. Perhaps students could focus on learning 100 new words per week, or even less depending on their individual learning pace. By setting realistic goals and sticking to aconsistent study schedule, they can steadily chip away at the overall vocabulary list and build a strong foundation of knowledge.In addition to simply memorizing the definitions of the words, it is important for students to also understand the context in which these terms are used. This means studying the words in sentences, reading passages that incorporate the vocabulary, and actively using the terms in their own writing and speaking. This holistic approach will not only help students to remember the words but also to develop a deeper understanding of how they function in the English language.Another key component of success on the 2024 High School English Vocabulary 3500 Passing Test is to regularly review and reinforce the material. It is not enough to simply learn the words once and move on. Instead, students should incorporate regular review sessions into their study routine, using flashcards, quizzes, and other memory-reinforcing techniques to ensure the vocabulary sticks.One effective strategy for review is to create personalized study aids, such as flashcards or digital flashcard apps, that allow students to focus on the words they are struggling with the most. By identifying their weakest areas and targeting those words specifically, students can maximize the efficiency of their study time and ensure they are fully prepared for the test.In addition to individual study, students may also find it beneficial to participate in group study sessions or tutoring programs. Collaborating with their peers can not only provide additional support and accountability but also expose students to different learning styles and perspectives that can enhance their understanding of the material.Furthermore, students should take advantage of any practice tests or sample questions that are available to them. These resources can give them a better sense of the format and structure of the actual exam, as well as the types of questions they can expect to encounter. By familiarizing themselves with the test format and practicing their skills in a simulated environment, students can build their confidence and improve their chances of success on the real thing.Overall, the key to passing the 2024 High School English Vocabulary 3500 Passing Test lies in a combination of early preparation, consistent study habits, and a comprehensive understanding of the vocabulary words. By breaking down the material into manageable chunks, regularly reviewing and reinforcing their knowledge, and seeking out additional support and practice opportunities, students can position themselves for success on this challenging but important exam.。

A. BesidesB. NeverthelessC. PersonallyD. Generally70. His long service with the company was _______ with a presentA. admitted B .acknowledged C. attributed D. accepted71. Those who have passed the examination will be awarded a ________A. passportB. certificateC. nodD. licence72.One of the multinationals is expected to make a take-over _______for the engineer company.A. betB. bidC. payD. competition.73. Missiles are now more______than ever . It can hit a target with 2000 miles.A. exactB. accurateC. correctD. definite74. A completely new situation will ____when the examination system comes into existence.A. ariseB. riseC. raiseD. arouse75. The rise in violent crime is one of more worrying ____of the current situation.A. aspectsB. methodsC. approachesD. appointments76. You may be my sister, but that doesn’t mean you have any _____ on me.A. justiceB. extensionC. intervalsD. claims77.The coming of the railway in the 1830s ____ our society and economic life.A. transformedB. transportedC. transferredD. transmitted78. The government is trying to do something to _____better understanding between the two countries.A. raisedB. promoteC. heightenD. increase79.Many company are eager to sign a contract with Amanda, who has the potential to _____ a super star.A. remainB. growC. makeD. turn80. My parents tried their best to laugh ___ my fears for the coming examination.A. fromB. awayC. againstD. into81. Recently more and more farmers have _____the government rather than nature for helpA. appealed toB. centered onC. attend toD. live up to82. But not all pretended deeds have to fall short of their normal function in order to _____their communicativepurpose. A. serve B. succeed C. complete D. accomplish83. When the drummer was taken ill, the band got someone to ____until he got better.A. stand byB. stand forC. stand inD. stand out84. True friends always stick with each other through_______A. black and whiteB. good and badC. thick and thinD. young and old85. The Olympic mascots are the Olympic flame , the fish , the panda , the Tibeten antelope and the swallow,_______a close group of friends. A. determining B. representing C. purchasing D. responding86. All things_____ into consideration, the planned trip will have to be called off.A. takenB. madeC. wentD. put87. Niagara is a great tourist____ , drawing millions of visitors every year.A. attractionB. attentionC. appointmentD. arrangement88. ---It is not how much you read but what you read that________. ---I can’t agree more.A. calculatesB. countsC. accountsD. assumes89. John’s thefts from the bank where he worked______ when the bank examiners made an inspection.A. came to lightB. came into beingC. caught outD. found out90. According to the weather report, a strong typhoon with heavy rain is ____ to move on shore in Guangdong onSunday. A. about B. due C. eager D. sure.91.Who is ______ your sister’s wedding?A. providingB. supplyingC. catering forD. entertaining92. It seems difficult to _____ “hurt” from “injure” in meaning.A. judgeB. tellC. divideD. separate93. -----So how is your new roommates?-----She really _____. She is always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, she always makes rude remarks.A. turns me overB. turns me downC. turns me offD. turns me out94. -----Would you like to go to Paris with us next year? -----I’d like to , but my mother_____ that I’m too young.A. is againstB. opposesC. objectsD. explains.95.His private actions are in direct______ with his publicly expressed opinions .A. conversationB. contradictionC. conventionD. contributio n96..If you want to know the train schedule, please _____ at the booking office.A. acquireB. inquireC. requestD. require97.---You must take great pains to learn all these subjects well .---I will, No efforts will be ___in the study of them.A. takenB. sharedC. spentD. spared98. Success is _____on how hard you workA. independentB. dependableC. dependentD. reliable99. The soldier was ____ of running away when the enemy attacked.A. scoldedB. chargedC. accusedD. punished100. I am sure David will be able to find the library -----he has a pretty good ____ of direction.A. ideaB. feelingC. experienceD. sense101. ----Julia said she sent you a birthday car yesterday. Have you got it?----- Oh, really ! I haven’t ______ my mailbox yet.A. examinedB. reviewedC. testedD. checked102. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his_______A. abilityB. forceC. strengthD. mind103.He is such a man who is always ___ fault with other peopleA. puttingB. seekingC. findingD. looking for104. My_____ of this weekend’s activity is going out with some good friends.A. ideaB. opinionC. mindD. thought105.----- Why didn’t you buy the camera you had longed for? ------ I had planned to . But I was $ 50 _______A. fewerB. lessC. cheapD. short106. He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his_____ was seen at its best when he worked with others. A. temper B. appearance C. talent D. character107. At times , worrying is a normal , _____ response to a difficult event or situation—a loved one being injured in an accident, for example.A. effectiveB. individualC. inevitableD. unfavorable108.Whether he will be elected as chairman is still_________A. debatedB. disturbedC. disputedD. argued109. ----Have you finished the report?----Oh, sorry. It was so noisy in the office that I couldn’t _____ down to write anything.A. settleB. putC. sitD. lie110.I lost my wallet last week, but _____ I didn’t have any money or credit cards in it at that time.A. luckilyB. hopefullyC. gladlyD. normally111.----Why was our foreign expert unhappy yesterday?----News about the terrorist explosions in London______ an attack of homesickness.A. set upB. set outC. set aboutD. set off112.---Do you have any blouses in yellow?----Sorry, we don’t. What about this green color? It____ well with almost anything.A. goesB. putsC. doesD. gets113.This is a kind of bamboo, which_____ green grass in appearance.A. likesB. appearsC. resemblesD. shapes114. The early ___ of patients with cancer cells treatment matters a lot.A. discoveryB. identificationC. conclusionD. exposure115. My father is a laid-off worker with a total income around 300 yuan per month, which ____only the most basic needs of our family. A. offers B. supports C. presents D. covers.116.---Does the newly published detective book sell well?----No, it will only _____ a limited public.A. attached toB. appeal toC. refer toD. bring up117. She ____ in a school for 3 years before she became a graduate student two months ago . That means it ____2 months since she _____ a teacher.A. had worked , is, becameB. would work, was, isC. has worked , has been , becameD. had worked, is, was118.He was extremely successful in his _____ to write music that would please ordinary people.A. admirationB. ambitionC. motivationD. reputation119._____for money for drug, the crazy young man robbed the women passing the dark narrow lane. A. Be desperate B. Desperate C. Desperated D. Being desperated120.----Do I have to make a reservation? -----You don’t have to, but you probably_____A. shouldB. wouldC. couldD. might121.----Thank you very much for the beautiful book, Mr Smith . It was very nice of you to remember my birthday.----It was _____ I could do. I hope you enjoy it.A. the littleB. the leastC. the lessD. a little122.Some school authorities ____ a teacher’s achievement or his ability by the number of his students who pass public examination. A. assess B. assign C. estimate D. calculate123.American companies are evolving from massproduction manufacturing to ____ enterprises.A. moveableB. changingC. flexibleD. varying124. The service is entirely_____ , not compulsory.A. voluntaryB. selectiveC. chosenD. reluctant125. Floods cause billions of dollars worth of property damage_________.A. relativelyB. actuallyC. annuallyD. comparatively126.As we know, plain glass is _______A. transparentB. apparentC. basicD. initial127.The newcomer was _____ a very old man , but in reality he is only a little over fifty.A. apparentlyB. evidentlyC. obviouslyD. surely128.Mr Henry kept ______ and complete records of all his business expenses.A. preciseB. efficientC. guiltyD. evident129. In that car accident , he was a completely__ bystander, but he was imprisoned for two weeks.A. harmlessB. innocentC. guiltyD. harmful130.It would be very rude to ______ on her appearance.A. remarkB. criticizeC. speakD. observe.131.We should be ______ of the comfort of old people.A. thoughtfulB. considerateC. considerableD. skeptical132. If you want this pain killer, you will have to ask the doctor for a______.A. receiptB. recipeC. descriptionD. prescription参考答案:1-15 CBDCA BDCBA BABBC 16-30 BBCAD BCABC AACDA 31-45 BADDC CBDBC DAAAB 46-60 DBDCC CABBA CBDDB 61-75 CCBBA CAABB BBBAA 76-90 DABCB AACCB AABAB 91-105 CBCCB BDCCD DCCAD 106-120 DCAAA DACBD BDDDA 121-132 BACAC AAABA AD。
高中英语北师大版选择性必修三_Unit7 单元词汇检测卷

Unit7 单元词汇检测卷Ⅰ.核心单词(A)写作词汇—写词形1.n.律师2.n.牙科医生3.n.图书馆管理员4.n.接待员;办事员,文员;(商店的)售货员,店员5.n.男推销员,男售货员6.n.女推销员,女售货员7.n.(医院、大学、公司、政府的)科,系,处,部;(大商场的)部8.vt.说服,劝服9.n.客户,顾客10.adj.极好的,优秀的;明亮的,灿烂的11.vt.应得,应受到(奖赏或惩罚)12.adj.(数字或数量)较小的;较低级的;下面的13.n.联系;协会,社团14.adv.总而言之,总的说来;完全,全部15.n.趋势,趋向,倾向16.vt.保证,担保n.保修单17.n.脚步声18.n.车间,工厂19.adj.相当好的,像样的,可接受的20.n.薪金,工资21.n.新闻工作者,新闻记者22.adj.年老的,渐老的23.n.地区,区域24.n.视野;视力(B)阅读词汇—明词义1.physician n.2.architect n.4.chef n.5.butcher n.6.consultant n.7.fascinated adj.8.institution n.9.administration n.10.credit n.11.CV n.12.quotient n.13.internal adj.14.solely adv.prehension n.16.bio⁃technology n.17.AI (artificial intelligence) n.18.prospect n.19.relevant adj.20.lottery n.21.specialist n.22.occupation n.23.pace n.24.outsource vt.25.retrain vt.26.likelihood n.27.multiple adj.28.essential adj.29.part⁃time adj.30.photographer n.31.column n.32.enclose vt.(C)拓展词汇—灵活用1.n.助手,助理,副手→v.帮助;协助→n.援助,帮助2.n.化学家→adj.化学的n.化学制品,化学品→n.化学;化学反应3.n.操作员;电话接线员→n.操作;手术;运算→v.运转;动手术;起作用4.n.经济,经济制度→adj.经济的→n.经济学→n.经济学家5.n.经营,管理→adj.可操纵的;可处理的→n.经理;经营者→vt.管理;经营6.adj.可信赖的,可靠的→adv.可靠地;确实地→n.可靠性→vi.依靠;信赖7.adj.给人深刻印象的,令人钦佩的→adv.令人难忘地;赫然→n.印象;效果→n.印象派画家;模仿演员→n.印象派,印象主义→v.给……留下深刻的好印象;使钦佩;使铭记8.n.智力,智慧,理解力→adj.智能的;聪明的→adv.聪明地,明智地9.vt.&n.雇用→n.使用;职业;雇用→n.雇员;受雇者→n.雇主,老板10.vt.决定,直接影响;测定,确定→adj.坚决的→n.决心;果断11.vt.预言,预料,预测→adj.可预见的→n.预告;预言12.vi.&vt.适应,(使)习惯;调整,调节→adj.可调节的→n.调整,调节;适应13.vt.宣布,宣告,公布→n.公告;通告;宣告→n.广播员;播音员14.adj.乐意、愿意(做某事)的→adv.欣然地;愿意地→n.乐意→v.愿意,决心n.意志;毅力15.adj.残障的,残疾的,有学习障碍的→vt.使丧失能力;使伤残→n.残疾,缺陷16.vi.(作出)反应→n.反应17.adj.财政的,金融的;财务的→adv.财政上;金融上→n.财政,金融18.adj.合乎逻辑的;合情合理的→n.道理;思维方式,逻辑;逻辑学→adv.逻辑上19.adj.积极的,主动的→n.动力;积极性→vt.激励,激发20.n.专业,行业→adj.专业的;职业的n.专业人士,专家21.n.退休,退职→adj.退休的→v.退休→n.退休人员,退休者22.n.革新者,创新者→adj.革新的,创新的→n.创新,革新;新方法→v.创新;改革23.v.(使)有资格,有权利;取得资格,达到标准→adj.有资格的;有文凭的→n.资格;限制条件24.n.保障,保护;保安措施,安全工作→adj.安全的v.保护;使安全25.n.申请人→n.应用;申请;应用程序→v.申请;应用26.adv.有礼貌地,恭敬地→adj.尊敬的→n.&v.尊敬27.n.选择;(计算机的)选项,选择→adj.可选择的→v.选择Ⅱ.重点短语1.学士学位2.硕士学位3.获得工作4.升职5.很有可能做某事6.另一方面7.乐意做某事8.继承某人的事业,步某人的后尘9.过时的10.创立一番事业11.以惊人的速度12.被……取代13.为……做好准备14.简言之15.end up doing16.because of17.as well18.have problems doing sth.19.in terms of20.be involved in21.work in the same field22.win the lottery23.earn a decent salary24.in all likelihoodⅢ.经典结构1.……是智商让你被录用,但是情商让你升职。
新高考新教材高中英语必修1 Unit 3单元检测题

新高考新教材高中英语必修1 Unit 3单元检测题一、单词拼写(每小题1分,共计10分)1.Remember, each workout puts you one step closer to reaching your _____(健康) goals. 2.Once you follow your coach’s advice, you will make your dream come true with great _______________ (决定).3.To our joy, the __________ (队长) of our football team scored two wonderful goals in the last five minutes in the game.4.When he was only a boy, he was expected to become a world _______________ (冠军) by his coach and parents.5. As a matter of fact, every country wants the opportunity. It’s a great ____________(荣幸) to be chosen to host the game.6. In the last table tennis game, our coach ___________(强调) the importance of cooperation (合作).7. To go abroad to play volleyball,you should at least ____________(掌握) the language.8. All __________ (运动员) take part in the competition for the glory of their homeland.9. As players, we are supposed to believe that ___________(失败) is the mother of success.10. If you want to keep healthy ,you’d better keep a balanced ___________(饮食).二、单句语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式填空;每小题1.5分;共计15分)1.One of the most attractive ____________(event) of the school sports meet was the gymnastics match.2. I wonder which city ____________ (host) the 33rd Olympic Games in 2024.3. After so many years of hard work in the field of gymnastics, she finally made ______.4. At the opening ceremony(开幕式) of the _________________(compete), a lot of reporters were present to cover the great event.5. As an excellent athlete in basketball, Michael Jordan set _____ good example to all of us.6. It is known that the secret _________ his success is practicing harder and never give up .7.The PE teacher tried to comfort the ___________(injure) football player and told her that help was on the way.8. The marathon athlete was determined ____________(quit) smoking , for his doctor said it was bad for his lungs (肺) .9. You can’t compete__________ him because he is a top player.10. A great deal of bitter experience had taught him how to lose __________ (graceful).三、根据句意,选用合适的短语的正确形式补全句子(每小题3分;共计30分)1. Finally taking exercise regularly _________________________to his health.2. His parents tried to persuade him not to ___________his well paid job, but failed.3.We should know what he really meant _______________ what he said.4. No matter how the coach explained it, this movement didn’t __________ to me.5.My grandfather still plays tennis now and then __________ he’s in his eighties.6. ___________ other players, she was lucky enough to be chosen to the school team.7.Though he is busy, he sets aside one hour ________________ in the gym every day.8. I can arrange for you ________________ with us if you like.9. The traffic jam __________ him being late for work yesterday.10. In spite of (尽管) all the difficulties, they never ______________.四、语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
高考英语总复习单元检测选择性必修一Unit 5

选择性必修一Unit5 Working the Land 基础知识检测一、词形转换1.消耗;消耗量;消费n.2.消耗,3.名声,名望;名人n.4.庆祝,颂扬n.5.展望;想象vt.6.想象;视力;视野n.7.有远见的空想的adj.8.(通常经过努力)获得;得到vt.9.可得到的;可达到的adj.10.传统的: 习惯的adj.11.协定;习俗n.12.与化学有关的;adj.化学品n.13.化学家,药剂师n.14.营养;滋养n.15.有营养的adj.16.营养不良n.17.热切的;十分强烈的;激烈adj.18.扩大增加;扩展;发展(业务)v.19.扩大,展开;膨胀n.20.本国的;国内的;家用的adj.21.引起;产生vt.22.延伸;扩大vt.23.扩建部分;扩大;电话分机n.24.广泛的;大量的;广阔的adj.二、词块积累1.终终终终2....终终终终3.终终终终终终终终终4.终终终终终终终5.终终终终6.终终终终终终7.终终终终的决心8.终终终终终终终9.终终..终终终终终10.终终终终终终终11.终…终终12.终终终终终终终终终13.终终终终终终14.终终终终15.终终/终终/终终16.终终终17.终终终终终终终终终18.终终终终终19.终终终终20.终终终终21.终终终终终终终终终三、句子积累1.终终终,终终终“终终终终终终”,终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终2.终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终1974终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终3.终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终!4.终终终终终终终FAD终1979终终终终终终150终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终5.终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终6.终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终(P89)7.终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终(P89 )8.终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终终(P92)四、段落默写描写好朋友吵架后向你示好时的场景。

高中词汇表测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The word "benevolent" means:A. kind and gentleB. cruel and harshC. indifferent and uninterestedD. selfish and greedy2. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word "unanimous"?A. unanamousB. unanamousC. unanimousD. unanamous3. The opposite of "deteriorate" is:A. improveB. worsenC. maintainD. enhance4. "Consecutive" is used to describe:A. things that are unrelatedB. things that are in a sequenceC. things that are randomD. things that are scattered5. The word "permeate" is similar in meaning to:A. penetrateB. evaporateC. dissolveD. condense6. "Ephemeral" is best defined as:A. lasting for a long timeB. lasting for a short timeC. lasting for a moderate timeD. lasting for an indefinite time7. "Intrinsic" is the opposite of:A. extrinsicB. superficialC. essentialD. extraneous8. The word "meticulous" is often used to describe someone who is:A. carelessB. precise and carefulC. lazyD. impatient9. "Peculiar" can be used to describe something that is:A. commonB. strange or unusualC. typicalD. ordinary10. "Resilient" is a word that describes someone who is:A. easily brokenB. easily bentC. able to recover quickly from adversityD. slow to adapt二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The ________ (A. kind and gentle) nature of the teacher made her popular among students.2. The company's profits have been ________ (B. worsen) over the past year.3. The ________ (B. things that are in a sequence) order of the events was crucial to the investigation.4. The material is so thin that it can easily ________ (A. penetrate) through the fabric.5. The ________ (B. lasting for a short time) life of the insect made it difficult to study.6. The ________ (A. extrinsic) factors did not affect the outcome of the experiment.7. The ________ (B. precise and careful) attention to detail was evident in the artist's work.8. The ________ (B. strange or unusual) behavior of the new student caught everyone's attention.9. The ________ (C. able to recover quickly from adversity) spirit of the team was admirable.10. The ________ (B. easily bent) metal was not suitable for the construction of bridges.三、翻译题(每题3分,共15分)1. 请将"The benevolent king ruled his kingdom with wisdom and compassion."翻译成中文。

高考英语新词法固定短语知识点单元检测附答案(1)一、选择题1.His dream has at last _____.A.come true B.been come true C.realized D.being realized 2.Everything _____ doing is worthy of _____ well.A.worthy; being done B.worth; being done C.worthy; doing D.worth; doing 3.She complain ed that she________ him for more than twenty years and she still didn’t know what went on inside his head.A.had been married to B.had been marriedC.had married with D.had married4.According to Thomas Jefferson, it is ________ that keep freedom alive.A.conflicting ideas and unquestioning agreementB.not conflicting ideas but unquestioning agreementC.unquestioning agreement and not conflicting ideasD.not unquestioning agreement but conflicting ideas5.In the past, a needle like a small sword could be used for letting liquid out of body parts which had______.A.swollen up B.linked up C.dropped out D.worn out 6.There have been seen so many school bus accidents recently. ______, people are concerned about the school bus safety much.A.As a result B.After all C.In spite of D.Instead of7.________, I lost heart in English, but my teacher often said to me, “Keep working hard, and you will succeed ________.”A.At a time; in time B.At a time; on timeC.At one time; in time D.At one time; on time8.When ________ how a statue from distant Greece could have appeared in China, researchers explained that ________ this was a result of Alexander the Great’s influence.A.asking; no doubt B.asking; no wonder C.asked; no doubt D.asked; no wonder 9.We had lots of good applicants for the job, but one _________ from the rest.A.made out B.stood out C.picked out D.figured out 10.He fell in love__________Mary and asked her to marry__________him.A.to;with B.with;toC.with;with D.with;/11.Try to discourage him ________ driving to o fast, as it’s extremely dangerous.A.from B.into C.to D.for12.The development of pills often owe ________ to science-we started with a drug that we hoped would be effective in heart disease and we ended up with a medicine that was highly effective against nerve disorder.A.much chance B.much chance as C.much to chance as D.as much to chance as13.— How did ________ feel to run 3,000 meters at the sports meeting?—Terrible! Especially when I saw I was left so far ________ by others.A.that; alone B.it; alone C.that; behind D.it; behind 14.The houses across the street are_______,but they were in good condition a few years ago. A.in rows B.in ruins C.in number D.in detail15.-------Do you need any help, Lucy?-------Yes. The job is _________ I could do myself.A.less than B.more than C.no more than D.not more than 16.Some parents are just too protective.They want to ________ their kids from every kind of danger,real or imagined.A.spot B.dismissC.distinguish D.shelter17.The Dragon Boat Festival is _______ a Chinese poet, Qu Yuan.A.in memory of B.in favour of C.in charge of D.in case of18.A recent survey shows that only a ________ of the children do some reading every day, while most of them prefer playing games.A.Few B.little C.minority D.majority19.In m y father’s study there are _____ books about how to keep fit.A.a great many B.large amounts ofC.a great deal of D.a large amount of20.everyone here,I wish you a pleasant journey back to your journey.A.By means of B.On behalf of C.In search of D.For fear of 21.The most important lesson that the spread of Co-19 virus has taught us is that wild life is of equal importance as human life and the only way for us to survive is to live________nature. A.in view of B.in need ofC.in touch with D.in harmony with22.My father is lively and____, but he is not very patient_____me.A.energy; with B.energetic; withC.energy; of D.energetic; of23.The audience were_____the performance of Chinese athletes at the 23rd Winter Olympics. A.impressed by B.impressed onC.interesting in D.expressed by24.Time should be made good use________our lessons well.A.of learning B.to learn C.to learning D.of to learn 25.Too much smoking and drinking ________ him greatly,which meant bad living habits had an ______ on his health.A.affect;effect B.affected;effectC.affected;effects D.affect;effects【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除1.A解析:A【解析】【分析】【详解】考查动词时态语态。

高中《英语》必修1 Unit 1 练习题一、单词互译:将下列单词翻译成英语或汉语。
1. adv. 在户外;向户外2.adj. 沮丧的;难过的;失望的3.vt. 忽视;不顾4.adj. 担心的;烦恼的5.vt. 增加; 添加; 补充说→n. 增加, 附加物, 加, 加法6.adj. 平静的; 镇定的→adv. 平静地; 镇定地→calmness n.7.vi & vt. 欺骗→n. 骗子8.vt. 分担; 分享9.vt& vi. 遭受; 忍受; 经历10.adv. 完全地; 全然地→adj. 完全的11.series n.12.power n.13.thunder vi& n.14.settle vi& vt.15.r ecover vi& vt.16.dislike vt.& n.17.disagree vi.18.teenager n.19.exactly adv.20.grateful adj.二、短语互译将下列短语译成英语或汉语。
→adj. 强有力的→n. 康复; 恢复→反义词→反义词→adj.1. 3. 5. 7. 9.合计2.关心, 挂念 4.经历; 仔细查看 6.一系列;一套8.根据; 按照 10.平静/镇定下来与某人分享某物写下; 放下; 登记为了……面对面地11.get along with13. suffer from15. hide a way17.be crazy about19. walk the dog三、单句语法填空12.fall in love14.on purpose16. pack up18. at dusk20.have trouble with1.As far as I’m concerned,I’m very upset about her(ignore)of my sufferings.2.It will be a long time before they can both settle the problem since they always(agree) with each other.3.She was concerned her daughter’s health as she seldom does exercise.4.His income (add) up to $ 68,000 a month and that is enough for his family.15.I’m sure no one has lived here for a long time as the floor is(dust).6.She found it (extreme) difficult to ask her father for more money.7.It was not until dusk the thunderstorm calmed down entirely.8.They had trouble (calm) the mother down as her son was seriously hurt inthe accident.9.I think he must be from (German) as he speaks German quite well.10.In order (improve) his oral English, he never fails to miss any chance to prac-tice speaking English.四、完成句子(每空填一词)1.He prachces every day he may win the match(为了……)2.Every evening people would see the old lady (遛狗).3.It’s getting dark.I(不得不)go.It’s nice meeting youand please keep in touch.4.The Titanic told us a story about a young man called Jack who( 和…… 相爱 ) a nice young girl named Rose. It was this love that caused Rose to survive from the accident.5.He must (对......... 厌烦) his work as he resigned last week.6.Please (加入)the game with us.7.Mr. Smith is having a hard time now as he ( 遭受)aheadache every day.8.Tom, how you (与 ....... 相处)your classmates?9.If there is no gravity, our feet (不再)stay on the ground.10.The old man (经历过)the two World Wars.五、单句改错1.Please keep calmly when you are facing danger.2.There are several tip on how to get along well with your f riends.3.In my opinion, he didn’t hurt you in purpose.4.I’m entire for your plan as it’s very practical.5.She said she will try her best to help me with my English.6.You’d better explain it to her clearly face in face.7.I’m very grateful to you for have given me a lot of help.8.My uncle asked me how I got along well with my c lassmates.9.Mother asked her daughter if she was very hot with such many clothes on.10.I think he has successfully lost weight as his clothes are loose than before.2高中《英语》必修1 Unit 2 练习题一、单词互译将下列单词翻译成英语或汉语。
新人教版高考英语选择性必修一Unit 1 People of Achievement 单元测试及答案(16页)

新人教版高考英语选择性必修一Unit 1 People ofAchievement 单元测试Unit 1 People of Achievement 单元测试(考试时间:120分钟分值:150分)一、根据汉语提示写出正确的单词(每小题0. 5分,共5分)1.As is known to all, talent and hard work are both __________(至关重要的) to career success.2.It is necessary for us to have an__________(客观的) attitude towards life.3.I want to relax myself completely, so I am going to the__________(植物的) garden with my parents.4.As a matter of fact, happiness doesn’t lie in how much__________(财产) you own.5.It is widely__________(承认) that he is the best player in the world.6.Rock music is quite__________(有区别的) from North American jazz or blues.7.So long as we can__________(击败) the other team, we’ll become the champion of course.8.The hospital has recently__________(获得) new medical equipment, allowing more patients to be treated.9. The article not only presents a system__________(流程图) in process, but also lists a software one.10.The trademark is registered on the book of the__________(专利) Office.二、用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题0. 5分,共5分)1. First of all, volunteering can help us to learn more about society __________(gradual).2. In _________(conclude), parents have to change some of their belief about how children should be raised.3. The key to success as a romantic __________(novel) is absolute belief in your story.4. Viewing childhood development as a ____________(science) investigation throwslight on how children learn.5. Over many years __________(flow) water wore deep grooves into the rock.6. She has bought an electronic __________(device) that protects her vehicle 24 hoursa day.7. She was the most remarkable woman he had ever __________(encounter).8. She (apparent) took pains to convince him that she had adopted the right system.9. The(politics) will meet with people to talk about matters of common concern.10. She doesn’t want to make a big emotional (commit) to Steve at the moment.三、选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式,完成句子(每小题1分,共5分)1.When the new ruler_______________, he made peace with all his former enemies.2.Mr. Smith left a career in teaching to_______________a position with the Arts Council.3.The teacher asked us to_______________the main point of the lesson in three sentences.4.Apart from fair_______________, the car is in excellent condition.5.The new system may be more economic but will_______________a decline in programme quality.四、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

高考英语新名词知识点单元检测附答案一、选择题1.Childhood ________ often play a big part in shaping one’s character .A.courses B.experiences C.effects D.records2.One of the Disney cartoon characters, Donald Duck, is always quick to find ____ with others and brings laugher to people of all ages.A.mistake B.error C.blame D.fault3.Many scientists have believed that there may be a ______ of life on the Mars.A.signal B.sign C.mark D.sigh4.Anyone who is in ________ of weapons without permission is considered law-breaking. A.command B.control C.charge D.possession 5.Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any ________. A.excuse B.sense C.use D.value 6.Timoteo has an unusual job — he is a human traffic _________.A.sign B.signal C.mark D.symbol7.—I couldn’t tell Jack from his twin brother.—Me too, and there is no obvious________between them.A.contribution B.distinction C.promotion D.expression8.—In spring, hens start laying eggs again, bringing a welcome source of protein.—It is ____ that lots of cultures celebrate spring by honoring the egg!A.no doubt B.no surpriseC.no way D.no need9.The two neighbouring countries reached a(an) ______ on their boundary problem eventually.A.Accumulation.B.compensation C.accommodation D.ambition10.---What's new?---The upcoming 40-day Spring Festival travel ____ , also known as chunyun, will ___ on Jan 10 and end on Feb 18.A.dash; kick out B.rush; kick off C.flow; kick in D.jam; kick up 11.The building under _____for stay-at-home children will be completed in March A.contribution B.constructionC.coincidence D.composition12.I suggest you apply for membership. Members can get a 15% ____________. A.discount B.dictation C.favor13.The painful experience left her emotionally drained, but she is not the sort of________woman to be defeated by a of fate.A.damage B.collapse C.twist D.share 14.People’s____of life has greatly improved since the reform and opening-up policy(政策)was carried out in China.A.quantity B.quality C.activity D.reality15.The system has been meant to give students quick and easy ________ to the digital resourcesof the library.A.access B.passage C.way D.approach 16.Our natural ________ are limited. This means that they will not________forever. A.energies; occur B.materials ; eruptC.resources ; last D.sources; bury17.During the early ____________of planetary evolution, they served to sweep the solar system. A.stages B.journeys C.species D.demands 18.Despite numerous failures, they continued to carry out the____________.A.method B.experiment.C.warning D.effect 19.Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional ________.A.consequence B.independenceC.competence D.intelligence20.The explorer got a disease in blood for ________of fresh vegetables and fruit.A.sake B.lackC.ignorance D.knock21.If you can't find a ladder,use a strong chair as a ___________.A.replace B.substitute C.choice D.chance22.It is a great____________ for our country to hold the 2022 Winter Olympic.A.signal B.function C.honor D.agreement 23.Last month L.A.declared a________of emergency as protests over killing of Geroge Floyd a black man turned violent.A.state B.condition C.situation D.circumstance 24.American English has so many_________because the American people have come from all over the world.A.grammar B.vocabulary C.pronunciations D.dialects 25.They lived in a backward part of the country, with no electricity, paved roads or easy ______ to safe drinking water.A.lack B.guarantee C.remedy D.access【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1.B解析:B【解析】【分析】【详解】考查名词词义辨析。
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高中《英语》必修1 Unit 1 练习题一、单词互译:将下列单词翻译成英语或汉语。
1. adv. 在户外;向户外2.adj. 沮丧的;难过的;失望的3.vt. 忽视;不顾4.adj. 担心的;烦恼的5.vt. 增加; 添加; 补充说→n. 增加, 附加物, 加, 加法6.adj. 平静的; 镇定的→adv. 平静地; 镇定地→calmness n.7.vi & vt. 欺骗→n. 骗子8.vt. 分担; 分享9.vt& vi. 遭受; 忍受; 经历10.adv. 完全地; 全然地→adj. 完全的11.series n.12.power n.13.thunder vi& n.14.settle vi& vt.15.r ecover vi& vt.16.dislike vt.& n.17.disagree vi.18.teenager n.19.exactly adv.20.grateful adj.二、短语互译将下列短语译成英语或汉语。
→adj. 强有力的→n. 康复; 恢复→反义词→反义词→adj.1. 3. 5. 7. 9.合计2.关心, 挂念 4.经历; 仔细查看 6.一系列;一套8.根据; 按照 10.平静/镇定下来与某人分享某物写下; 放下; 登记为了……面对面地11.get along with13. suffer from15. hide a way17.be crazy about19. walk the dog三、单句语法填空12.fall in love14.on purpose16. pack up18. at dusk20.have trouble with1.As far as I’m concerned,I’m very upset about her(ignore)of my sufferings.2.It will be a long time before they can both settle the problem since they always(agree) with each other.3.She was concerned her daughter’s health as she seldom does exercise.4.His income (add) up to $ 68,000 a month and that is enough for his family.15.I’m sure no one has lived here for a long time as the floor is(dust).6.She found it (extreme) difficult to ask her father for more money.7.It was not until dusk the thunderstorm calmed down entirely.8.They had trouble (calm) the mother down as her son was seriously hurt inthe accident.9.I think he must be from (German) as he speaks German quite well.10.In order (improve) his oral English, he never fails to miss any chance to prac-tice speaking English.四、完成句子(每空填一词)1.He prachces every day he may win the match(为了……)2.Every evening people would see the old lady (遛狗).3.It’s getting dark.I(不得不)go.It’s nice meeting youand please keep in touch.4.The Titanic told us a story about a young man called Jack who( 和…… 相爱 ) a nice young girl named Rose. It was this love that caused Rose to survive from the accident.5.He must (对......... 厌烦) his work as he resigned last week.6.Please (加入)the game with us.7.Mr. Smith is having a hard time now as he ( 遭受)aheadache every day.8.Tom, how you (与 ....... 相处)your classmates?9.If there is no gravity, our feet (不再)stay on the ground.10.The old man (经历过)the two World Wars.五、单句改错1.Please keep calmly when you are facing danger.2.There are several tip on how to get along well with your f riends.3.In my opinion, he didn’t hurt you in purpose.4.I’m entire for your plan as it’s very practical.5.She said she will try her best to help me with my English.6.You’d better explain it to her clearly face in face.7.I’m very grateful to you for have given me a lot of help.8.My uncle asked me how I got along well with my c lassmates.9.Mother asked her daughter if she was very hot with such many clothes on.10.I think he has successfully lost weight as his clothes are loose than before.2高中《英语》必修1 Unit 2 练习题一、单词互译将下列单词翻译成英语或汉语。
1.adj. 真实的;实际的→adv. 实际上;事实上→n. 现状;现实2.n. & vt. 命令;指令;掌握→n. 指挥官;司令官3.n. & vt. 请求;要求4.vt. 辨认出;承认;公认→n. 识别;认出;承认→adj. 可辨认的; 可识别的5.adv. 直接地;笔直地 adj. 直的; 笔直的; 正直的6.vt. 以……为根据 n. 基地;基础→n. 基础;依据;根据→adj. 基本的;基础的→adv. 基本上;主要地7.adj. 逐渐的;逐步的→adv. 渐渐地;逐步地8.adj. 流利的;流畅的→adv. 流利地;通畅地→n. 流利;流畅9.adj. 频繁的;时常发生的→adv. 频繁地;时常地→n. 频率;频繁10.vt. 表达;表示→n. 表达;表示;词语→adj. 善于表达的; 有表现力的11.vt. 征服;克服;战胜→n. 征服;克服12.adj. 本地的;本国的 n. 本地人;本国人→(近义词)13.vt. 使富裕;充实;改善→n. 丰富;改进;充实14.vt. 拼写;拼→n. 拼写;拼法15.adj.(两者中)后者的;较后的→(反义词)adj. 前者的;前任的16.vt. 确定;识别→n. 身份;本身17.n. & vt. 使(利)用; 运用; 用途→n. 用法;词语惯0 用法18.n. 东方→adj. 东方的→(类似的词还有)19.n. 词汇;词汇量20.n.口音;腔调;重音二、短语互译将下列短语译成英语或汉语。
1. 因为;由于2. 现在;目前3.利用;使用4.例如…;像这种的5. 扮演一个角色;参与6. 根据;以……为基础7. 后者8. 前者9. 在……方面流利的10. 直走;一直往前走11.走近;上来;提出(常加with)12.被认为是……;被公认为……13.than ever before15. be different from17. without a second thought19. believe it or not三、单句语法填空municate with 16. a large number of 18. make sense20.be expected to1.The rock (gradual) wears away (磨损) due to the action of the water.32.The girl was impressed on me deeply as she spoke English (fluent).3.I deadly need a book on the (use) of grammar of English.4.As a saying goe s“,Reading(rich) the mind(开卷有益).”5.Students are (request)not to touch anything in the lab without permission.6.Tom is obviously angry as we can see the (express) on his face.7.His (frequently) absence for his work led to his being fired.8.We’re stuck in the middle of the road with this truck heading(straight) to-wards us.9.He is from(east) part of China,but I don’t know which province.10.My apartment is quite near to my college, only several (block) away.四、完成句子(每空填一词)1.Since you have gotten such a good chance, you should(充分利用)it.2.The boy can’t see the blackboard clearly(由于)his poor eyesight.3.(目前),more than 200 people have applied for the job.4.When (谈及)smart students, Mary is referring to David.5.He has been to several countries, (比如) America, Canada, Mexicoand Australia.6.The film (根据)real life.7.Even as a young boy, he (被公认)very promising(有前途的).8.As I was walking alone in the park, I could hear footsteps (靠近)behind me.9.Volunteers’work(起着很重要的作用)in America’s high school education.10.(信不信由你), this millionaire used to be as bareas the palm of his hand(一贫如洗).五、单句改错1.Today, many people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than before.2.The 17th Sports Meeting had to be put off because the bad weather.3.Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak a same kind of English.4.Mr. Smith has two sons, Tom and Tim. The former is a doctor and the later a lawyer.5.Though he has learned English for3years,he can’t understand English speaking there.6.Believe it or not, there is no such a thing as standard English.7.When Americans moved from one place to others, they took their dialects with them.8.In the 1980, the Chinese government carried out a policy called birth control.9.His brother is at the most famous football team in England.10.I don’t like the way i n that he speaks to his parents.4高中《英语》必修1 Unit 3 练习题一、单词互译将下列单词翻译成英语或汉语。