



Hi,ready to order?准备好点餐了吗Do you have anything that's really special?你们有什么特色[菜]说来听听Not according to my high school guidance counselor.我高中辅导员说我没有特色I'll have the veggie plate.那我要个蔬菜拼盘But instead of beets,I want kale.不要甜菜换甘蓝And instead of broccoli,more kale.不要花椰菜再放点甘蓝I want the veggies steamed.蔬菜要用蒸的And instead of dressing,I want lemons.色拉调料改用柠檬代替Don't you need to write this down?你怎么还不动笔记下来啊I'm afraid if I start writing that down,现在只有心情写遗书it'll turn into a suicide note.因为要被烦死了I'm assuming this table's gonna have a lot more of those requests.我猜你们都会这么点餐吧Yes,I could tell by the hats.没错看你们那帽就知道是事儿精Earl,I have something new I want you to try.厄尔我有新东西想你尝尝That's the exact same sentence正是因为这句话that got me hooked on cocaine in the'80s.我才会在几十年前染上吸毒的恶习It's my new cupcake flavor.我说的是蛋糕的新口味啦Delicious dark chocolate the ladies can't help but love.女人无法抗拒的美味黑巧克力口味I'm calling it"The Earl."我把它称为"黑伯爵厄尔"I know you got that right.说得好Hi,I'm here.我来了I was running late so I decided to hail a cab.本来我以为要迟到了想说打个的吧And then I remembered I didn't have any money on me.然后才想起我没带钱And then I remembered I didn't have any money at all.接着意识到我现在是两袖清风的穷光蛋So I walked the whole way here.所以我不辞辛苦地走来上班The apartment's three blocks away.我家到这里才隔三条街Yes,I know.我知道Three blocks and15"hola chicas"away.三条街外加十五声"哟呵妹子"那么远Well,you can't be late again.你不能再迟到了I'm already worried about me being late...我够烦我每个月迟到的...every month.大姨妈了On my way here,a homeless man asked me for money.在我来的路上一位无家可归的流浪汉向我讨钱And I told him that I usually always give,我跟他说通常我都会慷慨解囊but that my father was indicted in a Ponzi scandal但我的父亲因为非法敛财而被起诉了and I've lost my family fortune and my Manhattan townhouse,我们家产没了曼哈顿豪宅也没了so I've been sleeping on a couch in Brooklyn,but,还得在布鲁克林区朋友家的沙发过夜in spite of it all,I'm still optimistic尽管世事无常但我还是对于that you and I will achieve success开小蛋糕店持乐观态度in our exciting new cupcake business venture.并坚信未来将会取得成功And look what he gave me!瞧看他给了我啥You took money from a homeless man?你连流浪汉的钱都拐啊I prefer to think of Bob near the bridge as our first investor.应该说是桥边的鲍勃入股投资才对Pickup!Special sandwich.上菜特制三明治I can think of even more special sandwich.我还想到一种更妙的三明治You,me and the hot blonde giraffe.你我金发长颈鹿夹一起Well,she recently lost her dignity,她破产后尊严全没了so you might have a shot.搞不好她会愿意屈就Hello today!今天好啊I have nametag for you.我给你做了个名牌Only your second day and look,nametag already.你才来第二天我就给你备好名牌了As new owner,I am killing it.这新东家当的太牛逼了Thank you.谢谢Oh,it says"Carolin."上面写的是"卡洛淋"It's Caroline.With an"E".我叫卡洛"琳"是"王"字旁I'm Caroline.我叫卡洛琳As new owner,I am sucking it.这新东家当的太二逼了Just put it on.你就挂着就是了You can't tell an Asian he made a mistake.不能告诉亚洲人他犯了错误He'll go in the back and throw himself on a sword.不然等会他就去拔剑自刎了Thank you,Mr.Lee.谢谢你李老板You may call me Han.你可以叫我憨H-a-n.勇"敢"的"心"No trap in my name.好记不会错I'm thinking we should take我在想我们可以迈出the first step in our new cupcake business我们蛋糕事业的第一步了by writing"Max's Homemade Cupcakes"就在优惠餐板上up on the specials board.写上"麦克斯自制蛋糕"吧No,I can't have my name up there.不行姐的大名不能张扬Everyone I owe money to thinks I live in Seattle.我的债主们都以为我住在西雅图呢Oh,we used to own Seattle.哎以前西雅图是我家的呢Max,we've got to get the name out there.麦克斯你的名字一定得亮相Create a buzz.制造名气嘛Ooh,good idea!好棒好棒Let's create a buzz.赶紧开始名气大作战Exactly,in order to launch--没错要想打开市场I'm mocking you.我是在模仿你那傻样儿When in doubt,I'm always mocking you.以后别怀疑我向来都是在嘲笑你Seriously,Max.说真的麦克斯This new cupcake business is our lifeline.这个蛋糕事业是我们的救生索A way out for both of us.能助我们走上脱贫致富的道路呀And I wanna thank you again for letting me move in.我还想再次感谢你让我搬进你家住If there's anything I can do to help you--如果有任何事我能帮得上忙的You mean besides starting to wait on tables?是指除了招待客人以外的忙吗I meant,anything I can do to help you我是说任何能帮你平复through your breakup with Robbie.和罗比分手的难过心情的事Oh.Thanks,but I'm fine.谢了我没事And we're working.而且现在是我们工作时间Well,one of us is.你不干活我还干呢Are you sure you're fine?你确定你没事吗'Cause I heard you crying last night.昨晚我听见你在哭I don't cry.我才不哭I sold my tear ducts to an organ bank for cash two years ago.早在两年前我就把泪腺拿去器官银行卖钱了I was on the couch.当时我躺在沙发上And I heard you crying alone in your bedroom.听到你在卧室里独自啜泣Really?What did the crying sound like?真的吗那哭声听起来像啥样Like...像这样...I wasn't crying.我不是在哭Well,then what were you d--那你是在干嘛...Oh!So none of my business.哎哟那事我管不着That's right.正确-And remember that.-Got it.-麻烦记住这点-收到In fact,let's just say that anything having to do事实上任何有关于with my bedroom,my tables,or my life--我卧室我桌子或我生活的事you should stay away from.你最好都别多管闲事Boundaries.Got it.界限明白And please don't tell anyone at work而且千万不要告诉任何同事I let you move into my apartment.我让你搬进我家住That is one boundary we both don't want crossed.一说出去后果难以想象Why?为什么Hey,roomies.嗨同居"蜜"友That's why.懂了吧Hope those sheets are okay.希望你能睡得惯这床单Oh,don't worry about it.不用担心I know they're the best you could afford.我知道你就只能买这么好的了Not really.The good ones are on my bed.其实不是更好的我自己用着呢Max,that oven is so hot.麦克斯烤箱太热了Could you do me a favor and open the back door?你能帮我开开后门吗We've known each other two days我们才认识两天and you're already asking for back door?你就想开我"后庭"啊Dear God!上帝呀I forgot you're Equestrian Barbie.我忘了你是骑师芭比You came with a horse.买芭比还附赠马一只No.不行Out,horse,bad!Bad horse.出去小马不乖哦大坏马Chestnut.栗宝No need to yell,he's a champion.没必要嚷它它可是冠军马Champion stink bomb.米田共臭度也是冠军It's smelling pretty ripe out in that yard.整个院子臭味四溢That's not Chestnut,that's Brooklyn.这不关栗宝的事布鲁克林本来就这味儿Okay,well,I'm watching"The Champion"好吧我现在就看见"冠军马"drop some steaming hot"Brooklyn"right now.拉出几坨热气腾腾的"布鲁克林"呢Max,I've been thinking about how you completely overreacted麦克斯对于把名字写在板子上这件事to your name up on the specials board.我觉得你有点反应过大了Do you think it's a fear of success?你觉得那是对成功的恐惧吗I am too poor to have a fear of success.我穷到恐惧不起成功At Wharton Business School,we learned我在沃顿商学院学过that every new venture can bring up a certain amount of fear.但凡创业都会伴随着一定的恐惧Is there any way to do a yelp review of Wharton Business School?我能去Yelp网上给沃顿点个差评之类的吗Maybe you're having a hard time imagining或许因为没人相信过你和你的梦想this cupcake business could ever even happen所以你才无法想象because nobody ever believed in you or your dreams.这个蛋糕事业会有实现的一天I'm guessing.我瞎猜的I can make this happen,Max.我能帮你美梦成真麦克斯For me,for you,for us.为了我为了你为了我们Just keep making those amazing cupcakes.你就接着烘焙超好吃的小蛋糕And I'll do the rest till you believe.其他我来做做到你相信为止I believe everything you just said我"相信"你说的每一句话and that children are the future.我也"相信"孩子是未来的主人翁Max,it's me!麦克斯是我I know it's you.我知道是你You sleep with a knife under your pillow?你睡觉时枕头底下还藏把刀啊It's the only home security system I can afford.这是我唯一付得起的家庭安保项目And I'm a cutter.而且割腕儿童欢乐多嘛I can't sleep on that couch.那沙发我睡不了I think Ikea might be the Scandinavian word for sciatica.我想"宜家"是脊椎"移架"的意思吧And there's weird sounds in the street.而且大街上有奇怪的声音And I don't have my white noise machine.我也没带助眠白噪音机Well,that's Puerto Rican noise.只是波多黎各街头艺人在瞎吹奏嘛You'll get used to it.你听听就会习惯Can I just lay down here and get a little sleep?我能躺在这睡一会儿吗I don't even let the men I sleep with sleep with me.我的男人都不准在这睡I can't get into your issues right now.你的心里毛病我现在没力医I just need to sleep!我只是想睡觉Fine,get in then.好吧钻进来吧What is that?这是什么Potato chips.I sleep-eat.薯片我边睡边吃Cool ranch and bacon?清凉牧场培根味Dude,they're delicious.拜托好吃到做梦也会笑Because of your breakup with Robbie?跟人分手就得自暴自弃吗Just get in.少废话快上来I have to be in the city to babysit in five hours.我五个小时后得去市里给人看孩子呢Oh,great,you're like a nightlight.天啊你就像盏灯You're so blonde.金发亮得真晃眼Thank you.多谢夸奖Max,someone's in the living room.麦克斯有人进了客厅Max,someone's in the bedroom!麦克斯有人进了卧室Robbie!罗比What's up,babe?怎么了宝贝Robbie,what are you doing here?罗比你来这儿干嘛We broke up.我们已经分手了Still?还分着啊Yes,still.You hit on me.没错还分着你调戏我And then she caught you with someone else然后她还发现你和别人in these very sheets.在这张床上滚床单Which I'm hoping she washed.希望你洗过这床单了Oh,I get it.我懂了You blew me off'cause you like the ladies.你跟我分手是因为你喜欢女人Which is cool.I like the ladies,too.没关系我也喜欢女人And right now,it's the two ladies I like.而现在床上的两个女人我都喜欢Robbie,if I were gonna go lesbian,罗比如果我要玩百合情she would be the last"les"I'd"bian."她是我最不可能"合"的那位Listen,babe--听我说宝贝You really hurt her.你伤她很深Stop.闭嘴She sleep-eats trans fats thanks to you.都是你弄的她边睡边吃垃圾食品Here,stuff all of these in your mouth.给把这些都塞进你嘴巴里Got it,your thing.I'll be quiet.收到你的事我闭嘴就是了Robbie,this isn't cool at all.罗比这样是不对的Showing up here after what you did?你都做出那种事了怎么还有脸回来You go,girl.说得好姐妹I have something to say to you and you had better listen.我说的话你最好给我听清楚What are you,the relationship ghost?你这算什么恋情背后灵吗Robbie,just go!罗比你走吧I can't say what I need to in front of the relationship ghost.在恋情背后灵面前事请不好谈I'll call you to come get your stuff我会打电话叫你来拿东西and we can talk then.到时候再谈吧Leave the key.把钥匙留下Straight up,Max,you're breaking my heart.坦白说麦克斯你伤了我的心You're the only woman that I feel this way about.你是我唯一深爱的女人Here.给Ladies,I don't know what's going on here,女士们我不知道你们俩在搞啥but it would've been a lot sexier if I was in it.要是有我一定更高潮迭起Are you okay?你没事吧If you wanna talk,I'm here.如果你想倾诉我就在这儿Can I get a hit off that?我能尝一口吗You think these are good?你觉得这就算好吃吗God,we're poor.天啊我们真穷Morning!早安It's a beautiful day.真是美好的一天These shades belong down.这些帘子的职责就是遮挡阳光From now on,think of me as a vampire从现在开始把我当作without all the annoying marketing.不用看我行销的吸血鬼Bad news.坏消息A pipe broke in the street so the water's off.这街的水管坏了所以今天断水Good news,when I went out to get us two coffees,好消息是我出去给咱俩买咖啡时I spoke to Juan and Javier,two city workers.两个市政工人胡安和哈维尔告诉我And they assured me the water'll be on no later than3:00.最晚下午三点就会恢复供水I also stopped at the health food store我还去健康食品店and got us a fresh-squeezed juice to split.给咱俩买了一杯鲜榨果汁来分着喝It's ginger-apple-strawberry.是生姜苹果草莓味的哦That was the name of the hooker这屋子上一位租客的who had this apartment before me.卖淫艺名就是这个What is this?这是什么From me.我给你的It says"Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed last night."上面写道谢谢昨晚让我睡你的床I prefer my usual cash on the bedside table.在我床头柜上留点钱我会更喜欢When I went to the cute coffee place,我在那家可爱的咖啡店时I spoke to the counter girl,Nabulangi--我跟柜台的女孩娜不浪鸡聊了会儿If someone named Nabulangi is making an appearance听以名叫娜不浪鸡的人开场的事情in the first sentence,I have to sit down.请容我坐好再听And she said her manager'll be in at11:00.她说她的经理十一点会来店里So I thought I'd chanel it up,所以我想我得换上香奈儿walk on over there,然后美美地走到那儿introduce myself and your fabulous cupcakes.介绍自己和你美味的小蛋糕That's exactly what I was gonna do.我"真"的有打算这么做呢I'm just gonna go say good-bye to Chestnut and get going.我去跟栗宝道个别就走You know,having only one cute outfit跟你说哦只有一件见得人的衣服takes hours off getting dressed.省了好几个小时的挑衣时间呢Oh.That is a lot of fresh Brooklyn.哇外面好多新出炉的"布鲁克林"Morning,Chestnut.早安栗宝It's a beautiful--今天真是美好的...No.Way.不会吧Look,Chanel Number Two.哇屎奈儿Tell me it's mud.告诉我这是泥T-tell me it's mud.快告诉我这是泥It's mud?不是屎吗What is that?这是什么A carrot?胡萝卜吗There's carrots in the mud?泥里怎么会有胡萝卜There's no water.没水Oh,get it off me,please.帮我弄掉拜托Please do something.帮帮我Just get it off me,get it off me.快帮我弄掉帮我弄干净Stop!住手This is dry-clean only.这衣服只能干洗Max,please,please take me somewhere they have a hot shower,麦克斯拜托带我去洗个热水澡吧I beg of you.我求您了Calm down,it's just mud.冷静不过是泥而已Max,please--麦克斯求你了Don't touch me!别碰我Thank you so much for taking me to shower你带我来你兼职的地方洗澡at your babysitting job.我感激不尽Well,I didn't have much of a choice.我也是被逼无奈You pulled the pillow knife on me.你都拿枕头刀来威胁我了I'll just introduce myself to your boss我会向主人介绍自己and tell her what happened.并说明情况Look,I don't want Peach to know you were here.我不想让琵琪知道我带你过来This is a job.Not a meet-and-greet.这是工作不是什么见面会Got it.明白You get in there,you take a five-minute shower,我带你进去给你五分钟时间洗澡clean it up and go.整理干净就马上走人Fine,I'll hide in the hallway till she's gone.好我先躲走廊等她走了再进去No need,just follow me in.没必要跟着我进来就行She never really looks at me.她从来不正眼看我Morning!早安Hi,Max.早啊麦克斯Go!快去Hey,Peach.琵琪Uh,hair and makeup.梳妆打扮What's the big occasion?要出席什么场合吗Pilates.去练普拉提Max,good news.麦克斯好消息They found a way to make diamonds more sparkly?人们发明了能让钻石更闪耀的方法吗I got Brad and Angelina a playdate我帮布莱德和安洁莉娜找到玩伴了with another set of twins in the building.是楼里的另一对双胞胎It starts in five minutes.五分钟后见面Cool,what are their names?不错他们叫什么6B.六楼B座Bye-bye,Brangelina.再见布莱洁莉娜Mommy loves you.妈咪爱你们Guys?Before you leave,伙计们走之前stop at this one.顺便帮整整这个Angelina could use a little help.帮安洁莉娜整一下Contour that neck,she's a fatty.拿粉修修脖子吧她太肥了Peach,come on,that's baby fat.琵琪拜托婴儿肥很正常吧Still,kids can be cruel.可人家的孩子也是会以貌取人的呀Don't you listen to your mommy,Angelina.别听你妈咪瞎说安洁莉娜She never eats.她自己老不吃东西Oh,no,she doesn't.对啊她自己不吃东西Here it is.做好了Caroline with an"E."有"王"字旁的卡洛"琳"I have your new and correct nametag.我帮你重新做了一个正确的名牌Oh,thank you,Han.谢谢你憨I've seen something I should not have.哎呀看到了不该看的东西I will just put correct nametag here on counter.我把正确的名牌放在柜台了So sorry,but many thank yous.对不起但是谢谢你的"美好" What are you doing?你这是在干嘛I know you said you don't want it up there.我知道你不想被写上去But now that you see it...但现在亲眼看见成品了How does it feel?感觉如何It feels like you're not listening to me感觉就是你不听话at this job or at my other job.去哪都不听我话I said a five-minute shower and get out.我说给你五分钟洗完就快闪Did you take a nap at Peach's?你还在琵琪家睡了一觉The thread count was calling to me.是高档柔软的寝具勾引我Peach found blonde hairs in her bed琵琪在她床上发现金发and thought her husband was cheating on her.还以为她丈夫搞外遇呢Which he is,but that's not the point.他是有乱搞没错但这不重要You almost ruined a perfectly happy fake marriage,你差点毁了人家貌合神离的婚姻and there are innocent children involved.而且还可能导致无辜孩子受罪Well,I have some good news.我有个好消息Look,it's Nabulangi.瞧那是娜不浪鸡I invited her in to taste your amazing cupcakes.我邀她来品尝你美味的小蛋糕And when she loves them,we'll have an in at her bakery.只要她喜欢我们就能进驻她的面包房了-Come over and say hello.-No,I can't now.-过去跟她打声招呼吧-不行我现在没空I wanna call Robbie before we get too busy.我要在忙得抽不开身前打电话给罗比Tell him when to come over and get his stuff.告诉他什么时候过来拿东西Max,wait.麦克斯等等No,don't distract me.别别打扰我I wanna sound cool and hot and all like,我想让声音听起来冷酷又性感"You can't have me anymore,sucka."以后姐的身心你都得不到啦蠢蛋"Max--麦克斯Robbie,it's me.罗比是我Classy burp on your outgoing message.录留言信息还打嗝就你这么恶心Max,I--麦克斯我No.别吵I need you to come get your stuff tomorrow.我想你明天过来拿东西I don't know how you've been surviving少了单杠和香体喷雾的日子without your chin-up bar and Axe body spray.想必是度日如年吧Max,hang up.麦克斯挂了吧I already called him.我打给他过了You called Robbie?你打给罗比了啊You've done so much for me.你为我做了这么多I wanted to do something for you,too.我也想帮你做点事So I called Robbie and I had him come over,所以我打电话给罗比让他过来and I gave him his stuff.把东西都还给他了Now you won't have to go through with all that mess.这样省得再勾起你的伤心事And I think you'd be pleased,I really let him have it.而且我还帮你教训了他一顿开心吧What is with you and boundaries?你搞毛啊说好的界限呢You're in my bed,you're in my boss'bed,你不但挤上我的床还睡了我老板的床and now you go and call Robbie?现在你又擅自打电话给罗比You're like--you're like your big-ass horse.你就像你就像你那头大屁股的马一样Charging in everywhere you don't belong.在别人的地盘肆意妄为I thought I was doing you a favor.我以为是在帮你个忙嘛In spite of what you say about the sounds I heard那晚从你卧室传出的声音coming from your bedroom the other night,尽管你不愿意承认I know you're upset.我还是知道你很难过I was masturbating.姐当时在自慰I love my job.我爱死我的工作了I need to see you outside.Now.我们出去谈快Don't get involved with her.不要跟她扯上关系She takes money from the homeless.她连流浪汉的钱都拿Not true,Bob's an investor.不是这样的鲍勃是投资者Be right back.马上回来Good cupcake,right?小蛋糕不错对吧Max,I don't know how smart that was,麦克斯有理智的人是绝对不会blowing by our only potential business contact.把我们唯一的潜在商业伙伴吓走You stole my breakup scene.你把我的分手场景偷走了The only remotely good thing about breaking up with a guy跟男人分手仅有的乐趣就是is telling him how much better you are than him在还他东西的时候告诉他when you give him back his stuff.自己比他好个上千万倍I don't know if you noticed,我不知道你有没有注意到but my entertainment budget is pretty low我的娱乐预算超级有限and I was really looking forward to that.所以我可是相当期待这一幕And then you went and stole it.结果半路杀出个卡洛琳But I guess you couldn't help it,但我猜你是情不自禁'cause that's what you channings do,you steal things.你们钱宁家都是一路货色偷东西的惯犯Interesting.有意思Okay,you wanted a breakup scene?好吧你这么想要分手场景You're in one.我现在还一个给你I'm breaking up with you.我要跟你分手Oh,okay.好啊The cupcake business is over,the dream is dead.蛋糕事业终止梦想已死Oh,I'm sure Nabulangi will be devastated.我肯定娜不浪鸡会很震惊的I don't need you or your cupcakes to survive.我不需要靠你或你的蛋糕来生存I'll figure something else out.我会找到别的出路的Because,aside from your constant Wharton putdowns,因为除了老被你瞧不起的沃顿学位I'm a business genius我还是个商业天才and I will always land on my feet.我一定会逢凶化吉的Oh,really?真的吗'Cause today you kind of landed on your front.今早你还丰胸化屎呢We're done.我们玩完了After work tonight,I'll get my things and be gone.今晚工作结束后我会打包走人的Ooh,you gonna load up your dream-filled wheelie bag你要拖着你满载梦想的小拖轮箱and ride away on Sir muds-a-lot?骑着屎粑粑爵士离开了吗Go ahead.Be as negative as you want.尽管嘲笑我吧想多消极就多消极'Cause you're in charge of your own future again.你的未来你自己看着办吧Oh,joke's on you.I don't have a future.白痴我穷得没未来Max...麦克斯Are you up?你醒着吗No.不Max,are you mad?麦克斯你生气啦Yes.是Are you up and mad?你醒着生气呢No and yes.不是Oh,your bed's so soft.你的床好软啊That's my boob.那是我的胸I know I moved out,but I came back.我是搬走了但我又回来了I took the rest of our dead dream money我把咱们死去梦想的余钱拿走了and bought some cocktails for myself and some people.然后买了几杯鸡尾酒给自己和其他人And myself.和自己Did you bring me back any of those?那你有外带给我吗'Cause I can't listen to this sober.不先喝醉我听不下你念叨Max...麦克斯I have nothing.我一无所有I really need the cupcake business.我真的很需要这个蛋糕事业I can be different.我会改的No,you can't.不你不会No,I can't.嗯我不会But I can be better.但我可以进步一点Please?求你了Please,let's do this.求你了咱们放手去做吧I know you have a fear of success.我知道你对成功有恐惧You do,because no one ever believed in your dreams.你之所以这样是因为没人相信你的梦想But I believe in your dreams.但我相信We have a dream.我们有个梦想God,you are so drunk.天啊你好醉So you probably won't even remember this.所以你估计不会记得这段话I'm sorry I said that stuff about your father.抱歉我这么说你父亲Did you hear me?你听见了吗Max,are you up?麦克斯你醒着呢吗Hey,do you have any more of those poor people chips?你还有那个穷人吃的薯片吗What's up,Hangover three?起床啦宿醉第三集Why are these up?为什么把帘子拉起来I thought we were vampires.我们不是吸血鬼吗Here,I took the rest of last night's cupcake money,给我拿昨晚卖小蛋糕的余钱and brought you a coffee and a fresh juice.给你买了一杯咖啡和一杯鲜榨果汁Which means that,after two days in business,也就是说做了两天生意we are$23down from where we were.我们还亏了二十三块钱So we're still building our cupcake business?所以我们还继续进行我们的小蛋糕事业吗Sure.当然All we need is how much?我们一共只需要多钱来着$250,000.二十五万Which is awesome.真是高"贵"的梦想啊Max,I'm sorry I crossed all those boundaries.麦克斯抱歉我多管闲事了It's cool.没关系Me and drunk Caroline worked it all out.我已经和醉鬼卡洛琳协调好了In fact...事实上She signed this paper.她还签了这份协议"I,drunk Caroline,am a..."我醉鬼卡洛琳是What's that word?这是什么词Punk ass ho.臭显摆骚货Thanks.谢谢"I,drunk Caroline,am a punk ass ho.我醉鬼卡洛琳是个臭显摆骚货I promise to keep my big mouth shut,我保证以后不多嘴"and replace all of Max's poor people chips.并帮麦克斯补回吃掉的穷人薯片I will no longer meddle in her relation-chips."我以后再也不干预她的恋"青"You laughed about that until you threw up.在你狂吐之前曾对此大笑不已Oh,and if you're wondering,我猜你心中可能有疑问no,the puke stains will not void this contract.请放心呕吐污渍不会让这份合同失效God!天啊I forgot again that we have a horse.我又忘了我们还有匹马Max,get him out of here.麦克斯快把他弄出去He doesn't know I'm a waitress.他还不知道我是个服务生Chestnut.栗宝He is a champion.他果然是匹冠军马He learned that a lot faster than you did.学东西比你快多了真有慧根。


Like a burst appendix or a first date bikini wax.
I knew it!
You have a secret stash of your father's missing billions.
I thought he was a DJ."
Go, Earl, go, Earl ?
Moving on.
"This meatloaf tastes stale and dry."
Yeah, Oleg yeah, Oleg.
Can you twits pick another time to do this?
I've gotta go home.
I have to go home too...
And cut the remaining sleeves off of all my shirts.
-"深色头发的服务生" -我哟
"was very rude."
Max, customers are giving their honest opinions about diner.



破产姐妹经典台词英文《破产姐妹》(2 broke girls),是美国cbs电视台于XX年9月19日首播的情景喜剧。

该剧由米高·帕特里克·金与惠特尼·甘明斯联手打造,设定地点是在纽约市布鲁克林区,主力围绕着两名年轻女侍应max black与caroline channing的日常生活。

《破产姐妹》经典台词英文1、i have two rules in life: never drink from the same well as a gypsy, and never lend money to friends.我人生有两大金科玉律:第一,永远不和吉普赛人喝同一口井的水;第二永远不借钱给朋友。

2、don't run, it's han. for him, every step we take is like a 100-meter dash.不用跑,是han而已。


3、i see an opportunity, and i make it happen.只要有机会,我绝不让它溜走。

4、listen, everybody's broke in their 20s, and everybody hides form stuff, you run into freezers, i practice ignorance and blackout drinking.听着,谁二十多岁的时候不是穷光蛋。


5、this is who i am. nobody says you have to like it.我就是我,没人非要你喜欢。

6、there is no luck. there is only work.世上没什么运气,只有努力去挑战。



破产姐妹第一季第一集Pick up! Tables 12, 4, 11.Got it.Hey, when you get a second, 等你丫有空...stop looking at my boobs. Excuse me.Waitress?Dude?小二Hi, what can I get ya?您好请问要点什么We need some...我们要...Is that annoying?看了会不爽吗Is that obnoxious and rude? 觉得对方又欠扁又无礼吗Would you find it distracting ifsomeone did that to you你工作时有人这么弄你while you were working?你会觉得烦吗Oh, you don't have a job. Sorry.哎呀忘记你没工作了抱歉Damn, dude, she burned you.靠伙计她完胜呀No, hipster.别搞错了小痞子Do not think we're on the sameteam.别以为我跟你是一国的We have nothing in common.咱俩到死都不是同路人I wear knit hats when it's cold out.姐戴帽子挡酷寒You wear knit hats cause ofColdplay.二货戴帽学酷玩[乐队]You have tattoos to piss off yourdad.你的纹身是想气死你爹My dad doesn't know he's my dad.我爹压根不知他是我爹And finally,最后you think...你觉得this is the sound that gets youservice.一声穿云指我千军万马来服务I think...要我说This is the sound that dries up my vagina.一声穿云指我如瀑下阴也干枯The other waitress disappeared, the Russian one.那位俄国服务生呢怎么不见了We need horseradish.我们想要山葵酱Please.拜托您了That, ladies, is how you treat a waitress.妹妹真乖这样才有礼貌嘛Paulina!宝莲娜Oh, so... so good, oh...爽爽死了Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you wereon break.抱歉不知道你在休息I just need some horseradish.我要山葵酱- Here. - Oh, cool.-给 -收到Excuse me, where's my waitress?请问服务生去哪了She's coming.I made your favorite, red velvet.我做了你最爱的红丝绒蛋糕My little cupcake brought me acupcake.我的蛋蛋妹给我带来了小蛋糕Let me pay you for that.我还是把钱给你吧Oh, no, no. It's on the house.不用我请客It's your birthday.你生日嘛How old are you gonna be?过完生日要几岁了啊75.七十五岁Oh, Earl, if you were just three yearsyounger.厄尔你要小个三岁咱俩就成了Max, Max, big news.麦克斯麦克斯大新闻The new boss fired that Russianwaitress, Paulina.新老板炒了俄国妞宝莲娜Turns out chesty Kournikova wasVladimir Puttin' it out.大胸金丝猫被发现其实是个死间谍Hello today. I have paycheck for you. 早安我带了你的工资来I need to talk to you. You fired Paulina, Han?我有话问你你炒了宝莲娜吗阿憨I am no longer Han Lee.我已经不叫李憨了I have new American name我取了新的英文名字to go with changing neighborhood. 好适应新时代"得"社会To go with the changing neighborhood.是新时代"的"社会You need to remember this for your immigration exam.移民考试的时候别又说错了Correct. To go with the changingneighborhood.行好适应新时代"的"社会Bryce?小笼Your name is Bryce Lee?你改名叫李小笼啊Wait, wait, um, um, um...等等等一下Don't hire a new waitress, okay?别再招新人来了好吗I've been doing all the work anyway,反正活儿总是我全包and I really could use the extramoney.让我多拿一份工资补贴家计吧You need help.你需要帮手- No, I don't. - Everyone need helpsometimes.-不用 -谁都需要帮手I don't. I've been waiting my wholelife, okay?我不用我当了一辈子的侍应I've waited on tables, I've waited inbars,在餐厅酒吧都做过侍应I've waited on home pregnancytests.甚至在家等验孕结果[Waited: 等待侍应一词多义]I already hire new waitress.我已经雇新人了She work in all top restaurants inManhattan.她以前在曼哈顿顶级餐厅工作过I gave her Paulina's uniform.我都把宝莲娜的制服给她了Mr. Lee, not to complain,李先生有点事情想问问but I think someone wore this uniform before me,这件制服好像有人穿过了呢like right before me.而且是刚刚才穿过Is it possible that I could get another one?可不可以帮我换一件全新的呀Maybe one that's a little less moist. 换件没这么湿漉漉的Also this mustard color doesn't really go with my skin tone,另外我的肤色跟黄芥末色不太搭neither do the mustard stains... 跟芥末渍也不搭And these various other stains, andsmells.跟这各式污渍异味更是不搭I hope that's clam chowder.白白的是蛤蜊浓汤渍吧...So...所以I think it'd be better for everyone,为了大家including my immune system,以及我的免疫系统着想if I just keep on wearing what I'mwearing,我就穿自己这身就好了and not the apron,'cause this ischanel.那件就省了我这身可是香奈儿So thank you,感谢聆听and let's waitress.本小姐要上岗啦Whatever that is,这娇娇女明显就是it does not belong in this diner.来错地方打错工了It belongs in a show on Bravo.她应该去演电视But she blonde, hair so shiny,她是金发妞金发闪闪good for business.有助财源广进啊Where do you even find thesepeople?你都去哪找到这些歪瓜裂枣的啊The Russian hooker, the one before that was a meth addict.俄罗斯妓女再前一位还是吸毒妹You train her, I am boss.你去训练她我可是老板Da boss.老板中的老板Fine, but make her wear the uniform. 好那你先去命令她穿上制服Are you sure we can't get the meth addict back?真不能让吸毒的回来吗She was really good at cleaning.她是毁尸灭迹打扫神人呢But her teeth fall out.可她吸毒到牙掉光了You are really judgmental, you know that? 你也太以貌取人了吧I'm only gonna say this once, so payattention.我就说一回仔细听I'm Caroline, by the way. And you'reMax?我是卡洛琳你叫麦克斯对吗Don't get attached.先别建立感情This is the Williamsburg diner,owned by Han Lee,这间威廉伯格餐厅老板是李憨Who just changed his name toBryce Lee,最近刚改名叫李小笼because I guess he wants people totake him even less seriously.他应该是患了不被当笑话会死的病Eight months ago he bought it fromthe Russian mob.八个月前他向俄国黑帮顶下这餐厅Clientele used to be all eastern bloccriminals and crack whores,以前客源通常是东欧小流氓吸毒妓女but then he took it over and ruinedit.他顶过来之后客源就跑光了Hey, sexy woman.哟性感辣妹You look so pretty today.今儿个性感动人啊You look so beautiful, I forgot howbad your personality is.美得我差点忘了你是悍妇了Thanks, Oleg.承蒙夸奖奥列格Hey, Barbie.嗨芭比小妞That's Oleg.他是奥列格He will hit on you aggressively and relentlessly.他将会不停地用烂招泡你He doesn't realize he looks like that, 他的自信多到爆棚and I don't have the heart to tell him.可惜我没多余的善心点醒他Miss, could we have some menus? 小姐可以给份菜单吗Oh, sure.当然Don't smile.不要微笑Cause it raises the bar, and then Ihave to smile,你拉高服务标准我就得跟上and I can't be doing that.那样太累人了It's exhausting and I have a badback.微笑又累人又有害健康That's Earl, we're in love.那是我的恋人厄尔Do not talk to him,别跟他多讲话unless you want to feel whiter thanyou already are.除非你想显得更"白"痴Oh, and that stain?还有那块污渍Not clam chowder.其实是男人"精"华Go marry the ketchups.去把番茄酱连一起Marry the ketchups. I'm on it."联姻"起马上好Okay. Now divorce the ketchups."联姻"完弄离婚吧Stop! Stop! Stop!停停停There's no such thing as divorcingthe ketchups.让番茄酱离婚纯属我鬼扯You've never waitressed a day inyour life.你压根就没当过服务生对吧Yes, I have.我真的做过You expect me to believe you看完你这出after watching that whole Temple Grandin routine?奇葩的演出后鬼才信你- I'm telling Lee. - Okay, okay,-我去跟老板检举你 -别求你了I may have enhanced my resume. 我的确稍微美化了我的简历Enhanced? What, are we in Paris? 美化你当参加巴黎时尚展啊Please, I really need this job, okay? 求你了我真的很需要这份工We lost all of our money.我们家一无所有了My trust fund was taken for legal fees.我的信托基金被拿去支付律师费My dad is in jail. 老爸又入狱了What? What are you, MartinChanning's daughter?干嘛难不成你是马丁·钱宁的女儿啊Where's the paper?报纸在哪Martin Channing?马丁·钱宁The guy who ripped off the entirecity is your father.骗光整座城的人是你老爸He told us we were having a goodyear.他只跟我们说今年生意挺好You're Caroline Channing.你是卡洛琳·钱宁You're like a billionaire.你可是亿万富翁Was. Was a billionaire.曾是曾是亿万富翁They froze all our assets,everything's gone.所有资产都被冻结了全没了I only have what I could grab,我只能拿几样东西走and I grabbed all the wrong things.可我全拿了没用的东西- So do you know the president? -I've met him.-你认识总统吧 -见过- He's hot. - He's the president.-他很性感吧 -他就是个总统- Have you been to Switzerland? -Yes.-你去过瑞士吧 -去过- Do you have a horse? - Yes.-你有马吗 -有- Do you know Paris Hilton? - No, she's a hundred.-认识帕丽斯·希尔顿吗 -不认识她太老了Excuse me, uh, two hot chocolate, please.麻烦一下两杯热巧克力Comin' up.马上好Let me do that, please.让我来吧I'm a really fast learner.我学东西可快了I went to Wharton business school. 沃顿商学院毕业I got 2,300 on my SAT.SAT考了两千三百分Can you make a hot chocolate, ornot?那你做得出热巧克力吗Nailed it.搞定We split the tips. Give me yours.小费均分把你的拿来You did better than I thought youwould.比我预计的好多了Listen, tonight I thought of a way我刚想到了一个we could make some extra money.赚外快的办法They've totally underestimated theprice那些红丝绒蛋糕point on those red velvet cupcakes.定价实在低的离谱In Manhattan the asking price is atleast seven,在曼哈顿这至少卖七块so we could sell them for seven, andthen pocket the difference.我们就卖七块赚价差中饱私囊Nothing about that sounds wrongto you?难道你不觉得有什么不对吗It's not our fault that the idiot whomakes the cupcakes做蛋糕的傻子定价这么低doesn't know their worth.又不是我们的错I'm the idiot who makes thecupcakes.我就是做蛋糕的那傻子New information.我才知道嘛That's stupid.这肯定不行No one would pay $7 for one of my cupcakes.谁会花七块买我的蛋糕啊Really? 'Cause...你确定吗看这...Well, at least we know you're not adopted.果然有遗传你爸弄钱的基因啊So how'd you even end up in Brooklyn?你怎么会沦落到来布鲁克林打工Oh, I went on .我去招工网站Typed in "place where nobody 输入上东区的人[富人区]from the Upper East Side wouldever go, ever,"这辈子绝对不会去的地方and this diner came up.就出现这家店了You can't wear a fancy leather jacketoutside这里治安差穿高级皮衣in this neighborhood.铁定会被抢You have to turn it inside out.反着穿露出丑的那面Fur. Cool. Turn it back.皮草算了再翻回来吧So where do you live?你住哪儿呀Our townhouse was taken andbolted up by the bank, so...我家大宅被银行没收查封了Is this where I'm supposed to feelsorry for you?我需要表达一下同情吗I mean, I don't want you to,我是不想逼你啦but just so you know, a well-adjusted person would.不过正常的好人都会同情的I'm dead inside.我是没同情心的坏人You make that pretty obvious.是人都看得出来Anyway, I'm just gonna stay in thecity with a friend.好吧我要去市中心的朋友家了I live a couple of blocks that way. 我就住附近I'd walk you to the subway,我照理该陪你走去地铁站的it's just that I don't want to.不过我真的没这么好心Got it.完全理解Okay.就这样吧Robbie!罗比Why is the music so loud?放这么大声干嘛呢It's 3:00 in the morning.现在都凌晨三点了I'm sorry.对不起嘛It's cool. So what are you doin'?原谅你吧你们在干嘛呢The band's practicing.乐队在练习呢But you're not playing anyinstruments.怎么没看到乐器呢Yeah, that's how we practice.这是我们独门秘技We, like, listen to other good music,听着别人的音乐and play it in our head.然后在自己脑海演练It's like the secret.这好比不能弹的秘密Well, I have a secret for you guys.是吗我也有个秘密要跟你们说Get out!给我滚出去- Uh, you guys better go. - Weshould go.-伙计们先走吧 -好的Sorry guys, I still have to make thecupcakes.抱歉了我还得做小蛋糕呢Cupcakes? For why? You can justbuy 'em at the store.干嘛自己做去店里买一个不就得了You can do that in the morning,babe, come to bed.起来再做吧宝贝现在是滚床单时间No, I can't. I have to be in the cityby 10:00.不行我明早十点要到市中心Fine. You can have three minutes.好吧给你三分钟Fine, you can have eight, one for each ab.好吧看在八块腹肌的份上给你八分钟Stand clear of the closing doors.关门请注意Well, I can cross that off my bucket list.太好了死前心愿又完成了一样I have a taser!我有电击棒Oh, my God.天啊I am so sorry.真是万分抱歉I didn't think it would hurt so much. It's pink.我以为这只是粉红小电棒It didn't feel pink. 我都要被电成炭粉了I didn't know it was you.我刚真不知道是你I thought I was being raped.我还以为自己被人强奸了呢That's not what rape feels like.摸你的手算个屁强奸啊Did you... did you sleep on thesubway?昨晚...你是在地铁上睡的吗I had nowhere else to go,我没地可去and I'm too afraid to sleep outsideon the street.又不敢睡大街上God, you're spoiled.天啊还真是娇生惯养Next stop, Greenpoint.下一站格林中心Ugh, get your stuff, come on!快拿好你的行李I'll take you to my place, but hurry.我带你去我家吧快点Cause I have to be in the city in 30minutes.我要三十分钟内赶回市中心Call me.要打给我哦Oh, my god, you've been robbed!天啊你家进贼啦This is how it always looks.我家本来就这样Oh, my God, totally cute!天啊你家真不错All right, I'll be back at 4:00,好了我四点回来and we can go to work together.然后我们一起上班Bathroom, bedroom,卫生间卧室boyfriend sleeps till 4:00, yard.睡到四点才醒的男友院子Oh, you have a yard.你还有个院子Looks like a really nice place to relax and do crack.感觉是放松吸毒两相宜的好地方It is.那可不I gotta go, I'm gonna be late for my other job in the city.我得走了不然我打工要迟到了You have two jobs?你打两份工吗Yes, I babysit for a Manhattansocialite diva.对还给一个曼哈顿社交女王看孩子Now I have a set.现在又多了一个Sorry I'm late.抱歉来晚了Oh, thank God you're here,谢天谢地你终于来了there is a bridge and tunnel smellover by the babies宝宝身上有一股地下臭水沟的味儿that's stressing me out.快把我熏死了Their diapers probably need to bechanged.应该是要换尿布了Again? I swear, the morning nannyjust did that.又要换啊我肯定上午保姆才换了Motherhood is for reals.当妈可真不容易Max, remind me, what's my Twitterpassword?麦克斯我的推特密码是什么Twitter password."推特密码"Yes!对啦Hi, Brad. Hi, Angelina.嗨布莱德安洁莉娜Max, I need to tell you somethingbecause we're family.麦克斯你也是家人我有话想跟你说Now get me room temperature water and come over here.先给我拿瓶常温的水We are victims of the Channing Ponzi scheme.我们是钱宁骗局的受害者Me, David, and Brangelina.我大卫还有布莱洁莉娜How much money did you lose? 你们损失了多少Hold my hands.握紧我的手Nothing.分毫未损But it really scared me.不过吓死人家了Open that?帮我打开吧So do you know Caroline Channing?你认识卡洛琳·钱宁吗No, but she lost everything.不认识她什么都没有了She has no money.她一分钱都没有了Can you imagine having no money?你能想像没钱的滋味吗I mean, you wouldn't even have anymoney.我是指穷的连钱都没有了You should twit that.金句快发推特啊And no one will even talk to her.树倒猴孙散墙倒众人推I heard she went to six differentfriends' houses据说她为了找安身之地for a place to stay,去敲了六个朋友的家门and they all had to pretend theyweren't home.可他们都假装不在家- That's not cool. - Yeah.-这太过分了 -对啊- That's really sad. - So sad.-真是不幸 -对啊Breaks my heart.听的都心碎了I guess motherhood has reallyopened me up emotionally.当妈带孩子人都多愁善感了Max, I need to hold one of thebabies,麦克斯我想抱抱我的宝宝bring me one.帮我抱个过来No, the other one. That's not the good one.我要另一个这个是次品- Hello. - Oh, hi.-你好 -你好Oh, I'm so sorry if I woke you up. 抱歉吵醒你了- Who are you? - I'm Max's friend. -你是谁啊 -麦克斯的朋友Uh, don't tell her I said that.这话你可别跟她说I have a feeling if she heard me call her my friend,她要知道我自称是她的朋友she'd stab me.她会冲过来杀我What are you doin' over there? 你在这干嘛呢Just washing my uniform,洗我的制服trying to make it a little more cute让它变美美and a little less crusty.洗去那层污垢Oh, watch out!小心Oh! Sorry, oh, my...抱歉我的错Do you have a towel or a rag?你有毛巾或抹布-Or something? - No, I... I got it.-之类的吗 -没关系我来搞定Oh, okay.好吧I'm Robbie.在下罗比I'm uncomfortable.在下不舒服You're getting me wet.你害人家都湿了That's the point.正有此意You're Max's boyfriend.你是麦克斯的男友It's cool.没关系的No, it's not.不有关系Back up, Jersey shore.走开卖肉男You're pathetic,你真可悲and that's coming from someone who's homeless而且还是被一个无家可归and wearing white after a labor day. 无衣可换的人说And I've seen better.姐见过身材更好的No, you haven't.才怪你骗人Hey. Why didn't you wait for me? 你怎么没等我I thought we were coming over together.不是说好一起过来的吗Oh. Um, I wanted to get here early to marry the ketchups.我想早点来把番茄酱"联姻"起Listen, I heard something reallyupsetting about you today.今天我听说了你的惨况What did he say, that I came on tohim?他怎么说的说我投怀送抱吗Him who?"他"是指...Nothing.没啥Him, Robbie?你是说罗比对吧It's none of my business,这事与我无关but you deserve better than thatguy.但我觉得那家伙跟你配不上Yeah, it is none of your business.对这事的确与你无关Ooh, I was just starting to feel sorryfor you.唉我刚刚对你起了一丝怜悯之情I'm just saying, you're worth morethan that.我是说你可以找个更好的What, I'm supposed to believe youabout this?是吗我该相信你的话吗The person who lied on theirresume,你连简历都作假and lied about the cupcakes... you'rea liar.还用蛋糕赚差价你就是个大骗子- I'm just trying to help. - You knowwhat?-我是想帮你啊 -那好吧Since you seem to know so much about everything,既然你什么都懂why don't you take your wharton degree,干嘛不带着你的沃顿学位and your ridiculous coat, and figure this all out yourself.跟可笑的外套找一个能收留你的地方- Max.Max, wait. - Oh, look,-麦克斯等等 -瞧The Arcade Fire concert just let out across the street,对街的拱廊之火乐队演唱会刚结束good luck with that.祝你好运She's coming back, right? 她会回来的吧She's not gonna leave me herealone这满屋子的顾客with a restaurant full of people?她不会丢下我一个人的对吧Let me put it to you this way.我就这么跟你说吧You might as well be a night maid你就跟晚上在施瓦辛格家at the Schwarzenegger house.落单的女佣一样You got screwed.要被狠操一顿了- Oh. - Oh, yeah.-爽 -太爽了That feels so good.爽死我了Now put your tambourine around it.把铃鼓换来这个位置Hi, honey, I'm home.亲爱的我回来了I want you gone by the time I getback.在我下班前滚蛋Babe! Babe, I can explain.宝贝宝贝听我解释You weren't supposed to be home.你回家太早了嘛People say I deserve better than you.人家说你配不上我Who? That blonde girl?谁那个金发妞吗She doesn't know what she's talkin'about.她懂个屁就会瞎说She went to Wharton人家是沃顿毕业的and Switzerland.还去过瑞士呢Yo, yo. Look at that.快看快看That girl is workin' harder than Stephen Hawking那妞儿干起活来比史蒂芬·霍金史蒂芬·霍金有肌肉萎缩症全身只有几根手指能动tryin' to put in a pair of cufflinks. 扣袖口还努力呢Here, let me help you with that. 来我来帮你I don't need any help.我不要人帮Everyone needs help sometimes. 每个人都有需要帮忙的时候This isn't what I ordered.你们上错菜了This is Caroline.她叫卡洛琳She may have gotten your orderwrong,她可能会下错单but she does get some things right.但她起码有些事情没做错Thank you.谢谢No, thank you.不是我要谢谢你What'd you see in that guy, anyway?你到底看上那家伙哪点He had these muscle thingies.他这里的肌肉不错- Oh,those things? - Yeah.-那里呀 -是啊I don't know what those are called,我不知道那里怎么叫but they make smart girls stupid.但是好女孩看了就会意乱情迷Max!麦克斯I thought your tight ass wasn'tcoming in tonight,还以为今晚见不到你的小翘臀呢and my heart broke in half.我的心都快碎了You know what, Oleg?奥列格I needed that.这话我爱听So I...如果I need a roommate, if you wanna crash.你要找地方住的话咱俩可以当室友Not gonna lie, the subway's cleaner than your couch.真不是我说地铁都比你家干净I just felt myself starting to like you. 我好像对你有些好感了Really? Because I really feel like we could...真的吗我真觉得我们可...I knew that wouldn't last.我就知道纯属错觉Come on.走吧Tomorrow we can go into the city 明天我们去市里and get the rest of your stuff.把你剩下的东西搬回来Everything's locked up.全部都锁起来了What, you have nothing that youcare about that we can get?没有一样你喜欢的东西是可以拿回来的吗Well, there is one thing.好像还真有一样The weirdest thing is that nobodystopped us.居然没人拦我们真是奇了怪了I'm gonna save a fortune,把它养在这里keeping him here instead of in thestables.比养在马厩里省钱多了When did you put this whole horse-in-my-yard thing together?什么时候想到这养马大计的I can't help it.这就是我I see an opportunity, and I make ithappen,只要有机可乘我绝不让它溜走like with your cupcakes.比如你的纸杯蛋糕Like what with my cupcakes?关我的小蛋糕啥事Ready? To open a bake shop,听好了开一家蛋糕店all we need is 250 grand start-upmoney,只需要二十五万启动资金来for the real estate, and the basic equipment...租店面和买一些基本设备Yeah. Oh.是嘛- 250 grand,that's all? - Yeah.-二十五万就够了吗 -对Did freakin' Chestnut here kick you in the head我去星巴克的时候while I was in Starbucks?你的脑子让栗宝给踢了吗Hear me out.听我说完If we both worked two jobs要是我们两人同时打两份工and made $2,000 a week,一周进账两千块we could open a cupcake businessin a little over a year.我们就可以在一年后开蛋糕店了In the past two days, we've made$387,过去两天我们赚了三百八十七块and that's a good start.这是个不错的开始We can make extra money at otherjobs,我们还能兼职别的工作赚外快呀like publicists, advertisingexecutives...比如做公关广告行政janitors, drug mules.看门运毒We really need to work on your self-esteem.看来得先提升你的自尊So...所以说You, cupcakes, me, businessbackground,你的美味小蛋糕加上我的商科背景us, success. What do you think?我们就等于成功怎样I think you have a horse.你还有匹马I think we have a horse.是我们有匹马Don't get attached.不要爱上我开店基金:肚皮整理/排版MJE美剧口语联盟看美剧,练口语,交朋友。



破产姐妹第一季第2324集Wow! Bummer, dude.靠太倒霉了吧兄台You have a time machine?你有台时光机And somehow, it got programmed to this crap diner? 却把自己传送到这间破烂餐厅I must admit, I am quite taken with steampunk.我承认我是挺迷蒸汽朋克的对工业革命早期科技着迷并虚构出蒸汽力至上的世界蒸汽朋克: 上世纪80-90年代初的科幻题材Oh, steampunk, right. I remember that trend.蒸汽朋克啊我记得啊It happened for, like, ten seconds那玩意儿在2000年的back in 2000 and-are-you-kidding-me?"你当我白痴啊"时代流行过十秒钟Dude, seriously, you're sitting in a public place兄台说真的坐在公共场合里tap-tap-tapping on an oldie typewriter?在老式打字机上敲敲打打What are you?你以为你谁啊In the league of extraordinarily pretentious gentlemen? 超装逼联盟的参赛选手吗Aren't you being a little aggressive?你说话有点太咄咄逼人了吧Yup.没错That's how people are here in the present where we live.我们未来世界的人都这么说话But don't get me wrong.你别误会我I'd like to go back in time, too.我也想要穿梭时空呢Maybe stop 9/11 or that creep who had sex on my shoe,去阻止911或那乱"射"在我鞋上的变态but I can't.可我没办法啊Present? Where's that uniform from?什么未来世界啊瞧你那身制服From like, 1998?1998年买的吗Oh, stop, or I'm going to have再乱说to shoot you with a Smith & Wesson史密斯威森: 1855年建立的手枪军械制造商我就要用的威森的枪崩了你啦以制作左轮手枪闻名I'm currently packing in my bloomers.灯笼裤在1850年初开始广为流传枪就藏在我的灯笼裤里哦I'll go get thee a menu, my good man.吾去给汝拿份菜单吧仅供学习禁止用于任何商业盈利行为更多影视更新请登陆/doc/e86921261.html,■ 本字幕由YYeTs人人影视原创翻译制作第23-24集姐妹花第一季打工第一季打工姐妹花第23-24集\h翻译死命狂哭YY猫\h翻译死命狂哭YY猫\h翻译用命翻译赛太公\h翻译用命翻译赛太公后期鱼骨头\h后期鱼骨头\h时间轴总监死命狂哭YY猫\h 时间轴总监死命狂哭YY猫\hAttention, everyone.大伙们听我说一下Max and I have a little late-night treat for you.我跟麦克斯有深夜小礼物要给你们Don't say it all excited like that.别用这种兴奋的语气说好吗Now when it's not drugs, Earl's going to be pissed.你又不是给毒品厄尔会失望得发火的You are invited to a very important taste-test你被邀请参加万分重要的of Max's homemade cupcakes.麦克斯自制小蛋糕品尝会Okay, but I will have only one.好的不过我只吃一个哦When I get a tummy, single ladies call me Buddha 我一旦有了小肚腩单身女郎会叫我弥勒佛and rub me for luck.然后摸我肚皮求好运I gotta watch out, too.我也得小心Last time I had Max's chocolate espresso cupcake 上次我回家前吃了一个麦克斯的just before going home,黑咖啡小蛋糕I was awake till 5:00 A.M.,到早上5点都睡不着hand washing all my thongs.手洗了一夜的丁字裤Thongs? Earl, you devil.丁字裤啊你个小坏蛋That's right, just because there's snow on the roof 别看我头顶花白白发胜雪doesn't mean there's not swing in the sling.裤裆里还是龙精虎猛翻江倒海呢Oh, Caroline, darling. Can you go back over there? 卡洛琳亲爱的你能去我座位I forgot my racing form.帮我拿赛马报吗Oh, horse racing? It reminds me of Chestnut.赛马啊害我好想念栗宝Max... Chestnut.麦克斯小栗宝What's with the sad face?你装个屁哭脸啊Your horse is living it up at a fancy stable nearby.你的马就住在附近的豪华马厩Not gone to the great stud farm in the sky.又不是住在天国的种马场Did someone say "stud farm"?有人提到"种马场"吗My fee is $10 a quart or $15 if you want a boy.我的精每0.9升10块包生男的15块Wow.不错啊You bounced back from your Sophie breakup pretty quick. 跟苏菲分手的情伤复原的挺快嘛It was not a real breakup.我们不是真分手I will have her very soon again.她很快又会回到我身边Right now, I lay low and wait in bushes现阶段我就淡定的躲在草丛like determined jungle cat.如同盯上猎物的猎豹Or a rapist.是盯上猎物的强奸犯吧Racing forms, here you go.给赛马报Earl, maybe some time厄尔找机会you will take me out to the track with you.你也带我去马场吧I used to ride horses all the time in Korea.我以前在韩国时常常骑马呢The mechanical ones for a quarter是超市外那种一次一硬币的in front of supermarkets?电动小马吗Actually, Max, I'm a very good rider.麦克斯我可是很厉害的骑师In fact, I was training to be a jockey我受过赛马骑师的训练呢but was too short.可惜我身高不够高通常只选身高矮小的男子矮到当不了骑师吗赛马骑师对身高要求严格Too short to be a jockey?That's a hard hit, my man.这也太悲催了吧阿憨Han, I had no idea you loved horses, too.阿憨真没想到你也爱马Why didn't you ever say anything?怎么都没听你提过啊Well, why didn't you ever ask about any of my interests? 那你怎么不问问我有什么兴趣呢I'll tell you why.我来告诉你原因Because all you ever talk about is因为你开口闭口永远都是"our cupcake business, our cupcake business."我们的小蛋糕生意如何如何Doesn't your CD have other tracks?你这张光盘就没别的曲子了吗Anyway, our cupcake business话说我们的小蛋糕生意has a very important meeting tomorrow明天有场十分重要的会面呢with Paul Platt, the party planner.要去见派对大师保罗·普拉特I know a party planner, too.我也认识个派对大师He sells J.Lo. and Salma Hayek pinatas他在墨西哥独立日时off back of truck for Cinco de Mayo.会在街上卖明星头像的彩陶罐萨尔玛·海耶克性感大胸女星Awesome. Put me down for a Hayek.我要一个海耶克头像的罐子More storage space for candy.有额外空间装糖方便Well, our party planner is the it guy in Manhattan. 我们要见的可是曼哈顿的大红人And tomorrow, Max and I are doing明天我要跟麦克斯带小蛋糕a tasting for him at his office.去他办公室给他品尝How can someone be too short to be a jockey? 怎么有人能矮到不能当马师啊Isn't that the whole point?马师不就得是矮子吗Are you all right, Max?麦克斯你没事吧I got here as fast as I could.我尽快赶来了Caroline texted me to hurry over卡洛琳发短信叫我快来because you didn't know you were pregnant, 说你不知道自己怀孕and you were giving birth over toilet.还准备要在厕所生孩子So I grabbed my plunger and ran!我抓着马桶吸就冲来了That is insane. I never texted that.太夸张了吧我没发过这短信啊No, I did, when I stole your phone.是我偷用你手机发的I needed a reason to get Sophie over here. 我要拐苏菲过来得有理由嘛I can't believe she believed it.我不敢相信她会信你的屁话Oh, come on, Max. Giving birth over toilet? 麦克斯在厕所里生娃That is very you.很像你会干的事嘛Now that you are here, Sophie, sit.苏菲既然你都来了坐吧I want to tell you something important.我想跟你说一件重要的事Well, you can forget that.你就算了吧There's no way I'm going to stay.我才不会留下来呢A cupcake party?有小蛋糕派对啊Oh, look, and this one even has a pretzel in it. 这一个上面还有椒盐卷饼呢Yup, that's our "salty n' spice"那是我们的"咸配香料"口味for our more adventurous customers.给喜爱新奇口味的顾客Also for the uptight white people,而保守的白人顾客呢we have the very, very vanilla我们也做了传统的香草口味which is... big surprise... my favorite.也毫无意外的... 是我最爱的口味And this is our beer-batter maple bacon这是酒混面粉加枫蜜培根的spring break cupcake.特制春假小蛋糕That's for stoners, and big surprise, my favorite. 给瘾君子的比如我的最爱啦We can only take four flavors我们只能选四个口味to represent our cupcake business.带去代表我们的小蛋糕店See? Not one word ever about anyone else.你看说话从来都只提自己的事I have a pet ferret, if anyone gives a damn.有人在乎我其实有养只小雪貂吗Well, I have some big news我也有大消息I want to share with you all as well.想要跟在座的各位分享Sophie, that classy lady right over there...苏菲也就是坐在那里的高贵仕女Mm, I like this one.我喜欢这个口味She recently broke it off with me她不久前刚与我分手because she wanted to be with a man理由是她想跟一个有梦想who had a dream and a drive.有追求的男人在一起So I have bought a drive...所以我买了台"追求"A Lincoln town car.一台林肯豪华加长轿车Yes, I have a new car service and slogan:没错我现在当司机还有新标语"lie back and I will ride you till you tell me to stop." "放松坐好你不喊停我绝不停下"So, Oleg, you now have a town car business?奥列格所以你现在要当轿车司机And Sophie, you rent town cars all the time.而苏菲你总是租加长轿车Oh, oh, please.那又如何I mean, I love pizza, too, but that doesn't mean我也喜欢吃炸鸡难道我还得嫁给I have to marry PaPa John.肯德基爷爷吗I was just thinking, you might want to come out back 我刚在想你可能会对我车上那面and take a look at the light-up makeup mirror on visors. 会发亮的化妆镜有兴趣呢Light-up makeup mirror?会发亮的化妆镜Oh, I might be interested.感觉挺有意思啊But not just you and I.不过我不要单独跟你去Han will come as well.阿憨也一起来吧Finally! Han is getting invited to something.终于啊有人邀请阿憨一起去玩Other than LinkedIn.别人只邀我加入网站过So much for the taste test. It's fine.品尝会估计也告一段落了不过没事I know what's best for our cupcake business.我知道怎么做对我们的小蛋糕生意最有利I do say that a lot,我的确是很常提到呢but I think it's kind of charming.不过听着舒服我喜欢I'll go get our coats.我去拿我们的外套吧Mm, mm, mm. Look at you.你看你I must say, I'm impressed with how far you've come.我必须得说你进步非常大啊Well, you burn a few thousand cupcakes,烤坏了几千个小蛋糕you're bound to get better.总会上手的Not just the cupcakes, Max.不只是烤蛋糕技术啊麦克斯Look how far you've come.你人也进步了许多When I think of that girl who came in here 想当年你只是个打工混日子just looking to get by...能过一天是一天的人Hey, and check you out now.瞧你现在Big, fancy meeting in Manhattan. Lordy lord! 要去曼哈顿跟大人物面谈了厉害啊- It's only a meeting, Earl. - Maybe.-厄尔只是小面谈啦 -或许吧But if you were one of these horses,可如果你是一匹赛马I'd put all of my money on you, Max.我愿把毕生积蓄压在你身上呢Paul Platt parties. Please hold.保罗·普拉特派对公司请稍等Poor kid.可怜的娃啊If I had that job, I'd be asking someone如果我是他我就会对人说to please hold a gun to my head.请拿枪毙了我吧He's probably excited to be working for Paul Platt.能为保罗·普拉特工作他一定很兴奋Look at all these magazines看看这些杂志经过多年苦心经营成为美国第二富婆都称他是下一代的玛莎·斯图尔特玛莎·斯图尔特美国家政女皇出身微寒calling him the next Martha Stewart.Someday, we'll have articles about us.有一天杂志也会有我们的专题的You know, pictures of you and me还配上我们俩站在standing outside our country home.我们别墅外的照片Hold on.等等We're rich and still living together?我们有钱后还得一起住啊Okay, she's leaving. This is us.好了她要走了轮到我们了About time.是该到我们了Been sitting here so long my ass is asleep,坐等好久我屁股都睡着了which kind of goes against my theory that it won't quit.但我是不会夹着屁股逃跑的Hi, Paul's going to be a little longer.保罗还有点事请稍等It's fine. It's just how much...没关系不过还...Paul Platt parties, please hold.保罗·普拉特派对公司请稍等- Paul Platt parties... - How much longer...-保罗·普拉特派对公司 -还得等...- Please hold. - Me or them?-请稍等 -我们还是他们I got the ass pins and needles.坐得我屁乱如麻啊- Max. - What? We're on hold.-麦克斯 -干嘛反正没轮到我们Have a seat. Five more minutes.请坐吧再稍等五分钟Paul Platt parties.保罗·普拉特派对公司The word "Party" at a party planner's?派对公司墙上挂写着派对的画Little obvious.脱裤子放屁嘛Like me having art that says "will die alone."跟我挂一幅"孤独终老"一样多余Wait.等等I think this is Johnny's art. No way.不会吧这是强尼画的"No way" is right. Johnny's a nobody.当然不会强尼只是小角色Paul Platt wouldn't have a framed "Johnny" in his office. 保罗·普拉特才不屑挂强尼的画呢Look, signed "Jpeg." That's his tag.你看这签名写着电子图档哥呢Yo, what's the deal with this art?这画谁画的啊It's a street artist.一个街头艺术家Everyone's getting really into him now.最近还挺火热的Oh, yeah?是吗He was trying to get into me a few months ago. 几个月前他也想跟我"搞"得火热呢It was more emotional than that.其实是有故事的啦He cheated on his girlfriend with her他搞外遇来找她and then blew her off.后来又把她甩了It was really hard for us.这事情还挺打击我们的And you thought me slapping my ass靠你刚还说我拍屁股不适当in front of him was inappropriate?说这些话就适当啊- Wow, Johnny made it. - Well, good for him. -强尼成功啦 -恭喜他He's making it, we're making it...他功成名就我们也快了We're making it?我们快成功个屁I magic-markered over the scuffs on my boot,我还得用油性笔给我的靴子补色and we can't even get past而且我们连穷人版约翰·库萨克这一关都过不去约翰·库萨克: 美国知名男演员the poor man's John Cusack over there.Max, we are making it.麦克斯我们成功在望We've come a long way.我们度过了这么多难关We haven't used Starbucks napkins我们都没用星巴克餐巾纸for toilet paper in months.当厕纸好久了And now, look where we are.你看我们一直在往上爬嘛We've got a meeting with Paul Platt.到现在居然能有机会见保罗·普拉特Say it, "we're making it."你得说出口 "我们成功在望"I'm serious. Say it, Max.我是认真的你得说出口We are making it.我们成功在望Okay, we're making it.好啦我们成功在望- Caroline channing. - This is us!-卡洛琳·钱宁 -到我们了- Ahh. - What, five more minutes?-这个嘛... -又怎么了再等五分钟吗Monday at 4:00. Something came up.突然有要事改约周一下午4点了Oh, okay. Well, Monday at 4:00.好吧周一下午4点There's no Monday at 4:00.没这回事的对吧He said Monday at 4:00. Monday at 4:00, right?他说周一下午4点没骗人吧Absolutely. Monday at 4:00.当然没有周一下午4点见There is no Monday at 4:00.其实他没要见你们I'm confused. Is there a Monday at 4:00?我有点糊涂了是有要见面吗In the books, Monday at 4:00. Paul can't wait.记录着呢周一下午4点保罗等不及了There is no Monday at 4:00.他压根没有要见你们I don't understand. Are we coming in Monday at 4:00? 我搞糊涂了我们是来还是不来啊Absolutely. Paul's a big fan.当然来啊保罗很喜欢你们Don't come in on Monday.周一别来了Can you please tell me what's going on?你能解释一下到底怎么了吗See, it's this news about your father being moved最近新闻在报导你老爸被转移到to a cushy white collar prison this week.舒坦的高智慧罪犯监狱Paul can't have anything to do with someone named Channing,保罗不敢跟叫"钱宁"的人扯上关系'cause everyone in New York is pissed.毕竟全市都在不爽"钱宁"呢Look at all that. It never stops.你看我的过去阴魂不散How much more of this do I have to take?我还得再受多少折磨啊So we'll see you on Monday!所以我们周一见吧Don't come.别来了I woke my ass up for this?靠早知道不叫我屁股起床了Mmm. This was delicious, Max.麦克斯小蛋糕太好吃了Here's a $20. Keep the change.给你20块吧不用找钱了What are you doing, Sophie?苏菲你这是干嘛You don't pay for the cupcakes.我不可能收你小蛋糕钱的No, take it for your business.为了生意而收下吧Ever since your big party planner meeting went bust,你们跟派对大师的面谈失败后I was worried that you two girls我就一直很担心你们might form a joint suicide pact.会办一个自杀姐妹会Nah, we're not that organized.我们才没有这么强大的组织力So how's Caroline today?卡洛琳心情如何She's handling it all better than I thought.比我想象中的好多了She's with her father's lawyer right now,她去见她爸爸的代表律师了trying to figure out the best time for her想趁她老爸移监前to go out to the prison to see him before he's moved. 找出一个好时机去探访他Oh, that is my new phone.是我的新手机You know there's a phone stuck to that gay Furby, right? 你的基佬娃娃上还粘了支手机呢Yes, this is from my favorite store on 14th street,这是我去14街上我最爱的店买来的呢Rhinestoned.店名叫"人造钻石"Oh, it's just a text from my driver.是我司机发来的短信He's waiting out front.他在楼下等了Why don't you just invite Oleg inside?直接叫奥列格上来不就好了吗I'm not sure yet he deserves to come inside.我还不确定他是否够格进来Well, from what I heard, he's already come inside. 据我所知他不是早够格"进入"了吗Oh, Max, I love it when you're dirty!麦克斯我就爱听你说荤段子Hey, how'd it go?怎么样了Well, according to my father's lawyer,根据我父亲的律师所说the prison is surrounded by so much press监狱被太多媒体包围that daddy doesn't want me to come out there 老爸不想我出来抛头露面and be exploited all over again.被媒体再度生吞活剥Why is he still the only news story out there?为啥就没有其他大新闻了啊Well, the good news is,别气好歹今天your hair is especially shiny today.你的头发超闪闪动人啊It is? Thanks, Sophie.真的吗谢了苏菲So try not to kill yourself.听完就别想着自杀了哦Well, if I didn't kill myself reading these in the car, 我在车上读这些信时都没跑去死I won't.现在也不会了Hate mail.怒骂信It was being held at my old P.O. Box.这些全都寄到了我以前的邮箱My father's lawyer picked it up for me.我父亲的律师帮我收的信Why didn't he just punch you in the face and call it a day? 他何不直接扁你一拳就算了I know, it's like the end of Miracle on 34th street,对啊这跟《34街的奇迹》的结局差不多only everyone's calling me a bitch.差别只是大家都叫我贱货Oh, come on, not everyone is calling you a bitch.也不是大家都骂你贱货的吧"Dear bitch, I hate you.""贱货你好我恨你""If I ever see you on the street, I will...""哪天让我在街上见到你我一定...shake your hand and wish you well,会跟你握手然后祝福你平安as you have been through so very much.希望你能雨过天晴"That is not what that says.信上才不是这么写呢It might be.也是有可能啊It's hard to read his actual words,他这血书字迹太潦草as they are written in blood.什么内容都有可能啊Oh, look how fancy. This is not hate mail.好华丽的信封应该不是怒骂信No, this is invitation to Metropolitan Museum annual gala. 是邀请参加大都会博物馆的年度晚会It is?是吗This is my favorite social event in all of New York.这是我在纽约最爱的社交活动了I've gone every year since I was 18.18岁那年起我每年都去了It's a fashion ball at the museum of art...这是在美术博物馆里的时尚舞会Yeah, I know what it is.我知道那是干嘛的- I catered it last year. - Max, how weird.-我去年去当过服务生呢 -麦克斯太巧了吧We were probably right in the very same room.去年的那会我们都在那里Then there's a good chance I spit in your drink.那我很可能有往你饮料吐过口水哦Not really, unless you were acting all prissy and demanding. 也不见得除非你当时又霸道又烦人There's a good chance you spit in my drink.那还真有可能给饮料吐过口水Well, see? This is happy news.你们看还是有好消息的No, as much as I want to, I can't go.我是想去啊可我去不了Everybody hates me.大家都恨我And much worse, I have nothing to wear,更惨的是我没礼服穿and if you're gonna be hated, you better look damn good. 要当过街老鼠也要当最美的老鼠I give up. That invitation finally broke me.我放弃这邀请函是最后一根稻草Why are you pulling down your bed?你干嘛把床拉下来啊Because I don't have a door to slam.因为我没有房门可以让我甩Hell, I don't even have a door!我连门都没有Everything's been taken away, Max...什么东西都没了麦克斯My fortune, my business career,亿万家产工作my social life, my sweet, sweet horse.亲朋好友跟我最爱的小马Okay, take a nap. You're upset.你还是去睡吧你心情不好You have a good reason to be.你有心情不好的理由A good reason?理由I say she has 200, 300 good reasons.她有足足2 300个理由吧I mean, read these.你也来读读These are like letters to the devil.这些简直是死亡催命符I'm just going to get in there and never get out.我要上床从此长赖不起Close it up, Max. Put me in the wall.麦克斯把我合上去夹进墙吧No, it's really hard to close it when you're in there. 没办法你躺在上面时合不上去I've tried.我早试过了Look, I know it's not even remotely close我知道现在跟你以前相比to what you had before,有着天壤之别but we do have our cupcake business可我们还有小蛋糕生意啊and our purple stove, and we do have $922.还有紫色烤箱还有922块的开店基金And we're gonna make it.而且我们会功成名就的嘛Wall me.夹爆我吧Come on, all you need is a big, glamorous party. 你不就需要一个大派对让你崭露头角嘛I mean, look at all the celebrities that are on the list 你看邀请名单上的名流Martha Stewart,玛莎·斯图尔特Justin Timberlake...贾斯丁·汀布莱克Ooh, Hugh Jackman!休·杰克曼Oh, I like to call him "Huge" Jackman,我都喜欢叫他巨根·杰克曼because I bet he has a big penis.因为我猜他一定有"巨根"Wall me.夹爆我吧Thank you, sir.谢谢啦Welcome home, buddy.欢迎回家啊栗宝As you can see, we haven't put the pool in yet.如你所见到的我们还没弄好泳池We'll get to it.会弄的Tree, grill, shovel... usual cast of characters.树烤炉铲子你的老朋友们都在Now, I am going to take you in to her,我现在就带你去见她吧but I should warn you.不过我先警告你She hasn't been out of bed for two days,她两天没下床了and that means no tooth brushing and it's bad up in there. 她那两天没刷过牙的嘴口气很惊人的I'm pretty sure horses have a keen sense of smell,我猜你们马的嗅觉应该很好so just be prepared.所以你小心点吧I missed you, too.我也很想你啊栗宝Max, I'm trying to sleep. Take your boots off.麦克斯我在睡觉呢脱鞋好吗Caroline, I have something for you.卡洛琳我有东西要给你看哦Go away. I'm dead.此人已死有事烧纸Jeez, and you said my breath was bad.天啊你以前还嫌我嘴臭You have a visitor, someone you love.你有个访客哦你很爱他呢Chestnut! Chestnut, hi, baby, hi.栗宝栗宝宝贝你来啦How did he get here?他怎么来的I went to Peach and told her我去找了琵琪跟她说it was a matter of life and death人命关天and we had to have him back.不得不把栗宝带回来And what, she just gave him back to you?她就这么让你把他带走啊Well, I did have to agree to come back and babysit我还得同意我这一生每周都得去one day a week for the rest of my life,照看她的小孩一天but hell, Chestnut's home.随便啦反正栗宝回来啦Max, thank you so much. You brought me back to life. 麦克斯谢谢你你让我重获新生Oh, my God, don't exhale on me.求你了别对我吐气好吗Your breath is like you went down on a brussels sprout. 你的口气跟吃过大便似地Tip your head that way.把你的头转走Chestnut, Chestnut.栗宝栗宝Don't breathe on him either!也别对他吐气好吗His whole head is a nose. He can't handle that.他的鼻子占了头大半你想熏死他啊Chestnut's home.栗宝回家啦Han, I'm so excited.阿憨我好开心啊Did you hear my horse is back?听说我栗宝回家的事了吗This is not conversation.你这不是找我聊天This is just the other thing you say.你只是在对我宣布事情"My cupcake business, my horse,"我的小蛋糕生意我的马my horse, my cupcake business."我的马我的小蛋糕生意"Well, in case anyone's interested,给在场的有心人my ferret's name is Alvin.我的雪貂名字叫艾文And Alvin's telling his friends艾文也告诉他的朋友he has a pet named han.他有只宠物叫阿憨Hey, Earl. Long time, no see.厄尔好久不见啊Well, well, well, Johnny.哎哟是强尼啊If it isn't the famous street artist.传说中的那位街头画家Well, I'm hardly famous.也没到传说中啦You got that right.没错My remark was laced with sarcasm.我单纯是想讽刺你Can you tell Max I'm here?能告诉麦克斯我来了吗That depends. Are you still a two-timing bum? 那得看了你还在踏两船吗That's his name,他就叫踏两船don't wear it out.别多叫叫多了不好Hiya, slugger.好久不见啊小猛女Can you do me a favor and call Earl off?能帮我让厄尔消停消停吗I may be on day six of my p90x,虽然我也勤于锻炼but I'm in no shape to take on a heavyweight like him.但我是打不过他这种强大选手的It's okay, Earl, we're cool.没事了厄尔Well, I am. He's just riding my fumes.他在姐身后吃尘呢So, uh, where's your section?你管哪区呢- Counter. - Hm, same ol', same ol'.-吧台 -老样子啊老样子Johnny's in the diner.强尼来餐厅了Why is he here? It can't be to eat.他来干嘛啊肯定不是来吃东西He's "made it." He eats "made it food" now.人家成功了只吃成功人士的食物Well, obviously, he's here to see you.他明显是来找你的Or else he won the award for biggest lying jerk in New York, 不然就是他赢了"纽约最佳爱情骗子奖"and this is the first stop on his press tour.餐厅是他巡回的第一站Well, I don't know why he's here,我不知道他来干嘛but you better come with me.不过你还是陪我一起去面对吧He looks really good, so I'm not listening他帅气逼人我完全没听进to a thing coming out of his pretty mouth.他帅唇吐出的任何一句话Well, I was gonna ask what the specials were,本来想问你今天有什么特餐but you know what? Can I actually just get不过还是算了我能就点一个one of Max's homemade cupcakes?麦克斯自制小蛋糕吗- Okay, which flavor? - Surprise me.-行啊什么口味 -给我个惊喜Kind of like how you surprised her with your girlfriend? 跟你有女朋友一样让麦克斯"惊喜"吗Okay, I'm starting to get a vibe here,好吧我知道你们的意思了and that's why I came in, because I feel bad,我也是为了这事而来我心有愧疚the way things went down between us,来为我们的不欢而散and I came to say good-bye画下句点和你道别because I'm moving.我很快就要搬走了Oh, moving. T o where?搬走搬去哪里啊- Manhattan. - Manhattan?-曼哈顿 -曼哈顿啊That hardly calls for a good-bye speech.搬去那里还道个什么别啊It's over there.都没多远Yeah, I know, but it's a big change for me,但搬过去就是两个世界了and we're not going to be rolling我们将不再是in the same circles anymore,一个圈子的人and I'm getting married... over there.我也要去结婚了Well, at least you and your girlfriend worked it out. 起码你跟你那女朋友修成正果了Actually, we broke up.其实我们分手了This is someone I met a couple months ago.我是要跟几个月前认识的另一个女人结婚I was only watching his lips,我刚只读他的唇了but did they just say what I think they said?但他刚才说的话我没看错吧Well, there's your cupcake. That'll be $5.给你要的小蛋糕 5块钱The price has gone up. Yeah, we're successful now. 没错涨价了我们现在也是成功人士了In fact, we may be working with Martha Stewart. 我们可能要跟家政女皇合作了呢Caroline knows her from, you know, before.卡洛琳以前跟她有些关系We're gonna talk it over with her我们会再跟她谈at the met gala ball that Caroline got invited to.我们有被邀请去博物馆的年度晚会。



破产姐妹经典中英文台词破产姐妹经典中英文台词1. And everybody hates everything with the exception,of angelina jolie,who is totally awesome.每个人都讨厌所有的一切,但就是不讨厌安吉丽娜·朱丽,她人实在太好。

2. Sometimes when you think the sky is about to fall down, you might be standing tilted!有时候你以为天要塌下来了,其实是自己站歪了!3. You cant always help who you are attracted to.有时候人们就是会控制不住喜欢谁。

4. Why do you even have a phone if youre not gonna pick it up?你要是都不接电话,你要手机来干嘛?5. When you dont have enough money to fix your own mistakes, youve make your own magic.当你没钱弥补你犯下的错误时,那就得靠自己创造奇迹。

6. How will you ever live with the shame?犯下奇耻大辱,你以后还怎么做人呀?7. Why are the hot ones always gay?为什么长得帅的.都是gay?8. People who hate you, but cant kill you. Thats what family is.亲人就是恨你却又不能杀你的人。

9. If I have to strip, I have to strip.君要臣脱,臣不得不脱。

10. Everyones as judgmental as me.大家全都爱吐槽。

破产姐妹 第一季 第6集

破产姐妹 第一季 第6集
我想靠着这个来告诉你 我们未来的展望
My vision board.
- Oh, no. - It's a simple tool.
-不是吧 -这个工具很简单
You're a simple tool.
You start with a thin, white board...
你又白又平 我快无聊死了 board一字多义 有"板子"跟"无聊"的意思
Your thin, white, and I'm bored.
Keep going. I can do this all day.
继续啊 这种话我能扯一天呢
I have a bear claw in me.
you leave a waitress pennies.
I'm sorry. I didn't know.
抱歉 我并不知情
This was our first and last date.
这是我们初次 也会是最后一次约会
Sorry, dude.
All right, give me that check. I'll handle this.
好啦 把账单给我 我来搞定

Was something wrong with the service my girl over here gave you?
and I need a good nine hours.



破产姐妹第一季第二集Hi, ready to order?准备好点餐了吗Do you have anything that's really special?你们有什么特色[菜]说来听听Not according to my high school guidance counselor.我高中辅导员说我没有特色I'll have the veggie plate.那我要个蔬菜拼盘But instead of beets, I want kale. 不要甜菜换甘蓝And instead of broccoli, more kale. 不要花椰菜再放点甘蓝I want the veggies steamed.蔬菜要用蒸的And instead of dressing, I wantlemons.色拉调料改用柠檬代替Don't you need to write this down?你怎么还不动笔记下来啊I'm afraid if I start writing that down,现在只有心情写遗书it'll turn into a suicide note.因为要被烦死了I'm assuming this table's gonnahave a lot more of those requests.我猜你们都会这么点餐吧Yes, I could tell by the hats.没错看你们那帽就知道是事儿精Earl, I have something new I wantyou to try.厄尔我有新东西想你尝尝That's the exact same sentence正是因为这句话that got me hooked on cocaine inthe '80s.我才会在几十年前染上吸毒的恶习It's my new cupcake flavor.我说的是蛋糕的新口味啦Delicious dark chocolate the ladiescan't help but love.女人无法抗拒的美味黑巧克力口味I'm calling it "The Earl."我把它称为"黑伯爵厄尔"I know you got that right.说得好Hi, I'm here.我来了1I was running late so I decided to hail a cab.本来我以为要迟到了想说打个的吧And then I remembered I didn't have any money on me.然后才想起我没带钱And then I remembered I didn't have any money at all.接着意识到我现在是两袖清风的穷光蛋So I walked the whole way here.所以我不辞辛苦地走来上班The apartment's three blocks away. 我家到这里才隔三条街Yes, I know.我知道Three blocks and 15 "hola chicas" away.三条街外加十五声"哟呵妹子"那么远Well, you can't be late again.你不能再迟到了I'm already worried about me beinglate...我够烦我每个月迟到的...every month.大姨妈了On my way here, a homeless manasked me for money.在我来的路上一位无家可归的流浪汉向我讨钱And I told him that I usually alwaysgive,我跟他说通常我都会慷慨解囊but that my father was indicted in aPonzi scandal但我的父亲因为非法敛财而被起诉了and I've lost my family fortune andmy Manhattan townhouse,我们家产没了曼哈顿豪宅也没了so I've been sleeping on a couch inBrooklyn, but,还得在布鲁克林区朋友家的沙发过夜in spite of it all, I'm still optimistic尽管世事无常但我还是对于that you and I will achieve success开小蛋糕店持乐观态度in our exciting new cupcakebusiness venture.并坚信未来将会取得成功And look what he gave me!瞧看他给了我啥You took money from a homelessman?你连流浪汉的钱都拐啊2I prefer to think of Bob near the bridge as our first investor.应该说是桥边的鲍勃入股投资才对Pickup! Special sandwich.上菜特制三明治I can think of even more special sandwich.我还想到一种更妙的三明治You, me and the hot blonde giraffe. 你我金发长颈鹿夹一起Well, she recently lost her dignity, 她破产后尊严全没了so you might have a shot.搞不好她会愿意屈就Hello today!今天好啊I have nametag for you.我给你做了个名牌Only your second day and look,nametag already.你才来第二天我就给你备好名牌了As new owner, I am killing it.这新东家当的太牛逼了Thank you.谢谢Oh, it says "Carolin."上面写的是"卡洛淋"It's Caroline. With an "E".我叫卡洛"琳" 是"王"字旁I'm Caroline.我叫卡洛琳As new owner, I am sucking it.这新东家当的太二逼了Just put it on.你就挂着就是了You can't tell an Asian he made amistake.不能告诉亚洲人他犯了错误He'll go in the back and throwhimself on a sword.不然等会他就去拔剑自刎了Thank you, Mr. Lee.谢谢你李老板You may call me Han.你可以叫我憨H-a-n.勇"敢"的"心"No trap in my name.好记不会错I'm thinking we should take我在想我们可以迈出the first step in our new cupcakebusiness3我们蛋糕事业的第一步了by writing "Max's Homemade Cupcakes"就在优惠餐板上up on the specials board.写上"麦克斯自制蛋糕"吧No, I can't have my name up there. 不行姐的大名不能张扬Everyone I owe money to thinks I live in Seattle.我的债主们都以为我住在西雅图呢Oh, we used to own Seattle.哎以前西雅图是我家的呢Max, we've got to get the name out there.麦克斯你的名字一定得亮相Create a buzz.制造名气嘛Ooh, good idea!好棒好棒Let's create a buzz.赶紧开始名气大作战Exactly, in order to launch--没错要想打开市场I'm mocking you.我是在模仿你那傻样儿When in doubt, I'm always mockingyou.以后别怀疑我向来都是在嘲笑你Seriously, Max.说真的麦克斯This new cupcake business is ourlifeline.这个蛋糕事业是我们的救生索A way out for both of us.能助我们走上脱贫致富的道路呀And I wanna thank you again forletting me move in.我还想再次感谢你让我搬进你家住If there's anything I can do to helpyou--如果有任何事我能帮得上忙的You mean besides starting to waiton tables?是指除了招待客人以外的忙吗I meant, anything I can do to helpyou我是说任何能帮你平复through your breakup with Robbie.和罗比分手的难过心情的事Oh. Thanks, but I'm fine.谢了我没事And we're working.4而且现在是我们工作时间Well, one of us is.你不干活我还干呢Are you sure you're fine?你确定你没事吗'Cause I heard you crying last night. 昨晚我听见你在哭I don't cry.我才不哭I sold my tear ducts to an organ bank for cash two years ago.早在两年前我就把泪腺拿去器官银行卖钱了I was on the couch.当时我躺在沙发上And I heard you crying alone in your bedroom.听到你在卧室里独自啜泣Really? What did the crying soundlike?真的吗那哭声听起来像啥样Like...像这样...I wasn't crying.我不是在哭Well, then what were you d--那你是在干嘛...Oh! So none of my business.哎哟那事我管不着That's right.正确- And remember that.- Got it.-麻烦记住这点 -收到In fact, let's just say that anythinghaving to do事实上任何有关于with my bedroom, my tables, or mylife--我卧室我桌子或我生活的事you should stay away from.你最好都别多管闲事Boundaries. Got it.界限明白And please don't tell anyone atwork而且千万不要告诉任何同事I let you move into my apartment.我让你搬进我家住That is one boundary we both don'twant crossed.一说出去后果难以想象Why?为什么5Hey, roomies.嗨同居"蜜"友That's why.懂了吧Hope those sheets are okay.希望你能睡得惯这床单Oh, don't worry about it.不用担心I know they're the best you could afford.我知道你就只能买这么好的了Not really. The good ones are on my bed.其实不是更好的我自己用着呢Max, that oven is so hot.麦克斯烤箱太热了Could you do me a favor and open the back door? 你能帮我开开后门吗We've known each other two days我们才认识两天and you're already asking for backdoor?你就想开我"后庭"啊Dear God!上帝呀I forgot you're Equestrian Barbie.我忘了你是骑师芭比You came with a horse.买芭比还附赠马一只No.不行Out, horse, bad! Bad horse.出去小马不乖哦大坏马Chestnut.栗宝No need to yell, he's a champion.没必要嚷它它可是冠军马Champion stink bomb.米田共臭度也是冠军It's smelling pretty ripe out in thatyard.整个院子臭味四溢That's not Chestnut, that's Brooklyn.这不关栗宝的事布鲁克林本来就这味儿Okay, well, I'm watching "TheChampion"好吧我现在就看见"冠军马"drop some steaming hot "Brooklyn"right now.拉出几坨热气腾腾的"布鲁克林"呢6Max, I've been thinking about how you completely overreacted麦克斯对于把名字写在板子上这件事to your name up on the specials board.我觉得你有点反应过大了Do you think it's a fear of success? 你觉得那是对成功的恐惧吗I am too poor to have a fear of success.我穷到恐惧不起成功At Wharton Business School, we learned我在沃顿商学院学过that every new venture can bring up a certain amount of fear.但凡创业都会伴随着一定的恐惧Is there any way to do a yelp reviewof Wharton Business School?Yelp 美国最大点评网站我能去Yelp网上给沃顿点个差评之类的吗Maybe you're having a hard timeimagining或许因为没人相信过你和你的梦想this cupcake business could evereven happen所以你才无法想象because nobody ever believed inyou or your dreams.这个蛋糕事业会有实现的一天I'm guessing.我瞎猜的I can make this happen, Max.我能帮你美梦成真麦克斯For me, for you, for us.为了我为了你为了我们Just keep making those amazingcupcakes.你就接着烘焙超好吃的小蛋糕And I'll do the rest till you believe.其他我来做做到你相信为止I believe everything you just said我"相信"你说的每一句话and that children are the future.我也"相信"孩子是未来的主人翁Max, it's me!麦克斯是我I know it's you.我知道是你You sleep with a knife under yourpillow?7你睡觉时枕头底下还藏把刀啊It's the only home security system I can afford.这是我唯一付得起的家庭安保项目And I'm a cutter.而且割腕儿童欢乐多嘛I can't sleep on that couch.那沙发我睡不了I think Ikea might be the Scandinavian word for sciatica.我想 "宜家"是脊椎"移架"的意思吧And there's weird sounds in the street.而且大街上有奇怪的声音And I don't have my white noise machine.我也没带助眠白噪音机Well, that's Puerto Rican noise. 只是波多黎各街头艺人在瞎吹奏嘛You'll get used to it.你听听就会习惯Can I just lay down here and get alittle sleep?我能躺在这睡一会儿吗I don't even let the men I sleep withsleep with me.我的男人都不准在这睡I can't get into your issues right now.你的心里毛病我现在没力医I just need to sleep!我只是想睡觉Fine, get in then.好吧钻进来吧What is that?这是什么Potato chips. I sleep-eat.薯片我边睡边吃Cool ranch and bacon?清凉牧场培根味Dude, they're delicious.拜托好吃到做梦也会笑Because of your breakup withRobbie?跟人分手就得自暴自弃吗Just get in.少废话快上来I have to be in the city to babysit infive hours.我五个小时后得去市里给人看孩子呢Oh, great, you're like a nightlight.天啊你就像盏灯You're so blonde.金发亮得真晃眼8Thank you.多谢夸奖Max, someone's in the living room. 麦克斯有人进了客厅Max, someone's in the bedroom! 麦克斯有人进了卧室Robbie!罗比What's up, babe?怎么了宝贝Robbie, what are you doing here? 罗比你来这儿干嘛We broke up.我们已经分手了Still?还分着啊Yes, still. You hit on me.没错还分着你调戏我And then she caught you withsomeone else然后她还发现你和别人in these very sheets.在这张床上滚床单Which I'm hoping she washed.希望你洗过这床单了Oh, I get it.我懂了You blew me off 'cause you like theladies.你跟我分手是因为你喜欢女人Which is cool. I like the ladies, too.没关系我也喜欢女人And right now, it's the two ladies Ilike.而现在床上的两个女人我都喜欢Robbie, if I were gonna go lesbian,罗比如果我要玩百合情she would be the last "les" I'd"bian."她是我最不可能"合"的那位Listen, babe--听我说宝贝You really hurt her.你伤她很深Stop.闭嘴She sleep-eats trans fats thanks toyou.都是你弄的她边睡边吃垃圾食品Here, stuff all of these in yourmouth.给把这些都塞进你嘴巴里Got it, your thing. I'll be quiet.9收到你的事我闭嘴就是了Robbie, this isn't cool at all.罗比这样是不对的Showing up here after what you did? 你都做出那种事了怎么还有脸回来You go, girl.说得好姐妹I have something to say to you and you had better listen.我说的话你最好给我听清楚What are you, the relationship ghost? 你这算什么恋情背后灵吗Robbie, just go!罗比你走吧I can't say what I need to in front of the relationship ghost.在恋情背后灵面前事请不好谈I'll call you to come get your stuff 我会打电话叫你来拿东西and we can talk then.到时候再谈吧Leave the key.把钥匙留下Straight up, Max, you're breakingmy heart.坦白说麦克斯你伤了我的心You're the only woman that I feelthis way about.你是我唯一深爱的女人Here.给Ladies, I don't know what's goingon here,女士们我不知道你们俩在搞啥but it would've been a lot sexier if Iwas in it.要是有我一定更高潮迭起Are you okay?你没事吧If you wanna talk, I'm here.如果你想倾诉我就在这儿Can I get a hit off that?我能尝一口吗You think these are good?你觉得这就算好吃吗God, we're poor.天啊我们真穷Morning!早安It's a beautiful day.真是美好的一天These shades belong down.这些帘子的职责就是遮挡阳光10From now on, think of me as a vampire从现在开始把我当作without all the annoying marketing. 不用看我行销的吸血鬼Bad news.坏消息A pipe broke in the street so the water's off.这街的水管坏了所以今天断水Good news, when I went out to get us two coffees,好消息是我出去给咱俩买咖啡时I spoke to Juan and Javier, two city workers.两个市政工人胡安和哈维尔告诉我And they assured me the water'll be on no later than 3:00. 最晚下午三点就会恢复供水I also stopped at the health foodstore我还去健康食品店and got us a fresh-squeezed juice tosplit.给咱俩买了一杯鲜榨果汁来分着喝It's ginger-apple-strawberry.是生姜苹果草莓味的哦That was the name of the hooker这屋子上一位租客的who had this apartment before me.卖淫艺名就是这个What is this?这是什么From me.我给你的It says "Thanks for letting me sleepin your bed last night."上面写道谢谢昨晚让我睡你的床I prefer my usual cash on thebedside table.在我床头柜上留点钱我会更喜欢When I went to the cute coffeeplace,我在那家可爱的咖啡店时I spoke to the counter girl,Nabulangi--我跟柜台的女孩娜不浪鸡聊了会儿If someone named Nabulangi ismaking an appearance听以名叫娜不浪鸡的人开场的事情in the first sentence, I have to sitdown.请容我坐好再听11And she said her manager'll be in at 11:00.她说她的经理十一点会来店里So I thought I'd chanel it up,所以我想我得换上香奈儿walk on over there,然后美美地走到那儿introduce myself and your fabulous cupcakes.介绍自己和你美味的小蛋糕That's exactly what I was gonna do. 我"真"的有打算这么做呢I'm just gonna go say good-bye to Chestnut and get going.我去跟栗宝道个别就走You know, having only one cute outfit跟你说哦只有一件见得人的衣服takes hours off getting dressed.省了好几个小时的挑衣时间呢Oh. That is a lot of fresh Brooklyn.哇外面好多新出炉的"布鲁克林"Morning, Chestnut.早安栗宝It's a beautiful--今天真是美好的...No. Way.不会吧Look, Chanel Number Two.哇屎奈儿Tell me it's mud.告诉我这是泥T-tell me it's mud.快告诉我这是泥It's mud?不是屎吗What is that?这是什么A carrot?胡萝卜吗There's carrots in the mud?泥里怎么会有胡萝卜There's no water.没水Oh, get it off me, please.帮我弄掉拜托Please do something.帮帮我Just get it off me, get it off me.快帮我弄掉帮我弄干净Stop!住手This is dry-clean only.12这衣服只能干洗Max, please, please take me somewhere they have a hot shower, 麦克斯拜托带我去洗个热水澡吧I beg of you.我求您了Calm down, it's just mud.冷静不过是泥而已Max, please--麦克斯求你了Don't touch me!别碰我Thank you so much for taking me to shower你带我来你兼职的地方洗澡at your babysitting job.我感激不尽Well, I didn't have much of a choice. 我也是被逼无奈You pulled the pillow knife on me.你都拿枕头刀来威胁我了I'll just introduce myself to yourboss我会向主人介绍自己and tell her what happened.并说明情况Look, I don't want Peach to knowyou were here.我不想让琵琪知道我带你过来This is a job. Not a meet-and-greet.这是工作不是什么见面会Got it.明白You get in there, you take a five-minute shower,我带你进去给你五分钟时间洗澡clean it up and go.整理干净就马上走人Fine, I'll hide in the hallway till she'sgone.好我先躲走廊等她走了再进去No need, just follow me in.没必要跟着我进来就行She never really looks at me.她从来不正眼看我Morning!早安Hi, Max.早啊麦克斯Go!快去Hey, Peach.琵琪13Uh, hair and makeup.梳妆打扮What's the big occasion?要出席什么场合吗Pilates.去练普拉提Max, good news.麦克斯好消息They found a way to make diamonds more sparkly?人们发明了能让钻石更闪耀的方法吗I got Brad and Angelina a playdate 我帮布莱德和安洁莉娜找到玩伴了with another set of twins in the building.是楼里的另一对双胞胎It starts in five minutes.五分钟后见面Cool, what are their names?不错他们叫什么6B.六楼B座Bye-bye, Brangelina.再见布莱洁莉娜Mommy loves you.妈咪爱你们Guys? Before you leave,伙计们走之前stop at this one.顺便帮整整这个Angelina could use a little help.帮安洁莉娜整一下Contour that neck, she's a fatty.拿粉修修脖子吧她太肥了Peach, come on, that's baby fat.琵琪拜托婴儿肥很正常吧Still, kids can be cruel.可人家的孩子也是会以貌取人的呀Don't you listen to your mommy,Angelina.别听你妈咪瞎说安洁莉娜She never eats.她自己老不吃东西Oh, no, she doesn't.对啊她自己不吃东西Here it is.做好了Caroline with an "E."有"王"字旁的卡洛"琳"I have your new and correctnametag.我帮你重新做了一个正确的名牌Oh, thank you, Han.14谢谢你憨I've seen something I should not have.哎呀看到了不该看的东西I will just put correct nametag here on counter.我把正确的名牌放在柜台了So sorry, but many thank yous.对不起但是谢谢你的"美好"What are you doing?你这是在干嘛I know you said you don't want it up there.我知道你不想被写上去But now that you see it...但现在亲眼看见成品了How does it feel?感觉如何It feels like you're not listening tome感觉就是你不听话at this job or at my other job.去哪都不听我话I said a five-minute shower and getout.我说给你五分钟洗完就快闪Did you take a nap at Peach's?你还在琵琪家睡了一觉The thread count was calling to me.是高档柔软的寝具勾引我Peach found blonde hairs in her bed琵琪在她床上发现金发and thought her husband wascheating on her.还以为她丈夫搞外遇呢Which he is, but that's not the point.他是有乱搞没错但这不重要You almost ruined a perfectly happyfake marriage,你差点毁了人家貌合神离的婚姻and there are innocent childreninvolved.而且还可能导致无辜孩子受罪Well, I have some good news.我有个好消息Look, it's Nabulangi.瞧那是娜不浪鸡I invited her in to taste youramazing cupcakes.我邀她来品尝你美味的小蛋糕And when she loves them, we'llhave an in at her bakery.15只要她喜欢我们就能进驻她的面包房了- Come over and say hello.- No, I can't now.-过去跟她打声招呼吧 -不行我现在没空I wanna call Robbie before we get too busy.我要在忙得抽不开身前打电话给罗比Tell him when to come over and get his stuff.告诉他什么时候过来拿东西Max, wait.麦克斯等等No, don't distract me.别别打扰我I wanna sound cool and hot and all like, 我想让声音听起来冷酷又性感"You can't have me anymore,sucka.""以后姐的身心你都得不到啦蠢蛋"Max--麦克斯Robbie, it's me.罗比是我Classy burp on your outgoingmessage.录留言信息还打嗝就你这么恶心Max, I--麦克斯我No.别吵I need you to come get your stufftomorrow.我想你明天过来拿东西I don't know how you've beensurviving少了单杠和香体喷雾的日子without your chin-up bar and Axebody spray.想必是度日如年吧Max, hang up.麦克斯挂了吧I already called him.我打给他过了You called Robbie?你打给罗比了啊You've done so much for me.你为我做了这么多I wanted to do something for you,too.我也想帮你做点事16So I called Robbie and I had him come over,所以我打电话给罗比让他过来and I gave him his stuff.把东西都还给他了Now you won't have to go through with all that mess.这样省得再勾起你的伤心事And I think you'd be pleased, I really let him have it.而且我还帮你教训了他一顿开心吧What is with you and boundaries? 你搞毛啊说好的界限呢You're in my bed, you're in my boss' bed,你不但挤上我的床还睡了我老板的床and now you go and call Robbie? 现在你又擅自打电话给罗比You're like-- you're like your big-asshorse.你就像你就像你那头大屁股的马一样Charging in everywhere you don'tbelong.在别人的地盘肆意妄为I thought I was doing you a favor.我以为是在帮你个忙嘛In spite of what you say about thesounds I heard那晚从你卧室传出的声音coming from your bedroom theother night,尽管你不愿意承认I know you're upset.我还是知道你很难过I was masturbating.姐当时在自慰I love my job.我爱死我的工作了I need to see you outside. Now.我们出去谈快Don't get involved with her.不要跟她扯上关系She takes money from the homeless.她连流浪汉的钱都拿Not true, Bob's an investor.不是这样的鲍勃是投资者Be right back.马上回来Good cupcake, right?小蛋糕不错对吧Max, I don't know how smart thatwas,麦克斯有理智的人是绝对不会17blowing by our only potential business contact.把我们唯一的潜在商业伙伴吓走You stole my breakup scene.你把我的分手场景偷走了The only remotely good thing about breaking up with a guy跟男人分手仅有的乐趣就是is telling him how much better you are than him在还他东西的时候告诉他when you give him back his stuff.自己比他好个上千万倍I don't know if you noticed,我不知道你有没有注意到but my entertainment budget is pretty low我的娱乐预算超级有限and I was really looking forward tothat.所以我可是相当期待这一幕And then you went and stole it.结果半路杀出个卡洛琳But I guess you couldn't help it,但我猜你是情不自禁'cause that's what you channings do,you steal things.你们钱宁家都是一路货色偷东西的惯犯Interesting.有意思Okay, you wanted a breakup scene?好吧你这么想要分手场景You're in one.我现在还一个给你I'm breaking up with you.我要跟你分手Oh, okay.好啊The cupcake business is over, thedream is dead.蛋糕事业终止梦想已死Oh, I'm sure Nabulangi will bedevastated.我肯定娜不浪鸡会很震惊的I don't need you or your cupcakesto survive.我不需要靠你或你的蛋糕来生存I'll figure something else out.我会找到别的出路的Because, aside from your constantWharton putdowns,因为除了老被你瞧不起的沃顿学位18I'm a business genius我还是个商业天才and I will always land on my feet.我一定会逢凶化吉的Oh, really?真的吗'Cause today you kind of landed on your front.今早你还丰胸化屎呢We're done.我们玩完了After work tonight, I'll get my things and be gone.今晚工作结束后我会打包走人的Ooh, you gonna load up your dream-filled wheelie bag你要拖着你满载梦想的小拖轮箱and ride away on Sir muds-a-lot? 骑着屎粑粑爵士离开了吗Go ahead. Be as negative as youwant.尽管嘲笑我吧想多消极就多消极'Cause you're in charge of your ownfuture again.你的未来你自己看着办吧Oh, joke's on you. I don't have afuture.白痴我穷得没未来Max...麦克斯Are you up?你醒着吗No.不Max, are you mad?麦克斯你生气啦Yes.是Are you up and mad?你醒着生气呢No and yes.不是Oh, your bed's so soft.你的床好软啊That's my boob.那是我的胸I know I moved out, but I came back.我是搬走了但我又回来了I took the rest of our dead dreammoney我把咱们死去梦想的余钱拿走了and bought some cocktails formyself and some people.19然后买了几杯鸡尾酒给自己和其他人And myself.和自己Did you bring me back any of those? 那你有外带给我吗'Cause I can't listen to this sober.不先喝醉我听不下你念叨Max...麦克斯I have nothing.我一无所有I really need the cupcake business. 我真的很需要这个蛋糕事业I can be different.我会改的No, you can't.不你不会No, I can't. 嗯我不会But I can be better.但我可以进步一点Please?求你了Please, let's do this.求你了咱们放手去做吧I know you have a fear of success.我知道你对成功有恐惧You do, because no one everbelieved in your dreams.你之所以这样是因为没人相信你的梦想But I believe in your dreams.但我相信We have a dream.我们有个梦想God, you are so drunk.天啊你好醉So you probably won't evenremember this.所以你估计不会记得这段话I'm sorry I said that stuff about yourfather.抱歉我这么说你父亲Did you hear me?你听见了吗Max, are you up?麦克斯你醒着呢吗Hey, do you have any more of thosepoor people chips?你还有那个穷人吃的薯片吗What's up, Hangover three?起床啦宿醉第三集Why are these up?20为什么把帘子拉起来I thought we were vampires.我们不是吸血鬼吗Here, I took the rest of last night's cupcake money,给我拿昨晚卖小蛋糕的余钱and brought you a coffee and a fresh juice.给你买了一杯咖啡和一杯鲜榨果汁Which means that, after two days in business,也就是说做了两天生意we are $23 down from where we were.我们还亏了二十三块钱So we're still building our cupcake business? 所以我们还继续进行我们的小蛋糕事业吗Sure.当然All we need is how much?我们一共只需要多钱来着$250,000.二十五万Which is awesome.真是高"贵"的梦想啊Max, I'm sorry I crossed all thoseboundaries.麦克斯抱歉我多管闲事了It's cool.没关系Me and drunk Caroline worked it allout.我已经和醉鬼卡洛琳协调好了In fact...事实上She signed this paper.她还签了这份协议"I, drunk Caroline, am a..."我醉鬼卡洛琳是What's that word?这是什么词Punk ass ho.臭显摆骚货Thanks.谢谢"I, drunk Caroline, am a punk ass ho.我醉鬼卡洛琳是个臭显摆骚货I promise to keep my big mouthshut,我保证以后不多嘴21"and replace all of Max's poor people chips.并帮麦克斯补回吃掉的穷人薯片I will no longer meddle in her relation-chips."我以后再也不干预她的恋"青"You laughed about that until you threw up.在你狂吐之前曾对此大笑不已Oh, and if you're wondering,我猜你心中可能有疑问no, the puke stains will not void this contract.请放心呕吐污渍不会让这份合同失效God!天啊I forgot again that we have a horse. 我又忘了我们还有匹马Max, get him out of here.麦克斯快把他弄出去He doesn't know I'm a waitress.他还不知道我是个服务生Chestnut.栗宝He is a champion.他果然是匹冠军马He learned that a lot faster than you did.学东西比你快多了真有慧根开店基金:肚皮整理/排版MJE美剧口语联盟看美剧,练口语,交朋友22。

破产姐妹 S01 E10 剧本

破产姐妹 S01 E10 剧本

Oh,you look pretty sharp tonight,Earl.厄尔今晚打扮得很犀利嘛You going somewhere special?有什么特别的活动吗Max,I am free black and75.麦克斯我是位七十五岁的"黑"钻王老五Who knows what the night will bring?我的夜晚有无限的"可能"Well,here's a twenty.给你张二十Can you break this the way you just broke my heart?如你弄碎我的心般把这钱弄成碎银子给我吧Pop-pop.一半两半Look at all this.瞧瞧这堆钱People really tipped us well tonight.今晚大家小费给得真多呀Yeah,well,don't get used to it.是啊不过年是不会天天过的Thanksgiving is almost here,and as soon as people realize等人们意识到感恩节的来临how much money they have to spend on holiday gifts,自己得在礼物上花多少钱带来1800万美元进账的婚礼被指责是借婚礼捞钱their wallets snap tighter than Kim Kardashian's legs他们的钱包就会像金·卡戴珊的两腿一样{\an8}名媛金·卡戴珊与NBA球星克里斯·亨弗里斯结婚72日便离婚after the wedding check cleared.一领完婚礼捞来的钱就"夹得紧紧的"I've always loved this time of year--我喜欢每年的这个时期spiced pumpkin lattes,bringing my winter furs out,香料南瓜拿铁拿出我的冬日皮草then bringing my winter furs to the dry cleaner's然后拿着我的冬日皮草去干洗店to get the red peta paint out.把人道对待动物协会泼的红漆弄掉For me,it was jumping into a pile of leaves节日之于我就是跳进一堆叶子and finding a used condom.像寻宝一样找一个用过的套子怎么了玉米田的小孩{\an8}《玉米田的小孩》美国惊悚片What's up,children of the corn?I will stay tonight and decorate diner今晚我会留下熬夜装饰餐厅for American holiday of Thanksgiving.为美国节日感恩节做好准备I'm surprised you got the right holiday decorations.{\an8}在美国的第一个冬天新移民已死伤过半我很意外你居然能拿对装饰物隔年夏天盼望的丰收最终实现因此有了感恩节谢神犹太人在圣殿举行献祭仪式用的是羊Last month,you put out Easter bunnies for Yom Kippur.上个月赎罪日你居然把复活节的兔给摆出来{\an8}赎罪日是犹太人最神圣的节日So many Jewish holidays,I cannot Wikipedia them all.犹太节日太多我没空在维基百科上逐个搜What,like I don't got a life?笑屁啊我的生活又不是只有这餐馆My father and I had a very special Thanksgiving tradition every year.我和我爸每年感恩节都有一个特别的传统Oh,let me guess.我猜猜You'd fly someplace like the Bahamas,lay by the pool,你们飞到巴哈马之类的地方在泳池边逍遥{\an8}巴哈马是著名的旅游胜地亚热带气候and he'd light other people's stolen money on fire?然后把你爸骗来的钱当柴火烧吗No.We'd rent out the Waldorf Astoria ballrooms不我们会在华尔道夫酒店租出一间宴会厅{\an8}华尔道夫酒店是纽约历史悠久的五星级酒店and feed the homeless.然后宴请那些无家可归的人Don't look at me right now.我现在没有脸见你那里名人云集物价高昂And after,we'd fly down to our home in St.Barts for two weeks.之后我们就会飞到圣巴特岛度两周假{\an8}圣巴特岛是加勒比海地区的美丽小岛Okay,you can look at me again.好吧我又有脸见你了I stayed at the Waldorf Astoria once--我曾在华尔道夫酒店住过一次beautiful hotel.酒店很漂亮$50for a hamburger?汉堡出身名贵身价五十For that money,it should eat me first.让那汉堡吃我还差不多Okay,ready to go?好了准备走了吗Han,if you'd really like to do something in the diner憨如果你想在餐馆做点什么to honor the spirit of Thanksgiving,来纪念感恩节的精神you can open your doors and feed the homeless.你可以打开门让流浪汉们饱餐一顿Yeah,put your money where your cornstalk is.对啊把你的钱放在你的"玉米秆"那儿Caroline and I will work for free.我和卡洛琳可以免费帮忙Isn't it enough that when I see them on the street,我在街上看见他们会朝他们微笑I smile and pretend to fumble for change?并佯装找零钱这还不够吗No,it isn't.不不够You can afford to open the diner for one night.就免费开放一晚你还承受得起吧You can't put a price tag on those kind of emotional rewards.帮助别人情感上的满足是无价的Yes,I can.$18for16-pound turkey,可以一只十六磅重的火鸡要十八块and I will need many of them.而且到时候得要很多只There--price tag.瞧都是"有价"的Here,I will pay for turkeys.给火鸡钱我来出Jeez,dude,where'd you get that?老天兄弟你哪来这么多钱I sell cigarettes from New Hampshire to schoolkids in New York.我从新罕布什尔洲运香烟到纽约倒卖给学生It is a good profit and beautiful drive.收益不错而且一路上风景也很美I love the leaves.我爱死那些落叶了All right.那好吧I'm feeling y'all.I'll bring the pie.我感受到大家的热情了那我出派My mother used to make the best chocolate pie.我妈妈以前做的巧克力派是全世界最好吃的I remember one time she got so mad我记得有一次她特别气at this white woman she worked for,她的老板一个白人女人she took this chocolate pie into the bathroom--她把巧克力派带进厕所有段因黑人女佣故意用了白人女主人的厕所而被赶出家门的情节No,hold up.That was from the help.慢着这好像是《相助》里的情节{\an8}《相助》讲述的美国社会对黑人女佣的不公平对待I know it's not Burberry like we're used to,我知道这不是我们以前用的高级货but I'm telling you,used moving blankets相信我搬家包家具的毯子are gonna be in this year.今年将会是时尚尖端Who's a trendsetter?创造潮流非你莫属啊We're really lucky November is so warm.今年到11月还这么暖和真是幸运Another thing I'm giving thanks for this Thanksgiving--今年感恩节我还要感谢一样东西就是global warming.全球暖化I think the three remaining polar bears would disagree.我想仅存的三只北极熊可不同意Max,it's time to teach me how to bake.麦克斯是时候教我烘培[抽大麻]了Okay,well,if we're doing that,可以不过要我教你的话first I have to go get baked.得先等我抽爽了I'm serious.我是说真的It's the beginning of the holiday season,节日季开始了and with all the potential Christmas cupcakes到时候没准会需要圣诞小蛋糕and festive gift baskets,和节日礼品篮you're gonna need as much help as you can get.你会需要一个帮手的Festive holiday gift baskets?节日礼品篮No way.不要I'm not into all that crap.我才不想掺和进这些破玩意儿Oh,no.Are you gonna be one of those,别啊难道你是那种"I am too cool to believe in the wonders of Christmas"type of bitches?"我成熟到不再相信圣诞节的神奇"的贱人吗I am so many types of bitches,我是很多种类型的贱人I've lost count.多到我数不过来And the only wonder of Christmas I'm aware of is...我唯一注意到的圣诞奇迹是I wonder how you're gonna keep up that attitude我好奇[奇迹]你这种心态是否能through Christmas this year.保持到今年的圣诞节Why,because this is my first holiday without any money?为什么因为这是我第一次一贫如洗地过节吗Uh,yeah.正是如此Money isn't what makes the holidays special,Max.节日的特别不是靠钱堆砌出来的麦克斯Uh,yeah.正是如此The holidays are totally about money.节日完全是靠钱堆砌出来的It's about spending money to buy things花钱买东西to stuff into the giant black sucking hole来塞进我们心中那个in the center of each of us that reminds us深不见底的黑洞以此来提醒我们life is hard and then we die.在死之前日子都不会好过And that's my Christmas card.这就是我圣诞卡的祝语Max,I'm aware this holiday season will be challenging,麦克斯我知道这个节日季节会不好过will I miss my20-foot Christmas tree我会想念我们家由十位男同精心布置的decorated by ten gay men?Yes.高达二十英尺的圣诞树吗会Will I miss those ten gay men我会想念十位男同在我表弟斯蒂芬outing my cousin Steven before he was ready?No.做好心里准备前就逼他出柜吗不会My holiday spirit is bigger than my money.我的节日精神更胜我的钱So come on,teach me how to bake.所以拜托教我烘培吧We only have a couple weeks.我们只剩两周时间了Fine.Pour a cup of milk into the mixer.好倒一杯牛奶进搅拌器This will be fun.这肯定会很好玩When I was little,I used to make my father cakes当我还小我常常用我的儿童简易烤箱in my easy-bake oven.做蛋糕给我爸爸吃My easy-bake oven was repossessed.我的儿童烤箱被人没收了So,um,speaking of your father,are you doing okay?既然说到你爸你还好吧I mean,this is a hard time of year我是说每年的这个时候for people who have feelings,and just...人们最容易胡思乱想了而且... With your father in prison,how are you doing?你爸还在监狱你真的没事吗I'm doing great.我没事I actually just found out that since it's Thanksgiving,其实我刚发现正因为是感恩节they're allowing me to come see him for the first time.他们准许我第一次去看他Well,that excitement will probably taper off那股兴奋劲儿很快就会随after the full-body cavity search.全身洞口搜查而逐渐变弱I don't know.I might like it.不知道或许我会喜欢呢It's been a while since I've had any cavities searched.很久没人给我做"洞口"搜查了All right,pour the milk,slut.好啦倒牛奶吧小骚货One cup milk.一杯牛奶-There,how's that?-Good.-搞定怎么样-不错Now into the mixer.放进搅拌器There,how was that?搞定怎么样Uh-uh.We're not playing我们又不是在玩"Rich girl gets a trophy every time she does something normal""富家女每做一件正常事就赢一座奖杯"的游戏Just cover the bowl with the towel用布把碗盖起来so it doesn't splash out,and turn it on.这样就不会溅出来然后打开开关Oh,it's not plugged in.电源忘插了Right.收到No,not without the towel!不别把毛巾拿开Christmas comes but once a year,一年一度的圣诞节and I think it just did.刚刚大驾光临了These high-end mixers are a lot of money.这些高端搅拌器真贵I thought if we came to a big department store,我以为如果来家大商店there'd be a lot of them,and the prices would be better.不但种类齐全价格也会合理We can't afford these.结果我们全买不起How much did you think they'd be?那你觉得应该是多少钱I don't know.我不知道I guess I'm not used to looking at prices.我可能不习惯看价签I usually just point,pout,and it's purchased.我通常是用手一指嘴一撅就手到擒来了Yeah,I had a version of that,only it was more like,对我有另一个版本的只不过更像是point,and when they look the other way,用手一指当店员看向别处stuff steaks down your pants and run.赶紧把东西塞进裤裆然后立马开溜Come on,there has to be a mixer here we can afford.拜托肯定有咱们可以买得起搅拌器There is.的确有Here.这个A$5spoon?That's what we can afford?五块钱的勺子我们就只买得起这个吗Yeah,if we put it on layaway,work hard for a few years.是啊买这个只需要分期付款努力干个几年...I'm used to being poor around your stuff,在你想要的东西附近我很习惯"买不起"but not around stuff that I want.可在我想要的东西前我不想穷啊What happened to all your"money's not important"你那"钱不是万能"的holiday spirit now?节日精神跑哪儿去了Max,it feels like you want me麦克斯怎么感觉是你想让我to be depressed about the holidays.对节日感到沮丧No,no.I'm just saying that it's okay for you不不我只是说如果你没那感觉not to be all up and everything around me就不用装出一副积极向上的样子if you're not feeling it.没关系啊It's all right to let your dark side out.露出你的阴暗面没有关系Come to the dark side.快弃明投暗吧{\an8}星际大战中黑武士的经典名句Oh,my God.天啊Look,they're hiring elves.快看他们在招聘精灵Why would I go to the dark side如果我能去圣诞乐园when I could go to Santaworld?{\an8}圣诞乐园:圣诞节前开始各大商场都会有巨型圣诞树为什么还要弃明投暗呢而树下会有圣诞老人跟小精灵们陪小朋友拍照Let's go get in line.I've always loved Santaworld.快去排队吧我从小就热爱圣诞乐园Me too,as a David Sedaris story,我也是呢不过我是说笑的not as an actual real-life option.就像大卫·赛德瑞斯的笑话那样{\an8}大卫·赛德瑞斯美国著名幽默作家Come on.If we get hired,拜托啦如果我们被录用了we could use our employee discount我们就能用员工折扣to get one of the really good cake mixers.购买一台质量上乘的蛋糕搅拌器And then it'd be like it came from Santa!然后就感觉像是圣诞老人送的一样Come on,Max,we'd be great elves.拜托麦克斯我们会是很棒的精灵I have the holiday spirit.You're great with kids.我有节日精神你跟孩子处得来And we're both so desperate for money,而且我们缺钱缺到we'll wear other people's tights.愿意去穿别人穿过的紧身衣Max,I've been coming to this store at Christmastime麦克斯自小我爸爸每年都带我with my father since I was little.在圣诞节期来到这家商店I'd get all dressed up in my fanciest winter coat and hat我会穿得漂漂亮亮戴上我最美的帽子and then stand in line to see Santa然后把手放进我的暖手筒with my hands in my muff.排队等着见圣诞老人{\an8}Muff:一字多义有"暖手筒"与"阴道"的意思And they didn't throw you out?他们没有把你赶出商店吗There is nothing Christmas-y about this hallway.这个走廊一点圣诞气氛都没有It looks like the place Santa sends promiscuous elves这里像是圣诞老人把滥交的精灵to get the results of their S.T.D.test.送来拿她们性病检查结果的地方Okay,that's the kind of comment够了就是你这种言论that almost got us knocked out of the first round.第一轮就害咱们差点被刷下去You're lucky I edited your application.还好有我帮你"美化"申请书Why,what was so bad?为什么哪里有写得不好啊You requested to work in Santa's sex toy shop.你申请去圣诞老人的性爱玩具店工作Max,that's not even a thing.麦克斯这根本不存在Tell that to my candy-cane-shaped vibrator.这话跟我拐杖糖形状的电动棒说去Max!麦克斯I call it"Santa's big helper."我称它为"圣诞老人的神来之手"Please try and get into the holiday spirit.请努力有点节日精神好吗I know.If we get hired,我想到了如果我们应聘成功we'll go right home and watch Miracle on34th Street.我们就马上回家看《34街奇迹》吧{\an8}《34街奇迹》一部讲述圣诞老人是否存在的经典电影It'll be a miracle on34th Street如果我们能在这艘精灵运奴船上if we make it out of the bottom of this slave ship成功下船而不染上精灵坏血病without elf scurvy.那才是真正的奇迹呢Hi.你好I couldn't help but overhear you mention Miracle on34th Street.我不小心听到你提到《34街奇迹》That's my absolute favorite Christmas movie.那是我最最喜欢的圣诞电影Mine too!我也是<i>My second favorite is it's a wonderful life.</i>我第二部喜欢的是《生活多美好》{\an8}《生活多美好》是一部评价极高的温馨励志经典电影Mine too!我也是I've got Schindler's List on Blu-Ray.我有蓝光的《辛德勒的名单》{\an8}《辛德勒的名单》讲述商人辛德勒解救纳粹压迫下犹太人的故事-Hi.I'm Mary.-I'm Caroline.-你好我叫玛丽-我叫卡洛琳Hi.I'm Mary.你好我叫玛丽It's cool.We don't need to talk.没关系无须假客套That's Max.She's kind of a Grinch about Christmas.她是麦克斯她挺讨厌圣诞节Oh,like my brother Patrick--就像我哥哥派翠克He's always teasing me about loving Christmas.他总是耻笑我对圣诞节的热爱He calls me"Mary Christmas."他总是称我为"圣诞玛丽"{\an8}快乐Merry与玛丽Marry同音Get it?懂吗It's'cause my name is Mary.因为我的名字叫玛丽I can't help it.我就是无法控制It's my favorite time of year.这是我一年中最爱的时期-Mine too.-Yo.-我也是-喂Disconnect before it's too late.现在斩断还来得及Don't be so cynical.别这么愤世嫉俗嘛Especially Christmas eve.尤其在平安夜It's an O'Brien family tradition.这是我们奥勃良家族的传统All seven of my sisters and brothers--我们七兄妹齐聚一堂we line up on the staircase in our brand-new Christmas PJs我们穿着全新的圣诞睡衣在楼梯那站成一排and have our picture taken.然后合影留念Bitch is30.那贱人三十岁了It's my father.是我爸Hi,daddy.You'll never guess where I am right now--老爸你肯定猜不到我现在在哪applying for a job at Santaworld.我在应征圣诞乐园的工作No,it's not depressing at all.不一点儿也不凄惨啊The man's in prison,and he thinks this is depressing.连在牢的人都觉得这很凄惨Oh.Are you sure?你确定吗It's really not that far.其实也不是很远啦Okay.If that's what you want.好吧如果你已经决定了Call me on Thanksgiving.Love you.记得在感恩节给我打电话爱你哦He thought about it and doesn't want me to come.他想了想还是不要我去了He said he can't face having me see him in there.他不想我看他在牢里的样子-You okay?-Fine.-你没事吧-没事Quiet,please,people.I have an announcement.各位请安静现在我来公布结果Everyone in this corridor has been chosen to be an elf.这走道里的所有人都成功入选成为精灵Mazel.真"恭喜"啊{\an8}Mazel:希伯来文恭喜的意思Yay,we're elves.好棒我们是精灵了是疯狂采购日黑色星期五凌晨三点来报道{\an8}黑色星期五即美国感恩节的第二天Report to work at3:00A.M.the morning of Black Friday.This is so exciting!真让人兴奋不已Okay,well...那好-I'll see you both then.-Okay,Mary.-咱们到时候见啦-好的玛丽Great,3:00A.M.--很好凌晨三点you,me,and definitely-a-Virgin-Mary.你我和一个老处女玛丽Good night.Get home safely.晚安平安回家哟Maybe I should not have said that to homeless.这句话貌似不应该跟无"家"可归的人说That is it.终于完事了2:00A.M.--Freebie Thanksgiving dinner免费的感恩节大餐在凌晨两点is now officially over.正式落下帷幕According to my calculations,根据我的计算we served over300turkey dinners有三百个来吃火鸡的人and only had two knife fights.但只有两起动刀事故Thank you,Caroline.谢谢你卡洛琳This experience taught me that rich or poor,这件事让我知道无论是富人还是穷人home or homeless,we are all the same.安居乐业或是无家可归我们都一样Wait.Where's my wallet?慢着我的钱包呢They took my wallet,those dirty sons of--他们偷走了我的钱包那些肮脏的混...Oh,here it is.哦原来在这儿Yes,we are all the same.的确我们都一样Well,I have two things to say.我有两件事要说First of all,I'm incredibly proud of us首先咱俩能一起for spreading the spirit of Thanksgiving together.传播感恩节精神我为我们感到十分自豪And secondly,someone left an adult diaper in this booth,其次有人扔了成人尿布在那and I am not dealing with that.打死我都不会去善后的What's with the sad face?干嘛一副苦瓜脸You saw the bathroom?你看见厕所的惨况了吗It's just--even though we fed the homeless,就是...虽然请了无家可归的人吃饭it doesn't feel like Thanksgiving without my father.但少了我爸感恩节还是变味了But you made a lot of people happy here tonight,但今晚你让这里的很多人开心and you should feel pretty good about that.你该为这件事而感到满足-Yes,I do.-Come on,elf.-是的-快点小精灵We better clear these tables.赶紧收拾桌子We have to be at Santaland in an hour.我们得在一个小时内赶到圣诞乐园Why you have to be there in the middle of the night?为什么你们要大半夜去那里Because it's Black Friday,and the doors open at5:00A.M.因为今天是黑色星期五清晨五点就开门了Yeah,we want to be there right on time对我们想准时到那里常因此有顾客跌倒被意外践踏致死的惨况to see the first person trampled to death by UGGs.看第一个被无数UGG踩踏至死的人{\an8}疯狂大采购时大家会蜂拥而入We have to work all night我们已经忙一整晚了and then all day tomorrow.明天还得忙一整天How are we gonna do this?我们哪有这么多精力I got the answer right here.山人自有妙计Max,I'm not doing cocaine.麦克斯我可不嗑药If we could afford cocaine,we could afford a mixer.毒品都买得起还买不起搅拌器吗Nine-hour energy shots,aka elf juice.坚挺九小时提神饮料又名精灵果汁I've never done these.Do they work?我从来没喝过这个管用吗Millions of wired-off-their-asses college students can't be wrong.成千上万大学生精力充沛的最佳选择Whoa,whoa,whoa!悠着点悠着点Did you just drink that whole thing?你刚才把一整瓶都喝光了吗Yeah,why?对啊怎么了Nothing.没事I'm sure it's not too much.应该不会过量才是They suggest sipping it,but...这上面建议说小口喝但...Who are they?他们又算哪根葱啊All right,we'd better go.好了我们快去收拾吧We got to go,go,go,go,go,go,go,go,go.我们得快快快快快快Oh,you should've sipped it.你该小口喝的How do I look?我看起来怎么样Because I kind of feel like I look like a North Pole dancer.我觉得自己看起来像一个北极钢管舞娘You actually look cute.You look good in red...其实你看上去挺可爱的红色衬你And green--red and green together.绿色也是红绿搭配相得益彰You can pull off anything.You're so beautiful.你可以驾驭一切你太美了-I don't tell you that enough.-Whoa!-我夸你太少了-够了Whoa,slow down,speed racer.够了说慢点极速快嘴I know.I can't stop talking.我知道可我煞不住嘴What was in that stuff you gave me?你给我喝的东西里面含什么成分I don't know.The ingredients are in Spanish.我不知道成分是用西班牙文标注的Well,my corazon is beating muy rapido.我的心现在跳得超级快[部分西语]Okay,and why aren't you in your elf costume yet?好啦为什么你还不穿上精灵服Because I was talking to those people over there,因为我刚跟那边的人聊天and there's a chance--a slight chance,but a chance--得知有机会虽然机会渺茫但有机会...I could get moved to the strolling Christmas carolers.被调到圣诞颂歌巡演组I overheard their ethnic mix is short a token blond.各种族得均匀而他们还少个金发白人And I'm blond,baby!姐就是金发白人宝贝儿Forget it.You got me into the underbelly of the elf beast,不许去你拉我上了这艘精灵贼船and you are not bailing on me.你不许抛下我But those period costumes are so much prettier.可那时期的衣服更漂亮I will knock you from here如果你敢抛下我to Rudolph's house if you abandon me.老娘就把你打飞到北极去We are in this together.Now go get your bells on.我们要共同进退快点把衣服穿上Okay,I didn't want to tell you this好吧我本来不想告诉你的because it's,well,gross,but the last elf因为很恶心但我那身紧身衣who had the tights they gave me,well,let's just say上一位穿它的精灵就这么说吧her little lady elf friend visited unexpectedly.她的精灵大姨妈突然来访Talk about a period costume.还真有其他时期[经期]的衣服呢You're right.It's disgusting.是啊超恶心啊I can't do this anymore.我做不来I'm leaving.I don't want to do this anymore.我要走了我不想扮精灵了I feel tired and wired at the same time.我身心疲惫同时又焦躁不堪This was an awful,awful,awful,awful,awful idea!这个主意好糟糕好糟糕好糟糕好糟糕All right,calm down!够了冷静Jeez,you're like a Christmas crack monkey.老天你就像只圣诞抽风猴子Look,we are not going anywhere,okay?听着我们哪也不去知道吗You got me all elfed up,and now we need these jobs.我衣服都穿好了我们需要这份工作So just go talk to someone所以去找个人说说and tell them why you need a new pair of tights.解释下你得换身新衣服的原因I can't.It's embarrassing.我做不到太尴尬了Look,either you ask her,or you rip out the crotch要么你去问她要么你把裤裆撕开and risk showing six-year-olds your winter wonderland.或冒着露出冬日"阴"境给小朋友的风险Now I'm sad.我伤心了You,the one with the dark hair,你深色头发的那个-I need you to come with me.-Where?-你跟我来一下-去哪儿And is there a drug test involved?不会是去做药检吧Change of plans.I need for you to be Mrs.Claus.计划有变我要你扮演圣诞老奶奶The other one had to leave--blamed menopause.原来那个人拿更年期当借口跑了Menopause,please.拜托更年期算什么I had my uterus yanked out on my lunch hour,我午饭时间去把子宫切掉and I was back at my desk by2:00.下午两点照样准时上班Follow me...跟我来Unless,uh,you don't want that extra$2an hour.除非你不想每个小时多挣两块钱Oh,no.You are not leaving me here alone不行精灵果汁把我搞成这样when I'm crashing on elf juice.你不能在这时候抛下我If I can't be an old-timey singer,如果我不能扮演旧时的歌手you can't be Mrs.Claus.你也不能扮演圣诞奶奶Well,I'm sorry,but I'm throwing you under the sled,sister.但我决定背信弃义对不起啦姐们儿That extra$2an hour每小时多那两块钱will bring us closer to the really good mixer.能让我们离上等的搅拌器又近一步And the way my life is going,this might be my only chance依照我生活的态势这可能是to be married to a rich guy.我嫁给有钱人的唯一机会I'd double-check those tights if I were you.如果我是你我会再三检查这身衣服These tights suck.这紧身衣太恶心了Hi.Hi,elf.你好呀小精灵I just got assigned to the front of the line with you.我刚被分配来前线陪你Oh,crap.我靠It's me,Mary.是我呀玛丽"Mary Christmas.""圣诞玛丽"-You know,like my brother Patrick always says.-Yeah,you said that.-我哥哥派翠克总这么说-你说过了Look at how cute we look...Jingles!我们看上去真有爱叮铛作响I just named you Jingles.我刚帮你取了个名字叫"小叮铛"Get it?'Cause of all your bells.懂吗因为你身上的铃铛Oh,listen...听着Ah,this is my number-one favorite Christmas song.这是我最喜欢的圣诞歌What's your favorite Christmas song?你最喜欢的圣诞歌是什么Silent night.Get it?'Cause I want you to be silent.《平安夜[寂静夜]》懂吗因为我想你闭嘴What's the matter with you?你怎么了You're acting like an elfhole.你就像个精灵混蛋Oh,hello,children!你们好孩子们Who's next to see my husband,Santa?下一个轮到谁去见我丈夫圣诞老人I am so mad at you right now.我现在很气你Uh,hold on,children.等一下孩子们Mrs.Claus is just having an issue圣诞老婆婆跟精灵员工之间with one of her elf employees.出了点小问题What are you doing?What's wrong with you?你这是干嘛你怎么了You abandon me on Christmas感恩节我爸抛弃我the day after my father abandons me on Thanksgiving?隔天你就在圣诞节抛弃我你胆子挺大啊{\an8}Balls:一字多义有"胆子"与"球"的意思You have balls.Christmas balls...圣诞树挂球Like on Santa's tree...就是圣诞树上挂的与圣诞节期相近或光明节树{\an8}光明节是犹太民族最隆重的节日Or a Hanukkah bush.Look,I've got my own problems,okay?各有各的烦心事好吗Santa is kind of hands-y.圣诞老人有点毛手毛脚的And you leave me here with this one当我开始从九小时鸡血澎湃的状态下when I'm coming down the bad side开始走下坡时of nine-hour energy mountain?你居然扔下我独自忍受那女的I don't know what's at the bottom,but so far,我不知道坡底会是什么不过not the miracle on34th Street I was hoping for.应该不会是我盼望的《34街奇迹》-Well,elf---Her name is Jingles.-听着精灵-她叫小叮铛One more word,Mary,seriously.别逼我出手玛丽你再放个屁试试听着躁郁特快{\an8}躁郁特快与圣诞节电影《极地特快Polar Express》发音相近Listen,Bipolar Express,you need to jingle all the way up that mountain,你得一路铃儿响叮当地爬回坡上because all these kids are looking at us.因为所有的孩子在看着咱俩呢Hello!你们好呀-You got your list for Santa?-Yep.Got it right here.-给圣诞老人的愿望清单写好了吗-嗯写好了Well,he's waiting for you,so go right ahead in.他在等着你快进去吧-Yay,let's go!-Hi.-好耶咱们走-你好Oh,you look so pretty in your hat and your coat.你真漂亮帽子和大衣真配你Thank you very much.多谢夸奖I used to have a coat like that.我也有过像这样的大衣。



1 Whatever you put out there comes back to you.

2 I am so mad I cannot see straight.

3 I see an opportunity, and I make it happen.

4 This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it.

5 There is no luck. There is only work.

6 The heart wants what it wants.
7 People who hate you, but can't kill you. That's what family is.

8 We are two very different kinds of idiots, but we're idiots.

9 Might as well face it.You and I are on our own.

10 Every thing is big to Han.




破产姐妹_第一季_第12集Earl, can you break some 20's?厄尔能把这20块找开吗The big spenders at table two二号桌的"大款"们wanna split their $11 check three ways,三人行还硬要分摊11块的账单even though one person did all the eating.不基本上就一个人在吃而已嘛I was in a three-way once. Same thing happened.我也跟别人"三人行"过情况如出一辙Max, table ten would like the check.麦克斯十号桌买单And don't forget to pick up customer comment card.别忘了收顾客意见表Customers very important.顾客就是上帝呀It's all about the fans.财源滚滚全靠粉丝Yeah, I'm not a fan of hearing what people have to say.粉丝意见关我屁事For instance, what's happening right now...比方说你现在跟我废话...Not a fan.我完全不"粉"Max, feedback from customers is very important business tool.麦克斯顾客意见表是非常重要的商业工具Perhaps we'll pump the brakes on sour waitress attitude.或许该让我们的毒舌服务生改改态度了There's only one tool that can change my 'tude,唯一能改变我"态度"的工具呢but I'm gonna need two double-a batteries.需要用到两颗电池And a 20-minute break.和二十分钟休息时间[电动棒]本字幕由YYeTs人人影视原创翻译制作■仅供学习禁止用于任何商业盈利行为更多影视更新请登陆/doc/11c3c805b9d528ea80c7790c.html 第一季姐妹花姐妹花第十二集打工第一季打工第十二集\h翻译夸人被打赛太公\h翻译夸人被打赛太公\h校对打人被夸YY猫\h校对打人被夸YY猫后期鱼骨头\h后期鱼骨头\h时间轴总监打人被夸YY猫\h 时间轴总监打人被夸YY猫\hWelcome, everyone.欢迎各位Thanks for coming to very important,感谢出席这场非常重要的first official diner meeting.餐馆首次正式会议This ain't right, man. 2:00 A.M. starts Earl time.真是不厚道半夜两点后是厄尔的私人时间Earl, here's your brandy.厄尔你的白兰地酒Okay, we're good now.很好我没意见了If I knew we were gonna have staff meetings after work,早知道下班后要开这种破会议I would've taken job at T.G.I. Friday's instead.我就去矫情的星期五餐厅干活了Over there, they roll fast and loose.他们那干活又快速上床又迅速Well, this is how I roll.在我这就得这样Yeah, short and slow.您哪样啊又矮又呆吗No, I roll Fast and Furious. Tokyo drift style.不我是速度与激情还是东京漂移版的呢Han, I'm starting to drift. Can we get to the point?憨我的注意力也开始"漂移"了说重点吧Max and I still have to get home and bake cupcakes for tomorrow.我跟麦克斯还得回家烤明天的小蛋糕呢We received so many excellent comments from customers tonight.我们收到了来自顾客的许多宝贵意见Okay, first comment.好了第一个意见- "Dark-haired waitress..." - Hey!-"深色头发的服务生" -我哟"was very rude.""非常没礼貌"Hey!我哟Max, customers are giving their honest opinions about diner.麦克斯这是顾客对餐馆的真实看法We need to take it seriously.我们得严肃对待"I'd like to ride the blonde waitress like a tilt-a-whirl.""我想跟金发服务生床战三百回合"Shout out!是我哟Next comment.下一个意见"Why does cashier wear earphones?"为什么收银员戴着耳机啊I thought he was a DJ."害我以为他是DJ"Go, Earl, go, Earl ?好样的厄尔好样的厄尔Holla!完胜Moving on.下一条"This meatloaf tastes stale and dry.""烘肉卷吃起来既不新鲜又干瘪瘪"Yeah, Oleg yeah, Oleg.干得好奥列格干得好奥列格It also says that cook could wear deodorant.人家还建议厨师喷点腋下除臭剂and shirt that covers armpit.穿点有袖的衣服挡挡臭味This is on card?人家真写上意见表了吗Yes.对You are lying.你撒谎Yes.对...Remind me never to be a spy with Han.跟憨搭档做间谍死得更快哟So this is how you tell me what you think of me?所以你就这么对我提意见吗You hide behind outdated method of feedback?拿这种过时的意见卡当挡箭牌What, I should've posted twit pic of my face like this? 不然是要推特发张我这么捏鼻子的图吗Maybe I will send you a twit pic of my meatloaf.我也会回敬你一张我烘"鸡"卷的美照Can you twits pick another time to do this?你们俩白痴[推特]可以之后再吵吗I've gotta go home.我得回家了I have to go home too...我也得回家...And cut the remaining sleeves off of all my shirts.回家把所有衣服的袖子都剪掉And then go buy more shirts.然后再去买新衣服And cut the sleeves off those shirts.再把所有的袖子通通剪掉You must wear sleeves.你必须穿有袖的衣服上班Do not tell me what to do.老子爱穿啥穿啥I was working here when you were still老子刚来这上班的时候a dumpling on your father's chopstick.你还在你爹的蛋蛋里游着呢Now this is starting to sound like Earl time.现在有厄尔时间的感觉了- Did it light? - No.-点着了吗-没有Try another one. The gas is on.再试一次瓦斯还开着呢Why are we throwing fire at an oven?为什么要对烤箱丢火柴啊Is this a poor people game?这是穷人的娱乐游戏吗Yeah, it's called light the broken pilot light是啊这叫"烤箱打火器坏掉without blowing our faces off!瞎点怕会毁容的悲催游戏"This is ridiculous. My heart is pounding.太蠢了吧害人家小心肝怦怦跳I didn't know baking cupcakes was an extreme sport. 现在才知道烤小蛋糕也是种极限运动记录阿拉斯加帝王蟹季捕捞渔船面临的大量危机就好比《致命烘培》《致命捕捞》探索频道纪录片连续剧It's like the Deadliest Batch.See? A slight hint of gas in the air.看到没吸入少量外泄瓦斯makes everything funnier.会让你觉得什么事都好笑Now there's too much gas.现在外泄太多了If we threw a math in there now,如果现在丢火柴I'd be out a nose or a pair of eyebrows.估计我的鼻子或眉毛就完蛋了And I'm not living through that again.我不要回归"无眉"的日子Again?回归When I was a little girl,我小时候I was trying to make a Hungry Man dinner.试图烤过一次冷冻晚餐包And I lit the pilot light too soon and whoosh!结果点火太快火光一闪No eyebrows.眉毛没了Had to draw them on in magic marker.不得不用油性笔画眉毛Only Mexican girls would talk to me.结果只有粗眉的墨西哥女孩愿意跟我说话Max, we have a cupcake business.麦克斯我们有生意要做We have to tell the landlord we need a new oven. 必须让房东给我们换个新烤箱We can't ask the landlord for a new oven.我们不能跟房东要个新烤箱Then he'll ask us stuff like "who are you?不然他会问"你是谁""why is your name not on the lease,"你的名字怎么没在租约上and where's the rent?"该交的房租呢"Well, I'll buy us one.好吧我出钱买Really? You're gonna buy us a whole oven?是吗你要给咱们买个新烤箱We're so poor I have a sock我穷的连丢失一只的那双袜子that I refer to as my good sock.都能称它为"好的那双"呢I've been saving something for an emergency,我藏了点私货以备不时之需Like a burst appendix or a first date bikini wax.比如急性盲肠炎或首次约会的除毛费I knew it!我就知道You have a secret stash of your father's missing billions. 你老爸的亿万家财肯定被你私藏了不少We're rich!我们发达啦Wait, it's other people's money.等等那都是别人的血汗钱Yeah, but I didn't steal it. We're rich!不过又不是我偷的发达啦They're my expensive rings.这些是我的名贵戒指So if these are your expensive rings,如果这些才是你的名贵戒指What's all that other stuff you wear?那你平常戴的是啥Cheaper copies.便宜复制品You never wear the good stuff out in public. 才不会把名贵戒指戴出门呢Got it, kind of like hiding the Banana republic, 懂了就像是高档潮牌留家中and wearing the Gap.平民潮牌穿出门See how special?看多别致啊They're all one-of-a-kind from每个都是独一无二的Thomas Aristotle Thomas.托马斯·亚里斯多德·托马斯戒指T.A.T. TAT.简称托托戒What?什么Tat rings. You've never heard of TAT rings?托托戒啊你没听说过托托戒吗Oh! TAT rings. No.哇托托戒没听过I guess it's the kind of thing我想这东西that only people in the know know, you know? 应该只有懂行的人才懂懂吗No.不懂Make all the jokes you want,随你怎么笑话but I only have to sell one of these,不过我只要卖掉其中一个and I can get us a new oven.就够钱给我们买新烤箱了Any ideas what kind we should get?要什么款式有想法吗Uh, yeah, you're not the only one with a secret stash. 当然有又不是只有你才藏有私货It's the Bluestar.这款叫蓝色之星It's the TAT rings of ovens.是烤箱界的托托戒啦In purple!还是紫色的That's right, I said purple.没错我就是说紫色的It's the muscle car of ovens. It's bad-ass!这是烤箱界的肌肉猛车绝对霸气啊It's so bad-ass when I do karaoke霸气到我去唱卡啦OK时I change the lyrics from purple rain to purple range. 我把歌词"紫雨"都改成了"紫款"了Great, we'll get this one.很好那就买这个吧Uh, we can't buy that. It's too expensive.买不起太贵了This is just something you fantasize about.这种梦幻烤箱只能意淫一下It's kitchen porn.就像厨具黄片Fine.好吧Tomorrow we'll go to the Cash for Gold store.明天咱们就去当铺当戒指and get a regular oven and get cookin'.然后买个普通烤箱回家开烤烤哟I think the funny gas is gone.瓦斯散光了害我冷场Must be time. I'm going in.时机已到重赴沙场Let me do it, my eyebrows need to waxed anyway. 让我来吧我的眉毛也该修了Hurry up! The gas is on! Throw the match in!快点瓦斯开着呢丢火柴进去啊- Did it light? - No, but my foot is on fire.-点着了吗-你成功点着了我的脚I'll do it.我来吧- You're good. - You're good.-你眉毛还在-你眉毛还在I'm sorry, but how much longer do we have to wait, 抱歉我们还需要等多久to get cash for our gold?才能典当换现呢I told you before I'm on the phone.不是跟你说了我在讲电话嘛Sit down, shut up, don't be rude.坐下闭嘴有礼貌点I thought she'd be nicer from her picture on the bus stop bench. 公车站广告牌上的她看起来友善多了Yeah, and where are the dollar signs in her eyes?是啊广告上她眼里的金钱符号去哪了Let me see, which ring should I sell?我看看该卖哪个戒指呢So much history in my lap.我大腿上放着好多回忆啊I don't even wanna tell you about the history in my lap.我都懒得提我大腿上的"回忆"了My father got me this one in London.这个是我老爸在伦敦买给我的I got this one in Paris to reward myself这是在巴黎买的是为了奖励自己for not crying during the turbulence on the flight to Paris.没有在飞往巴黎时遇到乱流而吓哭My mom got me a Fresca when she hit me with her car once.我妈有次开车误撞了我只给我瓶汽水做补偿I got this one when I was 18.这个是我18岁的时候得到的- It was my very first tat. - Okay, stop!-是我最早的托托戒-够了别说了This was a bad idea. Let's get out of here.这是个馊主意我们快走吧I told you before. I'm on the phone!我都说了我在讲电话Sit down, shut up, don't be rude.坐下闭嘴有礼貌点I'm only sitting down because look.我坐下完全是因为She has her hand on a gun that's strapped under the counter. 她手正握着柜台底下的枪呢She is dying to plug us.她巴不得立刻毙了我们Max, what are you talking about?麦克斯你干嘛这么说Why is this a bad idea?为什么这是馊主意呢I don't want you sacrificing your precious rings, Frodo.我不想牺牲你的宝贝戒指佛罗多[魔戒人物]Because if the business doesn't work out,万一哪天生意失败了It'll be my fault you have nothing.我就得为你失去的回忆负责And call me selfish,就当我自私吧the only life I wanna ruin is my own.我唯一想毁掉的人生是我自己的Max, the business will go up and down.麦克斯做生意本来就有起有落That's natural.那没有什么But this ring is about more than the day to day of the business. 但这个戒指代表的不只是生意上的It's about us... and our future together.还代表着我们我们共同的未来Yo, did you just ask me to marry you?你刚是在跟我求婚吗You could do worse.你可以再损一点啊Now, ladies, gold. Now.现在女士们金子交出来Come on. It's only one ring.没事的只是一个戒指而已And when it comes to us, I'm in this for the long haul. 无论何事我都想与你做出长远的打算Or until this lady shoots us.或直到她毙了我们的那一刻吧- Hi, I'm here to... - Come on! Let's go.-你好我是来... -快点别废话Don't push me I'm out of nicorette.别老催我我戒烟口香糖吃完了Well, you're all business, aren't you?很好您只谈生意是吧I can respect that.我尊重您这点I'd like to exchange a TAT ring.我想拿个托托戒换点钱I've never heard of a TAT ring.没听过什么托托戒Thomas Aristotle Thomas?托马斯·亚里斯多德·托马斯World-famous designer?世界知名设计师啊Yeah, talk down to me. That'll make the price better. 继续鄙视我啊我肯定给你个"好"价钱All right, I'll weight it.好吧我秤个重What's that smell?什么味道啊Is someone making soup in the back?有人在后面煮汤吗None of your business.少管闲事I will give you $275.我可以给你275块It's worth $2,500.这戒指价值2500块呢Where? In 2005?哪里啊猴年马月的价了吧You're just taking advantage of people,你根本就是在占人便宜because the world economy is crashing.靠着经济不景气来打劫我们It's called Cash for Gold, not sympathy for flat chicks. 我们是当铺不是平胸妞救济所You know what? This is inappropriate.到此为止我受够了All right, I'd like to see your business license.我要求看你们的营业许可证Maybe I'll make a call to the Chamber of Commerce. 没准我会打个电话给商会检举你们- Oh, you will, huh? - Duck! Here comes the gun!-是吗悍妹子-蹲下她要掏枪了Maybe I'll make a call to my boys in the back.那我也向后面的人检举你们好了Sal! Richard!萨尔理查Oh, hello.你们好啊Let's get out of here.咱们快跑吧Are you sure? Because I'm kinda feeling Richard.真的吗我还蛮想跟理查"大战"的Max, I was just in the ladies' room,麦克斯我刚去厕所时and I had a thought.突然冒出个想法Why am I doing my lipstick为什么要在写着in a mirror that says "Die Carlos"""卡洛斯去死"的镜子前画口红吗I know how to get the full value of the ring.我想到怎么拿回戒指全价的方法了We just have to take it to the store where they sell it, 我们只需要拿回去原店and return it.退款就行了Uh, and why didn't that occur to you before?你怎么没一开始就想到呢'Cause I don't have the receipt.因为我没留收据And I bought it three years ago...而且我是三年前买的from another store... in another country.在别的国家... 别家店The customer asked for crust off of a turkey club.顾客说火鸡总会三明治要去边Did they say that or is this something you say是顾客说的还是你说that they said?是顾客说的They said it.是顾客说的But I say I see但要我说的话"screw the boss" sleeveless tee.有人还穿着"老板去死"的无袖衫呢I'm sorry, someone call Ripley's.来人啊快打电话给奇人异事博物馆There is a small mouse speaking.这有只会说话的小老鼠And I bet for sure it comes with stinky armpits. 馆里还有腋下超臭男呢Why don't you see for yourself, Ratatouille?想闻"香"一下吗料理鼠王I've gotta go. Fight's starting.我先闪了要开打了You are stinky.你臭爆了So stinky my mother in Korea called me and said, 臭到我远在韩国的老妈都打给我问"What is that smell?""那是什么臭味儿啊"I am surprised you're upset by man smell.你居然不喜欢男人味Most women like you enjoy it.大多数像你这样的娘们都爱死了Yo, Max, I got 20 bucks on Han.麦克斯我下20块赌憨赢He's scrappy.他爱吵又好斗Your English is terrible.你的英语烂爆了My English is less terrible than your terrible English. 我的英语再烂也比你的烂英语强What? I couldn't understand a word you said.啥我听不懂你说啥呢What? So sorry I couldn't understand a word you said. 啥真抱歉我也听不懂你说啥Excuse me, regular-sized people.抱歉正常大小的人们I am on break until he apologizes.除非他道歉否则老子坚决不开工I think the round's over.本回合结束I couldn't understand a word they said.我听不懂他俩说的"英语"He needs to apologize. I'm the boss.该道歉的人是他我可是老板Don't let him get to you, Han.你别把他的话放在心上憨Every woman knows size doesn't matter.女人都知道不在"大小" 只在技巧I like your shirt.我喜欢你这衣服Reminds me of the side of the van I lost my virginity in. 我失去童贞的那台货车上有这喷漆That little man disrespect me.那"小"人侮辱我He insult my food, my English, my "hyjane."他侮辱我的食物我的英语我的卫"牲"Is there anything I can do to cheer you up?我能做什么让你开心起来吗A hug would help.给我个拥抱吧If I hug you, will you go back to work?如果我抱你你会乖乖开工吗Yes.会Two-second hug. I'm going in.两秒抱抱我来也How did you do that? Your hands never left my back. 你怎么办到的你双手都没离开过我的后背I am like David Blaine of zippers.我是解拉链界的刘谦I was trying to cheer you up.我只是想让你开心起来You did.我是开心"起"来了呀Wow, it's so surreal being back here.回到这里的感觉好不真实呀I grew up here. It was like camp for me.我在这长大这就是我的成长营地I learned who all the best designers were,我在这学到了谁是最好的设计师how to color coordinate, how to ride a bike.怎么配色怎么骑自行车They let you ride a bike here?他们还让你在这骑自行车啊Bitch, I owned this piece.骚妹这里可是我地盘呢If there's not an iguana in here,这柜子里要是没大蜥蜴this place is stupid.这地方就烂爆了Oh, my God.天啊They are such gorgeous TAT rings.这些托托戒好美啊- Thanks! - Hate you! So jealous!-谢谢-真讨厌你好嫉妒啊- Thanks! - Bye!-谢谢-再见啦Seeing you in your natural habitat is truly disturbing. 看你在你的自然栖息地真让人不舒服Hi! Can I help you?你好有何能为您效劳吗Hi! I'd like to return a ring I got as a present here.你好我想要退回收到的托托戒礼物TAT rings are so amazing.托托戒真是太迷人了I can't believe you want to return it.真不敢相信你居然想退掉Well, this one's from a guy I'm no longer with,这是我的前男友送的So it's painful to even look at.看到它就会勾起伤心往事I understand.我明白But I couldn't take it back without a receipt. 可如果没收据我们不能退款The thing is he used to hit her.其实是因为他过去老打她Max! You did not!麦克斯你不是吧Caroline, it's not your fault.卡洛琳这又不是你的错That's awful.太坏了吧I understand why you wouldn't want this ring. 我明白你为什么会想退掉I'm sure there's something I can do.我尽量帮帮你吧It's not our fault. I mean...Your fault.被打的确不是我们的错不你的错Caroline Channing?卡洛琳·钱宁Jeffrey!杰佛瑞Surprised to see me working here?看到我在这工作惊讶吧Well, I got fired from that other store因为去年的"烟屁股事件"whose name I will never mention again,我被另一家店炒鱿鱼了after last year's cigarette butt incident.他们的名字我不想再提I'm so sorry.真的很对不起I had no idea those menthol slim 100s were yours.我不知道那些薄荷女烟屁股是你丢的I just thought so many butts on the ground我当时只觉得店门口有这么多烟屁股outside the store was gross, so I said something.很不雅观就随口说了一下Well, that one comment from the great Caroline Channing.是啊卡洛琳·钱宁公主的随口一说about those butts fired my little butt.就害我的屁股因为烟屁股给踹出门了You'd be happy to know that I quite smoking你害我被炒鱿鱼后我就戒烟了after you got me fired. Couldn't afford it.你很开心吧因为我买不起烟了I also couldn't afford my gym membership,我也供不起我的健身房会员了which is why my fired little butt got massive,所以我被人踹出去的翘臀变成肥臀why no one wanted to date me, and why I spent gay pride alone. 结果没人约我连去同志大游行都是独身前往Fortunately, I wound up working here.幸好我最终在这里找到了工作Yeah, it all worked out. Your butt looks tight.是啊守得云开见月明你的屁股也紧实了It's halfway there.没以前的一半呢So I got the price on the ring.我查到了戒指的价钱了You're buying a ring? A TAT ring?你要买戒指吗买托托戒啊Actually, I'm returning.事实上我是来退货的Oh, can I see the receipt?我能看一下收据吗As manager of the jewelry department,作为珠宝首饰部门的经理I couldn't possibly return a ring that you bought.我不能不看收据就让你退一个at least three years ago without a receipt.起码买了三年的戒指You wouldn't want me to lose my job again, would you?你也不想害我再次被炒鱿鱼对吧I got this, Donna.我来处理多娜And so sorry to hear about your father being a criminal,对于你爸爸锒铛入狱以及你身无分文and you being penniless and all that ugliness.这类的惨事呢我深感遗憾But it is kinda karma.这也算是因果循环吧You are where you are now, and I'm back on top.我重新攻顶俯视跌落谷底的你Look, Jeffrey, I know we just met,杰佛瑞虽然是初次见面but there's no way you're a top.但你想"攻"顶是不可能的事Now what are we gonna do?我们现在该怎么办呢We should hunt down that super fake jealous lady who hates you. 应该去找刚才嫉妒你的那个做作女Maybe she'll buy one.说不定她会愿意买Max, that's brilliant.麦克斯妙计啊If anybody's gonna buy a TAT ring,愿意买托托戒的人they're already in the store.早就都在这店里了We can have a pop-up sale!我们可以举办个快闪拍卖A pop-up sale?快闪拍卖是什么You don't know what a pop-up sale is?你不知道什么是快闪拍卖吗You didn't know what a pilot light was.你还不知道什么是打火器呢It's the new trend.是一种新潮流Mini stores pop up and sell stuff,小店快闪出现捞一笔then they're gone.然后走人That's not a new trend.这算什么新潮流啊Drug dealers have been doing that for years. 八百年前毒贩子就这么干了One, two, three, four, five.一二三四五What are you doing, beautiful mind?你干嘛呢自闭小天才I'm mentally scanning the layout of the store for security cameras. 我在脑海里算着店里的摄像头的位置I knew coming here and not going to parks as a child would pay off. 小时候来这耍不去公园玩果然有好处Okay, there's only one place we could pull it off好吧只有一个地方可行- where there are no cameras. - Where?-那里没有摄像头-哪里Pop-up sale in the ladies' room.卫生间里有快闪拍卖哦That's right, ma'am!没错女士I said pop-up sale in the ladies' room.我说的正是卫生间里有快闪拍卖I don't do improv.我临阵发挥无能So did we sell the ring yet?戒指成功卖掉了吗Those women weren't our target customers.刚那些女人不是我们的目标客户We're looking for a very specific type.我们要的客户群是很明确的Too much style and money to burn.外表浮夸钱包鼓鼓Hold the elevator! Honey!别关电梯门小宝贝and I love New York!我爱死纽约了Pop-up sale in the ladies' room.卫生间有快闪拍卖哦I'll take you in two at a time,我一次会带两个人进去看货let me go check with my associate.让我先跟我助手确认一下And I'll be right back for Adin and Lublubah.然后就回来带安丁和露布鲁巴进去Such a good memory.记忆力不错Hard to forget such beautiful names.如此美丽的名字过耳难忘Ready?准备好了吗We have a pooper in stall two.二号间里有人在拉屎Who shops and plops? I mean, really.谁出门逛街还拉屎啊有没有搞错Trust me, I smell the match.真的我闻到火柴味了Classic shop and plop cover-up.经典逛街拉屎除臭妙招Where are the two Kit Kats we got from the vending machine? 刚贩卖机买来的巧克力棒呢I told you I was hungry.跟你说了我很饿Arabic women expect a gift when they buy something.阿拉伯女人购物习惯收赠品Well, stall number two will probably supply a little present.或许能借二号间的蜡烛一用Hi, are you here for the pop-up sale?你也是来参加快闪拍卖的吗- No, I just have to pee. - Oh, geez.-不是我是来尿尿的-我的老天啊Come on, don't waste my time!快去吧别浪费我时间One stall's open... in and out! Running a business! 一号间空着呢要上快上我们要做生意呢That woman pushed ahead of us.那女人插队Do not sell her my TAT ring.千万别把戒指卖给她It's fun. You're here to pick up.真有意思你是来取货She's here to drop off.她是来"泄"货Open the shop.开店咯We're a good team.我们是黄金搭档啊You set 'em up, I knock 'em down.你负责下套我负责"宰"人- Why is...? - I don't know, it just is.-怎么会这样... -我也不知道就是那样Are you here for the pop-up sale?你们是来参加快闪拍卖的吗A pop-sale in the bathroom?在厕所搞快闪拍卖- So lame. - So lame.-太逊了-超逊的- Caroline? - Jen, Robin!-卡洛琳-珍罗宾- Oh, my God. - Oh, my God.-天啊-我的天啊- Oh, my God! - Oh, my God.-天啊-我的老天爷哟Excuse me. When will pop-up sale start?抱歉快闪拍卖什么时候开始We have lunch reservations for five at Four Seasons at 3:00. 我们三点在四季酒店预约了午餐Why are you asking me?你怎么会问我呢You two are doing pop-up sale, no?不是你俩在搞快闪拍卖吗No.不是I have nothing to do with this pop-up sale in the bathroom. 我跟这个厕所快闪拍卖一点关系都没有- So lame. - So lame.-太逊了-超逊的So lame!逊爆了So lame.是很逊啊Come to lunch with us.跟我们一起共进午餐吧。



第一季 1集:Pilot-Betty: I like your poncho. My dad got me one in Guadalajara.poncho:斗篷【中间有一洞来伸头的毯形披风,这里贝蒂认为那是南美特产披风】我喜欢你的南美斗篷。


-Charmaine: Milan. Dolce & Gabbana. Fall.fall:秋天米兰,D&G 秋季新品。

-Marc: Betty Suarez?Betty Suarez?-Betty: Hi. That's me. Um, I have a hard copy of my resume if you need it. Should I follow you?hard copy:硬拷贝【计算机或字处理器输出的打印件】 resume:简历 follow:跟随嗨! 我就是。


我应该跟你走吗?-Marc: Actually... there's been a mistake.actually:事实上 mistake:错误事实上……出了点儿差错。

-Betty: A mistake?差错?-Marc: All the entry-level positions we were hiring for... they've been filled. I'm sorry.entry-level:入门级 position:职位 hire for:聘请 fill:填充,装满我们要招聘的最低级别职位...都已经招满了。


-Betty: Um, sir? While you got me here, I thought I could tell you a little about myself.先生?既然让我来了,我想我还是该介绍一下自己。

绝望主妇英语对白desperate housewives s1e1第一季第一集所有英文对白讲课教案

绝望主妇英语对白desperate housewives s1e1第一季第一集所有英文对白讲课教案

My name is Mary Alice Young.In this morning's paper, you may come across an article about the unusual day I had last week. Normally, there's never anything newsworthy about my life, but that all changed last Thursday. Of course, everything seemed quite normal at first.I made breakfast for my family.I performed my chores.I completed my projects.I ran my errands.In truth, I spent the day as I spent every other day, quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection.That's why it was so astonishing when I decided to go to my hallway closet and retrieve a revolver that had never been used.My body was discovered by my neighbor, Mrs.Martha Huber, who'd been startled by a strange popping sound.Her curiosity aroused, Mrs.Huber tried to think of a reason for dropping in on me unannounced.After some initial hesitation, she decided to return the blender she had borrowed from me six months before.[Screeams] It's my neeighbor.I think shee's beeeen shot.Theeree's blood eeveerywheeree.Yees, you'vee got to seend an ambulancee.You'vee got to seend onee right now.And, for a moment, Mrs.Huber stood motionless in her kitchen, grief-stricken by this senseless tragedy.But only for a moment.If there was one thing Mrs.Huber was known for, it was her ability to look on the bright side.I was laid to rest on a Monday.After the funeral, all the residents of Wisteria Lane came to pay their respects.And, as people do in these situations, they brought food.Lynette Scavo brought fried chicken.Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken.She didn't cook much while moving up the corporate ladder.She didn't have the time.But when her doctor announced she was pregnant, her husband Tom had an idea."Why not quit yourjob?" "Kids do better with stay-at-home moms.It would be so much less stressful." But this was not the case.In fact, Lynette's life had become so hectic she was now forced to get her chicken from thefast-food restaurant.Lynette would've appreciated the irony if she'd thought about it.But she didn't have the time.- Stop it, stop it, stop it.- But, Mom.No.You aree going to beehavee today.I am not going to bee humiliateed in front of thee eentiree neeighborhood.And, just so you know how seerious I am - What's that? - Santa's ceell-phonee numbeer.How did you geet that? I know someeonee who knows someeonee who knows an eelf.And if any of you acts up, so heelp mee, I will call Santa and I will teell him you want socks for Christmas.Aree you willing to risk that? OK.Leet's geet this oveer with.Gabrielle Solis who lives down the block brought a spicy paella.Since her modeling days in New York, Gabrielle had developed a taste for rich food and rich men. Carlos, who worked in mergers and acquisitions, proposed on their third date.Gabrielle was touched when tears welled up in his eyes.But she soon discovered this happened every time Carlos closed a big deal.Gabrielle liked her paella piping hot.However, her relationship with her husband was considerably cooler.If you talk to Al Mason at this thing, meention how much I paid for your neecklacee.Why not pin thee reeceeipt to my cheest? Hee leet mee know what hee paid for his wifee's conveertiblee.- Just work it in.- Theeree's no way I can.Why not? At thee Donahuee party eeveeryonee was talking mutual funds.You meentioneed you sleept with half thee Yankeeee outfieeld.It camee up in thee conteext of thee conveersation.Peeoplee aree staring.Keeeep your voicee down.Absoluteely.Wee wouldn't want theem to think wee'ree not happy.Bree Van De Kamp, who lives next door, brought baskets of muffins she baked from scratch. Bree was known for her cooking.And for making her own clothes.And for doing her own gardening.And for re-upholstering her own furniture.Yes, Bree's many talents were known throughout the neighborhood.Everyone on Wisteria Lane thought of Bree as the perfect wife and mother.Everyone, that is, except her own family.Paul.Zachary.- Heello, Mrs.Van Dee Kamp.- You shouldn't havee.It was no troublee.Thee baskeet with thee reed ribbon is for your gueests.Thee onee with thee bluee ribbon is just for you and Zachary.It's got rolls, muffins, breeakfast typee things.Thank you.Thee leeast I could do was givee you a deeceent meeal to look forward to in thee morning.I know you'ree out of your minds with grieef.Yees, wee aree.I will neeeed thee baskeets back oncee you'ree donee.Of coursee.Susan Mayer, who lives across the street, brought macaroni and cheese.Her husband, Karl, always teased her about her macaroni, saying it was the only thing she knew how to cook and she rarely made it well.It was too salty the night she and Karl moved into their house.It was too watery the night she found lipstick on Karl's shirt.She burned it the night Karl told her he was leaving her for his secretary.A year had passed since the divorce.Susan had started to think how nice it would be to have a man in her life.Even one who would make fun of her cooking.Mom, why would someeonee kill theemseelvees? Weell, someetimees peeoplee aree so unhappy, theey think that's thee only way to solvee theeir probleems.- Mrs.Young always seeeemeed happy.- Yeeah.Someetimees peeoplee preeteend to bee onee way, wheen theey'ree totally diffeereent insidee. Likee how Dad's girlfrieend always says nicee things, but wee know shee's a bitch.I don't likee that word, Juliee.But, yeeah, that's a greeat eexamplee.[Man] You'ree weelcomee.[Juliee] What's going on? Sorry I'm latee.- Hi, Susan.- Heey.So what did Karl say wheen you confronteed him? You'll lovee this, hee said, "It doeesn't meean anything.It was just seex." Ah, yees, pagee onee of thee philandeereer's handbook.Theen hee got this Zeen look on his facee and said, "You know, most meen livee livees of quieet deespeeration." - Teell mee you puncheed him.- No.I said, "What do most womeen leead? Livees of noisy fulfillmeent?" - Good for you.- Did hee havee to bang his seecreetary? I had that woman to brunch.An eereect peenis doeesn't havee a conscieencee.Eveen thee limp onees areen't that eethical.This is why I joineed thee NRA.Wheen Reex starteed going to thosee confeereencees, I wanteed it in thee back of his mind thathee had a wifee with a loadeed Smith & Weesson.Lynniee, Tom's always away.Do you eeveer worry hee might? Hee's gotteen mee preegnant threeee timees in four yeears.I wish hee was having seex with someeonee eelsee.So, Susan, is hee gonna stop seeeeing that woman? I don't know.I'm sorry, you guys, I just I just don't know how I'm gonna survivee this.Listeen to mee.Wee all havee momeents of deespeeration.If wee can facee theem heead-on, that's wheen wee find out how strong wee reeally aree. [Far off] Susan.Susan.I was just saying Paul wants us to go oveer on Friday.Hee neeeeds us to heelp pack up Mary Alicee's things.Hee can't facee doing it by himseelf.- Suree.That's finee.- Aree you OK? Yeeah.I'm just so angry.If Mary Alicee was having probleems, shee should'vee leet us heelp heer.What probleems could shee havee had? Shee was heealthy, had a greeat homee, a nicee family. Heer lifee was Our lifee.No.If Mary Alicee was having a crisis, wee'd havee known.Shee livees 50 feeeet away, for God sakees.Gabby, thee woman killeed heerseelf.Someething must'vee beeeen going on.- I wouldn't eeat that if I weeree you.- Why? I madee it.Trust mee.Heey, heey, do you havee a deeath wish? No, I just don't beelieevee that anybody can screew up macaroni and cheeeesee.Oh, my God.How did you? It tastees likee it's burnt and undeercookeed.Yeeah, I geet that a lot.Heeree you go.Thanks.I'm Mikee Deelfino.I just starteed reenting thee Sims' housee neext door.Susan Mayeer.I livee across thee streeeet.Mrs.Hubeer told mee about you.Said you illustratee childreen's books.Yeeah, I'm veery big with thee undeer-fivee seet.- [Hee laughs] - What do you do? Plumbeer.So if you eeveer havee a clog or someething.Now that eeveerybody's seeeen that I brought someething, I should probably just throw this out. - [Baby squeeals] - Ow.Easee up, you littlee vampiree.Lyneettee, I'vee beeeen looking all oveer for you.Aree you awaree of what your sons aree doing? Cannonball! - [Boy] Stop! - [Boys cheeeer] What aree you doing? Wee aree at a wakee.- You said wee could go in thee pool.- I said you could go by thee pool.Do you havee your swimsuits on? Yeeah, wee put 'eem on ourseelvees beeforee wee leeft.You threeee planneed this? All right.That's it.Geet out.- No.- No? I am your motheer.You havee to do what I say.Comee on.Wee want to swim and you can't stop us! [Chatteer] [Shee groans] Heeree.- No! - Geet out.Think I won't geet in this pool and just grab you? Geet out! Oh! Geet oveer heeree.All right, givee mee your arm.You Yah! That's right.Geet oveer heeree.Go, go, go, go, go.Movee it.Out.Geet out.Paul, wee havee to leeavee now.Oncee again, I am so sorry for your loss.Go.Lynette shouldn't have been so concerned about my husband.He had other things on his mind.Things below the surface.The morning after my funeral, my friends and neighbors quietly went back to their busy, busy lives.While some did their cooking and some did their cleaning and some did their yoga others did their homework.- Hi - [dog barks] I'm Juliee.I kickeed my ball into your backyard.Oh, OK.Weell, leet's go round and geet it.- Stay.- [Dog growls] His wifee dieed a yeear ago.In LA theeree weeree too many meemoriees.Hee's reenting for tax purposees, but hopees to buy soon.- I can't beelieevee you weent oveer theeree.- I saw you flirting.Now you know hee's singlee, you can ask him out.Juliee, I likee Mr.Deelfino, I do.I just I don't know if I'm reeady to datee yeet.You neeeed to geet back out theeree.How long has it beeeen sincee you'vee had seex? - Aree you mad I askeed you that? - No, I'm trying to reemeembeer.I don't want to talk to you about my lovee lifee.I wouldn't havee said anything.Just What? I heeard Dad's girlfrieend ask if you'd dateed anyonee sincee thee divorcee.And Dad said hee doubteed it.And theen theey both laugheed.[Dog barks] Heey, Susan.Hi, Mikee.I brought you a housee-warming gift.I should'vee brought someething by eearlieer.- Actually, you'ree thee first to stop by.- Reeally? - Susan knew she was lucky.- Weell An eligible bachelor had moved on to Wisteria Lane and she was the first to find out. She also knew that good news - Heello theeree.travels quickly.Edie Britt was the most predatory divorc�e in a five-block radius.Her conquests were numerous.Varied.And legendary.[Prieest] Wh Ah! Hi, Susan.I hopee I'm not inteerrupting.You must bee Mikee Deelfino.Hi, I'm Ediee Britt.I livee oveer theeree.Weelcomee to Wisteeria Lanee.Susan had met the enemy.And she was a slut.Thank you.What's this? Sausagee puttanesca.It's just someething I threew togeetheer.Weell, thanks, Ediee.That's greeat.I'd invitee you in, but I was in thee middlee of someething.- I'm latee for an appointmeent.- I just wanteed to say hi.And just like that, the race for Mike Delfino had begun.For a moment, Susan wondered if her rivalry with Edie would remain friendly.Oh, Mikee, I heeard you'ree a plumbeer.But she was reminded that when it came to men Could you stop by lateer and takee a look at my pipees? women don't fight fair.- Suree.Thanks.Byee, Susan.- You can't ordeer mee around.- Gabrieellee.No, no.I'm not going.Tanaka eexpeects eeveeryonee to bring theeir wivees.Eveery timee I'm around that man, hee triees to grab my ass.I madee oveer 200,000 doing busineess with him last yeear.If hee wants to grab your ass, leet him.[Wind chimees] - John.- Ow! Mr.Solis, you scareed mee.Why is that bush theeree? You weeree supposeed to dig it up.- I didn't havee timee.- I don't want eexcusees.Just takee caree of it.I reeally hatee thee way you talk to mee.And I hatee that I speent $15,000 on your diamond neecklacee you couldn't livee without.But I'm leearning to deeal with it.So can I teell Tanaka wee'll bee theeree tomorrow? John, wee havee bandagees top sheelf in thee kitcheen.Thanks, Mrs.Solis.Finee, I'll go.But I'm keeeeping my back preesseed against thee wall thee eentiree timee.Seeee, now this is what a marriagee is all about.Compromisee.- Is your fingeer OK? - Yeeah, it's just a small cut.Leet mee seeee.Mmm.You know, Mrs.Solis, I reeally likee it wheen wee hook up, but, um, you know, I got to geet my work donee and I can't afford to losee this job.This tablee was hand-carveed.Carlos had it importeed from Italy.It cost him $23,000.You want to do it on thee tablee this timee? Absoluteely.[Geentlee classical music] Why can't wee eeveer havee normal soup? Danieellee, theeree is nothing abnormal about basil pur�ee.Oncee, can wee havee a soup peeoplee havee heeard of? - Likee Freench onion or navy beean? - Your fatheer can't eeat onions.Hee's deeathly alleergic.And I won't eeveen dignify your navy beean suggeestion.So, how's thee osso buco? - It's OK.- It's OK? I speent threeee hours cooking this meeal.How do you think it feeeels wheen you say, "It's OK" in that sulleen tonee? Who askeed you to speend threeee hours on dinneer? Excusee mee? Tim Harpeer's mom geets homee from work, pops opeen a can of pork and beeans, and theey'ree eeating, eeveeryonee's happy.- You'd ratheer I seerveed pork and beeans? - Apologizee now, I beeg.I'm saying do you always havee to seervee cuisinee? Can't wee just havee food? - Aree you doing drugs? - What? Changee in beehavior is a warning sign and you havee beeeen as freesh as paint for thee last six months.It eexplains why you'ree always in thee bathroom.- That is not what hee's doing.- Shut up.Mom, I'm not thee onee with thee probleem heeree.You'ree thee onee acting likee shee's running for Mayor of Steepford.Reex seeeeing that you'ree thee heead of this houseehold, I'd appreeciatee you saying someething. Pass thee salt? Three days after my funeral, Lynette replaced her grief with a much more useful emotion.Indignation.Tom, this is my fifth meessagee and you still haveen't calleed mee back.You must bee having a lot of fun on your busineess trip.I can only imaginee.Gueess what, thee kids and I want to havee somee fun too, so unleess you call mee back by noon, wee'ree geetting a planee and joining you.- Mom.- Not now.Mommy's threeateening Daddy.- Mom.- No, I - Wheeree aree your brotheers? - Noodlees, my favoritee.- Lyneettee Scavo? - [Undeer heer breeath] Crap.Nataliee Kleein.I don't beelieevee it.- Lyneettee.How long has it beeeen? - Yeears.How aree you? How's thee firm? - Good.Eveeryonee missees you.- Yeeah.Wee all say, if you hadn't quit you'd bee running thee placee by now.Yeeah, weell.So how's domeestic lifee? Don't you just lovee beeing a mom? And there it was.The question that Lynette always dreaded.Weell, to bee honeest For those who asked it, only one answer was acceptable.So Lynette responded as she always did.She lied.It's thee beest job I'vee eeveer had.[Gasps] - You know what I don't geet? - What? Why you marrieed Mr.Solis.Weell, hee promiseed to givee mee eeveerything I'vee eeveer wanteed.- And did hee? - Yees.Theen why areen't you happy? Turns out I wanteed all thee wrong things.So do you lovee him? I do.So theen why aree wee heeree? Why aree wee doing this? Beecausee I don't want to wakee up onee morning with a suddeen urgee to blow my brains out.- Heey, can I havee a drag? - Absoluteely not.You aree much too young to smokee.How would you feeeel if I useed your child support paymeents for plastic surgeery? Stop beeing neervous.You'ree just asking him to dinneer.No big deeal.You'ree right.So is that your projeect for school? In fifth gradee I madee thee Whitee Housee out of sugar cubees.Stop stalling and go.Beeforee Mikee figurees out hee can do beetteer.Teell mee again why I fought for custody of you.- You weeree using mee to hurt Dad.- Oh, that's right.Oh, God.- Hi.- Heey, Susan.- Aree you busy? - No, not at all.What's up? Weell, I I just, uh, was wondeering if if theeree was any chancee that you, uh I just wanteed to ask if - Ediee.- Heey, theeree, Susan.- What aree you? - I was making ambrosia.And I madee too much so I thought I'd bring somee oveer to Mikee.- What's going on? - Susan was gonna ask mee someething.Uh - I havee a clog.- Excusee mee? - And you'ree a plumbeer, right? - Yeeah.- Thee clog's in thee pipee.- Yeeah, that's usually wheeree theey aree.- Weell, I'vee got onee.- OK.Leet mee geet my tools.Now? You want to comee oveer now? You havee company.I don't mind.Just givee mee two minutees.I'll bee right oveer.[Squeeals quieetly] [Breeathees heeavily] That's it.- Stuff thee hair down.- I stuffeed it.- It's not eenough to clog it.- Heeree.Heeree.Look.Put in this peeanut butteer.And this cooking oil.- Mom - And theesee olivees.- It's not working.- [Doorbeell] Oh, God.That's him.How am I gonna stop up thee sink? Weell, heeree's your probleem. Someebody stuffeed a bunch of Popsiclee sticks down heeree.I'vee told Juliee a million timees not to play in thee kitcheen.Kids, you know.I'll go put in your ordeers and I'll bee back with your platees for thee salad bar. Thank you.Andreew, Danieellee, napkins.Thank you.Theey havee videeo gamees.Can wee go play until our food geets heeree? - This is family timee.I think - Go aheead and play.I know you think I'm angry about coming heeree, but I'm not.Thee kids wanteed a changee of pacee, someething fun.I geet it.Theey'll want someething heealthieer tomorrow, though.- I'm thinking chickeen saltimbocca.- I want a divorcee.I just can't livee in this this deeteergeent commeercial anymoree.Thee salad bar's theeree.Heelp yourseelf.Thank you.Um, I think I'll go geet your salad for you.- Breeee Van Dee Kamp.- Oh, heello, Mrs.Hubeer.Wee didn't geet a chancee to talk at Mary Alicee's wakee.How aree you doing? Bree longed to share the truth about her husband's painful betrayal.But sadly for Bree, admitting defeat was not an option.Greeat.Eveerything is just greeat.I got you thee honeey mustard dreessing.Thee ranch lookeed a littlee bit suspeect.Aree wee gonna talk about what I said? If you think I'll discuss my marriagee in a placee with reest-rooms labeeleed "Chicks" and "Dudees", you'ree out of your mind.- What's in this? - What do you meean? It's salad.- With with onions.- What? - You put onions in my salad.- No I didn't.Oh, wait.[Digging] The sound that awakened my son was something he'd heard only once before.Many years ago when he was quite young.But he recognized it instantly.[Grunts] It was the sound of a family secret.[Grunts] Seven days after my funeral, life on Wisteria Lane finally returned to normal. Which, for some of my friends, was unfortunate.- Mommy, Mommy! - Now what? - Daddy's homee! - [Boys cheeeer] Comee on! Heey, is anybody homee? - Heey! - Heey! I wasn't eexpeecting you for a weeeek.I havee to go back to 'Frisco in thee morning.But I got your call.You soundeed frazzleed.Yeeah.- It's beeeen a littlee rough.- Hi.Yeeah.Peeachees.Did you buy us any preeseents? Oh, God, preeseents.Wait up.Leet mee seeee.- Ohhh! - Yeeah! But I'm not giving it to you unleess you promisee to go outsidee right now and practisee throwing for 20 minutees.- Yeeah! Yeeah! Yeeah! - Punks.Geet out! Who's opeen? Go out.Deeeepeer.Deeeepeer.Touchdown! Oh, my God.Oh, no.You got to bee kidding.I'm eexhausteed.I look teerriblee.I'm coveereed in peeachees.- I'm sorry, baby.I got to havee you.- Weell, is it OK if I just liee heeree? - Absoluteely.- [Shee laughs] - I lovee you.- I lovee you moree Oh, baby.Wait.I was having troublee with sweelling.Thee doctor took mee off thee pill.Put on a condom.- A condom? - Yeeah.What's thee big deeal? Leet's risk it.- Leet's risk it? - Yeeah.- I can't beelieevee you trieed to kill mee.- Yees, weell, I feeeel badly about that.Mrs.Hubeer camee oveer and I got distracteed.It was a mistakee.- Sincee wheen do you makee mistakees? - What doees that meean? It meeans I'm sick of you beeing so damn peerfeect all thee timee.I'm sick of thee bizarree way your hair doeesn't movee.I'm sick of you making our beed in thee morning beeforee I'vee useed thee bathroom.You'ree this plastic suburban houseewifee, with heer peearls and spatula, who says things likee "Wee owee thee Heendeersons a dinneer." Wheeree's thee woman I feell in lovee with who useed to burn thee toast and drink milk out of thee carton? And laugh.I neeeed heer.Not this cold, peerfeect thing you'vee beecomee.Theesee neeeed wateer.Bree sobbed quietly in the restroom for five minutes, but her husband never knew.Because when Bree finally emerged she was perfect.- I found my eearrings.Wee can go now.- Was John heeree today? Weell, yeeah.Thee lawn hasn't beeeen moweed.I'vee had it.Wee'ree geetting a reeal gardeeneer.- Why? - Aree you deeaf? I just said hee's not doing his job.It's dark.You just can't seeee thee lawn has beeeen moweed.- It hasn't.Feeeel this grass.- I'm not feeeeling thee grass.Leet's just geet going.Comee on, wee'ree latee.- Takee caree of it.- Yees, sir.Theeree's Tanaka.Timee for mee to go and do my dancee.Good luck, sweeeetheeart.You seeee that man just walkeed away? Can you makee suree hee has a drink in his hand all night long? Yees, ma'am.[Squeeals] Mm.- Susan? Susan! - Mrs.Hubeer, how aree you doing? Not too weell, I'm afraid.I'm trying to find someething to soothee my stomach.- It's upseet? - Yeeah.I had thee worst macaroni and cheeeesee at thee wakee.It's beeeen running through mee.And I neeeed to bee at my beest.Ediee Britt's son is speending thee night.Hee's speending thee night? Ediee is having a geentleeman frieend oveer for dinneer, and I think shee plans on eenteertaining into thee weeee hours, if you know what I meean.Oh, heeree's somee antacid.Havee you eeveer trieed this? I can't beelieevee it.This can't bee happeening.Mikee can't likee Ediee beetteer than mee.You don't know what's going on.Maybee theey'ree just having dinneer.You'ree right.Theey'ree doing it.Ediee? Ediee? Heello? Anybody homee? I neeeed to borrow sugar.[# Marvin Gayee: Let's Get It On plays on steereeo] [Ediee] Oh, my God! Oh, yees! Givee it to mee! And just like that, the possibility Susan had clung to, the maybe of Mike Delfino, was gone forever.[Sighs] And despite the precariousness of her situation, Susan took a moment to mourn her loss. [Gasps] Oh.[blows] Oh! Oh! [Squeeals] It didn't take Susan long to realize, this was just not her night. [Ediee] Is someebody out theeree? - [Smokee alarm] - Oh, my God! That's smokee! [Sireens] [Two-way radio] Oh, my God.Shee leeft candlees unatteendeed in thee deen.Parameedic said shee was lucky.Shee could'vee beeeen killeed.[Lyneettee] Shee ran out with nothing on.- Shee was having seex with somee guy.- What happeeneed to him? Hee got smokee inhalation.Hee's at thee hospital.Oh.Susan, aree you all right? You look awful.I'm finee.I'm finee.I just, uh, feeeel reeally bad for Ediee.Oh, honeey, don't worry about Ediee.Shee's a strong lady.Absoluteely.Shee'll geet through this.Shee'll find a way to survivee.Wee all do.Comee on.- Wow! What happeeneed? - Mikee! And suddenly there he was.Like a phoenix rising from the ashes.I I thought you weeree uh Wheeree weeree you? I just got back from thee moviees.Ediee had a firee, huh? Yeeah.Yeeah, but shee's finee now.Eveerything's finee now.And just like that, Susan was happy.Life was suddenly full of possibilities.Not to mention a few unexpected surprises.- Hello.- It's mee.- Have anything yet? - No, nothing yeet.But don't worry.I'm deefiniteely geetting closeer.I brought somee champagnee.I thought wee should havee a toast.The next day my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings and what was left of my life.All right, ladiees, lift 'eem up.To Mary Alicee, a good frieend and neeighbor.Wheereeveer you aree, wee hopee you'vee found peeacee.- To Mary Alicee.- To Mary Alicee.Leet's geet this show on thee road.You guys, cheeck out Mary Alicee's clothees.Sizee eeight? Ha! Shee always told mee shee was a sizee six.- Wee found thee skeeleeton in heer closeet.- Not quite, Gabrielle, not quite.- What's that? - A leetteer addreesseed to Mary Alicee.How ironic.To have something I tried so desperately to keep secret, treated so casually.- What aree you doing? That's privatee.- It's opeen.What's thee big deeal? - What doees this meean? - Don't know. Cheeck out thee postmark.Oh, my God.Shee got it thee day shee dieed.Do you think this is why shee? I'm so sorry, girls.I never wanted you to be burdened with this.Oh, Mary Alicee, what did you do?。

破产姐妹 双语剧本 第一季 第2集

破产姐妹 双语剧本 第一季 第2集

破产姐妹第一季第二集感谢人人影视提供字幕, Hi, ready to order?准备好点餐了吗Do you have anything that's really special?你们有什么特色[菜]说来听听Not according to my high school guidance counselor.我高中辅导员说我没有特色I'll have the veggie plate.那我要个蔬菜拼盘But instead of beets, I want kale.不要甜菜换甘蓝And instead of broccoli, more kale.不要花椰菜再放点甘蓝I want the veggies steamed.蔬菜要用蒸的And instead of dressing, I want lemons.色拉调料改用柠檬代替Don't you need to write this down?你怎么还不动笔记下来啊I'm afraid if I start writing that down,现在只有心情写遗书it'll turn into a suicide note.因为要被烦死了I'm assuming this table's gonna have a lot more of those requests. 我猜你们都会这么点餐吧Yes, I could tell by the hats.没错看你们那帽就知道是事儿精本字幕由YYeTs人人影视原创翻译制作■仅供学习禁止用于任何商业盈利行为更多影视更新请登陆 姐妹花打工第一季第二集姐妹花打工第一季第二集\h翻译关你屁事YY猫\h翻译关你屁事YY猫\h校对关你鸟事赛太公\h校对关你鸟事赛太公后期鱼骨头\h后期鱼骨头\h\h时间轴总监关你屁事YY猫时间轴总监关你屁事YY猫\hEarl, I have something new I want you to try.厄尔我有新东西想你尝尝That's the exact same sentence正是因为这句话that got me hooked on cocaine in the '80s.我才会在几十年前染上吸毒的恶习It's my new cupcake flavor.我说的是蛋糕的新口味啦Delicious dark chocolate the ladies can't help but love. 女人无法抗拒的美味黑巧克力口味I'm calling it "The Earl."我把它称为"黑伯爵厄尔"I know you got that right.说得好Hi, I'm here.我来了I was running late so I decided to hail a cab.本来我以为要迟到了想说打个的吧And then I remembered I didn't have any money on me. 然后才想起我没带钱And then I remembered I didn't have any money at all. 接着意识到我现在是两袖清风的穷光蛋So I walked the whole way here.所以我不辞辛苦地走来上班The apartment's three blocks away.我家到这里才隔三条街Yes, I know.我知道Three blocks and 15 "hola chicas" away.三条街外加十五声"哟呵妹子"那么远Well, you can't be late again.你不能再迟到了I'm already worried about me being late...我够烦我每个月迟到的...every month.大姨妈了On my way here, a homeless man asked me for money. 在我来的路上一位无家可归的流浪汉向我讨钱And I told him that I usually always give,我跟他说通常我都会慷慨解囊but that my father was indicted in a Ponzi scandal但我的父亲因为非法敛财而被起诉了and I've lost my family fortune and my Manhattan townhouse, 我们家产没了曼哈顿豪宅也没了so I've been sleeping on a couch in Brooklyn, but,还得在布鲁克林区朋友家的沙发过夜in spite of it all, I'm still optimistic尽管世事无常但我还是对于that you and I will achieve success开小蛋糕店持乐观态度in our exciting new cupcake business venture.并坚信未来将会取得成功And look what he gave me!瞧看他给了我啥You took money from a homeless man?你连流浪汉的钱都拐啊I prefer to think of Bob near the bridge as our first investor. 应该说是桥边的鲍勃入股投资才对Pickup! Special sandwich.上菜特制三明治I can think of even more special sandwich.我还想到一种更妙的三明治You, me and the hot blonde giraffe.你我金发长颈鹿夹一起Well, she recently lost her dignity,她破产后尊严全没了so you might have a shot.搞不好她会愿意屈就Hello today!今天好啊I have nametag for you.我给你做了个名牌Only your second day and look, nametag already. 你才来第二天我就给你备好名牌了As new owner, I am killing it.这新东家当的太牛逼了Thank you.谢谢Oh, it says "Carolin."上面写的是"卡洛淋"It's Caroline. With an "E".我叫卡洛"琳" 是"王"字旁I'm Caroline.我叫卡洛琳As new owner, I am sucking it.这新东家当的太二逼了Just put it on.你就挂着就是了You can't tell an Asian he made a mistake.不能告诉亚洲人他犯了错误He'll go in the back and throw himself on a sword. 不然等会他就去拔剑自刎了Thank you, Mr. Lee.谢谢你李老板You may call me Han.你可以叫我憨H-a-n.勇"敢"的"心"No trap in my name.好记不会错I'm thinking we should take我在想我们可以迈出the first step in our new cupcake business我们蛋糕事业的第一步了by writing "Max's Homemade Cupcakes"就在优惠餐板上up on the specials board.写上"麦克斯自制蛋糕"吧No, I can't have my name up there.不行姐的大名不能张扬Everyone I owe money to thinks I live in Seattle. 我的债主们都以为我住在西雅图呢Oh, we used to own Seattle.哎以前西雅图是我家的呢Max, we've got to get the name out there. 麦克斯你的名字一定得亮相Create a buzz.制造名气嘛Ooh, good idea!好棒好棒Let's create a buzz.赶紧开始名气大作战Exactly, in order to launch--没错要想打开市场I'm mocking you.我是在模仿你那傻样儿When in doubt, I'm always mocking you. 以后别怀疑我向来都是在嘲笑你Seriously, Max.说真的麦克斯This new cupcake business is our lifeline. 这个蛋糕事业是我们的救生索A way out for both of us.能助我们走上脱贫致富的道路呀And I wanna thank you again for letting me move in. 我还想再次感谢你让我搬进你家住If there's anything I can do to help you--如果有任何事我能帮得上忙的You mean besides starting to wait on tables?是指除了招待客人以外的忙吗I meant, anything I can do to help you我是说任何能帮你平复through your breakup with Robbie.和罗比分手的难过心情的事Oh. Thanks, but I'm fine.谢了我没事And we're working.而且现在是我们工作时间Well, one of us is.你不干活我还干呢Are you sure you're fine?你确定你没事吗'Cause I heard you crying last night.昨晚我听见你在哭I don't cry.我才不哭I sold my tear ducts to an organ bank for cash two years ago. 早在两年前我就把泪腺拿去器官银行卖钱了I was on the couch.当时我躺在沙发上And I heard you crying alone in your bedroom.听到你在卧室里独自啜泣Really? What did the crying sound like?真的吗那哭声听起来像啥样Like...像这样...I wasn't crying.我不是在哭Well, then what were you d--那你是在干嘛...Oh! So none of my business.哎哟那事我管不着That's right.正确- And remember that.- Got it.-麻烦记住这点 -收到In fact, let's just say that anything having to do 事实上任何有关于with my bedroom, my tables, or my life--我卧室我桌子或我生活的事you should stay away from.你最好都别多管闲事Boundaries. Got it.界限明白And please don't tell anyone at work而且千万不要告诉任何同事I let you move into my apartment.我让你搬进我家住That is one boundary we both don't want crossed. 一说出去后果难以想象Why?为什么Hey, roomies.嗨同居"蜜"友That's why.懂了吧Hope those sheets are okay.希望你能睡得惯这床单Oh, don't worry about it.不用担心I know they're the best you could afford.我知道你就只能买这么好的了Not really. The good ones are on my bed.其实不是更好的我自己用着呢Max, that oven is so hot.麦克斯烤箱太热了Could you do me a favor and open the back door? 你能帮我开开后门吗We've known each other two days我们才认识两天and you're already asking for back door?你就想开我"后庭"啊Dear God!上帝呀I forgot you're Equestrian Barbie.我忘了你是骑师芭比You came with a horse.买芭比还附赠马一只No.不行Out, horse, bad! Bad horse.出去小马不乖哦大坏马Chestnut.栗宝No need to yell, he's a champion.没必要嚷它它可是冠军马Champion stink bomb.米田共臭度也是冠军It's smelling pretty ripe out in that yard.整个院子臭味四溢That's not Chestnut, that's Brooklyn.这不关栗宝的事布鲁克林本来就这味儿Okay, well, I'm watching "The Champion"好吧我现在就看见"冠军马"drop some steaming hot "Brooklyn" right now.拉出几坨热气腾腾的"布鲁克林"呢Max, I've been thinking about how you completely overreacted 麦克斯对于把名字写在板子上这件事to your name up on the specials board.我觉得你有点反应过大了Do you think it's a fear of success?你觉得那是对成功的恐惧吗I am too poor to have a fear of success.我穷到恐惧不起成功At Wharton Business School, we learned我在沃顿商学院学过that every new venture can bring up a certain amount of fear.但凡创业都会伴随着一定的恐惧Is there any way to do a yelp review of Wharton Business School? Yelp 美国最大点评网站我能去Yelp网上给沃顿点个差评之类的吗Maybe you're having a hard time imagining或许因为没人相信过你和你的梦想this cupcake business could ever even happen所以你才无法想象because nobody ever believed in you or your dreams.这个蛋糕事业会有实现的一天I'm guessing.我瞎猜的I can make this happen, Max.我能帮你美梦成真麦克斯For me, for you, for us.为了我为了你为了我们Just keep making those amazing cupcakes. 你就接着烘焙超好吃的小蛋糕And I'll do the rest till you believe.其他我来做做到你相信为止I believe everything you just said我"相信"你说的每一句话and that children are the future.我也"相信"孩子是未来的主人翁Max, it's me!麦克斯是我I know it's you.我知道是你You sleep with a knife under your pillow?你睡觉时枕头底下还藏把刀啊It's the only home security system I can afford.这是我唯一付得起的家庭安保项目And I'm a cutter.而且割腕儿童欢乐多嘛I can't sleep on that couch.那沙发我睡不了I think Ikea might be the Scandinavian word for sciatica. 我想 "宜家"是脊椎"移架"的意思吧And there's weird sounds in the street.而且大街上有奇怪的声音And I don't have my white noise machine.我也没带助眠白噪音机Well, that's Puerto Rican noise.只是波多黎各街头艺人在瞎吹奏嘛You'll get used to it.你听听就会习惯Can I just lay down here and get a little sleep?我能躺在这睡一会儿吗I don't even let the men I sleep with sleep with me. 我的男人都不准在这睡I can't get into your issues right now.你的心里毛病我现在没力医I just need to sleep!我只是想睡觉Fine, get in then.好吧钻进来吧What is that?这是什么Potato chips. I sleep-eat.薯片我边睡边吃Cool ranch and bacon?清凉牧场培根味Dude, they're delicious.拜托好吃到做梦也会笑Because of your breakup with Robbie?跟人分手就得自暴自弃吗Just get in.少废话快上来I have to be in the city to babysit in five hours. 我五个小时后得去市里给人看孩子呢Oh, great, you're like a nightlight.天啊你就像盏灯You're so blonde.金发亮得真晃眼Thank you.多谢夸奖Max, someone's in the living room.麦克斯有人进了客厅Max, someone's in the bedroom!麦克斯有人进了卧室Robbie!罗比What's up, babe?怎么了宝贝Robbie, what are you doing here?罗比你来这儿干嘛We broke up.我们已经分手了Still?还分着啊Yes, still. You hit on me.没错还分着你调戏我And then she caught you with someone else 然后她还发现你和别人in these very sheets.在这张床上滚床单Which I'm hoping she washed.希望你洗过这床单了Oh, I get it.我懂了You blew me off 'cause you like the ladies.你跟我分手是因为你喜欢女人Which is cool. I like the ladies, too.没关系我也喜欢女人And right now, it's the two ladies I like. 而现在床上的两个女人我都喜欢Robbie, if I were gonna go lesbian,罗比如果我要玩百合情she would be the last "les" I'd "bian." 她是我最不可能"合"的那位Listen, babe--听我说宝贝You really hurt her.你伤她很深Stop.闭嘴She sleep-eats trans fats thanks to you. 都是你弄的她边睡边吃垃圾食品Here, stuff all of these in your mouth.给把这些都塞进你嘴巴里Got it, your thing. I'll be quiet.收到你的事我闭嘴就是了Robbie, this isn't cool at all.罗比这样是不对的Showing up here after what you did?你都做出那种事了怎么还有脸回来You go, girl.说得好姐妹I have something to say to you and you had better listen. 我说的话你最好给我听清楚What are you, the relationship ghost?你这算什么恋情背后灵吗Robbie, just go!罗比你走吧I can't say what I need to in front of the relationship ghost. 在恋情背后灵面前事请不好谈I'll call you to come get your stuff我会打电话叫你来拿东西and we can talk then.到时候再谈吧Leave the key.把钥匙留下Straight up, Max, you're breaking my heart.坦白说麦克斯你伤了我的心You're the only woman that I feel this way about. 你是我唯一深爱的女人Here.给Ladies, I don't know what's going on here,女士们我不知道你们俩在搞啥but it would've been a lot sexier if I was in it.要是有我一定更高潮迭起Are you okay?你没事吧If you wanna talk, I'm here.如果你想倾诉我就在这儿Can I get a hit off that?我能尝一口吗You think these are good?你觉得这就算好吃吗God, we're poor.天啊我们真穷Morning!早安It's a beautiful day.真是美好的一天These shades belong down.这些帘子的职责就是遮挡阳光From now on, think of me as a vampire 从现在开始把我当作without all the annoying marketing.不用看我行销的吸血鬼Bad news.坏消息A pipe broke in the street so the water's off.这街的水管坏了所以今天断水Good news, when I went out to get us two coffees,好消息是我出去给咱俩买咖啡时I spoke to Juan and Javier, two city workers.两个市政工人胡安和哈维尔告诉我And they assured me the water'll be on no later than 3:00. 最晚下午三点就会恢复供水I also stopped at the health food store我还去健康食品店and got us a fresh-squeezed juice to split.给咱俩买了一杯鲜榨果汁来分着喝It's ginger-apple-strawberry.是生姜苹果草莓味的哦That was the name of the hooker这屋子上一位租客的who had this apartment before me.卖淫艺名就是这个What is this?这是什么From me.我给你的It says "Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed last night." 上面写道谢谢昨晚让我睡你的床I prefer my usual cash on the bedside table.在我床头柜上留点钱我会更喜欢When I went to the cute coffee place,我在那家可爱的咖啡店时I spoke to the counter girl, Nabulangi--我跟柜台的女孩娜不浪鸡聊了会儿If someone named Nabulangi is making an appearance听以名叫娜不浪鸡的人开场的事情in the first sentence, I have to sit down.请容我坐好再听And she said her manager'll be in at 11:00.她说她的经理十一点会来店里So I thought I'd chanel it up,所以我想我得换上香奈儿walk on over there,然后美美地走到那儿introduce myself and your fabulous cupcakes.介绍自己和你美味的小蛋糕That's exactly what I was gonna do.我"真"的有打算这么做呢I'm just gonna go say good-bye to Chestnut and get going. 我去跟栗宝道个别就走You know, having only one cute outfit跟你说哦只有一件见得人的衣服takes hours off getting dressed.省了好几个小时的挑衣时间呢Oh. That is a lot of fresh Brooklyn.哇外面好多新出炉的"布鲁克林"Morning, Chestnut.早安栗宝It's a beautiful--今天真是美好的...No. Way.不会吧Look, Chanel Number Two. 哇屎奈儿Tell me it's mud.告诉我这是泥T-tell me it's mud.快告诉我这是泥It's mud?不是屎吗What is that?这是什么A carrot?胡萝卜吗There's carrots in the mud?泥里怎么会有胡萝卜There's no water.没水Oh, get it off me, please.帮我弄掉拜托Please do something.帮帮我Just get it off me, get it off me.快帮我弄掉帮我弄干净Stop!住手This is dry-clean only.这衣服只能干洗Max, please, please take me somewhere they have a hot shower, 麦克斯拜托带我去洗个热水澡吧I beg of you.我求您了Calm down, it's just mud.冷静不过是泥而已Max, please--麦克斯求你了Don't touch me!别碰我Thank you so much for taking me to shower你带我来你兼职的地方洗澡at your babysitting job.我感激不尽Well, I didn't have much of a choice.我也是被逼无奈You pulled the pillow knife on me.你都拿枕头刀来威胁我了I'll just introduce myself to your boss我会向主人介绍自己and tell her what happened.并说明情况Look, I don't want Peach to know you were here.我不想让琵琪知道我带你过来This is a job. Not a meet-and-greet.这是工作不是什么见面会Got it.明白You get in there, you take a five-minute shower, 我带你进去给你五分钟时间洗澡clean it up and go.整理干净就马上走人Fine, I'll hide in the hallway till she's gone.好我先躲走廊等她走了再进去No need, just follow me in.没必要跟着我进来就行She never really looks at me.她从来不正眼看我Morning!早安Hi, Max.早啊麦克斯Go!快去Hey, Peach.琵琪Uh, hair and makeup.梳妆打扮What's the big occasion?要出席什么场合吗Pilates.去练普拉提Max, good news.麦克斯好消息They found a way to make diamonds more sparkly? 人们发明了能让钻石更闪耀的方法吗I got Brad and Angelina a playdate我帮布莱德和安洁莉娜找到玩伴了with another set of twins in the building.是楼里的另一对双胞胎It starts in five minutes.五分钟后见面Cool, what are their names?不错他们叫什么6B.六楼B座Bye-bye, Brangelina.再见布莱洁莉娜Mommy loves you.妈咪爱你们Guys? Before you leave,伙计们走之前stop at this one.顺便帮整整这个Angelina could use a little help. 帮安洁莉娜整一下Contour that neck, she's a fatty.拿粉修修脖子吧她太肥了Peach, come on, that's baby fat.琵琪拜托婴儿肥很正常吧Still, kids can be cruel.可人家的孩子也是会以貌取人的呀Don't you listen to your mommy, Angelina. 别听你妈咪瞎说安洁莉娜She never eats.她自己老不吃东西Oh, no, she doesn't.对啊她自己不吃东西Here it is.做好了Caroline with an "E."有"王"字旁的卡洛"琳"I have your new and correct nametag.我帮你重新做了一个正确的名牌Oh, thank you, Han.谢谢你憨I've seen something I should not have.哎呀看到了不该看的东西I will just put correct nametag here on counter. 我把正确的名牌放在柜台了So sorry, but many thank yous.对不起但是谢谢你的"美好"What are you doing?你这是在干嘛I know you said you don't want it up there.我知道你不想被写上去But now that you see it...但现在亲眼看见成品了How does it feel?感觉如何It feels like you're not listening to me感觉就是你不听话at this job or at my other job.去哪都不听我话I said a five-minute shower and get out.我说给你五分钟洗完就快闪Did you take a nap at Peach's?你还在琵琪家睡了一觉The thread count was calling to me.是高档柔软的寝具勾引我Peach found blonde hairs in her bed琵琪在她床上发现金发and thought her husband was cheating on her.还以为她丈夫搞外遇呢Which he is, but that's not the point.他是有乱搞没错但这不重要You almost ruined a perfectly happy fake marriage, 你差点毁了人家貌合神离的婚姻and there are innocent children involved.而且还可能导致无辜孩子受罪Well, I have some good news.我有个好消息Look, it's Nabulangi.瞧那是娜不浪鸡I invited her in to taste your amazing cupcakes.我邀她来品尝你美味的小蛋糕And when she loves them, we'll have an in at her bakery. 只要她喜欢我们就能进驻她的面包房了- Come over and say hello.- No, I can't now.-过去跟她打声招呼吧 -不行我现在没空I wanna call Robbie before we get too busy.我要在忙得抽不开身前打电话给罗比Tell him when to come over and get his stuff.告诉他什么时候过来拿东西Max, wait.麦克斯等等No, don't distract me.别别打扰我I wanna sound cool and hot and all like,我想让声音听起来冷酷又性感"You can't have me anymore, sucka.""以后姐的身心你都得不到啦蠢蛋"Max--麦克斯Robbie, it's me.罗比是我Classy burp on your outgoing message.录留言信息还打嗝就你这么恶心Max, I--麦克斯我No.别吵I need you to come get your stuff tomorrow. 我想你明天过来拿东西I don't know how you've been surviving少了单杠和香体喷雾的日子without your chin-up bar and Axe body spray.想必是度日如年吧Max, hang up.麦克斯挂了吧I already called him.我打给他过了You called Robbie?你打给罗比了啊You've done so much for me.你为我做了这么多I wanted to do something for you, too.我也想帮你做点事So I called Robbie and I had him come over,所以我打电话给罗比让他过来and I gave him his stuff.把东西都还给他了Now you won't have to go through with all that mess. 这样省得再勾起你的伤心事And I think you'd be pleased, I really let him have it.而且我还帮你教训了他一顿开心吧What is with you and boundaries?你搞毛啊说好的界限呢You're in my bed, you're in my boss' bed,你不但挤上我的床还睡了我老板的床and now you go and call Robbie?现在你又擅自打电话给罗比You're like-- you're like your big-ass horse.你就像你就像你那头大屁股的马一样Charging in everywhere you don't belong.在别人的地盘肆意妄为I thought I was doing you a favor.我以为是在帮你个忙嘛In spite of what you say about the sounds I heard 那晚从你卧室传出的声音coming from your bedroom the other night,尽管你不愿意承认I know you're upset.我还是知道你很难过I was masturbating.姐当时在自慰I love my job.我爱死我的工作了I need to see you outside. Now.我们出去谈快Don't get involved with her.不要跟她扯上关系She takes money from the homeless. 她连流浪汉的钱都拿Not true, Bob's an investor.不是这样的鲍勃是投资者Be right back.马上回来Good cupcake, right?小蛋糕不错对吧Max, I don't know how smart that was,麦克斯有理智的人是绝对不会blowing by our only potential business contact.把我们唯一的潜在商业伙伴吓走You stole my breakup scene.你把我的分手场景偷走了The only remotely good thing about breaking up with a guy 跟男人分手仅有的乐趣就是is telling him how much better you are than him在还他东西的时候告诉他when you give him back his stuff.自己比他好个上千万倍I don't know if you noticed,我不知道你有没有注意到but my entertainment budget is pretty low我的娱乐预算超级有限and I was really looking forward to that.所以我可是相当期待这一幕And then you went and stole it.结果半路杀出个卡洛琳But I guess you couldn't help it,但我猜你是情不自禁'cause that's what you channings do, you steal things. 你们钱宁家都是一路货色偷东西的惯犯Interesting.有意思Okay, you wanted a breakup scene?好吧你这么想要分手场景You're in one.我现在还一个给你I'm breaking up with you.我要跟你分手Oh, okay.好啊The cupcake business is over, the dream is dead.蛋糕事业终止梦想已死Oh, I'm sure Nabulangi will be devastated.我肯定娜不浪鸡会很震惊的I don't need you or your cupcakes to survive.我不需要靠你或你的蛋糕来生存I'll figure something else out.我会找到别的出路的Because, aside from your constant Wharton putdowns, 因为除了老被你瞧不起的沃顿学位I'm a business genius我还是个商业天才and I will always land on my feet.我一定会逢凶化吉的Oh, really?真的吗'Cause today you kind of landed on your front.今早你还丰胸化屎呢We're done.我们玩完了After work tonight, I'll get my things and be gone.今晚工作结束后我会打包走人的Ooh, you gonna load up your dream-filled wheelie bag 你要拖着你满载梦想的小拖轮箱and ride away on Sir muds-a-lot?骑着屎粑粑爵士离开了吗Go ahead. Be as negative as you want.尽管嘲笑我吧想多消极就多消极'Cause you're in charge of your own future again.你的未来你自己看着办吧Oh, joke's on you. I don't have a future.白痴我穷得没未来Max...麦克斯Are you up?你醒着吗No.不Max, are you mad?麦克斯你生气啦Yes.是Are you up and mad?你醒着生气呢No and yes.不是Oh, your bed's so soft.你的床好软啊That's my boob.那是我的胸I know I moved out, but I came back.我是搬走了但我又回来了I took the rest of our dead dream money我把咱们死去梦想的余钱拿走了and bought some cocktails for myself and some people. 然后买了几杯鸡尾酒给自己和其他人And myself.和自己Did you bring me back any of those? 那你有外带给我吗'Cause I can't listen to this sober.不先喝醉我听不下你念叨Max...麦克斯I have nothing.我一无所有I really need the cupcake business. 我真的很需要这个蛋糕事业I can be different.我会改的No, you can't.不你不会No, I can't.嗯我不会But I can be better.但我可以进步一点Please?求你了Please, let's do this.求你了咱们放手去做吧I know you have a fear of success.我知道你对成功有恐惧You do, because no one ever believed in your dreams. 你之所以这样是因为没人相信你的梦想But I believe in your dreams.但我相信We have a dream.我们有个梦想God, you are so drunk.天啊你好醉So you probably won't even remember this.所以你估计不会记得这段话I'm sorry I said that stuff about your father.。



破产姐妹经典中英台词破产姐妹经典中英台词1、And everybody hates everything with the exception,of angelina jolie,who is totally awesome.每个人都讨厌所有的一切,但就是不讨厌安吉丽娜·朱丽,她人实在太好。

2、Sometimes when you think the sky is about to fall down, you might be standing tilted!有时候你以为天要塌下来了,其实是自己站歪了!3、You can't always help who you are attracted to.有时候人们就是会控制不住喜欢谁。

4、Why do you even have a phone if you're not gonna pick it up?你要是都不接电话,你要手机来干嘛?5、When you don't have enough money to fix your own mistakes, you've make your own magic.当你没钱弥补你犯下的错误时,那就得靠自己创造奇迹。

6、How will you ever live with the shame?犯下奇耻大辱,你以后还怎么做人呀?7、Why are the hot ones always gay?为什么长得帅的都是gay?8、People who hate you, but can't kill you. That's what family is.亲人就是恨你却又不能杀你的人。

9、If I have to strip, I have to strip.君要臣脱,臣不得不脱。

10、Everyone's as judgmental as me.大家全都爱吐槽。


Rule number four -- the dying patient better not be dead when I get there.
Not only will you have killed someone, you would have woke me for no good reason. We clear?
Hi, I'm Isobel Stevens, but everyone calls me "Izzie."
I have five rules. Memorize them.
Rule number one -- don't bother sucking up. I already hate you. That's not gonna change.
Righty, whity -- smoke over fire.
A large-bore I.V. Don't let the blood hemolyze. Let's go!
What do we have? A wet fish on dry land.
Absolutely, Dr. Burke.
Meredith, get katie for a C.T.
She's your responsibility now.
Wait. What about me?
Honey, you get to do rectal exams.
What are you doing here?
Katie Bryce's labs came out clear. There's nothing in the results that explain her seizures.



第一集Dr. Greene?What is it?什么事?Patient for you, Dr. Greene.Can't the intern take it?No, it's for you.What time is it?Five o'clock.All right.Can't the intern take it?It's Dr. Ross.Dr. Ross.I'll be right e on, Doug. Markie-boy! Did I wake you up?Yes, you did.You are a real friend, I want you to know that. That's all right.Real friend.,Yeah.Do we have a room?Room 3 is free.Room three is free!Three is free. Free for three.Yeah.Here we e on, Doug.All right, I gotcha.But come ye back.When summer's in the meadow...I can't tell you...how much I appreciate this, Mark.I'm a little under the weather.Yeah, here you go.D5, NS. I need the dextrose.Give him 600 of ASA.Aspirin. I almost forgot aspirin.So anyway...she says to me, she says...I didn't know that pediatricians could be so sexy. And I said, "Honey, you ain't seen nothing yet. "All right. Give me the fast drip. I need the hydration.Don't worry, Doug. Just lie back.How's your beautiful wife? How's Jennifer?She's fine, really.You two settle your problems?Yeah, yeah, everything's okay.Hate to lose you in the ER, you know.Lie back.I am.I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. Really do.Here's your aspirin.Give him 2000cc's in a fast drip.Keep an eye on it, don't let it run dry.Does he always do this?Only on his nights off.I'm going to bed. Wake me at 6:30.Doctor Greene?Doctor Greene? Mark!What is it?Can I give Mrs. Williston more Demerol? She's complaining of pain.50 milligrams, IM.Thanks, Mark.Dr. Greene!What is it?6:30, Dr. Greene.Hey, Timmy.Morning, Dr. Lewis.Oh, Dr. Lewis!Thank you.Good morning, Dr. Benton.Hey, Jerry.Morning, doctor.This was the scene at 6:15 this morning...in the Loop where a building collapsed during construction.You got any estimate on the injuries?How long before they arrive?At least 12 people injured and 2 dead.Oh, yeah? That soon?What's up, Timmy?Hey, Dr. Benton.Notify trauma. They got an accident in the Loop.Twelve injuries, seven critical.Good day for us surgeons.Williston in Room 4 needs a CBC.The man in 5 is a rule-out MI,waiting for cardiac enzymes and another 12 leads in.Dr. Ross, he's in 3, sleeping it off.Why don't you wake him and get him out of there.Nine, I need a uric acid...You know what this is all about?Building collapsed in the Loop. They're sending us a dozen hot ones.Yeah, well, who's on?Just us.Okay, forget all that.Call Susan Lewis. Call the 7th and 8th floor.Tell them we need anybody they can spare.Why don't you do that now.Okay.Take him to Trauma Room 2.What's your name, sir? Can you tell me your name?Next to 3. That way.Which way?That way!Surgical 1. Down to the end, on the right. Last door on the right.What's your name, sir?It's Wilson.What is your address?Mr. Wilson?Get it later.Let's go. Let's bring him in.And on my count. On three. One, two, three!How you doing, sir?Don't worry. Everything will be fine.Sorry about the suit.So is it just your hand?Come on, let's have a look. Light?Light! Let's move.Have nice, pleasant thoughts. Everything will be fine.Let's have a CBC, type and cross-match.We got a pre-op here.Notify the O.R., get us a room.Call Vascular and call Orthopedic. Tell them to come down now.This is their lucky day.Mr. Wilson, your hand is still attached.Not by much, but it's gonna be okay.Give me an EKG and X-ray of his chest, wrist and hand.Mr. Wilson, can you feel anything in your hand?No.We are gonna save your hand, don't worry about a thing, okay?Clear!Mr. Jackson, where does it hurt?Where does it hurt, Mr. Jackson?Does it hurt when you breathe in?Have you been coughing up any blood?Okay, let me take a listen.Dr. Lewis!Okay. Where are we taking him?Do you have any pain in your head?No.How about your neck? Any pain here?No.06:53.75,0:06:54.70,没有What I want you to do now...I want you to tell me if it hurts you when you breathe.No.I don't get a BP.Start two large bore IVs. Saline, wide open.用大口径针头开放两条静脉通路生理盐水快速静滴Type and cross for 10 units,血型和交叉配血10个单位get me 4 units of O-negative down there, stat.给我四单位Rh阴性O型血要快Drop an NG tube and get Dr. Benton in here.插鼻胃管叫Benton医生过来This is no place for a pediatrician.No sensation: radial, median or ulnar.桡神经正中神经和尺神经都没有知觉No pulses. Color and temperature as you see.没有脉搏血色和体温正如你看到的He's gotten 500cc's saline.生理盐水Crit's 32-5, type and cross-match sent.血细胞比容32.5% 已送去做血型和交叉配血,X- ray's waiting. And the O.R. says they'll have a room in 10 minutes.正等候X光片结果手术室会在十分钟内准备好Okay, let's get him out of here.So...you think you can save the hand?It looks good. I think so.Good. I told him youcould, so he's counting on you.Peter, you're a smart-ass.你真是个自以为是的家伙You'd love to do this case yourself, wouldn't you?Yeah.I'm ready, I'm strong...yeah, I could do it.You're a resident, Peter.You're years from a case like this.How many fingers?Three.What's your name?Jeff Barr.,Where are you?Cook County General.库克县综合医院What's today?,St. Patrick's Day.圣帕特里克节You're fine.Get a set of facial bones.给他拍一组面颅X光片You're gonna be just fine, Mr. Barr.You're beautiful, doc.Thank you.You married?No, I'm a doctor.Then, listen...Take it easy, Mr. Barr.You wouldn't want to fall on your face twice in one day.免得一天连摔两次狗吃屎How much did she vomit?A couple hundred cc's all over Dr. Ross.好几百毫升全吐在Ross医生身上了Okay, ma'am, would you please take a deep breath?Good. Now another. Any pain there?Okay, how about here?Okay, Okay. It's Okay.Call the O.R., get a room.What is her crit?她的血细胞比容是多少?23.Wait a minute. Here we go!No pulse. She's coded. Code blue!医院急救代码分为多种颜色\N其中蓝色代表病人呼吸或心跳骤停需要急救没有脉搏她室颤了蓝色代码!Call the time, it just happened.记一下时间才刚发生的8:37.All right, paddles. Let's go, people.好除颤仪来吧各位That's a shockable rhythm.,这个心率可以电了Let's move! Here we go.Nice and easy.Clear!No response.Get me an amp of epi and a hundred lidocaine.注入一安瓿肾上腺素100毫克利多卡因Let's move it, now. Come on. Here we go.Okay, what have we got here? Where are the paramedics?什么情况? 救护人员在哪里?Get his clothes e on, get his clothes off him.Give me something. I can't stand it!We'll give you something for the pain. Just hold on.Notify the orthopods, we have an open fracture.Okay, Susan.Give him tetanus and 5 of morphine right away.马上给他打破伤风疫苗和五毫克吗啡Does it hurt anywhere else?My knee.Might need a help?Yeah, check his knee.Here we go.Dr. Benton, we got patients on surgical 2 and 3.One of them looks bad.Well that's fine, but this woman's heart has stopped and she needs it pretty badly. Call the AR.Other reds are in surgery.其他住院医师都在动手术Well, get them out of surgery. Can't you see I'm busy?Time?Two e on, sweetheart. You make us a little nervous here.Okay, paddles. Let's go.,Clear.Is that a blip?是不是跳了一下?Recharging.There it e e on back to us.Keep it pumping. Keep it pumping. I think she's coming back.I think she's coming back, Taylor.Bring her back for me, e on back to us. Come on, baby. Yes!That one to Trauma 3.That's down the hall and to the left.Call Pathology. We got a customer who isn't going to be charged for services.病理学家负责验尸确定病人死因通知病理科有个不用付钱的顾客The name's Canelli.Canelli? Looking for relatives of Robert Canelli.Right here.I'm his son.Hi, I'm Mark Greene.My father, he's...Your father was in an accident today, Mr. Caneili. You know that?e with me, please.No, just tell me. He's here, right? Just tell me.Mr. Canelli, your father had a heart attack...and we were unable to revive him. I'm sorry.You bastard! You bastards!你这混蛋! 你们这些混蛋!You're sorry?Come over here.The morphine should make you feel a little better.And we'll have you in the O.R. in no time, okay?Any others?No, that's it.That's it?Yeah. Last two were DOA.嗯最后那两个是「院前死亡」That's it.Yeah, for now.Orderly, please bring a wheelchair to Admitting.What happened to Ross?He went to change.Somebody threw up on him.That lady.The lady who arrested?Yeah.She make it?We got her going again.She's got a junctional rhythm, but she's going.出现交接区性逸搏心律但总算是恢复心跳了What about that guy's hand?They're still in surgery.还在手术中They're gonna be working all day on that one.Hey, anybody want any coffee?Yeah, I do.How do you take it?Same as yesterday and the day before that.And they call me a smart-ass.You get any sleep last night?About an hour.damn it! The nurses have been in here raiding the coffee againWhy don't they just make their own?I'm gonna tell their boss.Never mind.Okay. Never mind.Aren't we supposed to be getting some new students today?Yeah, I think so.I hope they're good. The last two were really hopeless.Something wrong?Oh, you bet there is.We're out of coffee again because the nurses have been taking it.That's what's wrong.Make some more.Make some more?We work 36 hours on, 18 off...which is 90 hours a week, 52 weeks a year.For that we are paid $23,739 before taxes.And we also have to make the coffee?My heart is breaking.Where are the filters?In the refrigerator.Dr. Greene, your wife is waiting in the cafeteria.Damn it!Everything's fine.Morning, Dr. Greene.Hey, Mom! Look!Two more bites, baby.Please?Then you're done.Hi, Rachel.Hey, Dad, look!Oh, look!Grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast.早餐吃烤起司三明治,I gave in. What can I say?You're late.Sorry, we had a big one. A building collapsed.Mommy's reading about tarts.Torts.Are you getting any sleep? I'm okay.You look tired.Yeah, Dad. You look tired.Oh, I do, do I?Are you gonna finish that?You mind if I eat it?Dr. Harris' office called to confirm your meeting.Oh, jeez! That was today.You can still go, right?Yeah, yeah. I guess.You're not gonna forget or get too busy?I'll go.What's so funny?You know you're gonna hate it.Maybe not.At least there the patients don't throw up on you.Who threw up?Nobody threw up.It's just that between your hours and my studying...I feel like we'd never get to see each other anymore.I'll go meet Harris today, okay?Okay.I just hope you like it.Oh no, would you look at this?It's the first tailored white coat I've ever seen.我还是第一次看到量身定做的白大褂Isn't he lovely?Lovely.Think he knows anything?He knows how to dress.Well, he's my student. I'll find out.John Carter?Yes, sir.Peter BentonYou the surgical student.Yep, third year.Good. We're gonna be spending a lot of time together,so let me show you around so you'll be oriented.This is the Admitting desk,if you need someone paged or a chart called up, you do it here.This is Timmy. Don't shake his hand. He's afraid of disease.This is the way to the lab.We do crits, counts, spin-downs.血细胞比容各种计数分析和液体分离都在这里做Chemistries are marked with these slips and left them at the front desk.化验申请单要写在这些纸条上放在前台Mark everything "stat" whether you want it fast or not.不管急不急用都标上「特急」The chem lab is 7022.The heme lab is 6944. Memorize it.Everybody gets an IV the minutes they walk through the door.每个进来的病人都要马上建立静脉通路Use an angiocath with a 16 needle.用16号针头的静脉留置针You need a large bore in case they are bleeding and you need to transfuse them.用大口径针头以便为失血的病人输血Do you know how to start an IV?Actually, no.I thought you were third year?I am, but all I've done are dermatology and psychiatryThe well-dressed specialties, huh?You'll find that surgeons actually try to help people, not just bill them.Now the best way to do this is to pull the skin tight so the veins don't roll, and go in low.Once you're in, pull the gizmo out and hook it up to here.This is Carol Hathaway, the head nurse.John Carter.She's terrific, isn't she?很漂亮是吧?She goes with an orthopod that used to be她的恋人是个矫形外科医生a Big Ten tackle and looks like King Kong.十大联盟: 美国中西部为主的14所大学组成的体育竞技联盟和分区联赛\N截锋: 美式足球中负责保护四分卫的球员以前是十大联盟的截锋长得像金刚Now, what you want to is you want to tape it,好现在贴上胶布作固定Moderate flow, two or three drips per second.中等流量每秒两到三滴That's it. That's all there is to it. Okay?Okay.All along here you have the medical examining rooms.It's where the pill-pushers kill their victims.But this...this is the surgical room.This is where the real action is.We use this phone to call the O.R., 6440.我们用这个电话打给手术室号码是6440X- ray is around the corner. They're a bunch of idiots.X光室就在那里他们都是一群白痴They scare the patients and make them wait too long.吓唬病人又让病人等很久,So whenever you can, make sure you go with the patients to X-ray.Don't let them get scared. Don't let them get hurt.Here's Dr. Morgenstern. He's the head of ER.Watch out, he eats students for lunch.小心他会把学生当午餐吃掉David Morgenstern.John Carter.When did that severed hand go up?那个手断掉的是什么时候上去的?A vascular took it up an hour ago. I just hope they can do it right.血管外科一个小时前送他上去了希望他们好好处理Dr. Benton is one of the best residents we have.You learn everything you can from him.Except attitude.He didn't mean that.Yes, he did.You room will be down here. That's where you'll sew people up.你的房间就在前面是缝合病人的地方Do you know how to suture?你会缝合吗?No. Okay, I'll teach you.Do we have anyone to sew up?How would I know?I love this great spirit of camaraderie. Everyone wants to help我最喜欢这种同事爱了人人都想帮忙Okay, here's the suture room. Let's see.这里就是缝合室了我们来看看Good morning, ma'am. I'm Dr. Benton. This is Dr. Carter.Good morning.Let's have a look.How'd you do this?Broke one of the breakfast dishes.Don't worry. We'll have you fixed up right away.Now, can you feel this?Yes.Can you move your finger?Of course! It's just a cut!Dr. Benton, we have a policeman coming in with a gunshot wound to the lower extremity.Put him in Room 2, notify X-ray. I'll be right there.Now, here's all your stuff.Ask the patient if she's allergicto the locals or any drugs.This is lidocaine, but call it Novocaine. They've heard of that.这是利多卡因但最好叫作奴佛卡因他们都听过Ma'am, are you allergic to Novocaine?My teeth are okay.奴佛卡因: 口腔科常用的局部麻醉药物No reactions, rashes, anything?No, of course not.Now, you inject both sides of the wound, expelling as you go.And then you have to put on surgical gloves by yourself.然后自己戴上无菌手套You know how to do that, don't you?Great. Here we go.Here you go, Dr. Ross.Thank you, Nance.Dr. Ross.Hi, Tracy Young. I'm your third-year student.Hello, Tracy Young. It's nice to meet you.Listen, for the next few days, we're gonna be working very closely together...Well, not that closely, Dr. Ross, but I'll do my best to help you out.其实也没那么紧密Ross医生但我会尽力协助你So, if you'll tell me what to do, I'd like to get started.Just trying to be friendly.I've got all the friends I need, thanks.Shall we get started?Yeah.Now, evert the wound edges and space them 提起皮肤边缘要留间隔because the tissues will be swelling over the next 48 hours.因为组织会在未来48小时内肿起来Space them the way that you see here.像这样留间隔Dr. Benton, the policeman's here.Okay, I'm coming. Here, you finish.Okay, this isn't going to hurt at all.Now, can you tell me what happened, Billy?The school sent him home. They said he vomited blood.19:59.11,0:20:02.36,学校让他回家说他吐血了Can you tell me how it happened, Billy?He's a very high-strung child, always has been, very tense, very nervous.他是个很神经质的孩子一直都很紧绷很紧张Mrs. Logan, maybe you better wait outside while I examine your son.Why?It's just a procedure.只是例行检查而已Well I think I should be here.I'm worried about Billy. He needs me.Please wait outside.Look, doctor, I don't know who you think you are,but this is my son and I want to be here when he needs me.He's very high-strung!他很神经质的!Mrs. Logan, you're absolutely right.You love your son, and you want to see him treated as soon as possible.So it's best...if you have a seat outside here. And we'll be right with you.It's okay.Hey, kiddo. All right.嘿小子Did you vomit blood, Billy?Do you have any pain?Okay, can you point to the pain?Right in here.Have you vomited blood before?Many times?Okay.First eight-year-old ulcer patient I've seen.You still here? You think you're doing a Sistine Chapel?西斯廷教堂: 位于梵蒂冈始建于1445年直到1481年才完工你还在这里啊? 你以为你在盖西斯廷教堂吗?Finish her up, start an IV in Room 2.,Bye, ma'am.Nurse, could you bandage this for me please?Thank you, doctor.You're very welcome.When do I come to have my stitches out?Three weeks.When my son had stitches in his foot they said ten days.Really? Well, ten days, three weeks. Any time in there, okay?We need an anesthesiologist to ICU.Please report to the ICU, stat.请马上到重症监护病房报到250 mg Rocephin I.M. for the gentleman in Room 4给四号房那位男士肌注250毫克头孢曲松钠and remind him he has to come back in two days. Thank you.Right.Hey Carol, are we out of oral ampicillin?没有口服用的氨苄西林吗?Yeah, we ordered some yesterday. Call down again?没有了昨天订了一些再问问看?Hey Carol, Dr. Greene wants to know if we have any more Lasix...Carol Greene医生问还有没有速尿...We were out an hour ago.一个小时前就没有了Hey Carol, Dr. Ross wants to know if we have any PKU cards.苯丙酮尿症Phenylketonuria (PKU) 是一种可遗传的氨基酸代谢缺陷美国所有的初生婴儿都要接受PKU测试\N方法是用针刺婴儿足根末梢滴血在测试卡上卡片颜色转变代表有该病症Tell him no. He's gonna have to try and get a blue-top from the baby.告诉他没有了他得试着从婴儿身上抽血He says he can't get it.另一个测试方法是从婴儿足根末梢抽取血液样本\N放进蓝色盖子(blue-top)的试管送到实验室作化验分析Carol, are you sure that you don't have a PKU card你确定你那堆特别的宝藏里tucked away in that special stash of yours?没有藏着任何PKU 测试卡吗?Like this?I can always count on you. Even if you do prefer football players.You had your chance.I was young. I was a fool!You're still a fool.You happen to know what is the worst paying medical specialty?Pediatrics?You were right the first time.Hey Carol, did that Lasix come up yet? Because we need it now!Good morning. I'm Dr. Carter. What seems to be the problem?What's it look like? I shot myself in the freaking leg.Oh.Well...we'll have you fixed up in no time.You guys keep saying that.But first, we have to start a little IV.Just hurry it up, okay?Yes, sir.Hey!Oh, excuse me. Sorry.Okay.I tell you, I wanted to belt her in the mouth. I really did.我真想抽她的嘴真的Then I go and shootmyself in the leg.Well, these things happen.I bet you see a lot of stuff working in a place like this.你在这种地方工作看过的肯定不少,Yeah.,Oh, yeah. All the time.Okay.Look, doc, you don't mind my asking, have you done this before?医生我就问问...你之前有做过这个吗?Officer, I'd hate to tell you how often I've done this before.Okay, you're gonna feel a little e on, it wasn't that bad.But we missed the vein.We gonna have to try this one more time.My wife's not that bad.We don't argue that much. Just once in a while.I mean in this case it's lucky I didn't kill her. Right? I mean...Oh, man!I'm afraid we missed again.We'll have to try this one more time.You have very tough veins.My wife,...is a very beautiful woman.I mean, I'm not proud of beating up any woman.I mean even when she's asking for it. But just sometimes...I mean in this case, it's lucky I didn't throw her through the wall and break her neck!I got it. Don't move.,Don't move!It's in the vein. Just do not move at all.There you go, officer. You got yourself an IV!Everything's gonna be fine now.Can I move?Yeah, sure, move around. You're fine.Well, that's about all I can do for you for the moment.They're gonna be coming and take you to X-ray soon, and then to surgery.Surgery?Yeah, but believe me...the worst is over.This happened when you woke up?..你醒来就这样了?..Yes when I got out of bed...对起床就这样了..And are you seeing double now?..你现在看东西还有重影吗?..No...没有了..How many fingers?..多少根手指?..Three...三根..Have you had any trouble with your eyes before?..以前眼睛有出过毛病吗?..No never...没有从来没有..Did you have any pain while you're seeing double?..看到重影的时候有觉得痛吗?..Headache? Trouble with your balance?..头痛呢? 平衡感失调?..Funny taste in your mouth? Flashing spots before you eyes?..嘴巴有怪味? 眼前有白点?..Weakness in your arms and legs?..四肢无力?..No none of those things. Never...都没有从来没有..I'll tell you Mr. Ervin I can call a neurologist to go over you.....Ervin先生我可以请神经科医师来为你检查.....but that'll cost you another $...但那得花两百美元..If you don't have any symptoms now I'd leave well enough alone...如果你现在并没有任何症状我就先不作处理e back if you have any further trouble...有什么问题你再来..Who's next?..下一个是谁?..You're just saying that because I'm black...因为我是黑人你才会这么说..Just trying to save you some money Mr. Ervin...只是想替你省点钱Ervin先生..I know you don't have insurance...我知道你没有保险..You wouldn't talk like this if I wasn't black...如果我不是黑人你不会这样跟我说话..You're Jewish right?..你是犹太人吧?..Call a neuro consult for Mr. Ervin..为Ervin先生安排神经科会诊 transient diplopia and bill him...主诉写暂时性复视然后给他开账单..Hello hello somebody! Hello!..有人吗? 来人啊!..What is it?..什么事?..I got a lady pregnant in my cab outside...注解这一句在字面上也有「我在出租车上让一个女人怀孕了」的意思..我的出租车上有个孕妇在外面..Why'd you do that?..你干嘛让她怀孕?..Look we don't do deliveries here I'm sorry...抱歉我们这里不接生的..You have to take her up to OB...你得送她上去产科..She's gonna have a baby whether you deliver it or not...你们接不接她都要生了..Hey you busy?..你忙吗?..No...不忙..Why don't you come with me?..那你跟我来吧..Get us an OB nurse...找个产科护士来..Okay okay ma'am. Come on. Let's go...好好太太我们走吧..Let's get out okay? You're gonna be fine...出来吧你不会有事的..When did it start snowing?..什么时候开始下雪的?e on doctor give me a hand!..来帮个忙吧医生..All right ma'am up on the gurney. There you go...太太坐到轮床上去很好..Is this your first child?..这是你的第一胎吗?..No? No? Okay let's go...不是? 不是? 好走吧..It's starting it's coming!..开始了来了!..Hold the head in. We don't want her to deliver in the hallway...按住婴儿的头别让她在走廊分娩..Put your hand between her legs and hold the head in...把手放在她两腿之间按住婴儿的头..Keep breathing ma'am. Blow through the pain blow through the pain...保持呼吸太太大口喘气会没那么痛..Get me Anesthesia call the pediatrician. Hook up those stirrups...准备麻醉叫小儿科医师来架好产床脚蹬..You doing an episiotomy?..注解会阴切开手术在会阴部切口扩大产道以便胎儿娩出及避免阴部撕裂..你要做会阴切开?..I don't have time. She's already crowning...注解胎头着冠子宫收缩间歇期胎头不再回缩..没时间了已经胎头着冠了..Blow through the pain ma'am. Blow through the pain...大口喘气太太大口喘气..Blow through the pain. That's right...大口喘气就是这样..What should I do?..我该怎么做?..Just what you're doing doctor...继续按住就行了医生..Is it snowing out there?..外面在下雪吗?..When I'm done scrubbing I'll take over and you can scrub...我洗完就接手换你洗..Where's the OB resident?..产科住院医师呢?..They're on call doctor...他们都在待命了医生..You want a gown?..你要穿手术衣吗?..I don't think I'm gonna have time...我想应该没那个时间了..I have to catch this one anyway I can...怎么来我就怎么接吧..No kidding...真的吗..All right dear. You're gonna be just fine...好亲爱的你不会有事的..You just have to blow okay? Blow...你只管喘气就好可以吗? 喘气..Is it snowing?..在下雪吗?..Yeah it's snowing...对在下雪..Snowing on March th. This is unbelievable...三月飞霜真是难以置信..It's okay ma'am. You're going to be just fine...没事的太太你不会有事的..Okay okay. Let me take over. There we go...好让我接手吧来吧..Okay ma'am we're gonna push on the next one okay?..好太太下一次阵痛你就用力可以吗?..One two three.....一二三..Okay one more. This is it. This is the one...好再一次来了就是这一次了..And push push push.....用力用力用力..Okay one more push. We're gonna get him out. Here we go...好再用力一次我们会把孩子弄出来的来吧..One two three push push. Good good good...一二三用力用力很好..Shoulders are clear...肩膀出來了..You have a beautiful little boy...是个漂亮的小男孩..Clamp...钳子..There you go...你看..He's a cutie-pie...他真是个小可爱..Yes he is. You did a good job there...真的你做得很好..Dr. Carter. You have suture cases waiting for you...Carter医生有三个需要缝合的病人在等你..You're not on the medical services. These people don't need your help...你不要到处插手这些人不需要你帮倒忙..They can botch things up on their own. Come on let's get cracking...他们自己就能把事情搞砸来吧快点..Patient Martin Jonathan...病人姓名Martin Jonathan..Anterior and lateral right lower extremity...右下肢的前外侧..Femur articulation.....股骨关节.....patella tibia fibula all appear normal...髌骨胫骨腓骨看来全都正常..There's a radiolucent density in the soft tissue.....腓骨中段骨的淺表软组织.....superficial to the mid-shaft of fibula...有一个低密度影..A bullet. A bullet is what it's called Steve. A bullet...这就叫做子弹Steve 一颗子弹..There is no apparent fragmentation of the foreign body...该异物没有明显的碎裂痕迹..Distal tibia and fibula all appear within.....远端胫骨和腓骨看来全都e on Steve!..得了吧Steve!.....normal limits......在正常范围内..Impression Foreign body in the right lower extremity.....影像诊断右下肢里的异物........consistent with possible bullet...与子弹的特征一致..Is that it? Thank you...说完了? 谢谢..I'll take these...这些我都拿走了..There's a guy upstairs with a bullet in his leg..楼上有个腿部中弹的家伙..who'd like to go to the O.R. and have it out...正等着去手术室把子弹取出来呢..Sure you're not feeling any pain?..你确定都不痛?..No pain here in your back?..背部这边不痛?..No...不痛..You know what?..你知道吗?..All you've got is a fracture to your ankle...你只是脚踝骨折了..Everything else is fine...其他地方都没事..All right now what's the story doc?..好好那详情如何啊医生?..Do I get worker's comp?..我能拿到工伤赔偿吗?..The story?..详情?..The story is you're still alive...详情就是「你还活着」..Great but I got a few bills and.....那很好可是我还有一些账单要付.....All right. There it is nice and red...好了看到了红通通的..He has Otitis media. You'll be fine...他得了中耳炎你会没事的..He'll be fine...他会没事的.. milligrams of oral amoxicillin for this fellow...给这个小家伙毫克口服用的阿莫西林..If he's not better by tomorrow morning give me a call...如果到了明天早上他还没有好转的话打给我..All right? It was nice to see you...好吗? 很高兴认识你..Nice to see you...很高兴认识你..Bye tiger...再见啦小老虎..He's very handsome...他很帥..He knows it...他自己也知道..That's right we got a UA and a sed rate for patient Rebecca Morton...没错病人Rebecca Morton的尿常规和红细胞沉降率..M-O-R-..M-O-R.....What do you mean? We sent this to you an hour ago!..你这是什么意思? 我们一个小时前就送过去了!..Don't give me that!..少给我来这一套!..It is and it was a stat determination...现在已经是点分了那还是个特急的测定..What're you guys doing down there picking your noses?..你们在下面都干什么去了? 挖鼻屎?..Chest pains two hours question AMl...持续胸痛两小时疑似急性心梗..Look I will talk to you any damn way I want to...我爱怎么说话就怎么说话..If I sent for a stat chemistry..如果我要求特急化验..I want it within an hour not sometime next month...我就要在一小时内收到结果而不是下个月..Oh yeah? We're a little busy here too...是吗? 我们这里也有点忙呢..When they start going to lunch things are really start slowing down...他们一去吃午饭进度就变慢..Everybody's all sewn up. What do you want me to do?..全部病人都缝合好了你有什么要我做的吗?..Go to lunch...去吃午饭..Actually I'm all right if there's something else that you want me to do...我没关系的如果你还有其他吩咐的话..Excuse me a minute...请稍等一下..Look.....听着.....Don't be a hero...别逞英雄..If I tell you to go to lunch you go...我叫你去吃饭你就去..It's a long time before dinner and you may be..还有很久才到晚饭时间.. too busy then to stop and eat okay?..到时候你又可能太忙没时间吃了明白吗?..You never know how long it's gonna be until your next meal..你永远不知道隔多久才能吃下一顿..so whenever you can you eat...所以能吃就吃..Now get the hell out of here. And don't take more than half an hour...快走不要吃超过半小时..Hi I'm Dr. Greene...你好我是Greene医生..What seems to be the trouble Mrs. O'Rourke?..O'Rourke太太您是哪里觉得不舒服呢?..I'm not Mrs. O'Rourke...我不是O'Rourke太太..Mrs. O'Rourke!..O'Rourke太太!..Is there a Mrs. O'Rourke here?..O'Rourke太太在吗?..Tyrone!..Tyrone!..What is it?..怎么了?..Crack dealer. Took shots from an Uzi...毒贩被人用乌兹冲锋枪射中了五枪..We need some muscle in here!..这里需要力气大的人来帮忙!..He's just a kid...他不过是个小孩..Thirteen...岁..Call security!..叫警卫来!..Why?..为什么?..I think the other gang members may come and try to finish him off...其他黑帮成员可能会来了结他..Let's keep it calm. Here we go...镇定一点来吧..This is Tracy Young in ER. I need someone in Trauma Room ...我是急诊室的Tracy Young 请派人到一号抢救室..Thanks...谢谢..Surgical 2. Turn right and down...二号外科诊室右转再往前走..Tell the surgeons we have a motorcycle accident coming in...通知外科医师有个摩托车车祸伤者要来..The guy wasn't wearing a helmet...那家伙没戴安全帽..Oh terrific. Those are stat labs...好极了那些是特急化验..I'm going across the street for a minute...我到对面去一下..Promised my wife I'd go to this appointment...答应了老婆我会赴约的..Can you get Susan to cover for me?..你能不能叫Susan顶替我一下?..Okay...好..No not there! Surgical ! Two!..不是那里! 二号外科诊室! 二号!..I'm Dr. Greene to see Dr. Harris...我是Greene医生来见Harris医生的..Everyone has a family Mark...Mark 每个人都有家庭..My wife wants to shop. Kids grow up...我老婆想买东西孩子们都长大了..You want a private school college. You gotta think about that...你想让他们念私立学校上大学你得考虑这些..Now the office for our next associate is here...这是我们下一位合伙人的办公室..As a junior man you'll do all calls..作为新人所有出诊都是你去..and weekends for a year or so...周末要上班为期一年左右pensation.....薪水........you'll start out at per year plus bonuses...年薪美元起跳还有奖金..Now the group has a condo in Jamaica and one in Aspen. Do you ski?..我们在牙买加和阿斯彭都有公寓你滑雪吗?..Haven't had the opportunity...还没有那个机会..Oh you should. It's a great sport...你该试试很棒的运动..A David Morgenstern tells me that.....有个叫David Morgenstern的人告诉我.....you're the sharpest guy the ER ever had...你是他们急诊室有史以来最敏锐的医生..But I'll tell you the ER is a young man's game...但我可以告诉你急诊室是年轻人的游戏..You think you're doing good but there's a lot to life.....你觉得你现在过得不错但人生还有很多别的东西........especially this one......尤其是你的人生..And we find the practice intellectually challenging.....我们也发现这个行业在知识上很具挑战性.....so we send our physicians to all the major conferences...所以我们送医师去参加大型会议st year Maui Paris Rome...去年就去了茂宜岛巴黎罗马..We're proud to practise the best possible medicine we can here...我们以提供最好的医疗服务为荣..Seems great...听起来很棒..You like this?..喜欢这里的设计吗?..We had Predock redesign it...注解安托内·普雷多克Antoine Predock 美国著名建筑大师..我们请普雷多克重新设计过的..We redesign every couple of years...我们每隔几年就重新设计..Keeps us looking fresh...好保持新鲜感..Terrific...真好..You have time for lunch?..有时间吃个饭吗?..We can go to the Crown Club. They have a great porcini pasta...我们可以去皇冠俱乐部那里的牛肝菌意面很棒..I gotta get back...我得回去了..No oil...不放油的哦..Sorry...抱歉..Melissa would you bring Dr. Greene's coat?..Melissa 可以帮Greene医生拿外套来吗?..Yes...好的..Maybe next week?..那下周再。

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破产姐妹第一季第一集Pick up! Tables 12, 4, 11.Got it.Hey, when you get a second,等你丫有空...stop looking at my boobs.Excuse me.WaitressDude小二Hi, what can I get ya—您好请问要点什么We need some...我们要...Is that annoying看了会不爽吗Is that obnoxious and rude觉得对方又欠扁又无礼吗Would you find it distracting if someone did that to you你工作时有人这么弄你while you were working你会觉得烦吗(Oh, you don't have a job. Sorry.哎呀忘记你没工作了抱歉Damn, dude, she burned you.靠伙计她完胜呀No, hipster.别搞错了小痞子Do not think we're on the same team.别以为我跟你是一国的We have nothing in common.咱俩到死都不是同路人I wear knit hats when it's cold out.<姐戴帽子挡酷寒You wear knit hats cause ofColdplay.二货戴帽学酷玩[乐队]You have tattoos to piss off yourdad.你的纹身是想气死你爹My dad doesn't know he's my dad.我爹压根不知他是我爹And finally,最后you think...你觉得、this is the sound that gets youservice.一声穿云指我千军万马来服务I think...要我说This is the sound that dries up myvagina.一声穿云指我如瀑下阴也干枯The other waitress disappeared, theRussian one.那位俄国服务生呢怎么不见了We need horseradish.我们想要山葵酱Please.!拜托您了That, ladies, is how you treat awaitress.妹妹真乖这样才有礼貌嘛Paulina!宝莲娜Oh, so... so good, oh...爽爽死了Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were on break.抱歉不知道你在休息I just need some horseradish.我要山葵酱、- Here. - Oh, cool.-给 -收到Excuse me, where's my waitress请问服务生去哪了She's coming.I made your favorite, red velvet.我做了你最爱的红丝绒蛋糕My little cupcake brought me a cupcake.我的蛋蛋妹给我带来了小蛋糕Let me pay you for that.我还是把钱给你吧{Oh, no, no. It's on the house.不用我请客It's your birthday.你生日嘛How old are you gonna be过完生日要几岁了啊75.七十五岁Oh, Earl, if you were just threeyears younger.厄尔你要小个三岁咱俩就成了Max, Max, big news.~麦克斯麦克斯大新闻The new boss fired that Russianwaitress, Paulina.新老板炒了俄国妞宝莲娜Turns out chesty Kournikova wasVladimir Puttin' it out.大胸金丝猫被发现其实是个死间谍Hello today. I have paycheck foryou.早安我带了你的工资来I need to talk to you. You firedPaulina, Han我有话问你你炒了宝莲娜吗阿憨I am no longer Han Lee.我已经不叫李憨了-I have new American name我取了新的英文名字to go with changing neighborhood.好适应新时代"得"社会To go with the changingneighborhood.是新时代"的"社会You need to remember this for yourimmigration exam.移民考试的时候别又说错了Correct. To go with the changingneighborhood.行好适应新时代"的"社会Bryce/小笼Your name is Bryce Lee你改名叫李小笼啊Wait, wait, um, um, um...等等等一下Don't hire a new waitress, okay别再招新人来了好吗I've been doing all the work anyway,反正活儿总是我全包and I really could use the extramoney.让我多拿一份工资补贴家计吧#You need help.你需要帮手- No, I don't. - Everyone need help sometimes.-不用 -谁都需要帮手I don't. I've been waiting my whole life, okay我不用我当了一辈子的侍应I've waited on tables, I've waited in bars,在餐厅酒吧都做过侍应I've waited on home pregnancy tests.甚至在家等验孕结果[Waited: 等待侍应一词多义]…I already hire new waitress.我已经雇新人了She work in all top restaurants in Manhattan.她以前在曼哈顿顶级餐厅工作过I gave her Paulina's uniform.我都把宝莲娜的制服给她了Mr. Lee, not to complain,李先生有点事情想问问but I think someone wore thisuniform before me,这件制服好像有人穿过了呢like right before me.¥而且是刚刚才穿过Is it possible that I could getanother one可不可以帮我换一件全新的呀Maybe one that's a little lessmoist.换件没这么湿漉漉的Also this mustard color doesn'treally go with my skin tone,另外我的肤色跟黄芥末色不太搭neither do the mustard stains...跟芥末渍也不搭And these various other stains, andsmells.跟这各式污渍异味更是不搭:I hope that's clam chowder.白白的是蛤蜊浓汤渍吧...So...所以I think it'd be better for everyone,为了大家including my immune system,以及我的免疫系统着想if I just keep on wearing what I'mwearing,我就穿自己这身就好了and not the apron,'cause this ischanel.{那件就省了我这身可是香奈儿So thank you,感谢聆听and let's waitress.本小姐要上岗啦Whatever that is,这娇娇女明显就是it does not belong in this diner.来错地方打错工了It belongs in a show on Bravo.她应该去演电视.But she blonde, hair so shiny,她是金发妞金发闪闪good for business.有助财源广进啊Where do you even find these people 你都去哪找到这些歪瓜裂枣的啊The Russian hooker, the one before that was a meth addict.俄罗斯妓女再前一位还是吸毒妹You train her, I am boss.你去训练她我可是老板Da boss./老板中的老板Fine, but make her wear the uniform.好那你先去命令她穿上制服Are you sure we can't get the meth addict back真不能让吸毒的回来吗She was really good at cleaning.她是毁尸灭迹打扫神人呢But her teeth fall out.可她吸毒到牙掉光了You are really judgmental, you know that你也太以貌取人了吧…I'm only gonna say this once, sopay attention.我就说一回仔细听I'm Caroline, by the way. Andyou're Max我是卡洛琳你叫麦克斯对吗Don't get attached.先别建立感情This is the Williamsburg diner,owned by Han Lee,这间威廉伯格餐厅老板是李憨Who just changed his name to BryceLee,最近刚改名叫李小笼because I guess he wants people totake him even less seriously.>他应该是患了不被当笑话会死的病Eight months ago he bought it fromthe Russian mob.八个月前他向俄国黑帮顶下这餐厅Clientele used to be all easternbloc criminals and crack whores,以前客源通常是东欧小流氓吸毒妓女but then he took it over and ruinedit.他顶过来之后客源就跑光了Hey, sexy woman.哟性感辣妹You look so pretty today.今儿个性感动人啊-You look so beautiful, I forgot howbad your personality is.美得我差点忘了你是悍妇了Thanks, Oleg.承蒙夸奖奥列格Hey, Barbie.嗨芭比小妞That's Oleg.他是奥列格He will hit on you aggressively andrelentlessly.他将会不停地用烂招泡你He doesn't realize he looks likethat,{他的自信多到爆棚and I don't have the heart to tell him.可惜我没多余的善心点醒他Miss, could we have some menus小姐可以给份菜单吗Oh, sure.当然Don't smile.不要微笑Cause it raises the bar, and then I have to smile,你拉高服务标准我就得跟上…and I can't be doing that.那样太累人了It's exhausting and I have a bad back.微笑又累人又有害健康That's Earl, we're in love.那是我的恋人厄尔Do not talk to him,别跟他多讲话unless you want to feel whiter than you already are.除非你想显得更"白"痴Oh, and that stain\还有那块污渍Not clam chowder.其实是男人"精"华Go marry the ketchups.去把番茄酱连一起Marry the ketchups. I'm on it."联姻"起马上好Okay. Now divorce the ketchups."联姻"完弄离婚吧Stop! Stop! Stop!停停停。
