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高中《英语》必修1 Unit 1 练习题


1. adv. 在户外;向户外

2.adj. 沮丧的;难过的;失望的

3.vt. 忽视;不顾

4.adj. 担心的;烦恼的

5.vt. 增加; 添加; 补充说→n. 增加, 附加物, 加, 加法

6.adj. 平静的; 镇定的→adv. 平静地; 镇定地

→calmness n.

7.vi & vt. 欺骗→n. 骗子

8.vt. 分担; 分享

9.vt& vi. 遭受; 忍受; 经历

10.adv. 完全地; 全然地→adj. 完全的

11.series n.

12.power n.

13.thunder vi& n.

14.settle vi& vt.

15.r ecover vi& vt.

16.dislike vt.& n.

17.disagree vi.

18.teenager n.

19.exactly adv.

20.grateful adj.

二、短语互译将下列短语译成英语或汉语。→adj. 强有力的

→n. 康复; 恢复→反义词



1. 3. 5. 7. 9.合计


关心, 挂念 4.

经历; 仔细查看 6.


根据; 按照 10.



写下; 放下; 登记



11.get along with

13. suffer from

15. hide a way

17.be crazy about

19. walk the dog

三、单句语法填空12.fall in love

14.on purpose

16. pack up

18. at dusk

20.have trouble with

1.As far as I’m concerned,I’m very upset about her(ignore)of my sufferings.

2.It will be a long time before they can both settle the problem since they always

(agree) with each other.

3.She was concerned her daughter’s health as she seldom does exercise.

4.His income (add) up to $ 68,000 a month and that is enough for his family.


5.I’m sure no one has lived here for a long time as the floor is(dust).

6.She found it (extreme) difficult to ask her father for more money.

7.It was not until dusk the thunderstorm calmed down entirely.

8.They had trouble (calm) the mother down as her son was seriously hurt in

the accident.

9.I think he must be from (German) as he speaks German quite well.

10.In order (improve) his oral English, he never fails to miss any chance to prac-

tice speaking English.


1.He prachces every day he may win the match(为了……)

2.Every evening people would see the old lady (遛狗).

3.It’s getting dark.I(不得不)go.It’s nice meeting you

and please keep in touch.

4.The Titanic told us a story about a young man called Jack who

( 和…… 相爱 ) a nice young girl named Rose. It was this love that caused Rose to survive from the accident.

5.He must (对......... 厌烦) his work as he resigned last week.

6.Please (加入)the game with us.

7.Mr. Smith is having a hard time now as he ( 遭受)a

headache every day.

8.Tom, how you (与 ....... 相处)your classmates?

9.If there is no gravity, our feet (不再)stay on the ground.

10.The old man (经历过)the two World Wars.


1.Please keep calmly when you are facing danger.

2.There are several tip on how to get along well with your f riends.

3.In my opinion, he didn’t hurt you in purpose.

4.I’m entire for your plan as it’s very practical.

5.She said she will try her best to help me with my English.

6.You’d better explain it to her clearly face in face.

7.I’m very grateful to you for have given me a lot of help.

8.My uncle asked me how I got along well with my c lassmates.

9.Mother asked her daughter if she was very hot with such many clothes on.

10.I think he has successfully lost weight as his clothes are loose than before.

