



.自然拼读进阶(及国际音标)Phonetics授课教材学生姓名:任课教师:老师就读年级:年级授课日期:2017..铭一教育自然拼读&音标目录语音知识 (2)Lesson 1p b t d k g a e i o u (3)Lesson 2c ck s ss z f v m n h l ll (4)Lesson 3a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e ar er ir ur or (5)Lesson 4r rr j w y x bl pl cl gl fl br pr cr gr fr (6)Lesson 5sm sn sl sw sp st sc sk 期中复习及测试 (8)Lesson 6ai ay au aw al air ere ea (9)Lesson 7ph ch sh s th nt nd nk ng wr wh kn (10)Lesson 8ea ee ew ie ts ds qu tw tr dr tion (11)Lesson 9oi oy oo o oa ou our 期末总复习 (12)Lesson 10期末测试及教学分析展示 (14)语音知识(一)基本的语音概念铭一教育 自然拼读&音标音素:发音的最小单位。

英语有元音20 个,辅音 28 个。



辅音: 辅助的发音,像中文的声母。

元音字母和辅音字母: 在英语中有 5 个元音字母: A,E,I,O,U, 2个半元音字母 Y,W 。


字母组合:两个或两个以上的字母在一起并有其特定的发音, 这种语音现象称为字母组合, 如 ar /a:/,oo / :/ 。


英语的重音是自由重音, 重读符号一般在重读音节前或元音上。

音调: 英语有两种基本语调:升调( ↗),降调( ↙ )。

英语国际音标表( 48 个)元音( 20 个)长元音 [ ɑ:] [?:] [?:] [i:] [u:]短元音 [?] [?] [?] [i][u][e][? ]双元音[ei] [ai] [?i][i?] [??] [u?][?u][au]辅音( 28 个)清辅音[p][t][k][f]θ [s][ ]浊辅音 [b][d] ɡ [v][e] [z][ ]清辅音 [?] [h] [? ] [? ] [tr]浊辅音 [?] [r] [? ] [? ][dr]鼻音 [m] [n] [?]半元音[j][w]边音 [1]26 个字母发音表Lesson 11.IPAp //---pat pen pig pot put paper b //---bat bed big box but book t / /---ten t ime take talk tell t axi d //---dad bad duck dog day dear k //---kid kite cake take make lake g //---good game gate gun go dog a //---bag bad sad fat man apple e //---bed bet pen get leg lefti // ---big sit dig fit hill milk o //---box fox dog hot lot noto //---son mother brother other love some u //---but bus sun run cut nut Phonemic spellingpin pop tin nut pot did dad but pit*bit cub*fin*Ted*dot fan bat fun top lot hot kiss cut luck gun but fox fat mapLesson 21.IPAc //---( 在字母 a,o,u 前)cap card call carryc //---(在字母 e,i,前)cent city circle iceck //---cock chick tru ck clock black rocks //---sad sell sit say sun sorry ss / /---pass less miss loss success discuss z //---zero zebra zed zoo zip zones //---has raise excuse please these tho se f //---fat farm four five fine fastv //---very leave five verb vote visitm //---map mad m ilk make warm movie n //---nine nice not now fun fanh //---hot help hello how hate hopl / /---leg left late lion girl schoolll / /---mall tall full ball hill small2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingfed got nut hit late pass very dollar hut nim fond victory vest lotfit catch sing luck save family crack check jazz ham team cinema leg sameLesson 31.IPAa_e /e lake take cake bake safe save/---e_e /i:/---eve bee seed these Chinese Japanese i_e /a/---kite bike ride like write siteo_e home nose bone hope rose smoke/ /---u_e /cute tube fuse use pure excuse :/---ar //---far mark card park farm harder //---(在重读音节)her verb herb term serve //---(在非重读音sister moth er teacher work er rul er节)ir //---sir third bird dir ty firm gir lur //---fur hurt turn nurse burn Thur sday or /:/---born corn dor k for k hor se nor th(Lesson 41.IPAr / /---red rice run rain read roomrr //---borr ow tomo rrow parrot porr idge surr ender carrotj //---June July jacket jazz jam jumpw //---wet week w ait warm watch w iney / /---yes you your year yet yelly /a /---my why fly sky spy pl y*y / /---sunny rain y wind y cloud y snowy studyx //---box fox fix taxi max faxbl //---bl ack bl ock bl ank bl ame bl ess bl ondpl //---pl ay pl an pl ane pl ate pl ease pl uscl //---clean clear class clock clap cl imbgl //---gl ad gl ass gl obe gl ue gl ide gl oryfl //---fl y fl oor fl ag fl at fl ame fl ashbr //---bring br eakfast br idge br ead br and br eathpr //---price pr ay pr ide pr etty pr ime pr actice cr //---cry cross cream crab crime crackgr //---grass gr een gr ape gr eat gr eet grandma fr //---fr y fr og fr om fr ee fr ame fr iend 2.Practice(1)Phonemic spellingleg late rot rat Jack went jogrock relax yam mall windy fly dry block bless plate plant clock ox clap glass glum grab fix crab friend frist Note:Lesson 51. IPAsm /smile smell smart smoke smooth Smith/---sn //---snack snap snow sneaker snake snipsl //---slow sleep slam slack slim slysw //---swim sweet sweep swing sweater swearsp / /---speak spell spring space speed spoonst //---star step stand stamp stone start sc //---scan scar scarf school scare scab sk //---sky skirt skate skin skip skill(1) Dictation期中测试(笔试80%+口试 20%)1.写出下列字母以及字母组合对应音标( 48 分):p b t d k ae i o u g cs z f v h mn l r j w xy y y bl pl clgl fl br pr cr frar er cl ir or ur2.朗读并写出下列单词的音标( 32 分):pen red nut fan batmap big cab bad potpot cap bag me sunwent fly wet yes fatgood glass pig make_scarvery sad play five grassblack priceLesson 61.IPAai //---aim rain wait fail rail painay //---day say pay way may gayau /:/ ---autumn August daughter taught caught autumn aw /:/ ---saw law paw*caw*draw lawn* al /:/ ---all call fall talk wall walk air //---air hair pair fair chair airere there where somewhere everywhere there where / /---ea //---head dead health breakfast ready feather ea /i:/---tea sea pea read reach east 2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingspeed afraid mind small way clap taught cause paw four chalk chair pair claw same mum feather dead tea peaLesson 71.IPAph //---ph one ph oto telephone ph ase ph rase elephant ch //---chair ch eap chalk rich chip mu chsh //---she ship shop fish shoe shyd //---dad bad dig dog day dearth //---th ree th ank th in th ick th ink th irdth //---th is th at th em th ey th eir th erent //---lent bent sent hunt faint saintnd /wind kind sand fond bond blo nd/---nk //---pink ink tank bank blank thi nkng //---bang hang sing ring king bri ngs / /---measure trea sure pleasure leisure enclosure expo sure wr //---wr ite wr ong wr ap wr ing wr est wr estle wh / /---wh o wh ose wh ole wh om wh oop wh olly wh //---wh en wh at wh ere wh y wh ich wh itekn //---know kn ife kn ock kn ot kn ight kn ee (1) Phonemic spellingphrase phone chin*cheek shame shy thinthing there tent*wind sand tank pink hang strong measure pleasure wrist write whose who whale which knife knock lent threeNote:chin: 下巴tent: 帐篷wrist: 手腕enclosure: 包围exposure: 暴露Lesson 81.IPAea //---head dead health breakfast ready feather ea/i:/---tea sea pea read reach eastee /i:/---see bee tree free beef street ew /:/--few new mew*dew hew jew*ie /a/---tie lie die pie hie vieie/i:/---piece field belie ve achieve niece br iefts /ts/---cats boa ts coats jackets lights streets ds/dz/---birds clouds roads foo ds beds fin ds qu /qu ick qu ite qu een qu arter qu estion qu ack /---tw//---tw in tw elve tw enty tw inkle tw ister*tw ilight* tr//---tr ee tr ip tr y tr ain tr uck tr oopdr / /---drum dr ink dr aw dr ess dr ive dr eam tion /action caution section station mention vacation /-2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingfeather dead tea pea deep sheep mew dew*die lie field chief*caution section sheets jackets beds birds queen quite twin twice train tree drank dressNote:jew: 犹太人twister: 缠绕twilight:黄昏mew: 猫叫dew: 露水chief: 首领Lesson 91.IPAoi //---oi l toi l soi l coi n joi n noi se oy //---boy toy joy soy goy enjoy oo //--book loo k foo t goo d coo k too k oo /:/---too zoo moo n noon room foo do //---go open ok both ago nooa //---boat coat road soap goal floatou //---ou t lou d clou d house round gr ound our/our sour*hour lour*flour scour* /--our /:/---four your pour *cour se *sour ce*mour n* 2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingsoil noise coin boy toy foot look room noon boat soap road goal cloud house sour four your courseNote:lour: 阴沉scour: 擦亮mourn:哀悼期末总复习1.元音部分短元音[i][? ][][][Λ][e][? ]长元音[i:][ ][ ?:][u:][]双元音 [e ][a ][][][][ ][ ][ ] 2.辅音部分清辅音[p][t][k][f][θ][s][ts][∫][t ∫][tr]浊辅音[b][d][g][v][e][z][dz][ ][ ][dr]其他辅音[m][n][ ][h][l][w][r][j]3.听写 48个国际音标4.写出下列字母或字母组合对应的音标p:b:t:d:g:v:a_e:o_e:e_e:i_e:u_e:a:o:e:i:u:ee:ea:ew:wh :ar:ir:er:ur :or :oo :oa:ou:dr :our :oi:oy:kn:ck:qu :tw:tr :5.拼读练习pin gate five June these ten cow dot bank burn brother born wait plus bat bread great clock speed shout storm fur herb windy broom mother peach free way round because talk fair station bird fun sleep knock。



xxxxxxx xxxx个性化一对一辅导自然拼读进阶(及国际音标)Phonetics授课教材学生姓名:任课教师: LEI老师就读年级: 年级授课日期: 2017. .目录语音知识 (2)Lesson 1p b t d k g a e i o u (3)Lesson 2c ck s ss z f v m n h l ll (4)Lesson 3a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e ar er ir ur or (5)Lesson 4r rr j w y x bl pl cl gl fl br pr cr gr fr (6)Lesson 5sm sn sl sw sp st sc sk 期中复习及测试 (8)Lesson 6ai ay au aw al air ere ea (9)Lesson 7ph ch sh s th nt nd nk ng wr wh kn (10)Lesson 8ea ee ew ie ts ds qu tw tr dr tion (11)Lesson 9oi oy oo o oa ou our期末总复习 (12)Lesson 10期末测试及教学分析展示 (14)语音知识(一)基本的语音概念音素:发音的最小单位。





元音字母和辅音字母:在英语中有5个元音字母:A,E,I,O,U, 2个半元音字母Y,W。


字母组合:两个或两个以上的字母在一起并有其特定的发音,这种语音现象称为字母组合,如ar /a:/, oo /:/。




英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)长元音[ɑ:][ɔ:][ə:][i:][u:]短元音[ʌ][ɔ][ə][i][u][e][æ]双元音[ei][ai][ɔi][iə][ɛə][uə][əu][au]辅音(28个)清辅音[p][t][k][f][θ][s]浊辅音[b][d] [ɡ][v][ð] [z]清辅音[ʃ][h][ʦ][ʧ][tr]浊辅音[ʒ][r] [ʣ] [ʤ][dr]鼻音[m][n] [ŋ]半元音 [j][w]边音[1]26个字母发音表Lesson 11. IPAp //--- p an p en p ig p ot p ut p a p er b //--- b at b ed b ig b ox b ut b ook t //--- t en t ime t ake t alk t ell t axi d //--- d a d ba d d ig d og d ay d ear k //--- k id k ite ca k e ta k e ma k e la k e g //---g ood g ame g ate g un g od do ga //---b a g b a d s a d f a t m a n a pple e //--- b e d b e t p e n g e t l e g l e fti // --- b i g s i t d i g f i t h i ll m i lk o //--- b o x f o x d o g h o t l o t n o to //--- s o n m o ther br o ther o ther l o ve s o me u //--- b u t b u s s u n r u n c u t n u tPhonemic spellingpin pop tin nut pot did dad but pit* bit cub* fin* Ted* dot fan bat fun top lot hot kiss cut luck gun bud* fox fat map Note:pit: 矿井cub: 幼崽fin: 鱼鳍Ted: 人名bud: 花蕾Lesson 21.IPAc //---(在字母a,o,u前) c ap c ard c all c arryc //---(在字母e,i,前) c ent c ity c ircle i c eck //---co ck chi ck tru ck clo ck bla ck ro cks //--- s ad s ell s it s ay s un s orry ss //--- pa ss me ss mi ss lo ss succe ss discu ss z //--- z ero z ebra z ed z oo z ip z one s //---ha s rai s e excu s e plea s e the s e tho s e f //--- f at f arm f our f ive f ine f astv //--- v ery lea v e v ice v erb v ote v isitm //--- m ap m ad m ilk m ake war m m ovie n //--- n i n e n ice n ot n ow fu n fa nh //--- h ot h elp h ello h ow h ate h opl //--- l eg l eft l ate l ion gir l schoo lll //---ma ll ta ll fu ll ba ll hi ll sma ll2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingfed got nut hit late piss very dollar hut nim fond victory vest lotfit catch sing luck save family crack check jazz ham team cinema leg sameLesson 31.IPAa_e /e/--- l a k e t a k e c a k e b a k e s a f e s a v ee_e /i:/--- e v e b e n e*c e d e*th e s e Chin e s e Japan e s e i_e /a/--- k i t e b i k e r i d e l i k e wr i t e s i t eo_e //--- h o m e n o s e b o n e h o p e r o s e sm o k eu_e /:/--- c u t e t u b e f u s e m u s e p u c e*exc u s ear //---f ar m ar k c ar d p ar k f ar m h ar der //---(在重读音节)h er v er b h er b t er m s er ve //--- (在非重读音节)sist er moth er teach er work er rul erir //--- s ir f ir b ir d d ir ty f ir m g ir lur //--- f ur h ur t t ur n n ur se b ur n Th ur sday or /:/--- b or n c or n d or k f or k h or se n or th(1) Phonemic spellingmine fede* globe fame Nute* Hite* bite nude* pure tide pore sardin* far norm lobe* vine hope sorry name turtle murder bird SARS first curl fir* fur huge Note:bene: [古语]祈祷cede:放弃puce: 深褐色fede: 忠诚Nute: 男子名Hite: 姓氏nude: 无装饰的sardin: 沙丁鱼lobe: 耳垂fir: 冷杉Lesson 41.IPAr //--- r ed r ice r un r ain r ead r oom rr //--- bo rr ow tomo rr ow pa rr ot po rr idge su rr ender ca rr ot j //--- J une J uly j acket j azz j am j ump w //--- w et w eek w ait w arm w atch w ine y //--- y es y ou y our y ear y et y elly /a/---m y wh y fl y sk y sp y pl y*y //--- sunn y rain y wind y cloud y snow y stud y x //---bo x fo x fi x ta x i ma x fa xbl //--- bl ack bl ock bl ank bl ame bl ess bl ond pl //--- pl ay pl ant pl ane pl ate pl um pl uscl //--- cl ean cl ear cl ass cl ock cl ap cl imbgl //--- gl ad gl ass gl obe gl ue gl ide gl oryfl //--- fl y fl oor fl ag fl at fl ame fl ashbr //--- br ing br eak br idge br ave br and br eath pr //--- pr ice pr ay pr ide pr ate* pr ime pr actice cr //--- cr y cr oss cr eam cr ab cr ime cr ack gr //--- gr ass gr een gr ape gr eat gr eet gr anny fr //--- fr y fr og fr om fr ee fr ame fr iend 2.Practice(1)Phonemic spellingleg late rot rat Jack went jog rock relax yam mall windy fly pry* block bless plate plant clock ax clad* gloss* glum grab fix crab fret* frisk* Note:ply: 使用prate: 瞎扯pry: 探查clad: 穿衣的gloss: 注释fret: 焦急gloss: 注释fret: 焦急Lesson 51. IPAsm //---sm ile sm ell sm art sm oke sm ooth Sm ithsn //--- sn ack sn ap sn ow sn eaker sn ake sn ipsl //--- sl ow sl eep sl am sl ack sl im sl ysw //--- sw im sw eet sw eep sw ing sw eater sw ear sp //---sp eak sp ell sp ring sp ace sp ade sp oon st //--- st ar st ep st and st amp st orm st art sc //--- sc an sc ar sc arf sc ope sc are sc ary sk //--- s k y sk irt sk ate sk in sk ip sk illslam* spoke slope* swap* swift* spirit stick scab* screen skid* sport specific spider speed slave slide small ski snug* smurf* slice slash* slay* switch spray spare study station Note:slam: 砰地关上slope: 斜坡swap: 交换swift: 迅速的scab: 痂,疤smurf: 蓝精灵snug: 舒适的skid: 打滑slash: 猛砍slay: 杀害(2) Dictation期中测试(笔试80%+口试20%)1.写出下列字母以及字母组合对应音标(48分):p b t d k ae i o u g cs z f v h mn l r j w xy y y bl pl clgl fl br pr cr frar er ir or ur2.朗读并写出下列单词的音标(32分):pin tim nut fan batmap dig kab bib votpot sub bug min sunwent fly wet yam fedegope globe pote mode _ scarvurt slurp plate frisk grabblock prideLesson 61.IPAai //--- ai m r ai n w ai t f ai l r ai l p ai nay //--- d ay s ay p ay w ay m ay g ayau /:/--- au tumn Au gust d au ghter t au ght c au ght au tumn aw /:/--- s aw l aw m aw*c aw*g aw*h aw*al /:/--- al l c al l f al l t al k w al l w al k air //---air h air p air f air ch air airere //--- th ere wh ere somewh ere everywh ere th ere wh ere ea //--- h ea d d ea d h ea lth br ea kfast r ea dy f ea ther ea /i:/--- t ea s ea p ea r ea d r ea ch ea st 2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingspait* afraid mermaid small bay* clay taught cause paw awful chalk chair pair claw awesome murder feather dead tea peaNote:maw:(动物的)胃caw: 发出乌鸦叫gaw: 衣服上的破处haw: 山楂claw: 爪bay: 海湾lure: 引诱spait: 大水Lesson 71.IPAph //--- ph one ph oto ph enix ph ase ph rase ele ph ant ch //--- ch air ch eap ch alk ri ch ch ip mu chsh //--- sh e sh ip sh op fi sh sh oe sh yd //--- d a d ba d d ig d og d ay d earth //--- th ree th ank th in th ick th ink th irdth//---th is th at th em th ey th eir th erent //--- le nt be nt se nt hu nt fai nt sai ntnd //--- wi nd ki nd sa nd fo nd bo nd blo ndnk //--- pi nk i nk ta nk ba nk bla nk thi nkng //--- ba ng ha ng si ng ri ng ki ng bri ngs //--- mea s ure trea s ure plea s ure lei s ure enclo s ure expo s ure wr //---wr ite wr ong wr ap wr ing wr est wr estle wh //---wh o wh ose wh ole wh om wh oop wh olly wh//---wh en wh at wh ere wh y wh ich wh itekn //--- kn ow kn ife kn ock kn ot kn ight kn ee (1) Phonemic spellingphrase phone chin* cheek shame shy thin thing there tent* wind sand tank pink hang strong measure pleasure wrist write whose who whale which knife knock lent three Note:chin: 下巴tent: 帐篷wrist: 手腕enclosure: 包围exposure: 暴露Lesson 81. IPAea //--- h ea d d ea d h ea lth br ea kfast r ea dy f ea ther ea/i:/--- t ea s ea p ea r ea d r ea ch ea stee /i:/--- s ee b ee tr ee fr ee b ee f str ee tew /:/-- f ew n ew m ew*d ew h ew j ew*ie /a/--- t ie l ie d ie p ie h ie v ieie/i:/---p ie ce f ie ld bel ie ve ach ie ve n ie ce br ie fts /ts/--- ca ts boa ts coa ts jacke ts ligh ts stree ts ds/dz/--- bir ds clou ds roa ds foo ds be ds fin dsqu //--- qu ick qu ite qu een qu arter qu estion qu ack tw //--- tw in tw elve tw enty tw inkle tw ister* tw ilight* tr //---tr ee tr ip tr y tr ain tr uck tr oopdr //---dr um dr ink dr aw dr ess dr ive dr eam tion //-ac tion cau tion sec tion sta tion men tion vaca tion 2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingfeather dead tea pea deep sheep mew dew* die lie field chief* caution section sheets jackets beds birds queen quite twin twice train tree drank dressNote:jew: 犹太人twister: 缠绕twilight: 黄昏mew: 猫叫dew: 露水chief: 首领Lesson 91.IPAoi //--- oi l t oi l s oi l c oi n j oi n n oi seoy //--- b oy t oy j oy s oy g oy enj oy oo //-- b oo k l oo k f oo t g oo d c oo k t oo k oo /:/--- t oo z oo m oo n n oo n r oo m f oo do //--- g o o pen o kay b o th ag o n ooa //---b oa t c oa t r oa d s oa p g oa l fl oa t ou //--- ou t l ou d cl ou d h ou se r ou nd gr ou nd our //-- our s our*h our l our* fl our sc our* our/:/--- f our y our p our*c our se *s our ce*m our n* 2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingsoil noise coin boy toy foot look room noon boat soap road goal cloud house sour four your courseNote:lour: 阴沉scour: 擦亮mourn: 哀悼期末总复习1.元音部分短元音[i] [ә] [] [] [Λ] [e] [æ]长元音[i:] [] [ ɔ:] [u:] []双元音[e] [a] [] [] [] [] [] []2.辅音部分清辅音[p][t] [k][f] [θ][s][ts] [∫][t∫][tr] 浊辅音[b][d][g][v][ð][z][dz][] [][dr] 其他辅音[m] [n] [] [h] [l][w][r] [j]3.听写48个国际音标4.写出下列字母或字母组合对应的音标p:b:t: d:g:v: a_e:o_e:e_e:i_e:u_e:a:o:e:i:u:ee:ea:ew:wh:ar:ir:er:ur:or:oo:oa:ou:dr:our:oi: oy:kn:ck:qu:tw:tr:5.拼读练习。





学习音标的作用•打好音标基础是学好英语的基本条件•提高听说能力,培养良好的语感•有助于依靠读音记单词•••••26语音知识•1)•2)•3)•4)•5)•6)•a)•b)•7)•a)•b)•8)音标分类••••短元音/?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /e/ /?/•双元音/e?/ /a?//??/ /??//e?//??//??//a?/•辅音(28个)•轻辅音/p/ /?t/ /?k/ /f/ /θ/ /s//?/ /h/ /ts/ /t?/ /tr/?•浊辅音/b/ /d/? /g/ /v/ /e/? /z/?/?/ /r/? /dz/?/d?//dr/•鼻音/m/ /n/? /?/?•半元音/j/ /w/•边音/?/长元音[i:]•发音部位:舌尖轻抵下齿龈,舌前部抬高,但不抵上齿龈;•发音方法:嘴角向后缩,使双唇呈扁平状;气流从口腔中流出,振动声带,发出此音。




/dʒ/ /dr/ /dz/
鼻辅音 /m/ /n/ /ŋ/
舌侧音 /l/
半元音 /j/ /w/
清辅音 浊辅音
/h/ 清辅音 /r/ 浊辅音
清辅音 浊辅音 浊辅音 浊辅音 浊辅音
清辅 音
/p/ put,apple /b/ bad,rabbit
/t/ tea,little
/d/ dog,played,
A serious deer is near here.
air chair bear care their there
Their bear is on the chair there .
poor door
sure tour usual February
The poor bank is sure to go on tour in February.
爆破音 /p/ /t/ /k/
/b/ /d/ /g/
摩擦音 /f/ /θ/ /s/ /ʃ/
/v/ /z/ /ð/ /ʒ/
辅音 28
/tʃ/ /tr/ /ts/
/aʊ/ /əʊ/
集合双元音 3
嘴巴成扁平状,舌尖轻抵下齿 ,舌前部抬起,发音时间较长
shee pshe eas y
meet m eice cream
piec reeceive




音标第一站[i:] 长元音发音要领:嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角向两边张开,流露出微笑的表情,与字母e的发音相同。

发音规则:e [i:] h e sh e Chin e se th e se m eea [i:] s ea t ea ea sy t ea ch pl ea seee [i:] tr ee sl ee p b ee sw ee ts s eeie [i:] p ie ce bel ie ve f ie ldei [i:] rec ei ve趣味拼读:I can see the sea, the deep green sea.练一练:圈出下列单词中元音字母组合发音相同的单词1. seat rain bean cat2. gift feet teacher dog3. pig star tree jeep[i] 短元音发音要领:嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,嘴形扁平。

发音规则:i [i]sh i p h i ll p i g c i ty f i shy [i]lorr y happ y jell y luck yey [i]mon ey趣味拼读:Why does Lily go out with Jim and not him?练一练:找出每组中发音不相同的单词1. sofa sit kick lip2. ink gift jam ship3. hand picture dig sister4. hot lick pig jelly[ə:] 长元音[ʒ:]发音要领:嘴形扁平,上下齿微开,舌身平放,舌部稍抬起发音规则:er ir ur ear orer [ə:] her perfect super serveir [ə:] girl bird skirt shirtur [ə:]purse nurse cur l furear [ə:]pearl search earlyor [ə:]work word趣味拼读:Where is the pearl?The nurse put her pearls in her purse.练一练:找出每组中发音相同的字母并画出来1.thirty beer thirsty wheat2.bank king fur curl3.curtain bird rabbit knee4.room run shirt her[ə] 短元音发音要领:嘴唇微微张开,舌身平放,舌中间稍稍抬起,口腔自然放松发声发音规则:er a orer [ə] teacher water sister brothera [ə] panda about china sofaor [ə] doctor趣味拼读:My mother and my sister like the new shopping center.练一练:找出发[ə]的单词1.mother sofa road smile2.sit father sister food3.hair deer tiger china4.spoon student ear leader音标第二站[ɔ:] 长元音发音要领:双唇收得小而圆,并向前突出,舌身后缩发音规则:a or oora [ɔ:] tall wall ball wateror [ɔ:] sport short corn horseoor [ɔ:] door趣味拼读:Basketball, basketball Paul plays basketball.练一练:找出下列单词中发[ɔ:]的单词.1.tall bird bread poor2.idea chair sport hare3.cage bear walk cup4.drink short bag dig[ɔ] 短元音发音要领:口腔打开,嘴张大,舌头向后缩,双唇稍收圆发音规则:o ao [ɔ] fox coffee dog shop mopa [ɔ] watch趣味拼读:My mom likes to shop. She shops until she stops.练一练:找出两个发[ɔ]的单词.1.doctor teacher box clothes2.cold zoo clock dog3.love boss mop violin4.watch beach fox girl[u:] 长元音发音要领: 嘴形小而圆,微微外突,舌头尽量向后缩发音规则:oo ui u oeoo [u:] food moon zoo toothui [u:] fruit juiceu [u:] flute ruleroe [u:] shoes趣味拼读:Cool ,cool, cool, you look so cool.练一练:找出不发[u:]的单词1.juice moon zoo panda2.tooth broom eye spoon3.head boot noodles pool4.noon cool jewel watch[u]:短元音发音要领:嘴唇张开向前突出,嘴形稍收圆并放松些,舌头后缩发音规则:oo uoo [u] foot wood look book cooku [u] bul bullet push pull趣味拼读:Cook! cook! where’s the c ook book?Please take a look.练一练:选出与其它单词发音不同的单词1.mouth hook look pull2.push tape sugar foot3.wood kind wolf bull4.bullet wood cook name音标第三站[a:] 长元音发音要领:口腔打开,嘴张开,舌身平放,舌尖不抵下齿,下巴放低,放松发音发音规则:ar au a earar [a:] car star garden marchau [a:] laugh aunta [a:] plant grassear [a:] heart趣味拼读:No parking here! No parking here!Our game of darts is starting.练一练:找出每组词中发[a:]的单词1.arm lip doctor card2.cloud cart garden gate3.ball scarf dank tiger4.job jelly march park[ʌ] 短元音发音要领:嘴唇微微张开,伸向西边,舌尖轻触下齿,舌后部稍稍抬起发音规则:u ou [ʌ] bus sun gum jumpo [ʌ] son趣味拼读:Father and son have fun.Flying their kite in the sun.练一练:找出每组中发[ʌ] 的单词1.hear cup bed air2.voice boy duck ant3.vase corn bear gun4.cruel soy money hero[æ] 短元音发音要领:嘴张大,嘴角尽量拉向两边,成扁平形,舌尖抵下齿发音规则:aa [æ] bag flag hand rabbit cap ant apple趣味拼读:Apple ,apple, appleAn apple is good after nap.练一练:选出每组中发[æ] 的单词1.rat bed face sport2.hare cup fat pear3.rice bat finger tree4.sea young knife apple[e] 短元音发音要领:嘴形扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起发音规则:e eae [e] egg bell desk pen wellea [e] sweater bread head趣味拼读:My hen likes to lay ten fresh eggs every day.练一练:选出不发[e]的单词1.cat well leg pen2.sweat map pet elephant3.egg ten tall desk4.bread head bed toy音标第四站双元音特点:先重后轻,先长后短,先清楚后模糊[ei] 双元音发音要领:由[e] 和[I] 两个单音组成,这[e]重读,[I]轻读。


(1)Her younger sister is a teacher. (2)Did you forget the famous writer’s name? (3)After supper, he went to visit his younger brother. (4)There is an eraser under the computer. (5)The second picture drew by my brother is very beautiful
hot [ hɔt ] fox stop [ stɔp ] dog not [ nɔt ] pot box [ bɔks ] clock sorry [ 'sɔri ] what [wɔt ]
(1)这是两个不同的音素, /i:/不是/ɪ/的单纯加长。它们的发音口腔部位不完全相同。 (2)发/ɪ/音时,口腔肌肉松弛;发/i:/时口腔肌肉紧张。 (3) /ɪ/是短元音,发音短促; /i:/是长元音,发音细长。
★发音要诀 (1)舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬高。 (2)双唇中常,上下齿间可容下一食指,口腔肌肉松弛。 ★注意事项 (1)发/e/ 音时,口不能张得太大。 (2)要避免舌头随便移动,从而发成其他的双元音。 ★发音练习
(1)This is a pig. (2)Jim is as thin as a pin. (3)Dick often sits on the hill. (4)Bill lives in this village. (5)It is a pity, this city is too noisy.



are /eə/ share care scare(受惊;恐慌;骇人的)
eer /Iə/ beer cheer deer
oar /ɔ:/ blackboard keyboard roar(咆哮;吼)
ea /eI/ steak break great
ea /Iə/ real
theatre (电影院)
tion/ʃən/ attention station dictionary sion /ʒən/ television decision ture /tʃə/ picture future nature air /eə/ pair hair chair
wh /w/ why white what when
ee / i:/ jeep queen meet ea / i:/ teacher sea clean ea /e/ bread ready head ey / i:/ key money monkey ey / ei / they grey hey oo /u/ /u:/ noodle book look en /ən/ moment open development
/ɔ:/ fork horse born
sh /ʃ/ ship fish dish ch /tʃ/ beach bench lunch (长凳;工作台;替补队员) tch /tʃ/ catch watch switch tr /tr/ tree truck train dr /dr/ drive dry drink ng /ŋ/ hang length sing song hung(hang悬挂)



实用标准文案自然拼读进阶(及国际音标)Phonetics授课教材学生姓名:任课教师: 李老师就读年级: 年级授课日期: 2017. .语音知识 (2)Lesson 1p b t d k g a e i o u (3)Lesson 2c ck s ss z f v m n h l ll (4)Lesson 3a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e ar er ir ur or (5)Lesson 4r rr j w y x bl pl cl gl fl br pr cr gr fr (6)Lesson 5sm sn sl sw sp st sc sk 期中复习及测试 (8)Lesson 6ai ay au aw al air ere ea (9)Lesson 7ph ch sh s th nt nd nk ng wr wh kn (10)Lesson 8ea ee ew ie ts ds qu tw tr dr tion (11)Lesson 9oi oy oo o oa ou our期末总复习 (12)Lesson 10期末测试及教学分析展示 (14)语音知识(一)基本的语音概念音素:发音的最小单位。





元音字母和辅音字母:在英语中有5个元音字母:A,E,I,O,U, 2个半元音字母Y,W。


字母组合:两个或两个以上的字母在一起并有其特定的发音,这种语音现象称为字母组合,如ar /a:/, oo /:/。




英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)长元音[ɑ:] [ɔ:] [ə:] [i:] [u:]短元音[ʌ] [ɔ] [ə] [i] [u] [e] [æ]双元音[ei] [ai] [ɔi][iə] [ɛə] [uə][əu] [au]辅音(28个)清辅音[p] [t] [k] [f] [θ] [s]浊辅音[b] [d] [ɡ] [v] [ð] [z]清辅音[ʃ] [h] [ʦ] [ʧ] [tr]浊辅音[ʒ] [r] [ʣ] [ʤ] [dr]鼻音[m] [n] [ŋ]半元音[j] [w] 边音[1]26个字母发音表Lesson 11.IPAp //--- p at p en p ig p ot p ut p a p er b //--- b at b ed b ig b ox b ut b ook t //--- t en t ime t ake t alk t ell t axi d //--- d a d ba d duck d og d ay d ear k //--- k id k ite ca k e ta k e ma k e la k e g //---g ood g ame g ate g un g o do ga //---b a g b a d s a d f a t m a n a pple e //--- b e d b e t p e n g e t l e g l e ft i // --- b i g s i t d i g f i t h i ll m i lk o //--- b o x f o x d o g h o t l o t n o to //--- s o n m o ther br o ther o ther l o ve s o me u //--- b u t b u s s u n r u n c u t n u tPhonemic spellingpin pop tin nut pot did dad but pit* bit cub* fin* Ted* dot fan bat fun top lot hot kiss cut luck gun but fox fat mapLesson 21.IPAc //---(在字母a,o,u前) c ap c ard c all c arryc //---(在字母e,i,前) c ent c ity c ircle i c eck //---co ck chi ck tru ck clo ck bla ck ro ck s //--- s ad s ell s it s ay s un s orry ss //--- pa ss le ss mi ss lo ss succe ss discu ss z //--- z ero z ebra z ed z oo z ip z ones //---ha s rai s e excu s e plea s e the s e tho s e f //--- f at f arm f our f ive f ine f astv //--- v ery lea v e five v erb v ote v isit m //--- m ap m ad m ilk m ake war m m ovie n //--- n i n e n ice n ot n ow fu n fa nh //--- h ot h elp h ello h ow h ate h opl //--- l eg l eft l ate l ion gir l schoo l ll //---ma ll ta ll fu ll ba ll hi ll sma ll 2.Practice(1)Phonemic spellingfed got nut hit late pass very dollar hut nim fond victory vest lotfit catch sing luck save family crack check jazz ham team cinema leg sameLesson 31.IPAl a k e t a k e c a k e b a k e s a f e s a v ea_e /e/---e_ee v e bee seed th e s e Chin e s e Japan e s e /i:/---k i t e b i k e r i d e l i k e wr i t e s i t ei_e /a/---o_eh o m e n o s e b o n e h o p e r o s e sm o k e//---c u t e t u b e f u s e u s e pure exc u s eu_e /:/---f ar m ar k c ar d p ar k f ar m h ar d ar//---er//---(在重读音节)h er v er b h er b t er m s er vesist er moth er teach er work er rul er //--- (在非重读音节)ir//--- s ir third b ir d d ir ty f ir m g ir lur//--- f ur h ur t t ur n n ur se b ur n Th ur sdayb or nc or nd or k f or k h or se n or thor/:/---(Lesson 41.IPAr //--- r ed r ice r un r ain r ead r oomrr //--- bo rr ow tomo rr ow pa rr ot po rr idge su rr ender ca rr otj //--- J une J uly j acket j azz j am j umpw //--- w et w eek w ait w arm w atch w iney //--- y es y ou y our y ear y et y elly /a/---m y wh y fl y sk y sp y pl y*y //--- sunn y rain y wind y cloud y snow y stud yx //---bo x fo x fi x ta x i ma x fa xbl //--- bl ack bl ock bl ank bl ame bl ess bl ondpl //--- pl ay pl an pl ane pl ate pl ease pl uscl//--- cl ean cl ear cl ass cl ock cl ap cl imbgl //--- gl ad gl ass gl obe gl ue gl ide gl oryfl //--- fl y fl oor fl ag fl at fl ame fl ashbr //--- br ing br eakfast br idge br ead br and br eath pr//--- pr ice pr ay pr ide pr etty pr ime pr acticecr /cr y cr oss cr eam cr ab cr ime cr ack /---gr //--- gr ass gr een gr ape gr eat gr eet grandma fr//--- fr y fr og fr om fr ee fr ame fr iend 2.Practice(1)Phonemic spellingleg late rot rat Jack went jog rock relax yam mall windy fly dry block bless plate plant clock ox clap glass glum grab fix crab friend frist Note:Lesson 51.IPAsm ile sm ell sm art sm oke sm ooth Sm ithsm //---sn ack sn ap sn ow sn eaker sn ake sn ipsn //---sl //--- sl ow sl eep sl am sl ack sl im sl ysw//---sw im sw eet sw eep sw ing sw eater sw ear sp //---sp eak sp ell sp ring sp ace sp eed sp oonst //--- st ar st ep st and st amp st one st artsc /sc an sc ar sc arf school sc are scab/---sk /s k y sk irt sk ate sk in sk ip sk ill /---(1)Dictation期中测试(笔试80%+口试20%)1.写出下列字母以及字母组合对应音标(48分):p b t d k a e i o u g c s z f v h m n l r j w x y y y bl pl cl gl fl br pr cr fr ar er cl ir or ur 2.朗读并写出下列单词的音标(32分):pen red nut fan bat map big cab bad pot pot cap bag me sun went fly wet yes fat good glass pig make_ scarvery sad play five grassblack priceLesson 61.IPAai//--- ai m r ai n w ai t f ai l r ai l p ai nay //--- d ay s ay p ay w ay m ay g ayau tumn Au gust d au ghter t au ght c au ght au tumn au/:/---aws aw l aw p aw*c aw*draw lawn*/:/---al l c al l f al l t al k w al l w al kal/:/---airair h air p air f air ch air air//---th ere wh ere somewh ere everywh ere th ere wh ere ere//---ea //--- h ea d d ea d h ea lth br ea kfast r ea dy f ea thert ea s ea p ea r ea d r ea ch ea stea/i:/---2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingspeed afraid mind small way clap taught cause paw four chalk chair pair claw same mum feather dead tea peaLesson 71.IPAph //--- ph one ph oto telephone ph ase ph rase ele ph ant ch //--- ch air ch eap ch alk ri ch ch ip mu chsh //--- sh e sh ip sh op fi sh sh oe sh yd //--- d a d ba d d ig d og d ay d earth //--- th ree th ank th in th ick th ink th ird th//---th is th at th em th ey th eir th ere nt//--- le nt be nt se nt hu nt fai nt sai ntnd /wi nd ki nd sa nd fo nd bo nd blo nd/---pi nk i nk ta nk ba nk bla nk thi nknk //---ng //--- ba ng ha ng si ng ri ng ki ng bri ngs //--- mea s ure trea s ure plea s ure lei s ure enclo s ure expo s ure wr //---wr ite wr ong wr ap wr ing wr est wr estle wh //---wh o wh ose wh ole wh om wh oop wh olly wh//---wh en wh at wh ere wh y wh ich wh itekn //--- kn ow kn ife kn ock kn ot kn ight kn ee (1)Phonemic spellingphrase phone chin* cheek shame shy thin thing there tent* wind sand tank pink hang strong measure pleasure wrist write whose who whale which knife knock lent three Note:chin: 下巴tent: 帐篷wrist: 手enclosure: 包围exposure: 暴露腕Lesson 81.IPAea //--- h ea d d ea d h ea lth br ea kfast r ea dy f ea ther ea/i:/--- t ea s ea p ea r ea d r ea ch ea st ees ee b ee tr ee fr ee b ee f str ee t /i:/---ew /:/-- f ew n ew m ew*d ew h ew j ew*ie/a/--- t ie l ie d ie p ie h ie v ieie/i:/---p ie ce f ie ld bel ie ve ach ie ve n ie ce br ie f tsca ts boa ts coa ts jacke ts ligh ts stree ts /ts/---ds/dz/--- bir ds clou ds roa ds foo ds be ds fin dsqu /qu ick qu ite qu een qu arter qu estion qu ack/---tw//--- tw in tw elve tw enty tw inkle tw ister* tw ilight* tr //---tr ee tr ip tr y tr ain tr uck tr oop dr//---dr um dr ink dr aw dr ess dr ive dr eam tion //-ac tion cau tion sec tion sta tion men tion vaca tion2.Practice(1)Phonemic spellingfeather dead tea pea deep sheep mewdew* die lie field chief* caution section sheets jackets beds birds queen quite twin twice train tree drank dressNote:jew: 犹太人twister: 缠绕twilight: 黄昏mew: 猫叫dew: 露水chief: 首领Lesson 91.IPAoi //--- oi l t oi l s oi l c oi n j oi n n oi se oy //--- b oy t oy j oy s oy g oy enj oyoo //-- b oo k l oo k f oo t g oo d c oo k t oo k oo/:/---t oo z oo m oo n n oo n r oo m f oo d o //--- g o o pen o k b o th ag o n ooa //---b oa t c oa t r oa d s oa p g oa l fl oa t ouou t l ou d cl ou d h ou se r ou nd gr ou nd //---our s our*h our l our* fl our sc our* our //--our/:/--f our y our p our*c our se *s our ce*m our n*-2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingsoil noise coin boy toy foot look room noon boat soap road goal cloud house sour four your courseNote:lour: 阴沉scour: 擦mourn: 哀悼亮期末总复习1.元音部分短元音[i] [ә] [] [] [Λ] [e] [æ]长元音[i:] [] [ ɔ:] [u:] []双元音[e] [a] [] [] [] [] [] []2.辅音部分清辅音[p][t] [k][f] [θ][s][ts] [∫][t∫][tr]浊辅音[b][d][g][v][ð][z][dz][] [][dr] 其他辅音[m] [n] [] [h] [l][w][r] [j]3.听写48个国际音标4.写出下列字母或字母组合对应的音标p:b:t: d:g: v: a_e:o_e:e_e:i_e:u_e:a:o:e:i:u:ee:ea:ew:wh:ar:ir:er:ur:or:oo:oa:ou:dr:our:oi: oy:kn:ck:qu:tw:tr:5.拼读练习pin gate five June these ten cowdot bank burn brother born wait plusbat bread great clock speed shout storm fur herb windy broom mother peach free way round because talk fair station bird fun sleep knock。



/i:/ /ɪ/ bee
pig /pɪg/
/ɑ:/ /ʌ/
car /kɑ:/
bus /bʌs/
/e/ /æ /
apple /æ pl/
egg /eg/
/ɔ:/ /ɒ/
horse /hɔ:s/
dog /dɒg/
/ə/ /ɜ:/
nurse /nɜ:s/
teacher /`ti:tʃə/
boy /bɔɪ/
ear /ɪə/
/eə/ /ʊə/
chair /tʃeə/
tour /tʊə/
辅音(10对20个:清浊): /p/ /b/ / t/ /d/ / k/ /g/ /f/ /v/ /s/ /z/ /θ/ /ð/ /ʃ/ /ʒ/ /tʃ/ /dʒ/ /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ /dz/
/u:/ /ʊ/
book /bʊk/
ruler /`ru:lə/
/eɪ/ /aɪ/ /əʊ/ /aʊ/ /ɔɪ/ /ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/
/eɪ/ /aɪ/
cake /keɪk/
bike /baɪk/
/aʊ/ /əʊ/
nose /nəʊz/
mouse /maʊs/
/ɔɪ/ /ɪə/
/dʒ eɪ /
/k eɪ /
/bi:/ /si:/ /di:/ /dʒi:/
/pi:/ /ti:/ /vi:/ /zi:/
f l m n s xz /ef el em en es eks zed/




疯狂发音秘诀∙ 1.发音时,上下唇微开,嘴唇扁平。

∙ 2.上下齿分开,距离约能容纳一个火柴棍。

∙ 3.舌部及下颚肌肉紧张,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚尽量抬起。

∙ 4.嘴角尽量往两边移动,像微笑的样子。


∙ 5.在发音的时候要尽量拉长,就像古人喝醉酒以后吟诗的感觉。


∙ 6.这个音非常容易同汉语里“一”搞混,要注意:“一”的发音实际上是/ji/,是以半元音/j/开头的,而我们学的这个“长衣音”是直接以元音开始的。


音标[iː]音的发音规则通常情况下,元音字母在重读开音节中都发字母本身的音,所以字母e在重读开音节中发/iː/,例如:he [hiː]他me [miː]我be [biː]是此外字母组合ee,ea,ie,ei在重读音节中都可以发/iː/,例如:sh ee p [ʃiːp] 绵羊 gr ee n [griːn] 绿色 f ee[fiː] 费s ea t [siːt] 座位 st ea m [stiːm] 蒸汽 m ea n [miːn] 用意ach ie ve[ə'tʃiːv] 完成bel ie ve [bi'liːv] 相信bel ie f [bi'liːf] 信任rec ei ve [ri'siːv] 收到conc ei t [kən'siːt]想法dec ei t [di'siːt] 欺骗发音方法∙1、舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,抬起高度比[iː]低∙2、舌的两侧抵住上牙的两侧∙3、舌头肌肉松弛∙4、嘴唇向两旁伸开疯狂发音秘诀∙ 1.发音时,口形扁平,嘴唇稍松开。







如a读作[ei], e读作[i:], I读作[ai], o读作[əu], u读[ju:]。











poor /pʊə/ adj. 贫穷的tour /tʊə/ n. 旅游cruel /krʊəl/ adj. 残酷的/p/是爆破、双唇、清辅音时,千万不要加上一个弱读的元音/ə/!这是中国人最容易犯的错误之一!/k/是爆破、软腭、清辅音/b/是爆破、双唇、浊辅音/d/是爆破、齿龈、浊辅音/g/是爆破、软腭、浊辅音/f/是摩擦、唇齿、清辅音/s/是摩擦、齿龈、清辅音/∫/是摩擦、硬腭、清辅音/θ/是摩擦、舌齿、清辅音/h/是摩擦、声门、清辅音/v/是摩擦、唇齿、浊辅音/z/是摩擦、齿龈、浊辅音/ʒ/是摩擦、硬腭、浊辅音/ð/是摩擦、舌齿、浊辅音/r/是流音、齿龈、浊辅音/t∫/是破擦、硬腭、清辅音/ts/是破擦、清辅音/dʒ/是破擦、硬腭、浊辅音/dr/是破擦、浊辅音/dz/是破擦、浊辅音/m/是双唇、鼻音、浊辅音/n/是齿龈、鼻音、浊辅音/ŋ/是软腭、闭音、浊辅音/l/是流音、齿龈、浊辅音,这个音也被叫做舌边音/j/是半元、硬腭、浊辅音/w/是半元、双唇、浊辅音。



自然拼读进阶(及国际音标)Phonetics授课教材学生姓名:任课教师: 李老师就读年级: 年级授课日期: 2017. .目录语音知识 (2)Lesson 1p b t d k g a e i o u (3)Lesson 2c ck s ss z f v m n h l ll (4)Lesson 3a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e ar er ir ur or (5)Lesson 4r rr j w y x bl pl cl gl fl br pr cr gr fr (6)Lesson 5sm sn sl sw sp st sc sk 期中复习及测试 (8)Lesson 6ai ay au aw al air ere ea (9)Lesson 7ph ch sh s th nt nd nk ng wr wh kn (10)Lesson 8ea ee ew ie ts ds qu tw tr dr tion (11)Lesson 9oi oy oo o oa ou our期末总复习 (12)Lesson 10期末测试及教学分析展示 (14)语音知识(一)基本的语音概念音素:发音的最小单位。





元音字母和辅音字母:在英语中有5个元音字母:A,E,I,O,U, 2个半元音字母Y,W。


字母组合:两个或两个以上的字母在一起并有其特定的发音,这种语音现象称为字母组合,如ar /a:/, oo /:/。




英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)长元音[ɑ:][ɔ:][ə:][i:][u:]短元音[ʌ][ɔ][ə][i][u][e][æ]双元音[ei][ai][ɔi][iə][ɛə][uə][əu][au]辅音(28个)清辅音[p][t][k][f][θ][s]浊辅音[b][d] [ɡ][v][ð] [z]清辅音[ʃ][h][ʦ][ʧ][tr]浊辅音[ʒ][r] [ʣ] [ʤ][dr]鼻音[m][n] [ŋ]半元音 [j][w] 边音[1]26个字母发音表Lesson 11. IPAp //---p at p en p ig p otp utp a p er b //--- b at b ed b ig b ox b ut b ook t //--- t en t ime t ake t alk t ell t axi d //--- d a d ba d duck d og d ay d ear k //--- k id k ite ca k e ta k e ma k e la k e g //---g ood g ame g ate g un g o do g a //--- b a g b a d s a d f a t m a n a pplee //--- b e d b e t p e n g e t l e g l e fti // --- b i g s i t d i g f i t h i ll m i lko //--- b o x f o x d o g h o t l o t n o to //--- s o n m o ther br o ther o ther l o ve s o me u //--- b u t b u s s u n r u n c u t n u t Phonemic spellingpin pop tin nut pot did dad but pit* bit cub* fin* Ted* dot fan bat fun top lot hot kiss cut luck gun but fox fat mapLesson 21.IPAc //---(在字母a,o,u前) c ap c ard c all c arryc //---(在字母e,i,前) c ent c ity c ircle i c eck //---co ck chi ck tru ck clo ck bla ck ro cks //--- s ad s ell s it s ay s un s orry ss //--- pa ss le ss mi ss lo ss succe ss discu ss z //--- z ero z ebra z ed z oo z ip z one s //---ha s rai s e excu s e plea s e the s e tho s e f //--- f at f arm f our f ive f ine f astv //--- v ery lea v e five v erb v ote v isitm //--- m ap m ad m ilk m ake war m m ovien //--- n i n e n ice n ot n ow fu n fa nh //--- h ot h elp h ello h ow h ate h opl //--- l eg l eft l ate l ion gir l schoo lll //---ma ll ta ll fu ll ba ll hi ll sma ll2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingfed got nut hit late pass very dollar hut nim fond victory vest lotfit catch sing luck save family crack check jazz ham team cinema leg sameLesson 31.IPAa_e /e/--- l a k e t a k e c a k e b a k e s a f e s a v ee_e /i:/--- e v e bee seed th e s e Chin e s e Japan e s e i_e /a/--- k i t e b i k e r i d e l i k e wr i t e s i t eo_e //--- h o m e n o s e b o n e h o p e r o s e sm o k eu_e /:/--- c u t e t u b e f u s e u s e pure exc u s e ar //---f ar m ar k c ar d p ar k f ar m h ar der //---(在重读音节)h er v er b h er b t er m s er ve //--- (在非重读音节)sist er moth er teach er work er rul erir //--- s ir third b ir d d ir ty f ir m g ir lur //--- f ur h ur t t ur n n ur se b ur n Th ur sday or /:/--- b or n c or n d or k f or k h or se n or th (Lesson 41.IPAr //--- r ed r ice r un r ain r ead r oomrr //--- bo rr ow tomo rr ow pa rr ot po rr idge su rr ender ca rr otj //--- J une J uly j acket j azz j am j umpw //--- w et w eek w ait w arm w atch w iney //--- y es y ou y our y ear y et y elly /a/---m y wh y fl y sk y sp y pl y*y //--- sunn y rain y wind y cloud y snow y stud yx //---bo x fo x fi x ta x i ma x fa xbl //--- bl ack bl ock bl ank bl ame bl ess bl ondpl //--- pl ay pl an pl ane pl ate pl ease pl uscl //--- cl ean cl ear cl ass cl ock cl ap cl imbgl //--- gl ad gl ass gl obe gl ue gl ide gl oryfl //--- fl y fl oor fl ag fl at fl ame fl ashbr //--- br ing br eakfast br idge br ead br and br eathpr //--- pr ice pr ay pr ide pr etty pr ime pr actice cr //--- cr y cr oss cr eam cr ab cr ime cr ackgr //--- gr ass gr een gr ape gr eat gr eet grandma fr //--- fr y fr og fr om fr ee fr ame fr iend 2.Practice(1)Phonemic spellingleg late rot rat Jack went jogrock relax yam mall windy fly dry block bless plate plant clock ox clap glass glum grab fix crab friend frist Note:Lesson 51. IPAsm //---sm ile sm ell sm art sm oke sm ooth Sm ithsn //--- sn ack sn ap sn ow sn eaker sn ake sn ipsl //--- sl ow sl eep sl am sl ack sl im sl ysw //--- sw im sw eet sw eep sw ing sw eater sw earsp //---sp eak sp ell sp ring sp ace sp eed sp oonst //--- st ar st ep st and st amp st one st artsc //--- sc an sc ar sc arf school sc are scabsk //--- s k y sk irt sk ate sk in sk ip sk ill(1) Dictation期中测试(笔试80%+口试20%)1.写出下列字母以及字母组合对应音标(48分):p b t d k ae i o u g cs z f v h mn l r j w xy y y bl pl clgl fl br pr cr frar er cl ir or ur2.朗读并写出下列单词的音标(32分):pen red nut fan batmap big cab bad potpot cap bag me sunwent fly wet yes fatgood glass pig make _ scarvery sad play five grass black priceLesson 61.IPAai //--- ai m r ai n w ai t f ai l r ai l p ai n ay //--- d ay s ay p ay w ay m ay g ayau /:/--- au tumn Au gust d au ghter t au ght c au ght au tumn aw /:/--- s aw l aw p aw*c aw*draw lawn*al /:/--- al l c al l f al l t al k w al l w al kair //---air h air p air f air ch air airere //--- th ere wh ere somewh ere everywh ere th ere wh ere ea //--- h ea d d ea d h ea lth br ea kfast r ea dy f ea ther ea /i:/--- t ea s ea p ea r ea d r ea ch ea st 2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingspeed afraid mind small way clap taught cause paw four chalk chair pair claw same mum feather dead tea peaLesson 71.IPAph //--- ph one ph oto telephone ph ase ph rase ele ph ant ch //--- ch air ch eap ch alk ri ch ch ip mu chsh //--- sh e sh ip sh op fi sh sh oe sh yd //--- d a d ba d d ig d og d ay d earth //--- th ree th ank th in th ick th ink th irdth//---th is th at th em th ey th eir th erent //--- le nt be nt se nt hu nt fai nt sai ntnd //--- wi nd ki nd sa nd fo nd bo nd blo ndnk //--- pi nk i nk ta nk ba nk bla nk thi nkng //--- ba ng ha ng si ng ri ng ki ng bri ngs //--- mea s ure trea s ure plea s ure lei s ure enclo s ure expo s ure wr //---wr ite wr ong wr ap wr ing wr est wr estle wh //---wh o wh ose wh ole wh om wh oop wh olly wh//---wh en wh at wh ere wh y wh ich wh itekn //--- kn ow kn ife kn ock kn ot kn ight kn ee (1) Phonemic spellingphrase phone chin* cheek shame shy thin thing there tent* wind sand tank pink hang strong measure pleasure wrist write whose who whale which knife knock lent three Note:chin: 下巴tent: 帐篷wrist: 手腕enclosure: 包围exposure: 暴露Lesson 81. IPAea //--- h ea d d ea d h ea lth br ea kfast r ea dy f ea ther ea/i:/--- t ea s ea p ea r ea d r ea ch ea stee /i:/--- s ee b ee tr ee fr ee b ee f str ee tew /:/-- f ew n ew m ew*d ew h ew j ew*ie /a/--- t ie l ie d ie p ie h ie v ieie/i:/---p ie ce f ie ld bel ie ve ach ie ve n ie ce br ie fts /ts/--- ca ts boa ts coa ts jacke ts ligh ts stree ts ds/dz/--- bir ds clou ds roa ds foo ds be ds fin dsqu //--- qu ick qu ite qu een qu arter qu estion qu ack tw //--- tw in tw elve tw enty tw inkle tw ister* tw ilight* tr //---tr ee tr ip tr y tr ain tr uck tr oopdr //---dr um dr ink dr aw dr ess dr ive dr eam tion //-ac tion cau tion sec tion sta tion men tion vaca tion 2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingfeather dead tea pea deep sheep mew dew* die lie field chief* caution section sheets jackets beds birds queen quite twin twice train tree drank dressNote:jew: 犹太人twister: 缠绕twilight: 黄昏mew: 猫叫dew: 露水chief: 首领Lesson 91.IPAoi //--- oi l t oi l s oi l c oi n j oi n n oi se oy //--- b oy t oy j oy s oy g oy enj oy oo //-- b oo k l oo k f oo t g oo d c oo k t oo koo /:/--- t oo z oo m oo n n oo n r oo m f oo do //--- g o o pen o k b o th ag o n ooa //---b oa t c oa t r oa d s oa p g oa l fl oa t ou //--- ou t l ou d cl ou d h ou se r ou nd gr ou nd our //-- our s our*h our l our* fl our sc our* our/:/--- f our y our p our*c our se *s our ce*m our n* 2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingsoil noise coin boy toy foot look room noon boat soap road goal cloud house sour four your courseNote:lour: 阴沉scour: 擦亮mourn: 哀悼期末总复习1.元音部分短元音[i] [ә] [] [] [Λ] [e] [æ]长元音[i:] [] [ ɔ:] [u:] []双元音[e] [a] [] [] [] [] [] []2.辅音部分清辅音[p][t] [k][f] [θ][s][ts] [∫][t∫][tr] 浊辅音[b][d][g][v][ð][z][dz][] [][dr]其他辅音[m] [n] [] [h] [l][w][r] [j]3.听写48个国际音标4.写出下列字母或字母组合对应的音标p:b:t: d:g:v: a_e:o_e:e_e:i_e:u_e:a:o:e:i:u:ee:ea:ew:wh:ar:ir:er:ur:or:oo:oa:ou:dr:our:oi: oy:kn:ck:qu:tw:tr:5.拼读练习pin gate five June these ten cow dot bank burn brother born wait plus。



小学英语自然拼读全课件一、教学内容本节课我们将学习小学英语自然拼读全课件,内容主要基于教材第三章《Phonics for Kids》的第三部分。


二、教学目标1. 让学生掌握26个字母的基本发音规则,提高学生的英语发音准确性。

2. 培养学生运用自然拼读法拼读单词的能力,提高单词记忆效率。

3. 通过实践情景引入和例题讲解,使学生能够熟练运用自然拼读法进行简单的阅读。



四、教具与学具准备教具:PPT课件、卡片、录音机、磁带学具:学生用书、练习本、彩色笔五、教学过程1. 导入(5分钟)实践情景引入:通过展示一张有趣的动物园图片,引导学生关注图片中的动物,并尝试用英文描述它们。

2. 新课内容展示(10分钟)① 课件展示26个字母的基本发音规则,引导学生跟读。

② 例题讲解:以单词“cat”为例,讲解元音字母“a”的发音变化。

③ 课件展示辅音字母组合的发音,引导学生跟读。

3. 随堂练习(10分钟)① 学生分组,进行字母发音接龙游戏。

② 教师挑选几个单词,让学生尝试用自然拼读法拼读。

4. 巩固与拓展(10分钟)① 教师挑选一些简单的句子,让学生用自然拼读法进行阅读。

② 学生用自然拼读法拼读自己感兴趣的单词,并分享给同学。

六、板书设计1. 26个字母的基本发音规则2. 元音字母的发音变化3. 辅音字母组合的发音七、作业设计cat, dog, fish, bird, sun, moon, sky, star2. 答案:略八、课后反思及拓展延伸本节课通过实践情景引入、例题讲解、随堂练习等方式,让学生掌握了26个字母的基本发音规则,提高了学生的英语发音准确性。


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自然拼读进阶(及国际音标)Phonetics授课教材学生姓名:任课教师: LEI老师就读年级: 年级授课日期: 2017. .目录语音知识 (2)Lesson 1p b t d k g a e i o u (3)Lesson 2c ck s ss z f v m n h l ll (4)Lesson 3a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e ar er ir ur or (5)Lesson 4r rr j w y x bl pl cl gl fl br pr cr gr fr (6)Lesson 5sm sn sl sw sp st sc sk 期中复习及测试 (8)Lesson 6ai ay au aw al air ere ea (9)Lesson 7ph ch sh s th nt nd nk ng wr wh kn (10)Lesson 8ea ee ew ie ts ds qu tw tr dr tion (11)Lesson 9oi oy oo o oa ou our期末总复习 (12)Lesson 10期末测试及教学分析展示 (14)语音知识(一)基本的语音概念音素:发音的最小单位。





元音字母和辅音字母:在英语中有5个元音字母:A,E,I,O,U, 2个半元音字母Y,W。


字母组合:两个或两个以上的字母在一起并有其特定的发音,这种语音现象称为字母组合,如ar /a:/, oo /:/。




英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)长元音[ɑ:][ɔ:][ə:][i:][u:]短元音[ʌ][ɔ][ə][i][u][e][æ]双元音[ei][ai][ɔi][iə][ɛə][uə][əu][au]辅音(28个)清辅音[p][t][k][f][θ][s]浊辅音[b][d] [ɡ][v][ð] [z]清辅音[ʃ][h][ʦ][ʧ][tr]浊辅音[ʒ][r] [ʣ] [ʤ][dr]鼻音[m][n] [ŋ]半元音 [j][w]边音[1]26个字母发音表Lesson 11. IPAp //--- p an p en p ig p ot p ut p a p er b //--- b at b ed b ig b ox b ut b ook t //--- t en t ime t ake t alk t ell t axi d //--- d a d ba d d ig d og d ay d ear k //--- k id k ite ca k e ta k e ma k e la k e g //---g ood g ame g ate g un g od do ga //---b a g b a d s a d f a t m a n a pple e //--- b e d b e t p e n g e t l e g l e fti // --- b i g s i t d i g f i t h i ll m i lk o //--- b o x f o x d o g h o t l o t n o to //--- s o n m o ther br o ther o ther l o ve s o me u //--- b u t b u s s u n r u n c u t n u t Phonemic spellingpin pop tin nut pot did dad but pit* bit cub* fin* Ted* dot fan bat fun top lot hot kiss cut luck gun bud* fox fat map Note:pit: 矿井cub: 幼崽fin: 鱼鳍Ted: 人名bud: 花蕾Lesson 21.IPAc //---(在字母a,o,u前) c ap c ard c all c arryc //---(在字母e,i,前) c ent c ity c ircle i c eck //---co ck chi ck tru ck clo ck bla ck ro cks //--- s ad s ell s it s ay s un s orry ss //--- pa ss me ss mi ss lo ss succe ss discu ss z //--- z ero z ebra z ed z oo z ip z one s //---ha s rai s e excu s e plea s e the s e tho s e f //--- f at f arm f our f ive f ine f astv //--- v ery lea v e v ice v erb v ote v isitm //--- m ap m ad m ilk m ake war m m ovien //--- n i n e n ice n ot n ow fu n fa nh //--- h ot h elp h ello h ow h ate h opl //--- l eg l eft l ate l ion gir l schoo lll //---ma ll ta ll fu ll ba ll hi ll sma ll2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingfed got nut hit late piss very dollar hut nim fond victory vest lotfit catch sing luck save family crack check jazz ham team cinema leg sameLesson 31.IPAa_e /e/--- l a k e t a k e c a k e b a k e s a f e s a v ee_e /i:/--- e v e b e n e*c e d e*th e s e Chin e s e Japan e s e i_e /a/--- k i t e b i k e r i d e l i k e wr i t e s i t eo_e //--- h o m e n o s e b o n e h o p e r o s e sm o k eu_e /:/--- c u t e t u b e f u s e m u s e p u c e*exc u s e ar //---f ar m ar k c ar d p ar k f ar m h ar der //---(在重读音节)h er v er b h er b t er m s er ve //--- (在非重读音节)sist er moth er teach er work er rul erir //--- s ir f ir b ir d d ir ty f ir m g ir lur //--- f ur h ur t t ur n n ur se b ur n Th ur sday or /:/--- b or n c or n d or k f or k h or se n or th (1) Phonemic spellingmine fede* globe fame Nute* Hite* bite nude* pure tide pore sardin* far norm lobe* vine hope sorry name turtle murder bird SARS first curl fir* fur huge Note:bene: [古语]祈祷cede:放弃puce: 深褐色fede: 忠诚Nute: 男子名Hite: 姓氏nude: 无装饰的sardin: 沙丁鱼lobe: 耳垂fir: 冷杉Lesson 41.IPAr //--- r ed r ice r un r ain r ead r oomrr //--- bo rr ow tomo rr ow pa rr ot po rr idge su rr ender ca rr otj //--- J une J uly j acket j azz j am j umpw //--- w et w eek w ait w arm w atch w iney //--- y es y ou y our y ear y et y elly /a/---m y wh y fl y sk y sp y pl y*y //--- sunn y rain y wind y cloud y snow y stud yx //---bo x fo x fi x ta x i ma x fa xbl //--- bl ack bl ock bl ank bl ame bl ess bl ond pl //--- pl ay pl ant pl ane pl ate pl um pl uscl //--- cl ean cl ear cl ass cl ock cl ap cl imbgl //--- gl ad gl ass gl obe gl ue gl ide gl oryfl //--- fl y fl oor fl ag fl at fl ame fl ashbr //--- br ing br eak br idge br ave br and br eath pr //--- pr ice pr ay pr ide pr ate* pr ime pr actice cr //--- cr y cr oss cr eam cr ab cr ime cr ack gr //--- gr ass gr een gr ape gr eat gr eet gr anny fr //--- fr y fr og fr om fr ee fr ame fr iend 2.Practice(1)Phonemic spellingleg late rot rat Jack went jog rock relax yam mall windy fly pry* block bless plate plant clock ax clad* gloss* glum grab fix crab fret* frisk*ply: 使用prate: 瞎扯pry: 探查clad: 穿衣的gloss: 注释fret: 焦急gloss: 注释fret: 焦急Lesson 51. IPAsm //---sm ile sm ell sm art sm oke sm ooth Sm ith sn //--- sn ack sn ap sn ow sn eaker sn ake sn ip sl //--- sl ow sl eep sl am sl ack sl im sl ysw //--- sw im sw eet sw eep sw ing sw eater sw ear sp //---sp eak sp ell sp ring sp ace sp ade sp oon st //--- st ar st ep st and st amp st orm st art sc //--- sc an sc ar sc arf sc ope sc are sc ary sk //--- s k y sk irt sk ate sk in sk ip sk illslam* spoke slope* swap* swift* spirit stick scab* screen skid* sport specific spider speed slave slide small ski snug* smurf* slice slash* slay* switch spray spare study station Note:slam: 砰地关上slope: 斜坡swap: 交换swift: 迅速的scab: 痂,疤smurf: 蓝精灵snug: 舒适的skid: 打滑slash: 猛砍slay: 杀害(2) Dictation期中测试(笔试80%+口试20%)1.写出下列字母以及字母组合对应音标(48分):p b t d k ae i o u g cs z f v h mn l r j w xy y y bl pl clgl fl br pr cr frar er ir or ur2.朗读并写出下列单词的音标(32分):pin tim nut fan batmap dig kab bib votpot sub bug min sunwent fly wet yam fedegope globe pote mode _ scarvurt slurp plate frisk grabblock prideLesson 61.IPAai //--- ai m r ai n w ai t f ai l r ai l p ai nay //--- d ay s ay p ay w ay m ay g ayau /:/--- au tumn Au gust d au ghter t au ght c au ght au tumn aw /:/--- s aw l aw m aw*c aw*g aw*h aw*al /:/--- al l c al l f al l t al k w al l w al kair //---air h air p air f air ch air airere //--- th ere wh ere somewh ere everywh ere th ere wh ere ea //--- h ea d d ea d h ea lth br ea kfast r ea dy f ea ther ea /i:/--- t ea s ea p ea r ea d r ea ch ea st 2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingspait* afraid mermaid small bay* clay taught cause paw awful chalk chair pair claw awesome murder feather dead tea peaNote:maw:(动物的)胃caw: 发出乌鸦叫gaw: 衣服上的破处haw: 山楂claw: 爪bay: 海湾lure: 引诱spait: 大水Lesson 71.IPAph //--- ph one ph oto ph enix ph ase ph rase ele ph ant ch //--- ch air ch eap ch alk ri ch ch ip mu chsh //--- sh e sh ip sh op fi sh sh oe sh yd //--- d a d ba d d ig d og d ay d earth //--- th ree th ank th in th ick th ink th irdth//---th is th at th em th ey th eir th erent //--- le nt be nt se nt hu nt fai nt sai ntnd //--- wi nd ki nd sa nd fo nd bo nd blo ndnk //--- pi nk i nk ta nk ba nk bla nk thi nkng //--- ba ng ha ng si ng ri ng ki ng bri ngs //--- mea s ure trea s ure plea s ure lei s ure enclo s ure expo s ure wr //---wr ite wr ong wr ap wr ing wr est wr estle wh //---wh o wh ose wh ole wh om wh oop wh olly wh//---wh en wh at wh ere wh y wh ich wh itekn //--- kn ow kn ife kn ock kn ot kn ight kn eephrase phone chin* cheek shame shy thin thing there tent* wind sand tank pink hang strong measure pleasure wrist write whose who whale which knife knock lent three Note:chin: 下巴tent: 帐篷wrist: 手腕enclosure: 包围exposure: 暴露Lesson 81. IPAea //--- h ea d d ea d h ea lth br ea kfast r ea dy f ea ther ea/i:/--- t ea s ea p ea r ea d r ea ch ea stee /i:/--- s ee b ee tr ee fr ee b ee f str ee t ew /:/-- f ew n ew m ew*d ew h ew j ew*ie /a/--- t ie l ie d ie p ie h ie v ieie/i:/---p ie ce f ie ld bel ie ve ach ie ve n ie ce br ie fts /ts/--- ca ts boa ts coa ts jacke ts ligh ts stree ts ds/dz/--- bir ds clou ds roa ds foo ds be ds fin dsqu //--- qu ick qu ite qu een qu arter qu estion qu ack tw //--- tw in tw elve tw enty tw inkle tw ister* tw ilight* tr //---tr ee tr ip tr y tr ain tr uck tr oopdr //---dr um dr ink dr aw dr ess dr ive dr eam tion //-ac tion cau tion sec tion sta tion men tion vaca tion 2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingfeather dead tea pea deep sheep mew dew* die lie field chief* caution section sheets jackets beds birds queen quite twin twice train tree drank dressjew: 犹太人twister: 缠绕twilight: 黄昏mew: 猫叫dew: 露水chief: 首领Lesson 91.IPAoi //--- oi l t oi l s oi l c oi n j oi n n oi seoy //--- b oy t oy j oy s oy g oy enj oy oo //-- b oo k l oo k f oo t g oo d c oo k t oo k oo /:/--- t oo z oo m oo n n oo n r oo m f oo do //--- g o o pen o kay b o th ag o n ooa //---b oa t c oa t r oa d s oa p g oa l fl oa t ou //--- ou t l ou d cl ou d h ou se r ou nd gr ou nd our //-- our s our*h our l our* fl our sc our* our/:/--- f our y our p our*c our se *s our ce*m our n* 2.Practice(1) Phonemic spellingsoil noise coin boy toy foot look room noon boat soap road goal cloud house sour four your courseNote:lour: 阴沉scour: 擦亮mourn: 哀悼期末总复习1.元音部分短元音[i] [ә] [] [] [Λ] [e] [æ]长元音[i:] [] [ ɔ:] [u:] []双元音[e] [a] [] [] [] [] [] [] 2.辅音部分清辅音[p][t] [k][f] [θ][s][ts] [∫][t∫][tr] 浊辅音[b][d][g][v][ð][z][dz][] [][dr] 其他辅音[m] [n] [] [h] [l][w][r] [j]3.听写48个国际音标4.写出下列字母或字母组合对应的音标p:b:t: d:g:v: a_e:o_e:e_e:i_e:u_e:a:o:e:i:u:ee:ea:ew:wh:ar:ir:er:ur:or:oo:oa:ou:dr:our:oi: oy:kn:ck:qu:tw:tr:5.拼读练习。
